#non murica asks
effervescentdragon · 2 years
7, 22 and 28
Hello :)
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požuda - lust
sloboda - freedom
naslijeđe - heritage
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god, im in too good a mood to answer this and sour my whole day. lets say i may be proud on how we're still persevering and leave it at that.
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it has lots of mountains, and lakes, and rivers. here's my favorites :)
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dragonfire1000 · 1 year
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Thanks, I'm actually from Canada but happy 4th of July to you as well
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Losing weight anon- the stress may honestly be it, that said I don't have a doctor, can't afford one. But I can at least see if I can't work on being less stressed... It's just hard being a queer trans guy in fucking Texas trapped between living with a bigot family and the streets. That said, knowing that it may just be stress instead of something like cancer is a huge relief in itself. thank you!
Oh man, that does sound stressful! So given the context of this ask, it sounds like you are likely to be young. In that case, it is not likely that you have something like cancer. It's not impossible, but it's unlikely.
(I was such a young hypochondriac, btw, I definitely convinced myself that I had breast cancer on a couple different occasions. Also appendicitis. And when I first got my period I thought I might actually be dying.)
If you are indeed young, keep this in mind: You might still be in the mid-late stages of puberty, which rapidly changes the way that your body works. Any stage in your development where you are going through a major hormonal change will significantly alter the way your body works overall. (Be prepared for this, by the way, if you ever decide to medically transition or go on T or anything like that. If you do, make sure you connect with other trans people who've also done what you're doing and ask them about their experiences. Preparing yourself for that bodily change will really help ease the process!)
It may also be stress, so consider doing some things that work for you: meditation, affirmations, time spent with friends. Exercise (while eating enough food, of course!) really helps me to de-stress. Engage in your hobbies. And if you have plans to change your living situation so that you can come out, perhaps you can also give yourself hope by looking into a game plan for that process. Make sure you do this on a locked or non-home computer. Again, use your community as a resource. Lots of other trans people have had to do this, which sucks but also means you're not alone and you don't have to do this alone either. Ask other trans people (or anyone who had to leave a toxic home, really) how they prepared. Do you have a job so that you can save money in the event that you get cut off? What does your social support network look like and how can you go about building it so that you're not going through all of life's hardships without support? Is there anything you can do to affirm yourself at home while you live undercover? (Shorter haircut, perhaps? Looser, longer pants? Looser t-shirts? Even wearing a sports bra is more compacting than most regular bras.)
But if you still experience a concerning amount of weight loss or other symptoms, please do advocate for yourself medically and look up what you can do in your state to get coverage for a check-up. I get it, I too live in 'murica. But sometimes there are programs that will get you seen for limited support on a sliding-scale cost basis. Get yourself taken care of! You deserve it!
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 years
Yandere bully country America scenario with a shy darling who‘s nice to everyone but only reserved to him, bcuz he‘s a big fat bully to her >:(… and also, darling gets asked out to a date by non-Yandere England and Mr Murica snaps >:) muahahaha
Alright here is your official warning it is a little violent and has a lot of cussing.
“Augh!” Y/N began to rub the temples The American asshole had brought a slingshot with him to the world meeting.
‘Fucking Monster. Why in the hell does he like to torment me? My nation has little to no contact yet he decides to be a dick to me. I which he would just go away.’ Y/N scribbled angrily in her diary in an attempt to stay calm and be the bigger person. There were also tears threatening to spill from her (e/c) eyes.
The malevolent blue eyes were still staring at her ready to fire another rock at her. This was all going on while another nation droned on about their rising GDP and how they needed just some help from the larger and more powerful nations. Not that America was really listening in the first place. No one commented on his rather uncouth behavior but that's because he was a superpower and could do as he pleased. No one got in his way while he was being an asshole unless they wanted a demon that would torment them relentlessly in every way imaginable. He watched you write in your journal vigorously. He always did malicious things to you: blocking your ability to join a cohort with your fellow medium-sized nations, giving you horrible trade deals, making you in debt to him, trying to ensnare your people to becoming American. All kinds of things would make any nation become unrecognizable. This would be for the most part permissible behavior overall for any major power in the world if he didn’t have tendencies to openly assault her during meetings. (Other times he’s tripped you, shoulder check you, and even has spilt hot coffee on your on a multitude of occasions.) America is basically outright abusive.
“AUGH!” another rock had collided with Y/N’s face. This time square in her forehead causing some blood to come leaking out. That last yelp caught the attention of some people sitting nearby you and they looked at you with either pity or annoyance. Seychelles knowing that America was being a dick rose her voice a little louder to try to assert dominance and try to keep Y/N out of America’s mind if even for a few minutes.
Y/N eyes were filling to the brim with fresh salt water tears, your heart began to race, palms became clammy with sweat as did your forearms and back. You felt nauseous all of a sudden and you knew you were not going to survive this meeting. You mind begins to drown out every sound in the room and you place your hands on the table to steady yourself. Japan decided to shoot her a text.
Japan: You okay y/n do you need water?
Y/N looked to the right to see the man who held no emotion in his eyes and had a gleam of concern within them and maybe even a hint of distress. Even he was becoming concerned with how aggressive towards you. You nod, but pack your bag and leave. You didn’t want to breathe the same air as the man who got off to tormenting you.
A few tears slid down your face but that was okay. You were escaping anyways.
As you left an awkward silence took over the room and no one dared to make eye contact with America. No one wanted to be his new punching bag. Except for a pair of emerald eyes that dare to challenge his icy blues. England simply removes himself from the room to find and comfort Y/N. Everyone watched England leave in a huff and once he was gone the uncomfortable silence caused a few people to laugh uncomfortably or cough. Seychelles continued on with her presentation in the cheeriest manner that she could carry.
Rushing out of the double doors and down the halls England summoned his familiar Flying Mint Bunny to help him get to Y/N quicker.
“She’s in the northing wing in the third room on the left.”
“Right O!” He picks up his pace. This was his chance to be a gentleman. Your Gentleman. Once he got to the room that you had hidden in he mentally tried to prepare himself. He rested his hand on the ivory door softly so as not to alarm you and tapped on it gently.
“Y/N? Y/N? Are you alright love?” He turned the handle and opened the door slowly. The room's lights were off and he could see that Y/N had settled herself on the back table buried in her arms. She was bawling her eyes out.
‘She’s in really bad shape.’ He walks over and presses a reassuring hand on her back. Y/N kept her head down. She flinched at first from his touch but allowed him to keep his hand on her.
“Why are you here England?” She said in her quivering voice.
“Because I’m worried about you love. I know America has been incredibly nasty to you. And I don’t want to allow that to continue. He’s a complete Jackass for hurting a lovely lady such as yourself. But it’s also because I love you….” then he paused at his words and tried to take it back.
“Because I care for you! Yes! Care for you that's it. That right eh?” He was clearly becoming flustered and tripping over his words becoming tongue-tied. “I will be your gentleman your knight in shining armor.” Your mind and heart needed a few moments to process his words. The way he spoke was so funny because it was rare when you saw the softer side of England. You began to giggle and the luger began to grow like sunshine breaking through dawn. The more that England listened to your heavenly voice the more his heart swelled with love. His pale cheeks were dusted by sugary pink fairy dust.
‘I really am in love, aren’t I? Blast and no one else through history has ever made me feel this way before. I really want to give my all to keep Y/N safe.’
“Hello? Earth to Mr.British Rose Tea.. are you….” You looked to your wrist cuffs to help ease the tension in your heart and to steady your voice and concentrate. “Sincere about loving me?”
England bit his bottom lip and was doing his best to remain composed despite being flustered.
“Yes….It is y/n?” He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and rested his head close to your faces and whispered into your ear:
“I love you y/n so sign an agreement with me and I can and I promise I will treat you like a Queen and protect you.” Your skin pricked with excitement at the prospect of life being by England’s side. It also meant that America couldn’t hurt you as easily.
“We can be together.” His voice trailed of as he wrapped his arms around your waist and brought you into a steamy kiss. All of the words and actions were being viewed by a blue eyed monster who was not happy that you were cozying up to the British bastard. He closed his labtop and pulls all but one earbud out. He rises from his seat and leave the meeting as well.
‘That look in the Americans eyes. I hope eyebrows and y/n know how to hide well because those two will be goners if they don’t stay out of sight.” France worried for the safety of his friends.
Francis: Mon Ame eyebrows I hope you and y/n are far away from here America is coming.
By the time Englands phone received the message it was already too late.
“GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER.” It sounded like thunder was cracking against your eardrums. America walked closer each step brought cracks against the marble floor. He flung you aside while he gripped England’s windpipe tightly, America snapped the British Gentlemens neck with one flick of his wrists and he wouldn’t recover for a few weeks.
“Arthur!” America snapped his head back to y/n’s shaky from that was trying to scurry backwards. America now wore a sweet yet mnetioning smile. He lunged at you and pinned you to the ground.
