liutheri · 1 year
apologies for the absence; i've been blog hopping. once i get my horror oc set up, i'll be back. he's just consumed my every thought lately, lol.
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liutheri · 1 year
actually enamored with the idea of luther and some kind of superhero teaming up. both outcasts in their respective cities, doling out justice in their own ways. luther, willingly looking the other way as the supe does some shit that clearly borders on vigilante justice, and the supe, relying on luther's police influence to gain access to people or things they otherwise couldn't. a different take on the batman/gordon dynamic, if you will.
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liutheri · 1 year
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liutheri · 1 year
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liutheri · 1 year
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  broad shoulders stiffen , head lolling gently to one side in a show of mild interest. ❛ can't believe everything you hear. but i am curious to know exactly what it was. ❜
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cigarette smoke stains lips, ash and acetate ground mercilessly beneath his heel. ❛ heard a lot about you. . . ❜
@liutheri / x
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liutheri · 1 year
send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion. ** author's note: none of these are aimed at anyone in particular ; it's just shit that's grinded my gears throughout my years in the rpc.
 chronic archiving syndrome. like... chill. i understand if you've been on that blog for 2+ years and want a clean slate, and i understand if you have a fallout with someone who used to be prominently featured on your blog and you need to get away from those memories, etc.
 but if your reasoning is always "too many posts, i feel overwhelmed" and you've not done a lick of writing in over a month... maybe don't treat your blog like a twitter feed where you're sharing what's on your mind every ten seconds. clean up after yourself. routinely delete old posts that no longer serve a purpose.
 you wonder why your follower count steadily drops every time you move and it's because people have no obligation to keep following you as you remake the same blog over and over when they know they won't get any interactions on the newest one, either.
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liutheri · 1 year
send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion. ** author's note: none of these are aimed at anyone in particular ; it's just shit that's grinded my gears throughout my years in the rpc.
 hoo lordy. let's talk about starter calls. more specifically, let's talk about people who post them constantly and never actually do beyond 1-2, especially if they're always for the same people. like... i get it. i know getting 15+ notes on a starter call can be overwhelming. but you determine how much effort / length is going to go into each one, and if you get burned out after writing one or two lengthy ones and conveniently "lose" your starter call after that... maybe write shorter starters. idk.
 speaking of losing starter calls, how frequently do you have to post in order to accomplish that? if it's a consistent problem, write the urls down. save them in a draft or something. whatever you do, just know that kind of behavior is disheartening to all the people who want to write with you.
 on the other hand : people who ask for a starter and then never answer them. i understand if you're not feeling a particular thread that day. i get that; it happens to me quite often. but if you constantly decide to clear out all the drafts you owe, including the ones you never initially replied to? eventually they're gonna stop trying to interact with you, because they're not receiving the same energy or effort they're putting forth. if you're not sure where to go with a starter someone's written, just approach them and say so instead of pointedly ignoring it. i guarantee they'd rather work out a rewrite than think you don't want to write with them.
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liutheri · 1 year
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Well, I’m working off my sins, aren’t I? Your major sin being that you were loyal to me. That’d be the one.
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liutheri · 1 year
RAINE: i don't get it. JOHN: what? RAINE: you seem like such a decent man; i don't understand why you did the things you did. JOHN: well... i couldn't see any other way. RAINE: to do what? JOHN: what had to be done.
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liutheri · 1 year
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Idris Elba in Luther: The Fallen Sun (2023)
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liutheri · 1 year
Santa Esmeralda - Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood
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liutheri · 1 year
@mshtix : ' do you think there's something wrong with me? '
  it's not a question he expects , and certainly not several licks into the ice cream cones he'd purchased for them from a street vendor. despite her record ( petty theft , mostly , or defacing property ) he doesn't think her a criminal in the making. doesn't fit the mold , so to speak. he's seen enough troubled youths to know which ones are lost causes , and which ones just need a firm , patient hand and an open ear.
  ❛❛ nah , ❜❜ he mumbles , taking another taste of the vanilla soft - serve piled atop a crunchy waffle cone. ❛❛ i just think you see the world different , is all. got a lot locked up in that head of yours that other people can't — or , maybe don't want — to see. an' you're stuck dealin' with it the only way you know how. ❜❜
  silence falls over the pair , prey to the bustle of people around them , the occasional incessant honking of impatient vehicles in the streets. what would you know? she'd all but spat at him the first time they'd had a semblance of a conversation. what the fuck would you understand?
