#no. no you have attachment and abandonment issues because of that fucker
kxllerblond · 8 months
the 'clark has father issues' development over the years has been catastrophic
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im-tempted · 1 year
What if I don't like people caring for me not because I'm stunted
Because I don't need it
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del-stars · 3 months
i would sell my dignity to hear your take on bitchkiller
oh i have been waiting for this day i have so many thoughts about them
they absolutely despise one another but start hooking up after a gryffindor party, everyone is very confused (including them)
sirius is humiliated that he slept with one of his brother's friends and swears it will never happen again (it happens again, immediately)
they are the most toxic fuckers you have ever met
attached at the hip. never not touching. will fully start making out with tongue while you're in the middle of talking to one of them. however they both vehemently deny that they even like one another
regularly make out/flirt with other people to make the other jealous and it kind of becomes a competition to see who can take it farther and who can care less
james and regulus try to get them to break up after a week. this only spurs them on ('will you please stop fucking my brother?' 'fuck you, i'm going to fuck your brother even harder')
they get into the most random dangerous shit together and james loses sleep over it ('barty found this herb in the forbidden forest so we're going to smoke it and see if we die')
all of their friends want them to break up because they quite literally bring out the worst in each other. the only person who's supportive is dorcas and it's in a very do whatever you want, it's not my business type of way
their favorite activity is horrifying people by telling them weird fucked up things their dads have done
they refuse to put any sort of label on it and assure people it's purely physical even though they spend all of their time together and are literally going on dates
barty will not hint to anyone that he even likes sirius. ask him about it and he'll say sirius is the most annoying fuck he's ever met
but behind closed doors, barty worships sirius. on his knees 24/7. sirius is obsessed with this and loves seeing how far barty will take it, and barty loves being bossed around by sirius. like barty is crawling on the ground or letting sirius ride his face until he passes out from lack of oxygen. sirius doesn't have much sway over him normally but in the bedroom he could get barty to do absolutely anything he asks (sirius does of course ask if barty would kill someone for him and he answers yes immediately)
barty threatens to kill sirius if he tells anyone about that dynamic and sirius believes him
sirius, on the other hand, loves being worshipped. basically needs it. he puts barty up on the highest pedestal and blindly attaches himself to him. sirius goes wherever barty goes, does whatever barty tells him to, ignores all of their relationship's very evident flaws because he needs someone to adore him as intensely as barty does, or else he can't believe there's anything good about him at all
blood kink
is it hate sex or are they desperately in love with one another? nobody knows, not even them
their fights happen daily and almost always have to be broken up by a third party. it is over the stupidest things but neither of them can ever admit when they're wrong so it turns into an all-out screaming match and usually ends with sirius throwing things
they do not apologize and fuck it out instead
they have been caught fucking in almost every broom closet in hogwarts
it lasts a ridiculously short amount of time. like, three months max
sirius tries repeatedly to break up with barty, barty reels him back in by inflating his ego, this goes on for several days, then barty decides to break up with sirius solely so he can be the one to do it (this drives sirius temporarily insane)
everyone and most especially minerva mcgonagall breathes a sigh of relief
neither of them will ever admit to it, but they actually both did really like one another. it was entirely too intense and they're both too fucked up for it to ever work. they're both narcissists, can't handle being wrong, stupidly competitive, and have massive abandonment issues. instead of complementing one another, they're mirrors of each other. it really could have worked, maybe, if they hadn't grown up the way that they did-- in another lifetime, another universe, all that. for months, james will poke fun at sirius ('do you remember when you dated crouch, of all people?') but sirius looks back on those insane, chaotic weeks with a strange sense of fondness, knowing they were both broken and desperate to be loved and yearning for someone else
endgame wolfstar and rosekiller but that's another post
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charmixpower · 2 years
Do you think Musa tends to be clingy and how does Riven reacts?
Yes to the first one and um that second one requires some explaining
The short answer is that he likes it
On to the rambling
Listen both Riven and Musa have hella attachment and abandonment issues. Both Musa and Riven actively try to push people away or try to seem cool and scary to get people to leave them alone
Musa rebuffs Stella's friendship attempts in s1 like it was her personal mission, and we all know what Riven was like
Like Musa's mother died, which was not good for her mental health, but what really fucked her over was her dad's immediate reaction and withdrawal from her personal life as he was still working most of the day. It gave her the idea that people aren't reliable, being the source of both her attachment and abandonment issues. Unfortunately due to her dad being up to his eyelids in grief his care of Musa was inconsistent, leading to more attachment issues
For Riven it's fairly simple. His mom straight up walked out on his family, and his brother and father weren't much better people than her. He has hella abandonment and attachment issues
Now, the thing about attachment and abandonment issues is that most people with them will start withdrawn (See: Musa never offers her thoughts about missions in s1, Riven actively pushes everyone away constantly in s1), and then they become the most clingy mother fuckers to ever grace a relationship (See: Musa acting like Riven and her were already dating in s2, and just s3 and general)
Source: me and all of my friends <3
The thing is both Riven and Musa are fucking clingy as hell which makes them both less clingy
Which doesn't make sense unless you have these issues yourself so allow me to explain
When you have these issues you have a hard time becoming close to people, you're scared to let people in, and you're not used to having a relationship, so when you do finally find someone you want to be close with, it's an immediate panic to keep them from abandoning you. Which is mostly looking for reasons they would abandon you, and getting sad and jealous over really normal things
(The jealous is mostly a fear of replacement, I have that one bad and so does Riven. I think Musa has that one too but it's not caused by her family, if her "I'm not like other girls" behavior has a cause like it did for most people I know. Which is from ostracization)
The thing is you don't really believe anyone could love you as much as you love them, and no one is ever as loyal as you. How could they be? Everyone else has abandoned you when you were just trying your best. This, unsurprisingly either causes apathy or just more clinginess. Maybe if I try a little harder it will all be ok, god I love that song
Anyways, the fun thing about being clingy so someone doesn't leave you and being jealous because you've been replaced before it can happen again, is that when someone shows the same behaviors it's like....oh, you care as much as me and you're afraid of the same thing. I don't need to be afraid with you because your like me
So Musa's clinginess is at it's worse in s2 because there in this weird in-between stage and Riven is just wayyy to in his own head about Darcy trauma to be in a relationship rn. So she's at her most terrified that he'll leave her. While Riven, for once in his life, isn't scared that he'll be abandoned. Look at what Musa is doing! Those aren't the actions of someone who's planning on finding someone better and never talking to him again! Musa's clinginess makes Riven feel safe in the relationship, for once he doesn't think it's just going to disappear one day
Anyways Riven (clinically) dies for Musa, she has like 3 separate mental breakdowns, and he wakes up. They're dating now!
She begins to be super clingy at him (tho not as clingy as before bc he was willing to die for her and that has to mean he's less likely to abandon her right? Yes, yes it does bby) and Riven like does not mind at all for the above reasons, which makes her feel safe and comfortable, like her fear and affection isn't going to be punished for existing. Which is good for her
Now because Riven is comfortable he is going to be saying shit like "you're stuck with me forever", "you can't get rid of me now", and talking about future plans. Idk if other people find this cute but this is how people with abandonment issues express affection when they feel safe soo, yeah. Musa eventually asks about this, Riven explains that, yes, he is equally obsessed with her as she is with him. He just doesn't openly express it as much because he feels secure in their relationship. This realization makes Musa feel secure in their relationship and she just stops being as clingy. Like she still really really likes attention, but she's not as clingy anymore. Because she isn't scared—you get it
They've hit this equilibrium where their issues kind of cancel each other out because of course they're not going to abandon each other! Look at how fucking attached to each other they are! No one puts this much effort in just to leave. So they're just chilling
This right here is why I love Rivusa, when two people with hella issues find safety and security. I cri every time
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emilythezeldafan · 2 years
Hello Puppets Headcanons
A/N: This is what happened when I'm bored with access to Tumblr. Did them for Nick Nack, Riley Ruckus [they're the two I ended up with interps of because I highkey related] and my OCs Bella and Ashley. This is for post-game human versions.
@graceandtheidiotsquad this is probably annoying by now but here
Nick Nack:
If you say his show was bad he'll cry. ...He might also cry if you say it's good, ngl-
He's the youngest.
He gets a little nervous if someone uses his full first name because he thinks they're pissed off at him. [Coughing, well done, Mortimer]
He still wears makeup. And kills it. He taught Ashley how to cover her scars, actually.
I'm thinking bi or pan? All I know is he is DEFINITEEETTTTLLLYY Not straight.
Him and Riley still bicker. They usually don't get into physical fights because Bella is around to stop them actually beating each other up.
He still shares a room with Bella because I was nice and gave both of them abandonment issues and separation anxiety.
This bitch will take any excuse to put on a show and drag everyone he can into it.
He annoys Riley for fun sometimes.
Despite being the youngest he's still protective even if he's scared of Riley when she's mad. /lh
He has an 'art mode'. If he's drawing you're not going to get his attention unless you throw something at him.
Riley Ruckus:
If she ever 'met' Handiunit [yes, the computer from Sister Location], she would break it.
Oldest aside from Mortimer. And since Mortimer got his shit wrecked [he dead] she pretty much takes his place as the oldest of the group now.
Her science experiments all keep turning into various degrees of jackass stunt. It's worse when Ashley helps her, somehow.
I don't care that it's canon she hates Scout, I say that they should commit accidentally destructive chaos acts together. [Looking right at your interp, Grace. /lh]
She has threatened to beat Nick up when he annoyed her "at work" before, but so far has not acted on it. She's secretly the protective kind of "Only I'm allowed to beat up the annoying fucker" sister.
If someone asks her about science, she will ramble. She's probably some form of neurodivergent and she kinda shuts herself up because Mortimer used to snap at her to shut up a lot.
She is very attached to Rosco. [Thankfully not LITERALLY like she was in the first game]
She has scars on her mouth, which she still uses her creepy smile mask to cover a lot of the time.
She's an absolute nerd. She may or may not know lord of the rings is a work of fiction now, but she's still a fan.
She stresses herself out a lot. Like, usually not that bad, but sometimes to the point where she Can't Function.
She doesn't sleep, honestly. Most of the time she just "sleeps" where she passed out the night before. She knows two things, coffee and spite.
She's the opposite of Nick. Emotionally constipated as hell, probably because she's used to having her emotions exploited by Mortimer.
