#no worries! i'll have the para up in a few!
pinkyqil · 2 months
Devastating Pain
Alexia putellas x reader
A/n:no summary cause it spoil the plot so you have to read the fic song suggestions to set the mood this a one part fic so no part 2 Hope you guys enjoy this and you aren't heartbroken feel free to send in feedback,requests or anything you want to know about this master piece so au revoir and have a great day 🫶🏿!
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You we're meant to spend the last few days with your girlfriend but due to some circumstances you had gotten a call from work that needed you feeling back to spain.
But before you left, you had made a promise to alexia that you'll make it back in time for the teams final macht.
Not knowing that the day you would return back in her arms cease to exist.
Packing your bags as you we're on the phone with your significant other.
"Alexia I promise I'll definitely make it back in time before the bronze match you have nothing to worry about". Only if she knew there was a lot to worry about.
"amor are you sure about this didn't they tell you that you we're free for the month".
You were a nasa scientist and it wasn't everyday you got am off day and if you did they weren't that long so for you to have been able to spend that much time with your girlfriend without getting called back in lab until recently.
"Yes they did but you know how my work place is".
"Well I hope it nothing serious love you and have a safe trip". Only if she knew that would be the last time she would say and hear does two words from you
"Love you too don't forget to be that amazing person on the pitch like always". Just like that you ended the call between the both of you.
Days had passed and you were getting ready to borad you fight back to france and from there you would be heading to the stadium they were playing at.
But due to some technical issues your flight had been delayed. which had you worried hoping you could still make it to the match. No doubt that the event that accord would be taking away your precious life taking you away from friends, families and most importantly your loving fiancée
who wished you nothing but safety.
Alexia was getting worried as she couldn't spot you in the crowd full of fans supporting both spain and german.
She decided not to think much about what was going as she had a macht to focus on and a team to support.
But every nerve in her body told her something was wrong. The game was going smoothly on spain's side until it wasn't. Not only had German scored but the team sprite was off and alexia stil felt that something something was really wrong.
On your side the captain had been announcing a lot of tumbling from the aircraft but told passengers not to worry abou.t anything the only thing that you could wish for was the game should go well and your woman shouldn't be hurt.
As you were lost in deep thought was when all the chaos exploded. It seem like the pilot had announced that the airplane was going down and he had no control over this and was telling everyone to send in a message to their loved ones if they could.
Everyone panicking but all you could do was pick up your phone and dial alexia number as memories of you too flashed through your mind.
You knew her phone wasn't with but at least you could leave her one last voice mail.
"Alexia, mi amor, solo quería que supieras lo mucho que significas para mí, Estos últimos años contigo no solo han sido reconfortantes y tristes, sino que solo quería que supieras que siempre apreciaré cada momento que pasamos juntos, Espero que sepas lo mucho que yo-".
Before you knew the airplane crashed causing a huge collusion you couldn't even press to your voice-mail but could only hope that it sent through and she received it.
You and alexia had this information thing set that if one of you were to be hurt the other person needs to be informed as soon has possible.
And that's when alexia finds out the news of your passing.
She couldn't even process what she heard properly but knew she had to step up for the taking penalty. As the ball was set all she could think of you alive and well that's it just the universe playing a huge joke on her but it wasn't...
Set to kick the ball but the opposing goal keeper had stopped it. Alexia fell on her knees knowing right there that the universe wasn't playing a joke on her and that you were truly gone...
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ccsainzleclerc5516 · 8 months
Another On The Way
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x Reader (y/n)
Warnings: none
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Y/N's pov
"No, no, no.." I covered my mouth with my palm as the tears ran down my cheeks in disbelief. I wanted to scream when I saw two lines appearing on the pregnancy test I had just taken. I put all my hopes in the fact that the test would be negative, considering the fact that only 5 months ago I gave birth to our beautiful little girl Sofia.
"Amor, is it done?" Carlos asked knocking on the door. I didn't even try to pull myself together before I opened the door in front of which he was standing holding Sofia in his arms. I opened the door and stared at him with teary eyes sobbing.
"Mi amor que paso por que lloras?" He asked worriedly placing his free hand on my cheek wiping away the tears with his thumb.
"Carlos, it's positive. I'm pregnant again." I broke down crying out loud into his chest.
"Hey, hey..shh." He pulled me into a hug rubbing my back. "Baby, it's okay, it's gonna be okay." He tried to comfort me, but at that moment I was inconsolable.
"How could we be so careless? We just had a baby.."
"Amor but I thought we didn't want to stop at just one child. We talked about how we wanted more."
"I know and I do want more, but I just wasn't expecting this to happen so soon. I'm not ready yet, I'm so scared."
Sofia was born 3 weeks before her due date because towards the end of the pregnancy things started to get complicated. in the middle of the night I was woken up by severe pain and had to go to the hospital immediately. The birth was laborious, long, difficult and painful. If Carlos hadn't been next to me in those moments, I don't know how I would have endured it. Luckily, in the end, everything went well and Sofia was born healthy and beautiful. I was so exhausted from giving birth that I was coming for days, Carlos had to help me walk and even get out of bed because I couldn't do it myself. but today when I look at Sofia and her big brown eyes, the same as Carlos's, I know that it was all worth it for her.
"I understand that you are scared, but you know that we are in this together as in everything else. I promise to be here every step of the way again and I promise you that you have nothing to fear." He said placing a kiss on my forehead. I'm so lucky to have him by my side through anything in life. He is my rock and as long as we are together I know deep down that I don't have to worry about anything because he will always be there for me.
"I know, but I just wanted us to give all of our attention to Sofi. I don't want to be away from you anymore and I want Sofi to be with you as well, she is so small, she needs you as much as I do." I sob looking at Sofia in his arms who playing with her tiny hands.
Towards the end of the 6th month of pregnancy, I could no longer go to the races with Carlos. it just became too strenuous and risky to go, so the doctor advised me to stay home and rest. I was in our house in Madrid all the time and I missed him terribly and it was very difficult without him, and my hormones and mood swings were not helpful at all. Thank God he was at home that night when I went into labor.
"Mi corazon te lo prometo, I'll make sure to be with you every spare second when I'm not racing. She already feels how much we love her and she will never lack for anything. I need you to be okay, baby." I take Sofi from his hands in mine and kiss her on the head, rocking her as she started to frown a little.
"I love you so much Carlos. Thank you. I'm so lucky that you're mine." My tears finally dried and I took a deep breath, now much calmer and happier than a few minutes ago.
"Todo para mis niñas. Te amo tanto." He says pressing his lips against mine and wrapping his arms around both of us. He always made everything so easy and he always let me know that I was forever safe with him.
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smilocity · 3 months
His Goddess - Rodolfo Parra x VargasFemReader
Note: This is from my old account! (I will be reuploading them all to this account!) WARNING! This is my first time writing about military action, and war with battlegrounds/warfare. So bear with me...
Parring= Rodolfo Parra x VargasFem!reader
Genre= Fluff! Romance♡
Additional stuff to warn about= Guns, wounds, swears(mostly in Spanish), warfare, military action, etc.
And to add, I am not Mexican so I'm gonna have to use some poor translator for some sentences i'll be writing in the fic. (Apologies to all the Spanish speakers out there....)
You are Alejandro Vargas' younger sister by 4 years, and by what Las Almas sees, you're like his little princess he doesn't want to see sad nor hurt. Hell, even his men are scared of your brother. Once, a new recruit for the Los Vaqueros thought you were a good choice to flirt with...Let's just say he was bedridden for about 4 days...
You met Rudy at the same time you joined the Los Vaqueros so you both clicked and just sailed away happily. Alejandro was relieved of you being quite attached to someone like Rudy as he is the only man he completely trusts aside from you and even called him his brother in all but blood.
Your occupation is being a combat medic and head of the medical department of the Los Vaqueros.
"Hermana. (Sister.) Rudy and I with some of our men are meeting up with Sergeant Mactavish and their Lieutenant of TF 141 to help for the El Si Nombre and Hassan problema." Your brother arrived in your office as you just finished taking care of 10 patients and their paperwork.
"¿Ah, de verdad? (Oh, really?) Interesante(interesting), Alejandro. But you do know the problem in Las Almas is bigger for only four soldiers, hm?" You reclined in your chair.
The leader of the Los Vaqueros only smirked, "You underestimate my allies, flor(flower). Rudy will be driving if you want to come along." Your brother left before you could even get a say in making you huff.
Rudy was already in the black van ready to go as he saw his superior and his sister.
Seeing you just made Rudy's day or even week, "No me digas. (Don't tell me.) ¿Te animó a unirte?" (He egged you on to join?)
"Mhm. Used you to bribe me. Puta. (Bitch)" you mumbled making both males chuckle.
"Ah, Rudy? ¿Estás bien para moverte? (Are you okay to move?) You took quite a beating when chasing Hassan a few days earlier. Estoy preocupada. (I'm worried.)" You gave the second in command a soft look making him smile delicately towards you.
"I'm fine, Angel. (That's your codename btw!) I've been through worse."
"Ahora, ahora tortolitos. Tendrás tiempo para coquetear más tarde." (Now, now lovebirds. You'll have time to flirt later.)
Both you and Rudy only slightly eye rolled at Alejandro's teasing and started to head to the meet up spot for the new allies.
When arriving, you were cut short with some problems since some new recruits caught themselves in strife, "Doc, dos cadetes se lesionaron durante una sesión De entrenamiento." (two cadets were injured during a training session.) Spoke up a Los Vaqueros when you arrived to the base making you sigh sharply, "Oh Dios mío...(Oh my god...) Looks like I'm held back again."
Alejandro and Rudy nodded, "We'll meet the Sergeant and Lieutenant for you, hermana. (sister)
Before leaving, you and Rudy did a secret handshake (It was basically you both giving each other a high-five from side to side then you guys doing a cross over your chests before doing a fist bump.)
"See you soon!" You bid goodbye to Rodolfo as you gave a nod to Alejandro.
"Nos vemos Ángel. (See you Angel.)" Smiled Rudy before getting a pat on the shoulder by his colonel as they left.
To cut it short, the Vaqueros(as) with the addition of Srg Mactavish and Lt Ghost haven't found El Sin Nombre making you get ticked off but radio to your brother that you will find him yourself if you have to.
"(Y/N) is it?"
You heard your radio working making you pause but answer, "Yes. Who is this?"
"Kate Laswell at your service ma'am. I heard you're the 3rd in command of the Vaqueros with Alejandro. I'm here to help you find El Sin Nombre. I'm with TF 141 consisting of Sergeant-" You cut her off,
"Mactavish and Lieutenant Ghost. I have heard quite a lot beforehand." You heard a hum for an answer.
"I have now understood that. I just sent you some information I have gathered from the boys on their recent search of El Sin Nombre. If you can, I'd love to see if you can find this person with my help."
You smirked, "Of course. Let's get to work Laswell."
After doing some digging with Kate, you both found out the Cartel had a house for a base in the far part of Las Almas.
"Thanks for the help Vargas."
"No problem Kate. I'll tell the boys and we'll be off with your orders." You said to her as you got the papers you used for information while talking with your radio.
"See you soon." That was the last message you've heard of her before the mission.
While getting out all the Vaqueros bowed to you in respect as you walked towards the part of the base where your brother is. (It was made mandatory they had to since Alejandro wants everyone to respect you like they respect him.)
Of course they were outside so they could be quickly briefed for the mission.
"Didn't know the Mexican Special Forces had a beautiful lady like you walking around." Said an unfamiliar person as you turned to see a soldier with short blonde locs and a smirk on his face.
'He's American...Must be with the Sergeant and Lieutenant.' You thought.
"There are many things you don't know about Las Almas." You replied ignoring the whole him hitting on you bit.
"Well then, let me at least get to know you better." Urged the man as he walked closer to you.
"¡Esa es mi hermana idiota!" (That's my sister dipshit!)
You both turned to see Alejandro speed power walking to get to you and the soldier.
"Detente ahora, Vargas. No lo sabía, eso es todo." (Basta ahora, Vargas. Él no lo sabía, eso es todo.) You held a hand to the colonel's chest to stop him from hurting the oblivious guy.
"What now?" As you said before, the blonde male was confused as hell since you both spoke Spanish and not English.
"Please excuse the Colonel. He gets...protective of me. Ale. Move." You apologized on behalf of your brother before ordering him to get a move on so you can be introduced to the rest of the men, the said Colonel moved on your order.
"Whoa! I didn't know there was someone who can order Alejandro around like that." Said a surprisingly Scottish voice near Rodolfo and Lieutenant Ghost.
"She's the only one who can." Added Rudy as he smiled when you approached them.
"Men, meet the head of the medical department in the Mexican Special Forces. (Y/N). Codename: Angel." Introduced Alejandro as you smiled and nodded to the men.
"It is nice to meet you all. I was supposed to meet you beforehand when you landed but some idiotas(idiots) decided to hurt themselves while training." You joked as you shook the Scottish male's hand.
"Sergeant John Mactavish. Nice to meet you. Call me Soap." Smiled the man, as you nodded.
"Ghost." Simply replied the Lieutenant making you nod.
"Philip Graves. Head of the Shadow Company. At your service ma'am." The man that talked to you before smiled at you. Alejandro gives a short glare, making you do the same to him, making him stop.
"Alejandro." You warned.
"Sí, sí flor. (Yes, yes flower.) Got information for us?" Asked the Colonel as you nodded.
"Yes. I have acquainted myself with Laswell and talked about your next move. Y deja de burlarte del coronel, sé profesional.” (And stop teasing Colonel, be professional.) You nodded.
"By all means, please do tell." Urged Graves.
"There's a small selected house in the outskirts of Las Almas. We figured they(Cartel) could be there. And I think possibly, El Sin Nombre." You told the males as you showed them a picture of the house and the address.
"So we just go there and tackle the guy or whoever El Sin Nombre is?" Summed up Soap as you nodded.
"Bingo. All the vehicles and weapons are at your disposal. The only thing we need for this mission is you and El Sin Nombre back. And as head of the medical department, I want you all to be unharmed during this mission if you can." You finished.
"We'll do our best. Let's move! Volveré.” (I'll be back.) Alejandro kissed the side of your head as you smiled, "Vuelve pronto.” (Be back soon.)
"Rudy. Permanezca en (S/N) y en espera.” (Stay with (Y/N) and standby.) Alejandro ordered his second in command.
Rudy gave his leader a nod, " Si Colonel." (Sí, coronel.)
You scoffed, "I don't need protection."
As soon as the men left Rudy started to silently cackle, "Say that again when you were cornered by three big men ready to tackle you down if Alejandro wasn't there to save you."
