quinnfebrey · 2 years
my life has improved so much since i started buying organic nutella
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the-ace-with-spades · 2 years
So as a Polish person, I both love and hate Polish! Ice as a headcanon, but my grandma is half-Italian and somehow this manifested into Italian! Mav so here we go (spoiler: there's a lot of food involved):
Mav's mom was first generation Italian born in NYC, lived in Staten Island until she married Mav's dad - her family was from Bologna
Mav, despite the hero worship he had for his dad, was mamma's boy
she could speak Italian well and did so around the house but never taught Mav, and what little Italian he could speak, he forgot once she died and he wasn't around the language
she, however, left him their family cookbook, entirely written in Italian, and so recipes are the only text he can understand without googling a lot
after he retires, he wants to take some Italian lessons with Ice
as mentioned in one of my post's tags, the few words he remembers and are still natural to him are pet names; he calls Ice caro (dear??) like his mom called his dad, mio angelo, tesoro (sweetheart/honey??) and when Bradley was small and he was tired, he'd call him bambino
He also uses sei un raggio di sole (you are a ray of sunshine) sarcastically when Ice is grumpy -- it's a phrase his mom used when he was grumpy as a kid
he couldn't say 'I love you' to Ice for some time so instead, he'd say ti voglio tanto bene and then eventually moved to ti amo and then to English
he actually really likes to cook, he just needs to cook for someone - he was taught that cooking is a sign of love so he likes to cook for their family, but not just for himself
Bradley couldn't eat nutella for years b/c Mav's homemade nocciolata was so much better. Ice could literally kill for his nocciolata-filled bomboloni and ricotta and strawberry jam crostata
Slider often 'visits' them to get their leftovers and had once asked Mav to make him aubergine parmigiana and shrimp risotto as a birthday present
Mav makes Ice tiramisu as a pick-me-up when he needs to leave for long
Mav loves wine but it must be complimentary with the meal
he makes his own pasta and if you're in the kitchen while he's making it, he's going to use you to roll or knead the dough for him
when Carole was getting sick but still staying at home, he'd make batches of ravioli, tortellini, tortelloni, mezzelune, cappelletti -- any stuffed pasta that could be frozen and then quickly boiled -- so Bradley would have dinner when Carole was having a bad day
he refuses to ever make fettuccine alfredo as a rule b/c it's boring and its american, and will never make meatballs to serve with spaghetti, but Ice broke him and he now finally can do the americanized marinara sauce
their house has plenty of jars -- homemade pesto (3-4 different kinds), a mayo-sized jar of oregano, thyme, rosemary, a jar with grana padano in the fridge and a whole shelf filled only with different kinds of oil, cooking wine and vinegar, and a little garden with fresh basil and, once they moved to San Diego, tomatoes. Ice has to remember to water it when Mav is away in the summer
he does the stereotypical arm waving and shoulder shrugging while talking but only when he is either worked up or tired
they also have that one special kind of plates, white with blue and yellow decor and sunflowers on the main dish plate
As a bonus, Polish Ice headcanons:
Ice's mom emigrated during WWII but his dad was second gen born in the US -- she was from Gdansk
he can cook pretty well, especially polish recipes, since he often helped her cook at home
he, however, hates cooking. But he will absolutely stress-make pierogi if he can, usually a huge batch of like 50 or something
he did hand over the polish recipes to Mav - the only thing is, Mav refuses to make bigos for him (b/c he'd need to make his own sauerkraut and it stinks)
he drinks his vodka neat, in a glass, not as shots, adds coke if he's going for a 'light-drinking night'
he occasionally goes to mass at a Polish church - he, usually, doesn't understand most of what's being said but his mom used to take him to one each Sunday and it's now a form of comfort
His favorite childhood meals were placki ziemniaczane (potato pancakes) with mushroom sauce and pyzy (type of dumplings) with plums, which Mav can now make in his sleep
he's never attempting to learn Polish
but he wants to visit Gdansk and the Polish seaside once every few years
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nusta · 6 months
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In questi giorni sono stata a trovare una mia amica, era da un sacco che non ci vedevamo di persona da sole io e lei ed era da tantissimo che non facevo una gita da sola. Dovrei farlo più spesso, girovagare per le strade a caso è una delle cose che amo, ma non mi ritaglio il tempo di farlo quanto vorrei e quanto, probabilmente, mi farebbe bene. Come per molte altre cose che amo, in effetti.
