#no rep is better than bad rep
”bad rep is better than no rep-“
no not always. like i recently read a book with a salvadoran character and i was so excited because i’d never seen a character from my country. but this character… was an undocumented immigrant… escaping gang violence and poverty…
not that that doesn’t happen but a) most salvadoran immigrants left el salvador during the civil war. like back in the 70s/80s.
and also… there were a bunch of well meaning people on goodreads going “i had no idea about the Central American Crisis/the situation in El Salvador!”
and that is harmful. because it makes latin america seem worse than it is. it ignores the beauty, like the waves hitting the rocks or coconut water in the dry season and the smell in the garden after a downpour and the warm rain and the vibrant sunsets and the smell of mango ripening. the smell of pupusas and the feeling of a snow cone on a hot day and swinging in a hammock on a warm, humid day. the feeling of your abuela braiding your hair and the smell of your aunt straightening hers. the rapid spanish and the shades of brown and white together and palm trees and kids playing fútbol barefoot in the streets and the sounds of wii video games and soccer and the price is right and big brother and jeopardy.
that is my el salvador. my country has its problems but it’s a lie to say that it’s ugly and ridden with gangs. latin america is beautiful. brown people and poor people are beautiful. indigeneity is beautiful. white supremacy is not.
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starjunkyard · 2 months
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"Im not even sure anymore if we get to choose who our friends are" There is a part of me that resents you for making me a worse person than i want to be but i am inexplicably uncontrollably drawn to you. You make me a worse person which is the last thing i want yet i want you in every way. If i could leave i would. Maybe i can but i dont want to. I have fun with you. You challenge me and you captivate me and you push me and pull and run circles around me and it makes me feel like a younger man. For the price of being a worse person i get to feel truly, wholly alive. You are the blood that runs through my veins; vital, inseparable. I was reborn when i met you and you are the womb that haunts me. You are the one person on planet earth who knows me. I wish i could leave, move on and be the man im supposed to be but my heart is tied to yours in a gordian knot. There is a part of my soul that rests in yours, magnetic. For as long as i love you i cannot be better than i am. But maybe thats something i can learn to live with. Gregory House-- I think you're worth it.
#house md#james wilson#gregory house#hilson#johan being crazy about yaoi md#johan's mindpalace#Im crazy#like im tearing up#this scene is so romantic it genuinely makes me nauseous#the lowlight setting the lingering stares the soft little smile a dam thats finally broken#I need a 12 gauge bullet in the thigh#Please watch this scene screencaps do not do it near enough justice#do you know whats so genuinely actually sickening#its been months since i finished house md#and i have not watched a single show that has managed to fill even a quarter of the gaping bleeding hilson shaped hole in my heart#shows that have actual gay people actual representation and not a single one has managed to alter my brain chemistry the way hilson has#since day 1 episode 1#Like its actually nauseating a little its so over for me for the rest of my life#Like im actually never recovering#people say “they dont make xyz like they used to haha” But Guys they Genuinely dont#Im going through withdrawls#I need my yaoi cocaine so bad but my plug died 12 years ago and i cant fucking Move#House md capital of fatphobia homophobia transphobia early 2000s edgy humour outshining modern shows with actual rep like im sick#Its not even because i want to like i feel like there are worms in my brain. I feel like ratatoullie if the rat was evil#This is not what the stonewall riots were for#I feel like so nausous why couldnt i be crazy about an actual gay pairing like a normal gay person. Im gonna throwup#Why couldnt i like music and girls#Its not even that house md is objectively logically better than these shows like no. Im just crazy#Im so sick they make me so sick i feel like there are worms in my head. My head#Dont know when i will ever be onorlmal again. Sorr
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ballsalsdaa · 4 months
Why havent i seen anyone talk about how fucking bad the ADHD rep in pjo is
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asterdust · 3 days
my favorite part is whenever gun atthaphan is on the verge of tears
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katyspersonal · 9 months
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#personal#internets#at this rate I've unfollowed both of the kinda.. 'controvercial' blogs I've been following#since there was a good chunk of actually good takes about how bad media is now and society and braindead internet 'activists' that-#-had it too good in their western countries and NEEDED to invent the reason to bully and excile people#could honestly resonate with it despite some other posts causing genuine pain. but mostly about terribly handled media#like you know that thing when corporations do terrible ass rep to pretend that they care for minorities#or artificially fabricate online backlash against their new actors to show investors that people show interest for their product because-#-of all the clicks on their article?#like discussion of this kind sorta keeps me sober#as a person with BPD I get contaminated by opinions VERY easily and as an autist I will believe everything if it is put together 'logically#that's why I HAVE to be exposed to every possible opinion so I am forced to make out my own rather than being swayed anywhere#but at this point those blog became kinda.. bad? like they don't just have 'opinions' but they hate just to hate#but now my dashboard and recs are full of exclusively things I can fully agree with and I am scared that it will rot my brain#like.. emotions are always the same. where is the 'wait WHAT' effect? where is anger? where is self-reflection?#but ALSO I realized that 'those' blogs are no better than those western 'warriors' I despise and they become narrow-minded too in the end#they advertise themselves as 'open to debate' only to always sway debate into trying to win and not into actually discovering the truth#I cannot trust any side because they're all narrow-minded and hostile but I cannot trust people without any side because-#-they're fence-sitters without morals that side with the winner#is there a secret third thing? like is there a way to not take a side but to still HAVE ideals and opinions?#my problem is that if I am not exposed to people that trash everything I value I forget why AM I valuing [a thing] to BEGIN with#and that won't do will it
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itstheheebiejeebies · 4 months
As good as the finale was I am still left in serious want for more storyline for the Tuskegee Airmen because wow they really got a quarter of an episode in ep8 and maybe 3 lines in this ep and we're supposed to be good?
