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inevitablemoment · 2 years ago
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That picture shown in 22x17 had the right idea but how about it's Sam and at their wedding instead?
An illustration set in the very far future of my friend marissaiswholocked1011 and @maguloser's fic In Silent Screams, In Wildest Dreams, I Never Dreamed Of This. It's a Samlan surprise baby fic and it's going to be a wild ride.
Art by the lovely @lilvicsart
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maguloser · 2 years ago
About tonight's mothership episode:
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starry-mist · 2 years ago
Excuse my momentary screeching about one of my other hyperfixations, but:
(Preferably Nolan Price, but good lord this woman needs a hug, I would accept anyone after this episode.)
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unclekaz · 1 year ago
im so pissed. im writing a bonus fic to machine theory and im genuinely crying. im just. fuck man idk if i can keep working on this draft it's hurting my soul too bad
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missmysme · 1 year ago
Mystice Messenger Guest Tournament, Round 2 Part 8
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Winner moves on to the next round! Info under the cut:
Men of Monogamy: Kanghyun Kim; A group of men who loves just one person in their lives. His girlfriend is also as devoted as he is.
Christmas Nolan: Director Christmas Nolan, the one who directed those famous films. He plans to direct the adaptation of Tandelion in the near future.
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eluvisen · 1 year ago
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How to Dance in Time
Fandom: Andromeda Six
Characters: Vexx Serif/Traveller
Rating: G
Summary: When Nephien is having a bad day, Vexx tries to cheer her up the best way he knows how: sneaking her out of the palace. But with the plans for Sorenn’s wedding underway—along with certain other plans—the secrets are getting harder to keep.
Vexx stands guard at the edge of the garden, watching the fancy shrubs without really seeing them. With the royal wedding just a few months away, the palace is in a frenzy. Most of the palace, at least. The drama has largely passed the south wing by, since it’s not like any festivities are ever held in this far away from the ballroom. Which is good, because Vexx isn’t paying a lick of attention. Not when there are plans for more than just a wedding coming up.
Nerissa and the Stellar Queen have finally hammered out an agreement, and now they’re making arrangements to send a message to the Council of Eons. On the down low, naturally. Ta’jean is happy to depose her bastard husband in what might become the most dramatic divorce in Seleotan history, but who knows if Tilaarin will go for it. Their policy of ‘screw everyone else’ has been working pretty well for them so far.
It isn’t the only recent event, either. Old Commander Nolam’s death reeks. When the news broke, Vexx wondered for a moment if Nerissa was behind it, but if she isn’t willing to execute her father, she won’t kill one of his most loyal officers just to get him out of the way.
But if it wasn’t her, then it has to be Zovack’s play. Vexx doesn’t like what that means.
He needs to hit up his contacts, get a feel for the K’Merii’s movements. Maybe he can—
At the stomp of boots on the pavers, Vexx snaps to, pretending he wasn’t just a million miles away as the patrol moves through the garden. He’s too close now for a minor screw up to ruin everything.
[Read on AO3]
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igorcbarros · 1 year ago
Semi-sacanagem, rsrs
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Esta é a Praça Gabriel de Rubens Nolam, no Bom Retiro. (EDIT - Postagem escrita antes do dia em que descobrimos o nome dessas luminárias - X-90 e X-250) Antes, aí era um depósito da prefeitura que guardava a antiga iluminação pública da cidade que estava sendo substituída entre os anos 90 e 10 - luminárias de alumínio fundido para lâmpadas de vidro (como as antigas luminárias da Av. Paulista, Marginal Tietê e diversos outros locais públicos de São Paulo).