“You’ll never see the light of day again.” He pulled out a syringe and injected it into your neck. Your body began to feel light and you felt the liquid rush through your veins making you drift into the darkness, something you’ll have to become accustomed to.
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steviesdoll · 3 years
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Hi, I'm liv and I'm a writer. I love to write and read.
Please follow my sideblog : @steviesdolls-library
Requests are open. If you want to send me one you can. I'm free right now so I could complete your request. I mostly write dark fics but you can also send a non-dark fic.
My blog is 18+ plus though every stories of mine doesn't has smut but they are adult themed. So if you're under 18 please do not interact with my fics. If I find a minor interacting with my fics I'm gonna block them .I don't wanna sound rude but I've to say this to you people.
Here is my tumlr masterlist :
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Series :
Love Me Masterlist
Steve Rogers x reader
Summary : Reader is back to New York after a decade. She is best friends with Natasha Romanov and Wanda Maximoff. Through Natasha she meets single father Steve Rogers and she develops feelings for him. She is also the dance teacher of Steve's daughter Sarah. But what happens when they both fall in love with each other?
Status : In progress.
Love in New York Masterlist :
Steve Rogers x reader
Summary : In which reader is the wife of Steve Rogers. They have four daughters and their live is Perfect.
Status : In progress.
Woodward After Dark
Dark Steve Rogers x reader
Summary : You are a vet who came to visit the mysterious city of Woodward hills. The city is very mysterious, people believe the spirit of the last heir of the Rogers family still haunts the people.So no one is allowed to come out of their home after 8:00pm at night. You wanted to find out that if the rumors are true or not, so one night you come out of your cabin. Then you meet a mysterious man after that your life turns upside down.
Status : Yet to be posted.
You are ours Masterlist
Dark Stucky x reader
Summary : In which Bucky asked you on a date but you rejected his offer. So he aquires Steve's help in makin you theirs.
Status : In progress.
One Shots :
I see you
Dark Steve Rogers x reader
Summary : You are a high school student and your life is perfect. Your parents have money, you're the most popular girl in your school and you are an excellent student. Until one day when you get strange messages from an unknown number.
Dark Steve Rogers x reader
Summary : You got the new job as the babysitter for Kyle Rogers and Maria Rogers children. So you were very excited for your new job. One month passed and everything went well. Until one when you had to babysit the children for the whole night, a mysterious man makes appearance in your life.
Minotaur Steve Rogers x reader
Summary : Can a mirror change someone's life? Yes.
Once upon a time
Run With Me
Knight Steve Rogers x Princess reader, slight Bucky Barnes x reader.
Steve Rogers x reader
Summary : What happens when your boyfriend asks you to run away with him the day before you to are going to get graduated.
Will you marry me?
Soft! Dark! Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: You and Steve with best friends since childhood. You liked him very much but just as a friend but what happens when he forces you to marry him? Will your relationship with him ever remain the same?
Prince Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary : Reader, the princess of York was promised to the prince of Brooken after you were born. You were to marry him the day you turn eighteen. But you didn't want to marry him because your heart belonged to someone else. So will you listen to your heart and bring shame to your family or will you do your duty as the princess and marry Steve?
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One Shots :
Hate You
Dark Robert Pronge aka Mr. Freezy x reader
Summary : The day when Robert first saw you, he knew you were made for him.
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One Shots :
Your Stalker
Hacker Jake Jensen x reader
Summary : Your stalker is bored by watching you in the small screen of his. So he decides to pay you a visit.
Series :
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Prologue Part 1
Naga King Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary : What happens when the reader mistakenly awakens the most terrible monster from his deep sleep .
You Are Ours Masterlist
Dark Stucky x reader
Summary : In which Bucky asked you on a date but you rejected his offer. So he aquires Steve's help in makin you theirs.
Status : In progress.
One Shots :
True Love
Peasant Boy Bucky Barnes x Princess reader
Summary : Can the princess show the power of true love.
Note : Requests are open. If you want me to write something please let me know.
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Chris Evans with babies
Chris Evans being a dork and a drama queen
Chris Evans as Colin Shea
Chris Evans as Mike Weiss
Chris Evans as Ryan Ackerman
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Chris Evans as Kyle
Chris Evans as Harvard Hottie
Chris Evans as Lucas Lee
Chris Evans as Nick Gant
Same Expression
Captain Murica
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tangledbea · 3 years
As a Non-American asking:
What do you do for the 4th of July? Is it a big deal for you?
For me, personally? No.
But culturally speaking, the 4th of July is a holiday to enjoy summer - have friends over, have a barbeque, go swimming, go to the beach, whatever - and then at night, celebrate with patriotic-themed fireworks. What are we celebrating, you may ask? "Freedom." "Independence." It's the anniversary of the day we told England we were done being colonies and wanted to be our own country. The American Revolutionary War lasted from 1776 until the Treaty of Paris was signed on September 4, 1783.
However, as a modern American, I am aware that this did nothing for the Black slaves or the suppressed and massacred indigenous peoples in this country. It's also difficult for me to celebrate this country during the current political climate. Part of the problem is that I am possibly more patriotic than I've ever been in my life, in as much as I want this country to be a place that people can be proud of. I want social and economic equality for all. I want this country to be safe for people to live in, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, etc. I want us to stop causing and fighting in wars (especially on foreign soil), and to fight climate change instead. But being patriotic - truly, honestly and sincerely patriotic - means being confused with the gun-toting, cop-loving, right wing "MURICA!" people, of which I am definitely not one.
Maybe I'd feel at least a little differently about this holiday if our flag wasn't paraded around every single day of the year, thus making the 4th of July not special in that regard. Maybe I'd feel a little different if I hadn't spent a good chunk of my life living in a poor neighborhood where every night of every year from April til August, fireworks were set off nightly, often so close to my apartment that they scared the bejesus out of me and my cats. Maybe I'd feel differently if those previously mentioned right wing "MURICA!" people didn't use this holiday as an excuse to scream, "We're #1! We're #1!" when we are, in fact, not #1.
So, for me, the 4th of July isn't a big deal. I'm going to be spending tonight playing an online tabletop RPG with friends from around the continent and complaining about the fireworks outside my apartment (I do not yet know how bad they'll be, since this is my first 4th of July in this apartment, which is in a much better neighborhood than my previous one). But for the country as a whole, yeah, this holiday is a big deal.
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mysynthfetish · 4 years
Happy New Schmear
Well, 2020 was a helluva clusterfuck-train-wreck-sewer-explosion-dumpster-fire of a year, and to be honest, 2021 ain't off to that great of a start really. Look at 'Murica. The trumpty-dumpties tried their inane, lunacy- and conspiracy theory-fueled "revolution" at the Capitol, and how'd that end up? Bunch of bearded, beer-bellied, barely literate, bandana-wearing bumpkins. Aaaargh! And Covid is on the rise here in Japan, so the gov has announced a second "state of emergency" but all they're doing is "asking" people to avoid unnecessary outings and for drinking/eating establishments to close at 8pm. We're doomed.
But, the gear quest continues! The B200 wasn't doing it for me, not enough control, so I said fuggit and bought a DX7II-D, the second one I've owned actually. Obviously, 6-op full control is miles ahead of what I was dealing with using the B200, but there are no Easy Edit features, so it's pretty much dive in with both feet, sink or swim. There are a few decent tutorials on youtube, especially the MadFame channel, and following those definitely helps get your head around the basic idea of how FM works. I'm no expert, but at least now I can think OK I want this kind of sound, and I have a feel for how to go about doing it, and can actually get close to what I had in mind, compared to before, when I had less than zero of a clue what to do. FM is nuts.
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What a mess I had going when I took that photo. I wanted a TG77 but they were going for like $500 and up, and that was outta the already non-existent budget, so I saw this for $99 and thought, well? Spent another $90 getting a bright green replacement LCD, that is actually so bright, I can't see the buttons or the knob or anything. Madness! This is a helluva synth though. AFM is no joke. every operator has two inputs, and you can freely assign feedback loops. Shit, you can even write your own algorithm! Mental as fuck. Such a rich, deep sound too. I love this synth. Not too keen about the size, but there's always a compromise.
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Replacing the LCD was a HUGE task. Not for the faint of heart, seriously. I followed Midera's video and that was a huge help. You literally have to remove EVERYTHING to get to the LCD. But at least the replacement was a plug & play drop-in replacement. I replaced the backup battery while I was in there. I can't remember if I replaced the tact switches... I've done that so many times on so many pieces of gear in the past half year that it's not even funny. Seriously. Today for example....
