#no one in my family can handle anything normally i’m crying
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antspaul · 5 months ago
she’s alive btw she’s just sick
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eebeewrites · 3 months ago
Omg!! So I had an idea!!!! I was thinking maybe a mafia dilf elf with a chubby reader!! Where the dad has two twins(one boy, one girl between 5-7) and he is takes his daughter to ballet class and is waiting for her with the other parents. But his son is upset and won’t stop crying, reader notices this and asks if his son would want a snack. Just like that his son stops crying and he agrees to the snack. The elf dad is smitten and looks at reader as she’s smiling down at his son. By the time class is over they say a girl is moving away to which his daughter is crying about. And the elf sees that you’re going with said girl that’s moving away. So he says bye and wishes you well but you get shy and explain how you were just her nanny, but since she’s leaving she’ll probably be out of a job. Then his son tugs in readers sleeve and says “you can come be our nanny.” And reader is surprised, looking to his dad and he just looks at her and ask if she’d like to.
The situation with the mom is that she cheated on him and left the kids behind. She obviously our elf guys has other problems and people to worry about. He’s still stunned and frustrated trying to handle his young kid as well as keeping the situation with rival mafias at bay. He does have his fair share of women but no true mother figure for his twins. (Maybe a girl he frequently goes to like an fwb gets jealous that readers around and try’s to show her that she’s the main bitch. But we all know he only wants reader later on)
This was just an idea I had for you, I know you have a lot of other fics to write for but I thought this one would be a different type of idea :)
I’ve never written anything mafia themed before but I’m a sucker for parenting fics; let’s give it a try!! I’ve also been rewatching breaking bad with my family this holiday season, so like…fuck it we ball. Tweaked some of the setup a little bit, hope that’s okay!!
Mafia Boss Elf DILF BF x !Femchubby Reader
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You were out of a job.
Things like this happened as a nanny; it was no one’s fault. Their family was simply moving away, something about her dad getting a new job. They had even offered to take you with them, but leaving your own family behind just wasn’t an option. Neither was being jobless, but the decision had been made.
You sat in the waiting room of the dance studio, scrolling through Indeed for various job postings while occasionally looking through the glass. Normally, her mother insisted on taking her to ballet, but today other obligations got in the way.
“But I’m hungry now!” You heard a child whimper.
“Well buddy, you’re just gonna have to wait, it’s only ten more minutes.”
You glanced over, seeing a young boy teared up lying against his father’s arm. Admittedly, the father caught your attention. A taller, well-dressed Elvish man wearing a nice vest and slacks, the sleeves of his white button shirt rolled up just high enough to reveal part of a tattoo. His appearance was intimidating, but he looked rather stressed out. Your eyes darted away quickly, not wanting to catch his attention.
The child cried into his arm, and he desperately tried to soothe him. “It’s okay buddy, just be patient,” he said softly. It didn’t seem to work.
You looked through your bag; you had learned early on in your career there was no such thing as being over prepared. Band-aids, Tylenol, hand sanitizer, and fruit snacks were just some of the things you kept stocked in your bag for situations like this. Still, you didn’t want to imposes
The child couldn’t be more than seven years old; kids could be incredibly dramatic at this age. It was very possible this child ate only an hour ago, and this was just a plea for a stop to McDonalds on the way home. Still, the sound of a child crying, combined with the concerned look on his father’s face; you wanted to help.
You stood up and walked toward the pair, a pack of fruit snacks in hand. “I’m, uh, really sorry if I’m overstepping-”
“No, no, not at all,” said the man, looking you up and down. You hadn’t even said anything yet.
“I keep a bunch of these on me all the time,” you said as you handed the snack to the child’s father. You didn’t know if the kid had any allergies, and the child looked at the film package like it was a four course meal.
The father smiled at you, “thanks, I appreciate that. Here,” he handed it over to his son. He immediately ripped it open, eating a bunch of them at once. “Say thank you”
“Thank you,” he smiled, speaking as he ate.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you here before,” said his father, looking up at you with a smile.
“Oh, I’m just her nanny,” you said, pointing over at the girl you took care of.
“Oh, nice. That’s my girl over there,” he pointed at the girl next to yours. The two of them were holding hands, smiling and giggling at each other. It was sweet, watching them interact.
“She’s adorable,” you say with a sigh. You were worried about how she’d handle moving away, but she was tough. She’d be alright.
You watched as she held her friend’s hands a little tighter, and her friend’s expression fell. You couldn’t see what your child was saying, but you could hear her friend start to cry, muffled through the glass.
“Why?!” Her eyes started to well with tears as she pulled your child into a tight hug.
“Oh shit,” said the father as he watched the scene unfold. He immediately cut himself off, “sorry, I just-”
“It’s alright. She’s uh, she’s moving away,” you shrug.
“What?!” The father looked just as upset as she was for a moment. He covered his face with his hand. “Fuck, she’s gonna be heartbroken,” he mumbled. You looked over at the girl once more. They seemed awful close, but you had never once seen her over at the house. She had never been over to play, never been over for a birthday party. Yet they were inseparable.
“Yeah, we just found out a week ago.”
Before he could respond, you heard a phone ring. Out from his pocket he pulled out a cell phone; one that couldn’t have been made anytime after 2010. It was a bit odd, but many of your Elvish friends were hesitant to upgrade their technology. “I-I gotta take this, I’m so sorry, could you stay with him for a bit?”
“No problem,” you sat down and took his place. The child you had given the fruit snacks to immediately rested his head on your shoulder.
“Someone’s in trouble…” mumbled the boy.
You laugh, “why do you say that?”
“No one calls daddy right now unless it’s an emergency.”
Your eyes widened, “what do you mean by emergency?”
“Someone didn’t do what they were supposed to do, so now he’s gotta yell at them.”
A bit of a concerning statement. “Does he…does he ever yell at you?”
“No, he says he only yells at stupid people,” the boy said nonchalantly.
“Oh,” you nod your head slowly, a bit worried for the boy. Still, he seemed happy, if not a little hungry.
When practice let out, he was still on the phone. Out wandered your child and his daughter, still crying and holding hands.
“Why do you have to go?!” His daughter cried.
“I told you, I don’t know,” your child had stayed calm throughout the conversation.
“Do you have to?!”
He walked back in, and his daughter immediately ran towards him and started sobbing.
“She’s moving AWAY and I’m never going to see her again EVER!”
“Oh, sweetheart,” he cooed, picking her up. “Sometimes people just gotta go.”
“I know…” she sniffled.
You turned towards your child. “You alright?”
She nodded, lowering her voice, “I wouldn’t have told her if I knew she’d cry like this.”
You put a hand on her shoulder. “You did the right thing. It would’ve been cruel to have just disappeared, and not told her anything.”
“I guess…” she sighed. “Can we go home now?”
“Do you wanna say bye to your friend one more time?”
“Not really.”
You frowned, “come on, let’s say bye. I’ll come with you.” You took her hand and led her to where her friend, her father, and who you presumed to be her brother were standing.
The father set her daughter back down, and the two continued to talk. He turned to face you. “Must be scary, moving all the way out West for a job.”
“It can’t be easy, being that young…” you trailed off. “But she’ll be okay. She’s tough.”
“You’re not going with them?”
You shook your head, “no, I-well, they offered, but all my family is around here, so…you know,” you shrug.
“I get it. Trust me, I do,” he sighed.
The little boy tugged on your sleeve. “Could you be our nanny then? Since you don’t have a job anymore?”
A rather blunt way to put it, but he was right. Still, he had certainly put his father on the spot.
He didn’t seem phased by the question. “Actually, yeah, that’s not a bad idea. We were looking for someone awhile back,” he nodded. “Finding someone here was impossible so…are you looking for something now?”
“I guess so. But it’s alright, really-”
“Hey, don’t sweat it. Kid’s got a good idea, and if you’re good enough for them, then it’s worth a shot right? Here, give me your number and I’ll send you a time for you to come over. Just to see if you’re a good fit and all that.”
You certainly didn’t expect to be offered a job today, but if it saved you the mindless hours looking through job postings, you’d take the opportunity. You gave him your number, and the next day you received a message with a time and address.
Only a time and address.
- - - -
Your ‘interview’ was set for 9:00 PM. Never before had you had an interview this late, but you were willing to give it a shot. Maybe he worked odd hours, you thought. When you pulled up to the address, you were greeted by the biggest house you had ever seen. It was more like a mansion than a house.
This guy had to be loaded. A beautiful garden, a house triple the size of your previous employer, and a five car garage.
You walked up to the door, and before you even knocked, he had opened it.
“Hey, thanks for coming over so late. I appreciate it,” he said, holding the door to lead you inside. He was wearing a similar ensemble to yesterday, minus the vest and tie. His sleeves were rolled up higher today, revealing a tattoo of what looked to be a snake ensnaring a dagger.
“Of course, thank you for the opportunity.” You walked inside, and were immediately greeted by paintings, crystal chandeliers, and fine fur rugs. You had never nannied for a family like this before, but you certainly were excited about the prospect.
“Let me uh, show you around.” As he walked you through the house, he asked you a few questions.
“How long have you been doing this?”
“Ten years, give or take.”
“Nice. You got all the certifications and shit?”
“Yes, I have a degree in early childhood education, an NCP-”
“Perfect,” he cut you off before you finished. “You married? Got any of your own kids or anything like that?”
You weren’t sure if that was legal to ask for a job interview. “Uh, no, I don’t.”
“Gotcha. How’d you get paid at your last job?”
“Well, they went through a hiring service, so I had benefits, and everything was sent to my bank account.”
“Would you take cash?”
It wasn’t uncommon for people to try and pay you under the table, but usually it meant you wouldn’t get benefits. “I don’t mind, but I did have health insurance with-”
“Oh, I’m sure one of my guys can sort that out,” he said casually. “You live with ‘em? The other family?”
You nodded your head, “yes, I lived in the house with them, but it’s not something I require.”
“There’s definitely room for you here, that shouldn’t be a problem. Here, let’s go upstairs,” he led you to the next floor, and you were starting to get a strange feeling about the situation. Not a bad feeling per se, but an odd one. He seemed a bit…jumpy.
He showed you to a large bedroom, leading you inside. It looked almost like a master bedroom: a large bed, plenty of space, a bathroom connected to it. “Would this work? If not, I can find something else, or get something fixed up.”
“No, no this would be perfect,” you nodded your head.
“Great,” he crossed his arms, looking around the room then back at you. “I’d say you’ve got the job. When can you start?”
You didn’t expect to hear an answer tonight. No longer needing to worry about finding a job was a weight off your shoulders. You tried to hide your sigh of relief. “Next week, if that’s okay. My last day for them is this Friday.”
“Of course.” He stepped closer to you, and you couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous. He was tall, incredibly attractive, and a bit intimidating. “Now, I apologize if this isn’t the most professional, but…” he looked from side to side before looking back at you. “It’s late. Why don’t you stay here tonight? Maybe get used to the new place a bit?”
You could tell immediately by the look in his eyes. He was trying to be coy, but it was obvious. He wanted to sleep with you. Was that why this meeting was so late? So he could pull that card? It was no doubt sleazy, but…
You weren’t even sure why agreed; especially why you agreed so quickly. Something about him made you curious. The picture of it raced through your mind; you wanted to see his tattoos, what he looked like underneath his shirt. But he was your boss now, your employer. That would be wrong, right?
“Let me make you another offer then.” He ran his hand down your side. “Why don’t you stay with me tonight?”
You were taken aback at his boldness. “I…” You knew it was coming, but didn’t think he’d be that forward.
“Feel free to say no. I’m not gonna take away the job or anything like that. But a woman like you?” His other hand was now on your hip, both hands feeling your curves. “I’d be stupid not to ask. Say the word and I’ll leave, but…I figured I’d shoot my shot,” he smirked.
His touch sent your heart aflutter. This was highly unprofessional, and overall a stupid idea. Yet you felt the heat growing between your legs, and it was a hard sensation to ignore. He could tell you were thinking it over. “I think, you and I could have quite an eventful night,” he said softly.
Despite your reservations, you agreed. “I think so too.”
Before you could say anymore, he pulled you in for a kiss. Out of all the ways you thought today would go, this was not one of them. Still, the way he touched you, the way he kissed you; it was electrifying, the sleaziness of the situation making it more exciting. When was the last time you did anything like this? You couldn’t remember.
Once he started, he wasted no time. He pulled your shirt over your head, then kissed you once more as he unclipped your bra. You followed his lead, erratically fumbling with his belt as you felt his hand caress your breast.
He pushed you forward, and as you fell back onto the bed you felt him start to pull your skirt down. You let him, spreading your legs before feeling his hand caressing your covered cunt. It had been so long since you had an experience like this, you were already soaking through in anticipation.
He pulled your panties off before running his fingers along your lips once more. With how wet you were, he had no problems pushing two fingers inside you. Still, you were tight. You let out a moan as he fingered you, his pace quicker than you had expected. Yet the roughness was welcomed; the way he manhandled you made you feel sexy. It was a nice change from how you normally felt. You were constantly acting as a mother or caregiver; being treated like a slut was refreshing.
He said little, simply watching your reactions. He seemed to take pleasure in watching you become unraveled as he fucked you with his hand. When he pulled back, finally taking his cock out, he seemed surprised when you crawled forward to him.
Before he could say anything, you were spitting on his cock like a pornstar, stroking it in your hand. He let out a moan, gripping your hair as you moved. Once his entire length was wet, you took it in your mouth, bobbling your head back and forth.
