#no puppydog for us boys
jestroer · 11 months
I love the addition of Gem and Lizzie's and Mumbo's comeback but the absence of the dogman is still in the air
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kainebell · 5 months
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can I say something
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bitter-hibiscus · 3 months
what are some of your favorite robin jason headcanons
Commissioner Gordon isn't allowed to smoke around Robin!Jason. He WILL make puppydog eyes the entire night to try and get commish to give him one
He's the only Robin who's allowed the aud in the Batmobile because he shares Bruce's music taste
Since his room in the manor is Dick's old one, he found Dick's old Flying Graysons poster and taped it above his bed. He uses it as motivation for Robin because if Dick can still be good despite the tragedy of the Graysons then he can too
Selina is his favorite "family" member because she took him to Wildcat's boxing ring the first time they went out together AND she's the only one in that buys him batburgers
He only cooks for himself, because cooking for Bruce makes him think of Catherine's last years :)
He has a huge scar from his lip to his left eye from where Willis' wedding ring caught on his skin once
His favorite book is The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
He spends his first two months in the manor sleeping in the closet instead of the bed
His shower in the Batcave has a bird print on the curtain (when he comes back as Red Hood, it's changed to a fox print)
Jason loves anything chocolate and hates anything strawberry EXCEPT for shortcake. Alfred makes brownies very often
Jason took a knife from the kitchen the day he moved into the manor and hid it under his pillow. Bruce knows but never asked him to give it back. Jason puts it back in the kitchen on the 3 month mark
Jason never has any money despite his allowance being hundreds of dollars because he just leaves them in his childhood friends (Max, Numbers, etc) bedrooms every time
Eddie comes over once every 2-ish months and the first time he's there and Dick comes over Dick is CONVINCED Bruce got another one. Jason runs with it and almost convinces Alfred that Eddie is his new brother
Jason has a winter version of the Robin uniform and the cape has 1) a hood and 2) fur lining. He has to replace it often because he gives it to homeless kids as a blanket more often than not. Bruce is glad to buy him new ones
If he goes to Crime Alley as a civilian, every single crook will ask him if he's "Willis' boy" because when he was still alive, Willis couldn't go more than 10 minutes without telling his coworkers about his little prince
Jason uses a leave-on conditioner for his curls that Dick recommended him. It smells like oranges, and becomes the scent that Bruce associates with him
His favorite piece of clothing is a dark red sweater with two yellow stripes that Clark sent to him for his birthday
Speaking of Clark, his Superman autograph is framed on the wall in his room
He makes friendship bracelets when he's bored!! Most of them he gives to children he rescues as Robin (it becomes Gotham Culture to compare how many Robin friendship bracelets you have. The record is 23). The ones he doesn't give to victims are usually given to Rena or Eddie (and, in one rare occasion, to Bruce. it says "Spooky." Bruce still wears it after Jason comes back)
Robin Jason looks like a doll. He has an up-tipped button nose and eyes three times the size they ought to be, big eyelashes and cupids bow lips. He looks like Sheila as Robin, and like Willis as Red Hood
He has a tattoo in the shape of a batarang on his shoulder because of Willis (which I've written about here)
Okay i just realized how long this is oh my god. I didn't even make a DENT on my Robin Jason headcanons. god help me
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bigassmoonchild · 1 year
Pairing: Task Force 141 (not specified) x Reader
Wordcount: 891
Summary: You were always gentle, no matter the situation. Even if he didn't notice until now.
Content Tags: Fluff, Reminiscence, Interactions with Children, Canon Typical Violence, Mentions of Human Trafficking, Heavy Angst, Hurt/No Comfort, Mentions of Death, No Use of Y/N
A/N: Just a drabble ;). Maple Syrup will be updated most Fridays/Saturdays. I don't have the time during the regular week to be able to take the hours needed. You are more than welcome to request something! I'm encouraging it! As always, content under the cut and requests are open <3.
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He wished he could've known you. More than the violence you used to get through missions, more than how big you made yourself seem when out at a bar after a mission with the 141. And when he really thought of it, he knew what you truly were.
Gentle. Not a word often used to describe military personnel. But you? That was one of two words anyone could've used.
It was a silent mission. Just something to pick up intel quietly and leave, nothing else. You were outside a coffee shop and he watched a little boy run up to you, stopping directly in front of where you sat. You gave him such a big smile, leaning down and listening to what he said into your ear.
You leaned further to grab his jacket and get the zipper to zip, rubbing his shoulders for a second before sending him back off. If the boy knew exactly what you had under your own jacket, he would've ran off screaming.
But he didn't, because you knew what you were doing when it came to kids. They understood when you were direct, and you always were. It was never trying to reach the point in a way you would assume that they'd understand, but in a way that any normal person would understand.
You didn't underestimate their knowledge. All people learned in different times so you assumed that the kid would understand what you said. It wasn't a bedazzled explanation with butterflies and puppydogs, it was straight to the point.
During another mission, in the middle of securing a safehouse you struck a man, knife sliding through his neck like butter and you were able to turn, grasp on the knife tightening before you saw the little girl. She was curled up into a ball, hands above her head as if to protect herself.
Even with bloody hands, you had pulled her into you and brought her to the safe point. Even covered in blood and grime she let you sit her on your lap in order to check her over for marks and possible wounds, happily speaking to you and allowing you to mess with small scrapes she had on her elbows. You had to hand her over once you got off the plane, allowing protective services to take her from you.
You'd mentioned a few weeks ago that you kept in touch with her, and the little girl was now going into year ten. You'd had such a nice, gentle smile on your face as you recalled the girls boyfriend, how he would buy her flowers randomly. He didn't mind how you'd mentioned you would do some unspeakable things to him if he hurt her.
Even when you shot a man point blank, you took your time to ensure the body was out of the way, to not get trampled over. You respected the dead, no matter if the dead had been shooting at yourself and the rest of the 141.
And as gentle as you were, you were equally violent and angry. The only time any of them had seen you like that was during a mission busting a child-trafficking ring. There was no respect, there were no mercy kills. You shot where they'd take ages to bleed out from and made sure they hurt while doing it.
When you'd finally finished off the last man, releasing the kids from where they'd been chained up, you'd given them little smiles and spoke oh so nicely. Follow this big, scary man now. He won't let anyone hurt you, you'd told the first group.
He wasn't sure what happened when you'd disappeared for some time. You didn't talk about it and he learned to not mention it. All he knew is that when you came back outside just a little bloodier, your eyes didn't have you in them.
It was when the kids had smiled and waved at you that you came out of it. Your smile, this time, hadn't gone to your eyes like it usually did. You waved back, letting them hold your hands if they wanted to and making sure they had what they needed while waiting for a medevac.
Water, food, just a hug. You did whatever they needed and didn't let anything stop you. He'd tried, sure, but you wouldn't rest until you knew the kids were completely safe.
So as he sat there, coughing up blood, he could only think of how gentle you would be. How you would try and tell him that he'd be okay, that there was nothing to worry about. That the blood was natural and that he was going to be fine, you're going to be fine, god damnit. Open your eyes!
And maybe he had closed his eyes, but either way his vision had tunneled too much for him to see. He could feel your hands, gently trying to stop the blood as you felt the tears pouring down your cheeks. There wasn't much you could do, you knew. You didn't want to give up, your mind racing even as your hands found his and you held them, grip gentle.
Because that's what you were. No matter what, you'd be gentle to those who needed it. And maybe you would be just as gentle with the next person who came into your life.
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ganymede-princess · 5 months
A Hazy Shade of Winter | Angus Tully
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ship: Angus Tully x fem!OC
warnings: Angus is literally so mean, but he's like that in the movie anyways.
summary: Carol's parents send her to spend the winter break with her uncle at Barton Academy, and a certain curly-haired boy takes an immediate (dis)liking to her.
word count: 2790
a/n: I watched the Holdovers like 2 nights ago and I’m obsessed with it now so here’s this! Maybe a second chapter coming?
written by @ganymede-princess
Misery. Absolute fucking misery. That’s all Angus could see for the foreseeable future. Just an ocean of black, sticky misery, stretching out to the horizon in every direction. As he settled his bony rear on the hard edge of the ping-pong table and listened to Hunham gleefully dole out their sentences, he thought he would vomit any moment, or drop dead. He kind of hoped he would. He scoured his eyes over the pitiful creatures he’d be bunking with this winter break; two little boys: a religious fanatic and a foreign exchage student, the school’s star quaterback, and fucking Kountze. Five little Christmas orphans. Angus would blame karma, if he believed in that hippy-dippy shit. The most unbelievably unfair part of all this was that he wouldn’t even be able to jack off in peace since all five of them would be bunking in rooms one and two of the infirmary, with Hunham in room four. God knows why they couldn’t use room three, but Hunham seemed determined to avoid any questions pertaining to that.
Just when he thought his holiday couldn’t get any worse, the girl arrived. She skittered in like a mouse, out of breath, red-faced and shaking like a handbag dog. Six little Christmas orphans.
