#no the finished pic will not be my post for tomorrow tho LOL
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akkivee · 11 months ago
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you don't understand how good it feels to be drawing an unhinged kuukou again lmao
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foxgloveinspace · 2 years ago
@thoseeyeslikefire @absentviolet
I was very very bad, and instead of waiting, I have started my 'Halloween' cardigan, lol. Heres links to my inspiration, and I'll post pics of my progress either late tomorrow, or this weekend, cause I might have already finished the granny squares, lol.
The skull granny squares.
The cardigan pattern I'm following.
The witch of wonderlust's 'offering' cardigan where I first saw the granny squares I'm using.
A hexagon cardigan with granny squares, which i saw and it inspiered me to combine the ideas. (I think the one I saw originally had open sleeves which is how I’m leaving mine. welp. when looking for the video I first saw I found this one which… wow, same idea, lol. Mine is not gonna have any trim tho, I want it to be very flow-y and cozy and not restrictive at all.)
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mamamittens · 10 months ago
So, slightly unideal circumstances tomorrow!
Couldn't get my haircut ahead of time so that'll be first thing in the morning then running back to the house to shower and get dresses for the convention! Nothing elaborate, very low effort Ace cosplay lol, no makeup, wigs, tats, or professional cosplay quality.
May take pics for it, so apologies in advance for acne, not anime accurate hair, and general lack of bikini wear lol
The other part is that we're down for HELLA severe weather in the afternoon but it's a bit in the air if we'll get hit with anything too bad or tornadoes... Not out of the question tho so... Fun... (⁠;⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)
But once it's gone (according to radar) we'll be clear. It's just the 5-9 time frame to be watching lol
I've had a nice time this week off of work totally blowing up my sleep schedule and doing everything but the one thing I wanted to finish first (I am so sorry, I legitimately keep psyching myself out and stalling. I don't know if I've ever written for Koby before outside of asks and I got overwhelmed...)
I'll be sad to go back to work cause the next few weeks will be... Very not fun. They've fired a lot of folks just before this big inventory to prep for the Showy Inventory to new investors and I just know they'll be riding my ass as soon as I get back (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)
I'll be the only one in my section of QC with years of experience until June....
Fuck me, if I'm dead for a while or manically posting really late, know I'm just trying to hold onto some spare serotonin in whatever way I can 😭😭😭
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masoqueen-official · 3 years ago
October of paperhat (inktober) 2021
Day 29 - Jealous
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Cameooo lmao XD
Happy release day! 🖤🖤🖤🖤👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼💖💖💖💖😩😩😩
*cries in America with the rest of the internet*
There's so much to say in such little time
Basically, the white pen is still dead 🙂
It's 11:40 and I'm in a hotel in Georgia pf
Bipolar snatched me up today from kicking my feet to that damn beat in the street like a beast and nobody can kill my mood this morning to- don't talk to me at all i angi, also my hear- A C K THERE IT IS AGAIN
Uhhhh h h hhh i worked on like 5 different arts today yaaay, they include my villainous "release day" art which IS done (and i started today) but i feel like something is missing and I've been awake since 5am and now it's 11:45pm sooo 👐🏼 maybe I'll just post it first thing tomorrow if i don't do it after this (here’s a preview tho :) ),
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(The bh and Flug’s lineart is just b,jbjkbjmbmhbbhmbjhvjhvj 💕💕💕💕💕)
there was also two people in my D.E. Art i finished, and- OH YEAH Oh MY GOD i finally listened to Aldo Maldonado's logs and hOOOooOoh MY GOD- i can't- 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼 so I drew them instead haha (the top drawing was actually from 2 months ago when I left for Florida, There’s also 2 more doodles I added lol), that pic in the window -w-, and some other stuff maybe I think idk—-
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Anyhmsbjbhjahjbsbhkhjsbj I should probably go now because there’s finally a real hoTEl ☁️ bed to sleep in and hUhuhHUhhi that’s my excuse, if you know the hotel bed comfort you’ll undeterstand. Also I should let myself off easy sometimes y’know? Ocd, anxitey, all that and all. So uhm, gn and hello new fans! 💖❤️‍🩹🖤
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jayflrt · 3 years ago
akka and now you post the epilogue 😭😭😭 lmfao "it has been months" crying fr. akka you literally made my day today and i hope you day will go so fucking good tomorrow 🥺😊 thank me later when you day ends 😏
the funniest thing is jay looking for his tail, sunoo trying to lay eggs and it did not work, lmfao. jay/n moment!!!! yaas!!! and jay's trying 🤣
jay being confused whether y/n ask our for a date or just ✨hand in marriage✨ naurrrr jake being relateable fvck sunghoon "MARRAIGE IS GOOF FOR TAX RETURNS PUR A RING ON HER IMMEDIATELY" 😭😭
and finally we have jay/n and that pic of jay is soft and could you please give me that pic 🥺🥺 that smile is everything man, he suffered a lot since he turned into a dog. but where is that pic from???
lmfao, i just read y/n saying good boy and giving jay a treat 😭😭😭 after that photo, jungwonie calling out y/n 😠
i can feel when y/n said "i have a boyfriend" damn i wish to have a y/n moment :((( y/n living her y/n life. i wish our chance is abound to come 🥳🥳
btw akka, it's windy in here and i expect it might rain and the weather is chilly and calm but i have to practise math 😒 also can i ask you one thing akka, have you ever been in a relationship??
bye. i didn't ask you anything 😭😭
— 🦔 (it's the hot girl coach and BTS 😜)
HAHAH i’m holding you to that so i’ll lyk if my day does go good 😌 but omg yeah I TOOK SO LONG TO FINISH HAHA BUT IM GLAD I DID
thank you for sharing your fav moments with me HAHAH IM GLAD THEY CAME OFF AS FUNNY TO OFHERS TOO 🤧 and sunghoon only made points with his tax returns statement 💆‍♀️ i agree jay is so soft tho ☹️☹️ even as a dog LOL but here’s the picture !!! (he’s so cute here 🥰💕)
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also our chance at love will come 🙏 when we least expect it BET i’m sure it’ll happen
omg that’s the type of weather that makes me not want to study and to just curl up 🤧 i hope you get some studying done eventually !! 💕 also i have not been in a relationship !! i’ve deflected all the men i’m not interested in dating rn 😭😭 but i’ve been in :’) situationships HAHAHA
(who is this hot girl coach 😳)
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slytherinbangchan · 5 years ago
‘📶’ Han Jisung One-Shot (Fake Boyfriend AU)
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Blog’s Masterlist 
Pairing: Han Jisung x Reader.
Warnings: smut
Word Count: 9.4k
This is my last post of the year. I hope you all enjoy it!
Happy New Year everyone and I wish you all the best. I’ll be back soon posting some of your requests and updating my aus.
Thank you for following me so far and I’ll keep working as hard as I can to try and make you happy with my writing.
-So you moved into your new apartment not that long ago.
-And all these college guys/girls live in that same building.
-It's a bit busy and noisy sometimes but it's ok.
-In the apartment on your right live two guys called Jisung and Hyunjin.
-You know Hyunjin's name cause honestly, who doesn't? It's weird not to hear someone mentioning him on the hallways.
-And Jisung... Well... This is kinda awkward but lets say his bedroom is right next to yours.
-First time you heard someone moaning out his name you blushed and went back to the living room.
-But now you're kinda used to it.
-Sometimes you even shush them.
-Anyway at the apartment on your left lives some guy called Seungmin and another one called Jeongin. You've knocked there more than once asking for some help with you door since sometimes it likes not to open.
-You think Seungmin is kinda nice and cute.
-Right in front of you live Minho and Felix. Bangchan has invited them over some other time.
-Oh yeah, you have a roommante called Bangchan but most of the time he's out working or hanging out with a guy called Changbin.
-Since you're 'new' in the city you don't know a lot of people yet.
-Only these girls from work who won't shut up about guys/girls and sex and you'd wish you were more interested on that but the truth is you're not.
-Like you work so hard and your anxiety is so high you don't even think about it till they bring it up.
-And you're so tired of them trying to fix you up with someone.
-You've told them to stop trying thousands of times.
-But they won't and today is not precisely your day.
-Your head hurts like hell and you just want to go back to sleep.
-'Would you meet my cousin then?' One of your friends asks.
-'What?'. You sigh as you massage your temples. 'I told you I don't wanna meet anyone'.
-'C'moon'. She whines. 'Why not?'
-'Maybe she has a boyfriend already'. The other one says and something clicks in your brain.
-'Yeah. You know what? I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier but I do have a boyfriend so please? Stop trying to fix me up with your cousins'. You say as nicely as you can.
-'You should have told us! What's his name?'
-'Your boyfriend silly, what's his name?' She chuckles.
-'Oh... Uhmm, it's... Jisung'.
-You don't know why you said his name. Maybe cause last night someone else wouldn't stop moaning it and it printed into your head.
-Also how come you have to make up a boyfriend so people would stop trying to fix you up after you told them to stop so many times already?
-You're so mad about that fact right now but your head hurts even worse. You just want them to stop no matter how.
-One of your friends is looking at you so excited. What is with her now?
-'Jisung huh? What about a picture?'
-'Yeah, show us!'
-'Oh... Yeah, maybe tomorrow I don't have pics of him here cause it's a new phone'.
-They look at you like they're not buying it but finally they let go.
-Back into your apartment you take a shower and lie down on your bed with the lights off trying to calm that headache down.
-Then you start hearing some music from one of the apartments.
-You feel like crying.
-You're so tired and you feel like your head is going to explode any minute now.
-So you stand up and go knock on Hyunjin's door.
-Jisung comes out and says hi to you.
-'Hey I'm like dying here could you not play music tonight? Please.'
-'Yeah you don't look so good'. He says.
-'Thanks'. You sigh. 'So could you?'
-He chuckles softly. 'Sure, don't worry'. He pats your head lightly and you blush.
-You go back to your apartment with your face still burning red.
-He didn't need to be cute.
-He behaves and don't play any music though.
-He even tells Hyunjin to be quiet.
-It's amazing how thin those walls are.
-You fall asleep at some point to wake up the next morning to Chan's worried face looking at you.
-'You look horrible' He says.
-'No, like seriously. I already made a call telling your boss you're sick'.
-'Oh... Thanks'.
-'You're welcome'. He says smiling a bit. 'I left some breakfast in the kitchen for you ok? I gotta go tho'.
-'Ok. I'm not leaving my bed anyway'.
-He chuckles as he leaves.
-A while later someone knocks at your door and you practically crawl there to open it.
-'Hey, I've bumped into these ladies on the elevator. They were asking for you'.
-You look at Hyunjin who's pointing at your friends from work waiting behind him.
-'Oh, okay. Thanks'.
-'It's nothing. Are you okay though? Jisung told me you weren't feeling so good last night'.
-Just as he says that Jisung opens the door to leave the apartment.
-You can see your friend's eyes fixing on him immediately.
-'Oh, Jisung I was just mentioning you'. Hyunjin says as he chuckles.
-'Ah really, why?'
-'Omg y/n is this your boyfriend?' Your friends ask. 'You said your boyfriend was some Jisung right?'
-You just mentally facepalmed yourself.
-The guys look at you and you look at them. Your face so red.
-Hyunjin chuckles. 'I'm gonna go inside'. He says. 'Bye ladies'.
-But your friends are too busy waiting for your answer.
-'What's wrong baby?' Jisung asks you. 'Just tell them'. He says as he walks towards you.
-His hand on your waist.
-'Uhm, okay... Yeah this is my boyfriend'.
-They let out some squeals. 'Omg, y/n he's cute'.
-'Yeah I thought he was ugly and that's why you didn't show us his picture'.
-You force a small laugh and suddenly feel so dizzy you almost faint.
-But Jisung holds you and carry you inside getting rid of your friends.
-He puts you to bed too.
-'I'm sorry about that'. You say not being able to open your eyes cause you got so dizzy.
-He chuckles softly. 'It's okay. They seem like a lot'.
-'They are. Always trying to fix me up with someone'. You sigh. 'I said your name when they asked for my so-called boyfriend. I'm sorry'.
-'It's okay, there's more people named like me'.
-'I guess but also I was thinking of you as I said it'.
-'What?' He asks.
-But you're so weak you just fall asleep.
-When you wake up a couple hours later you find a post it with a note on it. 'Text me when you wake up'. There's also a number written down.
-'Hey, it's y/n. I woke up'. You text him.
-'Hey girlfriend😉'.
-'Ahh... Stop it😩'
-'😂 So I'm not your fake boyfriend anymore?'
-'I don't know...'
-'I don't think your friends are just letting go'.
-'😩😩😩 I know'.
-'It's okay. I don't mind being your fake boyfriend'.
-'Yeah but... You may have to do something for me in return'.
-'Uhm... What is it?'
-'Idk I'll figure it out I guess'.
-'Okay? Lol'.
-'Yeah, oh btw Hyunjin knows we're fake dating but dw he won't tell anyone'.
-'Oh, okay. Fine by me. Anyway I'm gonna go grab some food now I guess so... Bye bye~'
-Suddenly you remember Chan left some food for you outside and you go check but you don't see anything but another post it on the fridge.
-'I'm sorry food is gonna be extra cold but I couldn't just let it outside'.
-That one is from Jisung too.
-You smile to yourself. Never thought he'd be that thoughtful before.
-You get some text from one of your friends asking how you're feeling and then to let her know when you're completely fine cause they want to go out on couples date.
-You sigh as you text Jisung about it.
-Then eat something and lie down on the couch.
