#nocturne xmen
nichecomicstournament · 8 months
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propaganda under the cut
Talia Josephine "TJ" Wagner: no propaganda submitted
David Zavimbe: no propaganda submitted
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aquilaofarkham · 3 months
there has never been a better time in media to sexualize that old man
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nana-bird · 1 month
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Falling back into X Men hell and decided to my own interpretation of Nocturne, my favorite lesser used Xmen for an au im playing with
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revel-arts · 4 months
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My Color Wheel Challenge!! I’m pretty proud of how it turned out
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achillesofgold · 1 year
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is this nocturne, is this an oc? guesses, guesses. anyways have some marvel stuff :)
check it out over on insta if u want <3
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38sr · 4 months
How did you get where you are now? Job wise I mean? Were you a college student before doing this or did you go looking for jobs in the art industry straight away?
Oh, well it's been quite a journey for me in terms of how I got to where I am right now but here's the full timeline (?):
August 1996 - BIRTH
April 2007 - I watch Brave Story at Tribeca Film Festival, life is changed and I decide to purse animation
June 2014 - Graduate high school and accepted into Montserrat College of Art for Animation & Interactive Media
Summer of 2016 - Studied abroad in Japan attending Niigata School of Art & Design
Summer of 2017 - First animation job as an animation intern for Sesame Street (yes that Sesame Street)
December 2017 - Graduated from college (yes I graduated early due to having college credits in high school), did not have a job lined up
2018 to 2019 - Living back in NY with my parents, working on indie animation productions, creating emotes and animated intros for content creators, applying and getting rejected from many job listings, received and fail multiple storyboard tests, developing my own projects and story ideas after years of not being able to for school work
July 2019 - Fly to California for the first time, made the decision to move in order to further pursue a career in animation, at this time the Nickelodeon Artist Program were accepting submissions so I busted out boards for a personal project in 3 days and submitted it (please do not be like me, take your time haha)
September 2019 - I receive a call from Nickelodeon and I go through a series of interviews for 2 months straight
Thanksgiving 2019 - I receive news I was selected as a trainee for the Nickelodeon Artist Program
January 2020 - Move to California and begin work as a trainee at Nickelodeon (specifically for Rugrats reboot)
March 2020 - The pandemic
July 2020 - I leave Nickelodeon and move onto Titmouse as a storyboard revisionist for Star Trek Lower Decks
November 2020 - My Supervising Director for Lower Decks recommends me to the first Critical Role show Legend of Vox Machina
December 2020 - I do freelance boards for Vox Machina and get hired as a full time revisionist for season 2
January 2021 - I receive a interview request for a job on WondLa at SkyDance due to one of the directors finding my work online, I heavily consider the job
May 2021 - My Adventures of Superman is announced, I draw a piece of fanart that goes viral
July 2021 - Vox Machina season 2 wraps, I receive an offer to return to Lower Decks season 3 as well to work on X-Men 97 (I said yes to Lower Decks)
August 2021 - Spiderman Freshmen Year (now known as Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman) asks if I be interested to do boards, I decline not knowing what it was for
September 2021 - Showrunner for Spiderman contacts me personally for interview, my Superman fanart from May 2021 finds it way in front of the eyes of one of the creators for MAWS, still currently doing revisions for Lower Decks S3
October 2021 - Accept job offer as board artist for Spiderman, freelancing on MAWS as a character designer (first time doing this job), turn down SkyDance job offer
December 2021 - Wrapped on Lower Decks S3
January 2022 - Launch as board artist for Spiderman at Marvel Studios, still been developing my own personal projects at this point
February 2022 - Studio Shaft offers layout and genga work for Madoka Magia Record after seeing animation work of my personal projects, I accept
April 2022 - My episode of Madoka Magia Record airs, Studio Pierrot sends offer for work on Boruto
