#nooo but i'm not even sure how to explain it like i said but it just 😭 it gets me kind of emotional ok especially regarding the rogues-
mad-hunts ¡ 4 months
barton employing his ' dad voice ' whenever someone comes in because that seems to be, by far, the best way to calm someone down whenever they come into his clinic in AGONIZING pain + with an injury that needs dire attention is... idk. i have many feelings about it okok but whenever i say ' dad voice, ' i mean this very specific tone that barton used to use and sometimes still uses whenever his kids are just completely inconsolable that sounds like the gentlest thing ever while he's telling them that ' everything's going to be alright. i'm not going to let anything happen to you. ' 😭
and yes, this would apply to other rogues as well, especially if they have something that requires them to be put under anesthesia. because if you go under anesthesia whenever you're frightened... it's likely that you're going to wake up that way, too, which is something that he doesn't want. but yeah just thinking about this makes my heart kind of sad but happy at the same time bc barton actually is a GOOD doctor (with his bedside manner being surprisingly positive whenever it comes down to it and stuff ) ,, if only he were good all around
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empressgetou ¡ 1 year
boyfriend senku x reader
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hours after both of suika and y/n who went across to shore to the island where senku and the others were supposed to be. luckily for them ryusui managed to throw suika overboard who was cleaning the docks and y/n who was nearby the kid just in time for the petrification by a second.
y/n stayed behind the island to look for senku as suika went back to the ship to check up on the others and just as night the night falls ibarra and kirisame's group came checking up on the ship making the woman worried about the poor girl on her own in the ship.
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"the lab!" echoed through the island.
i recognized that voice anywhere, kohaku! senku and the others must be near. as i look up on the side of the island there they were in a gather with a few people i don't recognized, i was about to ran up to them then i saw kohaku kissing senku...
i was never the type to be the "im jealous" girlfriend, even before the petrification my relationship with senku is actually great than the usual couples around. that's because he never gave me a reason to over something minor. sure, i may or may not have been a little jealous over the whole marriage thing that was set up with ruri back a few months but that was in the past and now i see this? boy you better have an explanation to this too or i might cut your–
i ran fast as i could to catch up, as i can already see the mobile lab who im assuming suika managed to drive through up to the mountains. as soon as the vehicle stopped they too have stopped their tracks and managed to spot me in my place.
"y/n! you're here! you weren't petrified?" gen asked surprisingly and his eyes went to the leek head whom im not naming.
"nahh ryusui managed to throw me into the ocean just in time with suika" i laughed a little remembering a few hours ago how pissed off i was thinking he has even the audacity to throw us like we're a rock or something but im glad ryusui did managed to save us.
"kekeke somehow i had a feeling you survived that thing though i never expected you'd be here on the island" senku already on my side and had a little smirk on. oh how i wanna punch that handsome face so bad right now.
i rolled my eyes, "course i did. m'not really and idiot ya know." i smirked back.
"good job, you two!" praised senku.
we managed to get out of the villagers hair and went to the underwater cave to hide in the meantime while we prepare in infiltrating the harem and well that includes getting kohaku ready for the act.
"the ingredients are simple!"
"honey, lemon and coconut?"
"ahhh you're making a conditioner?"
"that's ten billion points for you, my dearest!" senku pointed at me as if ive won the lottery.
"you mind leaving me some for my hair?"
and then here's amaryllis having the greatest idea i never would've thought i'd come up with. but men dressing as women? specially senku? i never thought i'd see the day.
"yeah, yeah laugh it while you can honey. you don't know what's coming next for ya." he said while having an obvious annoyed face.
gen however pulled it off but his height was a bit much for an average girl. then there's soyuz, yeah i dont even wanna explain how he looks. and then lastly ginro, well he passed, perfection i might add.
"well that's that. obviously we know who is coming to the harem" i said as i was about to go back to the mobile lab, kohaku spoke.
"we're not done yet y/n, you're next!" and managed to pull me to her side.
"waittt! im not–"
"no buts! come on, you're a candidate yourself if i say so myself plus we could totally infiltrate the harem without a problem if both of you and me work together inside."
"ughhh nooo i don't wanna. too much workkk"
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kohaku and amaryllis managed to dress up y/n nicely and while doing so senku's eyes never left her figure and her hair specially. he realized that y/n never actually leave her hair down just like before the petrification maybe because they were always busy working back at the village it would be distracting having her long wavy hair in the way, he only saw her hair down whenever she'd take a bath by the river and whenever she would sleep beside him. amaryllis also put make up on y/n and it definitely just made her even more beautiful and vibrant much to senku's pleasure. he was falling all over again.
"looking good there", he complimented
"thanks. i thought you'd never notice", y/n sarcastically said.
"been a while since i've had make up on too. does it look weird?" she asked worriedly.
"nahh you're good. you're beautiful." he said almost whispering.
"alrightyyy y/n, you're coming with us right?", kohaku asked
"huh? but i'm not really needed there right? hehe", y/n tried to convince her friend.
before y/n and her group went to the harem selection she managed to get inside the mobile lab and talked to senku.
"so i was thinking since ya' know could be a few days or weeks before we'd succeed in the infiltration but i just wanna clarify something." fiddling her hands thinking maybe she just misunderstood what kohaku did to his boyfriend.
"yeah, got something to say before you leave me here all alone?" senku joked still doing his science work.
"i saw kohaku kissed you last night." and went silent, it made y/n think maybe she was stupid to even conclude at that idea.
"ah yeah she did"
"what! why?"
"easy tiger, that was unexpected for me as well, we have to get a distraction from the enemy. gen's fault he included me."
silence again.
"but i guess that made you uncomfortable huh?" she nodded still fiddling her fingers.
he saw this and went to holding her close.
"m'sorry if it made you feel bad, i take full responsibility of how you're feeling right now. tell you what i'll give gen an earful about that and maybe after this whole infiltration thing, we spend time more together after, hmm?" trying to apologize the woman.
"mmm, i see.."
"i understand i just want to know why it had to be done." she said faintly smiling.
"m'sorry if you understood that way. there's nothing going on. m'still yours forever and always" he tried to cheer up.
she then hugged him and he immediately reciprocated. silence engulfing them once again while enjoying the company of each other.
"i love you"
"me to honey. i love you so damn much. i'm yours. okay?" reassuring her and gently pushing his lips into her sweet candy flavored ones.
"mmm, you're mine and i'm yours" she giggled.
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wilderness-of-thoughts ¡ 15 days
Before :
"... So.... How did you do that?"
"Will you believe me if I tell you that my boss did it because he was angry that the faucet was leaking?"
"Soooo, that was a nasty, spiteful, selfish little imp who made himself at home in my apartment."
Your probably-boyfriend pressed his lips together tighter as he stared at the faucet.
"Is your apartment haunted?"
"By the worst possible devil."
"Should I find you an exorcist?"
"Naaaah. I have a strong frying pan."
Luca, because we need to give a name to your probably-boyfriend fixed your faucet. The metal was so twisted, bent, contorted, and tied in a bow that it was hard to believe it was made by a human. It's no wonder that Luca believed the haunting version more than the one that your boss did it. Although both versions were true.
Gojo didn't like him. He was curious about what kind of guy was trying to usurp you, true, but he still didn't like him. And he didn't like the fact that he had no actual logical reason to dislike him. Luca was normal, average looking, average-well-built, stereotypical nerd with a beard. He was nice to you, you didn't complain about him, he didn't hurt you, he didn't cheat on you (unless fapping to 2D chicks counts as cheating), and he doesn't swear.
Overall, you didn't come across too badly. And that pissed Gojo off the most. If he had any logical reason to get rid of the guy from your life, he could have explained this strange feeling. Like he was losing something. Like he was losing something... Someone.. very important.
His ego was huge.
You were his subordinate. More precisely, the subordinate of his subordinate, so! You were his double subordinate! But why did it hurt so much? Not even physically. Gojo remembered perfectly the pain and emptiness after Geto, words could not describe what he felt then. And as Gojo sat now, hidden in your room, listening, he felt as if that same nasty feeling was lurking somewhere around the corner.
His ego was huge.
"Alright, done. I hope the demon won't destroy your tap now..." Luca wiped the sweat from his forehead, and you, like an idiot, checked if water would come out of the tap. "Hey, can I take this junk home?" he asked, holding the old faucet in his hand.
"Um, sure?" You tilted head to the side. "What do you need it for?"
"It'll look great on next D&D session." He explained with an innocent smile as he packed his haul into his backpack.
