#no real incest
cozzzynook · 3 months
Optimus has a sparkling named Hot Rod and during the war he gets sent away for his safety. He didn't know who the sire was. They were a one time fling. Then during the war much to his surprise he has another sparkling named Bumblebee. His sire is Megatron.
He decides to keep Bee and raise him instead of sending him away thinking it's too dangerous.
At some point Hot Rod and Megatron meet and hook up. At first it's something casual and then Hot Rod finds himself falling for him.
Then he finds out Optimus is his carrier and Bumblebee is his brother. He's surprised and doesn't know what to say.
Optimus invites him to dinner. He knows Megatron is his enemy but the war is over and he needs his support.
He goes Optimus is shocked. Bee finds out who his sire is.
I am messy.
I’m not gonna lie i was so scared for a second. But you didn’t traumatize me or disappoint and i’m so happy 😭
I love this.
Megs loves him so much to go even though he’s having dinner with his enemy and Hot rod has so much trust in Megs knowing he’ll actually try and be cordial at least and not kill his carrier since Hot rod didn’t hide learning this new information from Megatron.
Megatron was pissed Optimus gave up hot rod but kept bee while Hot rod wanted answers first before getting hurt.
Of course Optimus had a reason for giving up Hot rod and not bee. It was too dangerous to give Bee up and it was too dangerous to have Hot rod with him. Optimus never wanted to give up or endanger either of his sparklings and he hates that he missed being in person for hot rods life but he didn’t miss a thing.
Optimus names every single big moment in hot rods life that he watched from afar. Optimus gave silent support and love always.
The best thing that Megatron found odd but endearing about Hot rod was that his mech was happy Optimus could name the same for his little brother bee.
Bee was happy to have a big brother and hot rod was happy to have a little brother to tease and look out for but Bee was weirded out that his brother was dating his sire and hot rod found it weird too but by this point he was in too deep with megatron and megatron felt the same about Hot rod.
Optimus made sure his promise was known that if Megatron hurt his sparkling in any way he would not hold back and he would kill him.
Megatron doesn’t admit it but he felt a little scared at Optimus’s promise.
Soon after that promise though Hot rod said it was time to go.
I like this drama in books & fiction ONLY. Not in real life.
Just felt i needed to say that
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justaghostingon · 6 months
In Which Kaeya and Kaveh Have a Horrible Missunderstanding
It starts at a bar in Sumeru. Kaeya is technically on buisness, but really he’s just having “fun” if fun is meeting another khanrian who drops a lore bomb, steals Kaeya’s company (traveler), and leaves without paying the bill.
Somewhat shaken up, kaeya walks up to the bar where he meets Kaveh, who is bemoaning his strained relationship with Alhaitham.
And maybe Kaeya’s feeling nostalgic surrounded by all this wine, maybe Dain’s words about the Alberichs made him want to reaffirm his place in the family that wasn’t crazy (if u count Diluc’s Darknight heroing as sane) but he finds himself emphasizing with Kaveh, and begins to tell his own story.
The two quickly realize their stories are quite similar. Kaveh talks about how his mother left him and Kaeya tells him about how his dad left him too. (Kaeya does not mention he was a very small child at the time, and not a college student, he thinks this is obvious. It is not. Kaveh doesn’t make that connection and it will come back to bite him later)
Kaveh bemoans how he found himself someone he thought he was going to make a new family with, indirectly talking of his secret college dream to marry his first boyfriend Alhaitham (he’s not direct because how embarrassing would that be? Kaeya gets it right?) kaeya emphasizes with his own hopes with diluc and master crepus (both who he uses first names for because he feels like he doesn’t deserve to call them brother/father. But it’s fine, it’s implied right?)
Then kaveh gripes about how it all fell apart and they had a big fight ( “Same” kaeya goes) how it emotionally destroyed him and Alhaitham is now letting him live in his house and that has to mean something, right?