"Rudy! ¡Cállate! (Shush!)" You hit the man on his back as he only laughed more.
"Eres tan lindo cuando estás loco, Ángel.” (You are so cute when you’re mad, Angel.) The man before you held your hand as you had to register what he had said, making you turn away.
"Estúpido... decir cosas así sin darme una advertencia adecuada…" (Stupid...saying stuff like that without giving me a proper warning...)
"I'm glad to be called stupid by you. Come on, why don't we hang out for a bit, hm? That is...if you'd like to spend time with all your papers instead of me." Suggested Rodoflo making you laugh at how dramatic he is.
"Don't worry, Para. I'm all yours for the rest of the day."
You didn't know that the man was flustered by your statement before he started jogging to catch up to you.
"WHERE IS HE?" You yelled as some masked men decided it was a good idea to invade your base.
"Angel! We gotta go! They're here to arrest us!" Rudy grabbed your hand and led you to a secret pathway out of the base before you'd be detained/arrested by the mysterious masked men.
"Rudy! ¿¡Qué está pasando!? ¿Quiénes eran esos tipos y dónde está mi hermano?!” (What's going on!? Who were those guys and where is my brother?!) The moment you enter a small black SUV is when you bomb the second in command with questions.
"Graves se volvió y acogió a Alejandro. Lo recuperaremos.” (Graves turned and took Alejandro in. We're getting him back.) Responded Rudy as he drove to the safe house.
"That pendejo(dumbass)! I'll sever him up when I find his body if he did something to my brother! Let's go and break him out." You said as you got a few guns and put on some tactical gear.
But before you can continue on suiting up Rudy held your shoulders, "I can't let you go, Angel. Not when Alejandro told me to keep you safe."
"Rudy. I joined at the same time with you and Ale. I've been a soldier before being a doctor. I know how to use a gun." You reminded me.
"Sé que no eres débil, amor. Pero no puedo soportar que te lastimen ahí fuera. Déjame traerlo de vuelta.” (I know you're not weak, love. But I can't bear you to get hurt out there. Let me bring him back.)
You knew Rudy wasn't going to let you go but you still want to protest, "But Rudy...Alejandro is–"
You were cut off by some soft warm lips on your own for a few moments before they were pulled away.
"Por favor(Please), Angel." He looked in your eyes with a pleading look making you sigh and nod.
"One injury and I'm going to find that American myself if he hurts you." You warned making him smile.
"I'll keep that in mind. See you." He nodded as you both did your handshake.
"See you, Rudes."
While Rodolfo went to check the perimeter you went to the small medical area of the safe house before you heard a noise outside. You radioed to your ally immediately.
"Rudy? Alguien está afuera." (Someone 's outside.)
"Quédate quieto. Estoy atrás dirigiéndome al área principal de la casa. Quédate en las sombras."  (Stay put. I'm in the back heading to the main area of the house. Stay in the shadows.)
It was quiet for a few moments making you grab a pistol and a few throwing knives before using the shadows as an advantage.
You stopped dead in your tracks when you heard someone get in from the window making you hide behind a large wooden pole.
A red laser appeared on the man's shoulder, "Don't move." A deep voice was heard throughout the house before a knife was heard hitting the wooden pole.
"¿Quién es?" (Who is it?)
You didn't wait for Rudy to get a reply as you threw a warning knife back at the men as it hit the window near them, "Cac naomh...!" (Holy shit...!) Lowly exclaimed a Scottish voice making you remember on the men you've met before at the base.
"Soap! Ghost!"
Rudy got out of his hiding spot as you stayed put in the shadows.
"Nice throw." Rodolfo gave back the knife to the Lieutenant.
"What about the other one? Who threw it?" Asked the masked soldier.
"Ángel. Está bien. Si estás cerca, puedes salir ahora." (Angel. It 's okay. If you're near, you can come out now.)
"Podrías haberme dicho que tendríamos invitados, Rudy." (You could've told me we'd have guests, Rudy.) You appeared from the shadows making the Scottish soldier curse under his breath.
"That was you wasn't it?" Asked the masked soldier as you nodded.
"Forgive me about that. I didn't know it was you." You apologized before thanking Soap for giving your knife back.
"That was a good one. Almost had me there." Praised the Scottish man as you smiled, "Ale always wanted me to be prepared for every situation. I was a soldier before being a doctor."
"Speaking of that. You two were on the run?" Asked Rudy.
"But I was on the run. Ghost waited for me." Clarified Soap.
"Of course no?" You asked.
"Yes. This happened on my watch. And I need help to fix it. We're a team. No one fights alone." Cut off Ghost as Soap nodded.
"Why did Graves turn?" Rudy asked the bombing question.
"We don't know. But no can be trusted out there. Price, Shepherd, Laswell, and all others are considered hostiles." Answered Ghost.
"Except for–" you cut off the Scottish soldier, "Alejandro. He was taken, no?"
"Yes. And we're getting him back." Responded Ghost.
Rudy then led the group to a table and explained where your brother was being held.
They quickly got into gear to get the Colonel back.
"I'll stand by and head towards our other base. It isn't completely safe here." You told the men making them agree.
"Be safe, Doc." Nodded Soap as you gave a nod as well.
"Nice throw back there." The Lieutenant praised you, making you smile, "You as well."
Rudy held your head before giving you a silent message with his eyes, "Volveré contigo." (I will come back to you.)
"You better, Tonto.” (Dumbass) You whispered back before doing your handshake.
(While heading to the prison.)
Soap was a bit curious about the relationship you and Rudy had, "Rodolfo. What kind of relationship are you in with the doc?"
"Àngel's been with me and Alejandro since we've joined. 20 years to be exact. Toughest woman I've met in my life. Same goes to Alejandro. We swore to protect her as she's saved our lives so many times. That's why the Colonel always tells me to keep close to her, to keep her safe." Answered the second in command.
"Hm. Seems like you've done a good job."
"Feels like you two are closer than friends." Jumped in Ghost.
"We are. It's a bit classified." Responded Rudy.
"Classified, eh? Don't think Alejandro would like that." Joked Soap.
"Hm. He didn't at the beginning." Lowly chuckled the Mexican before he changed the subject and went to their task.
(After getting Alejandro out.)
"What about my sister Rudy? Is she..." started the Colonel as he was handed a rifle.
"She's fine, Colonel. She went to a more secure base. That's where we're going too." Nodded Rudy.
"Good. Let's get my men out." Stated Alejandro.
"Wait a second...You have a sister Alejandro?!" Said a bit too loudly Soap as they continued to move forward in the prison.
"Be more quiet Soap. We're in bloody enemy territory." Scolded Ghost.
"Sí (Yes). I kept it a secret to protect her. She wanted to join me and Rudy to look after us. I trust you and Ghost so I'm telling you this now."
"Thank you for trusting us. Won't tell a soul." Thanked John.
"Of course."
You were ordering around some Vaqueros to prepare for the fight that Alejandro would like to have ASAP since Graves turned.
"¡Escucha ahora! (Listen now!)" Whistled the Colonel to his men as you ran up to him.
"¡Gracias a Dios...! (Thank goodness...!) Are you okay?" You asked as you examined your brother's face as he only smiled.
"I'm fine hermana. (Sister.) Glad you're safe too." Alejandro kissed your forehead making you smile before you two held each other's hands as a greeting.
"No way I'm leaving you and Rudy alone." You joked as you saw Rudy making you hug him.
"Estoy de vuelta como le prometí a mi amor." (I'm back as promised my love.)
"Me alegro de que hayas vuelto." (Glad you're back.)
"I'm confused here right now." Said Soap as you smiled at him and Ghost.
"Captain, Sergeant Garrick. This is my sister, (Y/N) Vargas. The head of the medical department of Los Vaqueros." Introduced your brother as you nodded to the new sergeant and the captain who was beside him.
"Delighted to meet you Miss Vargas. Captain Price of TF 141." Captain Price nodded towards you and even took off his hat in much more proper greeting.
The new sergeant beside him nodded as well, "Same here."
"Nice to meet you Captain, Sergeant." You greeted back.
"Wait! You're the sister!? This whole time?!" Yelled Soap making you grin.
"You just caught on to that Johnny?" Asked the masked soldier.
"I thought it was obvious by how affectionate he is. But yes, he is my blood brother." You responded.
"So then, what's your relationship with Rodolfo?" Asked Soap.
"Ella es mi ángel. (She's my angel.) My wife of 6 years." Answered the second in command as he held your left hand.
"What?! I only thought you two were close friends!" To TOTALLY clarify, Soap did NOT see that coming. He honestly thought you were dating Alejandro by how close you two are. And thought you were the sister of Rudy. While trying to figure out who could be the Colonel’s sister.
"We get that a lot. Some actually thought I was my own brother's wife a few times before Rudy made it public to the person who asked. Al menos podrías haber aclarado lo de la hermana, idiota. (You could've at least clarified the sister thing idiot.)" You laughed a bit as you explained the misinformation before scolding your husband.
"Alejandro told me to keep it secret, querida." (darling)
"Oi! Lovebirds! Let's move. We got an American to finish." Said your brother as you gave him a small playful glare before following him and the team to the table.
Captain Price was the one to talk about the plan as they all grabbed skeleton masks naming themselves to be the "Ghost Team."
You almost did a double take when Ghost took off his own mask to the team as Price welcomed him back, "Good to see you, Simon."
Since you and Rudy were near Gaz and Soap you whispered to the Scottish soldier, "Better engrave that in your head before you forget Sergeant."
He huffed meaning he found it funny making you do a small grin before the men went to all put masks on.
"Okay, the first team is Alejandro, Sergeant Garrick with some Vaqueros to secure Valeria and possibly our base again. Alejandro will be leading since he knows the base well. The next team consists of Rudy, Ghost, Soap with Vaqueros. Ghost will be leading the team. The third team will be Price in a helicopter to assist in the air with a pilot. Laswell had already got the coordinates to where you will be dropped off at the base. Any objections?" You explained as you showed your tablet and the teams.
None of the men said anything making you learn they understood and have no complaints.
"Nice one, Doc. Let's move." Praised the captain making you smile, "Delighted to be of help captain."
Soap and you did a small high five as you gave a nod to Ghost and Gaz.
"Be safe." You said as you hugged your brother.
"Always. You too!" He said as he joined Gaz and the Vaqueros on his team.
Rudy gave you a loving look, "Te amo.” (I love you.)
You smiled before putting his forehead on yours, "Yo también te amo a ti, mi marido. (I love you as well my husband.) Esté a salvo y regrese conmigo.” (Be safe and come back to me.)
"haría cualquier cosa que estuviera en mi poder para volver con mi esposa. Nos vemos pronto, Ángel." (I'd do anything in my power to come back to my wife. See you soon, angel.)
"You're so romantic. Go." You chuckled as he squeezed your hand before leaving, "You know it!" You heard him say, making you laugh.
It was a few hours and there were already so many Vaqueros that got injured while giving Graves some payback as you already had to operate on 12 men and women.
It was a rush but none had suffered any severe injuries, just some deep gashes, big cuts and strained limbs. With a few who got a hit on the side of some bullets but at least no surgery this time!
While you started on the paperwork one of your nurses appeared to tell you some news, "Doc. El Coronel y el segundo al mando están de regreso con sus equipos. Te están esperando afuera." (The Colonel and second in command are back with their teams. They're waiting for you outside.)
"Finalmente. (Finally.) Gracias. (Thank you.) Estás a cargo hasta que yo regrese.” (You're in charge till I get back.)
"Sí, Doc.” (Yes, Doc.)
You walked outside making the men turn to you as Alejandro was first to greet you, "Hope you weren't busy, flor (flower)."
"Not really. Except for the numerous patients I had to stabilize with a small needle and be covered in blood while patching up wounds. Graves is gone...?"
Soap nodded, "Blew him up to smitherins." You nodded as you did a fist bump to the Scottish man.
"Valeria will stay in our custody until further notice. My sister will interrogate her more if  she hides more information from us." Alejandro spoke up.
"Valeria, huh? Seems like she was trying to keep the war and terrorism intact for her business with the Cartel. Not surprised at her being El Sin Nombre." You hummed as the said woman was seen getting into the black SUV.
"So the golden child appears at last. ¿Cómo estás? Espero que Alejandro no te haya ocultado mucho sobre nosotros.” (How are you? Hope Alejandro hasn't hid that much from you about us.) Smirked the ex female soldier towards you.
"I got this." You stopped your brother from roasting the bitch in front of you, "¡Será mejor que mires lo que dices, perra! Los usaré contra ti.” (You better watch what you say, bitch! I'll be using them against you.) You swore to her in Spanish before signaling the men to take her away already.
"Steamin' fuckin' Jesus...You're wife is something Rodolfo." Said Soap to your husband as the man smiled, "She is. Now you know why I married her."
"She's still my Angel Rudy. She's my sister. Well it looks like this is it, eh?" Retorted playfully to the Colonel before smiling towards Ghost and Soap.
"Guess it is. Keep fighting the good fight, hermano.” (Brother) Soap and Alejandro shook each other's hands while patting each other's shoulders.
"To the bitter end my brother."
"Good luck amigos.” (Friends) Rudy then shook Soap's hand right after.
"It was nice meeting you, (Y/N). Hope to see you soon." Smiled the sergeant to you as you both did a small fist bump, "Of course. Same here Soap. Esté seguro ahí fuera." (Be safe out there.)
"Si hermana." (Yes sister.) You smiled when he talked in Spanish with his accent as he then patted Ghost on the shoulder so they could head out in the chopper waiting for them.
"Keep your throws well." Simply said Ghost towards you as you nodded, "You too."
"Oi Ghost!" Your brother stopped the Lieutenant, "No te pierdas, hermano.” (Don't get lost, brother.)
"A huevo!"(Of course!) He yelled with a fist in the air before turning back to the chopper.
Alejandro chuckled at that as you saw them leave.
"You made them learn Spanish, didn't you?" You asked.
"Hey, the more the merrier, no?" Laughed your brother, "Vamos. (Come on.) We get the afternoon for ourselves if we get the puta (bitch) locked away in time."
"Rudy? I almost forgot. Glad you're back, mi corazón.” (My heart.) You kissed his lips briefly before patting his chest a few times.
"Hey. I told you I'd do anything in my power to come back to you. Come on, let's go before your brother teases us again." Chuckled your husband as he opened the door of the van for you.
"Too late! Move, you two! Or else I'll make you!" Yelled the Colonel making you and Rudy laugh as you both entered the van.
"Wanna go on a date later on? It's been a while." Asked Rudy.
