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I’m rambling so much these last few days but the Zektbach part of my brain just reawakened and I NEED to let it out yáll. I just listened to Ristaccia for the first time since… idk? and I’m FEELING. I’m going by my old memory so details might be wrong but:
So, what’s Zektbach?
It was a project by a Japanese composer named Tomosuke Funaki which encompasses two albuns - Ristaccia and Masinowa - a few music videos and I think there was extra material like drama CDs? Anyway all the songs in the album kinda tell an overarching story, who I’ll let TVTropes resume for me:
Once, Aria Te'Laria was inhabited by the Eight Ancient Races. These peoples discovered the Ristaccia, a collection of eight gemstones that granted them sentience, emotions, and knowledge. Those who wielded the Ristaccia were gifted with miracles, and in their greed the Eight Ancient Races warred with each other over them until only two races remained: the Humina and Rufina.
The Rufina, wanting to further research the Ristaccia, created a "memeplex" named ∑ (Sigma) and mysteriously disappeared. Meanwhile, the remaining Humina continued fighting over the Ristaccia, resulting in the establishment of two dueling countries: the Holy Kingdom of Noigllado and the Kingdom of Azuelgatt.
Chapters 1-5 each focus on different characters in different locations and different points in time, exploring the problems they face and the Ristaccia's influence on them. Chapters 6-8 bring the earlier chapters together for a cohesive conclusion.
Why listen to it?
To me, all the music went VERY HARD, having a lot of mixing of classical and electronic elements. The PVs were also super cool, and you really felt like that it should become an anime or a game from how EPIC everything was. I remember reading a lot of explanations of the lyrics and how everything pieced together and dream about the awesome world the composer built. Another one of my favorite music projects as a teenager, Sound Horizon, had the same approach, building stories from music. Ofc that’s not a new thing, operas and other forms of storytelling through music are very old but… these two were the ones that enchanted me the most.
Anyway if ya never heard Zektbach ya should give it a listen bc it BOPS, here’s a yt link for the albuns (I’ll put the MVs under a read more so this post isn’t gigantic):
#music#ramble#japanese music#anime#anime music#zektbach#i took a look at the zektbach tag and was so happy to see fanart still going on hell yeah ppl who make art of 15 yr music projects#music recommendation#infodump#Youtube
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The Epic of Zektbach Website - Nyoah Notes - Note 97
冒険者諸君、ごきげんよう。私の名前はニョアである。 実に久しぶりとなってしまったが、私は元気である!
Greetings, adventurers. My name is Nyoah.
It's been a long time since I've been here, but I'm fine!
ニッポンも色々な大変な事に見舞われて、冒険者諸君の中にも元気を失っている人も多いと思う。 しかし、最も大事なのは今。今現在の瞬間を自分に悔いなく生きる事である。 それは人間をはじめ生物の個体の未来は常に不確定であるからである。 不確定な要素に巻き込まれた後、後悔しない為には常に現在を自分なりに大切に生きるという意識が大切である。 過去や未来で無く、今にゃ。今現在を大事にして欲しいにゃ!
I know that many of you adventurers have lost your energy due to the many difficulties in Japan.
However, the most important thing is now. The most important thing is to live in the present moment without regret.
This is because the future of each individual creature, including human beings, is always uncertain.
In order not to have regrets after being caught up in uncertain factors, it is important to always be aware of living in the present in your own way.
Not in the past or the future, but in the present. I want you to cherish the present moment!
さて、『The Epic of Zektbach -Masinowa-』が君達の手に届いてから月日が経ったが 沢山の感想を頂いて、私は大満足だにゃ! 繰り返しになるが、マシノワの話はゼクトバッハ叙事詩でも重要な部分であるので 諸君も考察を巡らし、アリア・テ・ラリアの謎を解き明かして欲しい。 マシノワには非常に重要な鍵が2つ存在しているが まだまだアリア・テ・ラリアには驚くべき謎がある。今後に注目にゃ。
Well, it's been a while since "The Epic of Zektbach -Masinowa-" reached your hands.
I've gotten a lot of feedback, and I'm very happy with it!
Again, the story of Masinowa is an important part of the Epic of Zektbach.
I hope you will consider it and solve the mystery of Aria Te'Laria.
There are two very important keys in Masinowé.
There are still more mysteries to be discovered in Aria Te'Laria. Stay tuned.
By the way, I received this letter from an adventurer the other day.
こんにちわ ���ンターネットという不思議な世界で「ツイッター」なる ものがはやっているそうですが、zektbach殿はやっていらっしゃるのでしょうか? 公開しているのならばぜひ教えていただきたいです。 (冒険者kirikoより)
Hello there.
In the mysterious world of the Internet
I've heard that "Twitter" is becoming popular in the mysterious world of the Internet, and I'd like to know if you are using it, Zektbach.
If you do, I'd love to know about it.
(From Kiriko, an adventurer)
私もその不思議な世界を知っている。 実は私もこの場所が不安定で非常に更新するのが難しいので ついったーにアリア・テ・ラリアから扉を開こうかと考えた事もあったが、 冒険者諸君はどう思うかにゃ? その不思議な世界であれば、私はアリア・テ・ラリアの情報を君達にどんどん伝える事ができるかもしれない。 諸君の意見を聞いて決めようと思っているにゃ!
I know that strange world too.
As a matter of fact, I find this place unstable and very difficult to update.
I've been thinking about opening the door from Aria Te'Laria on Twitter.
What do you think, adventurers? In this mysterious world, I might be able to share more information about Aria Te'Laria with you.
I'm going to listen to your opinions and decide!
Well, today is the first time in a long time that I'm answering your letters!