Easily irritated. Still has anger issues.
Bella The Ballerina [OC]:
She still dances, surprisingly she's still a natural dancer even though she can't walk more than 5 steps without falling over something.
She's the "middle child", she was created before Nick but after Riley.
On the show "Mortimer's Handeemen" she acted as the supportive sister figure, she is still this now.
Mortimer, seeing no point to her as she had no need to possess a host and therefore refused, and she refused to play his "games", deems her as weak and useless. He had no problem with calling her this.
Her eyes, like Riley's, are mismatched - however, rather than "natural" heterochromia, one of her eyes is blue while the other brown because she got into a physical altercation with Mortimer over his abuse towards the others and he straight up ripped one out and it needed to be replaced.
She sings more than she used to, as she isn't as self-conscious about her voice. This and This are her favourite songs to sing, aswell as Ballora's Song from Sister Location.
She has scars all over her human body - which are from various cracks and scrapes she got from Mortimer when she was a marionette.
She once got tangled in her own stage curtain and accidentally ripped it down. She's never living it down.
She's pretty much the mediator between Nick and Riley.
Still quiet, but she talks more to her family and Michael [Another of Grace's horror interps]
Distrustful of people she doesn't know
Ashley Anderson/Host [OC]:
Player character from the original hello puppets. Two words: Jackass Energy.
She originally was scared absolutely shitless of the puppets, now she's adopted them all and wants to throw Mortimer out of a window.
She has scars - on her mouth/lips and one on her wrist where Scout was previously stitched to her arm. She uses makeup [thanks to Nick] and bracelets to cover them, but most of the time she's fine with showing them now.
She acts like an idiot, but she's not so much stupid as she doesn't think things through before she acts.
She has parental trauma. Not sure what type but I know they weren't good - she doesn't talk about it.
She uses her wrench for a lot of things: building, tinkering, making gaps she can't fit through wider, threatening to shove up asses, and hitting people she doesn't like.
She has the energies of all of Jackass, Markiplier, Jay Merrick, Ash Williams, Wanda Maximoff but specifically in WandaVision in mom mode, and this streamer, all at once.
Honestly, I think her and Scout probably have one of those dumbass-slightly-less-of-a-dumbass friendships [Looking at Grace's interp and pointing /lh /aff]
She's a huge fan of the Boris Shuster novels
She's also a gamer. You know I had to do this to her at some point. /lh [She ended up introducing the *former* puppets to video games and...it didn't go well because everyone got introduced to a little thing called Riley having gamer rage.]
She has NO filter. None. She thinks something? She will say it. Doesn't matter if it's inappropriate, stupid or full of swear words, it's comin' out.
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idledreams4 · 3 months
Ranking my top... 10 Supernatural characters at 3 in the morning (cause this can't go wrong at all)
CHARLIE. Hands down it's my girl Charlie. She is my spirit animal. Honestly I'm just her irl but without the hacking skills (though I AM working on those!!!)
Dean. My baby has to take second. I'm sorry. Idk to who but I feel like I need to apologize for this placement.
Crowley. Have you met me? You should be surprised he isn't higher. I was kinda iffy about him at first. I was very wary when he first started working with the Winchesters, but by season 6 (I think it was 6? Maybe 7?) I was locked in. The little Crowstiel arc was the last nail in the coffin
Lucifer. Shut up I know I have a type. There was a point I'd put him above Crowley but my loyalty is with the new king apparently. (I'm as shocked as you are I assure you). BIG fan of Casifer by the way. Samcifer was one thing but Casifer? Ugh these fallen angels are more than welcome to ruin me
Hmm... Bobby. I've gotten really attached to him. Maybe I've been spending too much time in my made up fantasy worlds lately but he feels like an uncle to me.
The girl who wrote Supernatural The Musical. I love spn, I love musicals, and I LOVE subtext. Someone should make the musical a reality and I should play Dean. I'm happy to audition but is it reallllly necessary? Come on we allll know I could do it
I'm running out of characters I like uh oh... I guess Cas? Idk. I don't have a problem with him or anything, I love him. He's hilarious and I relate to him on sooooooooooo many levels (hi, fallen angel here) he's just not one of the characters I usually think of when I'm thinking about my favorites
Ruby. I kinda want to swap her and Cas cause I think I may like her just slightly more than him. She's hot, she's a demon, and she got Sam to start the apocalypse, what's not to love?
Oops I haven't said Sam yet. Well he isn't my favorite and I'm actually pissed at him, but he gets to be number 9.
That original crossroads demon. I forget her name but again: she's hot, and she's a demon. And even though she's been dead since before the apocalypse I cannot forget her.
And you know what: here are my 5 most hated characters too. I'm going in reverse order so my absolute least favorite is like a dramatic reveal.
5. Darkness. My only problem with her is that she's getting in the way of Destiel. Oh and she wasn't very appreciative of what Crowley had done for her, but I care more about the CW making her Dean's (unwanted) romantic interest rn.
4. Sam. Yeah he was on the favorites list, because I did like him, but he screwed up bad enough that he's here. Where do I start? He didn't look for Dean. He worked with Rowena. He ignored Dean SEVERAL times, usually resulting in some sort of apocalypse/end of the world scenario. HE GOT CHARLIE KILLED. He put Lucifer back in the cage. He tried to just give uo and die. Honestly I could keep going on but since it's almost taken me a full hour to write this already I'll stop here.
3. Metatron. He's an asshole. I don't know what else to say. I hate him and he has a REALLY punchable face
2. Chuck. Honestly I don't know why I hate him so much. I think it's just because I actually have beef with God. (Again: hi, fallen angel here. Gotta love them celestial daddy issues) Ever since I found out this fucker was God I've hated him for just abandoning all his creations and watching everything go down.
Rowena. God I hate that even THIS sounds like her, but I see wayyyyyy too much of myself in her and if I didn't hate her guts I'd love her. As we can tell by where I put Crowley, I'm not a fan of her for abandoning him, torturing him, manipulating him, stealing his throne, betraying him, etc. but I ESPECIALLY hate her for getting Charlie killed. I wish that I was the one who got to snap her neck instead of Lucifer. Fuck. This. Bitch. In. Particular.
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Imagine the fire happening after the virus already passed, so Moon tries to hide what happened when he was infected. But it eventually comes out and he just panics. Like they end up finding out about his involvement with the children that went missing via articles and probably a bit of snooping since he always avoided the topic weirdly, and they asked him about it. If that were the case he’d immediately assume that they would kick him out and consider him too dangerous to keep. The literal first thing he’d say would be that Sun had no involvement in what he did, so please don’t kick him out because he has no where else to go and he wants his brother to be safe. Now this info is a whole lot to process so they’d probably ask him to give them some time to think and go to brainstorm for a couple of hours. They’d probably talk to Sun and it wouldn’t take long for them to decide that they’re willing to put the past behind them. 
When Y/n comes into the room to tell Moon, though, he’s gone. The fucker fled out the window because he assumed he was kicked out of the house, and obviously this makes his brother freak the fuck out because how the hell are they going to find him?? The tracker is attached to the main network, and the plex is burned down, so for the first time ever he has no idea where Moon is. Y/n managed to calm him down and went looking for him like how you look for an animal that ran away. They ended up finding him a couple of blocks away taking a nap in a garbage can. They had a conversation with him, clarifying that no he wasn’t kicked out of the house. That clearly the virus thing is a touchy subject and he doesn’t have to talk about it, but that they won’t hold what happened then against him as clearly he wasn’t alright. Basically as long as he doesn’t go stabby murder mode now, he’s good. And of course they added that Sun was worried sick about him, which made Moon feel bad as he knows about Suns abandonment issues. He was not thrilled to think of how Sun would react, but came back anyways. It went as well as you’d expect. 
He was put into burrito prison for an entire day. 
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just-a-creep-babe · 4 years
(Habit x Reader)
Commissioned by @selfshippinglover thank youuu bby <333
Requests are closed
Masterlist: x
Habit wipes the blade of his hatchet on his pants, smearing blotchy crimson on his washed-out jeans
He rolls his shoulders and cracks his neck
Finally home
A grin replaces the sneer on his face as he thinks of his little rabbit waiting for him inside
The thought of seeing your face light up as you rush into his arms is more than enough to coax his sore muscles forwards
He hasn’t been gone for too long, but he knows you‘re always elated to see him—and it goes without saying that the feeling is always mutual, of course
The few steps leading up to the door are speckled with brownish dried blood, almost welcoming him in as he twists the doorknob and steps through the threshold
“I’m back, little rabbit~” he croons into the entrance
His voice is a hint scratchier than it usually is because of his recent… activities, but he knows you’ll be happy to hear the sound regardless
He sets his weapons down on the entrance floor and takes his shoes off as he awaits your reply
He previously never really cared for clean floors and would shamelessly track caked dirt and blood into the house just because he was too lazy to remove his shoes
But after you’d admonished him for giving you even more cleaning to do, he’d been more careful with keeping things somewhat tidy
And, at this point, after living with you for so long, it’s become a sort of habit on its own 
He pauses for a moment as he finishes wiping the filthy dried crimson on his arms with the towel you keep for him by the coat rack
Why didn’t you come to greet him? Did you not hear him come in?
He grunts
He thought he’d taught you better than that
You had to pay attention to your surroundings and stay on guard when he wasn’t there in case anything happened
“Bunny?” he calls out for you again, now making his way into the living room where you should be
But instead of being met with your adorable face, there’s… nothing—no one
His smile drops
Are you sleeping? Did you feel sick and needed to rest?
No, something’s not right—he knows it
He can feel it
His instincts flare up, alarm bells ringing in his mind as he pushes through the empty hallway
“Bunny? You in here? Don’t try to hide from me—“
He rushes to your room, the door slamming open to reveal yet another significant lack of you
The bed’s undone, sheets thrown haphazardly across the mattress, and the curtains are still drawn, like you didn’t have time to properly wake up this morning
His brows furrow
Trepidation spirals through his body, the fear and confusion of you not being there reawakening his overworked muscles like a pure shot of adrenaline
You know better than this
You know to stay put in the house until he comes back—it isn’t like you to just up and leave with no explanation, not even a warning or a note or anything of the sort
A note
He tries to calm himself down, tries to slow his frantic breaths and relax the tension in his jaw
He tells himself that maybe he’s just overreacting
He hasn’t checked the fridge or the counter for any indication of why you might’ve left
Maybe he’s forgetting something, and just needs to think things through before assuming the worst
But then, just as he’s about to turn back for the kitchen, he freezes in his tracks
A note is too optimistic, too hopeful
He has to face the facts; someone‘s taken you
His eyes close shut and he hones in on his superior senses
He sniffs the air once, twice, and a third time
There’s no mistaking the traces of something foul lingering behind
Cold dread licks up his spine
Fists clenched at his sides, his shoulders tense, white hot rage seething through his system at the realization
How could the fucker dare?