"I'd love that." You smiled.
"Oi. What did I say about being cariñoso(lovey dovey/loving) while on duty?" Teased Alejandro.
"Nothing, Ale. This is the first time you've spoken of that ever since me and Rudy got married, pendejo. (Stupid/dumbass, etc)" You retorted as you all laughed and headed to the place where Valeria will be locked up.
(Bonus! Here's you taking care of Rudy after he met Hassan. Note: he was shot with adrenaline during the process of the bullet extraction.)
You shot Rudy with adrenaline so the process of extracting the bullet will be less painful.
"Eres tan bueno conmigo.” He murmured to you, eyes blown from the adrenaline. (You're so good to me.) 
“Te amo mucho.” (I love you so much.) Your husband told you as you did your work on his injury. “Eres un verdadero Ángel que los dioses me han regalado. (You're a true Angel that the gods have gifted me.) Eres una doctora y una esposa increíbles." (You are an amazing doctor and wife.) Rudy babbled on and on. It lasted at least 5 five minutes.
You had to force yourself from not smiling from ear to ear at the compliments your husband has given you but also found it funny since it was due to the effects of the syringe mostly but he's still behind those words.
"Cállate ahora, amor. Déjame ayudarte. Ahorra el aliento." (Hush now, love. Let me help you. Save your breath.) You whispered to the man you're operating before giving a small face rub to assure him you're still there beside him.
But your hand that held his cheek was trapped by the arm that wasn't shot, You could see the love and adoration in his eyes.
"¿Cómo tuve tanta suerte?" (How did I get so lucky?)
That made your heart jump at how adorable he looked. (He'd kill you if you said it out loud.)
"I should be saying that. Now lie back down and rest up, the syringe won't last long and I'm only almost done." You gently put him down so his bruised rib and other injuries you've treated wouldn't get irritated.
"Please say yes if I ask you to have a family with me in the future. I want to spend eternity with you, amor. Eres una diosa para mí. (You're a goddess to me.) Let me worship you."
You were so glad that your medical room was slightly dim lighted so your husband wouldn't see your taken aback face. But you were regardless, happy he had life goals set already.
"Rudy...I'd love that. All of it, but please. Save your strength. And I'm no goddess, just a doctor, Mr. Parra." You finally got the bullet out of his arm and now it was time to stitch him up. You had to use another syringe since the last one was getting weaker.
"Tonterías. (Nonsense) You are one."
"Rudy..." You warned him, but you just wanted him to rest instead of forcing himself to assure you he'd be fine or him spouting his praise towards his wife.
"Sólo que decir mi nombre me hace feliz. Esa es una verdadera diosa para mí."(Just you saying my name makes me happy. That's a true goddess to me.)
"You are such a hopeless romantic."
"Only for you, armor. Only for you."
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the-loaf-of-calamity · 7 months
Loser HCs for the Side Order Bosses (Excluding Final Boss)
LET'S GOOO FINALLY DOING THIS FOR MY GOOBERS! (oh, and also Parallel Canon too.) - [SPOILERS! HEADS UP THERE!] - ======================================= Asynchronous Rondo (Rondo / Roro), The Layered Rotator (She/They) "Rondo's probably the quiet one of the crew, usually just humming her small corrupted tunes to herself while in her area and rarely even chats with anyone (in fact, communication is hard for Rondo!). But aside from being the quiet one, she's also the one making sure the others are aligned and one of the sternest of the few (aside from Order) along with being the most intelligent despite her lack of communication skills. None can escape her sight... she's very much eagle-eyed and will know when you're causing a muck. Although aside from that hubbub, she's actually a relatively nice soul as long as you aren't Eight or anyone that they know. She's actually very good with taking care of the Jelletons that lie within her area, who love the corrupted song that she sings. As long as you aren't a threat to her or to the Jelletons... then you can hang around!... just be vigilant of your actions." ======================================== Pinging Marciale (Marci / MarMar), The Elusive Bounder (They/Them) "Marciale's the chaos-maker and the fun one of the crew, rolling around and causing all sorts of mess (even squishing a few of the loc. Not the face of order at all!... Unfortunately, because of such behavior, they're kept on a pretty short leash with good ol' Order and they HATE that, being in their area and sitting around is so boring! At least let them have fun! Usually whenever they get too bored, they sleep it off... but when they have a lot of energy?... different story. Usually, they can hold it off while playing with the Battering Lentos... but even then, it's easy for them to get bored! They absolutely love screwing with Eight and loves trying to turn them into a piece of "p-eight-per" (paper? get it? alri, I'll stop there 💥). Even if they lose almost all the time, they have fun with it! But with Order constantly hovering over their non-existant shoulders?... yeah it's gonna be hard to even get a small kick out of what they're supposed to be doing... But don't worry! Marciale will do their best to just have fun with things no matter how boring!" ======================================== Parallel Canon (Any Name / Para [Leader]), The Intensifying Harmony (Any) "This group of Artificial Inklings aren't really that emotional... but they're also a wreck waiting to happen. They're usually seen training with each other to see who's the strongest out of them (usually it's the damned roller), having the Jelletons watch on in awe as they spectacularly duke it out for bragging rights! Although they try their best to improve their strategies, they still come up a bit short with Eight. Their Leader (Shooter), Para, is usually the one who plots out who goes where during their fights. But either way... they seemed to be highly fascinated with Eight and how they battle, seeking to try and mimic their abilities and how they fight with the others following suit. Although no matter how much they learn, train, and fight... they still come up short... considering Eight a true rival... Para is determined to get at least one win in against the octoling... although knowing how advanced their skills are, it will be a difficult task... a task that Para and Co. will try!... but Para just can't shake the feeling that there's something... familiar about Eight... almost as if they've met once before in a distant past..." ======================================== And those are my main lil' doodads for the main bosses for Side Order (minus the big cheese themselves), hopefully y'all like them and that's it! I'mma head on over to my hole again, byeee! c:
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welldonekhushi · 8 months
Lieutenant Yuvraj HC's!
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Here are some HC's of Yuvraj, following up with his story of what motivated him to join the army! Hope you like it! ♡
Yuvraj "Yuvi" Chaudhary was born in a family whose generation belonged to an army background. The descendents, along with his great-grandfather and grandfather were a part of the Rajputana Rifles.
The area he lived in was just closer to an army cantomnent area, where Yuvi would often see the soldiers passing by to the camp, which he found really amusing.
When Yuvraj was a child, he used to listen to stories about his great-grandfather, who proudly served the nation in his glory days. As it piqued the young boy's interest to know more about their past, he asked if his father too was in the army as well. But, he realised that due to some reasons, his father couldn't allot himself in the field of defence.
Feeling maybe he wasn't fit for this role, his father used to work in his own flour mill, and required Yuvraj's presence to handle his business as well.
Yuvraj felt that discontinuing the legacy of what his ancestors worked on for so hard, would have become an entire waste of their efforts as well, and it didn't suit the young boy at all. So, it made him grow an urge to join the army as well, but what heavily conflicted him is that he cannot stop working at the flour mill with his father, and he also wanted to pursue his education in the field of defense.
His plan was to join the Rajputana Rifles like his great-grandfather, but one day during a busy day with his father at the flour mill, he saw a few sena jawans (soldiers) making their way to the cantonment. In curiosity, he first made sure his father wasn't looking at him around, so he could approach with them.
Yuvraj met the soldiers, and they greeted him with love and care. He asked if he was capable of joining the army, and one of the soldiers chuckled saying "Anyone can join the army, son. You just need three things before you join the army; bravery, pride and patriotism." Those words did move Yuvraj, but wondered where he should go in the army, and one gave him a suggestion. "I feel you can join the Para Special Forces. Your wits clearly describe that you can go in it."
Yuvraj heard that name for the first time, but it did make him excited and determined enough to work hard for that particular regiment. "I'll go with that!"
"But be careful.. it's a very tricky process."
"As long as I keep these three words at heart, sir, not even my failures can push me down!" Yuvraj said in determination, that surprised the soldiers that he was even ready to take the risk. But, without knowing, Yuvraj's father was seeing them all along, and it worried Yuvi that he might scold him for disturbing the soldiers like that..
When they got back home, Yuvraj's father didn't say anything much, but Yuvi was ready to get scolded even if he didn't disturb the soldiers. He knew his father thought the best of him and the boy wouldn't break his feelings by disagreeing with him, but.. it was way different.
Yuvraj's father looked at him for a couple of seconds, and walks closer, hugging his son. Yuvi was surprised by that sudden action from his father, but the words he heard were going to be a huge turning point in his life..
"Go, my son. Make us proud." Yuvraj's father said with tears in his eyes. "Maybe, your great-grandfather knew that you were going to make our family shine bright with pride." Those words moved Yuvraj so much, as he felt so happy that his father agreed with his decision to join the army. The way Yuvraj thanked God and his father so much for letting him have this opportunity, and this.. is where it all changed for the boy.
Growing up, Yuvraj was able to complete his education and finally graduated from the IMA to become a Lieutenant. His parents saw him in that uniform, making them shudder and tear out in happiness. Yuvraj, who had grown a moustache, twisted the corner of it and smirked, chuckling heartily as he achieved something so precious. After that, he shared a hug with his mother and father, saying — "Told you.. I'll make you all proud."
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solei-eclipse · 24 days
Sending this as an ask cause I don't think tumblr is going to let me send this full thing in the reply of your last post:
Your wellbeing is more important than anything else! It's okay if you miss stuff or are too tired to participate when things happen within the community; it's okay if you're not as fixated on Alien Stage anymore; just because you are admittedly seen as one of the bigger ALNST bloggers on Tumblr does NOT mean that you owe anyone anything. That goes for the OC stuff too. Sorry if this is a bit too personal, but we enjoy seeing you around not because of what you can provide but because you’re you, and we just enjoy your presence; it's as simple as that. We love you Para, and we just want you to be okay.
It's not too personal at all, no worries :) in fact, it was really nice to read when I first saw it. thank you for all your reassurances, you have no idea the wonders it did for me.
thank you for your kindness, im genuinely really grateful for all this understanding. there's a lot of stuff that I've been forced to deal with lately and while the current issue is thankfully over, I know another one is bound to pop up soon. It's okay, though! I'll manage, it'll just take some time. I hope you guys can forgive me for going silent on occasion... I'm still here! Just busy.
Honestly I've been a little more comfortable on this sideblog than on shkingpardigm... that blog has a great deal of followers and while I will always be grateful for it, admittedly I've been more cautious. I always worry about saying the wrong thing, haha... (I find I still do very often though) The rapid growth of that blog was both fascinating and startling. Now that it's become bigger, I've been worried about whether or not my passion for ALNST is enough. I'm not sure when I'll be able to get to all the requests and thoughts shared with me over there, but I really hope to answer eventually because I want to honor the time and effort others spent into writing them. It's just been so much lately, and I can barely find the right words anymore. I almost always feel guilty for posting when I haven't answered them yet, especially since I love reading them and am really grateful to receive them.
It's been a little easier on here, where I've been creating my own things and sharing these creations with others, building our things around each other and such. Thank you all for being so wonderful and kind.
I hope this doesn't come off as me being ungrateful. I've been worried about voicing these thoughts for a while because I know how disheartening it may sound. I love ALNST, I love every ask and submission I receive no matter if it's a few short words or entire lengthy essays, and I love sharing thoughts and creations with others. There's just so much I want to do and so little time, so little energy I have left especially with my degrading health. All I can do at this point is ask for patience and forgiveness. Me bones don't work like they used to, youngsters.... arghhh my back.... my scoliosis..... my debts..
Once again, still here! Always will be (menacingly), just don't be too worried if I disappear sometimes!! That's me going out there and fighting the Horrors™. I always feel such a sense of joy and relief when I come back to Tumblr and see everyone's posts and creations (ALNST or OC or anything, really). It's like a reprieve for me, seeing all the new things that have been posted.
Thanks again for all your concern and support, I want you guys to know that I return it tenfold and hope you take care of yourselves as well. All the same applies to you! Take a step back whenever necessary, always prioritize yourself and know that you aren't pressured or expected of anything. You will still be loved and cared for no matter what! Always take your time and do what makes you happy :) <3
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genocidehim · 1 year
Tuco falling in love with his abuela’s home health aid worker and trying to woo her
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notes: reader is female, I have to admit I got a little excited writing and this got way too long (sorry) words: 1336
Tuco's erratic and violent personality disappears when he is sober and at Abuelita's house. It will be quite different from how it is shown in the series, but I'll try to keep it canon!
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Mr. Salamanca's mother was a lovely person and very independent despite her sons' need for someone to take care of her. You worked as a home health aide, although most of your work was focused on keeping her company and helping her with her medications. It was amazing how a woman like her had so much energy despite her age, and you believed it was because of her background - you understood that Mexican women were strong, and she was the living image of that.
Her sons and grandsons rarely visited her, as you knew most of them were in Mexico and the others were very busy men. Of the few you got to know, Tuco was the most frequent visitor. His love for his grandmother was evident in how he spent his afternoons at her house and how he offered to cook for both of them. You could even notice how he was charming in his own way when he helped you translate most of the things Mrs. Salamanca said because your Spanish was not very good. One of those afternoons where Abuelita (that's how she asked you to call her) felt more tired than usual, you decided to send her to bed early and she didn't seem upset with your decision.
"Vamos Abuelita, le pondré su novela y luego la llamaré para cenar ¿Está bien?''(Come on, Abuelita, I'll put on your soap opera and then I'll call you for dinner, okay) You said with a warm smile as you tried to hide your accent.
"Bien mija... Pero ayuda a mi Tuco con la cena ¿Sí? Él ha estado muy ocupado y necesita una ayudita" (Okay, mija... but help Tuco with dinner. He's been very busy and he needs some help) she suggested, and although it sounded like a request, you knew it was an order.
"Claro que lo ayudaré, no se preocupe" (Of course I'll help him, don't worry) you confirmed and let her go up the stairs first while you followed closely behind. Shortly after arriving in her room, you opened the windows and turned on her personal TV, putting on the Venezuelan soap opera she loved before leaving the room. You walked down the stairs and could already smell the dinner without even entering the kitchen. The sound of oil sizzling in the pan was quite loud, everything felt very domestic. As you walked towards the door, you could hear the sound of a knife chopping some easily cut ingredient, and there he was, cooking as if it were an art he specialized in.
Tuco usually cooked when he came over, not because he doubted your cooking skills, but because he loved doing it. Abuelita liked to brag that all her grandsons were good cooks, and you imagined it was because of her.