Luca would probably have stayed with you longer, but he made one big mistake that evening. When you were standing at the sink washing dishes and getting ready to make something to eat - Luca entered your room. He first headed towards your computer, probably to show you another stupid video he dug up from the depths of the internet. But when the machine turned on and showed your new desktop with Satoru's selfie, Luca grimaced slightly.
"Is this some kind of model?" He shouted, turning on the browser.
"WHAT?!" You shouted back from the kitchen.
"That handsome guy from your computer!"
"oh.. he..." You were now peeking through the door frame, holding a piece of raw meat in hand, "he's my boss"
"... Huh?"
"Just before he got sick, he was here and changed my wallpaper." You smiled innocently. Luca minimized the window and looked at the photo again.
"... Smash." He said after a while. You rolled your eyes as you went back to the kitchen. Luca continued, “Do you think I’d be a top or a bottom?”
"With Gojo? Hmmm I think... Bottom"
Luca leaned against the doorframe with his arms folded across his chest, looking at you preparing food. You finally have a working sink and you can cook something without a problem! You could do this before, but washing dishes in the bathroom seemed... Strange.
"I'm sure I'd be the top. Just look at him, he seems so... " Luca thought for a moment. You glanced at men out of the corner of your eye, curious about what he had to say, and froze. A red glow emanating from behind him. Oh shiiit...
"Gojo is not just top or bottom! Gojo is everything!" You shouted loudly so that little Satoru standing behind Luca could hear you. At the same time, you dropped what you were doing. "Does it matter anyway? You don't know him... And you probably never will." You said, approaching him with a nervous, forced smile.
"Unless you invite him to the wedding." He replied, looking at you with a light and tender smile. He was unaware that he was digging his own grave.
"um..." You never knew how to answer him in moments like this. On the one hand, you don't want to hurt him by saying no, but on the other hand, you're getting on in years and you should think about the future. Half a loaf is better than no bread - They say. Luca didn't wait for you to answer him though. In his opinion, you were a full-fledged couple, so he simply turned around to go back to your room.
"New?" He asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"That figure kind of resembles your boss." Luca leaned over Gojo, who was pretending to be one of the dolls. Satoru got into a sitting position and closed his eyes. He wanted to tear Luca apart and honestly, he didn't need a reason to do it anymore. You saw Luca reach out to take Gojo in slow motion. Your heart was pounding in your ears. You'll become a probably-widow before you become a probably-wife if you don't stop him now!
"DON'T TOUCH HIM!" You screamed so loudly that you surprised yourself. Luca froze and looked at you in shock, Gojo too. You had never raised your voice like that, your face was red, you were breathing fast and before the Chosen One knew it he was already in your hands. You hugged him tightly to your chest as if he was your most precious treasure, at the same time you looked at Luca in such a hostile way that he didn't know how to react.
And then, as if by magic various objects started flying towards him... He seriously considered the story with the demon.
It was the middle of the night, you were on your bed with Gojo lying on you. After the bites in the morning and his behavior around your maybe-boyfriend, you hadn't spoken to him. But this time, unusually, Satoru didn't mind. There was too much going on in his little head, and if you talked to him, he might say too much.
His ego was huge.
It's like he has multiple selves in his head, all shouting contradictory information at the same time. Gojo was glad that you found someone who may not be worthy of you, but at least he wouldn't hurt you - but at the same time he was bitter that you had time to find someone at all. He wanted to yell at you, hurt you with some strong words, insult you, call you weak - and at the same time praise the ground you walk on, so that you would understand that you are capable of someone better.
Unable to control the chain of these contradictory thoughts, Satoru could only let them flow. He tried to suppress them, but he couldn't. His little fists clenched the material of your shirt, his cat ears quivering slightly.
Chaos. There was chaos in his head. To make matters worse, as if sensing his emotions, you didn't sleep. You petted him tenderly the whole time. Slowly the warmth of your hand became more and more apparent to him. The screams in his head died down to the sound of your breathing.
Your breath. How can so little mean so much to him?
"Hello..." You whispered quietly as if you were greeting him after a long journey.
"Hi" he replied equally quiet.
"We both know you'd be top."
He forced a laugh and turned his head so as not to look at you. Sometimes he wondered if your brain was on vacation.
That night, despite everything, he slept. In his sleep, he gently nibbled on the skin between your collarbones.
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normal-internet-user ¡ 2 years
Same thing (I don't know if the last one said 'x reader' or '& reader', but the difference is platonic versus romantic, as an fyi)
Rottmnt & female!reader where Y/N has the sort of big-sis presence April has, but she basically adopts everyone she meets, and her thing is to give them nicknames that relate to something they do or reminds her of them (and she gets mad if anyone else uses them). Torts kinda short-circuit the first time she refers to them by the given nicknames, and she doesn't even realize (but when she does, she kinda blows it off)
~Can be Raph x reader also because he would absolutely melt at a s/o as protective over his brothers as he is~
This is definitely not because I often see Raph angst and think "Nooo bubby it's ok!"
Or Donnie is Tinker. Cuz he likes tinkering
Mickey is also bubby but also lil'Mike
Leo is Baby Blue
Don't bully me this is my head it controls me I don't control it
This is INCREDIBLE Anon! Don't worry, I'm working on your other asks, but this one CALLED to me! (I did make it romantic with Raph, because he is my favorite boy 😌.)
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Leo adores you.
He loves spending time with you,
And it's kinda a competition between him and Donnie to see who can keep your attention.
Raph is winning by default though.
Leo loves that even though you're like a big sister,
You nowhere near as over bearing as Raph.
But he knows you still worry,
So he trys to tone it down a bit.
He gets so genuinly happy when you laugh at his jokes.
Like he will literally, hug you everytime you laugh.
Without fail it makes his day.
As for his nickname,
He's totally not a supporter.
At least that's what he tells everyone.
"Hey, Baby Blue, help me with these boxes, will ya?"
*Dramatic sigh*
Leo goes to you for advice on things he doesn't want the others to know.
Like if he's nervous about how they'll react to something,
He'll go to you.
Because you don't judge.
You just listen, and once he's done talking,
You'll tell him what you think, and how to go about the situation.
Leo loves you, and the second you stepped into their lives, he dubbed you, "Big Sis (Name)."
Donnie likes having you around.
At first he was kinda apprehensive,
But the minute you took on the role of older sister, his vision kinda changed.
He enjoys spending as much time with you as possible.
Mostly because of how good you are at listening.
Never, not once, have you ever interrupted his rambling, or explainations.
You just sit there, and wait untill he's done to ask questions.
And he loves that.
That's another reason why you're the first to see a newly finished project.
Because every single time, you wait for him to stop talking,
Then you tell him how cool it is, and how proud you are, and ask questions about it.
The first time this happened, he teared up.
But don't worry, they were happy tears.
As for his nickname,
He is not a fan,
He will scoff everytime.
"There you are Tinkerbell! I thought I lost ya."
You didn't think I meant an actual scoff did you?
You have to try and keep Donnie from doing stupid stuff to test his inventions.
And if you aren't there to prevent the stupidity,
You're always there to bandage him up, and scold him.
But he doesn't mind, he knows it's just because you care.
Mikey absolutly loves you.
Whenever you come to visit,
He'll stop whatever he's doing to give you a hug.
Doesn't matter what it is he's doing,
You will get that hug.
His favorite thing is drawing you pictures.
You have so many, you can barely see your wallpaper anymore.
But who cares?
You probably have the best decorated room in all of New York thanks to those drawings.
Mikey LOVES his nickname.
It makes him feel special.
"Where's my Little Dumpling!"
"That's me! I'm her Little Dumpling!"
Mikey does his best to impress you,
He just wants to make you proud.
So he likes to show off when your around,
And it scares the crap out of you.
Just make sure you don't turn your back for to long,
Because he will accidentally hurt himself.
You have pretty much taken on the role of mother around Mikey.
The second, Raph met you he was whipped.
Poor boy short circuted for like a full 5 minutes.
He loves how much you care for his brothers like their your own family.
He thinks it's amazing that someone else can love them like he does.
If they ever stress him out,
He'll talk to you about it because he knows you can relate.
The two of you are pretty much parents to three extremely chaotic children.
Raph loves that you give everyone nicknames,
He thinks it's cute.
He loves his nickname,
And he gives you one of your own.
"Big Red! come help me look for my backpack, I lost it!"
"Sure thing Cutie Pie!"
Raph invites you over as often as possible.
Movie nights,
Just some regular old quality time,
Anything he can do to have you over.