我輩は猫なのにゃ! ニョアとやら、我輩はいつも不思議に思っているのにゃ。 地図にはガルキア大陸とエジ―ク大陸があるにゃが、ガルキア大陸の南は何なのにゃ? ファラリエンより南のあの、島というにはやや大きい島のことにゃ! ニョア殿の手記には他の大陸や島のことは書かれているにゃがあの島の事はまだ何も書かれていないのにゃ……! 我輩が考えたところによると、あそこにはきっと素晴らしいカルカンがあるのもへ!! たとえば……我輩の大好きな、ハトの丸焼き味とかにゃ……(ごくり というのは可愛いおふざけ���ゃ。 あの島にはきっと我輩どころか世界中の学者も知らぬようなヒミツがあるに違いないのにゃ。 知っているなら教えてほしいにゃ、お礼に我輩秘蔵のカルカンを幾つか進呈しようにゃ! 味はそちらのご自由に、にゃ! 教えてくれなかったら最高級カルカンをニョア殿の前で食い散らしてやるにゃ。 (猫の吾輩より)
I am a cat!
Nyoa, I've always wondered about you.
The map shows the continents of Galukia and Eijeek, but what is south of Galukia?
I'm talking about that rather large island south of Fallarian!
Lord Nyoah's journal mentions other continents and islands, but nothing about that island yet. ......!
I'm sure there are some great whiskas there, too!
For example, ...... my favorite, roasted pigeon flavor. ...... (gulp)
This is just a cute joke.
I'm sure there are secrets on that island that I, as well as other scholars around the world, don't know about.
If you know of any, please let me know, and I'll give you some of my treasured whiskas in return!
You can taste them all you want.
If you don't tell me, I'll eat up your finest whiskas in front of Nyoah.
(From me, the cat)
まず第一に、アリア・テ・ラリアの中でハトの丸焼き味などと軽率に発言するのは控えた方が良いにゃ。 アリア・テ・ラリアにはおそろしい地獄耳を持つおそろしい鳩が存在する事を忘れずに…。 と、時すでに遅く君はもうアリア・テ・ラリアに存在しないかもしれないが…。 質問の島の事だが、それはル・アビデの事かにゃ? ル・アビデにはこういう古の神話がある。 種族を越えて仲むつまじかった2人の男女にある時妖精がささやき、 2人は今までの仲の良さが嘘であったかのように豹変し、険悪な間柄になり それによって多くの悲劇が生まれた、と。 神話であるので、どこかのロマンチストが謎多きこの島に想いを馳せて創作した可能性が強いが 確かに以前私がこの島をベルナデットと訪れた時、争いに使われたと思わせる謎めいた建造物が数多くあった。 この神話の作者は恐らく、かつてこの島で2つの集団の対立があったことは確信していたのだろう。 その争いを叙情的に神話として表現したのではないだろうか。 しかし、残念ながらその争いが具体的にどういうものであったかは 今や誰も知らないし、私も本格的にル・アビデを調査してみないと分からないにゃ。
First of all, it's best to refrain from making rash comments about the taste of roasted pigeons in Aria Te'Laria.
Remember that there are horrible pigeons with horrible hell ears in Aria Te'Laria....
And it may be too late for you to exist in Aria Te'Laria...
As for the island in question, is it L''Avide?
There is an ancient myth about L'Avide.
A fairy whispered to two men and two women who were on good terms with each other.
But one day, a fairy whispered to them, and they turned into bitter enemies, as if their friendship had never existed.
This led to a lot of tragedies.
Since it is a myth, there is a strong possibility that some romantics have created this story with their thoughts on this mysterious island.
It is true that when I visited this island with Bernadette, there were many mysterious structures that seemed to have been used for fighting.
The author of this myth was probably convinced that there had once been a conflict between two groups on the island, and expressed that conflict lyrically in his myth.
But unfortunately, no one knows what exactly the conflict was, and I won't know until I do some serious research on L'Avide.
こんにちは、ニョアさん。 わたし、新たな世界を開拓したくて詩人になりましたの!ニョアさんにわたしの詩をきいてほしいの! あなたの瞳は~ らら~ まるで石のように~ かったいわ~ それはとってもね~ らら~ かったいの~ あなたの唇は~ らら~ まるでヘドグロピンのように~ あっかいわ~ それはとってもね~ らら~ あっかいわ~ あなたの肌は~ らら~ まるで白樺の木の~ 皮膚みたいね~ それはとってもね~ らら~ 皮膚みたいね~ ……ふふ、どう? 婚約者には『鳥が空からぼろぼろと気絶して落ちてくるような歌だね』って誉めてくれたの。 もう、とっても優しい人なのよ。 鳥も私の歌に聴き惚れ て空から落ちてくるようだなんて……嬉しいわ。 さ、本題なのよ。 婚約者はそれと同時に『もっと勉強したら良くなるよ』って言ってくれたの。 熱を出しながら言ってたのよ……心配だからたくさん歌ってきたわ! 今度ニョアさんにも聞かせてあげるわね、遠慮しなくていいのよ。 たっぷり歌ってあげるから。 それでね、私、たくさん歌の勉強がしたいから、まずこの国で流行りの歌劇や音楽を教えてほしいの。 (詩人リーゼロッテより)
Hello, Nyoah.
I became a poet to explore a new world! I want you to listen to my poems!
I want you to listen to my poems!
Your eyes are as tough as stone!
They're very, very tough.
Your lips are like...
They're as warm as hedgropin
It's very, very warm.
Your skin~ la la
It's like the skin of a birch tree
Your skin is like the skin of a birch tree.
...... What do you think?
My fiancé complimented me on the song, saying, "It's like a bird falling from the sky in a faint.
He's such a sweet guy. He is a very kind man.