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Tact switch highjinks on a KORG RE1. I picked up an O3 R/W, as I was getting the itch to use M1 sounds into my projects but didn't wanna deal with USB dongles and camera kits and all the associated iPad paraphernalia. So I bought an O3 R/W, and saw an RE1, remote editor, and was like YES, and bid an insane amount considering I'm really in no position to be spending money on this stuff right now, but luckily won the auction for $125. The tact switches were like NOPE, so I replaced them all, except for the A-H buttons under the LCD because those worked fine. 30-minute job and now it's good as new. Using the RE-1 I guess makes the O3 R/W (or the M3 as it works with that too) rather like an M1R as far as interface goes. I don't recall if the M1R has sliders, but I know it has the bigger (wider) LCD. Less pages to scroll through and you get a blurb that tells you what the parameter is you're editing displayed in the upper right hand corner. VERY happy to have gotten this.
In other news, I impulse bought an old Fostex 3070 compressor for shits and giggles and it's turned to tears and sniffles as the left channel is just not working right whatsoever. I've replaced all the caps, and socketed and replaced all the ICs except for one (the LM2309 comparator). And it was like NOPE. Cleaner, but still it was not functioning right and there was a huge difference in output levels between sides. So I think the comparator chip that I haven't replaced, on the left channel, is the culprit, as when I mess with the Expander/Gate switch and knob, all hell breaks loose. It's an odd chip though, they went with a 9-pin SIP (single in-line package) chip instead of a standard, 8-pin, DIP (dual in-line package) chip. The former is a chip that is long and skinny and has one row of 9 pins along the bottom, whereas the latter is a small black rectangle with four pins on either side. I did look at the schematics and saw that pins 1 and 9 are routed to +V, and that if you just shift pins so that 1 is left unconnected, the pinout will match a DIP chip. Aitendo to the rescue! They sell converter baby PCBs so you can pretty much change between any kind of IC format.
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And that is the part in question. I'll put a socket on the PCB where the original chip sits, and see what happens. No great expectations but who knows. For the ultra tech savvy of yous out there, you'll know that a certain big name four-letter electronic act of the 90s used the 3070 and ran their whole mix through it. Hehehe. Yeah ok so that is basically what I had in mind, but who knows. If the thing comes back to life, we'll see...
I suppose that is pretty much it for now, my invisible, ethereal pals out there. Have fun!
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
17, 18, 20, 21 for the non-american asks hehe
Care darliiing <3
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17. Yes, and its an absolute shitshow withbthe revisionism, political erasure of atrocities on all sides, blatant lying and manipulation, all the shitfuckery, around 5-7 wars since late 19th c only, and just. A huge headache to even find an unbiased source. I like to make myself suffer.
18 and 20 ive answered in 2 asks before, imma link them
21. Every single politician on the scene unselectively and the joke of the "constitution" that we have ✌️
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
fullunknowncrown said: Idk, in my opinion I think they just mixed those figures of Dick’s life just because those scenes are, in fact, important. I’d like to make theories, but I don’t think they paid too much attention to what to put on. And well, I hate Tarantula is there, but that’s it.
Yeah, honestly it could go either way, so its impossible to really even speculate all that much. Its too soon to tell what way they’re leaning with that. I know what I prefer and hope, but as to their actual intentions, who knows.
As for Tarantula being there, I have mixed feelings. and I think ultimately it will depend on whether or not she ends up playing a large role in a future story, with their preboot history actually explicitly referenced and addressed.
Because if they included her there because they actually MEAN for her to have relevance, and in an honest, fully transparent kinda way......like, if some writer has already staked out that they wanted her to be brought back and refreshed in peoples’ minds because they want to finally, FINALLY do a story that addresses the fact that she raped Dick, plain and simple....
Then I will be over the moon, at her inclusion. Don’t get me wrong, I’m wincing just at the thought of what that story would actually read like, because there’s really no current DC writer I can think of off the top of my head that I can picture writing that particular story well....
But if they do actually do that story, even if it is an abomination, even if it is a raging trashfire of such searing intensity it makes Heroes in Crisis look like a nice warm toasty fireplace in comparison, even if the actual writing of it pisses me off and has me raging for months......a huge part of me will still just be glad that the story exists. That even though it took twenty years to get around to it, somebody finally shone a light on this particular moment of Dick’s history, that no fans have ever forgotten about whether or not DC ever actually acknowledges it...and just hearing them just call it what it is, acknowledge Dick in the text as a canon rape survivor.....that would make me glad Tarantula was brought back, in the end. For that, I would think her reappearance is worth it.
If they do actually bring Tarantula back and then just engage in yet another round of avoiding the Zitka in the room, and use her appearances for cheap publicity because DC knows full well how people are gonna receive and perceive her presence in Dick’s story even if DC doesn’t intend to actually validate that in the actual story itself....if after twenty years of them not acknowledging what that story actually contained and depicted and after fifteen years of Tarantula being dead and forgotten by any readers who aren’t focused on Nightwing in particular.....if after all of that they go to the trouble of digging her and her story up and plaster it across modern, rebooted continuity just for the drama and sensationalized spectacle of it all, and otherwise remain committed to just changing the subject every time that particular event is brought up in questions to them......
Then, I will NOT be happy that they brought Tarantula back after all this time.
Even if between now and then they discover the greatest writer of our times and they’re the one who writes the Nightwing stories she reappears in, and other than that their issues create a gorgeous and compelling and epic hero’s journey that people hail as the greatest comic book story ever written....
....cut to me, simmering balefully and glaring at DC with the full intensity of my Displeasure, as if I can actually kill them all with my brain, because I have forgotten in that moment that I’m not like, a Sith Lord with force-choking powers and am actually just a bitter fan with an axe to grind and nothing I can actually do about it.
But like. 
A SUPER bitter fan, like, dialed up to eleven hundred. As if I was bitten by a radioactive bitter fan and bestowed with the magnified powers of bitter comic book fans everywhere.
Like, basically, I’m just saying I can’t even express how very Not Happy I’ll be if they did bring up Tarantula again after all this time, just to ignore the issue completely. The words I need to properly convey my Ho Don’t Do It thoughts and feelings and just overall vibe at the thought of her return going absolutely nowhere story-wise....like, they haven’t been invented yet.
Yes, all of the above is super melodramatic because I’m feeling obnoxiously whimsical this weekend and I’m inflicting said whimsies on all of you just because I Can and You Can’t Stop Me and Oh No I’ve Already Become Drunk on Imaginary Power That Isn’t Even Real....
But in all seriousness, like, I am 100% serious about being willing to give this a chance because I WANT that story to be written, the one that in canon declares Dick a survivor because of what actually was written on the page back then. But if they brought her back and renewed her relevance in fandom conversations and write her into stories but never ever ever even slightly acknowledge the “non-consensual” past between them, like. I’ll be soooooo annoyed and pissed and unhappy because that’s just a shit move and literally nobody asked, DC, you could have just left her in the magical land of Nobody Cares, and if they stirred up all of this again just for cheap publicity or some other bullshit reason that they pull out of Lobdell’s ass and mistake for a Pulitzer......ugh. That would be The Worst and I would say so often and a lot and you will all be sick of me in no time.
So if anyone out there DOES actually have psychic powers they hide from the world cuz LOL LBR We Would NOT Handle the Existence of Actual Superhumans Well, Like Not Even A Little Teeny Tiny Bit.....like, I beseech you to turn those powers on DC and make them make the right choice, because like. I’m not even pretending, guys. I will be just the absolute worst if that happens, I will become the Freddy Krueger of Annnoying and my weapon of choice when racking up a body count will be The Broken Record I Refuse To Stop Playing Because This Is Murica and I have Rights Dammit.
And I will hate it and you will hate it and everyone will hate it except for DC because up is down with them and they seem to think complaints are praise and idek man, those guys are weird and I don’t get them or their Life Choices.
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prorevenge · 5 years
Gift for Mom's Birthday turns out to be My Stolen Cellphone!
(Long Arse Backstory, Skip if not interested.) About three weeks ago, it was a warm sunny day and I had gotten up early to go run some errands and drive to my sister's house to feed her familys cat's while they were on Vacation.
I had just left her house and was making the 22 mile (35.4 km for non "Murica ppl) drive home when I decide to stop at a Gas station along the way and get myself a cold drink. I had called my Mother to ask if she wanted anything as I went inside and got us both something to Drink.
As I put the Drinks up on the counter to pay for them, I realized my money was in the back pocket of my Jeans and I had to set down my purse and phone to grab it. Once I paid, I grabbed everything and went back out to my car and drove home. I had to stop again before I got there as the gas light came on in my vehicle so I went to yet another Gas Station and as I got out I reached into my purse to take out my Phone only to realize it wasn't there!
Insert long detailed explanation of me going back to every place I visited that day to try and find it, but not succeeding.
Once I got home, I realized I could use my Google account on my tablet to find my phone as it was synced with it. However, when I connected to it. The phone only had 5% battery left and all though the Data was on the Location was not. So unless it was within 10 miles of me, I was screwed. I locked the phone while it still had battery and sent a slew of messages to the lock screen that contained a number to call if someone found it. (End Long AF Backstory)
The ACTUAL Story! So a few days ago, I was sitting at home getting stuff ready for Dinner when I hear a loud Alert sound coming from my Tablet. I walk over confused as I didn't remember setting an Alarm for anything.