He couldn’t help himself. The sweet, innocent looking nanny from ballet practice was now sucking his cock. He moved his hips, lightly fucking your face. He looked down at your eyes, as if gauging how much you could take.
He started to move faster, holding the back of your head with his other hand as you felt his cock hit the back of your throat. You started to choke on it, and the sound of your gagging only turned him on more. Still, he didn’t want to push you too hard just yet. He pulled out of your mouth, listening as you gasped for air. Your mouth was wet with spit, your vision hazy.
He paused, gently petting your hair for a moment. “You alright?”
You couldn’t respond, still catching your breath. He was worried for a moment, until seeing you slowly nod your head. As if instinctively, you laid back down and spread your legs. You looked back up at him, “I’m okay,” you said softly.
“Can you keep going?”
“Please,” you exhaled, your pussy eager and soaking wet.
“Good.” He got on his knees and gripped your thighs. He pulled your body closer to him, the feeling of being manhandled like this new. Never before had any of your previous partners thrown you around with such ease. He lined himself up before quickly thrusting inside you, pulling your entire body onto his cock.
He moved quickly, your walls wet and warm around him. “Gods, you’re tight,” he moaned. He didn’t hold back, his cock pounding against your g-spot with every thrust.
You tried to suppress your moans; you didn’t know who was around, who could hear you. It was only now you started to panic. He hadn’t mentioned his wife, or a girlfriend, or anything pertaining to the mother of his children. This could be bad. You were quickly pulled out of these thoughts when he moved you onto your hands and knees.
“Nicest ass I’ve seen in a century,” he purred, giving it a smack before fucking into you once more. From this angle, you could feel every inch of him fucking you deep. The feeling of his balls slapping against your wet pussy was a sensation you didn’t even know you enjoyed, feeling them hit your clit with each thrust.
You gripped onto the bedsheets, pushing back against him. He watched your ass vibrate against his thrusts, and gripped it tightly. You wouldn’t last much longer, the sensation of him filling you up causing you to tighten around him.
With how you gripped him, he knew he couldn’t last.“Come here,” he said in a breathy tone as he pulled out of you. “Show me that pretty face.”
You moved to face him, watching as he quickly stroked himself off. You had never done something so lewd before. Did he want to come on your face? Your tongue? Were you supposed to swallow it? You weren’t sure, so you just sat there with your tongue out, feeling the tip of his cock brush against it.
“Fuck, look at you,” he moaned, letting out a grunt as his seed painting your face and tongue. The sight of you covered in his cum was almost enough to keep him hard enough for a round two.
Then his phone rang.
“Shit,” he mumbled, denying the call and looking back at you. He grabbed a towel from nearby, slowly cleaning off your face. “Sorry about that, work stuff,” he said with an awkward smile as he cleaned you up.
“It’s okay.” You leaned into his touch, feeling the fabric against your face. “I uh, I enjoyed that,” you weren’t sure what to say.
“I did too.” He set the towel to the side before kissing your forehead. “I just saw you and…knew I had to have you.” He kissed you again, this time softly. He held your face in his hands, the two of you slowly starting to fall back on the bed.
Then his phone rang again. He let out an annoyed sigh.
“If you need to take that, it’s alright.”
“I’m so sorry, give me just a second.” He got off the bed and answered the phone, the same shitty looking flip phone you saw in the ballet studio. He walked over to the bathroom in an attempt to muffle his conversation, but did a poor job of it.
“I told you not to call me this late unless it’s an emergency, dipshit, the fuck is your problem?”
“Are you serious? Are you actually fucking serious? Gods, what is wrong with you?!”
He let out another sigh. “Fine, fine, whatever, I’ll be there in twenty minutes. But if you don’t give me the name of whoever fucked this up, both of you are dead.”
You thought back to his son’s words; he only yells at stupid people. It must’ve been bad for him to be so hyperbolic.
You heard the phone click, followed by a deep breath before he walked back out. He started to get dressed, “I’m really, really sorry, there’s some…someone messed some stuff up, and I need to go fix it.”
You couldn’t help but be disappointed, but it wasn’t his fault. It sounded before like he fully intended on spending the rest of the night with you. “It happens. Should I go…?”
“No, no, feel free to stay here, if you’d like. I mean, you don’t have to, but I’m not rushing you out the door. All goes well, I’ll be back in an hour or two.” He finished tying his tie before walking back to the bed. He leaned down and gave you one last kiss. “I did have a lot of fun tonight though. If I don’t see you tonight, I’ll see you Monday, but…ideally before that, if you’re interested.”
“I’m definitely interested.”
“Perfect.” He kissed your forehead, “I’ll see you when I see you.”
You gave him a wave goodbye, and after he left, you fell back into bed. The exhaustion started to settle in. You still didn’t feel great about your decision, but you were too tired to care, and allowed yourself to drift off to sleep.
You were woken up the next morning by the sound of a woman yelling. Your eyes flickered open, and another Elvish woman was standing over you with a gun to your face.
“Wake up, you stupid bitch!”
You had fucked up.
Part 2
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Holy shit this was so fun to write. I have plans upon plans upon plans. Also, all of our elf bfs so far have been pretty sweet, all things considered, so I wanted the chance to write for a more morally gray character; this ask fit the bill perfectly!
Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it! Part 2 coming soon :D
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rottenomelet · 1 year ago
yandere jjk thoughts
warning:: nsfw! i’m eighteen and you should be too! hints of kidnapping, non-con, and coercion. nothing is ever really explicitly stated but - still.
a/n: there’s no real rhyme or reason behind this - winter is just my favorite time to snuggle up and read about crazy ppl. also i wrote this in lowercase originally so u see a spot i missed, no u didnt. u can leave requests for different characters if u wanna
Gojo Satoru
In no world could I ever imagine Gojo Satoru treating you like a real human being.
He is the strongest. There is no one who could destroy him. He can see all. And the issue isn’t just that he’s the best, it’s that he’s been told that since the day he opened his bright eyes. He has a big ego and it’s justified because there is no one better than him.
And sure he’ll indulge you. He'll laugh at your jokes and console you when you cry. But in the back of his mind, in every kiss to your forehead, in every smile, there will always be a domineering aspect. Because he knows that you are insignificant in the grand scheme of the world. you are only important because he deemed you worth something.
You’re not quite a toy or a pet to him. You’re more like - an indoor plant to him. Something that needs nurturing from his caring hands, watering and sunlight granted to you by him. You adapt and grow according to his needs and his conditions. But at the same time, you are to be cherished. never handled too roughly, case you begin to wilt. You don’t have to do much but sit and be nurtured and be pretty while he gives you whatever he deems necessary for your survival.
It fascinates him, really, how simple your little life is. How much you don’t know and never will know because as a flower, all you need to understand is that water and sunlight and love are given to you before you’ll even realize that you need it.
But you still have a job to be pretty and sometimes that’s sitting on the bed, still, as he observes you or bouncing on his cock. It just depends on the day.
Geto Suguru
Suguru is a calm man, a quiet man. He makes decisions based on logic. He is not exactly one for emotional outbursts, and even at his angriest, he rarely raises his voice.
But you.
A little non-sorcerer that can’t even see curses somehow made him look twice. Little unimportant you constantly runs through his mind. What you’re doing, what you’ve eaten, what places you’ve gone to. Who you’ve talked to, who your friends are. Your hobbies, your interests. Your lips and your eyes and that special something between your legs.
Just thinking about you, even innocently, makes him harden. It’s uncomfortable, it’s infuriating, it’s maddening.
He thought, surely someone in your family was a sorcerer, a powerful one at that. But no, your family is normal. You are, genetically, as average as they come.
He doesn’t treat you softly at first, doesn’t have a mind to. You’re a filthy little nothing, after all. When he fucks, he fucks without care. Suguru treats you like a doll, not made of porcelain but made of cloth, one he can throw around and still be in decent condition. He keeps a hand pressed to your mouth, to keep your voice down. A blindfold around your eyes so he doesn’t have to look into them. Your hands are bound behind your back so you don't touch him even by accident. Flat on your stomach, unable to see or feel or say anything is how you find yourself every time. He doesn’t even come inside of you, the only thing you’re grateful for.
It’s scary, how roughly he treats you. But it’s downright terrifying when he begins to lay softer hands upon you, begins to kiss instead of bite, caress instead of pinch.
Nanami Kento
He is a very traditional and stern man.
You are, silly, to him. stumbling and bumping and in general, unsure of yourself and what to do. But he sees potential. Even when you’ve tripped over thin air or broken something by accident, there’s a certain grace to your movements. A grace he wants to harvest and invest in.
And while he wants to give you direction, he also doesn’t have the patience or time to teach you like he wants. So, it’s best to ‘learn on the job’ when it comes to Kento.
Learn how to cook his favorite meals and bake the sweets he loves just right. When he’s okay with speaking and when he needs quiet. Remembering to kiss him goodbye every morning and remove his coat for him every night.
Learn how to suck his cock right - which vein is most sensitive, when to suckle and gag and slurp, what noises to make, and remember to always always swallow. He hates messes after all.
Learn his favorite positions. The lingerie sets he like best. How loudly he wants you to be. Accept his cum in your tummy with a smile.
It’s not hard - please him and you will be rewarded. Rewarded with pleasure, with time outside, with gentle hands.
And if you stumble or forget, he will easily remind you of your job.
You’re his personal entertainment. You’re an experiment.
Mahito is incredibly laid-back, even lazy to an extent. He lets you roam and explore and fall. He doesn’t care what you do as long as you stay within the four walls he’s placed you in.
It's hard to understand him. For a curse, he’s always laughing, finding almost child-like joy in the most odd things. Whether that’s watching an animal documentary or wondering if a human’s neck can extend like the turtles on TV.
One thing you do know is that he likes games and he likes playing with you. The only problem is you don’t when the game starts and ends, the rules or even if you’re playing right. Oftentimes, you find yourself playing a game that you don’t know the rules of and Mahito has named himself the gamekeeper.
He usually starts by asking a question. Something simple like “What time did you wake up?” or “What did you eat today?”. You find out the hard way that no matter what you say, you’re always wrong.
Say you woke up at ten? Then you’ll find yourself pressing into the mattress, drooling on your pillow as he drills you, punishing you for waking so late in the day. You had a slice of cake earlier? Then don’t be surprised when you’re in the kitchen licking icing off his cock as punishment for an unhealthy lunch.
Itadori Yuuji
He's the jock that gave you a chance. That made you feel special and pretty and popular.
He's sweet. He gives you his hoodie when you’re cold. He drives you home after school. Buys you lunch when you can’t afford it. Takes you on nice dates.
He wants you sitting front row at all his games, wearing his varsity jacket so everyone knows you’re his girl. He twirls you and kisses you in front of the whole school when he wins, the whole thing right of a cheesy rom-com.
But, surely, you didn’t think he was doing all that for free? No, he wants compensation. He deserves a reward for treating you so sweetly. It's only fair.
It doesn’t matter if you’re ‘not ready’. No, no, you’re just nervous, sweetheart. But he’ll be gentle with you so calm down. Yeah, calm down when he slides a hand up your skirt on a date to the movies. Be quiet when he asks you for head in the janitor’s closet between classes. And don’t make a fuss when he slips his cock inside of you, raw, even though you begged him to use a condom.
‘Rubbers hurt,’ he says. ‘It feels better raw’,’ he pleads. ‘Don’t worry - I'll pull out.,’ he promises.
And you better be understanding when he comes inside of you. Afterall, he’ll buy you a plan b.
Whatever you do, do not stress this man.
He’s going through enough as is. The last thing he needs from you is any attitude or ungratefulness. Even an upset face will have you with your knees pushed beside your head and Choso making you scream, all while watching you with that same tired expression.
Choso is the oldest of ten siblings. He is used to dealing with bratty behavior. He handles your tantrums with grace - once you’ve finished throwing things and screaming, he’ll only ask if you're finished. And then he will be upon you.
But, beyond punishment, he is caring and quiet. He prefers it when you speak, likes it when you prattle on about your day or your favorite show. He likes it when you’re happy.
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justmeinadaze · 4 months ago
November Rain Part 2 (Eddie X Plus Size Reader)
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A/N: You have decided 😈 I'll release this now then :) Enjoy the angst and the cliffhanger! *dances away in an angsty fashion*.
Warnings: Older (Early to Mid 30s) Dominate Boxer (Friend's Dad) Eddie X Plus Size Fem younger (early to mid 20s) sub Y/N, SMUT, Daddy Kink, public-ish smut (quickie at work), FLUFF, Eddie really does love his daughter and is trying to be a better father. He also really cares about you which leads me to...
ANGST! Reader mentions that Eddie disappears for a bit and how it affects her (brief), mentions of worry when it comes to their relationship (both are aware they can only keep this hidden for so long which kind of fuels he choice at the end of this chapter), Eddie also kind of keeps his ex and marriage close to his chest (struggles to talk about it), we meet Paige's mom, Paige gets wasted and you take care of her, I think that's it. OH! Cliffhanger ending 😈 I LOVE YOU!
Word Count: 4608
Part 1/Donate to Me
2 weeks. 
It had been two weeks since you found out the man you had been intimate with was your roommate and friend’s father. Two weeks of silence even though you left him your phone number by his nightstand praying he’d call only to find out a few hours later that things were way more complicated than they should be. 
Two weeks of dreaming of his lips and hands roaming your skin while he whispered in your ear how beautiful you were. Two weeks of crying at night because you desperately missed the sound of his laugh and hated that life was so un-fucking-fair. 
Two weeks of misery. 
