#nolans motel
deadmotelsusa · 3 months
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Opened as Nolan's Motel and closed as the Ponderosa Motel. This property has since been redeveloped and replaced by new apartments. Located in Wausau, Wisconsin.
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equallyloyalandlethal · 11 months
What A Nice Surprise; Bring Your Alibis
Multi ship; Thiam, Nett, Morey
The puppy pack is preparing to leave for college in a few months and has decided to combine some mid-summer away scrimmages with a bonding trip. What could go wrong when they stumble onto a motel on a dark desert highway?
Big thank you to @rd-eternity for helping plan this whole thing out and continuing to support me as i make it longer and longer and more in depth. This fic is gonna be fun! We get to take a look into each of the puppy pack members’ heads as the Motel screws with them.
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Revelations of the GoodWitch
(A Closed RP with @a-den-of-demons)
Nolan sighed as he passed the keycard between his fingers, tumbling the plastic card like a gambler tumbling the Ace of Spades. He smirked softly to himself, mulling over the note that had been wrapped around the card and slipped under the door of his motel room sometime in the night.
Room 316. Show your work to the teacher, then relax.
He chuckled softly, looking at the elevator screen ticking to the third floor of the lavish hotel. It had been his rendezvous spot with his handler for this mission. Normally it would be Winter, but she was back home with Kali. It left him wondering exactly who was going to be meeting him...
Minutes later, Nolan swiped the keycard and entered room 316, walking into a suite that was almost too perfect. He walked through the main room, glancing at a statue of the Goddess Athena and smirking slightly.
"Goddess of Wisdom... the teacher of us all." He chuckled softly, leaving the Skeleton Key USB drive at the foot of the small statue before heading into the bedroom and laying down, lacing his fingers together and resting with his hands behind his head as he settled into the obscenely comfortable bet. He didn't know what to expect next... but he was prepared for almost anything.
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... almost...
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scottappreciation · 5 months
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Scott McCall Appreciation Week 2024 is Coming!
Get ready for this year’s Scott McCall Appreciation Week, running June 16-22, 2024! To participate, simply make something about Scott and tag it with #ScottMcCallWeek24, or mention us @scottappreciation. Gen works, all Scott ships, and all types of content (fics, edits, art, playlists, gifs, etc.) are welcome. We have included some suggested prompts below, and look forward to enjoying everything you create!
All fics must be Scott-centric and Scott-positive. Scott does not need to be the POV character, but the primary focus of the fic should be Scott’s emotions/interests/needs/etc.
Day One - A Certain Potential: Anything set in or around 3a! What is Scott's summer like between s2 and 3a? How does Scott feel about his journey towards alpha? What effect does his attempt in Motel California have on him? Explore it all!
Day Two - I Haven't Been to Beacon Hills in a Long Time: In the movie, we discover Scott's moved to LA and hasn't been back to his hometown in awhile, but why? What led to him moving? What's his new life like? Use today to explore his life between 6b and the film!
Day Three - Find Your Anchor: How does Scott use his relationships with others to keep himself human? What motivates who he refuses to walk away from and who he shuts the door on? Use this prompt to investigate any relationship—romantic, platonic, or familial—in Scott's life!
Day Four - This isn't Just about the Game: How does being captain (or co-captain) of the lacrosse team play into Scott's life? Whether it's his relationship with Jackson, Coach, Isaac, Kira, or even Nolan, today is the day for discussing the main sport at Beacon Hills' High!
Day Five - Good Dreams, Or Bad: Whether it's nightmares, wishful thinking, or Scott's concrete goals, today is the day to explore the things that keep Scott up at night!
Day Six - Even When Justified: Mercy is one of Scott's central ideologies in the show, but why? What drives him to show mercy? How does it influence his decisions? What makes it hard, or worthwhile?
Day Seven - Dealer’s choice: Free day!
Day One: Emotions
Day Two: Quotes/Poetry/Lyric 
Day Three: Distance Shots 
Day Four: Faceless 
Day Five: Werewolf Powers 
Day Six: Belief
Day Seven: Dealer’s choice
The Person You Should Trust: Whether it’s enemies to friends/lovers, post s5 resolution, or the belief in hope in the face of betrayal, this prompt is for exploring Scott's relationship with trust!
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bullet-prooflove · 5 months
hii!! can i request ts midnight prompt: 21)  You and I ended up in the same room, with Nolan Price? 💕
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @topmagtiger @ireadfanfictionontheweekends @flopiboni @evee87
References to How We Met - Nolan reflects on your relationship.
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There’s one bed. Nolan was expecting at least twin singles but right now he finds himself staring at a queen sized mattress in a shitty motel room trying to puzzle out his next steps.
“I’ll take the floor.” He says as he props his rolling suit case up against the door.
It’s been a long drive from the city, you’d handled the majority of it while he read and then re-read through the case file in the car. He has to go up against a judge tomorrow, argue jurisdiction because your perp not only killed in New York, he also killed in New Jersey too and they’re being territorial.
“Nolan.” You say firmly as you set your holdall down on the bed. “We’re both adults. I’m not letting you sleep underneath your suit jacket on this very dubious carpet.”
You aren’t wrong about the carpet, it’s sticking to his shoes.
You shower while he unpacks his clothes. He listens to you sing to yourself as he hangs up the drycleaner’s bag containing his suit on the curtain rail. He can’t help but smile at how oddly domestic this whole scenario feels. Though if he were taking you away it would be to a B&B in the Catskills, not this God forsaken place.
Nolan rubs his hands over his tired features, he isn’t even sure why he’s thinking about that. He’s been thoughts like this ever since the night you fell asleep in his office. Things had changed between the two of you since then, you’d brought him an apology coffee, shared a breakfast pastry and from then on he was smitten because he’d caught a glimpse of the real you. The pretty detective who’s just as dedicated to justice as he is.
He’s tucked in bed by the time you leave the bathroom, the latest Dan Brown clasped between his hands. His gaze flickers up as you close the door behind you and his heart just stops because the sight of you in an oversized Six  t-shirt and boy boxers is just the most adorable thing he’s seen in his life. It’s in that moment Nolan realises just how much he wants this, not the sex but the intimacy of being with someone who knows you, who cares about you.
“I didn’t know you were a fan.” You remark, gesturing at the book as you climb into bed alongside him. He can feel the heat of your body rolling off you as you settle beside him, your cheek pressed to the pillow.
“It’s escapism.” He tells you as he sets the book down on the nightstand and lies down beside you, looking into your eyes. “The closest I’ll ever come to being a treasure hunter.”
“Is that what little Nolan wanted to be when he grew up?” You ask him, your lips curving up into a small smile.
It unlocks something deep inside him and in that moment there is nowhere else he would rather be than this rundown motel in New Jersey.
“And an astronaut.” He tells you, shrugging his shoulders. “I had lofty goals from a young age and I was obsessed with space, still am actually. I have a year round pass to the observatory.”