  ❛❛ looks like you 'n i've got somethin' in common after all , eh? ❜❜
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liutheri · 1 year
  leaving a crime scene is harder than one might think , because you never truly leave it. more accurately , it never truly leaves you. he’s seen it all in his time — throats cut , faces smashed , entrails strewn across the sidewalk. bodies mangled so badly , they hardly seem human. after all these years , he’s learned to stomach it more easily.
  but the surviving victims? the families of the deceased? they're not so lucky. the atrocities he witnesses day in and day out are something only a small fraction of the population ever has to see , and those that do are never the same , left to mourn and remember their loved ones with a final memory often being a smear on the wall.
  missing persons cases , however , rarely end with such blatant carnage , assuming they end at all. dark eyes settle briefly on the untouched cup of coffee laid out on the table before her , now room temperature at best with how long they've been questioning one another ; he , with inquiries about her relationship to the victim , and she , with almost accusatory demands as to why she's being involved with the ongoing investigation. he's taking his own cup black tonight in preparation for a long night of paperwork.
  in short? he doesn't trust her. doesn't like her vibe. what john luther lacks in social graces , he more than makes up for in perception , and there's something about her ' mourning friend ' act that rubs him the wrong way , leaves him with an itch deep in his skull that he can't quite scratch.
@talyonis : ' i used to believe in justice. '
  he nods thoughtfully , lips parting as though he's poised to speak , but says nothing for several seconds. ❛❛ s' an easy thing to give up on , innit? ❜❜ an outside perspective might say he's being understanding , almost sympathetic. any other time , he might be. ❛❛ after losin' your best mate 'n all. and when the police work for months and turn up nothin' , well . . . ❜❜ his gaze fixes on her calmly , studying even the most miniscule of movements. ❛❛ i think , sometimes . . . people find their own justice. ❜❜
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liutheri · 1 year
  i think constantly about the wounds that john suffers , most notably to his hands — potential parallels to stigmata imagery and the persecution he faces throughout the series , from being investigated as a dirty cop , to having a bounty put on his head , to actually being accused and convicted of a murder he didn't commit. it's believed that those with a stigmata have suffered greatly and lived a life of almost heroic virtue. now , who does that sound like...
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liutheri · 1 year
  thinkin' about luther in the fog and how his initial instinct , always , would be to throw hands with the killers as best he could if he knew it'd buy his teammates some time. despite his age , he's a pretty fast runner — could easily keep up with or run from criminals back home — so running and looping aren't out of the question. but speed is a gift tilted in the killer's favor , so he'd have to stand his ground eventually. and he does , without fail , if it's their only option. at least he no longer wonders what death feels like.
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liutheri · 1 year
1 .    CHOKEHOLD     —    sleep token.
i've seen my days unfold, done the impossible / i'll turn my walls to gold to bring you home again / so show me that which i cannot see / even if it hurts me, even if i can't sleep / oh, and though we act out of our holy duty to be constantly awake / you've got me in a chokehold
2 .   THESE STREETS    —    city wolf.
praying that you don't run out of luck / you're runnin' but the pavement's got you stuck / you've been around the block, i know; you've got the cuts to show it / smokin' like a bullet from a gun / the city got you crushed under its thumb / you're starin' at the clock, i see / your time is up; you know it / so write your name in the dust / hope they remember you 'cause these streets, they're mean / you gotta fight if you want to eat / it's blood and bone / the blacktop's got a heart of stone / they're mean, these streets / they're gonna try to take you / never let 'em break you
3.    LOST AGAIN     —    kings elliot.
now all of my nightmares are coming true / and i've seen beyond the darkest side of the moon / i've walked in the shadows but how do i run / from monsters in the mirror i'm afraid that i've become? / so why do i run for the flames? / 'cause there's no way back and they're all i have / am i, am i so lost again? / i'd give everything, but i'll never win
4 .    AN INNOCENT MAN     —    billy joel.
i know you don't wanna hear what i say / i know you're gonna keep turning away / but i've been there, and if i can survive / i can keep you alive / i'm not above going through it again / i'm not above being cool for a while / if you're cruel to me, i understand / some people run from a possible fight / some people figure they can never win / and although this is a fight i can lose / the accused is an innocent man / i am an innocent man
5 .    WAR     —    poets of the fall.
with no one wearing their real face, it's a whiteout of emotion / and i've only got my brittle bones to break the fall / when the love in letters fade, it's like moving in slow motion / and we're already too late if we arrive at all / and then we're caught up in the arms race, an involuntary addiction / and we're shedding every value our mothers taught / so will you please show me your real face? / draw the line in the horizon / 'cause i only need your name to call the reasons why i fought
tagged by:  @solitarysurvival xoxo mwah tagging: @wtrss / @reporther , @absolutehorror , @alphateamsfinest , @ubcs , @talyonis , @renalyra , @dtperez & anyone else who wants to do it. :v
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liutheri · 1 year
 it's very important to note that luther is a morally upright character , for the most part ; he fully believes in letting the justice system decide a criminal's fate because that's not his job and he hasn't got the right. that being said , he's absolutely not above doing some shady shit if it means keeping loved ones out of trouble -- i.e., not hesitating to instruct jenny on how to clean blood out of carpet while he finds a way to dispose of the body of the man she just killed. he's your ride or die , quite literally. rules aren't meant to be broken ... just bent a little bit.
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