“I’m sorry, Paige.”, you murmured as you glared out the window. 
“Honey, it’s no problem. Your car was doomed to die sooner or later. I’m surprised it ran for as long as it has.”, your friend chuckles as she rubs your arm. “We’ll get through this, Y/N.”
Following the tow truck pulling your car, she lets out a heavy sigh as her head hangs seeing a face you both recognize as he steps out towards the vehicle and speaks with the driver before heading towards you both.
“What are you doing here? You’re normally off on Wednesdays.”, Paige growls as Eddie scans her over drying his hands on the rag from his back pocket.
“I’ve, um, been doing some overtime. What happened, sweetheart? Your car die?”
“No. My friend’s.”, she gestures towards you. 
Without looking your way, he nods and guides you both towards the garage before popping the hood.
“Go ahead and take a seat in the lobby. Y/N…was it? Can you stay and tell me what’s been going on with the vehicle?”
“Yeah, sure.”, you affirm, nodding towards Paige to assure her that you could handle yourself as she disappeared into the building. 
“Jesus Christ, I can already tell you this engine is shot.”, Eddie sighs as he leans under the hood. 
“Yeah, um, I’ve had it for years and it was my dads before that. It runs but sometimes if I go over a certain speed this part—”
“Careful!”, he shouts as he hastily grabs your hand before you can touch anything. 
Time seems to stop as his fingers connect with your skin. You didn’t realize how deeply you missed that feeling and when his eyes finally met yours you knew he felt it to.
“Don’t…don’t want you to get burned.”, Eddie mumbled as he let you go and turned back around. 
“I’ve been burned before.”, you sigh causing his head to hang. “Why didn’t you call?”
“I didn’t think it was appropriate.”
“You’re right. I guess I don’t deserve an explanation or anything.”
His chocolate eyes glare your way before focusing on the parts in front of him once more. 
“I didn’t say that.”
“No, your fucking actions did.”, you growl. “I guess Paige was right about you.”
“Listen here, little girl.”, he grumbles as he stands up straight and points his finger at your chest. “You don’t know fucking anything about me or my family so I suggest you keep your fucking mouth shut.”
Glaring his way, you take one step forward till the tip of his index was pressing hard into your skin. 
“You’re right, I don’t because you didn’t call and what you did fucking tell me was a lie.”
“I DIDN’T—“, he starts to shout before looking around, grabbing your wrist, and dragging you to an office in the back of the garage. “I didn’t lie.”
“You said you weren’t married.”
“I’m in the middle of a divorce.”
“Don’t play semantics with me!” As he starts to lift his hand to silence you, you shove his chest. “You said you were a boxer.”
“I AM a boxer.”, Eddie grunts with annoyance and as your eyes search his, you realize you’ve touched a nerve. 
“You made it sound like it was your career. You’re a fucking mechanic.”
“I’m working and training to make that my career. I work here to make money for my family.”
“That you left.”
The man steps towards closer till his nose is hover just above your own. 
“I said shut your fucking mouth. I love my daughter and I loved my wife before we separated. There are things Paige doesn’t know and I plan to keep it that way because what happened in our marriage should be between me and her mother. Even though she keeps dragging her into our business…”
Your gaze remains locked with his till a heavy sigh leaves your chest and an involuntary tear slides down your cheek. 
“You hurt me.”, your whisper causing his strong features to falter. “I didn’t expect this. I didn’t even want to go on that stupid date but then I met you and we had a good time… I hate that I can’t stop thinking about you. I hate that some of your cologne is still clinging to my fucking dress. I hate that I miss your lips and the way you made me feel—”
Abruptly, Eddie’s hands cupped your cheeks and his mouth crashed to yours. Your arms circled around his waist as you pulled him closer to you, your fists clenching around his dirty jumpsuit. 
“I’m sorry.”, he murmured when he pulled back enough to allow you both to get some air. “I never meant to hurt you… I liked being with you to, sweetheart, and not just sexually, but this is wrong.”
“I know, Daddy, I know.” At your words, a strong groan leaves his lips as his forehead rests against yours. “H-Have you been thinking about me to?”
You knew it wasn’t right but you couldn’t help dropping into that headspace. You had felt so vulnerable these last couple of weeks and he had been the only man in a long time to make you feel cared for. To have him in front of you after missing him so much was making you needy and the desperate energy that was radiating from him wasn’t helping. 
“Why do you think I’ve been working so much overtime?”, he chuckles. “I needed a distraction because every waking moment I miss your face. I dream about you, Y/N.”
As he continues to speak, your hips grind against his allowing the prominent dent below his waist graze along your panty covered core. 
“I can smell your perfume on my sheets. When I’m training, I picture you watching me like you did when I first saw you. Sometimes—shit—sometimes I imagine I’m punching that fucking idiot that hurt you.” Eddie smiles when a breathy laugh leaves your lips. “When I’m on my bike, I wish you were holding me like you did on the ride back to the gym. Jesus, any chance to feel you’re your sexy legs wrapped around me…”
“Like this?”, you ask, lifting one of your legs around his waist. 
At the action, his head falls into the nook between your neck and shoulder, pressing himself harder against you as he rubs his crotch against your center. 
“Ah my god, baby.”, he whispers causing you to shutter as you try to pull him closer to you. “Fuck this.”
At Eddie’s abrupt grunt of annoyance, he pulls away enough to unzip his jumpsuit and push it down just below his waist. Your eyes take in the beads of sweat that cling to his muscular arms and chest, ready and willing to lick it off his skin if he wanted. After moving your panties to the side, he maneuvered his hips till his cock slid a bit roughly into your entrance. 
“Mmph—so big, Daddy. I missed having you inside me…so deep.”
His large palm gripped the back of your thigh, pulling it high up his waist while his open mouth kisses along your throat had your eyes rolling. 
“J-Just like that, baby, please. I need your cum. Please, cum with me.”
Rolling his hips, Eddie repeatedly slammed into that spongy spot inside at you, leaving you a trembling mess as you clung your arms around his neck and smothered your whimper in his shoulder as you came. 
It didn’t take him long to follow as he groaned and his fingers dug into your skin as his release coated your insides.
Neither of you moved as you panted in each other’s embrace. 
“Edward Munson!?”
At the sound of his name, you half expected him to jump away from you and adjust himself but when fingers gripped you tighter you were surprised. 
“Who is that?”, you whisper calmly.
“My boss.”, he replies in an equally lower register.
“Should you get back out there?”
When he nods, you begin to lower your leg but he just holds you tighter as he nuzzles his nose into your neck. 
“I don’t want to let you go.”, Eddie murmurs into your skin. “If I do…the reality of our situation comes back and…I don’t want that, Y/N.”
Your fingers tenderly thread through his hair as you duck your head so your lips can kiss his. 
“I know, baby, I know. I don’t know what to do though.”
“Me either.”
“YEAH! I’m fucking coming! Give me a goddamn minute!”, he shouts before backing away from you and adjusting your outfit. “Maybe…maybe we can just be friends…at least. I miss your voice…”
Your eyes lock with his after watching him tie the upper half of his jumpsuit around his waist. 
“Ok.” Turning around, he grabs some paper off the desk behind him and writes down his phone number. “Text or call if you need anything or just want to talk. I’ll reach out to you later about your car. It’s going to take longer than a night to fix. Do either of you need a ride?”
“Oh, um, no. Paige and I followed the tow truck in her car so we can take that home.”
“Oh, pfft, that’s right. My brain sometimes...”
“I understand.”, you smile as you start to walk away but his hand around your wrist tugs you back as his lips lightly kiss yours again. 
“I just wanted to taste you one last time.”
“One last time.”, you repeat before turning to leave.
There were many “last times” over the next couple of months. 
You two couldn’t stay away from each other for long but you knew this was wrong so after every intimate moment or night spent together, you promised this would be it. Especially since, according to Paige, Eddie was trying to be more in her life.
“I’m trying to let him in more but with the divorce hearing and everything, my mom is flipping her lid. My graduate school is doing that exhibit for art students and I want them both to go but I don’t want it to be thing.”
“I understand, honey. This is a big deal for you and your work is amazing. All the attention should be on you. The few times I’ve talked with your parents, they seem like they can keep it together for one night.”
“Hm.”, she sasses as she rolls her eyes making you laugh. “You’ll be there right?”
“Of course. I’m taking the night off to be there.”
“Good.”, she sighs as she leans her head on your shoulder. “You can help be my referee.”
You smiled and nodded but that was the absolute last thing you wanted to be.
The smell of rubber and sweat promptly hit you as soon as you open the gym door with the key Eddie gave you. He had already moved into his new apartment but the metalhead liked to come by after work and train as much as he could. 
They gym itself closed around 8pm but the owner seemed to trust this particular boxer, allowing him to come and go at will. When you found him, you could vaguely hear the metal music that was blasting from his headphones as he punched the bag in front of him. 
Eddie’s eyes were zeroed in on his target as he continued to follow one swing with another. Sauntering to his phone on the edge of the ring, you couldn’t help but take in the picture of him and a much younger Paige on his lockscreen as he kissed her cheek while she smiled at the camera. They both looked so happy. 
Pausing his music, he angrily turned before realizing it was you and his gaze immediately softened. 
“Hey. Hey, sweetheart. I didn’t expect you.”, panted as he removed his gloves and took out the earbuds. “Everything all right?”
With a half smile you flashed him his phone screen and he cautiously came over to sit beside you as he continued to try to get a read on what was going on inside your head. 
“I still remember when that was taken. Paige was about ten or eleven and the three of us went to a park to have fun. She lifted her arms in that boxing stance and took a couple of light swings.”, he chuckles. “That was a few months before I started training. I had mentioned to her how when I was her age I wanted to be a boxer. She encouraged me to try… I don’t know if she even remembers that after everything.”
“She’s worried about the exhibit this weekend. She’s afraid that you and your ex will fight and ruin a night that’s supposed to be about her.”
Eddie’s eyes squeeze shut as he sighs and takes your hand in his. 
“I can understand why she would feel that way. My ex and I… I’ve tried so hard to…”, he stutters as he struggles to find the words. 
“I feel bad, Eddie.”, you whisper as his chocolate irises find yours. “She’s right. This should be about her but this is the first time I’m going to be in the same room with you two since my car broke down AND your ex, her mom, who I’ve met will be there…”
“Sweetheart, baby, come on. Everything’s going to be alright.”, he coos as he kisses your forehead. “Just be yourself and focus on Paige. I can handle the rest.”
“Calm down.”, you tease as you tug lightly on your roommate’s skirt as she dances in front of her artwork. 
“I’m calm! I’m calm. I’m just so excited.”
“Hey, sweetheart.”, Eddie beamed as he sauntered towards Paige and reached down for a hug that she eagerly accepted. You knew she would be more open tonight because she was in such a good mood and the warmth that glowed from the metalhead as she wrapped her arms around him had you grinning from ear to ear. 
You liked seeing them both happy. 
“Hey there, Y/N.”, he greets politely as he tosses you a smile. “Geez, you both look gorgeous. I feel like I’m underdressed.”
Since you met him, you had never seen Eddie this dressed up and to you he looked as delicious as ever in his suit and tie with his hair pulled back out of his face. The man tried to control his eyes as they raked across you in your cute blue dress that rested just above your knees. 
“I think you look great, dad. Oh, there’s my professor. I’ll be right back! Y/N, show him my work.”
Eddie couldn’t help but laugh as he watched her excitedly bounce away before focusing on her art hanging on the wall. 
“Paige was always a really talented artist.”, he muses as he absorbs the image in front of him. “I, uh, I guess I see now why you didn’t make the connection that we were related.”, the man murmurs sullenly as he gestures towards her signature.
Paige Davis
“I’m sorry, Eddie.”, you whisper back wishing desperately that you could hold him. 
As the night wore on, you remained next to your friend while her father roamed the area occasionally sneaking glances at you from afar. He absolutely adored what a caring friend you were to his daughter knowing that’s exactly what she needed with everything going on in her life. 
He always hated that his ex insisted on telling Paige everything going on in their divorce even more so that he knew she was purposely omitting truths to make him look like that asshole. Eddie could do the same if he wanted to but he refused to stoop that low and not just because it was wrong to pull her into that but because he also knew how much Paige loved her mother. He knew how important it was to have her in his daughter’s life after losing his own at such a young age so he chose to allow the narrative to continue even if that made him the bad guy. 
He just prayed you didn’t see him that way either. 
The boxer hated having to hide you knowing a beautiful woman like you deserved to be lavished and seen. 
But what could he do?
Not only were you his daughter’s friend but he was going through a messy divorce, in-between careers, barely had an income, and he’d be lying if he didn’t say the age difference made him feel slightly insecure. 
Eddie accepted the way things were at the moment but he knew it couldn’t stay that way forever. 
“Paige, honey, oh my god, this is amazing.”, her mom squealed as you watched them both hug. “Hey, Y/N, how are you? You look beautiful.”
“Thank you, Ms. Davis.”, you awkwardly smile as she leans down to hug you as well. 
“Now, who do I speak with to buy this gorgeous work of art?”
“Mom. My professor has to review it first along with all the others.”, Paige whines.
“I mean, obviously, you’ll get a good grade.”
The smell of his cologne hits you before your friend’s nervous eyes do. 
“You know maybe Dominick would like it in his living room so we can show it off you know? Oh, hey Edward.”, her mother coos in a syrupy tone that has even you wanting to roll your eyes. 
“Ava.”, Eddie greets. “How are you?”
“Great! Absolutely wonderful.”