His cheeks colour as he tells you that last part because he realises he’s revealing something he’s never told anyone before. He doesn’t share his private life with his colleagues, he likes to keep the two world separate.
“Your turn.” He says, clearing his throat. “Tell me something I don’t know about you.”
You purse your lips together for a second before saying.
“This is the first time I’ve shared a bed with someone in years.”
That does surprise him, you must see it in his features because an apricot flush creeps across your cheeks.
“It’s been a long time for me too.” He finds himself telling you.
He’s had liaisons on and off over the past few years but they always leave or he does. Noone spends the night. Somehow the time he’s spending with you right now is far more intimate than any of the sex he’s had.
“Do you miss it?” You ask him. “Being that way with someone else? Being held by them?”
There’s such a vulnerability in you right now, you’re sharing a part of yourself with him and it’s only fair that Nolan does the same.
“Yes.” He says honestly. “The life I lead… it’s lonely.”
You understand that, he can see it in your eyes. The job you do, the one you did back in the Bronx, he understands how it can create a disconnect.
“We don’t have to be lonely tonight.” He whispers. “Not if you don’t want to.”
His arm wraps around your waist, drawing you closer. You feel so good pressed against him, the perfect fit against his muscular form.
“Nolan.” You say quietly, your fingertips ghosting along the line of his jaw.  
“Just let me hold you.” He murmurs, his forehead coming to rest upon yours. “Let me show you how much I care.”
Love Nolan? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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theflyindutchwoman · 6 months
I agree with you in that we’re meant to see how isolated Lucy feels (without actually being isolated). But something that did bug me is that Nolan left Lucy alone to babysit with a potential shooter in the area (yeah he could have left but since they didn’t have the killer they couldn’t be for sure)
You know, that part bothered me too but for a slightly different reason. Since the paramedics were there, I just assumed that Nolan had secured the scene first and hadn't found any trace of a potential suspect - besides Conrad - in the vicinity. And he obviously had no way of knowing that one of the neighbours would come out guns blazing. What really bugged me is that Nolan left Lucy and Bailey alone with Conrad himself. He made sure to tell Lucy he had read him his rights, indicating that he wasn't really buying the suspect's story of being pursued by a killer and yet, he had no problem leaving like that. Granted, the guy was injured, but he wasn't even handcuffed or anything. I honestly half expected the guy to take Bailey hostage or try to hurt her…
And since we're on that topic, the reason why Nolan had to leave so abruptly also bothered me. The way he kept brushing off Opal when she was asking for help rubbed me the wrong way. So once the incident occurred, I kept waiting for his action (or lack thereof) to be acknowledged. I'm not saying he is responsible… but this could have been prevented. I don't know, it just reminded me of Plain Clothes Day when he dismissed a woman at the motel who was abducted a few hours later and how he felt guilty for not taking the time to listen to her. I guess I expected something similar here.
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denimbex1986 · 9 months
'Cillian Murphy had just spent the day filming what felt like 30 scenes on “Oppenheimer” with the desert sand kicking up and blasting into his eyes when his co-star Robert Downey Jr. greeted him, trying to boost his spirits. And — this is how Downey remembers it, and when the legend becomes fact, print the legend — Murphy launched into a lament about how, when he had returned to his “18-dollar-a-night hotel room” the previous evening, he found his bags in the hallway and thought, “F—! I haven’t checked out yet. I have to sleep!”
“Every indignity that could befall someone who’s trying to do something .... It was like the tears of Job,” Downey related after a recent screening of the Christopher Nolan blockbuster. “Forget the call sheet and the job. It was everything else. It was the most Irish experience I’ve ever witnessed.”
Nearly two years later, Murphy and I are talking on a late-autumn day in L.A. He’s removing his coat and pulling his chair into the sun because, yes, he’s Irish, and part of the Irish experience is to soak up as much sun as possible when the opportunity presents itself. As to what Downey is ascribing to his native land, Murphy can do nothing but laugh.
“I don’t know if that means that Irish people are more predisposed to suffering,” Murphy says, smiling. “I think he’s being very sweet and saying we were like a troupe, moving at quite a pace. We were just staying at motels by the freeway and moving around. It was not glamorous. The way Chris works is that everything is equitable. No one has trailers or personal makeup. Everyone gets in a bus. It feels like independent filmmaking, but on a f—ing grand scale. And that’s the way I enjoy working.”
Murphy, 47, also enjoys not working, and he’s had a successful enough career in the two decades since his film breakthrough in Danny Boyle’s 2002 classic zombie film “28 Days Later” that he can describe such periods as being “happily unemployed.” That was where he was at a couple of years ago. He’d finished shooting the sixth (and final) season of the entertaining BBC crime drama “Peaky Blinders” and was in the midst of a glorious six months enjoying the company of his wife, Irish visual artist Yvonne McGuinness, and their two teenage sons. Then Nolan called out of the blue.
Actually, it wasn’t Nolan, but his wife and producing partner, Emma Thomas. It couldn’t be Nolan, because Nolan doesn’t have a phone, an eccentricity that’s either endearing or infuriating depending on the context. Thomas handed the phone to her husband, who told Murphy — in what the actor calls an “unbelievably understated British way” — “I’m making a film about Oppenheimer.” Pause. “I’d like you to play Oppenheimer.”
And just like that, Murphy was no longer happily unemployed. He was playing the title character in Nolan’s sprawling drama about the physicist known as the “father of the atomic bomb.”
“A big moment,” Murphy calls it, no stranger to restraint himself. Pause. “A biggie.”
In conversation, Murphy is pleasant and reflective when talking about his native country (he could and should write a book on the Ring of Kerry or at least narrate a self-guided tour) and the arts. I’d read that Nolan sent him photos of David Bowie wearing high-waisted, voluminous trousers from the singer’s Thin White Duke era as a visual reference for the gaunt silhouette he imagined for Oppenheimer, a man who possessed such a manic work ethic that he forgot to eat, subsisting on martinis and Chesterfield cigarettes. I pull up a photo of Bowie taken shortly before his death, wearing a sharp suit, black fedora and beaming smile.
“He looks a little alien, which is what we were going for with Oppenheimer, I think,” Murphy says. He holds onto my phone, looking at Bowie. “One of the greats. That last album [“Blackstar”] was f—ing extraordinary. What a gift to leave us with. Nobody else could have gone out like that.”
Murphy’s most striking feature — his piercing blue eyes — have been noted at length, for good reason. “Oppenheimer” co-star Matt Damon notes how he’d find himself distracted working with Murphy. “It’s a real problem when you’re doing scene work with Cillian [because] sometimes you find yourself just swimming in his eyes,” he told People.
