#aldo maldonado
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It's Official Aldo Maldonado Soul Was Absorbed By Black Hat
Well, he got a sad fate.
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obscure characters doomed by the narrative my beloved
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Dark Deities AU | Part 1
These are the reference sheets I made for @liljack636 's macabre world
#villainous#Villainous AU#villanos#black hat#demencia#dr flug#villainous fanart#aldo maldonado#ext draws
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Something in my camera roll that I found
can’t remember when I made it but here!
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I think that perhaps the Black Hat we see today is not exactly the same Black Hat as back then. In some art we see a shadowy figure that looks like black hat but seems to have a slightly different build, not to mention what looks like hair.
I think that during this ritual, it wasn’t just that Aldo was absorbed by Black Hat; I think he became Black Hat. He’s essentially a new vessel for the spirit of Black Hat to transfer into, kinda like in Suspiria. Perhaps the entity that is Black Hat needs to have a body to possess in order to manifest in the world, and the cult found and chose Aldo for that purpose.
The Demise of Aldo Maldonado
Aldo Maldonado was a young graduate from ABRAXAS University, who unexpectedly became involve with a cult. But not just any cult. Black Hat’s cult. And Black Hat is the leader.
Let’s start with the beginning. ABRAXAS is not a random name. The word originated from Greek and it has a mythical meaning and by mythical, I mean, “magical”. But ABRAXAS is a figure that is both an Egyptian god and a demon. It is also connected to magical objects, mostly gems. It is also a figure that can “change its form”, often seen as a “chimera” of sorts. Does that remind you of someone?
The golden scarab beetle. Originated from Egypt. Scarabs were used as amulet or as seals. But it is also related to the Egyptian god, Ra, who moved the sun, “transforming bodies and souls”. It a symbol of divine knowledge. Aldo Maldonado’s fate was already sealed when he went to that University. He was prepped with vass knowledge. Knowledge that Black Hat wanted or a certain skill that Also possessed.
Aldo was prepped to be “used” by Black Hat.
But how do you know this? You may ask. Well let’s look at the audio logs and at the notes Aldo had written for us. Let’s start with the first audio entry.
(Do you notice how the red pen is marked in 2018 but Aldo started in the cult in 2015? That means he was there for years.)
In the audio logs, Aldo tells us of his friend, Eduardo, or “Lalo” (nickname), who was a friend from school. Eduardo was the one who introduce him to the cult which means, Aldo had specific qualities that the cult needed. His friend Eduardo seems kinda nervous from Aldo’s skill. His skill to analyze. He says that word frequently in the logs. It means that Aldo was very confident in his analyzing skills which meant that he can research and learn quickly. Which is why he took these detailed notes.
In the notes, he explains the exterior of the “Meeting place”. He mentions how the exterior is not the same as the interior which means its “bigger on the inside”. With 19 century design. A nod back to Black Hat, who really favors the era. In every destination they go for the cult meetings, the interior stays the same. It never changes until the day of the sacrifice. But that will come later.
In the first meeting, Aldo says a very “old man” goes on stage and talks with a strange and frightful voice. A hint on what will become of Aldo. The old man is talking “exactly” like Black Hat. At the end of the speech, they pass out black fezs. The first stage of their transformation and Aldo’s.
Aldo, in his secondary notes, tells us of the hierarchy. The fez, the bowler hat and to the top hat. Now, I am going to pull away from Aldo and go back to Black Hat. In the first episode of Villainous.
He has on a bowler hat. If he takes off the bowler hat, I can guarantee, it will be a fez underneath it. because Black hat went through the same cult. He went through the same hierarchy. This is based on my own theory that Black Hat was once, a human, who entered to a secret society and also preformed a ritual to become “Black Hat” (I will put a link to that theory at the end).
Black Hat wanted to prove to himself and everyone else that he is the ultimate evil. He had to prove himself. The cult is required to show him how worthy they really are as each are moved through the ranks. Once you get the top hat, either you live as long as you like (immortality) or Black Hat takes you.
Aldo is already pretty fearful. Even when he gets the fez, he refuses to wear it. He does not like the cult but he still goes for curiosity sake. In the second meeting, he puts it on. A mistake that he will soon regret. This is where things turn to the supernatural. Aldo mentions in his 3rd audio entry that the fez is moving. He states that he will leave it in one place but it will show up in another place in his house and no one is moving it….