As the night progresses, something changes. Paige, who had been spending most of the night in front of her artwork, had vanished and you promptly went on the hunt for her before finding her in a bathroom stall. 
“Paige? Oh my.”, you sass as you inhale the smell of liquor wafting from her lips when you open the door to check in. 
“Hey, Y/N! My bes fer-en.”, she slurs. 
“Ok, how much have you had, honey? Don’t you still need to talk to your professor?”
“Pfft, no. I done. Uh oh…”, she chuckles before throwing herself over the toilet to vomit.
“Alright, sweetie. You’re ok. Get it all out.”
“My-my mom invited her boyfr-en. I mean…I guess he’s not technically her boyfr-en…I don’t know. Ma dad is gonna be pissed.”, she giggles as you help her to her feet and guide her to the sink to wash her hands and face. 
“Let’s talk about that later. Like you said, tonight is supposed to be about you.”
“I don know why he be so angry. I think he has a girlfr-en or something. Plus, they haven’t been together for a year.”
You try to block out her words but it’s hard especially when you walk her out the door and are suddenly bombarded by the sound of yelling. 
“Tonight was supposed to be about her, Ava!”
“HEY! I’m only going to say this one more fucking time. Don’t speak to my girlfriend like that!”
“You don’t have any fucking say in this as far as I’m concerned! Now excuse me while I talk to the mother of my fucking child.”
“She’s not a child, Edward, and she doesn’t mind that I bring him. You’re the one that seems to be causing the problem and putting attention on yourself.”
“That’s right. Make me the fucking bad guy even though you’ve been parading him around in front of me the last couple of hours.”
The sound of your grunt as Paige collapses in your arms grabs their attention as all eyes turn your way. 
“I didn’t mean to…I’m sorry…she’s drunk. I was just trying to get her to my car…”
“No, um, no worries, Y/N, I can take her.”
As the other man steps forward, you spin your friend out of his grasp. 
“I know them. I don’t know you.”, you growl. “All I know is that you being here upset her so I’m not letting you touch her.”
“Dom, it’s ok, baby.”, she calls his way before glaring at Eddie. “This your fucking fault.”
“She didn’t want him here, Ava.”
“No, you don’t want him here.”, she hisses before taking her boyfriend’s hand and heading to their car. 
Angerly, he stalks your way and collects his daughter in his arms. 
“I’ll follow you to your place and help you get her in bed.”, he grumbles, buckling her in before heading for his motorcycle.
“I don’t think I’ve seen your room before.”, he sighs with a smile as he looks around at all your things.
After getting Paige in bed, he took the opportunity and followed you across the hall into your bedroom. Eddie took solace in the fact that you were a bit messy like him, taking note of all the clothes on the floor and your bed half made. You had posters of different movies as well as some of your friend’s artwork that he immediately recognized. 
You watch as he picks up random items on your dresser including your perfume that he inhales and smirks at the familiar scent. 
“My parents.”, you answer when he flashes you a photo in a frame. 
“You look like them.”
“Eddie, why does her boyfriend make you so jealous?” 
At your question, he sighs as he places the image back down and turns to face you leaning against the furniture. 
“I don’t know.”, he shrugs. “Maybe it’s because we aren’t even fucking divorced yet and she’s calling him her boyfriend while talking about him like he’s the love of her fucking life.”
“You two aren’t divorced and you’re fucking me.”
“It’s different.”
His large chocolate eyes meet yours before coming around and descending to his knees in front of you. 
“Y/N, I did everything and I mean EVERYTHING to make my marriage work. It was never enough. To her…I had failed as a husband and she was…is…going to whatever she can to punish me for that.” As your gaze shifts to the floor, his fingers quickly grab your chin to bring your focus back to him. “Talk to me.”
“I think…the reason it’s different is because she can parade him around and claim him. You can’t do that with me.”
“I want to.”, he whispers. “More than anything.”
“I don’t know what to do, Y/N. It would fucking kill Paige if she found out but I know it’s killing you, sweetheart. You deserve to be seen and shown off.”
“Eddie…maybe, we—”
“Don’t. Please don’t say we should stop.”, he murmurs as his head falls into your lap and on impulse your hand comes up to run your fingers through his hair. “I don’t want to lose you, baby.”
Hearing your sniffles, he lifts his head and his palms cup your cheeks as he catches your tears with his thumbs. 
“No, princess, no. Don’t cry. Daddy’s here, baby girl. Everything’s going to be ok.”
Collecting you in his arms, you allow him to hold you as he continuous to whisper soft words of endearment and adoration. After a while, you allow him to undress you and make love to you; his palm clasped over your mouth to silence the screams that are on the edge of your tongue with every orgasm he pulls from you. 
“Can I stay? I promise I’ll leave as soon as the sun comes up.”, Eddie murmurs as he continues to trail gently pecks along your skin. “I just don’t want to let you go right now.”
You nod knowing “right now” will eventually come. You fall asleep in his arms and wake up alone but unlike other nights where you both had done this…this time kills you. 
Eddie grumbles under his breath as he slams the phone a bit to roughly on the table in front of him. It had been a few days since he had heard from you and he was starting to get incredibly worried. Usually if you couldn’t talk, you would leave a little emoji or tell him you’d reply “ASAP” but since that night after his daughter’s exhibit, you would read his messages but never reply. 
“Hey, Dad.”
“Hey…hey, Paige, sweetheart. It’s good to see you.”, he grins as he tries to hide his pain so he can enjoy lunch with his daughter. They rarely did this anymore and he savored every moment he got. “How are you? Tell me everything.”
One of the many traits she got from him was her gift of gab. Once she started talking, she could go on and on and Eddie loved it. He absorbed everything she said and laughed whenever she would make a little joke at her expense. 
“Ugh and then Y/N’s got her own bit of chaos.”
At the sound of your name, he tried not to let the concern show on his face as he casually replied, “Oh yeah? What’s going on with her?”
“I guess her and that boxer guy she liked split or something. She spent the last couple of days just completely broken and sobbing. We’ve had a lot of girl’s nights filled with ice cream and movies.”, she giggled before sighing as Eddie’s heart breaks. 
You hadn’t said you wanted to stop seeing him, not directly, and he was pretty sure he hadn’t said anything to make you think he wanted your relationship to end. He cared about you very much and hated not being around you or hearing from you. 
“And of course, guess who calls like dog who can sense that she’s upset? Her fucking ex. Oh shit, dad! Are you ok?!”
Eddie hadn’t realized that while Paige was speaking, his grip around his glass had gotten tighter and tighter until she mentioned your ex causing it to break under his grasp. 
“Huh? Fuck. Yeah, I’m fine.”, he replies as he reaches for napkins to clean up the mess. “So did they get back together or what?”
“Oh, I don’t know. She’s had dinner with him a couple of times but I don’t think they are. She said she wanted to go slow and hear what he had to say. I mean they were together for a while.” 
“Yeah…well, shit. Good for her, I guess.”, he seethes. 
“Yeah. I told her I was going to your match on Saturday with my boyfriend and that she should come so I can vet him. See what he’s up to but she seemed skeptical about going. Maybe she’s afraid the boxer guy will be there to. Do you know who he is? She’s never told me his name.”
“Uh, no I don’t but tell her they both should come. The more the merrier and if that boxer guy shows up, I can kick his ass. Maybe we can all have dinner together and I can help you vet him.” 
Paige laughs when he lightly taps her hand.
“Won’t it be weird? You’ll be like a fifth wheel.”
“Oh, don’t worry, sweetheart. I’m sure I can find someone to bring along. If you’re ok with that, of course.”
“Ok! Sounds like a plan. This is going to be interesting.”
She had no idea.
@dashingdeb16 @myherometalhead @micheledawn1975 @hardladyheart @chelebelletx @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @paleidiot @alphabetically-deranged @sophiejayne-illustrations713 @yesimabratandwhataboutot @idkwhattoputhere08 @gryffindorqueensworld @mewchiili @veemoon @heavenlyhorrors @twirls827 @jamiecb66 @chelebelletx @longpondlibrary @friendly-neighborhood-ghoul @hellv1ra @utterlyinsanity
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scribblesofagoonerr · 7 months ago
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— You are the best thing that's ever been ours!
pairings: leah williamson x reader
summary: the first year of leah and reader being parents to their baby girl
special thank you to @alotofpockets and @lvnleah for the help along the way with figuring this one out!
small bump masterlist
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“I still can’t believe she’s actually here,” You whisper, peering down at your newborn baby girl, fast asleep in her Moses basket. 
The sight of her tiny peaceful face makes it all feel like a surreal dream to you.
Leah is sat beside you as she nods in agreement, “She’s here, and she’s our perfect little bubba.”
“I know,” You catch Leah’s gaze and smile, “It still feels pretty surreal, doesn’t it?”
“It really does,” Leah admits, a soft smile tugging at her lips as she turns her attention back to Remi, her eyes filled with adoration, “I can’t stop staring at her though.”
“Me neither,” You agree with your wife, not able to take your eyes away from your little one as you try and stifle a yawn, “God, labour really does take it out of you, doesn’t it?”
Leah chuckles and nods, “Why don’t you try and get some sleep while Remi’s asleep? You know what they say– When the baby sleeps, then so should the mum’s.”
“Speak for yourself, you’re still awake,” You murmur, struggling to keep your eyes open.
“Speak for yourself,” Leah retorts playfully, “I’m not the one who just went through hours of labour. You should sleep while you can, love.”
As if on queue to keep you awake, your baby girl starts to stir in her Moses basket, clearly not so keen on the idea of letting you sleep after all.
“Looks like little miss has other ideas,” You can’t help but tiredly laugh as Remi lets out a soft cry, “I bet she’s hungry.” You start to move to get out of bed, however your wife is less reluctant to let you do so considering it’s less than 24 hours since you’ve given birth.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got her,” Leah reassures, gently scooping your little girl up into her arms, “Hi baby girl, are you a bit hungry, huh? It’s okay, Mumma is right here to feed you,” She coos, carefully handling Remi over to you as you prop yourself up against the pillows.
“Thanks Le,” You hold your baby girl close to you as you readjust your top, helping her latch on to feed while your wife sits beside you, watching you with a tender smile and her hand resting on your back to offer silent support and love as your little family settles into this new rhythm together.
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The first few months of life with a newborn baby girl was completely blissful, watching your wife bond with your little girl was one of the moments that you most treasured forever. There was just something magical about watching the love of your life cradle your daughter, seeing the way that Leah’s eyes softened, her voice instinctively dropping to a gentle whisper and soothing Remi in ways that only she could.
“Love, are you ready to go?” Leah called out by the front door, cradling Remi in her arms while your little girl is all bundled up in a light weighted coat, ready to face the chill of September’s unpredictable weather, “What’s taking Mumma so long, huh?”
“Almost!” You called back, navigating through the house with an armful of essentials needed, the sheer volume of items is far more needed that you’d normally take to a football game, but you’re determined to be prepared for anything to happen, “I’m just making sure we have everything that we might need.” You explained, offering Leah a weary smile.
The blonde’s face softened as she sensed your nerves, “Love, if it’s too soon…” She began gently, “I don’t mind going on my own. There will be other times.”
You shook your head in disagreement, a firm but understanding smile on your face, “No, no, it’s going to be fine, besides your mum and the rest of your family will be there to help out if I need it,” You reassured her, reaching to take Remi from her arms, “And I know your teammates are all itching for cuddles with her too.”
Leah laughed softly, “Oh, they can’t wait to meet our little Gooner,” She said, taking hold of the several bags to carry out of the house, “I’m so excited for you both to be there to watch the match today. It means a lot to be able to look up into the box and see you both there.” She added, gesturing to the game at the Emirates, you would be going to watch Leah and her teammates play in their first game of the new season against Man City.
“We’re excited to be able to watch, aren’t we, sweet girl,” You cooed, kneeling down to gently place her in her car seat to carry her out of the house, “I can’t believe you actually dressed her an Arsenal shirt as well. I knew I should have been concerned about you dressing her.” You joked playfully with your wife.
“Of course I did, we can’t have our little girl coming to watch me play and not wear a shirt with my name on, can we?” Leah retorted, locking up the house and following you out to the car to help you settle Remi into the back of it while you sit beside her just for your own peace of mind.
Thankfully the drive to the stadium wasn’t too far ahead from where you live and Remi was golden the whole time in the car, snoozing away in her car seat with no care in the world.
“Lovely parking Leah. Well done,” Your wife complimented her parking as she pulled the car up outside the Emirates stadium, with the plan to go ahead of the coach to be able to help you inside before the frenzy of fans arrive.
“You did not seriously just say that, did you?” You couldn’t help but laugh in amusement at your wifes’ usual antics, “Your Mummy is so silly sometimes, isn’t she, Remi Bear?” You cooed to your little girl who’s now awake and looking round with curious eyes.
“I just have my way sometimes, don’t judge me,” Leah retorted, sticking her tongue out at you as she gets out of the car and helps get Remi out of the car seat, “Welcome to the Emirates, my baby Gooner. I can’t wait till you're old enough to be able to experience this properly.”
“I’m sure she’ll be thrilled,” You teased your wife’s excitement, her passion for her club on and off the pitch is one of the things that you love most about her, “What if she decides to not like football at all, huh?” You joked in amusement.
Leah fauxed a playful gasp, “Don’t swear in front of the baby like that,” She acted like it’s the worst thing you’ve said, “Honestly, love, out of all the things you’ve said. I think that one cuts deep.”
“Oh I’m sure you’ll get over it,” You still couldn’t help but continue to wind your wife up, “Let’s get inside, I bet your mum will be waiting for us.”
