#nightfur talks
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Did you see the new demencia design ai animation studios posted on instagram? I dont see why they’d change it but it looks cool nonetheless. Also this gives me hope for a release date of season 1B soon. Why do you think they changed the design tho?
Yeah! Well they're always changing the designs. Also her changes are minor and it's like she just changed clothes, so it makes sense. I honestly love the change of the skirt to shorts. The skirt really limited them in terms of movement because... Well, obvious reasons. Her nails being black was always in her design! Alan just said it makes animating her harder so they initially didn't include them. The tattoo was always intended to be there too, again it was a matter of animation complexity.
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spottedbite is medicine cat of riverclan before their death
Personally:they are quiet and cold,not talking much unless it's with close friends or family
Mother:Isabella(former kittypet)
another mother:sheepeyes
Siblings:lakepaw(older half sister),wishgrass(older half sister),Lilyfang(brother)
Uncle:jen(Isabella brother),hazelpaw(deerheart late sister)
Nibling:snaketounge(sheepeyes sibling)
Now let go with backstory
Spottedbite was born as spottedkit to Isabella and deerheart along with Lilykit
Spottedkit have a second mother named sheepeyes and two older sibings named lakepaw and wishpaw
In their youth,she* was much outgoing and play with her* brother
However when she* was 3 moons old,her* older sister lakepaw is killed in battle with rogues
Spottedkit is very sad about lakepaw's death but is comfort by her* three parents and rest of the family
A moon after lakepaw's death,wishpaw become a warrior and is given a warrior name:wishgrass
Two moons later,Lilykit become warrior apprentice named Lily while spottedkit become medicine cat apprentice named spottedpaw
Spottedpaw mentor is their nibbling snaketounge
She* learn many herbs from them
At 8 moons,spottedpaw realize they are non-binary and like masculine cats
At 10 moons,the camp is attacked by foxes
Unfortunately spottedpaw's mom Isabella died fighting against foxes
Spottedpaw hated themself for not saving their mom in time
Luckily,they are comforted by friends and family
2 moons later,their brother is renamed Lilyfang and they are renamed spotttedbite
1 moon later,wishgrass give birth to two kits named mintkit(she-cat) and hazelkit(tom)
The father of wishgrass kits is a tom named darkmask and he is happy to be a father
At 15 moons old,their nibbling snaketounge died of natural causes
They are heartbroken but promise themselve to move on
2 moons later,Lilyfang become mates with a trans demi-tom named nightfur
Spotttedbite is supportive of their brother relationship
A moon later,mintkit and hazelkit become appreciates and are renamed mintpaw and hazelpaw
Spottedbite is proud of their niece and nephew
At 20 moons old,Lilyfang and nightfur have one kit named lakekit(tom)
Spottedbite is happy for them
A moon later,a war between riverclan and skyclan begins
Spottedbite is afraid about the war
Next moon,a kit showed interest in herbs
The kit is named rosekit and Spottedbite want to take her as a appreciate when she turned 6 moons old
Two moons,hazelpaw and mintpaw become warriors and are renamed hazelstorm and mintgaze
Spottedbite is proud of them
A moon later,rosekit become rosepaw and is Spottedmoon appreciate
Also lakekit become appreciate too and is renamed lakepaw
Next moon,the war ended with peace
Spottedbite is relived but sad because their father passed away peacefully in his sleep
Two moons later,their mother sheepeyes retired to elders den
Spottedbite hope that their mother have a peaceful retirement
A moon later,sheepeyes passed away peacefully in her sleep which makes Spottedbite very sad
But good news,swanpool(hazelstorm's mate) is expecting kits
Two moons,rosepaw earned her full medicine cat name:rosefall
Also lakepaw become a warrior and is renamed lakeheart
A moon later,swanpool give birth to single kit named snakekit
Unfortunately,Spottedbite is killed by a loner
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Hello! I hope you are doing well. I wanted to ask, are there only 6 episodes of villainous? Because I can't find any other episodes ANYWHERE, if there are further episodes (with English subtitles), could you share the link, please? Thank you!
Of the first season on HBO? Yes 6 episodes, but there is more content of villainous. There's orientation videos, shorts, comics and more! Check out this masterpost on a google doc, you will find there all of the episodes of the orientation videos I have subtitled and also the shorts: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kxdHL3UWeXVeA5nDjDRwXq_AX_plLD0cc-ZLqgfA2hE/edit?usp=sharing
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So this rather *important* question was recently answered by Gerry and... Although I know he is half-joking, I think this might actually be a way of pushing things through? I mean if one day we just flooded the CN LA dm's (or anyone relevant dm's) with polite but demanding messages maybe we would finally get the rest of the season 1...
Yeah I've always said this, and this happens with every show. The higher ups gotta see that there's people wanting their product in order for them to make more. Even just posting fanart and tagging them helps
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Did the community get deleted :( ?