"Abuelita asked me to give you a hand with dinner. Do you need any help, Señor?" you said somewhat timidly, still not having too much confidence with the man to address him by his name. Tuco's hard gaze softened when he saw you standing in the doorway, and then he smiled and shook his head.
"It's not necessary, corazón" The nickname felt warm, somehow his voice sounded better in Spanish. "Take a break, I'll take care of it."
"I really would like to help, I know you had a busy morning and I don't want to leave you to do everything." you insisted out of pure politeness. Besides, you didn't think it would be appropriate to just rest in his presence during work hours. Your shift was not over yet.
He chuckled and gave you a quick glance before setting the knife aside.
"You're very stubborn... Alright, help me by cutting the carrot and beetroot," he ordered, and you went to his side to take his place, grabbing the knife to start cutting while he took care of stirring the meat in the pan.
Tuco spoke first, breaking that little minute of silence between you two. "When my Uncle Hector told me that Abuelita was being taken care of by a young nurse, I didn't think you'd be so pretty."
His comment sounded almost like a compliment and you couldn't help but be surprised by it, laughing nervously and hoping that the blush on your face wasn't too noticeable.
"And what did you expect?" You replied playfully.
"Maybe an old, bitter woman. One of those who hates their job."
"Well, I'm fresh out of college. I haven't reached that stage yet" you joked and he laughed out loud, you never thought you were funny enough to make someone laugh like that.
"Not only pretty, but funny too."
"Ay, no big deal, Señor Salamanca."
"Tuco" he corrected you "I told you you could call me Tuco."
You smiled at his response and hid your face as you lowered it to continue concentrating on the vegetables. To say that this man's presence made you nervous was an understatement. You normally didn't feel so clumsy at your job, but there was something about Tuco that threw you off.
You were so lost in thought that you didn't hear him asking you to put the freshly chopped vegetables in the skillet. It wasn't until you felt a warmth at your waist that you snapped out of it. It was his hand.
"They're chopped enough, put them next to the meat that's almost ready," he asked again, his hand still lingering there. And even though your uniform was thick, you could feel the heat radiating from his palm.
"Uh, yes, of course." You smiled and, after setting the knife aside, took the cutting board and waited for Tuco to move so you could add the vegetables to the skillet. Throughout the whole process, his hand stayed at your waist, he had taken his place by your side while watching over your shoulder everything you were doing. You could feel his breath close to your neck and judging by his voice, you knew he was smiling.
"That... Like that" the way his voice sounded so soft and deep sent an electric shock down your spine, activating each of your senses and feeling a certain pressure in your stomach accompanied by a burning sensation in your cheeks.
When the last piece of carrot fell into the pan, you didn't know what to do next. You just held the cutting board in your hands while his hand still rested on you, and you guessed he wanted you to continue with the rest of the process. So, still with the strange sensation in your body, you took a fork and stirred the vegetables with the meat and seasonings, which elicited a reaction from Tuco. "That's it, very well done, reina" he praised you and tightened his grip a little. "You've got a good hand for cooking."
The way his voice sounded from one of your sides and the warmth of his breath touching your skin was enough to make you tremble, and this time it was something he also noticed. You turned your head slightly in his direction to catch a glimpse of Tuco, looking at you in a way you couldn't decipher, unsure of what was in his gaze.
When your eyes unconsciously landed on his lips, you heard a laugh and a pat on the same area where he had been holding your waist.
"Good job, girl. Help me set the table. I'll finish this and bring the plates later." His change of attitude was enough to disorient you, you didn't know what the hell had just happened. "Yeah..." Your voice came out with difficulty from your throat and you were not able to look at him while you did as he asked and went to the dining room to organize everything.
You didn't know if what you had just felt was your imagination or if there was really something there. But you were sure of one thing, and that was that you wouldn't be able to sleep that night without getting him out of your mind.
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ISorry if this reads a bit weird (idk) but eng is still not my most dominant language and I still can't figure out if it's understood the same in english as it is in spanish.
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a-gil-rebel · 17 days
Okay, I'm running into a block on chapter 4 of this GF work, so I'm crossposting Chapter 1 to Tumblr for feedback! What do yall think is gonna happen next, what do you want to see?
Chapter 1: Tourist
The old man stepped through the swirling yellow portal into somewhere in Oregon. Familiar, yet not a place he'd ever been before. Light streamed upward from the sunrise, not quite sweeping the valley yet, and a spray of water misted them lightly.
"Wooow" the voice in his head drawled out. "Wow wow wow wow wow, so this is the infamous Dimension 46'\, roomy!" The old man chuckled, dusting himself off as the portal closed behind them.
Shifting the backpack on his shoulders, he took a quick scan of the area. A waterfall cascaded down into the valley to their right into a lake. A small shadowy island stood in its center, and he mentally tallied that as one of the first places they'd look into. The small town that stretched out in front of them had a center with a statue he didnt recognize, a few charming diners and a water tower with a muffin painted on one side.
His associate immediately took notice of the strange air the town radiated.
"I like this place, I think its about as weird as they say, maybe more! But I can't sense the rest of the dimension, almost like it exists inside a bubble. What could that be, Sixer?"
Sixer scratched his head as he pulled out his oldest book from a bag a dash too small for it to have been in. "I wonder if this place has a similar magnetic attraction of weirdness to my home, and no one's yet destabilized or disrupted the field enough for it to burst. This dimension must not have had a Me smart enough to figure it out. Not to worry old friend, after we have our fill of this little town, I can look into building a device to do that here, too."
The voice in his head chuckled. "Then let's get this party started!"
With that, they headed down toward the shore, a wave of a six-fingered hand pushing any plantlife out of the way as they went.
"Grunkle Ford, you promised to help me make Grunkle Stan's cake!" Mabel's cries fell on deaf ears as Ford and Dipper continued covering the table in more dumb math papers for their game.
"Yes yes, I'll pick one up later-ah!" He yelped as she pulled him down by his old man ear.
"This is the first time you two get to celebrate your own birthdays together in like. A billion years! You're going to Make him a cake and you'll LIKE IT."
"Okay, Okay! I will I promise, but our birthday isnt even until later this week, is a cake this early necessar?" He relented, and she released him, tugging her sequined sweater back in place.
"You two haven't celebrated in thirty years! You guys are gonna celebrate all week, because if you don't, you're going to have to deal with this Mabel-" she swiped her hand up her sweater, the sequins reversing to show her own face looking dissapointingly at him "-and you do Not want to meet that Mabel."
Dipper snickered from across the table. "Mabel, do I even wanna know how long it took you to make that?"
"Lo suficientemente largo como para escuchar todo nuestro libro de texto de español en audiolibro para poder aprobar el examen final." She replied, her right eye twitching. "Cake!" She shouted one more time before there was a knock on the door.
"Candy and Greta!" She gasped, running out of the kitchen and grappling past the TV to answer it. All three of them squealed a chord so ungodly the goat in the yard ran off, and Mabel invited them upstairs to help her unpack the rest of the way. Her and her brother had been there since the beginning of June, but both their families were on vacation that first week, so today was the first time they'd all been able to get together.
Since the divorce was finalized, the twins decided to make the attic a permanent room, somewhere that had at least enough stuff to crash there anytime if things got sour at home. Their mom still lived in Cali, but their dad had moved all the way to New Jersey where he'd grown up. So if Mom was ever overwhelmed by being a single mother, she'd given them the option to homeschool up in Oregon for a month or so, since they "liked it so much". Mabel liked the chance to do things at her own pace and be able to stay in Gravity Falls even after summer, and Dipper liked staying up to date with everything Ford was researching at the time, since the nerd was ahead in most classes anyway.
After about an hour decorating her side of the attic, they decided to go into town to see how things had changed. Greta told her about the new statue in the towncenter. Nathaniel Northwest's was torn down after the previous summer's revelation of who he really was, and priorities shifting after Weirdmageddan. The new statue was apparently designed by Robbie, whose art skills had flourished. It was abstract, with every 2D shape imaginable except for any triangles, and Candy swore if you looked at it at a certain time of day, the shadow spelled out "Up Yours".
After a snack at Greasy's Diner and saying hi to Pacifica, they decided to pop in and out of a few shops on their way back when she spotted Grunkle Ford in the bakery.
The voice in his head had gotten bored quickly on the island, since the only creature of note was somwhere in the underwater caves. So Sixer decided to take him to a local shop to pick out anything he wanted. He hadn't expected an entire sheetcake to be his heart's desire, but would he ever truly understand the immortal deity? They were about to bring a large vanilla with raspberry filling to the front when a child ran up to him, demanding something about making the cake himself.
"Grunkle, you better not be getting that cake instead of making one! You promised me!" The girl yanked on his coat threateningly, pointing a finger at him, the two other children behind her also making threatening stances. The presence in his mind flared with anger, even though there was no real threat. She must be mistaking him for another adult, how old was she? He barely remembered his own human physiology.
"Don't worry, little one. I was just getting... Inspiration. I will make the cake myself." She seemed satisfied with his response, and after a few more glares left them alone.
"How peculiar. I wonder who she though I was? And what's a Grunkle?"
"Not a clue, Sixer. Can we eat that cake now?" He laughed and waited for the kids to leave before checking out as well, heading into the woods so they could eat in peace.
Mabel got back to the Mystery Shack to see Soos wrapping up his last tour of the day so he and Melody could take the afternoon off. Wendy was in charge of the counter like old times, and Grunkle Stan would still be out of the house for a few more hours, playing in some casino tournament he'd won his way into on the edge of town. She left Candy and Greta in the shop to check on her dork brother, feeling a bit bad he was left home alone since Ford was at the shops.
Except she walked into the kitchen to see both her nerd twin And her Grunkle Ford, batting at egg creatures as they herded them into a box.
"Mabel!" Dipper called out, smiling and covered in egg yolk. "You won't believe what we've been up to! Grunkle Ford was trying to recreate that scene from Fantastica with the mops, but instead the cake baking itself, but then-!"
"Woah woah woah, okay Dip. Usually I'd be totally excited to hear what you dorks have been up to, but Ford! How could you!?"
"What? I'm baking the cake, as requested, its very serious business!"
"No, you used some kind of officer copier to make a copy of yourself and buy a cake at the shops, didn't you! Huh! Huh! I'm wise to you!" Both of the nerds gave her a stupid face.
"Mabel, I've been here the whole time. But this is concerning." The old man's face screwed up in concentration, one foot still holding the box of sentient eggs shut. "It could be any number of anomalies, a doppleganger? Living plant clone? Interdimensional traveller? Mabel, do you remember any details of this Not-Ford? Green skin, desire for human flesh? Second head?"
"I can do you one better, I never miss a scrapbook-tunity. Whoopah!" She slammed down three polaroids on the dining table, one of 'Ford' from behind, which was mostly a picture of his fancy leather trenchcoat, then one of him clutching a cake in fear, then one from farther off with him waving his hand at nothing.
Dipper picked up the one with the cake laughing at his funny stance, but Ford picked up the first, the only one without his dopplegangers face in it.
"We need to find this... False Ford. Before he does something dangerous. I'll get my flesh-ripping ray!" Grunkle Ford announced cheerfully, running off toward his basement lab. Dipper quickly launched himself to cover the box of eggs, and Mabel grabbed her sticker book to seal it shut while they were gone. She went with a muffin and chihuahuas theme.
Sixer ate half the cake, his stomach threatening to pull itself out of his body. "No, absolutely not. If you want to eat the othet half, you have to come out and do it yourself." He shook his head at the whine that echoed in his mind. After tucking away the other half in his bag, they went back into town to explore some more. Even got a red balloon from the Museum, which they promptly turned a nice shade of yellow.
The museum had everything from pickaxes and live dynamite from the founding days of Gravity Falls, to taxidermy animals and an entire room of eyeballs. It was interesting, and he'd have to get a better look at some of the items on display later, but all it really did was amp up their appetite for the Mystery Shack. Determined to do a few more tourist attractions before the main event, they headed out of the Museum to visit the Cemetery.
The Pines family and company split up to find Fake Ford. Wendy volunteered to check the roof, so Soos held down the fort in giftshop. Greta and Candy would bodyguard the bus station to make sure the Faker didn't skip town. Ford didn't want to split up the twins, and needed at least one person with him at all times to prevent anyone having to "chose the real him". So they headed to the shop to canvas witnesses, or try to pick up a trail.
"Huh? Oh yeah, you were in here earlier." The checkout clerk, a teen with a voice crack that could shatter glass, pointed at Ford.
"Yes yes, but where did I go after? Think, Sven, the world as we know it is in danger!" Ford grabbed him by his uniform suspenders, but all he did was point at the nametag that said Steven.
"Thats not even my name, man! But hey, if you got anymore those bars, it may jog my memory." Steven wiggled his eyebrows and Ford dropped him again, wiping off his six-fingered hands.
"Eugh. What do you mean, bars?"
The teen looked around before ducking behind the counter and, with much effort, dropping a gold bar on the conveyor belt.
"Woah!" The twins awed.
"Grunkle Ford is that real?" Dipper asked as Mabel reached toward it whispering "Shiiinyyy." The teen bapped them away and Ford put his arm between them before pulling out a raygun and pointing it at Steven.
"You have 5 seconds to tell me where he went, or what you call your flesh will go through a dimensional paper-shredder, leaving you nothing but a pile of bones."
Steven went white as a sheet and collapsed.
"So much for that lead." Ford sighed as Mabel chided him about honey and vinegar before he turned his gun toward the bagger, who had been leaning against the counter the entire time, a tired looking teen with purple hair. "You have 5 seconds to-!"
"Dude was talking to himself the whole time, said something about the History Museum." The teen popped the bubblegum in her mouth before continuing. "And for the record, I'm not telling you this because of your flesh gun thingy. I just like ratting people out."
"Ah. I see. To the Museum!" Ford shouted before running out of the store, Mabel and Dipper applogizing as they ran after him.
The trio followed Fake Ford's trail to the History Museum, where Real Ford found some particularly unnerving security footage they definitely legally obtained of the doppleganger changing the color of the balloon with the wave of a hand and flash of blue.
"No incantation, no talisman, Ford, can you do that?" Dipper asked, in awe. "He's magic!" Mabel chimed in.
"No, I cannot, and I don't want to know what he's done to be able to. We need to find this Ford." He forwarded the tape to follow the yellow balloon back to the entrance, the only camera with a mic.
"Hm? How about the cemetery, that sound alright? ....If we're lucky there may be a good spot to raise the dead." Fake Ford laughed after a pause and left. "If we're lucky!" Was the last thing they heard before he was out of sight. The three rushed out and headed toward the cemetery, the sun creeping toward the horizon by now.