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(Imagens Google Street View, não estão na mesma escala. A X-250 tem 4 lâmpadas por lado, a X-90, duas. E o Batman já tá dando dislike!) As luminárias, a maioria delas, eram da empresa Peterco, uma empresa mal documentada na Internet, a única coisa que existe diretamente em nome deles é um site "em construção" de aparentemente antes deles fecharem (EDIT - Era uma empresa de Goiás tentando reviver a marca, a Peterco fechou as portas em 1991 e ao que tudo indica a empresa era de São Paulo, mesmo. A Peterco também fazia semáforos de alumínio fundido, que em 1996 caíram fora e deram lugar a semáforos de policarbonato.) Sim, todas as luminárias da Peterco eram X algum número - e mesmo com 3 e 2 pétalas. Eike Batista, você teve algo a ver com isto?!... Inclusive, é por isso que no exterior a iluminação pública parece tão diferente da nossa. Estamos contemplando produtos 100% nacionais. No exterior é raro usarem postes altos como esses aí (cerca de 20 a 35 metros). Existem apenas alguns anúncios de revistas em preto e branco (dizendo que eles fizeram a iluminação da Av. Paulista e do Minhocão), fora o que eu mesmo li nos anúncios de lista telefônica. A matéria prima deles era alumínio fundido, o que em 1969 (há fotos desse ano de São Paulo já com luminárias deles) devia ser sensacional - e hoje é um elefante, as luminárias mais recentes das cidades por aí, um pouco antes de os LEDs tomarem conta, eram de plástico e alumínio repuxado - tipo uma 'casquinha' de alumínio. Ao que tudo indica, cada 'pétala' dos postes tinha mais ou menos 1 metro (baseando-se no tamanho das lâmpadas, 28.5 cm de comprimento para uma 400W de mercúrio, e na X-90 ficavam duas frente a frente, com algum espaço entre elas). Daí a sensação que eu tenho hoje em dia, com as Cobrahead e agora com as LEDs, de olhar pra cima e parece que não tem nada iluminando a rua...
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Aqui uma única sobrevivente na região do parque do Ibirapuera e que eu acho que já já vai cair... está abrindo uns rasgos entre a parte triangular, onde ficam os reatores, e a retangular (a Av. Washington Luiz era coalhada dessas, de 2 pétalas)
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Uma curiosidade que só este blog mostra: essas luminárias já foram vistas na quadra da Mangueira (até 2011), e na Igreja O Brasil Para Cristo, em São Paulo. Locais antagônicos, rsrs
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nolanrossblog · 2 years ago
Game Hammers 2
This is the second week of game hammers. WOW! Two weeks already, we've come so - so so so - so far. Nolam This week my parents were off for vacation, so I was in charge of taking care of my 3 siblings. On top of that, it was back to school, so it was an intensely busy week. I'm going to categorize my progress this week so that I can better parse my thoughts. And I'm also going to write as the week goes on starting from Tuesday, April Eighteenth, 2023. ~MUSIC~ Since Christmas I've picked up the violin, and I do my best to average around two and a half hours of practice every week. I've also been taking violin lessons! I started with electric, but the electric violin my mom bought me isn't suitable for practicing, so I switched to an acoustic one for now. To be honest, I don't have much to show for it, but learning instruments is difficult and it takes time and dedication. It's really a battle to find motivation sometimes, but I think it's a good continuous goal. ~SCHOOL~ School is nearing its end and it's a slurry of conflicting emotion. On one hand, I'm completely mentally prepared to leave high school behind, and on the other hand, I sense I'll miss it. Life is about moving on though, and I think I'm ready. ~GAME DEV~ If you watch game dev Youtube, there is a popular Unity developer named Blackthornprod. I've been watching their videos for years, and they've helped me grow as a developer. There is a series of videos called "Pass The Game Challenge" on their channel, which works like game dev telephone, and I had the pleasure to participate in it for a second time this week. The most difficult part of these challenges in my opinion is dealing with other people's code. The approach that other people take in making their games is kind of perplexing, especially when they're given a strict time limit. I edited together a recap video of me turning what I got into the base for an adventure game about avoiding the mighty sun. You can watch it here: Recap
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I'm pretty proud of what I did for the game in just six hours, and I gave the recap a story which I felt made it flow nicely. I had lots of fun participating and hope I can do it again some time.
