#no one is exempt
tesalicious2 · 24 days
so, ive gotten into Delta Squad recently and something that has always interested me is the dynamic between different types of troopers.
Among the GAR, i'd imagine what you do affects everything in your life. Who you're friends with, who you know, how you act, even how you think. Theyve created a heirarchy, excluding cc and captains, i'd imagine Commandos are at the top of the pyramid. ARCs coming in next, then Medics, then ARF, then engineers (anyone who works on any machine but doesn't get deployed, includes any clone that maintains/directs fighters), then command/greys (those who work in the command tower or who can wear greys to work, seen as lower for not directly fighting), then maintenance, and then the shinies.
They've built a system and it may not be super strict and they are friendly with one another off duty, once the pressure is on, everyone falls in line. It's not something that is spoken about either, I would even say they do it more subconsciously than anything, but its there.
Now, will they be mean/rude/hostile to anyone who branches out or is friendly/friends with those of a different level? No! They are brothers and they know every job matters. They are one collective and they each have a role. However, if someone from maintenance starts saying they're gonna be an ARC, well expect jokes to be made and comments to pop up.
Funnily enough, Commandos don't feel this at all. They hardly interact with the regs, and when they do its for a point. Now, they just see everyone as below them so, again, the heirarchy doesn't affect them. They have their superiors they follow but don't expect them to be buddy buddy with an ARC.
There is a group above the Commandos, the Advisors, that aren't actually known at all. Everyone assumes the Commandos get their orders from the nat-borns they work. Advisors fall under the Commanders level, even though everyone on that level doesn't know they exist; especially since they are considered a separate entity and they only follow commands of those they are temporarily serving. This can cause issues and it did for CC-01/425 'Advisor' for the Delta Squad.
Their armor is blank, though they can see action, so 'Advisor' was mistaken for a shiny. A Captain was directing shinies to load crates and called out 'Advisor' for slacking off. 'Advisor' ignored the Captain and continued to the Command Center to guide Delta Squad. The Captain grabbed him and dressed him down on the deck, the shinies watching. Before the Captain could finish his rant, Sev came looking for 'Advisor' and quickly fixed the misunderstanding (read: threatened bodily harm in many different ways before yanking 'Advisor' along to the meeting).
Another group that this wouldn't entirely apply to is the Coruscant Guard (me? talk about them? the horror). They had it, it was there, then everyone got overworked and short on supplies so its just hold on and we'll live. The only heirarchy is by rank, even then its hardly applied unless their on-duty.
(headcanon time), The 141st Blackout Corps works on the other side of the galaxy from the GAR so they are also disconnected from them. Their armor is the most different and unique, made up of a pitch black base (where the name Blackout came from) with bright colors painted on. The system doesn't apply to them either due to the fact that theyre pretty isolated and its common for people to pickup the slack where needed. An ARC to help a engineer or a Maintanence to take a shift in the command center.
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softshuji · 7 months
me when I'm always saying eat the rich and I actually have to eat Koko :((((((((((
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'In the great majority of cases,
Wives have fair, and husband's, ugly faces;
But there are many, on the other side,
Where the man is bound to an ugly bride.'
Imagine having a stable, healthy, and consensual relationship.
This is a Chinese Proverb I recently stumbled upon while attempting to learn a bit of Chinese. I have to say, I really admire it. It may have been originally intended to discuss outward beauty, but I interpret it as a very valid and powerful message about equality between men and women, and how one is not exempt from the treatment the other may experience.
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alphabetcompletionist · 5 months
this isn't dogma, but i'm not reblogging stuff with that 'posts that have 10k to me' schtick on it. you only love me for my follower count. what about my typos? what about my juicy ass? what about charlie? they say hi btw
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beananium · 1 year
being a vocal synth fan means at one point you will find a song, original or cover, that'll make you feel emotions and blow you away, a song that you would want to loop over and over again. everything's perfect, from the tuning of the singer used and how well they fit the song to the song itself. and then you check the view count and its like 4000.