This is when Kaeya, drunk and very much a busybody, (and projecting hard) offers his services. He wants to help these two brothers reconnect
Because kaeya has come to the mistaken conclusion that alhaitham and kaveh are brothers
Kaveh meanwhile, thinks diluc and kaeya must have been dating
Both are very, very wrong
Kaveh takes one look at Kaeya’s fashionable clothing with its daring V neck and thinks Kaeya must be a suduction master who’s taken pity upon him
He agrees
Kaeya starts with reconisence, since Alhaitham is still letting Kaveh live with him, it can’t be as bad as him and diluc, but it never hurts to know ur target
He stalks alhaitham’s schedule, and figures out what he can gleam about his personality.
“The first step is to be where they are,” Kaeya starts, “You’ve got a huge advantage because u share a house. Be useful. Remind him that he needs your support, even if he doesn’t like it”
“I already do the interior decorating! And cleaning! I even cook sometimes!”
“Excellent!” Kaeya claps his hands. “He relies on u, now u just need to figure out what his biggest secret is.”
“I …what?” Kaveh blinks “why? U aren’t seriously suggesting blackmail?”
“It’s not realllly blackmail.” Kaeya waves his hand. “U just want him to know u could, if u wanted too, but u don’t.”
“That’s not going to work on alhaitham, he doesn’t really have secrets” Kaveh says, privately thinking that maybe Kaeya’s not as good at this as he previously assumed.
“A shame,” kaeya sighs “ur sure he’s not moonlighting as a vigilante? Keeping a secret like that is a great way to force them to begin to trust you again.”
“…No” kaveh now definitely thinks Kaeya is not as knowledgeable as he though he was. And might be a little crazy.
Hopimg to change the subject Kaveh goes, “all i really want is to know how to have an open conversation with him wjthout our stupid pride getting in the way”
“An open conversation?” Kaeya looks serious. “That’s going to get physical.”
Physical? Kaveh thinks to himself. Is that really all we need?. Could he really be that bold?
“Does he have a vision?” Kaeya asks oblivious to kaveh’s shock
“Yes? What does that have to do with anything?”
“Is your vision a healing or sheilding one?”
“I can self-heal, yes” kaveh crossed his arms “what are you getting at?”
“That’s good” kaeya nods, lost in his own thoughts. “We’ll need a flat area then, mostly private but close enough to call for help when things get violent…”
“WHEN?” Kaveh shouts.
“I’ll stay by to act as an emergency aid. I can sheild when people closeby are close to death…”
“CLOSE TO DEATH?” Kaveh throws up his hands, breaking Kaeya out of his thoughts “What the F are u talking about?”
“Worst case scenarios.” Kaeya frowns. “You’ve had this fight before, you know how deadly it can get.”
“Deadly? Alhaitham and i had a verbal argument! With words!” Kaveh grabs Kaeya’s shoulders. “What happened to you??!!!”
“He tried to take me out with a flaming claymore.” Kaeya crosses his arms defensively. “It’s how i got my vision.”
“And you still want to get back together????”
“Yes? He’s all i have left.”
Kaveh opens his mouth, and closes this mouth, realizing for the first time in his life he’s to angry to speak.
Wordless, he leaves kaeya and goes straight to Alhaitham
Alhaitham looks up but before he can say anything, kaveh gives him a big hug and buries his head in his shoulder.
Alhaitham is shocked, but hugs back. Kaeya is shocked, becuase he’d never take a risk like that! But Alhaitham was hugging back! Should Kaeya try that?
“Thank you for just being a bit of a dick and not a psychopath”
“Are your standards really that low?” Alhaitham snarks, trying to cover how confused and offput he is by this all.
Kaveh just smiles and kisses him full on the mouth.
Kaeya who at this point, is convinced kaveh and ahaitham are brothers, promptly faints.
When he wakes, he doesn’t talk to anyone, just walks himself home all the way to mondstat in a daze before sitting at thr angel’s share.
Diluc takes one look at kaeya’s disleveled and dazed appearance and demands to know what happened
“He kissed his brother.” Kaeya says. Staring into his glass like it contained the secrets of the universe
“Some cultures do,” diluc points out, cleaning a few glasses while he waits the bar
“No,” kaeya shakes his head. “Not like those cheek kisses they do in fontaine. He was full on making out! With his brother!”
