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aneekebeth · 4 years ago
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It's been a whole day of reunions 😊💕 love it! So nice to be able to be outdoors around other ppl thanks to the friends that helped me feel comfortable & stay calm ☺ . . . . . . #noanxietytoday #mentalhealthawareness #sanantonio #sanantonioriverwalk #riverwalk #kindnessmatters #friendsreunion #gratefulforfriends #grateful (at The San Antonio River Walk) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO7C8boLJ32/?igshid=7si1itcb7kno
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cindywardwellness · 4 years ago
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Yep, I said it! A perfectionist is saying imperfection is ok! Perfectionism will: -stop you from moving forward -have you blaming others -cause anxiety -focusing on your faults -create self doubt It has taken me a long time to let go of always needing things to be perfect. And I am so grateful that I keep working at letting that part go. I am NOT perfect and I am okay with that. Now don’t think that letting go of perfectionism means that you are getting a free pass to NOT try your best! It just means your best does not need to be THE BEST! Happy imperfect Thursday🥰 #perfectionist #thursdaymood motivation #itsok #noanxietytoday #cindywardwellness #grateful (at North Dakota) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHgFzzOBRcR/?igshid=hf2tvkfqn1n4
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bryanthewriter · 4 years ago
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With a life full of anxieties, today has been the most relaxed days I've had in long time which is strange because I start work again tomorrow and that usually has me all over the place preparing. #summerbreeze #noanxietytoday (at Fort Wayne, Indiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD9qBVYgZ5S/?igshid=yu4zqtcb56ji
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anxietyann · 7 years ago
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Letting my hair down for ladies night!!#abadmomschristmas #ladiesnight #momsnightout #justinhartley #noanxietytoday #fightingtobefearless #laughteristhebestmedicine #laughterisgoodforthesoul
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specialseeds-blog · 7 years ago
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Happy birthday! When the person with the crown in this picture is carrying my name, I know this is going to be a very special day for me! The excitement of being the king or queen for a day can make me very anxious. Not only on my special day, but for many days before that. To temper my feverish eager to have this eventful time started, a calendar with the date at the finish will help me to grasp the wait until the big day. We can draw this calendar together and make it into a planner; when to send out the invitations for the party, a shopping trip for treats and even preparing the little thank you gifts. Being the centre of attention from the moment I get up, is absolutely awesome, but can also create a lot of stress! Because nothing is as structured and predictable as normal, I might not feel in my element at all. Little nudges and heads up about what's going to happen will make me more at ease and able to enjoy my special day. Think about the calendar, my daily Picto plan board and my Mini Pictos for on the go. Remind me of what's next, even a bit more than you usually do. Everyone that's attending my party can contribute to a wonderful day. The plan board could be a special party guest, with party Pictos and photos of the activities ahead. Not only great for me, but exiting for the visitors. Ask me what I'm comfortable with and listen to my needs. I might want to include my guests in the organisation and ask them about their favourite birthday entertainment. They can create their own Picto if they're keen too! Let's party and celebrate all together! Happy (anxiety free) birthday to me🎁🎉 #mondaypicto #birthday #happybirthday #happybirthdaytome #noanxiety #noanxietytoday #planboard #birthdaypicto #handmade #custommade #guests #presents #structure #predictable #party #partyplanner #specialseeds
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anxietyann · 7 years ago
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I know you've probably my heard many different versions of this but I really wanted to put it out there. When you dare to overcome your fears, you win. When you have the courage to be yourself, you win, and when you keep going no matter what obstacles lie ahead, you WILL WIN!! #bedaring #daretobeyou #loveyourself #fightingtobefearless #scrapthestigma #youonlyliveonce #noanxietytoday #live #laugh #love #beyourepic #fight #breathe #justdoit #beyou #try #mentalhealth #anxiety #depression #bipolar #behavioralhealth
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anxietyann · 8 years ago
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Day #3 touching the fence and no sweets mega challenge ! Man did the universe do a number on me today! I couldn't get down the aisle I needed at Target, so sorry went down the next one to get around the people that we're homesteading and it was the candy aisle! Then went grocery shopping and was looking for my snap pea crisps and walked down the cookie aisle. They were also having a giant pie sale!! 😡So I kept my head down and went to Starbucks and treated myself to unsweetened tea. Still can't believe I made it out of the market with my fruits, vegetables and a pack of sugar free gum!😜#progress #whynotme #touchthefence #dontquitwontquit #try #believe #fight #gottatry #tiredofbeingfat #fightingtobefearless #anxietywarrior #noanxietytoday #fftfl