He breaths in the scent again, trying to picture its owner, trying to pick it apart from the familiarity of your smell to see what fucking idiot would take you away from him
What imbecile would steal his mate?
The intruding scent is a mix of smoldering charcoals, cinnamon, an expensive cologne and something... husky—definitely masculine
A malignant smile crosses his features as he pinpoints the exact asshole that took you
He lets out a low whistle to himself in the emptiness of the room
“Alright, you wanna play dirty, lapdog? I’ll fucking show you playing dirty”
It doesn’t take long for him to wind up in the middle of the forest where the eldritch prick and most of his lackeys reside
The air is still and stagnant, the musk of rot permeating every direction
Fingers wrapped firmly around the wooden handle of his axe, he moves quietly but quickly—and with steeled purpose—through the withered trees
He knows that walking right into the center of Stick-in-the-Mud’s domain is dangerous
Not to mention that the whole situation reeks of it being a trap
But what other choice does he have?
For you, his one and only beloved mate, he would risk anything
Habit twists his weapon of choice in his hands, maneuvering it through his fingers in an impressive display of skill and control
Besides, he wants to make them pay—he wants to make them regret ever laying a finger on your pretty little head
His lust for revenge churning in the pit of his stomach overpowers any other competing sense
He could picture it in now; how the blade would cut through the entity’s skin like butter, spraying crimson in a beautiful fountain-like gush of his life-force pouring across the dirt
He knows, of course, that he can’t actually kill the bastard so easily, but still, it keeps him content as he weaves through the broken shambles of the path
He has to distract himself, anyways
He doesn’t want his rage to overtake his common-sense, or, at least, whatever’s left of it at this point
Eventually, he finally reaches a clearing where pale, faint traces of sunlight barely peak through the dense thicket of foliage overhead
You’re close, he can feel it
He pauses for a second, closing his eyes and trying to visualize which direction he should head in
Still keeping up with your scent, he lets it guide him between two rotting oak trees until, after a few more paces ahead, he reaches a dilapidated building standing all on its own
From the looks of it, he guesses it was once a hospital, though the windows and doors have long since been removed, and where they once were affixed now lie slits of darkness—the abyss inside peering out into the woods
White chips of paint peel from the exterior, with gnarled twisted vines creeping up the side like fingers caging the structure in place
He can smell your fear and distress from somewhere deep inside of it
The scent overtakes his instincts and he finds himself charging through the entrance without so much as a backup plan
God help whatever stands between him and his mate
The interior of the abandoned hospital still lingers with traces of blood and medicine, coupled with a couple of forgotten operating tables, wheelchairs and other surgical devices
He rushes through every room, every dead-end and vacant hallway—all of them lacking a crucial component; you
Finally, he stumbles across a heavy door reinforced with metal plating, and this time, there’s no mistaking your scent coming through the other side of it
He almost scoffs at the barrier
As if that would be enough to stop him from reaching you
He tugs at the handle and gives it a good pull with all his might, but it doesn’t budge
“Fucking piece of—“ he snarls a few curses under his breath, shifting positions so that he can bash it open with his shoulder
Whap! Smack!
Blow after blow, despite him using all his weight and straining his muscles as hard as he can, the door doesn’t give
He huffs, snarling in frustration
His sight lands on the rusted hinges where the door attaches to the wall
He tugs the axe from the loops in his jeans, twirls it in his hold and smashes it down against the latches
The metal bends much more easily than it would’ve if it wasn’t rusted over
One strike after the next, he pictures the hinges as Stick-in-the-Mud’s face, and with only a couple of hits, he manages to tear them off completely
He sheathes his axe back into his jeans, and with one last blow of his shoulder against the door, it flies off into the next room over
The sound of it hitting the ceramic flooring resonates throughout the empty building
He steps over it, and as he walks into this new room, he knows he’s hit the jackpot
A dark silhouetted form is crouched over a figure chained to the floor by their wrists and ankles
A soft, flickering glow emanates from dozens of candles scattered across the room
Before Habit can lunge at the crouched fucker and tear his throat out, he stands up and straightens himself
Slowly, the figure turns, revealing themselves
Candlelight glints off his signature glasses
His expression, as usual, is cloaked in shadow and impossible to read, were it not for the sly smile curling at his lips
“Ah, Habit. I must say, I didn’t expect you so soon. What a shame, really, I was just getting to know your dearest (y/n)~”
He steps to the side—giving just barely enough space to reveal you, eyes wide with a smear of grime on your cheeks, but otherwise apparently unharmed
“H-habit, I—“
“Ah, ah, ah~” the entity cuts you off, playfully wagging his finger in your direction. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, little one. I’m sure you have much to say, but I think Habit and I have a lot more… pressing issues to discuss”
He wants to hurt the bastard more than anything else—for stealing you away, chaining you to the damn floor of all things, and now for talking down to you like you’re below him
He wants to kill him
But he knows he can’t just blindly charge at him
There’s no way in hell the Observer doesn’t have some kind of fail-safe, and he really doesn’t wanna risk having him teleport away with you
So he forces himself to bide his time and play nice... for now
“Fucking spit it out already,” he urges through gritted teeth
The shadow entity smirks, reveling in his opponent’s lack of control
“It’s about Firebrand,” he begins, “though I’m sure you’re already more than aware of the little situation you’ve put him through”
The Observer absent-mindedly strokes your hair, toying with a strand between his fingers much too comfortably
It has Habit seething from where he’s standing
If looks could kill
"The Operator is none too pleased with your meddling,” he continues, and when you shift, trying to retreat from him touch, he lets your hair fall back down before returning his gaze to the infuriated male in front of him
“He demands a trade,” he finally finishes
Habit folds his arms over his chest, muscles nearly bulging as he tries to keep it together
“What’s done with Firebrand is done—it’s over. Trying to meddle with shit by stealing my fucking mate isn’t gonna fix your unfortunate situation” 
Despite his mind-numbing infuriation, Habit can’t help the faint smile as he thinks about how desperate Stick-in-the-Mud must be to resort to this
“It won’t,” the Observer agrees, “but you found a way to get leverage over us, and now, we have leverage over you. I’m sure we can find some way to balance this predicament we’re in, wouldn’t you agree?”
The candles to the left of the room flicker, then dim out, leaving half of the room completely drenched in shadows
From the corner of his eyes, he catches something moving next to you in the darkness, followed by your startled cry
He jerks forwards, hands reaching for his weapon, but then he stops short as the entity tuts, and your panicked gasps turn into muffled whimpers
He can just barely make out the shape of a tentacle as it curls around your mouth, your eyes looking up at him, big and watery and pleading and dear God, it’s damn near impossible to resist smashing the lapdog’s face in and saving you from that freak
“I don’t have the fucking journal,” his voice splits as he snarls the words out, a special kind of hatred and animosity seeping through at the sight of what he’s doing to you
Hell, just the scent of your fear is unbearable
The Observer smiles, and the tentacles stop moving, stop withering and tightening around your form, leaving you just enough air to breath
“Oh? Then where is it?”
"Fuck if I know”
“Hmm… that so?” dissatisfied with his answer, the tentacles start tightening around you once more
You whimper, crying out, trying to twist and turn as the growing darkness continues to consume you, slowly crushing your windpipes and suffocating your vulnerable form  
“Listen, I’ll bring it to you when I get it. Hand delivered by yours truly with a pretty pink fucking bow on it”
Empty promises tumble from his mouth—anything to make him stop, anything to make him release you
Your fear and panic is worse than any kind of torture
He needs it to stop
And, thankfully, it does
Your breathing goes from frantic gasps and whimpers to short breaths—still erratic but at least without the panicked edge of pain 
He can hear your heart beating like a drum in your chest and he wishes he could comfort you
He’d do anything it takes right now to have you unharmed—no matter the cost
The Observer, no doubt sensing Habit’s urgency, chuckles
He turns his attention back to you, this time tilting your chin up to break the eye contact between you and Habit
“There, see? I told you there was nothing to worry about, little one~”
He strokes your cheek, and you whimper in response, still twisting in his tentacles’ grasps
Without looking away from you, he addresses Habit
“You should watch out for your mate, you know. She’s such an easy little thing to pluck out. And how could you blame me for taking her—she’s such a compelling creature, isn’t she?~”
His smile, admittedly, dazzles you for a moment before you snap yourself out of it
You try to tug your head free but his hold on you is much too strong, so you have to look off to the side—anywhere but at his face
“I told you what you wanted. Now let. Her. Go.”
Habit’s tone is enough to bring shivers down your own spine, even knowing he’s on your side
But the entity, however, seems more or less phased by him
His gaze lingers on your face longer than you’d like, studying you, trying to perceive something within you
Then finally, he breaks the trance, glancing back towards Habit and releasing your face
“Your mate isn’t as impervious as you’d like. I suggest keeping that in mind if ever you get the urge to attempt any silly little tricks you might have”
With those final words, the remaining candles in the room flicker 
Shadows crawl up the entity’s form, then everything goes pitch dark for a moment
In that instance, Habit almost fears the worse
The few seconds it lasts stretch into what feels like an eternity
But then relief like no other surges through him when the candles slowly come back to life, and there, sitting against the far back of the room, is you
You’re still chained, but the tentacles have vanished and you share an equally relieved look in your eyes
He’s by your side in an instant
He scoops you up in his arms, holding you up to his strong, firm chest to cradle you and feel your warmth pressing against him
You wrap your arms around him, overwhelmed at everything that happened in such a short amount of time
Your heart beats frantically against his, and you don’t know if you’ve ever felt safer than you do right now in his arms
You let him hold you tightly for a while, until he finally manages to calm your hammering heart and your body relaxes in his hold
“Are you alright, little rabbit? Did he hurt you?”