“I think they’ve arrived,” Leah agreed with you as the three of you made your way inside the stadium to meet up with her family, “Oh! There they are now.” She pointed in the direction her family was standing waiting for your guys arrival.
“Hi girls!” Leah’s mum, Amanda greeted you both as she walked closer towards you and caught sight of Remi who was in Leah’s arms and of course your little girl was all smiles for the woman that she adored, “There’s Nana’s girl!”
“Hi Amanda,” You waved politely and smiled at the older woman.
“Hi Mum,” Leah greeted Amanda and was eager to pass Remi over to the older woman who was desperate for a cuddle, “Look who it is, it’s Nana, baby Gooner!”
“Hi sweet angel,” Amanda cooed, taking Remi from Leah as she gently bounced your little girl in her arms, “Are you so excited for your first match?”
“Of course she is!” Leah was beaming a proud wide smile while she watched the exchange between your daughter and her mother, “She’s even wearing her own shirt in support of Mummy today!” She added, unfastening her coat to show Amanda the little Arsenal shirt that Remi was wearing.
“I didn’t have a single say in it,” You joked with the older woman as you shook your head, “Let’s just hope Remi doesn’t spit up on it.” You added, looking at your wife with a knowing look.
“Nah she wouldn’t do that,” Leah shook the idea off as she quickly exchanged hellos with the rest of her family and took the time to catch up– Your wife was exceptionally close with her family and that was another thing you loved about her.
Before long it was time to take your seats inside the box in the stadium ahead of the game and Leah had to join the rest of the team now they had arrived. You knew the noise would be loud from the fans so you were more than grateful for the pair of small red ear defenders that Remi currently had placed over her little ears while she sat on Berny, Leah’s grandma’s lap and enjoyed the atmosphere around her.
“Are you ready to see your Mummy play, sweetheart?” You heard Berny ask your little girl, gently bouncing her on her knee.
“Look there she is, Remi Roo,” Holly, Leah’s cousin, cooed and crouched down beside the seat and pointed in the direction of the pitch where you could spot Leah warming up amongst the rest of the girls, “Do you see her?”
“Leah’s been so excited about you two both finally being here to watch the match,” Amanda told you with a genuine smile on her face, “It’s the only thing she’s been going on about.” She added.
“I know, even if I’m not sure Remi understands much of it at all,” You joked but you were glad to be able to be here to watch your wife play again– You always did love to watch her doing what she loved the most.
Soon enough the match kicked off and you watched Arsenal and Manchester City battle for the 3 points in the first opening game of the season. It was incredibly different to see Leah’s former teammate, Vivianne play against them wearing a blue shirt but at least she looked happy enough to be a part of the club.
“Back with the stern facial expression,” Jacob, Leah’s brother, joked as he watched the game play out, “Why am I not surprised?” He added, shaking his head in amusement.
“It’s just what she’s known for,” You remarked and you couldn’t help but laugh, “It’s one of the things I love about her.” 
“Remi has the same frown as Leah does,” Jacob quipped, amusedly as he spotted the expression that your little girl had on her face, which did indeed match your wifes, “It’s exactly identical.”
A whole 90 minutes later and the match was over, the game ending in a win for the Gunners which you know Leah would be exceptionally happy about, a brilliant way to kick off the new season.
“Shall we go and find Mummy now, Rem?” You told her, taking Remi from Jacob who was holding off her at the end of the match, “I bet she’ll be so excited to see you!”
“Oh I bet she will be,” Amanda agreed with you, helping you pick up the things you need as you all begin to make your way back inside to meet up with everyone once the game is over.
Walking inside, you’re quick to spot your wife catching with her best friend, Lia now after the match is over and she’s had a chance to grab a quick shower, “Look, there she is, there’s Mummy,” You took a gentle hold of Remi’s small hand and pointed it in the direction of where your wife is, “Let’s go say hi!”
“Baby Gooner!” You suddenly heard the familiar accent of Beth, Leah’s team mate as she came darting towards you with her own girlfriend hot on her tail, “Oh my Goodness, she’s absolutely precious. Can I have a cuddle?” She asked.
“Not before I do,” Lia spotted you walking towards them and took the chance to try and have first dibs on having a cuddle with Remi, “We’ve all been so eager to meet her.”
“Oh I’m sure Remi would love to have cuddles with all of her Aunties,” Leah chimed in the conversation, “But not before I get to say hello to my baby Gooner first. I get first dibs as her Mummy.” She added, reaching out for your daughter, who was quick to realise who was in front of her as she beamed an adorable smile.
“She definitely knows who you both are,” Beth said, watching the interaction between your wife and daughter, “She’s the absolute spit of you, Le.” She said, taking her turn to have a quick cuddle with Remi, who was intrigued by the new face in front of her that she hadn’t met before.
“I know, right? Even Jacob pointed out that Rem has the same frown,” You told them as you found it hard to stifle your laughter, “I think she really enjoyed watching you play today, she was a lot less grumpier than she usually is.” You said.
“Of course she was happy watching Mummy out on the pitch,” Leah gloated at the idea of your daughter being her most cheerful while being at the Emirates watching her play, “Told you, she’s a baby Gooner, through and through. Plenty more years to come as well!”
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Before long, the first 6 months had flown by and it amazed you how much Remi was changing every single day right in front of your eyes – Being able to sit up on her own without support, trying solid foods for the first time and even managing to sleep through the night.
Every single milestone felt like a tiny miracle, a glimpse at the little person she was becoming.
It was now the most magical time of the year, it was Christmas and that was something that your wife took very seriously with her family Christmas traditions that she had insisted that you partake in, and she was now even more overjoyed to share them with Remi.
“It’s her first Christmas,” Leah beamed, her eyes sparkling with excitement, “We have to make it so special.”
“We will,” You reassured, smiling at the joy on her face, “She’s going to have the best time– Even if she doesn’t understand much of it.” You joked with your wife, knowing that your daughter wouldn’t be able to remember any of this or understand it yet.
“I wish she would stop growing so much,” Leah’s expression softens as she looks down at Remi while you fasten her in her pram, already bundled up ahead of the Christmas Eve walk you would be joining Leah’s whole family on, “She’s getting so big already.”
“I know it’s honestly crazy,” You agree, shaking your head with a grin, “You blink and then suddenly, she’s this big… I don’t like it. Not oBefore long, the first 6 months had flown by and it amazed you how much Remi was changing every single day right in front of your eyes – Being able to sit up on her own without support, trying solid foods for the first time and even managing to sleep through the night.
Every single milestone felt like a tiny miracle, a glimpse at the little person she was becoming.
It was now the most magical time of the year, it was Christmas and that was something that your wife took very seriously with her family Christmas traditions that she had insisted that you partake in, and she was now even more overjoyed to share them with Remi.
“It’s her first Christmas,” Leah beamed, her eyes sparkling with excitement, “We have to make it so special.”
“We will,” You reassured, smiling at the joy on her face, “She’s going to have the best time– Even if she doesn’t understand much of it.” You joked with your wife, knowing that your daughter wouldn’t be able to remember any of this or understand it yet.
“I wish she would stop growing so much,” Leah’s expression softens as she looks down at Remi while you fasten her in her pram ahead of the Christmas Eve walk you would be joining Leah’s whole family on, “She’s getting so big already.”
“I know it’s honestly crazy,” You agree, shaking your head with a grin, “You blink and then suddenly, she’s this big.”
“No, I don’t like it,” Leah told you in disagreement, not liking the idea of your little baby growing up, “I don’t like, not one bit.”
You finish fastening Remi into her pram, her eyes wide staring up at you with a mix of curiosity and wonder as you can’t help but grin just to wind your wife up even more, “Don’t blink too fast,” You teased lightly, “Or she’ll be off to school before we know it.”
“Stop, no,” Leah said, shooting you a pointed look as bending down and to press a soft kiss on your daughter’s forehead, “No, I don’t even want to think about that.”
You couldn’t help but smirk mischievously, clearly amused by her reaction, “Oh, I mean we haven’t talked about when she’s going to have her first boyfriend–”
“Nope, stop right there!” Your wife interrupts, hands on her hands, “I refuse to believe my little girl will date. Nope, it’s not happening!”
You couldn’t help but laugh at Leah’s protectiveness which only made your heart swell more, reminding you just how lucky you were to have this family and cherish moments like this.
As you finished getting Remi settled in her pram, the hallway began to fill with the chatter and laughter of Leah’s family gathering for the tradition of their Christmas Eve walk.
“Are we ready to go?” Amanda called out, appearing in the doorway with Bella, their dog, tugging eagerly at her lead while her tail wagged excitedly.
“Yep, we’re all ready!” Leah grinned, wrapping a free arm around you.
“Remi’s first Christmas Eve walk! This is a tradition that can’t be broken,” Jacob joined them in the hallway, zipping up his coat as he bent down to give Remi a quick kiss on her forehead.
“Oh just look at her all bundled up,” Berny cooed, her eyes twinkling as she looked at Remi all cosy in her pram wearing her pale pink winter romper, “Before you know it, she’ll be walking and able to run around.”
Leah groaned in disagreement and firmly shook her head, “Don’t you start Grandma, this ones’ already talking about when she goes off to school,” She said, nodding in your direction, “I still have a few more years yet!”
You grinned at the older woman, “Leahs’ dreading the idea of Remi growing up,” You chimed in amusedly.
Holly snorted at her cousin's denial and gave her a playful nudge, “It’s bound to happen sooner or later, Le. You can’t keep her a baby forever.”
“Yeah, you just blink and it just happens,” Jordan, Leah’s older cousin piped in, already having a little boy of her own, “They grow up so fast.”
Leah shook her head with a dramatic sigh, trying to keep a serious face but failing to hide the smile tugging at her lips, “Let’s not think about it just yet, let’s just go for our walk.”
“Yeah, let’s not traumatise Le with the idea of Remi growing up just yet,” Jacob snickered, poking fun at his older sisters’ dread for Remi growing up.
You couldn’t help but enjoy hearing the sound of the snow crunching beneath your feet as you begin your walk, the twinkling lights of the neighbourhood illuminating your path as Remi gurgled softly in her pram, mesmerised by them.
“This,” Leah whispered, squeezing your hand, her face a mix of happiness and contentment, “Is what it’s all about.”
“It’s pretty magical, isn’t it?” You leaned into her warmth and took in this special moment of being around your wife, your little girl and your family during a special time of the year, “I couldn’t think of anything to top this.”
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It’s true what they say about time going by so fast – much to your wife’s initial denial about that happening, Remi was nine months old before you both knew it and your little girl was growing more curious and lively every day, her eyes bright and wide with wonder.
March arrived before you know it and Leah’s birthday was vastly approaching, you knew you wanted to do something to celebrate, despite your wife’s insistence on wanting a small celebration and after brainstorming, you decided on the idea on a trip to the zoo – it would be a perfect blend of fun for all of you.
“Happy birthday, Le!” You exclaimed, showered your wife with gifts as she sat cross-legged on the bed meanwhile Remi sat wedged happily in between you, far more interested with the crinkling wrapping paper than the presents themselves, her tiny hands eagerly reaching out to scrunch it up.
“Thank you, love,” Leah smiled, tearing through the paper with a grin and leaning over to give you a quick kiss on the lips, “These are perfect.”
“You’re welcome,” You replied, enjoying the happiness that lit up her face.
Remi started to babble something which sounded vaguely recognisable to “Mama” which Leah’s eyes widened in delight, cupping her hands on her tiny face and peppered kisses over her little face, “And thank you to you too, baby Gooner. I love all of my presents from you too.”
The morning was somewhat as relaxing as it could be with a 9 month old who was now crawling, pulling herself to stand up and doing her best to try and walk while holding onto furniture, you made work of spoiling your wife with a special breakfast of pancakes while Leah fed Remi bits of fruit that she seemed to enjoy a whole lot.
“You’re spoiling me today,” Leah murmured, popping a piece of fruit in her own mouth as she watched you flip another pancake in the kitchen.
“Only the best for the birthday girl,” You replied, placing the last pancake on a plate and settling it down in front of her.
Your wife's eyes sparkled with a mix of love and mischief, “You know this is one of the most perfect ways to start my way,” She paused as she took a bite of the pancake and savoured the taste in her mouth, “Mm, it’s delicious!”
“I aim to impress,” You joked with her playfully as you grinned, “I just want to make your birthday as special as possible.”
Leah beamed a wide smile as she continued to munch on her pancakes, “You’re definitely living up to expectations, love.”
After breakfast, you got Remi dressed in a cute onesie with tiny animal prints - the perfect outfit for the trip to the zoo.
“Are you ready to go to the zoo and see all of the animals?” Leah cooed at Remi, who cheerfully babbled nonsense in return and her tiny hands batted at Leah’s face, “There’s going to be so many different ones - monkeys, giraffes, elephants… Oh, and tigers as well!”
“I think she’s definitely excited about it,” You grinned, watching as Leah strapped Remi into the pram once you had gotten out of the car at the Zoo.
Leah crouched down, her eyes bright with a playful energy, “What noise does a Tiger make, baby Gooner?” She questioned your little girl, “They go… Roar!” She exclaimed while Remi stared back at her with a blank expression on her face, as if sizing up your wife’s silliness.
You snickered in amusement at your wife’s antics, “Yeah I think she definitely understands what you are saying there, Le.” You teased, shaking your head.
“Of course she does, cos’ she’s our clever little girl,” Leah insisted as you made your way towards the entrance of the zoo, quickly paying for the tickets and heading inside, excited to see all the different animals, “What should we go and see first?”
