#nomad jellyfish
hebrewbyinbal · 2 months
Sticking with this weekends Israeli Beach Themed lessons 🪼🪼
Israel's coastal waters, especially those of the Mediterranean Sea, are home to a fascinating array of marine life, including the intriguing and often misunderstood jellyfish.
These gelatinous creatures, known for their ethereal beauty and sometimes painful stings, are a common sight during the warmer months.
The most frequently encountered species along Israeli shores is the Rhopilema nomadica, or nomad jellyfish, which has been making its presence felt with increasing frequency in recent years.
Jellyfish in Israel are not just a marine curiosity but also a subject of scientific study and environmental concern.
The influx of jellyfish, particularly during their blooming periods, can have significant impacts on local ecosystems and human activities.
For instance, large swarms of jellyfish can affect fishing, tourism, and even the operation of desalination plants, which are vital for Israel's water supply.
Despite the challenges they pose, jellyfish also play an essential role in marine ecosystems.
They serve as both predators and prey, helping to maintain the balance of oceanic life.
Additionally, their presence can indicate changes in marine environments, often linked to factors such as climate change, overfishing, and pollution.
For beachgoers in Israel, it's important to be aware of jellyfish during the summer months.
While their stings can be painful, they are rarely dangerous.
If you do get stung, the recommended first aid includes rinsing the area with vinegar or seawater, avoiding fresh water, and removing any tentacles with a pair of tweezers.
In recent years, Israel has taken steps to monitor and manage jellyfish populations.
Collaborative efforts between marine biologists, environmental organizations, and governmental agencies aim to better understand jellyfish behavior and mitigate their impact on human activities.
Whether you view them with awe or caution, jellyfish are an integral part of Israel's marine landscape, reminding us of the delicate balance that sustains our oceans and the ongoing need for environmental stewardship.
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jackiehadel1 · 6 months
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jellyfishvibes · 1 year
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I've been bullied into making Linked au oc's
In my head his name is just 'Traveler' because he has somehow weaselled his way out of telling anyone anything about him
Time is really unsettled by him and cant figure out why (its cause he's worn his face before and didn't like what it did to him)
His end point would be somehow becoming the Fierce Deity's Mask
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blueskittlesart · 4 months
what do you think about zora design? about past and current designs? how would you change it? actually!!! what are the zora (and other races) like in your sword of fate au???
got distracted by the second question. look at my little guys:
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these are some of the current (working) designs!! from left to right it's sheikah, zora, hylian, goron, and gerudo! these aren't necessarily the average builds/designs for each race but they're the most important character from each race lol. sword of fate takes place really early-on in the timeline, so the culture and separation of races is still kind of loose especially among the humanoid races. the current generation of zora is basically the first generation to call themselves zora and attempt to establish a government or hold any authority alongside the other races of hyrule, and because they're kind of a young race i imagine they're less fishy and more invertebrate-like in this stage, hence my jellyfish princess! (her dad is a giant squid lol.) the sheikah are descendants of the original surface humans, whereas the hylians and gerudo are two seperate sects that both originally came from skyloft. the hylians built a few villages which each have their own distinct vibe while the gerudo took a more nomadic approach and roam the desert in small independently governed groups. The gorons are the most well-established race at this point, having been on the surface a lot longer than basically everyone else, and so they have a much stronger culture and shared identity than a lot of the other races that are still kind of getting their footing.
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y11irfilm · 1 month
violet – chapter 4
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qimir x f!reader | chapter 1, chapter 2 & chapter 3
summary: she had no direction. a nomad who didn't choose a side. but when a vision makes her save people, she has to face her mind in the worst way possible: on a planet made of water with the man who reminds her of her past.
content: pov qimir, reader has a nickname, mention of deaths, power bond, a kind of “chosen one”, dark past, sexual tension, dark confessions, romantic feelings developing, kisses | wc: 2300+
notes: hello, another chapter of “light and darkness” (and penultimate chapter) that has now turned only violet because i wanted to change the look and it also made more sense to this name. this time, the vision will be totally the first person of the qimir, which was a mission for me but i loved doing it. i made this vision thinking totally of the feelings of a bad guy who just wanted an acolyte but found a feeling that for me should be a mess for them. — english is not my first language!
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It was barely dawn when I found her on the beach.
She was wearing her nightdress, her hair was tied up and her feet were stuck in the sand.
Her eyes were closed, her breathing was irregular and her saber was in her hands. I heard her take a deep breath and let it out, her mouth gazing for seconds at the saber. She began to move the saber in slow steps, without turning it on yet.
I'd known about her ability since the forest planet case, but watching how controlled and precise her movements were, my choice was certain.
I crossed my arms over my chest, allowing myself to continue watching her until she realized my presence, which I found difficult at the moment.
She made her movements faster and faster, walking along the beach, marking her presence in the fight and sinking her feet firmly into the sand. I could feel the confusion in her mind from last night's events. She took it out on each blow in the air. She was conflicted. I let a smile appear on my face, she was becoming more connected to her power every day and allowing herself to feel her true feelings about everything around her. That was what I wanted most, the power of the two of us together against the galaxy. Desire grew in my body.
I took a step forward, then froze. I could no longer move my body anywhere. I looked up again to see if she was all right, but she was more than all right. Her left hand was raised towards me and her eyes were still closed. She was using the Force to stop me.
"Hey, jellyfish, open your eyes. It's no fun arresting someone who's not in the fight."
Its eyes slowly opened. Red. They were a blood-red shade that surprised him. How? I not only knew, but sensed that she wasn't on the dark side yet, just small steps away from a doubt I'd planted in her head a few weeks ago. Was her father as bad as he said? After watching for a few seconds, I saw them return to the dark brown I had been watching for so long.