We really should have had scenes with them across more episodes, and gotten at least a fraction of their story because the way they were shown really showed almost nothing
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paintedhyenadogs · 7 months
Reverse 1999 please... Malay characters... That'd be so cool...
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twelvemonkeyswere · 2 years
me: I hate when on tv the latinos are involved in drug dealing
also me:
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best-fictional-cat · 1 year
(tw for ableism)
not to bring anything up on the blog but- i would VERY much argue that the way warriors portrays disabled life is not good. theres a handful of disabled cats, but the narrative and other characters treat them like theyre unwhole, like theyre pitiable, like they will never be worth it because of their disability. its rare that the books allow them to be warriors or even relevent to the story. none of it is portrayed well. i love warriors but: Briarlight is the only cat handled okay. Love her to bits, but even she is called unwhole by her own mother, and its. just. labelled as "shes just worried". sorry for bringing this up, its just very worrying to see people think that the disabled rep in warriors is good :(
I'm not a good judge of that since i haven't read the books so I'm just going to leave it for the more knowledgeable people to see
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whatudottu · 1 year
Total Drama All Stars AU where instead of being a one-dimensional “evil alter” stereotype Mal is this chaotic neutral Eric Andre-esque trickster who primarily just wants fuck with literally everyone he comes across and troll the other alters solely to see their reactions to it
Because I saw that one clip of the Eric Andre show where Tony Hawk was in it, I immediately pictured that with Mal and Chester; despite the fact that Mal trapping everyone and getting them to do things like - in Chester’s case - make skateboards doesn’t make sense. Mal’s chaotic fuckery and Chester’s frustration wrecking shop until skateboards get turned into weapons- and Mal would seem the type to go down the whole ‘hey look at me. look at me. bitch’ route hah-
I’ve seen and read many All Stars rewrites and otherwise ‘I researched DID/am a system, let’s make Mike’s system better’ fanfics (one of which - Navigating the System - I binged nearly immediately) that turns Mal into more a prosecutor/protector that does the things Mike wouldn’t to make sure the body doesn’t keel over and die. Mal WAS fronting throughout Juvie after all, even if he may be less king of the hall (wait shit oh my god Hall of the Mountain King) and more ‘mess with me i mess you up: trickster edition’.
Literally any different version of Mal than what was on screen would’ve been better, and chaotic neutral Eric Andre trickster would pair off with the sometimes goodie two-shoes sometimes straight-up jerk Mike.
#ask#anonymous#mal td#td mal#chester td#td chester#mike td#td mike#total drama#tdroti#roti didn’t do the best representation (it’s why mike’s system is ‘better’ rep not ‘best’)#but it’s a notable show that doesn’t demonise a system for having DID#all stars went with the whole ‘keeping a secret evil inside’ [insert that horror movie you know the one] trope#effectively retroactively going full circle to ‘yeah evil’s in here’ bad stereotyping#i wouldn’t have minded if the mike system had been in an antagonistic role (they got fucked over hard and mike was the one taking most of it#as i said- mike himself is more than ‘nice guy’ he could’ve gotten the whole body’s head in the game#vito surely wouldn’t let a club to the back of the head slow him down#but no ‘the malevolent one’ just took centre stage and all stars put a literal reset button in the show#because you can totally just remove your mental illness by turning your brain off and on again 👍#mal doesn’t have to be nice he can still be the main prick of the system#(honestly svetlana is the only one who hasn’t been a little mean)#but he can be a silly guy- just a guy playing a game and getting to the point where he makes some choices mike wouldn’t make and boom-#an antagonist role more in line with courtney’s return in action coming back to kick away the unfairness#all star ‘villains’ stay as previous season villains and kinda like in seasons other than world tour they find themselves out before the two
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biromantic-nerd · 1 year
I think representation in characters is so funny bc some people are like "I'm [rep] and that is the WORST rep I've ever seen" and some people are like "I'm [rep] and this rep is so important to me this is exactly my experience"
and by funny I mean no character is going to match every single person's experience simultaneously. Someone might criticize a character for being a stereotype and someone else might recognize themselves in that portrayal. And vice versa, etc, and so on and on forth.
