#no words suffice
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justplaggin · 10 months
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return of the king
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ohitslen · 9 months
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Happy birthday TRIGUN STAMPEDE!! 🎉
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marc--chilton · 6 months
i dont care what anyone says, house saying he loves wilson after wilson ups his pain meds was for real to me. it just slipped out and house's unserious nature is the only thing that let him get away with it
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thepurplewombat · 4 months
Hua Cheng heard the word mancave and completely misunderstood
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maaaxx · 1 year
After Zuko becomes the fire lord he never publicizes the identity of the blue spirit. Like the gaang knows who it was and theres a small section in the textbooks about him but it never becomes common knowledge or is officially recorded that Zuko was a masked vigilante during his banishment.
When Izumi starts learning about the 100 year war she learns the minimal amount of information they have about the Blue Spirit and she fixates on this.
She has shrines and tracks down testimonies and reports that were made about it. She puts together the inconsistencies in height (because Zuko's a growing boy and I hc that the stronghold wasn't his first time as the blue spirit). She has all the information she needs through the stories her dads and aunts and uncles and Iroh have told her about the war to know the sightings follow Zuko but she just doesn't put it together.
She is appalled that Zuko hasn't designated more resources into finding out the identity of this faceless hero. After all without him Aang could have been killed or captured right? He should be honored with more than a footnote in a textbook.
The gaang finds this hilarious and Zuko at this point is too embarrassed to say anything because how could he have predicted that his daughter would become obsessed with his alter ego?
This craze dies down and eventually Izumi goes to stay with Iroh (who was completely unaware of this phase she went through) and when telling Izumi embarrassing stories about her dad he makes a backhanded comment about it and Izumi looses her mind the next time she sees Zuko.
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lycankeyy · 5 months
Even as someone who's not like Deep In the Trenches it pisses me off so much how many posts I've seen boiling down Rogue's issues to "wanting sex" or talking about how "she can touch people through clothes" so she should just Get Over It (usually to the effect of "so she can get with Remy".)
In terms of X-Men representing minorities its always been blatantly obvious to me that Rogue's mutation is (or can be easily interpreted as) an invisible disability. She Cannot Touch People. And to this extent, it's perfectly normal for disabled people to mourn the things they can't have or do because of their disability? Especially when there's a degree of trauma there? Yes there's workarounds, but that doesn't change the fact that she cannot do something that most people take for granted. Rogue has clearly been in a state of severe grief about this, which is what makes the narrative so compelling.
She wants to be with Remy, clearly. But she's so consumed by her feelings about her mutation that she can't see that they can be together. Her attraction to Magneto is, by her own admission (as she seems to have gotten over her infatuation with him based on his ideals before joining the X-Men), the fact that his powers cancel out hers. It takes her healing past her grief, after sharing a dance with Magneto, to realize that she cares more about Gambit than her ability to touch someone's skin.
There are plenty of actual criticisms you could have about this and Rogue's character; in this vein, it's easy to criticize how complaining about her disability frequently is one of Rogue's main character traits - but "there are other ways she can have sex so she should get over it :/" is like. The most bizarre and Nothing criticism ever
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fauna-and-floraa · 1 year
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Fav skz moments // Do you know what else is big?
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accirax · 1 year
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a surprising sequel?!
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Hey team! I'm always fascinated by how many extremely specific pictures you have of bears. So out of curiosity, and if you'd be willing, do you have any bears in a casino?
(I just like seeing bears in places they really should not be in.)
not sure if this is what you wanted but
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also there's this beautiful beart by Colleen Mitchell-Veyna that you can buy here
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dragon-subway · 5 months
the worst part of being online friends is my inability to lovingly headbutt their shoulders or lean againt them as we sit together
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kin-n-n · 3 months
I finally finished my first ever fanbinding. It was a great learning experience and I had so much fun!
Since I first started reading your brilliantly written fics, I admired your storytelling and the tangible chemistry and conflict between characters you manage to convey so realistically. You are the writer that got me into DC despite me never having set a foot in it, and I found so much joy and fun here!
Thank you so much for writing and sharing your stories!
More Precious Than Emeralds by @pluckyredhead
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silkysong · 1 year
Yeah Infected overseers would probably work to spread it to other iterators, while he just yells it to spread it around himself, do you think the radiance would mutate him into a moth like creature considering he's "Nearly-divine" but still Not quite, as a high ranking gospel she may actually care about (especially since unlike pk he wasn't an absolute ass to moths), also, do you think she would make a new set of sentient moths for her to be with?
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if you catch my drift
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cerise-on-top · 8 months
i saw your post with tf141 with an asthmatic s/o and i love your writing!
i was wondering if you could write the 141 with an s/o who is hard of hearing and reader wears hearing aids?
I’m gonna be honest with you, anon, I don’t know what to write for this since it will be the same in almost all cases.
Aside from Soap, none of the lads would even touch your hearing aid. Sure, Price, Gaz and Ghost will look at it from afar and point you towards it if you’re looking for it, but that’s about it. They’re well aware how expensive something like that can be, so they’d rather not be the cause for it getting broken. However, they are more than willing to buy whatever necessity you need for it to keep it properly maintained. There will always be some cotton swabs and some filters at home so you can keep your hearing aid clean. Since you’re hard of hearing, there’s a chance you might know sign language as well. There’s also a chance that one of the three of them would know BSL. Whether or not that helps in any way shape or form I’m not sure, but if you know ASL instead of BSL then they’re more than happy to learn that for you as well. As long as they get to communicate with you, they’re happy. Besides, it’s more efficient than always writing notes anyone can see. Soap would be the only one who would touch your hearing aid, as long as you allow it. But even then he’d only really do it to take a good look at it, so it’s not like it would happen very often either. I don’t think he knows sign language, but if you really insist then he’d be more than happy to learn for you as well. It does sort of feel like a secret language to him since not too many people know it, which makes it a bit cooler to him. But other than that, they are more than happy to repeat what they’ve said so you can properly understand them as many times as you need, giving you as much time as you need to make sense of their words as well. If you’re more inclined to read lips, then they’ll make sure you can see their lips always, aside from Ghost who does prefer to have his face hidden to some degree. In that case, Ghost will simply write down what he wants to say, if you don’t know sign language. If you do, then he’ll just sign it to you. If you pull the stunt where you turn off your hearing aid so you can ignore them properly then they will, for the most part, respect you, albeit a bit mad. Soap and Gaz might become more touchy and annoying though. Close your eyes so you can’t see them frantically signing at you and you’ll be left alone for a whole five minutes before they wrestle you onto the couch and make you look at whatever it is you need to see. They will not tolerate being ignored like this.
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theemmtropy · 1 year
Mmmmmmm I've been thinking about Gale in a classic suit for a formal event. He wears a bowtie if he's feeling more playful and energetic, or just a classy silk tie for a more subtle look. Hair braided back, beard freshly trimmed. Silver cufflinks to match his earring. But the best part of the look is when he returns home, where he takes off his suit jacket and rolls up the sleeves on his white dress shirt, baring his forearms. Top three buttons undone, so that just a hint of collarbone is exposed. Effortlessly attractive while completely oblivious of it.
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kafkaesquetwink · 4 months
mercymorn the first………saint of joy………augh……i think i huave covid
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