#noodle making machine for sale
laxmienterprises · 7 months
Noodle Making Machine - International Traders Channel - Laxmi Enterprises
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cnyazhongmachinery · 2 years
instant noodles production line | instant noodles making machine | instant noodles frying machine
Instant noodle continuous frying machine adopts high quality SUS304 material for longer use. The raw material is from all kinds of flour products, vegetables and fruit, seafood, meat etc. The capacity:50kg/h -200kg/h and can get personal solutions. https://www.cnyazhong.com/news/Updating-Continuous-Frying-Machine-2022.html wechat/whatsapp:8613213203466
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ultronmachine · 2 years
Instant noodle making machine | instant noodles frying machine | instant noodles fryer machine for sale 
Instant noodle continuous frying machine adopts high quality SUS304 material for longer use. The raw material is from all kinds of flour products, vegetables and fruit, seafood, meat etc. The capacity:50kg/h -200kg/h and can get personal solutions. https://hnjoyshine.com/news/Updating-Continuous-Frying-Machine-For-Fried-Intstant-Noodles-in-2022.html wechat/whatsapp:8613213203466
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accio-victuuri · 2 months
time to make lemonades again 🍋🍋
inspired by a previous post i made because something similar happened and here we are. i think that the negative take on these similarities is that the other person/brand is “copying” the other. or one is trying to rub off the popularity of xx. which is a common source of conflict between fans, not just xz’s or wyb’s. and since the topic is trending we have more information of these alleged brand traitors who feed the cpf machine. lol.
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this post made by jeanswest with the kadian 10:05 for xz even if their endorser is wyb. tho i went to their weibo and didn’t see this post all when i was trying to confirm. so maybe it was deleted? the next one is hilarious cause they are implying that JW is taking inspiration from xz for their designs like the little prince and tennis. even if the whole line yibo is endorsing have nothing to do with these styles. AHHHH! they are so much better in connecting things that have no relation at all. 😂
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and it’s so embarrassing how confident they are that this is copying. xz does not own TLP or the sport of Tennis. no matter how much they associate those things with him. atleast with cpfs, we can give disclaimers but solos being so sure that there is just no other way that an international brand can come up with these designs — other than them wanting to leech from xz is next level unhinged.
but still thanks for the candy i guess?
next up is, p1 a li-ning cap that has 85 on it. but it’s actually a back to the future themed drop. a film that was released in 1985. tho maybe they are angry cause li-ning is a repeat offender. p2 is opening of li-ning’s store and the lottery includes a chance to win a casio watch which wyb was endorsing at the time.
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for xz’s zwiling endorsement before, one of the things highlighted by the brand is this machine. idk what. but it said something about brewing coffee at 97 and tea at 85. lol and who are associated with those numbers? wyb!!!! hahahahahahaha!!!!
sometimes i wonder who is the real candy lovin cpf.
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moving on….
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p1 is by kaixiaozao brand, they posted about a product that has dandan noodles that will make you think of the ancient times. dandan being something that is nicknamed for wyb, and ancient times pertaining to lwj and wyb. p2 is absurd, they are so angry at mengniu cause they replied to a cpf. yes it was xposted on the supertopic, but the account was asking a genuine question of how to purchase. so they answered. as much as so/os want the loyalty of these brands, their main goal is money. they will follow the money. that means more people buying their products. they didn’t choose xx or xxx out of the goodness of their hearts, their teams do research on who to hire and who can bring in more 💰.
another problematic thing done by mengniu before ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
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#strawberrymilkbobocup# I know this question! Strawberry and milk go together. It’s the most amazing combination. Let me tell you secretly, add some oats and the taste will be amazing. Someone: I want a strawberry custard cup, but not strawberry. No custard, just...
bobo cup 👀
and what that someone said. they don’t want the strawberry nor the custard/milk. so what does that leave us? Bobo 🤯🤯🤯
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this post by i don’t know who that said for roborock, there are a lot of consumers, both peter pan and passion fruit. no lies tho. we do contribute to their sales. it has been that way for a very long time. all these talk of cpfs only love xx or xxx is brainless so/o agenda. they just don’t understand the fact that we can support both and we’ve been doing so for years now. they cannot comprehend it, so they twist it into a narrative that fits them.
lastly, p1 is by bubly and on the can has 85. p2 is zhenguoli and on the poster, they used lwj’s famous tagline ( i wanna take someone back… yep, the same one he said in ttxs )
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i’m even seeing one shared the fact that xz allegedly rented a car that has 805 on the license plate. so he must be promoting cp right? 😂😂😂 idk.. maybe it caught his eye because of his boyfriend and didn’t think people will take photos of his car and license plate to speculate on. and their hateful interpretation of what we would say is CPN:
1. The license plate number chosen when renting a car is Wang Yibo’s birthday “805”
2. The name of the shoes worn has Wang Yibo’s abbreviation “Web” ( this refers to gucci re-web )
3. The photo XZ posted on that day ( when he was in Milan and only took photos of his shoes ) imitated Wang Yibo’s photo from last year’s GQ Gala.
Summary: If there is only a single factor, it can be explained as coincidence together, but so many "coincidences" gathered on the same day, it must be "intentional"! XZ has been using this method for the past 5 years … Hype male-male CP in a “both subtle and obvious” way!
I don’t usually post anti or solo rhetoric here unless it’s amusing and this is an example of that. lol. so they do believe those things are connected? that it’s too much of a coincidence???? it’s just that their conclusion is way off compared to a cpf’s. 🤣🤣🤣
that’s all i have for now. i skipped the others, and surprisingly a good number is how angry they are at li ning’s skateboard series. lol.
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shhtickerbook · 4 months
Hi, I really like the Wonka movie and love the idea of Willy being a regressor. Could you do a scenario where he's at his shop but suddenly gets trigger and regresses?
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thank you so much for the request! Sorry it took a while.
Trigger warning for panic attacks, mild injury description and detailed descriptions of a trauma trigger
This fic takes place where all of the The Scrub crew are all aware of Willys regression, post movie. Also in my own AU, Their found family decide to remain close to eachother and stay in town to help with the new shop / factory.
At last the rebuilt shop had been restored, it had taken time , much longer than it had previously. For a while Wonka could hardly bare to look at it, seeing everything he worked so hard for so destroyed. But with the help of his friends and new family, they managed to restore it to her former glory. It was even improved beyond its previous, with the chocolate cherry blossom bearing a prismatic array of leaves and petals. It was somehow even more perfect than before.
Everything was going perfect that day, sales were inclining everyday. Abacus becoming chief financial advisor of the store, with the Money he had earned he was able to move both his Wife and Granddaughter to come live with him here. They were all thriving brilliantly with this new future to come.
Noodle was attending a grammar school now, but every day she would come racing to the store to help out. She was busy stocking the shelves of chocolate boxes, when she saw Willy strolling down the lane, cane swinging. Sometimes he just had to take it all in around him again, grinning at this dream he’d made come true.
“We’ve only got a few of the deluxe boxes on display Willy, they were pretty popular and they probably won’t last too long.”
Willy hopped over to take a look, the truffles in question had been increasingly popular. But it shouldn’t be a problem, he had a machine upstairs that was busy pumping out more. They had been closed for some refurbishment for a little while, but at last reopening to the public, and he couldn’t be more excited. Willy made sure to make some a quick patrol around the shop, checking in with each of his friends who were working in their own stations.
“Willy get a look at this! It’s done”
Piper called over in a sing song voice, she was busy tinkering away at a panel by the moat that surrounded the chocolate tree. Before there was just the small boat that mechanically spun around in a circuit, but this time Piper and Willy had put their heads together to something much more magic. With her mastery in plumbing, she turned a wheel until a pipe burst open into the moat. Wonkas finest melted chocolate streaming out, this time the boat needing no mechanism to cycle around. It was a perfect chocolate river spiralling around the tree, Willy whooping in excitement.
“It’s perfect!”
With clasped hands and a grin, before Piper put her arm around the chocolatier with a firm pat on the back. It was great timing too, the clock rang for 9:00am. Abacus checking his own pocket watch to be sure before calling out.
“Alright, any minute now we’re going to be open to the public again. And if my findings are correct I think it will be even busier than last time! Oh and noodle, Uniform?.”
He looked over at her with a raised eyebrow, noticeably lacking the blush pink outfit. Noodle just chuckling before holding up her bag, a flash of pink fabric poking out like a flag. It had been Willy who designed such garments, everyone at first was a little unsure with how… flamboyant they were. But they quickly warmed up to them, even Abacus.
Willy just couldn’t wait for the customers to arrive, sitting himself by the glass to peer through into the gallery gourmet. In the distance seeing a cloud or people making their way up. With a smile he stood up, adjusting his new scarf over his coat, before opening the front doors.
“Welcome one and all again to the renewed Wonkas chocolate!”
The new grand opening was going splendidly, the chocolate river canal proving to be quite the money maker too. Only a sovereign a ride, and it created quite a line for it that wound around the shop. Which meant those waiting in line had a perfect view of everything they had on sale.
Willy had the opportunity to unveil one of his newest creations too, the everlasting gobstopper. A hard candy In which never gets smaller, no matter how much and how long you sucked on it. (Lofty had been testing one for nearly a month now)
The prismatic coloured candy was stacked into a pyramid in its new display, Noodle working the station. They were making the most money they had ever had, but that didn’t matter much to Willy. What mattered to him was being able to share his joy and magic with those willing to indulge. And this time he didn’t have the chocolate cartel to worry about, his shop was bound to become the star of the Gallery Gourmet.
“Oi Mr Wonka!”
Willy was alerted by a boy tugging on his tail coat, turning to see a familiar face. It was the young shoe shine lad he had been stopped by multiple times on his first day here.
“Where are them swirly chocolate things? Me Mam loves them.”
Willy chuckled, surprised that the boy wasn’t trying to proposition him with a shoe shine or a brush of his coat. He already had chocolate smeared across his mouth, clearly been at the free samples.
“The chocolate truffles I think you’re referring to, are just over by the display over there young man. But try and save some for your Mother though”
Willy pointed his cane in the direction of the now dwindling boxes of truffles. The boy giving him a doff of his cap before turning on heel, Willy returning it with his own top hat. He decided to go check in with Abacus, he was just finishing up with a customer. The cashier ringing joyfully as he dropped coins inside, Abacus just couldn’t believe how much they were making.