The screen showed an Alert from my Google Account saying my Phone was turned on and connected to it's Data again! I hit "Find my Device" and it pops up saying it's 7.4 Miles (11.9 km) away and gives me a map. I click on the map and see it's at a local Cellphone Repair store, so I grabbed my keys and headed over.
I walk into the Store and there are two Employees, one at the counter helping an Older Lady (One or all of theirs Mother?) and 4 Younger guys (Around 24-27 in age) and the other Employee approaches me to ask if I need help with anything?
The Cast: Ol- Older Lady Yg- Young Guy(1,2,3,4) E- Employee (1,2) Me- Me
E2 - "Hi, can I help you with something today?"
Me- "Actually, you all seem to have my Cellphone and I would like to get it back please?
E2- Thinking I am a customer "Oh! Okay, let's just look up your information and I'll be more then happy to find it for you."
Me- "Well no, I didn't leave it here. It went missing a few weeks ago and I just got a notification saying it was here? I hold up my Tablet and show him what I was referring to.
Yg1,2,3,4- All have a worried look on their faces as I hit the "Sound Alarm" button and it starts going off behind the counter.
E1- Looks startled as he pulls my phone out from under the counter and places it on top "Oh, boy.."
Ol- Is now squinting suspiciously at the group of guys before speaking to them with her teeth clenched "What did you do?"
Yg1,3- Are slowly heading towards the Door but stop and won't look at her when she says this.
Yg2,3- Faces are beet red and are Mumbling something I can't hear.
Ol- Turning to speak to everyone in the store. "My boys brought me here today because the Cellphone they gave me for my Birthday won't recognize my Sim Card."
Me- "Well, Ma'am it's probably because I locked the phone and we don't the have the same Provider? Who do you use?"
Ol- "Sprint"
Me- " Ah, well besides the fact that it is my phone which apparently was Stolen!" I look at the Guys again and none of them would look at me. "My phone is from Cricket, so the Sim Cards aren't compatable."
Ol- Her face has this look of utter Anger. As she storms over to the tallest Guy(Yg3) and grabs him by his ear, twisting it HARD as she pulls him over to us "WHAT. DID. YOU. DO?"
Yg3- Yells but keeps his mouth shut refusing to answer her
Yg1- Squirms and suddenly blurts out. "It was sitting on the counter and we took it!"
Me- In shock and you can hear the outrage in my voice. "You took my Phone when I was trying to pay for my Drinks?? What the hell dude?"
E1,2- Look unsure about what to do.
E1- "Do you want us to call the Police Miss?" Me- "No." Sighs "It's fine, can I have my Phone back please?"
E2- Quickly unhooks my phone from the Computer and Charger, then hands it to me.
Me- "Thanks." I Grab my Phone and head towards the door.
Ol- "Excuse me, Young Lady?"
Me- Turns around "Yes?"
Ol- Addressing one of the Employees. "Did the Phone have any issues when you were running the diagnostic on it?"
E1- "Nothing except the battery needing to be replaced, but it's nothing major."
Ol- "Please get her a new one for her Phone, I'll pay for it."
Me- "Oh, no that's okay! It's fine, I don't need anything honestly! I'm just happy to have it back, you don't need to trouble yourself with that."
Ol- Looking disappointed at the Young Guys. "Yes, I do. They were raised better then this and it's the least I can offer, please?"
Me- Just wanting to get out of there. "Okay, if your sure?"
E1 quickly goes and grabs a new battery, ringing it up and handing it to me once the Lady paid for it. I take it and Thank her again before heading to the door, as I open it I turn around and say.
Me-"Hey, how much cash do you Guys have in your Wallet's?"
Yg1,2,3,4- Look at me Confused and Indignant. "What's it to you? We don't have to show or tell you anything Lady!"
Ol- Snaps her fingers at them. "Wallets! Now!" Holding out her hands expectingly.
Yg1,2,3,4- All proceed to grumble as they hand them over to her.
Me- "How much Cash they got on them?"
Ol- Quickly understanding what I was getting at, and proceeded to take all of their bills out and count it. "Four Hundred and Twenty-Six Dollars."
Me- Already heading out the Door. "They wanted to get you a new Phone right? Pick one out and use that to buy it!"
Yg1,2,3,4- All turn pale and look at the Older Lady who grins and nods at me before asking the Employee's to show her what she could afford.
Me- I yell out. "Happy Birthday!" As I exit the Store and get into my Vehicle. I laughed the entire way home!
TL;DR - Douche Bag guys steal my Phone and try to give it to their Mom as a Birthday gift, they got caught and ended up buying her one with ALL of their money!
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wxsuthorn · 4 years
my experience of being insecure of my body boggles my mind lmao. tw body image.
When I lived abroad I was overweight and was constantly made fun of for being fat. I went to an international school, but there were mostly white and asian kids in my school. I was mixed and didn’t look completely white nor completely asian, so i felt a bit alienated and hated the way I looked.
Fast forward to me moving to good ol’ murica. I went to a public school and i was just figuring out my sexuality and gender identity, so lmao i felt even more alienated. Plus everyone dude in my class would randomly shout “aRe YoU aSsUmInG mY GeNdEr?!?!” and istg every day i felt homicidal rage—
lmao anyways my body image started getting worse from gender dysphoria. i just didn’t like my body cuz it didn’t match what i identified with, plus i still thought i wasn’t skinny enough. During the year i moved, my mom was always saying “dont eat this, your not eating enough, your eating to much” and blah blah blah whatever. And i was like well shit :D and on my birthday she threw away my cake and im still salty about it today >:( i had to watch my 3 friends eat my bday cake without getting any cake for myself lmaooooo. I haven’t had a birthday party since then.
A year after i moved to the states i lost weight and got wayyyy taller, so i felt happier that i was skinnier. on my finsta i would say shit like “I lost ten lbs!!” and some dude in my health class who followed me dmed me asking “r u anorexic” and i was like:
lmao anyways fast forward to during quarantine: i hated my body so fucking much and i ate an estimated 500 calories a day for 2 months and lost even more weight. I was malnourished and my anxiety was getting more serious so a bunch of physical symptoms occured and i was like wtf why do i feel like i ran an marathon while choking on a fucking shoe. so i went to the doctor and got blood tested and shit and i didnt have any disease or anything like that. it was all due to mental issues and shit.
Here comes the funny part:
i kept on getting skinnier due to the semi-eating disorder-anxiety-thing but i still thought i wasn’t skinny enough. and like i was insecure cuz i didn’t have a flat stomach and that my torso was wide... but i hadn’t seen an actual human being for so long so i couldn’t really grasp what the “average human body” was supposed to look like. my dad was over weight, my mom lost 20 lbs due to diabetes and got way skinnier, my brother was 80% muscles, and im just some enby who can’t eat enough to maintain their weight. So when i come back to school after quarantine, i realised i was actually way skinner than i thought...
my friend who i thought was wayyyy skinnier than me weighed more than me and was around my same height.
i have a thigh gap and almost zero thigh cleavage compared to the people in my grade
my friend who is shorter than me is 30 lbs heavier than me and i still thought their body was “better” than mine (not implying that skinny bodies are better, i just thought that i personally had to be skinnier to be considered less ugly)
nobody could relate to me when i said shit like “ugh i hate how my scapula always scrapes against my backpack whenever i move my arm” or “i always massage my back thinking i have tight muscles but im just massaged my ribcage lmao and i still have back pain” or “i can’t sit on a non-cusiony surface other wise id feel like my bones are digging into the chair/surface lmaooo”
and these things made me realise holy shit im like... too skinny now? so i went from being insecure of my body cuz i wasn’t skinny enough to being insecure of my body cuz im too skinny lmaooooo.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 82Xs1)
"Bridge Parties & Strippers"
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Ashleigh runs into Pete first. He's furious and headed out of the venue.
"What the hell is going on?" She asks him.
"Dude..." He shakes his head.
Giving her a quick run down of the events between Colson, Luna and BeBe.
"BeBe's was here!?" Ashleigh asks shocked.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure she's STILL here. Luna fucked her up." Pete tells her.
"I don't doubt it... And can you blame her? Why would he even do that??" She asks.
"No... And I don't know. You seen 'em, they were all Booed Up OnStage, announced their engagement and not even an hour later, THIS shit is going on." He answers. "Let him know I went to see Kate.... He's on some fuck shit right now, so he probably won't even notice." Pete tells Ashleigh. Shaking his head before kissing her cheek GoodBye.
"Another mess to clean up..." Ashleigh sighs "Fucking Kells." She thinks annoyed. Even before Luna, there's always been constant chaos with him.
Curled in a ball on the floor clutching his balls, Colson opens his eyes. Pain is shooting through every nerve of his body. Focusing, he sees a bloody Bleta on the ground not far from him. Closing his eyes again, he groans as he rolls onto his back.