“Ah, you’re here.” Hunham extended his hand welcomingly, and gestured to her to step forward.
She crept over, giving the ping-pong table and couch full of boys a wide berth, then nervously shook Hunham’s hand and scuttled away to sit on the floor and tuck her knees up under the frumpy men’s jumper that swallowed her whole, like a turtle retreating into a shell. She waved at the five of them, cherry lips curling into a tight smile.
“Is that a girl?” Kountze said, loudly.
“Indeed, it is. Students, this is Miss Carol Hunham, my niece. She will be joining us at Barton for the winter break.”
“Teddy Kountze.” The little freak said, practically falling over himself to shake her hand. He looked ridiculous crouching there beside her like he was about to accost a rabbit at a petting zoo. If brown-nosing was a sport, he’d be a world classer. “Wonderful to meet you. If you need a tour guide, come to me. I know this place like the back of my hand.”
She nodded in thanks, regarding him with huge puppydog eyes. Angus thought she must be dumb or tongueless. Five-foot-nothing, wearing unfashionably tapered plaid pants and Chelsea boots that were all the rage a decade ago, huge turtle-shell glasses that made her brown eyes bulge out of her head like a salmon… the only cool thing about her was her dirty blonde shag haircut, but even that came across as trying too hard. With that, and those round cheeks and fat mushroom of a nose, Angus almost expected to hear Hunham introduce her as his niece. Almost.
“You’ll be taking her nowhere without a chaperone, Mr Kountze. Now, gentlemen, and lady, off you go to the infirmary building.” Hunham’s one good eye roved over the room, then settled on Angus. “Mr Tully.” He addressed him in his weasley way, voice dripping with schadenfreude. "Be a gentleman and help Miss Hunham take her bags to room three."
Now it made sense why they'd been forced to leave it empty. The little fuck had a whole room to herself.
"I'm not a gentleman." He responded, insolently as possible.
"Then play the part."
"Fine." The ping-pong table screeched backwards as he stood up, grabbed his case and stormed over to the girl who leaped to her feet, eyeing him warily as he marched her out of the room and collected one of her ridiculously heavy suitcases and set off outside with the puppy in tow.
"Um." She began, her voice a pathetic whimper. "I'm Carol Hunham."
"I heard."
"And you?"
"Angus Tully. Are you deaf or something?"
"He d-didn't say your first name." Angus grunted in response. "So, you're- you're holding over?"
"What?" The question was so insipid it made him stop in his tracks and gawk at her. "Of course I'm holding over! Are you stupid?"
"Sorry." She whispered, averting her eyes. Angus felt a rush of regret as her lip trembled, but he swallowed it and marched on.
The air was biting cold, and Angus wished he had two jackets on- or better yet, a hot-blooded model on each arm- but unfortunately he was stuck between this girl making goo-goo eyes at Kountze and her machiavellian gargoyle of an uncle. As the rest of them caught up, his simmering rage suddenly bubbled over and he broke the silence in a voice thick with hatred.
“This is the most bullshit ever! If we have to stay, why’d we have to draw Wall-eye?”
“Uh, y’know he used to be a student, right?” Quaterback drawled.
“Yeah, that’s why he knows how to inflict maximum pain on us, the sadistic fuck.”
“Yeah.” Quaterback agreed with a giggly laugh. “I mean, no offence Hunham, but your uncle sucks.”
“I don’t know him.” The girl had retreated to the fringe of the group, and when she spoke up her voice didn’t command much attention.
“At least we didn’t draw Decker, he’d be perving all over us.” Kountze sidled up alongside her and let his arm brush against her. “And we wouldn’t have Carol here with us.”
Angus rolled his eyes, but felt vindicated when he noticed her pull away from him, almost fearfully.
“Hey, guys, hold up for a second.” Angus leaned up against the pickup at the side of the road and lit up a cigarette, eager to relieve all this tension.
“No, I got something else.” Kountze pulled out a stinking doobie and gestured for his lighter. “Gimme that.”
“Hey, don’t smoke that out here.” He chided. “I don’t wanna get busted by Wall-eye.”
“Don’t be such a pussy.”
“I’m not a pussy.” Angus felt his blood pressure rise. “I just don’t want to get up at Fork Union paying for your mistake.”
Kountze didn’t bother responding, just blew out a fat drag and smiled in satisfaction.
“Teddy Kountze.” He said, offering the joint to Quaterback and trying to sling an arm around Carol but she sidestepped him to Angus’s amusement.
“Jason Smith.” Quaterback responded with a sickeningly charismatic smile.
“Yeah, I know who you are.” Fucking bootlicker. “You wanna hit this?”
He cast a glance up the road, but Wall-eye was nowhere to be seen. “Uh, yeah.” 
He took a puff and offered it to Carol.
“No, thanks.” She held up her mittened hand. “I-I hear pot can give you the heebie-jeebies.”
“The heebie-jeebies.” Jason repeated, grinning. “Cute.”
She was sort of cute- Angus begrudgingly admitted now that he’d seen her up close- in that pitiful way that those fucked up little pug-dogs are cute. He wondered if she had asthma. Besides, it’s not like he cared. At least, if somebody like her could be cute, maybe he was too, with his hawkish nose, narrow eyes, five o’clock shadow, gangly limbs, scraggly hair… No, that’s ridiculous. Unless… He wondered if she thought he was.
“It’s mellow stuff, babe.” Kountze assured her.
She blushed and shook her head, then turned her massive obsidian orbs to Angus.
“C-can I…?”
He sighed heavily, arranging his face into a scowl before he handed over the cigarette. She took a dainty puff, then handed it back. He took a drag himself, savouring the knowledge that his lips were touching the same place that a girl’s had just rested.
“More?” He offered it back.
“No, thanks. I don’t really… y’know.”
“‘Course you don’t.” He scoffed and stuffed it back in his mouth. “Such a pristine girl, I bet you never did anything wrong in your life.”
Flushing, she averted her eyes.
“So, how’d you get stuck holding over?” Kountze queried, his demeanor forced casual.
“I’m supposed to be skiing with my folks up at Haystack,” Jason said cheerfully. “But my dad put his foot down, said I can’t come home unless I cut my hair.”
“So why don’t you just cut your hair?” Angus snorted, feeling a fresh rush of anger. How could you throw away a perfectly good winter break just because you’re sentimentally attached to your godamn freak flag?
“Civil disobedience, man.” He grinned.
“I dig it.” Carol spoke up suddenly. “Conformity is a dangerous thing.”
“See, she gets it.” Jason put his arm around her shoulder.
“You like Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young?” Her blonde lashes fluttered as she gazed up at him. Angus could have puked all over the sidewalk, and Kounze looked like he might actually do it.
“Man, I love ‘em!”
“Almost Cut My Hair?”
“My anthem.” He nodded solemnly. “That album was my whole life last summer.”
Angus noticed her head tilt to rest on his shoulder as he offered her the joint. This time she took it, allowing herself a long drag. He gritted his teeth and fought off the urge to deck that filthy hippy then and there.
“Anyway,” Jason waved his hand, as if clearing the conversational slate. “My dad’s cool. It’s just a battle of wills. Still, I was kinda hoping he’d cave first, because the powder up at Haystack is so sweet right now.”
Jason’s hand made its way into Carol’s hair, curling a lock of it around his finger. Angus’s fist closed involuntarily while Kountze’s eyes narrowed as he looked around, lip slightly curled in frustration.
“What about you, Mr Moto?” He said, locking onto his target. “Why are you here?”
“Uh, no. My name is Ye-Joon.” The boy explained innocently. “Uh, my family is in Korea, and they think it’s too far for me to travel alone.”
“I figured it was because your rickshaw was broken.” Kountze laughed and looked around for approval, to which he found none.
“Uh, wh-what’s a rickshaw?” Ye-Joon seemed genuinely baffled.
“You’re an asshole, Kountze.” Angus said darkly. “Your mind’s a cesspool, and a shallow one at that.”
“Who’s the asshole, Tully?” He sneered back. “You’re the one who blew up history.”
“Hey.” Jason held out his hand gently, then turned to the other kid. “What’s your story, man?”
“Alex Ollerman.” He responded, his voice stronger than the other boy’s. All that faith in a higher power, I guess. “I’m here because my parents are on a mission in Paraguay. We’re LDS.”
“Mormons, right?” The kid nodded proudly.
“Don’t you guys wear some kind of, like, magic underwear?” Kountze gawped.
“That’s a common misconception.” Alex began. It seemed he had all his bases covered, and he turned to address the Korean kid too, as if he might convince someone to join. “Actually, it’s called a temple garment, and we’re only supposed to wear it when we-”
“Hey, what’s up with the townies?” Kountze interrupted, already distracted by something shiny. Angus was mildly relieved he wouldn’t be hearing any more panty-talk- he’d had quite enough for one day, what with his bathing suit and all- but, his relief quickly turned to annoyance when he noticed the two men coming down the road, hauling a Christmas tree between them.