I'm so happy to hear that the birds are listening to my song and falling from the sky.
Now let's get down to business.
At the same time, my fiancé said to me, "You'll get better if you study harder.
He said it while running a fever. ...... I've been singing a lot because I'm worried about you!
I'll play it for you next time, Nyoah, don't be shy.
Don't be shy, I'll sing a lot.
And I want to learn a lot of singing, so I want you to teach me about the popular operas and music in this country.
(From the poet Lieselotte)
君からは個性的なオーラというかなかなか独特の感性を感じるにゃ。 もしかしたら将来アリア・テ・ラリアいちの詩人リーゼロッテと言われる日が来るかもしれない。 さて、歌はアリア・テ・ラリアでも人々の生活と密接である。 ノイグラード王国の多くの聖歌や労働から生まれる炭鉱歌や農業歌、酪農歌、町の人の生活の上で生まれた町人歌など 地域と密接な歌が多い。多くの流行り歌は生活を楽しくしたり物事を効率よりおぼえる為に生まれた事が多い。 それとは別に芸術都市のローゼンハイムでは若い音楽家が神話や伝説を題材とした叙情的な歌を数多く生み出している。 有能な若い音楽家は王宮で演奏を披露したり、国から多くの援助を受けたりもしている。 しかし、歌を人の心を扇動するという理由から国を乱すような曲を作る芸術家は厳しい処罰を受けているという暗部もある。 流行り歌というのと意味が違うが、誰もが知っている歌といえばやはり『浄化の祈り』だにゃ。
You have a unique aura, or rather a unique sensibility.
Perhaps one day in the future you will be called the best poet of Aria Te'Laria, Lieselotte.
Now, songs are closely related to people's lives in Aria Te'Laria as well.
There are many songs that are close to the local community, such as the chants of the Kingdom of Noigllado, mining songs, agricultural songs, dairy songs, and the songs of the townspeople, which are born from their labor.
There are many songs that are close to the local community. Many of the popular songs were created to make life more enjoyable and to learn things more efficiently.
On the other hand, in Rosenheim, the city of art, young musicians have created many lyrical songs based on myths and legends.
The most talented young musicians perform at the royal court and receive a lot of support from the government.
However, there is a dark side to this, as artists who compose songs that disturb the country are severely punished for using them to incite people's hearts.
Although the meaning of a popular song is different from that of a popular song, the song that everyone knows is "Purification Prayer".
俺はス……デイビット。 普通の人間だ。 猫にしては博識と名高いニョアに聞きたい事がある。 どうやらそちらには、俺と同じく「蛇」を彷彿させる人物および組織があるようだな。 俺の居た場所にも同じ「蛇」を名乗る者が俺を含め複数人居た。 俺達の関係は……語ると長いが、要約して簡単に言ってしまえば親戚関係��ある。 そちらの「蛇」達は関係性があるのだろうか? ついでにこれは未確認だが俺とよく似た声の者が居るという話を聞いたが……これは事実なのか。 ……ところで、そちらに段ボールはあるのだろうか? (忍者デイビットより)
I'm Su ...... David. I'm a normal human being.
I have a question for Nyoah, who is famously knowledgeable for a cat.
It seems that there is a person or organization out there who, like me, is reminiscent of the Snake.
There were several people who called themselves "snakes" where I was, including myself.
Our relationship is a long story ......, but in a nutshell, we are related.
I wonder if the "snakes" over there are related?
In addition, I have heard that there is a person with a voice similar to mine, although this is unconfirmed. ...... Is this true?
...... By the way, do you have any cardboard over there?
(From Ninja David)
蛇は一匹でいい、ビックボスは一人で十分だ! …とは言っても、蛇を彷彿させる者が多くいるのも事実にゃ。 蛇神人のギジリ、サザラギ団、アギオナ機関もそうだ。 空舟の遺跡にも蛇を彷彿させる紋章が存在するといわれる。 話が少しそれるが、人は何故昔から蛇を崇拝もしくは、邪悪の象徴とするのか。 蛇は西洋では主に諸悪の根源とされ、ニホンでは古代の女性蛇巫の存在が示すようにあらゆる祭事の根源となっている。 他の動物と明らかに違う形状を持つという事もあるが、面白い解釈を1つ紹介する。
One snake is enough, one big boss is enough!
...However, it is true that many people are reminiscent of snakes.
...But it is true that there are many people who remind me of snakes, such as the snake goddesses Gijiri, Sazaragi, and the Agiona Agency.
It is said that there are also emblems reminiscent of snakes in the ruins of the sky ship.
This is a bit of a digression, but why do people worship snakes or consider them to be a symbol of evil?
In the West, snakes are mainly regarded as the root of all evil, while in Japan, they are the source of all rituals, as shown by the existence of ancient female snake handlers.
The snake's shape is clearly different from that of other animals, but here is one interesting interpretation.
カール・セーガンという人物が著書の中で 『人類は生物進化の最終段階にいるが、そうした人間の脳の中には当然その進化途上の各段階の生物であった時の部分もくみ込まれている。 つまりR複合体とよばれる脳の一番奥の部分は恐竜の脳の働きをしている。 つまりそれは人間の脳の中には明��かに恐竜という古代生物が生きているという事である。』 と言っている。 もしかすると蛇その他の爬虫類に対して人類が懐き続けていた崇拝と嫌悪、あるいは畏怖は、 我々の脳の最奥部に潜む恐竜に由来するのだろうか。 それは人類の遠祖であると同時にもっとも恐ろしい敵でもあった。 蛇に対する感情は、一種の先天的反応とも考えられるかもしれない。
In his book, Carl Sagan writes, "Humans are in the final stage of biological evolution, but our brains naturally contain parts of the organisms that were present at each stage of evolution.