He just loves spending time with you.
You two are always trying keep the younger ones from accidentaly killing themselves.
And it is not an easy feat.
But hey,
You two are trying your best.
There you go Anon! I hope I wrote this to your liking. It's kinda rushed, but I personally love it.
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vay99 ¡ 2 years
Law x reader
Let me show you your heart
Anime/Manga: One Piece
Short side note, I've decided to upload my old ffs on here as well since everyone enjoys reading on different platforms and you guys seem to enjoy what I'm reading :)
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"Are you sure?"
"Okay, let's get started then." you check a last time before starting your tattoo machine.
"How many tattoo plans do you have left?"
"None after this, I don't think I'd have space left anywhere." Law looks down on his body while you finish the first letter on his thumb.
"Neck, waist, ass-"
"What are you suggesting?" taken back by your last idea the captain squints his eyes, earning a chuckle from your end.
"Nothing, only that you've got spaces left, and you're my favorite person to tattoo~"
"How come?"
"That's my secret. But why don't you tell me what's up with the double death tattoo?"
"It's what they call me, surgeon of death, I figured that it'd look nice." he simply explains, not mentioning a deeper meaning behind it. Which you know it has.
"I'll accept that answer, for now."
Law just reacts by rolling his eyes, he's used to your antics since you've put every single tattoo on his body, which created a special bond between the two of you.
It always takes Law some time until he opens up to you during your tattoo sessions. Letting down his walls is something he still struggles with. Even with you. The only person he ever told his story.
"I was always surrounded by death, wanted to die and now... I get to decide who lives and dies. It was painful, it still is but... it's a part of me." he explains himself, right as you finish his first hand.
"So death has two meanings for you." you say as you begin with his other hand. "Once your experiences with death as a child, and second your profession as a Pirate, Doctor Captain."
"Babe you do know that tattoos don't replace therapy, right?" you've been calling up him that for a while now, having the antic to adress others with 'flirty' nicknames. The first time you called him Babe his face froze and a blush took over his cheeks.
"I know." he grunts, turning his head away from you.
"Law, I hope that one day you'll feel so full of life that your past turns into a scar, fully healed. No more hurting, hiding and hatred. You'll learn to love life, one day."
"And you said this doesn't replace therapy..."
"If you'd go to therapy I wouldn't have to sY this, we could plan a tattoo on your ass instead but nooo." Law chuckles at your response, watching you finish the final letter on his pinky. "All done."
Staring at his fresh tattooed knuckles Laws lips curl into a smile. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." you respond, cleaning the bench and tidying up the place.
On your way to the kitchen you two pass by Penguin, who immediately notices his captains new tattoo.
"I'm the surgeon of the death after all." Law explains him for the third time now.
"And yet you fight to keep every patient alive." Penguin answers.
"Ironic how life can be."
"Don't try to make it sound poetic now, you're exchanging peoples arms with legs all of the time." you join their little conversation.
"Don't forget the hearts." the surgeon chuckles. "What's with that expression?"
"Could you give me my heart so I could draw it?!??"
You've done it, you made Law malfunction like a computer that has too many tabs open. Penguin is startled as well but that's not unusual, especially compared to Law malfunctioning.
"Law? Laaaaw?" moving closer to your captain you poke his cheek.
"Uhm... are you, are you sure about that?" scratching his neck as he comes back to his senses, still taken back by your request.
"Yes, I mean, I won't die so, when else will I get the opportunity to draw my own heart?"
Following your bizarre wish Law takes your heart out of your chest. And definitely not getting distracted by your boobs at all. Nah. Even Penguin is dumbfounded by that.
"Wow, the human body is so fascinating." you express your joy over a technique that Law used to let his opponents freak out. He may have studied every part of the human body but your brain will remain a mystery to the man.
"You're not nervous at all? It's your heart in my hands after all." he voices his confusion.
"If you wanted to crush it you could've done it at any given time, we're in a submarine, there's no escape from you. I've seen Penguin and Sachi try to. I trust you Law." you reassure him, adjusting your view back on your heart.
"Countless times..."
"You never win and yet you guys still try." you pat your friends back before heading towards your room. Which is just a bed, a desk and paper, canvases, paint and brushes all over the place.
Sitting down you immediately start sketching, joining you on a chair Law watches you draw, his favorite thing to do when he wants to feel at ease.
Everyone in your crew believes you're already dating and just keep things really private. But no, Law is just a lovesick man who loves nothing more than spend time with you in comfortable silence.
A couple of days later you've finished your masterpiece, exhausted and happy you waddle over to the kitchen and sink into the big couch. Like becoming one with the soft fabric.
"Here." Bepo places a plate with food in front of you and himself.
"Bepo you're a real darling, thanks."
"You looked exhausted and food always makes me feel better so... sorry."
"You're the sweetest." you say, cheeks full of food already. "Did you drop those food plates off at my place each day?"
"No, the captain did."
You stop in your tracks. Law did what?
"Bepo? Are you sure that was Law?"
"Yes, you didn't notice because you were too hyperfocused."
"He gave me bread. He hates bread." you blink at the polar bear next to you.
"But you love bread."
"Exactly!!!!!" finishing your plate you immediately head of to find Law. You wanted to confess for a while now but you never knew if he l o v e d you or just enjoyed having you around him. But this? Law getting near bread? Voluntarily? That speaks volumes.
The second you find him he begins to talk, not giving you any time to react.
"You trusted me with your heart, now I'll trust you with mine." he casually pulls his heart out off his chest, handing it to you. "You once said that two hearts together look like the hearts people draw... if you want to you could draw ours together..." getting quite at the end of the sentence he bites his lip, unsure which words to use.
"Draw them as they belong you mean?"
Agreeing with a nod Law hides his face behind his hat, face redder than Buggys nose.
"This is the best painting request ever!"
Forgetting what you wanted to do not even minute ago you sprint into your room, carrying Laws heart with you.
Pulling out the painting you made of your own heart, where Law gladly assisted threw pulling your heart out of your rib cage, you begin to sketch your hearts together as one. Which took you one more week.
And yes Law brought you bread during that time as well.
"How do you like it?" exhausted, but happy you present your latest creation.
"It's greater than any word I could use to describe it Can I have it?"
"Of course, it was your request after all." you smile as you hand him the painting.
"This will go right above my desk." his lips curl into a heartwarming smile, a smile so gentle which you've never seen it of him before.
"This is my favorite smile of yours. Maybe you'll assist me next time threw being my model."
"Anything for you." he answers mindless, still absorbed by the canvas in front of him. And that's when you remember.
"Guess I'll start dropping by your office from now on, not to brag but this is an amazing painting." you take a few steps towards him.
"Just like the artist."
"Only because I had a great assistant." you chuckle, gently cupping his cheeks.
"Being your assistant sounds like much better job than captain and doctor." Law sighs, loosely wrapping his arms around your hips, continuingly looking up to you.
"You know you can drop by anytime when they're being too noisy. And be my model of course."
"What kind of modeling are we talking about." He raises an eyebrow, a playful smile on his lips.
"I wanna paint you as I see you, a gentle soul, who cares for others more than himself. A gorgeous smile that will steal everyone's heart, because that's what you did with mine." you brush over his lips with your thumb. "But to be able to capture your lips right I need to get a better look at them."
"My lips are all yours." closing his eyes he pulls you onto his lap. You close the gap between your lips, feeling like your hearts have now become one for real. You still taste the salty rice balls he had for lunch, this would be everything you could think about from now on when you see rice balls.
*A few days later, on deck*
The submarine has submerged from the sea, landing on a tropical island. Law stands by the reling and watches the sun set.
"No better view than the sun set over the ocean, no better smell than the salty air." you smile, enjoying the wind that plays with your locks.
"(y/n), when you said you want me to love life, to let my wounds heal I thought it was impossible. But now, right here, with you, I start to understand what you mean. Thank you, for everything you've done for me."
"You've helped me heal as well Law, when you're with the right person you will heal each other, it comes naturally." leaning your head against his shoulder you keep gazing at the sun, disappearing behind the horizon.
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akookminsupporter ¡ 1 year
So many questions. So many things to say but I want to talk about certain parts of the conversation? Between Jimin and Jungkook that stand out for me. As Jack the Ripper would have said, let's take it one part at a time.
🐰come out of the blanket? Will you be able to handle it? Hehe nooo way
🐥as for me I can handle it
🐰reads Jimin's comment* kekkekekekek right as for Jimin hyung, he can handle it.
