#noctis x reader imagine
avocadoguru · 1 year
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He was staring at her in a way no one had in her entire life. She couldn’t read anything in his eyes - not surprise, not fear, not malicious intent - nothing. (wolfrry, werewolf!harry, alpha!harry, ranger!y/n)
Lupus Noctis- Masterlist, Author’s Note & Warnings
Chapter 11 / alternatively, read on wattpad
Chapter 12 (word count: 9k) -updated September 6
“So… did you figure it out, yet?”
Harry didn’t even have time to find it funny, “Why wouldn’t you have said anything to me? This is… What do I do? Does she know? She wouldn’t know yet, would she? I don’t think she knows… Niall, I don’t know how to handle something like this!”
Harry’s emotions were high. And for good reason. What he’d just seen had him shaken. And it also meant that she’d been turned against her will by a psychopath. He was glad he’d murdered James but this would always be a reminder of what had happened and who had done it.
He had been curious about a few little things. The first was obviously the speed at which she’d recovered and then there was her sudden spunk. Her heightened sense of smell was peculiar when she picked out that he was to be making eggs benedict, which should have tipped him off right away. How had she guessed? The sauce wasn’t something that most humans could pick out from a small leak in a jar in a bag full of other more fragrant groceries. 
“What happened that made you realize?”
“I saw her eyes turn golden. Just wish you’d said something.”
Niall had a hunch about her sudden natural reparative abilities, but he couldn’t be 100% sure at the time.“Harry, you have to understand, man. I didn’t say anything because it was either I was wrong or I was right and you’d figure it out anyway. It was better not to say anything if by chance she was just recovering in a way that doesn’t normally happen in humans. Sometimes things do happen that don’t make sense medically. I figured it was better to just wait and see.”
Harry paced, all the way to the furthermost corner of his expansive garden, outside of Y/N’s earshot. His towel tied tight around his waist as he ran his hands through his damp hair, “You could have at least given me a heads up. What do I do?”
Niall breathed out a laugh, “How should I know? I’m a medical doctor! I’m not cut out for emotional therapy. I’ve never dealt with anything like this. But you’ll figure it out.”
“I know. I just… how do I tell her?”
“Harry, again, I don’t know. We’re talking about a human that has been turned and I’m not familiar with all of this. It’s very unconventional. This kind of thing only happens in extremely rare cases and never in my life have I met a human that’s been turned. I’ve heard about it, just never known someone that it happened to. How has she been acting? What caused her eyes to change?”
Harry cleared his throat and looked up at his house, remembering to keep his voice down, “She’s been… very ready to do stuff. Awake. Wants to go for a swim. Is hungry. Um… a little bit bossy with me even.”
Niall hummed into the receiver, “Bossy… and what happened to have her eyes change?”
Harry could almost hear the cheek in his voice, “She was… I think maybe just excited. She’s been in a really good mood since I came back with groceries a bit ago.”
“Right… a good mood. Well, it’s doctor’s orders to take it easy on her. She might be… well… able to tolerate more, but… she’s still recovering. And so are you.”
A scoff fell from Harry’s lips, “Fine. No advice for me then?”
“Sorry, man. Never dealt with anything like this before. As you know, it’s exceptional that anyone would survive being bitten and getting turned. I just think that’s remarkable… The way you’ve been adamant she’s your mate, all this time. She really is your mate. Only your true mate could’ve survived turning for you.”
Y/N was onto Harry. She knew that he wasn’t running out to his car just to get something. Sure he ran out the front door but the way he reacted to her standing so close to him was a little out of character. Perhaps, she decided, that he was trying to “behave” and not push her into anything intimate. That made sense. She was still recovering from what she was told were deadly injuries. But that in itself was a mystery to her. She felt fine for the most part. 
She’d unpacked the groceries and left out the ingredients to make the eggs benedict when Harry was in the shower. But getting interrupted by the way he had groaned and then, the thing that had started to become a big question at the front of her mind, was his scent. It was his natural musk but she could smell him from all the way downstairs in the kitchen while he was in the shower. It was his groan, however, that had her feet carrying her upstairs to check on him. Just to see. 
She didn’t know why he’d suddenly become so timid with her. Why he was shying away from her. It was subtle but she noticed it. 
When he came back inside, dawning only the towel he tucked around his waist he slowed his movements as he saw her standing there with a knowing look on her face.
“What happened?”
Harry tilted his chin up to feign more confidence than he was feeling in her presence suddenly. It was as if he was looking at her with new eyes. She was like him now and her senses would pick apart the subtlest changes, “I thought I’d left the butter in the car. Wouldn’t have wanted it to melt.”
Y/N narrowed her eyes at him as he walked past her into the kitchen, “But you didn’t go to your car.”
Harry clenched his jaw and stopped in his tracks. It was going to be difficult to pretend he didn’t know what was going on but he wanted to wait a little longer before telling her in hopes of her figuring it out herself. Or, in any case, he needed to figure out a way to ease her into this. He didn’t want her to freak out, or be by herself when she did figure it out. But he needed time to process it himself; all he knew was that he couldn’t just blurt it out to her out of nowhere. 
He hated to have to go right back to keeping secrets from her again, especially such a huge one, and especially something that affected her directly. By some miracle he didn’t lose her, she was still there with him by choice, he just couldn’t handle losing her for good if she took to the news badly. Which she had every right to… just as much as she’d had every right to be as upset with him as she’d been just a little while back. He thought back then that he’d lost her for good. And now he had to prepare himself for the possibility of having his heart broken all over again.
The way he handled this was crucial. A wrong move and he could fuck it all up forever. He needed to tread carefully.
He looked at her with squinted eyes, “How do you know I didn’t check the car?”
Y/N paused. She had been feeling like her senses were somehow heightened. Her hearing, her sense of smell… She pondered his question as he continued walking into the kitchen. Looking at his broad shoulders and his back had her wishing he hadn’t run off when he did. 
“It’s kind of weird, you know… I’ve been, like, experiencing these weird things. I can hear so clearly and my sense of smell is…” she thought back to the panties she found but decided to keep that bit of information until the time was right, for later, “and I don’t know what it is. Maybe it’s all in my head? I feel like maybe I should call Niall…”
Harry watched her carefully as she mulled over everything and he pulled out two eggs from the carton before she continued, “So when I couldn’t hear the car door, I guess I just assumed…” She scoffed, hearing herself out loud. She sounded like a nutcase. Of course she wouldn’t be able to hear the car door all the way from upstairs. “Sorry. I’m being weird. But… right now I’m actually starving so if that butter made it alive let’s eat.”
Harry had Y/N heat the hollandaise while he prepared the rest of the ingredients. But she was clearly still mulling over their interaction upstairs. He noticed her eyes dragging down his bare chest and stopping at his crotch repeatedly. And he could tell she was not only hungry for food but she also had a bit of an appetite for something carnal as well. 
He cleared his throat when he turned to find her leaning on the island and watching him, “Gonna burn the sauce.”
Her grin was playful and Harry felt his blood heat up as she spoke, “Turned it off already. The lid will keep it warm.” She didn’t remove her gaze from him. She was making it very clear what she wanted and he wondered if she was aware of what she was doing or not. 
As much as he’d have loved to have bent her over the kitchen island and take care of his girl the way she needed he couldn’t allow that. Not until they at least had a real conversation. About what she’d seen. About how she was feeling. 
When she began to walk toward him she realized it was like something was just drawing her to him. She wanted to… what did she want? Breakfast was nearly ready and she was very hungry, and yeah, she wanted to eat but what she really wanted was to bite him. Just to nip his shoulder or his neck. His pecs. She didn’t know why her urge was so strong but the moment she was close enough to touch him Harry stood up straight and he looked away from her sultry gaze, “Uh, I’m just gonna go and get dressed and then we’ll eat.”
Breakfast was tasty. It was nourishing and filled her belly, mostly. She felt like she could eat more but Harry’s scent and his hands and his lips were distracting. And the way he kept keeping her at arm’s length had her feeling even more insatiable for him. She knew he was doing it because he was worried about hurting her but she was going to explode if he didn’t do something. 
Turning to face his pretty girl he nearly gave in right then and there, seeing the ravenous look in her eyes. He could practically read her mind, that’s how loud she was thinking those dirty thoughts. And he wanted to give in, he wanted to kiss her, hold her, feel her body against his. Taste her… He shook his head as he got off the stool and pulled himself away reluctantly, grabbing their dirty dishes.“Let’s go for a swim. Like you wanted. I think I know a great place. Secluded. Not in the preserve.” Harry rinsed the dishes as he spoke. He could feel her eyes burning into his back but he needed to keep moving, keep his thoughts from wandering too far. Distract her if he could. He felt he could use a swim himself. Get out some of his pent-up emotions and energy.
“That sounds great, actually,” she grinned and lifted herself up to sit on the counter next to where he was washing the dishes, “I feel like I need to move and exert some energy. A little exercise would be good I think. A swim.”
The drive to the new spot wasn’t as quick as it would have been if they’d driven to the preserve and parked and hiked up to their special hidden oasis. But they both knew they couldn’t go back there. Maybe ever. Y/N stopped herself from initiating conversation the whole drive there, and she could tell Harry was holding back, too. She just wasn’t quite ready to address all of that; she at least wanted to go for this swim first. That would hopefully make her feel a bit better. She felt absolutely fine apart from the fact she felt she didn’t fit into her own skin. She was aching to move, burn some energy off, and she suspected it was due to the fact that she was sexually frustrated.
Y/N decided to google her symptoms to pass the time quicker on their drive to this new, secluded place Harry had suggested. She was not quite understanding the way she was able to smell everything so clearly. She typed in sudden heightened sense of smell into the search bar. Scrolling through the various results and webmd articles she landed on something that might explain the strange phenomenon. 
Synesthesia could be the answer. It wasn’t uncommon for people that had gone through life-threatening injuries. She wasn’t 100% sure that was what was causing her to smell and hear things she would have never been able to before but at least it was some kind of answer. Something to ask Niall about when she did finally talk to him about all this.
Harry parked his car off the road and tucked away behind large pines and in the grass. It was miles from the preserve and in an area where the mountains were not protected or worked by the rangers. Some of it was privately owned land that hadn’t been touched in decades. 
“The swimming cove is a spot I used to come to when I had time to waste and wanted to venture away from the preserve.” Harry spoke as he grabbed her bag from her, putting it over his shoulder and began walking toward the fence that clearly meant the area was off limits. 
The overgrowth of vines and grass indicated that no one had been in these parts in a very long time. Which put Y/N at ease. She followed him, scaling the fence easily and trekking through the acreage close behind.
The upward hike was off trail and cumbersome but once they began making their way down into the valley from where they’d hiked Y/N saw the ridges of the mountain and a level area below with a ravine.
“Your sense of direction is astonishing,” she commented as they carefully trekked down toward where they could hear the water flowing, “But I guess that makes sense, doesn’t it? You’re a…” she stopped just before she could say the word. She still had to get used to that idea. That he was a werewolf. Part human, part beast. 
Harry turned to look at her, stopping his pace suddenly as he raised his brows at her, “A werewolf? Is that what you were going to say?”
Nodding her head she shrugged, “Yeah. I wasn’t sure if you wanted to be called that. Or… I don’t know. Is it okay to say it?”
The gentle smile that took over his features told her it was, though he didn’t respond to her question with words. 
Looking down to the sandy portion of the ravine Harry pointed, “Just there. It’s beautiful once you see it from the ground. Come on.”
Y/N was wearing her hiking boots while Harry was in his signature chelsea boots, making the descent to the cove look like child’s play. She was now hyper aware of why he was so good at hiking and trekking and staying steady even in such posh shoes. Everything that had suddenly come to light about what he really was had answered so many questions for her. 
But the moment they were standing in the wet sand before the cove where the ravine led, all her thoughts about what Harry was had vanished. Another breathtaking spot with not a single human soul to be seen.
Harry placed their bags on the rocks to keep them dry and began to take his boots off as he watched Y/N curiously. He had been careful not to allow her to over exert herself but she was easily keeping up with him and she seemed fine. She was fine. Her heartbeat was steady and strong, her body had barely broken out in a sweat and she had a wide smile on her face as she looked around.
“Harry, this is… it’s perfect!” She was eager to move her limbs in the cool water. Feel the weightlessness take over and play around with Harry.
She looked over at him as he was undressing, taking his clothes off, his boots already on the rocks next to the bags. So she followed suit. Taking her own boots off and peeling her pants down her legs. 
Harry was already jumping into the water by the time Y/N had stuffed her shirt onto the pile of clothes. Looking down over her body she did see the awful scar. The wound was healed but the remnants of what had happened was obvious. She hesitated to remove her bra as she brushed a hand over the raised skin.
“Everything okay?” Harry called to her. She looked out toward him, handsome with wet hair as he came in closer to her. 
“Yeah. Just… saw this and…” she ran her fingers from the top of her clavicle downward over the scar to under her breast, “I guess I feel lucky to even be alive. Here with you.”
She kept her eyes on his as she unhooked the back of her bra and removed it. 
Harry watched her as she bent down and took her panties off. He was already hard just seeing her bare body but the scar across her chest kept him in check. She was still recovering. Still figuring out what was going on. 
The somber moment was suddenly over the minute she jumped into the water next to Harry and began to laugh. The water was frigid but it felt fantastic. Normally she would feel discomfort but right now her body was adjusting to it just fine, feeling invigorated and alive.
Stretching her limbs in the water she ducked her head under to swim closer to Harry and grasped his wrist.
Harry pulled her up and she tugged his arm around herself. Both grinning ear to ear with the closeness. He was just glad she was feeling playful. That she wasn’t upset or hurt by what had happened. At least in that moment she wasn’t. He knew she’d have lots of questions for him. Knew they needed to have a conversation but for now the light hearted moment was the only thing he could focus on. And her warm skin against his.
She was more than just playful though. She was horny and Harry knew it. Having her naked in the cool water of a private cove in the mountains was risky. Because he was turned on too. And he knew he was asking for trouble with this scenario. It evoked memories of their time together at the oasis in the preserve.
He could resist her for only so long. She was laying it on thick in his house during breakfast and now with his clothes off and his obvious erection it would be even harder to resist her. 
Harry pulled his arm away and began to swim backwards, gliding through the water smoothly, putting some distance between himself and the girl. 
“Where are you going?” She laughed and began to swim toward him slowly.
Harry shook his head and feigned innocence, “What do you mean? Just swimming is all,” he bit the inside of his cheek to tamper the playful grin on his face.
Instead of continuing after him she decided she’d lure him to her. She ducked under the water again, kicking her feet out and splashing as she maneuvered under the water before surfacing, bouncing out just enough that her breasts were visible to him. 
She watched him closely as she pushed herself back and stretched her arms to float at the surface. The tranquility of having her ears tucked under the water, muffling all the sounds that surrounded them, and floating in the mountain chilled water on her back was just like being back at her oasis. She smiled to herself and peeked an eye at Harry. To her delight, he was already watching her closely.
His eyes were clearly taking in her soft breasts with tightened nipples perking above the water. She wouldn’t tease him too much but she wanted his hands on her. Wanted his attention. Wanted him to give in to her. She knew what he was doing. Knew he was trying to keep his distance because she needed to heal. But that just made her want him more. His gentlemanly and thoughtful attempts to keep her healthy and the way he was doing it because he cared for her. Denying himself something she knew he wanted as a way of protecting her. 
Harry decided to peel his eyes from her body and float on his back too. He needed to straighten out his thoughts and get his mind out of the gutter. He closed his eyes and tried to train his dirty thoughts away. He knew his body was calling him to take care of his natural urges with his mate. And now that she was like him… she was very likely made exactly for him in every way. 
But he couldn’t just act on his desires. He didn’t want to hurt her and he was sure if they did have sex she’d display even more evidence of being like him and that could scare her. If she somehow dropped her fangs in the middle of her orgasm or her claws came out while he was pounding into her – yeah, his thoughts weren’t helping. All of that sounded absolutely delightful and he’d love to feel her fangs puncture into his skin, or have her claw up his back and chest. 
“Harry,” he heard her voice speak his name and he popped his eyes open, dropping the lower half of his body back into the water and letting his toes scrape along the rocky sand.
She saw the way his erection was bobbing just above the water every time his chest inhaled and he floated upward the tiniest bit. And then his eyes on hers were dark. She could almost hear his heart pounding in his chest, not unlike her own wildly pumping heart.
Something in her decided to cut the shit. She was feeling bold. Feeling like he wanted exactly what she wanted and as nice as it was to be cared for and protected by him she wanted him to fuck her. She wanted him to hold her in his arms and to give himself to her once and for all. 
“Stop this,” she spoke matter-of-factly as she swam around his body. “I can see clearly how affected you are by me.” 
Touching his shoulder she moved her finger down over his tattoos and to his pecs, thumbing at his nipple and watching his eyes, “I’m okay. Really. You don’t have to keep holding off and denying yourself, Harry.” She moved herself in front of him and draped her arms over his shoulders.
Without another thought, Harry’s hands moved down to her waist as he pulled her in closer to him, “I want you healthy is all. And I think we have a lot to talk about.”
Nodding her head she agreed. That was true. They needed to talk. But something inside of her needed something physical. She needed it to uncloud her brain and give her some kind of clarity. She couldn’t explain it, she just knew she needed it. More than a talk. As important as that was, she was sure she wouldn’t ever be able to focus on anything he told her if he didn’t fuck her first.
“Yes. We will talk. But I don’t know how to explain the way I feel in this moment, how much I need you.” She bit her lip and pushed her hips to his, his cock firm on her thigh, “It’s kind of painful actually.”
Harry could feel her warm against his prick as he looked down to see her breasts grazing against his chest. Painful? Yes, perhaps she was feeling that natural physical urge to release just like he was. That’s how it was for his kind, though he was used to it. Used to the pain of holding off and not allowing himself to indulge right away. She was not used to the way it felt. The ache that wasn’t just from being horny. It was something deep and raw. A biological and natural instinct his kind, their kind possessed. 
He knew the pain well. Knew it could be pushed down and she’d be okay. But she was new to all this. And even with the water around them he could smell how intensely she needed him. Needed him to soothe her. And he was the only one that could provide that for her too. He knew that even if she masturbated she wouldn’t be fully comforted. It would pacify her for a bit. Maybe an hour but she wouldn’t be fulfilled. She wasn’t going to feel better until he took care of her. But he needed to be careful. 
“I think you need to recover first, kitten.” Harry let the little nickname he’d given her so long ago slip out. Or maybe he’d done it on purpose. There was something about her that was feeding into his own urges. She was drawing them out of him with just her eyes. The change in her was so deep and it tangled with his own impulses and senses that he could barely think straight. He was more drawn to her than he’d ever been and he knew it was because of the change. Because she was like him now. His perfect match. 
“Harry,” she spoke softly as she kept her eyes on his, a hand moving over his warm chest, “I trust you. I know you would never hurt me and I can tell you need it too. You need me just as much.”
She could just sense his need. And it wasn’t just the fact that he had an erection. She knew it before all that. She felt it back at his house. Something between them had shifted and it was as if she could anticipate his needs without him having to tell her or show her.
His teeth ached to kiss her and to bite her. A carnal and spiritual feeling overwhelmed him. His willpower was incredible but there was only so much he could take. He was as weak as any man and her wolf was luring his out to play. Perhaps he could be gentle. She needed him. She needed him. 
He grasped the back of her head and his lips found her mouth. The kiss was hot and electric  and wild. She lifted a thigh up to his hip and he used his free hand to keep it in place, pasting their hips together.
The whimper that fell from his mouth had her grinning and feeling powerful. She grasped onto his shoulders and let the weightlessness of the water aid her in lifting her other leg to wrap around his hips. Harry groaned and brought his other hand down to keep her thighs held up in place.
Their naked bodies were in sync as he began to walk her out of the water and to the small spot where the sand met the craggy rocks. He’d take care of her. Make love to her gently and soothe her ache. Soothe his own ache. 
Their mouths never parted as he walked out of the water and carefully placed her down into the sand, his knees falling into the granules as he put himself between her thighs. With her legs open he could smell her in a way that was overwhelming. He groaned and licked into her mouth before parting from the kiss with a gasp.
The scar on her chest and over her neck had him filled with jealousy and hatred. He was glad he’d killed James for even placing a finger on his girl. His lips pressed over her scar just above her breast and she ran her fingers into his long hair as he pecked wet kisses along the skin that had been forever marred. 
“I’m going to make it better,” he whispered between kisses, “Make you feel whole again. Give you everything you need. Show you what it means to be mine…”
She closed her eyes and threw her head back as his mouth worked upward slowly and over the skin on her neck. His tongue laved softly and his lips grazed over the sensitive spots that were still healing. She had never felt such need before in her life. Sure she’d been horny before and had never been more turned on by anyone the way she was with Harry. But this was different. Something else was at play and she didn’t have the mind to dwell on it. She only knew that she needed him.
“Please…” she breathed out her plea as his warm mouth soothed her flesh and his nose nudged at her jaw.
“Hurts doesn’t it?” He continued kissing every inch of her scar as he pushed her back down into the sand, “I’m the only one that can make it better.”
She knew it was true. Whatever was happening in her could only be quieted by him.
Nodding her head she spread her legs further, hoping he’d put her out of her misery and fuck her into oblivion, “Harry, please…”
He looked down over her soft body and the scars, and felt emotions rise in his heart. He hated James even in his death, but he was beyond grateful that she was still his. That she was alive. He would worry later about the guilt and the real issue at hand. His own urges and her excruciating need were beckoning to be dealt with immediately. He could practically feel the ache in her body. Her tummy was emanating heat and he felt bad that she was in such pain. She wasn’t used to this level of arousal and need yet. She would learn to deal with it eventually but for now he would give her relief.
Her cry of pleasure was loud, echoing off the rocks of the cove that surrounded them as he placed his mouth on her throbbing pussy, already pulsing and clenching and dripping. 
The sting of her fingers pulling at his hair had him growling into her with delight. He could tell she was urging him in harder but he was going to resist doing anything hard or painful. That would come later. When he was certain she was ready for it. 
His tongue was wide and flat as he tugged it up and down her slick cunt. She was so wet he was certain he couldn’t possibly lick it all up and the flavor was just like before but now it tasted truly nourishing to him. He held her thighs apart gently as he dove into her like she was a meal. Licking and sucking at her bits. 
She writhed and moaned, her hips lifting off the sand and bucking into his face making him nearly lose his grip on her thighs. She was strong. He shouldn’t have been surprised but he was still getting used to the notion that she was like him now. 
“Fuck… yes…” she cooed loudly as his scalp was on fire from the way she was yanking his hair.
Harry didn’t lift his mouth to chuckle or respond and taunt her like he wanted. He needed to make her come so he kept his lips at work on her pussy.
When he began to kiss her clit and pull at it with the smallest nip she squealed and cried out his name as her thighs attempted to close around his head. He held her down but he didn’t want to hurt her so he moved his palms up to grip the underside of her knees to keep her legs pressed down.
She continued bucking as her muscles tensed and her moans grew louder. His nose and mouth and chin were shiny and sticky with her as he rubbed his nose into her clit and stuck his tongue into the opening and past her little muscle, the slick gushing noises the only  background sound to her gasps and soft pants.
Harry was feeling his own cock leak and throb. Just tasting her and knowing how good he was making her feel was putting him on edge. He swallowed down her arousal and took a gasp of breath before putting his face back into her cunt for more.
She’d never felt it like this before. Something far more intense was happening in her body and she didn’t know if it was because it was her first orgasm since she nearly died or just knowing that Harry was a werewolf and he was probably enjoying the taste of her in a way she never realized before. That all those times he’d told her how much he liked her scent and her taste, he wasn’t just saying it to make her feel good, he actually meant it. Or just knowing that he was a werewolf in general… probably all of the above. 
When her orgasm snapped over her body she tightened her grip on his hair he grunted into her pussy in pain, but it didn’t stop him from lapping at her and sucking her clit. She was shaking so hard and pulling at his hair so tight that he was having a hard time moving his mouth over her the way he wanted. Instead, she was moving his face over her soft crease and clit the way she wanted. 
Her cries were loud. It almost sounded as if someone was hurting her. Like she was wailing in pain and anguish. Harry understood that this was because of her intense need to release. Her first release as a werewolf by the hands of her lover. Her mate. He rolled his eyes into the back of his head in ecstasy of his own. He’d not come but he could. His own cock was neglected and hot and if he allowed it, he’d come all over himself and the sand below. But he wanted to come inside of her. He wanted to feel her around him and he knew she was going to want it. 
The part of him that wanted to wait and to talk first was already a distant memory left back in his kitchen. His instincts and his wolf had taken over at that moment.
He felt her release his hair as she sighed, wiggling underneath him.
Y/N grabbed at him, pulling him up and over her, “Want you inside me, right now. Do it while I’m still pulsing around nothing.”
Harry was beyond trying to fight this, eating her out had driven him over the edge. He was determined to give her everything she wanted and luckily for him, it was exactly what he wanted as well. The way she’d clawed at him to get him on top of her made him feral, he wondered if she was realizing the amount of force she’d just exerted in doing so, but he couldn’t dwell on it for too long, not when he looked down at her and she looked like she was going to howl with how much she wanted it. 
She yanked him against her lips and devoured his mouth, licking her arousal off of him and humming profusely, and in turn, Harry didn’t waste a single moment longer before sinking himself into her juicy cunt. The cry she let out was akin to an injured wolf’s and he knew he wasn’t hurting her, she was just giving in to her natural instincts now. That of letting him dominate her completely. 
He pulled back a bit to watch her and when she opened her eyes and her golden irises flashed at him he groaned loudly, allowing his own to take over. Her mouth fell agape and she reached to push his hair out of his face to take him all in better while he slowly but steadily fucked into her. “Harry… your eyes. They’re beautiful. You’re beautiful. You’re exactly who and what you should be, I’m so damn lucky,” she rolled her eyes to the back of her head in ecstasy and Harry thought his heart was going to burst at the amount of love he felt for her. 
He didn’t know how it was possible he now loved her even more than before, but being wanted and loved for exactly who he was turned out to be a lot more important to him than he’d thought it would be. He thought he could hide this side of him from her forever and be fine with it, and he’d have done it gladly to keep her. But having it all out into the open and her so accepting of it was something he’d never even allowed himself to hope for. 
Well, almost everything out into the open. And god, was she beautiful too. She’d always been, of course, but now that she was like him it did things to him he couldn’t even explain. And it looked so right, so natural. Like she was always meant to be a werewolf. He couldn’t wait to watch her discover everything and come into her own completely. He only wished she’d accept it and embrace it fully.
He was snapped out of his reverie when she nipped at his neck and that only made him drive into her more urgently. Noting it had stung a bit too much, his eyes landed on her mouth and he could see her pointy canines pinching her plump lower lip, a bit of blood coating it.
The sight made him almost come then and there, making him moan and slow his pace a bit to regain focus. As much as he wanted to drag it out and go at it for hours, he needed to milk another orgasm from her and hopefully satiate her craving for a bit, because this was rapidly escalating and getting out of hand. She was completely giving into her natural instincts; and if she noticed any of the signs she was presenting she’d freak out and that was not the way he wanted her to find out.
He flipped her over as though she weighed nothing, not having to hide his natural strength from her anymore and began pounding into her in earnest. He was close, so close, and he knew she was too with how she moaned and whimpered and called out his name repeatedly. But he didn’t want to knot into her just yet, he first needed to explain that to her, plus this wasn’t really the setting for it, he wanted to be able to cuddle with her like that in his expensive bedding back at home, not on this rocky terrain that was sure to leave some bruises on her as it was. He knew she could take it now, he’d of course never have allowed it had she still been just human, but even so, she was recovering, and he didn’t want her feeling any discomfort. 
“Please come inside me, Harry. I don’t care. I need it... I can’t explain how much–fuck, how much I need it.”
She needn’t have worried, she wasn’t in heat (yet), so it wasn’t risky like that, but of course she’d worry about getting pregnant. Yet another reason why he needed to find a way to tell her, to avoid all the unnecessary worry on her part. For now, though, he was going to enjoy spilling into her warm cunt, because he needed it just as much. His eyes caught glimpse of her hands she’d rested her smushed cheek against, and her sharp nails were on display. Her much sharper nails. He couldn’t wait for her to claw at his back using them soon, but right now he needed to make sure she didn’t notice them. He grabbed her by her elbows and pulled her back against him, holding her hands behind her back with one arm and snaking the other to her front, finding her clit as he kept thrusting into her from this new angle.