Oh it disappeared, I'm going through the Community for admins and this seems to be a known bug. Will contact support for it so it's restored
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hi! I’m not sure if you answer these kind of questions, but I just finished villainous and was reall confused on the “black hat institute” Like black hat has a school? Also Flug and Ms. Heed attended that school together allegedly so was ms.heed originally a villain? How did a villain end up a member of Goldheart’s team? I might’ve missed something lmao but hopefully you know the lore :)
Hey, yeah I do!
Yes he does, he's basically like the huge evil extra rich dude that owns pretty much everything related to villains, so ofc he'd have a villain school. Yes they did, Miss Heed was indeed a villain before. And well, that we don't know, but PEACE takes in villains that want to be heroes I imagine. She was experimented on (voluntarily) by PEACE and she got her powers soo... Guess they both got something out of it. I can't imagine a lot of people want to go through that so they'd accept just about anyone.
If you have no idea what I'm talking about, here's the secret report about her from PEACE:
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So did you hear about that calendar they were making?
Yeah, it looks great! But it's a 'leak' from the retailer, it hasn't officially been announced yet as far as I know
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I just saw this on the studios instagram… Who is this and what is he from???
That's Kaleb, a PEACE agent, from the books (BH’s completely harmless book vol 1 and 2)
Here's the masterpost with links to get all the books: https://nightfurmoon.tumblr.com/post/689140909426802688/links-to-all-the-villainous-books-will-be
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just wanted to give you a big kudos for all the work you do to keep this fandom alive! I probably wouldn’t have ever known about Villainous if I hadn’t stumbled onto your blog, and now i’m hooked.
I know we just have to be patient (a lot stuff is happening behind the scenes etc) but it’s just so frustrating that the show has still not had any real advertising in the US and it’s been almost a decade now since the show was even picked up by CN, and still nothing has really been announced about future episodes. No wonder that CN studios is going bankrupt if this is how they treat their shows)
Thank you! I'm glad to hear my blog is still helping folks ^^
And yeah, it's not as easy as it seems. It's a tough world for animation studios/animators out there. Let's hope we get news soon!
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Have they officially changed Black Hat's design? His eye is now light green and the collar on his trench coat is different.
Yeah they tend to tweak it, and I always love the new changes
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I don't quite get the powerscaling system of Villainous. So, Goldheart is the strongest hero. Which means that Dr. Flug, his nemesis, should be the strongest villain? But we see plenty of casual heroes beat Kenny up. Of course he always comes up with a plan, but there are lots of mystical creatures with higher threat level than him. Who is fighting them if the best hero reaches his limit at mad scientist?
Nobody said Goldheart is the strongest hero. Also Flug doesn't excel in direct combat, so it's not fair to compare him like that imo. He's far better at making plans and inventions to achieve his goal.
And I'd say your 'nemesis' doesn't have to be of your same power scale? That seems a bit too simple. There can be third parties involved, or can have more than one hero/villain trying to defeat you.
Goldheart and Flug's rivalry is something that goes beyond hero/villain as well, they have a backstory.
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Do you know where I could read either the raws or the english translation of the villainous comics? I keep putting of reading them, but I would very much like to as I adore this series and have followed it for years.
Here in my blog under the tag villainous comics:
Ordered chronologically: https://nightfurmoon.tumblr.com/tagged/official%20villainous%20comics/chrono
If you wanna see the posts from newest to oldest, just remove /chrono from the url
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Hi, I was hoping you could clear up a little translation problem for me.
In both English versions, Sunblast says Penumbra isn’t in prison because he enjoys punching her/is using her in place of a punching bag. In Spanish, he says it’s because he enjoys “defeating” her.
My question is, can “derrotarte” be used to mean the same as physically hitting someone? Or was this line mildly censored? Thank you in advance!
I wouldn't say censored, it's just that in Spanish there's no translation for 'punching bag' that isn't outright the literal bag (and its not a phrase that people say), so they changed it to 'derrotarte' which is defeat. It doesn't mean physically hitting, but ig it was the closest thing. Gotta keep in mind you also need phrases with similar length due to animation lip-synching
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By any chance do you know where these photos are from? People keep posting them on Twitter but no one is talking about where they came from…?

Just made a post about this! It's a conference happening today related to the books
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do you think miss heed acquired some superpowers after falling into her formula? "guide to obtaining superpowers" video made me question everything. her pink formula had hazardous chemicals and substances and in the video it was also stated that you'll either get your powers or end up immersed in pain and agony. heed wasn't damaged at all.
Have you read her backstory? It's implied she already went through that when she was 'made' a heroine.
But yes safe to say, heroes from Villainous (at least the human ones) are made, not born.
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Thanks for letting me know! It says:
To the villaintubers and the Villainous community:
I know there haven't been many news, and I am really sorry for the lack of communication. There are a lot of things we are working on that I'd like to tell you about, but unfortunately in the adult world there are contracts and other things that do not allow me to explain the lack of Villainous content. However, believe me that the entire team is working to bring you more content.
For now, the book (BHO handbook) will be published and as soon as we have any news, I will let you all know.
-Alan Ituriel in a villaintubers livestream
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