Diluc drops the glass.
“Diluc…” kaeya looks at diluc with big, watery eyes. “Diluc we aren’t thr most f-ed up pair of brothers. There are actually worse cases”
“Why are you telling me this?” Diluc asks, knuckles white on the counter.
“Because if i have to have nightmares about this, so do you,” goes Kaeya.
“Ass” diluc replies, “if u tried anything like that i’d have you reported to the church for the crime of incest.” but he relaxes.
Kaeya hides a smile. In a weird way, it’s reassuring to know that Diluc considers the idea of kissing him as incestuous. It means deep down he must still think of Kaeya as a brother.
Meanwhile in Sumeru:
“How to you help someone who’s trapped in an abusive relationship?” Kaveh asks alhaitham
“I’ve found staging a coup most effective,” alhaitham says, thinking of nahida.
“Great,” kaveh pulls out the blue prints to the dawn winery “get the gang together Alhaitham, we’ve got a Wine tycoon to take down.”
The end
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strangestcase · 1 year
becoming a furry nonhuman otherkin objectum genderweird relationship anarchy freak has made me immune to weird conservative whatifs. "what if people want to identify as animals" let them "what if people want to marry furniture" let them "what if-" is it hurting YOU? personally? or are you just so joyless that you can't conceive a living thinking person that isn't as repressed and deprived of whimsy as you
EDIT: Incest and pedophilia (including simulated pedophilia) don’t count because they do hurt people. I can’t believe I have to say this but things that hurt people aren’t part of the list of things that are weird but don’t hurt people.
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skumhuu · 6 months
Proshipper = you're against censorship and harassment over fiction & curate your experience on the internet to have a healthy distance from things that make you uncomfortable
Antishipper = you're okay and even encourage harassment towards "freaks" and "weirdos" society deems acceptable to hurt
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 2 months
so five and lila being a thing is going right next to allison literally sexually assaulting luther in the box of things we are absolutely under no circumstances accepting as part of canon right
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tweedfrog · 2 months
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The Rubicon Theory of War // Plutarch's Life of Caesar // Seutonius' Lives of the 12 Caesars // Treason - 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica
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monster-lover-pride · 21 days
I genuinely do not understand the trope of antis making blanket statements about proshippers, lying about them, calling them pedophiles, whatever whatever but then getting mad when said people correct them in the notes?? Like ofc if you call someone a pedophile rapist groomer for shipping two siblings in fiction yes obviously they're going to correct you or get defensive?? I thought it was common sense.
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brother-emperors · 2 months
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lmao so I was working on a comic about Geta and Caracalla before the Gladiator II trailer dropped and immediately went into some kind of frenzy over it, but we’re back!
sort of— honestly the weather has been too hot to work on personal art, and what time I do have for drawing is going to commissions and work because I have bills to pay etc, but I did finish up this illustration of (my versions) of Geta and Caracalla 😌
⭐ places I’m at! bsky / pixiv / pillowfort /cohost / cara.app / tip jar!
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bonefall · 4 months
I understand being upset by the moonpaw dog post but i dont think talking about some random teen publicly (on a pretty big fandom blog) as opposed to like, dming them about it, is a very nice thing to do? Would recommend keeping that kinda gossip in dms going forward personally.
??????? "That kinda gossip???"
Saying that it's fucked up that a publicly posted incest joke about how deformed she should look went to the top of the Warrior Cats and Moonpaw tags, is gossip???
I'm not talking about "some random teen," I have not even dropped a username and been VERY clear I don't want harassment of anyone. During this discussion about wider ableism against Moonpaw, I've directly answered two anons about the contents of a post that was/IS extremely popular to the tune of nearly a thousand notes.
One of those two asks was an anon who only stumbled in to say that the post was funny in a display of SHOCKING tonedeafness, while I was talking about how shitty it is to compare people who are the products of incest to unethical dog breeds, especially in the context of WC. The other was an actual XX/XY chimera who expressed that the extremely popular post hurt their feelings, and when they tried to express discomfort to someone, got told they "probably killed their twin in the womb."