She was already on edge and it only took her a few moments to reach her peak, crying out and letting her head fall back against his shoulder. The sight of the mark on her neck that she probably didn’t even notice wasn’t lost on him though, that was something that would always taunt him, knowing it was someone else’s bite that marked her. But he could claim it as his now, because she was, she was his. It was his cock she was pulsing around, his arms she was falling back into, his name she was whimpering- and so he allowed himself to bite over her mark as he finally gave in to his most primal urge- that of claiming her completely, while he let go and finally filled her up to the brim.
She didn’t even feel the sting of it, she was that far gone; if anything, it was pleasurable for her- as it should be. And for Harry? It was the hardest he’d ever come in his life. His fangs deep into her delicate neck and his cock even deeper into her perfect pussy, she was made just for him, and now she was his in every sense of the word.
With breaths heaving and soft gasps, Harry kept her tight against his chest. He wanted to tell her everything. Wanted so much for her to know what he was thinking. What had just happened to her. What she could expect and that it would only get better and better. If she thought that was intense…
And it was. She didn’t know how to describe the ecstasy, the relief… But it was more than just physical. Everything in and around her felt lighter and more lovely. She was happier than she’d ever been, she felt. She had a sudden urge to run and play; something she hadn’t felt in many years. It was as if being with Harry, everything just made more sense.
With a laugh she wiggled out of his arms and ran back into the water, diving in and swimming out toward the middle, only emerging with a sharp inhale for breath when her lungs needed air.
Harry couldn’t help but look at her in awe. His heart throbbed in his chest with love for her. 
“Come on! Get back in!” Y/N shouted and began to glide through the water.
Shaking his head with a laugh he walked back into the icy water and then dove under to meet her in the center of the small cove. 
She kept her eyes on the water, waiting for him to emerge but she felt his hand on her ankle before she saw him. With a yelp, she laughed and ducked under to pull at him.
Harry wrapped his arms around her body and pushed them both upward to the surface together. The lighthearted moment suddenly halted as they kept their gazes locked. Y/N moved her arms over his shoulders and drew her face in close to his, brushing their noses together, “I’m so glad I’m here with you. I’m glad I’m alive. I’m glad you’re alive. I don’t know what I would have done. I thought I lost you and that’s the last thing I remember before…” she paused, feeling herself get emotional she swallowed her tears, “It just feels like… destiny to be here with you.”
He could feel and hear her heart beating in her chest and he knew she could feel his do the same. It was as if his whole life had all been leading him to this moment. He knew that this woman was his mate. He’d always known it. Maybe ever since the first night he laid eyes on her in the woods all that time ago. Despite the fact that she had a gun pointed at him, there was just something about her. Something that he knew was different. He belonged to her before he ever met her. 
“I’m so glad you’re here too. That we’re here together,” he looked down at her beautiful face as he continued, “I was ready to kill everyone when I thought you weren’t going to make it. Niall said there was no hope. That it was… too late for you,” he inhaled a shaky breath remembering the state she was in just days ago.
“Tell me about what happened. Everything I don’t know about, before, and after the fight. I want to know what happened.”
Harry began to describe the day he was taken and how he’d been outnumbered. He told her why it’d come down to that, about James’ and Irina’s involvement, the way the elders didn’t listen to him having already made up their minds and weren’t going to give him a fair trial.
But with Y/N’s quick thinking and by her reaching out to Niall a chain of events was set off that actually helped matters. 
“Lester is a pack leader too, as you know now. The Pack of the Western Plains. He has connections all over. He’s very well respected. So, with his resources he made it so that there was a trial at the very least.”
“And Eddie too? He was there.” She said, remembering the events of that day. 
“Yes. He was finally able to shift back into his human form. Because of you,” Harry brought a hand up to her face and gently brushed his knuckles over her temple.“I expected that no matter how the trial ended there would be a fight to the death. And I was certain that no matter how many drugs they’d given me or that they’d left me without food and water that I would be able to do away with James rather easily. But I was weakened. Significantly. It’s the only reason he even had the chances he did. It’s why he got in a few good tears. Had I been in my normal shifted state he would have never been able to penetrate my skin and I would have killed him within the first thirty seconds. And he knew that. So did everyone else.”
“They all let you fight like that? Did your pack not respect you as their alpha?”
Harry sighed and nodded, “They never respected me. They were always very rigid in their beliefs. They preferred the old ways of doing things. Most packs nowadays are more open and lenient. There are still strict rules we have to follow but tolerance is practiced these days. Not my pack… my old pack.” 
“Are you worried they’ll come back and try to hurt you?” 
Putting his arms around her low back protectively he pressed his forehead to hers, “I am. I’m worried they’ll try to hurt you too.”
“Even though you’ve given up the pack? And you won the fight?”
“Yes. I wouldn’t put it past them. I’ll do anything I can to protect you,” Harry paused and leaned back to look at Y/N again, “Which is why I think it would be good for us to visit Lester and Alma at the farm for a while. Get away from here for a bit. Just until we can get our bearings and heal.”
The smile on her face gave Harry relief. He wasn’t sure she’d be up for it, but she’d been surprising him since she woke up from her coma. 
“That sounds like a really good idea. I’d love to spend more time with Eddie too.”
His heart continued to lob in his chest wildly. She was more than perfect for him in every way. He couldn’t contain his joy to have her in his arms, “He’d love that. Edward is very fond of you. And he was there, at Niall’s practice. With all of us while you were in that bed. He was devastated.”
Y/N nodded and felt awful about putting anyone through such distress. She knew it wasn’t her fault but she could imagine what it would have been like to watch a friend or lover unconscious in bed and not know if they’d come out of it or not.
“... And you? How did you deal with me being in that bed?”
Harry shook his head and let his eye contact falter for a moment as he thought back to how completely ruined he felt, “Felt like I would die if you didn’t make it. Like I couldn’t breathe or eat. I talked to you all day. Kept myself close by your side and encouraged you to wake up. Made sure you were comfortable in the bed even though I knew you couldn’t really feel anything. I didn’t know what to do. Niall kept telling me it was impossible–” Harry inhaled a sharp breath and tried to calm his emotions but his eyes began to fill with tears with just the memory of how utterly hopeless everything felt. 
“Hey,” Y/N moved her hands to cup Harry’s face, “I’m right here. And I’m very much alive. We both are. I’m not going anywhere. You saved me.” 
Swallowing his tears he blinked and forced the smallest smile, “And you saved me. If it weren’t for you I would be dead right now.”
Y/N leaned in to kiss the gorgeous werewolf. She couldn’t believe she’d gotten so lucky to have him in her life. That he wanted her. She only felt more connected, in tune with him. It was as if the accident had altered something in her soul. She was changed. She figured it was love.
Harry pinched her hip softly and pulled away from the kiss. He couldn’t help it. He needed to be honest with her. He’d told her his truth when she was asleep but now that she was wide awake and in his arms he knew he had to say it that very moment or he’d suffocate, “I love you, Y/N.”
Her lips parted at his admission and she was suddenly aware of her body against his and the way his heart was rapidly throbbing in his chest at the same pace as her own. She felt as if she’d heard him say it to her before. That this wasn’t the first time. 
She gripped his biceps tight and felt herself shiver at the intensity of his bright green eyes. He loved her. He truly did and she felt it deep in her spirit. Without a doubt, he loved her.
“Harry, I love you too. So much,” she gasped as he squeezed her tight to his chest and felt him purring against her own. The comfort that brought to her was consuming. She sighed and held him tight, her cheek smushed into his shoulder.
Everything around them was dizzy and soft. She was safe in his arms. She was safe with her lover. 
When he pulled back a bit and let his head fall back, inhaling sharply and then howling loudly, Y/N gasped in excitement and couldn’t hold back her tears of joy. She smiled widely looking at Harry in his element, expressing happiness freely and it made her own heart flutter. He looked back at her, his wide smile matching her own, the echo of his wolfish howl still resounding in the cove, and she’d never seen him look happier. 
She’d done that. Just by loving him. 
The sudden vibrating in her own chest startled her. She looked up at Harry whose eyes were wide as he looked down at her. 
“Harry– what…?” She looked down at her bare body, putting a small bit of distance between herself and Harry. The vibrating stopped suddenly as she put a hand up to her chest and looked into the crystal water surrounding them and reflecting the sky above and both their faces. 
But then she stilled completely, the ripples on the surface cleared away and she focused on the features of her face, being mostly drawn to the bright golden irises staring back at her in the reflection of the water.
In stunned silence she looked up at Harry before looking back into the water again.
He knew it was only a matter of time. He just hadn’t expected it to happen like this.
A/N: (@fkinavocado and @gurugirl here) The long awaited update is here! Thank you for sticking with us! 
please remember to like & reblog if you enjoyed this, and most importantly, come share your thoughts on it with us here 💌
if you feel so inclined, you can buy us a coffee here☕
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You: „So you drive to Altissia and come back as a married man? I can’t believe this.“
Noctis: „Hm.. well, I can’t believe this either.“
You: „Marrying Lady Lunafreya… You are so lucky.“
Noctis: „I wouldn’t call myself this…“
You: „Why? Luna is pretty, sympathetic, charismatic and much more… You know her even. Could be worse. Half of the guys from the world are jealous of you. Haaa… Oh! Or do you prefer the other side? I knew it! You want to marry Prompto.
Noctis scoffs and smiles while looking to Prompto:
„Sure, I am all in for that Chocobohead…“ he jokes and continues more serious,
“ You know…“ he looks first away and than at you.
„I prefer to choose…“
You sigh: „ I am sorry to hear that. The crown is a burden especially at political arrangements…
Noctis: „Don’t be… worry more to find a righteous man for yourself!“
You: „Pah! Don’t worry, I got plenty!“
Noctis: „Not before I give my blessings!“
You: „Hey, that is still my choice!“
Noctis: „While I am the prince or soon king, I decide if he is worthy or not!“
You: „Seriously, Noct?“
Noctis: „I am joking but don’t take an asshole as your partner, ok? They should treat you right. Promise me this…“
You: „You way to serious now… but I promise you. Then,… have a nice trip and treat Lunafreya right…“
Noctis: „Why would you..?“
You: „Don’t mop around. Don’t fall asleep everywhere and eat your vegetables.“
Noctis: „Yes, mom…. So I need to go now if I don’t want to be late. Wouldn’t make a good impression.“
You : „Right! That is the spirit!“ You look at him with somewhat a heavy heart. Noctis turns to you with the same look.
Noctis: „Well then,…“ before he can leave you on the stairs from his home in Insomnia, you give him an bone breaking hug.
Noctis: „Woah! Easy or I can not attend my- Y/N…“
His heart falls. He feels your tears rolling on his neck. He wants to see your face but you still hold him.
You: „ j-Just a moment.“ Your voice trembles as you speak and hold on all your tears.
Noctis: „Hey, it is alright if you cry.“ He jumps over his word so that he is not the one weeping. You soften your grip so he takes a look into your teary eyes.
Ignis: „Noct?!“
Noctis: „Coming!… Y/N, I…“
You: „No, I am alright, Noct! I just sad I can be there…“ the last part is hard to speak because it is a lie…
You would be devastated to watch him marry another woman.
„You need to go. Lunafreya is waiting…“ You send him a smile while he walks down the stairs.
„Be Safe!“ You call out as he climbs into the car.
„You too!“
„I am safe here in Insomnia!“
„I know!“ Little does he know what would happen the upcoming night.
He sees you the last time through the car window waving good bye. Ignis, Prompto and Gladio sit in silence knowing their feeling for each other. He sighs as he hung his head down and touches the fore seat. The world can be cruel …
“Y/N…” he mutters as he imagines your smiling face while calling his name.
It should be you waiting for him, wearing this dress , walking down the aisle towards him, kissing him and being his queen to rule Insomnia.
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starryficsfinishwen · 9 months
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“If I don't finish this paperwork right now, I will yeet myself off of Babylonia.”
“Hell yeah! And I'm going with ya!”
You believed there were only two braincells left in the beefy, red-haired man's head. But right now, they were fighting for third place, alongside your own overworked ones.
“Noctis,” You giggled, placing your pen and crumpled paper on the table, “I wholeheartedly appreciate the support. But I'd rather you stay so you can at least inform Celica about my whereabouts.”
“No,” Noctis hummed, “I can't do that. I can tag along so that you wouldn't be alone drifting in space.”
Sitting across you, meaty arms crossed, Noctis waited patiently. Although, you felt guilty, the man who had been staying with you for several hours. You had him shooed away earlier, yet, as hard as the chest plate he has, he still came back. Noctis' stubbornness was a charm that made you feel for him in the first place. At the same time, it was also his Achilles' heel. But that's another story for today.
“You know,” you cleared your throat, “You don't always have to stay here...”
“Commandant, here you go again,” Sighing with a pout on his scarred face, Noctis groaned, “I said I'm perfectly fine being here. Don't worry!”
“I'm worried that you'd get bored.”
“No problemo,” he shrugged, grinning, “Cerberus is free from any maintenance or missions.”
The idea of Vera and her angry tone that reminded of a mother, looking for the man who was the embodiment of chaos, made you reel back. You leaned to the table, hand supporting your chin, “I suppose that's the case. But what if Vera comes? Won't you be scared?”
“Of who? Vera? Hah! As if,” Noctis started laughing (at this point, your heart skipped a beat, tummy bursting with little butterflies fluttering), “It's fine. Really. She won't be looking for me.”
“Besides,” he quickly added, “What if you do jump out of Babylonia. You'd end up wandering in space alone!”
Sometimes, you wonder if you should tone down your humor. Yet, you still indulged in his fantasies.
“Ah,” you feigned a gasp, “What if I dive into the Earth like a meteor and fall?”
“I'd follow you, then!”
“But we'll be broke there!”
“Like you said, we can always go back to the bar,” Noctis' eyes started shimmering, “or-or, we can be travelling merchants! Exchange all the broken parts of a corrupted so we can get some money!”
Ah, stupid, yet ambitious dreams. It made you question if Noctis' braincells were still intact, or simply, they were busy doing something else.
“I mean,” quickly, Noctis spoke before you could, “They're not bad ideas. But don't you think Babylonia's facilities are better than being in a soaking hot desert?”
And you decided to go with it. “Hmm, true...”
“If the paperworks are your problem, then why don't we yeet that one off of Babylonia instead?”
And face Celica's wrath? Probably not. You contemplated a witty remark, but Noctis went quiet. Looking at him, his maroon eyes were trained to you.
“I may not know a lot of those technicalities,” his voice suddenly goes soft, his eyes a shimmer of an unknown emotion that you've never seen before from him, “but...if there is anything, anything that I can do, let me know.”
Oh? This was new. For a buffy, "violence-is-the-answer" kind of man, this was surprising to you, that your mouth went agape, seemingly unable to let your hand function to pick up the papers on the table. Noticing your reaction, Noctis shook his head, the raucous expression back on his face.
“B-but if it's writing the documents, then, hell no!”
You blinked. And blinked again. And an intrusive thought came to you. You raised your hand, so slightly, beckoning him to approach you. He followed, seemingly like a puppy. Once he was beside you, you turned to him and stood up. Although your height was at a disadvantage (you barely reached his broad shoulders), you stared so deeply into his maroon eyes. The distance, in which you've noticed was closer now— the heat bouncing off of each other, him looking down to meet you.
“Noctis?” you quietly called out.
“Will you” you breathed, so softly, “...will you let me touch your titties?”
Silence. And then, you busted out laughing. With a puzzled, yet amused look on his face, you couldn't help but break into another fit of laughter.
“Ah-haha!” you wiped a few tears coming out of your eyes, “S-sorry, Noctis, I was just joking-”
“-Go ahead!”
Another silence. Based on his clueless expression, mixed with joy, you thought this man probably misheard you.
“I- what?”
“You wanted to touch my titties, right?” Beaming, he spoke with a hint of excitement, “Go ahead!”
Suddenly, you weren't so such if your choices in life were right. That, or braincells were in the same grade as Noctis'. After a careful debate with yourself, you reached out anyway, hand now on one of his titties pecs. Squeezing it so gently, you realized an epiphany.
“Commandant, I thought you exercised,” Noctis asked, seemingly unsatisfied with your actions, “squeeze them harder!”
So you do. Squeezing them like a stress ball. Noctis, still unsatisfied, took your free hand and placed it in the other titties pecs. Somehow, you started to squeeze both of them. All the stress from earlier started to melt away— the paperwork, the fatigue, your caffeine addiction— as your braincells decided to merge with Noctis', all fighting for the last place.
“See!” You and Noctis laughed, decided to mush your face into his cushioned chest, “I knew I could help!”
“Thank you,” you were, genuine and true, “I didn't know that this was therapeutic.”
Except you've always wanted to do this for a long time. Seeing the genuine joy on your face, you failed to notice Noctis' expression softening. Although mechanical, his heart skipped faster, and you recognized that.
“...but you know,” he muttered, “living on Earth doesn't seem half bad.”
He thought you didn't know, but you caught him whispering, “...as long as it's with you.”
Fuck work. Living on Earth didn't seem to feel bad, indeed. Temporarily stopping, you tugged him by his dogtag, a soft, quick kiss to the side of his jaw and cheek. A mirrored pink blush on both of your faces.
“I'll hold on to it.”
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a.n. - there is actually a planned story for all the husbandos of PGR. I wanted to just find out about Noctis and his story. look where this brainrot got me LMAO I now realize I wanna,,,mash my face onto his titties
p.s. - also new theme for me yeeey
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zeroth-writes · 1 year
Frustrating Feelings -Noctis Lucis Caelum-
masterlist | request
Prompt: I would love to request a Noctis x reader where both of them fought non stop and the chocobros kept making jokes about the tension between female reader and noctis being a little NSFW and needed to fix it!
Pairing: Noctis Lucis Caelum / Fem!Reader
Word Count: 846
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“When are you going to do it already?” Prompto groaned out of nowhere. The two of you glared back to find everyone else staring at you with crossed arms.
“What?” “Excuse me?” Noctis and yourself spoke simultaneously before stepping away from each other. You both making disgusted face while stepping further way from each other.
Gladio let out a booming laugh before stepping towards the crowned prince. “You really outta just admit it. Before we all go insane.” The larger man threw his arm around Noctis, who looked up with narrow eyes. “We know you have a thing for her. All this arguing you do? It’s all the frustration built up from lack of action, and you just really like her. Just get over it and ask her out for something. Better yet spend a night alone together. Locked in a room, just the two of you.”
Before Noctis would disagree, out the corner of his eyes he notices you and Ignis talking in the corner. At first glance it was easy to tell the advisor was simply trying to calm your emotions. Yet he couldn’t stop himself from having a unwelcoming feeling of jealousy at the sight.
He shook away the feelings before turning back to Gladio. “Why would I even want that?” The shield’s booming laugh could be heard to everyone in the group, causing everyone to turn and look towards the pair.
“Come to room 4, please. There is something we’d like to discuss with you”
Noctis stared down at his phone and frowned. It was rare for Ignis to invite someone out this late.
Cautiously, Noctis left the confines of his rented room and traveled town down to the requested room.
A soon as the door unlatched and swung open, Noctis was turning on his heels. Standing on the other side of the bed, facing away from the door, was you.
The sound of the door caught your attention, causing you to spin around with a smile on your face. Yet that smile dwindled away once you realized Noctis was standing in the doorway instead of Ignis.
Unfortunate for Noctis, before he could sneak out the room and back to his own, your voice rang through his ears.
“Why are you here?”
“I was invited here, what are you doing here? Before Noctis could stop himself, a response fell from his lips.
You scoffed at his response. “No. I was invited here by Ignis, and he promised you wouldn't be anyway near here.” You folded your arms with a slight pout forming on your lips. “Well i suppose that’s the difference between us. I’m mature enough to be around you.”
Your eyes went wide at his words before they narrowed in his direction. A noticeable smirk formed on his lips at the all too familiar sight of your anger.
Before you could stop yourself a strong rebuttal flew from your lips. The smirk fell for a brief second before returning with one of his own.
The two of you continued to argue. Throwing words and arms around, point at each other. All until the voices stalled out and left heavy breathing in its wake.
For a split second you’re eyes met. All the anger that previously filled you disbanded, leaving the feeling of need and want.
Two sets of hands flew around each other as you both drew the other closer. Your hands inching upwards as your nails begin to dig into his soft strands before pulling slightly.
A soft moan left his slightly parted lips while his hands moved down your sides. Feeling your figure along the while before moving back upwards, taking the thin fabric of your shirt with him.
The only time the contact was lost was when you were removing clothes from each others body.
In a messy mix of passion and overdeveloped frustration, the pair falls on the bed. Rolling around the sheets as it begin to jumble up underneath your naked forms.
After several minuets, Noctis finally pinned you down on your back. Before he could pull back, a pain pulsed through his body beginning at his lip.
The prince jolts back at the shock before bringing a fingertips to his lips then into his vision. He left out a soft ‘hmm’ at the sight of his own blood.
His eyes peered down at the innocent look resting on your face. A smirk falls on his lips at the sight. “You’re gonna regret doing that”
When the sun finally broke through the darkness of night. the other members of the group slowly crept into the silent room. Each head peeking in through the small crack between the door and its frame.
Prompto coven his mouth to avoid a loud squeal from erupting from his mouth.
Ignis let out a long yet soft sigh, hoping that the long arguments and one-upping days are long gone.
Gladio simply smirked. His eyes moved between the two bodies laying together in the bed to his two friends on either side of him before moving back to the bed.
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shellswritesstuff · 2 years
ffxv polyship roadtrip passing time making cute shit in the car :D
Polyship!Chocobros x Reader [Drabble- SFW] Braaacelets!
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Another loooong drive was ahead of the group. The lot of you have found a bunch of ways to pass the time roadtripping, some more interesting than others. Today’s time killer? Making bracelets! With Iggy behind the wheel, and honestly, more than happy to sit and listen, the shenanigans ensue. 
“Uhhh, babes?” Prompto called out to the car. “Is this right?” To which one of you? Well.. narrowing it down to the only one of the group who knows a lick about the craft at hand, you answer. 
“Lemme see.” The blonde awkwardly holds up his mess of paracord to you. When making these sort of bracelets, the two working ends need to be even. Sweet sunshine over here had three working strings, which you didn’t know was possible. With a few tugs and a pat on the head for good measure and reassurance, crisis averted. 
“Aaaand you take the opposite side’s string and thread it through the loop you’ve made..” The trio listened carefully to your words, trying their best to imitate. Noct was oddly concentrated for a change, landing it first try. He wiggled his eyebrows at Gladio, who’s large hands have done him dirty. “Mmmm..” He rolled his eyes at the prince. 
You shifted from your tight spot between the two and leaned forward to whisper something to Prompto. “Big.. meaty.. claws..” 
Miles and minutes passed, and the crafting kept going. With questions here and there, it was going well! It made you feel a certain way, seeing your boys take interest in little things like this. For a moment, it makes you forget why you’re on this trip in the first place. As of right now, you were a group of lovers in a fancy car, making bracelets to pass the time. Prince who?
Prompto was making one for Iggy, Noct for you, you for Gladio, and Gladio for Noct. And when there was a pit stop or some traffic, Iggy had started a bracelet for Prompto. He was a quick learner, and made an extra juuust in case.
“Sooo..” Noctis spoke from his perch atop the Regalia. “Y/N, why’d you pick neon pink for Gladdy?” 
Before you could find a joking reply, Gladio butted in. “Because real men wear pink. Bright pink.” 
“It’s like asking why he’s using all black for you Noct!” Prompto made eye contact with him through the mirror. “You know.. Because you’re emo.” 
That one got a laugh from Ignis, who was quickly reminded by Gladio about his own emo phase.
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raging-psycho · 2 years
Meeting Prompto Argentum would include:
Summary: This is basically just how you and Prompto from Final Fantasy XV met
Pairing: Prompto x reader
Definitions: h/c = your hair color, e/c = your eye color
genre: pure, rotten fluff
Tw: none
This is pretty short but I think it’s so cute :)
Let me know if y’all want me to do a part two to this!! Like a dating headcanon with Prompto
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Don’t even get me started
I’ve been in love with him since the very beginning, like he’s my spirit animal.
But anyway-
So y’all meet in a kind of unusual way
Him and the chocobros are out riding the chocobos (this looks like a mouthful)
When he sees something shiny and gets distracted
Typical Prompto
He starts racing over to it when this person comes out of no where
He completely knocks you on your butt
You were a little out of it because of the collision so all you can hear is this really loud gasp
You’d think Prompto gasped because of the collision, but no
He gasped at the sight of you!
He thought you were absolutely stunning
Down to you beautiful (h/c) hair and your shining (e/c) eyes
Just so adorable to him
Then you saw him and let out a gasp of your own
The same reaction
Noctis stared at both of you for a second before saying, “Are you gonna help her up or keep staring?”
“Oh right”
He swiftly gets of the chocobo
Okay it wasn’t swiftly, his foot got stuck on the harness and he fell
Laughter erupted from everyone
He jumped up with a huge blush on his face and offered you his hand with a shy smile
After you wiped away your tears you took his hand and he hoisted you up
“Hey I’m really really sorry about hitting you”
“No, it’s alright, but you can make it up to me with some ramen.”
He’s a stuttering, blushing mess
“So what’s your name?”
“Oh I’m Prompto. How about you?”
“Hi Prompto. I’m y/n.”
He lifts both him and you back into the chocobo, and y’all all headed to town to get some yummy ramen
And the rest is history
Btw y’all are extremely cute together
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*pretend you are cindy UwU*
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nightowlfandom · 2 years
Evil! Noctis Lucis Caelum- The Dark Side Of Things Part 3/?
Trigger Warnings: Fem! Reader, talks of demons, evil, death, murder, suggestive content, unaliving people, slight misogyny directed towards the reader, stockholm? not canon so please don’t expect that.
I got spammed for a part 3 like 4 times so here it is. PLEASE do not spam me to get me to update old series. I just decided to out of nowhere. My therapist told me if I wanted too I could update every month until I felt secure enough to return to the internet...so that’s what I’m doing.
... Picking up right after part 2 ended
You sat at the edge of the bed as Noctis trailed his fingers up and down your arm.  “Where do I start?” he laughed nervously.
“The beginning?” you joked. With a funny look, Noctis kissed your lips, gingerly holding your cheek in his hands. 
“After that night, I thought I died. The I woke up in a dark room. I could barely see, or breathe for that matter. I was dragged off shortly after you ran off.” he sighed. “Fuck, I’m glad you got to safety...come here.”
He practically pulled you into his lap as he spoke. “A daemon found me and resurrected me and my friends...for a price.”
“ A PRICE?” You repeated. “You’re scaring me.”
“I had to give up my mortal life, Y/N.” he sighed. “My humanity if you will.”
“...I don’t understand?”
“What’s there to understand, cute little thing?” 
You practically snapped your head in the direction of that voice. It sounded so much like Noctis, but so much deeper and sinister sounding. You watched as a clone of Noctis (the same one you had seen while you were watching him fishing AND when you were in the bathroom) step out of the mirror. “He’s evil and he’s trying to tell you he’s a monster blah blah blah~”
“So I’m not crazy!” you clutched onto Noctis’s arm. “W-who is that?”
“He’s my daemon who doesn’t understand the meaning of subtle.” he growled in reply, protectively wrapping his arms around you. “I told you to fuck off!”
“I just wanted to see the girl you wouldn’t stop talking about.” this Daemon Noctis scoffed. “Y/N was it?”
“Y-yeah?” you raised an eyebrow. “Um...Noctis?” you looked at your boyfriend. 
“I’m so sorry.” he sighed. “I wanted to tell you. I just didn’t know how?”
“No idiot, you were a scared little bitch boy-”
“SHUT UP YOU IDIOT!” Noctis snapped. “Y/N! I’m sorry! Did I scare you?” he took note of the way you jumped at how deep and raspy his voice got. “This moron makes me so mad.” he kissed your temple.
“So in the water...the mirror? That was you looking at me?” you couldn’t help but ask. 
“Glad you noticed, clever girl. I wanted to introduce myself to Noctis’s delectable pet.” he waggled his brows at you. It was weird. It was Noctis’s face, but not his voice.
“I’m not a pet.” you tried to say with confidence.
“Oh but you are.” Daemon Noctis bit his lip. “You’re so cute too.”
“Watch it.” Noctis warned. “Y/N...look at me.” he made you look at him. 
“I knew I saw something. When we went fishing I saw...him.” you looked over at D.N. who winked at you again as soon as you faced him. “I saw him in the water. I saw him in the mirror not too long ago.”
“When we were-”
“Yeah...” you found your face heating up violently.
