#no one’s forcing ya
imunbreakabledude · 9 days
I don’t like to make blanket statements and I caught myself almost making one when I went to make this post but I will say - more and more lately when I see people online expressing that they think “female characters” - whether a specific character, all the women in a specific piece of media, or all fictional women as a whole? - are “badly written” I roll my eyes
like at times I end up feeling like yes we all know there has historically been a gender imbalance in mainstream art and fiction in terms of complex characters who are given a lot of narrative focus
And yet in hoping to correct that imbalance
I feel many people raise the standards TOO high??? lmao
Cuz the amount of times I see people calling out “badly written women” when I’m like that’s a very well written character or else sometimes it’s a character who’s written fine but she is a supporting or minor character and has a fair amount of depth and characterization for her role in the narrative which is… expected????
think of how many male characters out there are somewhat compelling but somewhat minor, or one note, or have potential but then get dropped in favor of the story going other places….
like tbh part of “equality” in this sense (and I’m not saying that fiction has definitely reached that state of equality yet) would be that there are Enough female characters of all types … which includes supporting and one note and even frustrating/all over the place characters. You can connect with some more than others, that’s natural and expected… but like
(I actually kinda hate the phrase “badly written” to describe a character at all so I hate phrasing it this way but)
a badly written female character is just a badly written character!
I seldom see anyone criticizing a piece of media for badly written male characters lol just food for thought
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caruliaa · 1 year
staff still hasn't given me polls, what should i do?
🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪 their moms 69%
🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪 their dads 31%
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grace image os i get to look at her
#edit: edited the og post to what i want but to set the record straight i edited to the post to be mathematically correct right after the#first person pointed it out which was like ten mins after i posted the og post. now fuck offf !!!!! the rest of the tags r from the og post#for some reason i feel very immature making your mom jokes about tumblr staff. which i shldnt !!#bc they suck nd they still havent given me polls. but i ig i feel imature bc it a your mom joke 😭 but still i tihnk its kinda funny#EDIT: edited the post to what i want bc yall were getting annoying . but to set the record straight i edited to post to be mathematically#also its *mum* not mom okay i am NOT !! an american . but if i say mum everyone will j be like 'omg british' like i dont know i am#anyway. i want polls please. give me the rigght to force my mutuals chose between the most inane things#also i tihnk it wld b cool for the cs weekly blog. like w each episode#i cld do a poll of like. out of five stars what do u think of this ep#and it wld b a cool thing of which eps r ppls faves#also i cld have like. whose ur fave in team red whos ur fave in acme etc#id prob just have to go with vile faculty bc theres more than 10 ppl in vile. and ppl wld kill me if i didnt include nel the ell or whoever#it wld b fun !!!#oh btw csweekly thats i thing i want to start. prob on uhhh the 11th of feb ill post abt it more but its basically#a tag/blog for watching cs one ep a time watching one ep every saturday#ya !! :3#flappy rambles#inaccessible#ask to tag#(<- idk. just in case)
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 1 year
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every time kevin does something morally questionable
ben&gwen: >;O KEVIN
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collophora · 2 months
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Found a cool color palette. Might finish it later. (Probably not.)
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cervideity · 2 months
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oh my god guys holy shit fnf update after 3 godamn years. pico i missed you sm.
PLAY IT (newgrounds). PLAY IT (download).
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lavenoon · 1 year
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@naffeclipse enough whore Eclipse, it's time for dad outfit Eclipse
og detective au by sunnys-aesthetic!
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narmothewraith · 7 months
I've been working at this piece for 5 hours and I didn't even noticed it so, I didn't eat and drink. Fuck hyperfocus. I hope y'all like it, just like I do :)
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Hurt/comfort hug between Percy & Poseidon ❤️
Poseidon thinking about who made his son cry + payback (aka his wrath)
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chenziee · 5 days
The Heart in the Cage
I'm so sorry for the delay! Work and life in general's been a total dumpster fire the past two weeks 💀 I'll try to get the next one asap but I sadly can't promise anything concrete OTL
Written for: - @truffyfest Summer of Lawlu 2024 - Week 2: CONFESSION | HEART SWAP | “I thought I’d lost you.” - OP Bingo 2023: Volcano - @opfluffzine Wheel of Fluff event: Communication
“You want to do what?” 