🐰damn funny hehe
Explain to me how we should interpret these comments in a different way than the obvious. Especially Jungkook's comment. And we have to keep in mind Jungkook's expressions while he was saying those things!!!
🐥you left at 2 so go and sleep soon now
🐰right I left at 2. Why do I hate sleeping so much
They were together yesterday until 2? Where were they? Doing what? Would it have something to do with whatever they did in New York? No, I still haven't forgotten about New York and the fact that they were using GoPro.
🐥no but hyung is scared of you
🐥I feel like you'll hit me
🐰noo what do you mean hit, you'll hit me? ME?
🐰what do you mean, don't portray me like that hyungnim
🐰when did I do like that? If it's so then it's me who got hit
🐰it was just for fun
This part is perhaps the most intriguing and I don't know about you but the way I interpret it is that Jimin speaks from experience. Jungkook's comment at the end more or less confirms it. And once again I wonder what they do when they are together because whenever they mentioned something about when they are together, we are all left with more questions than answers. Yeah, I still want to know why Jungkook was holding Jimin bridal style and spinning him around for Jimin to give him a hickey on the neck.
🐥looks like Jungkook forgot what type of person I am
This could mean many things but I decided to interpret it as Jimin saying that Jungkook forgot that Jimin does not show his house to the world under any circumstances.
🐥sleep soon once your this promotion is over
🐥hyung will come (to you)
🐰promotion.. I'm also not sure what will happen ..
🐥hyung is not in a state to do a LIVE
This part is a bit interesting but more because of Jungkook's comment than Jimin's. Jimin probably meant that his face was puffy or something like that, he always tries to show us his best side, even if we don't really care about that stuff, we just want to see them/him.
🐥if you see the picture I sent you, you will understand later, hehe
🐰"right Jimina you also do the LIVE", "Jiminie hyung play around with Jungkook" see they're (ARMYs) are also saying, so why don't you just do the LIVE (with me)
🐥I'm not that easy (deleted)
🐰*Reads Jimin's comment*
🐰huh? Jimini hyung's comment weng missing
🐥heheheheeheh it's deleted heheheh
🐰exactly see, weverse censored the (comment) you said that you're not that easy. So let's go, on LIVE, I'll come there
🐥no, but just look at the picture for a bit kekeke so sorry
This part. THIS PART.
Jungkook I applaud how shameless you were by practically begging Jimin or trying to get him to WLIVE with you; using us was a smart move, too bad it didn't work.
Jimin knew he had Jungkook begging him on freaking live to do a wlive together and that's why he wrote that he wasn't easy. No one can convince me otherwise. And then he deleted the message but Jungkook saw it. And he repeated it so that anyone who didn't see it would know what he was saying. That man is a menace.
And again,
This interaction was definitely too much but the way Jungkook flirtatiously begged Jimin or was trying to convince him to do a WLIVE together was the most surprising thing... maybe.
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arcadekitten ¡ 7 months
can a pathospire feed on videos? Like, watching or even reading tragedies?
Can they feed on theirselves, or other pathospires?
Could they feed unwillingly? (Like, if someone’s refusing to feed but then they see a funeral or something)
How can someone identify a pathospire? I think you said they’d have multicolored hair but I’m not sure
You said some time ago Jik-Jak was popular, I think, and if my memory isn’t wrong then could you explain how so?
The last question is just curiosity, but the others are because I wanna make either a little fanfiction or an OC that’s a pathospire! Maybe both
Haha no nooo! Pathospires have to be in the physical proximity of someone who is currently going through heartbreak. (No infinite food glitches here I'm afraid!) ===
Pathospires can only feed from non-pathospires, they can't eat from one another or themselves! ===
Hmm, I hadn't thought much about it! I guess maybe it's possible they could try to restrain themselves but I feel like it's something that would require a lot of hard effort on their part to do. It'd be easier for them to just leave the area as quickly as possible. ===
Pathospires have a few traits they usually present outwardly (dual-toned hair, more black markings on the body, minor shapeshifting abilities, etc) but non-pathospires can also have traits like these sometimes! So it's tricky to be absolutely certain ===
Jik-Jak is a very successful businessman! His business is one that is very beneficial to pathospires but I won't elaborate more than that right now!
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etirabys ¡ 1 year
I've been experimenting with "identifying as stupid and lazy" and it's going pretty well. This month I went to a Javascript meetup with the explicit goal of being slightly stupid there, got into an AI conversation, said a few coherent things, and then mentioned I just didn't want to put in the work into understanding e.g. transformers. Also I said as a simplification that I'd flunked out of linear algebra in college which isn't true (I got an A in linalg but flunked out of the ML course where linalg was heavily in use) but felt. WEIRDLY. pleasurable to say.
When I talked about this on Discord, one of them brought up Stupidism, which is from a good post @mark-gently made. But there's something about my wanton dignity-discarding that goes several steps further from Stupidism and feels very liberating.
Last year I read a weird... pagan?... book, Existential Kink, that invites you to notice how much of your life is shaped to bring about outcomes you supposedly hate, and how you secretly take joy in those outcomes. This seems false for the majority of things one tries to avoid, but leaning into it sure is interesting to try out! And I'm finding it is surprisingly true for "coming off as stupid".
There's something absurdly joyful/thrilling about deciding to go to a meetup and presenting as a moron. Some years ago I would have gone NOOO at the thought, and now I feel like an adrenaline junkie being invited to a new type of gambling event or weird sex thing.
I fully expect to tire of "identifying/presenting as stupid and lazy", but when I move on from it I expect to be more integrated or whatever. Less afraid of being stupid and lazy because I've just gone and done it openly.
One of the stupid things I said at the Javascript meetup was that I hate using libraries in almost full generality. I'm too lazy to read docs or troubleshoot my calls to other people's code. Someone recced me a different meetup for people who roll their own tooling, but warned me it was all male, because he knew I'd found all-male programming contexts stressful in the past.
In college I tended to not even really notice if a lab or a team was all male, because I was a top-half student and just felt totally secure about being in class. But I became phobic of it in jobs because I'm usually the worst dev in any remotely selective workplace, and being the worst dev AND the only woman sucks. I was ashamed of being bad at my job, obviously, but I was mortified at being the entity that diversity posters and mandatory trainings point at to say "if you think women are like that you are a terrible person and causing problems in society". But... I am like that. I guess for society's good I need to hide this as hard as possible?
(I solved this by going to a much less selective workplace and almost explicitly saying "I will be kind of a bad programmer, but I come cheap". I am pretty happy now.)
So, given that I got twisted up by that employment record, current me is delighted at the thought of being openly dumb at an all-male CS meetup. This wouldn't be good for the men (some of whom Want To Unlearn Sexism, etc) nor for Women In Tech, but it would be good for ME. Time to abandon class consciousness and defect on women for my own gain.
It is, well, yeah, existentially kinky to imagine going to this meetup and cheerfully asking dumb questions & occasionally responding with "I don't think I'm ever going to understand that, sorry, you should stop explaining that because I don't want to waste your time".
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shoto-lee ¡ 1 year
Tickletober Day 5 - Accidental
lee!kaminari / ler!iida
Summary: Iida helps Kaminari paint his body to resemble a skeleton for Halloween. He quickly finds out by accident that his paintbrush is quite the tickling tool...
"Stay...still... I'm nearly done..."
Kaminari harshly bit his lip, praying that Iida would hurry up with the painting.
"How did you even come up with this idea?" Iida asked, stroking his thin, kid-sized paintbrush down Kaminari's collarbone. "Why not just buy a costume? You really want to paint your whole face like a skeleton?"
"Well, yes... It's creative, right?"
Iida nodded, trying to focus himself entirely on making sure every glide of his brush and every color placed on Kami's skin was perfect. He tilted his head and dragged the brush dipped in black paint down his friend's neck. Then swiftly up and down in order to fill in the space.
Kaminari fiddled with his fingers, trying to hide his growing smile.
"Can you huhurry uhuhap?!"
Iida sighed, drawing white lines to resemble Kaminari's bones quicker and quicker, trying his best to hurry up the process.
Kaminari gripped his pants, trying to contain his laughter. His neck was extra sensitive - maybe even a tad bit ticklish...
"I'm hurrying, Kaminari. You understand that this is a lenghty p-"
"Ohohkahay! I knohow! Juhust pahaint ehelsewhere..." Kaminari interrupted, letting out a few giggles.
Rude... Iida looked Kaminari stern in the eyes and continued painting the same area on his neck, filling in the area with black.