He cups your jaw and tilts you face to look up at him, eyes filled with concern
You can tell he has more questions to ask, but for the moment, he holds back
“I’m fine,” you release a shaky breath, laughing nervously, “it’s ok, he didn’t do anything when you weren’t here. I’m alright”
He has to hold back a scowl at the idea of you being trapped with the entity—completely helpless to whatever he wants to do to you
“I’ll fucking rip his throat out if I ever see him again. Bastard’s gonna fucking pay”
You bring your hand up to place it over his chest, wanting to feel his heart beneath your touch
Your chains rattling against the ceramic flooring as you shift, and the sound is enough to snap his attention to them
He growls a few choice words under his breath, and then he’s hugging you closer still, like he wants to make sure you’re real and solid and well and alive
“You wanna head home, little rabbit?”
His tone is gentle and soothing
You nod, shutting your eyes and nuzzling deeply into his neck
There’s a shift in your center of gravity, one that’s barely noticeable, almost like you’re swinging up on a swing set, and then the air gets warmer and the harsh ceramic flooring is replaced with something soft beneath you
He strokes your head, murmuring quiet little nothings into your hair
“It’s alright, little rabbit. I won’t let that happen again. You’re all mine. I’ll never let anything bad happen to you. You’re alright, baby. It’s ok, you’re alright…”
You let yourself be consumed by his embrace
His warmth, his scent, the pulse of his heart beneath his skin—you never want him to let you go
But your perfect moment is shattered by a sudden realization
You pull away, and his concern is immediately evident
“Wait… does that mean… did you trade the journal to get me back?”
He gives a wary smile
“You’re worried about some journal after everything you’ve been through?”
Your brows furrow, and you hesitate, chewing your lip
“Isn’t it important?”
Your voice is quiet and uncertain
“You shouldn’t concern yourself with that kind of stuff, bunny. There’s more than one journal. And I promised to give it if I ever got my hands on it. As long as someone else on my side gets it, it’ll be fine”
He playfully boops your nose, a mischievously wild grin on his face
“Stick-in-the-Mud’s lapdogs aren’t as clever as they like to think”
Your shoulders relax again, the guilt immediately melting away
“Oh, that’s good then,” you breathe out, give a small smile
“I love you, little rabbit. You know that, right?”
You nod, a content smile twitching at your lips
“I know. I love you too”
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Companions and their mental health statuses?
(Wrote this while listening to a Spotify playlist named "going absolutely fucking apeshit" anyway- I'm gonna split this up by what I think character wise...and then my experiences with these seggsy bitches in game bc boy, it's been wild)
•Sufferer of severe trauma throughout her life.
•Shit just gets worse
��Fights for her life and has a strong love for psycho before a special someone convinced her she is worthy of being loved
•Trust issues out the wazoo..for sadly, good reasons.
•Maybe not the worst on the list, but definitely up there.
In game experience...
•GOD DAMN FALLOUT VERSION OF LYDIA- like seriously? Gtfo the doorway! I'm getting blown up!
•Hates everyone and everything except sole and breaking the law.
•Actually not all that bad...except for secret abandonment issues.
•Usually masks it by burying herself in research.
•As far as these poor bastards go, she's probably one of the most mentally stable- which is scary.
In game experience.....
•Sweet Frenchie with asshole pets.
(I don't travel with her often 🥲)
Pre-Blind Betrayal-
•Confirmed sufferer of PTSD
•Blames himself for the death of several team members.
•Evidence points towards un-talked about alcoholism.
•Seems to be attracted to power armour..
•Not very good but not the worst on this list..
Post-Blind Betrayal-
•Same as above but add on identity crisis times a thousand and two.
•Will literally kill himself (or let you kill him) if you don’t convince him otherwise.
In game experience....
•Fucking goes apeshit, pre or post BB
•Completely unaware of his surroundings unless it has to do with vertibirds flying over head, then it's time for guerrilla warfare. "Fate has decreed that you must die!"- he speaks, drawing a laser rifle.
•Has been caught on multiple instances doing drugs out of the drug vending machine in Nuka World despite clearly being against them.
•Probably one of the more mentally fucked.
•Lost his wife in front of his own eyes in a notably terrible way.
•Escapes his deep seeded pain through his elaborate schemes, justifying it by telling himself it helps his organization.
•Still feels like shit every waking minute.
•Cant really allow himself to get close to anyone because of his experiences.
In game experiences...
•Jumpscare king, mainly because I didn't know he changed outfits THAT often.
•Doesn't like physical affection???  Shit that actually makes sense..
•He's pretty "meh" on the sanity scale. He's ruthless, but he's entirely stable besides his attachment issues.
•Trusts too easy and hates himself for it...also tries to make himself not be that way and for the most part, it works!
•Problematic raider.
In game experience...
•Makes stupid comments at inappropriate times as though he wishes for the enemies to murder us
•Thinks that walking through walls is entirely possible and gets stuck every time I run with him
•The actual worst on this fine list of mentally messed up individuals.
•Self worth is just nonexistent despite being a pretty all around decent guy
•Uses drugs to cover up terrible trauma to the point of putting himself in the greatest danger just short of dying
•Oh yeah, doesn't mind death actually.
•Doesn't feel worthy of anything deep down.
in game experience...
•Shoots sole for stealing shit in the third rail
•Sits for hours
•Lost his wife in a horrific way
•Only has his son, who he is convinced is going to die sooner than later because of something he can't control
•Willing to do everything if it means caps to send to his sick child
•Doesn't really have a place to call his "home"
•Reckless and unforgiving
In game experience...
•Being nice? How dare you speak such ill language.
•Does as good as a boy his age with all of the responsibility possibly could.
•Just imagine- your dad died when you were super young. Your mother shipped your ass away. The people you loved like family died all around you. Now you're stuck in foreign land and have no fucking idea where to begin, only that you have to mobilize these fuckers you're in charge of and remain a good leader...
•Still not good enough? Okay, pile on insomnia, alcoholism, and the thought that you have no one alive that truly loves you as more than just the "elder". Oh, but you eventually got to spit out some kids somehow because you're the last of the great "Maxson" line...
•Also not exactly on the "stable" side..
In game experience...
•Stares intently down the Prydwen command deck with his hands behind his back..for hours.
•Never wants to chat :(
•Long winded and short sighted, bad combo..
•Has to deal with not only demons that technically aren't even his, but after "reunions"- Kellogg's fucked up self haunts him. He keeps it to himself and suffers silently.
•Deals with the pain of knowing there will never be a place where is truly just himself. He's a man trapped inside of a metal cage..and yet he's not even really "that" man, is he?
•One could easily understand how he has some issues too.
In game experience...
•Cigarettes? Yes.
•Oh, Youre in a fight? Seems like a good time to tighten the bolts in my hand right about now...
•Wields a flamer like a champ.
•Surprisingly..has the most sound mental state out of all.
•Is a little obsessive tho
•Has had to adapt to the role of sibling and parent to her younger sister, which isn't easy for anyone.
•Often delves into her work, sort of like curie, to avoid dealing with the pain of her parents no longer being there for her or nat.
In game experience..
•Hey kid, want some Nuka-Cola?
•Mayor McDonough shall die, even if it means execution by the hands of everyone else in Diamond City.
•Has canonically admitted to considering suicide.
•Is holding onto the last threads of hope he has with a fucking death grip.
•Definitely not of the best mental state
In game experience...
•Doesn't know how to properly use furniture.
•Can hear sole coming from a mile away and is already getting the map out for the next settlement
•Emotions? Is that a snack?
•Seriously though, he has been "reset" so many times that sometimes-he doesn't even realize it- he doesn't even know what "he" is. Every aspect of who he is..it should be gone, he's a machine and he knows it...why does he still feel like a person?
•Short story, he hates life. He hates being held captive and being used like a damn hound to hunt down those who were smart enough to run- those of which he envied and didn't even realize he did. Hey, he's just a machine though- it's his job and he knows better than to revolt.
•Violence is the freedom he feel he has. He can kill and track in any way he wants, so long as it is successful and what the Institute deem appropriate. It's horrible, but he doesn't realize it- and at this point he doesn't care. The death of another and the way they die by his hand is just his way of expressing who he is deep down.
In game experience...
•Oi, you don't like the institue? FUCK YOU
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smol-and-grumpy · 3 years
So listen.
Im gonna tell you this because I DO understand because I'm doing the same thing right now. And we may not know each other but this is important.
First off, NEVER apologize for going through a hard time. Fuck the bitches who make you feel that way. Your feelings are 100% valid no matter what they are. What your going through is as well. And honestly, you literally have nothing to apologize for. You are struggling and that is okay and it is important and it is understandable and it is valid. So don't add on the extra stress of hurting other people because of your own pain. I guarantee you that almost nobody is upset with you and the people who are are dumbass childish mother fuckers who need to pull it together. So don't worry about them. Because it will only give you more pain, pain that you do not deserve to have in the first place. And Im sorry that you do.
Second. I know what it's like to need people but push them away. I get it. And I'm doing it right now. I have abandonment issues. But what people don't understand is that we don't just get attached and stay attached. We get attached to someone and then we pull away because we're afraid of the what ifs. What if they leave? What if Im to much? And those what ifs aren't just applying to people like me, they apply to everyone, they're applying to you. And I'm telling you, knock those little shits the fuck out because they ruin everything. They're making you doubt, making you feel as if your burdening people. But when the people in your life decided to stay, they had to take you for all you were. The good and bad. And right now, you are struggling and thats okay, but you have to reach out. If you don't try, no matter how much you want to get better, you will not. And I'm saying this because I know and I understand because I do it every single goddamn day and it is destructive behavior but it's still not your fault. And I know that you don't believe me and I know that your worried and scared but I need you to try. Dean needs you to try. Jensen needs you to try. Your friends need you to try. Your family needs you to try. You need you to try. But if your to scared to do it right now, I understand but I know that you can do it. I have all the faith in the world in you. People are there for you, and they want you to talk to them, they're waiting, but you just have to take the first step. And it's hard and difficult but you CAN do this. Say it, I CAN do this. I believe that you will, even if it's when you've hit rock bottom, but you know what, the only way left to go is up. And people will be there to help to help you up, but you have to reach out, you havemto communicate. It's fucking hard and it's fucking scary but it's so worth it. So please try. It doesn't have to be today and it doesn't have to be tomorrow, just try whenever your able. Do it on your own time. Because that's the most important.