“I’d say we’ve already made double of what he did last time Willy, especially with the new gobstoppers.”
Willy grinned, everything just felt so perfect. With the extra money, he planned to raise his friend’s wages. And although she wasn’t aware, Willy had begun to collect a fund. One for Noodle, he had already promised her a lifetime of chocolate. But with the girls smarts and potential, he wanted her to have most in life. The money was for her future, if she wanted to pursue any kind of career. She had done so much for her, he wanted to do the very same for her own future.
Before he could respond, a scream cut through their conversation. The sudden noise startling Willy, almost feeling his stomach drop into his shoes. Over on the other side of the store, a crowd had grown around a young boy. A boy who was red in the face, spluttering and choking. The exact boy that Willy had spoken to just moments ago.
Abacus immediately dropped what he was doing, racing over and pushing through the crowd. Willy knew he should follow, make sure the boy was alright. It was his store, the owner.
But he didn’t, he stood there completely catatonic.
No, no. Not again, it can't happen again.
In preparation for the new opening, Willy had obsessively checked and taste tested each product. So much so that he’d gone to bed with an exceptionally sore stomach. Everything was safe, he was sure everything was safe. Abacus, Lottie and Noodle were all kneeling by the young man, Before Abacus called out.
“Call for an ambulance-“
The shop itself was spinning, and it wasn’t just the chocolate canal ride. Willy was sure that the ground itself was falling away beneath him. An ambulance? Before it had just been multicoloured hair growth or green skin pigmentation, nothing life threatening. Nothing ever in need of any medical attention.
What had he done? It’s not as if the chocolate cartel could be involved like last time. It was his fault, it had to be his fault. He felt sick, face turned white as a sheet. He lost track of how long he’d been staring, but Noodle had noticed him through the crowd and immediately ran to her elder brother figure once the boy was being taken away.
“Willy? Willy!”
She tried to get his attention, but the chocolatiers eyes were fixed ahead. His lips were trembling with his head shaking, it was scaring her. She tried her best to reassure him, knowing what he’d be thinking.
“It’s okay, Willy you didn’t-“
He broke eye contact with the scene, looking down at her with his head shaking even more violently. His eyes flooded with tears as he began to step backwards, almost like a frightened animal.
“No, nono. Not again it can’t happen- won’t happen again”
He started mumbling out almost psychotically, flinching away from noodle when she tried to touch him. Both arms up with his hands and fingers flicking in panic. It was all his fault, that young boy might even die because he had done something wrong. He had no one to blame this time, what would mamma think?
He couldn’t hear anything around him anymore, it was just static. Everything was spinning and blurring, stumbling and tripping over things as he continued to backtrack. He needed to get away, he was a coward. A coward in which had probably killed or seriously injured a child with his stupid dreams.
Noodle tried again desperately to get his attention, waving a hand in his face. It was terrifying, he didn’t look like himself. He just continued to mutter and whimper to himself, his head shaking so hard that it may pop off his shoulders. She tried to hold onto his hand again but he recoiled away in disgust like she was diseased. No matter what she was saying, it wasn’t getting through.
“Willy! You’re scaring me, let me explain-“
But he wasn’t listening, holding his hands close up to his chest protectively. His cane clattering loudly to the ground, now without his mobility aid as he kept stepping back.
He needed to get away, now. Gasping for air, he stumbled backwards, feeling for the door into the backroom of the store. But he felt into midair instead, losing his balance and crashing into one of the shelves instead.
He yelped out in surprise, the back of his head hitting wood as a one of the glass jars wobbled from its shelving before crashing down over him. The further stimulation only worsening Willys condition. Noodle screamed and attempted to grab onto him before he fell, but couldn’t in time. Shards of glass and candy fell about him like snowflakes, But Wonka hardly noticed, far too panicked and overstimulated to care about any pain.
The commotion attracted even more attention in the shop, customers looking over to see the owner sitting in a pile of glass shards. As quickly as it happened, Willy somehow managed to get back to his feet, splintering his hands and arms with the glass in panic. In a rush he managed to pull open the back door and escape from everything. Behind him he could hear people calling his name, but unable to differentiate whether it was his friends or angry rioting customers. Noodle just stood there, not sure if she should follow. Deciding instead to enlist some support before attempting to talk with him like this.
Willy’s legs felt like jelly, so he didn’t make it very far. Falling into a heap on the floor, before gasping desperately for air. He couldn’t breathe properly, tears pouring down his face before he burst into sobs. Every single terrible outcome and scenario was racing around Wonkas brain. Did he not check the ingredients correctly? What if the boy wasn’t the only one in distress? They would for sure close down the store, maybe even arrest him. It was all his fault, it was happening all over again and there was nothing he could do about it.
Once the child was loaded into the ambulance, the employees of Wonkas Chocolate thought it best to close up shop for today. Abacus had spoken with the ambulance attendant, who had assured him that the boy was going to be alright. It was a huge relief to everybody, and although fellow customers seemed a little unsettled by the event, it was no where near like the angry mob from before. The only irritation coming from the announcement of their early closure. Both Abacus and Piper were guiding shoppers out the front door when Noodle approached both of them, looking extremely distressed.
“It’s Willy, he’s- he’s not okay”
Wonka was still so deep into a panic attack, so that when the door opened and his friends entered, he hardly noticed.
Noodle gasped at the sight of him, his cut up hands from the glass had begun to bleed horribly over his hands and arms, ruining his velvet jacket. The chocolatier was curled up into a ball, hyperventilating between cries.
Noodle couldn’t help but hold onto Pipers hand, she wasn’t good with blood. Benz squeezed her hand back reassuringly, they all too often forgot she was still a child herself. So Abacus approached first, kneeling in front of the panicked boy.
“Willy, it’s alright. It’s not what you think. The boy is going to be okay.”
But It didn’t seem like Abacus’ words were getting through, He had to physically take ahold of Willys hands before he would any pay attention, his bloodshot eyes snapping up. It hurt his heart to see him like this.
“He— is. Okay?”
Willy managed to choke out between gasps, Noodle pulled away from piper to sit on the floor too, a hand comfortingly on his knee as she looked with concern. Willy Wonka was the strongest person she’d ever met, seeing him like this, it was scary.
“Yeah Willy, he just had a peanut allergy-“
Willy blinked hard, shaking his head again.
“Bb-ut I mmade a sign- i forgot to put them up?”
He began to spiral yet again, he did remember creating such labels, as it was Noodles idea. He thought it terrible luck for those who had such afflictions. But he wanted to include everyone to enjoy his creations as much as he could. With plenty of his other treats being free from such ingredients. They were even placed on the other side of the store especially to reduce any cross contamination. Had he forgotten to properly label something?
“Seems the young chap just wasn’t paying too much attention, just grabbing at any free sample he could find. It’s not your fault.”
Abacus gently rubbed the back of his hand with his thumb, before sucking through his teeth at the state of them. Willy was struggling to process this new information, his body and brain had already accepted the fact that this was all his fault.
“You need to breath Willy, in and out”
Noodle demonstrated, breathing in and blowing gently out onto his hot teary face. Willy looked up, still taking in short shallow breaths. He attempted to follow her guide, but halfway fell back into the hyperventilation.
“It’s okay buddy, try again”
Piper had come to kneel down too, smiling sadly at the sorry sight of him. It was strange seeing such a positive character so distraught. It ended up taking quite few minutes for the breathing exercises to help, with Willy leaning against Abacus as he did his best to follow his friends instructions.
At last the hyperventilation had slowed but Willy was still shaking. Biting down hard on his lower lip, tears continuing to cascade down his cheeks silently. Clicking his tongue sympathetically, Abacus pat his shaking knee. It was clearly going to take a little while for Willy to accept that this wasn’t his fault.
“You’ve had a bit of a fright, haven’t you?”
He couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed by his overreaction. But even with the reassurance that the boy would be alright, the anxiety was still lingering like little bugs racing up and down his skin. He was also beginning to feel that fuzzy sensation in his head again. It was like the scare had flipped a switch in his head, so he just nodded mournfully.
“Oh you poor lad”
Abacus tutted sympathetically, turning his attention to the injuries too. Gently lifting his arms to peer at them, surface wounds thankfully yet still very painful looking.
At least those could be easily fixed. Then turned to Piper with a knowing look, both of them having the same suspicion of his seemingly regressive headspace.
“We best get him upstairs to the flat, would you mind Benz?”
The woman nodded, before patting Noodle on the shoulder. Who was still staring at Willy with concern and anxiety.
“Hey noodle, how about you go help Larry and Lottie wrap up the store? We’ll take care of Willy”
Noodle wasn’t sure at first, looking back at her friend who was still in quite an upset state. but she was a little grateful for the opportunity. Seeing Willy so traumatised and bloody wasn’t an easy thing for a 13 year old to look at, especially when it was somebody she loved so much. So she quickly lunged forward to hug him tight, bearing in mind to be gentle around his arms. Even in the hug she could feel him shaking still, Willy only managing to weakly return it. When she stood up to leave she hesitated for a moment, watching as Abacus helped him onto his jittering legs.
“We’ll get him all sorted dear, you go help with the store..”
Abacus reassured her, Nodding after one more hesitant glance. She trusted them to look after Willy, they all cared for him so.
“Now then, let’s get you upstairs.”
Piper held the chocolatier up, watching how his legs were knocked kneed like a newborn fawn. Holding an arm over him to help him move on forward.
Willy mumbled. Although he could sense the obvious regression taking its hold, he felt like such a silly burden. But when he they came up to his spiral staircase to his flat, he couldn’t help but moan. His stupid legs felt completely useless, almost like they were made from gummy candy.
“It’s okay buddy, but I don’t think these stairs are gonna be the smartest plan for you right now”
Before he could respond, he yelped as he was lifted up, then being settled on the plumbers hip. Seeing her grin mischievously as she held him steady. Willys face burning in surprise, but the action just made him feel even more fuzzy.
“How can someone who eats mainly chocolate be so little? He’s like a bird?”
Piper hushed over Willy to Abacus, who just chuckled at the comment.
“Little I think is definitely the correct adjective for right now, the poor boy's had such a fright"
There was a part of Willy that wanted to object to the accusation that he was feeling little, but even he knew they were likely right. He needed it terribly. And now that the adrenaline of everything was fading, he could truly feel the pain in his arms. Eyes widening in fear when taking actual sight of them, he didn’t like blood.