I felt my pressure return to my body as she lowered her hand, so I began to walk until I was a few steps away from her body. I watched as her head slowly turned to the side and her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
I smiled. "You seem innocent to look at, but you have dangerous tentacles. Or I may have seen you draw one of them in the sand while on one of my walks."
"It was my father's favorite sea animal. He swam with them, felt a strong connection and taught me to love them as if they were my sisters." I could feel the good taste of recalling childhood memories, she seemed at peace. "They used to call me Medusa. I miss them." I tried to find words to continue the conversation, but my thoughts were muddled. With each new piece of her past life, I become a man desperate for more and more.
"I'm going swimming."
I heard his words in the back of my mind while still stuck in the same conflicting thoughts. When I turned my head to look at her, I knew she was shining like a fucking star. I didn't remember feeling my heartbeat like that. I felt my feet take over, water getting into my clothes and my arms moving through the water towards her. I watched her sink for a few seconds and raise her body to the surface again, her eyes going towards me with a smile lighting up her face. She turned her body towards the ocean trail, moving her arms to either side and swimming away again.
"Hold on, wait a minute." I tried to keep up with her, but her nickname was true, she was a jellyfish. Medusa was born to be swimming in the ocean. I could hear her let out a few muffled laughs over the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks near the shore.
She was several meters away from me, stopping and turning her body towards me, making me stop. "Too slow for a person who lives on a planet covered in water, I'm disappointed." I couldn't remember when a smile appeared on my lips, but she noticed. "It's beautiful, it's kind. It's you." I didn't need to think to know what that meant for her. "It's a gigantic wall inside your mind, let the dark king rest for a while." Medusa slowly swam towards me and stopped a good distance away, I could feel her gaze piercing the wall. I waited for her next move, trying to anticipate and prepare my reactions. I felt drops of water splashing onto my face. She had moved her hand and splashed water on my face. Letting out a big laugh at knowing that I really wasn't expecting it.
Medusa began to walk away again, waiting for my footsteps. I just knew I had to bring her to me. I moved my arms to start swimming towards her, watched her raise her head a little and let the big laughs come out of her throat as she ran away from me. It was a beautiful sound that I wanted to hear more often.
Thoughts of a plan were emerging in my mind, and I automatically began to put it into practice. I sank into the water, using my control to avoid being found. I moved my arms quickly towards the aura I felt of jellyfish. On the count of three, I submerged back to the surface, placing my hands on his hips and pulling him to my body. "Gotcha."
Sun star. That's how I could describe his smile at that moment. "Congratulations, king." I felt a tightening in my chest. She moved her hand to one of the loose ends of my hair and tucked it behind my left ear. I felt her fingertips lightly touch my face before her hand fell back into the water. It was like a hot day, my body was burning.
The tightness in my chest continued until it was unbearable. I put one of my hands next to my chest, leaving the fabric of the robe untouched. Then I saw his irises paint a new art, but it wasn't what I had expected to see before. A violet was filling the irises of her eyes, while her smile was lighting up my heart. With one hand still on her hip, I pulled her closer, diving into her eyes.
"Why purple?" I murmured to the ocean.
She knew exactly what I was asking. "As a child, I remember hearing from the Jedi that blue represented hope and hope was them. Red was the blood of one corrupted to the steps of the dark side." Medusa slowly raised her arms, placing them on either side of my neck. The hairs on my body stood on end. I felt conflicted again. "Purple is just the combination of them. A person who lives on both sides. That's me." She murmured the words in my ear, feeling her nose move from my ear to my cheek and her lips deposit a seal on it.
My eyebrows furrowed. "When did you find out?" I saw her smile slowly disappear, replaced by a look lost in painful memories.
"When he killed her. When, when... When I saw him spit out his own blood the countless times I let the knife be plunged into his chest."
"I took his body in my arms and carried it to the ocean, swimming to them." Medusa closed her eyes for a few seconds and opened them again. The violet was still alive in her irises. "I did what my mother asked, I loved him until the last second. I let him die the way he always wanted to, alongside the countless medusozoa.
I let my hand rest on one of her cheeks, my thumb caressing her skin. I felt a wave pass us and continue with full force to the shore, I turned my face and watched the change in the sea. Medusa was controlling it. Looking at her again, she wasn't noticing her own change, living by recalling her melancholy memories.
I plunged back into her violet eyes, then to her eyebrows, her thin, upturned nose, the rosy apples of her cheeks and finally, her lips. Desire ignited every part of my body. I looked at her, letting my eyes linger on her lips. I longed to kiss her. No, my soul cried out to take her for myself. An animal was born in my chest, ready to take over every cell of her body.
Violet. She looked like a fucking goddess with those piercing eyes, trembling and alive.
The weeks of sharing moments in the cave. I opened my eyes as the days dawned, and she was my first sight. Her walks around the planet and my eyes following her as if they needed that to breathe in peace. Preparing food for us to eat in the silence of the ocean, while our gazes met, I couldn't keep the corner of my mouth from twitching into a half-smile as I noticed her trying to look away from the food. Sleepless nights I couldn't help but stare at her contemplating the tranquillity of the darkness, her dark brown eyes illuminating the cave sky with such admiration. "Home, yeah, it reminds me of there." Her words came out like a breath in the air, her gaze continuing upwards, seeming to be talking to someone. I knew who it was. Watching him train on the sandy beach, his feet wet from the water on the shore and his eyes focused on each blow in the air. I could feel his anger draining away in his blows.
Confused feelings. She turns me into a different man every day. A different one that frightened me. I shouldn't be confused, I knew every moment that made her the way she is, but they're moments that haven't made her even ten percent the way she is. I shouldn't be wishing for something like this, I shouldn't be feeling this way about her. But in our gazes, I didn't care about any feelings that were emerging. I just wanted her to look at me more and more.
"What's stopping you?" When she came so close to my face?
"It's going to destroy us, like your parents. We shouldn't be involved in this." I felt a wave form and hit us hard before continuing on to the rocks.