Lastly, take a break. You've been releasing new content like crazy. And that's awesome, but not if your not feeling that joy. You need to put you first and if that means taking a break so be it. I know that you'll probably get some hate and that'll be painful and degrading but I also know that you will be showered with love. You know why, because people do care about you. They do. I wouldn't be doing this right now if I didn't. So please, just take a break. If only for a day. You need to prioritize your priorities and your priority is you. Always has been always will be. And if you do decide to take a break, I'll be waiting, as I'm sure other people will be to. I don't want you to continue to post new content if your not feeling it. It's just not the same, you should be able to enjoy this, not have it stress you out. So take a break for a lil. See how it makes you feel then go from there. But just know, that I support you no matter what you decide.
All in all. Take care of you. Prioritize you. And try, please try to talk to someone. People love you and they want to listen. You are so important to me, to your followers, your family, your friends and we all love you endlessly and we want you to feel better. We want you to not feel like your burdening everyone because your not. Your not honey, you really not. But it doesn't matter how many times I say it, you have to believe it yourself before anyone can do you any good at all.
I'm sorry that your going through this.
I'm sorry your hurting so much.
I'm here
I understand
And I'll listen.
I love you.
Wow. You really made me tear up reading this. Thank you so much. It really did help hearing your words.
And I know I should maybe reach out but my anxiety ridden brain says that they won’t care now, and yeah, throw in fear of being rejected and not getting an answer is right there and that’s holding me back from reaching out. It’s a vicious circle.
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(I totally just had to make that gif because I couldn’t find it anywhere)
The thing with content is, that writing is one of my coping mechanism (next to apparently, crying). So if I really want to get away from it all, I’ll lose myself in the world I create. I guess that’s a win win for us.
This whole road to recovery is a process but I’m trying to get better ❤️
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TUA DISNEY AUs: Hercules (Pt. XVI)
(please understand that by AU, I mean they share an incredibly small amount of things in common with the original source material which I barely remember BUT the “story” takes place in the setting of the film) (not to be misleading or anything :p)
(BEWARE: a ton of greek mythology because i'm a fucking nerd, immortal contracts, my severe hatred of zeus clashing badly with my absolute adoration of the soft boi that is sweet lovely hades, this is basically just crack and i'm sorry, the day i wrote it i think i lost it, anyway, have fun kids, make good choices, etc.)
(If you can handle watching Umbrella Academy, this will be fine for you.)
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(Megara) Five was born to Cleopatra and Marc Antony and abandoned in a river when he was only a few days old. He floated down the river to Greece, where he was taken in by Klaus, a grieving widow hated by every god but Aphrodite, who pities him since his spouse was her son Ben. (Oh, and Dionysus because it’s Klaus.) Klaus eventually married Diego, and the three of them were a happy family until both of Five’s parents were killed by the gods’ wrath, prompting his lifelong hatred of the gods. He lived on his own for awhile before making friends with a girl named Dolores, but she died at the hands of the Chimera, sent by Hermes as a practical joke (weak little fucker). Five made a deal with the Handler for her life, the deal of Orpheus and Eurydice, but he looked back just a few feet from the surface, trapping her in the underworld forever and sealing his bitterness and resentment for eternity in the strings of Fate. He now refuses to get attached to people out of fear of making the same mistake all over again, and with his brilliance with a sword and sassy nature, it’s not difficult for him to scare people away. The only one who doesn’t back off is Luther - and Five hates him for it, before he loves him.
(Hercules) Luther is a big himbo who just wants to save people. And everybody’s chill with that! Except Five, the only person Luther really wants to save, as he sees him as somewhat of a little brother. Luther began to train to be a warrior when his Spartan wife Allison was killed by Reginald, prompting Luther to go on a whole I-hate-(Zeus)-Reginald spree by basically wandering around Greece and saving Reginald’s damned mistresses and telling Grace all about them so she can fuck him up. He often speaks to the Moon when he’s in need of company, though she never answers because. Ya know. She’s a hunk of ROCK. Anyway, my point is he’s a moron but he’s trying his best so we’re gonna give him a gold star sticker for it okay?
(Hades) The Handler has blue fire for hair and a striking stack of anger issues. She rules her realm with an iron fist and wants to conquer any others she can, making herself queen of the Olympians. So far it’s not going well, but that’s just because Five keeps getting in her way, the little bitch. HEY! TINY TWERP! NEWSFLASH, YOU WORK FOR ME, ASSHOLE! Anyway - he isn’t even scared of her, which really pisses her off, especially because like everyone else is. Including her five muses, who she keeps under control by threatening Klaus, who she keeps under control by threatening Ben, a spirit Klaus seems to care for above all others. Ugh. Weaklings. But soon enough she’ll never have to see them again - high in the clouds, sitting atop an indestructible throne of her enemies’ skulls. Yeah. Take that, Reginald. *sticks tongue out*
(Zeus) Reginald rules the gods and smites anyone who disrespects him, including his son’s wife because, I dunno, she was making him too happy? Yeah. What a major dick. Fuck that guy. (Yes that’s all I’ve got to say MOVING ON -)
(Hera) Grace adores her kids, even if they’re not her kids. She visits the muses often because she has always been and remains the only person in the whole universe the Handler is afraid of, probably because she can and has bring back quite a few of the multiple people her husband has murdered. Five is her favorite living child (Diego is her favorite dead one) and she only puts Luther through hell on all those quests to distract Reginald while she just mosies on down to the Underworld to fight that bitch who’s been imprisoning her sons for like a decade. End of story. Please and thank you.
(The Muses)
Klaus was chosen to marry Ben, who nobody had ever seen but who was rumored to be a monster. They spent every night together, speaking for hours in the dark but never laying eyes on each other, until one day Klaus caught a glimpse of Ben’s face the first time they kissed (platonically because I honestly do not ship them I know I’m surprised and impressed with myself too) and Ben was banished to the Underworld in his heartbreak. (So Psyche and Eros, basically, because I’m a nerd.) Klaus grieved him without rest until he found Five, and began to raise the child as his own, bringing back some semblance of joy in his dreary life. He then fell in love with and married the hunter Diego against the gods’ wishes, the two of them living happily with Five for a few years before Klaus was killed by Poseidon, who was furious with him for stealing the child that was meant to be a victim of the sea, and Artemis, who was fucking pissed at him for stealing her favorite hunter. He now works as one of the five muses, though he’s eventually reunited with his son and they and Diego and Ben are brought back to life to live immortally on Olympus by Grace, who, did I mention, fucking loves her children. Oh, and Klaus kills the Handler with the favor of Aphrodite and Dionysus because fuck that bitch for hurting my son.
Allison was a teacher and a warrior in Sparta, the head of her own legion, when she met and married Luther, a lost soul just looking to save people. She continued to amass power in the army while he played her housewife at home, the two of them just starting to talk about kids when her bitch father-in-law decided to smite her for some fucking reason I dunno, and now she’s here, a muse in the Underworld. Well the joke’s on him, because now she’s immortal, bitch. She can do whatever the fuck she wants. She’s just waiting for her husband to get down to Elysium so she can make out with him again. In the meantime, she focuses on protecting Klaus and the other muses (even Lila and Diego, both of whom insist they don’t need protecting the idiots) as well as coaxing Five down here to fight the Handler, who has ticked her off for the last time. Allison is a fucking Spartan warrior and she will not be pushed aside by some bitchin’-ass power-hungry dickwads! She’s got shit to do, people! Get the fuck out her way!
Lila fell in love with her own reflection, too vain and full of hubris to ever pay attention to anyone else. (Basically Narcissus because I want to and I can.) Aphrodite found this bitch annoying, so she punished her by banishing her to the Underworld and cursing her to never be able to see her own reflection again. Now she mostly hangs out with Diego, finding mortals boring and insatiable, as he is immune to her beauty. Eudora, however, is not - and gods, Lila may not love anything more than herself in this world but Eudora is coming pretty fuckin’ close to fixing that.
Diego was born to be favored by Ares and Athena, becoming a quick favorite of theirs due to his impressive skills with a knife and his honorable moral code. When he and their daughter Eudora bonded on the battlefield, the two gods believed they would be blessed with a union for the ages, but Diego betrayed their kindness when he swore his loyalty to Artemis as one of her hunters, taking an oath of celibacy and maintaining only friendship with Eudora. (So, yes, Orion.) However, he then broke his vow never to fall in love when he met Klaus, who at the time was raising Five alone. He left Artemis’ side to marry him, and lost all three of his once-adoring gods’ favor. When Klaus died, Diego fell into unconventional jobs to support Five, eventually taking up bets in the arena, fighting for prize money. He was Greece’s champion for a long time, beloved by the people and leaving Five with a great number of riches and homes to enjoy, but eventually died against the fearsome lions of Caeser, who had struck a deal with Apollo to do Diego in as revenge for his sister - and none of the three gods that had before considered Diego a son and brother gave him help, though he died without ever pleading for it once. He became a muse, reunited with Klaus, and they wait for their son to come home to Elysium, to be reunited with them forevermore.
Vanya was a muse of Apollo, living a lovely life as his mistress of violin. When she fell in love with Sissy, a servant of Demeter, they had an ill-advised affair that resulted in a magical child named Harlan, which pissed off their patron gods to no end. They were killed for their love and sent to live immortally apart in the Underworld as punishment for abandoning their loyalties and siring a child (though Apollo and Reginald had a fight about this because Apollo is a fabulous bisexual and Reginald is a homophobic piece of shit), always close but never close enough.
(Three Fates)
Agnes has a bad habit of cutting people’s strings by accident, since she’s got such shaky hands. She often steals the eye she shares with her fellow Fates and flirts with Hazel in her free time, knowing even one of her winks can send him sputtering for the hills (read: rocky mountains of fiery molten death). Though largely uncaring about the humans whose strings she cuts, she cares for Five and tries to help him where she can, as he is sweet to her and always takes the time to tell her a story or two when he visits the Underworld, even if he’s in the middle of an epic quest or heist or something or other.