So he just squeezed his eyes shut right, pushing his head into pipers shoulder. The woman in question looking over at Abacus at the action, lips pursed at just how adorable this was. If it weren’t for such a bad situation, she would be skipping in joy. Why Willy had decided to implement such a fancy staircase (when he often needed his cane) was beyond them. Sometimes the chocolatier forgot about practicality, always wanting the extravaganza.
At last they made it upstairs to a landing, Abacus opening the mahogany door into Wonkas flat. The inside was extremely cosy, its interior inspired from his old canal boat home from when he was a child. A sloped curved ceiling with lots of warm colours and carved wooden decor. It was pretty simple and homey, the kitchenette and lounge taking up the room. A very large window looked down below to the gallery gourmet, with a small workshop set up against it, an ornate machine churning out singular chocolates. Then finally Willy’s bed up a few steps to an upper level of the room itself.
There was were two other doors on either side of the reasonably size room, one normal one leading to a bathroom. The other door abnormally small? Only around a metre in height. But that didn’t matter just now, the pair walking further inside before Piper settled Willy down on the couch.
“There we go, home and safe now.”
She comforted, hating how fragile and anxious he seemed. The presence of his home brought some comfort though, Willy reaching out to stroke the ribbed corduroy fabric of his lounge. Not before Abacus quickly lifted his hands away in alarm.
“Ah-ah! I’m sorry Willy but I will not have you smearing blood into that furniture”
He chastised only gently, the pale pink fabric being very easy to stain, and even harder to wash out.
“Wasn’t gonna..”
Willy mumbled, but his eyes did widen when he peered at his injured hands again. They were starting to really sting now, and he could catch the shiny glint of glass that was still imbedded.
“I should hope not, that chaise lounge just so happens to be one of my favourite pieces of decor in this accommodation”
A sharp pertinent voice cut through, not before Piper let out a yelp in surprise. Standing between them was a very small orange man, who just rolled his eyes at the reaction.
“Oh please Ms Benz, you have squealed many times at my presence. I’m tired of being revered like a mouse around a circus elephant”
The Oompa Loompa was holding an empty teacup in hand, he was only departing from his own room to tidy it away. Not expecting the flat to suddenly be busy with uninvited guests.
“Well if I’m the ‘circus elephant’ in that analogy, I’d be careful I don’t send you through that window with the kick of my boot.”
Piper threatened, stamping her foot in his direction. She wasn’t so keen on Lofty, his uptight attitude drove her up the wall. And she still hadn’t got used to his small presence, maybe it was because when he was a child she used to have nightmares and a very irrational fear of gnomes of all things.
Abacus himself also was a little surprised by the little orange man’s entrance, but was able to behave more tactfully than Piper. He’d only spoken with Lofty very little, the Oompa Loompa preferring much more to stay to himself with his job in the tasting department.
“Now would somebody care to explain what has happened here?”
Lofty came to the front to peer at Willy, grimacing at the sight of his injury. But he was even more curious about the strange manner that Wonka seemed to be in. Willy had tucked his knees to his chest as he anxiously flicked his fingers, he certainly wasn’t his usual overly positive and often irritating self.
“We had a bit of a situation in the shop, poor lad went into anaphylaxis. He’s going to be alright, but Willy here got quite the fright”
Lofty raised his eyebrows, it still didn’t quite explain the bloody arms though. But the possibility of that lounge being stained was his main concern.
“I’ll go fetch my first aid kit before he gets blood on anything else in here that I have the slightest attachment to.”
Lofty said with mild disgust before turning on heel to his room. Willy himself still looked pretty miserable, but more exhausted than anything. Piper just wanted to scoop the boy up into her lap and squeeze him tight, although she wasn’t sure if it would be appreciated right now. The group was then startled for a moment from a noise clearly coming from downstairs, a creaking metal noise.
A whiny yell came out clearly from a distressed Larry chucklesworth who had turned the chocolate river valve in the wrong direction, doubling its pressure as it pumped out melted chocolate.
“For Petes sake! I’m coming you idiot!.”
Piper sighed out in exasperation, pinching her brow. She had specifically told everybody not to touch it, she was still sorting out all the kinks. She did catch a small giggle coming from Willy though, happy to see at least it had made him smile.
“I better go sort out that mess downstairs, you be good for Abacus and that sunburnt gnome”
She leant down and gave him a peck on the cheek, wishing she could spend some more time with the little chocolatier. Turning Willys face bright pink, unable to hide a smile at the affection. As Piper turned to leave, she had to quickly jump at the arrival of Lofty yet again. Whom arms were filled with a leather first aid kit, rolling his eyes at the woman who quite nearly flattened him beneath her boots.
“If you could please move to the floor, I’m not risking anything with that lounge.”
Lofty demanded, Looking up at the two remaining men as best he could from behind the first aid case. Willy obeyed and slid down to the floor, sitting crosslegged. His head was feeling very fuzzy now, and he looked up at abacus with whine, wanting him to sit too.
“I think I’ll just sit here if you don’t mind Lad, I don’t think I could get back up from the floor if I sat down”
Abacus chuckled, perching instead on the couch. But still kept a comforting hand on his shoulder, gently massaging back and forth to soothe him. Lofty had been watching the interaction with a raised brow, something was certainly going on. So as he began to unpack some supplies, he bluntly questioned.
“Alright, if I could be informed of what’s going on right here, it would be very much appreciated. I’m quite positive this reaction is far beyond than a child choking on a peanut, especially with those injuries of which still nobody has explained how they came to be.”
He curtly asked, whilst pulling out some bandages, gentian violet and some tweezers for those glass shards. Abacus awkwardly cleared his throat, looking over at Willy whose face had darkened. Although the Oompa Loompa had been residing with him for a while now, his regression was something that he hadn’t yet disclosed with him. Although all his friends had been amazingly supportive and loving, it was still a very peculiar topic to try and explain. Lofty was already quite judgemental most of the time, what if he found this weird and gross?
Willy brought his knees up to his chest anxiously, staying silent in a panic. He didn’t want Lofty to hate him. But he felt a gentle squeeze on his shoulder, Abacus smiling kindly.
“Would you like me to explain?”
He suggested, especially since it seemed the boy wasn’t feeling so verbal right now. Willy looked up and thought about it for a moment, before giving him a nod. He didn’t know how to put his words right for this. All the while Lofty has continued to observe the interaction, shoe tapping on the floor impatiently.
“Alright, i believe you should know regardless as you share a residency with Willy. Sometimes when he gets overwhelmed, Mr Wonka finds it a little hard to stay grown.”
Abacus carefully explained to the little orange man across from him, who frowned in confusion.
“Grown? I can’t see any sign of him shrinking in size, he looked to be the same height as before since I last checked.”
The Oompa Loompa positioned both hands into a viewfinder over the chocolatier, nope, still the same size. Abacus couldn’t help but laugh at the misunderstanding, wishing this could be easier to explain.
“No not in physical size, more like he feels a little younger. Where he needs a little extra care and support, like a child.”
At this point Willy wanted to sink through the floor, not daring to check the Oompa Loompas facial expression. Instead picking at the fabric of his slacks, the small bigger part of him wanted to end this conversation and say that Abacus was just talking utter nonsense, but he didn’t have the energy to do so. He was tired, all he wanted was for his arms to stop hurting and for someone to hold him for a while.
“So what you’re saying that Mr Wonka here regresses to infancy when unsettled?”
Lofty questioned the man, it was difficult to discern his tone. After all, most of the time when he spoke it sounded as if you had offended him in some way. But when he looked at the mannerisms and body language of Willy, he certainly seemed very different than usual.
“Well, when you put it bluntly. Yes you’re correct, but I hope that you won’t be too judgemental. This is something Mr Wonka cannot help, and we shouldn’t be cruel about it.”
Abacus’s voice began to become colder as he finished his sentence, it wasn’t something Willy was used to ever hearing, looking up in slight alarm. Abacus was staring down at the Oompa Loompa almost threateningly, daring him to respond. In response, Lofty snorted after a pause.
“Hm, very peculiar I must say, but I suppose he already acts rather immaturely most of the time regardless.”
Was all he said before completely moving on, returning to prepare the first aid equipment. Acting as if Abacus had just requested he pass the sugar over to him. Both Willy and Abacus were surprised by well, the lack of reaction.
“Now then, please take off that coat show me your arms. I need to know what I’m working with here”
Willy paused for a moment, still expecting some kind of response, insult or anything. But let Abacus carefully ease him out of the blood soaked jacket before displaying his arms outwards, with the Oompa Loompas only sign of disgust so far being directed at the injuries.
“Goodness you’ve made quite the mess of yourself haven’t you?”
Abacus nodded in agreement, before wincing when seeing the state of them properly in the light.
“Indeed, he took a bit of a tumble into one of the displays. One of our crystal chocolate jars paying the price.”
Lofty just sighed, typical Wonka behaviour. He’d never met a person so terminally clumsy sometimes and foolish.
“Of course he did, now I’m going to need you to stay very still. I’m going to remove these glass shards before they get infected.”
He held up the tweezers, Willy shrinking away in alarm at the metal instrument. He didn’t want it to hurt. But Abacus rubbed his back supportively, assuring him it would be fine. As promised, Lofty was impeccably careful as he removed each tiny shard from his arms and hands, his very small hands working in his favour for the task. Back in Loompa land he had a friend whom was the islands herbalist, so he only had some experience when it came to medicine.
He placed each glinting piece into a dish by the table, and once satisfied there was none remaining he reached for the little purple bottle.
“This is an antiseptic I assume?”
Lofty questioned the mathematician, handing the violet bottle up to him. The man pulled a face when reading the label, knowing from experience that this stung viciously.
“Alright, this may sting a little”
It did in fact sting quite a lot, as soon as Lofty applied the purple tonic. Willy yelping and flinching away. The pain had just begun to settle when they’d reached upstairs, but now it felt as if someone had set a match upon his skin. And with how sensitive he was already feeling, fresh tears began to spill over and he did his best to squirm away.
“Now i understand it hurts, but it will feel a lot worse later if you don’t allow me to finish Mr Wonka”
In the end Abacus ended up having to retreat from the couch, Willy positioning himself into his lap for security from the horrible anti-septic. He was perhaps feeling the smallest he ever had, and even with Lofty there he didn’t have the willpower to mask it. Eventually with enough comforting words and support from Abacus, Lofty had successfully painted either arm and hand with the bright purple medicine.
