#no pronouns character
cheesemenace · 5 months
Corpses, Walkers, Zombies, Ghouls- Oh Whatever
Chapter 4 - Wandering Feet, Wandering Thoughts
The walk to the water tower was horrendous. An absolute nightmare. All the way from the soles of my feet to halfway up my calves throbbed in pain. About three quarters into my “adventure” I realized that I have no clue how water towers work. Rather than continue with unfounded hope, I ransacked a dusty beauty supply store. I snatched a few of the non-perishable snacks near the register and swiped the last 4 plastic water bottles. What? Do you think I'm going to drink a monster during the apocalypse? I’m being chased by monsters, I don’t need to drink one.
        Hot blistering white concrete was framed by unkempt lawns, now long grasses spilled over. Weeds struck up through cracks in the ground and took over flowerbeds. It reminded me of the virus. An unstoppable force hellbent on choking out life. 
        So far I have only seen the virus take over human vessels, but there is always a chance a mutation will appear from the dark veins of the undead to destroy the rest of the living. It is difficult to think about that. New emancipated life, which has been a slave to humanity for millions of years, snatched up once again for torture.  Freed, just to be enslaved in a dance of death once more with a twisted version of their previous captors. Maybe the lifeless versions of mankind will be less cruel. I plead with whatever control, whatever higher power, whatever god is out there: that this is a punishment for man or a revolution of the earth. A natural pesticide to rid the land of the biggest infestation, the filthiest cockroaches, humanity. 
        As my thoughts wandered, so did my feet. There in front of me stood the water tower, its dark gaze trained on me.
        Only I would do something as stupid as waste my energy thinking about useless information and making my way to useless places. I don’t know what I was thinking when I decided a water tower would be my best bet for clean water. Fingers twitched at my sides before gripping onto the sweaty cotton fabric of my shirt, resisting the urge to pick at the delicate skin of its nail beds.
Not like I can take back any actions, what’s done is done. 
1.2 pages · 382 words
Visit my writings list to find previous chapters or check out my quotev account here:
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Do you know this queer character?
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Castiel is Queer and Agender or Genderfluid, and uses varying pronouns based on presentation!
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annabelle--cane · 1 year
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her pronouns are HE/HIM
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entnoot · 3 months
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Olwen, the Unicorn 👑
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novelconcepts · 4 months
I Saw the TV Glow is such a uniquely, devastatingly queer story. Two queer kids trapped in suburbia. Both of them sensing something isn’t quite right with their lives. Both of them knowing that wrongness could kill them. One of them getting out, trying on new names, new places, new ways of being. Trying to claw her way to fully understanding herself, trying to grasp the true reality of her existence. Succeeding. Going back to help the other, to try so desperately to rescue an old friend, to show the path forward. Being called crazy. Because, to someone who hasn’t gotten out, even trying seems crazy. Feels crazy. Looks, on the surface, like dying.
And to have that other queer kid be so terrified of the internal revolution that is accepting himself that he inadvertently stays buried. Stays in a situation that will suffocate him. Choke the life out of him. Choke the joy out of him. Have him so terrified of possibly being crazy that he, instead, lives with a repression so extreme, it quite literally is killing him. And still, still, he apologizes for it. Apologizes over and over and over, to people who don’t see him. Who never have. Who never will. Because it’s better than being crazy. Because it’s safer than digging his way out. Killing the image everyone sees to rise again as something free and true and authentic. My god. My god, this movie. It shattered me.
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squidpedia · 4 months
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You’ll figure it out
(Please ask for permission before reposting onto other sites or dubbing, thank you!)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 8 months
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Happy Thistle Debut Day!
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
people who refer to their favorite characters with pronouns that deviate from what said character uses in canon are stronger than any us marine
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beebfreeb · 8 months
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If I saw a nutcracker nobody could stop me
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titanofthedepths · 1 year
Society if people stopped using “he” for characters that use they/them or it/its
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canisalbus · 1 year
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✦ Soup ✦
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cheesemenace · 4 months
Everything Has A Memory
Note: Wrote this a few years after the initial chapter so the writing style may be slightly different
Chapter 2 - Struggle
The salt of my tears is bitter. It burned my mouth and stained my face. Even though my eyes could produce no more, emotion still lingered. Fear courses through my body. Breath shallow and short, air struggles to escape my lungs. My stomach flips and flips as I wash away under the waves of anxiety. I twitch slightly while I try to calm myself. 
        I could not bring myself to look away from the wires. Some placed above my skin, secured by a sort of tape. While others dug their tubes deep into my flesh. Stains like pomegranate juice, yet red like the darkest of roses cluttered my body. The blood looks as if it had been spilled this very moment but has long since been dry.  
        The Observer, as I chose to call them, had left around an hour ago. Although significant time had passed, it hazed and blended together. Existence felt irrelevant. Thoughts were so jumbled together all I could process was the raw emotion. 
        My memories feel confusing, there is not a single timeline I can create that feels right. Not one that feels completely mine. My head pounds as thoughts swim around my brain. It feels as though every thought and memory I have ever conceived and retained is expanding tenfold at my forehead. My eyes hurt and my skull feels as if it may give out at any moment. 
        Unstable state of mind is the only thing that binds me to the cold metal chair. As uncomfortable as it is, I cannot force myself to roam. I bring my hands together and rub my right thumb over the other in a soothing motion in an attempt to quiet my fears and countless thoughts. My head clears just enough for me to question my predicament. As my fingers graze over a puncture wound made from one of the many wires I breathe a single word.
        Even though my thoughts are still muddled I recognize my mistake. My shoulders ache and groan as my whole body shudders just to stiffen. My vision blurs once again and my head spins. The dull gray of the painted walls expanded and consumed the table and door. Even the wires were devoured by the thick gray mist of destruction. The color soon shifted to a recognizable blank slate of white. Once again I was in the void. 
        I felt as though my body was being pushed through a thick comfortable yet suffocating material. The air within my lungs compressed and pressurized, I would choke if I hadn’t felt incapable of doing so. My whole body felt paralyzed. The feeling of glass came back. Eyes being cut and stabbed with cold fragments. Like larger needles being inserted into the nerves. So much pain. But while sharp short pains continued, the long lasting aches of my bones soothed. I felt relaxed, yet panicked. Almost as if I was being drowned in the most comfortable of warm waters. A peaceful but fearful time. 
        Suddenly the warm feeling left. Temperature lowered and my bones felt heavy. My body plummeted back to consciousness. 
1.6 pages · 518 words
Note: As always my Quotev account has the latest updates
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sleeeepy-demon · 3 months
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Part 8 babeeeeyyyy the return of Jaheira now with Minsc!!! I love them. *punches a hole in the wall*
(bg3 memes i drew on paint) part: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
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annabelle--cane · 3 months
hey magheads, just quickly reminding everyone that ink5oul uses they/them pronouns. they have been spoken about in the third-person extensively with only gender neutral language. we're all going to stick to that, right? we aren't going to mysteriously start using gendered language after learning their legal name and hearing them speak for a long period of time, right?
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very-uncorrect · 9 months
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I click off immediately
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ask-howuuya · 1 month
Would u be willing to spare a kunikida doodle during these trying times she is my saving grace /nf
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is this anything
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