#pond rants
cherry-doodles2 · 1 year
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y’all it’s canon he said so himself
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iris-jaxx665 · 1 year
everything posted here is assumed to be SSC/RACK activity between adults. just bc im into some stuff etc does not mean im actually into any various illegal shit!! just to be extra clear!!!
im into some fairly intense kink (such as: cnc, breath play, somno, weapons, kidnapping, bdsm, D/s, and quite a few others) so be aware! Feel free to ask me shit or everything is tagged as “heat rants”, “squeak noises”, or “——— kink go brrrr(r)”
cashapp is $IrisJaxx or venmo is @Iris-J665 if you want content from me directly via messages
My OnlyFans is where all my best content goes and has been since 2020, otherwise i post on FetLife, Twitter, Tiktok (new), and my first tumblr (this one), or my second tumblr (this one), or my third tumblr (this one), and ive also begun posting on LoyalFans as well. I also have kik, which im never on. i lost my instagram in 2019 for “explicit content” and will not rebuild it. i had snapchat from 2019-2022 and then for a week in july 2024 before it was banned again, it likely will not be rebuilt again.
I am very happily married to my Pond, we have 2 cats and no children yet. i dont care who you think you are im not gonna be interested in you sexually. Ever
Anything you want to ask me is tagged under “thank you for your curiosity” or “frequently asked questions and answers”
All my content is tagged under “me” or “my content”
My personal writings (horny) are tagged under “heat rants”
Anything about my guard-dog/bodyguard/babysitter/ brother Caine is tagged “my pretty puppy”
anything about my brothers girl, Bunny, is tagged “bunnyinlaw”
Anything about my Owner/Daddy/Master/Mate/Dominant Pond is tagged “my beloved pond” including asks that He has answered.
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fruchox · 7 months
I hate how the eleventh doctor doesn’t have previous companions to come back because he’s stuck with Amy and Rory. When they’re defending the baby, they introduce completely new characters when the impact would’ve been so much better if they’d done it like stolen earth/journeys end, because then you are screaming happily that everyone’s back instead of going wait who are they again? Should I know them?
I love Rory, but Amy kind of annoys me because in the ep with the Dreamlord she says he tells her everything and I’m like GIRL NO he has had WAY more important people than you. And I know that they spend more time together off screen and they haven’t actually only been around for a while but it’s annoying.
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queenoftheferns · 2 months
I want to be a better writer so I started analyzing some books I like to see what makes them so good- taking a paragraph out of the book and studying the word choice and sentence structure- and you know what I found every. single. time?
it’s poetry. you can always tell that a good writer is very often a poet as well. the creative ways of describing things just out of reach? poetry. the way paragraphs flow better when each sentence has alternating amounts of syllables? that’s a poetry thing. George Saunders in his book “A Swim in a Pond in the Rain” said that (i’m paraphrasing here) language is limited and it’s like there’s this fence in between what we can describe with words and the deeper parts of the human experience that we don’t have the language for but long to express anyway. the writer throws themself against that fence, trying to break it, and fails. But that bulge in the fence that gives you just a taste of the other side? that’s what poetry is.
And, at its best I think fiction can be that as well. We tell stories and we slip in and out of that fence and wink and nudge our way to those wordless parts of humanity.
All this to say, I come from a family of poets and generally wasn’t interested in reading or writing it because it seemed to mystical and hard to understand. But now I’m realizing that to be a good creative writer I’m going to need to develop the tools of a poet as well, or at the very least read some poetry. And tbh i resent that
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khruschevshoe · 9 months
Listen, I have nothing smart to say about this one. I'm trying to rewatch the Wedding of River Song and I literally keep stopping every thirty seconds to (OUT LOUD, mind you) shout at the screen "That's so. Fucking. Stupid. Stephen!" and then, in the moments I'm not commenting on how absolutely convoluted and full of plot holes it all is (how is the Doctor's death a fixed point when it never was before? Why does the world collapse like this? From where in River Song's plotline is the version of her in the astronaut suit stolen from? How is time collapsing and stopping at the same time? etc.) or how contrived it is that Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart's death is the one thing that makes the Doctor start running (I can feel you trying to make me think you're clever, Steve, and it's not working, because you only throw around beloved characters from previous eras when you want to distract me from your bad writing- I saw what you were doing with the holograms in Let's Kill Hitler), I'm rolling my eyes or being very sorely tempted to chuck my phone at the wall for just how sexist it all is. "Hell in high heels." The idea that alloromantic, heterosexual "sexy" love is the only thing that can save the universe. The fact that Amy can't remember Rory, her caring, nurse husband and instead only remembers a more stereotypically-masculine version of her husband (I am in your WALLS, Steve, why does every episode you write with them make them way more "traditional"/conservative than their one-offs do, no, I have not forgiven you for the Doctor asking "permission" in A Good Man Goes to War and Let's Kill Hitler).