"Fuuuuck... That Bitch dick punched me so haaaard.... I wish Bleta would just go awaaaay...." He thinks of the second girl Luna has knocked to the ground in a violent rage. "In my defense... They shoulda shut the fuck up." He tries to justify their injuries to himself. "Oh FUUUCK... My balls..."
Colson opens his eyes again to Ashleigh standing above him. She has no sympathy.
"My balls, Ash..." He whines.
"I don't care, Kells...." She dismisses him.
"Fine. Then, at least get Bleta out of here. I can't deal with that right now. Please." He asks, looking up at her.
"Whatever." Ashleigh shakes her head as she walks away.
The room is still full. The Band, Crew, Girls, Vendors. There's a shit ton of people everywhere BackStage.
Looking around, the word LAWSUIT flashes through Ashleigh's mind. Thinking of Luna and the advice she's given her regarding spin control, Ashleigh puts on her Boss Bitch pants.
She signals The Band over to her. As they head her way, she looks up generic Non-Disclosure Agreements on her phone. She quickly downloads and fills it out, emailing it to Slim.
"Listen, we gotta clean this shit up. Slim, I emailed this to you." She says, showing him her phone. "I need you to print out, what?" She sighs, looking around the room. "Three hundred copies to be safe?" She asks out loud to his nod. "Everyone needs to sign one before leaving. Use your charm. Try not to make it a big deal."
"Gotcha, Ash." He agrees as his phone dings with the email.
"How many people are with BeBe?" She asks to their head shakes of I Don't Know. "Run me back the first three copies." She instructs Slim.
"Bet. I'll be back." He agrees, heading to The Bus.
Turning to Baze, AJ and Rook, Ashleigh directs them next. "I want you to keep everyone in here having a good time. Once Slim gets the NDA's, help him. Please. With charm." She asks as she reminds them of the key component. "One of you run up. See if there's any ready. I gotta get BeBe to sign first." She finishes.
All three nod in agreeance. AJ heading to The Bus. Rook and Baze to attend to the room.
"Help me get her out of here?" Ashleigh sighs again as she asks Benny.
"No problem G-H..." He teases her as he puts his arm around her shoulder.
"I'm gonna fucking kill 'em both." She laughs lightly, catching the Luna reference as they walk towards BeBe.
Colson has decided to play opossum. He can hear Bleta calling his name a few feet away but refuses to acknowledge her.
"Maybe if I just lay here, she'll think I'm dead... Ugh... I feel like I'm dead.... She destroyed my baaaalllls" Colson mentally cries to himself.
Still on the the ground. Still holding his whole junk. He stays perfectly still when he hears Benny and Ashleigh approaching. Peeking out of the sliver of one eye, they pass him. He hears Ashleigh speak.
"Hey... Are you okay?" Ashleigh asks BeBe as she and Benny help her up and hand her a towel.
"No. I think that psycho bitch broke my nose!" She cries through the cotton.
"Are you here with anyone?" Ashleigh pries.
"No. I came to surprise Kells." BeBe answers, looking at her bloody hand as the other holds her face together.
"Did he invite you?" Ashleigh asks.
"No!" BeBe looks up, angrily. "I wanted to see him because he owes me an explanation for this Brooklyn Cunt or whatever the fuck her name is... He's fucking me then blocks me a month ago and all of a sudden he's getting married?? What the fuck is that!?" She shoots a glare between Benny and Ashleigh. "Besides, the way he was speaking to me, didn't seem like he put a ring on anything." She says snidley.
This pisses Ashleigh off.
"So, what happened?" She asks the million dollar question.
"She came up talking shit to Kells so I told her she could get her ass beat. That's when she head butted me. Like a fucking goat. Who does that?" BeBe winces from snaking her head while her hand holds her nose in place.
AJ taps Ashleigh on the shoulder. He slips her a clip board with a pen and a few copies of the NDA.
"So, you threatened her and she protected her life?" Ashleigh manipulates BeBe's words. "I'm gonna need you to sign this." She says handing the clipboard over.
"What? No." Bleta says pushing it away.
"You just admitted fault. If you sign this no one can speak about tonight or sue you." Ashleigh does NOT know where these incredible lies are coming from.
Neither does Benny, but he likes it. Encouraging BeBe to sign the paper also, he throws Kells name into the ring. Overwhelmed and in pain, BeBe scribbles her signature.
Ashleigh isn't a lawyer but she knows that what they're doing right now is technically illegal. "Most American contracts are signed under some form of duress...." She tries to reassure herself. "Murica'!!" Her brain insists, pushing her on.
Face hurting, embarrassed and wanting to get out of there, Bleta shoves the clipboard at Ashleigh.
"Can I fucking go now?" She asks, irritated as she pulls the blood soaked towel from her wound.
"Yeah, come on, Benny and I will walk you out." Ashleigh says as they guide her outside.
Once in a cab, Ashleigh leans in.
"Some advice, woman to woman? Luna and Kells are something different. It doesn't matter what he said to you, I guarantee she'll be back in his bed tonight and they'll be fine tomorrow. Save yourself the heartache and let him go." Ashleigh says as kind as she can.
With more than just her face hurt, BeBe simply closes the cab door.
Still laying on the floor, Colson waits until the coast is clear before he stands up. Looking around, he can't find Luna.
He watches, confused as Slim, Rook, Baze and AJ walk around having people sign papers. Seeing Ashleigh and Benny walk back in, he heads over to them.
"Where the fuck is Luna?" He asks firmly.
"She split with Nikki and her friend Sam..." Ashleigh answers.
"Oh, yeah? Fuck THAT Bitch." Not caring what His Boys are doing, he turns and shouts. "YO FUCKERS, WE OUT. NOW!!"
Ashleigh sighs for the hundredth time in less then an hour.
"Follow them?" She asks Benny.
"That's my job.... You know, if they keep snappin' out and disappearing separately, you might wanna bring in Bullet..." Benny says, looking down at Ashleigh.
Bullet is Colson's other bodyguard. Ironically, his government name is also Thomas.
"You honestly think that when Luna's pissed, she's gonna let anyone follow her anywhere??" Ashleigh asks Benny as if he's silly.
Both of them already knowing the answer.
"Facts... Extra hands wouldn't be a bad idea with those two though, Ash..." He continues to make his case.
Sighing again, Ashleigh agrees to call Bullet. Clearly they can't handle Kells and Luna on their own.
Benny kisses the top of her exhausted, little head before he follows The Madness outside. Slim coming over to hand her a stack of papers.
"I think we got 'em all..." He breathes out. "I gotta catch up with them. Sorry you gotta deal with this bullshit, Ash!" He kisses her cheek before jogging off.
"It's my job... And my bestfriend." She thinks as she flips through the NDAs. Debating on if she should call Monica on Luna's behalf.
In the back of the cab, Luna's phone rings. It's Pete.
"Hey!" She answers. "Yes, I'm Okay. I'm with Sam." She replies to his questions. "I'll be fine, Petey!!" She laughs as he teases how THAT'S what he's worried about.
Pete then unloads onto Luna his feelings about Colson and tonight. Listening, she doesn't speak until he finishes.
"Don't be mad at him, Petey... I know why he did what he did. I made him jealous and he tried to do the same..." She explains to their friend.
Pete tells her how she's making excuses for him the way she used to for Justin.
"Pete." Luna never calls him that and he knows it. "It's not the same..." She trails off. Pete doesn't know about her affair with Tommy. "I need you to trust me. He wasn't right but he had his reasons." Luna partial explains.
Her words stop him. He's known Luna for a long time and knows she doesn't put up with being disrespected. Knowing that both she and Colson are extremely complicated individuals, he accepts her shut down with a promise of lunch. SOON. Luna agrees with a grin.
Pete and Luna end their conversation with Be Safes, Love Yas and A Definite Lunch.
Hanging up, Luna turns to Sam. She's wedged between her and Nikki in the back of the cab.
"Where we goin'?" She asks.
"Mothafucken' Bridge Party, B!!" Sam exclaims to Luna's excitement.
Luna turns to Nikki asking if she wants to change as she pulls a red scarf out of her bag. Drapping it around her shoulders, Luna's dressed in cutoffs, a tank, stockings and Docs. It's what she performed in. Always Bridge Party ready.
"Fawk NO!! I look FABULOUS, BITCH!!" She exclaims to both Luna and Sam's laughter.
"Yo. You said he had his reasons... Why?" Sam asks Luna directly.
Sam and Luna have known each other since 6th grade. Making Sam one of Luna's oldest friends. Being based in NY, Sam knows EVERYONE. Not just Nikki and Pete but Justin, Ashley, Mack, Frannie... Even Jackson. Sam being Luna's drummer in their band Dysfunctional Baggage, they'd seen a lot and been through a ton of shit together. Sam was who Luna first called when she found Justin. Not 911, not his mother or her grandmother. Luna called Sam. Rushing over, Sam had witnessed Luna break in a way she'd never allow anyone else to. Or probably ever will again. Luna trusting Sam beyond her life.
