#no one is perfect
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homosherb · 3 months ago
“we need more complex female characters!!”
y’all can’t even handle season 2 caitlyn kiramman
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dovewingkinnie · 8 months ago
you.. you you understand me.. we all need an evil doctor..
i need one to take care of me like i am his special creature his special little heeby deeby
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radicalmommyxx · 2 years ago
Idk man…I’ve literally never heard of men shaving bc their leg hair is ‘itchy’ or the hairy feeling is ‘uncomfortable’. Somehow I doubt that it’s a feeling only affects females.
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hersheysmcboom · 4 months ago
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heiilari · 5 months ago
I've been wanting to ask, are you a native English speaker? Because I read your posts and you have quite a few of spelling and grammar errors. Not enough where it's unreadable but it's something to take note of.
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Damn mate you could of just messaged me privately but so everyone is on the same page
I am sorry if this comes off rude or honestly really damn blunt.
People aren't always going to catch grammatical errors or spelling errors. I use google to double check my spelling for the most part but even sometimes I mess up
If it is still readable I do not really see to much of a reason to bring it up. I mean hell my roleplay partners don't even say boo to me about it?
If you have a issue with my writing then just unfollow me? I do my best ?
I also type really damn fast and tend to never really catch things along with the factor when I do catch things I use what autocorrect suggests and sometimes I don't double check
if it is intelligible then YEAH defiantly ask me what the hell I am saying but
If it isn't causing issues and the point is still coming across then it's not to big of a deal.
I Just A) Suck at spelling B) I do my best C) Type way to fast that my brain cannot actually catch up a lot of the time D) Use Google to spell if I notice a error E) SHOCKINGLY am a NATIVE English speaker but ya know mentally ill in a lot of ways I do not talk about. F) I spell things out G) I do try to re-write things if they do not make sense but to me H) I work a lot so I am also really tired a lot of the time when I am doing replies or writing + Also mental health man
People can just up right SUCK at spelling and I am far from perfect. that's why I don't have rules saying that you gotta spell pitch perfect because I am FAR from that
there is a MULTITUDE of reasons someone isn't pitch perfect with spelling.
Some people can grow up with the "spell it how it sounds " way .
there is learning disabilities that people do NOT admit to
there is the trick of the brain where it sounds like that is how something is spelt etc
EVEN NATIVE English speakers are not perfect.
At the end of the day this BLOG welcomes everyone regardless of how their grammar is , how their punctuation is etc
AT the end of the day : I am here for a FUN time NOT a LONG time
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paceypeternathanslawyer · 2 months ago
I don't feel like people call JJ out for the mistakes he makes as much as they should. People say that everyone was such a bad friend to JJ in S4 but friendship is a two way road. What did you expect them to do? Ignore their lives and only pay attention to JJ? Did you expect them to wrap him up in a blanket, coddle him and act like everything he does is fine because he's got a shitty father? I'm not saying that they were always the best friends but neither was JJ. JJ betting the last of their money and then blaming everyone but himself was a bad friend move. Again friendship is a two way street and you can't expect everyone to be perfect friends if you don't treat them in the same way.
Like I think the way he talked to John B after he found out that John B was gonna be a Dad was truly terrible. JJ knows that John B's fears is that he will become like his father and instead of encouraging John B... he puts him down. And I'm not saying that John B can never be called out but this is different. It would be different if John B was acting like his father and JJ called him out for it. That could be construed as encouragement. JJ is just being a mean drunk in that scene. He finds that his bro is gonna be a Dad and instead of being nice and encouraging he tries to make him feel as bad as he feels. And I'm not saying that John B is always perfect but as John B's lawyer I must defend him. John B does not get enough slack. Had it been John B saying that shit to JJ ya'll would have absolutely crucified him. As is John B is given such a hard time by fans. Chase Stokes is also a really underrated actor. The emotion he is able to put even in the smallest lines or scenes is insanely good. And then he also slays the big dramatic scenes like when Sarah almost dies for instance.