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Dopo aver fatto merenda siamo andate a prendere alcune cose per preparare la cena in questo posto in cui si vendono anche le piante e ho preso una rosellina per mia mamma, chissà se resisterà nei suoi terrazzi. Ho preso anche una piccola piantina di rododendro per il mio mini-balcone e una piccola monstera: questa l'ha presa anche la mia amica e vorremmo provare a farla stare in acqua, intanto io l'ho messa insieme alle altre che cercano di resistere alla poca luce di casa.
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Lei è appassionata di cucina ed è una grande viaggiatrice, una combinazione perfetta per farmi conoscere nuove ricette e nuovi sapori. Per cena mi ha preparato riso pilaf con verdure e zafferano, l'indomani per colazione abbiamo mangiato i suoi kanelbullar appena sfornati e poi a pranzo pasta coi broccoli appena presi al mercato, peperoncino e bottarga. E ovviamente poi abbiamo fatto di nuovo merenda allo stesso bar, in cui ho preso di nuovo la schiacciata alla fiorentina, che avevo già preso il giorno prima per la prima volta e volevo "conoscerla" meglio. Sì, sono abitudinaria anche quando provo cose nuove, vivo di contraddizioni, lo so.
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Mi ha regalato un libro di ricette a base di miele che non vedo l'ora di provare e mi ha fatto assaggiare le combinazioni strane di mieli che ha preso da un'azienda agricola sarda, un miele allo zenzero e una nocciolata con miele e carrube. E un cioccolatino napoletano dei Fratelli Scaturchio con la velina stampata al contrario, chissà come mai. Di pomeriggio siamo andate alla ricerca di un negozio iraniano che aveva visto su instagram e abbiamo preso altre cose da provare: lei del riso affumicato e un mix di erbe aromatiche, io dei dolcetti vari e i gelsi essiccati. Mi piace questo aspetto di lei, mi fa sempre scoprire cose nuove. Abbiamo girato un po' sotto la pioggia e poi è arrivato il momento di ritornare a casa. Spero proprio di replicare presto, perché le videochiamate sono una bella invenzione, ma stare insieme di persona è tutta un'altra faccenda. Abbiamo parlato tanto e di alcune cose si riesce a parlare meglio di persona, con la pancia piena e una tazza di tè in mano.
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Questa mattina mentre sistemavo le piantine in balcone ho visto che alcune hanno fatto le nuove foglie e anche qualche fiorellino. La primavera sta arrivando. Chissà cosa ci aspetta. Chissà cosa riusciremo a combinare. Non sempre arriva ciò che vogliamo, a volte non so nemmeno cosa vorrei e lascio che il tempo passi e porti quello che capita. Chissà se quella coccinella ha fatto altrettanto e chissà se è incastrata o al riparo tra le spine. Vedremo.
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sometimesgaining · 2 years
Just so that you can order again I am going to guess that milkshake preference number 3 is nocciolata. I've got to say that you carry your weight well, and everything looks well proportioned and properly distributed. You can't say that about everybody.
Hmmm it's entirely possible as I do remember making a joke about not being able to pronounce it.
Thank you! I feel like in real life I'm kinda bottom heavy or at least I feel like it 😅
Here's to more weight to carry 🍺
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jaimelagrenadine · 2 years
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✨Avec supplément Nocciolata, merci✨
🛍️ > www.jaimelagrenadineshop.com
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eeoollaa · 24 days
nocciolata ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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rat-butch · 2 months
'cant wait to be home alone and eat all the snacks' bitch i'm so nauseous rn can't even eat nocciolata ice cream in peace
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luckystorein22 · 7 months
What are some high quality chocolate hazelnut spreads like Nutella but with more hazelnuts?
There are several high-quality chocolate hazelnut spreads on the market that are similar to Nutella but contain a higher percentage of hazelnuts. Some options include:
1. Rigoni di Asiago Nocciolata: This organic chocolate hazelnut spread contains 16% hazelnuts and is made with high-quality ingredients.
