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agentark · 1 month ago
of course the Leonard Church website came back from the dead
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mprideflies · 3 months ago
Sorry to say, you've grown a bit pre-di-ctà-ble.
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"/prɪˈdɪktəbl/ if something is predictable, you know in advance that it will happen or what it will be like"
I know y'all can hear it btw
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anim-ttrpgs · 5 months ago
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"Predictable," investigator Trait from Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy. Every investigator has 3 to 6 Traits!
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swan2swan · 1 month ago
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I had a realization today and had to share my newfound knowledge with everyone.
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randomasfuk · 27 days ago
Mask of the phantom
I just watched Batman: Mask of the Phantasm for the first time, and I can’t be the only one who gets teenage vibes from Bruce—not in terms of design, but in attitude (both in the present and the flashbacks I know he was most definitely just starting out then im not a complete fool). His relationship with Alfred especially stands out. While Alfred has always been his butler, there’s a strong parental dynamic between them in this movie—at least in my opinion. The level of sass Alfred throws at Bruce feels less like that of a strict employee and more like a parent dealing with a stubborn, independent child. Meanwhile, Bruce himself gives off serious angsty, rebellious-teen energy. Of course there’s still love between them in later year but I feel like their dynamic changed over the years, becoming more professional, though Alfred never lost his occasional sassy moments.
Then there’s Bruce’s relationship with Andrea. One of the reasons she left him was that they were too young, which emphasizes that and it was obvious this was his first real love—one he clearly never got over. His anger is always a part of his character, but it feels even more intense here. That said, I could just be interpreting things in a way that supports my theory (not that it changes the overall plot in any major way).
As for the Joker, it seems like he might just be starting out. His hideout looks rough, and while Joker (as we know him) has money, he could easily have a better lair if he wanted to. This makes me think he’s still in the early days of his criminal career. Plus, Joker already knows Batman well, meaning he’d immediately recognize that Bruce wouldn’t kill anyone—so if they weren’t just starting out, he should’ve known it wasn’t him from the start. Another interesting point is the complete absence of Harley Quinn—not even a mention of her. While that might not mean anything, it adds to my case.
I would say the same for the robins but it’s not uncommon for them to be left out a Batman movie adaptation, although all of them without a single reference in an animated movie isn’t as common, so I’m not sure about that.
This could all be common knowledge if I’m right, but oh well.
Side note: Mask of the Phantasm wasn’t as good as it was made out to be on TikTok. Don’t get me wrong—it was good, but nowhere near the top animated Batman movie. The plot twists were predictable to me, like Andrea surviving and her being the Phantasm. I believed it was her father when the movie hinted at it being him, but she was always my first guess prior to finding out much of anything. Again, it’s a solid movie, but it didn’t quite live up to the hype. Also I would have really liked to know how Andrea done her disappearing thing I mean they could have gave the most bs answer ever and I’d be happy, I would have loved to know.
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booigi-boi · 1 month ago
Me when I forced time to draw Space Baby characters 🤠
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liesmyth · 8 months ago
you know when you skip gym for a week and call it a rest week and then you're busy the next week and that's also a wash and then next thing you know you haven't gone to the gym in 3 weeks and you feel strangely down :| and weak :/ then you touch a barbell and wow!!! suddenly depression is gone!! I'm so strong and hot and take care of myself and am the most functional woman alive!! who could've guessed!!! bench press healed me
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rogue205 · 10 months ago
Season 3 Finale Rant…
(Kinda sounds like my other post… 🤷‍♀️ Oh well)
I feel that Soldier Boy is an anti-hero and not a villain. He’s labeled as such because his morals do not align with those of “the good guys”.
Honestly, the show runners kept insisting that SB was bad and had to be stopped by any means necessary but they never showed us why he was apparently so bad. And no, I don’t believe that he “faked his PTSD induced blackouts so he could kill tons of people on purpose”. He’s damaged but he sure as hell ain’t gonna acknowledge or admit it.