"For the guy who was going to make a massacre, that sounds funny coming out of your mouth." She wrapped her arms around my body, resting her chin on my left shoulder. Whispering into my shoulder: "A man once said that fear is a powerful emotion, when you allow yourself to feel it." I felt his face rise again and come within inches of my face. His violet eyes became my undoing. "You become free."
Those three significant words in their lives came out in one last breath of air from her. My hand went up to her face, my thumb sliding over her lips in immense devotion. My hand moved to her neck, pulling sharply and pressing my lips to hers. A guttural moan escaped my throat as I felt her hand move up to my neck, wrapping around a few locks of my hair and pulling them without any affection. My hand went down to her waist and squeezed the flesh with fervor. Running my tongue across the roof of my mouth as I devoured the tiny sounds emanating from her. The waves began to follow us each in a few seconds with their superhuman strength, but they seemed tiny for what we were feeling at the moment. I felt her other hand wrap around one side of my face, pressing my fingers together. Then I saw it.
Flashes of her running in my arms until she was in the sea, my eyes not leaving her sleeping face. She heard my voice, but couldn't understand the words. I felt a great anguish in my chest, growing with each flash in my mind. Until everything stopped and I was with her again. I abruptly moved a few centimeters away from her, still processing the images in my head.
"Qimir." She moved her hand to my face, but I swam back a few more centimeters. Regret grew in me as my eyes stopped on her hand raised in the air, watching the fingers slowly close and the hand fall back into the water. I stared into her eyes for a few more seconds before turning around and swimming to the shore. I felt her gaze pierce my back as I walked away from the beach, but I held back the urge to turn and look at her again.
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I felt his presence next to my bed, lying down and his gaze piercing my back, but I didn't give up. Every second I thought about the torture of ignoring her presence, I remembered the flashes and the anguish in my chest screamed for help. I could feel her doubt growing every second in the few centimeters our bodies were apart.
Her fingers touched my upper arm and the hairs on my body stood on end at the touch. "Qimir." Her breathy voice brought me an ache I hadn't felt in decades. She moved a few centimeters closer until she was leaning her face against my back. It was unbearable to be with her and not be able to glimpse her illuminated eyes. "I can't breathe in peace with you like this." Her face pressed tightly together. "Please."
I couldn't anymore.
My body turning towards her, wrapping my arms around her and squeezing her body to mine. I didn't care about anything else at that moment, just having them in my arms. I would prevent that vision, no matter what I did.
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pleistocene-pride · 1 year
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The tiger shark is a species of ground shark, and the only extant member of the genus Galeocerdo and family Galeocerdonidae. It is a highly nomadic species which inhabits tropical and subtropical waters world wide up to 3,000ft (900m) in depth, and is often found in coastal waters with particular abundance in the gulf of mexico, Caribbean sea, Indian ocean, and western pacific. Tiger sharks are often call the garbage cans of the sea and have reputation for eating almost anything. As such there diet is wide and heavily varied an is known to regularly include: small fish, jellyfish, crustaceans, cephalopods and other mollusks, rays, skates, sawfish, sea birds, sea snakes, sea turtles, other sharks, dolphins, seals, sea lions, dugongs, manatees, crocodilians, porpoises, and sick or injured whales. When near islands or coastlines they have been known to eat sheep, goats, dogs, pigs, rats, horses, deer, cattle, cats, camels, monkeys, inland birds, bats, lizards and  inedible objects, such as license plates, cans, tires, books, boat oars, soccerballs and baseball bats. Tiger sharks are themselves occasionally preyed upon by orcas, great whites, and saltwater crocodiles. The tiger shark commonly reaches 10.5-14ft (3.2 -4.26m) in length and 385- 1400lbs (175 – 635kg) in weight, with the largest recorded reaching 18ft (5.5m) long and 3360lbs (1525kg). This ranks the tiger shark amongst the largest extant sharks on earth only being surpassed by the whale, basking, great white, pacific sleeper, Greenland, and blunt nosed sixgill sharks. They have a broad snout and stocky body with proportionally large fins and a long upper tail. Tiger shark teeth are unique with very sharp, pronounced serrations and an unmistakable sideways-pointing tip. Such dentition has developed to slice through flesh, bone, and other tough substances such as turtle shells. In the northern hemisphere the mating season takes place from march to may and the southern hemisphere from November to January, with males breeding every year while females breed once every 3 years. After a year long pregnancy mother tiger sharks give birth to 10 to 80 pups. Under ideal conditions a tiger shark may live upwards of 12 years.
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luminous-jellyfish · 1 year
A Writeblr Intro (English Version)
Link zur deutschen Version
Hi, I'm Marlin! I've been lurking on tumblr and in its writing community for years but was always too shy to engage. Now I've finally decided to start sharing my own stuff (mainly to organize myself) and become active!
⫸ About Me ⫷
I go by Marlin (she/her), or on some platforms by luminous-jellyfish
mid 20s, queer
I write (mostly) in German, but post (mostly) in English
my favorite genre is fantasy, and all the different direction fantasy can go in, but I like trying my hand at genre mixing
my main blog where I reblog general stuff and fandom things and so on is @secondrealitytotheright
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⫸ Current WIPs ⫷
I'm currently most actively working on a few different stories that all take place in the same world (though at slightly different points in time) that I've dubbed "leviathan world" in my notes - after the gigantic sea creatures that live in its deep oceans (and sometimes the sky, who can resist sky whales, seriously). I would probably call it a fantasy world with steampunk elements.
All of those stories feature queerness in different forms, and most of them include at least slight elements of what might be called body horror.
