#nobody wants to say they want to fuck the clown but everybody fucks the clown
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beanghostprincess · 1 year ago
Absolutely wild but I am obsessed with crack ships, specifically Buggy ones.
Franky and Buggy. Blue haired boyfriends. Luffy finds out his shipwright slept with THE CLOWN. his dad's EX?? I mean he likes Buggy well enough, sure, they Bonded in prison and Lu actually looks forward to the yearly fight to the death with his uncle, it's fun.
"Oh okay, understandable."
Shanks, drunk and missing his ex: I just miss him so much, ya know?? Sometimes... sometimes I can still smell his perfume....
Benn, completely dead faced: oh yeah no that's me. He and I spent a lovely night together.
Shanks: >:0
Benn: you weren't lying about that mouth of his-
Benn: pretty boy knew what he wanted, man, what do you want from me-?
Buggy: oh I almost got bingo!
Alvida: what are you talking about
Buggy: this guard at Impel Down had this bingo card, so I took the idea and made it my own!
Alvida: .... this is a list of people to sleep with.
Buggy: Yeah! :oD
Alvida: ..... how did you manage so many of these without ever getting five in a row??
Buggy: skillz
Al: you're just a whore
Buggy: why would you @ me like that??? Rude!!!
Crocodile: the clown left his bingo card...
Mihawk: oh?
Croc: you know that if he slept with one of us, it would have given him three spaces?
Hawk: of course. I have been dropping subtle hints since the beginning.
Croc: you like his cringefail charm too?
Mihawk: my standards are abysmal. You know this.
Croc: .... yeah. Mine too. So we're seducing him?
Mihawk: of course we are.
Buggy: I think they're planning to kill me-
So what I'm hearing here is that Buggy is a slut and I absolutely love him. As he should, tbh. His failguy personality and loser clown energy with trauma and uncertain mood swings captivates all pirates.
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the-shifting-long · 3 months ago
Perhaps I'll take some screenshots of Oppo dialogue and flesh my thoughts out on this further later, but for now, get unedited paragraphs of my voice of the opportunist thoughts instead anyways, to me, Opportunist seems like someone who gets genuine joy out of Scheming, and Being Manipulative, even though he demonstrably is pretty bad at it. he's a reflection of a player who enjoys the act of betrayal, or taking advantage of situations-the kind of person like me who saw a funny like [Slay the Princess] prompt unexpected and went "well well well. let's see where this goes." It's an aspect he shares with the Cold-an interest in the Direction of events, and preferably them going Up because of his schemes, moreso than anything else. And, like Cold and Cheated, he is one of the more blatantly meta-voices that reflect a state of mind for a player rather than protagonist or person-I want to see what happens if I do [x], I want to try and "win" the visual novel. He sucks up to authority because, like other manipulative characters who I love and who are a lot better at being manipulative little shits, he's trying to integrate himself with those in-charge just so he can use them, or replace them. This is most obvious in Princess and the Dragon-one moment, he's eagerly talking about killing two birds with one stone, and even as he happily proclaims that you're back and he's not cut out for decision making so you should totally do it instead...he'll stab you and the princess IMMEDIATELY if you find yourself back in her body. Which is part of why I fucking love Princess and the Dragon! When the Opportunist is blatantly attempting to grab power nobody even has, he's a clown, nonthreatening. When he actually has it, and his companions are largely uninterested in stopping him...he recognizes that once you're in the body, you're in control, but that doesn't mean he won't try and prevent you from returning to it as to keep the power he has. Why fixate on power, then? On being at the metaphorical top? It's in part because, like all the voices, it's something of a survival mechanism-we died last time, we won't die if we [x]. We won't die if we actually succeed in outmaneuvering her this time, we won't die if we have more power than she can meaningfully resist. It doesn't work out for Oppy, in part because he generally believes he has more control than he actually does-his attempts at manipulating the situations he's in to His favor are so blatantly obvious and self-serving that it's completely ineffective.
And therein lies the rub with the Opportunist-he genuinely believes himself to be Good at what he does. He genuinely believes he Deserves to be at this Metaphorical Top where he rules everything and nobody can hurt him by tearing him apart with teeth and claws and such anymore. He genuinely believes that none of the people Actually at the top got there through virtues such as hard work, or their intelligence, or strength, but because life is full of shortcuts and they knew it, saw those shortcuts, and took them-and he admires that! His dialogue in Wraith and Princess and the Dragon sell that last point home to me-with the Wraith, he's in love with her drive, her ambition, and her willingness to do whatever it takes moreso than anything else about her, and will gladly submit himself to her since he's fully aware there's no winning. As Wraith says, this is only until he can stab her in the back again-she knows the kind of person he, and by extension, we as a player, are. In Princess and the Dragon, he outright states that everybody worth Something (<- including himself!) doesn't bother with "hard work" so much as the shortcuts! "work smarter, not harder" <- a phrase i so wish he said at some point because it fits him so well. He's also contrasted with the Narrator-the Narrator frequently has dialogue deriding the monarchy, of how seamstresses contribute more value than princesses, praising "Viva la revolucion!" with "that's the spirit!" and just generally reflecting overall leftist political beliefs.
Meanwhile Opportunist is giving lines straight from Linked-In-travelling makes him relatable, he wants a job, he can help with the management, a more capitalist, growth-mindset way of viewing a world that does not even Have politics by virtue of being Two People. And this ties back into the Shortcuts, Being at the Top, and truly, genuinely believing that's where he needs to be, and that he belongs there-the mindset of people who view themselves as temporarily embarrassed millionaires soon to hit the upper class if they just network well enough instead of taking a realistic look at their situation or the bigger picture. The Elon Musks of the world who did not earn their wealth, but reap the rewards again and again. That's the kind of man Opportunist wants to be-the kind who found their way into the upper eschalons of society without having to be anything remarkable at all. He thinks there's a top to get to, in this world that is just the fragmented pieces of You and Her. Meanwhile, there isn't even a constant, or a center.
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9mysterybook6 · 2 months ago
This is absolutely unacceptable.
After I exposed Rhylie more than once
I have a lot of evidence, witnesses, and victims, and I am one of her victims.
She does this
What the hell is wrong with her?
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And the worst that Made a tag to #gacha community
I swear no one wants you here you stupid clown
Even if you ask gacha community and famous people in gacha community
They will all hate you and you will be just a bug that needs to be crushed.
Nobody like you we all hate you
What a stupid clown
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And the worst thing is that she is spreading lies about me again
Look at her latest lies.
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Is this really her defense?
is this really her excuse
first of all I am not jealous of you, so why would I be jealous of an evil person like you?
I just expose you and your crimes
I'm laughing now
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And look at this part
(Yep, She's Not Very Nice For What's Doing It To You.) (She's Literally Jealous, I'll Block Her & Everybody's Always Support You)
That's funny you weren't the one who posted this on your old blog.
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(9mysterybook6: No... *gets up* you don't get to end this! I'm fucking Mysterybook! *gets out of crater and faces gang* I'm the fucking women, and you're just some fucking clown or something! I started everything on Earth! All of mankind came from these fucking nuts! You all should be worshipping me, you ungrateful, disgusting, fucking losers-!)
You harassed and bullied me And you attacked me And you spread lies about me
And you stole some of my gacha oc
You dirty art thief, just like what you do to Others.
And after you deleted your old account
And in your second account, You started acting like you were my friend
You are the most disgusting person here
You act like a MY friend after you tortured ME
I told you not to mention my name or mention me in your blog but you didn't listen to me
Even others told you to leave them alone, but you ignored them.
And NOW you dare say that I am jealous of you, you pig
How do you ask people not to hate you? After you tortured them
You are really stupid, go back to the nursery
You dare to say this after everything you've done to me and others
And guess what?