“See, we’re done now. There was no need for that silly nonsense”
Lofty chastised as he screwed the cap on the glass bottle again, but he still didn’t seem very fussed about the dramatic change in headspace. More irritated by what he deemed was a bit of an overreaction. Next reaching for the roll of bandages, but this time Willy was much more reproachful about offering his arms back over to the Oompa Loompa, scowling at him best he could.
“I don’t appreciate that expression directed at me, I was just going to wrap your arms up. Unless of course you would prefer Mr Crunch to do so?”
He spoke with crossed arms, but found the grumpy expression slightly entertaining. Especially with his forlorn tearstained face which worked against his attempt to be threatening.
“I could if you’d prefer, but that would mean i would need to tip you from my lap to do so.”
Abacus explaining his options, thanking heaven above regardless that the man was very light and he was only losing partial blood flow to his legs.
“But you are certainly not welcome in my own, I’ve been in danger of being crushed once too many times today.”
Willy thought about it for moment, finding the embrace around him far too comfortable to give up quite just yet. So reluctantly pointed at lofty rather rudely.
“He do it”
“Can Lofty do it please would be much politer thank you very much”
He corrected with a firm expression, but began to unroll the bandages regardless. Carefully he applied the bandage around each skinny arm, all the while Willy just back leant into Abacus throughout the process. He was so tired, all he wanted was to sleep. By the time Lofty was finished, the boy was practically half asleep.
“That’s you done now, very brave”
Willy dozily inspected his new bound arms, before letting out a big yawn. Even lofty finding it a little endearing, revealing out a small smile before quickly replacing it with his usual frown.
“I think we best get you tucked up for a little rest, shall we?”
Willy nodded, and reluctantly allowed Abacus to tip him off his lap so he could stand again. The poor gentleman groaned in pain as he stood up, he was certainly far too old for this.
“Mm-head hurts”
Wonka mumbled out, his skull feeling as if it had been stuffed with cotton wool. Infact most of his body was starting to feel very sore and weak.
“Well no wonder it hurts with all that silly crying, but I give you permission to return to that lounge. Now that it’s no longer in danger of being stained by bodily fluids.”
Lofty said distastefully, motioning for Willy to get up and move. Kindly Abacus helping him up to his feet again, which was desperately needed as he had forgotten his cane downstairs in the store.
He practically collapsed back down onto the couch, sighing in relief to finally be lying down. His entire body felt as if it had been put through the laundry ringer at scrubbits. A few moments later he felt Abacus tuck a thick blanket around his frame, the one that had been stretched across his bed.
In his dozing state, he instinctively reached out for something. Face screwing up a little when realising it obviously wasn’t going to be there.
“What on earth are you looking for?”
Lofty questioned, clearly seeing the man feeling around in complete thin air.
Willy mumbled out , he was so tired but he still needed his companion, especially right now. Lofty’s slow blink was practically audible, shaking his head before turning to the mathematician who had busied himself with folding up the velvet jacket. Planning on taking it back personally to soak it out, even though he’d left the laundry business, it still stuck with him.
“Would you mind translating what on earth he is requesting?”
Abacus just smiled, remembering that name very clearly. So he just pointed up at the bed, knowing it would he the most likely location.
“Check underneath the pillow of Mr Wonkas bed.”
With a raised eyebrow and a lot of confusion, the Oompa Loompa reluctantly followed the direction. Only feeling more lost when lifting the pillow and finding the contents beneath.
“Is this some kind of rag?”
He held up a small knitted bird with an extended arm, its head lolling to the side rather unsettlingly. Willy spotted the item immediately though, lifting his own head up from the couch with a whine.
Loftys confused frown remained, able to put together the clues that this amalgamation of wool must be “Chester” Mr Wonka did seem very concerned about it though, so he quickly handed it over to him. The little bird being clung close to his chest, with its misshapen beak poking out under his chin. It was all so ludicrous, it was just a silly inanimate object.
But he saw how the boy began to settle again at its presence. Eyes closing at last as his breathing became slower and deeper. For the first time since he’d seen the man that afternoon, he looked genuinely at peace. From behind him he heard the accountant approaching, who was holding two cups of tea, one being marginally smaller.
“Think we could both do with one”
Lofty accepted the offer, the pair sitting in the kitchenette. Both of them looking over at the now fast asleep chocolatier on the lounge. A comfortable silence between the two as they just took the time to wind down, the scene would probably look extremely strange to an any outsider if they happened to wander inside. Abacus smiled fondly as he noticed the knitted toucans wing being gently chewed on as Wonka slept.
“Thank you, for being understanding about this. This is a part of him that not many know or care to understand, but I believe it’s something very special to be trusted with”
He said to the Oompa Loompa, who had also been observing the chocolatiers behaviour. It was rather fascinating.
“But, I won’t hold it against you if this is a little too strange for you. This manner of coping is certainly unconventional”
He continued, wanting to assure him. He remembered that Noodle had been a little apprehensive about it all when he first explained the regression to her. And Willy had been extremely firm in the fact that he never wanted to be a burden to anybody or make them feel uncomfortable. Lofty stayed silent for a few moments, draining the cup of tea before answering.
“You are speaking with somebody who comes from a tropical island populated only by 2ft tall orange men. I think you would find good reason to label me as a hypocrite if i were to judge Mr Wonka negatively for this.”
He paused in his statement, looking over again at the boy with the smallest of a smile
“Is it a little peculiar? Definitely, but I suppose we all must learn to be open minded when it comes to things we don’t quite understand yet.
And on one hand, I may find it a little endearing too, at least he’s less irritating than usual, aside from all the tears.”
And with that, he turned again to the man across the table. Nonchalant as always.
“Anyways, how about you go hunting for some of those truffles. I’m sure Wonka always hides them out of my reach”
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lighthouse-system · 7 months
The main opinion I see is that people think gorillaz is mainstream and the absolutely hate that. They yearn for when they were punk.
But like, to me, gorillaz isn't mainstream. Is it popular? Right now yes, but that is the whole goal of a band: be popular and make money.
People feel they've lost sight of their purpose, but I don't think they have. They're still telling a story and now have more technology to do so (tiktok, discord).
I wish people were more open to change. Everybody changes.
Big time agree. And they were doing all this back in the day too— it was just with forums, email etc. the reason they don’t do that more nowadays, I think, is the sheer volume of fans now and how much more difficult it’d be to have the band interact with fans like they used to. The poor intern (or maybe just Ed/the writer) would be at it for dayyyyssss to just respond to people after One (1) tweet or TikTok video. That’s why they primarily spoke amongst themselves in Discord.
Gorillaz can’t “go back to how it used to” because it’s just physically impossible. They’d have to hire way more people to work on the team, which their budget may or may not allow, plus the whole “too many cooks in the kitchen” problem that inevitably arises from a large creative team.
Back in the day in phase 2, lore wasn’t that heavy. You could explore Kong studios, sure, but the updates were kinda like how it is now. I think people got the lore bomb in phase 3 and then the goalpost shifted to that level of storytelling. And Gorillaz is likely to not do that kind of phase again because there are multiple videos now discussing how phase 3 almost killed the band completely. Financially, it did kill them for a while.
Even in the early phases, Gorillaz was pushing merch and record sales. The scavenger hunts to literally find the figurines they were selling in Kong, Do Ya Thing as a whole, hell even the “Reject False Icons” campaign from phase two was getting the fans to subtly advertise the album at little to no cost to the band.
I think people use phases 3-4 to draw this hard line between “old” and “new” Gorillaz, when in reality they really aren’t that different.
Besides, I’ll take Murdoc crying on a couch (phase 6) over him calling Noodle or 2D straight up slurs (phase 1). Could go for some more focus on Russ and Noodle tho.
Edit: I will however agree that phase 6 was their flop era. That phase objectively sucked management wise, art wise and general production wise. There’s a reason that limited edition stuff for Song Machine hasn’t completely sold out in the band’s store, even 3-4 years adter releasing said limited edition stuff. 💀
Edit 2: I will also agree that the 3D models did just inherently pull some of the fluid-ness of the band's art out of the characters, because almost all 3D animation does that already. And 3D animation isn't unionised while 2D animation is.
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elswere-1 · 5 months
IRL Hang 0ut Ideas
Thank you to friends who helped me write this! Please leave a reply if you have ideas to add and I will add them 💖
Alka Seltzer lava lamp
Amusement Park
Apple bobbing -w- spear
Archery Range
Arm wrestling
At home concert/puppetshow/drama
Aura Reading
Bake cake
Bake off
Baking soda volcano
Bat spotting w light
Become hypnotist
Beer pong but not good drink (vinegar)
Bendy bones experiment
bird/bug watching
Bleach your clothes
Blindfold nerf gun fight
Blindfold painting
Body/facepaint each other
Bowling with bottles
Box car racing
Break stupid outdated laws
Bug hotel
Build a garden
Build a scarecrow
Cardboard armor (for pool noodle/cardboard sword/nerf fight)
Cardboard sledding
Catching animals/bugs/fish
Celebrate your not birthday
Clothing Swap
Cloud watching
Conquer a fear
Conspiracy theory devolution
Cooking Challenge -w- Judge
Costume Party
Crack melon w thigh challenge
Cryptid hunting trip
Cursed goodwill modeling competition
Customize a toy
Cut each others hair
DIY Boardgame
DIY Candle!
DIY Catapult
DIY clay gargoyle for outside
DIY kites
DIY soap
DIY sundial
DIY windchime/ wind spin thing
Decorate eachothers Door
Dinner party
Diy sumo wrestling
Draw fake tattoos on eachother
Dress e-boy/goth/drag
Dress funny then go out
Drive, get lost, have fun finding your way back
Dumpster diving
Dye hair
Egg roulette
Escape room
Extreme jenga
Fake Kidnap to somewhere fun (don’t make it look like a
kidnapping tho the police are gonna slap your ass -kaijucatboy)
Fake apocalypse bug out plans
fake knifefight with markers/white shirt (to see where u got "stabbed")
Fake military training
Feed fish @ lake w fishfood
Field Trip! Field Trip!