By the way, did we EVER get an explanation as for why Silence Will Fall? Like, three seasons of build up and SILENCE NEVER FELL? (Why was there never any consequences for your writing, Steve?) Was the silence the cracks? Did the silence cause the cracks? Is silence falling supposed to just be the Doctor literally genociding the Silence (in which case Trenzalore has nothing to do with it) or is it supposed to be a metaphor? Or a literal deafening in volume? Will Steven Moffat ever listen for his crimes?
There were never any consequences for all of this "clever" build up and the Church of the Silence and gah, I want to poke it with a stick but if I poke it with a stick Moffat's Season 6 house of cards is going to collapse because not only is easily toppleable by the gentlest of breezes, it actively has cards missing.
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doctorwhonerdadi3 · 1 month
Ranking New Who Companions
What classes as a companion in Doctor Who is a difficult one for me to answer. On one hand I would say it's someone who travels with the Doctor, but then we'd be here all day listing out everyone that has been in the Tardis. So I have decided to limit it only to the characters who are the named companions for each Doctor. Simple right? Choosing who I liked more over each companion was a difficult one. As always this is just opinion based and honestly, my opinions for each of these companions changes regularly. That being said, I have made an attempt at ranking them.
Number 12: Ryan Sinclair
Ryan is, for me, probably the most forgettable of Whittaker's companions. It doesn't mean he is bad, I just don't enjoy him as much as the others. I've seen Whittaker's run a couple of times and I barely remember anything about Ryan other than he had Dyspraxia and sucked his thumb.
Number 11: Rose Tyler
Okay, I think Rose being so low down is controversial, but honestly... I don't like her. She is 19 when we meet her and very clearly a product of the 90s/2000s. She spends most of her time as a love struck teenager, who is constantly jealous of any woman who gets near the Doctor. It's strange because series 1 and Eccleston are my favourite of New who. Her 'lovestruck' phase really shines in Tennants first series. Either way, she is my number 11.
Number 10: Clara Oswald
I enjoyed Clara when she showed up as a Dalek in Asylum of the Daleks. I enjoyed Clara when she was in The Snowmen. But then it kind of stopped. Her run with Smith just didn't do it for me. She did better with Capaldi but I think that is mostly down to him actually letting her have a life as a teacher, go on dates, etc. It gave her chance to really shine.
Number 9: Graham O'Brien
I just had to google Graham's last name, that is how much I don't really like him. Dealing with bereavement is difficult, and being the oldest of your group is also a challenge. I think 'Rosa' was when Graham really shined. Idolizing her and then having to be the reason that she didn't give up her seat on the bus... Graham was actually a well rounded character in a series of none rounded characters.
Number 8: Yazmin Khan
Yaz had the longest run with Whittaker, probably down to her crush. She proved herself to be a smart woman, who could handle herself. When we first met her, she was training to be a police woman, which shows that she has the strength and courage to succeed. I enjoyed her as a companion.
Number 7: Donna Nobel
Okay, time to be controversial again. I love Donna, as I am sure everyone else does, but she isn't my favourite. She was heart warming and smart, plus she had a bit of a temper and slapped the Doctor. What more do you want from a companion? She truely was a mate of the Doctor, and after the 60th anniversary specials- she got the ending she deserved.
Number 6: Dan Lewis
What? I'm putting Dan above Donna, have I gone crazy? Probably. John Bishop cannot act. However... I really liked his character. She was chill. He had a wok. He was kind of resourceful. The only thing I didn't really like was how he outed Yaz to the Doctor.
Number 5: Martha Jones
I love Martha. I think she is truely underrated as a companion. She often gets overshined by Rose, which is annoying. Take away the ending where she married Mickey, I didn't like that, and you have an amazing character. Smart, resourceful, brave. Everything you need to be the Doctor's companion. This woman walked the Earth for the Doctor. She should have married Tom though.