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tedlebred · 5 months
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can’t stop drawing little guys like this
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kagooleo · 4 months
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to an aura guardian, island guide, a loyal mentor and protector who remains true 🌊
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littlewestern · 5 months
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zahanh · 4 months
Iterator ship naming
I saw pansear's one with slugcats and didn't see any other with iterators soooooo
I stayed up to 5m for this hehehheheheh
Now have these that may be edited as more are found
Five pebbles ships
Five pebbles x seven red suns - sunstone / seven pebbles / fpxsrs
Five pebbles x no significant harrasment - ragequit / noclip / fpxnsh
Five pebbles x unparalleled innocence - milkshake / trinkets / fpxui
Five pebbles x sliver of straw - gravel / faulty affirmative / fpxsos
Five pebbles x chasing/grey wind - hailstorm / fpxgw / fpxcw
Looks to the moon ships
Looks to the moon x no significant harrasment - lilypad / lifeline / lttmxnsh
Looks to the moon x sliver of straw - waning crescent / slivermoon / faded memories / lttmxsos
Looks to the moon x seven red suns - eclipse / lttmxsrs
Looks to the moon x unparalleled innocence - unparalleled moon / innocent meteor / Moonflower / lttmxui
Looks to the moon x chasing/grey wind - cyclone / atmosphere / lttmxcw / lttmxgw
No significant harrasment ships
No significant harrasment x looks to the moon - lilypad / lifeline / nshxlttm
No significant harrasment x five pebbles - ragequit / noclip / nshxfp
No significant harrasment x unparalleled innocence - team rocket / nshxui
No significant harrasment x seven red suns - traffic lights / nshxsrs
No significant harrasment x sliver of straw - taboo dissonance / nshxsos
No significant harrasment x chasing/grey wind - olive / nshxgw / nshxcw
Seven red suns ships
Seven red suns x five pebbles - sunstone / seven pebbles / srsxfp
Seven red suns x no signficant harrasment - traffic lights / srsxnsh
Seven red suns x looks to the moon - eclipse / srsxlttm
Seven red suns x unparalleled innocence - golden survey / unfortunate news / srsxui
Seven red suns x sliver of straw - unfortunate alternative / srsxsos
Seven red suns x chasing/grey wind - warm weather / solar flare / firebird / red wind / terapy / srsxgw / srsxcw
Sliver of straw ships
Sliver of straw x looks to the moon - waning crescent / slivermoon / faded memories / sosxlttm
Sliver of straw x five pebbles - gravel / faulty affirmative / sosxfp
Sliver of straw x no significant harrasment - taboo dissonance / sosxnsh
Sliver of straw x seven red suns - unfortunate alternative / sosxsrs
Sliver of straw x unparalleled innocence - peaceful contemplation / strawman / sosxui
Sliver of straw x chasing/grey wind - death zephyr / windy fields / sosxgw / sosxcw
Unparalleled innocence ships
Unparalleled innocence x five pebbles - milkshake / trinkets / uixfp
Unparalleled innocence x looks to the moon - unparalleled moon / innocent meteor / Moonflower / uixlttm
Unparalleled innocence x no significant harrasment - team rocket / uixnsh
Unparalleled innocence x seven red suns - golden survey / unfortunate news / uixsrs
Unparalleled innocence x sliver of straw - peaceful contemplation / strawman / uixsos
Unparalleled innocence x chasing/grey wind - grimace shake / content warning user interface / grinnocence / winnocence / uixgw / uixcw
Chasing/grey wind ships
Chasing/grey wind x five pebbles - hailstorm / gwxfp / cwxfp
Chasing/grey wind x looks to the moon - cyclone / atmosphere / gwxlttm / cwxlttm
Chasing/grey wind x no significant harrasment - olive / gwxnsh / cwxnsh
Chasing/grey wind x seven red suns - warm weather / solar flare / firebird / terapy / red wind / gwxsrs / cwxsrs
Chasing/grey wind x sliver of straw - death zephyr / windy fields / gwxsos / cwxsos