All of these stories are still operating under working titles and are in various, wildly differing draft stages. As always I have far too much planned in this world but these four are the stories I'm actually actively writing right now:
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Seeds beneath our skin
Genre: Magical Academy Fantasy, Coming-of-age story
Setting: a group of islands and archipelagos near the equator, where the leviathans are generally both revered and feared as holy and powerful creatures connected to the spirit world
Short Summary: A young girl who grew up as a sea nomad joins the temple that has controlled religious practices throughout the islands for a hundred years. Against her will she becomes a key figure in the struggle for power and religious freedom that is about to grip the temple. To survive spirit possession, human intrigue and ideological differences she is forced to reconsider her identity and world view and define herself on her own terms.
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Honey cakes and bloody satin
Genre: Steampunk Fantasy, (Cozy?) Mystery, Romance
Setting: a harbor city on the northern continent, famous for their leviathan hunters, where a technological revolution is happening as the blood of leviathans is turned into a powerful fuel
Short Summary: A journalist working for a revolutionary underground newspaper and a seamstress involved in the golem's rights movement are thrown together when a man dies right in front of their eyes. They must work together and solve the crime while also hiding everything happening from the Watch, to protect both of their secrets.
Short WIP Intro
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Half the lights
Genre: High Fantasy Adventure, Romance
Setting: A city on the back of a leviathan, as well as the open skies, oceans and harbors frequented by smugglers, messengers and pirates
Short Summary: A wealthy, bookish young woman who dreams of investigating weather phenomenons escapes having to forge a psychic bond with the leviathan carrying her home city on its back. She stows away on a messenger ship and finds herself among a shady crew of smugglers. Eventually she gets herself involved in pirate adventures, a political revolution and a growing attraction to a headstrong fighter with a rigid code of honor and high ideals.
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And surrendered the flesh
Genre: Science Fantasy
Setting: a big city in a sub-tropical climate, surrounded by jungles and plains that have been gripped by a powerful virus that contorts nature and all living things
Short Summary: A young girl from the country travels to the city to find her missing sister and gets involved with an organisation that strives to perfect the human body. An ambitious scientist fights to be recognised for her genius and to keep her past mistakes secret. An old woman is forced to join a struggle she has been hiding from for years and rediscover forgotten powers to try and save her grandchild. All three of them will shape the face of the city.
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celestiarambles · 1 year
since we’re sharing our cc hot takes now, here are more cc unpopular opinions
- I don’t know why Jars is such a popular ship, Lars is literally old enough to be Jack’s father. Besties, or maybe a father-son figure type of shit would be fine, but as lovers, it just seems weird. If Jack was a girl, maybe you’d see my point.
- Amy in S2 was NOT a pick me. She was a naive rookie that was learning. Even after White Peaks where she went through a lot of stuff, she still wasn’t a pick me. She had a lot of unresolved issues that time to work with. Without all of that character development she went through, we would never had the girlboss Amy in Season 6.
- Continuation of the last bullet, I don’t like it when fans compare Guiletta (hope i spelled her name right) and Amy’s sufferings to each other. Both had suffered a ton in their respective seasons, and it should be acknowledged as such, not compared.
- The Bureau handled the Nomad Case (Case 8, Death in the Desert) very poorly. As an international organization, they should’ve done research and/or a background check on the nomadic people they were interrogating so they know how to communicate with them and to avoid offending/being disrespectful to them.
- The filicide (killing of one’s child) should be talked about more in CC, like the fairytale one and the jellyfish one in Pacific Bay because they were so fucked up.
- The Conspiracy wasn’t the first season to challenge the black and white morality of the police department the player was in. (side-eyeing you TV Tropes) There are countless of cases wherein the player’s black and white morality is challenged, and players should acknowledge that since CC covers countless of murders, not everything is black and white. Not all killers are completely bad nor are the victims innocent.
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Hi aj! Ive been rewatching gsr moments from csi Vegas and it just got me thinking about grissom and sara’s current relationships with the old members of the team. Brass is obviously there (love sara basically scolding him for not telling them about his condition in the beginning of the season) and they mention catherine often enough. There’s the fact that grissom and sara apparently are in california most of the time now, so it makes me wonder if they see nick now and then. And then there’s greg who I’ve always thought of as sara’s closest friend besides grissom. What do you think of their status now given that the show hasn’t really given us much?
hi, anon!
since the show doesn't really give us much information to go on besides the few implications that you mention, this issue is a matter of headcanon.
and i'll be honest with you: i don't really have a headcanon on this one.
the main reason why i don't is because the whole "grissom and sara ride off on a boat" ending is one that only comes about as a result the s13 divorce storyline, and the s13 divorce storyline is one i completely ignore in my own imaginings of the show, so i just haven't spent a lot of time thinking about the everyday ins-and-outs of the nautical lifestyle for grissom and sara.
i prefer to devote my brainpower to thinking up an au where the divorce never happened.
however, the other reason why i don't have a headcanon on this issue is because i don't really think the scenario lends itself to a happy outcome where "continued team contact" is concerned.
the reboot didn't actually specify that grissom and sara spend a lot of time in california—that's just where they happened to be at the time when they got called in on the hodges case.
while they may occasionally dock there, the impression i got was that they more often tend to move around, following the animals they're researching (like the jellyfish sara sends grissom to collect off the coast of panama in csi: vegas episode 01x01 "legacy").
and if it is the case that grissom and sara are truly "science nomads of the sea," then chances are they don't actually have a ton of contact with their friends.
the maximum distance for ship-to-shore calls is about 15-25 miles from shore, and cell service and wifi out at sea is often of poor quality/unreliable/prohibitively expensive, which means that unless they are close to the coast and/or in port, grissom and sara's options for making contact with their friends/family are likely fairly limited.
then, even when they are close to the coast and/or in port, logistics such as time zone differences, roaming charges, and the unpredictability of their travel schedule could further interfere with their communication with their old teammates.
it might be difficult for them to fit in more than a few facetime calls a year or an email or two every few months.