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anxietyann · 8 years ago
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Getting ready for the show!!! #testament #sepultura #prong #metalmom #metal #music #live #musicismylife #headbanger #mosh #noanxietytoday #
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anxietyann · 8 years ago
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I know it's Monday, but we get the choice to make it a great day or complain that it's the start of another workweek. It's all up to you!!! Let's focus on the present and be grateful for a brand new canvas. 😊❤️ #fightingtobefearless #smile #live #laugh #love #breathe #loveyourself #scrapthestigma #noanxietytoday #anxietywarrior #depression #bipolar #behavorialhealth #gottabeme #everydayisagift #focusonthepositive
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anxietyann · 7 years ago
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So I got back out there yesterday and it felt like I was starting all over again. I looked at my time and was extremely disappointed with myself. Then I remembered, aren't I always the one reminding people that it's not about the time, your race your pace. That forward it forward no matter how you get there? - I really took a long hard look at myself and decided to look at it positively. I came either be pissed about how slow a runner I am or I can acknowledge the fact that I'm a kick ass walker. I'll go with option number two!! - Remember, there is usually more than one way to look at something and we can choose to look at it from a positive perspective or from a negative one. A positive perspective can be your greatest weapon. So let's be some positive people out in the world!!❤️👊🏼 #fightingtobefearless #findthegood #scrapthestigma #perspective #smile #noanxietytoday #chubbyrunner #love #forwardisforward #faith #hope #breathe #positivethinking #smilesoverfrowns #walkingrocks
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anxietyann · 8 years ago
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FINALLY fulfilled a childhood dream!! I rule!!😜😜#nerdygirl #zapcon #qbert #somuchfun #perfectsunday #gamegirl #noanxietytoday #lifeisshortbesilly #iamme#iambah #laugh #play #love #videogames
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anxietyann · 7 years ago
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I am living proof that anything is possible. When your fear and doubt kicks in, when that mean person inside your head tells you it’s impossible or you won’t ever do it, DON’T LISTEN!! You can do it. Whatever it is, whatever you want to accomplish, just get out and try. Doubt and fear kill more dreams than failure ever could. I truly believed running a 5k was impossible for me. At one point, I believed I couldn’t run 7 minutes straight. Here I am in my forties and at my heaviest weight ever, and I’ve run over 14 5Ks and one 10K since O started the couch to 5k program over a year and a half ago. I’m not the fastest, but I never quit. I believe in you. Now go out there and cross your finish line!!❤️💪🏻👊🏼#chubbyrunner #wogging #onefootinfrontoftheother #cantquitwontquit #dontquit #yesyoucan #noanxietytoday #scrapthestigma #fightingtobefearless #neverquit #beyourepic #live #laugh #love #fight #believe #havefaithinyourself
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anxietyann · 7 years ago
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I am an incredibly indecisive person and it really makes me feel bad. It really is one aspect of myself that I truly hate. I know that’s a strong word, but it’s the honest truth. . So that is something I am goi f to put a lot of effort into working on. Making decisions and sticking by them, regardless of the results, I will own my choices, because isn’t that what life’s all about? I can’t play it safe anymore, so here we go!! Join me, won’t you! #decisivemoment #choice #nomoreindecisiveness #anxiety #noanxietytoday #gottamakeachange #fightingtobefearless #letsdothis
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anxietyann · 7 years ago
Stay loyal to your vision, long after the mood you said it in has passed.- Trent Shelton. This man had truly been an inspiration to me and I love his energy and perspective, so I wanted to share it with you. @trentshelton thanks for everything you do #rehabtime #trentshelton #inspiration #stayloyaltoyourvision #fightingtobefearless #noanxietytoday #live #laugh #love #try #justdoit #putinthework
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anxietyann · 7 years ago
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Day 2!! I really had to focus on being disciplined and listening to my body so that my knee holds up well this year and for many more races ahead. Anyone with bad knees what can recommend anything that helps would be greatly appreciated. ❤️ Youbonly get one life, so live it. You only get one body, so love it!!!❤️❤️#loveyourself #dontquitwontquit #whywait #yesyoucan #beyourepic #fightingtobefearless #anxiety #noanxietytoday #noanxiety #scrapthestigma #live #laugh #love #walk #wogging #justdoit #forwardisforward #everforward #onefootinfrontoftheother
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anxietyann · 7 years ago
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Not waiting for the new year. Getting it done today, for there is no promise of a tomorrow. and I think I have used up my quota of “I’ll start tomorrow.” 😬#dontquitwontquit #touchthefence#whywait #walking #wogging #jogging #chubbyrunner #fightingtobefearless #noanxiety #anxietywarrior #noanxietytoday #justdoit #dontwait #tomorrowisntpromised #onefootinfrontoftheother #myracemypace #yourraceyourpace #forwardisforward
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