Chasing/grey wind x unparalleled innocence - grimace shake / content warning user interface / fleeting innocence / grinnocence / winnocence / gwxui / cwxui
Polyamorous ships
Five pebbles x no significant harrasment x seven red suns - triple divorce / roadrage / cold ones / fpxnshxsrs
no significant harrasment x looks to the moon x sliver of straw - green tea / life support / nshxlttmxsos
Five pebbles x unparalleled innocence x no significant harrasment - double bullying / fpxuixnsh
Looks to the moon x no significant harrasment x seven red suns - solar system / lttmxnshxsrs
Five pebbles x seven red suns x unparalleled innocence - ice cream sundae / fpxsrsxui
Extra ships (these are more fandom related + some are jokes)
Absolent of sins x distant frontier - exempt bounds / distant sins / aosxdf (@distant-frontier-simp)
Giz x sliver of straw - gaming straws / ggxsos (@Gizgamer123 on twitter)
Chasing/grey wind x upright carnage - hurricane / gwxuc / cwxuc (@rw-repurposed but uc is from vic)
Unbroken promise x sliver of straw - ascended rhapsody / upxsos (iterator logs)
Three cold nights x seven red suns - plum / tcnxsrs (@airxpunged)
Five pebbles x sans (undertale) - rw charcoal / fpxsans
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baking-bugs · 3 months
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sooo i may have thought about how kirby was said to come on a spring breeze & decided to take it literally,, & now i have a headcanon that whenever kirby passes by someone a gentle wind carrying a few cherry blossom petals sweeps by. y'know how in the anime mk is always introduced with a guitar strum. yeah a little bit like that
also while i was making this my brain went "what about shirby" so of course he'd have a similar thing happen with him. if kirby arrived with the spring breeze, would that mean shadow kirby arrived with autumnal wind ? { also have a drawing that was meant to be finished on daylight savings, but i was lazy,, }
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rwpolls · 1 month
what karma level do you think iterators are at ?
levels 1 – 5
levels 6 – 9 but not 10
level 10 ( max karma )
it's different for each iterator
iterators don't have karma
nuance / other
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fromtheseventhhell · 2 months
One major factor missing from most debates on Arya and Lyanna's beauty is that they're being judged by their society's extremely patriarchal values. In both looks and personality, that context is essential to understanding how others perceive them. George explores the misogyny experienced by non-conforming women, especially with Arya, and it's interesting how he plays with that regarding their physical beauty.
Her mother used to say she could be pretty if she would just wash and brush her hair and take more care with her dress, the way her sister did. (The Blind Girl, ADWD) "You never knew Lyanna as I did, Robert," Ned told him. "You saw her beauty, but not the iron underneath. She would have told you that you have no business in the melee." (Eddard VII, AGOT)
These two quotes offer a nice summation of this idea. With Arya, her supposed lack of beauty is defined by her being a non-conforming wild child. Her hair is messy, her face is dirty, and she's often in "lower class" clothing while engaging in unladylike activities. None of this says anything about her physical beauty but it tells us everything about how she's perceived. Arya could be pretty...If she conforms to society's standards for a highborn Lady. With Lyanna, however, we get the opposite. Where Arya is judged based on her personality, Robert's romanticization of Lyanna is rooted solely in her looks. He doesn't know anything about the person she really was. There is an assumption that, because she looked a certain way, her personality must fit and Robert imagines her much softer and more passive than she actually was.