Sissy ran from her abusive husband straight into the arms of Demeter, who accepted her as a refugee in exchange for her eternal servitude. Overjoyed to be rid of Carl, Sissy lived happily in service of her patron goddess until she met Vanya, and fell so deeply in love she could see clearly no more. After their son was born, Reginald killed her, angry at her for having a child with another woman. She now spends her days trying to hack her way to the surface to find her son, who she’s sure is still alive, as she maintains his string as a Fate. She works most days blind, never really caring which of her fellow Fates has the eye, and uses this excuse to explain why she “accidentally” cut Carl’s string prematurely, and also Leonard’s, who she knows used to harass Vanya as a messenger of Eris. Because fuck them. Sissy has no time for morons.
Eudora is the daughter of Ares and Athena, and pleased them greatly with her skills as a warrior and her close relationship to their favored mortal Diego, though she could never quite explain to them that the two of them were never anything romantic. She died honorably in battle and passed into Elysium, where she resided for a few years before hearing of Diego’s death and trying to break both him and his husband Klaus into Elysium with her. This pissed off both the Handler and Eudora’s parents, who hated her for choosing to be loyal to Diego over them. She was therefore punished with the task of being a Fate, a job she hates with a burning passion. Her only joy is Diego, and Lila - a beautiful muse with whom Eudora indulges in a coded flirtation but nothing beyond, both of them knowing Vanya and Sissy’s legend could all too well repeat itself with them if they dared to ever touch. (Also, Eudora loves Five. Like, loves Five. She and Lila are the fun aunts who take him on awesomely dangerous adventures when his parents are on their fifty-sixth honeymoon.)
(Goatman) Pogo is favored by Pan, and trained Luther to become a soldier after Allison died. This pissed off the gods, as Luther was prophesized to change the tides of rule in Olympus, and they told him to stop. He said fuck you. Reginald tried to incinerate him with bolts of lightning. Like fifteen fucking times. Pogo just kept on goin’. It’s honestly concerning how good he is at not dying. (Oh, and he and Five like to make fun of Luther together. That’s not important to the plot but it’s important to me.)
(Pain & Panic)
Hazel is Panic, and therefore is always freaking out about something or other. Due to this, he is horrible at flirting, and the first time he ever tried to he told Agnes that, and I quote, “Your eye looks like a donut but like a dead one not a good one.” Gods help this man. (Hephasteus is trying - but there’s really only so much he can do for a small fire man who works for the Handler and has an anxiety attack at the thought of donuts.)
Cha-Cha is Pain, and therefore is covered in a number of weapons and elements that hurt all those who dare to touch her. She thinks Hazel is a snivelling brat and follows the Handler willingly, doing her bidding without question. She hates Agnes a lot and hates Five more, because they annoy the fuck out of her mistress so of course they annoy the fuck out of her, and she tried to kill Klaus once but all that did was put a target on her back for Aphrodite and Dionysus to rain down hell(?) on her. Fuck. I hate my life.
(Fuckin’ Jesus) Ray is the zombie Jesus. He walks around converting people to the religion of Cheeseburgeranity and has the hots for Allison. Yes I know this entire AU is just crack. I am tired. Give me a break.
Also Patroclus and Achilles are living out a happy life on a gay little farm completely undisturbed and wearing flowercrowns and Hyacinthus and Apollo are having a great-ass time with the lovely aro-ace Miss Daphne Tree (Nymph) and all the Olympian kids are having a gay old time and Five and Nico are like BFFs and Hermes and Hestia are just chillin’ and bein’ BFFs away from all the drama and life is great please and thank you have a nice day.
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sammydem0n64 · 4 years
Heyyyy, sooooooo, hahaaaa, uhhh, would you be willing to ramble about your Human Pokemon AU?? I've always been curious about it and like, whats going on and what the general idea for it is, like, about the characters and other things in general. So yeahhh, honestly you can ramble about whatever you want I'm just REALLY curious about it skjaksjsksjkjs
So my human pokemon AU is like. Basically a combination of several stories all into one? Like there’s twenty things going on at once, some over lap, but most are self contained things!
Probably my favorite Characters of the bunch are the ghosts, especially the Ghost family Story-
For that, Haunter, a wild performer who died via a large stage light, is a ghost who wanders around. He used to have a job at a very popular club owned by Gengar, but got fired cause Oop. Eitherway, he makes friends with the wrong crowds, mostly because he craved attention and love (some good examples are Sableye and Mawile, but that was when he was alive), and some of these pals take him to this “abanonded” Log cabin in the woods to trash for funsies! However, rather quickly in he enters a room and discovers a lone Mimikyu trying to hide.
Naturally of course, hey, rhis is a child! And this place is occupied! So he does a responsible thing and stays with this kiddie Incase any one of his crew tries to burst in, all up until he’s like “Ok brb I’m gonna call this thing off now it should’ve ended like twenty minutes ago-“ but before he can get a word out THE DOOR SWINGS OPEN AND OUT COMES THIS GUY WITH A LATERN WALKS IN AND HES PISSED naturally he uses a shadow ball to get these fuckers out, minus Haunter since he wants to explain himself, but still gets threatened
Until Mimikyu shows up and is like “HEY HEYHEY DAD HES MY FRIEND HE PROTECTED ME FROM ALL THOSE GHOSTS!!!” And then he gets introduced to this dilf: Banette (tho he spells it like Bannet cause he’s difficult and I can’t spell)
Bannet’s whole thing is that when he was really young his parents abandoned him in the woods, and since he was born a ghost (there are two different types of ghost Pokémon in my AU; those who died to become a ghost and those who had ghost parents and thus were born a ghost) he couldn’t starve to death so he was. Forced to wander the woods alone for a long time, only until he was found by Mismagius and taken in as her nephew. Ever since he’s had horrible trust and abandonment issues, and tends to wander the forest in search of any other children who’re lost/abandoned... which is how he found Mimikyu!
So naturally he’s not gonna trust this guy who admits to coming along with the blokes who trashed his place... but Mimikyu likes him, so he gets to visit here and there. Of course this leads to a slow burn where they help each other heal from previous wounds. We also meet other ghosts like Gastly; Gengar’s kid and Gourgeist; Haunter’s Ex coworker
There are others too like Giratina, Yveltal and Hoopa... Giratina’s whole thing is that Arceus suffers from horrible parent disease and had all of their kids raised by the lake guardians, Gira is the youngest, and was the most neglected by their parent... Dialga was the favorite child, and they grew to resent them. All cumulating in an attempt on their life, which got Gira banished!
Yveltal is a similar case, envy took over them, they and Xerneas are technically twins... as this tree spawned thousands of years ago with a cocoon attached, birthing both of these fools at the same time, in which they were both swiftly taken in by Zygarde who acted as an older sibling to them. Yveltal always got the short end of the stick due to being the God of death, everything around them, except the fellow gods, died upon touch, and they were shunned by... everyone, it seemed. Even after Xerneas and Zy’s attempts to help Yveltal... they still turned their back and wound up joining Gira (and then they and Gira kiss)
Hoopa feels personally targeted by Arceus bc they were the ones who took away most of their powers, the one thing they left them being their rings they use to travel across the land. Somehow Arceus didn’t see a mega oversight to this cause Hoopa ended up in the Distortion world because of the rings and basically got adopted by Satan and Vulture!!!
There’s also Mewtwo traveling around trying to find their parent, Mew, alongside Genesect and Melodetta. And a plot of Suicine and Tentacruel being homies... and the legendary birds and legendary beasts having hella beef cause they come from enemy empires, but the gag is... their parents (Ho-Oh and Lugia respectively) are having a secret romance
YEAH tons of shits goin on
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feitanswife · 5 years
Y’all I found some wild shit on my mom’s computer
I just found an absolutely ANCIENT document on my mom’s computer and it was a GRAVITY FALLS FANFICTION
And WOW I must have been going through some shit cause this is very clearly me using Bill as an emotional punching bag to deal with my own shit.
It was a classic “bill is now human because shenanigans” story
The human design I was using was like... where I peaked with character design. Like damn. I did that. He had all sorts of intricate symbolic tattoos in matching colors and he had darker skin so the gold and electric blue of the tats would stand out and he had a fucking undercut faux hawk thingy going on and a bunch of piercings. I really went there. Baby me had TASTE!
The shack has a greenhouse now, because I said so
Also Ford fucked up his leg and he has a cane. I don’t remember why I did that.
The plot was basically “some really powerful fucker managed to summon and trap Bill and the squad™️ went and found him but the guy who did it took his secrets to the grave and Bill was like nearly dead and no one wanted to deal with what sort of horrors might be unleashed if this random dead guy’s plan came to fruition so they attached him to a vessel and took him home. This is 5 years after the show and due to Convenient Bullshit (otherwise known as life kicking the shit out of Dipper) the kids live in town full time now.
I didn’t get very far but I’m sure my plan was for that dead guy’s friends to come attack them.
Half of what I wrote was just Bill being like “why can’t I access my power??? what are all these strange new feelings... why am I so scared... why is everyone looking at me like I’m a rotisserie chicken?????”
They’re looking at him like he’s a rotisserie chicken because he’s a SNACK.
It sort of devolved into this weird found family fluff and they built a tree house to hide from Ford cause he’s trying to be nice but this whole “looming mystery group powerful enough to kill gods” thing is stressing him out and you’ll never guess who he ends up mostly taking it out on. (Hint: its the one who is least stable rn)
Also the millennia upon millennia of trauma Bill’s been repressing are all coming back at once!!! including lots of abandonment issues!!! And paranoia!!! He cried like twice in the first chapter and the first time he wasn’t even sure what was going on for a solid five minutes. That new brain chemistry fucked him ALL the way up.
(The second time he cried in the first chapter was cause Ford yelled at him and it basically triggered a flashback)
Long story short I was having a GREAT time working with the consequences of putting all of the knowledge and baggage of a god demon into the tiny brain of a human. That will fuck You up. There isn’t a therapist in the world who can fix that shit.
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perish-the-creator · 5 years
If I Can't Have You
Pairing: Past!Rodorah
Content: Angst and Violence.
Warning: Harm. Swearing. Implied death.
Rodan shook his head again with the same firmness as before. He backed into his scolding hot cauldron as his eyes never left the being before him. Those eyes looked back him, firey and angry. But at this point, those eyes didn't scare him -though he knew the dangerous stories that hid behind them -and he boldly roared at them with no hesitation.
Leave then! Rodan screeches out. There was no longer any hurt. The sadness that was first planted had long died now. The argument was useless now. Neither side agreeing with the other. Fucking go!