In other words, the deepest part of the brain, called the R-complex, functions like the brain of a dinosaur, which means that an ancient creature called a dinosaur is clearly alive in the human brain."
Perhaps the adoration, disgust, or awe that we have always felt for snakes and other reptiles may have been born in the deepest part of our brains.
They were not only our distant ancestors, but also our most fearsome enemies.
Our feelings toward snakes could be considered a kind of inborn reaction.
君がよく好んで使う段ボールは、アリア・テ・ラリアには存在しないが 何故かZektbachが数多く所有していたと思うにゃ。 以前、何に使うか問うたところ、一言 『ん、これか?見ての通り寝床じゃよ。』 と言っていたにゃ。
The cardboard you are so fond of using does not exist in Aria Te'Laria, though.
For some reason, I think Zektbach had a lot of it.
When I asked him once what he used it for, he said
"Hmm, this? As you can see, it's a bed.
As you can see, it's a bed.
ヨア・・・最近見かけませんね・・・。 この人は重要人物ですか? 資料集にも載ってないものでよくわかりません・・・。 (詩人ぽっぽちゃんより)
Joah... I haven't seen him lately...
Is he an important person?
I don't know... I can't find him in any reference books.
(From Poet Poppo-chan)
重要人物であるがゆえ、なかなか姿を出さないのだ。 姿をあらわさないから、色々臆測によりいじられるのだ。 君達が思っているヨア像、きっとそれは間違っている。
Because he is an important person, he does not show himself easily.
Because he doesn't show himself, he is tormented by many speculations.
The image of Joah that you have in your mind is probably wrong.
ニョア殿! 「オリエンタル樽味噌ロジー」とは一体何なのでしょう。 トンカツにかけると美味しいアレのことですか?気になって昼しか眠れません。 (猫のみっきぃより)
Mister Nyoah!
What exactly is "Oriental Barrel Miso Logistics"?
Is it the stuff that tastes good on pork cutlets? I'm so curious, I can only sleep in the afternoon.
(From Mikki the cat)
そんな味噌知らないし、いらないにゃ。 昼寝してないでちゃんと勉強するにゃ。
I don't know anything about miso, and I don't need it.
Don't take a nap, study properly.
自分は様々な世界を旅している者である。 アポカリプスと蛇神について質問したい。 上記の2つを直訳するとアポカリプスは「黙示録」蛇神は「ゾンビ」 ・・・・となるのだが Zektbach殿、このまま理解して良いのか? (魔道士ゆさより)
I am a traveler of many worlds.
I have a question about Apocalypse and Snake God.
Apocalypse is "apocalypse" and snake god is "zombie".
It would be ・・・・.
Lord Zektbach, am I understanding you correctly?
(From Yusa the Mage)
No, no, no.
ニョアさんの尻尾を上、上、下、下、左、右、左、右の順で引っ張ったあと、 耳、ヒゲの順に引っ張ると、何か起きますか? (元老院ゴランノス・ポンサーより)
If I pull Nyoa's tail in the following order: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, then ears, then whiskers, will anything happen? (From Senate Goranos Ponsor)
ああ、起きるとも!! 私の華麗なる剣舞により、君に身に大いなる危険がにゃッ!!!
Yes, you will!
You are in grave danger from my magnificent sword dance!
こんにちはゼクトバッハさんニョアさん。 ゼクトバッハさんの作り上げるこの幻想的で魅力的な世界にどっぷり嵌まり結構経ちました。 当初数学が大嫌いだった私ですが、2章の影響で数学を頑張って理解してみようと思い、 とりあえず数に心を開いてみたらとてつもなく面白い事に気づき、今では数学がすっかり大好きになりました。 他にも哲学や語学に歴史、神話などを勉強する度アリア・テ・ラリアとの共通点などを見出し、よりその世界に興味 がわき、考察に使うためにも知識が深まっていきました。 支離滅裂でまどろっこしい文になってしまいましたが、簡潔に言えば「知識を広めるきっかけを下さってありがとう ございました」です。これからも自由にちまちま勉強しながらも考察を続けていきたいと思います。 (冒険者いかより)
Hello Mr. Zektbach, Mr. Nyoah.
It's been quite a while since I was immersed in this fantastic and fascinating world that Mr. Zektbach has created.
At first, I hated mathematics, but under the influence of chapter 2, I decided to try my best to understand mathematics.
When I opened my mind to numbers, I realized that it was incredibly interesting, and now I love mathematics.
The more I studied philosophy, languages, history, mythology, etc., the more I found similarities with Aria Te Raria, and the more interested I became in the world.
This is an incoherent and muddled sentence, but to put it simply,
Thank you for the opportunity to expand my knowledge. I'd like to continue studying and thinking freely.
(From Ika the Adventurer)
非常に嬉しい言葉である。ありがたいにゃ。 Zektbachが何故吟遊しているか、それは君のように様々な物事に興味を持つきっかけでありたいと考えている事が大きいのである。 一見とっつきにくい難しい学問であっても、幻想的で魅力的に表現すれば興味を持てると私とZektbachは確信している。 だから、君が書いてくれたような書簡が届く事はとても嬉しい事にゃ!
I'm very happy to hear that. Thank you very much.
The reason why Zektbach is a bard is that he wants to be a catalyst for people like you to become interested in various things.
Zektbach and I are convinced that even seemingly difficult disciplines can be interesting if they are presented in a fantastic and appealing way.
So it is a great pleasure to receive a letter like the one you wrote!
はじめまして。踊り子のたけのです。以後、お見お知り を。単刀直入に聞きます。星の民は男ですか?女ですか? それとも、男をも女をも超えた存在ですか? (踊り子たけのより)
Nice to meet you. I'm Takeno, a dancer.