“Hey!” He hollered. “What are you doing with our Christmas tree?”
“The school sold it back to us.” One of them responded. “Scotch pine, still fresh.”
“Yeah, we’re gonna put it back in the lot.” The other explained. “We do it every year.”
Angus turned back to the group and shook his head darkly.
“This is the most bullshit ever.”
Angus didn’t think he’d ever be so happy to be in the infirmary, but when they stepped into the heated building, he might have sighed in relief if he wasn't in such a black mood. His arms absolutely caned from carrying that stupid suitcase, and Kountze had been smack talking the whole way up the hill. He thought the only thing worse than bunking with the two kids would be sleeping in with Kountze while he tries to tickle Jason’s balls. He’d much prefer to cosy up in the girl’s room, irritating as her face may be. He abandoned his luggage outside room two and hauled Carol’s down the hallway while she pattered along at his heels.
"Why do you need two cases, anyway?" He sneered, stealing the comfort of silence. "You can't have that much shit to carry."
"It's-" She paused and cleared her throat. "Well... well, why should I tell you, huh? You're- you're-"
"What? An asshole? A jerk? A philistine, as your mole uncle says? Y’know, I'm pretty sure there's a faculty rule against targeted insults towards pupils."
"You're mean." She admitted in a small voice. "And I don't know why."
"Yeah, well get used to it sweetheart. Just wait till Kountze gets over your gyno-gimmick and starts treating you like he does everyone else, you'll be begging for 'mean.' And by the way, you’re just antagonising him by hanging all over Jason all the time.”
“What’s Jason got to do with it?” She snapped, raising her voice for the first time.
“Aw, I hit a nerve, huh?” He delighted in watching her face turn scarlet.
"Y-y'know, when you stood up for Ye-Joon earlier, I thought you might actually be cool. I'm disappointed."
She said nothing else, just ducked her head and ran ahead to open the door for him. Baffled, he barged past her and dumped the suitcase on the nearest bed.
“Thanks.” She whispered.
"Why are you even here, anyway?" He rounded on her, suddenly tired of the way she let him walk all over her. "I mean, other than to ruin the ambience with that hideous sweater-"
That did it. She let out a choking sob and made for the door.
"Hey, hey wait!" He flailed out his long limbs and caught her around the arm, but she wrenched herself from his grip and made off down the hall, away from Hunham and the other boys to Angus' relief. "Carol, wait I didn't mean it."
She didn’t respond, just sped off and careened around the corner. Angus caught up just in time to see the door of the broom closet swing shut. He clucked his tongue and sat down on the hard floor outside, feeling a wave of disgust as he listened to quiet weeping. Gently, he rapped the door with his knuckles.
“Go away.”
“Carol, I’m sorry.”
“Go away!”
He paused for a moment, and considered his options.
“Your sweater isn’t actually ugly, by the way. I was just ribbing you, y’know? Horseplay?”
“No.” She said firmly, voice muffled through the wood. “No, I know ribbing and that wasn’t it. Y-you were being cruel, and you wanted to see me cry, I know it.”
“What? No!”
“You enjoy it, don’t you? You’re so miserable, the only fun left for you is making everyone else feel as wretched as you.”
He swallowed thickly, feeling a lump of shame coating his Adam’s apple. He took another long moment to collect himself. He resented how easily she read him, but if he wanted to keep her from finking, he’d have to choose his words carefully, and eat a large portion of his pride.
“It’s true.” His stomach roiled in revulsion as he grovelled to her. “I’m sore about holding over, and I wanted to take it out on someone, and you looked like easy pickings. I’m brash, I’m rude, I hate everyone including myself, and I make it everyone else’s problem.”
She paused her sniffling, as if sizing him up.
“Well.” She said thickly. “Thank you for admitting it. That was very… self reflective.”
“I go to a shrink, I kind of have to be self reflective.”
“Ah.” She sniffled. “You can leave me alone now.”
“I would,” Oddly, it felt good to tell somebody… Good enough that he was able to go back to being sly. “But this closet doesn’t open from the inside. Every time we get a new janitor they get locked in here. Happens like twice a year.” She said nothing, but Angus heard her breathing pick up in pace. “I mean, I can always leave you in here.”
“No!” She said urgently. “Let me out, please.”
“I will, if you promise not to fink.”
“I-I won’t fink. If you leave me be, I won’t fink. Pinky promise.”
“Alright. I’ll stay as far away from you as humanly possible.” He clambered to his feet and opened the door for her. She was already standing, and as soon as she saw the light, she tried to scoot out beside him, but he moved his arm to stop her. “Pinky promise, remember?”
Begrudgingly, she curled her finger around his, then slipped out past him and returned to her room. Angus watched her go, and something broke inside his chest as the door closed behind her.
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wolftoken · 2 months
leash • iv x reader
a/n: hehe yeah inspired by this post :3 @ghostlygothicgay
word count: 841 • tags: gn reader, sub iv, puppy play, collar, leash, overstimulation, creampie
• masterlist •
IV is a good dog.
He loves his leash and he’ll wear his collar proudly, running his fingers over it when he thinks of you. He has a collection of different headbands with puppydog ears attached to them.
He’s bent over you on the bed, thick thighs shaking with pleasure as his cock drills into you. You can tell he needs to cum, but when you tug on his leash every time he gets too close, he slows down his thrusts and recollects himself.
It’s a pretty, gold chain that’s attached to his leather collar that sits pretty around his throat. It says his name in bold letters on a plate and it’s his favourite thing to wear. You’ve told him he should put it on around the band so they can see how much of a good boy he is, but he just blushes when you talk like that.
You can feel his fuzzy hairs that reside on his tummy brush against your skin, whilst one of his hands is tightly gripping your hip and the other has a fist full of the duvet below you. He’s panting like the good puppy he is, and you know he’ll start whining soon, too. You push your hips back against his and he lets out a pathetic cry, so desperate to finish inside you. He’s so cute like this, but he’ll be even cuter when you make him keep thrusting after he’s cum so he overstimulates himself and starts whimpering.
He loves being your puppy.
“Please, fuck, I need to cum, can I?” he begs, and it sounds so sweet. He knows you’re going to make him keep fucking you and he wants it. He needs to feel his legs almost give out underneath him and he is desperate to feel you clench around his dick when he’s already been milked for all he’s got.
“Use your paws on me and make me cum, baby. Then you can, okay?” you reply, breathless but still in control. You’re bouncing up the bed and it’s hard to fall apart underneath him. But IV knows you’re in control right now.
His hands moves lightning fast to play with you, already wet from what’s been dripping down between your thighs. It’s your turn to start shaking as his fingers work over you like they have so many times before, skilled and perfectly rough with callouses. The combination of his thrusts and his hand makes you reach the edge quickly, grounding yourself by biting into the pillow that you rest your cheek on. IV is babbling incoherent words but you can just about make out his “please, please, please,” in your rattled state, so you tell him he’s a good boy and good boys gets to cum.
It’s harsh, the way he pounds into you, but so delicious. It makes your thighs ache in the best way and you love the way his fingers tighten on your hips. IV always cums a lot, filling you completely every time. Even after his first orgasms of the night, he’s got plenty to spare.
He stills his hips to catch his breath, but you don’t let him relax for too long. A harsh pull on his leash gets him going again, and you don’t miss his sharp intake of breath as he starts moving again. Another tug on his leash gets him to stop. So well trained.
“IV, I need to lay down,” you tell him, and he gently pushes you to lay flat on your stomach while he lowers himself to rest on his elbows and knees.
“Put your weight on me, puppy, I wanna feel you.”
He complies and it feels perfect. It’s grounding and warm and his fuzziness feels so good against your skin. He’s still buried deep inside you, giving you lazy shallow thrusts and pretty moans. You tell him he needs to fuck you harder, because pulling on his chain is difficult with the angle, but he’s such a good boy so of course he complies immediately by fucking into you harshly.
He’s strong and usually has a decent amount of stamina but he completely melts when you get the collar on him. It’s good for him, when all he can think about is how blindingly good everything feels and how he’s such an obedient puppy for you.
A quiet whimper is muffled by IV nuzzling his face into your shoulder but you know what it means.
“You wanna cum again, puppy?” you ask, voice straining under the pleasure you’re feeling. After all, IV isn’t just overstimulating himself here, he’s working you up just as bad, too.
“Fuck, please,”
He’s not even sure what he’s begging for but when you squeeze around him once again he can’t control himself and pumps you full for the second time that night. You can feel it dripping out of you, already so stuffed full of him. Every part of you is shaking but you don’t want it to ever stop.
It’s going to be a long fucking night.
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
𝓘 𝓛𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓨𝓸𝓾 (say it back) [𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐑]
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He's the introvert tall guy dressed in black who always picks you up from work, makes sure you drink enough water, and that you stay out of trouble. In a way, some might think it must be tiring to have a partner that's just so different than yourself- but he wouldn't have it any other way.