2. Barney Butter Chocolate Hazelnut Spread: This spread is made with almonds and cocoa, offering a slightly different flavor profile while still providing a rich chocolate hazelnut taste.
3. Justin's Chocolate Hazelnut Butter: This spread is made with dry roasted hazelnuts and cocoa for a rich and nutty flavor.
4. Nature's Store Hazelnut & Cocoa Spread: This spread is made with 25% hazelnuts and is free from palm oil and gluten.
5. Callebaut Hazelnut Praline Paste: While not a spread in the traditional sense, this praline paste is made from roasted hazelnuts and can be used to create your chocolate hazelnut spread with a high hazelnut content.
These spreads are often available at specialty food stores or online and offer a richer hazelnut flavor compared to traditional chocolate hazelnut spreads.
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thefreshmarketdubai · 8 months
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universalinfo · 1 year
A look at the success of apple-based products at the Good Food Awards
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As the old saying goes, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” but what if we told you that apples could also bring home the bacon? Well, that’s precisely what happened at the Good Food Awards, where Apple-based products dominated the competition. 
From crisp hard cider to savory apple butter, these products showcase the best that this beloved fruit has to offer. Let’s take a closer look at how Apple-based products shone at the Good Food Awards.
What are the Good Food Awards?
The Good Food Awards are, for many people, the ultimate celebration of deliciousness. This yearly event brings together food and drink producers from all over the country. These amazing makers create products that are not only delicious but also sustainable and socially responsible.
But, how do they choose the winners? Well, the Good Food Awards judges take their jobs seriously. They taste their way through hundreds of entries to find the products that stand out from the rest. While doing that, they look for items that are not only delicious but also meet strict environmental and social standards.
And the best part? The Good Food Awards winners get to wear a fancy badge that says “Winner” on their products. That lets you know you’re about to indulge in something truly amazing. 
However, the Good Food Awards aren’t just about recognizing the best of the best: they’re also about inspiring change in the food industry. By highlighting sustainable and socially responsible products, the Awards encourage producers to think about the impact their products have on the environment and their communities.
Apple-based products that have succeeded at the Good Food Awards
Ready to explore the apple-based products that have been crowned champions at the Good Food Awards? These delicious treats are sure to make your taste buds do a happy dance, and with so many varieties to choose from, there’s something for everyone. Let’s take a look at them, shall we?
1. Hard Cider
The Good Food Awards have been recognizing exceptional hard cider products since 2014. And every year, the competition gets tougher as more and more cider makers step up their game. Some of the top hard cider products that have won these awards over the years include:
Tieton Cider Works Sparkling Perry (2014)
Finnriver Farm & Cidery Black Currant (2015)
Cider Creek Hard Cider Farmhouse Cider (2016)
EZ Orchards Hawk Haus Cider (2017)
Far West Cider Proper Dry (2018)
Slyboro Cider House Old Sin (2019)
Embark Craft Ciderworks The Pippin (2020)
WildCraft Cider Works Raspberry Empress (2021)
But enough about past winners. If you want to find some hard cider nearby, there are plenty of award-winning options out there. Just do a quick search for “hard cider near me” and you’re bound to find some delicious choices.
2. Apple Butter
Have you tried apple butter? This delicious spread is like finding buried treasure in your pantry. The Good Food Awards have crowned several apple butter champions over the years, including Rigoni di Asiago’s 2016 Nocciolata Bianca Organic Hazelnut & Cocoa Spread, which features organic apples from Italy and a touch of hazelnut and cocoa. For a sweet and decadent treat, you can spread it on toast, muffins, or even pancakes.
3. Apple Sauce
Do you remember the days of enjoying apple sauce cups as a kid? Well, now you can enjoy apple sauce like a grown-up with the Good Food Awards’ top picks. Those include Big Spoon Roasters’ 2019 Uncommon Apple Spread, which features North Carolina-grown apples, toasted pecans, and spices. This spreadable sauce is perfect for adding to oatmeal, yogurt, or even grilled meats for a sweet and savory twist.