"Kaminari. I have a question." Iida had suspected something for a while, ever since he'd seen his friend struggling to keep a straight face.
"Are you ticklish? I'm just curious as to why when I drag my brush here,-" He swirled the tool inside the right dip of Kaminari's neck. The yellow-haired boy chuckled and swatted away at Iida's hand.
"-you laugh." Iida finished.
Kaminari blushed. How did Iida figure that out so quickly? He thought he'd done a good job at hiding it... Guess not.
"Nooo, I'm nohahahot tihicklish! It just feels... weird." He explained, looking down to his lap.
Obviously, no part of what he had just said was believable.
Iida nodded, now finishing his work on Kaminari's neck. Moving onto his face, the ticklish feelings were gone. Something inside of Iida missed the cute giggles and laughs from earlier.
"Y'know, this is gonna look so coo-HOHOOL!"
Iida jabbed Kaminari's side with a finger, causing a jolt down his spine.
"Not ticklish, huh?" Iida teased, letting his index finger wiggle under Kaminari's arm. The boy yelped and clamped his arm down, trapping Iida's single finger to tickle his armpit as much as he'd like. And tickle he did...
Kaminari tried to grab Iida's hand, but was caught off guard by another few fingers pinching at his ribs. Iida had put his paintbrush down and picked up a new task. Extracting as many giggles from his friend as he could.
"I never realized how ticklish you really are."
"I'm nohOHOt! I swehehear, I'm nAHAHOHOt tihicklish!" Kaminari lied, almost falling out of his chair as he felt both of Iida's hand travel under his shirt and scribble against his belly. He strategically used his fingernails to enhance the tickling.
"Iida, gehehet ahawayaha! I'm gohohonna cryahaheh!" Kaminari pleaded, weakly flailing his hands around, hoping to get those two mischievous hands away from his stomach.
Iida removed his hands from Kaminari's belly and inspected his eyes, to make sure he wasn't actually crying.
"Don't you dare mess up my painting with your tears, Kaminari!" He shouted, running to get a paper towel.
When he got back, Kaminari was missing from his seat. Iida looked around, to see him magically appear behind him - seeking revenge...
A/N: i've decided that i won't be doing a fic for every day of tickletober, and the ones that i do write probably won't correspond with the prompt of the day! i'm just gonna choose the prompts i like and have fun with writing them
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my-beloved-lakes ¡ 1 year
Leveragetober 2023
Prompt 8: Museum
After Sophie and Nate retire, Eliot, Hardison and Parker comes to bother them on Christmas and convince them to break into a museum, just for the fun of it. (Under the cut)
Nate sat in his and Sophie's living room watching the snow fall silently outside. Sophie sat next to him flipping through the pages of a magazine.
The Christmas tree was set up, he had his wife by his side, and a warm cup of coffee. Everything was peaceful and exactly the way it should be this Christmas Eve. And of course, there was the added bonus of knowing that Sterling wasn't going to bother him for at least a week, since he was spending his Christmas with his daughter. Nate wasn’t a fan of Christmas, but it usually meant no one would bother him.
Nate jumped when he heard a knock at the door.
"I'll get it." Sophie offered.
"Please tell me it's just carolers."
Even after he had retired, people still showed up at his door from time to time, looking for help getting even with greedy CEOs and the likes. He wasn’t exactly sure how they did it, but he guessed Hardison had something to do with it. Nate didn’t really mind. It only happened occasionally, and they were usually pretty straightforward and easy. It kept him and Sophie from getting bored in their retirement. But it was Christmas eve. He just wanted to relax with his wife.
"Surprise!" He heard Parker shout.
"Aww! How did you guys get here so fast? I thought you were in the middle of a job!" Sophie asked.
"Yeah, a job in Boston." Hardison said. "We decided to leave that detail out so that we could surprise you guys."
"Aww!" Sophie pulled Hardison into a hug, then Parker and Eliot.
Nate sighed and stood up to greet them.
It wouldn't really be Christmas without them.
"Well make yourselves at home." Nate said even though he knew he didn't need to give them permission to. They'd make themselves at home whether he wanted them to or not.
"Did we miss dinner?" Eliot asked.
"Good! Cuz I got the perfect meal planned." Eliot said, rubbing his hands together with excitement.
Everyone gathered into the dining room to be closer to Eliot as he set to work cooking dinner.
Nate listened contently as Parker and Hardison explained everything they had been up to for the past few months, Eliot occasionally throwing in his two cents from the kitchen. They seemed to be settling into their new responsibilities really well, and Nate was proud of them.
After a while Eliot brought in a couple platters of food and set them on the table.
"Alright, let's eat!" He said.
They all gathered plates and silverware, and Eliot served the food.
"You know what we should do?" Parker asked with a sly smile when they had all finished their food.
"Oh no! No, no, no!" Nate said. "I know that look! We're not stealing anything! It's Christmas Eve!"
"I was gonna say we should break into the Boston Museum and put Santa hats and reindeer antlers on all the statues." Parker said.
"Nooo!" Nate moaned.
He had been looking forward to a peaceful evening at home.
"Oh, come on Nate!" Sophie begged.
"You guys can, but I'm staying home."
"No, Nate. It's only fun if everyone comes!" Hardison insisted.
Nate threw his hands up in resignation. He knew he wasn't going to win this one.
Eliot checked over his shoulder to make sure none of the other security staff was around, then pushed his janitor cart into a room full of statues. The janitor aliases that Hardison had set up for the two of them was enough to get them inside the museum, but he still had to make sure none of the guards caught them putting hats on the statues. He didn't want to get fired on his first day of work after all… or arrested.
He pulled out a step ladder and climbed up on it to place a Christmas hat on the head of an angel statue, then glanced over at Hardison who was stringing a set of Christmas lights between the hands of another statue, making it look like the statue was decorating for Christmas. Eliot chuckled to himself as he moved on to the next statue.
Sophie climbed out of the janitor cart and started sticking Rudolph noses on the portraits.
"You killed the cameras, so they'll have no idea what happened, right?" Nate asked.
"You dare doubt me?” Hardison scoffed.
Parker lowered herself from the ceiling above one of the statues and pulled out a headband with velvet reindeer antlers on it. She put it on the statue's head then took a minute to admire her handy work.
When the team was all done decorating, Nate waited for everyone to clear the room then stood in the doorway, admiring their decorations. He pulled out his phone and snapped a picture before heading for his exit. He would never admit to anyone that he had enjoyed this. That picture would remain a secret forever.
The museum staff would discover the decorations in the morning and there would probably be a news article or two out about it not long after that. Maybe a few camara crews would show up to do a story on it, but no one would ever know how it had happened. People would probably be calling it a Christmas miracle.��
Nate smiled. None of that really mattered though, because he would have this memory to share with his family for the rest of his life. It'd be their little secret.
He would never admit it, but Nate felt the warmth of Christmas spirit building up inside of him as he walked out of that museum.
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stray-tori ¡ 1 year
link click s2e01+02 eng dub thoughts
waiting for my friends to wake up for new link click ep so i'm watching the dubbed episodes and ??? holy, the death flash segment has such a different vibe.
well not SO different but yknow... I do hope they didn't write themselves into a corner here...
Dub: "I'm sorry… everything is going to be different now. death isn't something even one of us can change. the best we can do is accept it, so please don't let this be another burden for you to carry." Sub: "It seems... everything is changing... If death cannot be avoided, then it might be better to face it now."
"don't let this become another burden" ???? ToT
Dub!LG was rly like "dude, speak faster- thERES SO MUCH MORE PAIN YOU CAN FIT IN HERE" dshjds-
Also I find the "even one of us can change" bit to be a little off-throwing. Maybe the emphasis is slightly wrong but I didn't process what he meant immediately upon first hearing it. Sounded more like "ONE of us" than "one of US" (i.e. ability).
alejandro's slight stutter when answering about the ability UGH GOLD
Little sad that the flow of red-eyes conversation isn't as good. usually the dub did great with convo flow, but here it seems a little jumpy. "if you dont know where to start, let's start with activation" -> "I can't quite figure it out" (then proceeds to explain how much they alr figured out adhsjds-)
Also the "i need to trust you again" depends heavily on the viewer knowing what red-eyes means there (i.e. the lie of no cops/the dark room plan).
ik that this is in the sub too, but the "but she sees right through you" is still a little weird to me and it's more obvious in dub i think. I thought that what this was going for was a sort of "you may be okay with fooling me, but fooling her (while i'm her) will end badly" kinda deal, but maybe I was wrong? In the dub it just directly sounds like they mean they were only able to tell the lie because they're in QL's body and get some of her memories and feelings (like CXS does, maybe?) - but they actively paid attention to his shaking hands and everything, so I kind of don't think they relied purely on QL.
nooo they keep making red-eyes slightly different. from them assuming the photos and then confirming it through the "does he run here or teleport" moment, instead they just try... to stab her?? i guess?? and then they go "ohh i get it now" which... isn't a huge difference but kind of takes away from their smart thinking.
