#non canon timeline!!~
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o-scrivello · 6 months ago
[Theo couldn't believe they were dragging themself to Orin's house again, hesitantly knocking on the door and holding their breath in wait.]
[Orin stood behind the door for a second, not really knowing what he was doing, but took a deep breath and opened the door.]
Theo- Hey. Good t' see you.
[He let out a small laugh before gesturing inside.]
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sleepymim · 2 months ago
Ok so this is going to be my attempt to put all of my thoughts about Silco and Vander and their relationship and how they might achieve reconciliation into one coherent post because I cannot! stop! thinking about them!
As we see in s2e7, reconciliation between them is definitely possible. However, I think it definitely wasn't easy, and it wasn't motivated by a single event like Silco finding Vander's letter or Vi dying. I think a million little things needed to perfectly align for them to find back to one another. As others have already said, and I agree with this, I think the "happy" timeline is a statistical anomaly for them.
So what was needed for them to find back to each other? And like, disclaimer that this is obviously only my own interpretation of events.
First of all, I think one of the prerequisites for reconciliation is that Silco doesn't start working with Singed and doesn't get into Shimmer, which is supported by his eye having healed normally in the alternate timeline.
I also think that Vander's letter could only ever be a starting point for their reconciliation, something that would get them in the same room to talk again. After that, I think they'd still need a long, long time to get back to how things were.
Vi's death imo has absolutely nothing to do with whether they reconcile or not, because in the alternate timeline she dies during what would be Act 1. Silco is already past the point of no retunr here, he doesn't give a shit about Vi or the other kids, he's deep into his Shimmer business. He's literally planning to kill all the kids in episode 3. He would not give a fuck if Vi died in that explosion. If Silco and Vander are to reconcile, it needs to happen pretty soon after the betrayal.
But I think the most important aspects for their reconciliation are violence and ideology.
Obviously the actual betrayal is horrifically violent and traumatizing. Vander actively chose to drown Silco which is just like, such a brutal way to die. He does this because he puts the blame for the bridge fight escalating on Silco. This is unjustified, and the show wants us to know that Vander was in the wrong here. Vander himself admits in s1e3 that he has regretted what he did to Silco since it happened. In general episode 3 in my opinion very clearly communicates that Vander overreacted and that what Siclo did (throwing the first molotov) does not justify Vander's reaction (violent murder).
However! Vander also clearly still thinks Silco is dangerous and despite regretting how he reacted still puts some form of blame on Silco.
In the apology letter, he says the blood is on both their hands. The letter in general is shit considering the weight of what Vander did, and what it shows is that even though Vander feels bad about what he did, he does still put the blame for the bridge fight on Silco.
In act 1, Vander also says there are worse things than enforcers in the Undercity while looking at his brace that covers the scar Silco gave him while escaping. This is, presumably, before he knows Siloc has been funding Shimmer development and getting into human experimentation. He thinks Silco is worse than enforcers based on whatever happened between them in past. With s2, this is explicitly Silco's escalation on the bridge.
So obviously despite the time that has passed and the fact that Vander can admit what he did was unjustified, he does still believe Silco is dangerous based on their differing ideology. Benzo, too, obviously still holds a grudge against Silco for what happened.
So really the crux is that even though Vander feels sorry, he does not change his stance on non-violence being the right way forward for the people of Zaun, and thus he can never truly forgive Silco for what he did on the bridge - he still believes that Silco is responsible and that his own way is the right way.
I think as long as Vander keeps his ideological stance, reconciliation between them isn't possible. From both sides, because Vander thinks Silco's ideals are dangerous, and from Silco's side because he thinks Vander is a coward and a sellout.
Then let's look at Silco's side of things a little bit.
I think there's two aspects to his forgiveness/reconciliation with Vander: the violence and the ideology.
Canon pretty much tells us that Silco is willing and able to forgive the violence Vander inflicted on him. We see this not only in the alternate timeline, where they're obviously close again, but I think s1e3 tells us the same. Silco kidnaps Vander, but still offers him the chance to join him in the fight against Piltover again. I don't want to talk here about Silco's methods at this point in time, but he's obviously willing to put the murder attempt behind them IF Vander is willing to switch to his side again. He even says that his hatred for Vander passed with time. I think this implies that, somehow, eventually, with time, in a nicer timeline Silco could really forgive Vander for trying to kill him.
However, and I think this is the much bigger issue for them, there's still the matter of ideology. Vander betraying their shared goals, turning towards a pacifist, more passive approach to revolution and ultimately striking a deal with Grayson is what really drives the wedge between them.