#literally i hate what the show Monk does to Monk - sets the audience up to laugh at him#but i LOVE Monk#first character with OCD i've ever seen and he made my life easier just by existing#i love him#absolutely hate watching the later seasons of the show though bc they don't even pretend anymore#that the show isn't about shoving him into situations that distress him#and it's not framed as upsetting. it's framed as comical. look at how ~weird~ his OCD is. our main autistic character with OCD.#like bruh you MADE that character.#anyways i did not vote for Monk in a poll#and i thought it was interesting bc i saw a tag about not liking him#(hi myth 💕)#but i DO like him#don't like his writers though :( they deliberately try to make him ~cringey~ for neurotypical people and it's like okay thanks#i still like him.#he is not exactly my experience#no i WISH i had a helper my life would be sooo much better off i really do need a helper#watching it and finding one solution for an issue i had was like - i don't even care how ableist this show is. this show helped me.#a real life person.#like you can say what you want about bad rep not being better than no rep but i thought it was good rep since it HELPED me.#HE was good rep. the show was bad at framing it bc they wanted you to laugh at him. hope that makes sense.#anyways.#Monk ily. sorry i never kept watching bc i couldn't bear to see anymore of the situations they were putting you in.#i could not reblog the poll with my Monk tags without letting this go. I know I voted for Dirk but I do love Monk but I hate his writers
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moonlitlex · 5 months
based on the dms i just got i am starting to believe the vote blue no matter who thing this time around is actually a psyop
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sakebytheriver · 9 months
#love how i lost a follower because i called the pirate show a slave owner pirate show and they said i was being bad faith 😭😭#and then when i explained my reasons and dressed down why i dont want to watch two slave owners and traders fall in love#very patiently if i do say so myself they decided to unfollow rather than confront why they think its#in their own words ok to use slave owners as characters since there were lots of slave owners before the 1900s and there still are#so what we just arent allowed to use them as characters now#like yeah buddy i dont think we should be using slave owners and traders as characters in uwu gay fantasy shows#i think its a good rule of thumb that we dont turn slave owners and traders into white gay icons that parasocial tenderqueers go to#the graves of to do some cutesy little ceremonies to honor them as if theyre these peoples blorbos from history#dw babe i blocked you so youll never see anpther post from me 💋#like EXCUSE ME for thinking some kitchsy little comedy show shouldnt pinkwash two ACTUAL slave owners from history#like im so very sorry i told you that i want better representation for gay people than LITERAL SLAVE OWNERS#i guess im not a very good ally 🙄#the way they were like we should give them a pass because theyre a big show that is bringing marginalized people to the public in good ways#as if we dont live in an age where we have more rep than ever before and have to give a pass to a show that decided to make two slave owners#into two little uwu smol bean gays for the tumblr communitys consumption 🙄🙄🙄#i just know they unfollowed because i said id seen better rep and better writing elsewhere 😪#like no way that wasnt what offended them most 😂
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the one time my show's (not mine but yk very small fandom) tag is actually used and it's for ridicule and discourse. now that stuff will be the only stuff you can see :/
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sometimes i see people calling an older (specifically 2000s) movie homophobic and i’m like ? what do you mean. and then i’m like oh did you mean when they said faggot? is that homophobia?
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batking-lich · 7 months
"i'm not like those Other People, i only consume Unproblematic Media™ with Good Representation™ and i don't like Irredeemable Media™"
"i'm not like those Other People, i don't like this Sanitized Media™, i only like Real Art™ with Bad Messy Representation™"
you are literally the same people wearing different hats the only things you disagree about are what counts as bad media and what counts as good representation
#bats makes a post#oh this ''bad'' representation you love was made by an actual queer person? depicting their lived experiences?#and/or you like it because it in some way reflects your own actual lived experience? so you think it's good rep then.#and this other queer media doesn't reflect your lived experiences at all?#and it feels too clean like it was made for straight people and not actual queer people? you might even go as far as to say it's... bad rep#''i don't like Show A because there's not enough good rep'' ''i don't like Show B because there's too much good rep''#You Are Both Grown Adults Arguing About Shows For Children. You Are The Thing You Claim To Hate.#everyone needs to chill the fuck out and get some nuance and recognize this a giant community where everyone has different needs#and that we all have better shit to do than argue over ultimately nothing#and to be clear i'm not different from any of these people either! none of us are! we all like it when things are good#and don't like it when things are bad#and it's completely within human nature to argue over pointless shit so i don't necessarily blame anyone#back in the day you had to get books published and shit to be a philosopher#but now anyone can be a philosopher for free and share their ideas with the world#and that's wonderful! but god is annoying to read sometimes#(and to be absolutely clear i'm not coming specifically for people who love ''bad'' rep#those are just the takes i see more often due to content curation#and therefore the side of the debate that annoys me more because i actually see it regularly#and generally is the side i agree with more often in the broad strokes which Makes It Worse when they're annoying about it)
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