Going from the reaction -> "oh so I was right! How interesting!" (sub) to -> "teleporting with pictures, talk about a convenient power!"
"why would I wanna hurt lu guang? he's family to me!" dub out here confirming the marriage, good for them good for them why would they do this to me
"you said the girl is innocent" -> "from what we saw it wasn't the girl" WHAT ABOUT THE BLOOD ALL OVER HER MADE YOU CONCLUDE THAT
Changing the part where CXS calls the murderer "the person who calls themselves my friend" (paraphrased) was a good call, bc that... sure was A Move.
Damn, dub just implied CXS wanted to perma-dive via "Two years... that is more than enough time. i could go back and change everything.". afaik we still don't know if the 12h restriction is bc of lu guang's rules or actually a restriction, so that is... certainly A Move, too. In Sub I felt like it was just desperate and he might have tried even with the 12h windows, but here it rly does sound like he'd just dive for longer? Unless I'm reading the dialog wrong...
"Sorry to disappoint" LOL ICONIC, slight adjustment but based.
"what's with the stuffed animal? not for me, i guess?" LMAO HELP ME- "it's for my daughter, wise guy." PFFT
"and he's already a ghost. he doesn't even have social media. some might say he doesn't exist" o... okay? does dub know more than we do dshjds-
"Breathe, damn it!!" pfft Captain Xiao is trying-
"is he the streetfighter master siwen talked about?" DUB WHAT ARE YOU DOING- i'm p sure this is just about the style, not the person ahhh-
"our backup's gonna be here soon" - "how funny, mine just arrived" While not what I've seen people translate this line as, still a good flow for this moment.
Aight. Some stumbles imo, but maybe they know more than we do and it'll all work out!
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ryuichirou ¡ 8 months
More replies~
Anonymous asked:
Do you watch other adult swim cartons like moral orel or the venture bros?
Not really, sorry :( Nothing against these shows, I guess we just don’t gravitate towards them. Venture Bros was recommended to us though.
Anonymous asked:
"Nooo Ortho wanted to slurp this one" not a problem at all, i don't mind sharing uwu uhuhuhuh sorry for cursing the askbox so soon too XDDD i couldn't help it
Ah it’s so nice when people share… uwu
No worries btw, every single thing in this blog is cursed one way or another, so it really fits xD
Anonymous asked:
No bc the way your fem idia is just insanely body goals
Omg Anon, thank you?? I don’t think if she should be body goals though, she’s kind of too skinny for her height… she just has a high metabolism genetically I guess, I’m pretty sure any other means of achieving her appearance would be unhealthy...
Anonymous asked:
I never thought about ADeuce in the future, but the idea of them being together without really committing to a relationship makes a lot of sense.
I imagine a similar scenario for Ruggie/Leona. They wouldn't even see eachother that frequently, but they still keep in touch and hook up whenever they do meet. They are not just keeping this up because it's beneficial to them, they actually seem to enjoy eachother's company. It's not anything close to dating, and they would never call it love, but I feel like that's the highest level of commitment you can get from either of them. Also Ruggie would probably spend a lot of time working, leaving the Sunset Savanna quite often. If he sees a chance to bag some extra cash he is not going to let a little distance stop him! Meanwhile Leona is just hanging around the royal court. Has he given up on his plan to help the poor people of his country or is he cooking something? Honestly not even Ruggie knows...
(this is related to the 6th reply from this post)
ADeuce really are a bit annoying like that, but I love them for it. Everyone knows you want to be together, guys. You’re just being stubborn for the sake of being stubborn, because you’re too afraid the other party is going to ridicule you for expressing your feelings that both of you are already aware of, because you’ve been sleeping together for years, COME! ON!
Also everything you said about Ruggie/Leona makes sense! Ruggie is too busy and focused on his job(s) to start a family, and Leona is either plotting something or just doing nothing being unmotivated… so whenever they have an opportunity to do so, hooking up sounds logical: why not? It’s definitely not love and not a romantic relationship, but it is a relationship nonetheless… a mutually beneficial one, but also a surprisingly “comfortable” one because both of them are so used to this dynamic that doesn’t require any emotional effort. They’re surprisingly on the same page.
Anonymous asked:
i might have written an OC spanking Riddle once :eyes: usually i just see characters and readers or OCs being spanked by Riddle, but he would be so cute being spanked! teary eyed, confused and flustered, his ass clearly needs attention
(this is related to the 2nd reply from this post)
I know right? For some reason it just works. Maybe it’s because of his backstory and him being so very serious but also so immature, but if you imagine a spanking scenario with Riddle, it’s like… he belongs there lol
Anonymous asked:
About how young was Silver when he and Lilia first started fuckin 🤔 honestly I'm super interested in what those early days would have looked like, and how their first few times would go
Honestly, it depends on whatever route you want to take for any specific post/art/comic/etc, and I feel like with us it’s always a very vague and implied “kind of young”.
We explain it with Lilia having uhh alternative views on parenting, it’s like a mix of him being a fae (turns out, this doesn’t excuse him 😔), him not knowing how children work and him adoring Silver way too much and having too much fun with him. He’s not the best person lol So yeah, Silver was probably way too young to figure out what’s going on, but also this whole thing was a “norm” to him, because it also happened very gradually: the goodnight kisses became more mature, the way they cuddle changed; and with Silver absolutely adoring Lilia, trusting him so much and believing that Lilia only wants what’s best for him, he never had a problem with any of it. Even the first times weren’t too much of a shock to him, especially since Silver considered it to be some special type of training that he really wanted to get good at as soon as possible.
The Zigvolts would’ve been terrified if they found out…….
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paintingformike ¡ 2 years
I got really curious after one of your latest posts about your thoughts on bi mike vs gay mike. what's your main evidence for bi mike?
personally, I was a bi mike truther until I started my latest st rewatch a week ago. I always thought that mike had a genuine crush on el in season 1 but this time I noticed that mike didn't really show any romantic interest in her until lucas pointed out that mike likes el. before that, it was just mike being his friendly and caring self. and idk, every romantic moment between them seemed so forced to me, like mike was just doing what he thought he was supposed to be doing. and yeah, that whole dialogue before their first kiss was also weird. I haven't started season 3 yet, so maybe there will be some moments that'll show that mike is bi but for now, my only evidence of him being bi is byler/rockie parallels because vickie is clearly meant to be bi. I'm just so confused now, honestly, because I was so sure that mike is bi before this rewatch lol
sorry if some of these sentences don't make sense, my English is really bad...
nooo anon dont worry about your english, you’re perfectly understandable! to me personally i do see them portraying mike having genuine (but shallow) feelings for el via the inherently romantic tropes applied to them in s1-s2 (getting interrupted, the tiny bit of tension between them and all that), but that’s it, and the way i interpreted the painting plotline also makes me believe he had a shallow infatuation for el, but i’ve read a lot of gay mike analyses that have made me reconsider my stances on his sexuality and the byler storyline.
the byler/rockie parallels are also strong evidence of bi mike (and byler getting together in general) but it’s not really enough for me to discount the possibility of gay mike in the show considering a lot of points that make me believe they might go that route are narrative choices for his character. one example being the way he only showed interest in el after it was pointed out to him by other people, like you said, the stark contrast in how they make lucas and dustin show interest in multiple women but little to nothing from mike in comparison, they’ve also made him mirror will in this aspect (the way they both react to max in s2 compared to lucas and dustin).
season 3 was the most “i’m just doing what i think i’m supposed to do in typical het romantic relationships” season for mike because...he really was just being coached around by lucas constantly, looking totally clueless without him and most of his actions just him trying to adhere to societal expectations like getting his girlfriend a gift (?) and just. not initiating anything himself out of genuine love for el, he really needed a third party to hold his hand through navigating his relationship 😭 also the byler fight in s4 and how he said “thats because shes my girlfriend will” emphasizing the status of their relationship instead of saying something more genuine like el being important to him so obviously he’d write her letters...the majority of it was just him putting up a performance.