This is what Silco despises Vander for: For turning his back on violence. Silco encourages Vander's violent tendencies, he wants him to become the person he used to be again, wants him to embrace that part of himself again. I think this supports the assumption that Silco would forgive the violence inflicted against him much easier than Vander abandoning their shared dream. Until the end, he wants Vander to embrace that violence again.
And a Vander who is committed to non-violence is a Vander who stands in the way of Silco's goal of a free Zaun. So as long as Vander stays firm on his ideological stance, Silco is always eventually going to get rid of him. There is no way for them to find back to one another if they remain on opposite sides of the struggle they used to fight together.
This is, I think, the crux of my interpretation of them:
Reconciliation doesn't only depend on Silco coming back to Vander and forgiving him for the violence Vander inflicted upon him. It also depends on Vander coming back to Silco, internalizing that the bridge figth was not Silco's fault, and being willing to compromise his non-violent ideology and take action again for their shared dream.
It's about the two of them coming back to each other.
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sp0o0kylights · 1 year ago
"I feel him." El insists. "Alive." 
She hasn't said his name since Will first raised them all over the walkie, but every person in the room knows who she means. 
Not that Steve can say his name either.
"But we watched him die." Nancy says gently, before Dustin properly loses it from where he sits in the corner. "Owen's even sent someone back through to check." 
"Yes." El agrees, but it's clear she's frustrated. "He died here. But he's not alive here, he's alive over there." 
"In the Upside Down?" Steve asks, and pretends his voice isn't cracking with desperation and barely concealed hope.
"No!" El snaps, before taking a deep breath and collecting herself to try again. "Through the other gate." 
"Okay." Hopper cuts in, hands waving in some kind of "stay calm" gesture. "El, honey, I think we're all still hung up about the other gate." He pauses, before adding. "And how Creel dying opened it." 
El gives him a thousand yard stare. 
"I'm getting the crayons." Joyce sighs as she stands up. In a mutter she continues, "Should have gotten them to begin with." 
Silently, Steve agrees. 
xXx Eddie xXx
It goes like this.
A bat breaks through the side of the trailer. It swoops low, teeth rattling, but it doesn't attack. 
It emits an odd, echoing screech, before  flying through the gate, to the Rightside-Up. 
"Shit." Dustin curses wildly. "Shit, they're gonna try and invade!" 
"I thought they were guarding the gate!" Eddie protests, as that echoing scream returns tenfold, coming from the mouths of too many demobats. “If they wanted to invade wouldn’t they have done that already!?” 
"No, because Vecna was focused on opening more gates! This must be his plan--to open enough gates to push an army through. We have to lead them away!"
"Dustin-!" Eddie calls out desperately, but finds himself overwhelmed by bats as more and more break through. 
He fights through them, trying to get to Dustin, trying to listen to what the kid’s screaming.
He can’t hear him.
Not over all the screeching, the beating bat wings and the thudding noises as they smack at his head. Their teeth snap, tearing into every piece of him they can reach.
Eddie doesn’t know how long he’s been surrounded, but he hears the trailer door bang open--and shut.
"Dustin!" He screams this time, voice as loud as he can make it.
The kid’s faster than he is.
He’d planned this--or at least, had thought about it long enough to get himself a solid head start, leaving Eddie scrambling after. 
Fighting through the torrents of bats. Abandoning the gate because Hawkins can burn for all he cares--but there are people who don't deserve to go down with it.
People like Henderson, who have bright futures ahead of them.
Eddie tears his way towards Dustin, unthinking, just running.
‘Stupid, stupid, stupid-!’ He thinks, but not at Dustin. 
At himself, because he knows the kid. Knows what to expect from how he acts in games. 
Steve even called it--and Eddie’s not stupid enough to think he was talking to both of them when he warned them about not being a hero. He was included purely because Dustin would fuss otherwise and they were short on time.
Dustin’s on the ground when Eddie finds him, and he whips his spear at the few dozen bats that attack him, their bodies circling, teeth biting. 
He gets in two good hits before shit hits the fan. 
To his right something explodes, flames high and reaching, a thunderous boom whipping out so loud that Eddie's ears ring. 
A shockwave nearly takes him off his feet, bandana pulled from his head and freeing his hair. 
Eddie crashes on the ground next to Dustin.
 Sees all the blood and doesn't know what to do. 
"Come on man." Eddie pleads. "Come on!" 
He doesn't get an answer. 
It goes like this.