That Arya isn't pretty or Lyanna wasn't wild are two perceptions that George specifically pushes back against. This is where people miss the brilliance of them being linked as literary mirrors; it is largely about us learning more about Lyanna, but it touches on more than that. The significance of them being written as wild, willful, and with their own beauty is that George isn't writing his female characters around patriarchal expectations. When people debate their beauty, that's often the trapping they fall into. Beauty and non-conformity are treated as mutually exclusive factors when the story itself never makes that point; this is also the logic that leads people to the (incorrect) conclusion that Lyanna and Arya aren't meant to be similar. Arya's self-esteem issues around her looks and being a Lady make this a topic certain to be addressed in the future; George has made it a part of the story. The conclusion shouldn't be that "looks don't matter", but that looks aren't indicative of a character's value, personality, or morality.
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coyotesinew · 4 months
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Some recent thoughts about nonhumanity and my relationship to the community + my personal relationship with it that I cleaned up, my writing style is a bit disjointed, I would like to share more of my writing, if anyone would be interested in seeing that :)
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imgonnabethatone · 8 months
I want Fit and Pac to collide on what love is for them, I think.
It's amazing to see all the content on them and I immensely enjoy every single piece of fanart/fanfiction that goes
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when Fit gets broody and upset over not being gentle enough for Pac and Pac has heart eyes because Fit is completely drenched in someone's blood and then they kiss over Cellbit's corpse.
But maybe I also like the idea that Fit wants to be gentle to Pac, wants him to be a special little someone that deserves the softest he has to offer. And then Pac doesn't get it!
Idk, maybe they talk, and Pac confesses that it's "really cool" or whatever to see Fit absolutely rocking people's shit and Fit goes "So... you find me attractive because I am dangerous?" and initially he thinks like "yeah you know what fair enough" 'cause Pac absolutely can fall in a cave and just stay in one place and wait for Fit to help him despite being perfectly capable on his own. Maybe he likes being taken care of and feeling protected by someone - Fit can certainly provide. And it's all true, but in the moment Pac lightly responds with "Oh yeah! You could break me in half no problem, it's really hot" and Fit goes Huh. It's Unusual to like a person that you assess as a potential danger to you. And he worries that Pac is afraid of him, so goes in to reassure him, something along the lines of:
"Well, first of all, you are very strong, so I probably wouldn't win against you in a fight--"
"Oh, I wouldn't fight you, what?" And it's worse, actually.
"--But I'd also never just, what? Attack you for no reason? Murder you? I'm not going to do that to you, Pac!" He finishes anyway, desperately hoping to get his point across.
Pac gets nervous immediately, like he always does when he feels that his words or actions have somehow been unpleasing to the people around him and he needs to fix his behaviour asap. He sounds a bit hurried, a bit pleading when he starts with "No, of course not, of course not!" and Fit relaxes, because it's all a big misunderstanding-- "But, I mean, if you have to! For some horrible, sad, lore reason. Or if-- for any other reason, not lore. I'd let you, you know? Whatever you need." And Pac hugs his own arms, and his voice gets kinda quiet and stuttery to the end of that sentence, as if he can't tell whether he is redeeming himself or making it worse (he is absolutely making it worse - Fit feels sick to his stomach - but he has no presence of mind to tell Pac that). And still, he looks directly into Fit's eyes, sure, determined, even, as he lays himself out like a lamb to the slaughter. As if he has no worth outside of what others can take from him. As if in his head there is an outcome where Fit will hurt Pac and Pac has preemptively forgiven him for it, is looking forward to it.
(There isn't such outcome, because hurting Pac is never an inevitability or fate - only a choice that Fit will not make. But Pac seems convinced that this betrayal of trust is not only expected, but is also somehow desirable.
And it makes Fit... not scared. But very, very worried.)
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writer-room · 1 year
Lloyd’s the kind of person to be completely silent while everyone is horribly singing Bohemian Rhapsody only to belt out the line “I sometimes wish I’d never been born at all” in perfect pitch and then fall dead silent again as he went back to like, reading a book or something. send post
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munikuu · 2 months
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