“DAMNIT!” Noctis took a pillow and hauled it at his demonic doppelganger. It disappeared in a cloud of dark mist and you two were left alone again. “Y/N...I’m so so so- hMM?”
He was shut up by you kissing his lips. Noctis quietly groaned against your lips, holding the side of your face.
“I just got you back.” you pouted. “I don’t care how you’re alive...I’m just glad you are.”
“Even if I’m...evil?” he hesitated to say it. “You heard him-”
“I don’t give a shit what he says...unless you give me a reason to believe it...I don’t care what he says.” you pecked his lips again.
“You’re too good for me baby and you’re way too good to me to...” he bit his lip. “Shit, come here.” he pulled you back onto his lap. “What do you wanna do tomorrow?”
“Hmm...feel like taking me shopping?” you raised an eyebrow.
“You want me to take you shopping...first you steal my heart then you steal my wallet.” he winked.
“Hey! You always used to spoil me.” you pouted. 
“I didn’t say the answer was no, princess” he pecked your lips, rolling his eyes at the way you pouted. “I’d love to dress you up.”
“Noctis, are you sure about this.” you groaned. You weren’t one for bodycon dresses, so why he wanted you to wear one so bad.
“Get out here!” he wolf-whistled. “I wanna see you!”
Groaning dramatically you came out of the dressing rooms. 
“Holy sh-...I sure know how to pick out clothes for you.” he bit his lip. “Who gave you permission to look so god-damn gorgeous?”
“Noctis.” you whined, feeling your face heat up. His praise was not something you were used to but you liked it nonetheless. He sauntered over, wrapping his arms around your waist. 
“This dress reminds me of the one you wore on our first date...remember that?”
“When you spilled Lobster Macaroni on me?” you recalled. 
“I still got a second date.” he winked, kissing your lips. Each kiss got more and more deep, his hold on your waist becoming almost desperate. 
Noctis had to be sure to pace himself. He didn’t want to let you go, but he also knew he had to work slowly with you. He just couldn’t expect things to go back to normal, especially after the ball he dropped on you last night. However when you began running your hands through his hair, he couldn’t help but get a little handsy.
“Change back into your clothes, so we can go home, so I can get THOSE clothes off.” he smacked your ass, ushering you back into the dressing room.
“Ack! Okay okay. Mr. Handsy...mind getting my zipper?”
“Anything for you.”
After you changed back, and purchased said dress, you had greeted Noctis who was still outside the fitting room.
“Ready to go?”
“Yep! Ready as I’ll ever be-”
It was then you saw a huge flash, nearly blinding you. You dropped your shopping bags and shielded your eyes. “Ow!” you whined.
“Shit! Princess, you okay?”
“If I didn’t need glasses before, I might now.” you winced, rubbing your eyes. When your vision adjusted, you saw some dude with a camera, smirking.
“Well if it isn’t the Crown Prince himself. You know, everyone is saying you faked your death? Instead of addressing it you’re out with a groupie.”
“What the fuck did you just say?” Noctis glowered.
“Hm, I wonder how much the news would pay to see the crown prince getting cozy with some rando girl in a mall dressing room of all places.”
“Noct, it’s fine-” you put a hand over it, only to yank it back when you felt the searing pain of a burn against your fingers. His skin was hot, about as hot as concrete during the hottest day of summer. “Shit!” you winced. Thankfully the pain lasted less than a second, but it didn’t ease your confusion, not in the slightest bit.
That’s when you say it...his eyes turning bright red...like that night.
“You wanna say that again...buddy?” he slowly walked up to the slimeball of a paparazzi. 
“I said...it’d be a shame if the press found out you were out playing with one of your wh-” he didn’t have time to finish his insult because Noct wrapped a hand around his neck. Now he was gagging, and gasping for air.
“Big mistake...” he growled. Before you knew it...Noctis’ demon had come out of the mirror.
“Having fun yet, princess?” he winked at you as he stood with the real Noct.
“Kill him.” Your Noct demanded.
“Hey shopkeep, you were never here, go and take your 30 minute break.” he looked back at the cashier who suddenly appeared to be under a trance, when they walked away from the register. “When are you gonna learn to respect boundaries, good sir?”
“P-please...don’t-” the man choked.
“Sorry...I don’t take kindly to being insulted, but you made the mistake of bringing my princess into this...and I can’t forgive that.” Noct cackled. “I’d cover my eyes if I were you Y/N.”
“Noctis no!...” You risked it and grabbed his hand again. “Please don’t.”
“Y/N, didn’t you hear him? He called you a-”
“You don’t have to waste your energy on him...um..I-” you tried to think of something to save this idiots life. You didn’t even care that he took your picture, or insulted you. You just wanted him to go away. “Please?” you whimpered. “We were having fun..and-”
“...” you watched your boyfriend’s eyes shift back to their beautiful ocean blue color. “This woman just saved your life, asshole.”
“If I even so much as see one of her FINGERS in the news, let’s just say I hope you can take pictures with your feet...IF I let you live that long.” His demonic counterpart threatened, and like that he disappeared.
“Now get the fuck out of my face...before I change my mind.” Noctis let go from his grasp on the mans neck. Before you could say anything, Noctis took you into a huge hug. “I’m so sorry Y/N...Did I scare you?”
“A little.” you confessed. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“I know....I just- I can’t control it sometimes. When it comes to you...I get so-” he paused. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“Nothing...not a thing is wrong with you Noct...I love you, you know that right?”
“...Yeah...yeah. I love you so much, princess”
Noctis pulled you into another hug again, opting to ignore his daemon morph out of the shadows.
Follow him...and if he tries anything...kill him.
Already on it...just make sure you don’t scare her again.
yeah....I’ll try
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suvidrache · 2 years
Road Trip!
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 796 / Read it on AO3 / Wattpad | Event List
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You and Noctis had decided to take a trip for Valentine's day. He sometimes camped outside, but he always had his friends with him when he did. This time, it would just be the two of you.
He didn't want to mess up or do anything wrong, but it was his first time, sort of alone in the world. He wanted to do things right, and he didn't want to embarrass himself.
You didn't know how to drive, so you were left with him being the driver.
You sat in the passenger side of the regalia. The wind blowing as you were driven to the campsite. Your arm rested on the door, your eyes focused on the nature and buildings that passed by.
While camping, Gladiolus was the one who set up the tents, Ignis cooked the food, and Noctis never had to do much. He was the prince. They wouldn't make him do anything and instead, most things were just handed to him.
While you enjoyed the scenery, Noctis continued to drive, while debating whether he should use a tent or pay for one of the inns. The inns were quite beautiful, having a small indoor garden, a spiral staircase, and a balcony.
Noctis could have taken the royal boat and taken you out to sea, but he didn't know if you would get seasick or not, and he didn't want to risk it. Plus, he didn't know how to drive it and he just wanted to be alone with you.
He pulled into the parking lot of the inn, turned the car off, and got out. He walked to your side of the car and opened the door for you, a behavior he quite frequently did. You didn't have to touch a door handle - not unless you wanted to.
He grabbed a bag while you grabbed the other one. He headed to the inn and held the door for you.
You stepped into the building. It was quite large and looked very expensive. You slowly took your time looking at the things while Noctis headed to the front desk and ordered a room.
There was a large thing that almost looked like a piano, but it was filled with various plants and flowers. Some chairs sat near it and there was a large spiral staircase.
When Noctis finished, he came and found you. Together, you made your way to the room.
Noctis unlocked the door and held it open for you. Stepping in, you looked around. It was almost like a small house. There was a kitchen, a bathroom, and a bedroom.
You stepped in and sat your bag down on the table and made your way over to the bathroom to get ready for bed. The trip had taken nearly all day, and it was almost night by the time you arrived.
Noctis set the bag down and sat down in a chair, waiting for you to finish. As he did, he removed his shoes.
He rolled his head, his neck cracking as he did. He stood just as you opened the door, finished with your nightly routine, and it was now his turn to get ready for bed.
Before the trip, you both had eaten breakfast at the castle, lunch, and dinner at nice restaurants.
You both had fallen asleep rather quickly and when morning came, Noctis was still asleep. You rolled over and faced him.
He was flat on his back, his shirt gone, and an arm crossed over his body, the other arm resting by his side. You placed a hand gently on his arm and gave him a gentle shake.
He didn't wake up, a normal thing for him. You slid beneath the covers.
He had no issue with you waking him up like this.
Your hands pulled his boxers down, you gently took his cock in your hand, your lips met his tip and slowly you slid him deeper into your mouth before pulling away.
Your hand slid the spit down his length, slowly working your hand up and down, tightening every so often, and his cock began to grow hard.
Your lips connected once again, and you began to suck.
He let out a small noise as you continued to suck and stroke him harder.
His hand tightened in the bedsheets and his other hand moved to rest gently on the back of your head. His cock leaked pre-cum, and you didn't stop sucking.
His eyes remained closed until after he had came, his breaths coming in short pants, he lifted the blankets and his head. You lifted your head and your eyes met his, a smile on your face. He laid back down as you moved over to him.
"Good morning, love."
"Good morning, Y/N."
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag list: @phantomheiko / To join my tag list apply here!
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phyrestartr · 3 months
Divine Favour | Sukuna x Kitsune!Reader (Pt.4 | END)
W/C 7.2k #NSFW, male!reader, top!reader, bottom!sukuna, ABO elements, heian sukuna, typical kitsune shapeshifting, jp mythology, canon typical violence, morally grey reader, unhealthy relationships, questionable relationships, power imbalance, ABO elements, gojo/megumi/yuuji/nobara cameos, yuuji/megu/nobara are early 20s, sukuna is controlling/possessive/obsessive, rough sex, not edited enough (oh well) Note: It's finally over (dies like Noctis)
tags: @kamote-kuneho @kamote-kuneho @nyanwko @kamote-kuneho @better-imagination-9 @3zae-zae3 @chibiduck @kiiyoooo @lukaijah @memedealer-exe @f0th3rr @boretheral @cicithemess @paastaboi @someone0vx
“Google says kitsune are usually attuned to one of the thirteen elements,” Nobara prattled, scrolling through the random Japanese mythology website on her phone. “Itadori, what's his element, huh?” 
Yuuji pursed his lips, face growing deadpan as he thought and quickly realized he had no clue.
Nobara grimaced. “Useless.” 
“Hey, I didn't know they were all, y'know, elemental-y, okay?! Jeeze!” 
Megumi sighed and shook his head. “We're supposed to be keeping an eye on him, not arguing about garbage you found online.” 
The two country bumpkins followed Megumi's gaze to where you snoozed under a tree. It felt a little strange seeing you donned in one of college's spare uniforms, but you seemed quite pleased by the modern take on fashion and aesthetic. Yuuji wondered if you'd take to modifying the plain, black clothes the way you'd done so in the past.
“Oi, kyuubi!” Nobara called as she wandered in your direction, much to the chagrin of Megumi. “I got a question for ya.”
You spared her a sleepy glance before sitting up and stretching with a wide, toothy yawn. It almost took the three aback, seeing how sharp and distinctly not-human your teeth were.
“You and everyone else, evidently.” You hummed and combed your tail with your fingers. “Speak.”
“Is it true that your kind are, like, elemental or something?” 
Megumi sighed as he rolled up beside her. “She means to ask if kitsune are elementally-attuned, whether it be to fire, water, earth–that sort of thing.” 
“I literally just said that!” Nobara hissed as she smacked Megumi's arm. The raven didn't react in the slightest. 
“Yeah!” Yuuji piped up. His face grew red as soon as your lazy stare flicked to him. “I-I, uh–like, y'know, fire. Or…you talked about fire?” 
“You are so tactless. It's starting to get sad.” 
“Can it, Kugisaki!” 
You smiled. “It's true, more or less. I was taught my sort usually falls into one of the thirteen elements: celestial, wind, spirit, darkness, fire, earth, river, ocean, forest, mountain, thunder, sound, and time.
“Then, there are the broadly ‘bad’ sort, nogitsune, and the ‘good’ sort, zenko. Most say only zenko reach total divinity, but that's not always the case.” 
“Yikes, so the bad kitsune can be gods too?” Yuuji asked as he sat down with you and pulled at the grass idly. “Isn't that, y'know, bad?”
“Gods are all inherently bad, as far as I'm concerned,” you said.
“Gojo-sensei mentioned you were one,” Megumi offered as he and Nobara sat, too. “A god. The people revered you.” 
You snorted and covered your mouth the way you might have if you had the long sleeves of a kimono to aid you.
“They didn't mind me. I don't think they particularly liked me, considering what company I kept.” You hummed and straightened out your sleeve. 
“Yeah, but…you're not him, so what's the point in hating you?” Yuuji asked, and you couldn't help but feel more weight and worry behind the words. 
“I don't care what they thought of me. I only cared about what the palace residents thought. They were my family, in a sense.” 
“Even Sukuna?” Megumi asked. 
“That's such a stupid question, oh my god. Boys are so stupid,” Nobara said with a deadpan.
You smiled, though, and kindly still answered. 
“Especially Sukuna.” 
“Hey, hey! Sorry for the wait!” Gojo called across the field as he made a show of sauntering on over before teleporting in the blink of an eye. “So? Are we all–oooh, are we gossiping?”
“What, no?!”
Gojo pouted. “My students always leave me out. Thankfully, my sweet, pious, precious (Name) is nice to me!”
“You're late, Satoru,” you sighed as you stood, tying back your chopped hair into the tiniest of ponytails. “What is the reason?”
Gojo whined and trotted up to you, rubbing and petting your ears to bring you back to his side of the issue.
“It's not my fault! All the higher-ups are sooo annoying and yap sooo much!” He shuffled behind you and played with your three lush tails much like a toddler would. “Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy that's not gonna get mad at the Gojo Satoru?” 
You sighed and flicked your ear, thwacking him in the forehead with it. “Let's not waste any more time, cretin.
“What're we even doing, Sensei?” Yuuji asked, rubbing the back of his head after raising his hand like he was in class. “You didn't really tell us anythin’.” 
“Yeah, I thought we were just watching the fox until he had to go back in his cage,” Nobara said, arms crossed and expression sour. “Seems kinda stupid. He's not even a threat.” But Yuuji knew there was little truth to that statement.
“I'm guessing the meeting was about relocating (Name).” Megumi looked at Gojo. “So what's the plan?” 
The five of you walked endlessly through the vast forest surrounding the college. Your gaze traveled up sky-scraping trees, admiring the ancient song of life only you could hear through the soil and air. Wind danced across the verdant canopy above, scattering beams of molten sunlight across the forest floor and dappling the shoulders of the sorcerers before you with golden kisses–a sight you so sorely missed from your tenure at the palace. 
The land was not crying here. You'd heard the distant sound from the concrete jungle resting far below the rise of the college, and it shrouded you with jaded confusion and contempt for what had been done to the world in your stead; if you'd been smarter, wiser to the plans of one, could you have prevented this? Or were humans simply inevitable with their evolution? Perhaps it was up to the Earth to find the yang after the yin.
“Okay, this is it!” Gojo called, snapping you from your rampant thoughts. 
You looked to where he gestured, and found a simple building. It was reminiscent of the college in its design–modern, but clearly inspired by traditional architecture–and it looked fairly new. A bell attached to a rope stood at the forefront, as did a well for mortals to throw their offerings before ringing the aforementioned chime. Beyond that, the shrine lacked character and decoration. It was a clean slate. 
You blinked owlishly, and tilted your head. “This is…?”
“A shrine! For our new on-campus god! How fun is that, huh?” Gojo smiled, proud for a reason you couldn't decipher. “You get to make it home!” 
The younger three all deadpanned, looking between each other, trying to parse if their teacher was delusional or just being a menace to society and doing this behind the council’s back. Honestly, it was up in the air. 
“I–is that even–” Megumi tried, but gave up and rubbed his face instead. 
“So…(Name)’s gonna be, like, our resident god, or something?” Yuuji wondered, feeling his heart pitter patter just a little faster. 
“Haha! Sure, if you want to think of it that way.” Gojo smiled and looked toward the blank canvas of a shrine. “In exchange for divine favour, we grant sanctuary. Home. A place to call your own.” 
You didn't say much, but your tails swished and flowed as you stared at the humble abode–your humble abode–and inhaled shakily. 
“I suppose this will do,” you conceded, still too unwilling to give Gojo the satisfaction of knowing he'd touched your heart. “It's a bit stingy, however.”
“Indeed. Now, begone–I have work to do.” 
Sukuna reached for you when he dreamed. He didn't need to sleep, he had no use for it as he was now, but he convinced himself into the realm of the unconscious regardless, searching for the doorway leading to your mind. 
And he tried night after night, day after day, searching and sitting outside the palace of your inner realm once he found the entrance. The door was the same as the one leading to your chambers in your shared home; a simple, sliding door of wood and paper. Beautiful. Comforting. 
He knew the door wouldn't open for him, not yet; he deduced what may have happened, and what that would have meant for you all and himself as a result. He'd have to be patient. Wait for you to let him in to confront him, or seek his comfort. 
But he didn't expect the door to open so suddenly behind him, sending him rolling onto his back and staring upside down at the most magnificent sight he'd ever beheld–a kyuubi, sitting poised across the room, dressed in a haori several sizes too big, waiting with his back turned as candlelight flickered and lulled the room into a lazy, sleepy haze.
Sukuna righted himself and stood, spirit flailing and tearing itself apart in his uncontrollable want for you, for a desire to return back to the simplicity of this time. But he couldn't go back. Maybe he could recreate it. 
“Fox,” Sukuna murmured, excitement igniting the small, human body he'd been forced to mold his soul into. It felt so much worse in this form, his want being so much more fucking unbearable and burning a hole in his damn chest and skull. 
You shifted, head turning the slightest toward him yet refusing to give way entirely. But, then you stood, and Sukuna suddenly understood how you felt in the presence of his overwhelming power. 
You stood tall. Proud. Powerful. Your ears pointed towards the heavens while your tails fanned against the gates of hell when you turned to face that lover of the past, the one you held so dear for decades. 
Sukuna almost felt weak in the knees (or was that somehow Yuuji interrupting his delusions?) when bright red markings caught the light, shimmering in divine sparks of orange and teal in the firelight–and your eyes. Your eyes. They burned with higher purpose. With unreadable certainty and alien understanding. You made Sukuna's gut coil with need. 
“My Sukuna,” you whispered to the room. You took a step forward, and Sukuna eagerly met you the rest of the way. “You look so…small.” 
He looked up at you–yes, up--and admired your face and godly stature and just how fucking tall and unearthly and powerful you were looming over him. 
“Stuck looking like this fucking runt while I'm in his body,” Sukuna explained bitterly. He reached a hand up while he spoke, and you graciously leaned down to let his skin touch yours. 
An ache curled under Sukuna's skin, flushing his complexion with heat and suffocating him in those unbearable sorcerer uniform garbs. His pants strained too tight, his jacket and hoodie made his core swelter and his mind grow fuzzy. It was torture. 
“He looks so much like you,” you drawled, holding Sukuna's face in kind. You hummed with sympathy when he moaned and leaned into your touch, only abandoning his own rediscovery of your features to hold your palms against him, to indulge in everything so wholly you. 
“Forgot what I look like, huh,” Sukuna huffed. “This brat looks like a beaten monkey.” 
“So did you.”
“But I adored you anyway, did I not?” 
Sukuna scanned over your face slowly, methodically, wondering. 
“Adore. You mean ‘adore’.” 
“Perhaps.” You smoothed a thumb over his cheekbone. “It's been some time.” 
“You chose me. You belong to me.” Sukuna's lip curled as he growled and forced your hands into his skin firmer as though to leave scars. “Mine. Only mine.” 
Your lips quirked upwards and Sukuna pulled you down to kiss you. His voice reverberated between your linked bodies as your tongue licked into his mouth far enough to nearly make him choke. You kindly pulled him flush against you, wrenching more pleased, needy noises out of him with no effort at all. 
“You're as starved as Yuuji,” you whispered as his hands fumbled with your ornate clothes, yanking and pulling at them with reckless abandon. 
“Shut up.” His grumbling lessened just a bit when you eased your robes open, exposing your perfect skin to him once again. 
“I believe it'd displease you if I stopped talking, no?” You tore the clothing off the other's body as he pulled you down to the floor with him, suddenly so eager to submit. 
Sukuna scoffed. “I–just touch me, fox.” 
It was your turn to purr and keen, basking in the soft tremble of anticipation the all-powerful choked on as he spread himself bare beneath you, your garbs cascading all around him like a waterfall–only you would get to see him, chest heaving, eyes swirling with lust and need, hidden behind a curtain of embroidered flames.
“Poor thing.” You dug your nails into his hips and dragged him toward you, prodding your aching length against his unprepared heat. “You've been so long without touch. Without love. Do you still think it's meaningless?” 
The curse snarled, and you caught him by the throat, pinning him in place and jamming your other hand's fingers down his throat before he could bark back at you. And just that simple torture had the king's hips twitching and bucking, slowly falling into time with the rhythm of your digits slipping in and out of his bratty mouth. 
“F-fuck you,” he gasped once his mouth fell empty. 
You chuckled smoothly. “It's simply food for thought.” You pressed two fingers into him and worked inside with ease despite the crushing heat clamping down around you. You didn't know if his sweet, little body wanted you to stay put or fill him faster. 
“Fuckin'--annoying, shithead, bratty fox–” he cut off with a ragged moan as you pressed against his prostate and rubbed against it slowly, firmly, deliciously. His eyes fell shut and his brows twitched up, a vivid look of desperation and concentration making him look far too vulnerable and breedable for his own good. 
“It's strange,” you hummed, working him a little faster and jamming your fingers against his sweet spot over and over. “I never thought you'd willingly submit.” 
“I need it,” Sukuna growled, fisting his hand around his weeping length and stroking to the beat of your fingers. His hips bucked forward and back, unsure of what searing pleasure to lean into more; luckily for him, you were keen to up the ante. 
Your fingers slipped out and Sukuna snarled, crimson eyes snapping open to brand you with frustration. You felt the whip of desperate commands about to crack off Sukuna's tongue, so you wasted no time filling him back up, stuffing him beyond his limits. 
The man almost gasped, though it could have just been the force of your cock punching the air out of his lungs. You pulled him against you, seating him to the base with a little effort and brute force. You knew he liked the pain. Pleasure was closely acquainted with it, after all. 
“This is what you wanted,” you murmured as you rocked into him. 
The curse didn't know if you beckoned an answer from him, or simply stated the facts. So, he didn't answer you. He instead gripped onto your shoulders to keep himself steady while you effortlessly drilled into his core with each and every thoughtful roll of your hips. 
And it felt good. An uncomfortable, searing stretch accompanied the deep plunges filling him beat after beat. His body tightened and clamped down around you, forcing your length to rub against the weakest, most sensitive spots inside of him–places no one would ever dream of hitting inside the unruly king. None besides you, of course. You were different. Better than the rest. Fit to fuck and fill him if Sukuna so desired it. 
“(Name),” he groaned when you changed up the angle, aiming to rub up against the ceiling of his insides with every thrust. You tortured his weak spot, and made a casual show of forcing his stomach to bulge and distend whenever you bottomed out entirely, and Sukuna reveled in it. He wanted to be yours. Just yours. 
“You're so sweet when you submit,” you cooed, leaning down and nuzzling against his neck as you fucked into him harder and faster. “You should have done so sooner.”
Sukuna should have clapped Back, but he couldn't; he was too busy trying to angle himself to somehow get you deeper. He was too busy trying to pull you closer, to graft his thick thighs to your scar-riddled sides like a branch on a tree. He couldn't spare a single braincell on your arrogant Teasing when all he could think was, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me–
“Now he's lost his voice,” you sighed. “Such a pity.” Your hips hit particularly hard to punctuate, and Sukuna grunted. 
“Again,” he choked out. “Fuck me like that.” 
You branded a smile into his skin with a hum. “Are you sure? I won't stop if it's too much.” 
Sukuna opened his bleary eyes and spied your nine tails fanned out, cloaking the ceiling from sight. It felt like staring death in the face. Maybe he'd been in its clutches this entire time. Maybe he wanted–needed–you to be the end of him.
Your hand found his throat again, and Sukuna nodded as best he could, too overwhelmed and overstimulated to get words out of his open mouth–but grunts and groans had no issue bursting through as you left mercy by the wayside and destroyed him as thoroughly as he requested. You were, after all, a selfless god.
Sukuna's eyes rolled back as his head tilted in kind, mouth left agape as you burned him alive; every push of your body into his lit new fires, and every second you stayed connected, more of his soul exhausted itself before rising from ashes once again. The tightness coiling in his stomach grew unbearable and insatiable, hungering for more and more and more until–
“There's no shame in coming undone,” you cooed, your lips and fangs replacing the hand in his throat and peppering apologetic kisses. “Unravel for me, my love.” 
My love. My love. My love.
“Fuck,” Sukuna gasped. He clung to you, and you raised your head to kiss him, swallowing his strained noises to keep them a secret from the outside world and himself. 
He grabbed at your shoulders and arms as his head tilted back and a hoarse cry left him–just as his body clamped down and sent him over the edge, he realized pushing in and out had become more taxing. Perhaps because of his cumming, or perhaps because of the ungodly thing swelling at your base and ripping him open. 
You worked him through his high, never thinking of pulling away from him when he needed you most. Because this was bound to end. He was bound to wake up and feel cold where your hands now touched. He was stuck in the body of another with no hope of reaching you unless he somehow, some way turned the tables on all those weak sorcerers and broke free. 
But he would. He'd claim his vessel and walk amongst the new world, autonomous and untouchable. It was only a matter of time. 
Though Sukuna was selfish in chasing his own pleasure, he soon found immense satisfaction in yours.
The number of times he'd trap you against a wall and finger you until your legs gave out and your voice ran hoarse was too great to count. He couldn't help himself; that bewildered, wide-eyed look you gave him every time you were let go to fix your robes and catch your voice screamed, what was that for? And boosted Sukuna’s ego. He reveled in the glory of being the only one to do this to you, to being the one who forced you to lose composure. 
In his chamber, he indulged further. He'd work thick fingers deep inside of you while his other hands roamed and touched, stroking, pinching and rubbing wherever he deemed needed attention. And you were putty in his hands, absolutely melting into everything he did to you, even if accompanied by a shock of pain. 
Because you were a creature who only knew sex for the sake of bearing children. Beyond that clan using you in an attempt to create half-breed sorcerers, your primal nature influenced you to only seek out a mate for the purpose of bearing children, and not necessarily for pleasure. 
But Sukuna was the opposite. He never thought of siring children. He only thought of pleasure of another's body and the thrill of total domination over them, never the idea he'd suffer the consequences of an heir; he had those women drink a special tea to prevent that for a reason, especially when a handful had come to him, offering their bodies in return for fame and perceived power. 
With you, he could entertain the idea, however. 
Yes, the mere idea of watching you walk around the gardens, properly swollen with his children, with physical proof of his ownership and coupling with you, sparked something akin to greed in his chest. Though it was a little warmer than just that, admittedly.
Yuuji liked you. There was no escaping it, no denying it–he liked being around you. He liked your smile. Your tails. Your ears. The way you scared the shit out of him the first time you properly met. You were just…weird. Interesting. Kind of like Yuuji himself. 
But you were kind, too. The times he wandered out to meet you at your shrine to “check up on things,” or because he was bored, he always found you tending to your gardens, talking to the passerby wildlife, dozing at the entrance, and his heart would do something funny in his chest. 
Then his mind would rot until all he could see was you sprawled beneath Sukuna, singing the king’s praises while he fucked you into the tatami and bred you. 
It wouldn't stop there. Sukuna would taunt him, poisoning him with sinful thoughts and diabolic urges:
You think that fox'll give you the time of day? You, a petulant runt with not a shred of experience beyond your hand? Hah. 
Consider it a blessing--you'd probably cum too fast to enjoy him properly. You'd embarrass yourself to death.
I know you think about him when your hand's around your cock. You wish he'd warm it, no? Wish you got to watch his ass take you in? 
Go on, why don't you just try? Fulfill your fantasies! Maybe he'll act the part of a pious, pitying god and throw you a bone. 
Yuuji, for as airheaded as he could be, knew Sukuna wanted to indulge in you through his vessel. Or, he truly believed Yuuji wouldn't be able to hook up with you and live to remember it. Maybe he was right. 
But the young man thought you had a soft spot for him; he wasn't great at reading people by any means, but he thought you always gravitated to him before the others. You always held more warmth in your eyes when they fell upon him, and your preening touch constantly found him, your hands always smoothing out the creases of his uniform while deft fingers fixed his hair and pleated his hood into more attractive folds. 
