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gr8k877 · 3 months ago
Nonew Flanagan this year. 🙁 Rewatching Usher to start spooky season. Will probably also watch Midnight Mass and Hill House as well.
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444names · 3 months ago
Names generated from Quenya names, excluding the letter "K"
Afinda Aiang Aianto Aicouth Airië Aitar Aitholumbë Alacarquel Alcorsous Alindil Aliondille Allands Alëan Amaircle Amalan Ambard Analë Analóminor Andilpidil Andië Anistrel Anizar Antandëa Antar Antows Anturcala Anwaran Aoreldan Apalissë Araurn Arcolda Ardenar Arflossë Arion Ariondë Ariong Arondent Arron Arvendo Asandē Atarmasa Atyaftam Aurni Avallë Avalmar Avalúna Axarien...
Barustur Blandë Boomë Breept Broya Calariverd Calassar Calin Caliër Cangahar Canlived Caravalë Cards Castar Cathirsēn Caven Cheatahya Cilmouns Cilvingol Ciraty Cittelemo Clost Colle Colundur Contë Cords Cornel Countion Curaste Cussë Dernaty Doldórë Duruing Dwastarie Eagernendë Eariaglian Easts Eatarvesta Eavang Eindil Elendeesse Elepalimar Elercar Elerna Elinwizarn Elpeaule Elómë Emaity Embar Endandë Ender Entir Essicamírë Estangda Estarday Ettalë Evenórë Exildómit Exilúvalë Eälómindë Eälómë Eärered Faciryari Fairight Falace Fandë Farínandil Fasarië Fassë Fatarwear Finduin Fingberi Fingwion Finquestla Fintlano Flana Foldarnilt Folië Folmaried Forsēnië Fruse Galamortië Galted Gazed Gleyman Gloven Golumbar Grablen Graxala Graxaron Grenórë Greston Gretrië Gring Grinu Habled Hadil Haldo Hanalpil Handë Hanwë Hatainwë Hatya Havalmo Heagottal Heavends Helenwë Herers Hering Herne Herwë Hills Hindë Hoionindo Homaquet Hoombacalf Hootty Hossily Hourche Hrafis Hrastar Hring Hrímar Hyalta Hyandinga Hyataldorn Illover Ilmanwë Imingolwa Imiryards Imistata Imitë Imorië Incas Incil Indillendo Indomendë Indómë Ionórë Isimo Isiry Issaver Issongir Istalië Jestar Jestwi Jewatar Jewens Lamarin Lames Lander Laniessëa Larren Lasavyhady Lastilda Lestindë Liendossë Lincánar Lindendil Liouturus Lisinwë Localiër Londenca Lostri Lublain Lumantur Lumbë Luntuma Luntur Lámards Lómards Lóminwë Lóriel Lúmeht Lúvan Macirda Maian Maitar Maits Malindië Manna Maraur Marimani Martanóre Melpoldë Mencánuss Mendónë Mendórear Mernā Mestlath Metrion Miefëa Minurenóna Minwelth Minórë Mirissë Mistar Mondilmiry Moomar Morimë Mormenta Moubluivis Moundómend Máhannatan Máman Mámandë Mírion Mírëarámë Ndownfaty Nelemeht Nelendë Nenil Nenna Nessë Nestalca Nestë Newost Niele Nisilvil Noldand Nolighel Nollon Nonew Nular Nussar Nárando Náring Nénataring Nísinsus Númas Occundil Ohiresto Oiddle Oieldolon Oionwë Ollocalë Ollor Ondur Ondómë Onelmacil Ontasta Oremo Ormen Ornacil Orohtarbo Oromanáman Oronestar Orottan Ostol Ought Oxfored Oärnë Palacar Palaned Paldoressa Paldë Panded Pandori Pasundië Patamin Peloris Pernë Plueng Posemmen Postoub Pownfanta Prindil Quaglosta Quesung Rambeastan Ranyë Raxar Reast Relron Remma Rindo Rinds Riontar Rissë Rivindórë Rommung Ruhado Rumeno Rátohissë Rómenvinwë Rónal Rúatatar Saliolori Saril Sarmandë Secalfhear Secheldowi Secomer Sered Shassë Shiefëa Sideemba Sillë Siltalya Sindil Sindilil Singir Sivereaft Sondómë Sorilm Soroya Soughte Spari Spere Stariser Starma Statani Staurinwil Stros Sumbë Sundil Sunga Súlarandi Súlaw Súrilda Taher Taldë Tallë Tandor Tanted Tarise Tarië Teldowmel Telen Telerey Terion Terunda Tester Therindil Thiel Thwele Tirdi Tirindë Tohter Tolambs Tonest Trasa Turcarë Turel Turnithrin Turon Turua Turulepvar Turusettan Tyale Túrinds Uithirilië Ultáriondo Umeht Undolon Ungalondo Uphan Valacour Valquenit Vanisil Vanwë Veava Viefin Vinght Vingwil Vottar Vánahairsa Wariondo Watarvel Watinna Werwer Whide Whipburë Witya Womar Wompilinwë Worman Worona Woundo Yalmë Yaraco Yards Yarta Yelis Yelpied Yondomben Yávasarang Árontë Íring Ñorohidere Ñosto Ósand Öambard Úlingem Úminë Úrisous Ṃbards
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cherishingstydia · 2 years ago
Nonew episodes to watch for a bit so guess I’ll be writing more
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tinseltown-rp · 3 months ago
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Welcome back, Jen
You have been accepted for MULTIPLE ROLES! You have TWENTY-FOUR hours to make the account and send it in. Be sure to follow EVERYONE on the blog roll.