May 2022 - After my first episode on Boruto I am offered to work on Bleach Thousand Year Blood War, I accept and continue to on Bleach as of this post (3 seasons in total), Studio Mir offers me animation work for XMen 97 (I accept but only work on the first episode)
Summer of 2022 - Working on Spiderman, animating on animes, I think at some point this is when I was offered to do animation work for Castlevania Nocturne
November 2022 - Complete season 1 of Spiderman, Marvel/Disney lays me off for *reasons*, I receive an email about potential work on an unannounced show at Nickelodeon, I'm unemployed at this point
January 2023 - Collecting unemployment, freelancing on animes, trying to survive in general, also approached by Colosso to create my own course
February 2023 - Land a short gig on Big City Greens movie over at Disney TVA, Studio Mir once again offer me work but this time for second animated Witcher film
March 2023 - Land an interview as a character designer for that unannounced Nick show, didn't get the job
May 2023 - Wrap up on Big City Greens and Witcher, fly to Japan to relax (I failed)
July 2023 - Land a layout artist position at A24 (no it's not for Hazbin Hotel), Studio Mappa offer me work on Jujutsu Kaisen Shibuya Arc
September 2023 - Land another interview with Nickelodeon (this time for storyboard artist), freelancing on layouts and animation for Castlevania Nocturne S2, A24 job is stressing me out way too much so I decide to leave, MAWS hits me up for retakes on season 2
October 2023 - Wrap up at A24, I land the board artist job at Nick, I am also drowning in Jujutsu Kaisen production meltdown, complete my online course for Colosso, wrap up on MAWS S2
November 2023 - I start at Nick as a board artist, Colosso course release, I am still dying by the hands of Studio Mappa
January 2024 till now - Still boarding over at Nick and still animating on animes (I am VERY selective now about it though after JJK), I am also in therapy now Yeah so that's like, a real rough timeline over everything from school till now (and even then I am missing a lot of work details like video games and development projects due to NDAs). But pretty much what carried me was putting myself and my art out there on social media along with building relationships with people in the studios (outside of just my production) and that's how I've been able to maintain a steady work flow even when I was unemployed. Also not being afraid to develop my own ideas and share them since most of the times that gives the leadership a pretty good idea what sensibilities I have (and they just happen to match). I hope that answered your question!
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v-cain · 2 years
"You'll Have A Family"
Request: OOH X-MEN?? How about a shy gn!teen reader meeting characters of your choice for the first time and they’re all really supportive and nice :) Sorry if that’s kinda weird 😭😭 No worries if not!!
Fandom: Xmen
Mutation Explanation: Dude, imagine toothless except he's a human. R hides their wings and tail with a cloak because they dont like showing them off.
Pairings: (all platonic) Charles Xavier x gn!teen!reader, Logan Howlett x gn!teen!reader, Kurt Wagner x gn!teen!reader
A/N: what? no this wasn't requested in august wdym *sweats nervously* hope you enjoy @book-place !!! <333 (please ignore anything that doesn't make sense, not feeling the best recently so i get a pass on bullshit)
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You walk up to the gate, hugging your cape closer to your body. The sign on the gate read 'Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters'. Recently, your family had contacted the headmaster of the school asking if they could enrol you as soon as possible. The school had agreed, and your family had sent you off the next week- they weren't very fond of your mutation.
As you approach the front door, you can't help but overthink all the possibilities of what could happen. What if everyone hates you? What if they turn you away?Where would you go? Why couldn't you be normal-
Before you know it, you're standing in front of the door. You raise your hand to knock, and...stand there for ten minutes deciding whether or not to walk away and live in the woods for the rest of your life.
Inside, Charles was leaving his office as he was expecting the arrival of a new student soon. He was heading down to the common area when he heard some frantic thoughts coming behind the front door. He stopped and turned his attention to it. He moved towards the door and opened it to find the new student.
You blink and look down to see a man sitting in a wheelchair with a kind smile. "Hello! I'm Professor Charles Xavier, the headmaster of this school. Please, come in." You awkwardly shuffle in the door and close it behind you. Charles noticed that you have yet to take off your cloak, but he wouldn't push you to.