The cemetery had no living residents to rat out a trail, no security footage to scour or even dead to talk to, all of whom were apparently too good for a ouiji board.
"What now?" Dipper asked, sitting at the entrance with Ford.
"Maybe he's just a tourist, I mean he hasn't done anything!" Mabel ventured.
"There's too many signs leading otherwise."
"Mabel is right, Ford. Whats one bad thing he's done? Pay in gold? Change the color of a balloon? Heck, he didn't even raise any dead!"
Ford stood suddenly, his face distant. "I can't say for sure, but, I have a bad feeling about how this Ford. The power he weilds is too familiar to be anything good. We need to find him."
Mabel looked down at her phone and replied to a text. "Well, we're running out of time. Greta and Candy are heading home right now, and Wendy went home an hour ago. Maybe we should regroup at the Shack and start in the morning?" Ford sighed and pinched his nose.
"Fine, fine. Stanley will be home soon anyway. Let's go, kids." All three hung their heads a bit as they went home, the entrance door bell ringing overhead.
"Soos? We're back!" Mabel called out, but Soos didn't hear them, apparently laughing it up with a late customer. They headed deeper into the shack only to stop short.
"Oh Mr Pines, that conveniently off screen story you shared was so funny!" The stranger leaning against the counter laughed as Soos shook his hand.
"Oh please, Mr Pines was my father, call me Sixer." Soos looked up just as they approached, waving.
"Oh hey lil dudes, Mr Pines. Look, its you, but another!"
The twins and Ford braced as 'Sixer' stood to full height before turning toward them. An exact copy of their Ford with a calculated look on his face, that suddenly broke into a smile.
"So there is another me here, its a pleasure!" Sixer reached out to shake his hand, when all three jumped to a defensive stance, Ford with a flesh-ripping raygun, the girl from the shop with a crossbow, and a boy, after fumbling with a book for a bit, to some sort of martial art stance.
"Are you insane!?" 46'\ Ford shouted, making his company flare with anger. He kept himself smiling and calm as Ford continued. "If you make contact with another version of yourself, this entire dimension will collapse!"
Sixer laughed and waved his hand. "Oh that? I solved that issue ages ago in the Dimension of Literals. You know that ongoing argument of 'nothing ever really touches because of the space between atoms'? I wont go into detail, but I can assure you, we can make contact safely, so maybe you can lower your Version Flesh Ripper?"
Ford blinked and lowered his weapon a bit. "How did you know exactly what version this was?" Sixer smirked a bit and gestured to his bag.
"I'm on version And I've met a few Fords in my day, not for a long while though."
"So wait, there's other universes where more of us exist? Are you an Author too? But, why are you here then?" The young boy spoke up, tripping over himself with questions.
"I'm just a tourist, certainly not the most common type of Ford. Not only do many infinite dimensions exist, but Alternative Universes as well, that either closely follow your lives, or branch off exponentially. I don't believe I've met you before though." Sixer held out a hand to shake his, and before Ford could stop them the child was shaking his hand vigorously.
"Its so cool to meet another Ford! I'm Dipper, thats my twin sister Mabel. Can you really do Magic? How? How many dimensions have you visited? Our Ford was stuck outside our world for 30 years, have you been travelling that long-?" He laughed at the child's excitement.
"You can call me Sixer, I much prefer it. And 30 years!" He looked up at Ford, whose raygun pointing at the floor by now. "Thats not bad at all! What made you want to come back?"
"That is none of your business, and you are not welcome here. Tourist or not, I just don't trust you." Sixer's smile fell finally, remembering why they hadn't visited another earth dimension in a long time.
"I'm not here to cause any trouble, we just wanted to see the dimension, its known for its incredible magnetic attraction for the weird and strange, far beyond any other Gravity Falls!"
"We?" Ford bit back, and Sixer shrunk in on himself a bit, the voice in his head finally chiming in to laugh.
"Oh shush" he muttered before addressing Ford. "I... I meant I wanted to see the dimension, I apologize, I've been travelling for.... a long time." The looks he got weren't exactly confident.
"Cmon Sixer, we could take em! Just throw them in a dimensional cube for a few days while we hang out!"
Sixer hissed at the voice in his head. "We don't do that willy nilly!"
"Who are you talking to?" Mabel asked, and Sixer jumped at suddenly being aware of her presence, since she had climbed onto the counter to inspect him closer.
"...Myself." He ventured.
"You're insane." Ford jabbed, crinkling his nose as if he'd smelt a Gongoozler.
"Sure I am, whats your point?" He replied in stereo with the voice in his head. Mabel reacted a bit to this, pulling Ford, Soos and Dipper into a group huddle.
"They think we can't hear them from that far away?" The presence chuckled, and Sixer laughed with him, covering his mouth as he looked around at the items on display again. Most were obviously fake, but just had so much Gravity Falls Charm it was enchanting. After a moment of deliberation, which he chose not to listen into by humming a song, they approached him again.
"Okay, Sixer." Ford started. "We've decided to allow you to... tour our dimension, as long as you stay within the confines of Gravity Falls, and a few more stipulations to be determined, such as not paying people in gold bars."
"We-ah, I, can't leave Gravity Falls due to its natural law of weirdness magnetism, so you won't have to worry about that. But, while I'm here if you'd like me to collapse the barrier-!" He offered, only to be met with a cacophony of 'No'.
"Okay-Okay! Well heard."
"You can stay in the spare room, Grunkle Sixer! There's always a spare, somehow." Mabel's face screwed up in concentration as Sixer and Ford replied in unison.
"Spacial anomalies from Grasside Omega."
"This is still a little weird." Dipper chimed in as Sixer laughed.
"Don't worry, we won't be in your hair for long." He replied, just someone burst in the door.
"Long story, they can't prove I cheated, Ford save me!" The man shouted as he raced into the shack with a pile of money in his hands, going to hide behind Sixer.
"Oh, uh, wrong Ford, sorry mister." The man looked at him proper as they both did a double-take. "Stanley...?"
Suddenly the entire party was rocked off their feet at a roar outisde, and something pounding the ground so hard it shook. They ran outside, leaving Soos and Stanley in the doorway. On the front lawn was an amalgamation of casino chips, cards and a slot machine for a face, formed into an anthropomorphic creature.
"Now that is quite something." Sixer laughed, and Ford quickly started looking in his journals for any information.
"Possibly a type of Tulpa, or guardian of the Casino? Stanley how do you get yourself into things like this?!"
The Casino Creature started pulling the roof off the Shack to try and get to Stanley. "Grunkle Ford, do something!" Dipper shouted.
"I think I have something in my lab that can-"
"No time!" Sixer shouted, running in front of them and placing his hands on the ground, starting an incantation to trap the beast. "Zuds wkh ehdvw lq d exeeoh!" He shouted as yellow symbols encircled it, creating a bubble around the creature to protect the Shack and themselves. "Dwwdfn- I mean, attack it now! Hurry!"
Mabel, still carrying her crossbow, started firing into the barrier, bolts sinking into the beast, but to no affect. Sixer flinched as the beast slammed into his magic, but held fast as Ford ran to get a device from his lab. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Dipper helping his sister reload her crossbow with different bolts, one with flamestones tied to the end. He watched as the new bolts, while not hitting as high, burst into flame as the geode was shattered on impact. He braced himself for the heat radiating off it as the beast lit up with flames, otherwise unnerved.
"Grunkle Ford..!" The kids cried, just as Ford burst out with a weapon the size of a machine gun.
"Take this you oversized Bankroll!" Ford shouted as he shot a series of lasers at the beast in pulses, turning every card into a greeting card, and poker chips into potato chips, which all fell into a pile underneath the sentient slot machine, which howled and tried to hop away as Sixer lowered his shield.
The twins whooped and hollered as Ford smirked, hands on his hips. "Not bad, Sixer. The shield was cute. But its good I was here to finish it off."
Sixer stood and dusted his hands, eye twitching at his comment. Just as the twins were investigating Ford's weapon, the slot machine closed it's 'mouth' and started a high pitch sound. Sixer jumped in front of Ford and the twins and let his associate react for him, a large swirl of blue absorbing the golden blast, grinding his heels in as it pushed him back into Ford. Then he gladly returned the energy with blue flames, dissolving the cards, chips and slot machine to nothing, along with the grass caught in range.
Shaking the flames from his fingertips, he panted and turned to Ford and the twins, all of whom were clinging to his coat. "You guys alright?"
Ford quickly let go, looking around for his dimension to start melting, which, as he'd assured him, it did not. The twins started talking over themselves, asking him how he'd done that. His focus was on Ford, smirking a bit as he indulged in his own pride. "What do you think, Ford? Was that 'cute' too?"
"Ha! Showed up by your own-ah, what exactly is goin on, actually?" Stanley clapped them both on the shoulder, and Sixer couldn't help but stare a bit as Ford explained dimensional travel to him. Stanley picked wax out of his ear as he 'listened'.
Sixer shook himself out of staring as Dipper tugged on his arm, wanting to hear about his adventures.
"Well, I suppose I can start at the beginning. Im sure Ford and I have nearly identical backgrounds, however the reason for our travels are most likely where we diverge. After I learned almost every secret of Gravity Falls, even if only a page worth in my journal, I broke the barrier of the town to allow the weirdness to disperse across the world, to allow those creatures, beings and phenomenons to intermingle, grow and change. Its quite possibly going to be my longest running experiment, a couple centuries so far, if I remember to go back to it someday!
That's why I offered to break the barrier earlier, so I apologize if I stepped out of line."
"That could be incredibly dangerous for our world, especially if someday Bill found his way back alive...." Ford replied
"Could that... really happen?" Dipper asked, though Sixer could hardly hear over his heart racing in his ears as the twins continued with graphic exclamations of what they would do if "Bill came Back".
"Woah woah woah, what did he mean Alive?" The voice in his head practically shouted, starting to push himself forward in his mind. Sixer held fast, instead redirecting the conversation to how late it had gotten.
"Well with so much excitement, I think I'm going to turn in for the night... haha... if you still don't mind?"
Ford put a hand on his shoulder. "Not at all, I have to say I was a little apprehensive at first, but travelling the multiverse for centuries? I can't imagine what knowledge you've been able to unlock." Sixer laughed a bit at the flattery, waving a hand as they headed inside.
"Oh, I heard from Soos I had interrupted some festivities that involved cake? We had the other half earlier, but, as thanks, you're welcome to have it." Sixer carefully pulled out the half sheetcake from his bag. The family cheered, much to his associate's dismay.
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hebimoonlightwrites · 2 years
I love your para live writings! I would like to request something With a female s/o who is a rapper as well with reo-chan! You know s/o would be really badass outside but inside she is struggling a lot and have phantom effects and nightmares a lot. And you know some angst with happy ending? Hope its not too much to ask for and thank you so much!
Writer's corner: Wow! I totally screamed happily when I read this!! Well.. I've decided to write a one-shot for it. Also I hope you'll enjoy it! If you do not like it, please let me know and ask for something else so I'll write another one for you! Enjoy~
Warnings: phantometal effect, serious content and trauma (please, read with respect), angst (happy ending)...
⋆"𝒫𝓇𝑜𝓂𝒾𝓈𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝓉𝓇𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓂𝑒 𝓃𝑒𝓍𝓉 𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒"⋆
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"No...! No!... It's not my fautl!! It's not my fault!!... I DIDN'T KILL HER!! I didn't!!"
This was what mc yelled in the middle of the night, sitting on her bed after having a nightmare. It was the umpteenth bad dream she had. Her heart was beating faster than before and her eyes were open wide, looking around that room which was supposed to be hers. It was like if her gaze was trying to run away from those traumatic images which haunt her, forbiding her to sleep properly.
Her left hand's fingers ran through her own hair, while her right hand was looking for her smartphone in the dark of that room. She found herself wondering if her room was as dark as her past.
She had lived with Akan Yatsura's members for a few months now, but yet none of them had ever asked her about her past. It was like that even they had some dark shadows behind their backs and nobody had enough courage to uncover them.
4:50 am..
It was still early and her breath was already tired, as her body was. She was going to have a performance later in the early afternoon with the other AKYR guys. But yet, she felt like her body wasn't ready to step on a stage again. Her strength, her passion in music, her badass look...
Everything was just collapsing just like a cards castle.
Mc didn't have enough time to think more, that someone knocked on her room's door. A soft and young voice whispered behind it.
"Mc...! It's me, Reo... Are you okay?.. I heard you screaming in your dreams again.. You want to talk about it?"
Mc smiled softly hearing her friend's voice, so she decided to let him in her room. The young guy had sleepy eyes. He was probably sleeping well, but being woken up by that girl's voice. Of course he was worried! They were close friend, but yet Reo was feeling like Mc had something hidden, something terrible which haunt and scare her to the core. He really knew well her external being, her badass rhymes, her passion, her determination, as well as her sweet being towards him and the other AKYR. He wanted to help her. He really wanted to.. And. Yeah.. It was 'cause he had understood after a while that he actually loved her.
"You had a nightmare?", Reo asked, rubbing his own eyes. Mc looked down to her hands and, especially, she gave an intense look to that bracelet her dear mother had given her before.. well...
...before the accident.
Yeah... The accident...
...Her trauma.
"You can tell me, mc.. You know I.. I care about you... We're.... friends, no?", Reo tried to look at her eyes in the dark of that room of hers. He held her hand softly.. and yes.. it was exactly the hand with the bracelet. It was strangely rough... Not as the usual soft hand of Mc.
Mc's eyes lived that day, again, even if there was actually only the darkness of her room in front of her eyes. Her mind went to that terrible and damned day. She heard those people screaming... she felt the asphalt on her skin and darkness... after that, she opened her eyes and.... she saw again her mother smiling but a second later there... lying beside her. Her mum's eyes open but empty.. Her father had never loved her mother... And now? Reo was trying to convince Mc that he really cared about her? He would have abandon her, just like her dad did with her mother..
"NO!! NOOO!!! LET ME BE!! GO AWAY!!!", Mc yelled again, wrapping her own hands around her head. It was a torture!! Why did she have to feel that way!! It wasn't her fault! It wasn't!! It wasn't ...
Maybe it was.
Among all those screams she felt something strange, like burning on her wrist, exactly the one where she held her mother's bracelet, her phantometal. Reo tried to calm mc down, panicking seeing how she was feeling.
He didn't know that mc hadn't told anyone about her metal erosion.
And he wouldn't have discovered it. Mc tried to hide her hand in the darkness of her room and push Reo out of her room. He wouldn't have betrayed her like her father did to her mother.