Number 4: Ruby Sunday
Our new new who companion. I think part of the reason that series 15/Season 1 did so well was because of Millie Gibson's performance. She started out a little rocky, but she soon grew into a companion I loved. Her performance in Boom and 73 Yards really solidified her as a great companion in my opinion.
Number 3: Amy Pond
The girl who waited. Amy's run as a companion was beautiful. She had her boys and her spaceship and she was off. She did start out a bit shakey, trying to sleep with the Doctor the night before her wedding, but if you look at it from her character arc it makes sense.
Number 2: Bill Potts
Bill's death was heart breaking and was 100% the Doctor's fault. Shot through the chest and then turned into a Cyberman. Ouch. She was a fun companion and she brought a ray of sunshine to a rather dark Doctor who had just lost his previous companion. Also I love the Cybermen design for when she got turned into one. It was very classic who.
Number 1: Rory Williams
And finally we have Rory the Roman. Well deserving of the first spot. He waited 2000 years for Amy in the Pandorica. He loved her unconditionally from childhood. He was a nurse. This man was brave and strong all at once. I was heart broken when he got erased from time and Amy forgot him. Luckily he came back... Until he died again.
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justafriend-ql · 2 years
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I told you that you would find that person one day. NEVER LET ME GO (2022-2023) | dir. Jojo Tichakorn | Episode 7
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ryansjane · 5 months
the way I was SO FUCKING BORED in front of gmmtv 2024 part 2 until the sapphics showed up LMAO
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silver--scar · 6 months
Little mini south park rant before I go back to answering asks on another account nothing special
Sometimes when I peruse my fyp, I find South Park ship art. Yay! Yippee! Cuties! I love ship art- Oh uhh they're... They're kissing on the lips :/
Like??? Am I the only one who's kinda uncomfortable with this?? They're kids. Most they'll do is like a little smooch on the cheek. Idk man I guess kids do sometimes do mushy kisses on the lips but I still find it weird and I just can't handle it. Not to mention that most of these people are drawing the kids like... French kissing?? Tongue action??? Why???
I understand that most likely the people behind the art are also minors or the fact that they're "aged up" but I barely find this as an excuse I just augh idk how to word this right ima shut up
I know it's ironic coming from a South Park fan myself but c'mon man can you blame me it's just odd
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theladyofbloodshed · 8 months
one of the funniest moments of my teaching career was when i was 1:1 with a child during a national test and i was basically locked in a room with him to stop him having emotional meltdowns and to keep him calm through the ridiculous 6 tests an 11 year old must do in the uk. he struggled massively with inference because he has autism but worked out the character was confused then tried to change his answer to discombobulated and i had to confiscate his pencil until he promised not to change his answer
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cherry-doodles2 · 2 years
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wicked-west-cats · 4 months
If you're going to say you're morally reprehensible, could you clarify a little bit? I'm not saying this to be mean or to accuse you of anything, but I'd like to know if I'm following someone that I don't agree with or want to be associated with.
lmao youre all good and its in jest to certain people ive seen here and on twitter over the years - this is a very pro fictional space and i like that its a safe way for people to process, push, or explore scenarios or dynamics (which apparently is something people get angry about hence the joke, im poking fun both at myself and at others hence the 'dead dove do not eat' reference i made in the tags)
for anyone wondering what that means in terms of the characters here: anything "controversial" would be things potentially already found in the books for backstory purposes
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thewinchestah · 7 months
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I’ve been on tumblr since I was 11. (2010) This blog (my only blog) is 14 yea old. Everytime I log on here and see ridiculous fandom discourse and the morality fandom police acting I feel like and old hag.
“oooh but there’s too swearing”
“ohhh those degenerates are writing *gasp like a Victorian lady* >>SEX<<< fics about a fictional character that’s absurd!
What are you guys gonna do? Report me to the fandom police
be for fucking real.
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why did Nintendo have to make the fishing in oot so unnecessarily hard. at least on the n64 version- I MEAN- BRO I SPENT LIKE 3 DAYS TRYING TO GET THE GOLDEN SCALE MAN I JUST WANTED MY PIECE OF HEARTT 😭😭😭
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i spent over like 500+ rupees trying to get that big fish i am filled with rage.