You look around the mansion, that you realize you'll be living in from now on. It reminded you of a tour you took in a castle when you were young-it was probably smaller than this place. Your attention is brought back to Charles as he explains that a student would be meeting you soon to take you on a tour around the mansion.
You nod slightly and rub the sleep out of your eyes, which reminds you of something your parents didn't tell the school. "Uh, sir?" He turns back to you with a small smile. "Yes? And Professor is just fine." You hum in return, and continue "I don't think my parents mentioned this to you, but I have a nocturnal sleeping pattern, so how would I attend classes?" Charles paused for a second, why wouldn't your parents mention this? Brushing the thought off, he responds "We can discuss this later in my office in more detail, but I'm sure we can work around it."
Just as he finished speaking, a teen showed up our of nowhere, scaring the shit out of you. You shriek and jump back, causing your wings to flair up in defence. The teen raised his hands up, "Uh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" You stood back, wings still up, and took in his appearance. He had blue skin, blue hair, yellow eyes and a blue tail thatwas swishing around. He was wearing jeans and a t-shirt with a TV show logo you didn't recognise.
Slowly, your wings lowered back down but you were still nervous. The teen awkwardly glances at the Professor before holding his hand out to shake. "My name is Kurt. What's yours?" You hesitantly shake his hand, responding quietly "Y/N L/N..." He smiles at you, and then explains how he would be giving you the tour of the mansion. You nod and bid your goodbyes to the Professor, who smiles and returns to his office.
A few hours later, Kurt has shown you where classes are, bathrooms, bedrooms, the kitchen, the common area...and you are exhausted. All you wanted to do was flop down on your bed and sleep, but the universe had other plans. Right at the end of your tour, Kurt and you ran into some of Kurts friends. They introduced themselves as Scott, Jean and Jubilee. You nod at them but say nothing in response. You all stand there for a moment before Jean suggests everyone goes outside because it's a nice day outside.
"Um... I'm actually pretty tired after travelling all night... I think I'm gonna lie down for a while." You awkwardly smile. Jean smiles at you kindly and responds "Yeah, that's chill, have a good nap!" And with that, the group were off. You stand still for a moment and then head upstairs to the bedrooms. You get there, and finally fall asleep.
When you wake up, you find that you've slept through dinner. You shrug off your cloak and walk downstairs, your tail dragging on the ground. You always felt more relaxed during the night time- there wasn't anyone around to judge you, and you could look at the stars in peace and quiet.
You walk down to the kitchen without getting lost- total win- and rummage around in the cupboards for some food. One of the best parts of your mutation is the fact you can see perfectly well in the dark, so you've never had to use lights during the night.
You find a packet of your favourite chips, hopping up on the counter to eat them.
Lost in your own world, you failed to notice a new arrival in the kitchen.
Logan walked down the hallway in the mansion, with the intention of getting some beer from the kitchen. He walked in, and noticed someone sitting on the counter. They had yellow eyes- holy shit were they glowing?- black scaly wings and tail, and scattered scales across their arms, face and legs. They had claws for hands and feet, which looked scarily sharp. What caught his eye the most, though, was that clutched in their hands were his chips.
"Hey kid-" The stranger didn't get to finish his sentence because you, once again, got the shit scared out of you and fell off the counter. The man tried to come and help you up but your wings shot up protectively and a fireball started in your throat. The man steps back slowly and raises his hands up in defence, "Woah, kid, I'm not gonna hurt you. 'Was just gonna say you were eatin' my chips." You continue to stare at him for a moment, trying to determine if he was telling the truth. You backed down and picked up the chips, eating them again.
The man raises and eyebrow at you, "That's mine." You narrow your eyes at him and growl, to which he rolls his eyes and breaks the lock off a cabinet beside the sink. He reaches in and pulls out a can of beer. You peer at the cabinet, curious. He notices and thinks for a moment. "You want one?" Your eyes shoot up to him and you nod immediately. He chuckles and grabs one for you too.