Vecna’s dead. 
The blast that killed him was from some kind of explosion that took out all of Creel House. 
It fireballed skyward, and the Upside Down rapidly began doing….something, seconds after. 
Returning, Eddie decides, to whatever it was before the asshole got thrown in here. 
Or dying, maybe.
(This is easier to think about than the fact that no one could have survived that blast. That there's a black hole Eddie can see, and it has to wrap miles and miles around the Creel House because he's still near his trailer.
It the trees down the stupid hill didn't make it then Robin, and Nancy, and Steve--
He stops. Shakes his head.
If Eddie thinks about it, it will make it real. 
He can't let it be real.),
The monsters all fall as one, dropping to the ground like puppets with cut strings. 
Eddie had been pummeled by a few demobat bodies before he could get clear, though given how some still occasionally twitch and hop around weakly after, Vecna's death doesn't necessarily equal their own.
Madly, he crushes a few beneath his boots. 
Knows that won't bring his friends back. 
Stomps on a few more because he can't do anything about that, and he can't cry any harder.
It goes like this.
Eddie gets back topside to find Vecna's revenge in action.
 It's an act worthy of a mad god, not that Eddie would ever give him such a title. 
Hawkins wasn't split. It was consumed, with large portions falling deep into the earth that opened under it. Smoke chokes half the town from an outburst of fires, while downed trees and electrical lines make walking a chore. 
The road is a cracked and pitted mess, littered with holes large enough to swallow entire cars. 
Passage is nigh impossible by car, and downright dangerous by foot.
It makes Eddie want to sink to his knees in despair.
There were still people around, that first day. 
There were still people around the second and fifth days too. 
But then the monsters appear. 
They're not the demobats, or demodogs or even the demogorgons that Eddie was told of. 
They're something--else.
Mutated and mutating, taking on appearances that reflect both the Upside Down and the Right-Side Up (a term coined by one of the freshmen--Eddie can't recall which.) 
Actual flowers, great purple and orange looking blooms sprout teeth and attack. Vines stick out of arcade cabinets, carting them around like a hermit crabs shell. 
Some people breathe the falling little pieces of ash and suddenly aren't people anymore.
(It was Erica, who had coined the term. The Right-Side Up. 
Erica who was also deceased, because the fucking explosion didn't just take out the Upside Down version of the Creel house, but the real one too. 
Which meant Max and Lucas and Erica…
But Eddie's not thinking about that.)  
It goes like this.
Wayne's gone.
He'd been at the plant when the Earth had swallowed it, his first day back to work because he'd used all his PTO trying to find Eddie.
The coworker who watched it happen makes sure to tell Eddie his uncle insisted he was innocent. That the old man never stopped looking.
Likewise, the trailer is gone. 
It fell barely a day after Eddie had climbed out of it, one half eaten while the other teetered dangerously on the edge.
There's cops at the borders of the city. 
They’re been commandeered by the military and the feds both, and people in heavy gear prowl around like guard dogs just waiting to be let off leash.
Helicopters fill the air, always circling and searching. Units of men and women begin parading around with guns as they escort tanks and other battle equipment through the streets. 
They're looking for something besides the monsters, and they're happy to cut the phone lines and police the survivors to find it.
No one's allowed in--or out. 
Eddie tries to escape the first few days, after he realizes everyone who knew the truth is gone. 
Thinks maybe he can get to the Byers, and that super powered girl out in California, but keeps getting cut off.
Twice they've nearly caught him, which means twice Eddie has been forced to come to terms with the fact that he's one of the things they're after.
They know him by name.
They know he was involved in Creel's takedown.
Eddie"s not just being hunted by the town now. 
He’s being hunted by the United States as a whole. 
It goes like this.
Eddie doesn't want to die. 
Can't bring himself to take his own life, forever too much of a coward. 
So he berates himself while he hides.
Wonders what the fuck his plan is here. 
Focuses on surviving, stealing food, sleeping in people he loves houses and hoping maybe some of them made it out.
(Given how Gareth's and Jeff's places are both untouched, he doesn't think they did.) 
He’s never prayed before but now he’s praying to every deity he can think of. Hoping, wishing, that if he can’t get out alive, he at least goes down quickly. 
It goes like this.
Steve Harrington walks out of the woods with a nailbat in his hands, like a blood soaked fever dream. 
Eddie doesn't care. 
He hugs him so hard his own ribs hurt and the crazy thing is Steve hugs him back even harder. 