while nick lives in a coastal city (san diego) and might therefore be able to more easily meet up with grissom and sara when they sail his way, brass and presumably catherine are landlocked while living in vegas, as is greg living in chicago, so they might only very rarely get to catch up with grissom and sara in person.
personally, i don't much like the idea that the found family the team built during their 9+ years of working together completely dissolves once they all no longer are employed at the lab; however, any scenario where grissom and sara spend the majority of their time living on the open ocean seems to point toward that outcome.
hence, i just don't spend much time thinking in that direction.
i stay in my little au world, where team graveyard stays close for life, even after they start to move in different professional directions.
all of the above said, if i have to bend my brain around the scenario canon presents us with, then i'm going to be stubborn about it.
and unrealistic.
i think sara—who already lost her bio family and isn't about to lose her found one, too—absolutely refuses to fall out of contact with catherine, nick, greg, and brass, seagoing lifestyle be damned.
she puts in the work and makes sure grissom does, too.
every time she and grissom dock somewhere, she's sending postcards and letters from both her and grissom by snail mail, firing off emails, making arrangements for phone calls—which she will stay up until ungodly hours to facilitate (depending on time zones).
she also arranges things so that she and grissom are in san diego no fewer than four times a year to see nick, and if she ever gets word that catherine or greg is attending a conference anywhere within 100 miles of a coastline, then she makes that place the ishmael's next port of call.
at least once a year—usually while the boat is being maintenanced—she and grissom make a trek inland. go on a "grand tour" for a couple of weeks at a time, visiting brass and catherine in vegas and greg in chicago, putting in quality "family time" while also running their "land errands" (like getting their driver's licenses and passports renewed, having their annual physicals and dental appointments, in her case completing continuing csi education certification courses, etc.).
she also will go out of her way to attend big events in her friends' lives—like when nick wins some big award from the city of san diego, she and grissom are there, front row, at the ceremony, cheering him on; and when greg graduates from his phd program, they show up to see him walk.
while grissom would perhaps be more naturally inclined to just let socialization fall by the wayside, she encourages him to make time to zoom with catherine and even—if you can believe it—keep up his correspondence with heather, and he (ultimately) is grateful that she does, because even though he tends toward reclusiveness, he does still love his people and realizes that staying in contact with them makes his life richer.
it's not very realistic, given the actual logistics of their life, and neither is it very well thought-out, as, like i said, i don't spend a lot of time mentally inhabiting the post-s8 canon story world, but that's what i've got.
thanks for the question! please feel welcome to send another any time.
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myhauntedsalem · 8 months
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Newfoundland’s Viking Ghost Ship
At the furthest remote northern tip of Newfoundland 1000 years ago, Vikings once the nomads of the North Atlantic, established a settlement.
This area is called L’Anse aux Meadows meaning “Jellyfish Cove.”
The local residents today make their living from fishing. They use small boats with hand lines to catch their fish. It is difficult backbreaking work.
In more recent years the area has also experienced an economic boom from summer tourism.
The Vikings were warriors just like their Gods. The term Viking is just a general name for Nordic speaking people who came from southern Scandinavia.
The Vikings were explorers that made their way west in the 11th century first to Iceland then to Greenland and finally to Newfoundland.
They had 3 goals. The first was to find new victims to raid– they attacked, plundered and departed quickly. They were successful in this endeavor for the most part because of the efficiency and speed of their ships and in part because of the sharp-iron weapons they used.
Along with these raids they were also looking for new trade partners and new places to settle.
A favorite tale that is told in L’Anse aux Meadows is about how a Viking ghost ship appears every 30 years. Sightings of this ship is considered to be a good omen or harbinger.
One mid August the local fishermen were celebrating for they had experienced a “good catch.” It was the best of the season. They had returned home with their boats full.
A lone fisherman stayed late into the evening gutting the fish he had caught. Suddenly outside his shack he heard a strange noise.
It sounded like paddles hitting the water in unison. These oars were making a loud splashing sound. At first, he didn’t see anything but he then heard the sound of a horn being blown.
He moved to the door and spotted a vessel moving toward the dock. It was odd in appearance–he had never seen anything like it before.
It was a long, narrow open boat with one central mast. It had a striped sail and on either side he saw oars dipping into the water quickly.
He watched confused as it came closer and closer and then just vanished. Word spread about what he had seen but no one knew where this vessel came from or where it had gone.
Several months after, the man discovered a drawing in a book that looked very similar to what he had seen. It was a drawing of a boat that had been used by the Vikings 1000 years before.
Thirty years after this initial sighting, two lazy young teens learned where an old fisherman had hidden his whiskey. One night they broke into his shed.
Just as they found his bottle they heard a loud noise coming from the water outside. They hesitated worried they were about to be discovered.
They heard the water splashing forcefully–it sounded like a large group of oars dipping into the water. They looked out a side window and saw a ship approaching.
They left immediately but once outside they stood transfixed by a strange sight. Before them was a long ship, it turned and headed toward where they stood. It then vanished.
They were so frightened by this time they left the whiskey behind as they fled the dock.
These two teens did not tell anyone what they had seen for a long time but eventually word spread about the strange ship they had seen in the harbor.
The locals realized these two young men had seen the same Viking ship on the same day as the sighting from 30 years before–August 15th. They felt the first time this ship had brought “good tidings.” Now they felt it had once more helped out–for it had saved the old fisherman’s whiskey.
This was not the last time this strange Viking ship was seen for 30 years later on August 15th the local fisherman returned with another bountiful catch.
One fisherman among this group decided to stay out in his boat a little longer–he felt he could catch even more fish. But as the sky clouded and the weather turned he decided to head for the safety of the harbor.
But his motor would not turn on. He checked the fuel and all the engine connections but everything seemed to be in order. Suddenly he heard a loud noise in the water.
It sounded like oars dipping into the water every 5 seconds. He looked in the direction of the sound and spotted a huge Viking ship bearing down on him.