Tags/Warnings: Girly!Reader, Introvert!Jungkook, non-idol AU, opposites attract AU?, established relationship, Angst, Major Fluff, some drama, Slice of Life (like Good Girl AU for example), mc is kook's biggest simp, kook is kind of overwhelmed by her love sometimes, but it's fine they both cute
Length: No chapter limit set. Story will simply update randomly and focus on asks/requests.
You run into the bedroom where Jungkook is currently playing his video game, barely covered by a towel, hair up in a bun that's pretty much held together only by hopes and wishes.
"Jungkook!" You call out excitedly, and he pauses his game in a well used-to manner, making space so you can hop onto his lap, his controller falling onto the floor as he looses grip on it- more so concerned with holding you on his legs as you wiggle around. "Shower with me." You demand, and he sighs, looking over to his TV screen, inner battle hard to decide. "Jungkookie, please!" You whine, and he plays with his lip piercing.
"You know what happened last time." He worries. "You almost hit your head when you slipped-" He reminds you, but you just roll your eyes.
"There's nothing in it anyways-" You start jokingly, but he instead flicks his fingers against your forehead scoldingly, reminding you that he's not too fond of your own demeaning jokes against yourself, even if you don't out any honesty in those words. "-Kookie please, you've been at it for hours and I wanna have some quality time with my hot sexy anime boyfriend!" You huff, and he frowns a bit at that, confused.
"I'm your what now?" He wonders, and you laugh, running your fingers through his by now pretty long hair. He himself doesn't really know what you see in him- but he knows you love both him, and his appearance a lot, no matter if he just woke up, if he's sick, or if he's looking his best.
'You're like, my biggest boy-crush, ever!', he remembers you confessing to him one night in his apartment as you had shared pizza- just after he'd opened the glass bottle of strawberry ramune for you with one hand. 'like, please crush me with those hands, mister!' you had dramatically whined, and back then, he had taken it as nothing but playful joking.
Oh how dense he'd been.
"No really! You kind of look like Miyamura Izumi from Horimiya-" You tell him, pink sparkling acrylics combing over his scalp in a way that would make him purr, if he was a cat. "-a bit more buff and with more tattoos, but still. We gotta watch that show by the way, it's so cute!" You giggle, and he swallows down his own shyness creeping up. Even after half a year of dating you, he's not yet used to your boldness when it comes to complimenting him. He's not really used to it. Maybe never will.
But then again, he also thought of you as nothing but a hollow barbie doll come to life, in the beginning. Come to discover, you're not at all empty inside- but filled to the brim with color, by now having started to paint his life and even himself in more hues than he's ever really thought existed.
"Please.!" You try again, attempting your best puppydog eyes- though he's a little distracted by your cleavage dangerously exposed, towel hardly holding on. "Oh! I bought a new brand of body-scrub, by the way! Strawberry sugar, the one you said you liked when I first came over?" You remember, and he nods, sharing the excitement a lot more subtly than you, who's buzzing just at the thought of your new purchase.
"I remember that. It smelled really nice- but I thought it was discontinued?" He wonders, pulling out the hairtie from your bun to make a proper one for you.
"Oh it is! It's a different brand this time, but it smells pretty much the same.. and the container is like, bio-something, like, it's not plastic-"
"Biodegradable?" He asks with a smile, and you snap your fingers at him.
"So smart, those glasses really aren't just to look good." You praise, and he chuckles. "Anyway I'll scrub your pretty skin down top to bottom if you shower with me and maybe give me a handjob?" You ask, and he sighs a bit bashful. Sex is a big part of your relationship- you're very open with it, show your love in a more physical way than he does. He's never really been a cuddler, or someone to hold hands with- even kissing in public had been nothing but a myth to him prior to dating you.
These days? He can't seem to escape you- and he doesn't want to, either.
Sex has turned from something.. well, somewhat enjoyable to him, to something exciting and even romantic, even during the most messy encounters. It's like he's gotten a unique craving just for the taste of your way of love him- a craving only you can really satisfy.
"I'll even suck you off-" You start again, and at that he averts his eyes, shaking his head with a laugh and red ears, showing clearly that he's caving in, making you laugh as you get up- towel dropping, leaving you completely naked as you run into the bathroom, only turning around for a second to peek around the doorway into the bathroom, bare chest clearly visible as you see him pick up the towel. "oops." You tease, and at that, he suddenly dashes towards you-
easily catching your naked body in his arms as he closes the bathroom door behind him.
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r0-boat · 1 year
hii puppydog here <3
been thinking about sub obey me again so:
barbatos w a petplay kink, specifically him w a bunnyplay kink <3, he likes being made to wear a collar n a pair of bunny ears n all that jazz
barbatos being made to breed his owner over n over again until hes shooting blanks, drool dripping down his chin as he comes down from the overstimulation
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Oh? One subby bunny! Barb x Gentle dom! Mc with pet play and praise coming right up
Bunny Boy Butler
Sub! Barbatos drabble
Cw: praise kink, pet play, breeding kink
His eyes clouded with lust; he leans into your touch. Barbatos's cock throbs in your hand as he rubs against your palm. He lets out a grown when you get his balls a little squeeze. You slide from his cheek, your fingers tracing over his jawline down his chin till you reach his collar. Sliding your finger underneath the leather, you give it a tug earning a whimper from your pet
"Please what?" you purr giving him a teasing smirk
"Please master." Barbatos repeats "let me be inside you I want to make you feel good..."
" good boy~" the praise rolls off your tongue making shivers run down his spine. "Patience pet. You breed me soon."
His breath shakes at your words the mirror idea a feeling you around him has him drooling. "Y-yes..."
You play with his drooling cock. Taking the scene before you, his bare chest rising and falling in rhythm with your slow strokes, precum drooling from his head, making your hands slick. He has yet to take his eyes off you, deliciously desperate to have you underneath him, His neck covered in your marks—the cute bunny ears on top of his head.
You loved the way he sounded, his soft gasp and whimpers, especially when you continued to pet him, removing your finger from his leather collar, trailing your fingers down, and gliding across his collarbone to his chest. Barbatos's breath shakes, his eyes widening when he sees you get on top of him as you guide his cock just above your entrance. He immediately takes your hips into his hands.
" gonna be a good bunny for me and make me feel so good?" You ask, gliding the drooling head of his cock, kissing your entrance. Before gently pushing it inside.
"yes! I'll make you feel so good." He moans, his eyes rolling back, already feeling your walls grip around him. You let out your own noises taking your time accommodating his demon cock, feeling it stretch you out more and more as you slide further down. No matter how much he wanted to slam your hips down, making you take him deeper and immediately start pounding and breed you right there, Barbatos was a good boy, a well-mannered, good boy, and like a good obedient pet; he waited patiently for you to adjust to his size before you eventually started moving. At that point, he couldn't help but move with you, buck his hips up while you grind down on his cock. Your breath hitches, feeling his head hitting deeper, immediately hitting that spot inside you that made you see stars.
"You're doing so well, Barb! Keep moving like that!" Your words urged him on his fingers digging to your side to see begins to slam you down. It seems you finally broke him, feeling your insides cramping down on his throbbing cock, his heavy balls slamming against you as he thrusts up to meet your hips every time he slams you down. Barbatos was already close, and he showed no signs of stopping or slowing down.
"Yes! Yes! Fuck! Barb s-so good! Your so big! Mmmh~! Breeding me so good!"
Your squeals going straight to his cock. His orgasm hits him hard eager to give you precisely what you want. He keeps moving his hips fucking his cum deeper the sounds of his seed mixed with your juices, and delicious moans echoing throughout his room, paired with the overstimulation maked him close once more. At that point you weren't sure if he was using your body to breed with or you were using him. You are just as eager to drain his balls with how tight you are squeezing him and how hard you were grinding against him, trying desperately to match with his movements.
Barbatos lets out a rather loud whine ashe fills you up once more. You were glad that it was just him and you and the castle because your beloved pet was unable to stifle any noises he was making beyond that point his eyes rolled back in his mouth open drill dripping down his chin has he focused all his energy and keeping his wild and unrelenting pace. He completely takes over as you start to tire though he still whimpers and begs for you to keep cumming on his cock, addicted to breeding you.
" you're so s-strong! Mmh! Fuuuck! Hah-! Good boy! Using- Using me like the good horny boy you are!"
Praises fall from your lips like word vomit, the pleasure making your mind go blank. Even though your bunny boy controlled your hips, you had to give him a small reminder of who he really belonged to. Your hand tried to grasp at his collar, your fingers catching the small iron chain, a part of the collar tugging at it and tightening it around his throat.
Barbatos's legs shake. He throws his head back, letting out a roar as he comes again, his fingernails leaving marks in your skin as he holds you, still filling you up. He's not sure if he could even cum anymore though he was too addicted to stop.