Maybe your touchy-ness toward him was a culmination of your need to parent something. Yuuji didn't fully understand it, but Gojo mentioned something about you wanting children, but you couldn't have them. Not anymore. And so those urges manifested in other ways. 
But the young sorcerer wasn't so sure anymore.
“My Yuuji,” you cooed when he came to visit. “You're back again so soon. Is everything alright?”
Yuuji smiled and braced for impact, bowing his head the slightest bit to let you bonk yours against his in greeting. It really reminded him of the way cats would welcome each other. Thankfully, you didn't seem too eager to mark him with a dose of spittle, though. 
“Yeah, everything's cool. Just–dunno. Wanted to come see what you were doing, I guess.” The sorcerer shrugged and pocketed his hands after you'd finished lovingly headbutting him.
“Mmh. Well, I certainly don't mind the company.” You smoothed back his hair and fixed the wild flare of one of his eyebrows before stepping away and meandering back towards your shrine. “It feels like something's going to happen soon.”
Yuuji's stomach flipped. “Yeah? You think so?” He followed you, watching the hypnotic swaying of your tails and hips and ass–wait, wait, wait, no, no, no–
What? Am I wrong? Sukuna's voice purred. Looks downright breedable, doesn't he? He said it more like a want than a taunt, this time, like if he were in Yuuji's shoes, he'd jump on you and pick up where you left off. 
Shut up, shut up, shut up, Yuuji chanted, trying to calm down. Don't ruin this!
Ruin what? Your sad attempt at courtship, brat? 
Yuuji said nothing. Sukuna howled with laughter. 
“Natural disasters cannot always be predicted,” you murmured, bringing Yuuji back to the present. “And they can never be stopped.”
The younger frowned and rubbed the back of his neck as he followed you inside. “Eh, I mean…we can stop a lot with sorcery, can't we?”
“And if that disaster is born of sorcery? What then?” You snapped your fingers, and every candle in the room ignited with amber flame.
“Uh…I mean…” He sighed and rubbed his face. “I still think we can stop it. We'll figure out a way!”
You sure about that, brat? 
You laughed, soft and kind, bringing a smile to Yuuji instead of a ticked off frown. You had a way of settling his nerves and relieving the tension from tightly wound muscles. Is this the effect you had on Sukuna? Is that why he cherished you so much? 
“I admire your optimism, Yuuji. Perhaps I should aspire to be like you,” you said. 
Yuuji's face flushed. “E-eh? Wh–no! You're awesome the way you are! And, uh, you're–y’know. You're good!” Smooth. Eloquent. Exceptional.
You hummed and wandered further into the back rooms, allowing Yuuji to follow you to your chambers to relax. “Well, I'll trust your opinion, then.” 
“Okay. Yeah. Cool.” The sorcerer cleared his throat and messed with his hood as he followed your lead, admiring the tidy, comfy space you welcomed him into. Pillows and blankets were plentiful and all bunched together on a futon, so much like the nests Yuuji often saw in his dreams. It felt a bit…intrusive to see it in person. 
“Hey, uh,” Yuuji started, “I–can I ask something?” 
You seated yourself down across the small, simple kotatsu, and gestured for the younger to join you. “Of course.”
The sorcerer sat down across from you. “You and Sukuna. Were you guys–did you ever…y'know.” 
You tilted your head, curious. “Go on.”
“Were you, like, in love? Or something?” Yuuji's face burned red at the words. Talking about love was so damn awkward for some reason, especially when it had to do with Sukuna and the fox Yuuji himself pined for.
“Ah.” You tilted your head the opposite direction, and hummed. “I was in love, yes.”
Yuuji's chest ached. “Even now?” 
“Do you want him back?” 
You didn't answer right away, and the festering pain spread from his chest to the tips of his fingers; of course you wanted him back. Of course you wanted your ancient, all-powerful lover back. Why would you ever accept Yuuji in his place? A weak, mortal being?
Before Yuuji could retract the question, you'd shuffled around to his side of the table and held one of his hands in both of yours. The younger couldn't bear to look at your face, and so kept his eyes trained on your elegant fingers smoothing over his rough, scarred knuckles. 
“I would not trade a soul that walks amongst the living for a soul that has already lived its life,” you said. “Sukuna has lived. And he has died. He may rise once more, but I do not seek to aid it; he chose to die in hopes of living forever. He must accept what his decision brings, as must I.” 
The storm inside of the sorcerer calmed the slightest bit. Sails no longer whipped and frayed; they caught wind and led his heart back to placid waters, though the depths of the oceans could always threaten future treachery. For now, however, Yuuji found safety.
“Man, you really are like Yoda,” He laughed, filling the room with renewed brightness.
You blinked owlishly. “Yoda? What that is, I do not know.” 
Yuuji laughed harder and clasped his hands around yours. “Nah, don't worry about it. It's a good thing, though. From one of the movies Gojo-sensei made me watch.”
“I would strongly advise against taking lessons from that man, Yuuji.” Your brow creased as your hands clutched his in a death grip. “He’s not normal.”
Yuuji grinned, then, and held your hands just as tightly. “Yeah, he's weird. But he's smart, too! One of the strongest guys alive, y'know?” 
“Even the strongest can make mistakes,” you said. “Even the strongest can lose, Yuuji. Always be careful, even if victory is assured.” Your careful touch graced the curve of his cheek. “I would hate for your visits to stop.”
The sorcerer's heart beat in double-time. 
“Yeah,” he said. “Me too.”
The leaves crinkled and rustled, flashing shades of amber and ruby in the dwindling daylight. Gone was the warmth of Summer's smile; now, the cold, fierce nip of Autumn cut through the air, whispering secrets about the first frost and what it would do to devastate the green around you.
But you were a god. A creature of fertility and good luck. And so, the grass did not die, and the forest did not wither under the coming winter's threats. 
It seemed your gifts could not reach into the depths of your soul, however. Perhaps you weren't to indulge in the privilege of what you brought the world--the mortal things around you could make use of a blessing from the divine, but could the divine themselves? Could you bring yourself a remedy to your loneliness the way you brought life unto the ground beneath your feet? 
You didn't know.
The end of October came, and the world trembled with the force of thousands of lives ending in misery and terror. You beheld it from your home, the sight of the clouds turning orange and red as hellfire devoured all. 
Bless me ‘n wish me luck! Gojo had said last time he swung by. Definitely don't need it, but you're my favourite cheerleader, y'know?
That was not too long ago, perhaps a day prior. Maybe it'd only been twelve hours ago since you last saw him. Three hours ago since you last felt his celestial presence upon the earth. 
“I would hate for your visits to stop,” you murmured, and your chest froze with the cold. 
Winter brought with it snow and darkness. Kuraokami had his ways of slipping his icy presence through the slivered cracks of wood grain no matter the time or place; the great dragon would be heard and seen if it was his final act upon the earth. 
Not even you could keep him out, the lesser deity you were. But you didn't mind the company; the cold breaths against your skin woke you from nightmares and empty blankness when you dozed and dazed, feeling the days slip by and blur together into one grey smear of solitary existence. 
Something had happened. Ever since the sky lit ablaze in a familiar scene of ungodly strength, you felt a shift in the state of existence. In your relevance in the grand scheme of the college and history. 
Your sorcerers lost their way to you, you realized. The cushions around the kotatsu stayed fluffed and untouched save for one. Five of the six clay tea cups gathered dust as they waited, hopeful, like you. 
You woke to the feeling of hollowness. It jostled you to consciousness, in fact; those two little unborn lives swirled and stirred, clawing at your stomach before vanishing in an instant. 
Maybe they'd grown too sick and weary of the loneliness and snow, too.
Sukuna had walked down this path too many times. And too many times he'd been unable to move, unable to claw his way out of the prison of his vessel to get back to you–but things were different now. 
He held a bundle of blankets close as he wandered toward a speck of verdant green amidst the snowy whiteness blanketing the forest, and remembered a distant past he yearned to return to:
Sukuna was a restless creature. He often distracted himself with challenges, duels, leafing through stolen knowledge of other clans–but, on rare occasions, none of that would appeal to his tumultuous mind. 
You always appealed to him, however. You, with your lavish tails, your exquisite appearance, your superior poise and prose, you always enthralled him, made him wonder and stare. 
Maybe it was because you were always doing something. If you weren't tending to his women, you were meandering around the palace, admiring trophies earned in whatever form they came in: art, weapons, bones. If you weren't doing that, you might be in the garden instead, fine-tuning the patterns drawn in the zen garden yourself and feeding the massive koi. If not that, then you might be asking Uraume to teach you to cook, or you could be fiddling with your loom or–well, it could be anything. 
Sometimes, you’d choose to  lay with Sukuna and keep him warm and content throughout the dreary haze of winter. 
You didn't hate winter yourself, no, but Sukuna most definitely did. The snow and ice were a pain in the ass, and they always threw the garden into a messy disarray of dead foliage and slushy mud that'd have to be tended to come springtime. And it was cold as hell outside. Who asked for that? No one. 
“My love,” you cooed as you stepped to his side while he stared out the window. “Glaring won't make the seasons change.” 
Sukuna scoffed. “That a challenge?”
“Not at all.” You reached up and smoothed his hair back, stopping pesky, rebellious strands from tickling his forehead. “I'd hate to see what you'd do in an attempt to play god.”
“I'm already a god,” he countered as he snatched your hand from his hair and looked down at you.
“Not a god of the seasons, I'm afraid.” You held his hand and pulled it down to kiss his knuckles. “But a god amidst men, nonetheless.” 
Your beast hummed deep in his chest. You had a funny way of setting his roiling soul at ease with your effortless praise and acknowledgement. 
“Knew there was a reason I kept you around,” the man purred, leaning down to touch his forehead to yours. 
You leaned up into the soft gesture like a cat too eager to be pet. “You'd be quite bored without me.” 
“No kidding. I'd go fucking mental if I didn't have you to entertain me.” His voice was a murmur, then, and softened even more when your warm hands cupped his cheeks like he was a priceless, fragile artifact: precious, special, breakable.
“Yes, yes, I go insane in your stead, loved one.” You touched your nose to his, then, before placing the softest of kisses upon his lips. 
A light, sighed grumble slipped past Sukuna's lips when your skin left his. It was his turn to nudge his nose against yours, earning himself a petal-like smile from his prized possession, before he blessed you in return, trying to match the kindness you'd met him with. 
You held the front of his garbs as you leaned up into him, and his hands all found their places on your smaller frame in return, pulling you closer, keeping you against him. He hardly wanted anything like this in the past before you came along and tore his mind and soul to pieces before hunkering down in the hollow of his ribs and setting up shop. It was aggravating. Captivating. 
“Come,” you softly beckoned, slipping away from his desperate hold and leading him back to the bundle of blankets and linens he’d learned to accept as a bed.
As always, he had no choice but to follow, abandoning his mad-dogging of the outside world to join you and the infinite warmth his personal Amaterasu brought him. 
“You’re lazy as hell in the winter,” Sukuna noted as he sat himself down in the middle of your nest and let you get to work adjusting blankets and such around the both of you for optimal comfort. 
“You're free to traipse off into the snow if you so wish.” You settled yourself by Sukuna's side and tucked under his heavy arms. “I will remain here. Warm. Dry. At peace.” 
Sukuna rolled his eyes and pulled you close to his side, squeezing a chirped purr from your chest. “Think I'll pass on the snow.” 
You smiled to yourself, feeling warm and content with the settling silence engulfing you as the snow engulfed the world. Winter was the only season where he'd stay by your side, so you often indulged in it, bothering him and sticking to him like a needy pet until spring inevitably rolled around to ruin your happy spell. Because Sukuna was more wild and feral than you. He had to go wander, to go fight. Otherwise, he'd have no purpose. 
Unbeknownst to you, he may have another purpose in mind. 
His hand breached your clothes and reached down, stopping just above your navel to your surprise. There, he drew gentle, thoughtful circles against your skin. You felt pulses of cursed energy flicker and feel, searching for something neither of you yet knew of. 
“What is it you're looking for?” You murmured, knowing full well what he sought.
Sukuna inhaled deeply and exhaled just as heavy. “How long does it take to get one god knocked up, huh?” He tutted and looked down at you, holding an annoyed look while you met him with doey, lovey eyes as you leaned into him more. 
“I'm sure you'll be the man who finds out.”
Sukuna grinned to himself and adjusted the lump of blankets he held. Arrogant pride blossomed in his chest alongside his bolstered ego; if he could do this as a mere man, what could he do as a curse? 
The king sighed as he breached the warmth of the halo surrounding your humble, comfy abode. He was getting sick of the shit weather in the games, all the cold and emptiness. Being near you was what he needed. 
“Oi, don't make a fuss,” Sukuna grumbled lowly to the whining duo he adjusted in his arms. “You wanna get inside or not?” 
But before he could make use of his newly freed arm, the doors slid open before him. 
And you stood there. Tired. Disheveled. Eyes big and hopeful, yet rimmed with disbelief and shock as you stared at your man and the package he brought to your doorstep. 
Sukuna would be lying if he said he didn't melt, too. Being here, standing firm and whole and so very real and untethered in the spot other sorcerers stood in their attempt to spirit you away from him–it was the reason for his existence. 
And so was your arms wrapping around him and holding him close. 
“Ho? So you did miss me, huh?” He hummed, looping an arm around you and pressing you closer to him. “Sure didn't act like it earlier.”
“I didn't wish to believe in something that felt untrue,” you murmured into his shoulder. “Even now, you're not…entirely yourself.” 
Sorrow stained the undertones of your voice. Whether it was for the fate of Fushiguro Megumi, or for the state of your lover, Sukuna did not know. 
But he was here. He was tangible. He was in control. Finally. 
“At least I'm here, yeah?” He said. And you nodded. 
You led him inside and into the room filled with comfort and warmth. Works of embroidery lined the once-unremarkable tapestries draping down from the ceilings and walls, and the wooden pillars now boasted intricate carvings in various states of completion. Seemed like you'd gotten quite bored in your wait. 
Sukuna sat with you, being the man to finally make use of the fluffed cushions around the kotatsu as he dragged it to your side to stay close. You needed it. He thirsted for it.
The bundle whined and cooed as soon as Sukuna’s ass hit the cushion, and he sighed. “Think you can take care of this, fox?” He teased, but felt a rush of something overtake him when he caught you with your ears perked, tails swishing, back straight as you stared down at the bundle. 
He eased them into your arms and, with shaking hands, you pulled back the wooly linen to find two perfect little treasures staring up at you with big, red-lined eyes. One held the colour of yours, while the other took responsibility for sporting Sukuna's hues, but both boys’ eyes glimmered with divine flecks of gold and amber. Their hair blushed with the colour of sakura petals, and two, itty bitty tufts of soft onyx ears dotted both of their heads like chocolate chips in strawberry ice cream. 
Two perfect kits. Your perfect kits. 
“You seriously wanted these things?” Sukuna asked, teasing and rude, but softer and warmer than the fire burning in your chest. “Gotta say, they're pretty fucking annoying.”
You swathed your tails around them and purred with the ferocity of an avalanche as you leaned into your partner and doted on the teeny tiny babies he'd somehow brought back to the land of the living. A part of you felt guilty for what this could mean. The rest of you screamed, I don't care. 
“Look at them,” You whispered, tracing the roundness of their cheeks with a gentle touch. “They're beautiful.” 
“Well, lookit who their parents are.” Sukuna chuckled and held you against his side, which you eagerly melted into. “Kenjaku had a plan for them too, turns out. Who woulda thought?”
“You never told me,” you said. “Why did you not tell me?” 
“You would've been pissed,” Sukuna said, voice matter of fact. “Better to just do it and reap the benefits later.”
You looked up at him, and found his gaze locked onto you. “That's quite selfish.”
“I'm a king. I can do whatever I want. I can have whatever I want,” He reminded you. “As soon as I take care of a few pathetic, loose ends, everything'll be in place. Right where it all needs to be. And life goes back to normal." 
Your heart did something funny when you read between the lines. “Must you–”
“Don't question me.” Sukuna grabbed your chin and forced you to look down at your snoozing babes. “You’ll lose this. All of this. You'll be left with nothing all over again if I don’t finish this off. That what you want, fox?” 
“You know the answer,” you murmured, too content to let him guide you and sway your reason. He tugged your chin toward him, forcing you to look his way again.
“Tell me anyway.” Tell me what I want to hear.
How could you refuse? 
“No matter the case," you murmured, soft as forgotten winter snow, "you will always have my favour, Ryoumen Sukuna.”
Forever to be loved, herein lays a God's young,
Imprisoned by none, held dearly by the Disgraced One. 
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sageteapost · 4 months
| Sweaters |
[ Noctis Lucis Caelum x M! Reader ]
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CW + Tags: None, just fluff! A bit suggestive for a bit. (Established relationship. Male reader.) Summary: Your boyfriend has been wanting to cuddle with you all day. This time, however, he tries something different.
[(A/N): YEAHHH, something for the boys. This made my trans-masc heart so happy to write about. I love Noctis so much as well as the other boys, but there's so little stuff for the guys. Anyways, hope I cooked!]
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"Damn, stop moving. I'm trying to cuddle you."
"Kinda hard to stay comfy when I'm being crushed, babe," you murmur into the large sweater Noctis stuffed you in with him. He thought it would be a fun idea to sleep together sharing a sweater.
On paper, it sounded great. Y'know, sharing a sweater with your boyfriend as you cuddled to sleep. Couple goals, right?
What you didn't count on was being crushed by your boyfriend from how tight he's holding you and the fact the sweater felt so suffocating. At least when you two cuddled together, you could spread out a bit and not feel like you're overheating.
Plus, every time you moved; you would unintentionally (or intentionally) wiggle against Noct. And that's a whole different can of worms.
Noct, who seemingly noticed your bashfulness, couldn't help but smirk a bit. "What's that, is my boyfriend embarrassed?" he teased softly, his pointer finger lightly tracing patterns along the skin of your arm. "We've been dating for, what, six months now?"
"Aw shut up babe," you reply with a small huff, though it had no malice. He chuckled softly, kissing your shoulder, settling his chin right there.
For a while, the two of you stayed that way. Mumbling about the day and other random topics that came to mind. Plus, it was a good way to unwind and send you both to dreamland.
And just as you were about to fall asleep, Noct quietly says, "..Hey babe?"
"I... still can't believe I get to call you mine. But I love you, so fucking much," he replies in that soft and vulnerable tone only you got to hear.
It was moments like these made you swoon for him in the first place. Despite all of the teases and jabs at you and each other, he felt so happy and safe around you. And it made you feel so happy to see him so open with you and your relationship.
With a gentle and loving smile, your lips grace his knuckles, a gesture that would bring him butterflies (no matter how he tried to deny it).
"I love you too, hun. More than you could ever imagine, don't you dare forget that."
A smile grew Noct's face, as he curls up closer to you like a cat seeking warmth. And soon, after some gentle kisses, the two of you fall asleep. Like peas in a pod.
...Honestly, this sweater idea wasn't so bad after all.
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avocadoguru · 1 year
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He was staring at her in a way no one had in her entire life. She couldn’t read anything in his eyes - not surprise, not fear, not malicious intent - nothing. (wolfrry, werewolf!harry, alpha!harry, ranger!y/n)
Lupus Noctis- Masterlist, Author’s Note & Warnings
Chapter 5 / alternatively, read on wattpad
Chapter 6 (word count: 20k)
Y/N was going feral, she was quite sure of it. She even checked to see if she had a fever. Two whole days had gone by since the lake and the kiss and she hadn’t heard a word from Harry since. She wasn’t sure what to make of it. He was probably trying to figure shit out just the way she was because Y/N wasn’t second-guessing their mutual attraction. Not in the slightest.
What had happened between them was real, still palpable in her mind’s eye. She could almost still feel his lips on hers, his tongue sliding against hers in perfect sync, she could still feel his warm hands on her body, his strong arms holding her eye level to him, his hardened cock pressed against the underside of her thigh. Could still hear the low growls that came from him, like he was some kind of animal ready to take what he wanted. All she had to do was close her eyes and there it was again. 
She loved how he handled her and looked at her and spoke to her.
And you’d let me, wouldn’t you? 
She’d been thinking about it nonstop, or in any case- an inappropriate amount. She couldn’t stop imagining scenarios with Harry. Taking it further than they did that day at the lake. How he could so easily just lift her up and manhandle her if he wanted. Maybe he’d place her on the ground and use his big mouth to lick all over her body and down between her legs. She felt like he’d be a man who’d enjoy eating a woman out. Using his tongue.
She couldn’t even focus on work, couldn’t pay attention to anything, because every time she had a spare second her mind wandered off to that evening. 
While she was at work, she was constantly holding her breath for when he’d inevitably show up. And when she was at home she half expected him to knock on her door again.
But he never did.
Y/N wasn’t all that worried about that aspect, though. She could feel it in her bones that she’d be seeing more of him very soon. Not that there was anything left to see. God, just picturing the way his cock wouldn’t even fit into those skinny jeans of his was making her clench around nothing. And well, it wasn’t exactly nothing- but her vibrator was no match for what Harry had been endowed with. Nevertheless, she’d abused it ever since he’d dropped her off at her apartment, all riled up and needy. Harry had even asked her if it’d be ok if he watched her get inside the building from his car- he didn’t trust himself to walk her to the door. And she wanted to ask him why he was resisting it- because in the moment, lord knows she didn’t want him to hold back. 
But looking back, she was glad for it. She didn’t want Harry to be just a hookup. Had they had sex that night, that’s what it would’ve felt like. And she felt like they deserved more than that. And judging by his actions, Harry did too. 
Y/N had nothing against casual sex. With how her past relationships had gone, she even preferred that to the seemingly inevitable heartache and disappointment. But she’d never felt that kind of connection with anyone else before, the way she did with Harry. It went beyond just the physical, at least for her it did. 
Unless there really was some other reason for which Harry was holding back. He’d ran off that first night when they were just about to kiss, and this time he’d taken her back home before things could escalate at the lake- and maybe it was just because she was cold (and for some weird reason he was absolutely fine with the drop in temperature), but then he’d have found a way to get her to invite him inside. But he wouldn’t even walk her to the door- not even with her bad ankle- which really told her that he was serious about not trusting himself anywhere near her apartment.
She hoped his reason was the same as hers- she wanted more than sex, and they should probably try and get to know each other a bit better before they jumped into bed. But what if it wasn’t, and something else was holding him back? It would explain his absence for the past two days… But then again, Y/N couldn’t exactly explain it, she just knew. She knew this wasn’t the end of her and the mystery man.
She was growing a bit frustrated though. There was only so much her flimsy vibrator could do. Y/N… ached for him. She was desperate to feel full of him. She knew he’d stretch her out better than any other man she’d ever been with, because… well, it was quite obvious why. Part of her was a bit worried she couldn’t take him. She was more than willing to try, though. She was even more than willing to go down on him and try to fit him all in her mouth. A little challenge of sorts. Only there wasn’t anything little about it.
Y/N threw the covers off of her sweaty body with a huff. If only he could hear her, his ego would inflate more than it already was. If only he knew how needy she was for him already, and he’d barely even done anything. Yet here she was, alone in her bed, trying and failing to fall asleep for the better part of an hour and although she’d made herself come once for the evening, she found herself reaching for her toy again. 
She just seemingly couldn’t scratch the ache he left. Just imagining the way he’d placed his large hand around her throat made her thrust the toy inside of her deeper and faster, she wasn’t trying to drag it out. She was tired. And all she wanted was to be absolutely railed by him. Was that too much to ask? She whimpered, bringing her other hand to her clit and adding pressure from the outside as well. She was ready to fall over the edge when a piercing sound made her jump, groaning in frustration when she realized it was her phone.
She turned the vibrator off and fumbled with the phone, almost dropping it when she saw the caller ID. Her heart was already beating fast due to her impending orgasm but now it threatened to break out of her ribcage. A glance over to the upper right corner of the screen read 1:03 am and then she answered when she realized she was taking too long “...Yes?”
“You’re awake.”
Y/N exhaled, trying to steady her heartbeat and breathing “Well, yeah. You can’t pick up calls in your sleep last time I checked.”
“You weren’t asleep though, were you?”
Y/N paused, “No, I wasn’t.”
“Had I not known about your ankle I would even assume you were… running. You’re quite out of breath.”
Y/N didn’t miss the hint of amusement in his voice. Oh, he was onto her. “I hurried to get to my phone, I’d left it in the other room. I thought it must’ve been some kind of emergency. Why are you calling at 1am, Harry?” It was her turn to tease him. 
“Liar. Probably for the same reason why you weren’t asleep.”
“And what reason might that be?”
“...I can’t stop thinking about it either.” 
Damn. Ok, touché. She couldn't even try and pretend otherwise. 
When she didn’t, having taken her aback, Harry continued, “And I know just why you’re so out of breath. I’ve heard your laboured breathing when you’re aroused and that’s exactly what it sounds like. If I close my eyes I can see your mouth parted just right, your eyes hooded and glazed over– I can see it all. It’s mine forever, the memory of you fucked out of your mind like that for me… What have you done to me?”
Y/N was at a loss for words. All she could muster was a pathetic whimper and in response, she heard his shuddered breath over the phone and without even contemplating it, she grabbed her vibrator and without turning it back on, she began sliding it in and out of her drenched pussy again. 
“I can hear that, Y/N. Can hear how wet you are for me from over here… Fuck.”
She gasped but increased her movements, she had already been close, but now that she could hear him, and hearing what he had to say to her- it was all too much. 
“Harry…” she whispered, just as she was about to come and then she heard him growl, almost as if he was in physical pain- that’s what sent her over the edge. She cried out into the phone as she spasmed and thrashed on her bed and she realized he was right there with her only after she’d regained her consciousness somewhat and could hear his pants of exertion.
Hearing his name on her lips as she was coming must’ve been the most beautiful sound Harry could think of. He knew he’d be repeating it in his mind over and over again, now. He was surprised he could even orgasm anymore after all the self-abuse he’d been indulging in because of her, but somehow she’d managed to coax the strongest one yet out of him, and he just didn’t know what to do with himself. He’d called in an effort to calm himself down- he was missing her so much that he felt he was going out of his mind. He needed something, anything- and now that the scent from her panties had completely worn off he was like a junkie desperate for his fix. He’d tried to keep his distance and gain some clarity over the situation- knowing the implications of what he was getting himself in with her he couldn’t just throw himself headfirst into this in good conscience, no matter how much he wanted to. After that kiss, he knew his fate was sealed, but she- she had no idea. She had no way of knowing, and he needed to be strong for the both of them and assess this from every angle.
But every angle was just blurred by the intensity of his feelings for her. He just couldn’t think straight. He knew it was imprudent, and he knew he was risking it all, and he knew it was unfair to her- but damnit he couldn’t resist this. It was bigger than him. He was powerless to stop this now that it’d begun. And it all culminated with him grabbing the phone and calling her in the middle of the night, just to find her rutting in her bed like a needy kitten for him. And just like that- his mind had been made up.
What felt like minutes must’ve gone by where they just listened to each other breathing, trying to come down from their respective highs and finally he broke the silence, “I need to see you.”
“What– now?!”
Harry huffed in amusement, “Don’t put ideas inside my head. I was gonna show up at your doorstep and decided to call instead, and now I’m regretting it knowing what you were up to. Soon. Tomorrow. After work. Come with me?”
“Okay… where?”
“Out? Like… on a date?”
Harry smiled to himself at the prospect. He’d never done that, but if his little human wanted a date that’s what he’d give her. He’d play it by the book, even if it wasn’t the way his kind went about things, he was determined to leave all that aside for her sake.
He was willing to leave everything behind. And the thought sent chills down Harry’s spine because he knew he was done for. 
His kind were loyal creatures. They believed in mating for life, that’s how they went about it, it was how they were built, it was encoded in the animalistic side of their DNA. Sure, Harry had had his fun, but never with any alpha females, and it was agreed on both parts it would be just sex, knowing full well nothing more could come of it. There was no bond, no connection, no hint of anything more there.
But with Y/N, he’d felt something so overwhelmingly different since the first time he’d laid his eyes on her. He recognized what this was, although it didn’t make sense- after all, she was human. She couldn’t be his mate. 
But every bone in his body screamed otherwise. She was his. Their connection was undeniable. Even apart they were losing their minds over each other. What had happened just moments prior over the phone was testament to that. They were so in tune it was impossible that she wasn’t made for him, and him alone. And his instincts told him to do everything to pursue this because it was meant to be.
“It’s a date.”
“Is this a bad time?”
“Depends on why you’re calling.”