Aldo’s mental state quickly shifts when he begins to notice random people wearing the hats. He sees symbols of the black hat everywhere he goes and whenever he goes, the individuals are always kind and polite. But he also know that someone…or something…is following him.
This is where the next audio log comes in. Aldo wakes up at exactly 3;23 AM.
3 AM is constantly a recurring time in Villainous and by Alan. We know that when they record for the orientation videos, they start at about 3:00 AM. It is always at 3. Even the narrator of the videos complains that he forced to do his line at 3 AM! That reoccurring time is consistent to the supernatural, which involves ghosts. Which is exactly the type of thing Aldo sees.
Aldo sees a tall black figure, standing in the corner of the kitchen, wearing…his hat. In the audio, you can hear…”I’m still here.” The voice of Black Hat speaking to Aldo. There is no escape. Aldo then gets a call from Eduardo for another meeting. We don’t know what happened during that meeting but we do know what happened after.
Aldo is completely corrupted. He even starts talking like Black Hat. If you notice in the 6th audio. You hear a slight glitch. A slight noise. As if the audio is being influenced by a “presence”. Go back and listen to the audio. The glitch you hear is the same glitch from the Villainous videos when Black Hat distorts the picture.
Black Hat or Black Hat’s presence/power is already with Aldo and no one can help him.
Which brings up to the second to last audio message.
Aldo has completely lost his mind. He is raving about devotion to the Master (Black Hat). He even quotes where he came from which is something everyone is familiar with. Aldo quotes: “The Master CAME TO THIS WORLD from an industrial TOWER and it’s BLACK CLOUDS announce him in heavens as paint TEARING a CANVAS, tainting the light LIKE CLAWS!” (translated by @nightfurmoon)
Does that paint a picture? Like from the Anniversary special!
Industrial tower…Black clouds….
This was founded by Black Hat himself.
This last audio message is when Aldo is excited to become a “sacrifice” to Black Hat himself. He mentions how he is honored to be used in the “ritual” since he is so “young” and everyone else is “older” than him but never had the chance to go to their “Master”. To become perfect unto him. (There is a lot of biblical terms that Aldo is saying in his words). Aldo also mentions how he has to please his master with his “whole being”. In other words, Black Hat is taking Aldo into him. Into his own being. Absorbing him. Black Hat is taking Aldo’s knowledge and soul. The last words Also ever said was this.
He drops the tape recorder and all you hear is chanting (in backwards) “Wear the hat” (Which I assume is the TOP HAT) and a distant cackle from Black Hat himself.
And with that…. Aldo is gone.
And Black Hat’s power is added.
but that’s just a theory, a Villainous Theory!
LINKS to other theories: https://thebronyphilospher.tumblr.com/post/173967292007/black-hats-portrait-an-in-depth-analysis
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buenas nightfur! puede que ya hayas contestado a esto , pero no lo haya visto en mis busquedas XD : qué crees que le pasó , definitivamente , a Aldo Maldonado? su cuerpo está siendo usado por Black Hat , o simplemente fue asesinado? ...o una tercera opción secreta?
adoro tu blog , que tengas bonito día <3
Yo creo que le entregó su alma a Black Hat, dudo que lo haya matado porque Alan dijo que a lo mejor lo vemos más adelante. Y yo no creo que BH posea a ningún cuerpo humano, no tiene mucho sentido, él solo usa sus almas
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🗣 “Oh, ¿por qué la ira debería ser silenciosa y la furia muda?”
🎭 Teatro: “TITO ANDRÓNICO” 🏛🎯
✍️ Autor: William Shakespeare (Reino Unido)
🗯 Argumento: Al regresar a Roma de una guerra contra los godos, el general Tito Andrónico trae prisioneros de guerra a la reina, Tamora, y a sus tres hijos. El sacrificio del hijo mayor de Tamora por parte de Tito y su decisión de negarse a aceptar el título de emperador inician un terrible ciclo de derramamiento de sangre y venganza. A medida que las familias, los cuerpos, las vidas y la propia Roma se desgarran, todos tienen un motivo, pero ¿sobrevivirá alguien? Obra experimental del dramaturgo inglés que se convierte en una historia de venganza de la mayor brutalidad que se centra en el honorable general romano que fatalmente se niega a mostrar misericordia al hijo mayor de Tamora, la reina de los godos, a quien ha derrotado en la guerra. La pueata en escena cuestiona la deshumanización de la civilización occidental creando una poderosa sátira sobre la violencia.
👥 Elenco: Bruno Odar, Mónica Sánchez, Diego Pérez, Daniel Cano, Cindy Díaz, Carlos Mesta, Jorge Armas, Martín Velásquez, Sebastián Ramos, Gilberto Nué, Giovanni Arce, Joaquín Escobar, Diego Salinas, Miguel Soriano y Patricia Fraysinett.
📢 Dirección: Mikhail Page
📝 Asistencia en dirección: Natalia Cárdenas