JJ is generally a ride or die friend and I don't believe he would have said those things if he weren't drunk as a skunk. But it bothers me that he would have even thought that because John B is gonna be an exceptional Dad and it makes me sad that JJ may have made him doubt himself for even a second. I feel like JJ can be a mean drunk at times. Pope is like a funny and sweet drunk. For instance that scene in 4x03 where they're all partying and drunk and Pope astutely realizes that John B is insecure and he makes a point of encouraging and telling him that he won't be like his Dad. JJ is very ride or die but Pope is an underrated friend. The way he can be such an emotional rock for his friends. And then also the scene when he finds out that Sarah is pregnant. Pope does point out how ill equipped they are right now (because they're broke and stuff) but he also says it's fine "because they will help them". Now that is an encouraging way to respond.
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brainrotcharacters · 6 months ago
lmao when church is saying you shouldn't have anxiety but Ryan Reynolds uses his anxiety to be compassionate with his children's own
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hammill-goes-fogwalking · 8 months ago
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this is not natural.
the human body is not build like this naturally.
this should not be the new average women body standard
don't punish yourself or get complexes because you don't look like a porn star
a healthy, natural body is much prettier
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thankyouforthememoriesworld · 8 months ago
Both of them said Love and Basketball is their favorite movie, at least basketball wise. And honestly, I like to think of them as a way better version of that movie. If and when they are comfortable, I bet that's how it will be spun tbh and I am more than ready :)
This might be a good time to tell you that I've never seen this film, and my friends' comments about it don't make me want to watch it.
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mymidwestheart · 1 year ago
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fangomango · 2 years ago
It's always
"He's a criminal"
"Hes the bad guy"
"He's old as shit"
Some people just have flaws and I don't mind that
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lunar-skylar · 3 months ago
I would honestly like to see more of the Potters (Fleamont and Euphemia) not being portrayed as these absolutely perfect parents and people, with little to no flaws.
Let them have flaws. Let them be good parents, but not the best people, or not as progressive as others would have believed. They’re an old couple, I want to see them struggle with understanding or accepting some things, like homosexuality, or maybe they’re classist. I want them to be ignorant of things. I want them struggling to come out of their old ways, out of their little box of things they were raised around and were taught. You know?
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strawberrrry-shortcake · 6 months ago
what do you look for in a man?
Psychological maturity, emotional intelligence, protection, clarity, leadership, integrity, attentiveness.. and much more I guess
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catofadifferentcolor · 2 years ago
Terrible Fic Idea #53: House of the Dragon, but make it Quasi-Salic
Everything about the Great Council of 101 AC sets Westeros up for a future Dance of Dragons - and always would have, regardless of the outcome. There's no way around that. Rhaenys was the only child of Jaehaerys I's oldest son, Aemon. Viserys I was the oldest son of the king's second son, Baelon. The choice of Viserys I as king goes against every tradition of the Seven Kingdoms save chauvinism - and sets the stage for a thousand future wars of succession.
But the other frontrunner in the Council was not Rhaenys: it was her son, Laenor. Had the Council chosen him, it would have set a precedent among the Targaryens for Quasi-Salic inheritance - and, likely enough, lead to the exact same situation we find ourselves in in HotD.
Or: What if Laenor Velaryon had acceded to the Iron Throne after the death of Jaehaerys I?
aka the King Laenor, First Of His Name Fic
Bear with me:
Quasi-Salic inheritance excludes females from the line of inheritance, but allows their male children to inherit their claim.
In HotD, this would mean that inheritance would pass through all of Prince Aemon's male descendants before Prince Baelon's claim could be considered. Princess Rhaenys would still be excluded, but her son Laenor would inherit her claim.
Until Laenor had a male heir, next in line of succession would be Viserys I, his male heirs, Prince Daemon, his male heirs, &c.
Under this law, none of Laenor, Viserys I, or Daemon's daughters could hold the throne in their own right, which seems in accordance with Andal thinking.
Just imagine it:
Laenor becomes king following Jaehaerys I's death in 103. He is nine years old. His mother, Princess Rhaenys, is regent - but Otto Hightower remains Hand of the King, in part to retain a sense of continuity in the realm, in part because he's actually good at his job.