Luffy snickered at Law’s question. He did expect him to protest the idea but his shocked tone and horrified expression was just something else and Luffy just couldn’t help it. It was too funny, okay?
“Stop laughing, do you realise how serious what you’re asking is?” Law hissed, his frustration more than apparent.
“Sorry, Torao.” Luffy gulped, forcing his mirth down.
For a few seconds, Torao just continued glaring at him, as if to make sure Luffy wasn’t going to start giggling again… and maybe to try and convey how very unimpressed with Luffy he was. But finally, he sighed. 
“Tell me why exactly should I go ahead with this stupid idea?”
“Because you love me!” Luffy answered immediately with a wide smile on his face, leaning forward to peer at Law’s face. There was a complicated look in his sharp, beautiful eyes, a look that told Luffy that he was fighting with himself over it.
Clicking his tongue, Law shoved Luffy’s face away. “That has nothing to do with it. In fact, it’s all the more reason why I shouldn’t do it.” He narrowed his eyes at Luffy, pointing his finger at Luffy and poking at the centre of his chest. “If my heart is in there and something happens to me, you’re dead, Luffy.”
“So?” Luffy asked, a pout making its way on his lips.
Law inhaled sharply, and it looked like he was counting to ten in his mind before he replied, “So, I’m not going to do it. It’s too fucking risky!” He paused, closing his eyes for a second before shooting Luffy a look. “Why do you want me to switch our hearts anyway?”
With a small huff, Luffy slumped against the backrest of the aquarium bar’s couch, watching as the dim light reflecting off of the water dances across Law’s skin, his face, his hair. There were still some barely visible scratches and bruises, a bandage tightly wrapped around his left forearm where his soulmark was. Covering the deep, long slash Torao got from Blackbeard days ago. Chopper said it was likely going to scar, marring his skin forever.
Leaving a mark where only Luffy’s presence should be…
All the while Luffy was on Egghead and completely unaware anything was wrong until after the crew and everyone else got to safety and he thought to check Torao’s vivre card.
They were lucky Bepo was able to get Law to safety before anything worse happened to him, or any of the Heart Pirates.
“It’s just…” Luffy gestured with his hand vaguely. “We’re gonna go our separate ways again. I wanna have something to connect to you.”
“You have my vivre card. I have yours. Pretty sure Nami-ya still has Bepo’s. We have literal soulmarks. You even made us get fucking tattoos,” Law pointed out, raising an eyebrow.
Luffy groaned and looked away, turning to study the fish swimming happily in the aquarium. “It’s slow, okay? If your heart is with me, I’ll know immediately that I need to check your vivre card.”
When Law didn’t say anything for a while, Luffy glanced back at him. He was surprised to find Law’s own eyes boring into him, studying Luffy’s expression and searching his eyes for something. What that something was, Luffy had no idea… but he decided to wait until Law found it—or gave up. 
It took a long while for either of them to say anything; they quietly looked at each other, the silence hanging around them heavy but somehow, it wasn’t uncomfortable. Rather, it felt like a sense of understanding connected them, an invisible string that tied them together and linked them and their thoughts. Somehow, Luffy wouldn’t mind sitting here like this all afternoon. For some reason, he didn’t think he’d even get bored.
… Okay, maybe not the whole afternoon but he could definitely do a few minutes no problem!
But that wasn’t the point.
“What is this really about, Straw Hat-ya?”
Luffy froze at the question, blinking at Law blankly. What was it about? He didn’t really think about it when he suggested the heart swapping, didn’t bother searching for a reason. Thinking wasn’t his strong suit, after all; the idea occurred to him and it felt right so he just said it… But well—
“I don’t know! Does it matter?” Luffy asked, tilting his head to the side. “It’s not a big deal, and I know you’ve done it already two years ago!”
Law startled at the revelation, obviously not expecting Luffy to know. He stared at Luffy with wide eyes for a moment, before a groan escaped him. “It was Penguin, wasn’t it?”
“Yep!” Luffy confirmed with a laugh. “He also said you told him you’d toss him overboard if he ever told me.”
“Why am I not surprised,” Law grumbled, rubbing at the bridge of his nose. “It was a temporary measure to help with treatment. You basically had a volcano erupt in your lungs and you’d have died if I didn’t do it. There’s no medical reason now.”