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takami-takami · 1 year
Mean To Me.
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kinktober day 3: exhibitionism
includes— hawks x reader. minors dni. smut.
warnings— afab!reader. fem titles and clothing. subby hawks. brat taming. mistress title. edging. bullying, so mean to him. masturbation. masochism. light dacryphilia.
Hawks is a slut for doms, you heard it here first!
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Even through his misbehavior, there is a written pattern in his actions that you’ve come to observe: Keigo is quite well-trained.
One word of your command, and he'll reduce himself to groping his own chest for your entertainment. He'll throw his head back at the pinpricks of pleasure that plague every inch, scorching his skin with an unbearable ache as he pinches and prods under your dutiful eye. 
Some questions remain unanswered, however. For instance, it would be impossible to answer whether the whine in his voice comes from the way he's teasing the sensitive, reddened peaks, or from how his blood boils at the thought of being watched by you. 
Perpetual surveillance makes for a well-behaved boy; and every move of his is monitored by you across the room, scantily clad in his favorite black lingerie set and lounging across the loveseat parallel to his bed.
"I need it," Keigo rasps, squirming against the sheets. Thick, lubed digits squelch with each movement as the poor thing attempts to fingerfuck himself with even a fraction of the prowess of your poisonous touch. 
To your delight, the recreation is quite sad, actually. It makes for a delicious little struggle.
"Please. Need it so fucking bad—" 
"Language," you correct, letting one leg sway lazily over an armrest.
"That's not even a rule," he wails, throwing his head back with the beginnings of a tantrum. 
"It is now," you say, sauntering over just to twirl a strand of hair in spirals around your fingertip. It's almost pathetic how easily he arches into your touch when you look down on him like this, admiring up close his fucked-out pout and hazy eyes.
"And lose the attitude." You fist the roots, yanking it straight back to force him to look you in the eye.
"Sorry," he squeaks.
"You do like it when I bully you, don't you," you ask. Though you both know it hardly counts as a question, such humiliating inquiries reinforce a power dynamic, a reversal of the roles evident with every ounce of filth that pours from your lips to trickle down his spine. 
"You're so mean to me," Keigo whines, a hitched whimper swallowed before the sound can mingle with the tension that crackles thick in the air. 
It's a compliment as much as it is a complaint. 
That same hand that played with his chest releases it suddenly, darting down between those trembling thighs to grip the heat between. It would be a crime to listen to that merciless lilt in your prosody— all venom, matriarchy, and lust— without touching himself to the sound of it. 
It's simply an indulgence of his voice kink, nothing more.
Keigo squeezes himself, speeding up his grip on his dick every uptick while he holds your gaze, mouth agape. With his neck still strained, those puppydog eyes remain trained reservedly on yours. 
He can't help but touch himself when you look down on him like this. It's not his fault, he thinks, that his hand begs to crawl down every time you speak; because all he can visualize with his last remnants of a thought is you, hissing those same words as you bounce atop his lap.
Him, bound and perhaps gagged to be used like a toy. You, entirely free to do whatever the fuck you want to him.
"But I do. I love it. It's so hot," he says over the slick sounds between his thighs. "Fuck, baby. It's so hot." 
"Of course you like it. Fuckin' masochist," you spit, and Keigo swears his blood sings.
Satisfied with his predictable decision to trade dignity for obedience yet again, you release your grip on his roots and allow his head to fall forward with a whimper once more. A jingle rings in your ears, the clicked collar around his neck clinking with the movement. 
Head hanging, chest heaving, and cock swollen; tip swelling a blushing, scarlet red with pre leaking from the slit at each agonizing edge he endures— this is the man Keigo has begged to be reduced to.
Through the strands of hair that dust over his eyes, one golden eye peeks open and watches your heels clack leisurely against the floor on your way back to your seat. 
"Aww, you want it that bad? You're not above begging for my strap, are you?" 
You plop down once more against your throne, crossing your legs and beginning to tap a single nail against the armrest.
It's a contemplative action and it sends trembling waves of fearful arousal through each singing nerve in Keigo's body, down his twitching cock and heaving core. It taps unbearably loud over his open, agonized sobs of agreement; like he genuinely believes he'll get a little bit of pussy if he acts pathetic enough. 
How ironic. That only makes him more pathetic in your eyes.
"Mm… Yeah, baby. 'M not. Please give it to me." He blinks back the tears, looking up at you with the most pitiful eyes as he can manage. Mercy is a treat earned, after all, and his hopes all happily rise to his throat in the form of a trill when he sees your pleased squint of approval. 
Shifting, he squirms in anticipation. The next chapter of this little game is imminent, and he must mentally prepare for the sweet release he is certain will be awarded to him.
In his mind's eye, Keigo sees himself clearly, caged beneath your thighs. He feels the phantom squeeze around his cock, milking and wringing the flesh of it with each stroke as you take him. Letting his eyes flutter closed, he can taste the heat of your insides, can feel the licks of desire like whips along his body as he waits patiently to empty his balls. They'll be painfully swollen from the strokes against his prostate you will treat him to beforehand— inevitably, just like you always do. 
Keigo lets loose a sigh of contentment, shifting his hips as he waits for his reward. 
You can hardly hold back a laugh when the idea occurs to you. 
"Ruin it for me." 
"What?" His voice cracks. 
"You heard me. I know you're not that dumb, sweets," you deadpan, ignoring the adorably perplexed furrow that begins to line his brow. 
His lips are parted, opening and shutting in disbelief. You almost want to gag them open wider. 
The reality of your words hasn't settled in quite yet, hasn't demolished the poor thing's hopes and dreams thoroughly enough for your liking.
"Even a fucked out little mind like yours can comprehend, oh," you count on your fingers for effect, his blown pupils following each movement. "Four measly little words. I'll say it again though, because it's fun to watch the way you cry about it: ruin it for me." 
"B-Baby, wait," he panics, blood draining from his face and surging downstream. When speaking with his hands to display any last shreds of authority, Keigo only succeeds in showcasing the way they tremble to your gleeful eyes. 
"Wait, w-wait," he begins to bargain. "We can talk about this, you don't gotta—" 
"Nope," you refuse. One glance at the twitching cock that oozes pre from the slit with every mean word, one look at the way his eyes go hazy with powerlessness, and you can ascertain two facts: the safeword is nowhere near his lips, and he loves this.
"You'll ruin it for me, won't you? Stop right as you go over the edge. Make it up to me for being bad."
Keigo huffs a pout. It’s a fit he pitches. 
"You're f—" he catches himself. "You're cruel when you get like this."
Your eyebrows raise in mock surprise, uncrossing your legs and leaning your weight forward. You roll your eyes at Keigo's predictable gulp that follows, as he makes no effort to conceal his stare between those thighs that he'd much rather have like muffs around his ears. The thought creeps up and plagues his mind, a malady of memories of the times he spent hours lapping his fill with a blur of motion against his own neglected cock.
The swallow that results is audible.
"I thought you liked me being mean to you?" 
A hand makes its way to conceal his mouth when he looks away, neck scorching with heat. 
There is an agonizing dichotomy in the pleasure and fear Keigo feels when he begins to touch himself again. Those watery eyes quickly roll back into his head.
Beating his dick to the tune of his anticipatory sobs of denial, he knows it feels incredible. He can feel it building, crackling pleasure against his cock as he rubs it with each loud, wet stroke. Chest heaving with each twist of his wrist, up and down, wings flapping madly like a dog's wagging tail— it all feels too fucking good; but Keigo knows, logically, that this would-be orgasm is going to fizzle into the most dissapointing faux release he's ever had the displeasure of experiencing. 
He can pretend it doesn't hurt, he tells himself. Judging by the sparks of pleasure wracking his body now, the orgasm he's about to give up would have been one of the strongest he's ever had.
When he "cums," it's to the backdrop of his tortured sobs. 
All he gets is a phantom throb and a river of cum that leaks pathetically when he tears his hands away at the last second.
Frantic with denial and tormented by a painful ruin, Keigo's hands reach out and grip the air before those claws sink angrily into the sheets and clench. Breaths escape his bitten lips in hot puffs, eyes bleary with water when they stare in utter helplessness at his equally weeping cock. 
All he can do, all he's permitted to do is twitch like the poor, untouched cock that empties itself against his stomach with each pleasureless pulse.
"Tell me," you interrupt. "Do boys like you deserve to cum?"
He furiously shakes his head from side to side, hitching high-pitched hiccups from the back of his throat. It's with a sob and a bitten lip that he sinks further in his slouch, nearly stomping his foot like a tantrum. Another jingle of his collar rings out with the motion.
"You're lucky you're even getting this," you goad, just to rub some salt in it. "Do you deserve it, baby?"
"Yes, mistress," Keigo mumbles the response automatically, fuzzy until your expectant glare pops his budding bubble of bliss. "I-I mean, no, I don't— thank you, mistress."
You hum. "Felt good, huh?"