Those eyes are what first attracted Nolan to him. The filmmaker was leafing through a newspaper while writing “Batman Begins” and came across a photo of Murphy from “28 Days Later.” He couldn’t shake the image of this actor with a shaved head and “crazy eyes” and made a note to meet with Murphy for Batman, a role that eventually went to Christian Bale.
They’ve now made six movies together, with Murphy playing the menacing Scarecrow in the “Dark Knight” trilogy, a petulant business heir in “Inception” and a character known simply — and quite accurately — as “Shivering Soldier” in “Dunkirk.” They share a mutual interest in conveying a character’s emotional conflict through close-ups that linger on an actor’s face and allow the audience to feel inner turmoil. In Oppenheimer’s case, it was the searing anguish of a man a bit late to realize and appreciate the consequences of what he’d created.
“To me, great screen acting is all about ‘show, don’t tell,’” Murphy says, “and being able to transmit emotion and energy just by force or presence or charisma.”
I ask him about influences in that regard, but Murphy demurs, saying that if he starts listing actors, he’ll wake up in the middle of the night, thinking, “F—, I left that person out.” He reiterates that his favorite movie moments aren’t big set pieces but watching actors in reflection, inactive, doing nothing, but revealing everything. “I find that compelling in the highest order,” he says.
Murphy had ample opportunity to do just that in “Oppenheimer,” portraying a character caught in a moral dilemma of his own making.
“I knew it would have to be a quiet, small performance, because the themes are f—ing huge,” Murphy says. “What’s happening inside his heart and his mind can’t be painted big, particularly when it’s captured on an Imax camera and it’s going to be shown on a f—ing 80-foot screen. I knew it would have to be delicate and tiny, most of it.”
Murphy doesn’t like to dwell on what he did once call the “monastic experience” of the film’s 57-day shoot or on the months it took to decompress afterward. Such talk would be a little too close to the “Irish experience” Downey had mentioned. But all of these efforts did make me think about something that Emily Blunt, who plays Oppenheimer’s wife, Kitty, in the film and worked with Murphy in “A Quiet Place Part II,” noted about him.
“She said that off set, you’re a hoot,” I tell him, fishing for an example or two. Murphy does not oblige, but he does express how his friendship with Blunt created a trust that informed their portrayal of lifelong partners.
“She’s also one of the funniest people, and I have a rule that I can’t work unless there’s a lightness around the set,” Murphy says. “There has to be some levity. A lot of the films I do are quite heavy and go to some dark, challenging places, and you have to be relaxed to do that. So I don’t walk around in a state of f—ing angst. I need to feel at ease. I can’t be in that dark place all the time. I don’t have the stamina for it.”
Murphy saw “Oppenheimer” at the film’s July world premiere in Paris. Two days later, he and the rest of the cast left the London premiere to show their support for the impending SAG-AFTRA strike. By the time he returned home to Dublin, his wife and sons had already seen “Barbie,” so Murphy went to the cinema by himself to complete the “Barbenheimer” experience.
How do you go incognito to the multiplex, I ask.
“I time going to movies very well now,” Murphy says. “With the ads and trailers, I always arrive a half hour late, slip in and then slip out.”
I grouse how that half hour feels like it’s getting longer by the year. Murphy agrees. And yet ...
“The greatest democratic collective art form is sitting in a darkened space with strangers,” he says. “To be part of a movie that people went to see multiple times and part of a great moment for cinema, that frenzy for those two films, was just lovely. I don’t know if we’ll ever see it again, but I’d like to hope so.”
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dcbutinamrev · 5 months
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HI Y'ALL IT'S HERE! MY BANG FIC IS UP! I'm super excited for y'all to read this short-story based on Christopher Nolan's film Memento. That film was my first introduction to Chris Nolan, who is my all time favorite director and the reason I started acting. I've always wanted to write something in his style--non linear which is what you're about to read. It's very confusing and it was intentional to be confusing, especially if you have not watched the film, which you do not need to in order to understand this short-story. But it is recommended. My lovely artist is @lithuanianking so go check out their amazing artwork for this story when it gets posted! Y'all are going to be so confused and I am so ready for the comments. Hope y'all enjoy! @newsiesminibang24
Based on Christopher Nolan's 2000 film "Memento", Jack Kelly is a private insurance investigator suffering a rare amnesia condition known as anterograde amnesia. In denial about his past, Kelly has also removed files from the police to fool himself and Sammy Jenkins. After the murder of the real Sean C., Kelly shows up to a local cafe restaurant where he meets up with Katherine. Knowing Kelly’s associated with Sean’s disappearance, Katherine uses him to protect her from Sean’s associates like Oscar Delancy or maybe she sics Deleancy on Kelly. Spot tries to help Kelly deal with Oscar after Oscar tries to kill Kelly. Spot’s trying to get away from Katherine because he knows who she is, and she knows his undercover name. But Katherine’s lies convinces Kelly she’ll help him, which she does by running the liscense plate number that Kelly gave her. She also gives Kelly a place to kill him. When Spot meets up with Kelly again, Kelly takes him to the place Katherine gave him, which happens to be an abandoned motel. Kelly kills Spot because he believes Spot is the one who raped and murdered his husband, David Jacobs. He takes a picture of Conlon’s dead body and looks at it.
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macfrog · 1 year
Could you possibly walk us through your writing process? I’m a beginner writer at best, and I usually jot down snippets in my notes app. I’m not the best at connecting plot lines, and most definitely struggle with writing filler content. I was just wondering how you start out + go through it from there? If not, that’s okay :) I love your work so much <3
absolutely i can. i have been told that my writing process is a little non-linear (read: unhinged), so please bear with me. it’s like a christopher nolan film up in my brain
most of my stories start with just an image or a particular line in my head that i can’t shake – so like, jet was built around a static image of a dingy motel room with two horses stood out front. and from there, i just map everything out.
that initial thought is the main seed, and everything else stems from questions i ask myself (and therefore gotta assume whoever’s reading will also ask). all the what where when who whys etc. and slowly this skeletal structure forms, where the bones are the answers to these questions, and the flesh becomes the story they tell, with as much attention to detail as i can possibly cram in. the devil is in the detail!!!!!
this means, though, that the process is not always linear (for me anyways lol), because depending on which thought/image has sparked inspiration in my brain, i begin writing at diff points of the tale. sometimes i'll start writing the end and go back and fill the beginning in, sometimes i write one scene in full and then jump back and forth to finish the story. it’s back to front, left to right, upside down on its damn head way more often than it’s once upon a time… straight through to happily ever after. i cannot say i recommend this. it becomes confusing and mildly painful when editing.