No! Ichi, the center and leader, bites back with a fierce tongue. He didn't like rejection. Not one bit. And this bastard was pushing it. Come with us!
I already told you I can't! Rodan responses with and equally heated tongue.
It's not that you can't! It's that you won't! Kevin, whom Rodan once perceived as the more understanding one, had shouted. His fangs were flashing as a snarl curled on his face.
How had Rodan ever loved them?
They step close, and Rodan tips his beak in the hot magma, slurping some of it before spitting it at the alien. Ghidorah hissed, discomfort coming from the heat.
I said leave!! Rodan screamed out. Go on you fuckers!! Go!!
You will NOT address us like that you scum! Ni, the one Rodan had barely known, ordered out in disgust. Rodan rolled his eyes.
If I'm such scum then why you keep pressing the issue! Leave! Go fly off!! I don't need you! I don't want you! Go!! Rodan hissed, repeating his previous act and spitting out the lava. Again, Ghidorah growled at his assault.
You cocky bitch! Kevin yelled at him. How dare you!?
I don't have to follow your rules anyone dipshit! Godzilla kicked YOUR ass, remember? The humans held YOU captive TWICE. I HAD TO RESCUE YOUR DUMBASS AND LET YOU HEAL!! YOU GET IT BITCH!? YOU'RE NOTHING!! LEAVE THIS PLANET!! YOU ONE'S SCARED OF YOU ANYMORE!! GO!LEAVE! GET OUT OF MY FUCKING FACE!! Rodan shouted with pure anger. The world viewed him as a coward because of this creature. Godzilla sees him only as a bitch, a possible breeder for later on. His respect is no more and it's this dumbass fault. Why did he love him? What drew him to this beast?
Rodan was sent tumbling down the volcano as waves of electricity attacked his body. It was then when he noticed the human machines. They were frantic now, flying crazy and fast. But he'd ignore them as Ghidorah pounced on his body, stomping his form into the ground.
SHUT THE FUCK UP!! Ghidorah, now speaking as one, boom before blasting Rodan again with those deadly rays. YOU ARE MINE!! YOU HAVE YOU DAMN RIGHT TO SA-
Rodan shifts and slices a part of Ghidorah, making the planet destory momentarily loose focus. Rodan wiggled from under him before swooping up high into the cloud.
There was no brawl to be raged. He learned long ago when to choose his battles and this was one that required escape.
His wings violently swooped in the air, climbing for seemingly no reason. Where was he going? He couldn't suffocate the damn thing.
Behind him, the powerful rumble of the storm chased, and he tried to fly harder.
He was grazed by one if the beams and almost lost control, but eased himself. There was no real escape. He knew that, but it wouldn't stop him.
The edge of the storm crept near his feet, teasingly grabbing at his legs. He knew if he was sucked in there was no guarantee he'd ever come out.
His mind was panicked and frantic. He was prey. He was a target of an almost unstoppable force.
Another beam was shot and this time it hit him. It busted his nerves and his wings stiffened. Suddenly, he was falling. Falling further and further and as he looked up he felt his heart beat even faster.
The cloud was over him now, the rain beating on his face as those three sets of angry eyes stared him down. Powerful jaws were open, diving faster and faster in his direction. Beneath him, he felt the moisture of the sea. Perhaps, he thoughts as he tried to flex his wing. The water surface was getting closer, as was Ghidorah.
He positioned himself, eyes never leading the alien.
He gets his wings ready, knowing this was going to hurt a bit.
Just before he hit the water, he turned his body quickly, slamming his wings down and bulleting himself upwards. He fills something pop, but decides to deal with it later.
Behind him, Ghidorah collides with the ocean with a loud sploosh.
Rodan breathes with relief, but it's only for a second.
Ghidorah launches out of the water, another level of anger added to his meter of rage. A monstrous roar, one that made Rodan shiver, eached through the air.
Godzilla please. Mothra. Anyone please help me. Rodan prayed to himself. He's....he's never felt scared before. Sure death has lingered on his mind before but this time it was right in his face. No amount of bowing or apologizing was going to fix this.
Ghidorah was going to kill him.
He flew up high again. He hovered there, panting. Around him clouds towered. And each direction held the haunting rumble of his attacker.
LEAVE ME ALONE!! PLEASE!! PLEASE!! I'M SORRY JUST HAVE MERCY!! Rodan had never cried so loud. He never sounded so weak.
His body jolted when it was forced down into the water at lightening speed. Sharp claws pierced his tough skin and even in the salt liquid he felt it drip. His mouth was full of water and he swallowed some on accident. He felt his body struggle with no results.
He gasped for air before being pushed back in the drink. His lungs were filling up with it now. Blood. Water. Anything really.
YOU UNGRATEFUL SHIT!! Ghidorah shouts, the voices no longer holding their own individual flavor. It was...HE was one now. The shared hatred now directed at the one who "betrayed" them. HOW DARE YOU BEG FOR MERCY NOW?!
He struggled, giving a scream when the claws aggressively removed themselves. He tried then to maybe swim. It was useless but he was desperate.
Kevin grabbed him, sinking his teeth so deep in the fire bird's leg that surely it had become unusable. Rodan roared in pain. The two other heads attached themselves as well.
They lifted his body from the water. Lifting him higher and higher and higher. He couldn't breath. But he didn't try to. There was no use anymore.
When they let him go, for a moment he felt time stop. Like he was frozen up there. He never noticed how beautiful the sun looked from this height. But he fell. And when he landed hard against his own volcano he felt something snap.
He coughed up blood. His vision was foggy. Legs? Useless. Wings? Out of the question. He laid there, belly exposed. The mountain side had small streams of his blood running down it.
This was how he died, huh?
When Ghidorah landed in front of him, he couldn't help but give a broken chuckle.
Because of you, he coughed. Because of you I woke up. Because of you my former companions abandoned me. Because of you no one's coming to help-
Rodan choked on his words as Ghidorah started to step on his throat.
It's your fault I'm doing this. And it was the only time during all this that Rodan got a glimpse at emotions other than anger in those eyes.
Ghidorah steps down harder as Rodan begins to gag. He's coughing up blood and his eyed are leaking tears. There's no more fight in him. He might as well stop struggling.
Then a blue light comes and Ghidorah is knocked off. He hears the powerful roar and gives a small smile. Rodan catches Godzilla look at him, and he still smiles regardless.
He was dying anyway. Why not let the last image him be with a grin?
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goldenhovrr · 5 years
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have you seen [ THEODORE “TRIPP” WATSON ] since the storm? some say they look like [ MAXENCE DANET-FAUVEL ] but they’re [ 23 ]  & go by [ THE LOOSE CANNON ].  [ HE ] lived in halloway for [ FIVE YEARS ] & they are originally from [ HALLOWAY ]. before the town vanished they were studying [ BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ] and lived at [ UNI BLVD ]. most people knew the [ CISMALE ] as [ +HONEST ] but i’ve heard they can also be [ -EXPLOSIVE ]. for some reason, they feel [ UNEASY ] about the town’s disappearance. ( aliza )
heathers the musical. { jason dean. } the society { harry bingham & campbell eliot } game of thrones { petyr “littlefinger” baelish } descendants { harry hook }
full name: theodore arthur watson the third. 
nickname: tripp. (triple, tripp.)
birthplace: halloway, new hampshire.
age: twenty-three
birthday: tbd.
zodiac: tbd.
hogwarts house: slytherin
mother: celestia beaumont-watson // birthplace: vancouver, british columbia
father: theodore ‘teddy’ arthur watson II // birthplace: halloway, new hampshire.
sibling(s): elizabeth ‘eliza’ watson (twin), rebecca ‘becca’ watson (17)
the twins were born to a professional athlete for a father { ice hockey } & a nurse for a mother. 
when he turned two, tripp already had a dual citizenship { father was canadian, mother american. } 
to be honest. tripp had his life laid out in front of him by the time he was born -- following in his father’s footsteps.  although his mother argued saying that tripp should grow up with his family surrounding him -- that only lasted until he began to get good at hockey.  
around eight is when his dad and him moved to canada together to play for a travel team to get recruited.  
he was a spoiled boy who got everything he wanted basically.
 tw: violence. he was really good, but he was on like an allstars team to his role was more of an enforcer ( for those that don’t know hockey, these are the ones that get in fights.  whenever someone picks on the star player too much, the enforcer sorta steps in to put them back in their place?? in weird words. ) end tw.
he got to playing juniors by the time he hit fifteen.
he got ?? a lot of offers, but basically his dad guilted him into choosing halloway university because of just “being with the fam again” hehe har har. 
so. tripp is fucking BITTER he’s here.
he choose a business admin major bc.. basically it’s the easiest thing until he can go pro tbh..
also while he was here since the hockey team isn’t up to his level, he’s also taken up boxing? so no good will come out of that.
his entire life, tripp has had things handed to him on a silver platter & he expects no different here.
silver tongue with mal intentions. he will manipulate you into getting what he needs
he legit thinks he’s in game of thrones & will play it like that.  bc he wants the iron throne bitchhhh.
a pretty bad party boy?  literally thinks he rules the world okay, he hasn’t really ever had someone to tell him no.
LIVES for his father’s approval, so like ?? now that he isn’t here -- tripp is going to highkey be devastated but like also not tell anyone.
he can be a little bit of a drama queen & hard to work for.
tw: violence: he’s... going to start fights whenever he can. end tw.
a true chaotic evil.
he’s developed like some attachment issues?  like he’s unattached bc of how often he had to move & travel and all that shit, so the only constant thing were his dad & sometimes teammates.  BUT at the same time he also has like abandonment issues.  he really really struggles with that.
basically from his inspos, i just have the one true chaotic evil that is jason dean -- not like the murder or anything, but like.. i guess the motivation behind it. & the song freeze your brain is very relatable to tripp.
he’s got harry’s rich boy attitude & campbell’s “i wanna rule the world” attitude.  & for littlefinger.. just like the most inspo comes from him. just the silver tongue & getting what he wants GOT SPOILERS i mean this fucker somEHOW LIVES TO SEASON SEVEN WHAT? END SPOILERS.
he has harry’s little devilish personality from the 2nd movie & the whole using flirtation as an intimidation factor.
he’s a new boy so we’ll figure him out as we go!