-A while later someone knocks on your door again and you whine all the way there.
-You blush as you see Hyunjin leaning on the door's frame. 'Hey'. He says and you try to fix your hair a little.
-'How are you feeling?'
-'Ah.. Better I guess??'
-'Yeah? Would you come to a little party at our apartment tomorrow then?'
-'A party?'
-He nods. 'You're Jisung's girlfriend now, right?'
-'I thought he told you we're just...'
-'He did'. He says not letting you finish. 'But maybe you want to invite your friends here so we have everything under control'.
-'Oh... I see. Yeah'.
-He chuckles softly and your heart flutters a little. 'Well, see you tomorrow then'.
-You nod as you close the door.
-Why didn't Jisung just texted you that?? You look at your phone.
-Oh. He did.
-Damn Hyunjin. Why did he had to come and see you like that again?
-Not that you like him or anything he's just too handsome.
-You feel bad looking that ugly in front of him.
-You text your friends about the party.
-Also you think about if you should tell Bangchan or not about the fake-dating thingy.
-He probably would think is weird you're dating Jisung for real after all your complainings about the noise.
-Maybe not. Maybe he doesn't even care about it.
-And you don't want a lot of people to know the truth just in case so...
-He doesn't come back till very late at night anyway and you're already pretty much tucked into bed by then so you won't tell him tonight at least.
-You text Jisung as you hear Bangchan trying to get some food before sleeping.
-'Hey, no girl tonight?'
-'Got a girlfriend now🙄'.
-'Not a real one😂'.
-'People don't know that😂'
-'Oh, so you're a nice guy huh?😏'
-'Of course I am😂'.
-You chuckle softly as you read his texts.
-'How are you feeling? Hyunjin said you look better'. He says.
-'Ah, really? I guess I am feeling better'.
-'You're coming to the party then, right?'
-'Already told my friends and everything'.
-'😂 Nice'.
-'Who throws a party in such small apartment anyway?'
-'Lol well, it's not exactly a party just some friends drinking at home while listening to music'.
-'So... A party?'
-'😂 Ok, maybe a very tiny party'.
-You chuckle again.
-'Ahh sorry, wifi is failing a lot. Guess I'll try to sleep now'.
-'K~ Good night then, girlfriend'.
-You sleep for what it feels like an eternity and when you wake up you feel so much better.
-Thank god it's Saturday but then again you have to go to a party and pretend Jisung is your boyfriend.
-Could be fun though, right? Why not?
-It's been a while since you had actual fun with other people.
-So as the day goes by you start to feel like actually trying and put on a dress and some makeup.
-Hair looking good too.
-No one would say you were feeling like dying just yesterday.
-Chan looking at you as he hears your heels on the floor.
-'Hey, you're going to the neighbors?' He asks.
-'To see your boyfriend?'.
-How does he know already?
-'I'm just kidding'. He chuckles. 'I always thought you had a crush on Hyunjin'.
-'What? I don't'. You laugh softly. 'He's just like so handsome I maybe can't stop looking at him but that's it'.
-'I see' He chuckles. 'Ah I heard Felix and some of the other guys are going to that party too'.
-'And you?'
-'Me? Nah. I gotta finish some stuff with Changbin. He'll be here any minute'.
-'Are you dating Changbin?'
-He chuckles as he playfully raises his eyebrows.
-'What does that mean?' You ask as you chuckle.
-Then someone knocks on your door.
-It's your friends and their partners.
-'Hey, it's too early? It is too early right?' One of them asks.
-You laugh. 'Yeah, I don't know. I think there's people there already'. You say. 'Hey Chan can I leave my phone etc... here? Would you open the door for me later?'
-'I'm not promising I will'.
-You roll your eyes at him. 'I'll take the keys'.
-'Love you!' He says as you close the door after you.
-'That's your roommate? He's kinda cute too'. One of your friends says.
-You smile at her words as you knock at the guys door and Jisung opens it.
-'Hey'. You say, caressing his face.
-'Hi girlfriend'. He says, leaving a kiss on your cheek.
-He smells so good.
-And what's with the skinship?
-You don't know when you got so close but?
-Well guess it's all part of the fake-dating thing but in any case you feel really comfortable around him already.
-He puts a drink in your hands as he winks at you.
-Hyunjin is sitting on one of the sofas with Felix and Minho and some girls you don't know.
-Jisung's hand on your waist as you distractedly try to follow the conversation. 'You look good'. He whispers in your ear and you blush lightly.
-'Thanks. You don't look bad yourself'.
-He chuckles. 'Thanks'.
-'Anyway, what is this party about really?' You ask.
-He srughs. 'Anything I guess. We just wanted to meet with some friends and drink'.
-'Well my friends seem happy so I won't complain'.
-He giggles. 'They seem to like the drinks at least'.
-'I think they just get kinda bored with their partners sometimes so they drink'. You joke.
-'Wow, we'll have to break up if we ever get that bored then'. He says and you chuckle.
-'Yeah I promise'.
-Someone knocks on the door. 'Oh, I'll get that'. You say as you hand your drink to Jisung and go get the door.
-'Oh, hi'. Seungmin says.
-'Hey! Didn't know you were coming'.
-'Yeah, same. Didn't expect you here'.
-'Right... I'm kinda dating Jisung now'. You chuckle.
-'Really??' He tilts his head as he looks at you head to toe. 'Thats a pity'.
-You throw a confused look at him but he just go say hi to the rest  kinda ignoring you.
-Jisung walks towards you and gives your drink back. 'Do you like Seungmin?'.
-'He's cute'. You say as you sip your drink.
-'I could help you dating him when we break up if you want to'.
-'Really? I don't know I guess I'll be the same amount of anxious then and that's the reason I'm not dating anyone now'.
-'Well, at least you actually like this guy unlike your friend's cousins'. He laughs. ‘Worth trying’.
-You chuckle too. 'Yeah I guess so. I don't know. Let me think about it'.
-The rest of the night goes nicely.
-You sit on Jisung's lap as you all keep chatting and drinking.
-And you get to know him a bit better.
-It's kinda weird how natural actually feels to be on his arms.
-He's just such a warm person.
-You feel safe with him somehow.
-Suddenly you feel his forehead resting against your back and you turn around a little to try and look at him. 'What are you doing?' You ask, chuckling.
-'Sorry I'm so sleepy and drunk'.
-'Go to bed, idiot'.
-'There's too many people here I can't'. He chuckles too.
-'Hmm... Should we go to my apartment then?'
-'What?' He giggles.
-'You just want to sleep right? I know you don't like me like ''that'' '.
-He scoffs but doesn't say a word just pats your thigh a little so you'll stand up.
-You smile at him and hold his hand to leave.
-Hyunjin looks at you two with a confused face as you walk out the door.
-As you walk to you apartment you realize you're a little bit more drunk than you thought.
-Jisung and you chuckle as both of you hardly manage to reach the door without tripping.
-'C'mon open the door already'. Jisung laughs.
-You chuckle. 'I'm tryiiing'.
-Suddenly the door opens and you see Chan standing right in front of you. 'What is happening?' He asks.
-Jisung and you burst off laughing. 'Dad! You did opened the door for me'. You say as you laugh.
-'Omg y/n you're an adult'. Chan laughs.
-'Yeah, so get off my case idiot'.
-'Whatever'. He laughs again.
-'Oh, hey Changbin'. You say as you see him sitting on the couch. He waves at you.
-You enter your room followed by Jisung and clumsily take off your heels and try to unzip your dress.
-'Could you help me with this?' You ask him and he scoffs as he smiles.
-'Sure'. He says as he zips down the dress. 'I didn't know you were like this'. He says.
-'Like what?'
-'I don't know. Not that serious I guess'.
-'Oh... Well, you see, tonight I'm drunk and not having a headache so...'
-'Fair enough'.
-'Oh you didn't bring your pjs'. You say.
-'Ah, it's okay'.
-You put on an oversized shirt as he sits on the bed.
-Then you push him so he'll get under the covers.
-'Take those pants off idiot or you won't be able to sleep'.
-He laughs but does as you say.
-Then you curl up into him.
-'Ugh I'm so drunk the bed is spinning'. He says.
-'Me too'. You snuggle into him a little more. 'Ah, you smell so nice'.
-He smiles. 'Thanks, you too'.
-'Good night Sungie'. You say, leaving a kiss on his cheek.
-'Yeah... Night~'.
-'So, Jisung huh?'. Bangchan asks as you prepare some tea in the morning. 'You sure are more quiet that the others'.
-'That's probably cause we were just sleeping'.
-'What? Really? Why did you bring him here then?'
-'I don't know... We were tired and there was a lot of people at his apartment so... Anyway we were too drunk to do anything'.
-'Hm... Yeah he looked terrible when he left earlier'.
-'I don't feel so good myself I'm gonna take a shower after my tea'. You say as you sit. Your phone chimes then.
-'I had fun last night. Wanna come by and watch some movies with me and Hyunjin as we suffer from hangover together?😪'
-You smile to yourself as you read his text.
-'😂 Yeah, why not. Let me take a shower first tho'.
-Like half an hour later you're all tucked in a blanket with those two.
-You had never noticed how tall and big in general Hyunjin is till now that you have him right besides you.
-His hair still wet from the shower. It's dripping some water over his own face which he dries with the towel on his neck.
-He leaves for a second to grab some food and you follow him with your eyes.
-'Thought you liked Seungmin'. Jisung says.
-'What?' You blush. 'I do'.
-'Really? You looked so mesmerized as you watched Hyunjin just now'.
-'That's... His hair was soaking I was watching the water drop'.
-'Sure'. He says with a half smile.
-'Huh... Are you jealous, boyfriend?' You say as you elbow him softly.
-He scoffs. 'You wish'.
-'Sounds jealous to me'. You chuckle.
-Hyunjin is back with some snacks.
-He plays the movie and you don't mention the jealous thingy again.
-That doesn't mean you're letting go.
-Even if you think Hyunjin will never ever put his eyes on you, that's not really necessary to prove your point right?
-So after a while you just lean over Hyunjin's side a bit. Jisung notices but he doesn't seem to care.
-'Are you okay?' Hyunjin asks.
-'Sorry my head hurts a bit. Do you mind if I lean on you for a while?' You ask.
-'Ah, sure. As long as you need'. He says.
-You lean your head on his shoulder and kinda hug his arm.
-He's blushing and you can tell he's kinda nervous.
-Jisung scoffs softly from the other side of the couch and you smile to yourself.
-After a little while you feel how something is pulling from one of your arms. Taking it away from the hold you had on Hyunjin's.
-You look at Jisung with a satisfied smile on your face.
-'Shut up'. He says as he laces his fingers with yours.
-You chuckle softly as you rest your head on Hyunjin's shoulder again.
-Your thumb caressing Jisung's hand as he holds yours.
-And you feel some kind of butterflies as you feel the warmth of his hand on your hand.
-When the movie is over you just don't wanna move but you have to.
-'Do you guys wanna watch another movie or.. some... wine? For our hungover?' Hyunjin asks.
-'Wine sounds good'. You and Jisung say almost at the same time.
-Hyunjin scoffs amused at your synchronization and goes find the wine.
-This time there's no talking between you and Jisung. But he's not letting your hand go either till Hyunjin is back with the wine.
-You take the cup Hyunjin poured for you and take a sip.
-They play another movie but nobody is watching.
-You're just chatting and laughing.
-Your legs over Jisung's after the second bottle is gone.
-His hands running up your thigh keeping just the right distance.
-'Ok, ok. Can I ask something tho?' Hyunjin says, but he can't stop chuckling before asking.
-'What is iiit?' You ask as you hit his arm softly.
-'Why Jisung?' He laughs again.
-'Why Jisung what?' You ask.
-'Why did you say Jisung's name to your friends instead of mine?'
-Jisung just chuckles as he waits for an answer too.
-You blush, but you were already blushing cause of the wine. 'Why would you ask me that in front of him?' You say playfully hitting him again.
-What a drunk mess you three are right now.
-'C'mon tell us'. Jisung says. 'I'm curious too'.
-'Ah... It's kinda embarrassing'.
-'Ohh, you like Sungieee'. Hyunjin sings.
-'What? Is not that'. You laugh.
-'Then what is it?' He insist.
-'Ahh stop iiiit. It really is embarrassing to say it outloud'. You chuckle again.
-'Leave her alone Hyunjinnie. I'm sure she'll tell me sometime'.
-'Hm...' He makes a pouty face. 'Well, you said you don't like him... Then kiss me'.
-'What?' Jisung asks.
-You're just laughing at what he just asked.
-'She's pretty and we're drunk. I want a kiss. C'mon is not that serious. We're just playing around'. He says as he chuckles.
-Is really Hwang Hyunjin asking you for a kiss right now?
-Jisung scoffs. 'Whatever you two just kiss if you want'.
-Hyunjin srughs and leans over you to kiss.
-His lips colliding with yours without waiting any longer. And you thought it'd be just a quick peck but he goes for it for real and he's such a good kisser.
-He pulls away and looks at Jisung. 'Omg. She's the best kisser ever Sungie. You should ask for a kiss too'.
-Jisung scoffs. 'I'm going to bed'. He says as he leaves his cup on the table.
-You look at Hyunjin with a worried face but he looks as confused as you.
-'Uhm... Don't worry he'll be okay tomorrow. I'm sure he's just super drunk'.
-You nod and help him clean up a bit. The alcohol in your body making it so difficult to move properly but the happy feeling was long gone.
-What's with Jisung?
-You were all having so much fun.