I'm going to ask you a straightforward question. Are the Star People male or female?
Or are they more than just men and women?
(From the dancer, Takeno)
The meaning is different, but this is what is written in Chikyu's book on genetic biology.
ニゴロブナという魚はメスの個体しかおらず、オスの精子無しに卵がかえる。 生まれた幼魚はすべてメスとなり、世代が未来へ引き継がれてゆく事が確認されている。 哺乳類でさえ本当は性がなくても子孫が残せる。
The fish called Nigorobuna is only female, and its eggs are born without male sperm.
It has been confirmed that all larvae born are female, and the generation is passed on to the future.
Even mammals don't really need to have sex to have offspring.
さて、これは研究者つまり人類からの視点の文章である。 これは外側からの視点、メタ視点なわけである。 メスの個体しかいないニゴロブナの立場で考えると、 ニゴロブナは『我々に性別があるブナ!』と言うだろうか? つまりそういうことにゃ。
Now, this is a text from the point of view of a researcher, or a human being.
This is a meta-perspective, a perspective from the outside.
If you think about it from the point of view of a nigorobuna, which only has female individuals.
Would they say, "We have sex, beech! Would they say, "We are genderless beech!"
That's what I'm talking about.
Well, that's it for this time, goodbye!
ニョアの手記 97 - Nyoah's Notes 97
#Zektbach#The Epic of Zektbach#Bernadette#L'avide#Purification prayer#Noigllado#Kingdom of Noigllado
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I drew FaloMatin when making custom cup noodle at Yokohama’s cup noodle museum and created a Noigllado Cup Noodle😄✨
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noigllado replied to your post: Uh oh. The Amnesia Anime people are using the...
Thanks so much!!! Hopefully that'll fix that problem. :>
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Oh gosh, that's mean! And I'm super duper confused, too. I'm pretty sure you're not fat and even if you were, it's stupid to make fun of someone for it. They're still beautiful! At least those people are in the past i hope. I hope I haven't brought back any memories that are too harsh. //hugs We love you and I hope you know that! And you're really pretty too, no joke.
Anonymous asked you: 2013-01-11 16:27
wAIT I FORGOT TO GO ON ANON omg hi i'm awkward ok bye
aH NO ITS OK!!! its not bad if you sent a nice meant-to-be anon message unanon
i agree its rude to make fun of someone for it. and the memories arent that harsh ive gotten over everything that happened with my weight (i went and lost a lot of it too so maybe thats helped) but no im totally open to talking about everything dw
and thank you very much for your kind words youre a sweet pierson uwu
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noigllado replied to your post: wowow ok so heres the deal guys! ive been really...
I’m going to bonk you upside the head! This is YOUR blog! You should have been posting what you wanted since the beginning since if people mind then to heck with them! Freedom of speech, right? Enjoy your stay more, or else! //hugs
Aaaahh, thank you! <3 It wasn't that I didn't like everything that I reblogged, it was just I restricted myself;; Thank you so much! <3333
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noigllado replied to your post: The girl who you were asking about is Sunny, a...
If you ever want the MP3s of their songs, since you helped me out, I will help you.
Excellent, thank you~ I'll let you know!
#noigllado#anna talks#I'm downstairs atm so I'd need to go upstairs to listen to their music#but I'm lazy
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noigllado replied to your post
that gif made my giggle fit worse iM GOING TO DIE
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Hi. Yes, hi! I was drawing a minute ago and I realized I improved a lot and I just I realized that I've been improving since I've found you. And I just think, I don't know. I just really love your art style and it inspires me a lot so I just think being so inspired is part of the reason I improved so I think it's safe to blame my improvement on you so um. Thank you!!
hello! ouo O-oh? Is that so? ;//m//;'' well i'm really suprised that my silly drawings could actually help someone;;; thank you very much again for these flattering words! ;A;there is no need to thank me, really .u.;;; i'm just really glad it helped you .o.;;
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actually no! i'll try that right now!! thank~ <3 (i forgot it existed omg)
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Can't reply, can't deny. You're pretty!!!
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The Epic of Zektbach Guidebook - Chantoll (p.23)
23. Chantoll Description
一年中雪が降り注ぎ、一帯にある針葉樹林 は遠い昔から降り積もった深い雪と氷に覆わ れている。
It snows all year round, and the coniferous forests in the area are covered with deep snow and ice from long ago.
ノイグラード国民にもこの美しい 水雪樹林の景観は人気(※9)で、セントリ スの湖畔から定期的に観光船が出ている。
This beautiful landscape of snow-covered forests is popular among the people of Noigllado (*9), and there is a regular sightseeing boat service from the lakeside of Centris.
深い雪と氷に覆われてい るチヤントールは生態系 も幻想的。
The ecosystem of Chantoll, which is covered with deep snow and ice, is fantastic.
植物と鉱物が 一体化し、溶けない氷に 包まれている氷晶華など、 美しい植物が林立してい る。
There is a forest of beautiful plants and minerals, such as the cryolite, which is a combination of plants and minerals wrapped in unmelted ice.)
ち なみにノヴァリスタ城の一番高いナ昜所にある 王の間からはセントリス湖と、このチャン トールの森林一帯を展望することができ、そ の様子はまさに絶景!
The King's Chamber, located in the highest part of the Novarista Castle, offers a spectacular view of Lake Centris and the entire forest of Chantoll.
王だけに許された特 権と言える。
This is a privilege that only the king can enjoy.
美しい景観とは対照的に吹き下ろす風は冷 たく、長時間滞在するのは困難。
In contrast to the beautiful scenery, the wind blowing down is cold, making it difficult to stay for a long time.