“Was there one back then though?” Luffy teased, poking Law’s shoulder. “I mean, you could have used anyone’s heart. Or just left me be!”
Seeing the scowl Torao gave him, Luffy couldn’t help but burst out laughing. That only seemed to make Law more annoyed… which in turn made Luffy laugh harder. 
“You’re right, I should have just let you die,” Torao grumbled, rolling his eyes at Luffy’s amusement.
With one last snicker, Luffy shuffled closer, pressing a quick, loud kiss to Law’s cheek before he poked Torao’s side again. “I think your reason was the same as mine is now,” he said quietly.
“I’m not lying on the operating table with a hole in my chest, connected to a ventilator and on the verge of total heart failure,” Law shot back, his voice completely flat and entirely unimpressed.
“Maybe, but when I saw your vivre card, I still thought I’d lost you for a moment. I never wanted to feel that way again after Mingo almost killed you.” Luffy shrugged.
When Law didn’t say anything, Luffy hummed, looking at Law questioningly, only to find a complicated expression on his face. Did he say something weird? He didn’t think he did but seeing how Torao was staring at him…
“What did I say?!” Luffy cried out defensively, only for Law to heave a deep sigh.
“You’re saying that? Did you forget you actually died not three weeks ago?” Law said, narrowing his eyes at Luffy.
That only served to prove Luffy right! “See?!” He grinned victoriously. “We’re thinking the same thing!”
“We are so not,” Law hissed.
Waving his hand dismissively, Luffy shuffled closer still, throwing his legs over Torao’s lap as he made himself comfortable in his personal space. Law didn’t seem to mind, automatically placing one hand over Luffy’s knee. Luffy’s smile widened at the gesture.
“Torao~” he sang. “Let's do it.”
“You’re such a brat.” Law sighed, shooting Luffy an annoyed look and Luffy grinned victoriously—making Torao click his tongue. “Wipe that look off your face, you won nothing.”
“But you’re gonna do it so I win!” Luffy announced, sticking his tongue out.
As Law rolled his eyes at him and a Room formed around the two of them, Luffy felt warmth pooling in his chest, spreading throughout his entire body. Wow, he really loved this man, didn’t he? It was ridiculous; it felt like every day, he was falling deeper—soulmate or not, it didn’t matter to him.
The birdcage he carried on his thigh didn’t matter to him—it was crushed anyway, just like Law’s chain was snapped, just like it should be. They didn’t need their soulmarks. They didn’t need fate.
And seeing Law’s heart, watching as it beat strongly in his hands, feeling its warmth as he inserted it into his own chest…
He was never more sure of that.
Never more sure this was where he should be.
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ohbo-ohno · 2 months
need more fantasy romance where the love interest betrays the main character but they still end up together 😔
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tomatoland · 8 months
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ForceBook in these looks 😍
bonus because more-is-more when it comes to them
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forsty · 2 years
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What would love do What would love do If it were here in this room standing between me and you What would love do What would love do It would look in my face and stop me from hurting you That's what love would do What would love to - Scott stapp 
Textless versions and close up below the ‘Read more’!
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sayxit · 15 days
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…Betray my dream. I’ll not… that is all.
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thenixkat · 1 year
Anyway, if you aren’t Black don’t use any variation of woke. I don’t care what conservatives are calling fuckers/using as the new sjw/political correctness/what have you.
If you know what fuckers mean use what they mean, and if you don’t why are you copying what people are saying?
Woke ain’t for you. If the discussion isn’t about Black people being aware of and/or educating other Black people about racism/antiblackness/structural inequality/all the other bullshit then it doesn’t need to be used in the discussion.