Putting it lightly, he’s an ass in every sense but he was also the only one who didn’t go back on his word and betray those whom he had allied with while they shanked him. How does this make him bad? Even after Hughie tried to go back on the deal by teleporting away with Mindstorm, SB still kept to it. Frankly, Hughie is very lucky all he got was a punch in the face/chest. He deserved it too.
And from what we see, SB is not the one constantly on the edge of a massive breakdown and constantly threatening to destroy humanity because he can. That’s Homelander. SB got what he wanted, justified revenge on his former teammates for selling him to Russia. He only stuck around because he had made a deal with Butcher to destroy HL. And he was gonna do it too only for everyone to flip against him at the worst possible time.
The Boys better watch out. They literally delivered their only chance of defeating HL to him on a silver platter. Unfortunately we’re likely gonna have to wait until season 5 to find out what his plans for SB are. I’m betting “Winter Soldier” because SB is going to have massive trust issues, especially getting betrayed again, and he already showed that ‘family’ is not a motivation for him especially since there was no paternal type emotional connections made whatsoever between him and HL or him and Ryan. Despite the fact that he’s since admitted he wanted kids but Vought f-ed that up good.
It’s just too bad that I have very little faith in Eric Kripke to actually stick the landing on his ideas. At least Supernatural made it past season 5 before this problem occurred, The Boys didn’t even make it to season 3. The finale conflict was forced AF and I still don’t believe The Boys would spontaneously team up with HL over a damn kid. Not sorry Ryan, but you should be dead.
My opinion.
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silveyn · 20 days ago
full episode about an iop in osamodas TV show.
how sweet.
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ghostpebble · 11 months ago
ok so i just rewatched meet the robinson's because tbh i only watched it once and i was 5
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lockheed-martin-unofficial · 8 months ago
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Page one of many stuff I’ve been drawing during classes as of late. As expected, a healthy mix of Project Wingman and Decepticons
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>come home from class
>try to read fanfic
>ao3 down
>go on tumblr
>ao3 is top trending
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change-your-heart · 2 months ago
A relic of the same pain that bore this rage.
A side swept glance when I thought our gazes met like the sun to the water at sunset. 
The tide pulling me in when your shine was reflected off the moon. 
The blaze, blinding
Until the dark washed over, the stars settled in contrast
And I saw the beauty you saw too. 
I can never forget the shock of the facade melting as I saw the words you never said spilling into me. 
My body overflowing, rapids and currents in chaos. 
What happens when the ocean cannot breathe? 
What truth floats to the top of still waters when every molecule sticks together? 
I remember the lovesick way you said her name when I was so damn sure mine was the one at the tip of your tongue
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crmsnmth · 6 months ago
Oh look, Another mediocre poem about some girl from a decade ago I didn't set off to be this boring I'm routine and over-saturated Someone always drowns when you the flood the market
Watch in bored eyes as I write words that mean nothing Allowing my brain to enjoy it's bulimia stunt Vomitng up every thought that comes into my pretty little head Even when it doesn't make sense
Another stack of words of things I've already said before I've run out of subjects and I'm burning through the evidence that there was anything learned
Predictable and safe The very things I never wanted to be and it makes me wonder if I should give this up?
Stop this constant urge to scream into the void stop the nightly clacking of a mechanical keyboard the clicking of a wireless mouse the thousands of little red lines on misspelled words and blue for the awful grammar
It's ironic to be a writer who can't write I thought I had a knack for this But maybe I should just give it up just let my head explode for one final retching of lines that just don't make sense
I'll sign my name at the bottom Peace, love and bubblegum
Who the hell am I kidding? We both know I'll never stop This is my addicition This is my obsession This is my love my pain my worst enemy my closeest friend it is my love and my hate It is my tumors It is peace and rage
It's just words on a page
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gennsoup · 7 months ago
"The cycle of life is not necessarily straightforward and predictable."
Lydia Kwa, Oracle Bone
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