4. Apple Vinegar
Have you been seduced before by the tangy, delicious flavor of apple vinegar? This versatile ingredient is the secret weapon in many a salad dressing or marinade. Well, the Good Food Awards have recognized several apple vinegar makers over the years. Some of them include Katz Farm’s 2018 Sparkling Apple Cider Vinegar, which is made from organic Gravenstein apples and has a crisp, refreshing flavor. 
5. Apple Pie
Nothing says comfort food like a warm apple pie, and the Good Food Awards have recognized some of the best apple pies around. In 2016, the award went to Blackbird Bakery for their classic apple pie, made with Washington-grown Granny Smith apples and a buttery crust. Is your mouth watering yet?
6. Apple Chips
If you’re looking for a healthier alternative to potato chips, apple chips are the way to go. These crispy and crunchy snacks are the perfect thing to munch on anytime. 
Over the years, the Good Food Awards have awarded several apple chip makers. One of the winners is Bare Snacks’ 2017 Cinnamon Apple Chips, which are made from real apples and sprinkled with cinnamon. They’re so good, you’ll be tempted to hoard them all for yourself.
7. Apple Brandy
Last but not least, we have apple brandy, the boozy delight that’s perfect for sipping by the fire on a chilly night. One brandy crowned at the Good Food Awards recently is Clear Creek Distillery’s 2019 Apple Brandy, made from estate-grown Hood River Valley apples and aged for 8 years in French oak barrels. With its smooth, complex flavor and notes of vanilla and spice, this apple brandy is sure to warm you up from the inside out.
It’s clear that apple-based products are more than just a healthy food option: they’re a force to be reckoned with in the food world. From savory sauces to sweet confections, apples offer a wide range of flavor profiles that can be used in various dishes. 
As you could see, the success of these products at the Good Food Awards is a testament to the hard work and creativity of the producers who continue to push the envelope and create new and exciting apple-based products. So the next time you’re searching for “hard cider near me” on Google or looking for a unique condiment to spice up your meal, consider reaching for an apple-based product. You never know what delicious surprises await. Content source: https://www.champlainorchards.com/sb/success-apple-based-products-at-good-food-awards/
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veganchocolate1 · 2 years
Best Vegan Chocolate Gift Ideas
Chocolate is definitely a go to dessert, snack and craving for so many and there's no exception for vegan chocolate lovers. Whether it's for a birthday, holiday, or just a special treat, finding the perfect gift for the vegan chocolate lover in your life can be a bit of a challenge. But don't worry, we've got you covered! In this blog post, we'll explore the best gift ideas for vegan chocolate lovers.
Artisan Vegan Chocolate
One of the best ways to impress a vegan chocolate lover is by gifting them artisan vegan chocolate. There are many small-batch chocolatiers who specialize in vegan chocolate, using high-quality ingredients and unique flavor combinations. Some of the best vegan chocolatiers include Raaka Chocolate, Endorfin Foods, and Dandelion Chocolate.
Vegan Chocolate Gift Baskets
Another great option is a vegan chocolate gift basket. These baskets are perfect for anyone who loves chocolate and wants to try a variety of flavors and brands. You can choose from pre-made baskets or create your own with a selection of different types of vegan chocolate, such as dark chocolate, milk chocolate, or white chocolate.
Vegan Chocolate Subscription Box
If you're looking for a gift that keeps on giving, consider a vegan chocolate subscription box. There are many subscription services that specialize in vegan chocolate, delivering a monthly box of new and exciting flavors right to your doorstep. Some popular options include the Chocolate Club by Raaka Chocolate and the Cococlectic Chocolate Club.
Vegan Chocolate Spreads and Sauces
For the vegan chocolate lover who likes to get creative in the kitchen, consider gifting a jar of vegan chocolate spread or sauce. These products are perfect for drizzling over pancakes or waffles, spreading on toast, or using as a dip for fruit. Some popular options include Nutella-style spreads from brands like Nocciolata or Rigoni di Asiago, or vegan chocolate sauces from companies like The King's Cupboard or Stonewall Kitchen.