This ship was on a collision course with his smaller vessel. At the last moment just when it seemed the ship would ram his boat he heard the sound of a horn blowing, it sounded like a battle call.
The Viking ship then vanished right in front of him. He stated later a strong sense of wellbeing overtook him. He went back inside his wheelhouse and the motor started immediately.
It is still a mystery why this ship appears every 30 years and on the same day but the locals don’t mind.
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kakusu-shipping · 8 months
Crush List
I use to have a crush list on my first pinned post but I ended up deleting it to save space and sense then have been pretty indecisive about bringing it back just because I didn't feel it was useful information and the concept was too broad and more and more excuses of the like.
Then my OCD got stuck in list mode so here we are anyway.
Long post under the cut, thankyou for your attention
Canon Crushes
Crushes that are canon to my Self-Insert's story (either I have a crush on them or they have a crush on me), some of which are also on the F/O list, but they're still in the crush phase to me <3
Katsuki Bakugo - My Hero Academia
Reedus Jonah - Fairy Tail
Usopp - One Piece
Makoto Katai - Komi Can't Communicate
Souichi Nishimura (Ironman) - Baka and Test
Junta Hayami - Romantic Killer
Kotaro Sato - Kotaro lives Alone
Franky Franklin - Spy X Family
Shiro Ashiya (Aciel) - The Devil is a Part-Timer
Shizuka Domeki - XXXHolic
Chieko - Princess Jellyfish
Masato Hanzawa - Sasaki and Miyano/Hirano and Kagiura
Baron Humbert von Gikkington - The Cat Returns
Arrietty Clock - The Secret World of Arrietty
Pearl - Steven Universe
Princess Celestia - My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic
The Beast - Over the Garden Wall
Ash's Sirfetch'd - Pokemon Anime
Guzma - Pokemon Masters
Doctor Mario - Super Mario
Metal Mario - Super Mario
Wardell - Animal Crossing
Spyke - Splatoon
CQ Cumber - Splatoon
Rayfa Padma Khura'in - Ace Attorney
Chara - Undertale
Flowey - Undertale
Gaster - Deltarune
Phineas Filch - Ace Attorney
Maugaloa Malosi - Overwatch
Luca Blight - Suikoden 2
Just can't be bother to make an S/I
For various reasons including; Already have too many S/Is for this media, There's a ship I like that already has the dynamic my S/I would have with them (including friend's self-ships), Haven't had a good S/I concept yet, etc.
Pantherlily - Fairy Tail
Taurus - Fairy Tail
Mayaya - Princess Jellyfish
Hilling - Ranking of Kings
Marco Pagot - Porco Rosso
Palo Barrrows - The Titan's Bride
Noppo - Drifting Home
Randall - Monsters University
Jasper - Steven Universe
Rose Quarts/Pink Diamond - Steven Universe
Padparadscha - Steven Universe
The Titan - The Owl House
Grime - Amphibia
Maddie Flour - Amphibia
King Andrias - Amphibia
Hugo Oak - Kipo and the age of the Wonderbeasts
Jamack - Kipo and the age of the Wonderbeasts
Black Hat -Villainous
Bobert - The Amazing World of Gumball
The Nomad - Nomad of Nowhere
Brock - Pokemon Anime
Cilan - Pokemon Anime
Ren - Pokemon Anime
Ingo and Emmet - Pokemon BW
Nanu - Pokemon SuMo
Mega Swampert - Pokemon
Regirock - Pokemon
Regice - Pokemon
Mega Lopunny - Pokemon
Dusknoir - Pokemon
Giritina - Pokemon
Blacephalon - Pokemon
Magnazone - Monster Mind
Bowser - Super Mario
Dimentio - Super Paper Mario
Grilby - Undertale
Damon Gant - Ace Attorney
Bobby Fulbright - Ace Attorney
Kisegawa - Ace Attorney
Junko Enoshima - Danganronpa
Chihiro Fujisaki - Danganronpa
The Ultimate Imposter - Danganronpa
Gundham Tanaka - Danganronpa
Winston - Overwatch
Mako Rutledge (Roadhog) - Overwatch
Akande Ogundimu (Doomfist) - Overwatch
Jean-Baptiste Augustin - Overwatch
Richmond - Suikoden 2
Don't know enough
Either a non-major character I got a little too attached to or Their source material is too small to inspire me or I literally haven't directly interacted with the media they are from
Lapointe - Fairy Tail
Sanji Vinsmoke - One Piece
Usopp - One Piece
Bartholomew Kuma - One Piece
Bepo - One Piece
Shiro Ashiya (Aciel) - The Devil is a Part-Timer
Kitsune - XXXHolic
Dream Seller - XXXHolic
Hiigari - I Realized I Am the Younger Brother of the Protagonist in a BL Game
Otori-San - I Like Otori-san!
Tomoki Inohara - Melt at Night
Satou Jun - Mimasaka-kun to Mayoeru Kobuta
Sayo Minoru - I need to suck blood tonight/Yabun ni Kyuuketsu Shitsurei Shimasu
Yuzuru Tachibana - Drifting Home
Metauro - Villainous
Caine - The Amazing Digital Circus
Data - Star Trek
Harvey Hornswoggle - Drawtectives
Animatronic - Drawtectives
Callagan - Pokemon the Power of Us
Pumpkinmon - Digimon
Noblepumpkinmon - Digimon
Tubba Blubba - Paper Mario
Ganon - Legend of Zelda
Agent 7 (Eight) - Splatoon OC
Nelly (Agent 8) - Friend Devin's Splatoon OC
Meta Knight- Kirby
Galacta Knight - Kirby
Morpho Knight - Kirby
Magalor - Kirby
Rouge - Sonic
Roche - Dokapon Kingdom
Gaster - Undertale
Light Field (Snake) - The Nonary Games
Shamura - Cult of the Lamb
Ralph - Detroit; Become Human
Jerry - Detroit; Become Human
Bloodhound - Apex
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justsomeectoplasm · 2 years
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Crab buns
“I decided to bring Zenada along with me to the yearly trade festival. As you know, I’ve always tried to attend at least 2 days of this festival whenever I see the familiar boats come fly out of the wind paths gates, but I’m going to try and attend 3 days for Zenada. 