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What a coward, she deleted her comment
You have no right to Objection In this matter
You pay for your actions
And guess what she did too?🤦‍♀️🤬
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YOU are the most stupid and ignorant person here
And again you imitate my speech, YOU copycat Like you did before
She said I'm So Special For Everbody, You Can't Banned Me, I Hate Getting Reported And Banned, i'm not really a disgusting and Harasser person on tumblr.
I said
(True, a special person who makes my life and the lives of others a living hell.)
Stop playing with my words and spreading lies you fat pig
NOW this is a pig, she made a complaint against ME.
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are you stupid
I will win this case
Your case is failure
I have all the evidence that you are being bullied and harassed the people on tumblr.
AND NOW you started torturing and harassing me again
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And YOU dare say that I bully you, you stupid clown
And another thing, how dare you use my gacha character without MY permission
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Would You Rather Support?
Heroine: Rhylie Caterfly
Villainess: 9mysterybook6 (Betrayal On Gacha Community)
Let me remind you Not all heroes are heroes
And especially the Heroine They are always bad people. In stories
At least Villainess Always cool and amazing😎
And especially the part that Villainess makes people like you pay the price
Face it Soon you will be kicked out of here
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bluejackals · 4 months ago
anyways some thoughts expanded upon notes I took while watching the video below:
wifies burnt the compass and wanted to go settle down with parrot somewhere else safe, but I agree with parrot that nowhere is safe. and also I agree that wifies actually did stray from his own values, because he was the one who told parrot to live and not just survive hiding somewhere and clearly parrot now takes that to heart while wifies wants to run from their problems. He said it was different this time because they'd be running into death and not just into a problem but functionally there's no difference. running back to confront clown was also running a risk to die.
I also feel like this whole video had a thread of parrot never breaking promises (it kept getting brought up that he was doing all this because of a promise, and that he wouldn't leave dean because he promised to protect him) and it was fascinating to watch wifies Not Get that. fascinating because wifies is only here because of a promise that parrot made, because of parrot never breaking promises, and yet he still doesn't understand why parrot is so insistent on carrying out what he said to luigi. it doesn't matter if luigi is dead, just like it didn't matter that wifies was chunkbanned and didn't hear him. parrot will follow through even if it kills him to try.
and I know that's what wifies doesn't want. it's very sensible of him to not want parrot to do that. but at this point he should know parrot has a stress grip on his promises and burning the compass and basically telling him to break that promise is equivalent to telling him to stop being everything he is. "the righteousness that you get from fighting isn't going to bring anyone back, it's going to get you killed, and where does that leave me and dean?" [3:04:18] everything wifies says is true. it's what he doesn't say that leads to him completely missing being able to reach parrot. If parrot doesn't fight he will lose himself, and that to him is probably a worse death than physically dying. that and because he believes, once again, that there is no safety, so he might as well try his damn hardest to make it safe.
odyssey are both trying to protect each other but they aren't able to understand each others' way of protection. maybe something in wifies snapped after he saw luigi die, right in front of him and parrot, and over and over he saw just how far the mafia reached. maybe he's now changed his mind and decided it's better to survive without living than to live without surviving. just seemed like he got a lot more possessive and protective this episode. how fun. I hope he reunites with parrot eventually. He realized that he completely fucking missed the moment Parrot threw that telescope and ran off. that telescope was a promise to trust each other and what wifies just did was break that promise. o7 uu!wifies I know you wanted the best for parrot but I have to agree with your post-yelling clarity messages: you weren't being fair. you were asking parrot to go against everything he is and trying to force him to, suddenly, after not saying anything for 9 million blocks, after someone else was JUST revealed to have betrayed his trust. it's not that what wifies said was wrong it was just never going to get across to parrot because parrot has a bleeding heart and this was the one thing he was hanging onto
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traceytries · 3 months ago
I don't know what made you think that everybody in fandom has to worship you now. You used to be someone I look up to but meanwhile it's only annoying to watch you whoring for attention and literally making everything about you and only you. Yes, your INAP fic was successful. Many people used to love it, me included. But the last 2 chapters were so bad, the quality deteriorated drastically. Same with your new fics. A mere one shot posted in 5 million tiny parts? PLEASE! You wonder why nobody really gives a shit about those fics? Well, it's because the writing just ain't it. You think you can just write anything, just sneeze onto the paper, and people will worship you. You think you deserve praise and admiration for works that most people think just suck because they are neither well written nor well thought-out with all those plot holes and things that don't make sense. You ask for people's opinion on something, making polls, only to do what you prefer yourself anyway. What's the point of asking then? You ask people for recommendations but if they don't say that your stuff is the best, you ignore it. You go on other people's posts only to make things about yourself. You CONSTANTLY ask for feedback, begging for comments on your fanfics, yet you don't even reply to them. You are not the least bit thankful. You are just a huge bitch who craves attention and it's high time you need to learn how to humble yourself. Go outside and touch some grass. You take a shit in the toilet just like the rest of us. But you act like you're a celebrity, saying you will answer the comments on the last chapter as if that's such a generous graceful thing for you to do. FUCK OFF! Other authors are always happy to engage with their readers and fans, yet you act like some queen who's above us peasants and sooo much better than everyone else. You constantly yap and bitch about not receiving as much attention as you think you deserve, yet you never even support other writers. Never leaving comments yourself, hardly reblogging anything - no. This is a one-woman show. The Tracey-show. Where everything else is insignificant. And then you have your 3 clowns who always come to your aid when you cry about lack of attention again, spouting ridiculous nonsense like 'you hold the fandom together' while there are literally hundreds of others, posting fanarts and fanfics daily. What a joke. You and your 3 devoted cult-followers insult the whole fandom by acting like you are the only one contributing. And then you have the audacity to post these fake anon-asks, just as a way to get attention from your followers again, hoping to gain pity and that everyone will tell you how amazing you are. Well, here is a real one. I wonder if you dare to post it. But you probably will, since this will be the perfect chance for you to play the victim-card again.
What the fuck man. This is the meanest message I have ever received, are you the same anon as before? I don't know what to say to this, you obviously have been wanting to say this to me for some time. I'm sorry if maybe I've hurt you somehow?
I'll try to get through everything.
Yes, you're right, I guess I am a bit shameless in promoting my work. But I think I yap about my fics as much as the next writer. I'm proud of what I've made/am making and I want to talk about it. I sometimes tag #tianshan when talking about my fics, but oftentimes it's just #inap or #ddd because I don't want to bombard the tianshan tag with my silly posts.
And what sucks is what you're seeing as attention-seeking is half true (everyone makes posts to get attention, that's neutral fact), the other part of it is: I'm trying to make a connection. The way I wish someone would just DM me and talk to me directly about tianshan, or the latest ox chapters or hell, my fics - that would make me so happy!! Not many people do, and so I continue making posts about tianshan, making polls, asking for engagement from the fandom because bruh I've been into tianshan for practically a decade - I want to talk about them!
That bit about replying to every comment on the last chapter of inap is a weird thing to criticise. Over the years, I've struggled with replying to comments, and though I know it's not a requirement to do so, I've always felt bad about that. But by leaving that end note, I was holding myself accountable, making sure that I appreciate everyone who got to the end of my fic and left a lovely message for me. That's all man. There wasn't some superior mindset behind it. Someone leaves a message, I'm going to say thank you!
I answered that previous anon message because I know it's true, I'm not a good writer. I get stuck describing scenes very literally, I'm not good at metaphors or romantic wording, and I use italized words as a crutch to illustrate internal thoughts. When I was replying to the anon I was agreeing with them, to like idk, take the wind out of their sails?
I suppose I should've just deleted the message but idk, I didn't think much of it. And just so you realise, I didn't tag anything in that other message, so the only people that should see it are people that follow me? Unless Tumblr put it in like your For You tab or something? That'd suck, I hope Tumblr doesn't do that.