Find the weirdest thing is a store for $10 or less
Find weirdest food in store and EAT
Fit somewhere funny (like a cabinet/icebox)
Flea market
Float dry erase in water
Floor is lava
Fog machine/glowsticks
Food in jars experiment (bugs and mold)
Food quest (collect ingredients around town)
Free trial fitness class/ yoga
Friendship bracelet/keychain
Galaxy in a jar (use clear glue!)
Garage Sale
Get along shirt
Get the boy/girl scout badges
Giant yard dice D&D (would be funny for larp related stuff) Cardboard?
Go somewhere liminal at 3AM
Go to a psychic/ tarot reader/hand reading
Graffiti art
Grow crystal (borax/sugar/salt)
Guess Who but w custom pics
Helicopter ride
Heterosexual Adversion Therapy (1967)
Hide and seek
Homemade playdough/edible playdough
hydro dipping
Hula hoop contest
Kick the can
Kinetic/gravity painting
Laser tag
Learn to dance
Legal sovereignty for bedroom
Longest paper airplane flight
Look for trash along ditches/railroad. Sometimes fun things there
Looking for animal tracks/plaster of paris
Loom band bracelet
Low budget cosplay your oc
Magnet/trash fishing
Make a boat that floats!
Make a muppet/puppet for memes
Make action figure of your friend
Make cheese
Make food from movies/tv/video game/comics
Make food into jello
Make food into sphere
Make hous in woods
Make jewelry
Make magic potions as a drink
Make miniature food (fake or real)
Make music video (cringe=good)
Make redneck instrument
Make t-shirts
Make your own alchahol
Make/buy edible counterparts of forbidden snacks
Making illegal bath cosmetics
manny peddy
McDonald's tubes at night
Mechanical bull
Mineral identification
Mini golf
Miniatures of eachother 4 D&D
Monster Suit
Moth sheet outside
Movie Night
Mummify a hotdog
Musical chairs
Nerf gun/bb gun/pillow fight
Ninja warrior with indoor stuff
Oreos but half are contaminated
Ouija board/ghost hunting
Paint hands to make caveman hand wall
Paint on the same canvas
Paint rocks/bricks for garden
Pancake Day
Paper mache (sculptures)
Peel a melon
People Watching
Pepper's ghost hologram diy
Pillow FIght
Pillow forts
Plaster of Paris of your face or hands
Play in Rain/Mud
Play in leaf pile
Playing baseball but no one knows what baseball is/ baseball but the ball is randomized
playground when kids aren't there
Pole dancing class
Pool noodle/fake sword fight
Presidential fitness test
Pretend wedding/funeral
Psychic surgery
Pumpkin spice on things that shouldn't have pumpkin spice on them
Rave party
Re-enact history/ how people used to do things
Record cursed noises
Record scifi custom audio (sound effects)
Recreate restaurant food
Repaint old furniture
Rock Hunt
Rock Wall Climbing
Rock/glass polishing
Rubberband melon explosion
Sandcastle empire
Scavenger hunt
Scrapbook/corkboard of stuff we did
Secret handshake
Sensory Deprivation Tank
Shadow puppet story
Shaving cream art
Sidewalk chalk art day, murder outline
Silent Disco
Skip Rocks
Sleep over
Snow ice cream
Solar oven
Spa Day
Spicy challenge
Spotlight hunting (looking 4 animal @ night)
Squirt guns
Stone soup
Street Food
Sun prints
Tannerite :3
Tape someone to the wall/ceiling
Tea Party
That one bean that makes you not taste sour
Three legged race
Throw a dart at a map and go there <- sounds v fun
Tie dye squirt gun war
Tie dye your clothes!
Time capsule
Timelapse plant or rotting stuff
Tornado in a bottle
Trampoline park
Treasure Hunt
Try Soviet psychic experiment
Try all [one type of food] in town to compare
Try magic
Try not to laugh but with a harmonica
Try not to laugh, water spit thing
Try snacks from other countries
Try to make music/sing song
Try weird art supply
Trying new restaurants
Vampire Night
Videogames -w- pizza Party
vinegar dissolve egg shells osmosis experiment
Volunteer somewhere together
WHAT'S in the B0X
Walk Dogs from the Shelter
Walk a dog for humane society
Walking Tour (local tourist thing) ((Theres haunted versions too))
Washers/ llawn Darts/ Horseshoe
Watch the sunrise/sunset
Waxing body hair
Zip Lining
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dreamscape-popstar · 2 years
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The Death and Life of Justice
Chapter 1: Til Death Live our Hearts
CW: Suicide contemplation, implied self harm, and implied eating disorders.
Story in the read more!
A young man downs an entire can of Arizona Tea, oblivious to any noise they make towards themself. He slams the emptied can onto the table they sat at, placing the palm of their hand on the top, crushing it down.
He lets out an exasperated sigh. Office work was the last thing he'd ever thought of, but unfortunately, bills need to be paid.
"Y'know…" a coworker spoke up, "if you keep chugging that stuff in one breath, you're gonna end up vomiting it back up."
The young man sighed, and rolled their eyes at the remark. "Funny of you to care about me so much. Remember who threw me under the bus at the last sales meeting, Joseph?" they spat. 
Joseph laughed nervously, pushing up his square glasses back on his face. Being angrily addressed by Justin was like asking for trouble. He'd never do anything, but the possibility was still too alarming despite that.
Joseph grabbed a freshly brewed cup of coffee from the employee lounge's coffee machine, and scurried out of there. Justin pressed their clenched fists to their forehead, and wracked their brain for motivation. The day is basically over. But he might have overtime. Boss always gives overtime. He's never enough.
Standing up, Justin takes his backpack with all his supplies, and walks out of the employee lounge. As they head towards the door, a hand is placed on their shoulder. It's the fucking boss.
"I know what ya did son. And I ain't too proud. Arson ain't a reasonable solution to rival companies, ya hear me, boy? Not gonna complain about the loss in competition, but I might get charged for your stupidity. Watch it, Justice."
Justin, tensed up, sighs a "yes sir" and when the boss removes his hand from their shoulder, he heads out the door.
The setting sun shines right into their already ruined eyes through the tall buildings in front of them. This area in the city was always their least favourite. Too crowded. But, it's all they've ever known, and will continue to know. Life never changes, and definitely not for them. He starts his path down from the office and down south, towards the more open street. The smell of barbecue wafts through the air, making Justin uncomfortable.
He hated thinking about dinner. Or what dinner he could afford. It was always the same. Cheap packaged noodles. His stomach growls. Justin sighs. Same old story. He begins to walk home.
Life never changes, and definitely not for Justin. The same day repeated over and over again. Depressed life back home, walking to work in rainy weather. Forced inside a small cubicle doing meaningless work. Getting yelled at by coworkers and his boss. A 30 minute lunch break consisting of canned drinks. Going home. Eating like garbage. Sleeping. 
Today, however, will be the last day of life for Justin Justice. On top of the tallest building he stood, the chilled wind grazing his skin like tiny needles. He edges over to the railing, looking down. All he's ever known was menial tasks and a life of pain. He was starving. Starving for anything he could get his hands on. His scarred hands rest on the railing bars on the roof. This is it. 
Today is the last day of life for Justin Justice. And he'll let everyone know it. Climbing on the railing, he stands, staring down at the ground 40 feet below him. Jump.
"Um, what are you doing…?" a voice called out.
Startled, Justin turns around to face the noise. Unbeknownst to him, the railing still remained at his feet, until he lost his balance and began to fall. The figure behind him gasped in horror.
Today was the last day for Justin Justice. The darkness surrounded him like a sickening spiral, driving him mad. But finally, the torment was over. He won. No more thoughts. No more sound. No more living. Today was the last day for Justin Justice.
"Hello? Hellooo? Are you okay? Please wake up!" 
Today… was the last day for Justin Justice.
"Can you hear me?"
Today was the last day for Justin Justice.
"Please say something."
Today is the first day for Justin Justice.
He jolted awake, panting heavily. Sweating, he looked around, trying to find his surroundings. Where was he? Why is it so cold? Who is talking? 
"Woah, woah, hey! It's okay, it's okay! I'm right here. Hold my hands. Yeah that's it. You feel their warmth right? They're very warm. Let the warmth surround you. It's going to be okay. It will all be over soon." They cooed at Justin
Justin's breathing slowed down. Warmth filled his body. He was still shaking.
"Wh-... Wh-what h-h-happened…?" he croaked out.
"You were on that thin railing. You fell and I caught you! You should be more careful though, you lost your balance and could've hurt yourself," the voice replied
Tears well up in his eyes. He breaks into a sob. "No… why did you catch me… why didn't you let me fall… why didn't I die…" he sobbed.
The figure places both of their warm hands on Justin's face, wiping away the waterfall of tears. "I'm sorry… I couldn't let that happen. You seemed so sad. I wanted to help you…" they whispered softly.
Justin sobs more. He continues to cry. Emotion bottled up for so long came flooding out in sadness. He couldn't believe it. Who would care enough to help him? He didn't matter to anyone. Just some extra. He never mattered to anyone.
The figure sat there, letting them cry. The dusk was cold and uncomforting. But the figure's warmth comforted Justin. The first time he's ever felt warm. It hurt.
Justin looked up to face the figure, praying that this was just his imagination's cruel joke against him. Before him was a tanned girl with gentle eyes, her pupils glossed over. She smiled warmly. Her black bangs hung over her face, and tendrils of hair on her side framed her face. She was beautiful.
Justin sniffled, "Um… I'm Justin… Justin Justice. Who… who are you?"
The woman smiled, "My name…"
"Is Jasmine. Jasmine Redd.~"
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aryaindustry · 5 days
Noodle Making Machines in Patna: Arya Industries
Arya Industries has established itself as the leading provider of noodle making machines in Patna, offering a diverse range of options to cater to various business needs. From small noodle making machines to fully automatic and manual versions, Arya Industries ensures high-quality, reliable, and efficient solutions for noodle production.
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Range of Noodle Making Machines
Small Noodle Making Machine in Patna: Arya Industries offers compact and efficient small noodle making machines designed for small-scale businesses and startups. These machines are perfect for those looking to enter the noodle manufacturing industry without a significant initial investment. They are easy to operate, maintain, and offer consistent performance.
