#noodle the connection
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v4point5 · 4 months ago
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Noodle and his son. happened to catch him when he was saying goodbye too
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biowho · 2 months ago
Bee wake up, Greg Ellis got arrested for revenge porn
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What a horrid and pathetic man... if anyone else forgot who this was (like I did) this was Cullen's voice actor
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arandomatlafan · 2 months ago
I still think about this scene sometimes
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galahues · 2 years ago
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sick tattoo
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liatorii · 1 year ago
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Dragon Ezra everyone? :3
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ask-mithrun · 1 day ago
have you ever tried sewing/knitting/crochet?
No, i haven't.
Perhaps i can try for the sake of "new desires" but its a little too far from my prexisting hobbies so the learning curve might be seep. Some day maybe.
I never really had the reason to make my own clothing or things adjacent to it any ways, I Usually commission from professional seemstresses for my garments — i have the money for that.
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starrynyxa · 8 months ago
pete and patrick talk like they have a million different hypothetical joint business ventures rattling around in their brains at all times
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icewindandboringhorror · 2 months ago
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Recent-ish things ~
#photo diary#1 - love this image of Noodle.. such a weird angle that makes his head look entirely round like a puff ball or something#2 - a more recent (still from months ago) collection of my pressed flowers and 4 leaf clovers I found.#3. Being one of the only people in 2024 still going 'hee heee I've just bought a new wii game!' but.. I have. >:3#It's kind of like Wii Sports Resort but is like.. open world? so your character can actually walk around and stuff. REALLY makes me#wish I had the type of set up where I could record video from my wii and stuff like some gaming youtubers have. I think it'd be a really#fun game to play on video and to DOCUMENT it!!! I keep wishing I could screenshot my little guy walking around but I caaant..#I've literally just been taking out my phyiscal camera and photographing the screen which always looks bad.. augh..#4. Something in the froxen food aisle called 'Wellington Bites' a play on beef wellington. suprisingly good actually. but I guess anything#with like beef and mushrooms usually is. But it seems like.. oddly decent for frozen food stuff.#5 - boye looking Round again.. 6 - updated score in the wii fit minigame again. This time less than 4 seconds#for each round? which may be a record for me? 7 & 8 - fat bird in the snow. fatt bird in the SNOW!! Hoping that climate change and H5N1#don't eventually remove all trace of birds and winter weather from my life in the future... -_-#9 - ..ough... a few paltry writings.. Except for the one day of 4000 words. But for the most part I have been making soo litte progress#because of the holidays and drs appointments and such a rush of all these other mind distracting things.. Or if I'm not doing something the#I'm feeling tired from having PREVIOUSLY done something so I waste the whole day being sleepy and headachey... GRR...#the funny thing is that like many many years ago I wrote a note on my wall saying 'FOCUS! write 2hr a day or more or youre going to finish#your game in 2025!!!' - which back in 2018 when I wrote it was like unimaginably far into the future but now... ahem.. hem... I guess that#is quite literally the case LOL. To my credit I did parctically abandon it entirely since late 2019 and JUST now picked up really#trying to focus on it in mid 2024 but still... My '''ridiculous'' projection being actually likely the correct one..#10 - I just thoughtit would be silly to put a bunch of keychain things on the wii remote. imagine playing this way. getting constantly#jabbed in the hand by plastic bits. and the jingling clinking noise it would be always making lol#11 - sky.. huzzah for the sky as always. Clouds my beloved#Gr.. I just really want to wriiite. My new years hopes are to finish my game and to get stuff set up to start selling sculptures again.#AND then maybe do more game videos lol... I miss playing games. I dont think I've posted on that youtube for like 5 months#I've just had so much appointments and Things and Stuff and focusing so much on other projects. But that is the thing that really#feels relaxing and fun for me. so like.. 1. finish game 2. sell sculpture/make sculpture 3. play games 4. find more friends#and social connection and networking or whatever the hell people have to do to be successful 5. do more costume/outfits.#<( saying this all on a day where I did none of those things LOL... I got erm.. maybe 400 words done today.. >:'3c )#6 is MOVE away from the evil west coast (hot.. fires in summer. etc) but like. not happening unless I suddenly become a millionaire so. -_-
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savage-rhi · 6 months ago
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I haven't drawn since the start of the pandemic in 2020 everybody fucking clap its my Screaming Worm Boy (tm) from my fanfic Duality
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cloud-somersault · 8 months ago
Pat pat pat. I don't understand your need for hard magic systems at all, but I feel your pain. Pat pat pat
Well. Hm. I don't think my reasoning is coming across well, so I'll try to explain.
The thing with a hard magic system is that yes, there's clearly defined rules that can't be broken that the audience also knows about and can understand when things don't go well or when characters try and break the rules, like. It's nice to have those boundaries and restrictions so that, when something wild happens, we know why.
That feeling of stability and thought is nice.