"You're alive." Eddie sobs, face buried in Steve's shoulder.,"You're alive, you're alive…" 
Steve grips him for a moment before whispering back; "And so are you." 
He pulls away and Eddie struggles against him, not ready to let go, fingers grasping at his shirt. 
Steve strokes his hair, his stupid tangled, gross hair and Eddie looks at him, desperately needing the contact to prove that Steve is real. 
That he’s here. 
 "I need you to listen--I'm not your Steve." Steve says, and Eddie’s so desperate for contact that the words don’t register for a moment. 
Not that they make sense when they do. 
"What?" Eddie asks. 
"There’s a--okay.” Steve sighs, before saying; “I am going to absolutely blow the explanation, but I need you to trust me.”
“I do.” Eddie says, even as Steve fulfills his own prophecy, and gives a completely nonsensical explanation.
At the end of it, Eddie can’t bring himself to care. 
As long as he has Steve back--even if it’s not technically his Steve, Eddie will follow him wherever he goes.
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tblsomedoodles · 2 years ago
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My NON CANNON Leo meets Clara comic i was talking about yesterday
I should wait to post this, but i'm not. I just spent the last six hours rendering this.(i know it's six hours b/c i listen to the entire first book of hitchhikers guide while doing so, and that's five and a half) and want this posted now.
anyway! Explanation!
this non-cannon version, Donnie died early in the apocalypse timeline. The day he died, Leo immediately went into his lab, hoping he had some sort of 'get out of death free' plan on his computers. he couldn't access it. Instead, Clara, a freshly hatched turtle tot (and Leo's Seer successor) makes herself known.
i might do more for this. I have a bit of an idea of doing a small comic where Clara finds a video message left for her by Donnie, but we shall see. (i have to figure out clara a bit more before i do anythign like that.)
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ut-poppy-askblog · 5 months ago
Genderswapped Poppy designs!
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While I continue to chip away at Poppy's Story content, here's a row of Poppy's Story genderswap designs that we spitballed in the server. I think they look really neat.
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starflungwaddledee · 8 months ago
Wait does starstruck have like a harem or something with how many people she's shipped with???
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yeah! she's ✨everyone's girlfriend!✨ no oc or canon character is safe from those big shiny eyes of hers!
i've actually always said this: that if 'dating' as we know it existed in her environment, she'd be the sort to accidentally be dating everybody. as it stands, she's just very polya and has a lot of love and clingy anxiety to give! she's small, but there's plenty of her to go around!
i feel like the tourney in particular is a bit of a scott pilgrim vs the 7 deadly exes situation. except it's just... starstruck vs the 7 knights she didn't realise she'd started dating 😂
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winewinebloodwine · 1 month ago
*Throws a 4 month year old child at you.*
She’s yours biologically yours. I’m giving her to you early to see if you’ll accept her. If no, I shall send her back. (You’d get her when she’s five instead)
[Staring at the child. Absolutely terrifed] ...... Uh. Mmmmmm. Fuck no..nmmmm nope to young to be a parent. Why are you giving me a child. Wh. Why. What???!?
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soup-scope · 2 years ago
we finally got canon ages for some of the redacted boys!!!
Samuel Collins- 29 *when turned* (technically 44 ig)
Vincent Solaire - 20 *when turned* (technically 43 ig)
Avior- Coalesced 36 years ago
Gavin- Coalesced 33 years ago
Aaron- 33 years old
David Shaw- 30 years old
Asher Talbot- 30 years old
Milo Greer- 30 years old
Lasko Moore- 29 years old
Elliot- 29 years old(???) (timeline just states he was adopted 29 years ago)
Huxley- 26
Caelum- Coalesced 24 years ago (caelum is still very much mentally a child tho. don’t be weird)
Damien- 24 years old
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oddballkins · 4 months ago
Very Self-Indulgent Michael Stimboard
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[x] [x] [x]
made for myself!
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o-scrivello · 6 months ago
H'lo slut
Hey baby, how you doin'? Doin' okay?
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princescar · 5 months ago
I 1000% prefer this over how she got mikan to fall for despair in Dr3 (honestly it feels like this was what was supposed to be how it went)
(Extra context: it's Junko's (and by extension Mukuro's, which is why she has an option in the first pic) birthday.)
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thecoolerliauditore · 8 months ago
I've seen alot of takes from both toxic fh truthers and fh shippers that Scott will never ever get over Jimmy and will obsess over him until he dies forever which. I don't fault anyone for asserting considering that fucker has two jokes and one of them is lolol remember fh But. I think there's something to be said about how Scott has shown time and time again he really is not in love with any personal qualities Jimmy possesses (quite the opposite actually, he seems to find Jimmy obnoxious more often than not during third life including when Jimmy is not really even doing anything) but is rather entranced with the romantic fantasy that Jimmy brings.