We missed Isle and Prairie, because Isle uses this as a marketplace for the nomadic groups and Prairie has the most visitors. I feared that it would be too much for Zenada to go to such crowded places because of her timid nature. However, Forest has the least skykids and that means the vendors will open for longer.
I bought us crab buns. They were sort of a comfort food for me as a moth. The soft and light bread paired with the rich and juicy crab makes me feel warm inside. From what I heard, the vendors lightly cook the crab and place it in a dough before baking it in an oven. Sometimes they’ll add vegetables that they bought from the boats or even infuse it with light, but we were a little too late to get those type of crab buns.
Zenada has been munching away like a hungry baby manta. She’s surely but slowly letting go of my hand to explore, but she still jumps at every sound and hurrying back to me. She’s quite fond of jellyfish though, so I managed to let her ride a giant jellyfish. 
I’ve never heard her laugh so much.”
- Miriam entries
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giving niigo epithets (word powers basically) what do we think
Kanade - Record, Snow/Winter/anything winter-ish, Conductor, Remix, Clock, Pocketwatch, Piano, Patience
Mafuyu - Jellyfish, Fishtank, Marine, Puppet(eer?), Poem, Flood, Arrow, Bow, Archery, Mask
Ena - Express(ion), Abstract, Burst, Palate (also thought about track/search because of her hermit searcher card but eh)
Mizuki - Ribbon, Tangle(d), Illusion, Mist, Phantom
I still have no idea what an epithet is but um. mafuyu is the puppet so yeah. marionette for her would also be cool. Ena should also be nomad cause that sounds cool and kanade should be treble
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every-captain · 1 year
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TFW you get woken up from your space-hibernation by space jellyfish.
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Oc-Tober day 3! I'm a little late getting this posted cuz I had plans yesterday and only got this half done.
This is a character that I've only drawn one other time, but I know a lot about his race/species in my lil head. Their people are nomadic, and their bodies don't age while they're sleeping/hibernating. They will hibernate out in space or hitch a ride on ships to drift to other planets. However, when their body reaches a certain age, they have a strong compulsion to attempt to return to their home planet.
The only other time I've drawn this guy was for a transmasc sci fi zine! He's trans lol.
[Link to the original challenge post] OC-tober list by @brie-draws
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Races Among the Stars 7: Scyphozoan
When you think of sea life that might evolve one day into sapient organisms, you might think some manner of fish, or perhaps an octopus. You probably, however, don’t think of cniderians, which covers sea anemones, corals, and yes, sea jellies.
And yet, that’s exactly what happened on the world of Primera, where life with internal skeletons never evolved, making the most complex life forms on that world various forms of arthropod, aquatic and terrestrial alike. However, it was not the insects or the crustaceans that rose to sapience, but a species of amphibious jellyfish, their bells and tentacles sporting complex collagens to support their weight and keep their shape out of the water. Thus arose the scyphozoans, a people that only came to galactic prominence around 100 years ago in setting when they launched their first organic ships into space, and have a history of nomadic wandering and expansionist war, which they seek to put behind them.
Indeed, the scyphozoans started out as hunters and pastoral herders, though the prey they hunted were fish and the beasts they herded were domesticated plankton. In search of more resources they came onto land, where they fell into conflict with their sapient neighbors, the fungal mycelars. The mycelars interpreted the droves of scyphozoans entering their territory as an invasion, and soon the two societies were embroiled in conflict that lasted generations.
However, while this war was tragic, it led to interesting social changes, the scyphozoans united under one banner against their common foe being one. That unification led to mutualism that saw the jelly-folk questioning the very expansionist ways that had led to the conflict in the first place, and soon both sides entered talks for peace.
With peace came advances in technology, particularly biotech, and while minerals are still occasionally used, almost everything made on Primera is biotech, from construction to medical apparatus to furniture to the very vehicles and starships that connect far-flung communities and the planet to the rest of the galaxy.
 While it is accurate to describe a scyphozoan as an ambulatory jellyfish, that is a grotesque oversimplification. Like a jellyfish, they are composed of a bell, inner mantle, and tentacles. The skin of the bell if reinforced with collagen, making it able to support itself and resist cuts and tears as well as retaining moisture, which aids in respiration through the skin. However, the bell does remain flexible enough to be contracted for locomotion underwater, as well as contracted with air in order to breathe and speak by flexibly manipulating the bell itself and their inner mantle and tentacles to make various complex sounds, though many note that their voices tend to have a crackling quality on land as air bubbles out. Additionally, the bell has bioluminescent points, which while not strong enough to illuminate their surroundings, but can convey emotional states and even rank, often giving them a rosy inner glow.
Meanwhile, their inner mantle is where their organs reside, including a hybrid complete/incomplete digestive system, with food travelling in an entrance, looping the digestive tract, then exiting the same orifice. Meanwhile, several pores in the mantle pull in hydration to sustain their bodies, and while they can remain on land indefinitely, entering water is important to cycle in new water and relieve waste products that might build up.
Finally, their tentacles. Unlike the basically limp tendrils of Earth’s sea jellies, scyphozoans have mobile and strong tentacles that come in three types: locomotion, sensory, and grasping. The four locomotion tentacles are longest, helping them stand at the height of a human, and have toes and cartilage “bones” inside them to help support their weight. Scyphozoans on land move with surprising grace on these tentacles, seeming to glide forward smoothly with the tentacles moving under them. The second type of tentacle, being sensory, are the most numerous, and consist of the many sensory organs that give them their awareness of the world around them, such as sight, scent, hearing, and so on. Finally, the grasping tentacles are strong and prehensile, able to grasp objects with ease. What’s more, they retain the stinging nematocysts one associates with jellyfish, though in their case the payload is a corrosive acid rather than a toxin.