Wiping his eyes with the back of his hand, Keigo hiccups when he nods.
It's only half a lie.
Physically, it was excruciating; but mentally, he'll be replaying this memory with a bottle of lubricant and his fist tight for weeks to come, desperate to keep the image fresh in his mind.
"What an adorable little ruin. Much too good for my sweet, sweet boy," you purse your lips when you tease, tapping Keigo's cock with the tip of your heeled boots and watching him flinch.
"You know what, Kei'? I think I'll have you give me another."
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11queensupreme11 · 10 months
Hello Queen I am so sorry for bothering you but I created a Tumblr account just to be able to read your Arsenic Blues sneak peeks, and to ask as well as to let you know I absolutely love it! And I know you know about Anubis but I wanted to share with you some scenarios that I thought of if he were to be added as an interest as well 😉
Again these are just some thoughts 🤔🥰 I hope you like them
I know you have seen Anubis but omg look at him again! 😊🥰 Here are some scenarios I have thought of
*Scenario #1*
Percy: "Who has been a good boy?" *Has her arms full of snacks and ready to give pets and cuddles*
Anubis: "Me! me! I've been a good boy I haven't killed anyone that so much as looked or talked about you in over an hour!" *Raising his hand up excitedly, semi lying about the killing, he has mutilated them to where they are barely breathing they are not dead.........yet*
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//*another scenario*//
Anubis sits bored in a meeting with the Egyptian Pantheon and catches his intended mate's scent that reminds him of the calm ocean and sea breeze (I know she doesn't smell like that but I am using that as an example) and sits up straight grinning all excited and runs out of the meeting room to go find his precious little mate running on all fours
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Finds Percy who was walking by trying to find Brunhilde or Mnemosyne only to be tackled by Anubis to the ground as he licks her neck and rubs his body against hers ignoring her protest wanting his scent all over her, wanting her to smell just like him and it's taking all his will power not to throw her over his shoulder and carry her to his den/temple and into his large nest like bed he had built for her to share and have her in a mating press and knotting her for the next several days as he can picks up her fertile scent🤤😍
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after the first scenario, i just realized that out of all the yanderes, anubis would be the one closest to the traditional yandere trope of "sweet, then crazy". just LOOK AT HIM! he has such puppy energy!!! he's adorable! if he has a tail, it'd probably wag at the sight of percy 🥹🥹🥹
loki's too weird, beelzebub's a creep, poseidon is emotionally constipated, hades is too much of a gentleman, and apollo's too arrogant, but anubis??? omg he would be SUCH a sweetheart!!!! just like the traditional yandere trope!
but behind that puppydog sweetness is a rabid (horny) dog, as you've seen from the other facial expressions he made in the latest chapter. this dude's FERAL. that sweetness of his would probably get percy to lower her guard (not that he's doing it on purpose tho)
he's literally the perfect yandere 😩
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 3 months
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@courtofparrots @kingflups I decided to combine both of your results (23- a kiss while drunk and 42- a kiss out of spite) into one big stupid fic that I absolutely ADORE for no good reason so I hope you enjoy!!!!! :DDD
Fic under cut!!
Leon stumbled into the side of the door, nearly dropping the empty glass he clutched in his hand onto the nice new mahogany floor he’d insisted on buying.
“Am not drunk”
Luis had to hold back his giggles like his life depended on it as he gently took the glass out of Leon’s hand, placing it on the kitchen bench nearby. It was almost adorable, he had to admit- the way Leon was so stubborn in insisting that he wasn’t drunk. Which he so, so obviously was. He probably wouldn’t have even been so insistent if it weren’t for Luis relentlessly teasing him about his taste in alcohol- but he couldn’t help it, alright! American’s just had bad taste!!
“And I’m the reincarnation of Miguel De Cervantes in the flesh.”
Leon shook his head and tumbled his way to the kitchen counter, sluggishly pulling up a chair opposite to Luis. Who, in return, leaned over the marble with his chin rested in the palm of his hand; a patient, languid expression and small smile on his face.
“C-Cervantes was ugly. You’re waaaaaaay hotter than that guy”
Luis’ smile broadened and his eyes crinkled with curiosity. That familiar, gut-deep warmth that always came in tandem with Leon’s compliments cursed his chest once again- even while knowing he was piss-drink, Luis still wasn’t immune to his praise.
“How so, if I may ask, my dear Sancho?”
“Well for one thing,”
Leon dramatically put one hand up in the air,
“He was ooooooold. Like, hundreds of years old”
“Maybe he is now…”
“And two,” Leon raised his other hand,
“He, like, sat in his room and wrote books all day. Like, who does that?! Who writes books all day?? Eugh!!”
Luis had to bite his lip to keep himself from devolving into uncontrollable laughter, tears already pricking the corners of his eyes as he watched Leon fake-gag.
“O-Okay!! He’s old and had hobbies! Understood! I’ll avoid all those things, I guess…”
“AND number threeeeeee!!!”
Leon slammed his hands down on the counter, leaning into Luis’ space a little bit.
“You kiss booooooyyyyssss…”
Luis made the most atrocious noise from his throat known to mankind while trying not to laugh.
The cadence Leon had said that could best be compared to a schoolgirl telling her best friend about her secret crush- not a grown man kicking his feet and giggling on the kitchen counter.
“Is that so??”
Luis squeaked out, using every muscle in his body to not laugh. Or cry. Leon nodded profusely,
“Yeeeeaaaahhh… you’re a boy kisser… I bet you wanna kiss me sooooooo bad…”
“Oh, I’m afraid not, cariño,”
He gave his lover a gentle smile and a pat on the shoulder, trying to let him down as easy as he could- but his big, wet, sad blue puppydog eyes already had his composure crumbling.
“You’re just a little drunk. It’d be immoral of me to kiss you in his state, mí príncipe”
Luis hoped the showering of nicknames would help soften the blow, but it really did quite the opposite.
Leon looked beyond devastated. You could’ve kicked a puppy and it wouldn’t look as forlorn and heartbroken as the sad little blonde in front of him did. But Luis was about to lose his composure! Not yet, at least!!
“W-What?? You- you don’t wanna kiss me…?”
“Lo siento-“
“F-Fine!!” Leon, in the blink of an eye, went from sad-pouting to angry-pouting. “I-I didn’t even wanna kiss you, anyway!! I bet you’re a terrible kisser!!”
Poor Luis had to cover his mouth to hide his smile lest he be exposed for his unseriousness in this totally serious scenario.
“Awwwww, nooo, my dearest Sancho, don’t say that…”
“Y’know, you’re really missing out! I’m a great kisser!!! Just ask, um…”
Leon looked down to count on his hands,
“Ada… and… Chris… if kissing for a dare counts… and… my ex-girlfirend… whose name I’m forgetting… and… um… and-“
Luis swiftly cut Leon off by grabbing the sides of his face and pressing him in for a messy, unceremonious kiss. His lover tasted like cheap American liquor, just as he’d assumed, but for once he didn’t hate the taste. Maybe that was just because he wasn’t the one drinking it, though. Not exactly the most romantic kiss they’d ever shared… but at least it shut Leon up.
Who, speaking of, was panting like a dog by the time Luis finally let go of him. He was about to say something, probably along the lines of how he’d never do that again for him, but Leon promptly cut him off with the stupidest, most boyish smile on planet earth.
“Ooooooooo, you’re jealooooouuuuuusss…”
“No I am not!!”
“Are too!”
“Am not!!”
“Are too!!”
This went on for far longer than Luis cared to admit. He argued with Leon deep into the night- exhausting him of his energy to the point where he just ended up falling asleep on the couch anyways. And Luis wasn’t far behind; throwing a thin, decorative blanket over their bodies and snuggling up to his side until the two of them drifted off to sleep together.
Luis would have plenty of ammo for teasing in the morning.
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noowayybroo · 1 year
HC again - Leon gets some piercings for you because he wants you to swoon
Reader age, relationship, gender etc unspecified so have fun!!!
Leon stares at you from his chair, within arms reach but as if he were tens of meters away. He's gripping his arm-rests firmly but clearly trying to look cool as he looks around and back at you, making large head motions that sway his fringe around dramatically.
This is how I usually act, right? He thinks, slightly desperate as he smirks and nods at you, giving you his best 'I'm so calm, cool and collected right now', but harbouring on rizz face.
His right leg bounces up and down quickly but not too harshly but this is also just a sign of his general anxiety.
Leon had no idea what piercings you'd liked on a guy. In fact, he'd told you that he just wanted to get a piercing, and wondered if you'd like to come along. Convenient. He thought of getting ear-piercings but didn't want to be too boring. Then he thought you might like a tongue or lip piercing. He shivered at the thought of how you might pay attention to them-...
Aha! That was it! A septum piercing! All the cool boys had one, he thought, and he noticed how you seemed to always notice them. Besides if either of you didn't like it, he could just flip it up and hide it. So that's what Leon was gonna do today, he was gonna get his nose stabbed, because he wanted you to find him hot... A subtle gesture that you definitely wouldn't correlate to him liking you, no less.