Also I do comment on fics wtf? When I love a fic, I make sure to leave comments. Especially because I know how good they feel to receive them. And I do reblog and promote other people's fics and fanart too! Go back to my teanshan blog and search the #fanart #fanfic #fic #toread tags! Also do you guys remember when I literally commissioned powerandpathos a few times?? They're the best! And everyone knows it!
I have never said I'm 'holding the fandom together', and I don't think anyone has ever told me that either. I just post about tianshan dude.
With your last lines of your message, you're putting me in a shitty position. Either I don't post this and you're leaving me to feel shitty by myself. Or I post it to respond to your accusations and you make me feel like I'm only doing it for attention! Well, I think this message is really fucking shitty and I need to tell you that this sucks. I hope you work on yourself in 2025.
I've turned off 'reblog control' so no one can reblog and defend me. I'm not sure about replies tho. I'll just say no one has to reply to this either. I don't need defending. I'm going to ignore future anon hate. and I'm going to carry on making posts about tianshan, talking about my fics, self-reblogging my work, and engaging in the fandom as I normally fucking do.
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fanarchoslashivist · 9 months ago
I know you dropped it but I love 'Compost' its my favorite fic of yours and also i really like 'A Royal Pain In The Ass' and 'Calefaction" the way you write Jack is so unique and fun he's such a little shit stirrer hes like a prank youtuber and it is so obvious why so many people would find him annoying and hate him. I always had a problem with how the fandom worshiped his little boohoo I'm so lonely because people don't like when I'm a fucked up little shit to them. Typical lonely white boy who acts out to get attention and then cries when nobody likes him after he literally ruined their shit.
Bunny definitely should have popped Jack in the mouth during their first encounter I swear it would have fixed so many bad takes about their post Easter confrontation. Jack is such a smart mouthed mean spirited little shit and I love him but oh my god oh my god I KNOW he has other spirits who will jump him because he fucked up playing around with something and then didn't apologize or acted like it wasn't that big of a deal. Jack had zero problems throwing out punch after punch shit talking everything the Guardians do but Bunny pushes exactly one button that we as the audience have context for and suddenly Bunny is the bad guy and Jack is the sad lonely child. They BOTH were being shitty, Jack literally has history of destroying the thing keeping Bunny ALIVE like oh so sorry he got his white boy feelings hurt. Jack killed a kid's goldfish and caused mass car accidents in the first twenty minutes of this film, he's the class clown at the frat party who thinks its funny to steal your phone and dangle it over the side of the pool to watch you get upset and try to take it from him then laugh when you fall in the pool as he dodges.
its just a joke, lighten up," he says until you call him an asshole college dropout who is intentionally crashing parties to make everybody's life hell because he's terrified of being rejected so he gives everybody an excuse to hate him first.
Then he's sad and hurt and you're mean for handing him back his entire personality on a platter.
The important takeaway from that scene is that Bunny and the other Guardians are supposed to help people in this situation, but Bunny is supposed to be the person who recognizes that Jack is in need of help. Bunny is playing the stern "you are here because of the consequences of your actions," role to a young adult who has not had proper guidance through his teen years. Jack's entire problem is that he learns about the world through trial and error, but faces no lasting consequences, he is literally dismissed. This is very white boy problem child of him, getting into trouble with little consequence because white kids are usually swept aside instead of severely punished like kids of color are, they are told 'oh he just needs care and guidance' while also giving him no care and guidance. literally how the fandom treats him actually, "Jack is just lashing out because he wants to be seen and people are mean for getting mad at him instead of helping" then call every guy who tries to be funny to get their attention in real life a fuck boy. Rise of the Guardians is best read as a trouble making twenty-something kid being forced into community service and finally meeting adults who actively work with troubled kids.
I think Jack is a great representation for young adults aging out of a system that failed them, his mixture of longing and disdain for everything the Guardians do is a perfect reflection of how everything we do to help protect and provide for kids as a community can fall short, but they are still necessary, and always at threat from groups that think the best way to straighten out a kid is breaking them. Think of all the people who are so upset at the idea of replacing detention with actual support projects, and all the comments from people who insist the best way to punish the kids is to hurt them in some way, hit them, force them to do grueling exercises, deprive them of their dignity. Think of every person around you who looks at a crying child in public and say "MY child knows better than to act like THAT" and the implication behind it.
Jack views the things the Guardians do as vain little pet projects that they use to bribe kids in exchange for their belief, the same way a child who doesn't receive care can view it as bribes for good behavior instead of rewards. The Guardians are, quite literally stated in the movie, a replacement for the way previous generations raised kids through punishment. Pitch is the Boogeyman, the manifestation of how parents used fear to control kids and get them to do as they are told. "if you don't listen to me the boogeyman will GET you."
This is replaced by a system of rewards, "Go to sleep on time or you'll miss the Sandman and wont have good dreams." "If you don't be good Santa won't bring you presents, only nice kids get rewarded." "Sit still and behave through Easter service and you'll get to go to the Easter egg hunt." "Losing a tooth isn't a scary thing, its something to look forward to, you get money from the Tooth Fairy."
But when you don't have that, when you don't have rewards to look forward to or the rewards are used to control you instead of as a gift you earned, you can build resentment. Especially if, like Jack, you are a child in need who slipped through the cracks of a system built to help you.
Jack seeks the Man in the Moon's help, he insists that MiM put him there, and we as the audience believe him even though nowhere in the film does anything back this up, in fact we are shown that MiM is easily ignored when he attempts to contact people, if Sandy had not noticed him and gotten everyone's attention. Jack also insults what the Guardians do, with each Guardian having a special scene with him where they showcase and explain the individual importance of their duties and how much effort goes into it. He learns he was wrong as he interacts with them, and he learns that he ALSO has use of their gifts. It was all "cooped up in some hideout finding new ways to bribe kids" until it was HIS memories being protected.
The Guardians had an important lesson to learn, its a very easy lesson for viewers because its in half the family films you watch. Parents need to spend time with their kids! Its not enough to focus on what you can give them, yes work is hard and you are doing so much to make sure they are provided for and you are tired and need time for yourself to rest when you are done, but you also need to connect with and actually talk to your kids. You can't just be the person that gives them things, you need to be THERE for them.
But Jack has an important lesson to, and you are right to see him as immature and uncaring for the harm he does, he needs to understand his actions have consequences. Its all well and good for him to show up and make a mess of things and fly off when nobody cares if he comes or goes, blow a kid's homework out the window, freeze their goldfish, cause car accidents by sending kids sledding into the street. He lives up to every trickster story I know, and how he's dealt with also follows that line. Tricksters show up and play games with you, and you are often the one suffering from those games, except when you convince the trickster to play by YOUR rules.
The Guardians follow this when they convince Jack to help collect teeth, Jack wants his memories and they can help with that (how the fandom thinks that's blackmail is beyond me, how exactly is he getting those back without them? 'If we work together as a team we can do this' is pretty basic problem solving skills to teach kids. You help me I help you isn't manipulative unless they specifically have the teeth and are keeping it from him to force him to help them.) Challenging a trickster to a game is the go to method to surviving a trickster encounter, in a trickster story there is always a lesson to be learned, its meant to set an example and someone is going to bear that weight. If you don't want to be the example you need to make sure its the Trickster. You need to play by the rules of a trickster story while also convincing the trickster to make mistakes that will lead him to face consequences.
Pitch does this beautifully, I fucking LOVE how Jack's encounter with Pitch is beat by beat how you deal with a trickster. He even lures Jack away like a trickster would, very "Coyote promising to help you home if you follow his voice but gets you lost all night" Jack is off balance and without control the entire time, he fell for the trickster's promise. Its a GREAT confrontation for a Trickster character who plays pranks and creates problems for others that those people are left to deal with even though they are not at fault. Do you think the child who lost all their homework didn't have to either go running for it or restart from scratch, or have to show up without their work the next day at school? Do you think anybody cared that it wasn't their fault? "Don't leave the window open" is the lesson and getting a bad grade is their consequence. I would LOVE to see the Burgess Facebook Rants and Raves page after Jamie's little sled ride. "Whose child is this in the street?! Someone needs to call CPS."