anyway. yes. using the notes app is also super helpful, keep doing that! it’s great for when inspiration suddenly strikes and you gotta jot it down. good for collecting little moments that you’ll wanna use in fics later on. little snippet notes are great for mulling over a particular idea and developing a story around it. just keep adding adding adding
as for physically writing/pulling a story together: you just have to do it. just get it out. don’t worry about it being good or bad, especially not your first draft. sometimes you gotta let the water run for a bit before it turns clear. just write. i like to hammer a first draft out (usually garbage), and then i pull up a blank second document side by side and redraft by retyping the entire thing. it helps me read it like a first-time reader would, which helps point out things that maybe don’t make sense or could be worded better. helps edit the hell out of it. i LOVE redrafting lmao
my biggest piece of advice is have fun with it. write stories you love, about people you love, and do it for you. and please send in anything you write, so we can all read and love it, too 🩵
(sorry for long ass response. u ask about something max is passionate about and she appears at ur window like the boogeyman)
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scottienolan · 5 months
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full name: scottie (scarlett) belle nolan
nicknames: scotch, scots
age: 25
star sign: gemini (june 17th)
hometown: orlando, florida
occupation: waitress at oasis
pronouns/gender: she/her, cis female
time in town: new in town
location: fisher's cove
please be aware the following bio contains mentions of childhood poverty, drug use, parental abandonment, foster care, and assault
the story so far.
scottie (born scarlett) was born as the second child to nina nolan, a stripper in orlando who could barely hold down a job for anything longer than four months.
with her mother and her older brother, atlas, scottie grew up in 'pay by the night' motel rooms. often it was just her and her brother fending for themselves while their mother worked and partied through nights and slept through the days. that's when times were good.
when times were bad nina would disappear for days at a time, either with a new boyfriend or whatever substance she was currently indulging in. those would be the times they'd get kicked out of motels for falling behind on payments.
eventually the luck ran out and child services collected scottie and her brother when she was ten years old. separated by the system, they agreed to meet up in california when they turned eighteen after scottie having an obsession with hollywood all her life.
scottie bounced through the foster care system, some places good and some places bad -- some stays long and some stays short. a bad altercation with a man in her last placement led to her breaking a bottle over his head in self-defense -- an assault charge that led her to spend her last two years in the system in a group home.
after spending their time in several cities along the coast and a span of three years in las vegas working as a stripper, she currently rents a house in fisher's cove with her brother. they haven't heard from nina since they were kids. they enjoy throwing rowdy parties and are no strangers to noise complaints.
scottie fell easily into working as a cocktail waitress -- an adaptable job that puts her natural flirtation skills and attitude to work and results in good tips and happy regulars. she runs an onlyfans account on the side with a solid base built up of fans from her stripper days.
over the last year, scottie has been dabbling in a fledgling 'onlyfans' account -- she'd always dreamed of being famous, and getting the account off the ground is one step closer to that.
fun facts.
scottie grew up in Orlando and has an aversion to Disney World in spite of never stepping foot in the place before. (Her family couldn't afford to and she was painfully jealous being constantly surrounded by people who could.)
scottie drives a red 1998 Chevy Silverado pickup truck that she bought with her savings after turning 18. At the time it didn't run, but she and her brother spent hours watching Youtube tutorials and scavenging junkyards until they got all the right pieces to fix it up.
scottie is a big fan of the cheap fountain drinks that you can get at the gas station and is known for her experiments in mixing various kinds of soda to her liking. One can always be found in the cup holder of her truck.
scottie has an affinity for Big Red chewing gum if she's at work serving cocktails, there's a 98% chance she's got gum in her back pocket or is chewing it obnoxiously.
karaoke song of choice is 'Fancy' by Reba McEntire. She knows no other songs by Reba McEntire.
always wears a cheap silver heart gumball machine ring that her mother got for her when she was seven.
current connects:
sister to @atlasnolan
cousin to @cricketcampbell
coworker of @lorelailewis
hookup/OF collaborator of @buddywellls
wanted connections:
oasis regulars: people who work at the club or who scottie frequently waits on
service industry friends: people who she can meet up with for drinks during weird hours
equally unhinged influences: people she gets into trouble or hijinks with around town
neighbors: both people who frequent her and her brother's house parties or alternatively someone who might live next door and can't stand the noise
romantic connections: completely open to mess here!
scottie is a new babe and i'm pretty open to where she goes so hmu if you have ideas!
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atlasnolanarchive · 8 months
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Faceclaim: Barry Keoghan.
Name: Atlas Nolas.
Pronouns & Gender: He/Him, Cis Man.
Birthday: 05/30/1995.
Occupation: Attendant @ Starship Arcade.
Neighborhood: Celestial Drive
How long have they been in Starlight Oaks? 9 years.
Three positive traits: Free-spirited, loyal, spontaneous.
Three negative traits: Aimless, distractible, envious.
tw drugs, child neglect
-- First born child to a mother who probably should never have been a mother, something Nina Nolan would admit herself if she could ever be tied down long enough for an honest conversation on that.
-- Atlas had to practically raise himself and his sister from a young age. Though their mother was technically present, she had spells of going missing for days on and leaving them alone in various motel rooms in Orlando that they called him until having to move on to the next one.
-- Despite the nurturing skills she lacked, his mother was the type who loved a party and was always one of the last ones left shutting the bar down, something that's rubbed off on Atlas.
-- It was an expectation that both he and his sister had to pitch in whenever they could to keep a roof over their heads (and their mother's bad habits funded) which is how Atlas started to shoplift at a young age. Small things at first because he was scared of getting caught, but he gradually grew bolder and bolder about the things he would lift.
-- He has numerous arrests and past charges as a minor and as an adult for theft.
-- Education was never made much of a priority, and it was rare for him to actually attend a full month of school consecutively. Due to this, Atlas never finished high school. After ending up in the system as a pre-teen once child services intervened after another of Nina's vanishing acts, the constant moves heightened the disinterest he had already had about learning as a kid and by sixteen he had dropped out altogether.
-- He made a pact with his sister before they were separated and placed in different homes that when they both turned eighteen they would meet up in Washington and reunite.
-- He first first landed in a trailer park outside of town when he arrived to Starlight Oaks, staying in a trailer there before eventually being able to move into a house on Celestial Drive that's needed the same set of repairs since he first moved in seven years ago (they're still to be done).
-- He's worked various jobs to keep himself afloat, a lot of which have ended up in him being fired for poor attendance or bad behaviour.
-- Loves to throw loud and raucous house parties at his, which has gotten him into trouble with some of his neighbors over the years.
-- Currently, he's passing his time as an attendant at the Arcade. It's his longest steady employment to date (8 months as of Jan. 2024)
His desire to move to Washington was due to a postcard he received as a child from his 'dad'. It depicted Washington on the front and on the back it just said 'I'm proud of you son - Dad'. He received it when he was six after it was slipped under the door of the motel he was staying in in Orlando. He has no idea currently that the postcard wasn't from his father but rather the motel's caretaker, Jack, who felt bad for how often the young boy would talk about the dad he had never met.
For the longest time he thought At Last by Etta James was actually a song called Atlas. To this day, if it plays on the radio he still sings Atlas instead.