“Had I wanted to snap your neck for the way you gave my number away I would’ve by now, don’t you think?”
Niall sighed dramatically “Thank you, oh merciful alpha, for sparing me. You’re welcome by the way.”
“Yeah, I probably aided your trajectory right into her–”
“Okay. Let’s set one thing straight. You’re to stop talking about her like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like she’s… a piece of meat.”
“I mean, I don’t see her that way at all but I’m betting it’s kinda how you’re seeing her judging by how you were sizing her up the whole time the two of you were in my office, It’s almost cartoonish the way your pupils dilate around her.”
“Well, it’s not. Not at all.”
“Oh,... I see. Are you sure about this?”
“Hundred percent.”
“I mean, not to say I don’t think you thought this through, but…”
Harry cleared his throat, “Then don’t. Besides, I didn’t call to discuss this with you, it’s not up for debate. However… since you have a lot more experience with humans… romantically,...”
“Ain’t nothing romantic about it, I’m afraid.” Niall laughed.
“–Regardless. I was wondering if you could maybe spare some… tips.”
“Yeah. Advice.”
Niall furrowed his brows in amused confusion, “What exactly are you asking me, Harry Edward?”
“Well, for instance, how does this whole… dating business go about?”
Niall bit his lower lip, suppressing his amusement over this whole thing while spinning in his directorial chair at his desk in his office. Luckily for Harry, he was on his lunch break, but he was more than willing to skip eating altogether just to hear his friend ask him these uncomfortable questions. He loved to hear him struggle. “Oh. What do you wanna know?”
“Well, anything. Everything, I guess. You know well enough how differently we go about these things. I genuinely don’t have a clue what she’s expecting of me tonight and I don’t wanna give her the impression that I’ve never done this before.”
“I see.” Niall was pinching the bridge of his nose trying to keep it together. He felt for his friend, he really did, but it wasn’t every day that he got to hear him like this. Harry was so… well, alpha, that he’d never heard him sound unsure about anything in his entire life before. He was enjoying this, quite a lot. “So you already asked her out.”
“Where to?”
“Yeah- but out where?”
“... On a date?” Harry snarled in exasperation.
Niall pinched his thigh “Listen, mate. Want my help or not?”
“Well then help me. Stop asking silly questions!”
“It wasn’t silly. You gotta have a plan- you can’t just pick her up and go out. Out has to be somewhere specific. A cup of coffee, a walk, dinner, movies, a concert. Something.”
“Okay, I see. Alright.”
“So where are you taking her then?”
“Which do you suggest?”
“So the date is this evening. Like, in literal hours, and you haven’t got a plan yet?”
Harry inhaled deeply, trying to keep his cool. Niall was being infuriating, “No, mate. That is why I called, must I remind you? So that you could tell me what to do!”
“Bloody hell. Alright, okay. Let me ask Mitzy to make some calls to my usual spots and I’ll get back to you in a bit.”
Harry hung up and couldn’t help but worry a bit. The way Niall was putting it, he wasn’t at all ready for dating. The last thing he wanted was for Y/N to catch onto the fact that something was amiss, and he certainly didn’t want to appear inexperienced in any way in her eyes. He needed to ace this. Because this is what he did. He was good at everything he attempted. He wasn’t alpha for nothing.
Unlocking his phone again, he googled how to date. He couldn’t solely rely on Niall’s expertise on this, especially when the reason he was dating was just to have sex. His reason was far more complex and therefore he couldn’t treat it as superficially as Niall no doubt did.
He read through the search results. Put Yourself Out There. Keep an Open Mind. Stay Safe. Set Your Own Pace. Remember: Forming Connections Takes Time. Maintain a Positive Attitude.
Harry couldn’t help but grimace in disdain as he read through the 6 Essential Rules For Dating, only to then read the site to which it lead: brides.com
Scrolling further down with a frown, he stumbled across another set of rules: Be not afraid. · Be authentic. · Be outgoing. · Be responsive. · Be realistic, not desperate. · Be chill.
Niall’s call interrupted and Harry sighed in relief picking up, “What the fuck is wrong with humans?”
“I beg your pardon?” Niall laughed.
“I just Googled dating advice and all I got is a bunch of meaningless crap. Why are they so…“
The word he was going for was moronic, but he just couldn’t place his love interest in the same boat. No, since he’d met her he had new-found respect for this sub-evolved species, and he wanted to treat them fairly. “Nevermind… what have you got for me?”
“So it was too late to land any decent dinner reservations, but instead there is one last-minute option that I actually think would strike your fancy just as much.”
“Still got that convertible?”
“The Ferrari Dino?”
“Damn, when’d you get that one? But no, I meant the Mercedes.”
“The 230sl? Of course. Would never dream of parting with her. She’s in the garage downtown.”
“Ok, dating tip number one: don’t refer to your cars as though they aren’t inanimate objects. Especially if someone could mistake you speaking about your girlfriend when in reality you’re referring to your car.”
“Priceless advice, Dr. Phill.”
Niall laughed, “Actually yeah, maybe search for some re-runs on youtube, I’m sure you’d love what he’s got to say. Anyway- chicks do love a fancy retro car, especially convertibles, so you’re already winning. Then, you take her to the drive-in for a movie. She’s guaranteed to jump on your lap.” Harry growled deep in his chest and Niall was quick to add “And yeah- you know- the works. Buy her some snacks, maybe get her a cocktail if she’s into that, if not make sure to get her a big ol’ milkshake- just go all out. Chicks love to see you’re not looking at money when it comes to spoiling them.”
Harry furrowed his brows. All this sounded pretty obvious to him. Of course, he’d want to treat her to a nice time in his nice car, impress her with his good taste in vintage automobiles, and then he’d want to treat her to a nice meal and have her well-satiated. Obviously, money would never be an issue when it came to her, he wasn’t exactly sure what Niall was thinking telling him all this. It was pretty self-explanatory.
“Ok. Then after the movie is over?”
“Well judging by how you growled at me just then I’m guessing you don’t want me giving you any pointers there.”
“Oh? Is it customary to have sex after a date, then?”
Niall sighed, rubbing his face, “Well. It depends on how serious you want to get with her. If you’re just looking for something casual, then yeah, you could shoot your shot. But if you want more, then I’d advise you refrained from anything too intimate just yet. You can test the waters, see where she’s at.”
“How do I gauge where she’s at?”
“At the end of the date, when you take her back to her place, go in for the kiss. If she doesn’t kiss you back then,... yeah, that’s not gonna happen, judging by that whole sexual tension between the two of you. So she’ll kiss you back for sure. Then you’re left with two options. She’ll either wish you good night or invite you in. If she invites you in, that’s a really good sign that she’s looking to move things along. If she hints at more, don’t hold back. Maybe she’s the one who wants it to be just casual, you know? But if you’re playing the long game then I’m afraid it’s customary to wait until the 3rd date at the earliest for sex. You can fool around a bit though- again, test to see her reactions and how far she’s willing to take things.”
Harry swallowed the lump in his throat listening to his friend. He knew good and well that if he went inside with her, things would no doubt escalate, as they had every single time they’d been confined together. It was therefore up to him to set the pace for this. And judging by what Niall was telling him, he needed to prove to her that he was in it for the long run, and the only way he could do that, was, ironically by holding back from bedding her. This was totally backwards if you asked him, and absolutely opposite of how he’d go about it with one of his own kind. 
But Y/N was used to this human courtship. And he had to adhere to their rules to win her over. He knew that, if he wanted to, he’d no doubt have her in his arms, more than willing by the end of the night, but he didn’t want her to think that’s all he was after. Because it wasn’t. He wanted all of her. And the only way to obtain that was by following these… rules.
Since Harry had been rather ambiguous about when their date was gonna start, she’d brought a change of clothes into work the next day. She figured she could leave her uniform there and change into it the following morning. Nick was on duty today so she knew she’d be on the receiving end of some serious side eye if Harry did show up to pick her up from work, and if he wouldn’t be there, then she’d know to drive back home, and wait for him to pick her up there. After all, he seemingly knew when she went off duty by the way he’d waited for her to pick her up and take her to the lake that evening.
Hours went by excruciatingly slowly. It seemed like ages had gone by until her workday was finally over. She didn’t even know what or how well she’d completed of the tasks she’d done throughout the day, her mind had been entirely occupied with all sorts of scenarios of how their date was going to play out.
She went into the rather small bathroom in the station and brushed out her dutch braids, her hair cascading in nice waves down her back as a result. She retouched her makeup and added more blush than she usually would, and even went for a winged eyeliner, giving her eyes a feline aspect she liked to sport from time to time. She accentuated the shape of her lips with a lip pencil, topped it off with lip stain since it was more durable (she was planning on reacquainting their lips a lot during the evening), and then finally went into one of the stalls and changed into the sundress she’d packed. The material was such that it didn’t wrinkle thus saving her a lot of trouble, but it was sufficiently low cut so that it was fit for a night out, and it only went up to her mid-thigh. She kept her white sneakers on, for a more casual look as well as making sure she didn’t overly exert her ankle still. She spritzed some perfume onto her pulse points and checked herself into the too-small mirror, hoping the fit would go with whatever Harry had in store for them for the evening. He hadn’t given her any heads up as to what she should wear, so she hoped this would be fine. She took her uniform into the spare room in the station where the bed was set, and neatly placed it on the back of a chair in lieu of a hanger. 
Just as she was emerging from said room, Lindsy whistled lowly taking her in, “Well, well, well. Should I be looking for the G-wagon outside then?”
“What G-wagon?” Nick popped his head from inside the main office, “Oh… wow. You look nice, Y/N. Special occasion?”
“Her boyfriend’s.” Lindsy wiggled her eyebrows at Nick.
“He’s–” Y/N caught herself just before she could correct Lindsy. Actually- she still wanted Nick to think she and Harry were involved, so why not just solidify that idea, just in case he did show up to pick her up from the station.
“He’s so fucking hot.” Lindsy groaned. “And loaded, apparently.”
Y/N normally would’ve elbowed Lindsy for her indiscretion but seeing the way Nick was looking confused, no doubt wondering if this boyfriend was none other than the man who’d threatened him at the bar that night, had her amused, she couldn’t lie.
Just then, the sound of a car driving onto the small graveled parking lot made Lindsy go straight for the window again. “Oh, my fucking god. Loaded is quite the understatement for Mr. Boyfriend, I’m afraid.”
Nick walked over to the window before Y/N could, curiosity getting the best of him. Lindsy saw the expression on his face and couldn’t help but laugh out loud, “I’d be jealous too, man. Look at that beauty. Mm-hmm.”
Y/N finally managed to peer outside from between the two of them. It was Harry, alright, in a… white convertible? 
“How did he even drive it all the way up here… that must be hell for his suspension,” Nick muttered to himself and Y/N didn’t wanna waste another moment. She’d been dying to see him and the sooner she could get into his car, the sooner they could drive off and she could properly take him all in. And kiss him. Definitely kiss him. A lot.
She grabbed her purse and walked outside and Harry had just stepped out of his car when he turned and took the sight of her in.
For a good moment, all the plans he’d made for the night went out the window. He wanted nothing more but to pick up from where they’d left off at the lake that night. She looked phenomenal. He’d never seen her like this. She was more than beautiful in his eyes, but she’d obviously put in effort to look pretty for their date and the result had him weak in the knees. 
He was used to seeing her in her uniform. Aside from that quick trip to Niall’s office that weekend, when he’d woken her up and she’d barely had time to brush her teeth and change out of her pajamas, he’d not really seen her outside those bulky, tame clothes. 
Well, that was a lie. He did see her with nothing on, after all.
But this was different. And his mind inadvertently went to that top drawer in her bedroom where he’d accidentally discovered her extensive and quite racy lingerie collection. He wondered if she was wearing any of those sets underneath that flimsy dress she had on. A pretty dress that hugged her curves just right- Harry could cry as his eyes unashamedly scanned her head to toe as she approached him.
Everything went quiet around him when he zeroed in on her pouty lips just inches away from his own. He needed to taste them, quite urgently, but he knew he had to refrain until the end of the date to prove his intentions were serious. He wanted to play this by the book but she made it near impossible. His eyes unglued themselves from her pretty mouth and took in her rosy cheeks, her sultry eyes, then her luscious hair. She was… more than he’d ever dreamed of. He didn’t know how he’d gotten so lucky. Suddenly, all the pressure he felt regarding the challenges he was going to have to face pursuing her felt insignificant. She was worth it, she was so worth it.
Y/N was well aware of how Harry was drinking her in. She loved his reaction and was exactly what she’d been hoping for. But she was busy ogling him as well. He was wearing a sheer blouse and was smelling absolutely divine. She stepped inside his car as he held the door for her and soon her hair was fluttering all around her as they drove off, away from the preserve and into the city. 
Y/N busied herself shuffling radio stations. It became apparent to her that they hadn’t spoken a word to each other, but they kept stealing glances of one another. Neither would look away when they caught the other looking. 
“Nice car.” Y/N finally broke the comfortable silence when they sat at the first stop sign.
“Thank you.”
“So you have a thing for cars?”
“I do, actually. It’s a passion of mine.”
“An expensive passion, one might argue.”
Aha, so Niall had been right in assuming she’d be impressed by his collection. Of course, she’d barely even scratched the surface, he had a lot more in his garage downtown. The G-wagon was the one he drove the most since it was the only one that could get him into their village. But when he was handling business he switched it for one of the many others. 
“I’m not in the habit of denying myself the pleasures life has to offer,” he shrugged. 
Y/N could feel herself heat up at that statement. She certainly hoped he didn’t.
Harry was trying to pace himself, knowing he had a long evening ahead of him. But the way she was fidgeting in her seat, rubbing her thighs together, he wanted nothing more than to stick his hand between them and if anything, just hold her steady. She was distracting him from his plan.
“You’re walking a lot better already.” he pointed out, trying to steer the conversation in a different way.
“Yeah. I feel so much better. It hardly even hurts anymore, but I try and remind myself to take it easy still. Where are you taking me?”
“You’ll see soon enough.”
“Oh? Is it a surprise, then?”
“Do you like surprises?”
“On what?”
“Well, I guess it depends on if it’s a good surprise or not.”
Harry furrowed his brows smilingly “Fair enough. I think it’s a good surprise.”
“Then I’m sure I’ll like it.”
Harry took a mental note of that. He couldn’t say the same for himself though. Every time life had taken him by surprise it had been unpleasant. He liked to feel in control, liked knowing what to expect when to expect it, so he didn’t imagine he’d enjoy any kind of surprises, not even the good ones.
Pulling into the drive-in he heard Y/N’s small gasp. “Oh, wow! I never would’ve expected this!”
“It’s a nice night, figured we could take advantage.”
Y/N smiled to herself. She hoped he’d take advantage. Maybe this meant he’d want to fool around with her a bit. She was already on edge and he hadn’t even so much as kissed her cheek.
After parking in a decent spot, they got out of Harry’s car and walked to the concession stand, which to Harry’s dismay did not have the kind of menu he’d hoped for. 
“This is all junk food,” he pointed out.
Y/N laughed, “Of course it is. What did you think you’d get at a drive-in?”
Harry honestly didn’t know. He didn’t imagine the selection of food would be so poor. 
They settled on a soda pop, a big strawberry milkshake, a hotdog with all the toppings for Harry, cheesy tater tots for Y/N, and a box of chocolate-covered peanuts which they then brought back to Harry’s car.
Harry took a big bite of his hot dog and stopped chewing the moment he tasted the mixture of toppings that Y/N had told him he needed to get. It was awful. A soggy bun with a salty tube of meat melding with a sweet and tangy pickled gelatinous concoction, a fake runny cheese substance, raw onions, and mustard. This was… not good. 
He looked over at Y/N as he forced himself to gulp down the horrid thing as she was happily popping her cheesy tater tots into her mouth. He noted it was the same cheese on his hot dog. 
Unwrapping the foul thing he wiped off the toppings into the paper and used one of the napkins to hold the hotdog and tried again. It was better. Still not good. A grilled ribeye steak sounded much better to him at that moment. Even a bowl of macaroni and cheese (made with real cheese) would have been better.
“You don’t like it?” 
Harry turned his head toward the girl as she eyeballed what he had left of his hotdog, “No. All those toppings were making it worse. What kind of tricks are you trying to play on me?” Harry laughed.
“I’m not! That’s what I’d put on my hotdog if I were going to get one. Do you want my tater tots? We can trade?”
Harry shook his head, “No. It’s got that abysmal excuse for cheese sauce on it. Probably all soaked into the potato.”
Y/N scoffed,” Abysmal? This is nacho cheese sauce, you uncultured man! You cannot talk shit about nacho cheese sauce. It’s classic concession-stand food!”
Harry laughed and shook his head, “It’s awful.”
Y/N held up a tater tot to Harry, “Here, this one is untouched by the cheese sauce. You can have it.”
Harry tilted his head and smiled before opening his mouth up to let her put it into his mouth.
Pushing the tater tot past his lips, Y/N enjoyed how his tongue jutted out and the pad of her finger came into contact with the wet muscle for a moment.
“Better,” he smirked.
Harry tuned the station on his radio to the drive-in channel and kept the volume low. 
He flagged down the hostess who was making her rounds after he finished off his sad excuse for a meal. He decided to order a bucket of buttered popcorn, as he was still hungry. And when he saw that there were cocktails on the menu he figured he’d order one for Y/N.
It wasn’t often that she got to look at him without him casting his undivided attention on her. She wasn’t sure what he’d asked her while he placed their drink order, lost in thought while admiring his side profile talking to the hostess. He was quite the specimen, Harry. Yes, he was. And the way he carried himself talking to other people was a sight to behold as well. He was so assertive and self-assured, she couldn’t even dream of exerting that kind of self-confidence. So, truly, she hadn't been worried about where he was going to take her on their date or what they were going to do, or even what cocktail he was ordering her. It was just something about him that made her want to surrender and let him take over, and this was quite new to Y/N. She was a very independent woman, and she was no pushover by any means. She always stood her ground, always went for what she wanted, never let anything stand in her way, and most of all, never let a man control her in any way. She was quite the rebellious kid, even her own father could never really discipline her the way he’d wanted to. She was more stubborn than even her own brother, and she’d been quite the tomboy growing up. It was why she went to military school and pursued this career. She was not a girly girl by any means.
But there was just something about Harry that brought out her feminine side a lot. She didn’t have to step into her own masculine that much now that a true male was by her side. He was there, and she felt safe. Taken care of. 
She felt conflicted over these feelings. Her independent nature wasn’t used to letting her guard down. But his presence comforted her and made her want to explore this side she’d repressed since forever. All her previous boyfriends had told her she was too bossy, too stubborn, that she emasculated them. And now she was realizing that the right man would never feel that way around her.
The hostess left and he turned to look at her just as she was coming to the conclusion. The right man. Was that him? What about all the things she didn’t know about him still? What about the cabin, what about the expensive cars, the designer clothes? What was he hiding? That was the only thing that kept her from fully jumping into things with Harry. He was still quite the mystery to her. It felt wild that she could feel so safe in his presence, fully aware of how much he wasn’t telling her. How did he manage to do that? How was he disarming her in such a manner?
“So what movie are we watching?”
Harry paused, looking around for a bit, “I’m… not quite sure.”
Y/N laughed, “Are you serious?”
“The whole point of this, sweetheart, is to spend time in your presence. You wanted a date so I took you out on a date. I couldn’t care less what movie is showing, to tell you the truth.”
Y/N’s mouth fell slightly agape at that. He had a habit of rendering her speechless and again- contrary to how she’d normally react to that feeling, loved it. 
“Is that alright?” he pinched her chin between his thumb and his forefinger and dropped his gaze to her lips.
“Yes.” she managed, her eyes dropping to his lips as well. She wanted nothing more than to finally feel his mouth on hers again. She’d normally have taken the plunge by now, but Harry had a way about him that made her want to let him set the pace.
And for a moment she felt he’d go in for the kiss, but the lights went out and the movie began rolling on the big projector ahead. He removed himself and sat back in his seat and so did she.
It wasn’t long before the hostess returned with their order, and with the popcorn placed between them, they were silent for a bit as the movie started. The popcorn was better than the hotdog by far. Harry was taking big palmfuls and scooping it into his mouth. He was rather hungry. He hadn’t imagined the food would be so bad at the concession stand. 
Y/N watched him munch the popcorn, his jaw working as he chewed. Everything he did was attractive. Even watching him chew food had her body warming up.
When he’d swallowed his mouthful he knew she’d been looking at him so he moved his head to look back at her, “How’s your drink?” 
Y/N kept her head leaned on the seat’s headrest as she watched Harry. She had a bit of hair over her face so he reached over to move it away before she could answer, his knuckle brushing against her cheek.
“Thank you,” she smiled, “And it’s really good. If I had been paying attention this is exactly what I would have ordered myself.”
Harry liked how she responded just then. It was a simple touch and he was doing everything in his power not to slide his hand up her skirt and squeeze her thigh like he wanted. Well, he wanted far more than just that. She smelled delectable and the bottom hem of her dress was sitting at her mid-thigh. He could imagine laying her seat back and pulling her legs over the center console and diving right in. She’d like it too. He’d make sure of it.
Harry wanted to devour her. Drag her into his lap and feel her fragile body against his. Put his hands on any skin he could see, and move his palms underneath the fabric to places he couldn’t see. 
But Harry was going to be a gentleman. He was going to do what Niall told him to. At least in part. It was killing him to see her bare thigh only inches from him and not do anything about it. And he had a hard time peeling his gaze from where her soft breasts were covered by the fabric of her dress. He could easily pull the material down and have her in full view. Suck on them. Nip at the smooth skin…
Y/N bit her lip when she noticed Harry kept looking over at her. She felt his gaze on her. She liked it, though. She wanted him to do something. To reach across and press his lips against hers. She could straddle his lap and wrap her arms around his shoulders and let him paw at her all he wanted. 
Y/N had seemed to enjoy her cocktail, so when the hostess came to clear everything up he ordered her another one. He knew how little alcohol went into these things and he wasn’t worried in that regard. He wanted her to loosen up a bit though, something was on her mind and she wasn’t relaxing the way he’d have liked her to. He wanted her to enjoy their date- after all- it’s what humans liked, wasn’t it? Had the movie been a wrong choice? He hadn’t seen it before and wasn’t really paying attention, but from what he could tell it was a typical romantic comedy, pretty enjoyable by the way other people were laughing around them. Y/N giggled at a few scenes but he could tell she wasn’t really paying attention to it either.
By the time she finished her second cocktail and he removed the empty cup from her hands, he took note of her icy fingers. She then pressed her hands in between her thighs and curled in on herself a bit and that’s when he realized she must’ve been cold. Of course, she was- they were standing idle in an open field, it was well into the night and she was only wearing that flimsy dress. 
She glanced over at him “A bit. Sorry. I didn’t think to bring a jacket.”
Harry pondered for a moment “Let’s move to the backseat so we can sit closer and I can keep you warm, hm?”
Y/N nodded and followed him to the backseat, and he immediately opened up his arms for her, and pushed her flush to his side, rubbing his warm hand up and down her arm. 
It was torture, this date. Harry felt like he could howl. Who had come up with this shit?! Why were they playing this silly game? They were no better than a pair of birds dancing around one another when both knew exactly how this was going to end. He was going to claim her as his, and she’d let him. They both wanted it. What was the use for this preamble? All it did was irritate him. He wanted to touch, sniff, lick, pound, and he wasn’t sure how long he was going to be able to deny his instincts around her. 
And the more he thought about it, the less sense it made. How did he let Niall convince him into doing this? They’d already had their first kiss. She’d already invited him inside. They’d already seen each other naked. This was ridiculous! This was taking a huge step back. It was probably confusing her just as much as it did him. It didn’t feel natural. It didn’t feel right, keeping his distance like this. 
He rested his hand on her hipbone and squeezed slightly, watching as she crossed her legs in response. Atop of what he could see, was what he could smell, of course. And he could feel her whole body tingling underneath his touch whenever he did something like that. She was just as riled up as he was.
Y/N swallowed thickly. She could feel her skin heat up and she knew she was starting to wet her panties. Nothing they were doing was that wild or sexy. But there was something about it being Harry. About how she knew he could do anything he wanted and yet he was only softly touching her. Keeping himself calm while Y/N was practically in a puddle and on the verge of telling him to take her back to her apartment so they could continue where they left off at the lake. 
But Harry was anything but calm. He was already beginning to thicken under his zipper, which was quite uncomfortable. He scolded himself for getting hard from barely even touching but his body’s response to Y/N had never been normal. Maybe he should start wearing joggers around her. He laughed to himself.
Harry looked down at the girl and he nearly lost it. Her lips were bitten and red, her pupils dilated, her chest rising and falling and her thighs pressed together. If this wasn’t the look of a female begging to be fucked…
“I just had a funny thought. Nothing really. Uh, feeling a little warmer now?”
Y/N nodded as she bit her lip again. She hadn’t even realized she’d been doing it but when she saw the way Harry’s eyes followed her mouth she released her bottom lip and then licked her lips, again, without conscious intention. Harry let out a small puff of breath and kept his eyes on her mouth as she spoke, “I feel a lot better. Thank you, Harry.”
That way she spoke his name felt erotic. To them both. She hadn’t intended on his name being spoken so breathily and Harry thought he would lose his mind imagining that that was how she’d say his name when he was pleasuring her. He’d gotten a glimpse the night before on the phone and couldn’t stop imagining the sound.
He buried his nose in her hair and inhaled deeply. She was going to be the death of him.
Her one hand rested on his thigh, and she began scratching with her nails, ever so slightly, just like a kitten. She looked it, with those feline eyes tonight. He wanted to make her purr.
Y/N squirmed in her seat, angling herself slightly toward Harry when she felt his nose in her hair and his breath down her neck. She wanted more. She was feeling antsy and when she could feel his fingers dig into her hip again she decided it was time to move things along. Her patience was wearing thin.
She moved her head away and he mourned the loss of her scent right under his nose for a moment before she brought her lips to his ear “Can we skip the rest?”
Harry hated feeling unsure. Hated not being in control. He wanted to do right by her and show her he was serious, but he couldn’t deny his primal nature and the way he felt he should go about it in his bones. She was calling out to him, and she’d even cut their date short, asking him to take her home. That must’ve meant she wanted him, right?
But he had to make sure. He wasn’t well versed in these human rituals, and he couldn’t risk fucking it up. Not when it came to her. 
“That was really nice, Harry. Thank you.” There it was again. The way she said his name was like an invitation for more. And that’s what it must have been. If Harry’s instincts were right about her then she was feeling the same intensity of emotions and lust as he was. If she was really his like he hoped, then they were both on the same page.
Getting out of the car, Harry walked her to her door, keeping as close as possible. He hadn’t liked being so far away from her when he was driving them back after the movie. He knew he needed to tone it down with how touchy he wanted to be with her. He wanted to have her in his lap the entire drive back. He felt like she was his already and his natural inclination was to have some part of himself in physical contact with her at all times. But until he knew for sure she was feeling what he was, he’d keep himself in line.
Y/N was feeling shaky in anticipation as they walked toward her apartment and as soon as they got to her door she felt his warm hand at the small of her back. She was losing her mind. She just wanted to jump his bones and run her hands through his hair. She wanted to tell him all about her past and ask him about his. She wanted to kiss him. She wanted a kiss. It was all she wanted all night. His warm mouth covering hers at the lake was still felt deep in her core and she couldn’t wait anymore. Not even one minute longer.
Harry was taken aback at first, that she’d been so bold, but he felt like he could breathe for the first time that evening when his lips finally came into contact with hers as she stood on her tiptoes and pulled him down so they could finally kiss. He pulled her into his body, his arms wrapping around her low back and they both sighed in relief. He cradled her delicate face into his big palms and kissed her gently at first- tentatively- making sure he was reading this right, but when she placed her smaller hands atop of his and deepened the kiss, he barely managed to pull away enough for her to unlock her door.
Harry stared down at her and part of him wondered if this is where the date would end. Niall warned him that sometimes a date would just end with a kiss. He sure hoped that wasn’t the case but he didn’t want to push his luck. 
He was ready to beg her to let him in if she told him goodnight. He didn’t want to be pushy but he needed more. It had moved past just something he wanted. He needed it. It had his entire body aching and straining.
But he didn’t have to beg. She grasped his hand as she pushed her door open and pulled him in with her. Stepping inside she fumbled to turn on a lamp and turning back around, he pounced on her, pressing her into the inside of the door. She welcomed his urgency, relished in it, had waited for the tension to snap the whole night and finally it had. She couldn’t resist moaning wantonly into his mouth feeling his palms roam over her body. That’s what she’d craved the whole evening, his hands on her, and now she felt like she couldn’t fit inside her own skin.