You take it from him and open it with your claw. You raise it to him, and he returns the action. You both stay like this in silence for a while, till eventually he locks the cabinet again. "Night kid." he says as he walks to the door. "...Goodnight." he pauses to look back at you, before continuing on his way.
Sometime after you finish the beer and chips, you leave for the garden to stargaze. Today had been tiring, but all in all it wasn't half-bad. Maybe you'd even make some new friends! As you gaze, you wonder if maybe, just maybe, you'll have a family.
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kaiobeast · 2 years
Bruh your tags on my reblogged gif post. Deadass I would cut a bitch for more Wanda/Kurt content. I ALSO DEMAND TO SEE ANIMATED NOCTURNE 😭 who do I have to fight to make this shit happen?
It is definitely my oldest and dearest OTP.
They just have?? So much in common??? Both have parental issues stemming from having a psychotic parent, both were ABANDONED by said psycho parent, both have roots in eastern europe, both have ties to the mystic arts, and both have mutations that are feared and extreme even by freaking mutant standards.
They just have a lot of chemistry together idk. They have personalities that balance each other out pretty well, Kurt's outgoing and playful nature balancing against Wanda's more introverted and aloof personality. They're very aesthetic together too, not to mention that they canonically make beautiful babies together lol. I'm still mad that WATXM ended before TJ made an appearance because everyone knows they were building up to it.
Geez, I remember when I used to lurk on Nightscrawlers back in the day looking for Kanda and Kurtty stuff to read (RIP basically a dead forum nowadays). Even tho they don't talk much, I also shipped them pretty hard in Evo too. They had similar feel to the whole Kitty/Lance thing, except Kurt and Wanda would have actually made it interesting because of all the above listed reasons on top of being on opposite sides AND because Evo Wanda was pretty loyal to Mystique, whom Kurt had a lot of complicated feelings about. There could have been a lot of subject matter and drama that could have been milked there.
I'll admit that I haven't picked up the comics in like... uh... a few years haha, so I'm admittedly a little out of touch with what Kurt's been up to lately but I still have a whole drawer full comics that feature Kurt. The Nightcrawler backissue collection from 2004 are still some of my most prized possessions. I really wish they hadn't dropped the idea of Kurt being a sort of supernatural detective (almost like a John Constantine-type character) because that was a really, really cool idea.
Sorry, went on a tangent there lol.
It's been a hot minute since I've really been in the Xmen/Kurt fandom for a while, but man, when it gets brought up I go off like:
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rikebe · 3 years
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TJ's dad... sure is something!
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commission info
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I love them your honor
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jeniidrawsshit · 2 years
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I’ve been wanting to draw Kurt and TJ for a while now and thought it’d be fun to imagine them how they might be in 2022. So, father/daughter bamfing time is now up in my Etsy shop! Check my link in bio 💙👀 . . . . #nightcrawler #kurtwagner #nocturne #tjwagner #xmen #mutants #xmennightcrawler #exiles #marvel #fanart #originalart #comics (at Rogers Park, Chicago) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbyBZnZvRot/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lavenderfool · 2 years
It’s actually tragic that Nocturne wasn’t in the Young Avengers.
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ptsdpolaris · 3 years
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X-Men Fancast Part 8
Daken // Andrew Koji | Rictor // Christian Navarro | Shatterstar // Cameron Monaghan | Spider Woman // Rutina Wesley | Mastermind // Johnathan Aris | Nocturne // Jess Gabor | Luna Maximoff // Lulu Wilson | Crystal // Karen Gillan | Black Bolt // John David Washington
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justawfulxmenart · 4 years
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Y’know how everyone in the Marvel Universe seems to know each other …?
My submission for Quicksilver Week - Day 5 - Alternate Universe/Alternate Universe Plot line. What if Pietro and Wanda Maximoff met Nightcrawler and his adoptive family when they were all kids? 
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thecozycryptid · 4 years
Gonna post the next chapter of my X-Men Evo- Movieverse futurefic soon, heads up!
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