{ this tag. } 
best friend // someone who tripp actually trusts, this may be like the one person that tripp would listen to. random hook-ups // open to all party buddy // a superficial relationship that looks like the two are really close but really their only together when one or the other wants to go out. childhood best friend // also quite close when the two were growing up, they grew apart when tripp started travelling. first kiss // THIS POST! 
if none of this really appeal to you, i’d love to just brainstorm some ideas!  ( that always seems easier to me in all honesty. )
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Gotham s5ep4 “Ruin” Personal Review
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“There goes the element of surprise..”    Warning spoilers below (ahaha not this week, boy am I late, not that anyone would have missed this though, also little meta content this week)  
What I loved about the episode is that it´s the “apocalypse” and then it comes down to a crime scene investigation! I would take much more of that! Much more!  Just less of a bloodthirsty MOB. Like would they really want Zsasz hanged? The evidence was pretty clear, Jim Gordon really got no reason to lie to them, actually it would greatly benefit him if he did. Do they really not want to see the real culprit punished? I´m not a fan of lynch/mob law in general but does it make sense for the mob to want the wrong guy hanged, that way the police probably will think / claim everything is settled and call it a day, which means the real culprit is free to do that again, but then again I wonder how many people know about Zsasz and him having been a hitman, did some of them have had relatives that got into Carmine / Sal Maroni crossfire, was this partly a he´s a guilty filthy criminal *anyway* thing?  * “You don't need to smuggle in explosives when you can detonate 250 gallons of highly pressurized heating oil that's coursing through all the floors.”  Ah damn, they really had Edward Nygma do it, I kind of didn´t want them to follow that route. Also why put that running guy with bomb in there then, huh .. damn exploding herrings.  HOPE goes on and off this week:  “But whoever destroyed that building can't destroy the hope we've built. Not unless we let them.” “I told the people it was safe. I made them into a target.” “Jim, you gave 'em” “Don't tell me I gave 'em hope. They're dead.”  * It´s GOOD vs. EVIL “This city will never be what you want it to be, Jim. It's always gonna belong to the bad guys, like me.”  “People like you are always trying to own this city. But you never will.” * It´s GOOD ft. EVIL Oswald Cobblepot poses as if he was the synthesis of both those opposites: A bad guy that cares. “I lost people, too, Jim. People you lured with promises of safety and security, only to have them incinerated.”  Oswald arms the GCPD talking about working together just to take over and get his own trials and justice going. He´s claiming to provide what Jim can´t. While both Barbara Kean & Oswald Cobblepot claimed their help came no strings attached Oswald´s help does not include staying aside and letting them do their work. Although to be fair he said “Save for the one that we will cinch around the neck of the Haven bomber.” What is it with people that it always needs a couple hundred dead people that they can focus on nice things. Anyway everyone is appropriately appalled with this atrocity. They also gave all the villains some selfish reasons. OSWALD COBBLEPOT wants people and their cheers. EDWARD NYGMA wants the file of the inmate.  “I've been putting out feelers.” BARBARA KEAN is worried Sirens might be next, making her probably the least “selfish” one because she seems to care about the people that she protects and might not demand the same level of praise that Oswald does. (I know probably other things but unless canon proves me wrong I headcanon slightly differently) She feels hurt but understands Jim would suspect, even for a moment that she could be responsible for the destruction Haven. They slowly get her back on suitable for Jim Gordon to kiss track, which phu idk. I liked her and their relationship in S1,  but there´s just so much happened in between. And plenty in Barbara´s characterization I didn´t like so it´s nice to see her on a more reasonable track now but how about they just gave her an awesome relationship with Tabitha ........  Characterization questions aside I really loved that she did not and could not kill Oswald in the light of the explosion! That was a touching moment!  Also her outfit is nice, although they toned down the make up. And Jim gripping her arm during the kiss almost gives old timey movie vibes. I´m sure I don´t need to write on Babs / Oswald paralells, I assume I just can reblog better words on it from someone ..  * Also something tells me if JIM GORDON  had gotten that shoot out with VICTOR ZSASZ, that kiss would not have happened …… “Inmate number 1215 knows! Knows what???!!??!” Ha, distressed, puzzled, annoyed EDWARD NYGMA is a joy to watch. I don’t really have to say more on that. Edward snatching the blanket from the woman when walking into the GCPD makes me wonder, what would he have done if that woman hadn´t been there? Just walked in? Did he have a stupid disguise and was like, oh no wait that´s better.  He and LUCIUS FOX were a delight. Edward trying to snatch the file from him and run was wonderful! Him preening in pride when his expertise is wanted was delightful! Lucius claiming, he´ll deny having said the praise he gave Edward in the end, precious! Lucius playing him like a fiddle, and moving him with barely more than his fingertips, damn! Just that the whole thing was shot like when Ed pursued Kristen Kringle!  Their dynamic is just wonderful: “Impressive. Calculated the angle of incident to follow the trajectory through the window, into the fuel oil tanks.” “Yep. That, and the RPG case is right over there.”  * One thing that stressed me was Ed sending the Files flying around him on the rooftop. Like at that moment he didn´t yet know that the woman he saw in the window was connect to the note he put down on his hands. Even when the inmate was dead there could have been some hints in the file or who knows in hid grave. Like, no Edward! No! Go run and pick them up.  * Someone needs to do a Parallel Meta for 5x04 & 4x12  when Ed found out he hired the hit on Leslie Thompkins. * “I did not make that building go boom, Jim.”   Yeah, that´s a VICTOR ZSASZ line. Love him. * ““Hey, do you guys have any canned peaches? Man, I'd trade an arm and a leg for that right now. Not mine, somebody else's.” Food and cut off limbs, that´s another one. Love him. * And that one: “Do the math.  If I blew up a building full of people, I would have covered every inch of my body in sweet, sweet scars.  You guys want to do a strip search?” “I'd let Alvarez do it. He's handsome” * Him shooting Oswald´s head on the major poster after he said something was a great detail! * Him drinking while waiting for the bullet hail to stop as well. * I´m gonna make a post about the Gunman magazine that fell on the floor, after Jim tackled him so majestically ...  * Zsasz usurping the applause afterwards, and later was adorable. * “Is this about Sofia Falcone? Because you should really move past that. It's not healthy.” DOES HE KNOW SHE KILLED CARMINE, DOES HE OR DOES HE NOT ???? They had him express sympathy towards Carmine in Season 1, they showed that he cared when Carmine got killed. I get that he might abandon issues like that in the current environment but they can´t open up such a plotline and then just drop it. Does he know that Oswald didn´t kill Carmine? Like honestly .. I know it´s the Jim Gordon show but I would have loved it if Victor Zsasz just had saved himself!! I would have loved it even more if along the way they somehow figured out the whole misconception, Zsasz would recognize that Sofia and not Oswald is to blame and maybe even apologize. * But hey Oswald´s “Well said” about the mumbled last words was mean but awesome. * Soooo who went in the trashy local torture museum to get the guillotine? * How does Zsasz work? There where zero people shown around him. What is it like to live on Zsasz turf? * Zsasz mumbling must have been bewildered that they aren´t honouring the tradition of the last meal before an execution, like he got his order ready, that was the last silver lining, if he´s really going to face his end at the hands of penguin in those halls at least he´s going to get his teeth into something juicy and tasty before it happens ..  SELINA KYLE, (Bruce Wayne), JEREMIAH VALESKA, ECCO * Sykes and the Soothsayers digging a tunnel for Jeremiah Valeska. Is that poetic justice? Also is this a new tunnel, when the Soothsayers had the children dig it they went out of their way to state that their cruelty is even more infuriating because the whole endeavour is very likely futile.  Like they made it damn clear that the TUNNEL is not going to go anywhere. Also would Jeremiah, who made the bridges go boom want a tunnel that remedies that  issue partly? Only for himself? His cult? Is he doing something else altogether? Is it about what he can get into the city through it? Is he better at static issues and remedied the tunnel digging plan? Was he involved before?  * “Yes you certainly have set a very high bar - for devotion.” Fucker gave me an earworm, Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio & Spiritual Front - A Song 4 Hate and Devotion (live) I mean quite a fitting mood considering all the other portrayals of the Harley and Mr. Jay relationship, but maybe they give ECCO and JEREMIAH VALESKA a different path. Aside from that the little dance was slightly nice. * “Bruce Wayne and his sidekick Curls Or is he the sidekick?” Yes! Ecco got the right spirit. I wonder if Ecco sees herself as sidekick?  “You see, a river cuts through rock not because of its power, but because of its persistence.So what do we do when we feel like giving up?” “Dig a little deeper.” “And what do we do when we can't possibly go on any longer?” “Dig a little deeper.” “And what do we ..” “Deep enough?”  I´m afraid it was not deep enough, I´m afraid it was quite shallow because the show is not as clever as Ecco, I bet that he isn´t dead, if he was it if could have actually been just about her. Honestly, I would love that. All the BatJokes built up and then it´s about Selina. And she has plenty right for it to be about her, Jeremiah almost killed her. What else does it need.  * SELINA KYLE keeping in the shadows investigating, disguising herself as one of the people there, then getting close to Jeremiah dressed as Ecco: She´s good! She´s awesome! * That GCPD woman that was doing PAPERWORK when Ed sneaked into the building. Do they do regular paperwork? Cause damn, considering the governmental neglect if Jim got them to bother to do the regular paperwork he must have given one hell of a speech. Or is it paperwork related to organize a place like Haven? How do they do things? * Oswald destroying all strategy with a megaphone: “There goes the element of surprise.” * “Elevated position, back to the sun.” * “Never ever ask me to do anything like that again. Pull yourself together.” Harvey does not approve of Wild West Jim  * “ I know the wheels of justice turn slowly, so I'm here to provide - a modicum of grease.” / “I did not expect you to go soft, Jim. Actually, I did.”  / “By the power vested in me by well, me, I sentence you, Victor Zsasz, to die.”   * “One of the areas in which I excel is the loosening of tongues.” “No. He's mine”  Oh damn I thought Jim said “it´s mine” as in he´s better with interrogations. Well there goes my whole comparison with the Edward Nygma & Lucius Fox expertise quip:  “So, the second smartest man in Gotham needs my help.” “Explosives are not my expertise.”  “Didn't realize you had one.”  *“Jim Gordon cares more about protecting a murderer than he does about protecting you!” Okay look who is projecting .... 
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