それゆえに 未踏の地が数多く残り、「体に樹木が林立し ている白く輝ぐ巨大竜を見た」などという都 市伝説も広まっているという。
For this reason, many unexplored areas remain, and there is a widespread urban legend that says, "I saw a giant white dragon with a forest of trees on its body."
実際には凍土 の下に広大な地下遺跡が眠っており、クク ルーンの大穴やオリビエ岩礁へと繫がって いる。
In fact, vast subterranean ruins lie beneath the frozen soil, linking to the Great Pit of Clusters and Olivier Reef.
Tomosuke's Commentary
ザッカドニアの北部一帯は非常に寒く、 チャントールと呼ばれる水の森になっていま す。
The northern part of Zakkadonia is very cold and has a water forest called Chantoll.
いわゆる永久凍土(※10)であり、光 景としても非常に美しい場所です。
It is a so-called permafrost (*10), which is also a very beautiful place to view.
長年にわたって凍結した 土壌のこと。
Soil that has been frozen for many years.
日本では富 士山や大雪山の山頂付近 で確認されている。
In Japan, it is found near the tops of Mount Fuji and Mount Daisetsu.)
とはいえ、 環境が環境なので長時間留まるのは厳しいで しょう。
However, it will be difficult to stay for a long time because of the environment.
設定上“何かが眠っている場所”と いうのが多くありますが、このチャントール の氷土の下も例外ではありません。
There are many places in the setting where "something is sleeping," and this place under the ice of Chantoll is no exception.
僕自身 「現実世界でもこういう場所があったらいい なあ」と思いますし、設定を考えるだけでも ワクワクしてしまうんですよね。
I myself think, "It would be nice to have a place like this in the real world," and even just thinking about the setting makes me excited.
#zektbach#the epic of zektbach#Chantoll#p.23#Novarista#Noigllado#Lake Centris#Holy Kingdom of Noigllado
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The Epic of Zektbach Guidebook - Queid Mines(p.21)
I'm made my possible but the only scan I've found are really poor quality...I'm sorry. If someone have the Guidebook, please contact me !
??????山。 ??はない貴重な鉱物・薔
Queid Mines are located at the north of Isfahan, the capital of the Kingdom of Azuelgatt.
In addition to the above, there are many other types of mines. The mine is located at the entrance to the Izelnia Mountains.
人を魅了する美しい薔薇 色の光を放つ鉱石。
An ore that emits a beautiful rose-colored light that fascinates people.
宝石 的な偭値が高く、さらに 製錬すると高いエネルギ 一を得られる、非常に有 用な鉱石。
It is a very useful ore that has a high gemstone jewelry value and a high energy content when smelted.
稀少かつ利便 性が高いので高額で取引 される。
Because of its rarity and convenience, it fetches a high price.
なお、この鉱山 ではぼかにもビンクプラ チナ、ヂマントイド、ブ ルーダイヤモンドなどと いった稀少な鉱石が採れ るとりう。
The mine will also produce other rare ores such as bink platinum, dymantoid, and blue diamond.
イゼルニア山脈はアリア ・テ・ラリアの中でも未 踏の地として名高い。
The Izelnia Mountains are one of the most unexplored areas in Aria and Te'Laria.
こ こに足を踏み入れるには ラタキア砂漠側から行く か口ーラリア高原から才 —コアナ高地に入り、い くつかの山を越すしかな り。
The only way to reach this place is to go from the Latakia Desert side or from the mouth of the Rolaria Downs into the Aucoana Highlands and over some mountains.
どちらも?????な い。
どちらも????し い?となる。
土地の占有権を巡って争いが起こるという のは戦争の理由としては非常にシンプルです が、まさにこのクエイド鉱山こそがアゼル ガット王国と神聖ノィグラード王国との間の 火種となっている場所。
The reason for war is very simple: a dispute over land ownership, but the Queid Mine is the very place where the conflict between the Kingdom of Azuelgatt and the Holy Kingdom of Noigllado is sparked.
空舟の遺跡の影響を 大きく受けているため、鉱山を掘り進めてい くと“絶対にこれ以上は掘れない場所”に突 き当たります。
It is heavily influenced by the ruins of the Sky Ship, and as you dig through the mines, you will come to a place where you will never be able to dig any further.
もちろん、これは空舟の外壁 まで到達してしまったからにほかなりません。
Of course, this is only because we have reached the outer walls of the sky ship.
薔薇鉄という発光性の鉱物も、実は空舟の発 する特殊なエネルギーによって生み出された もの���
The luminescent mineral called "rose iron" was actually created by the special energy emitted by the airship.
もちろん、人々はそれがオーバーテク ノロジーによって誕生した鉱石とは知らず、 単純に燃料や加工材料としての価値を求めて いるわけですが……。
Of course, people do not know that it is an over-technology mineral, but simply seek its value as fuel and processing material...
#zektbach#p.21#Azuelgatt#Noigllado#Holy Kingdom of Noigllado#Queid Mines#Izelnia Range#Izelnia Mountain
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The Epic of Zektbach Website - Nyoah's Note 09
冒険者諸君、ごきげんよう。ニョアだって猫である。 Good day, adventurers. Even Nyoah is a cat.
唐突だが、ニョアは雷が苦手だ。 この間の大雨の日、大きな雷が私のすぐ傍に落ちて オスティヌスを差し置いて、ニョア真っ先に紙袋に隠れてしまった。 その時分Zektbachに 『おお、ニョアよ。頭隠して尻尾隠さずとは��さにうぬの事であるな。』 と言われ、一介の騎士猫であった私にとっては大きな恥辱であった。 これからは雷に対しても勇を呈して推して参る所存にゃ。 I know it's sudden, but Nyoah is not a fan of thunder. The other day, a big thunderbolt struck right next to me, and I was the first to hide in a paper bag, leaving Ostinus behind. That's when I told Zektbach "Oh, Nyoah, you are the one who hides your head but not your tail." It was a great shame for me, a knight cat. From now on, I'm going to show my courage and push forward against thunder as well.