Later in the early afternoon each AKYR members and mc got prepared for that performance of theirs. They all were excited of rapping in front of hundred, probably even thousand, of people! Zen had just finished training and said he felt so strong and ready!! Also Iori, Satsuki and Hokusai were, but Reo seemed so worried. His mind was still focused on what had happened that night. Why had mc behad that way?
But what about mc? Was she going to perform even if she was feeling metal erosion and nightmares?
Of couse she was!
She wore a different and oversized hoodie that day. It was unusual seeing her like that. Her face was paler and her eyes were sleepy. The others noticed it and tried to know what had happened.
"I don't think you should perform today, mc. Look at yourself! You don't look well at all.", Iori said, approaching mc who jumped slightly and covered more her arm at the sight of that man.
"Don't tell me what I have to do or not, Iori... I'm able to take care of myself."
What a lie, mc!.. That was definitely a lie...
...and you knew it.
And now here they all were, standing in front of thousand of people, holding those mics among the audience's happy screams and waving. The music started. All the hearts were focused on it, in order to make that day unforgettable for those people. They all started rapping their emotions. Some illusions appeared on the stage: Hokusai's tiger, followed by Satsuki's fireworks and Reo's confettis. People cheered, trying to grab those confettis. But Reo wasn't feeling well at all. His eyes were constantly pointed to Mc's figure. She hadn't sung yet. Her arms were weakly falling beside her body, wrapped in that oversized and colourful hoodie she had never worn before.
It was her turn, now.
Mc put that mic near to her mouth as she started rapping with the same aggressive and badass look which characterized her. But... Where was her illusion? Where were her blooming flowers? Where was her "rebirthing nature"? The stage was covered in fog, behind that fog.... a bunch of dead flowers. Their petals brought to the audience by the wind. Something was changing and Reo understood it immediately.
Mc started coughing. Suddenly a stabbing pain in her right arm, the one where she held her phantometal, made her yell in pain. She held her arm, falling on her knees and, then, onto the stage's floor among the audience panicked screams. Reo ran to her immediately, while Zen grabbed a mic only to say to the audience to calm down, that nothing had happened and that she was fine.. oh, well.. he hoped so.
"Stupid! I told you not to perform!!", Iori yelled, approaching mc, while Reo was trying to figure out what had happened to her. He was totally panicked, some tears started falling down his cheeks when he saw mc's face that pale, like if she was dead.
Hokusai decided to call an ambulance and, well.. the concert had been deleted, of course. They couldn't go on without her. Reo would have been too worried, as well as the others.
Mc was brought to the hospital immediately. Doctors were clear: she had metal erosion caused by her phantometal and her trauma. Her nightmares had been caused by that thing too. Now everything was clear enough for Reo.
He ran to mc's hospital room immediately, without even asking the doctor for permission. Behind his back he let Iori calling him: "Reo!!! Reo!!! Wait!! You can't-!!"
He didn't care. He didn't care at all!
He wanted to see her. He needed to see her. He was terribly afraid of losing her. He couldn't. Not now that he had understood how he loved her. Yeah.. he did.
Reo's running steps echoed in those white and clean corridors. His breath was as heavy as it had been Mc's one the night before. Why didn't she tell him how she felt?
That stupid!!
Ignoring all those doctors who wanted to stop Reo entering Mc's room, the young boy ran and kneeled down beside that girl's bed. He sobbed, keeping his eyes to her paler face, her eyes closed... Her arms... they were...
"She's fine.. We managed to help her.. just in time.", a nurse said softly smiling, putting an hand on Reo's shoulder. He was crying because.. He hated seeing mc that way!! It was his fault. If he had opposed and stayed with her the night before, then that wouldn't have happened and she would have been just fine!
Reo gently reached Mc's hand, the one with metal erosion. Nurses had removed her phantometal, which was on a near table. He looked at it, kinda cursing it for being the cause of Mc's pain, but... he didn't know Mc's trauma yet.
As he saw Mc getting better and opening her own eyes, Reo jumped to her, hugging her figure tightly. He cried loudly.
"You idiot!!! Why didn't you tell me about it?!?! Why did you push me away?!?!? I was so scared to lose you!!! Yes, I was!! Because I love you, Mc!!! I love you!!!"
He... He does?
He actually does?
As Mc heard those words, a tear let her right eyes and fell down her paler cheek. He... He loved her. She had been a fool not to trust Reo enough to tell him about all those nightmares and phantometal's consequences and... well... her traumas. She should have told him..
"Promise to trust me next time, mc! I don't want to see you like that again...!"
"I.... I do.", Mc quietly said hugging Reo rightly.
They would have been together from that moment on... Always.
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uravityplus · 2 years
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hello all!! this is a rp blog for uraraka ochako of my hero academia, written by milk. on my pinned post, you'll find all relevant links/info here for my blog. i am completely caught up with both the mha anime and manga, so beware of spoilers ahead. if i'm not here, you can probably find me on one of my other blogs: @blastintriumph @impishsensei @muryonokansei @hateshinaii @fatuispolaris @balemccn
please be sure to read my rules before interacting/following.
carrd || interest check || icon border credit || plotting call (wip)
for ease of access, my rules are also placed under the cut!
I will interact with mutuals only. If I follow you I want to interact, so don’t hesitate to send me asks or IM me with plot ideas! DO NOT interact if we are not mutuals. this includes liking my posts and sending me messages. it makes me uncomfortable. DO NOT follow and unfollow then follow again to get my attention. if i haven't followed you back yet, it's likely i haven't noticed. if it's been over a week and i'm constantly active and still haven't followed back, sorry, but i probably don't see us interacting and won't be following back. i usually follow back muses of the same fandom. with muses from different fandoms, this heavily depends on my familiarity with the series, and even then, i'm hesitant unless i can imagine how our muses might interact as i prefer canon-verse threads and interactions above all. For OCs, I'll probably only follow if you have an mha verse.
I’m okay with one-liners, crack, multi-para, novella… everything! Feel free to send in any ask memes if we haven’t roleplayed before. Ask memes are a great way to break the ice so I really don’t mind. If I follow you that means I want to rp with you so if you’re ever unsure and worried you might be bothering me, don’t. I’m duplicate friendly.
i am very unlikely to follow if you don't engage in typical tumblr rp etiquette. i don't care if you use icons or not, because i likely won't use them often myself. i mean stuff like tagging and cutting your posts. heavy amounts of ooc posts (like 10+ a day in an hour) is also something i don't like to see. if you do this, please don't follow me. i don't mean to sound like a bitch but tumblr is super broken and a clogged dash makes it harder to navigate, especially when it's so easy to miss notifications. i don't practice reblog karma so idc if you get your memes from me, but i do ask that you please reblog from the source and not from me!
If I haven’t replied in over a month I probably lost our thread or it’s sitting in my drafts and I haven’t noticed it, so please message me to remind me about it. I won’t be annoyed or upset. I drop RPs sometimes out of a loss of interest but please don’t blame yourself. It is always a personal thing that has nothing to do with anyone else as a roleplayer. I’m always happy to write more regardless of dropping previous threads.
I generally like to plot through tumblr IMs or discord. I will say though, i do struggle a bit with plotting and tend to prefer random interaction on the dash or through memes, at least just to feel out a dynamic. HOWEVER, if you've got an idea or really wanna plot, ofc just message me!! even if it's not my preference i'm still down to rub those brain cells together and brainstorm.
i have a few mains, but for the foreseeable future i do not see myself exclusively writing with only one of a character. i like to write and really don't wanna be limited with that. mains are prioritized when it comes to answers and drafts, and in random ic posts on the dash (non-threads), they'll be who i refer to in her "main" verse.
where RP is concerned i heavily prioritize chemistry. for now, my blog is multi-ship, so any relationships my muse develops will take place in separate verses unless stated otherwise. i'm not opposed to making pre-established dynamics, especially for au plots. i find that can be really fun. honestly, if we talk and something sounds exciting i'll be up for it lol. i just don't want something forced out of nowhere. flirting between muses is fine. for deku muses: i do write ochako with a crush on him in mind, but obviously i won't force the ship. it's just her canon crush!
DON'T involve me with drama OR send messages telling me to reblog callout posts or anything like that. i don't care for getting involved with petty roleplay drama. if it's something actually serious, i've already seen it on the dash and taken note. seriously, i will hardblock, anyone that pesters me with this nonsense. for personal blogs: please do not follow/like/reblog my posts. doing so will result in an immediate block.
i personally have no triggers and don't need anything tagged. if you have any that might not be as common, please let me know and i will tag them. I won't be writing explicit smut on this blog. Suggestive jokes might appear, but nothing explicit. Non-sexual nsfw (heavy or triggering topics, violence, etc.) will be present and tagged. I have no issues with others writing it and I don't have any triggers I need tagged. Please feel free to ask and I will tag anything you need. Despite not writing explicit sexual content, I ask that minors DON’T follow my blog. If you’re a minor & I accidentally followed you, let me know & I’ll unfollow you immediately.
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adrenalineascending · 2 months
Mun: Squirrel | mid thirties | Any Pronouns | Open RP/Ask Blog | OCs Welcome | Multiverse | Multiship
18+ to RP please. This blog will have mature and violent content. Please let me know if you have any squicks, triggers, etc. you would like to avoid in threads and have me tag in posts with other rp partners. All smut will have the warning "(AOBTP)", for "Adults Only Beyond This Point", and read mores when possible.
Common triggers tagged: "____ tw"
Warning! Baron has PTSD - panic attacks, flashbacks, nightmares, avoidance of triggers. If you are uncomfortable with these subjects, this muse may not be the one you want to interact with.
Semi-selective but not mutual only: Any and all are welcome to send in asks or reply to open starters
DMs: reserved for out of character discussions like plotting.
I like writing action packed adventures which can involve putting my muse in danger: please don't auto hit without discussing it ooc first. I'll do the same. Love plotting all the fun little shenanigans that muses can get up to.
Multiverse/Multiship muse based on chemistry
Semi-para to multi-para depending: sometimes paired with icons or gifs.
Sometimes threads die. I will let you know if I need to drop a thread due to loss of muse or whatever other reason. Feel free to do the same. We can always just start another.
Activity can be a bit sporadic as my time and energy for writing fluctuate.
No preestablished relationships without having it agreed to in advance ooc.
This is a side blog: will follow back under @lord-of-killer-indecencies if we continue writing for an extended time.
Tag @adrenalineascending for any starters or posts you want her attention on, but if it's been a few days and you're worried I didn't get the notification, feel free to send a dm with a link.
Please review basic rp etiquette prior to writing with me. There are many great resources online. Mun is not Muse and this is a fictional writing blog. I do not share all my muse's beliefs or condone every action they may take. Please do not reblog, share, or use my writing unless you are collaborating on the story as my roleplay partner. Likes are welcome even if you aren't the person I'm roleplaying with. I am old and neurodivergent. This means I currently have very little patience for theatrics out of character. If I've upset you, please come and talk to me about it. Communication is a great mediator, guys, and, honestly, sometimes I'm just dense and need things spelled out for me. If you need to mute/block my blog or want to tell me you're not interested in rping: you do you boo. I get it. It's okay. We move on to the corners of this hellsite more tailored to our interests and likes. It's all good. About Muse
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celhouette · 3 months
What am I doing in this life? I can't wait to just disappear completely and drown myself into oblivion. Everyone is having a hard time and no one could care less about each other. I constantly ask God past few months but now, I won't ask anymore. Even if I don't know the answers, maybe I will never know. If reincarnation is a thing, I don't want it. I just want to be in heaven and be with God. There are sudden deaths happening almost every second of every day, and here's me hoping that i'll be next in line. For now, having faith is indeed a challenge but who am I to complain when everything is already having a harder time? I am walking into the waters fixing my eyes on Jesus even if I don't know if I am doing it right. Wala koi laing ikapanghinambog sa Ginoo kay dli ko parehas sa uban na grabe ang pag serbisyo sa simbahan, or even grabe ang pag memorize sa mga nakasulat sa bible, wala koy laing ika offer sa Ginoo kundi akong pagka ako lamang. Akong kasing-kasing, huna-huna, espiritu ug kalag tanan2 na naa skoa, i don't even think about my future anymore and in my mind, if the Lord finally takes me away, I am not worried for the people I'll be leaving behind, especially my family. Kay kabalo ko na kaya nila maski wala ko, for sure manghilak pero i know kaya ra nila hantod sa manigulang sila. All I hope is to give my years to my nanay, tatay and two brothers so that they could live life to the fullest, healthy sila tanan, akoon tanan ilang sakit and even for my friends and strangers, it is okay if all my prayers don't get answered, as long as the prayers of my family and loved ones get answered and as long as it doesn't concern me. Ana ragyud. Sa karon I am living the day, bed rotting, sleeping as if I'm not gonna wake up the next day. Tanan naman sguro sd nakaagi ug pgka depress and i am not in the position para mag dungag2 pa. All i wish and hope ky maulian natong mga tawo na nag sakit, may it be physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually or even having a hard time financially. Even if naay iring or iro na kamatyunon karon, I am willing to give up my own and let that precious animal live instead. Ug sa tinuod lang some people may view me or my problems as shallow but no one really knows the "real" me except God. Mao sd na ang rason wa nakoi labot kung unsay mga sturya sa mga tawo na nakapalibot skoa, ug gaka anad nako ug unsa ilang pagview sa kung kinsa ko, hala so be it. Dli na nako kapoyon akong kaugalingon ug explain kay mana nako ana ug gikapoy nako. ug dili maminaw ang mga tawo skoa ok ra.. Ang Ginoo najud bahala sa tanan. Ug byaan ko sa tanan, aw ok ra, ug mawala sd skoa tanan, ok rsd. Basta nakabalo ko na ang Ginoo kabalo sa kung kinsa ko ug gihigugma ko sa kung kinsa pd ko. I can't wait to be there Lord, kwaa nako gud hehehe kato akong prayer btaw Lord, please maski kato lang. dli na nako i detalye diri maski kabalo ko wala mn japon makabasa ani kundi ako ra kaugalingon but we don't really know the future dba, basin diay makabalik ug basa akong old future self diri and let's see what will be my realizations after. But sa karon, I am writing here para lng jd naa ko outlet and as if I am talking to you Lord. And I know na even if dili ko mag sulat diri, you still know me, you know my story and you know what I've been through, labaw na sa mga sturya pd na wala nko nahibal an ug mga butang na naka cause ug kasakit skoa. You know it all my Lord. Ikaw najud bahala sa tanan. I've been trying to fix my sleeping schedule but here I am again. gahapon sakto mn ako tulog ky nakatulog kog 10pm kapin tas nakamata kog 6am or 7 ba to, tas ga lanay whole day, tas nag nap nsd inig ka alas 12 sa udto or 1pm na guro tas naka mata nsd alas 5pm, tas karon time check 2:47 AM. unsa naman? kaya pa? might go for a walk later. watch the sunrise. might not. idk. Lord, I wanna see you. I love you. please hear that one prayer of mine. but ofcourse, let your will ALWAYS be done. I give up, I surrender, I already gave up months ago, but if you need me to surrender every hour of everyday, I will do it. Thank you Lord.