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also you can steal the fisher guy’s hat it’s hilarious. sorry the photo is kinda bad I was just taking a picture of my tv 😭
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I originally thought up a bunch of ghoul hockey ideas/headcannons while I was at work yesterday (which I'll probably end up just dumping into its own post as is) that I meant to follow up on and expand today but then instead I wrote the following two little things that are really only hockey adjacent lol. I blame @forlorn-crows and @askingforthesun for reminding me I like hockey and giving me the Ghoul Hockey brainrot.
The first one centers on Dew's pregame rituals and the second is a follow up concerning... zambonis I guess? The both of them together probably total about 1.2k so I'm gonna stick 'em under a readmore :)
Pre-game Ritual
After enough damage was caused by restless ghouls cooped up in the abbey during the winter, the decision was quickly made to try and facilitate an outlet for the, to work out pent up energy. A short while later, hockey gear and sticks appeared and weekly games between the ghouls have been commonplace ever since. It took a while for the idea to truly catch on in the beginning, but by the time Copia came to lead the Ghost Project it was a well loved tradition and something that the ghouls got very invested in.
Dew had first picked up the idea of a pregame ritual from Omega, who was a firm believer in the same meal before each game to bring him luck.
... It may have gotten a little out of control from there. Is it truly a superstition if it gets you the desired results though? Dew definitely didn't think so. Over the years he gained more and more "habits" as he would refer to them to help him out in games until it reached the current state of affairs. Before each game he had 5 things that he swore were essential otherwise the game would go horribly.
A good pregame meal: The first of his many quirks he stole directly from Omega then later changed to make his own. For lunch before their weekly game he would always make one of the same two chicken and pasta dishes. After he became a fire ghoul it was still the same meal, but he made them so spicy that only he or another fire ghoul could stand to eat it. Originally he claimed that is just helped him get into the hockey mindset, but that statement later changed to him saying it helped him get fired up both literally and metaphorically to hit the ice.
Zamboni time: Eventually Dew got tired of always being the one to trip on the rouge debris stuck to the ice when they played. He eventually figured out that a fire ghoul and a water ghoul could run out there before the game and together essentially create a makeshift Zamboni equivalent out of ghoul magic so that the ice would be clean and smooth. At first he and Ifrit would go out and do it, but later he and Rain continued the tradition. It was almost meditative in a way, but he kept that part to himself.
A lucky charm: This particular aspect was the only one that he was willing to admit was truly superstitious. In his pocket every time he went out onto the ice, he carried a little plastic figurine of a phoenix that Aether and Mountain had given to him just before he left to undergo the process of becoming a fire ghoul. They said it was a good luck charm and a reminder that they were thinking of him and supporting him the whole time, even if they couldn't be there. It has been one of the only constants he had in the beginning. Dew figured that if it was good luck then than it was absolutely good luck now. It also reminded him that his pack had his back both on and off the ice, however he deemed that particular sentiment a bit too sappy to ever admit out loud. He would turn the small figure around in his hands just before the game and whenever he was sitting out off the ice.
Some good tunes and a nap: It doesn't matter how sleep deprived you are, a quick little disco nap can make you right as rain and ready to absolutely crush the competition. Dew knows this is a friendly game between the ghouls to let off steam and bond as a pack but he is 100% the kind of person to let his competitive nature get the best of him in this scenario. Besides, cleaning the ice uses a lot of energy and makes him sleepy. Also listen, Dew is a musician and everybody knows that the right playlist can be essential to get into the right headspace. The nap is also an excuse to lay in his room and listen to his pregame playlist. It is most closely guarded of his "habits" and kept secret from the other ghouls lest they try to mess with it and cause it to stop working. It is totally not because it's mostly bubblegum pop and he has a reputation to uphold.
Handshakes: The final superstition habit he developed before a game was a special handshake with whoever his line mates were going to be for the evening. Sometimes the ghouls would mix up who played what position and so he developed a different handshake with each member of the team. The most complicated of which are with Cumulus and Rain. The ghoulette was originally the one to instigate this behavior the first time and then they won 3-0 so slowly everybody else also gained their own unique pattern.
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A follow-up thing I thought up expanding upon the second pregame superstition. How it came to be and how it transformed
Zamboni Boys
Preparing the ice before a game became almost ritualistic at a point. Controlled melt. Shape. Smooth. Freeze.