“I think the monkey’s first,” You walked hand-in-hand with Leah, your wife pushing Remi’s pram along the winding paths of the zoo, the noise around the zoo filled with the faint sounds of the animals amongst the chatter of families enjoying their day.
“Look, Remi! Monkeys!” Leah pointed excitedly, leaning down to get closer to Remi’s eye level, “Can we see them jumping around?”
Remi, however, didn't seem that bothered and decided that chewing the ear of a stuffed giraffe toy was more exciting and her eyes barely flickered towards the monkeys.
“Not impressed, huh?” You chuckled, watching as Remi babbled to herself, blissfully unaware of the monkey’s putting on a show.
“Wow, tough crowd,” Leah laughed, shrugging her shoulders, “There’s still time to warm up to them I suppose.” She added.
“Maybe she’s just saving her excitement for the rest of the animals,” You suggested playfully as you continued walking towards the giraffe enclosure.
“Wow, look how tall the giraffes are,” Leah lifted Remi up from her pram and pointed out the giraffes that were stretching their long necks towards the leaves, “What do you think about them, baby Gooner?”
This time, Remi seemed slightly a bit more curious about the giraffes as her eyes widened and she followed Leah’s hand, trying her hardest to reach her little hand out to grasp them from afar.
“Seems like she likes them better,” You noted with a smile, watching as Remi stayed captivated by the giraffes, “Maybe it’s the height?”
“Or maybe she’s just a giraffe person,” Leah teased, kissing your daughter's cheek before settling her back in the pram to continue your way around the enclosures, “Next up… Elephants.” She declared.
Continuing your journey, you arrived to see the elephants as you crouched beside Remi, “What do you think of the elephant, Remi Roo? They’re so big and strong!” You exclaimed, making a gentle trumpet sound with your lips and attempted to imitate an elephant.
“Very impressive love,” Leah laughed in amusement and shook her head, “And you think I’m silly – Isn’t she silly, Rem? Mumma’s a silly billy,” She cooed, trying to bring out another smile from your grumpy little girl who was apparently disappointed to leave the giraffes.
“I don’t think she’s a fan,” You noted, watching Remi take a short glance at the elephants before her attention shifted back to the giraffe toy that she kept clutched in her hand, “I’m definitely sensing a favourite animal already.”
“I think you might be onto something there love,” Your wife shared a fond smile with you as she peered down to watch your daughter chew intently on the ear of her toy, “I wonder what she’ll think about the tigers instead?” She asked.
“Well, we’re about to find out,” You told her with a small shrug of your shoulders as you couldn’t help but feel curious about it yourself.
Making your way to the tiger enclosure, Leah stopped in front of the large glass panel separating you from the striped cats lounging in the midday sun, “Look, Rem! Here’s the tigers!” She crouched down with Remi, bringing her face closer to the glass, “Remember how it goes? Roar!” Your wife growled playfully, imitating the big cat.
To your surprise, Remi’s eyes widened as she took in the sight of the tigers and after a moment of contemplation, she let out a delighted growl of her own to mimic Leah’s sound.
“Wow, we have our own little tiger!” Leah exclaimed, her laughter ringing out as she hugged your daughter close, “Remi the tiger, huh?” She added.
“I think she just might be,” You laughed in agreement, watching the fond moment of your two favourite people together, “I’d say it’s a toss up between the giraffes and the tigers.”
As you continue your journey around the zoo to see the various different animals, taking in the sights and sounds, you feel the warmth of the sun on your skin and the happiness swelling inside you.
“I think our baby Gooner might just be a tiger fan,” Leah noted, kissing Remi’s small forehead tenderly as your little girl giggled in absolute delight.
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“Can you believe that she’s already 1?” Leah questioned in shock as you took the moment in bed reminiscing over the last year while Remi slept in her room next door, “It feels like only yesterday we were bringing her back from the hospital, doesn't it?”
“It really does,” You hummed in agreement, your voice filled with a mix of nostalgia and awe, “Our little girl is really growing up.”
“Where did the time go?” Your wife wondered aloud, enjoying the moment that you were wrapped up in her arms as she traced gentle circles on your bare skin.
“We blinked Le, and she grew up, Le,” You admitted, a gentle voice, “All those hours of labour – This time last year we were at the hospital, I was screaming at you and now, here we are.”
“Here we are now,” Leah repeated, her voice softening, “I forgive you for shouting at me. It was all worth it to meet our baby Gooner.”
You chucked in amusement, “You’re still not letting that nickname go, huh?”
“Nope,” Your wife said with a smirk, “I’ll still be calling her that even when she’s 16 years old and sneaking out the house.”
You frowned and shook your head, “Okay. That is not something that I want to even think about any time soon, Le.”
“Oh, and just all these months ago you were winding me up for not wanting her to grow up,” Leah teased you as she pressed a gentle kiss on your collar bone, “What has changed now?”
“I realised that she’s growing up too fast,” You admitted quietly, biting your bottom lip. 
“Do you think it’s time for another one?” Leah spoke her thoughts aloud, anxiously awaiting your answer. 
You raised an eyebrow in confusion, “Another baby?”
“No, another puppy,” Leah retorted, rolling her eyes, “Yes I mean a baby –  Think about it! Wouldn’t it be great for Remi to be a big sister?”
“I love the idea of that, and the puppy as well,” You told your wife, a genuine smile on your face. 
“Whoa slow down there,” Leah couldn’t help but laugh, “Let’s just do one thing at a time, eh?” She joked. 
“Let’s do it,” You agreed with Leah, nodding in triumph. 
“Yeah?” Leah checked to make sure you were sure. 
“Yeah!” You repeated your wife’s words, “Let’s make another baby.” You add quietly, pressing your face against hers as you share a tender kiss. 
“Mu… Mumma! Mummy!” Remi’s small voice broke the baby monitor in the room and interrupted the moment.
“Sounds like the birthday girl is up,” Leah said, sharing a look with you.
“We’ll come on then, we’d better not keep our 1 year old waiting any longer,” You said reluctantly getting out of bed, quickly chucking on one of your wife’s old Arsenal shirt and a loose pair of sleep shorts. 
“Nope, I already don’t like the sound of that,” Leah said in dismissal as she shook her head, “She’s still too little to be 1 already.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle in amusement, “Le, she’s walking and talking. She’s not too little.” You reminded her, gently as you made your way into your little girl's bedroom. 
“Mumma,” Tiny hands reached up for you to pick her up and you didn’t hesitate to waste the time and scoop her up into your arms, making you realise it’s important to treasure moments like this. 
“Hi Remi Roo,” You cooed, pressing a gentle kiss to your daughters forehead, “Happy birthday. You’re 1 years old.” You added, holding her close to you. 
“Yep, even hearing you say it aloud like that, I don’t like it at all,” Leah appeared behind you and as soon as Remi heard your wife’s voice, she was reaching towards her, “Hi baby Gooner. Who’s birthday is it, huh? Todays your very special day.”
“You have to get used to it sooner or later,” You remarked playful as the three of you made your way down the stairs to begin breakfast ahead of the day full of celebration with your friends and family. 
“Nope, definitely not. She’ll always be little in my eyes,” Leah stated, less than thrilled at the idea of you growing up right there in front of her eyes, “Won’t you, baby Gooner?”
As the day went on, you were so excited to be able to celebrate your little girls’ first birthday with your closest family and friends as they all began to arrive - The house was decorated with pink decorations, several large balloons dotted around the room as a large banner read “Happy 1st Birthday, Remi!” in colourful letters, and the smell of birthday cake wafted through the hair.
The first guests to arrive at your house for the small celebration were the majority of Leah’s teammates, who all came bursting through the door with several presents for your daughter.
“There’s the birthday girl!” Beth’s loud voice filled the house, walking through the front door with a present in her hand, “Hi, baby Gooner! Happy birthday.”
“I still can’t believe you girls have a 1 year old,” Lia said, exchanging hugs with the two of you and gently running her thumb over Remi’s face, “Look at you growing up.”
“Don’t remind us,” Leah murmured against the idea, returning the hug with her best friend. 
You snickered in amusement at your wife’s expense, “Leah’s almost having a breakdown about it, again.” You teased, looking over at the girls.
Leah gasped, nudging you playfully with her free hand, “Way to out me like that, love,” She tutted, though there was a hint of a smile on her lips as she spotted Amanda and the rest of her family walk through the front door, “There’s Nana, shall we go and say hi?” She asked, turning her attention back to Remi.
The moment that Remi saw Amanda, her face lit up and the woman wasted no time in scooping her up, “Hi sweetheart,” Amanda cooed, cradling your daughter with affection, “Happy birthday! Look how many people are here to celebrate your special day, huh? Wow. You’re one lucky girl!”
“Happy birthday, angel,” Berny stepped forward and pressed a soft kiss to the top of Remi’s head, “One already? Where’s the time gone?”
“Hi, Remi Roo!” Jacob gently lifted Remi’s tiny hand into a fist bump against his own, “Happy birthday to you!”
“We’re so glad you could all make it,” You said, raising your voice slightly to address the growing number of guests in your living room.
“We wouldn’t want to be anywhere else,” Holly replied with a warm smile, “It’s Remi’s special day!”
You felt a surge of happiness seeing so many people here to celebrate. It was exactly the kind of day you’d hoped for – full of love, laughter and little moments that would make Remi’s first birthday unforgettable.
“We’re about to light the candles on the cake!” Leah announced, her voice bright with excitement.
“Ah, the best part!” Beth joked with a wide grin.
“The only reason I’m here– Ow!” Kyra started, feigning a pained expression as Alessia playfully nudged her, “Alright, I was just kidding. Of course, I wanted to be here to celebrate Remi’s first birthday… The cake is just an added bonus!”
Leah carefully lit the candles on the cake while you held Remi in your arms. As the lights dimmed, the room hushed for a brief moment before everyone began to sing.
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Remi, happy birthday to you!” The joyful chorus filled the room as a wave of love and warmth washed over you.
“Happy birthday, baby girl,” You whispered, leaning closer to help Remi blow out the candles as you gently puffed alongside her, and everyone erupted into cheers and applause.
“Happy birthday, my baby Gooner,” Leah moved closer and peppered kisses on your little girl’s face as she giggled joyfully, “I can’t believe you’re already 1. Don’t grow up on us too fast, okay? You are the best thing that’s ever been ours.”
And just like that, the first year of Remi’s life was complete, with many more chapters to be written.
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leahwilliamsonn and y/nwilliamson posted
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Liked by liawaelti, bethmead_ and 92, 432 others.
leahwilliamsonn: just like that, our baby gooner is one years old! 🥹🎂🥳
what an incredible journey this whole year has been to watch you grow up right in front of our very eyes 👣👶🏼
happy birthday, remi! mumma and i love you so, so much! 💗
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© scribblesofagoonerr
353 notes · View notes
naomijoestar · 3 months ago
Can you make one where it's La Squadra reacting to the reader having a freaky looking moving doll stand?
Masterlist here <3
HELLO omg I love this so much! I seriously enjoyed writing this sooo soso much I hope you enjoy, also you might find that this post differs a bit in writing style, but I got a bit carried away I guess and made it silly, I hope you enjoy nonetheless and if you’d like anything changed you can always message me!
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La squadra reacts to reader having a creepy looking doll stand
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Let’s say your Stand is a small, doll-like creature with jerky, unnatural movements—like something that crawled out of a cursed VHS tape. It has glassy, unblinking eyes and twitchy little limbs, like it’s about to start speaking in tongues. Oh, and it moves on its own. Not normal Stand movements. No, it skitters
Risotto Nero
At first, he doesn’t react—Risotto is, of course, a stoic wall of a man. But the second he sees your freaky little Stand shuffle into the room like chucky, his eyes narrow
It’s not fear—oh no. It’s suspicion. He immediately assumes you’ve been hiding this thing deliberately to mess with him. And when it starts crawling UP THE WALL, he just deadpans:
“Kill it.”
Risotto will try to put it out of its misery (or his own) if it gets within five feet of him
Prosciutto prides himself on being cool, collected, and mature. But the minute your Stand skitters across the table like a spider in a cheap haunted house, he lets out the most undignified noise you’ve ever heard
“Che cazzo è quello?!”
Suddenly, Mr. Cool Guy has his legs tucked up onto the chair, scowling at your Stand like it insulted his family. He points an accusatory finger at you
“Why does it move like that? Fix it.”
When you explain that it’s supposed to move like that, he just mutters, “You need better taste in Stands.”
Poor Pesci. Your Stand exists, and that’s already too much for him to handle. He sees it for half a second, shrieks like he’s in a slasher movie, and nearly falls backwards out of his chair
“Why is it looking at me?!”
You assure him it’s harmless. The Stand then proceeds to tilt its head unnaturally far to the left, and Pesci just bolts
You now have to chase him down to tell him it won’t eat him. Pesci will not recover from this for days
Melone is fascinated. Absolutely enamored. He gets way too close, watching it twitch and crawl with genuine delight
“Incredible. Its movement is so unnatural! What do its abilities do? Does it make people uncomfortable on purpose? That’s brilliant.”
He will follow you around for the rest of the day asking a million questions, mostly things like, “Does it talk? Can I touch it? What happens if I poke it in the eye?”
Please do not let Melone near it. He will absolutely try to run experiments
Ghiaccio’s reaction is instantaneous and LOUD. He jumps out of his seat and starts pacing around the room, ranting at 200 miles an hour
“It’s crawling on the goddamn ceiling! WHY IS IT CRAWLING ON THE CEILING?!”