Leon was smiling at you and making small-talk until the piercer appeared, preparing his tools and explaining the procedure to Leon. Suddenly his voice was dry and hoarse. His replies were curt, one worded and stuttered, "Y-yeah?" "Uh-uhuh" "S-sure, sure y-yep..."
His leg shook a little more wildly and his hands tightened their grip on the leather arm-rests, causing the material to bulge between his whitened digits. The piercer, being a little worried, checked Leon was ok, to which Leon, trying to act cool assured him that he's 'been through much worse' and is "SO READY, man!".
After a lot of convincing, as the needle approached Leon's nose, his hand quickly shot out, grabbing yours tightly. You could feel how sweaty and clammy he'd been. And was he... shaking? Poor thing. He was terrified. You watched as his wide eyes relaxed a little at holding onto you, especially as you held him back.
He quickly realises he's not being 'cool enough' and takes a deep breath, narrows his eyes and stares forward. Leon's hopefulness is clouding his vision. The game is over, you know he's a terrified little puppy, and an adorable one at that, but he's trying so hard to be brave, just for you, so you make a note to humour him after as you stroke his hand reassuringly, trying not to giggle.
After Leon is pierced and a nice ring sits in his nose, his hand jumps up fast (almost hitting a disgruntled piercer) to wipe up a stray tear welling in his puppydog manly eye and glares at you as if trying to will your subconscious gently into forgetting what it saw. He swallows thickly and folds his arms, macho.
"You were so brave in there, I'd have been balling my eyes out", you lie generously to him on your walk home. Part of him wonders if that's the truth as he gazes at all of the jewellery on you that highlights just how stunning and flawless he sees you as every day, but the majority of his shy ego lets his chest well up and his face redden at your comment. He very nearly accidentally lets the words "anything for you" slip out, but substitutes it for a shaky chuckle, still in some bruising pain.
For the next few weeks, months even, Leon LOVES to hear you compliment his new decoration. He points to it jokingly and uses it to 'win' arguments about him being a wuss, him not like piercings, him not being a bad boy or living on the wild side, etc.
He loves having this similarity to you, and wholeheartedly believes it's brought you both closer. He loves using it to include himself with you. "Us metal heads" and "us absolute rebels" are some of the very cheesy, very cringe things he likes to say whilst pulling you close into a strong, brief embrace with one arm.
He's thinking about getting more piercings. Especially some of the ones you have and like because he thinks you're absolutely smokin' with them, so it might help him. He's also thinking about that tongue one for... reasons. He also thinks sometimes about any hidden ones you might have... that he might be able to tempt you into showing him with the excuse that 'he has one so it's ok!' Or the reasoning that he's curious and wondering what looks good. Cheeky boy!
Ultimately, Leon respects you so much more now, if that were even possible. That was such a small piercing he got yet it hurt like a bitch. You, in his eyes, were an absolute beast. He loved you so, so much.
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hey-hamlet · 8 months
Fic Prompt: 13, Puppydog Tails AU, Hound Dog.
I can already imagine a scenario, however I'd like to see your take on it as well, not to mention that this character isn't one usually used, so that's a plus for me, getting to see an underrated character :D
What doesn’t kill you,” he continues, “changes you in ways you can never recover from. But what you do with those changes is up to you."
Getting Midoriya to attend therapy had been a hard fought battle. One, he noted as he meet eyes with a green-furred, sharp eyed, wolf-like dog, they'd not entirely won. It wasn't impossible to hold a therapy session when your client refused to shift into a form that allowed communication, but. Well. It certainly was more difficult.
He near refused to answer to his last name, leaving it up to teachers how they would refer to their newest student. Use his first name and subtly continue the implication he was less worthy of respect than other students? Or call him by his last name, distress the kid, piss off his friends and lose control of the classroom. Yagi and Aizawa had neatly sidestepped the problem by virtue of only calling him a nickname (my boy and problem child, respectively).
Hound Dog figured that giving the boy the agency to pick his own name was more important than implications.
"Now, Izuku." Hound Dog said, noting with a spark of happiness how Midoriya's ears pricked at his name. "This is just an introductory session, we won't be handling anything sensitive at this moment." He forward in his seat, eyes locked on Midoriya, but avoiding his eyes. Body language was tricky with mutants and animal shifters. The last thing he wanted to do was threaten the kid.
"I just want to make one thing clear first - you are just as worthy of safety and comfort as your fellow students. There is nothing wrong with the way you seek that comfort, even if it means we have to work a little harder to communicate, ok?" Midoriya stared at him, frozen for a moment before soft whimpers built in his throat. He watched the body curl in on himself slightly, sure tears would be dripping from his eyes if he were capable of it in his current form.
Ah - Hound Dog felt himself soften. Even now, the pup's tail was wagging.
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oonajaeadira · 10 months
For the Love of Fic: November 20
Heyo! I've been just parking read fic here for a while and didn't realize how long it was getting! And then I used my wait times in Disney to read a bunch more.... anyway. I've got a long list of fun for you!
Also, I'm really sorry, this is the dumbest header I've ever made but it made me laugh so here we are.
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🪐 = Year of Themed Creation Fics!
Dieter, Dieter, Pumpkin Eater by @coulsons-fullmetal-cellist I can't decide what I love more: Dieter getting frisky in a bouncy castle or his gleeful exclamations when the goats take to him. I want this. I want all of it. Sign me up. Crocs and all.
Tip Your Server by @nothoughtsjustmeds I love love love this fic. I love Dieter needing to get reader all hot and bothered while wearing fancy clothes, I love the banter, I love the obvious love these two have, the cavalier throw-away of a precious object, every gesture of affection and its tie to absolute, loving sass. And the prose is so great. This is a masterclass fic.
Strong Enough To Stand by @the-blind-assassin-12 Oof. This both hurt and was satisfying. Joel has a habit of holding onto love and hurt. It's definitely detrimental at times. But damn if it doesn't illustrate how fiercely he loves. Alyssa's lead up story to this--It Pours From Your Eyes--nearly destroyed me, but this one thankfully helped to soothe.
Surrender Chapter 13 and Chapter 14 by @ezrasbirdie Birdie gave us a beautiful reunion and ending for Daisy and Joel and I'm just so proud of her for putting her heart into a wonderful OC. There's so much in this series about learning to love and--even more interesting--learning to BE loved, and both Joel and Daisy are wonderful for that. I know there's an epilogue coming and I will patiently wait for my desert while this meal of a fic settles in my heart.
Saying I love you through an accidental kiss by @songsformonkeys Listen. Joel Miller's got a lot going on today and it's chaotic and you made him food and took care of Sarah and you...you reached for him first. SOFT! CUTENESS!
Spend All Your Love Making Time by @haylzcyon Sub!Joel is my new favorite obsession. He's just so in LOVE with reader, so in thrall and this is hot hot hot.... Those baby browns are certainly made for puppydog wants....
Something Soft by @keldabe-kriff 🪐 Everyone knows what you do with dandelions, right? Until an apocalypse wipes off even the tiniest things from human culture. Then kids like Ellie may not understand the simple joy of making a wish on one. Good thing there's folks like Joel who remember and help her out.
Joel, Interrupted by @iamskyereads This is both melancholy and warm, and that is such a welcome taste. It is quiet and lovely and the last line gave me so many feelings. If Joel was a ghost in his own house, this is exactly how he'd be. <3
Not All Heroes Wear Capes by @all-the-things-2020 🪐 I love "fandom crossovers" as a year of tropes offering. ST:TNG was one of my big fandom obsessions, so it's nice to return to some of those characters. Putting a Pedro boy in there is inspired, and this was handled so well!!!
If It Wasn't For The Nights by @simpingcowboy 🪐 Marcus is just made for angst, isn't he. It's obvious how much he loved his wife and how much he loves their daughter. Going inside to examine that is just asking for a heart twist....
The Last Blockbuster: Bump in the Night by @blueeyesatnight I love these two slacker filmophiles and am always happy to see them return to my dash. This time it's a test of readers' spine, to see if she can handle the scary movies like she says she can. I appreciate the appearance of another movie memorabilia piece...🦇🦇🦇
IRL part 1 @ nickcage_numerouno and part 2: of festivals and food by @grogusmum I love that both these dopes are so insecure about meeting one another. Javi is sweet and wonderful like always, and it's nice to get his POV here and there as our plus-size reader deals with her own assumptions. But oh my gosh he's smitten and if there's gonna be a part 3 I'll lose my mind.
When it Comes to You... by @flightlessangelwings 🪐 I mean, if anyone's gonna get violently protective over his girl, it just might be Veracruz. I mean, to make you his priority during an ambush? To come back victorious and rail the crap out of you afterward? That's the dream....