Lessons require consequences, and Trickster lessons are often mean spirited and outside of your control. "I did everything right" you say even as the story highlights all the ways you misstep.
Jack isn't the one who ruined Easter, but he IS the one who chased after a voice in the dark when he knew there were people relying on him. It falls in line with the "go straight home after school," lessons in a lot of kids stories. The child wanders off and gets to see a lot of things, maybe gets lost, maybe gets in trouble, and when he gets home he finds out that he missed out on something really good or everyone is mad at him because he wasn't there to help with what they were doing.
The Hey Arnold cartoon had an episode in which the kids ditch school and spend the whole day hiding that they ditched so they don't get to enjoy any of the fun activities they had planned, only to get to school after they give up and realize it was a Field Day and they missed out on all the fun activities the school had set up for the kids. Its a classic consequence for a kids story, and a good one for Jack who has shown that he both WANTS so badly to be accepted by others and has spent several scenes making mean sarcastic remarks about their work. "Its no hard boiled egg, but kids LIKE what I do." "I'm not climbing into some rickety old sleigh" Jack is SUCH an "I know I can't have it so I'm going to mock it to show I don't even want it," kind of person and as someone raising kids every time the Guardians give him that LOOK when they show off and he's wowed by them is so real.
Jack, after realizing that he let himself be distracted by an immediate want over the expectations of the people waiting for him, he does what he always does when he makes a mess and flies away. The Trickster at the end of a story. The question is who are the ones learning a lesson? Is it the Guardians, who put their trust in a trickster and he didn't show, or Jack who got what he wanted at the expense of everyone else?
And that's why Jack choosing to go back, choosing to face his consequences and return to clean up the mess, is so important for his character and his story.
He was, again, the child that slipped through the cracks of the system set up to protect him, and now he has a chance to work for that system, he disparages it, how could he not? It failed him! There is no question the system failed him. But are the people working in that system bad? Is it better to abandon kids with no support system at all? and can you trust the people who claim THEY know how to raise kids right, that kids should be taught to fear what will happen to them if they step out of line. The Guardians are all focusing on one thing, all their energy on one thing to help, each Guardian identified a need and they put their efforts into providing that one thing for the kids, millions of kids, and if everyone just put effort into one thing then we would have a million needs being taken care of, instead of setting up one single thing that does everything.
Pitch was able to attack that by taking them out bit by bit, but the whole system didn't fail, because each Guardian has one thing that they do. Our support systems are always under attack, we need to constantly justify something as small as a free meal program, people want Children to go hungry in school, and the schools are not above withholding the very right to eat as punishment. Children are at risk of losing their most essential human rights on a daily basis, and the people doing the work to just ensure they can Eat are being criticized that they are not also fixing every other problem in the world, and therefor they must not be of any use and we should listen to the people who want to hurt kids to fix the problem, because children who are not afraid of punishment are undisciplined and will just going to run wild. Please ignore all the evidence that punishment as a form of discipline creates more problems than it solves. Anything that is not punishment is obviously not actually discipline and the only real consequence a child understands is one enforced by fear and pain.
Also important to note that Pitch was no match for them, at his strongest it literally only required the Guardians to have a small portion of their power back (Easter is still ruined and Tooth has not been able to collect for 2 days) for them to take him down, because he was only able to avoid their attacks and strike from a distance. Even at the Tooth Palace as soon as they charged him directly he ran, and you get the sense from his urgency that he CAN'T fight them head on. This is how child abuse survives, abusers CAN'T defend themselves, they can only hide and try to talk their way into convincing those around them that what they are doing isn't actually that wrong because the system is also flawed. How can anyone criticize how THEY raise their kids when the people raising kids the supposed "right" way are also failing?
Jack is an outsider because he fell through the cracks and is lashing out at a world that doesn't acknowledge that it failed him, but Pitch is lashing out at a world that isn't letting him hurt people without consequence. And I could go on and on about how Pitch is a great metaphor for generational trauma and wanting to raise kids who wont be killed the way his family was killed even though how he raised his daughter with kindness and courage before the attack is literally what saved her life because she snuck out of the house to play on her boat in the middle of the night. Her disobedience as a child and lack of fear of getting into trouble with her parents literally saved her life. Imagine sneaking out of the house to steal your parents car in the middle of the night and not being afraid they would beat your ass to oblivion and it being framed as the thing that saved you. Also always thinking about how Pitch doesn't want a child that's already evil but instead wants a child that is seen as good and pure and he wants to corrupt that child to be like him because he sees himself as a good and pure person who is corrupted and the fact that every person he attempts to turn into his fearling prince or princess always turns away from him or proves to be beyond corruption only shows that he too could have avoided his own fall and it drives him further into insanity because he can never NOT be in the right because then he would have to face the galactic scale genocide he committed. I love Pitch so much he is so so so close to being redeemed at every turn but he actively chooses to continue to insist that raising children in fear is the only way to protect them and I just get so many emotions about that as someone from two cultures that faced genocide. The people in the fandom insisting that fear IS what keeps kids alive are not going to break the cycle of abuse i am so sorry.
The thing that really always draws me into the Guardians of Childhood universe is that every character has so many flaws and is capable of so much cruelty but actively chooses to be kind, and Pitch is shown time and time again to be capable of kindness but actively chooses cruelty. I love writing characters who hurt people, who think its fun or right to hurt people, and have to face the consequences of hurting people. I love knowing that humans are able to fix their mistakes and learn to have compassion, even if it does not come naturally to them. I love that North was a bandit who was lured by MiM with the promise of a town filled with riches he could pilfer and actively choosing to fight to save the kids. I love that Tooth was literally hunted like an animal by the adults but still snuck into villages to trade gifts with the other children.
I love Katherine's little temper tantrums throughout the books and how often she falls to despair over her worries only to pick herself up again. She is such a little girl, I love her so much. I love when she blew out the magic candle North lit for her because she was mad at him, I love how Pitch broke her compass and she didn't have any immediate confirmation her friends were going to rescue her and she just felt so completely and utterly alone even though they literally just had to be chased out of her room by Nightlight because they kept checking up on her two whole scenes ago. Girl it has been like a day and you have been kidnapped before, they are going to come for you, you are so middle school melodramatic it is painful sometimes.
This is so long and ridiculous I'm sorry for rambling. Anyway if you come off anon and pm me I'll give you my email and send you the next few chapters I've written. I'm currently not posting anything for the fandom because of some people bothering me, I haven't gone so far to take down my fics yet but I do have plans to delete my ao3 eventually and go full private if things get worse.
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bohemian-nights · 8 months ago
sophie has been offically confirmed to be the main love intrest of s4 and is not being genderbent!!!
Please for the love of God nobody send me anything on Bridgerton unless it’s to say Sophie and/or Lucy are Black. That’s the only thing I want to hear. It’s the whole reason I even watched Bridgerton, to be represented, but does this show care about Black women?
No the fuck it doesn’t.
It’s been 3+ seasons and not one Black woman has led a season where she’s being romanced, chased, being loved by a man(since that now had to be stipulated too), and getting a fairytale happily ever after like everybody else.
What I have seen though is every other woman getting handed lead roles without doing shit while the non-Black women cheer that on and yell at Black women to shut up when we ask to be represented in a show under a Black woman’s production company(if we were so entitled as to do the same people would start screaming bloody murder and calling us cold hearted evil bitches).
We can’t have anything quite literally because it hurts certain people’s fragile bitter egos to see us thrive.
You people should be thankful that Shonda is a self hating idiotic clown who doesn’t mind tap dancing for others acceptance because this shit would’ve never happened on a Black showrunners watch with some actual self esteem. Who needs enemies when your own sells you out for people who wouldn’t spit on you if you were on fire.