-He should have just asked you to kiss him too and that's it.
-You go back to your apartment and get into bed.
-You hit the wall behind you in bed cause you're kinda mad at Jisung for leaving like that and you want him to know.
-Then you hear something.
-You stumble as you kneel in bed to lean over the wall so you can hear better.
-Is Jisung calling your name?
-You blush as you recognize his moans through the wall.
-He's calling your name as he whines.
-He knows you can hear him you've joked about it a couple times before.
-You feel the heat on your lower body as his cute whines fill your ears.
-You bite your lips as you doubt for a second then you run over Jisung's apartment.
-Your knocks on his door. So needy.
-He opens the door to find you wearing literally just an oversize shirt on.
-You look down and bite your lips as you notice his boner.
-Your hand palming him over his pants. 'What is this about?'
-He gives you a half smile. 'I don't know. I think I was mad at my girlfriend and then I wasn't anymore'.
-You bite his lower lip. 'Next time ask for your kiss'. Your body so close to his.
-He pulls you even closer and finally kisses you.
-Then you both walk to his room without breaking the kiss.
-You push him on his bed and climb over him.
-Biting him everywhere. Kissing him like no one ever has kissed him before.
-You take his joggers off.
-His hard dick hitting his own body as you do so.
-And you're so wet already.
-Is like you've been waiting to do this for so long even when all this started just two days ago.
-He doesn't waste any time and just grabs a condom from the nightstand.
-And you just ride him.
-So hard.
-There's nothing holding you back.
-And this time you can hear his moans directly in your ears.
-His hands grasping at your butt as he helps you with the pace.
-And you're so into it. So wet for him.
-You can feel your orgasm building already.
-You bite your  lips not to moan out loud but he wants to hear you, he wants to be praised.
-'I wanna hear your voice baby'. He says. 'Let me hear your beautiful voice moaning out my name'.
-And he's making you feel so good you wouldn't deny him anything.
-You moan out his name as you reach your high.
-He hisses. His fingers going deeper on your skin as he cums.
-He's drooling. His chest going up and down as he tries to catch up his breath.
-You chuckle as you see his fucked up face and kiss him. 'You're so good Sungie. That was amazing'. You say, making him smile. His fingers running down your hair.
-He kisses you again and then you shift to sit next to him.
-His hand resting on your lower back.
-You sigh after a while. 'Guess I should go back and get some sleep before going to work'.
-'Yeah, cause this isn't a bed. It's a pool and you can't sleep in pools'.
-You chuckle as you stand up. Still a bit dizzy cause the wine.
-'You know I came here only in this shirt right? I don't want to go back to my apartment in the morning like this. The guys are always in the hallways'.
-He chuckles too. 'Right'.
-There's a brief silence where you just look at eachother for a second.
-'Let's watch some movies tomorrow too'. You say.
-'Well, I really should go now... Bye then Sungie'. You say as you wave him goodbye.
-'Wait, I want a kiss'. He says as he lightly pokes his lips.
-You chuckle softly but kiss him. 'Sleep well you idiot'.
-'I totally will'.
-Next morning goes by so quickly.
-You barely slept but at least you're in a good mood.
-Work hours fly.
-Soon you're at your apartment humming some song as you get out the shower.
-'So, Jisung huh?' Bangchan says as you walk to your room. 'I take back the quiet thing. You two were l o u d last night'.
-'I don't know what you're talking about'. You say trying not to blush at his words.
-He chuckles. 'Yeah sure. Hyunjin was so surprised this morning when I run into him that he told me'.
-'Told you what?'
-'He went all like 'dude Jisung told me they were just fake dating but that didn't sound fake at all'.
-'Oh god he did told you'.
-'Yeah, he thought I already knew since we're roomates like them'.
-'Are you mad I didn't tell you? I didn't wanna risk more people knowing'.
-'No, I get it but... Jisung? I guess your friends bought it cause they don't know him'.
-'What do you mean?'
-'Like, c'mon you share a wall with him. He never brings the same girl twice'.
-He sighs. 'You know Seungmin right? He didn't buy it at all and he's telling everyone what he thinks about it'.
-'Whatever, let him say what he wants'.
-'Well if you don't want anyone else to find out maybe you should prepare some kind of break up before this gets any further. Just an idea'. He says. 'Or maybe you could come clean with your work friends'.
-Stupid Bangchan. Why can't he just let you be happy for a while?
-'I'll think about it. But the whole idea was to avoid them to fix me with someone else'. You say.
-'Anyway what was last night about?'
-'I don't know... Guess we were just drunk'.
-'Is that so?'
-'You said yourself he's not the kind of guy to get in serious relationships. Why do I have to think about it that much anyway?'
-'I'm pretty sure you've already thought about it'.
-'Well I haven't. I honestly think he doesn't like me like that. We were joking around about him being jealous but... It can't be. He was probably just horny last night and we get along well that's why he...'
-'He what?'
-You blush as you remember how you heard Jisung through the walls moaning your name last night.
-Chan chuckles. 'Definitively not nothing but ok'.
-You nod still blushing and keep looking for an outfit in your drawers.
-He laughs. 'Ugh, it's so weird seeing you like this. At least promise me you'll let me know if something happens. Good or bad okay?' He says before leaving your room so you can get dressed.
-'I will'.
-Hyunjin opens the door for you today.
-'Hi, you look nice'. He says.
-'Thanks, you too'.
-He chuckles. 'Thanks. Jisung is in the shower. Let's sit'.
-'Oh, okay'.
-You think it's gonna be awkward cause you kissed last night and then he said you're a good kisser etc...
-But it's not.
-He just talks to you like nothing happened.
-'Hey, are you dating Jisung for real now?' He suddenly asks. 'He won't tell me'.
-'Hey, you're here already'. Jisung says as he dries his hair with a towel. Rescuing you from Hyunjin's question.
-'Fuck off Jisung'. Hyunjin says as he chuckles. 'We were talking about something'
-'Oh, were you? I didn't notice. But I'm here now so it'll have to wait'.
-Hyunjin sighs. 'I'll go find some popcorn for the movie'.
-Jisung chuckles as he walks towards you. 'Hey'. He says, softly.
-'Hey'. You say, same way.
-'Were you able to get some rest before work?' He asks.
-'Yeah, kinda'.
-'I skipped classes and slept the morning away'. He chuckles.
-'Wow, responsible'. You chuckle too.
-'Ugh are you gonna kiss or something?' Hyunjin asks as he stands before you two.
-'Shut up'. You laugh as you kick him lightly. 'What are you doing with that?' You ask looking at the bottle of wine he's holding.
-'Thought today we could just save time and start drinking early'.
-'Will my liver survive getting to know you two?'
-'It's just wine'. Hyunjin says as he pours some on the glasses.
-You hear the door and Hyunjin goes to see who it is but you can't see from the couch.
-'Hey, it's Seungmin'. Jinnie tells you. You can hear him inviting the other one to stay.
-'Are you drinking wine this early in the day?' He asks as soon as he's in front of you.
-You can't really read Jisung right now and it feels weird not being able to but you decide to just ignore that fact.
-Seungmin sits by your side, taking Hyunjin's place.
-Jinnie pouts knowing he'll have to sit alone in the floor but doesn't say anything.
-'Hey what about if we play a game instead of watching the movie?' Seungmin asks.
-'Not a kissing game'. Jisung complains.
-'You're so boring Jisung, really'. Seungmin says.
-'What? I don't wanna kiss my roommate'.
-'So you'd kiss me?'
-'If I have to...'
-You laugh as you see them arguing about it for a while.
-'I wouldn't mind kissing y/n again'. Hyunjin says interrupting the other two.
-'Again?' Seungmin asks. 'When did you kiss her?'
-'Well, yesterday'.
-'Omg, Hyunjin seriously?' Jisung says.
-'What?? You were there. You knew??'
-'Why would you kiss Jisung's girlfriend? In front of him?' Seungmin asks.
-'Ohhhh....' Hyunjin says realizing the problem with what he said a minute ago.
-You just laugh.
-'What is going on?' He asks again. 'Jisung you don't mind Hyunjin kissing her? Can I kiss her then?'
-Jisung looks at you not knowing what to say.
-'Why would you ask him if you can kiss me?' You ask. 'I'm the one you want to kiss'.
-'Right'. Seungmin says. 'Can I kiss you?'
-This guy.
-'Nope. I've got a boyfriend'. You say, smiling at him.
-'Do you really?'
-'What does that mean?' Jisung asks. 'I'm right here'.
-Seungmin looks at him for a moment and then back at you. 'If you happen to break up with this boyfriend of yours, call me. I'll take you out on a real date'.
-You all look at him in silence cause none of you knows what to say.
-He stands up. 'I'm gonna go. I don't like this movie anyway'. He says, then he leaves.
-'What's with him?' Hyunjin asks as he chuckles. 'y/n you really are stealing every guy's heart around here huh'.
-'What other heart have I stolen?' You laugh and he blushes.
-'Ah, I don't know... I just said that'.
-'Well, Chan told me Seungmin was suspecting about us being fake and that we should break up before my friends find out too. But I don't really think he's gonna do much with something he thinks he knows'. You laugh.
-Jisung sighs and gulps down his wine.
-'Anyway, let's watch the movie'. Hyunjin says.
-This time you curl up into Jisung after a while drinking.
-He softly kisses the top of your head as he caress your shoulder.
-His body so warm and cozy.
-Your head resting on the crook of his neck now.
-You leave a kiss there, fighting yourself with all you have not to bite him or go for his lips.
-And he seems to be having some kind of internal fight too.
-Hyunjin disappears for a moment to go to the bathroom or something. You didn't really heard what he said about it. Then you talk to Jisung.
-'Sorry. I guess I'm being too much right now'. You say as you move away a little.
-'Do you still like Seungmin?' He asks right away.
-You don't know what to say.
-'I guess? He's cute but...'
-'Okay'. He says. 'I'm sorry, come here. I'm still your boyfriend for tonight'. He says as he opens his arms to take you in.
-You don't understand what is going on inside his head but also you're kinda drunk to stop and analyze his words.
-Honestly you can only think about kissing him.
-So you do kiss him once before Hyunjin comes back.
-And he didn't expect it but he's not going to pull away either.
-Hyunjin steps aproaches and you stop to look at Jisung's eyes. Then you leave a couple pecks on his lips.
-'Oh, so you're kissing without me now'. Hyunjin says.
-'Hyunjin just shut up'. Jisung says. Then you all go back to watch the movie and drink the rest of the wine.
-You stop before opening a third bottle.
-You sigh. 'I'm not gonna drink anymore. I have work in the morning'. You say, leaving your cup in the table and going back to Jisung's arms.
-'Yeah, guess I should try to sleep too and actually go to one of my morning classes'. Hyunjin says.
-You chuckle. 'Good idea'.
-'Night then guys'. He says as he takes his cup to his room to finish it there.
-You look up to see Jisung's face so close to yours and he looks down to meet your eyes. 'Don't you have morning classes'. You ask.
-'Maybe'. He says, then he kisses you. 'Don't really feel like going anywhere right now though'.
-You scoff softly and kiss him again.
-One of your legs over his lap now, his hand on your thigh.
-And the last thing you want to do is going back home.
-'Can I stay tonight?' You ask with a soft voice.
-He smiles and pecks your lips. 'You can stay'. He caresses your face. 'Let's go to bed'.
-You follow him to his room. 'Can I borrow a shirt or something to sleep in'.
-'Sure. Take whatever you need from that drawer'. He says pointing to the one besides you.
-You put in a plain black tshirt and get into bed. 'Oh, you're taking off your hoodie? Gimmiee please. It's cold'.
-He chuckles and hands you his hoodie.
-And ah, it smells so good.
-It has Jisung's aroma all over.
-You feel some butterflies as you put it on.
-'You look cute in my clothes'. He says.
-'Thanks. Now come here'. You say opening your arms for him.
-He gets into bed and the kisses start all over again till you're so sleepy.
-'I'm calling in sick tomorrow'. You say. 'I don't want to leave this bed'.
-He puts away a lock of hair from your face. 'Yeah, me too. Let's just sleep forever tomorrow'.
-His husky sleepy voice.
-You fall asleep soon after that.
-And then a couple hours later you wake up suddenly.
-Stupid anxiety.
-You look at your side to find Jisung sleeping so peacefully.
-So you snuggle into him and he hugs you back in his sleep.
-Next time you wake up it's still dark but it won't be for a very long time.
-You try to fall asleep again but then Jisung starts to whine softly.
-You're worried at first but then you see his hand moving to his crotch in his sleep, then you notice his boner.
-You chuckle softly and leave some kisses on his neck and cheek.
-'Jisung sweetie'. You call him. 'Baby wake up'.
-He slowly opens his eyes and looks at you. 'Hey'. He says. His voice SO husky. 'I was dreaming about you just now'.
-You chuckle. 'Yeah? And does that have anything to do with this?' You say as your hand runs to his hard cock.
-He smiles and stretches a little. 'Maybe'.
-You scoff and kiss him softly for a while.
-'I don't think it's going down'. He says between kisses.
-'Yeah I figured'. You say, then you lie in bed and take your underwear off. 'So come here'.
-He lets out a half smile as he makes some room for himself between your legs.
-A tiny soft moan leaving your mouth as he enters you slowly.
-He kisses you before starting moving.
-He hardly stops kissing you actually.
-You're surrounded by his aroma as he fucks you while you wear his own hoodie.
-And his movements are so soft.
-Nothing to do with the other night.
-But you're both just so sleepy.
-The sound of his grunts and little soft noises on your ears.