When he began kissing down her neck, Harry growled at the feel of her delicate skin there, the way he could feel her pulse under his lips, the way he licked where he wanted to bite and leave his mark. Y/N scratched her nails gently against the scalp at the nape of his neck and it made him feral. He didn’t know how she instinctively knew what he wanted her to do, but she pushed all his buttons just right. 
Her breathy moans and whimpers made him want nothing more than to pleasure her. He wanted to feel her shake in his arms, wanted to hear her whisper his name in his ear when he made her feel good, just the way she’d done the previous night over the phone.
“Sorry for cutting our date short… but I wanted to be alone with you. Is that so wrong?”
Harry pulled away, shaking his head and looking at her, placing his hand where his lips had just been and securing it around her throat, “How could it be wrong? Can’t you feel how right this is? Feel that?” he squeezed gently and Y/N rolled her eyes back in ecstasy, nodding as best she could against the door.
“I feel it. I want you to feel me. Feel all of me. Please.”
Harry squeezed his eyes shut at her pleading. He doubted she could make out his eyes in the semi-darkness but he couldn’t risk it with how out of his mind he felt in that moment. He bent in to kiss her again, licking into her mouth with languid strokes while his free hand explored her body, lower and lower until he reached the hem of her dress. He snaked his hand beneath it and squeezed the outside of her thigh, then the round of her ass, biting her lower lip a bit as he did that. He couldn’t wait to sink his teeth into her flesh there. He grabbed her asscheek, squeezing tightly, and he could smell her arousal pooling in between her thighs. He wasted not a moment longer before bringing his hand back up front and grazing his fingers where she wanted him most.
Y/N couldn’t help but thrust her pelvis towards him, going on her tip-toes. She winced from the pain that shot through her ankle in doing so and Harry cursed under his breath for overlooking this. He needed to get her into a position she wouldn’t thrash about. Without a second thought, he grabbed her into his arms and her legs went around his middle, bringing them to her couch. He sat down carefully, mindful of her legs, and he made sure she was resting her weight on his lap and her knees were comfortably on either side of him on the cushions. Harry whined as his fingers found the meatiest part of her bottom again when he felt the fabric of her lacy thong at the center. 
She panted into his mouth when she felt his fingers on her bare bum under her skirt. Her thong wasn’t covering much but she didn’t care. She wanted his hands all over her. Y/N scooted herself in closer as Harry continued slowly kissing her mouth, using his tongue to wet her lips and then slipping it against hers. She was losing her composure. She ground her hips into Harry’s and felt his solid erection under his jeans. 
One of his hands gathered her hair at her back and twisted it around his fist, tilting her head back and exposing her neck to him once more, while the other went in between her thighs gently feeling her soft skin as he moved his fingertips higher and closer to where her scent was beckoning him and found the crotch of her soaked panties once more. He latched his lips at her pulse point again and, pulling the drenched material to the side, he ran his fingers ever so slightly against her wet core.
“Oh my god, Harry. Don’t tease…” she mewled and Harry smiled against her neck.
“Thought you said you wanted me to feel all of you,” his thumb found her clit and she cried out in pleasure. Ah, he loved her response to him. He’d never had such an expressive lover before. He was enjoying it a lot. He’d never dragged it out with anyone this long, either. Sex was usually just that- sex. Adequate foreplay to lubricate everything enough so that it was enjoyable for both parties and nothing more. Harry had always enjoyed foreplay, but it was a means to an end. A way to heighten his own pleasure further on. But this time, he found that he enjoyed this tremendously without even considering anything in return. He loved pleasuring her just for the sake of doing just that- the way she was responding to him was spurring him on and giving him pleasure more than any form of foreplay he’d received in return had ever.
She pushed herself onto her knees against his hand as she tentatively lowered one of her own to his crotch, palming him through his jeans. She gasped at the feel of him hard and straining underneath the fabric and she quickly glanced up at his face to check for permission but his eyes were shut tightly, his nose flared as if he was trying to keep himself in check. When he didn’t stop her, she took it as her cue to begin unbuttoning his pants. 
The moment his button was undone and the zipper was yanked at, Harry groaned and pushed himself back, “Hold on…” he said as he reached inside his pants to straighten himself out more comfortably. Freeing himself of the confinement of his skinny jeans was a relief, but that’s all he would allow himself- knowing full well that if he let her touch him he’d slip over the edge and there’d be no turning back. But he loved her eagerness to please, and it was taking all of his concentrated willpower to hold back.
Y/N watched with her lips parted as he brought himself out. His tip was just there. She held her breath as she lowered her hand once more. She hadn’t had the chance to touch it before. She started to scoot back for more space and wiggled in his lap to adjust her position but Harry pulled on her hair in reprimand, “No. Stay still, sweetheart. You’re going to hurt yourself, and I’ll stop. Want me to stop?”
She shook her head and he let go of her hair, allowing her to straighten up and kiss him “Don’t stop. I need you.”
She could never tire of kissing him. He was giving it his all with every kiss. Leaving her breathless, so much so that she had to pull up for air every now and then. All the while, Harry was rubbing at her pussy in lazy circles, driving her wild. She needed more, but it felt so good like this too. The smell of his own arousal was beckoning her, and she wanted to touch too. She wanted to do a lot more than just touch. But, again, she was willing to let him set the pace, and part of her was taken aback that he’d stopped her. Most guys in his place would’ve happily accepted her returning the favor. She knew he was just teasing her, egging her on. And the anticipation was only heightening her senses. 
Breaking the kiss, Harry brought his free middle finger to her mouth, “Suck”.
She closed her mouth around him, pretending he was letting her go down on him like she so desperately craved to. Harry’s labored breathing was telling her he was waiting for that moment to happen just as much as she was, if not more. “Slide my ring off and spit it out. Go on.”
He could feel her gush against his fingers at his words and bit his lower lip watching her do as instructed. God, she was perfect. Harry would’ve never been able to conjure her up in his wildest fantasies. The way she was responding to him exceeded anything he could’ve wished for.
“This one too.” he pushed his index finger into her mouth next and watched her do the same, spitting the second ring somewhere on the couch next to the other one. “That’s a good girl.” He caressed her cheek with the back of his hand and then switched his hand for the other, bringing his ringless fingers to her entrance. 
She watched between heavy lids as he brought the other hand to his mouth, sucking the tips of his fingers into his mouth and humming low in his chest, closing his eyes. He’d had a hint of her taste before, of course, this was fresh and wet and he just simply couldn’t deny himself. 
This was different. She was different, a lot different to the females he’d been with from his own pack. She was sweeter, stickier, and now that he’d had a proper taste he was never going back. “Fuck me, Y/N. You taste so good. I’m going to want my tongue in there next. But you’ve earned my fingers for now, hm? …You want a finger, kitten?” He nudged at her entrance as he asked.
Y/N buried her own hands deeper into his hair and hung on for dear life as Harry finally began fingering her, slowly at first. How could he deny her when she asked so nicely.
“Mmmmm… Harry…. More-” Y/N pleaded in between moans. And by more, she wanted his cock. She knew he was just as turned on and that despite how large he was, with how worked up she’d gotten, he’d be able to push his way in and she wanted so badly to feel it. Not that she didn’t enjoy his finger. She just wanted more. She wanted to feel him in every way. Inside of her and all around her. 
Harry grunted on each thrust of his finger and then adding the second, he began picking up the pace. She could hear exactly how wet she was and she knew she'd make a mess out of his trousers even, but she didn’t care. His free hand went to her breast then, and thumbed at her nipple through the fabric, circling it and tugging at it just enough; then his mouth found hers again and she could still taste herself on his tongue. He then angled his palm and she cried out when he began pressing into her G-spot just right. Normally, Y/N needed clitoral stimulation no matter what, but he was doing something right, something she couldn’t replicate herself seemingly because she was sure she was going to burst any moment.
“Harry-” she grasped his hair tight and began to move her hips in time with his thrusts.
Harry tried to hold back the purr that began to vibrate from his chest but he was feeling the ecstasy just as much as she was. Her scent and her noises, the way she was yanking at his hair… and then when he felt her grinding herself down on his fingers he choked out a moan as his chest began to purr. 
He moved his mouth closer to her ear, “Fuck, Y/N… getting my whole hand wet, kitten. Good girl. Take what you need.”
“Oh god. Oh, fuck. Harry!”
“That’s it!” he nosed at her neck again, sucking the skin there into his mouth just a tiny bit, powerless to resist, “Say my name when I make you come, show me who you belong to.”
Y/N couldn’t believe how much hearing that spurred her on. The tone of his voice, so much deeper and graver than usual, the way in which he’d said it, leaving no room for interpretation or hesitation on her part made her let go and cry out his name as she came, over and over again. He didn’t let up until she slumped against his body, spent and euphoric and he rested against the back of the couch in turn, while she came to her senses in his arms.
She couldn’t put the feelings she had into words but everything about him was something that just felt right. It felt real. She felt safe with him and revered by him. She felt like she could trust him completely. Implicitly. 
Harry nuzzled into her neck to calm himself as her breathing slowed. He soon realized the contrast between his own labored breathing and her own had increased significantly, her body grew heavier against his and her heartbeats were barely audible to his heightened hearing- the girl had fallen asleep. He was surprised, but relieved because he still had a very pressing matter that wasn’t going to go away anytime soon, and if she tried to paw at him again he was sure to cave in this time around. Seeing her come apart in his arms the way she just had rendered him speechless. It was an image that would be forever imprinted on his retinae. And if he could make her come undone like that using just his two fingers, Harry was more than eager to find out how her body would react to taking him fully. 
Just the visual of that thought had him leaking precome. Harry had never needed to reign it in like this. As an alpha, he usually got whatever he wanted whenever he wanted it. He was not used to denying himself anything.
But yet, here he was, holding the most delicious being in his arms and keeping himself from absolutely ravaging her. The hardest part of that was that he knew she wanted it. So why was he doing this to himself? She’d be worth it. That’s why. Everything about the way they interacted had suddenly become so natural and so implicit that his doubts were few about what he wanted when it came to her. And he wanted her. So he’d do this right. He’d play the little game and he’d bide his time if that’s what it took. 
Although what he really wanted was to lay her flat on the couch and stick his nose right into her pussy, lick her clean. Take her flavor with him in his mouth like a parting gift.
Willing those thoughts away so he could focus on the task at hand, he held her carefully as he stood up from the couch and carried her to her bed. He hadn’t bothered turning on any lights in her bedroom but his heightened night vision could make out her pretty features in the dark with no difficulty. 
Laying her down gently, his nose picked up a familiar scent, and then he saw his own shirt he’d lent her at the lake in a puddle on the floor. Picking it up, he discovered a pair of panties in there as well, catching them just as they were about to hit the floor. Without hesitation, he stuffed them into his back pocket for… safekeeping. 
By the looks of it, she’d worn his shirt to bed. The thought alone had him purring again. She slept swaddled in his scent, the fabric of his shirt against her bare skin. She’d needed to feel his presence around her. 
He’d meant to drape a blanket over her sleeping form, but his shirt was large enough to cover her torso comfortably, and his scent would make her feel safe even in her dreams in his absence. 
He lingered a bit at the side of her bed, caressing her cheek with the back of his hand, watching her fast asleep and completely unbothered that she had a strange man in her house.
Harry knew well enough that Y/N had her reservations about him- as she should. He would’ve found her silly and reckless had she not. No, she knew he had his secrets but was choosing to trust him, but he didn’t expect her to be so vulnerable around him so soon. Sure, she’d fallen asleep on him once before- but that was back when she’d suffered what was probably the fright of her life so far (and Harry would make sure, from here on out, certainly). It was a normal reaction coming down from such an adrenaline rush. But this? This he did not expect. Her body was reacting to him instinctively. It recognized his presence was safe and comforting. And Harry reveled in that.
Harry began to back out of the room and stopped in the doorframe. He couldn’t bear the idea of parting from her so soon. He roamed his eyes over her figure. Even hidden under his shirt, or especially so, her body was beckoning him. 
He couldn’t will his feet to step away from the door. He’d just been knuckles deep inside of her. Bringing his hand to his nose he inhaled deeply and his eyes fluttered shut. He couldn't believe the restraint he’d proven not to take her then and there on the couch earlier.
But still, as much as it went against every cell in his body, he knew, rationally, that he must pace himself with her. She was not like his kind. Humans didn’t act on instinct the way they did. They didn’t understand the gravity of mating like that- the implications, the bond they’d create that nobody could ever break. Because, after all, this wouldn’t be just sex with her. This was already so much more than that.
Opening his eyes, he didn’t care to be mindful of them glowing golden. It was hard keeping himself in check like that with how much she riled him up, but not impossible. However, she couldn’t see him now, fast asleep- looming in the dark like that, preying upon her with a watering mouth.
He was achy and literally leaking. Looking down at himself, He was still hard as a rock and his tip was peeking out from over his pants, which he’d yet to zip back up. In fact, it might have been impossible to zip and button his pants with the state his dick was in. 
He brought that same hand, the fingers that had just been inside both her pretty mouth and her sweet, tight cunt, and wrapped it around himself, shuddering at the feel and instant relief. He was so pent-up that all he’d need was a few tugs. And she was right there, her scent was encompassing him, her sweet huffs in her slumber, the way her lips were slightly parted, the way her eyelashes fluttered in deep sleep. Her breath would catch at times and he thought that maybe she’d wake up and see him like that- see the real him, the predator that he was, looming in the dark, with golden eyes and primal urges he was born to give in to. 
This is who he was. 
Not the man sharing popcorn with her feet away from each other.
Cutting their date short, then initiating that kiss the way she had, and finally trying to touch and pleasure him made him believe that she was not interested in playing games either, though. The silly games people engage in that Niall and the internet had informed him about. She was going with her gut instinct more than her rational mind, and he knew it. He could see her apprehensiveness but even so, she gave in to her lust. Maybe they were more alike than he’d realized.
Part of him wished she’d wake up and see him, see the real him, and still want him just as much as she had moments prior. Would she? Could she ever see the real him and possibly want him even more? Could he risk showing her more of him? The thought of her enjoying his perverted ways spurred him on even more, the thought of her possibly being turned on by what he was doing. 
He came undone rapidly, picking a discarded sock off the floor and hoping she’d blame the washing machine for mismatching a pair while trying to regulate his breathing and be as quiet as possible. Coming to his senses a bit, he was more aware of how risky this had been.
But worth it.
He folded the sock in itself and stuffed it into his pocket, zipping himself back up. Just then, he heard the softest whimper she emitted in her sleep and Harry stepped closer with the intention of caressing her again before he left, but, extending his hand, he caught glimpse of a bit of come he’d missed on his thumb just there. His eyes sparked with mischief as he smirked to himself, and swiped his thumb across her lower lip, wetting it with his essence. The parting gift he’d wanted for himself he’d given her instead. Lewd. Dirty. But god did he love the way it looked against her mouth. A mark of sorts. His first marking on her. 
The sight alone made him stiffen right back up in his pants and his eyes widened even more when, subconsciously, the tip of her tongue wet her lips. 
Harry all but ran out of her apartment before he could cause any real irreparable damage.
Blinking her eyes open, Y/N knew something was amiss when she felt her socks against the bedding. Why would she be wearing–
Then his scent invaded her senses and she took note of Harry’s shirt draped over her middle and it all came rushing back to her-the date, what happened after the date, but she drew a blank as to how she’d gotten into bed. She remembered falling onto his chest after that mind-numbing orgasm he’d coaxed out of her, and she remembered his warm breath in her hair as he combed his fingers soothingly through it, his other hand caressing up and down her thigh.
She just felt so content, so perfectly relaxed in his arms that she must’ve fallen asleep. That had never happened before. Usually the first few times she was intimate with someone new, she’d have trouble finding sleep if they spent the night. Let alone fall asleep in their arms like that. 
But it was just the way Harry made her feel. Safe and taken care of, that her body naturally trusted him to do just that.
By the looks of it, though, he hadn’t spent the night. He’d tucked her in and left, but there was just one issue- he’d left her socks on. And while Y/N understood why he’d be weary of undressing her without her express consent, even after all they’d already done together and seen of each other, she couldn’t help but wonder- was he the kind to wear socks to bed? Because if he was, as wonderful as the previous night had been, she’d have to end it before it even began. She couldn’t date a monster.
She decided to text him to apologize. The poor guy had to go back home with blue balls and on top of that he didn’t even get a thank you kiss for that amazing orgasm… and maybe another kiss good night, too. 
“I’m sorry for falling asleep :( I feel awful…”
His response was rather prompt,
“Oh? Here I was thinking you were feeling good to have fallen asleep like that.”
“... You know what I meant. I never got to thank you properly.”
“You want to thank me properly, kitten?”
Y/N bit the lapel of his shirt, barely containing her grin at the use of the pet name,
“I’m caught up with some business but will clear up time over the weekend, and I’ll let you do all the thanking you want. How’s that sound?”
Y/N deflated a bit. That was days away. She’d hoped to see him sooner. Also, what business? This just reiterated how little she actually knew about him. 
“We’ll see how grateful I still feel by then :)”
“We shall see.”
Y/N was not feeling fabulous. She figured she must’ve been experiencing withdrawal. The past few days had been agonizing. She realized her little crush might be a little more than just a crush with how much she was thinking about him, and how much she was craving being in his presence. It didn’t even have to be remotely sexual- she just wanted to be around him. Learn more about him. She just… wanted to take things further. 
It was finally Friday though, so if he was going to stay true to his word they’d be seeing each other soon. But by the way he was seemingly treating this, whatever it was, between them, it seemed like he was just looking for something casual with her. He hadn’t so much as called since they’d texted that morning. Which, maybe was her own doing- maybe she’d given him the wrong idea with how she’d all but jumped his bones cutting their date short like that. And the way she’d taken her bra off at the lake that evening. And, well. Maybe had she not been so ready to jump into bed with him he’d be pursuing more than just that with her right now. 
Or maybe she was being ridiculous and this was a grown man and not a high school jock. 
She was sick of these dating games. Was sick of holding back, and playing by the rules as to not appear too desperate or needy and give the other person the wrong impression. What was so wrong in showing you were interested? Yeah- she’d done what felt right in the moment and she didn’t regret it, not at all. She just hoped he knew that that was not the only thing she wanted from him. Because she genuinely liked his presence and wanted to explore this connection further, see what could potentially be there. 
She mindlessly played with the rings she was wearing on her necklace while she contemplated that at the station- this was the last day she’d have to do boring office duty and she was more than ready to come in on Monday and start patrolling again. 
Harry had forgotten his rings at her place, the ones he’d had her remove from his fingers using her mouth. She’d found them on the couch and inspected them closely before trying them on on her fingers and realizing they were too large and instead opted for a necklace, wearing them like pendentives. So she was sure to remember to give them back when he saw him first.
She loved his jewelry. Not usually a fan of men wearing rings but there was something about Harry that made them blend seamlessly into his character. She loved that each was so unique- but she hadn’t had a proper chance to inspect the others as closely as the two he’d left behind in her apartment. She brought them into her view as she sat at her desk and inspected them again for the umpteenth time. The inside of both bands had “Gucci” engraved so she knew they were quite valuable. One of them was a band featuring bears that appeared to be dancing. The other was an animal head, what appeared to be a wolf. She figured he must’ve been more into the forest and wildlife than she’d realized because those were quite the interesting choices for jewelry.
Karl came back from his patrol with Tom and sat at the desk, taking his ranger hat off and placing it on his knee, while his partner readied himself for night watch, brewing coffee in the break room, “Ready to get back out there, Y/N?”
“Am I ever… being cooped up here for the past 2 weeks has been torture.”
The older man chuckled, “I bet. But it was probably for the best.”
Y/N furrowed her brows, “Why, what do you mean?”
Karl sighed heavily, leaning back in his chair, “There’s been some interesting activity regarding wildlife. We’ve been seeing traces but today we’ve found evidence of some pretty brutal attacks, probably between two packs of wolves. Seems to have been quite the carnage.”
“Oh, my. Any carcasses?”
“No, but we’re pretty sure there were… victims, so to say. But, no, interestingly enough we couldn’t find any bodies. Who knows where they must’ve hidden to die off. Further into the forest for sure.”
Y/N couldn’t help but worry at the prospect of all these wolves potentially going at each other’s throats in proximity to Harry’s cabin. 
“... No human victims, though, right?”
Karl scrunched his face in amusement, “What would people be doing so deep into the forest? Nobody goes there, not even us rangers.”
“But what if someone were to wander off…”
“We would’ve heard if someone had gone missing while hiking. And people are usually mindful of the traced paths and all the off-limits warning signs. In all my time here we’ve had very few incidents.”
“Aside from the ranger I replaced.” Y/N swallowed the lump in her throat.
Her mind wandered to her predecessor. The man she replaced was brutally murdered, supposedly by a pack of wolves. There was no other explanation but there was an investigation because the police felt like there was something else at play. Forensics found nothing that pointed to human involvement, though. There hadn’t been such a violent attack in the woods before that they knew of. Certainly not with a forest ranger. Nick told her what had happened and how they found the man off the trail about a mile into the woods torn to shreds. Some of his parts were never recovered.
“Yeah. Frank, may God rest his soul. Poor fellow. Good partner, too.”
“He was your partner?”
“Yeah, back when we used to have assigned partners instead of rotating, we used to patrol together in the deeper parts. But he was just a bit too nosey. Especially about stuff like these…”
“What, you mean the wolves?”
Karl nodded absently, a faraway look on his face. “He was convinced something was amiss, that it was more than just wolves involved. He went snooping on his own… and that’s the last we saw him alive.”
Y/N's blood froze. That sounded a lot like what she’d done with the cabin and even how she’d gone about finding Harry and the pup in the first place. She could’ve easily been in Frank’s stead, and none the wiser. At least he’d told people about his concerns.
“What do you mean more than just wolves?”
“I’m not sure, to tell you the truth. Some of the things we came across were a bit too gore to have been just wolves.”
“Considering we’ve hardly seen any, it’s very unlikely that there are so many hidden far away. Bears usually are pretty nosey. No, this all looked like wolf hyperactivity; who knows what goes on in their world, you know? What kind of feuds they’ve got going on that we don’t understand. They are pretty vicious creatures, especially amongst their own kind, so it’s not entirely surprising. But Frank was adamant there was more to it…”. Suddenly the man stood up, placing his hat back on his head, “I’m sure you’re very capable, Y/N. Make no mistake, I’m not undermining your capabilities. But Frank was a very experienced ranger, and he was careful, I’m certain of it. It just goes to show that you can’t go poking your nose where it doesn’t belong. Wild animals are not to be tempered with. They’re unpredictable, and this is their territory. So don’t be a hero. Alright? Stay safe out there.”
Y/N nodded as Karl took his leave for the day, gulping as she fidgeted with the rings on her necklace. She felt a very strong urge to call Harry and make sure he was okay. He did mention he’d have some business to take care of, so hopefully, that meant he wasn’t at the cabin while all of this was happening deep into the forest.
Unless said business involved the cabin, as she’d originally suspected.
“Y/N?” Karl popped his head back into the main office, “There’s a young man outside waiting for you?”
Y/N straightened in her chair abruptly and nearly fell off it in what would’ve been a very embarrassing story Karl would’ve probably lived to tell the rangers that joined in after her.
“Yeah. Be right out,” she tried to save face but she didn’t miss the older man's amused expression as he nodded his goodbye again.
She was done for the day too, she’d actually enjoyed her conversation with her colleague and got distracted. Otherwise, she’d been eyeing the clock like a hawk all day in anticipation of her two weeks of office work being officially over.
Trying to keep her cool, she tucked her necklace inside her shirt and gathered her belongings in her backpack, and walked out of the station after wishing Tom an easy night shift in the breakroom, and taking her sweet time in doing so too. She even threw in a giggle there, which probably threw her poor colleague off, but she felt petty enough to do it… and so she did. Harry seemingly had a way of coaxing the most unexpected reactions out of her.
The man in question was leaning against his original larger car, his arms crossed, and of course, sporting that seemingly perpetual scowl that she found so attractive. She bit the inside of her cheek to steady herself and approached him. As she was getting closer, Harry’s expression morphed from neutral if slightly irritated because of aforementioned scowl, to confused verging on… worried.
“What’s the matter?” he asked before she even reached him.
She furrowed her brows, “What do you mean? What?” she touched at her face in reflex “Do I have something on my face?...”
He reached out and grabbed her shoulders, looking her over intently, “Are you hurt?”
“...No? Why?”
Harry was certain she was deeply wounded. There was no way she’d hurt herself by accident and couldn’t feel it with the amount of blood he was smelling on her. 
“Are you sure?”
She laughed, “Yes, I’m sure. What’s gotten into you? My ankle is good as new! See?” she wiggled her foot for show.
Harry was thrown off by this. She seemed fine. She didn’t appear to be lying- he could always tell when people were lying- their not-so-subtle cues paired with the rush in their blood flow always gave them away- but she was being truthful, she wasn’t hurt or at least wasn’t aware of it. Giving her another once-over he decided to take her word for it and drop it- although something was definitely off. 
Was there someone else’s blood on her somehow? But he was familiarized with her own blood’s scent from when he’d cleaned her wounds at the cabin–
“Harry?” The man’s eyes snapped back at hers, “Are you alright?”
“Yeah. Yeah– sorry. Uhm. Right.” he blinked, re-focusing, “Let’s get moving, want you to catch more daylight than last time.”
“The lake. Thought we’d go for a swim again,” he opened the passenger door and held it open for her as per usual.
Y/N stalled, hesitating, “Uhm. Yeah… I can’t, though.”
Harry frowned, “Why? Did you go already?” Without me, he wanted to add but refrained.
“No, I, uh… well. We can still go but I can’t get into the water.”
“It’s still warm outside and I promise I’ll get you out before the sun sets this time around. And I’ll think of other ways to warm you up more efficiently,” he added with a smirk, roaming his eyes over her body once more, but this time for a different purpose.
Y/N raised an eyebrow and fought off a smile, “That’s awfully considerate of you, however… it’s not that. I, uh… well, I’m on my period,” she shrugged, defeatedly. There was no other way to put it.
Harry paused, staring at her for a long moment. That notion had completely gone right over his head. He knew, of course, that human females bled monthly, unlike his own kind, that inherited the canine characteristics in this regard and only went into heat once a year.
His eyes widened, realizing that must’ve meant that Y/N was essentially in heat.
And that triggered something within him. Something he’d just given himself a pep talk over. But how could he possibly stick to the plan in her presence now knowing she was, well… breedable?
Harry used all of his concentrated willpower to keep his eyes from brightening at the realization. 
“I’m sorry if that was TMI…” Y/N grimaced when he just stared at her. She’d never seen him taken aback like that. Had she grossed him out?
“Of course not,” he furrowed his brows even deeper. “Don’t be silly. What, uh… what do you normally do?”
“What, like, when I’m on my period?” she laughed “Are you sure you’re alright?”
“What’s wrong with my question?”
Y/N stammered, “Nothing, it’s just… I mean, I don’t know. I usually just stay in, eat comfort food, fight off cramps cuddled up on my couch, and watch romcoms.”
Cramps. So there was a level of discomfort there, then, “Are you in pain?”
Y/N tried not to laugh again, he seemed genuinely interested in knowing for some reason. Had none of his girlfriends had their periods around him? Or had he just never had a relationship long enough to have to deal with this? Or did he just never have relationships at all? “Uhm, not right now. It’s usually worse during the night, I guess…”
“Do you take medication for the pain?”
“Rarely. If it gets unbearable.”
“But usually I can ride it out, I just, you know… place a warm water bottle on my belly or something.” she couldn’t resist covering her face, “Gosh, this is embarrassing.”
Harry gently removed her hands from her face, “Why is it embarrassing? I just want to know, so I can help.”
“... You want to help?”
Harry bit his lower lip. This was verging on dangerous territory. “Yes. Is that so wrong?”
Y/N blushed, remembering the instance in which she’d used that exact same phrase after their date. “No. No, it’s not.” She smiled, “You could come over if you want? Distract me?”
Harry was beyond confused. He’d never heard of the females in his pack being in pain during their heat. Well, maybe only if they couldn’t get someone to breed them– Was this why Y/N was hurting, then? Because there wasn’t anyone to breed her? Sure, Niall had told him impregnating her was physically impossible but the act itself was surely enough to comfort her. 
It all made sense. The way he could distract her from her pain was to fuck it out of her. She was in heat and needed to be bred. 