You can mule all you like(or if you’re non-Black I guess you can celebrate), but I am not here to cheer on another non-Black women getting happily ever after while Black women get literal shit and struggle.
There is only so much of this I can take. From HOTD, to the Bear, to this I am tired of watching shows that perpetuate blatant misogynoir or ignore and their Black female audience cause people think it’s funny to play mind games with us and they know nobody will say anything or other audience members will join in cause they love mocking us too.
I’m sick to death of seeing the same old same old play out and having to be everybody else’s cheerleader while getting nothing and expecting to just shut up and take it.
We are owed a Black female led with happily ever after who isn't bathed in tragedy, until that happens it's fuck this show.
Y’all can quote me all you like and call me whatever. I do not give a single fuck. I am done with this bullshit.
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liraspins · 7 months ago
what the actual fuck. trying to portray an oc is wild. nobody cares. I've just made a canon anime rp blog a few weeks ago. and guess what...people are COMMUNICATING, people CARE. people share posts, plot, like starter calls, reply to open starters within minutes. even , ooc posts get like 4 likes on average. i feel like i can just rp for hours whenever i log in over there. and here? i just posted two big starters yesterday, a self promo i've spent HOURS on, i go to sleep, wake up and not even a single notification. Like...the ironic thing is that i tag my starters or calls with everything, indie rp etc. I KNOW that people see it. I KNOW that people scroll past it... and the other account...wait you're not gonna believe this: I DONT EVEN HAVE TO TAG ANYTHING ON A STARTER AND IT WILL GET REPLIES....BC PEOPLE CARE.
i honestly hate this snobbish rp enviroment here. Ocs don't get any love, nobody gives a shit. everybody has to have the slickest formatting, craziest themes and such. IT DOESN'T SEEM LIKE PEOPLE ARE DOING IT FOR FUN ANYMORE!!! idk i'm just really mad. for this blog, my oc i do A LOT, with next to no rewards. on my canon anime account i don't even have to do anything and people will just write starters, text me, send ask memes etc. my starters on here have 0 notes, just like starter and plotting calls.
that's actually the reason i left tumblr rping behind in 2016, because there were just these writers who were just better than everyone else bc they have fancy formatting and icons they've spent way too long on for them to be extremely small, wtf.
sometimes it feels like high school i swear
i cant even plot with people bc they will just...leave.
there is also no communtication on here.
i hate y'all sometimes...
and i'm so tired of running after everybody. I reply to starters, like starter calls, message people if they want to plot, and I'm nice about it. and i get ignored. but communicated to, no ignore. there is no "hey i just looked at your oc and i don't this this is a vibe" which i would love to get one of these day, no, it's just nothing. and then you sit there. feeling like a fucking clown.
y'know why i can say that? because nobody will ever read this post lol, because it's on liraspins and liraspins isn't important. fuck you. also this is a plotting call lmao
going back to the Naruto rp community fuck you at least i can have INTERACTIONS there...
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yae-energy · 1 year ago
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╰┈─✩ ˚ ‧ random thoughts : 2 ‧ ˚
✧˖° synopsis : more random hc’s cause why not (the manga is crushing my soul)
✧˖° cast and crew : yuta okkotsu, maki zenin
.ᐟ content warnings : cursing (cause when am i not)
⤑ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ authors note : idk yall i just wanted to post 😭 i got at least 3 more ideas i wanna do.
yuta <3
- really good at math for absolutely no reason at all, mental math specifically cause istg this man is like a fucking calculator
- was a nightcore kid (BADDDDDDDLYYY)
- used to be a really big harry potter fan for a while
- loves musicals. like, LOVES musicals
- will say a lot of stuff ironically to the point where it actually becomes unironic and it annoys everybody to hell and back. but he genuinely cannot stop 😭
- vocal stims with the most annoying tiktok audios
- loves carrots and hummus and doesn’t like celery
- he love’s halloween and always matches costumes with inumaki
- his biggest pet peeves are gum popping and squeaky noises. like he will genuinely get so pissed off if he hears either of those things
- is really good at board games & card games, like he’ll really whoop your ass in some uno tbh (which is why no one plays with him) and pls don’t let him get his hands on them draw 4’s or it’s absolutely over for everybody. (and it’s even worse if they’re playing train. like he loses friends afterwards)
*before each turn he’s like “😬 sorry guyssss” (he’s in fact, not sorry)
*also is unnecessarily good at monopoly, like he racks up all the properties so quickly and everyone always thinks he’s cheating
- has really bad eczema (mainly gets it on his neck and it’s reallyyyyyy bad in the winter)
maki <3
- lactose (and still consumes dairy but like…at what cost girlie ☹️)
*also has horrible indigestion
- likes strawberries but hates strawberry flavored things. do NOT give her no strawberry flavored NOTHING or she will fight you
- is a sparkling water enjoyer (inumaki and panda clown her for this everyday and have been since they met her)
- doesn’t like bananas, she has a visceral HATRED for them i tell you. nobody knows why either but that’s just the way it is.
- COFFEE LOVERRRR (loads that shit up with creamer and sugar)
- loves doing crossword puzzles (and puzzles in general)
- really good at chess and ESPECIALLY checkers (she’s just really good at most games tbh, she doesn’t know how either)
- her glasses are always dirty LMAO (same girlie, same)
- really likes baseball, like really really likes it 😭
- adding onto the coffee one: she is an ice coffee FANN. everytime she’s mad one of the second years brings her an iced coffee and she’s completely ok again.
- she’s a dnd girlieeee !!! and she plays with yuta and inumaki when they all have time
- hates reading anything because she just doesn’t feel like it (and she’s impatient) so she gets yuta to read it for her 😭
- is one of those people where if you ask her to do something she’ll instantly say no but do it anyways 💀
- really good at mimicking people’s voices and copying signatures (like it’s actually terrifying)
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⤑ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ tags : @morosis-haze @jogeto @mypimpademia @zairene @planetlunaa @cosmiles @milesmolasses @chinieh @romiantic @stqrriichiigo
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if you wish to be tagged in any future works, here’s my tag form to fill out <33
if you wish to submit a request, here’s my ask box :)
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⤑ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ closing notes : took wayyyyy longer than i needed to finish this ! (just the life of being an adhd girlie 😋‼️) but pt.2 to this will come out shortly
also notice how i cannot SHUT THE FUCKKK up about these two like they did NOT need to be this long, do i care though? not really !!
now i’m onto these fuck ass tags 🙄
anyhow, love y’all 🫶🏽
update as of posting : it did take me over a month to post this i won’t lie…mb 😭
- xoxo, yves <3
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tellmerp · 15 days ago
Hey Shy,
You wanna hurt me so bad and kinda funny. You were so desperate, you went from cashapp to tiktok to a hateblog. That's crazy, but I also predicted it. The second I saw your tiktok pop up about weird bitches, I knew you would crashout. And the gag is, you crashing out only proved everything I said in this message right. Everything I said below is true.
You think this is about EDITS?? Bitch, you can't edit. I tried to teach you, but it was easier for you to bitch than watch a photoshop tutorial. It has everything to do with you being a lousy friend the past few months. You been a secret hater for awhile now. Mad I got friends not you. But let you tell it, I'm jealous? You actually think I'm jealous of your job that you was damn near fired from because you call off so much? The one you barely got because you got a nasty ass attitude? Jealous of your "social life" of you holding your co-workers hostage because you have no friends otherwise? You called our friendship a fakeship but wanted me out in Cali for your birthday next month. You just say shit to try and get under skin because you're miserable. All them xanaxs you pop got you not only delusional, but full of projection.
You go outside to try to prove to yourself that you're not dependent on RP, but survey says that's a lie! You would call off work to RP. You literally only touchgrass because you can't keep an LI and only give a fuck about writing with an LI.