-You kiss and bite his neck and he hisses.
-And you can't help but to moan softly as he thrust into you.
-Your cheeks blushing knowing everyone is sleeping and there's so much silence.
-Ah.. Hyunjin... Bangchan too... They probably just heard you.
-Jisung smiles as he notices you biting your lips not to moan outloud.
-He shifts the position a bit and now he's hitting your g-spot perfectly.
-'Fuck'. You moan out and you can feel his dick getting harder.
-He lets out a grunt.
-His forehead resting on yours before kissing you briefly.
-The warmth of his body against yours.
-And you like everything he's doing right now so much.
-You're dripping.
-Your hips moving as he pounds into you.
-He quickens the pace and your orgasm starts building.
-You moan his name out showering him with praise.
-And he just loves that.
-You reach your high filling the room with moans and he cums as he watches you melting under him.
-Your phone chimes and after a while you sit up to check on it.
-'Wow, just wow y/n'. That's Chan texting. You laugh as you see his text but kinda blush.
-'Who is it?' Jisung asks.
-'I think we woke Chan up'.
-He chuckles and pulls from your arm so you'd fall on his chest. 'Guess we did huh?' Then he kisses your nose.
-So much lazy kissing after that.
-And you don't want to think too much about it.
-But you can't help doing it.
-Cause it feels just so good lying there just kissing and chatting about every kind of stuff.
-And you don't know how much of this is real or just a part of the fake boyfriend thing that went too far but still just a 'fake' thing.
-It feels so real though.
-Maybe it's just you wishing it being that way.
-Ugh how could you fall into this?
-Your anxiety is laughing at you so hard right now knowing what is coming.
-'Hey, are you okay?' He asks.
-'Huh? Yeah...'
-'You looked so serious just now'. He seems kinda worried.
-'Sorry. I remembered something about work'. You lie.
-'Oh... You have to go?' He sits up.
-'Not really... Do you... Want me to go?' You ask sitting up too.
-'Okay'. You chuckle.
-'Sorry, too serious?' He smiles.
-'Yeah, kinda'. You laugh.
-'Well that's cause I really don't want you to go'. He says coming closer to you. He's waiting for a kiss so you peck his lips.
-'Let's get some breakfast'. He says as he gets out of bed.
-You take a quick shower and meet him again outside to walk to a coffee shop.
-'You sure you're okay just with some coffee and toast?' You ask him.
-'Yeah, it's fine'.
-'Ah, shit I forgot something. Sorry. Wait for me just a minute'. You say as you run upstairs.
-As you come back to Jisung you see him talking to Seungmin but they don't see you.
-'Dude, seriously. Are you dating her for real or not?' He asks.
-Jisung sighs. 'Why are you so interested?'
-'You know exactly why'.
-He scoffs. 'Look, I'm just...'
-'Hey'. You say interrumpting them. 'Sorry for making you wait'.
-'It's okay'. He says.
-'Hi, Seungmin'. You say, then you look back at Jisung. 'Should we get going?'
-You hold his hand and start walking again.
-You're shaking so he squeezes your hand lightly and you calm down a little.
-Why didn't you let him finish?
-You had no clue of what he was going to tell Seungmin and still couldn't stand the idea of him saying something remotely close to 'I'm just her fake boyfriend and nothing else'.
-Which by the way it's the only ending to what he was saying that your brain can come up with right now.
-But he wouldn't tell him about your deal like that right?
-He would ask you if it was okay for him to tell Seungmin about it.
-'Jisung... What did Seungmin want?' You ask without looking at him.
-'Ah... Nothing he was asking again about us'.
-'What did you tell him?'
-'Jisung?' That's another girl asking. She was inside a store but now she's walking towards you two. 'What the fuck? Who's this?'. She asks.
-'Fuck.. This girl...' He mouths under his breath before she gets there. 'Hey, how have you been?' He asks her.
-'What do you mean? I've been pissed since yesterday'.
-'What?' He looks confused but the girl seems pretty mad.
-'You texted me to meet on the same spot we always met and you didn't appear'.
-'Wait, what? No I didn't'. He looks at you. 'Y/n I didn't. I swear'.
-You let his hand go but don't say anything.
-'Then what is this?' The girl asks showing you both the texts.
-'What the fuck I didn't write those'. He says as he holds the phone to read them better.
-You feel your heart crush. 'I gotta go'. You say as you walk away as fast as you can.
-'y/n wait'. He gives the phone back to the other girl and runs after you. 'y/n I didn't write those I swear'.
-'Leave me alone. I'm so stupid'. You say. Tears falling but you're mad.
-'Don't go just... Please'.
-You stop and turn around to talk to him. 'You know, I think this game of us went too far'.
-'What?' He frowns.
-'We should break up'. More tears falling. 'Then you'll be free to go back to bring girls to your apartment and make them scream your stupid name'.
-He scoffs. 'C'mon...'
-'Is that why you did all this?' You ask him. 'You were needy but couldn't call other girls cause what the others would say about you 'cheating on me' and you thought well, why not? I'll just fuck my fake girlfriend'.
-Talking about?
-You're the first person to know that's not true at all.
-He looks at you. 'You really think so?'  He asks.
-He seems hurt.
-'Fuck you'. He says. Then he walks away.
-And it hurts so much.
-Just seeing him go.
-But you feel betrayed.
-You saw the texts.
-You had your doubts before about what you meant for him and now your insecurities sky rocketed.
-And even if deep down you feel everything that happened between you two was real.
-Right now you're blinded by your insecurities and how much it hurt to see those texts.
-Your phone chimes after you've walked around the block for a while.
-Bet is Chan.
-But you don't want to go back just yet.
-You're not ready for his questions or meeting any of the guys in the hallways.
-You sit on a bench in a park and finally check the text.
-It's Hyunjin.
-'y/n Jisung told me what happened I'm so sorry but it's my fault. Can you come by when you're back and I'll explain please'.
-'I don't want to go back. I'm at the park'.
-A while later Hyunjin is sitting right besides you.
-'I shouldn't have told you where I was'. You say.
-'Look, I know what it looks like and I'd be mad too but listen to me please'. He begs. He really looks guilty. 'I was texting this girl and you know how Jisung and I went to buy our phones together and...'
-'Are you going to tell me you can't tell your phone from Jisung's? How about the lockscreen and the background picture?'
-'Yeah I know but we're always changing those to eachother as a joke'. He lets out a frustrated sigh. 'Look I realize how much this sounds like bullshit but I swear it's true'. He takes out his phone. 'See? This is the girl I was talking to. It's not the same one you met today but their names are the same and I dated this one and Jisung dated the other one'.
-'Yeah, I texted that one thinking it was the one I was originally texting to cause their names are the same and didn't realize it wasn't my phone cause I was so drunk'.
-You look at him in silence for a while.
-'y/n please I swear. If it wasn't really my fault I wouldn't even bother on talking to you. I would just tell Jisung to fuck off for being a dick and then I'd be a dick myself and try to hit on you after you broke up with him so please?'
-You try to keep a serious face but you chuckle at that last part. 'Ok, I believe you'. You say and he sighs relieved. 'Still I said some mean stuff. I don't think he'll forgive me that easily'.
-'I know but you have to talk to him'.
-'Yeah, I know... I'll try... But... He won't care... We were just fake dating anyway'
-He lets out an annoyed grunt. 'Oh god, I swear you two are the same amount of stupid. I'm leaving'.
-Hyunjin sighs once more and stands up. 'It’s okay. See you later I hope'. He says and you nod as he leaves.
-You're planning to go back home at some point but you just can't leave that bench.
-Your chest hurts with anxiety.
-You really fucked up huh?
-Jisung must hate you for real.
-You texted him you were sorry a while ago and he left you on read.
-The morning goes by and you're still there.
-There's no need to eat right now since you feel like shit and your stomach is just a ball of anxiety.
-You go for a tiny walk in the park and spend some time in a coffee shop but then you're back on that bench.
-Before you can notice it's already night and still you haven't been able to leave that park.
-Then it starts to pour and you scoff as you laugh at yourself.
-Do you even deserve that rain?
-Knowing how much you love it.
-You look up and let the raindrops fall all over you as you close your eyes.
-And it feels somehow healing.
-Even if people look at you as they run away from the rain.
-They may think you're crazy.
-Your phone has been chiming for a while but you're too afraid to check.
-Your hair all drenched after some minutes under that rain.
-But now with your eyes closed and the sound of the raindrops it's the only time in the whole day you're feeling some kind of peace.
-Suddenly you stop feeling the rain in your skin and hear the sound of it hitting an umbrella over your head instead.
-You open your eyes slowly to see a guy's figure in front of you.
-Then slowly look up to see his face.
-You feel your eyes filling with tears as you see Chan's worried look.
-'Channie'. You hug him as you break into tears inconsolably. 'I fucked up'.
-He pats your back. 'It's okay, let's go home'. He says as he holds your hand so you'd walk with him.
-You're still so afraid to go back and see Jisung around.
-But Bangchan makes you feel safer as he talks to you.
-You are about to finally leave the park when you see a guy waiting under an umbrella.
-You stop for a moment before keep walking and he raises the umbrella a bit so you can see his face.
-Bangchan scoffs softly. 'If you were going to come anyway why didn't you tell me?' He asks him. 'I would have stayed home'.
-'It was a last minute decision'. He says.
-Your heart has stopped for a moment.
-Bangchan sighs. 'Anyway. I'm leaving then. Is that okay?' He asks you and you nod.
-You can feel the rain in your skin again as he walks away.
-Your legs don't want to move anyway.
-Jisung closes his umbrella and looks up.
-'W-what are you doing?' You ask.
-'Just experimenting rain your way'.
-'But... You'll get sick'.
-'And you won't?' He asks.
-'I won't. I never get colds or the flu'.
-'That's weird'. He says.
-'Okay, can you just...' You walk towards him trying to make him use his umbrella again.
-He holds one of your wrists so you'd stop.
-You look up to meet his eyes. 'Ok, I'm sorry. Be sick then'.
-He scoffs. 'I won't'.
-'You will but whatever'.
-'Ok, can we just... I didn't came here to fight you'.
-'I'm not fighting you I'm just worried cause you look so weak. I bet you have a fever the minute you're back at hom...'
-He's kissing you.
-His hands on your waist pulling you closer and your arms over his shoulders.
-You have tears falling down your cheeks again but who could tell with all that rain?
-'I'm sorry'. You say as you pull away.
-He shush you. 'I know. And I'm sorry too, okay? I was so hurt at your words but Hyunjin and Bangchan helped me understand better how you were feeling'.
-'Did you have some kind of meeting while I was away?'
-'Kinda. Chris was really worried about you not answering your phone so he came to our apartment to ask if we knew where you were'.
-'Wow, embarrassing. He really is like my dad huh?'
-He chuckles. 'Yeah, guess he is. He told me I should be the one to come get you but I wasn't sure if you'd want me to so I stayed'.
-'But you came'.
-'Well yeah I stayed for like a minute and then I run here'. He says and you scoff softly.
-Then you kiss him and he smiles.
-'So... Can we date for real now? Please'. He asks as he chuckles. 'Before I kill Seungmin at least'.
-You chuckle too. 'You've been wanting to kill him lately?'
-'Please. I fell for you as soon as you walked in my apartment the day of the party and got to know you for real. Of course I've been wanting to fight Seungmin since then'.
-'Idiot'. You say then you kiss him.
-'You know, I actually love when you call me an idiot cause I can perfectly tell you don't mean it at all'.
-He holds your hand and you both start walking home.
-'I mean it a little'. You say.
-'Nah you don't. You know I'm a genius'.
-'My genius boyfriend who would get a fever just to prove a point'.
-He laughs. 'Shut up. You'd do the same'.
-'Right. Ah so genius Sungie. You know me so well'. You say. 'My genius'. You repeat dramatically.
-'Ew, shut up. You ruined it'. He says then he chuckles.
-You laugh too. 'Sorry. Let's get home already and take a shower to get rid of the cold'. You say.
-'Hm, that sounds really nice. Ok, wanna race there?'  
-You start running instead of giving him an answer and he laughs and start running too.
-As you reach the doorway to the building you're breathless and so happy.
-He gets there seconds later.
-You pull from his hoodie and kiss him.
-He picks you up against the wall to keep kissing.
-The rain still falling over you.
-Then the doorman comes out the building. 'Just go inside you're practically home already, idiots'.
-You both laugh and walk inside. 'Sorry'.
-He sneezes as soon as he's on the elevator and you laugh.
-'I knew it'. You say. 'You're sick'.
-'I'm not, shut up'.
-You both leave tiny puddles as you walk with your drenched clothes.
-'Let's go to mine'. He says. 'Hyunjin is at Seungmin's'.
-As you get to his apartment he starts sneezing again.
-'Ah seriously. You got sick'.
-'I'm okay'. He says.
-'Take off those clothes already omg'.
-You get in the shower with him and he looks so dizzy.
-What an idiot. It's just as you said earlier. As soon as he stepped into the building he got sick.
-He kisses you. His hands all over your body.
-But you stop him.
-'Sungie you got a fever we have to get you into bed as soon as possible'.
-He whines and you kiss him. 'I'll cuddle you'. You say.
-He doesn't insist much more cause honestly he really feels sick and just wants you to take care of him even if he won’t admit it.
-You help him get into his pjs and take a shirt for yourself.
-'Aren't you wearing any underwear?' He asks as you tuck him into bed.
-You chuckle softly. 'Yeah, I left those at home Sungie'.
