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mograindia · 7 years ago
@mograindia Received a package of a very interesting product! All the way from #mumbai ! Before i unveil it....i wanna know how many #butterlover are here ????? #butter #organicbutter #cholestrolfree #nondairybutter #nutfree #crueltyfree #indianblogger #indianfoodblogger #substitute #healthysubstitute #mograindia #biodegradablebags #ecofriendly #gogreen
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larahedin · 5 years ago
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Butter, cheese, milk, ice cream, all involve this baby being *forcibly* taken away from her mother, and stealing her breast milk *forcibly* from her breasts. . As a child, I learned, “Do unto others as you would have done to you”. . As an adult mother, before I was vegan my infant son would spit up every time I ate cow’s cheese. He was allergic and it was going though my breast milk to him. . After my daughter was born, I viscerally realized I could NEVER eat another mother’s baby, or support her baby being taken from her. . These mother’s cry for days and days when their baby is stolen. They are then hooked to metal *forcibly* steal their milk. They are raped 3 more times, and 3 more babies stolen. . When mom is 4 years old, she is “used up”. She is then *forcibly* taken to a slaughterhouse, shot in the head with a nailgun, hung up by the ankles, and her throat is slit open. . There is no such thing as humane slaughter, or because she is “grass fed” that this horrific violence is acceptable. . If you are a mother, stop supporting any dairy. If you are a father, stop supporting dairy. If you have a mother, stop supporting dairy. The time is now, and it ends with you. . . . #nondairymilk #nondairybutter #nondairyicecream #nondairycheese #dairyfree #enddairy #endviolenceagainstwomen @weareveganuary @switch4good (at Issaquah, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6qZ2yVgWr-/?igshid=nmyop1kqt9mo
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elliottkeithmusic · 7 years ago
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Note to healthy eating, #nodairy friends... yesterday one of the dishes made for Father’s Day was #vegAn #macandcheese my fam used some #brownricepasta I’d bought - delicious, same consistency as other pasta but cooked with #almondmilk #nondairycheese #nondairybutter #himilayansalt #freshcrackedpepper
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thatbaldwinlife · 8 years ago
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My usual breakfast ❤️ Bread and butter. #simple #healthy #nondairybutter #organic @franzbakery #nongmo
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taztammy · 8 years ago
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🙃💜☀️. #homemade #fruit {#strawberry, #pinapple, #banana, #orange) #juice for all in the house and then 2 #bagels with #nondairybutter and, #apricotpreserve for me along with a huge #coffeemug of #greentea. ☀️💜🙃 #healthybreakfast #plantbasedbreakfast #veganbreakfast #vegetarianbreakfast #healthyfood #plantbasedfood #veganfood #vegetarianfood #healthyeats #plantbasedeats #veganeats #vegetarianeats #healthyeating #plantbaseating #veganeating #vegetarianeating #itseasytobevegan #itseasytogovegan #vegangirl #vegangirlonfire #vegansofig #vegansofinstagram
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