However, a light magic system is also fine. things can be loose and a little more whimsical, sure! They sure can. But then we're relying on character building to do the hard work for us.
Wukong is so old and everything, he knows all these spells and techniques that no one else does. MK doesn't know. No one does. Now, I can believe that because it's established (not just in the show, but in general) that Wukong is super old and has been around for a while. Did he just perform a spell we've never seen him perform before? Yup. Does it ruin my immersion and frustrate me? Nope, because it's been established that Wukong's been around for awhile and has definitely picked up on things.
Another example.
MK is considerably younger and is being taught by Wukong. He's learning spells and magic as he goes. We don't see this as much as we'd like because the plot has to happen, but MK will suddenly get powers like cloud-somersaulting and whatever else because it "looks cool" or "he had enough determination to do it"
But MK doesn't have years of experience and the show hasn't shown me Wukong teaching MK how to cloud-somersault. So i'm left to assume that some lessons happened on the back end or that MK taught himself. And that's well and fine, but then we run into a problem: then MK can teach himself to do anything.
Now, if MK can teach himself to do anything, then, whenever the plot demands, MK can get a new power or whatever. MK can get whatever magical spell is needed in the moment to overcome the bad guy and save the day. That might not seem like a big deal, but it does several things that lead to issues.
It lowers the stakes considerably because MK can get out of any situation that he's in. We have no fear of him being killed or whatever. He can learn whatever power or magic is needed.
There is no emotional story beats of MK needing to learn a specific spell or work hard or try again to beat someone. All we're waiting on is for him to learn the right spell in the moment in order to get over this hurdle. there is no contention. there is no tension. it'll be fine.
I am all here for light magic systems subsisting off of whimsy and fun and good times. Sure! I'd be much more happy if the light magic system only applied to characters who have the experience and knowledge to back it up. That's the difference. And since that isn't being followed, then yeah, I want a hard magic system. I guess.
And it doesn't have to be this big thing! It can be bare bones like Avatar the Last Airbender. Simple rules. Small things. just something to provide structure. Because we, the audience, have been with MK since the beginning of his journey as the Monkie Kid. And I don't know when this dude learned how to cloud-somersault and that bothers
the fuck
outta me.
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kissmypoets-hp · 5 months ago
thank u fic writers...
 so many new good drarry fics that came out last week/this weekend!!!! we are so blessed…. i have so much to catch up on… i’m so happy i got into drarry this year (picture this: it’s 7:00 am on a friday in southeast asia and two friends from two different cities are live-messaging each other excitedly about a fic i recommended last night… my friend sends me a message at 8:00am saying “WAIT i was supposed to turn on the rice cooker at 7:30 bUT i reached the part where harry’s being led to draco’s room and i was like WAIT HOLD ON THIRTY MORE MINUTES!!!” and me replying excitedly because 1) I KNEWWW SHE WOULD LIKE MY FIC REC. I KNEW IT 2) i was ALSO running late to the workplace jekwjsje imagine. i left the house without eyeliner because i slept through my alarms… ummm solidarity... anyway TY fic writers for making such a cute moment happen.... (tired girls in their 20s soothed by the premise of two characters falling in love again and again) (also, my friend hasn't even read the hp books 🤣 i've just been making her read drarry fics and well. she's here with us now)
(we were talking about the amazing show-stopping eleadore's fics: this was the fic i recommended the night before (+ bestie enjoyed), and this was the fic distracting her from cooking breakfast (which i had already read 🤣 LOL))
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katiefratie · 2 months ago
Man I'm still noodling around Chuck, he revealed himself specifically to get writing advice on his suicide note memoir, you know who does that? People who want help, who want to be convinced there is something worth still going for. He knows Metatron is going to try and get him to stop Amara! That's why he asks! Cause if he really was truly set he would not call up his editor for this. He made humanity because he was lonely and what is he know? Lonely. And he's infuriating about it! Pulls a fucking anyway here's wonderwall before going to Sam and Dean and just "yup I knew about all that stuff no I was just hanging" and he takes too long showers and steals Dean's bathrobe and watches porn and eats their take out in front of a new prophet! (Who btw got a much better deal than Kevin on the intro front) cause he's human! Or at least he wants to be, he made them he can imitate them he craves a connection so fucking much he talks to his fucking sister about it! Fucking Chuck man.....