🖼 Dirección de Arte: Bea Chung
💃 Coreografía: Verónica Garrido
🎶 Musicalización: Favio Rojas
💡 Iluminación: Lucho Baglietto
💄 Maquillaje: Joaquina Maldonado
👩 Producción de Montaje: Ysela Castañeda
📰 Prensa: Carla Revilla
👤 Asistencia en Producción: Aldo Ricsi y Alisson Guillén
🖍️ Diseño Gráfico: Roger Pérez
💻 Community Manager: Ana Sofía Ruiz
💰 Administración: Verónica López
🔎 Producción Ejecutiva: Carolina Cano
© Producción: La Ira Producciones @lairaproducciones

📌 TEMPORADA: Del 18 de Julio al 04 de Agosto
📆Funciones: Jueves a Domingo
🕗 8:00pm.
⌛️ Duración: 135 minutos [con intermedio].
🏪 Teatro Manuel A. Segura (jr. Huancavelica 251 - Centro de Lima)
🏷️ Entradas
🎫 Platea: S/.60
🎟️ Galería: S/.50
🎟 Cazuela: S/.30
🖱 Reservas: https://www.joinnus.com/events/theater/lima-tito-andronico-de-william-shakespeare-61889
⚠️ A tener en cuenta: Obra recomendada para mayores de catorce años. (14+)
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Definen Cabildo Infantil Saltillense 2024
Definen #CabildoInfantil Saltillense 2024
Cabildo Infantil 2024 ** Aldo Gabriel Rodríguez Maldonado es nombrado como Alcalde electo. Saltillo, Coahuila de Zaragoza / Com Soc / Abril 24 de 2024.- En un ejercicio democrático, con el apoyo del Instituto Electoral de Coahuila, se llevó a cabo la elección de cargos al Cabildo Infantil 2024 y para el cual se designó a Aldo Gabriel Rodríguez Maldonado como Alcalde electo. Beatriz Dávila de…

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I Wonder Will Act As A Summon/Familiar Similar To What Happens To Those Alucard's Soul's Absorbs
I can imagine that Aldo's spirit is now a familiar used by Black Hat when he needs him. Similar to how Alucard from Hellsing absorbs people's souls and can use them to his needs.
#villainous#villanos#villainos#villainous headcanon#villanos headcanon#black hat#hellsing#rip van winkle#alucard#aldo maldonado
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i'm so normal about him i swear
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Hace ya unos días Gorillaz sacó un video para la canción “Cracker Island” y no pude evitar pensar en Aldo Maldonado de la serie Villanos así que hice un fanart medio trucho sobre mi sacrificio humano favorito :D
Ya tiene un buen tiempo de que hice el dibujo pero olvidé publicarlo jajaja
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Estaba pensado, seguramente que... bueno... Black Hat fue antes humano hace mucho años, después de que se convertido en un demonio
Bueno... es por esta image

Y me gustaria sabe 2 cosas (es decir, dos preguntas)
¿Como es realmente Black Hat? me refiero de rostro, sus ojos y su cabello
Cual es el nombre verdadero humano de Black Hat?
Yo no creo que Black Hat en sí haya sido humano. Pero me gusta la teoría de que él habita cuerpos humanos y que cada tanto tiempo va cambiando de cuerpo.
Algunos creen que el cuerpo que está habitando ahora es el de Aldo Maldonado

La historia de Aldo Maldonado puedes escucharla en sus notas de voz subidas a Podemos Bailar. Su último audio da mucho qué pensar:
Pero de la imagen de la que hablas, seguro es el cuerpo que usó hace muchos años atrás. Tenemos más imágenes de él en el libro de la Bitácora:
Pero no se sabe quién pudo ser este señor. Pero había un mensaje en su cara
#Villanos#Villainous#Black Hat#Aldo Maldonado#Bitácora de Investigación de: Dr. Flug ¡Diario de Dem!#Podemos Bailar
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villainous lore got me fucked up bonkers
#HAVE YALL HEARD THE#TAPES#?????#villainous#villainous fanart#villainous black hat#blackhat#black hat#blackhat fanart#black hat fanart#aldo maldonado#aldo maldonado fanart#villanos#el charro negro
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