Dew had originally thought up the idea one day after watching Ifrit accidentally melt some of the snow around him when he got startled while they were on a walk together. The frozen lake in the winter is a great opportunity for a little ghoulish hockey, but is rough and full of imperfections to get caught on. Dew, tired of always being the unlucky one to catch whatever was stuck to the surface of the ice and all its rough patches with his skates, quickly formulated a plan.
If he had Ifrit use a little fire magic to carefully melt the very top layer of the ice, sweep all the debris away, then he could use a little water magic to help the surface refreeze all smooth and pretty. Essentially making them a makeshift Zamboni. After a little trial and error to get the process right, the remainder of the lake went smoothly and the result was beautiful.
Once Dew switched elements the process was one of the few ways that he had left to tether himself to who he was before.
The first winter after he reemerged as a fire ghoul, when the time came for the weekly hockey games between the ghouls to resume Dew was crushed. He had come to relish the meditative actions of preparing the ice and found that it always brought him a sense of tranquility. To lose that was just salt in the wound. As winter drew near he had started to dread the upcoming ghoul games knowing that they would only remind him of all he had lost.
Luckily, Rain had heard from one of the other ghouls about Dew's old pregame habit. Dew was resistant at first, but later had to admit that even if he was now doing the opposite side of the job , it still made him incredibly happy. After explaining the process to Rain and some slight coaching on technique they set out to prepare the lake for the first game of the season.
For the first time in months, Dew felt truly zen. By the end of it his face was hurting from smiling and laughing so much with Rain as they had fun on the ice. The two went on to regroup with the other ghouls so that the game could begin, Dew twirling his lucky charm in his pocket and truly giddy the whole way back.
The game was a mix of some older ghouls and the new current band pack on each team in order to give the newer ghouls a chance to better pick up on how to play the game in action. As the weeks went on, and Rain and Dew continued to prepare the ice together, he started to find that not only was the time to themselves bringing him closer to Rain, but also to his former element.
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elegantkittycat · 2 years
i'm watching never let me go and i actually like it and i just checked it on mdl and no one likes it in the comments? and i wonder
i mean, nevermind, to each their own but like, i saw some ppl bringing up palm, and i dunno, guess him not being all teary-eyed over his mother's death and such and i'm like. that's trauma for you. it has like, a million faces. and what, he's known that woman for a month or so? i'm not saying that to sound heartless, but it's a complicated relationship. she's never been there for him, and this time is not by choice either. of course she grew to like him, love him even, but that's a product of circumstance rather than intent, too. she would've been perfectly fine living all of her life without his son. and said son knows that. how painful that must be? it's complicated and i think it was carefully written and well-executed. Palm practically mourns a barely stranger. from his heart and from duty at the same time. a concept and a friend more, than a mother.
the day my dad died, and after i was told through the phone i wrote a badass assignment in constitutional law. the best i ever did. i loved him dearly, don't misunderstand. his death destroyed my life and ruined practically everything in it. but you know, even after one year of it happening i don't think i had a grasp on reality much. i may even have joked some. trauma is weird as hell and Palm's reactions, his clinical attitude, his fits of depression and rage and then denial and his clinging to Nueng above anything else all rings relatable to me from my own traumas. but maybe i'm just a shitty human, who knows.
[and really this is just a side-note but Palm seems to be a guy who makes peace with bad facts of life and hardships thrown at him in a minute. he seems to accept the inevitability of suffering, of death, of lows and highs pretty easily and without much fanfare. i got a vibe from his character that he's like a deep, peaceful lake amidst the mountains. just there, calmly existing with everything. sure, when things ripple him badly he's ready to drown the offenders but it's not very personal. except in the case of Nueng.]