Fully Automatic Noodle Making Machine in Patna: For larger businesses and those looking to scale up their production, Arya Industries provides fully automatic noodle making machines. These machines are equipped with advanced technology that ensures high-speed production, minimal human intervention, and consistent quality. They are ideal for large-scale noodle manufacturing units looking to maximize efficiency and output.
Manual Noodle Making Machine in Patna: For those who prefer more control over the noodle making process, Arya Industries offers manual noodle making machines. These machines are perfect for small to medium-scale businesses that prioritize hands-on production. They are durable, easy to use, and offer excellent flexibility in noodle production.
Features and Benefits
Quality and Durability: Arya Industries' noodle making machines are known for their robust construction and high-quality materials. These machines are built to last, ensuring long-term reliability and performance.
Efficiency and Speed: The fully automatic noodle making machines are designed to deliver high-speed production without compromising on quality. This ensures that businesses can meet high demand with ease.
Affordability: The noodle making machine prices in Patna offered by Arya Industries are competitive and provide excellent value for money. They offer various models to fit different budget requirements, making it accessible for businesses of all sizes.
Customization Options: Arya Industries provides customization options to cater to the specific needs of their clients. Whether it’s adjusting the machine’s capacity or integrating additional features, they ensure the machine fits the client’s requirements perfectly.
Technical Support and Maintenance
Arya Industries prides itself on providing exceptional technical support and maintenance services. They offer comprehensive training to their clients on how to operate and maintain the machines. Additionally, their after-sales service ensures that any issues are promptly addressed, minimizing downtime and ensuring smooth operations.
Customer Testimonials
Customers across Patna have lauded Arya Industries for their excellent products and services. Many have highlighted the efficiency, reliability, and ease of use of the machines. The positive feedback from satisfied clients speaks volumes about the company's commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.
Market Leadership
Arya Industries has carved a niche for itself as the top provider of noodle making machines in Patna. Their extensive experience, innovative solutions, and customer-centric approach have made them the preferred choice for businesses looking to invest in noodle production machinery.
Industry Expertise
With years of experience in the industry, Arya Industries possesses in-depth knowledge and expertise in noodle making machine technology. They continuously research and develop new solutions to stay ahead of market trends and meet the evolving needs of their clients.
Commitment to Innovation
Arya Industries is committed to innovation and continuously strives to improve their products. They invest in research and development to bring the latest technology and advancements to their machines, ensuring that their clients always have access to the best solutions available.
In conclusion, Arya Industries stands as the leading provider of noodle making machines in Patna, offering a comprehensive range of products to suit various business needs. Whether you need a small noodle making machine, a fully automatic solution, or a manual machine, Arya Industries has the perfect option for you. Their commitment to quality, affordability, and customer satisfaction makes them the go-to choice for businesses in the noodle manufacturing industry. For more information on their products and services, visit their official website or contact their customer support team.
Visit us: https://www.aryaindustries.co/noodles-making-machine.php
0 notes
linuxgamenews · 3 months
Get Ready for Death Noodle Delivery: The New World of Cyberpunk Action
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Death Noodle Delivery action adventure game aims at Steam Deck and Linux via Proton with Windows PC. Stupidi Pixel and Tiny Pixel have combined their creative skills to produce something remarkable. Currently available on Steam with 100% Positive reviews. Let's dive into something fresh and electrifying: Death Noodle Delivery. This isn't just another title to add to your collection; it's a whole new world to explore, especially if you're into cyberpunk themes and story-driven action. Brought to us by Troglobytes Games, Tiny Pixel, and Stupidi Pixel, it's now up for grabs with good news for Steam Deck player.
...I can assure you that on Steam Deck via Proton it runs at 60fps without problems from start to finish.
The email from Stupidi Pixel reveals exciting news: they're developing Death Noodle Delivery with Unity. They're also optimistic that successful sales will pave the way for a native Linux build in the future. Imagine a future that's fallen off the rails. You're in a city where danger is as common as neon lights. That's where Death Noodle Delivery sets its stage. It's not just about surviving; it's also about uncovering the depths of a world that's seen better days. Your role? You're Jimmy, with the task of delivering noodles in a place where even a simple delivery job can turn dangerous. So, this isn't your typical workday. You're navigating a world where most folks are diving into their virtual escapes, from AI-driven companionship to extreme digital highs. It's an action adventure reality where your job still matters. Since getting your hands dirty is part of the daily grind.
Death Noodle Delivery Trailer
As you progress, you'll find yourself caught in a survival saga spread over seven days. Each day brings new challenges, new faces, and secrets waiting to unravel. You'll meet characters each with their stories, adding layers to the narrative that keeps you hooked. Now, let's talk about your ride - a hoverboard. But it's not just any board. It evolves from a basic platform to a high-tech, AI-enhanced machine. Think cat bombs, time warping... the works. In Death Noodle Delivery you'll also be hacking AI and upgrading your gear to turn this board into your ally. All so you can take on the dangers of this cyber city. The excitement doesn't end with just riding and upgrading. You're also diving into a network of relationships with your neighbors, each with their own tales and troubles. Plus, the cyber world offers its own brand of intrigue with hacks and hidden digital delights to discover. Death Noodle Delivery isn't just about moving from point A to B. It's about survival, uncovering a city's secrets, and transforming a humble hoverboard into a beast. It's also about taking on a story that unfolds in a world on the brink, where every corner turned can lead to something unexpected. So, if you're ready for a ride through a crumbling cyberpunk city, where each delivery is a battle for survival, check out Death Noodle Delivery on Steam. Priced at $4.24 USD / £3.64 / 4,24€ with the 15% discount, it's cost effective for a action adventure game. Dive in and see if you can help Jimmy make it through his week in one piece. Playable on Linux and Steam Deck via Proton, with Windows PC. Yet still due to evolve into a native build, at some point.
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shop-korea · 4 months
15-minute Garlic Shrimp Udon Noodles - Marion's Kitchen
SIZES - 3 - FOR - $10
$9.99 - ALSO - WORLD YES
EGGS - NO - SALT - 2
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bakechem · 5 months
Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate(SSL), E481, a food emulsifier made from the synthesis of sodium salts from stearic acid and lactic acid. In the pasta, dairy products, chocolate and a variety of candy, jam, tomato sauce, sweet pasta sauce and other food production process can be added.Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate can be used for multiple purposes such as emulsification, aging resistance, gluten fortifying and fresh-keeping in many kinds of food such as bread, steam bread, noodle, instant noodle and dumpling. It can also be used as an emulsifier in milk, non-dairy creamer, margarine, fresh cream, meat products, animal and vegetable oils, etc.
Specifications of SSL Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate Emulsifier E481
Ivory powder
Acid value (mgKOH/g)
Ester value(mgKOH/g)
Total Lactic acid(%)
Sodium content(%)
Heavy Metals (as Pb) (mg/kg)
≤ 10
ARSENIC (As) (mg/kg)
≤ 3
LEAD (Pb) (mg/kg)
Contact Bakechem emulsifier manufacturer for more solutions.
Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate SSL Emulsifier E481 Uses In Baking Ingredients
Bakechem's Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate (SSL) Emulsifier E481 is a highly versatile ingredient with numerous applications and benefits in baking. As a widely used food additive, SSL Emulsifier E481 performs a multitude of crucial functions in the baking industry. One of its primary roles is as a dough strengthener, providing improved stability and texture to various baked products. Particularly in yeast-raised items such as bread, rolls, and buns, SSL Emulsifier E481 works to enhance the dough consistency, enabling better volume and texture in the finished products.
In addition to its emulsification properties, which contribute to better dough handling and machinability, SSL Emulsifier E481 also plays a vital role in increasing the shelf life of baked goods. By enhancing moisture retention, baking additives help to ensure that products maintain their freshness and quality for an extended period, thus reducing product waste and improving overall consumer satisfaction.
Furthermore, the addition of SSL Emulsifier E481 aids in creating a finer crumb structure in baked items, resulting in a softer and more uniform texture. This contributes to the overall sensory appeal of the products, making them more enticing for customers. Whether used in bread, cakes, pastries, or other baked goods, the incorporation of SSL Emulsifier E481 from Bakechem acts as a quality-assurance measure, guaranteeing a high standard of excellence in the final products.
Overall, Bakechem's Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate (SSL) Emulsifier E481 is an indispensable ingredient for bakers and food manufacturers, providing a multitude of benefits for improving the quality, texture, and shelf life of a diverse range of baked products.
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missguomeiyun · 5 months
Homecooking [Jan ed]
I said I wasn't sure if I would continue doing these posts but. .. here I am :P
This January went by soooo fast. At the beginning of the month, I had almost a week off & I somehow lost my voice. Still not sure what happened but I was dealing with this dry nightly cough. It was so odd! I only coughed at night. Completely fine during the day. No other symptoms. I suspect it was likely a nocturnal parasite that likes to irritate my throat LOL just kidding. I'm sure it wasn't but that's what I choose to attribute it to. It's probably the dryness in my room. .. MAYBE. *shrugs*
We also had insane weather, which isn't surprising. We had deep freeze, beating out some really cold places & being the coldest place on earth for more than 1 day. This led to power grid problems. .. gov't issued emergency alert for using minimal power. Same for water - although no emergency alert was issued, we are actually currently in the middle of a water ban -.-" (bcos pump at a plant broke) ANDDDD guess what, it felt like a spring day today, where the highest temp was 11degrees in the middle of the day. What?!?!
Anyway, let's move onto the food & stuff~
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I got this as a Christmas gift from coworker YH. Y'all know I don't prefer flavoured coffee. ... This was probably THE worst one I've ever drank. 1st of all, when you open the bag, the aroma just hits you. It smelled 'fake'. Not sure what/how but. .. like a wax candle? The taste was also terrible. Gahh I just did regular coffee machine filter & .. *shiver* it was so bad!
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So I switched to this the next day =]
Yeah, the flavoured/infused coffees. .. it's not for me.
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Leftover hot pot beef with lettuce & thin rice vermicelli.
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Ramyeon with Busan fish cakes, baby bokchoy & soup seaweed. I used the Ottogi plain noodles - the ones that don't have seasoning. It's very nice to have to have around but sometimes when they're not on sale, it's like the same price as those that contain seasoning. In which case, you might as well buy the flavoured kinds haha
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A spin on sundae-guk.