His karaoke song of choice is Gloria by Laura Branigan. It's his mom's favorite song and one of the few he knows all the words to.
Has various tattoos on his body, half of which are from when he was drunk and let someone draw on him at one of his house parties before getting it yatted permanently.
Is wary of wealthy people.
He's never been on an airplane in his life.
Has never been to Disney World despite spending the first 11 years of his life in close proximity to it.
close friend / other half of a whole moron of @sunbcthe
constantly shot down by @sasikamatthews
arcade idiots / friend of @kaiisms
one time air-hockey nemesis turned unlikely besties with @miikcs
getting to know / will be positively influenced by @cosmicallyhadlee
party aquaintances with @rosesraleigh
ppl who attend his messy houseparties KJHGSH doesn't have to be just celestial drive residents! pretty much an open door policy at casa del nolan.
co-workers at the arcade!!
wealthy ppl who kill time there that he can side-eye 👀
friends / ride or dies
frenemies/friends who only fuck with each other when they're drunk and/or partying but on a normal day its like nah fuck you KJSHGH
neighbors from celestial drive (can be positive or negative!)
someone he's in a toxic situationship with (always fighting and falling out then rekindling and can never figure out what they are so its just a messy cycle) plotting required!
connects he knows through his sister
former co-workers / former bosses (he's def bounced around a ton of minimum wage jobs while in SO so timeline is fluid and can be figured out!)
people who he's shoplifted stuff for (if he thinks he can get it and get away with it, he'll lift something by request and sell it to the person for half the price)
people he's gotten into fights with (he can be hotheaded and doesn't think things through when he's drinking)
ppl he gets high with (pretty game for anything but rarely goes harder than coke)
someone with their life together who can take him under their wing a little and help him figure out a path that isn't just him spinning out day in and day out
hookups, fwb, usual jazz.
connections wise he’s pretty much an open book right now, but some baseline ideas that can be springboarded off are:
a best friend / ride or dies / close friends / childhood friends from florida / pseudo-siblings / friends / drunk friends / positive influences / new friends / people who were also in care in florida / former co-workers.
flirtationship / friends with benefits / one time hook ups / tinder matches / unrequited crush (can be either way) / exes on good terms.
enemies / former (best) friends / exes on bad terms / frenemies / rivals / negative influence / people who don’t fuck with him.
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cbus-by-night · 4 months
Name: Nolan Carrington Age: 28 Species: Ghoul Clan: Ravnos Vampire: Lemon
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Nolan Carrington used to be someone– used to. Life before the Embrace was all about him trying to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves. In high school, he was a very bright student that was on his way to becoming one of the best fencers that the world had ever seen, winning state championships and tournament after tournament, but life was more than just fencing to him. Nolan enlisted in the U.S. Army as soon as he turned 18. Serving for 3 years before his convoy was hit by an IED that almost left him paralyzed, barely surviving and somehow doing so with 40 screws keeping his left leg together. Nolan wasn’t the same since, and decided his skills might best be used to enlist in a local militia force just south of Chicago Illinois, before his whole life changed after being called to action to help with an issue about 15 minutes from his home where there was supposedly a “terror attack” being conducted on a bridge beside a Motel 6. Things didn't go as planned, and a vampire named Lemon made him her ghoul.
After the Calamity that was Chicago, Nolan decided it would be best to continue on with the group and help them along the way, especially after witnessing the death and destruction that such ancient beings could bring upon a city. Maybe with some time and after calling in some old favors, he might be able to prove that a ghoul is more than just a ghoul in this twisted world.
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shelbgrey · 2 years
Sorting my favorite fictional characters into hogwarts houses because I'm board and I have writers block.
If I have the motivation I'll explain why later or you can commit your thoughts and I'll post them.
Grey's anatomy:
Derek shepherd - Ravenclaw
Meredith Grey - Gryffindor
April Kepner - Hufflepuff
Owen hunt - Gryffindor
Callie Torres - Ravenclaw
Miranda Bailey - Gryffindor
Alex Karev - Slytherin
Jackson avery - Ravenclaw
Arizona Robinson - Hufflepuff
Christina Yang - Askaban
Anthony Bridgerton - Slytherin
Benedict Bridgerton - Hufflepuff
Colin Bridgerton - Ravenclaw
Daphne Bridgerton - Gryffindor
Elois Bridgerton - Ravenclaw
Francesca Bridgerton - Hufflepuff
Gregory Bridgerton - Gryffindor
Hyacinth Bridgerton - Hufflepuff
Kate Sharma - Gryffindor
Penelope Fetherington - Ravenclaw
Tony stark - Sylthrin
Steve Rogers - Gryffindor
Clint Barton - Gryffindor
Bruce Banner - Ravenclaw
Thor - Hufflepuff
Natasha Romanoff - Sylthrin
Marc Spector - Gryffindor
Steven Grant - Hufflepuff
Jake Lockly - Slytherin
Scott lang - Hufflepuff
Stephen Strange - Ravenclaw
Wanda Maximoff - Gryffindor
Sam Wilson - Gryffindor
Vision - Ravenclaw
T'challa - Ravenclaw
Bucky Barnes - Sylthrin
Loki - Sylthrin
Scott Summers - Gryffindor
Hank McCoy - Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff
Charles Xavier - Gryffindor
Logan Howlett - Slytherin
Jean Grey - Slytherin
Erik Lehnsherr - Slytherin
Storm - Gryffindor
Kurt Wagner - Hufflepuff
Rogue - Gryffindor or Slytherin
Bates motel:
Alex Romero - Gryffindor
Norma Bates - Hufflepuff
Norman Bates - Slytherin
Dylan Massett - Gryffindor
Emma Decody - Ravenclaw
Chick Hogan - Slytherin
Dean winchester - Gryffindor
Sam Winchester - Ravenclaw
Castiel - Hufflepuff
Charlie Bradbury - Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff
Bobby Singer - Ravenclaw
Jack Kline - Hufflepuff
Lucifer - Slytherin
Gabriel - Gryffindor
Jody Mills - Ravenclaw
Clair Novak - Slytherin
Egon Spengler - Ravenclaw
Peter Venkman - Gryffindor
Ray Stantz - Hufflepuff
Winston Zeddemore - Gryffindor
Seeley Booth - Gryffindor
Jack Hodgins - Ravenclaw
Temperance Brennan - Ravenclaw
Lance Sweets - Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff
James Aubrey - Hufflepuff
Zack Addy - Hufflepuff
Angela Montenegro - Gryffindor
Caroline Julian - Gryffindor
Camille Saroyan - Slytherin
Arastoo Vaziri - Ravenclaw
Vincent Nigel-Murray - Hufflepuff
Finn Abernathy - Gryffindor
Colin Fisher - Slytherin
Wendell Bray - Ravenclaw
Daisy wick she shall not be named here - askaban
Once upon a time in... Hollywood
Cliff Booth - Gryffindor
Rick Dalton - Hufflepuff
Sharon Tate - Hufflepuff
The Outsiders:
Sodapop Curtis - Hufflepuff