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gxlden-angels · 2 years ago
I need Americans that were never Christian™️ to realize that the average conservative cult christian's thoughts are basically that one episode of Spongebob where he gets elected Hall Monitor and gives a speech with "Crime and Punishment. Punishment and Crime"
#christians see themselves as the hall monitors of the earth essentially#and everyone needs to be punished and have their good noodle stars taken else they'll commit arson#they genuinely believe that as soon as you stop policing people they'll delve into their deepest darkest fantasies and start committing sins#that even Jesus Christ himself didn't think of#they come from the idea that they are the only group capable of keeping things steady until Sky Papa can make his way down and fuck shit up#So when you do something bad it's because you fell into the pull of destruction#But when they do it's the equivalent of stepping on your dog's foot because they almost tripped you#I still think it's funny a bunch of christians are creationist tho lmao skill issue#My grandparents are but my dad isn't#he believes evolution essentially occurred over the same time the earth was being created#and the story of adam being made from dust was a metaphor and literal#he was made from dust made from decomposing animals and plants which he used to create us as a more perfect being#so now we continue to evolve because we're connected to the dust and can continue to try to improve#so my dad believes in evolution and went to college for biology and chemistry at the biggest HBCU in the US#That evolution/creationist tangent was completely unrelated but all twitter is for me rn is ppl freaking out about our rights being taken#I avoid twitter most of the time but like to look at my friends' and fav artists' tweets#and recently I think little joel made a video about the evolution video that was trending so yea#n e ways have a nice day y'all <3#I've been wanting to make more hehe hahas but everything in my brain rn is Undergraduate Thesis level shit#so I haven't really been reading or writing things I can talk about on Tumblr.Com ya know?#most of it is sociological textbooks memoirs and similar stuff that Id feel talking about on my casual blog#maybe Ill make a blog. like Blog blog for my essays one day#ex christian#religious trauma
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guiltswept · 4 months ago
FOR:   everyone! it's open!. DETAILS:   one of the roads... we have a bit of a fender bender situation here... harmless! but annoying...
"oh my god i'm, like, so sorry -" it's the third time babe's apologized in the span of three minutes, a whopping apology per minute. a new record, surely; her words are watery and drowned out by her own tears, mascara streaking down her face as if it's not just a scratch that adorns both of their cars now. "- i didn't mean to! i swear, i mean like, once i put sugar in someone's gas tank but that was like - an accident! someone told me that it helps the car run faster, and like, they were a mechanic so i thought they'd be like, totally impressed by my car prowess, but apparently that like, ruins the car? ugh -" somehow, her eyeliner is perfectly intact. it's kind of impressive; her fingers stained black as she wipes away her tears. "- i'm sorry -" four in four minutes. "- i was trying to finish my makeup, because i'm like, totally late to my shift and like, the dressing room always smells kind of weird on monday nights anyways -"
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andifthestarsweretodie · 4 months ago
I'm alive with a heart full of love.
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icewindandboringhorror · 11 months ago
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Various images of things
#image commentary in tags once again since they don't allow captions anymore and I feel weird using the alt text for that --#1. PIBBINS.... cheering clapping hooting hollering glorious applause everytime I see a pigeon in public#2. Birthday card that I drew for someone. .. kittys...#3. 2023's annual haul of tiny white pumpkins.. i get at least one white pumpkin every year around fall when they have pumpkins in stores#because I just love the color and texture ... bright white and smooth and cold and round.. kind of like a volleyball or something#4. A brief adventure into watching big brother (only earlier seasons of course as I hate all reality shows post like 2013 or something when#they became overly focused on social media and overproduced memeable phrases more.. like even though ALL reality shows have always#been extremely fake and annoying and mindless it's like..... newer stuff seems A Different Kind Of Fake or something) since whenever#I'm sick sometimes I find weird mindless things like that to watch (that one time I had bronchitis I watched all of Flavor of Love in my#half awake illness stupor and now everytime I heat up canned minestrone soup (mostly all I ate that week) I think of flavor flav since#thats just a weird brain connection I have now lol) ANYWAY.. I was sick and watched like 2 seasons of this and then thought it was too#uninteresting and obnoxious to continue (more like 1 and a half since I skipped the rest of one once only boring people were left) BUT this#one guy had a very mischevious looking face and he also said a few things (like the above captioned speech) that sounded like dialogue#some fantasy character would say.. so I took a screencap of him and edited him into a mischevious wizard i guess.?? idk I was sick lol#~your little friend has a poisoned tongue~ is just a very unexpectedly serious sounding wording for some random normal#frat dude looking guy to say while casually chatting on a reality tv show in like 2008 or whenever that was filmed lol#5. FLUFFY CLOVERS!! I'd never seen them be furry and soft before?? inchresting..#6. Noodle sitting in bed with the cat figurines looming above him... the council of kittys...#7. McDonald's full breakfast platter + asparagus + strawberries & cream (also of course this is old and I am now boycotting mcdonalds etc)#i try to group the images somewhat consistently like.. winter stuff with winter stuff or summer stuff with summer stuff#but I have so many random pictrues floating around on my computer that I never post that sometimes some are not organized or just#thrown into a set because there's nowhere else for them. Like the pigeon picture is from like 3 years ago for example lol#8 & 9 - I think I've posted these before but I just find them very interesting looking flowers. whenever they happen to be blooming#I'll pick up a few when I'm out on walks or etc. ... poof ball looking things#photo diary
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