-'Ahh you're killing me. Come here. You said you'd cuddle me'.
-'And I will but let me hang our clothes first so it'll dry okay?'
-'Okay...' He pouts and you leave a peck on his lips.
-You struggle a little to find where to hang your clothes.
-When you're finally back Jisung is asleep.
-You look at him as you smile. Then you sit next to him in bed.
-He shifts to look at you and pulls from you so you'd lie with him.
-His eyes shut and his face is so close to yours.
-You caress his face softly and he opens his eyes a bit to look at you.
-'You okay?' You ask with a soft voice.
-'I love you'. He says and your heart stops for a moment. 'I know it's early to say it but I do'.
-You smile softly. 'I love you'. You kiss him. 'I don't care how early it is. I just feel that way too'.
Seungmin’s One Shot ‘Colors’
Blog’s Masterlist
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ktheist · 4 years ago
from this post.
The meaning behind my url: the ‘kth’ in ktheist stands for kim taehyung and ‘theist’ means someone who believes in god which just means kim taehyung is my lorde and savior amen.
A picture of me: i don’t feel like sharing pics at the moment. might change my mind in the future who knows i did it before (;
How many tattoos i have and what they are: none!
Last time i cried and why: i can’t remember but i usually cry when i found out i offended a close friend because i hate to be that offensive/hurtful person and end up keeping a distance from them so i won’t hurt them anymore 
Piercings i have: none!
Favorite band: bts and blackpink
Biggest turn offs: when someone pushes/asks me to do something even though i said no the first time / i’ll do it later
Top 5 (insert subject): uh, like classes? ig English… and that’s it
Tattoos i want: none! i don’t like being in paineee
Biggest turn ons: when someone doesn’t rush me ehehe
Age: legal
Ideas of a perfect date: i can’t think of any at the moment, but in a way, i’m always on a date with myself and my perfect self date would be reading manhwa’s all day hehe
Life goal: to do no harm but take not shit
Piercings i want: none, i can’t stand paiNE
Relationship status: in love <3 with myself <3
Favorite movie: pride and prejudice 2005!
A fact about my life: i live in a rural area and got into a uni in one of the big cities. oh the irony.
Phobia: cars! driving! idk about you but driving is really taxing for me ):
Middle name: i’m good lol
Height: shorte
Are you a virgin? nah
What’s your shoe size? usually, i pick 37, i don’t know how long that’s supposed to be.
What’s your sexual orientation? confused but leaning towards diggity dong dong
Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs? i don’t but only because they’re expensive lol 
Someone you miss: min yoongi
What’s one thing you regret? my wasted potentials
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive: min yoongi <3
Favorite ice cream? mint and ain’t nobody can change my mind
One insecurity: accidentally saying something hurtful to a loved one. 
What my last text message says: "nah i’m going in blind” to my friend when she asked if i’m preparing for tomorrow’s tutorial
Have you ever taken a picture naked? who has never?
Have you ever painted your room? yes!
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex? not yet 
Have you ever slept naked? more like i can’t sleep with clothes on lol
Have you ever danced in front of your mirror? who has never?
Have you ever had a crush? yes, none of them work out and i end up with people whom i don’t really like at first but settled w bc ig i should grace them with my presence since they like me
Have you ever been dumped? yeah, i was lowkey glad it was over
Have you ever stole money from a friend? i mean i keep reminding my friends of the money they “owe” me ehehhehe
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met? guilty oof
Have you ever been in a fist fight? yes, shout out to my bro i might need some practice tho bc i’m a little rusty
Have you ever snuck out of your house? no, i used to storm out once lol bc i got so stressed out lol
Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back? um, twice in my lifetime, i was so blinded by A’s face but a few months after i stopped talking to them, i realized my back hurt from carrying the conversation and B was cute but he was lowkey mean ): 
Have you ever been arrested? nope!
Have you ever made out with a stranger? yes lol 
Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere? yeah, the movies
Have you ever left your house without telling your parents? yes but i should’ve told them where i was going - i was that kid with poor communication skills
Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor? uh, ig? not really? idk.
Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun? YES like hangout with friends
Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex? if it’s just your normal kind of sleeping then yes, not a fan of sharing beds tho lol
Have you ever seen someone die? no
Have you ever been on a plane? yess
Have you ever kissed a picture? i’m pretty sure i have
Have you ever slept in until 3? LOL AM OR PM
Have you ever loved someone or miss someone right now? i have loved someone (maybe? idk i liked them bc they like me lol) and i don’t miss anyone rn
Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? YES
Have you ever made a snow angel? no it doesn’t snow here ):
Have you ever played dress up? yes!!
Have you ever cheated while playing a game? ehehe who’s never?
Have you ever been lonely? a lot
Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school? yes lol
Have you ever been to a club? no but i wanna try going but w the pandemic going on ig i’m probably never gonna lol
Have you ever felt an earthquake? no
Have you ever touched a snake? no
Have you ever ran a red light? guilty 
Have you ever been suspended from school? no hehe
Have you ever had detention? we didn’t have the detention system where i lived so no!
Have you ever been in a car accident? yes ):
Have you ever hated the way you look? yes ):
Have you ever witnessed a crime? yessss the crime of… being so gosh darn cuTE 
Have you ever pole danced? no
Have you ever been lost? ngl lie i’ve been clueless about where i’m heading since day one
Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country? i was about to say yes but then i don’t even know what state is the opposite side of the country so
Have you ever felt like dying? yes
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? yes
Have you ever sang karaoke? no
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? yes this bitch a hypocrite 
Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? just ONCE
Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger? no but be fun if that happened (older i mean)
Have you ever kissed in the rain? no
Have you ever sang in the shower? yesss
Have you ever made out in a park? uh yes it was like past 11pm and nobody was around
Have you ever dream that you married someone? yea the dude was cute but i remember feeling like i wanna escape the whole “married for life” situation lol
Have you ever glued your hand to something? no
Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? also no
Have you ever gone to school partially naked? sis i wear a hijab
Have you ever been a cheerleader? sis i wear a hijab 2.0
Have you ever sat on a roof top? yes!
Have you ever brushed your teeth? omg how did you know?
Have you ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone? yes i can never finish a scary movie on my own ):
Have you ever played chicken? no
Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? no but i’ve jumped into a pull with my clothes on
Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger? yea it was nice at that time but now, i’m like what makes a stranger think i’m interested in what they think about me lol
Have you ever broken a bone? no
Have you ever been easily amused? yes lol
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried? yess aaaaa the good old days
Have you ever mooned/flashed someone? isn’t that sexual harassment?
Have you ever cheated on a test? LOL what’s the point of not cheating if you have every means to cheat?
Have you ever forgotten someone’s name? all the time honestly my brain is a shite dump of all the useless infos but never the important ones like names or if i already talked about something with a certain person and then i’ll end up asking them again about that topic (excitedly at that) 
Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real? i haven’t met min yoongi but yeah, there are some pretty and elegant girlies that make me go :o
Give us one thing about you that no one knows. is it supposed to be deep because ig no one knows but i’m currently hungry
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luvdsc · 4 years ago
she collects pcs as well but it’s more casual and she definitely has more self control than me akskdkf and yes, all my jaemin pcs have come in besides a departure kihno i joined a go but the person only pulled one of his and i am not on the top of the list for claims 😔 so whoever i get i’m going to ask the gom to trade for me so *crosses fingers* and KASKDKF NO TRUST ME my best friend is much prettier than me 😭 photography is something i’ve been interested in for a while now! i have a canon rebel t6! i haven’t used it since the summer but i enjoy shooting people and nature the most ☺️ i took a photography class as an elective years ago and it made me enjoy taking pics even more. anyways, i bought some crystals and got more washi tape yesterday! one of my penpal letters came in i can’t wait to make more time to send one back. 🔮💌 just wondering, what’s your ideal type? for me i’m really into the boys who have that bad boy vibe but are actually really sweet 🤧 also, who’s your biggest wrecker in nct? - 💐 anon
oooo does she only collect jeno’s pcs or does she collect for other members and groups too, lovebug? 🥰  aaaa i bet your jaemin collection looks super pretty !!!! 🤩💗  i just googled and omg his departure kihno is really nice 🥺 he looks soo so stunning with black hair :’) when will your go person tell you whose kihno you get, honey bee? and omg yes, fingers crossed that you can trade for him!!!! 💗 i managed to finish my doyoung collection today :’) also, i had bought two of taeyeon’s pcs from hong kong and one from switzerland, and they finally came yesterday !!!! i only need taeyeon’s kihno to finish hers, so i’m really happy ���💞💞 
and what lies !!!!! i’m absolutely positive that you and your best friend are both equally gorgeous 💖💖💖💖  omg that’s so cool, lovebug!!! wowzas fancy equipment :’) do you have an art portfolio somewhere or do you post your pics on insta? :o oooo what sort of photoshoots do you like to do with people? my friend did this one where she did eye makeup to mimic a certain flower / plant for each person, and she took pictures of us next to those flowers 🌸  if you’re in college / will be going to college, do you want to major or minor in photography maybe? 💓
omg crystals are so pretty! ✨ and yesss more washi tape omg 🤩  pen pal letters are so exciting omg what do you put in yours usually? 💌 i have to respond to three of mine, but i’ve been so swamped with work rip, but fingers crossed i can make progress on one letter tomorrow :’)
aaa for my ideal type, as 🌻 anon has so eloquently put it, “u want a guy thats athletic and drives a mercedes while playing with stocks in his free time” .... basically, it’s former fratboy finance major turned wall street douchebag rip 😅  your type is so cute tho omg !!!! 🥺  like those boys who dress in black ripped skinny jeans and leather jackets and secretly adore cats sjkdhfkjgsdgf manifesting a boy like that for you and one for me now 🤧🤧  hmm nct wreckers would be doyoung, occasionally yukhei and yuta, and maybe jeno, although i’m tired of him after writing pussy blocked LOL renjun and jisung are on this weird limbo where they’re not my nct bias, and they’re not my bias wreckers either, but I just appreciate them a lot 💕 what about you, sweetpea? who’s your bias wrecker(s)? 💘
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wheremyscalesslither · 5 years ago
4/5 of the babies have absorbed yolk! One of the five had something constricting the yolk. I'll post about it later. My head hurts so bad right now lol
1.2.1 super pastels. (Male.female.unknown) Waiting for the last to finish absorbing its yolk and live :/
1.0 pastel
Pics to come. Maybe tomorrow tho sorry
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sunkingwrites · 2 years ago
goooood morning.. 💕 mm I’m so sleepy still- gonna make myself some coffee and then hopefully my stomach doesn’t get upset with the amount of cookies I plan to eat for breakfast 😙
anywaaaays, I’m gonna be cooking a lot today because it’s almost someones birthday and like the good roommate I am I gotta cook their favorite foods~ oh but but I was catching up with bnha before I went to sleep last night (pls I swear I slept when you told me to) but then my roommate came in and.. stole my laptop? I mean I didn’t mind because I was having a mental breakdown over the recent episode,, but now I’m concerned what they did because all they said was “I need le minecraft.” and left 🥲
and I finally finished the firewatch shinkami fic- why tf is it so good??? awhkjhdiuhoina I kept getting distracted noticing the little elements in the writing but it just made it so captivating 😭
oH OH AND- I finally finished what I had left for my college projects and sooo I don’t have anything to do for the next 2 days.. unless *cough* anyone *cough* wants to do me 🥺/j
jokes aside I was crying this morning because I also finished chapter 5 of the song of achilles and we got a background check on one of the characters and I swear I could see the mommy issues shining through 😔
OK NOW IM JUST RANTING OF WHAT IVE BEEN DOING HJQSDKJKWFDKJJNKASD- I can’t get discord to open so that’s why I’m sending an ask tho 🥲
oh oh and my mind just suddenly filled with questions last night and it wont stop bothering me lol I dunno why… they’re so random tho- although I’m very curious on the one reason we know each other: how did you find my blog? It’s just a lingering question that I always wonder when someone follows me hehe- I mean,, I’m very glad you found me because holy shit— 😭 I remember how you were freaking out because I followed you back- that was the best decision I’ve ever made in my life tbh (we’ve been mutuals for well over a month ayo??)
anyways I’m gonna stop my intrusive mind from dumbing more stuff here so I don’t clog up your asks.. I hope you have a great great day, and I will send you kisses and updates of what I cook and uhh shit I do! on discord this time hehe… well unless food pics are not something you like then I’ll just spam you with random shit I do-!
mwah mwah~ ✨
just-- so fucking good-
Mmmm,, we love mommy issues-- just love love love that for us~ No but like, characters with mommy issues are always too relatable to write aghh- LIKE STOP HAVING MY THOUGHTS PLEASE,, I UNDERSTAND I HAVE TRAUMA JUST LEAVE MEH ALONE
..if you couldn't tell- I had sugar-- remember that boba tea icecream I sent you a photo of in the superstore a while back? Yeah well I bought it today at Walmart and now it's almost gone,, and and I also got an ube icecream too, and Marmo hAtEs it- but I like it and I already knew that I would-- and now I wanna make an ube, vanilla milkshake aahhhh yum yum,, obviously not tonight-- maybe tomorrow if I can???