さて、今回はSTORYページで新たな物語を追加したぞ。 さらに時系列が分かりやすいように、ニョアが年号を打って置いた。 どうにゃ?これで話の流れは掴みやすくなったであろう。 Now, I've added a new story to the Story page.
To make the timeline even easier to understand, Nyoah has added the year to the page.
What do you think? I hope this makes it easier to grasp the flow of the story.
ちょっと先の話になるが、STORYページとは別に物語を別の角度から綴る場所を用意しようと思ってる。 そこではアリア・テ・ラリアの歴史や国、登場人物、名産品等をより細かく君達に伝える予定だ。 楽しみに待っていて欲しい。 A little further down the road, I'm planning to prepare a separate page that will tell the story from a different angle. There, I plan to tell you more about the history of Aria Te'Laria, the country, the characters, the specialties, and so on. I hope you'll look forward to it.
Your songs, setting and story are brilliant, keep up with your great work. (詩人Father_viceより) Your songs, setting and story are brilliant, keep up your great work... (from poet Father_vice)
Nyank you very much nya. We promise every effort to make wonderful Zektbach world nya.
ニョア様、初めまして ニョア様は素敵なお洋服を着ていらっしゃいますが それは何処かで購入されたものなのでしょうか? もしくは何方かの手作り…? 是非教えて下さい! (楽師ユーリより) Nice to meet you, Mr. Nyoah. Ms. Nyoah is wearing nice clothes. Did you buy it from somewhere? Or are they handmade by someone? Please let me know! (From Yuri the musician)
私が来ている服はノイグラードの伝統的な貴族衣装 ノーブルカーマインを猫用にカスタマイズした特注品である。 私は元来騎士猫であるが故、このような貴族の奢侈文弱な衣装はあまり好まないところだが 記録猫としての作業が多い今は、動きやすく軽いこの服は気��入っているにゃ。 The outfit I'm wearing is a custom-made version of the traditional noble costume of Noigllado.
I'm a knight cat by nature, so I don't really like to wear the costumes of the aristocracy but now that I do a lot of work as a recording cat, I like this outfit because it's light and easy to move around in.
では、久々にエペの鍛練をしたくなったので 今回はこの辺でさらばにゃ! So, since it's been a while since I've wanted to train Epee. So I'll leave you with this.
Nyoah Note 9 - 2008.09.03
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The Epic of Zektbach Website - Nyoah's Note 08
Greetings, adventurers. My name is Nyoah.
After a week away from Zektbach, I went on vacation with Ostinus to Pinon Island.
The island of Pinon is a famous resort and has attracted many people from all over the continent.
ところで、ここにはアリア・テ・ラリアで一番の釣り師であり私の釣りの師匠でもある ポッチョイ老人が住んでいるのだ。ちなみにポッチョイ老人も言葉を話せる猫である。
By the way, here lives old man Potchoy, who is the best fisherman in Aria Te'Laria and also my fishing master. By the way, old Potchoy is also a cat who can speak.
I was so engrossed in fishing on the beach, shoulder to shoulder with old man Potchoy, that Nyoah became completely black with sunburn.
What? I thought you were always black.
Hmmm. That's hair, and the skin underneath is burned.
釣った魚が地面に落ちる前に師匠も私も猫まっしぐら、これぞポッチョイ奥儀『キャチにゃんどイート』で 私達はたらふく御馳走にありつけて、大満足であった。
Ver 1: Before the fish we caught fell to the ground, Master and I went straight for the cat. We were very satisfied with our feast.
Ver 2:Before the fish I caught fell to the ground, both my teacher and I were cats, and we were very happy to have a tafuku treat with this Pochoi mystery "Cachi Nyando Eat" .
As for Ostinus, he was hungry with a big crab called Green Coco on the beach.
It was quite a fulfilling vacation.
ニョア様初めまして! 私は各地にある、さまざまな料理を食べるために旅してい る者ですが、ピノノン島には名物料理はありますか? あるとしたら、どんな料理なのですか? ぜひ教えてください! (冒険者DANNYより)
Dear Nyoah, nice to meet you!
I'm a traveler who likes to try different cuisines in different places.
Are there any specialties on Pinonon Island? If so, what are they?
Please let me know!
(From adventurer DANNY)
As you can see, the most common questions we received this time were about the cuisine and local products of Pinon Island.
Due to the unique topography of the Montegu Fjord, Pinon Island is home to a variety of ecosystems and a large variety of fish and shellfish.
That's why the seafood dishes are the best in Aria Te'Laria.
The most famous dish is "Kingdom Style Jamalpaza," which was invented by the chef of the Royal Palace in Noigllado.
これはピノノン名物であるメカジキに良く似た魚、スピアフィッシュと海きのこを ザッカドニア大森林にいる不思議な虫ジャマリアからとれる ジャマルという香ばしい液体を使って煮込んだものだ。
This is a combination of Pinon's specialty, spearfish, a fish similar to swordfish, and sea mushrooms. The fish is stewed in a fragrant liquid called Jamal, which comes from Jamaria, a mysterious insect found in the Great Forest of Zakkadonia.
However, since Jamal is a very expensive ingredient, only high society people will be able to afford this dish.
The most common dish is "Pinot Noop", which is sold all over the island.
It is a snack made of scallops of various shellfish from the coast of Pinon Island, stewed with rock salt and herbs and then dried.
It's popular because you can enjoy a variety of flavors in one bag.