~ART~ I've been working hard on my art final project, which includes over 5 pieces and my process of development. Hopefully in the next log, I'll have compiled some professional-quality images of my works. ~PERSONAL~ I want to become more positive. I've noticed in conversations I often have a critical point of view, and though criticism can be constructive, I often end up tearing people down, and this is a trait I want to leave behind as I move into adult life. Spebby
Wassup Hammers, welcome back to the Spebby section of the Game Hammers blog. This week was slower in terms of learning compared to previous weeks, but I still have some things to share. I’d like to focus on my mid-semester break to Lake Tahoe: I’ve only been once before, but this time I tried skiing for the first time, and I sucked pretty hard! As we headed up the Gondola my partner told me all the stories of where and how they broke their bones along the slopes, even pointing out the exact tree they broke their arm on. I myself thankfully avoided having any  particularly bad crashes, but I must have fallen at least 30 times. The most painful crash ended in a splits, with both skis still attached, and both of my legs caught on something
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My first descent took 2 hours, but eventually I managed to do it without falling on a repeat descent. Eventually, I headed up to the summit of Mt. Pluto. Most of the ways down were Black Diamonds, there was a path down that was a Blue. While I had only ridden Greens up until that point, I thought I may be able to handle it with a few stumbles. I very quickly realised that it was way too steep for myself, and had to literally roll down the mountain. Unfortunately I don’t have any videos of photos. But I do have one of the peak. It had a beautiful view of Lake Tahoe. It was quite surreal to be honest. Before I had gone to Tahoe I always held the belief that the place was overrated. I had known many people as a kid who’d go up every year. But when I finally did go up it all clicked and I had a newfound appreciation for my adoptive home state.
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And of course, the views on the drive back were quite something. We didn’t stop, but I got some great photos of the snow covered landscape. It was actually quite surprising how much snow there really was. Prior to heading up I was told that this time of the year, there’s little snow on the mountain and usually none in Northstar’s Village. But there were mounds of snow as tall as people all over the place. Hopefully, I will be able to return to Tahoe this summer and visit the lake properly again. When I had been last, it was too cold to swim, so maybe I’ll get to do it this summer!
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Flodo Heya
Heya' my fellow Hammers, it's me, the Brazilian, Flodo. I've been doing art and making prototypes that get fixed and turned into the games we've released so far! Although after Boolliards I haven't done anything interesting, here's a fun fact: originally, Egg Rush was gonna have the player be an unhatched egg walking around and punching chickens instead of rolling and groundpounding them. Like and Share for more epic facts next week or something! Nolam (again)
I wish that Flodo would write more in these blog posts. I know that he's a capable artist with a drive to create, and that he has lots to share and be proud of.
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dailyfont-com · 6 months ago
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Scandinavian sans serif font Neuefity offers seven weights and 14 styles for versatile branding, supporting over 180 languages with Latin and Cyrillic scripts.
Link: https://l.dailyfont.com/nolaM
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kaberic · 11 months ago
What did Christopher Nolan mean by "they" in Interstellar?
In other words, when our parents and astrologers told us that our destiny is pre-determined, they weren’t fibbing. This means that we have lived and lived over and over again to make the decisions that has already been made by our future selves.
Both the science-fiction films, Christpher Nolam’s, Interstellar (2014) and Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) had quite a few subtle references to God. One may choose to believe that, or not. Several times in Interstellar the characters have referred to someone called “they”. Even after watching the film several times myself, I was not sure what Nolan meant by the term “they”. In…
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inevitablemoment · 2 years ago
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You drew stars around my scars
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paintpaintpaintman · 4 months ago
They are very successful and normal children!