YOUR CELEBRITYCELEBRITY NAME: Renee RappAGE & BIRTHDATE: January 10, 2000 (24)MARITAL STATUS: SingleCHILDREN: NoneOTHER INFORMATION: NoneWANTED CONNECTIONS: Anyone from Mean Girls (2024) and Sex Lives of College GirlsYOUR CELEBRITYCELEBRITY NAME: Shantel VanSantenAGE & BIRTHDATE: July 25, 1985 (39)MARITAL STATUS: SingleCHILDREN: One-she gave up parental rights to the dad so expect a whole lot of drama thereOTHER INFORMATION: NoneWANTED CONNECTIONS: Anyone from OTH, The Boys, etcOOC INFORMATIONNAME & AGE: Jen & 24PRONOUNS: She, her etcTIMEZONE: PSTTRIGGERS: Anything/anyone that promotes or is hatefulOTHER INFORMATION: A lot was going on in life and I was unable to really be present but things seem a lot calmer nowRULES PASSWORD: PARA SAMPLE:
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rbadgalriri · 6 months ago
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the-pea-and-the-sun · 6 months ago
all universities should b free and also identical nonew of them should b better than others they should all be good. among other things
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stylespirale · 10 months ago
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👉제품구매 바로가기
✅ 노뉴 프리미엄 퍼펙트 스팀청소기 NONEW-SC1000, 핑크✅
🌱이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.
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treasurehunterss · 1 year ago
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👉제품구매 바로가기
✅ 노뉴 울트라 핸디 스팀다리미, 베이지, NONEW-HI1000Y✅
🌱이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.
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hebrewbyinbal · 1 year ago
You're strolling through the vibrant streets of Jerusalem, surrounded by the echoes of ancient history. As you chat with locals, you hear this intriguing Hebrew phrase - "אין חדש תחת השמש" - whispered with a knowing smile.
This phrase is like a hidden gem in the Hebrew language.
It comes from the Book of Ecclesiastes, attributed to King Solomon, and it's a poetic reminder that, despite our technological marvels and modern innovations, the fundamental experiences of humanity remain remarkably constant.
So, as you embark on your Hebrew journey, remember that you're not just learning words; you're unlocking the wisdom of generations past.
It's like deciphering the secrets of time itself, one phrase at a time.
Now, let's dive deeper into the mysteries and treasures of Hebrew language and culture.
What else would you like to explore?
#nothingnewunderthesun #nothingnew #nonews #sayings #ecclesiastes #kingsolomon #hebrew #jewishwisdom
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timeofgreecenews · 2 years ago
Γυναίκα βρέθηκε νεκρ ή μέσα σε ΙΧ στη Χαλκηδό να Θεσσαλονίκης...
Γυναίκα βρέθηκε νεκρή μέσα σε ΙΧ στη Χαλκηδόνα Θεσσαλονίκης… Νεκρή εντοπίστηκε πριν λίγο μία γυναίκα στην περιοχή της Χαλκηδόνας Θεσσαλονίκης. Σύμφωνα με όσα μεταδίδει η ΕΡΤ, η γυναίκα… βρέθηκε μέσα σε αγροτικό αυτοκίνητο και φέρεται να έχει χτυπήματα στο κεφάλι. Στο σημείο μεταβαίνει ιατροδικαστής… Αναρτήθηκε από nonews-NEWS https://exofitsio.blogspot.com/2023/04/blog-post_70.html unsubscribe…
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detectivezedd · 2 years ago
Eps 32-33.Continues.[3 DAYS LATER]We all sat down in ken’s mum large living roomshe was just discharged 4rm d hospital nd she decided to tell us her lyf story.SHE BEGAN…Actually,i am a twinI have a twin sisterwe were identicalso much identical,i was a crazy nd bad girl but she was my oppositeShe had great nd good virtues while i had nonewe had no mother,just a old blind fatherWheneva i go to…
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paperclm · 4 years ago
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Samus forgot the date!
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xxjessabugxx · 3 years ago
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If you want to be happy and have less stress turn off the news it’s not healthy at all . And actually do something in your life. #lovethis #true #turnoffthenews #nonews #life #happylife #life #dance #lovethis #fun #love https://www.instagram.com/p/CcBMKb0OaNy/?utm_medium=tumblr
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alwaysbelieveinmiraclesuk · 3 years ago
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How to Thrive as an Empath ✨ 💙 Set clear boundaries 💙 Schedule alone time 💙 Use Protective Crystals 💙 Meditate 💙 Ground and spend time in nature 💙 Don’t watch negative TV or news 💙 Epsom Salt baths #tipsforempaths #empaths #empathsofinstagram #empathlife #taketimeforyou #setboundaries #metime #crystals #meditate #grounding #ground #nonews #nonegativity #nonegativevibes #shine #bright #love #laughter #justbeyou #crystals #protectyourenergy #protectyourself 💛✨ (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTEsIwtLsl9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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melaniecfinland · 6 years ago
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It’s a bit quiet in Melanie C world but I hope you’re all doing fine and enjoying your weekend! 
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lotusladegaard · 4 years ago
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No news.. Just Awaiting Love 😍❤️🥰 #nonews #tlotusbyhendeder #justlove #justfashion #fashionshoot #photoshoot #designer #design #hautecouture #pretaporter #loveline #beauty #model #newspaper #textile #fabric #handstitched #madewithlove #lovefashion #style #bonusdaughter #bonuschild #proudbonusmom #pressedlotus #muselife #museliving https://www.instagram.com/p/CKeT3vJhDol/?igshid=7hk4o5l3anuj
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