You try to explain, but Ghiaccio is too busy actively losing his mind. He points aggressively at your Stand
“I don’t care if it’s yours—it’s freaky as hell, and if it comes near me, I’m icing it.”
(He spends the next hour side-eyeing it and muttering under his breath.)
Formaggio is laughing so hard he’s crying. He LOVES your creepy little Stand
“This is the best thing I’ve seen all week. Look at this guy!”
He starts trying to play with it like it’s a toy, sticking his finger out to see what it’ll do. When it grabs onto him (with its weird little twitchy doll hand), he screams
But then he laughs even harder. “Oh my god, it’s even freakier up close. I love this little guy.”
Formaggio now calls it “the homie” and tells everyone it’s his new best friend
Illuso’s all smug and dismissive about it at first
“Tch. It’s just a Stand. Nothing impressive.”
And then it turns its glassy head to look directly at him
Illuso freezes. For the first time in his life, he doesn’t have something snarky to say. He just stares at your Stand, and your Stand stares back
“Stop looking at me.”
It doesn’t stop
Illuso will insist he’s not freaked out, but he is visibly uncomfortable. He avoids eye contact with your Stand for the rest of eternity
Sorbet and Gelato
(This is the first time I write for them so I’m sorry if it’s not accurate)
Sorbet and Gelato are thrilled. They think your Stand is the funniest, most unsettling thing they’ve ever seen, and they are here for it
Gelato keeps trying to make it dance by waving his hands in front of it. Sorbet bets him 50 bucks that he can’t make it do the worm
They’re both crying-laughing when it skitters sideways like a crab
“This thing’s a menace. I love it.”
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I hope you enjoyed this cause I definitely enjoyed writing it!
If you enjoyed this make sure to check out my other posts, and if you’d like anything specific written for a jjba character/squad you can request it if my requests are open!
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shanastoryteller · 2 years ago
Hello! Thank you for taking the time to open prompts! Could i ask for some lady mo, or anything with wei wuxian? He’s my fave!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
When one of the servants A-jie had brought with her when she married catches his eye and then disappears, Jiang Cheng’s stomach drops.
He leaves Shuchun to deal with the official mingling, which earns him a dirty look, but he refuses to feel bad about it. Wang Yan is hovering at the edges and either she or Jin Ling will save her from any truly obnoxious conversations.
He makes his way to his sister’s rooms, knocking twice before pushing inside. “What’s going on?”
The first person he sees is Jiang Xingyi, which is never good, but A-jie appears whole and healthy. She grabs his arm with both hands, pulling him close before whispering, “Would you be able to get genkwa before the end of the night hunt?”
“Yes,” he says, even though doing it without getting caught is going to be nearly impossible. What his sister needs, she gets. “How far along?”
She doesn’t look any different to him, but then again she never does. But if she needs it before the end of the night hunt, she must have caught it late this time.
This isn’t the first time he’s needed to do this.
A-jie’s body might not be able to handle another birth. He knows that she wants a big family, but none of them are willing to risk her life for another child.  
Well, he and Jin Zixuan aren’t. Jin Guangshan and Madam Jin would do it gladly, which is why they can never, ever know of the times he’s had to smuggle the crushed purple little flowers into her hands.
“It’s not for me,” she says which leaves him blinking. “Maybe we won’t need it, but she won’t stop crying, and I don’t want to offer her something that I can’t carry through on. You’re sure?”
“Yes,” he says, “but who are we talking about?”
If it’s A-jie, everything has to be handled with the utmost secrecy, only Jiangs, Jin Zixuan, and Jin Guangyao privy to her condition. But a servant girl or even a noble’s daughter doesn’t garner enough attention to warrant their normal subterfuge.
A-jie gives him a look so full of grief that he’s already reaching for her before she turns and crosses over to the entrance to her private bath. She knocks then leans against the door, “Meimei, can you come out? There’s someone else here, he can help you. You can trust him, I promise.”
The endearment tells him nothing beyond it’s a woman younger than A-jie.
The seconds drag on and then the door slowly opens, a women clad only in one damp robe stepping out. He lifts his eyes to her face, red and splotchy from crying and her hair a mess all around her, and feels his mouth drop. “Lady Xuanyu?”
The wife to the second jade of Lan is not some servant girl or even just a noble’s daughter.
She sees him and fresh wave of tears roll down her face, but she’s smiling too, and A-jie is relaxing. “Hi Jiang Cheng.”
“Is it his?” he asks, mind spinning. “Lan Wangji’s?”
A-jie glares at his lack of tact, but he’s trying to make sense of this. If she’s sleeping around on Lan Wangji, Jiang Cheng is hardly going to blame her for it, but it’ll explain why she needs to end the pregnancy.
She hiccups, lifting a sleeve to wipe at her cheeks. “Y-yeah.”
On the bright side, it’s not like Lan Wangji can hate him more than he already does.
A second reason for her to be so miserable at the news that she’s carrying her husband’s child occurs to him and the rage that sweeps through him is surprising in its intensity. “Does he hurt you?”
He drank with her the night before her wedding and told her that Lan Wangji wasn’t that awful, that he wouldn’t hurt her. He told her that she’d be safe as his bride.
But now she’s sobbing and pregnant and so clearly terrified.
Xuanyu hesitates.
“I’m going to kill him,” he says. It comes out perfectly calm, none of his normal bluster. Both A-jie and Jiang Xingyi pale.
He turns to leave, already planning on drawing his sword first and explaining after. Lan Wangji has made a liar out of him. Xuanyu is young and didn’t ask for any of this and he has a responsibility to protect his bride and Jiang Cheng told her that he wouldn’t hurt her and now she’s here and she’s hurt and he’s going to rip Lan Wangji’s spine out and shove it down his throat.
People don’t like him, don’t get along with him, generally. But she’d sat with him beneath the light of the moon and drank with him and it had been something warm and familiar that he hasn’t had since before the war. He tells himself that’s why he cares his so much when the truth is he doesn’t know why, it’s just that she feels familiar in a way he can’t explain, not when he the first time they met was that night.
“Jiang Cheng!” She lunges forward, hugging him from behind, wrapping her arms around his waist. He braces for the feeling of discomfort, ready to push back agaisnt the urge to shove her off of him. It doesn’t come. “I didn’t mean like that! We spar, a lot, and I get hurt, but I’m always requesting it. It’s not like that.”
He turns in her arms, gently pushing her back but not letting go of her shoulders. “Then why are you crying? It’s okay, you can tell me the truth. I’m not afraid of Lan Wangji.”
“I just,” she sniffs. “I can’t – he doesn’t like me, you know? And – and I’m better than I was, um, healthier, but what if,” she blinks heavily, “what if I’m not strong enough, or something goes wrong, and then – what if I mess it up? And it’s all my fault, because I was weak, and then I’m a failure and he hates me–”
“Oh, Xuanyu,” A-jie whispers. He knows she had a lot of those same fears when she was pregnant with Jin Ling, and she and Jin Zixuan were in love, and he proposed to her fully knowing the state of her health.
Both Xuanyu and Lan Wangji were forced into this marriage.
“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do,” he says firmly. “If you don’t want to have this baby, then you don’t have to. Whatever the reason. And if anyone tries to force you to, I’ll stop them. I don’t care who they are. Understand?” He waits until she gives a wide eyed nod. “But I don’t – I don’t think that Lan Wangji will react like how you think he will. And if he disappoints you, then I will help you take care of it. But I don’t think he will.”
Twice now he has vouched for Lan Wangji to Xuanyu, this girl who feels like another sister even though he barely knows her.
If Lan Wangji makes a liar out of him, he will beat him bloody and not even Lan Xichen will be able to hold it against him.
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0a5-the-glue · 5 days ago
Life Goes On
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*picture from Pinterest*
Pairing : ot7 x fem!Reader
Synopsis : Y/n is dead, but she left something for all of her favorite boys to let them keep a piece of her while they grief.
Words : 1062
Warnings : Angst, mention of death.
A/n: I'm trying something new, feel free to say what you think! Sorry for any mistakes, english isn't my first language.
Chapter 1 : Jungkook
"Hey bunny. I know you're probably mad at me right now and I completely understand if you do. But please know that it's not because I didn't trust you that I didn't say anything. I just wanted you to focus on your career. You worked too hard on it, I would have hated myself if I was the reason you had to give it up. Please don't be mad at Namjoon. He wanted to tell you all so badly, but I begged him not to. I knew you all wore your hearts on your sleeves, so it would have been a big mess of sadness. I did it because you made me feel normal for once. Everywhere I went, my friends or family would say to anyone that barely touched me that I was sick and they were bastards for even grazing my arm. You all made me feel like I was somebody. Not just a sick person. I was so happy with that lifestyle bunny. I promise I was! It was a wish come true these past five years.  I felt so happy that I was able to be your noona, the one that you could count on, be the rock for you. Be strong for my youngers. I wanted to leave you all something of mine. I know you like drawing, so I give you my art room. It’s all yours Kookie. Go there if you ever feel alone, or miss me. Nobody can go in it unless you tell them they can, ok? It’s your painting room now, take care of it. I’m so, so sorry for making you sad bunny, it was never in my intentions.  Please stay the same boy you were with me, don’t let anyone change you. Be who you want to be. Stay true to yourself. I love you so much bunny, don’t ever doubt it. Xxx, Y/n.”
Jungkook stares at the letter in his hands with tears in his eyes. His hands clutching the side of it, a desperate attempt to ground himself. A sad smile forms itself on his lips at your words, placing the paper down on his laps, hovering the words with his fingers. 
He stops in front of the room you’ve given him, staring at it, a lump in his throat. He places a trembling hand on the handle and opens the door.
He feels like his heart drops into his stomach when he gets in. It’s filled with painting and unfinished drawings. The paintings were all in bright colors, but one catches his eyes and a sob escapes his lips when he sees it.
It was all the boys, around a table, with huge smiles on their faces. It was the last dinner they had all together. 
Jungkook places your letter right beside that painting and kisses his pointer and middle finger before placing them against the paper. 
“Thanks for everything, Y/n...”
He looks around the room and sees all the small items they brought you from the tour they have been on, on shelves. He sits down on the chair next to your desk and looks through all your papers. His gaze fell on a calendar and he grabbed it, slowly going through the pages. 
He drops it on the table and leans back against the chair when he sees the last page you have written on.
“So many appointments..” He murmurs. 
The page was filled to the brim. Highlighter everywhere there was an appointment.
“Gosh noona, you went through all this and we couldn’t even help you..” He hangs his head low at the thought and clenches his hands. “Come back, please,” he sobs. “Fuck, please.” He takes in a shaky breath. “I need you here, can’t do it without you.” 
He fist his shirt where his heart is and lets out a loud cry of pain. He hears knocks on the door but ignores them, but when he hears the handle moving, he tenses. “Don’t get in!” He lets out. “Y/n said only me could go in it.” He sobs.
“Then come out Kook, please.” A deep voice answers. “I think we both need a hug right now…” Taehyung’s voice breaks at the end.
Jungkook doesn't hesitate to get up when he hears his tone and gets out of the room. He looks up at his Hyung and breaks down. Taehyung is fast at bringing him to his chest, leaning his back against the wall. 
“Miss her..” 
“I miss her too kookie, so much…” 
Jungkook wraps his arms tightly around the boy’s waist and hides his face on his chest. Trying to catch his breath and stop crying. 
Taehyung notices his attempts and raises a hand to pat Jungkook’s head. “Cry it out, it’ll be less painful after, for a little while.” 
-6 months later-
Jungkook sits down beside your grave and smiles sadly. “Hey noona, been a while.” he whispers to himself. 
"I miss you, you know?" He mumbles. "I know it's dumb to speak when you clearly can't hear me, but it brings me peace. But I usually do it when I'm in the painting room, here it feels weird." He lets out a small laugh. "You know, Bam misses you too, he has been sleeping in your bed a lot these days, and so is Yeontan. You should see them in the morning, they're all cuddled. It's actually really cute." He smiles.
“I showed Taehyung the painting room yesterday. We were both sobbing, not a pretty sight.” He laughs.
Jungkook shifts to be in front of your grave and places a teddy bear on top of the stone. “Saw this yesterday, thought of you.” He smiles and runs his hand over the letters engraved on the stone. “We all miss you noona. But it’s getting easier day by day.” He hums, “I mean, it’s been six months, so it’s still a fresh wound, but we’re getting better!” He laughs a little. “I didn’t give up, like you asked. ARMY helped me with that.” He smiles at the thought. “At each concert, we had one minute of silence for you. They respect you and us so much noona, they’re the best.”
He hears his phone ring and sighs. “Got to go now, hope that you’re feeling better now.” He kisses his fingertips and places them on top of your gravestone.
Next Chapter
Thanks for reading!
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scream4ash · 10 months ago
family line.
based on
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my gf is so pretty, guys 😣😣
max fox x f! reader
warnings: mentions of abuse; parent issues; mentions of self harm; alcohol abuse; r’s kinda an asshole (not really, just shitfaced n sad.)
a/n: sorry this took so long, i had shit to handle for work. (i’ve been getting borderline stalked.) this sucks, my bad 😣😣.
you had been ignoring max for weeks at this rate, refusing to answer calls and messages, skipping school, essentially falling off the face of the earth. you and your mom had been fighting a lot. nothing major, normal stuff. school, money, why your dad left. it wasn’t that bad. yeah, sure it got physical at times, but she never meant to, you deserved it, right?
you looked into the mirror, only to be met with your barely recognizable reflection. have you always looked this much like your dad? your face was sunken in, your collarbones a little more noticeable than they used to be. various cuts lined your face, some healing, some fresher. the bags under your eyes had grown darker due to lack of sleep, an old sweatshirt hanging from your shoulders. the stench oh alcohol radiating off of you like you had bathed in it. have your eyes always looked this empty?
you hear a soft knock on your window, followed by a gentle call of your name. max. max was here, shit. you rolled down your sleeves in an attempt to hide your most treasured hated habit. you open the window, helping her in.