Ponyboy Curtis - Ravenclaw
Darry Curtis - Gryffindor
Dally Winston - Slytherin
Steve Randle - Hufflepuff
Johnny Cade - Hufflepuff
Two-bit Mathews - Gryffindor
Carlisle Cullen - Ravenclaw
Esme cullen - Hufflepuff
Edward Cullen - Ravenclaw
Emmett Cullen - Gryffindor
Rosalie Hale - Slytherin
Alice Cullen - Hufflepuff
Jasper Hale - Gryffindor
Eleazar Denali - Ravenclaw
Carmen Denali - Gryffindor
Tayna Denali - Hufflepuff
Kate Denali - Gryffindor
Irina Denali - Sylthrin
Garrett - Sylthrin or Gryffindor
Benjamin - Hufflepuff
The Great Gastby:
Jay Gastby - Hufflepuff
Nick Carway - Gryffindor
Jordan Baker - Ravenclaw
Dasiy Buchanan - Hufflepuff
Tom Buchanan - Askaban
Once upon a time:
David Nolan - Gryffindor
Snow white - Hufflepuff
Robin Hood - Gryffindor
Killian Jones - Slytherin
Emma Swan - Gryffindor
Regina Mills - Slytherin
Henry Mills - Ravenclaw
Mr. Gold - Askaban
Belle French - Ravenclaw
Ruby - Gryffindor
August Booth - Ravenclaw
Archie Hopper - Hufflepuff
Elvis Presley's movie characters:
Vince Everett - Gryffindor
Chadwick Gates - Ravenclaw
Clint Reno - Hufflepuff
Steve Grayson - Ravenclaw
Ross Carpenter - Hufflepuff
Doug Ross - Gryffindor
Mark Greene - Ravenclaw
Susan Lewis - Hufflepuff
Peter Benton - Slytherin
John Carter - Hufflepuff
Ocean's 11:
Danny Ocean - Gryffindor
Rusty Ryan - Slytherin
Linus Caldwell - Hufflepuff
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pulpman2 · 1 year
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The Card Sharp
“No, it’s ok, I’ve got him cuffed, so you can take as long as you like,” said Joy Malone, private detective down the receiver as she kept a close eye on Kerry Nolan, the notorious racketeer she had finally tracked down to his seedy motel room. “Not really, lieutenant,” Joy continued, “he seemed almost relieved to surrender.” Nolan glared at the red haired detective, shamed by her words. He raised his manacled hands as though he was simply trying to make them more comfortable.
“Oh, hang on, I spoke too soon,” Joy laughed down the phone, “I think he is trying the old stiletto-down-the-sleeve trick. Yeah, he started out as a card sharp, I know.” In an instant, a handgun was in the woman’s hand. “Throw it on the floor, Kerry!” she ordered impatiently, still holding the phone to her ear. “Not you, lieutenant!” she laughed again as Nolan cursed angrily and allowed the narrow knife to fall from his sleeve to the ground. “Guess you’re right, I should have cuffed him behind his back,” Joy acknowledged down the phone. “I’ll rectify that now and tie him to a chair too. Don’t be too long now. Ciao!”
“Bitch!” the disappointed racketeer spat at the smiling woman. Joy put the phone down. “Looks like I’d better gag you too, Kerry,” she told him, producing the key to his handcuffs, “after I’ve secured those clever hands of yours behind your back!”
My interpretation of the story behind the cover to Black Mask magazine Vol 25, #1, May 1945, featuring the story Dormant Account by Cornell Woolrich.
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queermtl · 1 year
QUEER MTL THINGS TO DO: September 2023
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It’s September, and fall begins to appear with the leaves changing into a beautiful rainbow all of their own! This month, Montréal is stuffed to the brim with events, parties and unique experiences painted in all the colours of the LGBTQ+ rainbow. From drag to community, circuit to underground, here’s some of our picks for the best LGBTQ+ things to do in the city. For further announcements, including those not announced at time of publication, follow QueerMTL on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr! Got an event coming up? DM it our way!
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Vendredi 1er septembre / Friday, September 1
😆 Ladyfest 2023: Tales of Gender Affirmation, Diving Bell Social Club
😆 Ladyfest 2023: They Go Low, We Go Laugh, Diving Bell Social Club
😆 Ladyfest 2023: I Don’t Belong Here, Diving Bell Social Club
🎶 Sapphonix Collective’s Sapphonix Salon Night, Location disclosed with ticket purchase
🧤Montréal Fetish Weekend, Hôtel Zéro1
Samedi 2 septembre / Saturday, September 2
🧤Montréal Fetish Weekend, Hôtel Zéro1
Dimanche 3 septembre / Sunday, September 3
😆 Ladyfest 2023: Chinatown Comedy Night with Yumi Blake, Ellie Gill, Kristina Guevarra, Psyberia, KĚ and Andrina Learmonth, Diving Bell Social Club
💑 Slow Dating #9 Gay, Lundis au soleil 
🧤Montréal Fetish Weekend, Hôtel Zéro1
🎤 Ellelui Lesbian, Queer and Trans Variety Show with Ray Restvick, Adele Ross, Becca Redden and Naïka Champaïgne, Entrepôt 77
Lundi 4 septembre / Monday, September 4
✍️ Trivia Mondays hosted by Bambi Dextrous, Diving Bell Social Club
🧤Montréal Fetish Weekend, Hôtel Zéro1
Mercredi 6 septembre / Wednesday, September 6
✍️ Queer Sip & Draw, Blue Dog Motel
Jeudi 7 septembre / Thursday, September 7
🎥 The Dhakira Collective presents the North African Queer Film Festival running until September 23, Cinema Public
Samedi 9 septembre / Saturday, September 9
🎤 Bareoke: Strip Karaoke, Café Cléopatra
📚 Violet Hour Book Club meets to discuss How Far the Light Reaches: A Life in Ten Sea Creatures by Sabrina Imbler, Archives gaies du Québec
Dimanche 10 septembre / Sunday, September 10
😆 Very Pretentious Comedy and The Empress Comedy Show present The Pretempress Comedy Show with Mike Carrozza, Sandy El Bitar, Dana Saleh, Molly Brisebois, Shawn Stenhouse, Yumi Blake and Ke Xin Li, Diving Bell Social Club
Lundi 11 septembre / Monday, September 11
✍️ Trivia Mondays hosted by Bambi Dextrous, Diving Bell Social Club
Mercredi 13 septembre / Wednesday, September 13
✍️ Queer Sip & Draw, Blue Dog Motel
Jeudi 14 septembre / Thursday, September 14
🎉Cabaret Queer with guest performers, Cabaret Mado
Dimanche 17 septembre / Sunday, September 17
🎤 Bareoke: Strip Karaoke, Café Cléopatra
🧺 Pique-nique salade de fruits + Heure du conte avec Barbada, Daisy Peterson Sweeney Park
Lundi 18 septembre / Monday, September 18
✍️ Trivia Mondays hosted by Bambi Dextrous, Diving Bell Social Club
👗 PEEL FASHION FEST runway shows and after party, Peel and Sainte-Catherine Streets
Mercredi 20 septembre / Wednesday, September 20
✍️ Queer Sip & Draw, Blue Dog Motel
Jeudi 21 septembre / Thursday, September 21
📚 Double book launch of Heather Nolan’s How to Be Alone and Eva Crocker’s Back in the Land of the Living at La petite librairie D+Q
Vendredi 22 septembre / Friday, September 22
💪 BLOW: Burlesque Lovelies of Wrestling with Betty Cayenne, Butterscotch Blondie, Casquivano, Eldritch Mór, Frost Fennec, Irony, Kinky Karma, Princess Ula and Yikes Macaroni, Café Cléopatra
Samedi 23 septembre / Saturday, September 23
🎶 Māori fem queen Lady Shaka with San Farafina, Naibi b2b and Jashim, Théâtre Fairmount
Lundi 25 septembre / Monday, September 25
✍️ Trivia Mondays hosted by Bambi Dextrous, Diving Bell Social Club
Mercredi 27 septembre / Wednesday, September 27
✍️ Queer Sip & Draw, Blue Dog Motel
🎤 Most Tuesdays, check out Stand Up St. Henri Open Mic at Impro Montréal, focusing on women, non-binary, queer and allied comedians.