 Despite their efforts to move on from their expansionist past, scyphozoans have a deep love of their history and the simple life of herding and wandering. That being said, there are subcultures devoted to martial arts and the like, rather than just the hunting-inspired sports of their past.
Traditionally, the jelly-folk are organized into various tribes, which adopt young members of the species that have wandered out of the sea for the first time and teach them their ways, becoming essentially their family by bond rather than birth, which is unsurprising given how scyphozoan reproduction mirrors Earth jellies, what with deposited polyps on the ocean floor which live out an anemone-like life until they mature and metamorphose into a proper jelly. As such, bonds of blood aren’t really a thing in scyphozoan culture. However, there still exists a tendency to judge an adolescent by the brightness and color patterns, leading to a meritocracy where auspicious patterns are given more resources to better themselves, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.
In terms of art, scyphozoans delight in music with deep bass tones, particularly percussion, which they can literally feel rather than merely hear as their whole bodies ripple. They also favor poetry that is grow, rather than etched or engraved, into the surface of cultivated fungus, which can be read with a touch.
Overally, the scyphozoans are a curious people that constantly grow and change despite also putting value on what was good about the past. Moreover, they are eager to share their biotech, which rivals that of barathu and raxilites, with others and gain similar boons from their neighbors.
 Despite their soft bodies and outwardly simplistic anatomy, scyphozoans are actually surprisingly hearty and intelligent, though their alien physiology makes it difficult to relate to many other species.
They can activate the nematocysts on a grasping tentacle to inject acid into foes they strike, guaranteeing they are always armed, but also meaning they can’t use that grasper for anything else lest they risk damaging their possessions.
Despite their form, they are fully amphibious, able to survive in both environments.
Their bodies also are sensitive to vibrations, helping them pick up on nearby creatures.
They are also surprisingly mobile on both land and water, their mobility limbs and bell able to propel them easily.
Having a soft, translucent body has it’s advantages as well, as they can dim their illumination and use that translucence to better hide their presence.
 With their generally high intelligence, biohacker and mechanic (potentially with biomechanical drone/exocortex/armor/weapon/vehicle/what have you) are natural choices. However, their decent con also makes them good for tanky roles, their soft bodies taking impacts that would shatter bone. As such, evolutionists, nanocytes, and vanguards, as well as melee builds for solarian and soldier are nice choices. Their translucency also makes them good operatives that rely on stealth to get the job done. While they don’t get special advantages, mystic also plays into their sense of tradition and community, while precog fits their forward-thinking mindset. The only real weakness they have is charisma-based classes like envoy and witchwarper, but they can still make it work.
 That does it for today, but tomorrow we’ll be looking at something of a Paizo staple!
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scariercnidaria · 1 year
whalefall dnd setting? please tell me more
OK HOLY SHIT. so im very autistic about the ocean and one of my hobbies is getting sad, watching fish documentaries and thinking about how i would stat up a fucking nudibranch or a portuguese man o war as a dnd enemy. which is kind of where the idea for the setting spawned for
right now im calling the setting #benthopelagia, this is the same as the tag i use for posting and for collecting inspiration
basically um so ive drawn a buncha maps of islands andstuff and theres a buncha nations.. yassez is the one ive. yknow. actually populated so far. the other 3 plotrelevant ones are isthmus and polonge (isthmus has claimed territory in polonge and fully occupies yassez). polonge is also at war with geuzi. fontaine has a treaty with geuzin. jicama and selenia are fighting over a strip of coast. danovsk is also fighting jicama over a pass thru the mountains. branthia is waiting on the sidelines ready to do very important Peacekeeping such as Supplying Weapons to insurgent terrorist cells.
>>GEOPOLITICS OVER read from here if u dont caare<<
theres a buncha.. buncha fake religions like cetaceanism (whale), currentism (its like breatharianism but it works bc its for filter feeders), integism (science cult), medusaism (jellyfish), The Really Big Human (a la dark souls gwynevere but an old man) Who Sits Above The Surface And Fishes Out The Cave Fish (only in ohio). i think in cetaceanism magnapinna are like. the devil.
theres a clan of nomadic humanoid orca that believe theyre demigods and run around fucking shit up. theres the shark mob from shark tale around the main coral reef settlement (barriertown/the shelf) called "reefers" who are pulling an hp lovecraft innsmouth on the landlubbers of port saiyon cause they keep coming on to land in order to steal electricity for their weed hydroponics.
theres a couple hydrothermal vents which are culturally the same as oil rigs
OVER TO THE WHALEFALL PART bc thats actually what you asked, theres a whalefall settlement which in a perfect world would be where i would start my players off. its like a small rural industry town thats slowly dying as resources get depleted. heavily cetaceanist but a sect of cetaceanism that think its ok to eat your gods. big whalers guild presence, and basically one quest would be to um. go kill another whale so we can Eat, please.
another quest start ive been ruminating on would be the PCs start on land and get mariners revenge'd to the bottom of the ocean.
theres also like - theres a trench? where there didnt used to be a trench? and people are like. man what the fuck. and in addition to that basically all contact with things on the other side of that trench - the whole opposite hemisphere actually - are just Not Coming, until weeks later they all come at once? so like whats actually happening is the core of the earth is hollow, but the core of that core is incredibly dense and this is called the unsigned (after unsigned integer overflow error. funny joke for me. the unsigned is a concept of integism). and its trying to break out except theres a stitch that it cant break and its called the time stitch cause its fucking with time (sorry this is all very fucking. stupid iv not completed the development of it yet. if u cant tell)
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