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limalosershq · 4 months
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Okay, Lima Losers! The moment you've all been waiting for... Limalosershq is fully open for interactions starting now. I know we're all coming from a wide range of timezones so don't worry if you can't get to it right away and if you want to wait until your intro post is finished that's a-okay. If you don't want to wait to finish and want to jump right in, that's alright too! I'm still at work at the moment, but I'll be here later to update anything and work on my own characters.
For those of you wishing to hit the blogosphere running though, keep these few things in mind:
Timeline! Our pinned post here will always have the week we're on. Today is the first day for Mckinley, while Dalton and Carmel have been back for a week or two respectively already.
Asks! This is an ask roleplay so be sure to send questions to your fellow roleplayers. You aren't required to answer them right away though, you're free to queue them and answer at your own pace.
Formatting! Since this takes place mostly online, we'll be doing dash chats. Unless you're mobile, be sure to cut posts down and we ask only to keep them a reasonable size. If you do end up with a para, make sure to put it under a readmore if it gets too long, but other than that just make sure you tag any content warnings that are necessary!
Have fun! I created this roleplay for that reason and to have unhinged show choir glee shenanigans.
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aaron-trainer · 4 months
Pound Those Gates With No Reply || Part One: Scrape You Off the Pavement || Self Para
The sun shined through a window, hitting his eyes just right. He had felt the warmth for some time now but he guessed time had passed and a crack in the curtains had created a sundial or sorts in his room. He draped his arm over his face and slowly opened his eyes letting them adjust.
He first noticed the thin, white, sheen curtains that gave the darker blue curtains a lighter affect. Everything was this lighter version of the blue, including the blankets he was tangled up in.
He sighed and rolled over, checking the matching clock on his nightstand.
1:00 am
It flashed, making him frown. Had they lost power last night? He rolled over and picked up his cell phone from just behind the clock. It was a purple smartphone, Izzy had gotten it for him for his last birthday. He was glad she did since he couldn't really use the old one anymore. He was always a few years behind in technology but if he was to pretend to be the young playboy that inherited his father's money, he had to be a little savvy. She helped with that now.
10:15am Friday
He still had fifteen minutes until his alarm would go off. He didn't have to be up for work for a while now. What a great way to wake up. Naturally.
He didn't want to dose back off so he unlocked his phone and checked his messages.
The first one was from his husband.
From My Godking 9:45am,"Hey, I'm going to be late coming home, not going to see you before you have to leave. Sorry. Don't worry about Izzy and Abaddon. I took care of getting lunch ready for today. You can do dinner tonight."
He laughed lightly to himself. It would never be normal to him. Moloch didn't seem like the type to like domestic life but he did it so well. Sometimes he wondered if Moloch resented him for taking him out of their old dangerous life, but Moloch always assured him this was what he wanted.
He texted back,"Thanks honey. Hope your shift was alright. I'll see you tonight."
My Godking texted back instantly,"It wasn't quite hell, I would have actually preferred hell."
"you prefer hell over most things."
There was a knock at the door and some excited chatter.
"Yes?" He yelled. Some voices came through the door, muffled.
"Dad, can Abaddon adopt a cat?" Izzy said through the door.
"Her father said No. Why would I say yes?" He sat up and rubbed his eyes, pulling a shirt on he had hung on the footboard of the bed.
"Well, what if I adopted the cat?" Izzy asked.
"Lysandra. No. Molochs host is allergic and Moloch doesn't want to have to be constantly vigilant of that."
He stood and paused.
"What if..." Izzy started to say. He groaned loudly and walked over to the door opening it.
Both girls stood in front of him, a cat each in their arms.
"You're both grounded." He muttered.
"But Mr. Aaron." Abaddon started to whine.
"keep them in your rooms. Everything about them stays in your rooms, including you two. Now go get ready for school."
He tried not to smile as it dawned on the girls what just happened.
They both smiled and squealed before running off to the other side of the house to set up for their cats.
He pulled his phone out of his pajama pocket and texted Moloch,"Sorry babe."
As he went to the kitchen, running his hands along the black marble countertop, reaching into the white cabinets and started to make some cereal, his phone pinged with messages.
He read the first one with a small smile.
My Godking 10:20am," If there are cats in the house when I get home..." He didn't open the message, just sending another text.
"Love you, see you tonight."
Another text pinged and his smile fell from his face.
From Ex-Little Brother,"Air, can we please just talk?"
Blood sprayed across the floor as his head snapped to the side. He groaned in agony as he tried to throw his hands up in defense, claws digging deep gashes, spraying him in more blood. He couldn't hear his own pleas falling from his lips as his hands were pinned to his sides, his face and chest getting the rest of the full onslaught.
"Dad? Dad!" Izzy waved her hand in front of his face. He shook his head, looking around the clean kitchen, finally focusing on the blue eyed and green eyed girls in front of him.
"Yeah, I'm alright girls. I'm alright." He muttered lightly.
"You should take the day off. If you get too stressed... "She put a hand on his arm, "Don't get sick on us again, okay?"
"I won't. I promise." He laid his other hand on hers, rubbing with is thumb.
"Graduation is this week. It wouldn't be the same without you there." She said softly.
"Yeah, Mr. Aaron. and you would make my dad really upset if you didn't take care of yourself." Abaddon added.
He smiled at them both.
"Thank you."
"Oh don't forget your necklace off the lampshade." Izzy pointed where he had hung a silver chain with a medallion on it. It was a guardian angel that some Catholics would wear. Moloch hated it. He picked it up but couldn't read the angels name. Shrugging he put it over his head and let it dangle.
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lonelywrites · 3 years
Obey Me Secret Santa 2021!
First of all, i want to say that i'm very happy to participate in this event. Is my first time doing something like this, writing something not just for me, but for someone in specific, and in another language - although some people say that i'm almost fluent, i'm still quite insecure about the quality of what i'm delivering here. So, thank you, @omsecretsanta, for being so patient with me.
Now, @rowan-catsandcoffee, this is for you, i tried my best to write something that was in line with what you wanted - you can tell me, if i did something you don't liked, this gift is for you. Also, i wrote your MC with the she/her pronoums, 'cause write with neutral problems still is hard for me. I promise i'll get better in this.
Word count: 1,4k (in each version)
Warnings: MC is sick and overwhelmed, mentions of food and quick weight loss, MC has problems expressing herself, possible grammar and concordance errors.
Avisos: MC está doente e mentalmente exausta, menções de comida e rápida perda de peso, MC tem problemas para se expressar, possíveis erros de gramática e concordância (principalmente em inglês)
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Holly has always been a hardworking person, always putting a lot of effort into whatever she does - no matter if it's a big deal or not - doing her best to make everything perfect. That would be perfect, if the girl didn't forget about her own physical and mental health at these times.
This fact made her closest friends apprehensive since the young woman started her internship, as it was already difficult for Holly to take care of herself just by taking the college course. She always studied for inordinate hours before realizing that she needed to eat at least one meal a day, which was up to Beel to remind her of that, taking snacks whenever he knew he was going to meet her. Now, at this stage, Holly could barely accept moments of rest where she read with Satan or just contemplated his mere existence while lying with Mammon. The girl started to demand more and more from herself. Everything had to be impeccable. Your grades and studies couldn't be affected by her work right now.
Over the months, the young woman no longer appeared to be in her best condition, starting to appear physically haggard, with deep dark circles under her eyes and a slightly emaciated body. Also, she was no longer willing to spend time with the trio of siblings as often as before, keeping at most one conversation in one phone call while Holly worked. Still, all of this was what she let on, as it was a mess. She was corroding herself in the midst of so much effort, but still feeling like she shouldn't worry anyone.
The trigger for this lack of self-care came when the girl found herself ill, barely able to stand on her feet due to such exhaustion. Her body could no longer stand incessant hours of study and work without decent food or rest for so many months. So, unable to do the simplest thing right then, Holly found herself at a crossroads. She needed help right now. She wanted help. She had to have someone by her side.
Having nothing else to do and almost desperate, the girl texted her friends, saying only that she was sick and that she needed help. Both three brothers responded within minutes, stating that they would arrive at her dorm quickly.
Mammon was the first to come to her friend's aid and, as expected, he was breathless and almost hysterically nervous as soon as he saw her lying in bed with a look that shocked him. He had never seen her sick. Holly didn't get sick.
"You're lucky I was free the moment you called, Holly!" It took him a few dozen seconds to regain his composure, warning that his brothers will take some time to arrive. During this period, waiting for the two brothers, the silver-haired boy tried to make his friend as comfortable as possible, avoiding as much as possible making her more dizzy than she already was. “I warned you not to try so hard… You knew it could end up like this…”
It took just over an hour for Satan and Beelzebub to reach the girl's dorm, Beel bringing with him a small munch of grilled chicken and mushrooms. “You mustn't have eaten anything all day…” Said the redhead. It was true, Holly used to totally lose her appetite when she was sick, and this time it was no different. "So I brought you some light food."
The trio of siblings spent the next 40 minutes debating who should take care of their sick friend, as everyone wanted to help her get better, but they were busy for much of the day during that unspecified time that Holly will remain in a state of physical and mental health. not so suitable. The girl, for her part, had remained extremely silent, leaning back against the wonderful pile of pillows that only Mammon knows how to make - he says that one of his younger brothers always asks him to make this backrest, making it so soft that it looks like a cloud. Finally, at this time of debate, it was concluded that the brothers would take turns taking care of the girl.
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Holly had always kept too much to herself, and at that moment, it all felt too much for her to hold any longer. Everything felt too dense for the little one to handle. So that's precisely why Mammon is there for her.
Even with a dubious reputation, this precious young man has shown himself to be extremely careful about the people he loves and this is no different with Holly. The white-haired man was a great listener and even adviser, her older brother had remarked to the young woman once, and had been the girl's confidant for as long as she could remember.
While Mammon took care of Holly, her main focus was on her friend's mind. Physical health is capable of improving in moments, compared to mental health, and Beel was already taking care of the first one. Furthermore, Mammon knew that the girl was mentally exhausted, and although she couldn't make her magically extract this terrible miasma from the young girl, she could spur it on by slowly encouraging her to let all this ill-being out of her mind.
This process began in a rather rickety fashion, full of hesitations and stutters coming from both Holly and Mammon - not only did the girl have difficulty expressing herself properly, it was twice as difficult for her friend to be overtly concerned about her. Over time, the young woman gradually began to put her thoughts, feelings and fears into words.
"Did you see? You seem lighter to me.” he said happily.
This really helped the young woman. In addition to actually feeling calmer, she was able to understand herself better, organizing her deepest thoughts. Holly didn't need to say a word, just smiled in thanks, which made her friend feel awkward, showing his defensive attitude, common in situations like this.
"D-Don't look at me like that..." The silver haired boy covered his mouth, looking away. "I'm just helping you out because I don't want to occupy myself with you being sick any longer, you know."
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The blonde manages to be a happy medium in relation to the care of the other two brothers, only a little more rigid, albeit minimally. In addition, he helps Holly organize her life in relation to matters she could not see in her course and leisure in the situation where she finds herself, making her open up decently to the latter. "So as not to freak out," is what he says.
Satan is a curious boy, always learning a little bit of everything, being no different about some subjects in Holly's course. So, always studying and reviewing the content given with her friend, explaining some topics to her if necessary, while both enjoyed the succulent slices of watermelon brought by Beel a few hours ago.
The study sessions were never as rigid and dense as Holly had been, there were always breaks where the pair chatted about books or series they'd seen. They also kept those moments where they read books together - both in their own world, but still enjoying each other's presence - and watched series and documentaries about criminal cases - creating wild theories about the killer and his motivations.
Holly's mood shift was almost palpable, which was gratifying, she seemed more relaxed and relaxed about her studies. Of course, Satan was extremely pleased with the results.
"Did you see? It doesn't hurt to have a little time to yourself, little one.”
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It is common knowledge that this guy, although he can eat like there is no tomorrow, knows how to take care of his physique, always maintaining a balanced diet and training routines. And seeing Holly so sick, in such a rickety state where the girl can't stand upright, makes the redhead's heart break. She deserved to be fine, healthy as she always seemed to be.
Whenever Beel went to look after his friend, he would bring the girl fresh fruit and snacks. Even if she couldn't eat a meal, she should eat at least one banana so she wouldn't have an empty stomach. Also known for her to whet her appetite, no matter how much time passed, setting times - along with alarms - so the girl wouldn't forget to eat when the tall guy wasn't with her.
Beel was quite happy to see his friend gradually improve, encouraging her to stick to her habits and taking short walks around one of the college plazas as soon as Holly's body could walk for an adequate amount of time.
“It's great to see you better, Hol. I want to see that glow of yours again, so please keep it up. ”
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Holly sempre foi uma pessoa esforçada, sempre colocando muito esforço em qualquer coisa que faz - não importa se for algo de grande relevância ou não -, dando o seu melhor para tudo ser perfeito. Isso seria perfeito, se a garota não se esquecesse de sua própria saúde física e mental nesses momentos.
Esse fato deixou os seus amigos mais próximos apreensivos desde que a jovem iniciou seu estágio, pois já era difícil Holly cuidar de si mesma apenas fazendo o curso da faculdade. Ela sempre estudava por excessivas horas antes de perceber que precisava fazer ao menos uma refeição ao dia, o que cabia a Beel lembrá-la disso, levando lanches sempre que sabia que iria encontrar-se com ela. Agora, com esse estágio, Holly mal aceitava momentos de descanso onde lia com Satan ou apenas contemplava sua mera existência enquanto se deitava com Mammon. A garota passou a cobrar mais e mais de si. Tudo tinha que ser impecável. Suas notas e estudos não poderiam ser afetados pelo seu trabalho agora.
Com o decorrer dos meses, a jovem já não aparentava estar no seu melhor estado, passando a parecer fisicamente abatida, com olheiras profundas e um corpo ligeiramente emagrecido. Além disso, ela não aceitava mais passar um tempo com o trio de irmãos com a mesma frequência de antes, mantendo, no máximo, uma conversa em uma ligação enquanto Holly trabalhava. Ainda assim, tudo isso era o que ela deixava transparecer, pois estava uma bagunça. Ela estava corroendo-se em meio a tanto esforço, mas ainda sentindo que não deveria preocupar ninguém.