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Vendredi 1er septembre / Friday, September 1
🥳 Pikete—Desacato Escolar with La Niña Kiwi, Ura, mCherry, Jashim, Cherubinx and Lola Lolita, Cabaret Berlin
🥳 Kreuzberg Kink—Dance and Play with DJs Davide Lapara, Crissemarqueur and Warm Rubberette, Cabaret Berlin
Dimanche 3 septembre / Sunday, September 3
🥳TSwift Dance Party “for Swifties, by Swifties” with DJ Rog, Le Belmont
🥳 Berlin Techno Fetish hosted by Cirque De Boudoir, Cabaret Berlin
Vendredi 15 septembre / Friday, September 15
🥳 The Dark Eighties, Bar Le Ritz PDB
Samedi 16 septembre / Saturday, September 16
🥳 Queen & Queer lesbians & queer women events present Nuit Electro #3 with OM.EL Beat, Shadya and DJ Sam, Le Ministère
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👠 Twice a month on every second Tuesday, Bring It! hosts an OTA night of ballroom and vogue with commentator and DJ. Follow their Instagram for dates and details.
🚲 Montréal Queer Bike Polo meet on Thursdays, with details on Instagram
🎾 Ligue de dimanche meet at the Parc Louis-Riel tennis courts every Sunday.
🤠 Club Bolo—Danse Country Montréal meet on Fridays at the Association sportive et communautaire du Centre-Sud
💃 Tango/Salsa Queer’s continue, with Salsa Queer on Saturdays from 13:30-14:30 and Tango (beginners/intermediate) on Saturdays at 12:00-13:30. Contact [email protected] or call +1 (438) 930-8529 for prices and signup information.
🏐 Les Ratons-Chasseurs (Montréal’s LGBTA dodgeball group) holds regular events. Keep an eye on their Facebook for upcoming opportunities to join in and play. 
🕹Montréal Gaymers hosts regular gatherings including board game nights and gaming gatherings. Check their Facebook for what’s next!
🏃🏾Join the Out-Run run and workout club for people relating to the queer / sapphic experience. Details on their Instagram!
🐦 Bird lovers should keep their eye on Queer Birders' regularly scheduled birdwatching events and excursions. Join the Facebook group and get those binoculars at the ready.
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Montréal’s vibrant drag community features several regularly-scheduled nights hosted by local luminaries, each featuring guest performers. Check venue websites for full line-ups!
Vendredi 1er septembre / Friday, September 1
👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Cabaret Mado
👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
👑 Jimmy Moore Drag Show with Jimmy Moore, Complexe Sky
👑 Gisèle Lullaby, Journaliste d’enquête et femme du peuple with Gisèle Luillaby, Casino de Montréal
Samedi 2 septembre / Saturday, September 1
👑 Jimmy Moore personnifie Shania Twain, Cabaret Mado
👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Cabaret Mado
👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz et Emma Déjavu, Bar Le Cocktail
👑 QUEERCORE: Hard + Heavy alternative drag night presented by Cult of AnarchKey, Bar Notre-Dame-Des-Quilles
🕹 Jackbox Games with the Gahds with Uma Gahd and Selma Gahd, Bar Le Cocktail
👑 Gisèle Lullaby, Journaliste d’enquête et femme du peuple with Gisèle Luillaby, Casino de Mon
Dimanche 3 septembre / Sunday, September 3
👑 Jimmy Moore personnifie Britney Spears, Cabaret Mado
👑 Le Tracy Show with Tracy Trash, Cabaret Mado
👑 Dimanche Show with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
👑 Saloon Drag Lunch with Miss Butterfly and Emma Déjàvu, Saloon Bistro Bar
Mardi 5 septembre / Tuesday, September 5
👑 Full Gisèle with Gisèle Lullaby, Cabaret Mado
Jeudi 7 septembre / Thursday, September 7
👑 Sherry Vine in Hollywood and Vine, Cabaret Mado
👑 Butterfly de nuit with Miss Butterfly, Bar Le Cocktail
👑 Recess: Pokemon Edition with Val the Freak, Korra Anarchkey, Prudence, Amnesia, Pandora’s Box Muncher, Lulu Shade, Niko Lubie & Ray Moon, Spore Ghetti, Queef Latina and Kris Ma Chèque, Bar Notre-Dame-des-Quilles
Vendredi 8 septembre / Friday, September 8
👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Cabaret Mado
👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
👑 Jimmy Moore Drag Show with Jimmy Moore, Complexe Sky
Samedi 9 septembre / Saturday, September 9
👑 Jimmy Moore personnifie Rihanna, Cabaret Mado
👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Cabaret Mado
👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz and Emma Déjavu, Bar Le Cocktail
Dimanche 10 septembre / Sunday, September 10
👑 Drag Brunch “Disco Groove” with Lady Boom Boom, Tracy Trash and Bobépine, Resto du Village
👑 Le Tracy Show with Tracy Trash, Cabaret Mado 👑 Dimanche Show with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
Mardi 12 septembre / Tuesday, September 12
👑 Full Gisèle with Gisèle Lullaby, Cabaret Mado
👑 Garden of Shade 1st Anniversary with Lulu Shade, Sarah Winters, Sally-D, Demone Lastrange, Lady Monrose, Esirena and Lily Rose, Bar Le Cocktail
Jeudi 14 septembre / Thursday, September 14
👑 Butterfly de nuit with Miss Butterfly, Bar Le Cocktail
Vendredi 15 septembre / Friday, September 15
👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Cabaret Mado
👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
👑 Jimmy Moore Drag Show with Jimmy Moore, Complexe Sky
Samedi 16 septembre / Saturday, September 16
👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Cabaret Mado
👑 Jimmy Moore personnifie Lady Gaga, Cabaret Mado
👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz et Emma Déjavu, Bar Le Cocktail
👑 Erica—25 ans de carrière with Erica, Bar Le Cocktail
Dimanche 17 septembre / Sunday, September 17
👑 Le Tracy Show with Tracy Trash, Cabaret Mado
👑 Dimanche Show with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
Mardi 19 septembre / Tuesday, September 19
👑 Full Gisèle with Gisèle Lullaby, Cabaret Mado
Jeudi 21 septembre / Thursday, September 21
👑 Sashalicious with Sasha Baga, Esirena, Walter Ego, Yannick Rockstar et Crystal Starz, Cabaret Mado
👑 Butterfly de nuit with Miss Butterfly, Bar Le Cocktail
Vendredi 22 septembre / Friday, September 22
👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Cabaret Mado
👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
👑 Jimmy Moore Drag Show with Jimmy Moore, Complexe Sky
Samedi 23 septembre / Saturday, September 23
👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Cabaret Mado
👑 Jimmy Moore personnifie Madonna, Cabaret Mado
👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz et Emma Déjavu, Bar Le Cocktail
Dimanche 24 septembre / Sunday, September 24
👑 Le Tracy Show with Tracy Trash, Cabaret Mado
👑 Dimanche Show with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
Mardi 26 septembre / Tuesday, September 26
👑 Full Gisèle with Gisèle Lullaby, Cabaret Mado
Jeudi 28 septembre / Thursday, September 28
👑 Ooh La La fundraiser for HIV/AIDS care home Maison du Parc with Manny Tuazon, Cabaret Mado
👑 Trashilaz with Aizysse Baga, Cabaret Mado
👑 Butterfly de nuit with Miss Butterfly, Bar Le Cocktail
Vendredi 29 septembre / Friday, September 29
👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Cabaret Mado
👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
👑 Jimmy Moore Drag Show with Jimmy Moore, Complexe Sky
Samedi 30 septembre / Saturday, September 30
👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Cabaret Mado
👑 Jimmy Moore personnifie Taylor Swift, Cabaret Mado
👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz et Emma Déjavu, Bar Le Cocktail
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Top 10 Must-See Mystery Thrillers That Will Keep You Guessing
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Mystery thriller movies have always been a popular genre among moviegoers. The combination of suspense, intrigue, and unexpected plot twists keeps audiences on the edge of their seats until the very end. Whether it's a murder mystery, a psychological thriller, or a conspiracy theory, these movies leave us guessing until the final reveal. In this article, we will delve deeper into the world of mystery thrillers and recommend the top movies in this genre. Mystery thriller movies often involve a protagonist who must unravel a complex web of clues to solve a mystery. The audience is also encouraged to play detective along with the protagonist and try to piece together the clues to solve the mystery. The best mystery thrillers keep the audience guessing until the very end and often feature unexpected plot twists that leave us reeling. One of the greatest examples of this genre is the classic movie, "Psycho" (1960). Directed by Alfred Hitchcock, the movie follows a woman who checks into a motel run by a disturbed young man. What follows is a suspenseful and horrifying tale that has become a landmark in cinema history. Creator: Knut Koivisto  Another great example of the mystery thriller genre is "Se7en" (1995). Directed by David Fincher, the movie follows two detectives as they hunt down a serial killer who bases his murders on the seven deadly sins. The movie's climax is one of the most shocking in movie history, and the twist ending is still talked about to this day. Other notable movies in this genre include "The Silence of the Lambs" (1991), "Gone Girl" (2014), and "Shutter Island" (2010). Each of these movies offers a unique take on the mystery thriller genre and is sure to keep audiences engaged from start to finish. Memento Now, without further ado, here are our top mystery thriller movies of all time: - "Memento" (2000) - Directed by Christopher Nolan, this movie follows a man suffering from short-term memory loss as he tries to solve the mystery of his wife's murder. - "The Usual Suspects" (1995) - Directed by Bryan Singer, the movie follows a group of criminals who are brought together for a heist. But things aren't what they seem, and the movie's twist ending will leave you reeling. - "Mulholland Drive" (2001) - Directed by David Lynch, this movie follows an aspiring actress as she tries to make it in Hollywood. But things take a dark turn as she becomes embroiled in a mystery involving a car crash and a mysterious woman. - "Fight Club" (1999) - Directed by David Fincher, this movie follows an insomniac office worker who creates a "fight club" with a charismatic soap salesman. But as the club grows, things take a sinister turn. - "The Prestige" (2006) - Directed by Christopher Nolan, this movie follows two magicians as they compete to create the ultimate illusion. But their rivalry turns deadly, and the movie's twist ending will leave you stunned. - "Zodiac" (2007) - Directed by David Fincher, the movie follows the hunt for the notorious Zodiac Killer who terrorized San Francisco in the 1960s and 1970s. - "Prisoners" (2013) - Directed by Denis Villeneuve, this movie follows a man who takes matters into his own hands when his daughter goes missing. But as he digs deeper into the mystery, he uncovers dark secrets that threaten to destroy him. - "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" (2011) - Directed by David Fincher, this movie follows a journalist and a computer hacker. Se7en In addition to those classics, there are also some newer mystery thrillers that have become instant favorites among moviegoers. One such film is "Gone Girl" (2014), based on the novel by Gillian Flynn. This movie tells the story of a man whose wife goes missing and he becomes the prime suspect in her disappearance. With twists and turns that keep the audience guessing until the very end, "Gone Girl" is a must-see for fans of the genre. Another recent film that has garnered critical acclaim and a large following is "Knives Out" (2019), directed by Rian Johnson. This movie follows a detective investigating the death of a wealthy family's patriarch, and the family members who become suspects in the case. With an all-star cast including Daniel Craig, Chris Evans, and Jamie Lee Curtis, "Knives Out" offers a fresh take on the classic whodunit mystery. Other notable mystery thrillers from recent years include "The Girl on the Train" (2016), "Wind River" (2017), "Searching" (2018), and "The Invisible Guest" (2016). Each of these movies offers unique twists and turns that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats. In summary, mystery thriller movies offer an exciting and suspenseful viewing experience that leaves audiences guessing until the very end. From classic films like "Vertigo" and "Rear Window" to newer releases like "Gone Girl" and "Knives Out," there is no shortage of great movies in this genre. If you're looking for a thrilling night in, any of the films on this top 10 list are sure to satisfy. Read the full article
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