I steamed the sundae (blood sausage) & let it cool for a LONG time. It still falls apart but better than before. For the soup, I used a deonjang soup base (soybean paste) with some bokchoy, seaweed & white pepper. Sprinkled coarse salt & black pepper on top to finish. Usually sundae is eaten with a spicy salt powder but I used coarse S&P here & it turned out pretty good.
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Plain udon <3 I like the Six Fortune brand udon (ones at room temperature in grocery stores). The broth was from a 'soup tea bag' that contained anchovies, baby dried shrimps & kelp.
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English biscuit with cream of mushroom. (Biscuit from Sunterra marketplace)
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PASTA~ I forgot which pasta sauce flavour this was but I used Evoolution gochujang olive oil with it & it was good.
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Okay, let's pause to talk about my books.
I'm still not done this one bcos I got distracted lol but it is worth the hype. It's not a thriller but the content has some VERY minor thriller vibes. It's actually quite sad, overall. It follows a Korean woman named Kim Ji-young from her 'current' state -> back when she was born/her family situation -> growing up & entering adulthood -> marriage -> 'now'. It basically generalizes a typical/average woman's life in a male-dominant society.
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This, on the other hand, was a quick chick-flick 'series' consisting of 2 books (they are related - book 1 & book 2) lol yes, I read really intense stuff & fluffy rom-coms.
I enjoyed maybe. .. 75% of it. The main girl in book 1 was quite pathetic. Annoying. Identity crisis - sort of situation. Met the main guy in a drama-like fashion & I was like . . . really? But in a good way! A fun, entertaining way. lol She got better in book 2 but still, some times, I was like. .. why?
Back to the food:
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Re-creating one of my fav noodle soups! Busan fish cakes used to make the broth. I used a lot of the fish cakes to make a concentrated broth. Used some of the fish cake here & saved some for stir-fries. I added white pepper & fish sauce to season the broth. Noodles were the frozen kalguksu noodles from Hmart. Topped with dried seaweed & green onion.
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Breakfast n a day-off. Mini seafood pancakes (Hmart frozen product) + kimchi + egg.
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Stir-fried thick rice noodles with mushroom, bokchoy, fish cakes & tofu. Saucier than what I had anticipated bcos of the mushrooms. I didn't plan that very well lol sauce = mix of gochujang, soy sauce & fish sauce.
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Made kimchi pancakes.
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I used regular cooking oil (canola oil) mixed with salted butter to pan-fry these kimchi pancakes. I've never used oil + butter mixture before. .. I didn't know they would clash & create oil splashes =/ it was scary! But I survived. These panckakes were the best ones I've ever made!
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Leftover beef + vegetable stew with thick rice noodles. It may seem weird bcos I'm like combining a western item with rice noodles. .. & adding more beef broth to make it into a noodle soup but it was actually tasty!
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SOOOOOO many packets in this single serving of noodles O_O I'm not THAT into the environment but it bugs me. I wonder if . .. using a 'closed' tray system would work or not. I'm imagining something like a small bento box but lidded & that it would fit inside a bag. The plastic still isn't great but like . .. maybe it's better than a million of these packets?
Anyway, I didn't eat this bcos I actually don't like this kind of Chinese style noodles. The combo of sauces & flavour is too much for me Like it contains peanut oil, sesame sauce, seaweed, vinegar, chili oil, & chives. Oh, & peanuts! Too much random stuff that I don't use in my cooking. I just took a photo of the contents to show you.
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Made maple sugar cold foam for the 1st time & it was a complete failure. It literally 'melted'/disintegrated. .. & why was it to hole-y?! As previously mentioned, I can't do heated creams/milk so I thought cold foam would be the way to go but it's not easy. .. I think I added too much water to melt the maple sugar so the water content was too much, thereby causing the milk to 'melt'. Don't know! But will try again in the future!
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Summer rolls with imitation crab sticks, white beech mushroom & carrots. Yeah, no greens haha
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Half of the summer rolls were eaten during lunch time & then the 2nd half, I saved for dinner. I drizzled some water on top & microwaved these bcos I've always wanted to know what the texture is like when summer rolls are microwaved. Obviously, the ingredients I used aren't the traditional kinds but it's the same rice paper & rice vermicelli noodles. They were kind of like a cross between summer rolls & steamed rice rolls? The rice paper wrapper became softer. But bcos rice paper is very thin compared to rice rolls, it didn't have that soft chewines/bounciness. It was just soft. No comment about the filling bcos. .. it's basically just heated up. & bcos they resembled rice rolls, I used hoisin sauce & satay sauce as the sauce instead of a diluted fish sauce mixture.
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Air fried potatoes~ they take long. .. but so good! (used Costco-bought salmon seasoning & olive oil)
That is it for now. Thank you for reading as usual : )
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rabbitcruiser · 6 months
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National Spaghetti Day 
Savor your favorite Italian dishes from carbonara to meatballs, sign up to a pasta-making class or watch a thrilling Spaghetti Western.
One of the world’s favorite dishes, spaghetti is more than deserving of its own little day. And because it is both simple and delicious, spaghetti is the perfect dish to make to bring out your inner chef, even if you don’t have all that much cooking experience!
The history of National Spaghetti Day
Many people don’t know that the first historical reference to boiled noodles suggests that the Arabs invented the dish thousands of years ago, long before it became a staple of Italian cuisine.
What’s especially remarkable about this is that historical records actually refer to dried noodles being purchased from a street vendor, which means that pasta has been sold in stores since at least the 5th century A.D.! Of course, today we associate pasta with the Italians, who revolutionized the dish and invented a wide variety of pasta shapes.
The first Western pasta was likely long, thin forms made in Sicily around the 12th century; till this day, spaghetti is the most common round-rod type of pasta and in Italian, “spaghetti” means “little lines.” However, the popularity of pasta only spread across the whole country of Italy after the establishment of pasta factories in the 19th century, substantially shortening the time needed for making dishes like spaghetti and enabling the mass production of pasta for the Italian market.
The steady flow of Italian immigrants to the United States brought traditional Italian dishes with it, and spaghetti was offered in restaurants as early as the 19th century. Spaghetti then gained popularity all over the world, with Venezuela, Tunisia and Greece some of the biggest pasta consumers, alongside Italy and the United States. The US, for example, will consume over two and a half million metric tons of pasta over the course of a year, a significant proportion of which will be spaghetti!
National Spaghetti Day Timeline
1154 A.D. Edrisi mentions pasta made in Sicily
In his vitally important work, The Book of Roger, explorer and author Edrisi (or Idrisi), chronicles his observations of a Sicilian town called Trabia. He writes about how the inhabitants make pasta from wheat, shaped into long strands, and export the product for sale in other regions.
13th Century Spaghetti-like noodles arrive with Marco Polo
One story about the origin of spaghetti involves spaghetti-like noodles being brought back from China by explorer Marco Polo. The first versions of this are likely made from rice flour but perhaps evolve into something made from the more available durum wheat grains.
1928 Chef Boyardee’s canned spaghetti hits the market
Named after Italian immigrant and restaurant owner Hector Boiardi, this company develops after locals want to buy this delicious sauce to take home in cans. The demand eventually catalyzes the convenience foods of canned pasta, including spaghetti, ravioli and other noodles.
1953 First “National Spaghetti Day” is promoted in Washington, USA
In an effort to get people to come to the restaurant, Horton’s of Walla Walla, Washington, ran promotions declaring every Thursday as “National Spaghetti Day”.
1969 The first Old Spaghetti Factory opens
Run by Guss and Sally Dussin, this quintessential family restaurant launches in Portland, Oregon, USA and features a family favorite recipe for Spaghetti with Mizithra Cheese and Browned Butter.
How to make spaghetti
Spaghetti is made from milled wheat (flour) and water and comes in both fresh and dried forms. Traditionally it’s made using durum wheat that’s roughly ground – the flour produced is ideal for making pasta as its coarseness helps bind it to the sauce. Nowadays there are of course a variety of other types, including wholewheat and gluten free options.
Once prepared, the dough can be turned into the classic spaghetti shape either by hand or by a machine, whether a pasta machine in a home kitchen or an extruder in a factory. Whatever the method for forming the pasta, it’s important to dry it carefully to avoid any spaghetti strings getting stuck together!
Although wholewheat is generally considered healthier than refined spaghetti, there are benefits to both types. While refined spaghetti is likely to contain higher amounts of iron and B vitamins, wholewheat contains more fiber and micronutrients along with fewer calories. Whichever type you prefer, spaghetti is rich in carbs and so is best enjoyed as part of a healthy diet – a nutritious sauce is therefore a great addition when eating spaghetti.
How to cook spaghetti
Although a relatively easy food to cook, there are still some tricks worth knowing for the perfect result. It’s a good idea to cook spaghetti al dente – firm but not crunchy! Chefs have various tips for preventing the pasta from sticking together, including using a pan that’s big enough, mixing some oil in with the water and ensuring that the water is boiling before adding the spaghetti (as the bubbling helps keep the strands moving). Seasoning the water before cooking will also ensure your spaghetti is nice and flavorsome.
Another top tip is to keep hold of what chefs refer to as ‘liquid gold’ – the starchy water produced by cooking pasta. While many of us simply drain this away once our spaghetti is ready, it can actually help emulsify and thicken the sauce. With spaghetti you can simply remove the pasta from the pan using tongs rather than a colander to save and make the most of this precious liquid.
When it comes to the sauce, there are many well-known spaghetti dishes, for example Bolognese and carbonara. Spaghetti and meatballs is another particularly popular option. Whatever your preferred sauce, be sure to season well with herbs such as basil, rosemary and oregano.
Spaghetti in popular culture
With their distinctive soundtracks, extreme violence and socio-political bent, Spaghetti Westerns such as Django, A Fistful of Dollars and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly became popular in Hollywood during the 1960s. Although these films had no relation to the food itself, the name of this movie sub-genre does highlight how synonymous spaghetti had become with the country of Italy, with Spaghetti Westerns also called Italian Westerns due to them stemming from Italian filmmakers.
One of the most iconic instances of this delicious dish in popular culture has to be the famous spaghetti eating scene in Disney’s Lady and the Tramp, where the two pooches, serenaded by the restaurant’s chefs, accidentally eat the same piece of spaghetti. Tramp even gives Lady the last meatball – if that’s not true love then what is!