ニョアさま、こんにちは。 私は東の島国の「ガッコウ」たる建造物で学ぶ者です。 いまは夏であり、ガッコウが大変暑いです。 部活動に勤しむ私は常に脱水症状の水際にいます。 どうか、この暑さを克服する方法を教えてください! (魔道士エルーより)
Hello, Mr. Nyoah.
I am a student in a building called "Gakko" in an eastern island country.
It is summer now, and it is very hot.
I am constantly on the verge of dehydration as I work in my club.
Please tell me how to overcome this heat!
(From Eru the Mage)
I've heard that Gakko is hot too.
I've heard that in the hot environment of a girls-only school, the conditions are unthinkable for boys...
Overcoming the heat is a matter of daily training.
First of all, stay as far away as possible from the magic device cooler, which is always chanting ice and wind magic.
The reason is that once you get used to that magic, your tolerance to the heat will drop.
The only other way to increase your heat resistance is to consume more water, which is a reverse attribute item.
When you are able to say, "The sun's energy is wonderful," and rather admire the heat, your level will have improved considerably.
Well, that's it for this time, goodbye!
――――――――――――ニョアの手記 8 ――――――――――――
Nyoah's Note 8
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Nyoah's Note Website - The Epic of Zektbach - Note 05
冒険者諸君、ごきげんよう。私は長靴を履いていない猫。名前はニョアだ。 毎日のように諸君から様々な便りが届いて私もオスティヌスも嬉しいかぎりである。 中には美しい詩をしたためてくる詩人や独自の哲学を説く者もおり、 諸君らのにゃんとワンダフルな才能にはニョア the 感服 de カルカンもう一杯!である。
Good day, adventurers. I am a cat without boots. My name is Nyoah.
Every day, I receive various letters from you, which makes me and Ostinus very happy.
Some of you write beautiful poems, some of you explain your own philosophies, and some of you are so wonderfully talented that we are in awe of you. I'd like to thank all of you.
さて、本日はSTORYページが大幅に更新された。 遂に明かされたZektbach叙事詩の舞台となる世界地図。 これは私がZektbachの吟遊より記録したものであり、まだ不明な所も多々ある。 徐々に明らかになってゆくので楽しみにするとよいぞ。
Well, today the Story page has been updated significantly.
The map of the world where the Epic of Zektbach takes place has finally been revealed.
This is what I have recorded from my travels in Zektbach's troupe, and there are still many parts that are unknown.
You can look forward to it as it is gradually revealed.
すみません つい調子に乗って尻尾を引っ張りすぎてしまったのですが、大丈夫ですか? ・・・しっぽ引っぱっちゃってごめんね・・・ 思わずニョアすぁんの尻尾をひっぱりまくっちまいました。すんません。 しっぽを200回ほど・・・ ごめん!今日もしっぽひっぱっちゃった! オスティヌス食べていいですか? (楽師イリアほか多数)
Sorry, I got carried away and pulled your tail too much. Is everything all right?
...I'm sorry for pulling your tail...
I unintentionally pulled Nyoah's tail too hard. I'm sorry.
I pulled his tail about 200 times...
Sorry! I pulled his tail again today!
Can I eat Ostinus?
(Musician Ilaria and many others)
...You'd better not make me too angry.
俺っち海賊から足を洗って転職を考えてるんだがオススメの就職先とかないかな? できれば歴史を研究しながら暮らしていける職場がいいんだがなぁ…。 (海賊グラムより)
I'm thinking of getting out of pirates and changing careers, but I was wondering if you had any suggestions for places to work.
If possible, I'd like a job where I can make a living while studying history...
(From Pirate Gram)
アゼルガットから船で東の大陸に渡れば、古代考古学の秘密研究機関があるそうだ。 そこは、盗掘と研究を兼ねているらしいから君にはピッタリだな。 すみやかにそこにいくにゃ!
I heard that if you take a ship from Azuelgatt to the continent to the east, there is a secret research institute for ancient archeology.
They say it's a combination of digging and research, so it's perfect for you.
Go there immediately !
ズバリ、万人に受けるモノとは何か?ワシは大いに悩んでおる。 教皇であるワシに道を示してくれ。さすれば褒美としてこの鳩をやろう。 (教皇hacoより)
What is the one thing that can be accepted by everyone? I am greatly troubled by this.
Show me, the Pope, the way. If you do, I will give you this pigeon as a reward.
(From Pope Haco)
ニョアが思うに万人に受けるモノは存在しないだろう。 なぜにゃら、人はそれぞれ幸せや感動を感じる部分が違うからである。 それは長年積み重ねた選択と意味付けの結果であって個人のアイデンティティでもあると思うにゃ。 ただ多くの人を喜ばせるものはその人自身の判断だけでなく 背後に大きな共通の歴史と日常性があり、多くの人が無意識に潜在している幸せなのだと思う。
In Nyoah's opinion, there is no such thing as something that can be accepted by everyone.
This is because each person feels happiness and emotion in different ways.
This is the result of the choices and meanings we have accumulated over the years, and it is also our personal identity.
I think what makes many people happy is not only their own judgment, but also the unconscious happiness that is latent in many people because of the common history and everyday life behind them.
...I got a puffy pigeon.
では、今回はこの辺にしておこう。 ちなみにノイグラード王国にはニシンそばの他にカイザーミートパンというものも有名だ。 これは、言うなれば巨大な肉まんである。
I'll leave it at that for now.
Incidentally, in addition to herring noodles, the Kingdom of Noigllado is also famous for Kaiser meat buns.
This is a giant meat bun, if you will.
Goodbye, then!
――――――――――――ニョアの手記 5 ――――――――――――
Nyoah's Note 5
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