another one people seem to go on about, that Palm is a shitty bodyguard. i mean, yeah, really?? the whole point of the series is that he isn't a fucking bodyguard, he's just a boy who was dragged into this and fell in love, unfortunately. XD or is it just me who thinks that? i mean they point it out multiple times but idk. his dad was quite effective i think, for those what, seventeen years he protected Pipop but Palm is just a fisherboy. it is repeated like mantra throughout the show. in school they gossip about him being the son of the bodyguard forced to be around Nueng. which he technically is. Mrs. Tanya is using them both. Uncle Non's subservience and his willing sacrifices and his offering of a son Nueng's age. it's not a malicious abuse of power - it's subtle and seems justified and we're all so brainwashed alongside Uncle Non that we collectively forgot that that's a bad thing – wealthy people using us to their pleasure and convenience.... this show makes very strong points, (it seems way too subtly) imo.... and there's this strong implication in the first ep too, that Palm mostly grew up alone. he learned hard shit but his father was busy being an actual bodyguard in Bangkok, and he couldn't exactly teach his son that at the same time in some faraway village he grew up in... he must've been an absent father. of course Palm's terrible, it's a wonder he grew up to be this respectful and decent at all XD
also i'm not saying that Phuwin's and Pond's acting is the best I've seen but I don't know, tastes really do seem to differ cause i'm so uncomfortable with Chimon's acting (or presence, it's unclear at this point) omg. everyone has the hots for him and i'm just sitting here deeply uncomfortable. that's just a personal thing i guess but when i looked at his character first in this series (i never watched anything with him in it before) i thought he was fishy. and i just can't seem to shake that off. at first i thought it was the character but as it turned out he's a good guy. XD he gives me the creeps tho. idk, sorry man, i'm sure you're nice. maybe too nice. i can't believe a word he says. i'm so sorry.
oh but Perth is flawless. his is an outstanding performance and i'd love to see more of that but man if they really gonna have a series with Chimon i have to man up...
oh, and the Chopper's dad issue is a funny one too XD like, "the villain is so simple and his motivation is just money and he only talks and could've killed his sister-in-law a thousand times" etc...... i thought that was the whole point? like i seem to misunderstand everything here, but i truly genuinely thought that the villain being simple, kinda dumb and well, villain-y in a bad sorta way is intentionally disillusioned? that's why we know it's him from the get-go?! this is not supposed to be a mystery genius, this is to make us feel terrible and uncomfortable and uneasy, because that's the healthy real-life reaction to fucking criminals!? who murder their own family, no less. (i can't believe i'm saying this, being the biggest dark lord apologist in history but come on, this is not that type of fiction T_T ) he's like that because criminals are that simple sometimes?? they are big mouthed bullies sometimes? there is a reason he wasn't high up in the hierarchy and his brother looked down on him and never allowed him to manage big things?? because he's unstable, he's all talk, he's hateful, pitiful and a little dumb?? and that's a villain for you? also you wouldn't believe the LENGTHS simple people are willing to go for money... money is never an unworthy motivation, it's one of the single most important ones for criminals, business owners, bankers, bakers, kids, adults, actors and actresses', doctors, writers, your fave youtubers, moms, dads, uncles, mob bosess... you get the picture. duh.
(for me Uncle Kit's character was actually nice after the endless romanticization of criminals ~ i'm not looking at you kinn/porsche, i love you {kinda} but I'M SIDE-EYEING YOU. WTF WAS THAT AND WHY??!? SO FUCKING SICK AND TWISTED AND SORRY GIRLS but criminals are not all sweaty-sexy misunderstood and miseducated and mentally whacky and forced by their daddies but still somehow genius Vegas'?????? whatever the plural of this name is, i'm making grammar up as i go, sorry, rant over, i love you Vegas BUT WTF ~ )
all in all, i'm vibing to something entirely different than the rest. as per usual, i guess.
i especially loved Palm's mother and the difficult to swallow life lessons packed up in there. motherhood, self-love, selfishness, children, responsibilities, desires, duty, suffocation in a loving relationship, personal freedom... that was a good one. never seen that before in a thai bl either. you either have the devoted parent or the angry not so agreeable but ultimately i-love-you-and-i'm-here-for-you parent. but an absent parent by choice....... i felt like she was brilliant.
and i love Nueng's mother too. the very little we've seen of her is amazing. strong, no-nonsense but with a heart. devoted to her family, ready to kill for them but ultimately she's the one who gets almost killed. she seems the complete opposite of Palm's mother but not at the same time and i'm here for it, okay? i'm in love with that.
also i gotta admit that i haven't watched ep.11 yet but i just cracked up a little and this rant felt good to let out. sorry not sorry
and i would like to emphasize it: this post does not have an agenda to convince you to love a series that you don't enjoy or anything. we are all allowed to feel differently about everything under the sun (and above it and beyond). this is just my singular experience with a piece of media, wich provoked strong feelings and made me think about many aspects of humanity.
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