O estopim dessa falta de autocuidado se deu quando a garota encontrou-se doente, mal conseguindo se manter em pé por tamanha exaustão. Seu corpo já não aguentava mais horas incessantes de estudos e trabalho sem uma alimentação ou descansos decentes por tantos meses. Então, sem conseguir fazer a coisa mais simples naquele momento, Holly acabou encontrando-se em uma encruzilhada. Ela precisava de ajuda naquele momento. Ela queria ajuda. Ela tinha que ter alguém ao seu lado.
Não tendo mais o que fazer e quase desesperada, a garota mandou mensagens aos amigos, dizendo apenas que estava doente e que precisava de ajuda. Ambos os três irmãos responderam-na em poucos minutos, afirmando que chegariam em seu dormitório rapidamente.
Mammon foi o primeiro a chegar ao socorro de sua amiga e, como esperado, mostrou-se ofegante e quase histericamente nervoso assim que a viu deitada na cama com uma aparência que o chocou. Ele nunca havia a visto doente. Holly não ficava doente.
“Você tem sorte de eu estar livre no momento em que chamou, Holly!” Ele demorou algumas dezenas de segundos para recuperar a compostura, avisando que seus irmãos demorarão algum tempo até chegarem. Nesse período esperando os dois irmãos, o rapaz de cabelos prateados tentava deixar a amiga o mais confortável possível, evitando ao máximo deixá-la mais tonta do que já estava. “Eu te avisei para não se esforçar tanto… Você sabia que poderia acabar assim…”
Levou pouco mais de uma hora para Satan e Beelzebub chegarem ao dormitório da garota, Beel trazendo consigo uma pequena quentinha de frango grelhado com cogumelos. “Você não deve ter comido nada o dia inteiro…” Disse o ruivo. Era verdade, Holly costumava perder totalmente o apetite quando doente e dessa vez não foi diferente. “Então, te trouxe uma comida leve.”
O trio de irmãos passou os próximos 40 minutos debatendo sobre quem deveria cuidar da amiga doente, pois todos queriam ajudá-la a melhorar, mas tinham ocupações durante boa parte do dia durante esse tempo indeterminado que Holly permanecerá com a saúde física e mental num estado não tão adequado. A garota, por sua vez, permanecera extremamente silenciosa, recostada no maravilhoso monte de travesseiros que apenas Mammon sabe fazer - ele diz que um de seus irmãos mais novos sempre o pede para fazer esse encosto, deixando-o tão macio a ponto de parecer uma nuvem. Enfim, nesse tempo de debate, concluiu-se que os irmãos iriam revezar seus cuidados à garota.
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Holly sempre guardou coisas demais para si mesma e, naquele momento, tudo parecia demais para ela segurar por mais tempo. Tudo parecia denso demais para a pequena aguentar. Portanto, era justamente por isso que Mammon está ali por ela.
Mesmo com uma reputação duvidosa, esse precioso rapaz mostrou-se extremamente cuidadoso em relação às pessoas que ele ama e isso não é diferente com Holly. O homem de cabelos esbranquiçados era um ótimo ouvinte e até conselheiro, seu irmão mais velho comentou à jovem uma vez, e era o confidente da menina desde que ela se lembrava.
Enquanto Mammon cuidava de Holly, seu maior foco era a mente da amiga. A saúde física é capaz de melhorar em instantes, se compararmos com a mental, e Beel já estava cuidando da primeira. Além disso, Mammon sabia que garota se via mentalmente exausta e, embora não pudesse fazê-la magicamente extrair esse terrível miasma da jovem, podia estimulá-la, incentivando-a lentamente a pôr para fora todo esse mal estar em sua mente.
Esse processo se iniciou de uma forma bastante raquítica, cheia de hesitações e gaguejos vindos tantos de Holly quanto de Mammon - além da garota ter dificuldade em se expressar adequadamente, era duas vezes mais difícil para seu amigo se mostrar abertamente preocupado com ela. Com o tempo, a jovem passou a pouco a pouco pôr seus pensamentos, sentimentos e medos em palavras.
“Viu só? Você me parece mais leve.” Disse ele alegremente.
Isso realmente ajudou a jovem. Além dela se sentir realmente mais tranquila, pôde entender-se melhor, organizando seus pensamentos mais profundos. Holly não precisou proferir nenhuma palavra, apenas sorriu em agradecimento, o que fez seu amigo ficar sem jeito, mostrando sua atitude defensiva, comum em situações como essa.
“N-Não me olhe assim…” O rapaz de cabelos prateados cobriu a boca, desviando o olhar. “Eu só estou te ajudando por não querer me ocupar com você estando doente por mais tempo, você sabe.”
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O loiro consegue ser um meio termo em relação aos cuidados dos outros dois irmãos, apenas um pouco mais rígido, embora minimamente. Além disso, ele ajuda Holly a organizar a sua vida em relação aos assuntos que não pôde ver em seu curso e lazer na situação onde se encontra, fazendo-a se abrir decentemente ao último. "Para não enlouquecer”, é o que ele diz.
Satan é um rapaz curioso, sempre aprendendo de tudo um pouco, não sendo diferente sobre alguns assuntos do curso de Holly. Assim, sempre estudando e revisando o conteúdo dado com sua amiga, explicando alguns tópicos a ela, se necessário, enquanto ambos desfrutavam das suculentas fatias da melancia traga por Beel há algumas horas atrás.
As sessões de estudo nunca foram tão rígidas e densas como Holly fazia, sempre havendo intervalos onde a dupla conversava sobre livros ou séries que viram. Eles também mantiveram aqueles momentos onde liam livros juntos - ambos em seu próprio mundo, mas ainda desfrutando da presença um do outro -, e viam séries e documentários sobre casos criminais - criando teorias mirabolantes sobre o assassino e suas motivações.
A mudança de humor de Holly era quase palpável, o que era gratificante, ela parecia mais tranquila e relaxada em relação aos seus estudos. Claro, Satan estava extremamente satisfeito com os resultados.
“Viu só? Não dói ter um pouco de tempo para si mesma, pequena.”
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É de conhecimento comum que esse rapaz, embora possa comer como se não houvesse amanhã, sabe cuidar de seu físico, sempre mantendo uma dieta balanceada e rotinas de treino. E ver Holly tão doente, num estado tão raquítico onde a garota não consegue se manter em pé, faz o coração do ruivo se quebrar. Ela merecia estar bem, sadia como sempre parecia estar.
Sempre que Beel ia cuidar de sua amiga, ele levava frutas e refeições leves bem frescas para a garota. Mesmo que ela não conseguisse comer uma refeição, ela deveria comer ao menos uma banana para não ficar de estômago vazio. Também ajudou-a a abrir seu apetite, não importando quanto tempo demorasse, estabelecendo horários - junto de alarmes - para que a garota não se esquecesse de comer nos momentos em que o rapaz alto não estivesse com ela.
Beel ficou bastante feliz em ver a melhora gradual de sua amiga, incentivando-a a manter os hábitos criados e fazendo breves caminhadas por uma das praças da faculdade assim que o corpo de Holly aguentasse andar por um período de tempo adequado.
“É muito bom te ver melhorando, Hol. Quero ver aquele seu brilho de novo, então, por favor, continue assim.”
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"No one ever truly gets over the loss of a loved one..."
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*next morning*
You had woken up earlier than expected but you decided to head out and quickly get some food for the two of them and yourself.
"Hi, um can I get three breakfast sandwiches.. with one banana milk and two coffees?" You asked.
"Yes you can! Will that be all?" The kind woman asked cheerfully.
You couldn't help but smile, "Yes, ma'am it will, thanks!" You responded as she told you your total and told you to pull up to the next window.
"Here you go! Have a good day!" She said, smiling as she handed you your card and receipt first, then your drinks and food
"No, you have an amazing week!" She chuckled pulling off as she laughed back.
-Jeonghans P.O.V.-
Slowly but surely I started to stir in my sleep especially when Haru started to kick and push in her sleep, groaning I swung my feet off the edge of y/n's guest bed. Not really sure of what to do next, before ultimately but also reluctantly making the decision to look for y/n.
Trying my best not to wake Haru, I cover her back up kissing her cheek.
"I'll be back honey.." I whisper as I quietly shut the door.
"Um, y/n...?" I whisper yelled, poking my head around the corner into the dimly lit living room. Nothing..
I made my way into the kitchen.. nothing. The bathroom door was open but dark, nothing..
I walked back down the dim hallway and to her room, in which the door was closed. I gently tapped it and got no response.
'She must have left... I'll just leave her a note.' Jeonghan thought to himself, quickly walking back into the kitchen and grabbing a classic yellow sticky note.
'Dear y/n, thank you for letting Haru and I stay the night it was greatly appreciated. - Jeonghan.'
"Haru.. Haru..! Wake up honey.." I wispered to her. She flung her arm at me unconsciously, I barely managed to dodge it. I gently pinched her rosey cheek. A small smile playing on my lips, calling back to the first time I did that to her, while she was wrapped in a pink cloth.
'she was so small then..' I thought to myself, feeling something run down the side of my face.
"Mm... daddy...?" Haru blinked, looking at me. "...daddy why are you crying?" She asked worry on her pale face.
I was shocked, I hadn't realized..
"O-oh.. sweetheart.. no daddies fine, he was just thinking about mommy... But right now we have to go.. okay?" I said wiping my face quickly.
She sat up her raven black hair frizzled almost mimicking a birds nest. However this cute site didnt change the expression that was of worry and sadness carved into her soft features.
"But daddy, it's cold outside and it warm in here... can we stay just a little longer? Pleaseeee.." Haru begged clasping her tiny hands together, looking up at him.
Jeonghan gave a forced smile. "I know honey.. but daddy will figure it out.." he said.
'Eventually...' he thought.
"But for now y/n isnt here, let's go get dressed and leave, we dont wanna be a bother to y/n anymore than we have.."
He muttered before picking his daughter up, and grabbing her clothes,
"Y/n said we're a bother?" Haru said hurt on her face.
"N-no sweetheart.. you're a bit too young to understand..." he trailed off, "Here, go get dressed with the basics.. I'll help you with your socks and shoes.."
"Okay daddy!" She said happily running off into the bedroom bathroom. But not before asking for help for the bathroom light which her father gladly helped with.
•20 minutes later•
"Okay, Haru. Do you have everything?"
"Hmmm, I got my bows, and my pretty pink shoes... and I got my daddy too!" She giggled and Jeonghan picked her up smiling.
"Okay.." I sighed, "..home sweet home.."
I hurried into the building and up the stairs. Once I made my way to my floor, I sat my stuff down on the floor holding the food in one arm while my keys were in the other. Regardless I was shock when the door knob started to turn and the door swung open, I was met face to face with Jeonghan and Haru in his arms, his eyes met mine and were wide and filled with shock.
"A-ah!" He said in a startled manner, stepping back. "Haru and I were just about to leave.. thank you for giving us a place to stay for the night..." he blushed.
"O-oh, well... I was hoping you two would stay.. even if it's just for breakfast... I-I mean I did buy a sandwich and a drink for each of us.." I said looking down.
"Food! Daddy can we stay?! Please even if it's just for breakfast!" Haru beamed.
Jeonghan seemed a bit taken aback, "um, I'm pretty sure y/n has things to do.. we dont wanna interrupt her life.."
Y/n wasnt sure if she should be offended or saddened by the way he felt.
"No! You're not a bother... I'm off today anyways... and it gets lonely around here... stay all long as you need.. besides, the foods getting coldz I'm getting cold, and its supposed to be another storm to night.. they're expecting at least 12 inches of snow.." y/n consoled.
Jeonghan sighed stepping to the side, "if you say so..." he says defeated but relieved as well.
"So we can stay?!" Haru professed.
Y/n looked down at her "Yes my dear.." she smiled. Walking into her home. Jeonghan caught himself staring at her in a romantic way...
"Um, Jeonghan could you close the door? Heat isnt free you know.." she joked.
"O-oh right of course.." he blushed.
Haru jumped out of his arms and ran to the table where y/n placed the food down.
"Wheres Haru?" You asked.
Jeonghan looked up from his hands. "I put her to sleep.. she was getting whiny so it was nap time.."
"Oh.." was all you could say, but you couldn't help but notice he seemed upset about something.
"Jeonghan, are you okay? You seem.. stressed..."
He let out a deep chuckle. "... because I am... I'm a homeless single father who cant find a job for shit. And a daughterwho looks up at me even in my worst of moments.."
You pursed your lips. "Well I can help you look for one, and in the mean time you and Haru take your time.. okay? And shes you daughter shes gonna do that..."
"Y/n-" he started.
You stopped him, "Jeonghan. Dont. Even. I get wanting to do thing by yourself.. but its January and it's not just you who's at stake here.. So I'm not allowing you to decline my offer."
Jeonghan was taken back by her sudden sternness, he couldn't help but smile as he made the unconscious decision to push aside her coiled locks and lean in closer to her before their lips gently collided with each others.
-3 months later-
Y/n was sitting at the table helping Haru with her homework when a thrilled, but sweating Jeonghan burst through the door.
"I not even a knock or a 'hi'?" Y/n exclaimed in a semi-joking manner.
"Daddy!" Haru beamed running to his side where he picked her up spinning her around.
Out of breath he exclaimed, "I got it!"
Y/n arched her brows. "You got wha- Oh my god! Jeonghan that's amazing honestly!"
"Yes, I got the job!" He beamed holding y/n at his chest.
She smiled kissing Haru on the cheek, and him on his soft pink lips.
"I'm gonna save up for our wedding y/n! I love you so much!" He said.
Haru harshly interrupted, "What about me! And mommy...?"
Jeonghan sighed.. "haru.. I will always love your mother... much like how y/n will always love her husband.. but they've both gone to a better place, and one day we will join them.. but right now, I'm sure they would both want you, me, and y/n to be happy... I hope you can understand that, and not resent y/n for it." He said.
"Nows probably not the best time.. but you never truly get over the loss of a loved one.." you wispered.
Jeonghan kissed your forehead and kissed Harus cheek as well.
A/n: ahhh this took forever I'm so sleepyyyyy but it's done! My thumb hurts! Yall better enjoy this!!! Lmao.
But no really i put so much energy and effort into this, so please dont expect an up date for at least a few months! Thanks for understanding! Platonically Para-socially love you guys! Enjoy! Bye! 💕
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