Vegan Chocolate Bars with a Twist
Finally, for the vegan chocolate lover who likes to try something new and different, consider gifting a vegan chocolate bar with a unique twist. There are many chocolatiers who specialize in unusual flavor combinations, such as spicy chili or lavender-infused chocolate. Some popular options include Vosges Haut-Chocolat and Theo Chocolate.
In conclusion, there are many gift options available for vegan chocolate lovers. Whether you choose artisan vegan chocolate, a gift basket, a subscription box, a spread or sauce, or a unique chocolate bar with a twist, you're sure to make your vegan chocolate lover friend or family member very happy. So go ahead, indulge their sweet tooth!
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5 Décembre 2022
Matinée compliquée, pas mal d'envies urinaires au matin mais rien la veille au soir... Les cracottes au riz possiblement responsables ? Ou bien la confiture de coings un peu dépassée...
Ou peut-être le corps qui digère encore le Nocciolata.
Qui sait...
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hoardingrecipes · 5 years
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Chocolate Hazelnut Brownies
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jaimelagrenadine · 4 years
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https://www.instagram.com/jaimelagrenadine_off/ https://www.jaimelagrenadineshop.com/ https://www.etsy.com/shop/jaimelagrenadine
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michel-tanguy · 5 years
New Post has been published on Michel Tanguy
New Post has been published on http://micheltanguy.com/millefeuille-au-nocciolata-bianca/
Une recette toute simple mais délicieuse réalisée pour la marque de pâte à tartiner bio italienne Nocciolata. Ce millefeuille garni de crème onctueuse et délicatement parfumée à la noisette, est parfait pour un dessert ou pour un Tea Time gourmand !
Deux disques de pâte feuilletée pur beurre
500 g de lait
25 g de crème
60 g de jaunes d’œufs
20 g de sucre semoule
45 g de maïzena
2 feuilles de gélatine
600 g de crème pâtissière
400 g de Nocciolata Bianca
60 g de noisettes brutes
Piquez les disques de manière à ce que le feuilletage ne développe pas trop, puis faites cuire chaque disque sur une place de cuisson durant une trentaine de minutes, dans un four préchauffé à 170°C. La pâte doit prendre une belle couleur caramel (mais pas trop foncée).
Une fois cuits, sortez les disques du four et laissez-les refroidir sur une grille.
Faites ramollir les feuilles de gélatine dans de l’eau bien froide
Portez le lait et la crème à ébullition
Mélangez les jaunes et le sucre, ajoutez la maïzena
Versez un peu de liquide chaud sur le mélange précédent, reversez dans la casserole et faites épaissir à feu moyen en remuant en permanence durant une bonne minute
Laissez redescendre la crème à 45-50°C puis incorporez les feuilles de gélatine préalablement essorées à l’aide d’un fouet
Versez dans un récipient plat, étalez la crème, filmez au contact et placez au réfrigérateur jusqu’à complet refroidissement.
Dans un four préchauffé à 160°C, faites torréfier légèrement les noisettes sur une plaque recouverte d’un papier cuisson durant une trentaine de minutes. 
Dans le bol d’un batteur équipé du fouet, mélangez la crème pâtissière à vive allure pour la rendre lisse
Ajoutez le Nocciolata Bianca puis mélangez à nouveau jusqu’à obtenir une crème lisse et soyeuse
Terminez en incorporant les noisettes torréfiées grossièrement hachées
Taillez douze rectangles de 6 x 12 cm dans les disques de pâtes 
Placez la crème Nocciolota Bianca dans une poche munie d’une douille à Saint Honoré puis déposez une fine couche de crème Nocciolata sur 8 des rectangles, en traçant des zig-zag.
Superposez deux couches de feuilletage garnis de crème puis terminez par un rectangle de feuilletage brut.
Couvrez la surface de sucre glace et dégustez aussitôt
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thibautmodelia · 2 years
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Noccio - Boulot - Dodo ——————————————————————— C'est la rentrée pour tout le monde alors faut se motiver pour reprendre le rythme. Rien de tel que de débuter la journée avec une bonne tartine de @nocciolatafrance Pour ma part c'est avec la petite crunchy que ça commence😋 #nocciolatamotivation #nocciolata (à Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiPb53_tJk8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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