Okay okay and,, as you know my remember is full of shit so this miGHt be wRoNg- but I'm pretty sure I saw.. mmm I think a writing post first- maybe cuz it aligned with one of my tags?? Then I was like "oooh, I wonder if this person has anything else written for this character-?? Lemme seee~"
so then I would've found your master list post and I liked the vibe of it,, so then I'm pretty sure I just started scrolling through and randomly liking shit-?? I was still like a week new on tumblr so I was desperately looking for people to follow and get some more content flowing through my dash and to interest with--
Thennn, I think it was that composition you had posted that kinda embodied your anxiety that got me hooked,, cuz I kept listening to it on loop- so then I felt like I had to comment about getting it on Spotify,, since my family has a premium plan it's the place I usually get my music,, AND THEN I saw the picrew and I was just gONe cuz I fucking love making picrews and yours looked so cool and you just seemed like you'd be a fun person to talk to.. and then I shared mine with you and just kept talking and uhhh- yeah! That's what's up!! ✨✨
-also also you're birthday on twitter says it's the 28th- so I thought that was funny xD
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buddyhollyscurls · 7 years ago
blossom (do all 3), blush, bright, candlelight (or whenever your last dream was), cuddly, cutie pie, daylight, euphoric, fairy, garden, glow, jiggly, kisses, prince, princess, rainbow, starlight, soft, toot, whiffle, wispy (sorry there were just so many questions i liked!!!)
blossom; favorite book/movie/song?:
favorite book: the pigman series by paul zindel, because of romek by david faber, and the catcher in the rye by jd salinger 
favorite movie: life is beautiful, la strada, coco 
favorite song: ironia by mana, back to black by amy winehouse, i’ve been good to you by the miracles 
blush; what was your stuffed animal as a child?: when i was about 12? or so my brother got me and my sister a gift card for build a bear workshop lol i got a bunny i named babz she has on a purple sweat suit. i kept the box and her birth certificate but my niece messed them up and lost her jacket when she was a baby :( but i still have babz she sits on my vanity in my room i don’t think i’ll ever be able to give her up. 
bright; mermaids or fairies?: definitely faires i hope to be a fairy in my next life preferably a forest one who is able to make plants grow
candlelight; what did you dream about last night?: the last dream i REMEMBER had something to do with my trying to prevent death?? IDK BLAME GOBLIN I HAD JUST FINISHED WATCHING IT AND IT WAS SERIOUSLY AFFECTED THAT SHOW FUCKED ME UP 
cuddly; what’s your favorite time period?: the 60s have always held a huge fascination for me. like i remember i used to love February bc that was when we would talk about the civil rights movement and stuff and through that i remember being like 12 and seeing documentaries about the black panthers and woodstock. 
most precious item you own: i have a lot of those babz is one, i’m a very sentimental person i have a hello kitty box filled with pics friends have given me i have a Berenstain bears book i once put in a time capsule with my sister and brother that we had to dig up super early bc we moved ummm i still have cards and stuff friends have given me one is even from my tenth birthday, drawings my niece has made me, a shoebox full of journals i’ve filled up things like that i feel if i made them or if someone gave them to me they’re super precious. my book and movies as well.
favorite album of all time: tie between back to black or stg peppers 
talk about someone u love: i’m going to talk about my nieces and nephews rn bc i love them so much: adelie is the oldest she’s ten and my favorite person in the whole world. when she was born i took care of her a lot even stopped going to school for about a year so my sister could go and we got so close bc of that she is just so funny and silly and loving i hate that my girl has to grow up i want her to be little forever. next is my nephew Malcolm he’s so energetic and he plays a bit too rough with adelie and his brother and sister but he’s a great big brother he looks out for them and he and adelie get along super well. nicole is next she is an actual angel she is the sweetest girl in this entire planet she is so nurturing and she is super helpful and gentle. and finally my nephew diego. he’s three and the exact clone of my brother i even have this ig post of a side by side photo from when my brother was little they’re wearing red shirts and i stg they even have the same smile. my little man is so cute. when he was born it took a little while for him to warm up to us bc we don’t get the chance to see him as much as we did when adelie was born. but now its a complete 180 sometimes i’ll be walking and he’ll just run up and give me a hug and it makes my heart soar 
fairy; do you have a pet?: sadly i don’t haha i want to have a senior cat or senior dog but that’ll have to wait until i get my own place. hopefully whenever i get into something called a serious relationship we can get a puppy together and raise it together but who knows when that’ll come i don’t want a puppy until then tho
garden; how many languages do you know?: outside english i know spanish and a tiny bit of italian and portuguese just barely tho lol not enough to have a conversation but i can probably pick up a few sentences i want to learn italian portuguese french (that one is SUPER HARD THO FRENCH WTF) and maybe arabic 
glow; list the top 5 things you like about yourself
1: ppl tell me i’m funny
2. i’m really honest 
3. i’m tenacious 
4. i’m very empathetic 
5. for the most part i’m a postive person i’m one of those ppl that are just everyone’s personal cheerleader 
jiggly; what do you usually like to do on weekends?: watch movies lmaoooo this weekend alone i saw train to busan, silenced, see you tomorrow, this is not what i expected, turn left turn right, and lust caution. i don’t see movies during the week (during school anyway) so usually all week i try to be like what am i watching this weekend. it’s very rare i willingly make plans over the weekend we can hang out during the week but weekends are for movies.
kisses; what romantic cliché do you wish for most?: i am a romantic sap lol i am the cheesiest person i know but for some reason i’m not into cliches i guess like hmmm i guess for me the one i want most is to fall in love with my best friend. like i meet someone and we just click and they make me do the chris evans laugh A LOTand i’m able to open up and just talk with them and gradually one day its like oh snap. so this is the person i’m supposed to be with. tight. 
prince; how would you describe your handwriting?: atrocious. sometimes i can’t even read what i just wrote. but i hear ugly handwriting is a sign of high intelligence so theres that lmaooo. 
princess; do you play any instruments? if not, are there any you wish you could play?: uuuuhhh i don’t :((((((((( if i could i wish i could play guitar (i only know a few chords) drums, piano, bass, even the sitar ok brian and george made it look sick af 
rainbow; what was the last line of the last book you read?: “For the first time ever, I think Haddock may have a point, you know.” my mad fat diary by rae earl (if u haven’t seen the show i highly rec it it’s one of my fave ever just a side note)
starlight; what was your favourite show as a child?: hey arnold ok don’t even get me started on it i’ll talk forever how great it is even now its just timeless even adults should watch it and i’ve said this before and i’ll say it a million more times helga g pataki is probably one of the most complex, interesting, well written female character EVER on any show i owe craig bartlett my entire life. 
soft; describe your favourite spot in your house: the dining room its huge and its got big windows i love looking out windows so when i write i like sitting at the table to look out every now and then sometimes i’ll just look out that window when i wake up and be like damn its a new day. 
toot; what is something you find unique about yourself?: hmmm…. i guess how idealistic i am. and how intense i feel about things. when i was a kid i thought everyone had strong feelings about something and just LOVED things all the time but getting older i realize being passionate about things esp things like books and tv and movies is really………. odd haha. like even now i will type paragraphs about a favorite movie or something that happened in a show and my friends will be like why are u like this. the same goes with how idealistic i am like thought it was normal to have so many things u want to do and see in the world but when i talk to my friends theyre like oh i just never thought about doing that so it makes me feel odd sometimes bc i know i expecet a lot out of life hahahaha. 
whiffle; if you could have a magical power, what would it be?: either flight or invisibility 
wispy; do you like the place where you grew up? do you think you will live there when you get older?: i LOVE san diego and i LOVE california (in spite of how damn expensive it is here) but even when i was little i didn’t see myself living here as an adult with a family. i just always felt like this world is so big why live in one place your whole life. one day i want to live somewhere green and have my farm with my little animals and soccer team of kids haha. like linda and paul mccartney. 
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rgefft · 4 years ago
TW ED‼️‼️‼️‼️
Thursday sept 9th 11:00am
My class starts soon so imma try to write this up quick, i wanna make my food for the day now but i had no time because of these classes smhh, im starting my new diet as i said yesterday replacing the “fast” with “500 cals” because its a better starting number especially since i had fasted the day before yesterday and im trying something new, ill post the diet below and probabbly edit this paragraph later
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7:52pm Wednesday Sept the 8th
Tomorrow i’m going to do the fix it fast diet but if i cant end up doing that then im doing the more trustful diet aka the purple skinny diet lol ill post them down below. for the fix it fast diet i’m going to replace the fast for day 1 with 400 calories tho.
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just ate my first meal i feel kinda lightheaded but its not bad i have more options to eat stuff now than i would usually eat when i want to count my calories lol i ate a orange and it had 45 calories ill post a pic of it below
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its 5:23pm i just finished my meat that you can see on the top right ofbthis text it was good but idk if it was the best decision, the meat was just like a burger patty counting as like 204 cals and the cucumber was maybe 10 calories according ti what i read but there was vinnager and peppers mixed with the meal so ill ad 30 cals, so my add what i ate so far up, in total i ate 279 calories so far but imma just say its 320 calories to keep it safe.
now i’m eating seasoned seaweed thats 10 cals and half a lemon with water thats 8.5 cals ill post down below, so my add everything up. 320 + 18.5 = 338.5 calories meaning i ate 338.5 calories today, but i feel like i ate more meaning i feel like the burger patty and cucumbers had more cals than i saw it was on the internet so ill just say i ate 500 cals to be safe idk i feel full like a average person it feels wrong thats why I’m so confused lol. i change my mind i want a cutie so imma eat 2, 2 cuties= 80cals, 80 + 338.5 = 488.5 + 10= 498.5 *because i’m eating another seaweed pack lol, now im eating a manderine orange cup andbthats 70 cals meaning i officially ate 498.5 cals today lol
I binged so i have to workout for a 200 or 100 calorie workout tmr just to be safe
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crunchity-munchity · 3 years ago
Yayyyyy ok so for a preface these are all based on the toys I have cuz me and my best friend would play with them lol (if your really interested I'll show a pic of their toy versions tomorrow)
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So first I have skywishes, her design was mostly based on the 3 inch figure and the blind bag one with the solid colors. She was bacically just a self insert and I'd always play as her (my best friend always played as Sunnyrays but I don't have a pic of her yet). Skywishes is very hyper and cares alot about her friends.
Ok so for these next two I wanna preface this and say tat these are what happens when a pre teen with scissors realizes that if she wants male representation in the mlp toys she'd have to make them herself lmao
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So this is Dantes he has a twin brother that belongs to my best friend (I'll draw a pic of him later). If you can guess where Dantes' name comes from ill be immensely impressed lol. So I created Dantes for a post apocalyptic story that ne and my friend were making with our pony toys. Dantes came pretty early into the story and him and his twin were some of the longest staying characters (we got attached and refused to kill them lmaooo). I think at one point I had him be Skywishes love interest but it didn't stick for long.
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And finally broken bond! His original concept was that he was a porcelain doll that was thrown out unfinished because the creator was dissatisfied, but I almost immediately scrapped that (his design was carried over tho, wish is why he's so torn up). He also has a twin but I'm pretty sure my best friend killed her off like immediately so it dosnt matter. He was also a love interest of Skywishes in the post apocalyptic au thing and he actually did stick around for quite a bit untill being tragically ripped apart lmao.
I love these ocs so much lol and I like to reuse them alot for other mlp stuff wich is why some of them have so many varying designs.
Sorry this is long but I'll post more when I finish more drawings!
My friend who I was texting went to bed so is anyone interested in hearing about some old mlp ocs of mine that I just drew cuz I was bored?
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professor-abeloved · 8 years ago
About the JakeXMC 50 OTP Things, can u do all of them? Well, that is, if u don't mind.... 😊
ty anon for ur mc/jake thirst patience :> as well as the fact ur helping me sate MY mc/jake thirst HAHAHA
using my mc eli de loyola!
1. Who is the early bird/ Who is the night owl?
eli’s the early birdie while jake is the night owl ! most days eli will wake up at 7 am (wtf) and slightly rouses jake who clings to him as much as possible. eli spends a few minutes carding his hands through jake’s hair (partly because it soothes jake and partly because he has a thing for running his fingers through jake’s hair) before actually getting up
2. Who is the big spoon/ Who is the little spoon?
jake’s the big spoon! despite being shorter HAHA its so cute
3. Who hogs the cover/ Who loves to cuddle?
jake both hogs the covers and loves to cuddle HAHA survival instincts kasi. eli doesnt mind bc he feels warm in jake’s arms anyway
4. Who wakes the other one up with kisses?
eli does! jake loves it… altho he’s been a lil wary every since he once woke up to eli’s dog licking his face instead aekjfsdajl he was so embarrassed 
5. Who usually has nightmares?
jake used to having nightmares about his time in the army + about mike p frequently but at this point he says he’s learnt to deal with them :( having eli nearby to calm him down helps a lot. plus i like to think that lundrugen (?? whatever he’s irrelevant) +co go to jail and this helps jake sleep better…
eli on the other hand dissociates a lot after the events of la huerta and frequently has nightmares of his friends dying. jake stays up and helps him call everyone one by one to make sure they’re all okay
6. Who would have really deep emotional thoughts at the middle of the night/ Who would have them in the middle of the day? 
jake has them during the night, eli during the day
7. Who sweats the small stuff?
jake secretly does & eli thinks it’s cute
8. Who sleeps in their underwear (or naked)/ Who sleeps in their pajamas?
tbh jake would totes sleep in his birthday suit (which is why he hogs the blankets bc he’s the type to feel v hot at first only to freeze later on) and eli sleeps in pajamas. altho eli makes jake wear pants when they sleep in the same bed 
(jake argues that he’s “going to end up losing those pants anyway so whats the point”
and eli lightly shoves his smirking face away like “binch no i for one plan to get some sleep tonight” 
“that wont be the only thing ur getting ;)” 
9. Who makes the coffee (or tea)?
eli makes tea for jake who initially didn’t like it but found that it calms him down (especially after nightmares)
10. Who likes sweet/ Who likes sour?
eli likes it sweet while jake likes sour more lol
11. Who likes horror movies/ Who likes romance movies?
eh i dont think they like horror movies OR romance though jake’s a fan of action movies & eli likes superheroes so they compromise on that. maybe somedays they curl up on the hammock and watch a romance movie bc they’re too lazy to get the remote. jake makes fun of it only to feel emotional at the end when the love interest dies lol
12. Who is smol/ Who is tol?
jakey’s smol, eli’s tol hehe
13. Who is considered the scaredy cat?
neither? jake reacts to the situations accordingly and is almost never shookt while eli is generally sensible and level-headed
14. Who kills the spiders?
eli stomps on it / hits it with his prosthetic HAHA
15. Who is scared of the dark?
16. Who is scared of thunderstorms?
neither. eli has a weird fondness for them bc they remind him of the time jake saved them from the weird lightning storm in chapter 1 hehe
17. Who works/ Who stays at home?
i hc that they both work after the events of la huerta
18. Who is a cat person/ Who is a dog person?
eli’s a dog person while jake is a wolf person (LOL) and they do get a dog at one point
19. Who loves to call the other one cute names?
uh idk if it’s cute per se but jake calls eli “boy scout”, “darling”, “babe” and stuff like that while eli calls him… “hotness”. that’s the best he’s got really.