Before Luna can answer, they pull up to the corner Sam requested. Tipping the cabby, the three women jump out.
"THIS IS GONNA BE SO FAWKING FUUN!!!" Nikki exclaims, wrapping an arm around both Luna and Sam's laughing necks.
Hitting The Bus first, Colson changes. Slipping a cool, pink, silk shirt onto his body, he thinks of Luna.
"Bet she's wit fucking Tommy. Whore." He tries to convince himself before he heads out into his own recklessness. Knowing he's wrong.
The Bridge Party is raging. Making Luna happy to be home. Linking arms with Sam and Nikki, they skip down into the music and lights.
NYC's party scene is a culture all in it's own. Heading under the bridge, it's like a multicolored, twisted, high school reunion. Luna and Sam seeing people they love. Nikki running into others she hasn't seen in YEARS.
"Wanna get on?" Luna asks Nikki with a grin as she opens her mouth.
She has a blotter and three single stacks on her tongue.
"FAWK YEAH!!!" Nikki grins, ready for another Nix&Loons MessABout.
Colson and The Band are a Flashers, an elite gentleman's club in NYC. Not that they're gentlemen or anything.
Tossing bills everywhere. Asses all over him, Colson pounds drink after drink. He's trying to erase Luna from his mind. He's got about an eight ball left over from the half ounce from Philly. Pulling it out, he dives face first.
He's on a mission. Not necessarily to overcome as many women as he can like before but to forget One who is like no other. Standing with a beer and drink in hand, joint in his mouth, he leans down to pick up another shot.l
Wanting to erase ever meeting That Brooklyn Bitch.
Luna is living her best freaking LIFE!! And she doesn't give a FUCK. Music flows as she dances with Nikki and Sam.
"I HAVE FUCKING GLOSTIX!!!" Luna exclaims as she bounces to the side to dig in her travel bag.
EVERYTHING is in there. Clothes, drugs, makeup, things to play with, candy and SCARVES.
Luna ties a flowered one around her head as she brings back GloStix and lollipops to her grateful friends.
They continue to bop and groove. Luna is tripping her PUSSY off. Playing with the red scarf around her body as she dances with Sam and Nikki.
"WATER!!!!" Sam shouts after what feels like two beautiful lifetimes but is probably only an hour.
Nikki and Luna nod in agreeance.
Bridge Parties are the ancestors of WoodStock. The grandmother of a non-profit festival, if you will.
Making their way to the water table, there's ten old orange Gatorade coolers set up. The City knows what's needed to party.
Grabbing her water bottle out of her bag, the three friends stand, drinking water continuously. Raving over it's Holy Greatness.
They laugh and catch colors. Trails and magical objects. Keeping close to one another to not be lost upon their voyage.
Bellies full of life fluid, they fill Luna's water bottle before going to squat and pee. What does Luna have? Toilet paper and baby wipes because LIFE.
They pee together, alllllllllll the way at the end of the bridge. Nikki teasing Luna how she's an Old Lady when she has hand sanitizer too.
Still living in the real world, Sam reminds Nikki.
"Nah, Boojie. Remember... THAT'S how we roooooll!" Sam teases Nikki as she squeezes her friend. "Dirty hands, Bitch!!!" Sam shouts laughing.
"Ahhh... Get the fawk owf meeee!!" Nikki laughs, hugging Sam back. "Nah... That shit was good."
Nikki agrees with a smile. Her hallucinating soul, mind and heart floating back to the early days of her career and their friendships.
Together the three of them grab hands. Skipping into the lights like they have no worries or cares.
Slowing down, Luna remembers. "Yoooo... I have chalk." She grins as she reaches into her bag.
Plunking down right where they are, the three artistic friends begin to display their tripping minds. Like a Mandela. Once they're gone, it too will be. Shortly after.
Colson's leg is jumping. He's high as fuck and still irritated. Downing shots as a pretty blonde wiggles up and down him. She's doing nothing for him.
"Take you in the back, make you feel better?" She offers as she bounces her tits in his face.
"No thanks." He says, pulling his head back and shoving a hundred towards her.
Insulted, she rises off of him.
Slim's been watching His Boy all night. Taking this as his opportunity, he slides over.
"What's good, Dawg?" He asks his bestfriend as he hands him his pen.
"Shit, Man." Colson puffs on it hard.
"So... Tonight is nothing?" Slim leads.
"Tonight was fucked, Homie." Colson responds, hitting the pen again.
"Talk to me, Brotha..." Slim continues to lead Colson.
Leaning back, Colson hits the pen a few more times. He's trying to collect his angry, confused and as always, inebriated feelings.
"She seen Tommy today." Is all he says.
Colson's a lot like Luna. He doesn't like his things to be touched.
Slim nods. He knows it's a contentious subject with Colson and Luna.
"Why?" He asks.
"I don't know... We didn't get that far. She told me and..." He looks at one of his longest friends. "And I shoved her. Hard enough to break a mirror." Colson looks down as he says the last part.
"Shit, Man." Is all Slim can say.
"I know... I don't know why the Fuck she was with him though." Colson starts to get angry again.
"She didn't say why at all?" Slim asks, not believing that if Luna was gonna pull some shit, she'd be careless.
"A fucking business meeting or something.... I don't know." Colson answers.
"Dawg. Do you know who this Tommy cat is? Like really? Besides from Luna?" Slim asks, suddenly worried Colson doesn't know what he's gotten himself into.
Colson shoots him a dirty look. He remembers what Benny had said.
"Dawg. He's like THE BIGGEST hitter in NY.... You know Luna's got her hands in a lot of shit. Remember how she freaked out over the picture of them? It could be business. HIGH FUCKING BUSINESS, Homes." Slim sighs. "Look, I don't know up from down when it comes to LunaTic because that bitch is wild, but what I will speak on, is she ain't never done you dirty and I ain't never felt her motives as dirty. Even if she got dirt wit this Tommy cat. That was before you... You really think she fucked him and came back to you?" Slim cuts to the chase.
"Nahh..." Colson says with an irritation to his certainties.
Another girl walks up on them. Colson shrugs as he throws his arms out. The girl takes this as an indication to climb on top of him.
Never thinking he'd take a chick's side over his boy's, Slim shakes his head as he watches another girl slither upon Colson.
Luna texts Ashleigh, hitting her Google locate. Letting her know where she is in The City. She goes on to apologize for not bringing her with her, promising to be back soon, to hit her up if she needs to.
"I should've fucking grabbed her..." Luna thinks. "If anyone needs a fucking escape, it's her...." Luna deciding her and Ashleigh will have an official MessAbout.
Sam climbs onto the cement wall Luna's sitting on, she's lost her shoes. Nikki is dancing free in the night.
That's the thing about The City, you can be everyone and no-one at the same time.
Nikki's appreciating being no-one in this moment.
"So... You never answered my question..." Sam asks Luna.
"Hmm?" She hums.
"Why? Why would you even consider marrying him after we spent tonight under a bridge like we're 19 because he wanted to schmooze up on some twat?? Are you not trading a junkie for a whore?"
Sam's words cut deep, but not enough to phase Luna. A calculated woman who knows what she expects out of this life, Luna doesn't care to explain.
"Sammy. I tell you. You know I'm not without fault. Neither is he. But love is love and sometimes that shit makes people jealous and they retaliate. I fucked her up for her OWN words. Not his actions. He may have antagonized it but let's not act like he fucked that bitch on the middle of the floor." Luna tells her friend.
Both always one to call a spade a spade. Neither bullshit.
"You know murder was the case that they gave me." Sam states, eyeing her friend.
Even tripping balls, Sam is very much like Luna. She don't fucking play.
Bursting into laughter, Luna grips Sam. Squeezing her tight.
"Let's go find your shoes, Bro." Luna laughs.
Lacing fingers with Sam before they begin their hunt.
Nikki comes running up with one of Luna's scarves on her head. She attacks both her friends with a hug.
"I FAWKING MISS THIS, YO!!!" She shouts, pecking Luna and Sam with kisses.
Luna relates to one of her greatest friends. Unhappily for the first time ever. Her third eye realizing how much she hates being out of her element.
"I wonder if she'll come back..." Colson thinks as another random ass grinds against him. "Maybe I should hit her up... No. Fuck that. She fucked up first... Not me." He stubbornly thinks as he slides a bill into the g-string in his face.
Sam and Nikki are dancing within the crowd as Luna sits by herself. Finding a random lighter beside her she flicks it.
Giggling at the colors radiating off of her finger tips. She wishes Colson was with her.
Tripping out of her mind, Luna closes her eyes and imagines him bouncing around with her. She grins at the idea of his excitement. Then her mind jumps to red. The blood. The girl. The anger.