It's not just one rando weenie little blog the minute half of the Tumblr space is openly laughing at a joke about deformed incest kids and hoping Moonpaw dies because she's so "gross." Not nice?? Your feelings are hurt? OTHER people's feelings were ALREADY hurt.
NOTHING about this was "nice" to begin with!
Difference is, when YOU cry me a river, you can build me a bridge, and get right the fuck over it. A person who's the product of incest cries and has to go right back to every shitty banjo-hunchback-hapsburg joke they've heard before, just feeling more unsafe about a space that PRETENDS to care about the abuse they experienced. If you feel guilty about that, maybe you should!
If you were under the impression I was ever "nice" about bigotry, you were mistaken. I don't appreciate calls for ME to be more polite when I'm at a trend of fandom ableism and calling it fucked up. I've named NO names. Sounds like what you ACTUALLY want is for people like me who have a platform to shut up.
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sonknuxadow · 1 month
see i do think there have been actual instances of fandom people just deciding two characters are siblings with no real basis and acting like its canon and forcing that interpretation on others and getting mad at people who disagree . but a lot of the characters i see people list as examples of this happening with are just actually stated to or heavily implied to see eachother as siblings by the source material and at that point i think you just dont see adopted siblings as real siblings idk what else to tell you
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carve-your-initials · 2 months
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I have a very important announcement to make......
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entertxinmyfaith · 17 days
The fact that bungou stray dogs readers were confronted with a semi-graphic panel of a character being impaled in the eye via a sword through the back of his skull this week but, rather than being horrified, everyone just breathed a collective sigh of relief cause at least the panel also finally confirmed that the character being skewered was in fact just a regular sex freak all along and not an incestuous one…
Really makes you think.
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basilbots · 2 months
Guys if you're making nasty accusations about the real life character of a person and what they would do irl because they don't see the robot's relationships, which may I remind you do not work like humans and contain fantastical elements that do not have a real life equivalent, the same as you then you need to just take step back from the fandom. It was never that serious and making such accusations is more disgusting than whatever that person is doing that you don't like. Stop
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stardust-falling · 3 months
fandom psa; there is nothing whatsoever that is inherently "problematic" about shipping characters who are "found family."
Adoption is not found family. A blended family is not found family. A found family or chosen family is a group which, through circumstances or simply mutual affection, hold their relationship to one another with equal care and importance as family members ought to. It's not the same type of relationship.
It's not incest. It's not even pseudo-incest unless you want it to be. I personally don't care what people ship, but I'm absolutely tired of people misusing the term "found family" to just recreate the idea of a nuclear family and force those roles onto the entirety of a fandom. Sure, maybe characters who are found family may view themselves like siblings, or like a parent and child or aunt and niece, but they might also just see each other as friends-- and guess what? romantic partners too! That's technically the most widely-accepted form of found family/chosen family there is!
The whole point of found family/chosen family is to have the importance of "family" on relationships that lie outside the commonly-understood bounds of that relationship. Not to recreate the "mommy-daddy-daughter-son" dynamic with unrelated characters and use that headcanon or fanon dynamic to enforce your own morality or preferences on other fans.
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atopvisenyashill · 4 months
every time someone does “valyrian culture was more egalitarian than andal culture” discourse i point to the fact that jaehaerys invented the doctrine of exceptionalism and was an evil misogynistic menace to every woman he knew, how visenya was not the ruler of their house despite being older, and how the vale which is STEEPED in andal culture & chivalry & the seven regularly has their houses ruled by women in a way that almost no other region outside of dorne has ntm having the ONLY ruling lady of a paramount house INCLUDING VALYRIAN AND FIRST MEN HOUSES and also i start shrieking
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sea-creeture · 5 months
there's life outside dumbass shipping discourse but when was the last time you touched grass anyways??? freak
a-anon….. you've sent me so many asks…e-even when I've blocked you….. Are you so obsessed with me because you're…. In love with me….? B-because I….. I'm in love with you too, anon……. Come here, be the proshipper to my anti…. Let's make a neutral baby….… 𝔱𝔬𝔤𝔢𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯
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