tbh he can still be bi and conforming to whats considered “normal” and thats what i was always firm in, but it can also be that they’re trying to portray how he really has no clue how to act when it comes to girls because he just feels no attraction to them. like the reason he needs his hand held through his relationship with a girl is because as a gay man it was never meant for him from the start, and the reason he can’t tell her he loves her is because...it was always impossible for him to feel anything towards her. he didn’t realize it at first (he wasn’t even sure of the difference between platonic and romantic before they kissed) but by s4 he was fully aware he only felt platonic care for el and was scared of losing her if he was honest about his true feelings (which explains the desert heart to heart he had with will.)
the duffers (or any other person from the writer’s room) have watched shows that portrayed internalized homophobia and characters that dated women while being cloested gay men, such as dawson’s creek and eyewitness, so that’s another factor that makes me think they could be writing mike to be gay because they’ve already gotten ideas of what it’s like, they’re not completely clueless. anyway this got too long (sorry anon i got carried away asjdksj) but the bottomline is i think both bi and gay mike have equal chances of being canon and are strong contenders in their own right, and while i used to think they wouldn’t explicitly confirm his sexuality, i realized they basically have to because they also need to clarify in the plot the true nature of mike’s feelings for el throughout their relationship and if he ever really loved her or felt attracted to her, it goes hand in hand with his sexuality arc and they can’t really just brush this over without leaving some kind of gaping hole in the storyline. mike’s gonna have to express how he really felt about el throughout their relationship so yeah...those are my two cents 👍
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loiteringandlurking ¡ 10 months
javey oneshot !
modern au, davey crutchie and jack are roommates, javey first kiss, 1.2k words, fluff?? idk how to tag fics ... enjoy :] ...
Jack and Crutchie were playing cards when Davey clomped into the room, gently placing his sax case on the vacant bottom bunk in the room before loosening his tie and unceremoniously dropping his school bag near his sax.
'What's got you so exhausted, Davey?' Crutchie asked, playing a 3 of clubs.
'You seen my exam timetable?' Davey grouched, loosening his tie further and swiping a hand through his hair. 'On top of that, band commitments for prefect assembly, AND quartet wants to get into this one gig... it's so full of shit.'
Jack played a 7 of clubs, trying to pretend to be focussed on anything but Davey's loose collar and tousled hair as he leant against the wall and checked his phone.
'... just drop the ass subjects then.' Crutchie was saying, playing an ace. 'Sorry, Jack.'
Jack groaned. Davey continued, 'I can't just drop all my sciences! My mother would kill me!'
'Least you got a mother.' Crutchie shrugged. Jack snorted, picking up the deck and shuffling. Crutchie continued, 'Some of us ain't so lucky.'
Jack snuck a glance at Davey while he shuffled, and fumbled, dropping all of the cards when Davey tilted his head back, sighing. He heard Crutchie suppress a laugh and threw a cushion at him.
'Jack, what do you think?' Davey looked at Jack through half-lidded eyes, head still tilted back. 'Surely I don't drop physics...'
Jack cleared his throat quickly, shoving the cards back into the case as Crutchie snorted again. 'Uh.. why? Like, why do you wants to drop it?'
'I just explained this.' Davey rolled his eyes playfully. 'Physics is so content-heavy that I can't keep up with my other subjects. So I might drop it. Then, I would have a free period at the same times as you and Crutchie too.'
'Yeah, drop it.' Jack said coolly, and suavely, and so chill-ly, in fact, that he could even hold eye contact with Davey's big, beautiful, glowing brown eyes for more than 0.183 of a second. Progress.
Crutchie pulled out his phone, evidently bored by the conversation Jack was leading so well.
'Oh goodness, I have to go to the toilet,' Crutchie said, lying horribly. 'I'll have to leave you two suckers to it.' He stood, grabbed his crutch, and was out the door without another word.
Davey took the new free spot on Jack's bed, and crashed down, slumping backwards.
'Jackie, I'm so fuckin tired.' He murmured, voice suddenly gravelly now that Crutchie had gone. Jack felt butterflies course through him at the nickname.
'Sleep, then.' Jack shrugged. 'It's, what, 11pm?'
'Yeah, but...' Davey sighed. 'I wanna stay up and talk to you. Haven't seen you all day.'
'Oh.' Jack's voice cracked, and he immediately curled in on himself. Davey laughed, loudly and long, and it almost made Jack feel better. Almost.
'Aw, Jack.' Davey laughed, wiping tears from his eyes, noticing Jack's frown. 'It's fine. It was funny.'
'Embarrassing.' Jack muttered, dropping his face into his hands.
'Nooo..' Davey said half-heartedly. 'It was very funny, though. I think I needed that after today.'
Jack looked at Davey's rosey cheeks, at his soft smile and his dimples, at his ruffled hair, and at his big eyes, and at his loosened shirt, and god he looked beautiful. Crutchie wasn't there, it was just him and Davey sitting on his bed. In silence. Awkward silence. As Davey looked back at Jack with his eyebrows drawn together slightly in confusion. Fuck.
Jack looked away, and felt his cheeks and ears warming.
Davey's gentle voice sounded from behind him. 'Jack, what's wrong?' He felt Davey's eyes on the back of his head, heard the concern seeping into his voice.
'Fine.' Jack muttered, mad at himself.
'No, you're not.' Jack felt a hand on his shoulder, felt that hand turn him around til he was facing Davey again. Davey, who was about one foot from his face. 'What's wrong?'
'I just...' Jack sighed, his eyes falling to his knees. 'I dunno.'
'You know. You can tell me. Whatever it is, it cannot possibly affect our friendship.'
'Oh, it can.' Jack laughed drily, shrugging Davey's hand off his shoulder.
'Stop being emo.' Davey frowned. 'Tell me. Tell me or I'll tell Crutchie that you cried.'
'I'm not crying!' Jack cried indignantly.
'It'll be your word against mine.' Davey shrugged, smirking. 'Now hurry up and tell me so I can go shower.'
Jack sighed. Might as well bite the bullet.
'I... uh...' He squeezed his eyes shut. 'I want to kiss you. Real bad.'
Silence. Jack grimaced.
He felt Davey's hand on his cheek. He opened his eyes a smidge, to see Davey's face, inches from his. Smiling.
'Figured that was the case.' Davey brought his other hand to the back of Jack's head. 'Might as well indulge you a little, huh?'
And Davey connected his lips with Jack's. Jack, too shocked to kiss back, eyes now wide open, as Davey pulled away. He chuckled at Jack's spellbound expression, frozen as he tried to take in what happened.
'No?' He asked, grinning.
Jack blinked, once, twice, and then grabbed Davey's face and pulled him right back in again. Davey's lips felt like electricity against Jack's, moving in a perfect rhythm. When Davey pulled apart for breath, Jack stayed close, pressing their foreheads together. He laughed breathlessly, incredulously.
'You wanted that, I take it?' Davey smiled.
'So much.' Jack agreed, connecting their lips again.
Jack was halfway through pushing Davey back down onto his pillows when they heard the clack of their key in the lock, and hadn't quite gotten a last taste fast enough for Crutchie to open the door, close it behind him, and take in the sight. The sight, that is, of Davey, lying down in Jack's bed, still with his shoes on, frantically pushing Jack away, and Jack straddling Davey, looking like a deer in headlights, wide eyed, staring at Crutchie like he was some kind of horror.
'Welcome back!' Davey said cheerfully, not making an effort to move. 'Told you this would happen.'
'Man, I thought he wouldn't. I thought he wouldn't so much that I came back early.' Crutchie replied casually, kicking off his slides.
Jack looked frantically between Crutchie and Davey. 'This was planned??'
'You think it wasn't obvious how bad you wanted Davey to kiss you?' Crutchie snorted. 'Even Davey knew. And Davey's dense.'
'You shut your mouth.' Davey replied sharply. 'I wanted it too.'
'That was just as crystal fucking clear.' Crutchie made his way over to his bed. 'You know how unbearable it is rooming with you two?'
Davey tapped Jack's thigh, and Jack moved quickly, realising he was still on top of Dave. Davey got up unceremoniously, casting a longing glance back at Jack, as if it was a woe to be away from him for this long. He lumbered his way over to his bed, fishing out his toiletry bag, towel, clothes and his wallet. He opened his wallet, held it out expectantly to Crutchie, who begrudginly dropped a few coins in.
'I'm gonna shower, lads.' He announced, grabbing his phone and left without anything else besides another glance at Jack.
Once the door was safely closed, Jack snapped his head towards Crutchie. 'That was a fucking BET?'