Jimmy is, after all, young and pretty and in love and someone he feels relies on him and lets him feel useful so it's not hard to assign him as husband and leave it at that. I don't think Scott is quite in love with Jimmy tbh but I do think he's very much in love with his husband (jimmy). If that makes sense.
With that in mind, I think it's then fascinating when you look at the universes where FH assumably never existed or where he is able to find a replacement for his romantic fantasy relationship. Witchcraft Scott has Milo and Rat Scott has his weird platonic(????) thing with Owen and Pirate Scott focused on his brother instead, Scott tends to actually move on pretty well and adjust to being more. Chill.
Now then if I said last life Scott almost got to this point with his thing with GGG and Pearl specifically challenging his worldview. And then he fucked it all up. Then
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tblsomedoodles · 2 years ago
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waking visions with then non-cannon seers anyone?
I probably should have waited until friday to post these since that's my update day. But im somewhat sick for whatever reason which means my resistance to impulse posting doodles, has magically disappeared.
Clara's first was probably when she was five or six. They didn't realize the pair's visions were strong enough to cause them yet and therefore didn't take precautions against it.
CJ's first was when he was 10 or 11. They tried to be careful about waking them after Clara's but accidents do happen. Clara refused to leave his side so his faded after about a day.
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trojanteapot · 1 year ago
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some more panels from the Entire Homestuck Reference Intermission Chapter of my otherwise completely unrelated to Homestuck Infinity Train fanfic.
I'm still rather proud of that one panel of Rose doing the "Lighty Thing" even now!
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strawberry-smog · 1 month ago
tumblr au anon, i absolutely have no idea what to ask about LOL cus i would read if you just wrote all of anything you had down anyway cus its all interesting... ok im thinking though. hmm im curious as to like how different ford's thoughts on him are where hes just some insane guy here? how's that for him. and maybe more about their dynamic in general. also other anon mentioned him having callout posts and i feel like he's also had to have written one for himself too of like shit know one even knows hes done yet
Yeah I totally get that!
And your first question is actually a really good one because it’s something I’ve been wracking my brain about ever since I came up with the AU - I think the initial appeal of Bill to Ford in canon is not only that he’s a fascinating, one of a kind being of knowledge and not only that he knows all the right things to say to make Ford feel good about himself, but also that he promises a lot of results to him and makes him feel like he can’t get them anywhere else, and some 20-something online loser is definitely not getting as much credulousness from Ford when it comes to promising specific benefits. I think if he and Bill had met under most circumstances in this AU Ford’s only thoughts on him would be “ew, annoying.”
Buuuut obviously both canon and AU Ford are deeply lonely people who feel alienated from the world and like they’ll never have a chance to be deeply (or really, even slightly) understood and loved by another person, and Bill is a canny manipulator no matter the circumstances, so I think for whatever reason during their first meeting Bill thought “oh my god I need him” and pulled out all the stops to make Ford feel like Bill was the most special and interesting person in the world, and he was taking an interest in Ford.
From there their relationship just kind of grew as Ford thought he’d finally found someone who really got him and Bill isolated from him his real life and inducted him into his online friend group - which is I think one of the main things he really offers Ford here, this narrative that Bill is so cool and popular and at the center of this big fun group of friends, and if Ford stays with him he can be accepted into this group of cool kids for the first time ever!!
As for the specifics of how they met, I imagine Ford didn’t really use social media very much before he met Bill (a lot of bad experiences getting banned from various science and hobby forums as a kid for not being able to stop arguing with someone who was being WRONG) but was just on idk omegle or some other chat roulette service because he was so fucking frustrated with a roadblock he’d hit in his PhD research that he just went on there and put his interests as “fourth dimensional wormhole theory” or whatever he was studying to see if he could by chance connect with someone who could give him the breakthrough he was looking for. Somehow he got Bill instead.
Bill writing his own callout post is a really funny thought - I kind of feel like it would be half goofy nonsense bullshit and half things he’s actually done that are so out there they also sound like goofy nonsense bullshit to the outside reader. Still probably got more notes than whatever expose Ford put together about him later on too.
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runesvein · 3 months ago
alright !! i better bite the bullet at some point so ... here's a starter call !!
if you have a preference for time period/season please don't hesitate to let me know !
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