#nix meows#aave#woke#aave misuse#apparently that one post i made where i directly mentioned how i don't wanna see boogleech no more showed up in his tags#which is generally how tumblr's search function works; if a word in there it shows up#anyway i do wish a motherfucker would learn to take a hint that i do not wish to continue a conversation#cause all i'm getting is excuses about how he's just paraphrasing so its fine#that other people don't have an issue and not 'to shoot the messenger#my wigga i was forced to see the word 'wokeist' (yall know i can't spell) on a post from someone i know is white#who's posts show up everyfucking where in the corner of tumblr i generally operate in#why would i give a damn what the rest of the post was about when a wigga shouldn't be using words like that period#aint no fucking changing my mind#ya ruined my night and i don't wanna see ya#i aint ask nobody to block you or some shit like that#i personally don't wanna get microaggressed on my own damn dash cause my white mutuals (who mean well but dont all ways catch shit)#decided to reblog it untagged#like yeah its pretty easy to drop a bitch i only occasionally interacted with over the course of a few years over#it just on the innitial 'it's not an issue' dismissal#told me everything i needed to know#bogleech#may as well actually tag them cause I've been feeling a lot less charitible given how they handled shit and kept trying to shut me up#plus they're a vote blue no matter who fucker like genocide joe is harm reduction
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chiropteracupola · 1 year
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historically accurate trip to clifton's cafeteria!!!
[progress shots under the readmore]
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#em draws stuff#SEND HIS ASS TO THE CLIFTON’S CAFETERIA!#I have been working on this image for More Than A Week and I feel like it has taken years off my life :]#look sometimes you get possessed by enthusiasm about fun comics you read and also nostalgia for bizarre novelty restaurants#due to the fact that clifton's no longer exists I cannot go there. but I can send the blorbos there by force if I so choose.#there's just something about old southern california restaurants with strange gimmicks and themes. take me away to there.#since I am very proud of this I will be using the full proper tags just this one single time [lying through my teeth]#swapping my usual format so there’s not just an absolute deluge of organizational stuff right off the bat#I think I said that the madness would probably go away soon but as you see that has not been the case (it's only gotten worse)#this is the most people I’ve put in a picture since I don’t know when#actually after a quick look-see through my files this might very well be the most people I’ve put in a picture Ever#the madness will do that to ya I guess. also the sheer raw clifton’s energy.#(altho' I got so tired in the end that about half the background is a very crunchy photo of The Real Clifton's...)#this is why my header is what it currently is and also why I posted that horrid 70s jello drink a week ago#many thanks are owed to jon dxppercxdxver for chatting with me about outfits and drink orders and such!#this is fanart for the weirder forefather of a rainforest cafe just as much as it is fanart for a videojame#I do not know what the typical tagging etiquette for this is but by golly I'm going to guess#clifton's cafeteria#team fortress 2#spy tf2#engineer tf2#soldier tf2#sniper tf2#demoman tf2#medic tf2#heavy tf2#pyro tf2#miss pauling#scout tf2#why yes I am tagging clifton's Like It Is The Piece of Media. what of it.
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13eyond13 · 23 days
One of the main things I dislike about book 2 Lestat vs book 1 Lestat is it just takes away a lot of the interesting mystery about his character in the first book to have him definitively answer everything like: "oh actually I WAS hiding a bunch of secrets of the vampire universe and rules and hierarchy and history from you the entire time, and actually I WAS also filthy rich secretly the entire time due to a treasure left to me by my maker and didn't actually need you for your money at all, and also I wasn't a bit insecure about my lower class upbringing and poorer education and trying to compensate for that by being both showy and secretive about myself I was actually a noble, and also I CAN do a bunch of other vampire things that I never taught you to do or did in front of you even though we lived together in the same house as a family for like 70 years, and yes I DO hate following rules and doing what I'm told and keeping secrets but I did it because Marius said your fragile minds couldn't handle the truth if I DID tell you anything else, and also I DIDN'T want any revenge on Claudia or blame her for attempting to murder me or think I maybe should undo what I did by making her one bit, I was just being forced by the even EVILLER vampire to have her condemned to death, and also almost everything questionable or problematic or cruel that I did within the first book was either a lie told by Louis or secretly actually a kind and heroic thing I did because I cared about someone other than myself, IN FACT I SECRETLY THE ENTIRE TIME HAD A STRICT MORAL CODE I WAS FOLLOWING every time I casually killed an innocent npc in the first book, and whenever you watched on in horror at my cruelty and toying with my victims I was actually only killing scummy evildoers and Louis was just too dumb and romanticizing of humans to ever see it etc..." like FINE WHATEVER, I GUESS hahaha but I actually kind of liked you better when you were a bit meaner and a bit petty and a bit imperfect and a bit lame
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andreai04 · 3 months
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I had to pay the price. I had taken, and now I must give. Nature demanded balance.
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