20. Who is dominant/ Who is submissive?
ahsdjsak it’s a big thing for them to fight for dominance but more often than not jake ends up on top 
21. Who has an obsession (over anything)?
eli has an obssessing with collecting (like collecting clues and idols HAHA) trinkets 
22. Who goes all out for Valentine’s Day?
eli would!! jake would be touched by all the effort awww
23. Who asks who out on the first date?
from eli’s perspective he’s the one who asked jake out on a normal date in a coffeeshop while jake thinks he made the first move by asking eli to ride with him on a plane (loaned by rourke industries where aleister is the boss now and just let me live with these post la huerta hcs okay)
24. Who is the talker/ Who is the listener? 
they’re pretty equal in this regard, though jake marvels at how he can open up to eli because eli’s such a good, attentive listener
25. Who wears the other ones clothes?
eli wears jake’s jacket (which fits him p snugly) and jake is like “o shit it looks so good on him”
26. Who likes to eat healthy/ Who loves junk food?
jake eats junk food/whatever’s on hand while eli tries (emphasis on tries) to stir them to heathier diets
27. Who takes a long shower/ Who sings in the shower?
eli takes a longer shower because he likes to belt out hayley rose songs. jake hears and teases em though the door about finishing up his lil concert (because he likes to rile eli up. he’s actually v amused by the singing.) eli replies with a classic “why dont you come here and make me” and then jake enters the bathroom and the rest as they say is history ;)
28. Who is the book worm?
neither tbh they don’t read (heh) as the bookworm types
29. Who is the better cook?
eli haha jake has no patience with cooking
30. Who likes long walks on the beach?
eli def!
31. Who is more affectionate?
eli shows more affection while jake craves it more fkdsjnd
32. Who likes to have really long (deep) conversation?
oh man jake says he doesn’t like long deep convos but there’s something about eli that gets him to open up and eli likes to be there for jake as much as possible
33. Who would wear “not guilty” t-shirt/ Who would wear “sin” t-shirt?
oh man eli makes jake wear “not guilty” b/c yo jake is totally innocent!! while jake makes eli wear “sin” because damn does he think that eli is sexy as hell
34. Who would wear “if lost return to…” t-shirt/ Who would wear “I am…” t-shirt?
jake wears “if lost, return to eli” while eli wears “i am eli” bc his lone wolf is prone to wandering off (but jake always returns to him
35. Who goes overboard on the holidays?
eli’s aunt HAHA who invites em over for the holidays once she’s cool with jake
36. Who is the social media addict?
ehhh neither like eli spends the normal amount of time on social media tho he posts a lot of group pics since he’s an extravert ahaha
37. Height difference or age difference?
uh both? eli’s taller and jake’s older if i remember right
38. Who likes to star gaze?
39. Who buys cereal for the prize inside?
eliii the prize is a toy plane he gets for jake awww
40. Who is the fun parent/ Who is the responsible parent?
surprisingly jake is responsible parent and eli is the fun one
41. Who cries during sad movies? 
jake gets emotional during romcoms when the LI dies jfkndks
42. Who is the neat freak?
uh jake has an organized “system” but it only makes sense to him while eli is just. no. just no. he’s not rachel from the freshman/sophomore level bad but he is not organized either
43. Who wins the stuffed animals at the carnival for the other one?
jake does hehe
44. Who is active/ Who is lazy?
eli’s active and more into health stuff while jake is lazy
45. Who is more likely to get drunk?
eli has a lower tolerance HAHA
46. Who has the longer food order?
eli haha he’s more conscientious with food stuff
47. Who has the more complex coffee order?
jake bc i find it funny HAHAHA
48. Who loses stuff?
eli bc he’s a mess
49. Who is the driver/ Who is the passenger?
jake drives & eli rides (;D ;D ;D)
50. Who is the hopeless romantic?
neither. jake is v cynical while eli is saks lang. more hopeful than most, but definitely not naive by any standards
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symplegades · 8 years ago
i’m gonna do one of those old facebook note quiz things from 2010
Are you ready to answer these questions honestly even if it starts to get hard? ya How old is the last person you kissed on the lips? 27 Who was the last person you had a face to face conversation with? my best friend from undergrad What were you doing at 12 am last night? getting into bed/falling asleep Does the person you like, like you back? um i hope so!!!!!!! we share a bed????? Have you ever walked away from someone who was yelling at you? unclear. maybe but i think i’d be too squeamish to do that, i’d just stand there and cry Do you ignore people when you're mad/upset with them? nah i always have to talk it out either with them or someone else, and both options usually end in me getting over it/getting closure and going back to normal Did you kiss or hug anyone in the last 48 hours? yep When you say you don't care do you mean it? i don’t say i don’t care very much, so i guess when i say it i do mean it? i’ll have to pay attention next time Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow? yep Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed? nah i kissed mike while he was still covered in shaving cream it was yikes Have you ever cried cause you were so mad? oh absolutely, like 100% of the time What's your favourite color? cool colors. <-- what i wrote in 2010 but still true What color is your shirt? grey with purple lettering What do you hear? netflix, i’m watching this movie ~out of the dark~ Last person of the opposite sex you gave a hug to? actually my friend kevin from grad school! i just ran into him at work Are you sitting or standing? sitting. <-- also written in 2010, also still true Are you keeping a secret from anyone? um probably Have you ever kissed someone in the rain? ya Have you kissed someone with braces? yes. <-- i don’t remember that but apparently yes Are you short? ok in 2010 i wrote yes but i think i’m actually pretty average or even taller than average. maybe i was shorter in 10th grade What would your last name be if you were married to the last person you texted? ok i just texted like 3 people at once. i guess velez Last picture comment was from? did this mean, like, on myspace or facebook? idk who was the last person to comment on my fb photos. oh actually you know what a friend of a friend went through all my public posts including photos and commented on all of it and it was rly offputting, so that’s who How was your day overall? p good, i applied to 2 jobs and got called back for a second interview for another job (FINALLY) Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now? probably SOMEONE in the world. maybe my ma Have you ever kissed anyone within an hour of meeting them? ok mike tried to kiss me after our first date but i was like no that is creepy. and looking back i’m like aw so sweet we shoulda kissed! but no it was still uncomfy that he was trying to kiss me a very short time after we first met Are you anyone's first love? pls. sure i guess, people in high school. Could you handle living together with the last person who texted you? lol maybe? i’ve never considered it. prolly we could find agreements/common ground So, the person you like, their name starts with a B, doesn't it? it does not. <-- still true Is the person you last texted single? negative. <-- also still true Do you think age matters in relationships? i mean it’s totally dependent on context. we talking about 16 and 18 year olds or 16 and 32 year olds? i guess it always MATTERS it just depends on how it matters, like being similar ages kinda matters bc you’ve had similar life experiences at similar points in history and being very different ages matters bc you gotta wonder what’s going on. but once you’re over like, 25 i feel like bigger age gaps are more acceptable depending on what’s going on in folks lives. idk. How is your hair right now? it’s okay, up in a pony. actually i thought it was in a bun but i just touched it and it is a pony, usually it’s a bun when i’m home Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with? nah he’s cool, although sometimes i have trouble following his thought process Where was your default picture taken? my prof pic on fb was taken at columbia Who's the last person you took a picture with? yikes, ahhhh... probably mike. Are you waiting for something? a job!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How did you get your last bruise? who knows. <-- still true. i’m not sure i currently have any bruises? Do you believe in love? yes. <-- still true What are your plans for the summer? ikea with sami tomorrow, permit on monday, kate's birthday party monday night, possibly beach with em sara hayley + meg on tuesday, dermatologist on wednesday, california with sami from friday to tuesday, one week home, to maine for 2 weeks, one week home to schedule driving time and finish summer reading and find a job. wooo!
^^^^^sorry i just wanna preserve that 2010 message bc it’s so wholesome and high school-ish and carefree.
my actual summer plans are just intense job hunting and getting a job. then maybe planning a trip home or to maine, then planning a china trip but probably won’t happen this summer. What was your first thought this morning? wa wa why is my alarm going off Have you kissed anyone this month? ya Could you date someone taller than you? sure Is there anything in your past that you'd like to try again? uhhh. yeah i’m sure there are things i didn’t do great. idk? Have you ever gotten butterflies from someone? oh yes. <-- lol wtf? “oh yes”? ya sure idk Do you like waking up in the morning to find that you have new texts? sometimes. i think when i was younger it was more exciting but now i’m kinda relieved when i wake up and don’t have notifications. Ever had braces? nope. <-- still true Do you enjoy Taco Bell or McDonalds? i haven’t eaten either in ages even tho i want to but i know i’ll just get diarrhea. but i’d probably get mcdonalds given the choice Have you ever walked on the beach at night? oh yes. <-- oh yes?? anyway the most prominent “walking on the beach at night” story was when i was on spring break with my friends in ghana (or maybe we were in togo?) and we got stuck in this beach house like a mile down this deserted beach and it was like 2am and we’re walking and all super scared bc we’re a bunch of american girls in a foreign land and then 2 random dudes come out of nowhere and we’re all like NO LEAVE US ALONE and they somehow follow us to our house? and like try to come in? and we’re all f r e a k i n g out bc we’re afraid they’re gonna attack us but then my friend who is naive and trusting opens the door and we’re all screaming like DON’T OPEN THE DOOR but then i guess he just asked if we like... needed matches or something. anyway it was a lot What were you doing at 2AM this morning? sleeping.  <-- still true Let me guess, your last incoming call was from the opposite sex? nope it was mike’s mom Has a girl sat on your bed before? yes although actually i don’t think that has happened in this apartment? no one ever really goes in the bedroom except mike and me. but maybe in the old apartment girls had sat on my bed before. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? chatting with my friend and getting my thread organized Ever kissed anyone 18 or older? lol ya Math or English? womp. english? i’m poop at math now i haven’t taken it since i was a freshman in undergrad Do you have any twins in your family? i don’t think so, which is surprising bc it’s a pretty big family Are you shy? depends on the setting and how comfy i am feeling Are you close with your siblings ? meh depends on the day. i think sometimes my middle sister mom’s me too much/nags me/treats me like a baby. You'd say "Fuck you" to your ex, ain't I right? which ex? i mean probably not, what’s the point? How you feeling? kinda hungry Will you ever run away and get married in Las Vegas with no notifications to either of your families? lol nooooooooo What do you think of boyfriends/girlfriends calling each other by food names? i think it is hilar and i wish mike and i did it If you're single, then why don't you get a boyfriend/girlfriend ? not single but also this question unnecessarily adheres to the gender binary also even if i was single i don’t need a partner heck! When was the last time you were craving to get drunk? wah not in a while, i can’t hold my alcohol and mike doesn’t drink so it’s not very fun I don't know about you, but I like saying "fuck" a lot. Do you? not like a LOT. when appropriate Do you think you'll be one of those people that will get a divorce in the future? eep i hope not? does anyone consider themselves “one of those people”? Who did you last hug? my best friend from undergrad Have you ever done something that was really bad for yourself? dur Is it worth crying over a guy or a girl? i mean... crying is crying. it’s not a question of worth it or not. if you wanna cry then cry Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you? ya but we’d need to do a lot of emotional repair Has the last person you texted ever been mad at you before? oh absolutely i was trying to pretend that i wasn’t running horribly late but i was and i made her stand around for so long and she was pissed Has someone ever called you at midnight on your birthday? probably Are you wearing pants? shorts. does that count? <-- same Would you date someone twenty years older than you? womp not right now i’d feel a bit yikes. maybe if i was like 60 and they were 80 or something. it feels better to me if we’re both old lol Is your birthday in less than 6 months? nah Would you ever quit a bad habit for someone? i did actually! i was still smoking a bit when mike and i got together and he really hated it/asked me to stop Have you ever felt guilty about something you didn’t do? oh absolutely lol i feel lots of emotions about everything Do looks matter the most to you? nah Are you looking forward to tomorrow? meh Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to? yeah! What are you doing after this? probably gonna make french fries Is something bothering you? unemployment ;( Three days from now, will you be in a relationship? i don't even know if i'm in a relationship NOW. <-- o shit 2010 alicia??? wyd?? you good???