Luna whips her eyes open. Knowing how to stop a bad trip, she leaves the lighter where she found it. Jumping off the ledge, Luna heads into the crowd. Letting the beat take control of her body as she finds her friends.
Still slamming lines, Colson's not hungry when they leave the high class strip club.
As everyone one else gobbles down pizza, he continuously checks his phone. Leg bouncing maniacally off the floor.
He wants to know where the fuck Luna is. But like an Asshole, he won't contact her.
"Ahhhh!!! I haven't had THAT much fun in SO long!!" Nikki laughs in the back of their cab.
It's rounding out 6A. The sun is coming up. The day is done and Luna had a fucking blast.
"That's why I don't ever wanna be famous..." She groans, placing her head in her hand. "You're so fucking busy and miss out on all the cool shit... For what??? Your fucking name on people's lips??" Luna snidley complains.
"Not all of us can be born with a silver fucking spoon, Loons." Nikki cocks back.
"Shut the fuck up, Nix." Sam comes to Luna's light defense. "We both know Patti didn't raise Loons as a baller and even if she did, Loons don't give a fuck about that shit." Sam states with a knowing smile.
"Enh... You got some truth in that." Nikki smirks. "But royalty is royalty and you can't deny that shit."
Luna and Sam don't dispute the truth.
"I love your rich, white ass doe!!" Nikki laughs as she hugs Luna.
Their cab pulling up in front of her Upper Eastside buiding.
"BOOJIE." Sam laughs calling Nikki out.
"Fawk you!!" Nikki laughs as she hugs her friends GoodBye.
Sam and Luna heading back to The Bus.
Walking onto The Bus, it's awake and aware. Luna grabs Colson by the collar of his shirt. Dragging him with her, she leaves Sam. Knowing she's been on tour before and that Boys are no obstacle for her.
"Kitten.." Colson starts to say.
"Shut the fuck up" Luna states as she grips the back of his neck. Kissing him fiercely.
She may understand Colson's jealously but it does not excuse his shove. Luna has a strict Don't Hurt Me Unless I Ask For It policy. He broke that. And now, she'll make him pay.
Releasing him, she demands he strip as she pulls off her own clothes.
Colson listens. Pulling his shirt off and dropping his pants for her. Happy she's in their room but starting to grow pissed over Tommy again.
Luna shoves him on the bed.
Climbing on top of him, she kisses his mouth with anger as she plays with her folds. Opening herself enough for her to jam him inside her tight pussy.
Even furious, his girth is too much. Luna cries out from his cock as she tries to work him into her.
"Kitten.." He says again.
Clasping her hand over his mouth, Luna tells him to Shut The Fuck Up as she rides him to her pleasure.
Not one to be told what to do, even by Luna for too long, Colson losses his patience.
Grabbing her ribs, he flips her over on the bed. Luna wraps her legs around him as he drives into her.
"Tell me what to fucking DO..." He taunts huskily in her ear.
This infuriates her. Using all her strength, Luna flips him off her. Keeping his dick in place, she rides him like she owns him. Because she does. Placing her hand on his throat as she bucks against him, Luna demands Who The Fuck Does He Belong To.
He gasps out "YOU."
Colson is stronger than her. Gripping both hips, he easily tosses her back off of him.
On top of her, as her head hangs off the bed, he demands Who's Pussy Is This as he punishes her with his dick.
Hips jolting against him, Luna diverges. "NOT YOURS IF YOU DON'T ACT RIGHT!!!"
She bites his neck hard, causing him to whimper. Flipping him back over, Luna commands his body.
She fucks him strong and hard. The rage and anger from the last couple days only peeping out.
Pulling his hands to her ass and holding them there, Luna shifts Colson deep into her. Using his body until she's done with it.
Feeling herself cum, not caring but knowing he did too, Luna drops on to the bed beside him. He doesn't get the luxury of staying inside of her.
"Kitten..." He hums as he reaches for her.
"Don't fucking touch me." Luna spits out, swatting his hand away.
Just then The Bus jerks to a stop. It was only a two hour ride to NJ.
Luna climbs off the bed, throwing on her clothes from last night.
"Don't think we're fucking good. At all." She states before grabbing her bag and marching out of their room.
Word Limit (1 of 2)
To be continued....
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krupptonaru-blog · 5 years
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Are those daikons on your face or are you just happy to see me?
Okay, aside from my stupid joke, what to say? Obviously a very pretty movie, but that basically goes without saying for a Miyazaki film. Similarly to Naruto, this is one of those things I watched back in elementary/middle school. I could tell that the animation was different but I didn’t know why it was different, I just knew it looked good. This was also before I knew anything about Japan (geography isn’t my strong point).  That being said, I had forgotten almost everything that happens in the movie and so that was fun. On to the part where I make up a bunch of stuff and pretend like I generally know what I’m talking about (spoiler: I don’t). 
I saw a couple of posts talking about greed being one of the main themes, or the one that really stood out to them. And while I definitely can see elements of greed in the film (e.g. parent pigs, gold rush) I feel like that wasn’t the main focus of the movie. 
So what was? Well first I thought this was an (elaborate) metaphor for moving. The movie starts off with moving which might have inspired it, but it’s all about going from old (Japan) to new (spirit world). Then I was like what could the spirit world be? And because I’m American I was like, Oh I got it, it’s America. “How could you possibly come to that conclusion”, you might be asking. Well, avid reader, let me explain. Well first off I thought their clothing was American style, but then I realized that I never actually paid much attention to what middle-aged folk were wearing (outside of suits), and searching “Japanese casual fashion” is showing me a lot of non-casual clothing. So striking that from the record, when you move to a new place you’re (probably?) likely to be influenced by that new culture. Not even 5 minutes after ‘moving’ to the spirit world, what do Chihiro’s parents turn into? Piggies. What country is famous for being hefty? That’s right, it’s ya boy, ‘Murica. Moving on, we see a great variety of spirits represented here. I think this is a more modern thing in today’s world, but who at least (sometimes) calls themselves the mixing pot? That’s right, ‘Murica. At the beginning of the movie they make a big fuss about Chihiro being human, and how much she stinks. If you replace ‘human’ with ‘Japanese’, and ‘stinks’ with ‘speaks funny’ (i.e. has an accent) then you have a kind of scene that might play out at an elementary/middle school (especially in the rural south). 
Chihiro is initially scared of this new/scary environment, but gets used to it. Makes some friends. It doesn’t really get good, but it gets better than it started. The good comes at the end of the movie, when her parents are returned to their normal form, and they decide to go back to the old (Japan). Who is Haku? Well I imagined him to be a Japanese-American and their connection (instead of having met as a river) to be more like they share a common (uncommon) trait. Textual evidence to back up this point is weak, I think I was just making stuff up. To be perfectly honest, I don’t think the metaphor works super well. It initially started as a joke about the parents turning into pigs and then the fat white guy (Daikon Man). I figured I’d throw it out there just ‘cause though.
So what was the standout theme for me? I think it was all about the connection between people. I think I’ll talk about characters individually for this one. First up, predictably, Haku. According to Haku they were friends from before. Because of the bond between them he saves Chihiro from fading away, helps her evade notice, gets her employed (protecting her from being turned into a pig like her parents), and gives her her name. In return, Chihiro saves Haku. When Haku was being messed up by the papers she provided him a place to (crash) land. She then (sort of?) protected him when he was just going to be thrown in the trash. She gave him half of her medicine ball, and squished the bug that was controlling him (or whatever it was doing). She also gives him his name back. 
Then there’s No Face. Looking past the no face thing, he is shunned by society. Which is to say, he has no social ties with anybody. We see that he forms a tenuous connection with Chihiro, but in the absence of that he becomes a monster. I don’t think this is meant to show some stalker-ish level of devotion to Chihiro herself, rather I think it’s meant to illustrate what it is that makes us human (our connection to others). We see that he is initially willing to lie and deceive to get attention (fake? gold) but he craves that real connection (which is why he asks for Chihiro, who initially opened the door for him and asked for nothing in return). Chihiro feeds him some of her medicine and he begins to spit up all the stuff he had eaten. This is a stretch, but we might say that his connection to Chihiro reversed the bad things that he had done. Which is to say, if he had had those bonds in the first place he wouldn’t have committed the bad acts (maybe). We see that No Face is content to be left behind with Zeniba, which shows us that what he really wants is to feel valued by somebody (just as Zeniba values his skill). Chihiro also benefits from this relationship, as she gets the water request things from him. 
The ‘stink spirit’. He was really stinky. This one was less special bonds, and more treating people as if they were people (which I think is still close enough). Everybody else wants to get rid of him, and only grudgingly accept his patronage. Chihiro leads him to the bath, and normally it would have ended there. Neither Yubaba or the guy in charge of the passes expected her to have more water request forms. So it seems like Chihiro goes out of her way to help the stink spirit. Through this human-to-x connection, all the sludge is washed away and it’s revealed that it’s actually a (majestic?) river spirit. Chihiro gets a medicine ball (mentioned previously) for her troubles. 