Meanwhile, Prince Viserys is either given the lands along the Blackwater Rush (that would, in a different future, be given to Daemon I Blackfyre) or a minor role at court. His need for male heirs is not as pressing as in canon, but still kills his wife and leaves him only with a single living child, his daughter Rhaenyra.
Once her son is old enough, Princess Rhaenys needs to find Laenor a Valyrian bride so that he can produce heirs as soon as possible. While pairing him with his sister Laena is attractive, that does nothing to mend the fences broken by the Great Council. And so Laenor and Rhaenyra wed for much the same reasons they do in canon - albeit at few years earlier.
Until they produce a son, Viserys is still next in line to the throne and without any male heirs of his own. This changes after he marries Alicent Hightower - again, for much the same reasons in canon (because Otto may be good at his job, but he's also in it for himself, as are most people who rise to become Hand; Viserys is still the best groom he can get for his daughter by medieval standards) - who births three sons and a daughter in short order.
Problems start when Rhaenyra gives birth to a son - Jace, who looks nothing like his father - and continues with the births of Luke and Joffery. Bastards, everyone whispers.
Things get worse with the birth of her younger children - Aegon, Viserys, and Visenya - for while they look the image of Valyrian royalty, many assume they're actually the children of her uncle and goodbrother, Prince Daemon, who is seen more often in Rhaenyra's company than her husband.
Though Laenor maintains Rhaenyra's children are his, there are many who begin looking towards Viserys to succeed him.
Then in 129 AC, two things happen: Laenor Valeryon and Viserys Targaryen both die - perhaps in the same hunting mishap, perhaps from an illness that sweeps through the Crownlands.
Jacaerys is crowned king...
...and the people rebel.
There are a variety of reasons why people would not be happy with the king's legally recognized heir succeeding him, ranging from 1) not wanting a bastard on the throne to 2) not wanting someone partial to Daemon - and inclined to take his advice - on the throne to 3) genuinely disliking the policies implemented during Laenor's reign and hoping for a return to the good times under a Targaryen king to 4) wanting to use the chaos as a ladder for their own advancement. Like the canon Dance of Dragons, it's a complicated intersection of social, political, religious, and economic issues at play.
And that's really all I have - the same players, the same game, just a slightly different board. The actual outcome of this Dance and how it comes about is entirely dealer's choice, but the takeaway should be that these characters were always doomed by their circumstances to a war they could possibly stop if they tried - only to see it play out in the next generation or the next, until war has wiped out all alternative contenders.
Bonuses include: 1) Laenor being a doting father and a sweetheart of a human being, but a disappointment as a king. He is indecisive, generous, friendly, easily swayed by his friends, and - ultimately - not strong enough to stand on his own in the cutthroat world of Westerosi politics; 2) Less concentration being given to the people in power than the children who will succeed them: Jace, Aegon II, and their respective siblings. The focus should be their bright childhoods and friendships being destroyed by the realities of their positions, which are entirely out of their control; and 3) In keeping with previous, a childlike wonder at Westeros and the glittering court at the Red Keep that slowly turns dark and heavy with the burden of adult expectations and inherited sins placed on young shoulders. The fracturing of a storybook, safe world into the nightmare that Westerosi politics actually is. Or: coming of age in the Seven Kingdoms.
As I said, that's all I really have. As always, feel free to adopt this bun, just link back if you do anything with it.
More Terrible Fic Ideas
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didyouserviceoberon · 1 year ago
Okay. So, being in the GO fandom is, of course, lovely. And being part of the GO fandom, I am contractually obligated to adore Michael and David. Not that I wouldn’t anyway, because how does one have any sense and NOT?
But, you know, I want to be careful about putting people (especially people I don’t personally know) up on pedestals. Like, it’s not *healthy* yanno?
So while I’m enthralled at Michael’s absolutely amazing acting, or squeeing with delight at their interviews, in the back of my mind I’m like, “surely, no one is perfect? What dumbass thing does this man do that will help me understand he’s just a dumb chaos human like the rest of us?”
And today, I learned, while watching a clip of him on GBBO. Where my man peeled an onion. With a peeler. Bless.
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