Despite you trying to embarrass me, all you've done is make yourself look like the mentally unstable clown you are. You want people to believe I'm the problem whenyou fall out with everybody. I see why Tuck blocked you on cashapp because you're weird and excessive. You wanna blame me for random hate coming in, as if your dumbass didn't bring a magnifying glass on us BOTH with that bullshit ass post. You really think it's only me? Everybody got stories about you going nuts if you don't get a reply in 72 business hours. You stay doing petty, passive shit because you're an insecure bitch who uses eLiTiSm as your excuse for why you lack motion.
And if you wanna "air me out", that's between you & God. We all got screenshots. I didn't close my DMs. I can go get some too. You're so wack, you wanna resort to trying to turn people against me. You really tried to weaponize feelings on an old fight that's been resolved as your "proof" of me "badmouth". You're weaponizing venting. The manipulation is crazy, but they can tell the bullshit you're on from space. And even then, you think blasting me was "justified" because you were mad. You're a motherfucking crashdummy, bitch. You crash out, act nuts, then wonder why nobody wants to deal with you.
Spinning me like I was begging you for rent is wild. You deadass wanna give gossip fodder like you weren't just in a popeyes parklot, crying and asking me to send you lunch money because that job you wanna keep flaunting fucked up your money. Difference between us is, I didn't give you money to throw it in your face later. In fact, any money I ever borrowed from you, you received back. But because you want a moment of embarrassing me, you spin it like im a bum right? Me, the person who lost their job after a spinal surgery?
If you wanna be mad, be mad bitch. But this kiddy, crashout bullshit is birdish, even for you. You removed all my pages but one like a weird bitch so I removed myself and told you why. You could've went on your fucking way. None of what I said was RL related either
But as usual, you take it to hell. So here we are.
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The truth is, I struck a nerve when I said you were proving a point by going outside. Nah, the mark was missed. There was, indeed, a point to prove. You are miserable.
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Hi Avioa, venting and asking for advice if possible. [Anger holder near front so we apologize if any of this sounds rude.]
We have an alter who appears to be a shapeshifter [monochrome clown style] and has a 1920s announcer voice. Not really sure how relevant this is but I wanted to share.
He's from another subsystem so he doesn't come near front very often, but when he does, it's never for a good reason. He doesn't want to front, instead he chooses to break into our headspace house and mess up front. He makes things blurry and cuts off all communication, sometimes even making it so whoever is in front can't see the headspace at all. Usually he locks the front and the room gets tangled with red string. Sometimes he tries to bring children to front or primarily targets and tries to harm them. Sometimes he just comes near front to "watch" but he's very good at going undetected.
It's hard to describe and makes our experience with him feel incredibly invalidating, as most people say to us, "Have you tried communicating? You know evil alters don't exist, right? He's probably not out to hurt you, just misguided. Don't demonize him!! I feel so bad for him based on how you describe him, you're hurting him." etc. But he knows what he's doing, I don't know what his goal is but its fucking horrible because he's like, the "ring master" of most persecutors so when things don't go his way, he makes things worse. We literally have alters who have split specifically for jobs dedicated to keeping him away, cleaning up the strings after a situation, etc. He's never bodily harmed us but he has in our headspace and he's purposefully angered our "leaders."
I don't know why he does what he does, I wish I knew, and I wish people understood that he isn't just a fucking "misguided protector." I don't know how to make it better or fix it or what.
Fortunately this hasn't happened in at least 6 months (afaik? but sys has been very quiet it does strike some concern). I have low-to-no communication with many though so things could've happened that I just don't know about. I don't know. Sometimes just thinking about or saying something "bad" about him manages to catch his attention. I hate trying to ignore he doesn't exist in order to keep us safe. I wish things were better.
Even if you aren't sure what to say, thank you for listening. I just want my voice to be acknowledged at least once, even if its anonymously.
Hey, we don't have any alters that could be like that. But we have a similar situation. We have an alter who is able to lock up front to EVERYBODY (we can all do it, nobody knew though and the rest of us are all chill with eachother so we dont have a reason to mostly) until he wants the lock up to end. He's used this to his advantage. My advice may not be the best but it's from our experience.
I say if you can, lock him up. Whether that be with chains, or in a jail, or whatever. He's obviously harmful and he isnt going to stop.
IF it is possible, and you all are ready for it, you can try communicating with him and try to get him to stop. I know that sometimes alters will never stop what they do, and in that case you all will need to take the next steps to keep the system safe.
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thelocalconstellation · 3 months ago
Decidedly, I'm posting little drabbles with some of my OC's, mostly from my fun little project Refraction. Have a movie night! Characters will be listed and described at the end!
"Okay- no, no! Fuck off! Oh my gods- Auran!" Angel laughed from the tv room. Sounds of a scuffle came through the doorway.
"I'm not mediating anymore! This is y'alls problem! If Tia wants to start shit over what flavour goes on the popcorn, that ain't on me!" The microwave beeped, telling him the next bag of popcorn is done. Auran sighed, taking it out and putting a new bag in.
"No- it's the fucking glitter again!"
"And it never leaves the carpet!" Iris shouted. "Three- get in here!" Auran rolled their eyes, bringing the finished popcorn bags into the other room.
"I've already said I'm done trying to keep this circus from shenanigans. If you make a mess, clean it up, or I'm putting you on filing duty at Central for three days. Tia, if you get glitter in the carpet, you're responsible for getting it out, and unless either Con or Central explicitly says you need to go in for something, you get to be Central's point of contact until it's out of the carpet. 'Kay?" Tia shuddered, and pocketed the glitter bottle. Angel relaxed, though not before scooting away from Tia, poorly supressing a smile to give Tia a pointed glare.
"Boo! Acab! Fun police!" Tia complained.
"Take it up with HR!"
"We have an HR?" Antros asked, raising an eyebrow. Auran grinned.
"It's Authen. Authen is HR, so good luck getting in touch dickstick." Iris snickered. "You also get to be HR! Everybody, direct your complaints to Iris! Iris also gets to be HR!" She stuck her tongue out at Auran.
"If you complain to me, I'm responding in my language. And Rosa and Alex will not be translating." A chorus of disappointment sprung up from around the room. Iris simply smiled and curled up tighter in her chair.
"Wait! Valis could translate!" Antros exclaims, perking up.
"You think you could get Valis Reilli Sycora to translate for you when it's their mother who started it? Valis- as in- plotted against this whole team with their mother for up to three months before April Fools, telling nobody- Including! Not even telling Rosaline and Alexander, about said prank? Not even me? You think you could convince Valis to translate something Iris said due to your silly crimes?" Auran exclaimed. "Please do, I'd love to see that conversation." Antros wilted.
"... Cassia?"
"Why are you even trying to solve this issue, this is my problem? Fuck off??" Tia questioned.
"OH I'M NOT ALLOWED TO BE HELPFUL??" Antros laughed, turning to Tia. She launched a pillow at him.
"OH I'M SORRY IS THIS OUR EMOTIONAL STABBING? No! Stay out of it! Bitch!" Tia laughed. The microwave beeped from the kitchen again.
"Alright, you clowns better have picked a movie, video, or stream to watch before I finish with the popcorn. And if Statera, Ethan, and/or Virtro don't show up in time for it to start, you have full permission to rag on them on coms next time you catch them online."
Spoiler alert- Ethan showed up right after that, Virtro didn't show up flat out, and Statera was 15 minutes late. She was in the house the whole time. she fell asleep at her desk.
Anyways! Present characters:
Auran - Any pronouns, primarily written with he/they, though if there's too many people in one room/scene, he/him. She writes her reports like this too. Iris and Authen refer to him as Three on occasion. He's got shorter black hair, 5'11. Bright purple eyes and tan skin. Sometimes he changes his hairstyle to be longer, done up in a pair of buns.