First Kill by @hopeamarsu 🪐 Holy balls, this is a beautiful little character study on Dave. Hope goes inside his head during a therapists' session where he's asked about his first kill, and it is menacing AF. Take a look at this piece, because it is bomb.
Gravity by @insomniamamma 🪐 J has a way with Ezra that I'm just addicted to. I know she loves him deeply, always takes so much care with him, gets his soft side just right. She makes me yearn so very hard for this man...his physical gracelessness a grand contrast to the gracefulness of his devotion. My goodness, I love this fic.
untitled by @writeforfandoms Listen. It's a little mixed trope drabble about Pero as your bodyguard that might not mind being mistaken for your boyfriend and I could take 10K of this thanks.
Bangathon fics Cowgirl and Missionary by @prolix-yuy I may be a broken record, but I just cannot get enough of a solem and sour protector who only shows his vulnerability behind closed doors. I knew better than to read LJ's take on him and expect to remain unmelted.
Grumpy Pumpkin by @sirowsky This is just the very cutest. Of course Pero knows his way around knives, but pumpkin carving doesn't go exactly as you planned. In fact, it goes much sweeter.
Seed by @perotovar I love a Pero that is hot for his wife whether or not she can concieve. And that the want for a baby that hasn't come yet doesn't make them sad...it just makes them want to try harder! Soft and sweet and spicy all at once. Just like I like him.
Ring Toss by @morallyinept Look. It's a simple concept. Frankie brings you donuts because Frankie loves you. You're resisting because you're on some silly diet. Donuts have holes. Frankie's got something that will fit in that hole. One temptation is bad enough, but two sticky treats together? Resistance is futile.
Questions and Stories part 1 and part 2 by @never--doubt 🪐 I love this concept of Frankie and reader's daughter asking them how they met and functioned as soulmates, how love takes work, and the mechanic of not being able to see one particular color until your aoulmate finds you....
An Act of Kindness by @missredherring This is a very sweet intro to a really lovely dynamic between a vampire reader and a fledgling. Oh my balls, Eddie needs help and she's such a good teacher. And he's so smitten with her in the cutest way... And of course, Max being Max, which is to say, Max being a douche.
Summer Kiss Prompt - Apology Kiss by @something-tofightfor I cannot deal when strong men recognize thier trauma and try to do better. It's clear here that Javi hasn't learned how to let someone else take the lead with him yet, but the growth that's comes is beautiful.
Summer Kiss Prompt - Lazy Kiss by @something-tofightfor Rachael does slice of life so well. There's something very wonderful about Javi's focus on his work to the point where he forgets to take care of himself, and maybe even lovlier about the woman who makes sure he eats something and has himself a break now and then...
Rockford and Roan 4 by @littlemisspascal I am so in love with Rae's soft soulmate stories, she always knows how to warm my heart. This one has some darker elements what with Tim investigating crimes....BUT THERE'S ALSO A DOG THIS TIME.
Ambrosial by @spacecowboyhotch A soft and lovely story staring a black reader, wherein Din learns about the ritual and culture of her hair, how it links her to her family, how much a part of her it is...and therefore how much a part of himself. I just wanna curl up in this, it's so cozy.
A Different Way of Life by @ghostofskywalker 🪐 Yes. Yes this is what I want. To run away for adventure only to find I really ran away with the love of my life...who just happens to be a bounty hunter and a ton of fun.
Seasons of Love by @captainsophiestark 🪐 I don't know much about this character, but he seems very sweet and loving. A jump through time in a relationship involving ties to the Wayne family.
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lazyneonrabbitt · 1 year
Lip/Reader/Carmy where babysitting turns into roommates for life.
You were Lip's bff with benefits, and now years later after both going your own way you're with Carmy. Very low key still, just kisses and cuddles.
You and Carmy made your way back home, he'd walk you to your apartment before turning back one block to his. On the way you pass the bar street where you almost get hit by a guy being thown out of the bar. "Hey go fuck yourself!"
You froze and turned around, immediately jogging up to the source of the cursinf you knew all too well. "Carmy help me keep him upright." He complies and helps the stranger while you grab his face in your hands to make him look at you. "Hey, calm down please?" Your voice caught his attention and he quickly stopped (barely) struggling against Carmy's grip. "Hey Lip. This is Carmen." You gesture at your boyfriend. "We're taking you to his place, I'll be there too and you're gonna sleep off whatever you got going on."
You and Carmy watched over Lip through the night, you talked about your past with with him. Whwn Lip woke in the morning, Carmen was the one who gave him something for the hangover as they introduced themselves while you showered.
Babysitting Lip while he got rid of his hangover turned into you quickly and officially moving into Carmen's place and cashing in a week's worth of vacation days while Carmen made sure all alcoholic beverages were taken back to his restaurant and his meds were there too in case Lip would have a bad day and try something. He knew all about it so he took all the precautions he knew about. You had told him all about Lip's past and saw his younger self during his New York days. The two guys started to appriciate each other fairly quickly, even though Carmen was still very wary due to the history you have with Lip, especially when he came home and found him asleep on rhe couch with his head in your lap. He only walked over to you after you gave him the big, sad puppydog eyes and held your hands up asking for a hug. You managed to grab onto his face and pull him in for a 'There is nothing to worry about here' type of kiss.
Sober Lip was a nice addition to your home. He had been staying with you for a while now, not trusting himself enough to be alone and seriously debated asking to stay. He'd chip in for rent and groceries, clean, whatever it took.
So you three sat down one night to talk. Both the boys respected what you were, and are to the other and agreed to all living together and respect all set boundaries. Lip had the spare room cleared out for himself and everything else was shared.
By this time you and Carmy still never slept together. One evening getting into a rather ..personal and intimate conversation that Lip accidentally overheard. The next day he carefully mentioned it to Carmy when you were showering, offering his advice and knowledge on the topic of pleasing you. "How about I show you? Tonight, I've seen your bed, it's big enough for us three."
And that's how you ended up naked in your bed with your two gorgeous, amazing boys, completely fucked out and happy. That's also the night you three started sharing one bed every night.
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saltygilmores · 6 months
Dance Marathon Episode (Aka Murder On the Dancefloor)-Part 8. (Still Not Done)
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So noble of you to defend her honor moments before you eviscerate her internal organs and splatter them on the football field.
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Look, we don't need you speaking on behalf of Womankind, Miss Salty. Shane has done absolutely nothing to hurt Rory. You know what will hurt, though? That axe that's about to slice through Shane's torso.
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WE KNOW. We know how much his sitting down has been concerning you. Your anti-sitting-down-position has been well established. A vote for Rory GIlmore means a vote for chair-destroyal. You are the opposite of that Seinfeld episode where George Costanza felt sorry for a security guard who wasn't allowed to sit down on the job and tried to sneak him a chair.
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Be more like George, Rory.
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Oh Shane. You just made a very fateful decision. Never go with the killer to a second location.
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Damn. It turns me on when he talks like that.
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Quoth The Butthead, Anymore.
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Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my actions, coming back to...Consequent me.
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To her credit, she's tried to break free and impart on her mother and anyone who will listen through a series of coded blinks that she's being held hostage but you and Lorelai keep throwing her back in the ring and thwarting her escape. I love the word thwarting. Thwarting, thwarting, thwarting. Dean: You've been into him since he got into town. I've spent weeks, months actually, trying to convince myself it wasn't true (it's been a year, actually) that everything was fine between us. You're into him and he's into Shane. Who should be listening to this because it's so damn obvious.
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Shane: I have no fucking idea who you or that girl in the polka dot dress are.
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I love moments of self awareness on Gilmore GIrls. Embrace your idiotness, Dean.
Just thinking about how Dean is this pissed about Rory's behavior but he's still completely unaware (and will never be aware) that she also kissed Jess and cheated on him 😽 But then he cheats on his own wife and then Rory cheats on Logan with Jess and then Rory has an affair with Logan so in the end they all cancel each other out I guess. The only one of our fickle quadrant of bed hoppers who never knowingly cheated on anyone and the only boy Rory never cheated on was Jess. We now return to our regularly scheduled programming.
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*Rubs temples* look...ugh. I don't really condone Dean yelling at Rory in public. Maybe they should have "Gotten a room", as Rory is fond of saying after learning that term for the first time 2 weeks ago. But in light of Rory's shenanigans, I kind of understand. Not only that, but taking into the account that this scene signals his merciful and long anticipated stepping down as Rory's Primary Male Life Ruiner and handing that crown to Jess, I am waving my Dean Card. I'll give him this one. Let her have it. Get it out of your system. Things with Jess are going to be so much simpler! Yes indeedy, Rory Gilmore. You are going to be riding the train to Easy Street now! Every day with Jess Mariano promises nothing but rainbows, sunshine, and puppydogs made of cupcakes. Let the shit show commence. But first, a little light homocide.
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By the way, I've blanked on Lorelai's whereabouts while all of this is going down. Lorelai when she returns and finds out Dean will no be longer coming around to "Change her water bottle"
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One more post coming up for the bloody finale.
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