Baalmart Inception (2010 dir. Christopher Nolam) is a real go-getter
Jim is a lover of tea and living meat gnawed down to the bone
And Fergie Jr. enjoys the simplicities in life- no need to think about anything!
my lamb doesnt have shittens but... @paintpaintpaintman
they do have sheepdogs with another lamb
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mysmestranscripts · 2 years ago
Email Master List
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missmysme · 1 year ago
Mystic Messenger Guest Tournament, Round 1 Part 8
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Top two move onto the next round! Info under the cut:
Angre Kim: A designer who took over the world with his unique style. He grew up in Korea without ever studying abroad. Even he doesn't know where his strange accent came from.
Doctor Lee: The legendary opthamologist who made a deal with the "Devil of Medicine". He met the Devil of Medicine when he was in the 8th grde. The only illness he can't heal is the 8th Grade Syndrome where you are perpetually stuck in the mind of a pubescent boy...
Christmas Nolan: Director Christmas Nolan, the one who directed those famous films. He plans to direct the adaptation of Tandelion in the near future.
Tiaranol: The sales associate for Tiaranol. He won't accept any other answer than Tiaranol.
LOLOL Championship Host: Softie; The host for the LOLOL World Championship Tournament. They secretly hope that Hacker God, who's ranked number 1, will participate in the tournament.
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gatheringbones · 1 year ago
["When I set out to discover how working-class men and women experience adulthood at the level of the self, then, I was incredibly surprised to find that my working-class informants were absolutely fluent in the language of therapeutic needs, desires, emotional suffering, and self-growth. They used it without self-consciousness or skepticism, discovering through it the hidden roots of their past failures and their central purpose going forward. Whether poring over self-help books to develop strategies to manage their attention deficit disorder, religiously attending Narcotics Anonymous meetings and learning to express themselves through art, attending obsessive compulsive disorder conventions at the suggestion of Oprah, or coming to terms with a pornography addiction, the men— and women— of the post-industrial class could not sound more dissimilar from the working-class of a generation or two ago if they tried. The sources of meaning and dignity— hard work, social solidarity, family— found in previous studies of the industrial working class (Lamont 2002) had been nearly eclipsed by an all-encompassing culture of emotional self-management.
For the post-industrial generation of working -class men and women, it is not blue-collar work but rather the flux and flexibility left behind by its disappearance that defines their coming of age experiences. Young working-class men and women employ emotional suffering as the new currency of adulthood; it is through managing this suffering within the self that they access the dignity and sense of forward-moving progress due adults. This model is ubiquitous in their everyday interactions, propagated through school psychologists, family services, the service economy, self-help literature, online support groups, addiction recovery groups, medical trials, or even talk shows such as Oprah (Black 2009; Hochschild 2003; Illouzs 2003; Imber 2004; Nolam 1998).
The mood economy underlines a drastic transformation in the relationship among selfhood, inequality, and emotion. As working-class young people come to understand emotional self-management as the key to happiness, the predominance of the family past obscures the shaping power of the market present. Like Wanda, many draw unforgiving boundaries against their family members and friends who cannot transform their selves— overcome addictions, save money, heal troubled relationships— through sheer determination alone. Just as neoliberalism teaches young people that they are solely responsible for their economic fortunes, the mood economy renders them responsible for their emotional fates. Weaving together the therapeutic ethos with timeless American cultural tropes of pulling oneself up by one's bootstraps, and religious narratives of redemption, the mood economy transposes self-reliance, progress, and success from one's character or one's soul to one's psyche (Illousz 2007). To put it succinctly, the mood economy dovetails with neoliberalism by privatizing happiness."]
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jennifer m. silva, from coming up short: working-class adulthood in an age of uncertainty, 2013
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starry-mist · 2 years ago
Am I rewatching L&O s21 in parallel with s22 for every crumb of backstory because I’ve made the terrible life choice of jumping on another ship and potentially getting inspired to write fic for them?
Um…well…I’m not not doing this…
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