With spaghetti so readily available in food shops, it’s no wonder that many of us know relatively little about its production process. Back in 1957 the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) played on viewers’ lack of knowledge to orchestrate what’s now known as the ‘spaghetti-tree hoax’, a fake segment broadcast on April Fools’ Day that showed a Swiss family collecting dangling strands of spaghetti from trees. Suffice to say many were fooled by the reputable broadcaster’s joke, with the BBC receiving a large number of phone calls from confounded viewers.
Step up your spaghetti game with these pasta tips!
How to celebrate National Spaghetti Day
Above all else, National Spaghetti Day is the perfect excuse for indulging in your favorite spaghetti dishes. Even if you don’t spend much time in the kitchen, a hearty bowl of spaghetti topped with a simple tomato sauce or a store-bought alternative should do the job nicely. The more adventurous cooks out there will be pleased to know that many cooking websites publish new recipes to celebrate National Spaghetti Day, increasingly with gluten or dairy free options. And if you’re a budding Michelin star chef, why not try making spaghetti from scratch? A pasta maker is a plus, but you can also make your spaghetti strands using a rolling pin and a knife. Spiralizing vegetables is another way to produce a non-typical variant of this beloved classic.
If home-made spaghetti doesn’t take your fancy, then you can always head over to your local Italian restaurant. Lots of restaurants will put on special deals and discounts to celebrate National Spaghetti Day, so make sure to check out what’s on offer near you. Just beware that you may need to book in advance as it’s likely to be a popular day! And once you’re suitably full, you can always crash out on the sofa and enjoy a good Spaghetti Western.
Spaghetti’s versatility is one of its many charms, so why restrict yourself to spaghetti in its long, thin form? Nowadays spaghetti hoops are very popular, proving to be a much less messy option and so especially appealing to parents of young children! Spaghetti sandwiches are big in countries such as Japan and Australia, and Filipino spaghetti is well-loved in the Philippines with its sweetened sauce. Continuing on the sweet theme, you could even try spaghettieis, an ice cream dish designed to look like spaghetti that originated in Germany.
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hermmachinery · 8 months
How to Start A Cattle Feed Plant?
In recent years, with the strong support of various countries in the world, the feed processing industry has also become a popular industry. Maybe you are also considering whether to start processing and production of feed. Among them, the production of cattle feed has also attracted much attention. More and more people choose to buy a complete set of cattle feed plants to produce cattle feed.
For beef cattle feed production, establishing a cattle feed production plant is the first step in your business. However, before choosing equipment and project plans for your cattle feed processing plant, you'd better understand the local cattle feed formula and processing technology in advance. According to your formula requirements, select the corresponding processing technology. Then select the appropriate production equipment according to your processing technology, and then plan the layout and construction of the factory according to the choice of equipment.
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How to start a cattle feed processing plant can be divided into the following six steps: 1. Cattle feed formula and processing technology selection 2. Selection of cattle feed processing equipment 3. Layout and construction of cattle feed processing plant 4. Purchase and install cattle feed processing equipment 5. Purchase raw materials for processing cattle feed 6. Produced cattle feed marketing
How to select the cattle feed formula?
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Classification of Ruminant Animal Feed
Plant Feed: Green fodder, succulent feedstuff and roughage (hay, straw), grain feed (Gramineae and Leguminosae seeds), grain processing by-products (bran, oil cake, dregs)
The feed of Animal Origin: skim milk powder, meat, bone meal, blood meal, fish meal, meat, silkworm chrysalis powder, etc.
Constant Element Feed: salt, stone powder, calcium carbonate powder, bone meal, oyster, etc.
Trace Element Feed: Copper sulfate, iron sulfate, zinc sulfate, manganese sulfate, sodium selenite, cobalt sulfate, etc.
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Buy Cattle Feed Processing Equipment for Your Cattle Feed Pellet Business
The feed processing machinery you need to buy depends on the type of feed you want to produce. Among them, Feed Pellet Machine, Feed Pellet Crumbler, Feed Mixer, Feed Cooler Machine, Feed Dryer, Feed Seasoning Machine, Automatic Packing Machine, etc. are some of the necessary feed processing equipment in a complete cattle feed processing plant.
Here you can see the design drawing of a cattle feed production plant with a capacity of 3-5 tons/hour. This process and layout were designed for one of our clients in West Africa. Please feel free to contact us for more information about this African feed processing plant.
If you just want to start a small-scale cattle feed pellet processing plant, and produce feed pellets for your own use or sell in your own local area, then a small cattle feed pellet machine is enough. If you want to start a small-scale feed production business in your village, then our small cattle feed factory will be your best choice.
Purchase the Ingredients for Feed Processing Based on the feed formula you have decided to use, go ahead and get the ingredients. Here is the breakdown, most of which are readily available in Africa, Asia, America, and more.
Maize, cassava grits, and corn are popular for energy.
Get wheat or noodle wastes for proteins and some carbohydrates.
Bone meals, fish, oyster shells, dagga, and palm kernel for oils, salts, and minerals.
Marketing of Your Cattle Feed Pellets This is the challenging part, especially for beginners. How do you get your pelleted feed product out there? There are many ways you can adopt
Supply stores: Introduce your feed to livestock supply stores and let them act as middlemen
Direct sales representatives: Search for the sales representatives for your feed product
Establishing a cattle feed processing plant and starting your own feed-making business can have huge potential to get profits. For example, in many African families, animals are the most valuable property, from which they get dairy products, and plow power among others. This traditional way of life offers a big opportunity for livestock feed processing mills since there are increasing demands for high-quality feeds for farmers and farms. So, start your cattle feed processing business from now on!
Henan Herm Machinery Co., Ltd was established in 2010 and has been devoted to the research and development of Feed Mill Machinery ever since. With more than 10 years of experience, Herm® has become a leading manufacturer and supplier of animal feed machines and complete animal feed production lines, cattle feed plants, poultry feed plants, animal feed pellet production lines, etc. It always endeavored to improve the quality of products and aims to meet the new requirements of the international market. 
If You Are Ready to Start a Feed Pellet Plant Business, please contact us for the feed mill machine. We Can Provide Professional Design and Comprehensive Guidance According to Your Needs. Get in touch with us now!
Welcome Contact Us!
Henan Herm Machinery Co., Ltd
Whatsapp: 0086 18037508651
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qqdahao · 9 months
How should patients respond to nausea and vomiting after antineoplastic therapy?
Clinically, a variety of anti-tumor treatments, such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy, can cause nausea and vomiting, but chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting is the most common and the most serious.
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Nausea and vomiting in tumor patients after treatment will have a significant negative impact on the emotional, social and physical function of patients, and directly reduce the quality of life of patients. At the same time, nausea and vomiting may also cause metabolic disorders, malnutrition, weight loss, etc., increase the fear of treatment among patients and their families, and have to stop anti-tumor therapy in severe cases. Therefore, active and reasonable prevention and treatment of nausea and vomiting related to tumor treatment will provide a guarantee for the smooth progress of tumor treatment.
Yangzheng Xiaoji for sale is a traditional Chinese medicine preparation composed of 16 Chinese herbs. It is mainly used in the adjuvant treatment of radiotherapy and chemotherapy for malignant tumors and can reduce the adverse reactions of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Recent studies have found that Yangzheng Xiaoji prescription can not only inhibit the proliferation, adhesion, and migration of tumor cells through various mechanisms but also increase the number of immune cells and enhance the ability of cellular immune response. In addition, Yangzheng Xiaoji prescription can also reduce inflammatory factors, regulate intestinal flora, reduce tumor markers, and reduce angiogenesis in tumors, thus playing an anti-tumor effect.
What are the types of nausea and vomiting?
According to the time of occurrence and therapeutic effect, nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy can be divided into five types: acute, delayed, predictive, explosive, and refractory.
Acute nausea and vomiting: it usually occurs from a few minutes to several hours after administration, and reaches the peak at 5-6 hours after administration, but it is mostly relieved within 24 hours.
Delayed nausea and vomiting: it occurs 24 hours after chemotherapy and is common in cisplatin, carboplatin, cyclophosphamide and doxorubicin chemotherapy, which can last for several days.
Predictive nausea and vomiting: after experiencing uncontrollable nausea and vomiting during the previous chemotherapy, nausea and vomiting occurring before the next chemotherapy is a conditioned reflex, mainly caused by mental and psychological factors. Young patients tend to be more likely to occur.
Explosive nausea and vomiting: refers to vomiting that occurs even after preventive treatment and requires "salvage treatment".
Refractory nausea and vomiting: vomiting that failed to use prophylactic and/or salvage antiemetic therapy in previous chemotherapy cycles but still occurred in subsequent chemotherapy cycles.
2. What is the difference in the functional ratio of the three major nutrients needed by tumor patients and normal people?
The energy supply ratio of normal people is probably no more than 30% fat, 10-15% protein, and 55-60% carbohydrates. It can be seen that normal people use carbohydrates as the main energy supply substrate. Tumor patients are completely different from them. if tumor patients have malnutrition, their nutritional characteristics are high-fat, high-protein, and low-sugar nutrition mode.
3. What is good for tumor patients with dysphagia after chemotherapy?
Patients with dysphagia after chemotherapy should mainly eat liquid food and semi-liquid food, and eat less and eat more. If you have difficulty swallowing, you can consider making a homogenized meal, that is, the food is broken through the cooking machine and made into homogenate. If swallowing is not very difficult, you can choose semi-liquid food with rich nutritional value, such as minced meat porridge, minced pork noodles, steamed egg custard, and so on. If swallowing is very difficult and energy requirements can not be met after dietary guidance, you can choose oral nutritional supplements to ensure adequate nutrition and energy intake, maintain appropriate body weight, and be in better physical condition for follow-up treatment.
4. Do cancer patients need to avoid certain foods? The taboo of cancer patients is a question that almost all patients and their families may ask. From the point of view of medicine and nutrition, cancer patients do not have obvious taboos, especially foods rich in high-quality protein, such as pigs, beef, mutton, fish, shrimp, crabs, eggs, milk, and so on. It is very important for tumor patients to have adequate nutritional intake and maintain weight. If cancer patients have any taboos, it is clear that they need to limit their intake of refined sugar, such as white sugar, brown sugar, desserts, sweet drinks, and so on. Because glucose is the main energy substrate of tumor cells, tumor cells will absorb a large amount of glucose, so it is necessary to limit the intake of refined sugar. In addition, the intake of smoked and pickled food and alcohol should be restricted.
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