Baby. Baby was shut in his room all day (because going outside would make him sick). So, essentially, he has no social ties either. We can also see that he’s a bit of a monster. Gonna break Chihiro’s arm and get her killed. We can see that he doesn’t even have a (strong?) connection with Yubaba, because after he’s turned into a rat she doesn’t recognize him at all. During his journey he creates those bonds, with Chihiro, and at the end he’s entirely different. More independent, less whiny, not a terrible person. And he helps Chihiro out. 
As a direct contrast to the lack of connection that Yubaba and baby have, the bond between Chihiro and her parents is seemingly strong. So strong that even after they were transformed into pigs, she could recognize that none of the pigs she was looking at were her parents. 
All in all, we see that through a series of interactions Chihiro’s tendency to treat people respectfully and with kindness affords her the ability to (in the end) rescue her parents. We see a depiction wherein those that are lashing out are not necessarily bad people, but merely lacking in social bonds. What is the significance of names? Perhaps we could say that names are the initial face that we present to the world, and that controlling a person’s name is inevitably an attempt not just to control how they interact with the world, but also with how the world interacts with them. Maybe doubly so in a Japanese context, wherein pronouns are comparatively rare. 
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xsimst · 7 years
yEah ive been playing ts3 since 2011 (i even got it on the wii for when the wifi went down LOL) i dont rlly like origin tbqh but it's better than having to have a CD in at all times ;; oH do you know any other languages aside from english???
I never use cd’s for anything lol. Origin is a mess but it is ea so-
Was a time I was nearly fluent in chinese not so much now though.
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mutherplocker0665 · 6 years
11 Questions (x3)
I’m sorry it took me so long to answer this! I got tagged by 3 lovely people!
Because I got asked so many question those tagged are free to answer 11 out of any of these 33 questions :D
1. Always post the rules
2. Answer the questions given to you by the person who tagged you
3. Write 11 questions of your own
4. Tag 11 people you want to get to know better
@cocxaiscanonking Questions
1.  Do you have any guilty pleasure songs?
Yes…Rewatching old 2007 AMVs…like Romeo & Juliet for Kataang...
2.  The weirdest experience you’ve had in Public?
Seeing someone take a shit in an alley LOL
3.  Any other fandoms you like?
OMIGOD NO TOO MANY!!! Here are a few: ATLA, Naruto/Boruto, OW, KHs, VLD, Zootopia, HTTD, Ranma, TeenTitans/DC, Avengers/Marvel, FT and hundreds more...!!!
4.  Favorite animated movie? (can be anything!)
Complete tie between: How to Train Your Dragon 2/ Rise of the Guardians/ The Incredibles 2
5.  What do value the most in a friendship?
Sincerity and Loyalty. Friends that stick through with you no matter what.
6.  Do you watch any Anime? If so, any favourites? (or y u don’t watch it.)
I do…UGH SO MANY AGAIN! But recently I have been keeping up with Boruto and just finished Servant x Service!
7.  Least favorite Disney movie?
Disney has never been my favorite but probably Snow White…I’m sorry!
8.  Which VLD character do you relate to the most?
Lance’s insecurities, Shiro’s need to find balance, and Pidge’s curiosity. Also Coran is my incarnate.
9.  Have you watched the original 80s Voltron DoTU?
10. Does your star sign match your personality?
mmmm Maybe?? I’m a Libra-Scorpio Cusp :3
11. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
@rueitae Questions
1. Movie(s) that had a great impact on you as a child - you know, the ones you vividly remember watching as a kid?
Casper the Friendly Ghost, Appleseed, Ed, Edd & Eddy, and How to Train Your Dragon is what made me decide to become a Vis Dev artist.
2. What is your occupation? Or what do you want to do as a career? Tell me about it!
Oh! NICE^^ As a said above I am a Vis Dev artist who does Character Design! I’m close to graduating soon and hope to move down to LA after :D
3. Spinning rides or Up and Down rides?
4 What is the most neat place you’ve ever visited? Would you live there?
I’d love to live in Japan for a while but Cali Suburbs will always be my favorite. Also Machu Picchu NEVER gets old!
5. How did you find your current fandom?
Uff…I saw a trailer on Netflix in 2016 the day before VLD was released and I never looked back. Cue also around the same time I was finally convinced to make a Tumblr!
6. What’s the hottest wing sauce you’ve ever eaten?
I’m no good with spoocey…. :(
7. What’s the fic/art you’ve always wanted to write/draw but haven’t gotten to for any reason. OC? Original story? Tell me all about it!
I have an original idea that I have loved and developed since childhood but never have actually done anything official for it…maybe I will…
Also the plance fic that I just can’t get around to fucking finishing… >:|
8. Comfort food. If there is one snack/meal that is your go to - what is it? Maybe it’s a drink?
Oatmeal, mini Quesadillas, and Cherry Tomatoes!
9. One person you really look up to as a role model.
Lots of artists and right now I’m mildly obsessed with being as good as Max Grecke
10. Favorite color combination?
Blue and Green  (//^o^//)
11. What is your favorite outfit? That one clothing combination that makes you feel hip or comfortable or both.
Black leggings, big ass sweatshirt, long scrunched down socks and my high top vans, and a big ass jacket to feel extra fluff!
@vivalachocolate Questions
1. What sort of animal person are you? Dog person? Cat person? Horse person? Rat/Lizard/Snake/Rabbit person? Are you an animal person at all?
I’m a die hard Dog/Snake lover but I’d be happy to be suffocated by ALL pets.
2. What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had (that you remember)?
I was shot in a dream once cuz my phone rang so when I woke up clutching my stomach and answered the phone I yelled at my brother for getting me killed -_-
3. What’s your opinion on betta fish? Yea or nay?
4. What’s the most unexpectedly delicious meal you’ve ever had?
Potato Salad!
5. Who’s your favorite DC Comics character? Or, if you’re one of those people, your favorite Marvel Comics character?
DC is def Beat Boy and Marvel is def (a tie between) Deadpool, Captain Murica, and Spidey :3
6. Does your personality actually fit your Western and/or Chinese zodiac? If it does, how so?
Answered this previously~
7. What is the one pet peeve that drives you absolutely bonkers?
When people either do things while you talk to them or don’t make eye contact. It feels like I’m not being heard. Also I hate flip-flops…I don’t like toes lol.
8. If you had to choose between living in a forest for the rest of your life or living in a hot air balloon for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
Hot air balloon!!!
9. Favorite non-popular mythical creature? Dragons, unicorns, and fairies are not suitable answers.
Big Foot!
10. Favorite holiday? Your birthday doesn’t count.
Christmas *.*.*
11. What is your definition of happiness?
Doing what makes you feel the most accomplished.
I’m tagging @daft-punky @planced @heraimisgettinbetter @badwhalenikki @elen42564 @elby-the-megnet @swindle94 @xpyzkx @bibohbii @vallahisenbiliyorsun @pidgeonlance @nicollini
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big-zube · 6 years
i have been tagged in a thing! by @gracesinsanity
Name: jonni
Nickname: jonnifred or blanket mostly
Nationality: murica
Zodiac Sign: aquarius
Height: 5′8 and a half ish (bc i refuse to admit that i’m 5′9 😅)
Orientation: boys
Favourite Fruit: raspberryyyyy
Favourite Season: oof idk. they’re all great for different reasons. my knee-jerk response used to be winter, but i love fall. i love summer. spring... well spring where i live is just a few weeks of non-stop rain and humidity so.. meh
Favourite Plant: daffodils are nice. trees are strong and old and full of personality.
Favourite Scent: interesting question. chlorine comes to mind.
Favourite Colour: it changes. lately, yellow.
Tea, coffee, or hot chocolate? HOT CHOCOLATE
Average hours of sleep:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Dog or cat person? dogs are wonderful and i love them but i prefer cats because they don’t have to pee outside, they’re independent, and they could kill you but they also do the randomest shit. and tigers are just awesome
Last movie you’ve seen: thor ragnarok (its on netflix! yay!)
Favourite Fictional Characters: holy heck could you even ask a more broad and difficult question??! soz but i’m not answering this; there are Too Many and i Love them aLL
Songs you’ve had on repeat: lately, Fire and War of Hormone (both by bts, my most recent obsession)
Dream trip: dunno. never really thought about it
When was this blog started? sometime last year?? so 2017? maybe?
Number of followers: 49
Favourite candy: take 5
Favourite holiday: HALLOWEEN!
Random fact: i went through a short phase awhile back where i REALLLLY wanted a pet mouse because i was at a pet shop one day and the mice- i swear- they were so frigging cute- and they were only like 5 bucks each- and i WANTED one
@tofu-pofu @thatnerdalex @neothepolitan @captain-jelly-b @alwaysanerdyfangirl @raision @anyone else who wants to
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