He knew from his own experience during his rut, the agony was almost unbearable. He needed to release around the clock to keep sane. It must’ve been the same for her. Poor thing.
Only- he wasn’t smelling her arousal. Which didn’t make any sense. Maybe her blood was overpowering it… Yes, that must’ve been it.
Harry had really wanted to give this whole human ritual angle a go, for her sake- but refraining from soothing his ma– little human was something he couldn’t even fathom.
“I’ll distract you.”
First things first- Y/N mentioned comfort food. He’d take it a step at a time. Harry was quite the enthusiast when it came to cooking, and what better time to etalate his talents in the kitchen than now that his services were needed the most. He drove them to her place, then dropped her off and when she turned to look at him confused as to why he wasn’t getting out of the car, he reassured her “Just gonna grab a few things and be right back, alright kitten?” 
He didn’t miss the small smile that played on her lips as she nodded and headed towards her apartment building. He waited for her to get in safely then drove off to the nearest supermarket. While he was going through the aisles, he dialed Niall’s number. Just to be on the safe side.
“Uhm- I’m kind of in the middle of something–”
“Then step to the side. What can you tell me about human menstruation?”
He could hear his friend rub his face in frustration and a bit of shuffling around before closing a door behind him with a sigh “What about it?”
“How does it work? Is it like when our females go into heat?”
“Yes and no. Ours only do it once a year, they go through this every month. Doesn’t last as long though, a few days, varying on individual aspects.”
“Is it painful?”
“Yeah, it can be quite painful.”
“Would you say it was unbearable?”
“I dunno Harry- last time I checked I wasn’t a woman.”
“Does sex help?”
Niall paused “It can help- but what’s this about exactly? Is Y/N on her period?”
Harry growled lowly “That’s none of your business.”
“Sheesh. You can fuck her if she wants, might help with the pain even- there’s no contraindications.”
“But isn’t it… preferable? You know, the same way females in heat need to be bred?”
“Hold on. Wait. Yeah- here’s the catch. The main difference is that while our kind are most fertile during their heat and need to be bred- humans are least fertile during their period. They have no urge to procreate during menstruation. That occurs for them during ovulation.”
“... What happens during ovulation?”
“Basically, it’s like they’re in heat minus the bleeding. That’s when they’re at their horniest.”
“And does that occur monthly too?”
“Yes, roughly 10 days before menstruating.”
Harry immediately thought about their encounter at the lake and the way she’d smelled a lot more potent and alluring to him. And judging by Niall’s calculations, she must’ve been ovulating then. Which explained her eagerness and boldness. He felt a pang of guilt for taking her home without comforting her in any way.
“You still there mate?”
“Yeah– ok. Ok, that checks out. So sex isn’t necessarily something that would help right now?”
“I’d leave that for later, maybe. Humans are weird about these things.”
Harry recalled how she’d mentioned it was embarrassing and figured Niall was probably right. He was going to shelve this for a later time, then. He had a feeling his little human would benefit from this special treatment. He thanked his friend for the info and let him go back to whatever he was doing that he was eager to get back to, and focused on his shopping. If sex was off the table for now he was going to spoil her in other ways, and he had a good idea about what else might make her feel better.
Harry was walking back through Y/N’s door much sooner than she’d anticipated. She had just started getting into an episode of a new show when Harry was opening her door that she’d left unlocked. She turned quickly to watch him with his arms full. In one arm a paper bag full of groceries and in his other, Eddie.
Y/N hopped up from her spot when she saw them and beamed, “You brought my favorite little guy! Look at you!” She took the pup from Harry’s arm and placed him down on the floor, squatting down next to him to pat his head.
“Thought you’d like seeing him. And I got some groceries so I can make us dinner. Now,” he gestured at the girl, “go put your feet up on the couch. Edward can lie with you while I make food.”
Harry wasn’t sure exactly why he was feeling so protective of her. Well, he kind of knew but this sudden need to care for her and soothe her was unusual. He’d never jumped into action in this way before. But then again, everything with Y/N was all new to him. He was fighting his natural urges while also trying to balance them with what she might expect from a boyfriend. Was that what they were? 
Harry had been doing more independent research about what it was like to date and what women expected. They liked to take things slow, but they also didn’t like to be kept waiting for some kind of commitment (which didn’t make any sense to Harry). Dating wasn’t an explicit commitment and sometimes humans would date multiple people at once. Another thing that boggled his mind. If Harry ever found out that she was dating anyone else he’d lose it. He didn’t think he’d be able to hide his inclination to harm the other man. So he wanted to figure out a way to make it clear to her that she was his. Only, he wouldn’t say it like that to her in case that sort of thinking scared her off. Humans were funny about being their own person and possessive behavior was typically frowned upon by them. 
Before he headed into the kitchen, Harry picked up Edward and placed him over her tummy. Y/N immediately started petting him- he was a bit sleepy as it was later into the evening and past his bedtime which was perfect for what she needed right now. Soon, he closed his eyes and started purring, which Harry figured would help soothe her cramps and was essentially what made him go get his nephew in the first place, aside from the fact he knew she’d enjoy seeing him again.
Harry tried to ignore his jealousy over that bit. He really wanted to just lie there with her on the couch and warm her with his hand to soothe her. But he pushed down those thoughts. He planned on doing just that after they ate dinner. 
It didn’t take long for Harry to make the truffle macaroni and cheese dish. Normally, he would use fresh truffles but he didn’t find any at the supermarket he’d been to and an employee there assured him he wouldn’t find any outside specific markets- so he’d had to settle for truffle oil and hoped it’d taste just as good. Thankfully their cheese selection was good, so he was able to use his favorites for the dish; Gruyere, fontina, and fresh parmesan to balance the flavors.
After he plated their food, he handed her a bowl and placed another down on the floor for Edward, only his bowl consisted of a mix of vegetables and meat, to his disappointment- his nephew was not pleased by this. Harry was still trying to keep up the facade about Edward being a pup so feeding him truffle mac and cheese would be confusing to a human. He was lucky Harry wasn’t feeding him dog food.
“Harry! Oh my god!” Y/N spoke as she held her hand in front of her mouth full of pasta, “This is so fucking good!” Harry smiled to himself. He knew it was good. He knew she’d like it.
Y/N was feeling absolutely pampered. He washed the dishes and gave her a pint of chocolate fudge ice cream to eat while he cleaned. But she kind of hoped he’d settle down and just lie with her or at least sit. He’d barely relaxed since he’d come back with the groceries and Eddie other than to eat with her.
“Harry?” Y/N sat up and looked toward the kitchen. She blinked her eyes at the sight of him in there cleaning her countertop and working in it like it was his own kitchen. And he had put his hair into a bun. It was oddly attractive. She’d never dated a guy with long hair. It always felt so feminine on most men. But Harry was an exception to that. He was masculine and took up a lot of space so his soft curls made sense on him somehow. He was equally pretty and handsome.
He turned to look at her when he heard her call his name and raised his brows in question.
“Will you please sit down with me for a bit? Eddie is nice company but I was hoping to have yours as well.”
Harry grinned, dimples carving into his cheeks, “I’ll be right there.”
She wanted him there with her. He would certainly make that happen. After putting the pot away that he’d just dried, Harry picked Edward up and placed him on a pillow next to the couch, and sat down. But Y/N pulled at him so he was right next to her. She was grateful for his attention and thoughtfulness. But she wanted him. Wanted to kiss him and have him hold her. 
“Such a needy little thing, Y/N,” Harry laughed at her grabby hands.
“What do you need right now, hm?”
Y/N smiled and bit her lip. She was never one to be shy about what she wanted, but Harry brought something else out of her. Made her feel tingly and bright all over the way he looked at her. The way he always seemed to look like he wanted to devour her. She wanted to devour him too, though.
Instead of speaking an answer, Y/N let her eyes travel to his mouth and then back up to his eyes as she licked her lips.
Harry was an expert at reading body language. He had to be because, in his wolf form, he was unable to speak so when he and his pack would need to communicate in their shifted form they relied heavily on body language. And he knew what she wanted by her simple gesture. She didn’t need to speak for him to understand her.
Moving his hand to her hip and pulling her into his arms, Harry put his nose against her neck, “Want me to hold you?” He kissed her soft skin and the way her heart was pumping rapidly against her pulse point was not missed by him. 
She let out a shaky breath and he felt her nod. He placed another soft peck against her neck before bringing his lips up to her mouth in a kiss that had Y/N completely melting. She brought her small hand up to his jaw and opened her mouth for him as he deepened the kiss before parting with a gasp. He had to take it easy. 
Harry moved them around, lying on his back with Y/N lying atop his chest. He moved his hands down and wrapped his arms around her. He hoped this counted as a third date. He wanted to do more than just hold her next time. He could tell she’d probably enjoy more than just being held even this time. To him, she definitely acted just as though she were in heat. And Niall did say it might help her if that’s what she wanted…
He didn’t have to imagine how she was feeling. He could already smell it on her. Taste it. She wanted him in the same way he wanted her. Harry’s willpower to resist was wearing thin. Especially when he could sense her aroused state.
Y/N lifted her head to look at Harry and she brought her hand up to his face and gently ghosted her fingers at his jaw, “I like you, Harry.”
Harry grinned widely and squeezed her tight, “Oh yeah? Kind of figured…” 
Y/N laughed and scooted herself upward and pressed her mouth over his. Harry loved how bold she could be at times. And he loved how she tasted. Her smooth lips against his felt so good he felt like he could lose his mind.
But that didn’t compare to the way it felt when she lowered her mouth to his jaw and then began sponging hot kisses against his neck. Harry moaned and closed his eyes as she licked and kissed his pulse point. However, it was the sudden nip and suck at his flesh that had him feeling the rush of heat that made him solid between his legs in an instant. 
“Oh… you like that…” she smiled into his neck as she repeated her gesture again.
Harry kept his eyes closed and lips parted, allowing her to mark him like she wanted. But he was slowly fading into his crude nature. Too much more of this and he’d just have to fuck her. This was the kind of thing an alpha would only allow a mate to do. 
When Y/N adjusted her position and opened her legs to straddle Harry he held her hips down to keep her from wiggling over his thickened cock too much. He needed to slow this moment down. He was here to comfort her and make her feel better but he was losing composure quickly and he needed to stop before he did anything too hasty. 
“Let’s just lie here and relax, c’mere…” Harry pulled her down so her head was lying on his chest. He couldn’t have her seeing his eyes. He was struggling to control himself.
Y/N whined and pouted which made Harry chuckle, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. You’re right. I’m on my period so I doubt you want to do anything with that…”
Harry gripped her hip tight and with his free hand he smoothed his thumb over her cheek, “Oh, Y/N. You couldn’t be more wrong. You have no idea the things I would do to you. Your period isn’t what is stopping me.” On the contrary.
Y/N drew her pointer finger in circles over his chest, “What’s stopping you then?”
Harry drew in a deep breath and continued brushing his finger on her cheek, “I just want to do this right,” he responded honestly, “there’s something here, don’t you think?”
Y/N tilted her head back to look up at him. There was something. She did know. He was right and she was thankful for his good sense. 
A few moments went by with Y/N looking up at Harry dreamily. His eyes had been closed the whole time.
Harry smiled and then finally allowed himself to open his eyes to look down at her just to find her smiling back. He noticed a necklace dangling from her delectable neck, the chain tucked under her shirt. And when Y/N saw his eyes lower to her neck she remembered his rings.
She pushed herself up and pulled the chain out to reveal the rings Harry had her remove the other night.
The smile fell from Harry’s face when he realized what she had on the chain. His rings. Another gesture that she didn’t realize the implications of. She was wearing his rings like a prize around her neck, a signal to others that she was spoken for. Of course, that wasn’t her intention but to Harry, it felt like a subconscious act that meant much more than she knew.
“I almost forgot I was wearing it,” Y/n placed the rings in her palm, still attached to the chain.
Harry tilted his head to the side, taking the sight in. He was once again taken aback by her natural instinct. First, the way she’d worn his shirt to bed, then the way she’d nipped at his neck just earlier, and now this. These were all things a mate would do, and she was doing them without a second thought. She just knew. When she went to undo the chain at the back of her neck he stopped her, “Looks too good on you to take off right now. Keep it on.”
When Y/N reluctantly pulled her body out of his arms to go for a bathroom break, he noted how Edward was fast asleep on the pillow and figured he should probably get his little human to bed as well. He walked into her bedroom and smiled to himself when the first thing he saw was his shirt discarded on her bed. She was still wearing it to sleep, then. Her room was as messy as ever, but for some reason, he found it endearing instead of being put off. He was quite the neat freak himself.
When she emerged from the bathroom she saw him in her room directly across the small hallway and smiled to herself, remembering the way she’d found him snooping in there the first time. 
He beckoned for her to step inside, “Let’s get you to bed, kitten.” She couldn’t help the wide smile at his use of that pet name he seemed to prefer for her. She then noticed him holding his shirt, “Are you wearing this to sleep?”
She blushed, realizing she’d been caught yet again for using it rather than having washed it to return it to him. Truth was, she didn’t want to give it back. But his cologne was starting to wear off and she secretly wished she could ask for another in exchange. Would that be too forward? “...Yes.”
“Then by all means…” he held it out to her and she hesitated. Did he want her to strip down and put his shirt on instead? When he raised an eyebrow at her expectedly, she bit her lower lip and discarded her top. She normally just wore his shirt and a pair of panties to bed. And he seemed to know that with the way he was looking at her. So she unhooked her bra next and tossed it to the floor. 
Harry’s nose flared, reigning himself in as he watched her undress in front of him in the soft light her bedside lamp provided. He allowed his eyes to linger longer than before on her alluring body. His eyes landed on his rings dangling right in between her breasts and swallowed the lump in his throat. Wetting his lips, he closed in the space between them and made a conscious effort to keep his eyes on hers, draping the shirt over her shoulders, much in the same way he’d done back at the lake when he first gave it to her. 
Never removing her eyes from his, she slid her arms into the sleeves easily with how loose it fit over her body, while he buttoned the shirt up for her. She then undid her pants and slid them off, leaving them in a heap on the floor.
Harry was reminded of her state of distress when the sweet rusted iron scent of blood hit him full force now that she was just wearing her panties under the oversized shirt. It was what snapped him out of it and reminded him he’d meant to put her to bed.
Taking initiative and crawling under the covers, Y/N watched as he pondered his next move. She scooted toward the middle of the bed, making sure to leave him plenty of space to follow suit, should he want to. She hoped he’d stay a little longer. Maybe even sleep over. Would he want that?  Was it something he’d want to do, just cuddle? 
She watched as he eventually took his shirt off, unbuttoning it slowly. She made a mental note to somehow trick him into leaving it behind in exchange for the one she was wearing. Harry then reached for his button to remove his pants and halted, looking up at Y/N, “Is this okay?”
Y/N nodded and gave him a soft smile, knowing full well he went commando. And sure enough, he pulled his jeans down his legs, leaving once again no underwear in sight. She didn’t miss the fact that he sported a semi, but looked away as to preserve the tenderness of the moment. He climbed onto the bed next to her and pulled the blanket over himself before pulling her into his arms again, her face pressed into his left pec.
Harry felt his heart calming and his body with it. He looked down at the girl who had her eyes closed. He brushed his hand against her jaw and his deep voice vibrated against her ear, “Tell me about that picture you have hanging above your dresser. The one where you’re wearing a military uniform.”
Y/N opened her eyes and angled her head to look up at him, moving her palm upward to his chest, before turning to look over at the photo Harry was referring to.
She sighed with a smile and laid her head back down on his chest as she began to tell him about the photo. Her family in it. Her time at military school and her training, “My brother was also in the military. Now he’s running a small business in the town he lives in with his wife. She’s pregnant. I’ll be an aunty soon,” she smiled at the thought.
“When was the last time you saw him?” 
“A couple of months ago. He lives a few hours away so it’s not so easy to just hop on over these days.”
Harry was momentarily lost in thought again as he absentmindedly twirled a strand of her hair between his fingers. He wished he could hop in a car and go see his brother, if only for a minute. He’d know what to tell him, about the growingly inevitable decision he’d have to face soon.
“What about you? Your family?” 
“Mmm…” Harry couldn’t tell her the full truth, but he could give her pieces, “My parents died when I was young. My uncle took care of me, then when I came of age I moved in with my older brother.”
Y/N craned her neck to look at Harry in the eyes, “I’m sorry, Harry. Are you close with your brother?”
“Mmh-” Harry grunted in response. He swallowed thickly and blinked his eyes. He wasn’t quite ready to talk about his brother.
Y/N realized that this might mean he didn’t want to talk about it. She laid her head back onto his chest and brushed her fingertips over his butterfly tattoo and higher, feeling his sparse hairs under her palm. She wanted to ask about his tattoos too. Maybe that would’ve been a safer route to getting to know more about him. Soon, his breathing became more shallow and she was sure he had fallen asleep.
But Harry was far from asleep. They laid in silence for a long while as he considered her question and as much as he didn’t want to talk about his brother, he decided that, for her, he would talk about it. Well, what he could anyway.
“He and his wife recently passed.”
Y/N lifted her head to look up at him. She hadn’t expected that. She listened intently as he continued. “It was a bad accident. Uh… and Edward was their… pet, actually, and so I took him in.”
Y/N pushed her arms around Harry’s frame and squeezed him, smushing her cheek to his chest, “Oh, Harry… that’s awful. I’m so sorry. Eddie is lucky that you took him in. If you want to talk about it… how it happened, I’ll listen.”
Harry sighed and closed his eyes. She was sweet. He felt like he could trust her completely and it took everything in him not to tell her more. But he couldn’t risk that. In that moment, he only wanted to do whatever it took to protect their growing bond.
“Maybe another day.”
Y/N nodded into his chest and closed her eyes. Harry’s natural scent was calming and her cramps were soothed. She was so pleased that Harry had shared with her what he did. It meant he trusted her. That felt important. And it meant more to her than he knew that she finally got to know something personal about him. Especially something so vulnerable. She felt content.
Harry could tell she was beginning to doze off. Her heart rate was slowing and her breaths were lighter even. He gently began to adjust her in his arms so she’d be more comfortable.
Y/N drowsily felt him turn her to her side and, fearing he’d then pull away and leave she asked in a small voice “Will you stay the whole night with me?”
It was then that it dawned on him that he’d be spending the night, sleeping next to her. He’d never done that with anyone else before. He would’ve thought it would feel unnatural to be laying in bed with her- him naked and with her bleeding as if in heat, no less- and not engage in anything sexual, but, somehow, it didn’t. It felt right. And he felt content just to be in her presence, holding her to his body. He reached to turn off the bedside lamp and then brought his arms around her, placing a big warm palm over her belly, wishing he could allow himself to purr to soothe her even more. “Of course,” he spoke into her neck as he closed his eyes. He never wanted to leave her side again.
Chapter 7
A/N: (@fkinavocado and @gurugirl here) 20k words - enough said.
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Summons: Incubus!Noctis Caelum x Fem!Reader (NSFW)
Contains: Incubus!Noctis, biting, breast worship, vaginal fingering, mating press, creampies, dirty talk
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"Did it do anything?"
"It didn't work."
"Nothing happened."
You tossed the chalk to the ground and sat back down on the floorboards. Your friends all had a mixture of emotions painted on their faces ranging between skeptical and really fucking bored to disappointed. You looked back to your side to where the old "tome" sat opened, the spell it was opened to was obviously just a bunch of doodles and jumbled words.
"At least we can say we tried something for Halloween," you shrugged before eyeing them all.
One of your friends stood up, grabbed their backpack and slinging it over their shoulder.
"I gotta go. My dorm stops letting people in soon and I don't wanna wake up my roommate," they sighed before waving goodbye.
The others also started to trickle out one by one until you had been left alone in your dorm room. You stood up, dusting the powdery chalk off of your legs and snatching up the old tome. You and your friends had found it stashed in your school's library behind some of the older books in the fantasy section. One of your friends had slipped it into their back and brought it to your dorm room, showing you all bookmarks they had made with some of the spells and enchantments and summons they wanted to try tonight. Only one could've worked, however; a summoning spell for a demon, the description of the damned devil had been faded and even scratched up leaving so much to the imagination.
Your friends all joked that it would either be a big, brawny and very handsome demon while the others weighed that it could be an actual fucking problem like in the movies. Curiosity killed the coeurl, though, and pretty soon you had drawn out the summoning circle in great detail on your dorm's floors. You had to admit, you were a bit disappointed yourself. You were secretly hoping for a sexy demon to have some fun with, but now you were left with a mess to clean up.
You turned your back to the circle and flipped through more pages of the tome, walking towards the broom and dustpan in the corner when you suddenly felt a pair of eyes on you, burning a hole in the back of your head. Spinning on your heel, you gasped and dropped the dusty old tome to the floor.
You had company.
A man- fuck that, a demon was sitting in the summoning circle. He was on the floor, one leg tucked up while the other was stretched out. Dual black horns curled out from cool black messy hair. Eyes that looked as though he captured galaxies in them bore right into you. He was shirtless, showing off his pale and ashen skin, wearing nothing more than a pair of pants that looked like they were ripped straight from a fantasy game. An ashen tail curled behind him, swaying back and forth, snaking around his leg before brushing around like a cat's.
He eyed you lazily, raising his brows almost as if you were the one that was summoned and he was waiting for you to do your own little tricks.
"Holy shit," you mumbled as you eyed him up and down. "What the fuck?"
"I don't care much for crowds," he uttered as he gave you the same treatment.
"What kind of demon are you?"
He cocked a brow seemingly out of amusement, but you couldn't quite pin it down.
"An incubus. What kind of human are you?"
"Shouldn't Incubus have wings?"
He shot you a look.
"Shouldn't humans not be summoning demons?" Touché. He stood suddenly when you realized he was very much taller than you. He walked towards the edge of the summoning circle, stopping just where the chalk started. His tail twister behind him in curiosity as he eyed you. "You're rather interesting for a human. I'd love to know how you taste."
You were very much aware of the sharp teeth in his mouth. You caught the glints of them in the low lighting of your room.
Your cheeks heated up at his comment.
"Is that so?"
"It's true."
His eyes were staring right into your soul, reading you like an open book. He knew exactly how you were feeling, he probably knew exactly what you were feeling too. It doesn't take a fucking demon to know you were craving something crazed in the sheets. You felt a tingling feeling building up just behind your belly button, you felt your core tighten and warm up.
His nostrils twitched a bit, no doubt he could smell your arousal from where he stood just mere feet away. His eyes flared an even brighter blue. He looked like he was starving for passion and love.
"I can smell your need for me," his smile was handsome even with the fangs. "It's divine."
"Thank you?"
"All you have to do is say you want me," he stared you down, "and I can give you what you want." He eyed your pants before looking back into your eyes. "Just say you want me."
Was this real? Yes. Was this a smart thing to do? Fuck no, it was a damn demon that you just summoned from a nasty ass tome from Astrals knows when. Did you want this? Oh, absolutely!
"Take me," you barely whispered.
He broke from the summoning circle, stepping over the chalk and before eyeing knew it you were pinned against the wall of your dorm. You were thankful that you didn't have a roommate and even more thankful for the Halloween parties that were raging on across campus.
His hands were planted on your shoulders, his sharp nails dug into your jacket and pierced at your skin. His tail wrapped around your thigh and snaked its way upwards. You hissed when it teased at your sex through your pants, pressing against your warmth and tempting you even further into that little pool of list you were so damn adamant on swimming in. His tail tightened around your thigh just enough for it to start to tingle.
You whimpered, craning your neck to to meet his eyes as he stared down at you in pure hunger. Something feral lurked in his eyes and you were loving every second of it. Your body was on fire, your skin reacting so well to his touch. Was this wrong? You were about to make love with a demon. Was it really wrong?
If it was wrong, you didn't want to be right.
He captured your lips with his. He fisted your jacket and brought you as close to his body as he could. Your hands fumbled across his body. He was pretty chiseled with pecs and faint abs on the cusp of being something straight out of a porno. Your hands grabbed at his broad shoulders, anchoring yourself against him as your lips moved in tangent. Your teeth clicked against each others by accident a few times from how rough he was using your poor mouth. You could taste blood starting to linger into the kiss, traces of hearty iron tainting your tongues as he greedily drank you up like he was some vampire.
His tongue rolled over your lips before forcing them apart himself, not caring for you to allow him in. You've already sealed that fate. His tongue was warm and wet and eager to explore. He loved to explore your mouth, eagerly fighting with your tongue as you moaned softly into the kiss. Your fingers tugged at the hair that tickled at his shoulders, earning you a fierce growl from the demon as his claws sank into you more.
When he grew tired of your mouth, he parted from it and trailed his tongue down your jaw to your neck. He pressed hot, open mouthed kisses to your jugular, lapping at your pulse and nosed at the column of your throat. He inhaled your scent like he could get high off of the smell alone before licking at it again with that tongue of his. Oh Astrals, what you want him to do with that tongue alone.
He pressed hot kisses to your throat right where your pulse was the strongest, each kiss getting rougher than the last until he finally sank his sharp teeth into your delicate skin. You cried, sinking your nails into his shoulders to anchor yourself against him as your knees wobbled and threatened to give out under your weight.
Your head rolled back and smacked against your wall when his tail teased at your sex, pressing firmly against the swollen flesh, teasing at the wet spot that was slowly growing in the crotch of your pants.
His teeth unlatched from your throat and he nosed at your ear, nibbling at your earlobe and smirked.
"You're already hot and bothered and I've just been kissing you," he purred in your ear. "So eager for me."
"Please," you whimpered.
Your hands caressed up his ashen neck, toying with his locks of soft black hair.
"What do you want? Tell me."
"Please, just fuck me already. Please?"
He pinned you to the bed, his clawed hand wrapped around your jaw as he hovered above you. His palm covered your mouth, muffling your moans and pants. His eyes were wild, his teeth bared. He looked like a wild animal.
"You're very interesting for a human," he thought out loud, "I think I'll keep you around when I'm done here."
Your clothes were suddenly missing from your person, your skin chilled and your body hair stood up on its ends at the sudden loss of protection. Your cheeks lit aflame under his intense gaze, heat crawling up your face as your mind grew slightly embarrassed from the whole situation. Your hands tried to cover at your nude body, shying away from his sight as you turned your head away as the demon’s eyes lavished over your perfect form. He batted your hands away, clawed fingers wrapping around your wrists and pulling them away, planting them on either side of your head as he locked eyes with you once more.
“Don’t hide from me,” his eyes lit up like neon signs you would see cutting through the darkness of downtown Insomnia.
You were hypnotized by how beautiful his eyes were, you didn’t feel his hands release your wrists until you felt them gently caressing your body. He started at your hips, squeezing at your soft flesh before he followed the curves up to your waist and soon found his claws dragging up your ribcage right to your breasts. Your nipples had already pebbled from the cold, your body felt as though it was set on fire. Your nerves crackled with life when the calloused pads of his thumbs rolled over such sensitive flesh that it had you flinching, sucking in a quick breath through your teeth.
For a demon, he was surely being gentle with you.
His hands squeezed at your breasts, his fingertips digging in deep enough to just teeter on the brink of eliciting pain but not pushing past into that threshold. He kneaded at your breasts for a minute, drawing out soft sighs and delicate moans from your lips as your eyes fluttered shut. He slowly brought his head down, removing his hand that fondled with your left breast. You felt his warm breath hit your skin followed by wet warmth as he latched onto your nipple. You cried out loud, suddenly slapping a hand over your mouth as you suddenly remembered you were in a dormitory with dozens of people on your floor still bustling around you.
You felt his smirk into your tit before he nipped at the bud of your nipple. You hissed, your free hand coming down to snatch at one of his horns to tug his head even closer to you. You cried out again into your palm this time when you felt his sharp teeth gently sink into your nipple, tugging at it as he sucked at your supple skin. He growled sexually into your skin at the noises you were making.
You felt his tail caressing your thigh, slowly working its way between your legs and nudging them apart just enough for him to slot one of his knees between them. He pressed his knee right up against your throbbing cunt that was slick with your arousal.
He released your poor breast only to latch onto the other. Instead of replacing your now sore and tender breast with his hand to knead the soft skin, he instead brought it down to your aching pussy and caressed your dripping folds. You jumped at the feeling of his cold claw slowly slide against you, parting your cunt as the rough pad of his index finger rubbed at you. You groaned, digging the back of your head into the rumpled sheets below. He was careful with you still, never going too fast with your delicate skin, never drawing blood as he rubbed at your pussy with his clawed finger. He quickly added a second one, arching it just enough for the tip of his claw to scratch lightly at your cunt and pull a gasp from you before you suddenly choked on a moan. You screwed your eyes shut as a surge of something electrical shocked your entire body, your limbs suddenly going a little numb as your body twitched and trembled at the feelings he was pulling from you by just sucking at your tits and fingering you as best as he could.