anyway ya i hope so Has someone ever made a promise with you and broke it? i’m sure Will your next kiss be a mistake? hope not! Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months? we goin on 3 years here so Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? mommy. <-- still true!! we literally talk every day if not multiple times a day. Are you trying to avoid liking somebody at the moment? nope! What are you doing tomorrow? sigh probably clean... apply for another job. cross stitch lol What was your last thought before you went to bed last night? he still likes me (: <-- i’m so sad for 2010 me. what is going on? i’m so sad.
and i have no clue what my last thought was, i think i was wondering if mike wanted me to stop leaning on his arm Do you get along more with girls or guys? girls are beautiful and perfect and guys are yikes until proven otherwise next Do you remember who you liked on New Years? lol ya this same guy Have you ever intentionally pissed someone off? probably? Is there someone on your mind that shouldn't be? nah The person you fell hardest for calls, what do you say? hey!!! how's phoenix?! why are you talking to me and not your arizona brethren? <-- ooooooooooh it’s when i dated this white missionary boy who i loved so much but he def did not love me but i was like, just totally infatuated. my best friend from high school refers to this boy as my renaissance bc i after dating him i started dating much cuter people lol
um anyway it’s hard to quantify who i fell hARDEST for i guess? i mean i’m currently in the process of marrying mike so i think he wins. if he called i would ask how bar night was and when the transformers movie is starting bc he got free tix from work Do you think someone has feelings for you? lol he better Have you done anything sneaky lately? hm hm. i don’t think sneaky. Do you find smoking unattractive? sigh i shouldn’t but i do think it makes ppl look sooooo COOL Do you still talk to the last person you kissed? ya we like live together How many cigarettes have you smoked today? zero. <-- still true! Kissed someone who's name started with an N? hmmmmm. when i studied abroad i kissed a LOT of people so i’m sure one of their names started with N When was the last time something bothered you? lol what? constantly? Was last night terrible? nah it was good just a quick turnaround of getting home and going to bed. i ate a lot of watermelon which was gr8 What does your hair look like right now? pony-ish First person to speak to you in '09? lmfao damn i’m dating myself. idfk. Are you afraid of losing the last person you talked to? i mean, i’m not worried about losing them, but yes i’d be afraid or upset if i lost them Are you basically a happy person? i hope so! Do you wish you could take things back? meh. no regerts and all that Have you ever wondered what life would be like without your best friends? omg what?? no?? it would be terrible?? Last person to make you seriously mad? prolly bigots Be honest, are you starting to gain feelings towards anyone? i’m like 3 years in so Do you think relationships are even worth it? well fuck i hope so lol Does anyone completely understand you? i mean no one will ever ~~completely~~ understand me but ya i have lots of people i am close to and whom i trust a lot Did you hug anyone in the last 48 hours? yep! Can you recall the last time you liked someone a lot? lol yes smh Where do you see your ex in 5 years? sigh i have a lot of ex’s don’t put me on blast like this. a few of them are already married so. idk. employed? Your ex runs into you and hugs you, what do you do? which. one. actually it doesn’t rly matter bc if any of them did that i’d be like wat Who was your last missed call from? my dad, we were playing phone tag on father’s day Did you have any unread text messages this morning when you woke up? yeah one from my best friend from high school saying “wtf” bc i told him about how rats can eat snakes if you’re not paying attention when you feed your snek When you and your friends are out and about do you usually get dirty looks? wut? i mean no but probably when i was a teen or preteen we were annoying and did get dirty looks Are you easily scared by horror/thriller films? i lOOOve these films but if it’s about like home invasions i get scared, or like things that live in your house Favorite fruit? god i love fruit. raspberries, applies, cherries (but i’m allergic now :(((((((( ), melon, oranges, the whole shebang. When someone says "we need to talk," what runs through your mind? yikes.com What are your chances of getting with your crush? smh i think they’re pretty good Who did you talk to on the phone last, and why? mom bc i was walking home and wanted to chat with her Do you always answer your phone? yes always Ever worn something of the opposite sex's clothing? dur Which do you enjoy more, to eat or sleep? lmao ahhhhhh i guess eat. Is there a member of the opposite sex on your mind? i mean, yes i have a partner who is a man who i love dearly but he’s not like ALWAYS on my mind, like rn i’m not rly thinking about him but i do care for him a lot and think of him often/want to share most things with him Do you believe your latest ex thinks about you? who??... is my latest ex...... either that aaron guy from okcupid or -- omg CONNOR sigh omg poor boy i hope he’s okay. i hope he doesn’t think about me omg Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night? mike Do you know anyone who would just drop everything to come see you? i mean what’s EVERYTHING... like within reason yeah Your best friend tells you, you have a drug problem, you say? ah i love you and we will get through this lets research our options together
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athleisure-aesthetic · 8 years ago
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Ugh I did the thing again where I was busy all week and forgot to post on here. So here’s a lightning fast recap of my workouts from the past week, if you care at all. I actually think I worked out (ish, except Friday kinda) every day which is a first in a while. Bless.
Tues Mar 21 Abs and shopping. I went home after work to get my car so that I could drive to trainings the next two days, but went out to Target as soon as I got home, cause duh. Stupid idea to try on like real clothes tho, my self-conscious ass was like ohhhhh no way you need to tighten up those saddle bags and that back fat before you get any of this. So. I got a crop sweatshirt and athletic leggings, felt bad about myself but hadn’t had dinner, so I went to Wawa. Woof.
3x each 15 reps straight leg raises 15 reps roll ups leaning camel x 45s bird dogs x 45s 60 reps heal touches plank 35s, 40s, 45s 10 reps assisted push up 40 reps russian twists 8# alternating superman 1 min 15 reps single leg pulses
Wed Mar 22 Run on the trail after this horrific training class in which I was literally the only student for an all day session. And I had to go back the next day 😩 went to Marshall’s before my run to see if I could find any cold weather gear bc I only had my sweatshirt, gloves, wool earwarmers, and thin leggings. Didn’t find any of that, but got those AMAZING NEON PINK LEGGINGS IN THAT ONE PICTURE and some other ones too. You know me, can’t stay away from that athleisure ish.
It was hella freezing and took me so long to warm up once I started on the trail. Fortunately it was so picturesque and my music was bangin so. I survived.
2.78 mi 9'55" min / mi
Thurs Mar 23 6 x 200m sprints on the trail. Bless up, convinced my instructor to finish early bc tbh he was not really all that helpful once I started following the book that was included, so I went to the mall and got some more athleisure (deh), cheap sunglasses, athletic ear warmers for $.50 each, a VERY cute lightweight rain jacket, and (!!!!!) these black leather slip-on sneakers I’ve been looking for for like 6 months. I just caved and got the name brand ones but stILl omg I’m so excited about them I finally found them.
Started the sprints in the cotton leggins I was wearing, then after like maybe 9 or 10 strides I was like oh FUCk no they suddenly lost all their elasticity and I was having to pull them up for my life. So after completely embarrassing myself hoisting those mothereffers up for my first sprint, I jumped in the car and changed into spandex pants, then zoomed back to the trail start and actually did my workout. Good thing my house is only 8 minutes away from that part of the trail.
I think I may have mis-read what my Nike app was telling me to do, but I’m pretty sure it said to do 6 x 200m sprints with 4:45 min in between. So that’s essentially what I did, I sprinted for the 200m and ran / jogged in between. Although the app only recorded the distance for the sprints, I wanna say I did a little more than the day before, since I went further on the trail. I hate that you can’t go back and check what it told you to do; you only see how you actually ran according to the app. Lame af. Though I was proud, I increased my sprint speed at almost every length except the 3rd.
0.77mi 6'59" min / mi (lol can’t believe I actually ran a mile faster than that at one point in my life holy shit)
Fri Mar 24 No real workout here, since I had to leave work early to take the train back to le Nova for Palooza. I scarfed down a Snap pizza (the classic spot) right before the show, and somehow stayed away from the dangers of late night college food. Though I did get all my steps in my showing one of our friends’ home friend around campus, and apparently that little tour counted for a nice brisk walk. Obvi the Snovas killed it, as a great opener for what my friends and I dubbed AcaWeekend. Saturday they’d be competing at ICCA regional semifinals #pitchperfect for the first time ever, which was so exciting. Palooza the day before was just their warmup, but fortunately we got to see two new songs from them. It kinda sucked for them though bc they went first out of the seven groups and the sound guys always need a few groups to warm up before they actually refine the balance, and they just sounded muddled. Womp. Oh well. Everyone knows they’re/we’re the best anyway. Proud alum.
Sat Mar 25 Run in the morning before the day’s festivities. This was a quick workout before most of the humans who stayed in my apartment became humans, a brief mile ish to the waterfront and back. I realized I’d been wearing a blueish shirt and black leggings in literally all of my pics lately so I spiced it up with these fun stripey ones. Lol.
We adventured to brunch, where I had a yummy spinach and goat cheese salad with fig dressing, and wandered around the city for the afternoon before we had to head to semis. I splurged on Hunger Burger at RTM because I told myself that this was my indulgence for the weekend, and I wasn’t going to be drinking anymore for the next few months (it’s not like I do it that often anyway, I just want to try it to see how it helps my training/weight loss, if at all), so I got a specialty thin mint shake. Woops. Honestly, it was so worth it though, and I didn’t even end up eating most of the fries anyway, so it wasn’t the worst I could’ve done.
At semis, there were literally so many good groups and we were all like oh shit how are they going to stack up?? But Snovas SLAYED even better than they did last time and ENDED UP IN THIRD PLACE WHICH IS THE CRAZIEST BEST HONOR WE’VE EVER GOTTEN AND IT’S JUST SO COOL!!!!! A cappella is the shit, guys, I swear. I’m so proud of those kiddos, and they get to submit a wildcard video for a chance at Finals in NYC which is like legitimately insane. They’re somewhere in the top 18-27 groups in the country right now, and coming from a school where we legit don’t have music majors and a joke of a music activities staff / support, this coulD NOT be cooler. They murdered it. And so did all the other groups at semis, like damn. We weren’t even sure anything was gonna happen for them, but they clearly did some things right. Ugh so obvi we celebrated when we got back to Philly, going to a few bars and ending up at Frankford, where we got some amazing soft pretzels and other snacks. Best day ever.
1.26 mi 9'21" min / mi
1.32 mi 10'03" min / mi
Sun Mar 26 Long ish run and relaxing. Got up and was worried about the weather forecast for Monday because I was supposed to be doing my long run for next week then, and it was going to be torrentially downpouring all day, so I was hoping to switch my days because the weather was decent enough that I could’ve done it on Sunday. But then I updated my app and A, it changed my schedule for this week anyway, and B, I remember I could’ve moved it anyway if I wanted to. So instead I went and did that 5K Sunday challenge thing that it introduced. And I ran back from there, so it actually was closer to the 5 miles I had wanted to do anyway. So ya.
I felt a little subconscious in these leggings because, though they are a spectacularly bright and amazing color, they also show my cellulite on the back of my legs… but I thought, fuck it, people will see me, and if they give me a look, I’ll just push harder and show them that cellulite means nothing if you’re fast and capable and strong. So. I used it to empower me, I guess.
Spent the rest of the day relaxing and watching ICCA videos, still hyped up on the Snovas victory. Legit it’s still coming to me in waves, it’s actually incredible.
3.11 mi 9'41" min / mi
1.53 mi 9'44" min /mi
Mon Mar 27 Full body circuit and a benchmark run. Work is starting to bore me so much lol on Monday I think I may have done approximately 2 work related things all day, otherwise I was just distracted. I decided to do a NTC workout and then my benchmark, so I chose Body Flexor 2.0, which worked a lot of different areas and was pretty fun. Then I ran on the treadmill for my benchmark for the first time, which was weird knowing my exact speed at certain times and being able to force myself to a certain pace. If I have to do it that way again, next time I’ll just cover the numbers and just focus on how it feels to push hard. The picture up there is me literally dying because of how sweaty I was. Plus fun leggings from Marshall’s.
1.54 mi 9'49" min / mi
Tues Mar 28 Abs / some arms, plus 20 minutes on the elliptical. I was an idiot today, and not only forgot a hair tie after my shower, but I left my phone at home, which I realized too late in the elevator on the way to work. Nice. So I had to go without both all day, though Kelly let me borrow a hair tie so I could work out thank GoD cause I was looking at using a legit rubber band, which would’ve been awful. The moves I chose for abs today ended up also working my arms a lot, which was nice to combo them. Because I didn’t have my phone, I just kind of had to make up my elliptical workout, which was meh but whatever. Next time I’ll be prepared. That’s definitely not my favorite type of cardio anyway.
Tonight I made these AMAZING baked zucchini fries, I probably could’ve eaten like 90 million in one sitting they were so crunchy and good. My sweet potato fries didn’t turn out so good (I actually burned the shit out of them, but I’m going to attempt to eat them tomorrow for lunch anyway 🙃) but I’m happy I’m trying new things in the kitchen, even if it’s taking me like 3 hours each time lolol.
I’m down a few pounds from last week, though, which is kind of nice! A little affirmation after working hard every day.
3x each 15 reps dumbbell side bends alt. sides 8# 15 reps twisting core stabilizers alt. sides 8# 15 reps bow extensions alt. sides 8# 15 reps woodchops 8# 10 reps windmills 5# 40 reps russian twists 8# 30 s plank 7 reps full extension inch worms 15 reps in-&-outs
Wooooof I’m going to try to post more often now that I’m all caught up. Lol it may last for a day but you know. #Goals.
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