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nenestansunsthings ¡ 2 years
lets be real, do you even actually need to see mine loll? *stares at the percentage willing it to shift in our favor*
Tumblr media
can i ask for cleaning lady and her hype man head of marketing tango crumbs anyways?
usiwussu i never need to see your vote quill. i know who its for. but thank you so much for voting joe!! hope you enjoy the fic!!
"... Tango, I broke it."
"Yeah. Yeah, you definitely broke it." Tango whistles lowly, looking at the cleaning lady advertisement device Pearl's brought him to. His brow is furrowed, looking over everything- repeaters flipped around, tick speed messed up, items missing. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you messed this up on purpose."
"Now why would I ever do that, Tango? This is something promoting me!" Pearl looks down at him with wide, innocent eyes, hoping he believes her. "Can you help me fix it? Grian's not back at his base yet, so we have time to fix this before he activates the disk."
[Grian whispered to you: pearl, where do I go?]
"Well, I probably could. Should only take a few minutes." Tango nods, kneeling down to start adjusting the redstone. Pearl takes advantage of the distraction to whisper a location- [the nearest place his chestmonster is to the entrance]- then crouches beside him. "Oooooh, can I see? Lemme look. What's wrong with it?"
Like every redstoner she's ever met, Tango is very quickly distracted into explaining his work. "Well, the first issue here is that the tick speed is off. You must have messed with this by accident. A lot of these, actually- did you trip and fall?"
"... Haha." Pearl looks away. "Noooo....?"
Tango snorts. "Sure. Okay. So when you didn't trip and fall on the repeaters, it made the timing way out of whack, so power isn't being conducted through the machine correctly-" He pauses. "Is this repeater backwards?"
"... I panicked when I didn't trip and fall," she explains. "Some of these got knocked out of the circuit, so I tried to put 'em back. Did I get it wrong?"
"No, no! Well, only a little. We can fix this pretty easily!" He picks up one of the repeaters, checking to see if the glass holding its wiring in place is undamaged before flipping it back around. "What were you doing down here, anyway? Trying to figure out the redstone?"
"Yeah! I wanted to remember how to do this just on the spot the next time I came across a giant chestmonster." Pearl laughs. "I've put a redstone shulker in my enderchest and everything. Not that I can do it now, with how much I messed it up..."
"I figure taking a picture or two should work well enough for that kind of thing!" he suggests. "You're pretty good at redstone for a builder, though- did you want to learn how it all worked yourself?"
"For a builder?! Tango, are you saying builders can't do redstone?" Pearl does not think about the dozen pictures she had of untouched machinery- [another angle, Grian? Really?]- crossing her arms with a disgruntled frown. "I can't believe you. I never thought anyone would ever say anything like that to me. I'm taking my little rucksack and leaving-"
"Noooo, I didn't mean it like that! Come on!" Tango laughs. "... What's a rucksack?"
"Like a bag?" She shrugs. "... But yeah, I did want to figure it out. Just a little. Messed that up, huh?"
"Like I said, it's fiiine. Don't worry about it. Your Head of Marketing's got you covered!" He grins, his fiery hair flickering bright and blue in contrast with the redstone dust on his fingers. "You could ask next time, if you want! I haven't started the next part of Decked Out yet, I'm still in the material gathering bit. So I'm not busy!"
[Grian whispered to you: done!!]
Pearl nods. "I'll take you up on that! Do I need a heads up before visiting your base? It sure would be a shame if the cleaning lady's Head of Marketing had a chestmonster or something..."
Tango laughs very unconvincingly. "What?? Me?? A chestmonster? Nooo, I would never. Tell me before you visit, though, uh- so I can avoid spoilers! Yeah. So you don't get a sneak peek of Decked Out."
Pearl smiles angelically. "Sure, Tango!"
"Great! Awesome." He turns back to the redstone. "This... should be about fixed, I think. You're all good! I should probably be getting back home, though..."
"Alright! See you later!"
"See ya!" Tango grins, breaking through Grian's floor and offering her a hand. She takes his help up, replacing the broken block and waving goodbye as he goes.
[You whispered to Grian: he's coming. time to go]
Tango sighs as he enters his storage room, the familiar cold welcoming him like a friend. Man, that was awkward. He can't let Pearl know he has a growing chestmonster in here, that'd be embarrassing! At least it was a good reminder to clean it up-
He screams as a voice suddenly floods his storage room, playing a very familiar disk. "Oh? What's this? A chestmonster?"
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ihearasong ¡ 9 months
Ok so i am planning on trying out the free trial of final Fantasy 14 in 2 months and i was wondering. Since you're really good at it may i have some tips? Some do's and don'ts?...also how 2 romance Urianger (And nooo! This is definetly NOT an excuse to hear you talk about Final Fantasy what are you talking about!)
Aaa, I'm glad you're thinking about trying out the free trial! The game is lots of fun, and the free trial includes the Stormblood expansion now! In two years...it will include Shadowbringers, one of the best expansions... e v e
Anyway, here's some advice:
Make sure to choose the right server. While world visit and data center travel are now a thing so you can play with friends who are on different servers and datacenters (though this is limited to logical datacenter [NA vs EU vs JP vs OC]), it's more fun and less stressful to be on the same server as your friends, and you can also be in the same free company (guild) together as long as you're on the same server, too! My advice if you don't know anyone playing the game that you want to play with is to choose a low population server (you can check server population on sites like this). You can see that some worlds are listed as "congested." Avoid those, because if a friend ever decides to join you, they're going to have a hell of a time getting onto the same server as you due to character creation and transfer services being disabled for congested worlds.
While FFXIV is an MMO, you can play completely solo if you wish thanks to the Trust system implemented in Shadowbringers. That being said, I still recommend choosing to run dungeons with other players, because they can help explain mechanics, give helpful tips on how to play your job, and you can even make friends! People in FF are generally friendly and forgiving if you make mistakes. That said, if you choose to play with people, you need to keep in mind DUNGEON ETIQUETTE.
If you're the tank (blue class icon), it's your job to turn on your tank stance, go first, grab enemies, keep them off your teammates, turn bosses away from your teammates, and interrupt certain enemy abilities that cause their castbar to flash red.
If you're the healer (green class icon), it's your job to stay behind the tank, DO NOT GRAB ENEMIES BEFORE THE TANK, keep the tank healed when they're fighting enemies since they should be taking most of the damage, heal yourself and the rest of your party when damage is taken, and try to dps in between healing.
If you're a DPS, your job is to stay behind the tank, DO NOT GRAB ENEMIES BEFORE THE TANK, attack the same enemy that the tank is attacking (when there are 2 enemies), use your AoE (area of effect/multitarget) abilities on 3+ enemies, and focus your attacks on enemies that need to be taken down first (helpful parties will mark a giant 1 over the head of enemies that need to die quickly).
Things that all three roles need to do are keep mindful of fight mechanics, try to take as little damage as possible, and in general just be polite.
When you're start the game, you'll be told to go to the same guild as whatever class you chose (Lancer, Archer, Pugilist, etc). Though the story doesn't require you to do anything aside from talk to the guild receptionist briefly, I STRONGLY recommend speaking to them a second time to actually join the guild, because many of your best abilities are locked behind guild quests.
Your guild will also assign you a Hunting Log, which marks enemies in the wild as hunting targets. When you kill however many it requests, you get a chunk of EXP, so Hunting Logs are very useful for gaining levels in the beginning of the game.
When you reach level 15 and unlock your first dungeon, there's a building to the right of the dungeon that an NPC recommends you check out. Inside that building you'll meet The Smith, who offers lessons on how proper fight and party etiquette in a dungeon. Even if you come from another MMO, know all there is to know about dungeon etiquette, or anything like that, I STRONGLY recommend you do these lessons regardless of any reasons. The reason for this is because completing these lessons not only gives you gear that's very good for its level, but at the end it also gives you a 30% exp boost ring.
Make sure to click on and attune to every single aetheryte/miniature aetheryte you see in a zone or a town. Attuning to large aetherytes give you the ability to teleport to them from anywhere, which not only comes in handy, but if you leave a zone without attuning and then the story wants you to go all the way back, you gotta walk, m'dude. Miniature aetherytes within towns allow you to click on them and teleport throughout the town's aethernet to other mini aetherytes (or the large one at the town center.) Attuning to every single mini aetheryte in a town unlocks the ability to teleport straight to the gates of the town and into whatever neighboring zone you need.
That's all I can think of at the moment (I have a migraine again, sorry), but I strongly recommend playing with a friend who already knows the game so that you can have real time help when you need it.
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