He pulled away from your breast and looked up at your face when he felt you look away, your grip on his horn almost faltered, sliding down the curved base until you moved your hand to grasp lightly at his dark locks.
“Look at me,” he growled darkly. He quickened his pace with your cunt. You felt your legs start to tremble, your core start to tighten, you didn’t have much longer. “Look at me when you cum.”
His voice sounded more demonic at that statement. You loved the sense of danger that washed over your senses. Your eyes shot open despite your eyelids pulling with exhaustion and made eye contact with his galactic eyes. They bore into you, read your entire soul as though it was an open book.
You came suddenly on his fingers, eyes squeezing shut again only for a brief second as your vision went white. Your body shook and locked up, your hands clung to his body burning hot with desire. Your eyes fluttered open once more when you felt his fingers massaging deep into you before he pulled away. You watched as he sat back on his haunches and stared at his two fingers covered in your sweet nectar, the clear and thick fluid clinging to his skin as it shined in the low lighting in your dorm. He brought his fingers up to his mouth and lapped at them, his sharp tongue tasting your sweet orgasm with a satisfied groan, his eyes shutting as he enjoyed how perfect you tasted. Once he had licked his fingers clean of you, he opened his eyes and looked down at you still trembling from your climax.
“You taste so divine,” he praised. “I could eat you out for days on end and never get tired of how perfect you taste to me.”
His eyes lazily looked down at your cunt now slick with what remained of your climax before he looked back up at you.
“Please,” you whimpered pitifully.
“What do you want me to do to you?” he asked coyly.
“Fuck me. Please?”
You saw his sharp teeth when he smiled devilishly at you.
His pants were quickly discarded and your eyes went wide at the side of his cock. Would that even fit? Your thighs tried to close themselves on instinct, your body in sudden shock at how hung he was. Why did it surprise you so? He was a demon after all.
He climbed over you, his clawed hands snatched at the sheets on either side of your head as he brought his trim waist down close to yours. You flinched when you felt the head of his cock press against your folds and parted them with ease. He dragged his cock along your sweet little cunt, lathering his head with as much of your spilled climax as he could until you felt a tap at your passageway.
He connected his lips to yours, swallowing your cries when he thrusted into you. Your hands snatched at his shoulders, nails biting into his hot skin as his cock speared right into you. You felt so horribly full with just the little bit he had pressed into you, your walls stretched so painfully yet so deliciously that you craved more. He sank his hips down as low as he could before he bottomed out inside of you. You screamed against his lips, cried into the cavity of his mouth as his tongue explored yours when you felt his head tap at your cervix.
He suddenly broke the kiss to snatch at your ankles. He gave you no time to adjust and prepare, he gave you no warning as to what he was about to do. He suddenly brought your knees up to your chest as he held your ankles up over your head as far as they would go. He spread your legs apart and sat up straight, towering over you as he pressed himself almost completely into you. Your head craned back, mouth hung open as you moaned out loud. You didn’t care who heard you at this point.
He gave you very little time to prepare before he started thrusting at an inhuman pace. His hips smacked against yours, his heavy balls slapped against you, his cock stretched you out to the point you thought your poor cunt would tear. You were once again teetering on the edge between pleasure and pain and you were living for it.
His claws sank into your ankles just enough for blood to start to bead at the marks he left behind. He kept his eyes on you as he fucked you like an animal. They were full of lust and drank up your sinful desires like his life depended on it.
“Fuck! You feel so good-” he panted between thrusts. “I’m not letting you out of my life.”
“Please! Ah- I- fuck,” you struggled to catch a breath.
Your legs strained uncomfortably at the stretch he was forcing. Your knees being tucked up to your chin left little room for you to breathe.
“I’m gonna cum inside of you, make you mine,” he snarled down at you through bared fangs.
You could feel his abs twitching with his thrusts, you could feel his cock harden and flinch inside of your velvety walls.
You came apart once again, your walls fluttering against his cock as you cried out loud. It felt as though the air had been punched out from your lungs, it felt as though your mind was hit with a flashbang.
His thrusts became sloppy and harsh. With every thrust, he growled and snarled and moaned. He suddenly latched a hand onto your jaw and forced you to look at him. His galactic gaze made the heavy feeling in your chest grow all warm and fuzzy.
“What are you?” he snarled.
“Yours,” you whispered back. “I’m yours.”
He thrusted harshly into you one last time before he suddenly came inside of you. He roared, throat flexing as his larynx bobbed. He shot thick, hot ropes of cum right into your waiting womb, painting the poor thing white as he filled you until you were full. He refused to leave you at first, he loved the euphoric feeling of how your walls milked him for everything he had. You groaned softly at how full you felt, and the demon above you shushed you softly, slowly dropping your legs down as his cum started to drip from your abused cunt.
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zeroth-writes · 11 months
Healing Red -Noctis Lucis Caelum-
masterlist | request
Prompt: i have a request bout noct where the reader is a white magician, however her powers turn red n strong when shes angry or sad (like scarlet witch), that happens sumtimes and then, when noct is in great danger, she cant control it and unleashes a massive amount of power and saves him, the rest is up to u :)
Pairing: Noctis Lucis Caelum / Reader
Word Count: 900 A/N: I haven’t seen the wandavision series or anything else besides the main marvel movies, so the beginning scene is kinda ‘inspired’ from the age of ultron movie.
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For a split second, your heart stopped. In front of you was Noctis, lying face down in the dirt. A Yojimbo stood over him. His sword raised far over and behind his head, ready to strike the fallen prince.
Your muscles exhausted from the endless battle. All attempts to stand quickly halted. Either by an enemy striking you or your own body giving out.
You glance up just in time to see the deamons sword begin it’s long decent down. From your position on the ground your arm reaches forward, hoping to summon a barrier or something protective. 
Yet nothing happened.
Your body ached with each movement you made. Even the attempt to use magic drained all the energy you had.
With your last bit of strength you managed to pull yourself up to your knees. Head hung low, long panicked breaths. With one final burst of energy, you let out a scream.
Nothing else could be heard over the loud screech released from your mouth. Around you the enemies begin to fall. Their weapons and armor hitting the ground with a loud clank of metal slamming against various materials and objects.
Once the noise you were creating stopped, Everything went dark.
For what felt like hours, you felt yourself slipping in and out of consciousness. Drifting into the darkness only to feel yourself constantly being moved. Body carried in someone arms, resting on a leather seat, gently placed on a soft sofa.
Slowly you begin to wake up. The silent void replaced with distant. Voices became clearer as words started to connect. You were able to recognize the tones and place them to a person. Ignis.
“I’m not sure on their situation. They’ve been out since we found them.” For a minute he was silent before speaking again. “Yes. I’ll keep you updated, Goodbye.”
Your heart almost broke at the sad tone within his voice. The royal retainer let out a long sigh, likely pinching the bridge of his nose. Before anymore could be said the sound of a door opening came.
“Any updates?” Ignis asked the new person. “Nope, I’m guessing nothing from you.” A deep voice answered. “They haven’t made a peep since we got them here. Prompto has yet to return.”
A creak filled the room before footsteps became louder then stopped in front of you. A hand found itself on your head while a voice softly whispered to you.
You stir slightly at the contact, causing the person touching you to jump back.
“Y/n” Ignis spoke half worried and half excited. Slowly you begin to open your eyes as they adjust to the bright light surrounding you.
In front of you stood 2 different men, both looking with different expressions. Ignis stood worried as he was unaware of how you were feeling while Gladio was excited with a small smirk resting on his bearded face.
“Glad to see you awake”
Gladio spoke first while moving to sit next to you while Ignis began hounding you with various questions.
A loud gasp caught all of you attention. Turning toward the doorway a smile similar to before spreads across your face. Standing by the opening, still in his winter coat, stood Prompto. Tears filled his eyes as he rushes to you with open arms.
“Does that mean Noct is also awake?” He whispered
You quickly pulled away with a worried and shocked expression. Even though you’ve only been awake for a few minuets, you failed to worry about the missing person.
“What wrong with Noc?” You questioned looking in everyone’s direction for an answer. Simultaneously everyone glanced toward the closed door.
As you walked toward it, reasons began to spill out
“He never woke up. We found the both of you alone in a field. He had wounds all over him. You, not so much but still unconscious.”
You closed your eyes and remembered back to that night. 
You and Noctis surrounded by enemies. You defeat one and two more materialize in its place. Before you knew it, you were completely swarmed. Everywhere you look was covered by the unmistakable purple haze of a deamon. 
While they weren’t attacked you physically. The magic usage itself was tiring enough to make it difficult to stand on your own.
Soon you fall to your knees in exhaustion, causing all but a handful of enemies to turn their attention towards Noctis - who is just as exhausted as you.
As the hoard of enemies begin to clear away from the prince, you glance up to see the damage only to see him lying on the ground.
Your eyes snap open at the memory of your power blast filling your head. Your heart begins to ache once you realize, you did this to him. Not only did you kill the the enemies, you also hurt the one you were trying to protect and save.
In a rush, you hurl yourself on the floor to kneel in front of the sleeping prince. You hand clasps around his. The other stood back with a confused look resting on their faces at your sudden outburst.
That shocked turned to amazement as both your hands and his begin to glow and red hue. Silent filled the room as everyone observed your actions from a distance.
The long silent finally lifted as a long groan filled the room as Noctis sat up rubbing his head.
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olivia200312 · 1 month
Chapter 2: The Ball || Different (FFXV! Ardyn Izunia x WW! Reader)
Y/N is a fallen Wing Warrior that can't fly. She is also a loner. When she gets found by King Regis, he takes her under his wing and trains her to be a strong warrior. But when a handsome (tragic) man, known as Chancellor Ardyn Izunia, sees her at a ball, held by King Regis himself, he takes an interest in her. He begins watching and obsessing over her. When Y/N gets sent away by King Regis to protect Noctis and his friends, Ardyn will do anything to make Y/N his… and his only.
But while Y/N is completely clueless about it, she searches for answers through stories. But can she change his heart that is shrouded in darkness and desire for revenge? What if Ardyn becomes king when Noctis sleeps in the Crystal for 10 years? What if he returns to fight Ardyn? What if Y/N becomes deadly sick with no cure?
All can be found in this book!
It's been like a month ever since Y/N arrived in Eos. It's like an earth-like planet where she was now. It's been... interesting to say the least. She was allowed to explore the surroundings of Insomnia and mostly the books attracted her to them. Y/N was careful of her surroundings and she didn't let her fears get in the way, especially when it came to her wings, her pure fluffy white wings. They were sensitive, yes... but they were strong as well. 
As time passed, Y/N eventually met more people who would become her friends: Noctis, Gladio, and Prompto. She already met Ignis. She found out more about who they were. Noctis was the son of King Regis and also the heir to the throne. Prompto was Noctis' best friend. Gladio was Noctis' shield while Ignis was the advisor of the royal family. It was... interesting. 
Not only meeting them but also her training. 
The current king and Cor trained Y/N for hours by fighting with weapons. She felt herself becoming stronger than before. While she did become stronger, there was someone in the shadows watching over her... 
Y/N was clueless about it.
She also got permission to use books to learn more about the monarchs, histories, and places. The very first Lucis Caelum king was Somnus. The book said things like who his parents were and where he was born. It also said that he was the only child. Now something told in Y/N's gut that it wasn't true. Why was she feeling this way? Was there something that the historians didn't find? Or was it kept a secret? Why was the woman feeling rage? 
It was nearly ball and Y/N found a dress that was color (choice) (please choose or imagine a color that will suit Ardyn's appearance. It's unknown which color his favorite is. But if you dislike the idea, than feel free to choose a color that matches your white wings). She got enough gil, the money that Eos uses, to pay for a dress in a clothing store outside of the castle. She put on the beautiful ball gown dress and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked beautiful... stunning. She was taken aback. Her hair was slightly curled and her face had light makeup on. She wasn't too girly to put on a lot of makeup. She didn't mind to put a little bit.  
Once she saw that everything was looking fine, she put on her ladies' flat shoes instead of high heels. She was not a chick high-heel person. She took a deep breath, closed her wings securely, and opened the door. She could hear very faint music playing around. She stepped out and closed the door behind her. She walked towards the main ballroom, where the king held the ball out for this evening. Y/N entered the room and she gasped by how big the room was and even by how many people there were. Everyone was well dressed in suits and dresses. King Regis was this time not on the throne as he was speaking with some men who seemed to be in high positions. 
Once she saw that everyone seemed to be busy with one another, the Wing Warrior began to feel sad. She was again a loner and an outcast. She needed to do something about it. 
But what she didn't know was that she was being watched. 
She saw a drinking table nearby so she went there and boy, was she a shy and polite girl. If she bumped into someone then she apologizes. She also said politely and softly "Excuse me" to pass by. Once she reached the table, she grabbed a glass and poured water into it. She wasn't a drinker or a smoker. She preferred herself clean inside. Once she finished drinking water, she set the glass back down and that's when King Regis walked on stage, grabbing the microphone from the stander. "Good evening, everyone. I want to thank you all for joining the ball for tonight." King Regis went on by why he held the ball and he spoke a little further, until the singing part comes. He looked at Y/N, who looked nervous. She asked the king a day before if she could sing before the ball would be held. She explained the reason and that was she wanted to sing and teach the people of Eos that she was different. She was sure that the music was still the same just like in her world. 
"We will today have singers on stage, first one will be my apprentice. Please welcome Y/N," King Regis said, welcoming Y/N with a warm look in his eyes. 
Y/N walked towards the stage and there were applauses from a lot of people that were in this room. She felt shy and smiled a little. Due to being an outcast and a loner, she experienced depression and had many episodes of attacks inside of her. But she tries her best to not let it get to her. She stepped on the stage and took the microphone from King Regis' hand before bowing to him in respect. Once she stood up, she saw his kind and heartwarming eyes looking into hers. He laid his hand on her shoulder and patted her very shortly before leaving the stage. 
Y/N looked toward the crowd while hiding her nervous expression. She was sweating but hoped it would be gone if someone wanted to dance with her. Uhm, spoilers, she was a bad dancer. She did a small bow first before she stood straight up and spoke: "I'd like to thank his Majesty for inviting me on stage. I requested it before this ball took place. I will today sing a song that is actually from my world. It is in French but it's a beautiful one. It's called 'Love Story'. Enjoy."
As Y/N began to sing, she didn't know that her singing voice improved. Sure, it was normal for beginners not to sing perfectly but... there were celebrities out there who were born with singing talent. Some of the couples began to dance while others were gaping at Y/N. To them, she was a beauty with a beautiful voice. Y/N sang with her eyes closed and with a smile, she danced a bit and used her whole body to move. She even did a couple of small and delicate spins. 
Among the crowd, there was a man with yellow/amber eyes. He didn't exactly wear a suit but he looked damn fine. His hair was red-violet. He also had handsome strong features. He looked at Y/N with deep interest and smirked. He will speak to her after she finishes. 
Once Y/N was done, she bowed and the public gave a big applause to her for that. She gave the microphone to the next singer, who was also a woman but not a Wing Warrior. Both women gave each other a respectful nod before they parted ways. Y/N carefully walked down off from the stage and once her feet hit the floor, she felt relieved. Sure, she did enjoy singing, but she was a nervous wreck on stage. Her sweat began slowly to disappear. 
Just as she wanted to grab a drink (with water) at the table, a man stopped her. He was dressed... with interesting clothing for this ball tonight. Or was this his choice of clothing for a living? He was dressed like a chancellor and wore a fedora hat on his head. His eyes were amber and his hair was red-violet. He smirked at the Wing Warrior and the woman was blushing. But why? 
"My dear, I heard you singing on stage and I must say, your voice is like gifted by the Gods," the man responded. 
Y/N felt her heart flatter at the compliment by this man. But... why did her body tell her that he was not someone to be trusted? He looked to be a mysterious man but why does he look interesting to Y/N? "Why, thank you, sir. It's an honor." She bowed. 
The man grinned this time but still had a smirk on his face. "I must say, you're interesting."
Y/N tilted her head a bit to the side. "How so?" She was clueless about what the mysterious man meant about that. The man thought that it was cute of her to be oblivious. "I heard that you are from a different world by rumors. And that seems to be correct—my, my." He circled Y/N and the Wing Warrior kept an eye on him. "You are unique. Wing Warrior, am I correct?" He said as he stopped in front of the woman. 
Y/N nodded, showing the signal that he was correct. That's when he smirked again and wanted to touch her wings, to feel how soft they were. But he decided not to do it that... yet. He leaned a bit too close to Y/N's ear and whispered: "Even your name is beautiful... Y/N."
Y/N wanted to ask how he knew her name until she remembered that King Regis said her name out loud in front of the crowd. She felt herself embarrassed. She tried to hide it by covering her face with her hands but the mysterious man grabbed her hands delicately and held them in his big warm ones, causing Y/N to blush. 
"Ah, ah, ah. Don't hide your beautiful face, my dear," He flirted. 
Just as Y/N wanted to remark, she heard the woman sing a song and Y/N couldn't help but look at her. She was... too shy to look at the man holding her hands. Y/N felt her fingers hooked under her jaw gently and her head turned to look into his amber eyes. He smirked, let go of her, and bowed, which surprised Y/N. 
He then stood back up and stuck out his hand to her, causing Y/N to blush even more. "May I have a dance with you?"
Y/N settled her hand on his and he, with care, romantically held her hand. Y/N blushed again. She should learn to stop blushing so much. The man noticed it and chuckled. "You blush too much, my dear."
Y/N squealed and pulled away gently. But the mysterious man pulled her back. That's when another beautiful song came on. It must be a song from their world, Y/N thought.
The mysterious man gently tugged Y/N and she quickly woke up, realizing that she was being led to the dancefloor. Y/N didn't know how to dance and she panicked on the inside. Once she was by the other dancers, Y/N didn't know what to do and she looked pleadingly at the mysterious amber-eyed man for help. He smirked at her and placed her one hand on his shoulder and the Wing Warrior felt his one hand on her back. She blushed slightly. He leaned to her ear and whispered: "Just follow my lead, my darling."
Y/N nodded, shyness taking over as they began to dance. It was a slow dance and it felt... so right. But her body kept screaming at her that this man was not someone to be trusted. But she betrayed herself and found herself enjoying the dance with him. Who was he? She felt lost in his amber eyes. 
Y/N yelped as he dipped her gently. He smirked and pulled her back up. As the song ended, he leaned in and Y/N blushed furiously. Was he going to kiss her? She had never been kissed before. Yes, she was a virgin too and it made her nervous as heck. She found herself leaning in too and just as their lips were about to meet, there suddenly was an attack, causing Y/N to pull away to look at what was happening. She looked with wide eyes as a familiar figure entered the room with black wings. It was a male. He scanned the room and smirked upon spotting Y/N. "I finally found you, Y/N."
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itsgeecheebitch · 1 year
TITLE: Until Darkness Descends
RATING: Explicit
FANDOM: Final Fantasy XV
PAIRING: Ardyn Izunia x Reader
      “For the last time I can handle it.” You said. The puncture wound on your left shoulder throbbed and pulsed like a beating heart. But you gritted your teeth against the pain and continued to suck the poison out of your body with your healing energy. The product of your endeavor glistened on your forehead. 
       The poison surged through your body like a lightning bolt. Your vision doubled and your tongue felt like lead in your mouth. It was bad enough that you were losing focus, and fast, but your comrades insisted on bickering at you as though you had enough mental energy to spare. 
        Yellow liquid bubbled to the surface, but refused to escape your wound. You applied more energy to your palm, eyebrows creased together, and your limbs vibrating with the effort. 
         Gladiolus scoffed, “handle it, my ass. You just got hit by a scorpion, who knows how poisonous it is.”
        “Yeah, don’t you think you should see a doctor?” Prompto interjected.
          “Wouldn’t hurt to go.” Noctis agreed. 
           A stab of frustration zipped through your chest. Did they really think that lowly of your abilities? You’re a healer, bestowed with the ability to handle worse injuries than this, and yet they insisted on crowding around you like a bunch of worried hens. You bit down on the inside of your cheek, your stomach swirled with worry. If they regarded your powers this lowly now then what would happen in the near future? Would they not trust you with an even more critical situation?
           The thought soured your gums. You had to prove to them that you could handle anything. What was the point of being their designated healer if you didn’t have their trust? You powered through the fatigue that locked you in a tight embrace. The skin around your eyes felt tight against your skull and your fingertips burned from the exertion. 
           When they said something else, you sucked your teeth and grimaced. “I don’t need a doctor. I am more than capable of handling this on my own.”
          “We’re not questioning your capabilities, Aera.” Came Ignis’ satiny smooth voice, “only suggesting that you confer with someone who has more knowledge on this type of poison than you do.”
            “Iggy’s right, you shouldn’t take chances on something like this.” Gladiolus said.
            Their words fell on deaf ears. You fumbled the ball on your first real battle, you couldn’t risk giving up on your first real emergency. If you did then the boys would never trust you to look after them. 
            Air bubbles burst in your head. The orange landscape somersaulted as darkness devoured your vision. When you opened your eyes you were on the ground in your boyfriend’s arms. 
           “Aera!” Prompto cried. 
            “Are you alright?” Ignis asked. 
            Gladiolus frowned, “that’s it, I’m taking you to a hospital.” He said, the sharp edge in a voice left no room for debate. 
             Lifting you from the ground, Gladiolus began his trek back to Hammerhead with the boys in tow. You felt so stupid and useless. This was your one and only chance at proving your worth to your friends, proving you were worth the crown’s investment, and you blew it. Your hands vibrated like an angry rattlesnake in your lap.
            You thought you'd gotten stronger. All the time you’ve spent in the royal courts, all the training you’ve endured, all wasted in a blink of an eye and all because of that nasty migraine that tore through your skull. But you didn’t understand, you haven’t suffered from a migraine in two whole years, so why now?
       What had changed, what triggered it? The image of that enigmatic figure towering over the scene of the fight, plastered itself onto your brain. That person you thought you saw, was that really Ardyn or just a figment of your imagination? You swallowed. Hallucinations were never something you had to contend with before, but apparently you have to deal with them now since whatever you saw wasn’t truly there.  
      Your scalp squeezed your skull. A needle punctured your temple, bringing with it another piercing earth shattering throb. You groaned and became boneless in Gladiolus’ arms. The small town peeked through the desert haze. Before you knew it, you were back at Cid’s garage. 
        The man in question scowled upon seeing you and your friends. “Back so soon, huh?” He said. “Either yer tougher than you look or you botched the job, so which is it?”
          “Uh, neither?”, came Prompto’s perplexed reply. 
         Gladiolus took a step into the garage, along with the others. The line between your brows smoothed out the moment you were out of the sun’s glaring sight. But your skin was still sticky from the heat, the stifling dry air in the garage did nothing to abate the sweat that slid down your legs. 
           “We’re still on the job but my girl got hurt, know where the closest hospital is?” Gladiolus said. 
           The old man scoffed. “There ain’t no hospitals around these parts, that’s for city livin’”.
           “Then what should we do? Aera’s hurt!” Prompto cried, his blond brows pulled together in worry.
            “Calm down, we have a doctor,” was Cid’s vexed reply. “Leave her here and I’ll make a call.” His crotchety tone rolled over you in waves, you couldn’t believe he was a former acquaintance of the crown. How did king Regis, one of the most polite and kind people you knew, ever associate himself with someone as cantankerous as Cid?
            Gladiolus turned towards the others. “You guys go on ahead, I’ll stay here and make sure Aera’s good.”
         “In that case we’ll stay too.” Prompto chirped, he turned towards prince Noctis. “No teammates left behind right, Noct?”
          Before Noctis could reply, Cid said, “Don’t waste yer breath. Yer friend ain’t gonna keel over from a little scorpion poisoning.” Was it so obvious you were injured by a scorpion? You supposed that would be the most likely conclusion anyone would arrive at, given the gaping hole in your shoulder and the extermination contract in the prince’s hands. “Worse case she’ll be paralyzed in some places come noon. Y’all best run along, medical bills ain’t cheap.”
            Noctis sighed, cutting off his blond friend’s response. “Let’s just get this over with.” He said, crossing his arms in front of his chest. He addressed you next. “We’ll be back, Aera.”
            Gladiolus sat you down in the back of the garage where the fluorescent lights didn’t reach. His strong calloused hand brushed the hair away from your face. “We won’t be long, babe.” He promised and kissed you on your forehead. 
           Something shattered in your chest at the sight of friends disappearing through the sepia haze. You should be there with them. This wasn’t supposed to happen, you weren’t supposed to get injured. Entering the Lucian courts, from day one, it was drilled into you to never get hurt. Keep your distance while your comrades are engaged in combat. You understood the importance of your role as your friends’ healer. If anything were to happen to you, it could equal doom for anyone who depended upon your skills. 
            As if you haven’t learned the lesson before, you went and committed the biggest error you could’ve possibly made. You slouched in your chair. Anything could happen to Noctis and the others out there and here you were, sitting inside a swelteringly hot garage with an injured shoulder. The attack was avoidable. If only you didn’t get distracted, you would still be out there fighting alongside your comrades. You wonder what they must think of you now.
           ‘Do you really believe they would keep you in their little boys’ club the moment you become an inconvenience’? The memory of your dream filled your heart with lead. If they begin to view you as a liability what would that mean for you? Your place by their side, your purpose? Marching fiery ants stomped through your chest. Would they even view you as their friend anymore?
          The minutes ticked by at a mind-numbingly slow pace. By the time the town’s doctor visited you your arm was completely numb. After injecting you with an antidote he told you you should gradually regain feeling and mobility in your left arm over the next seven days, meaning you were completely useless until then. 
          A boulder dropped into the pit of your stomach. You couldn’t afford to be away from the action for that long. If anything were to happen to the prince, or Gladiolus, or anyone else you would never forgive yourself. Your throat constricted as though it was being stitched closed from the inside. 
          It’ll be fine. You told yourself, taking a large inhale before exhaling the stale air. Nothing bad would happen. Your friends would be fine, your arm would be completely healed by the beginning of next week, and you’ll be back in action better than ever. 
          The muscles in your throat relaxed and you sighed. By seven p.m tomorrow, you and the boys would be onboard the ferry heading for Altissa. Everything should be smooth sailing from there. Sure, it would suck having a dangling useless arm at your side during the wedding, but everything should go smoothly nonetheless. At least you hoped it would. 
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mystery-star · 1 year
@gohoubi Thanks for the tag to psot the first line of my first 10 fics. I decided to just take the character x OC fics bc there's so many x readers I wrote XD.
The legacy of Durin (Fíli x OC, the Hobbit) [Translated]
Despite the cool weather it dragged me outside, to the river - my favourite place.
2. Descendants of the sea (Fíli x OC, The Hobbit/Pirates of the Caribbean Crossover) [Translated]
Fog pervaded the coast, sadness Kaylin's heart.
3. Lumina Noctis (George x OC, Harry Potter) [Translated]
You could say I grew up in two worlds.
4. Threshold of Space (Spock x OC, Star Trek)
With a deep frown, the brunette stared at her fellow cadet who had just passed out in the captain’s chair.
5. Passing Boundaries (Sequel to ToS) (Spock x OC, Star Trek)
Carissa cracked her knuckles.
6. Beyond the frontier (Sequel to PB) (Spock x OC, Star Trek)
Going back to work was almost impossible for her after what she had just been told.
7. Snippets of Infinity (Short series to above FFs) (Spock x OC, Star Trek)
Carissa didn’t mean to think inappropriately but she had never seen that many non-humans in all her life than on that day.
8. Not Yet Time (Ben Wade x OC, 3:10 to Yuma)
The nightly breeze blew up the dry sand in little clouds of dust, illuminated by the moonlight.
9. One Day More (Sequel to NYT, probably abandoned now) (Ben Wade x OC, 3:10 to Yuma) [unpublished]
“Daddy! Hi!” Jenny shouted as she jumped out of her chair and hurled herself at her father “You’re back”
10. Bee Burns Chronicles (Working Title, literally only have like 2 sentences written for it) (John Biebe x OC, Mystery, Alaska) [unpublished]
“This is fucking ridiculous” Bee cried at her own mirror image.
Thank you for the tag, this was much fun to do. And I actually had exactly 10 fics in total lol. (Another one for Master and Commander in the workings but I've never written a sentence aaaand I might have even abandoned it already... and turn it into a imagine series instead.
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