Irisaya (Iris) - She/they with an inclination towards she. Black hair that was dyed a dark blue a long time ago. Her hair has since long grown out. She usually keeps it done up somehow, just to keep it out of her face. It's down in this scene. Brown eyes, one slightly lighter than the other. She's about 5'7. Just barely paler than Auran. She's one of the non-humans by birth. She's from the planet Everia (There's worldbuilding here and a Lot Of It. I had a project for school when I was 13, if that says anything.) She is also quite literally an edited version of my very first OC, if that says anything.
Angel - She/her. Long, medium brown hair. Gold eyes, looks older than most of the group, though isn't the oldest by far. At the time this happened, she would have been one of the newer additions. About 5'9. Lighter tan skin. She usually has a longer red sweater she wears, about halfway down her thighs.
Antros - He/him. blond hair going just barely below his shoulders tied back into a small ponytail. His eyes were originally light blue, however after an incident regarding his magic, he now has one purple eye as well. There's a streak in his hair that matches the colour of his hoodie. 5'6. Pale skin.
Tia - She/her, shorter black hair with a cyan streak in the front. Brown eyes, about 5'10. She has a tiny top hat she likes to clip into her hair. It's black with a dark cyan ribbon on it. Darker brown skin.
Mentioned characters:
Rosaline (Rosa) - Iris's partner. They/them. The communicative braincell.
Alexander (Alex) - Iris's partner. He/him. He's a delight, and also so oblivious sometimes. We love him anyways.
Authen - It's. Uh. Good question! Spawned in one day. Between Iris and Auran, One and Three, respectively, Authen is Two. It/it's pronouns. Sometimes it's there, sometimes it's not! :D
Valis - Iris, Alex, and Rosa's child. Genderfluid (He/they/she). Full of silly and full of crimes! They and their mother are a duo to be reckoned with and banned from teaming during game events.
Cassia - Valis's wife. She/her. She's the first human to be introduced to this family tree!
Statera - Another member of the Crew. She/they
Ethan - Very possibly the youngest of the Crew, but he knows Far More than you'd ever think he could. He looks like he's twelve. Don't trust that thought. He/xe
Virtro - Auran counts him as part of the Crew and she get's treated as such. As of the time of this, Virtro is still getting used to having people she can rely on. He's kind of like a stray cat. They're just waiting on her. He/her
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hyumjim · 2 years ago
I hate that there are people on here who earnestly believe that it is not fair to expect people not to play tiktoks out loud on public transit. TIKTOK, that is where I draw the line. I can actually deal and cope with someone else’s music no matter how much I hate it. I’m used to that. Tiktok is a new thing in the scope of cultural history and it’s HELL. hearing somebody else scrolling tiktok, it’s fresh hell there’s nothing like it. If you want to talk about ableism ok girl I have misophonia, ME SO PHONIA! It’s fucking torture for me. Is it fair for me to expect strangers to accommodate that in public? NO. Is it fair to expect people to do something that’s like a basic matter of social courtesy? Yeah, similar to how we expect people to give up their seat for a clearly struggling elderly person or to not smoke in a subway car. Nobody has to do any of this you’re not going to jail if you don’t do it, it is just stuff that other people would like you to do when we are trapped together in the saw trap of a modern train car. I am not going to do anything to you, the most I will do is grimace. And guess what? I did this just now with the woman who was replaying a HAMILTON TIKTOK in the otherwise quiet train car and you know what she did? She put her phone away. Crisis averted, world peace achieved. I’m not going to do anything to anybody but in a theoretical saw trap situation I would certainly not hesitate to saw her legs off first. And I think that’s how you should go about life. consider what might happen to you if suddenly you and everyone around you were at the mercy of mister jigsaw the clown (<- has never seen saw movies). Well while I’m here I just wanted to say happy Friday everybody
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sayakxmi · 1 year ago
[Magi reread] Night 66: Holy Palace's Aladdin
It almost feels weird to return to Aladdin right now
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Weird thingies
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Idk, just that giant head is kinda silly
Also, damn, Aladdin's wobbly legs
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Nvm, they aren't Schehe's clones. But it still confuses me a little, cuz I feel like it's sort of implied later on that they are? But I might be misremembering thing - I'll comment on it when I get to the Magnostadt Arc. For now it's just a bit ?? Like, it's a real possibility Ohtaka didn't plan that far ahead yet.
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You look really sad about it for a guy who nearly murdered him in blind rage
Ok, to be fair, I can imagine him feeling bad about it after calming down. Still, weird choice to want to explain Alma Torran to Judar instead of, idk, Yunan for example. I feel like it would have made the whole dying-and-coming-back-over-and-over-again a little more bearable. To actually know the point of that. Bc when Aladdin and Yunan talk, Yunan admits that Ugo'd never explained anything, and in that form (the blob, probably) form he couldn't ask. So. That fucking sucked.
Anyway. Giving Solomon's Wisdom to Judar? Really? I think you're putting too much faith in that guy.
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I... forgot that's what happened. I remembered they were the same guy, but that magic turning into one? Tbh, cool.
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Hello there, characters nobody cares about, least of all Ohtaka
Don't worry, grls, I've got u.
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Look at this annoyed Alibaba, lmao
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I mean, I jest, but it's pretty cool. Fate is one of Magi's main themes, that for sure, and to have it explained the way it is, I think it really works.
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Black Sun
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Honestly, I just love it being explained like that. Things becoming inverted, distorted.
Idk man, there's not much I think I can say about it. The explanation is solid on its own, and it's pretty damn cool.
Tho later Ohtaka will come and try to convince us that maybe falling isn't so bad after, yeah, sure, all these brainwashed people are a good proof of that...
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That's... yeah. I was thinking about it lately, cuz I was thinking about the Kou Empire Arc.
Maybe that entire becoming more powerful god than the other guy then that guy becoming more powerful than you and then you becoming more powerful than him... etc didn't come out of nowhere here, bc Hakuryuu's falling feels kind of like that. Abra is fallen, so she works against fate, so she fucked up the fate for Hakuryuu, who then proceeded to, idk, +2 to that by also falling, and, since he's not returning things to the actual fate's course, he just makes even bigger of a mess... Which is ironic as fuck. He tried to destroy Al-Thamen by literally doing what they wanted to - sowing more chaos and disasters all around, which at worst could have led the world to an end (given Judar could cause Il Illah to descend, apparently). Idk man, put some make up on to the clown music, you fucking moron.
Like, don't get me wrong, I like Hakuryuu for the most part, but Jesus Fuck he's an idiot. This is why he's constantly painted as immature. Because he fucking is immature. He never thinks things through, has no patience to speak of once he snaps, and ends up just making everything worse for everybody and himself, and wakes up with a hand in the pot, because turns out he has no idea how to handle the aftermath of his stupidass choices, because he was too busy fucking up people's minds to consider what happens after the war.
Ok rant over.
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(soon) RIP Alibaba
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Honestly, that's such a cool moment.
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It kind of looks cute
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Idk man, awesome moment all around. The fact that all of these blobs are helping him up is really cute, too
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That crying Aladdin : (
Also, not gonna lie, this feels like the theme of this arc, among other things. And I'll definitely talk about it more. It's about losing the people you love, but at the same time meeting new ones, too. Of course they won't replace them, but the point is simply you're not alone.
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Honestly, it just looks aweosme
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sburbian-sage · 10 months ago
Sorry, bit of a long-ass vent post with little point ahead.
Knight of Time here. Session also includes a Heir of Space, Scout of Mind, Rogue of Heart, Mage of Life, and a player that I'm having some trouble with, our Seer of Light.
Me and the Seer are both very experienced. Everyone else is pretty new to replaying, and they all really look up to us. But me and the Seer don't really get along at all.
They tend to give a lot of advice that I think is really double edged, weird, or just plain wrong. Like, they once told the Heir that Space is "all about loneliness" so the Heir should avoid trying to become friends with anybody. Which like... Where do I even start, right?
Obviously there's a nugget of truth in there. I've heard SOME people say that Space CAN be associated with loneliness, but the end conclusion is a recipe for disaster.
But hey, I'm a Time player. What the fuck do I know about Space. Maybe I'm the idiot, sure. And maybe I'm wrong about a bunch of the stuff they've said that I thought was wrong. Who knows!
What I do know is that the Seer needs to STOP telling me how to play MY classpect, or I'm gonna blow a fuse.
They drone on and on about how Knights are "always using their aspect as a shield to hide something about themselves", which, like, is a theory I've heard before, and might even be right. But fucker, I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WOULD BE HIDING. I can't have the cathartic feelings jam they keep condescendingly angling for, but if I could, I wouldn't have it with THEM anyway.
Also, nearly every idea they have about Time sounds like a doomed timeline in potentia.
I keep telling them to leave me alone, I keep telling everyone to be careful taking their advice, I keep explaining and reexplaining how to avoid doomed timelines. But nobody gets it. Least of all the Seer themself, who often gives me a shitty little smirk and tells me "This is a game about maturing, you'll get it once you grow up a little more".
I don't want to like, go full-bore on turning everybody against them or anything. Hell, they ARE a Seer of Light, advising is much more their role than mine, it's possible that they really ARE right about a lot of what they say, and I've deluded myself into thinking they're an idiot.
But I don't understand how to handle it at this point. My mind keeps tossing out conspiracy theories like "what if they haven't been replaying as long as they say", "what if they're TRYING to kill us with bad advice", stuff like that.
I'm sorry, I don't even know what my question is. I guess "how do I put up with this", but I guess that it'll always come down to that, and the answer is usually to just try and go numb to it. At least typing all this out made me feel a little better.
I need you to send my an invoice for my medical bill, because I cringed so hard I may have damaged organs.
Okay, obviously there's some Dunning-Kruger going on here. This person matured a little bit, but now they think they're the master of maturity, own-zoning emotionally stunted sboobs with their sage advice (no relation), ass famine, etc. etc. But that bit about "Knights act like this and Space players do that" hurts me personally. It's rich to say this as someone who writes guides as a sort of vocation, but I think reading too many guides gives you brain damage. This is evident here, where not only is the Seer of Light engaging in some hardcore secondhand classpecting, but is also giving very by-the-books canned advice on the narrative arc of certain titles, with equally dubious advice to adhere to it as inauthentically artificially as possible. I need to stress how much I hate this, it's like I'm a well-respected biology professor at Clown University, and I'm watching this fresh new bio student completely jettison the worth of my degree by delivering a sermon on how correct phrenology is, I'm vomiting blood right now.
Sadly, I think you're right in that you just have to ignore them. They seem pretty set in being the Grand Master of SBURB, I don't think a conversation can help them out of it (outside of saying "if you tell me how to play my class I will dropkick you in the head"). And if their advice really is that bad, maybe let it blow up in their face a little bit. I don't doubt that the Heir of Space will eventually try contacting you or someone else when they realize how miserable and difficult being a loner is, and they'll see pretty quickly that they do indeed not have to be lonely to "fulfill their aspect" or whatever. If you're not too averse to seeing your own dead body, maybe try taking their advice on time travel, and then point towards the doomed timeclones and say "like that, right?". I think they'll fizzle out once people start realizing how bad the advice is, and will maybe calm down and be less imperious about it. Or they'll go nuts, take direct action because they know best (as Seers are wont to do, not that I as a Sage know anything about that), and watch as their advice literally blows up in their face. And then they'll probably chill out afterwards, because that's what happens when you fuck up and disappoint everyone during an ego-trip. Then things will go hunky-dory!
Alternatively, their advice does work, in which case the problem solves itself! Don't ever admit you were wrong though, otherwise you consign yourself to a hell most eternal. Just nod and say "yeah, look at that" or something.
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hawkeyedflame · 1 year ago
"anyway, go ahead and post your screenshots, like i give a fuck. i never said anything in that server that i don't stand by still, and i certainly never harassed anyone. while you're doing that, maybe go outside and touch some grass. like, seriously. live your life outside in the real world like a normal person and you might realize that nobody gives a flying fuck about your internet temper tantrums."
This is just Peak ironic and hypocrisy of you and your friends given what they were doing in there but I'm sorry that you just want to sweep everything underneath the rug and act like you're forgiven or have Redemption now when you haven't done anything to become a better person lol lmfao even.
It's super duper funny to watching you try to take the high road here 😂 but just know people know the real you twerp
2) Rules for the not we must be very strong motto with you too 😂 But again it's so crazy how you just lied and then immediately resended that lie and tried to wiggle your way out, you want to talk about being racist or sexist or homophobic but wait till the screenshots come out and I'll tag everything appropriately there for you and see how your friend still feel about you but deep down you haven't changed and wont change just like your creepy pals that were in there with you haven't stopped or changed as well but I'm going to guess that you just conveniently avoided all that somehow huh 3) You were so upset over hominis and his wife both racist sexist garbage people 🤡 enjoy your side show clowns ya freakshow 😂 Karma will see to you, don't worry ugly. 4) Awe you're upset of cisnowflake too another horrible sexist racist loser? For all your projecting and positioning you try to do on your page you're still just the same person you have been 2 years ago and even further back because no matter where you go or what you do you are still you Paige and your true colors will bleed back through and you can't change the hate in your heart anymore than you can change how retarded, ironic and hypocritical you are 😂 Cuz again I don't see you renouncing your friends Behavior or what they did or your part in it you're just mad because I'm here calling you out about it while you're trying to save face. I mean again if you truly moved on and are turning this new page relief you could have just apologized or said you know what that situation was horrible but no you double down back to like you always do and will again. Garbage person, simple ass 🤷‍♂️ 5)Again it's just funny you go from you weren't in any kind of Discord doing harassment or talking shit about people you dont even know and then you admit that you were in there and you stand by everything that you said but then say you've changed and its others problems what you did and caused. Yup that's the way to have integrity and maturity and to get to the next level of being a better person for sure just sleeping everything underneath the rug and flipping everybody off in the process. I hope your life is as "pleasant" as you have been.
I go to bed and then go to work and come back to this word vomit... You might actually be more deranged than the chick from the FMA fandom who was tweaking out about me supposedly being a transphobe. I'm legitimately impressed by your dedication. Honest.
So anyway, this is really funny, I guess since you're on anon like a spineless worm, you're giving me the liberty of having the last word, because I certainly won't be answering any more asks from your crazy ass after this lol
I am friends with very few people in that server. The people who are/were in there at the time that I was also using the server were acquaintances at most, with the vast majority being strangers I'd never met. I never once participated in harassing or being hateful towards anyone while I was using that server. As I said, post your screenshots if it will make you feel big and cool. I do not give a fuck. It's not like I'm going to waste my time looking at whatever "evidence" you think you have on me.
I didn't lie. I said I don't use servers, which is true. I did not say that I've never used servers. 2+ years of not participating in any servers constitutes saying that I do not use servers. You're grasping at straws, it's pretty sad.
When was I ever upset about Hom and his wife? They can take care of themselves. This doesn't even make any sense.
This is actually just really funny. You're here on anon trying to tell me you know me well enough to know whether I've changed as a person. I have, believe me. Just not in my political opinions. I don't need to renounce anything or apologize for anything, because I am not any of the things you are accusing me of being, nor are any of the people you have brought up by name in this weird little mental breakdown you're having in my inbox.
Again, didn't lie. Didn't talk shit about anyone I don't know except for a couple of creepy-ass tumblr losers that were outright stalking a couple of my acquaintances. Perhaps you're assmad because you're one of those stalkers? Much to think about. My life is extraordinarily pleasant, yes, and getting better every single day. Thank you for the well wishes. Happy new year :)
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