“y/n! y/n, holy shit i’ve been calling you, you fucking assho-,” she cuts herself off taking in your appearance. she wraps her arms around you, burying her face into your chest. “you look like shit. and you smell like a bar and.” she takes a moment to look around your room, seeing the empty liquor bottles and redbull cans scattered across the floor. she brings her hands to cup your face, gently running her thumb over one of the cuts, pulling away when she hears you wince. “what happened?”
“it’s nothing, maxie,” you mutter softly, rubbing soft circles into her back. you hoped and prayed that she would accept it and move on, yet you know she’d never do that.
“it’s not ‘nothing’, baby. you look like you got in a fight. who did this to you?” her voice was soft, sickeningly sweet even.
you look down at the floor, pulling away from her. “fuck off, max. i didn’t answer for a reason.” you sounded harsher than intended, you didn’t even mean to say it. your head was fuzzy from weeks of endless drinking, and it definitely showed.
“hey, hey! i’m trying to help.” she stood her ground, pushing back. “who hurt you, hm?”
“max, for fuck’s sake can you just drop it? just fucking forget it, yeah? it doesn’t matter. why can’t you understand that?” you really didn’t mean to yell at her, you were just tired. too tired to even process what’s happened these past few weeks. your expression softens, your eyebrows knitting together seeing her take a step back.
“i’m just worried about you..,” she sounded so.. sad. she watched you patiently, waiting for you to say something.
“i’m. i’m sorry..” you mutter softly, refusing to make eye contact. you felt tears prick at your eyes, though you would never let them fall.
“are you crying?” you heard her whisper, taking a cautious step towards you. “there’s no shame in crying, i promise. it’s ok, i’m here.” she wrapped her arms around you, guiding you to sit on your bed.
you let out a choked sob at her words, leaning into her. “i’m so sorry, maxie. i’m sorry.” you repeated teary apologies, your voice shaking.
her hands ran through your hair, scratching your back, anything to make you feel better. “y/n, talk to me. what happened?”
you dig your nails into the flesh of your palm, a habit you had picked up when you were a kid. “me and my mom have been fighting.. a lot..”
she takes your hand in hers, brushing her thumb over the crescent shaped scars on your palm. “don’t do that, you’ll hurt yourself.” she pressed a kiss to the side of your head, guiding you to lay your head in her lap. “she did this to you?” she asked silently, stroking your cheek.
“yeah.. yeah.. it’s.. nothing though..” you said quietly, trying to brush it off. you kept your head in her lap, letting her play with your hair. the one action that’d bring you some form of comfort.
“it’s not nothing. have you seen yourself?” she felt her heart break with you trying to downplay your issues.
“no,” she cut you off. “it’s ok for you to feel, i don’t know why you can’t see that. you’re killing yourself.”
you nodded slowly, letting her words sink in.
“now please, just talk to me. i don’t wanna see you hurt yourself anymore..” she sounded so.. desperate.
“my mom wants me out of the house. i can’t go to college. i hate my job, i hate school. i’m failing. and i just.. i hate myself..” you mutter through sobs, clinging to her. “i’m sorry i ignored you. i’m sorry, maxie..”
“you don’t need to apologize, ever..” she said holding your trembling body, whispering sweet praises into your ears. “you’re doing so good. my beautiful, strong, amazing, girl.. i’m so proud of you..”
you let out a shaky sob hearing her words, basking in the praise.
“i mean it. and i’ll say it as many times as i need to to make you believe it.” her hands combed through your hair, scratching at your scalp lightly. she saw that you weren’t trembling as much, and took that as a good sign. “i love you, ok?” she move to lay down, bringing your head against her chest. “i love you, and i want you to talk to me next time this happens. don’t push me away. talk to me instead of drinking yourself to death.”
“i didn’t wanna bother you..” you muttered softly, your voice muffled against her skin.
“i’ve got nowhere else to be.. you’re what matters.” she presses kisses to the top of your head, pulling you closer to her. “i want you to be ok.”
“i’m just tired. i don’t feel like talking.” your voice was raspy, exhausted.
“just sleep. i’ve got nowhere important to be. you’re what matters right now.” she said soothingly into your ear, tracing soothing patterns into the small of your back.
“i love you, maxie..” you say softly, closing your eyes and leaning into her.
“i love you too, baby.” she whispered back, watching you drift off to sleep. she pressed another kiss to your forehead, closing her eyes. for the first time in weeks, you slept through the night.
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rawbins-undertale-blog · 1 month ago
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A/N: I love this this is so interesting to explore.... oldest request in my inbox too so over 2 years old at least !! Sorry it took so long but I had a lot of fun doing it now LMAO (˶˃ ᗜ ˂˶)
⟢ CWs: jealousy (all, ofc), mentions of possessive/controlling behaviour (all), actual possessive/controlling behaviour (rus), unhealthy relationships (rus). Lmk if there's anything else I forgot !
⟢ Characters: Vanilla, Cinnamon, Mal, Rus
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── .✦ Vanilla
I don’t think he can handle a lot of jealousy. 
I see a lot of headcanons about him being this possessive, jealous, overprotective guy, but that’s… really not how I see it at all?
The only reason he threatens Frisk in game (from my interpretation at least) is because they’re a very real threat, but he’s never shown to be hostile in any other situation. Everyone likes him because he’s so easygoing and charming, I can’t imagine him having any sort of jealousy issues. Like, genuinely not at all. I don’t think he ever gets jealous himself tbh unless he’s having a really really crappy day and you’re giving all your attention to other people, but even then it’s not in the “grrr you’re mine” type of way it’s in the mopey kinda sad type of way. I think he’d get super freaked if his partner had those types of issues. 
Like, a little bit is fine. It’s endearing when you cling to him and when you pout and try to get his attention. It can even be a little charming if you get a little huffy with the person making you jealous. He just draws the line at real anger. If you get legitimately upset about him talking to someone else then he really will not appreciate that. 
Willing to communicate with you about it if your jealousy revolves around only one specific person, can slightly compromise by putting a little distance between himself and that person (unless it’s someone he’s super super close to since before he even met you), but he’s not gonna accept unreasonable jealousy and anything he deems as controlling 
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── .✦ Cinnamon
Surprisingly little, but he won’t leave his partner over jealousy issues even if they’re bad — he just won’t accept it, and train it out of you LMAO
Listen it’s never your partners responsibility to fix your issues. but. Papyrus will fix your issues I’m crying
He tuts at you and scolds you when he notices you sending other people dirty looks for getting too close to him, but he isn’t necessarily cruel about it. He assures you that it is, of course, perfectly normal to be afraid to lose something as perfect and great as him !! But you don’t need to be because he loves you. And also, frankly, you need to get a grasp on yourself !! It is not very great to get angry about these kinds of things. Now, learning to control yourself, that is truly… beyond great !!!!!! 
Works on it with you, without ever entertaining your jealousy problems. Type of guy to legitimately change you for the better forever I'm so serious
Will, however, with a very heavy heart break up if there’s no end in sight at all. If you don’t even try to improve, and your jealousy creates actual anger in you, then you are unfortunately a danger to his friends and family and he can’t keep you around. But it probably won’t ever come to that.
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── .✦ Mal
Can handle surprisingly much, actually
You’d think a stern guy like him, who always insists you must retain a large level of independence from him even in a relationship, would hate it. And while, yeah, he doesn’t like it… he also really doesn’t hate it either. 
He’ll sternly tell you off if he thinks it goes too far (for example if you snark at the person you deem as haven gotten too close; he can defend his own honour perfectly well on his own, thank you very much), he’ll put up with more than you’d think.
Mostly rolls his eyes at your behaviour, calling it juvenile. He doesn’t mind it too much though. You would know if it really bothered him. He is not the type to let behaviour he doesn’t like just slip without a serious talking to with real consequences. Certainly not above demanding more space should he find that the both of you need the distance. You know he’s fine with it as long as it goes out on no one but him and in non violent/hostile manners. Sometimes he even grins, finding it a little bit charming.
Unless you have, like… SERIOUS serious jealousy issues, it won’t be a dealbreaker for him. 
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── .✦ Rus
Would accept any amount of jealousy from you (/neg)
This bad boy can fit so many unhealthy coping mechanisms
He even finds it nice. He actively enjoys it. He WANTS you to be jealous. It feels validating to him that you want him so much you’re willing to fight on his behalf just to keep him. 
Only times he’ll mind it is if it goes out over the people he genuinely cares about. Will get super uncomfortable if you try to control what friends he sees, but will do as you ask because he’s afraid to lose you. This goes past jealousy to controlling and possessive, I know, but I’m trying to paint the picture of how bad it is. 😭 His self esteem is actually so awful, he’ll take whatever he’s given. If you’re not careful, he does become codependent on you. It’s no surprise then that he’s willing to accept unacceptable behaviour. 
Mal, however, will notice if it gets to a point and steps in. If your jealousy issues cause you to become controlling, the relationship will end. 
But, if we’re talking about how much he SHOULD handle, not how much he’ll allow himself to handle, I think it’s for the best his partner isn’t very jealous at all. Sometimes a little jealousy is obviously fine, that’s normal and human, but I don’t think it’s good for him to have a partner who will get too clingy or mopey, and definitely not mad at him, if they feel he isn’t with them all the time. Like I mentioned before, he has codependency issues; I think a partner who gets jealous might unintentionally feed into it. His partner needs to be able to encourage him to hang out with other people and handle him having friends if things are to work out well. 
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Thanks for reading !! Sorry this took so long for me to upload despite finishing this, like, a month ago HELP. Idk why but uploading stuff is a big barrier for me, but creating isn't for some reason..... Idk how to explain it......... Anyways I hope you enjoyed !!! (˶◜ᴗ◝˶)
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hippotooth · 6 months ago
OC Deep Dive Questions
Thank you for the tag, @theameba1436 ! This was fun to think about and answer!
I’m not sure who’s done this already or not, and no pressure of course, tagging:
@d-saster-chron-cles @dirgecomic @geckogeckogecko @sunflowergem @adorablebanite @archduchessgortash @mj-bites
Anyone else who sees this and is interested please feel free to join in too! I love getting to know the details of everyone's Tav/Durge.
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Questions/Answers for my beloved durge ~Tuatha~ under the cut
What common/uncommon fear do they have?
Tua’s biggest fear is that she is unlovable and that getting close to her only brings suffering.
Do they have any pet peeves?
People being indecisive. She loses patience quickly when people dither about – particularly if someone changes a plan that’s already been committed to.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
A collection of fancy perfumes, neat looking bones, a well-cared for plant.
What do they notice first in a person?
Physical threat – Tua’s first assessment upon meeting someone is how easily she could take them in a fight, if they’re armed, etc. – like Mac’s Ocular Patdown from IASIP.  
On a scale from 1-10, how high is their pain tolerance?
10 – Tua handles pain easily, she’s quite used to it. She’s trained as a monk and has supreme body/mind control which she can distance herself from her body easily when anything gets too intense.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Fight! Tua likes to fight and is often looking for an excuse to start one. She’s a resist durge, she tries to be ‘good,’ (if only to gain approval from others) but if she feels there’s any way she can justify the bloodshed, however flimsy the excuse, she’s happy to do so.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Tua is a durge character. She never knew her mother and was bounced around between foster families in Baldur’s Gate for most of her childhood. Many of these families were abusive towards her and she was eventually taken into the Bhaal temple after killing one of them. She does not claim any family.
What animal represents them best?
What is a smell they dislike?
Tua doesn’t like the smell of cities – she gets overwhelmed and irritated by the fusion of smells you find in them – cooking odors, waste, animals, wells, smoke – all these smells individually are fine but their fusion in an urban setting offends her.
Have they broken any bones?
Many at various points, she doesn’t remember most of them.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Off-putting and intense. Tua vacillates between being very intense and smiley when trying to appear friendly or intensely withdrawn. She has very limited social skills.
Are they a night owl, or morning bird?
No preference! I’d say most consistently she likes transitional hours, like dawn and dusk.
What’s a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
Tua adores bitter flavors and her favorite food is leafy greens. She hates the taste of fatty meat.
Do they have any hobbies?
Tua likes collecting perfumes and the fancy bottles they come in. She initially started stealing them from her victims as a trophy – she enjoyed bathing herself in the scent of her victims, being able to walk amongst the city cloaked in a symbol of her kill with no one the wiser. Once Gortash noticed this hobby he took to gifting her luxurious perfumes as well.
Tua also like keeping dangerous animals as pets, gnolls are a particular favorite of hers. She spends time researching different creatures and doing experiments to see how they may survive in captivity.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprise?
“You like me, you really like me!!” Tua would be very happy anyone cared enough about her to throw her a party. She would probably cry.
Do they like to wear jewelery?
Tua enjoys jewelry, however, she finds it can be a hazard while fighting so she rarely wears it. She normally has some stud earrings in. She likes to steal jewelry and gift it to her lovers, she enjoys dressing them up.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Extremely messy.
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
Shame and longing
Do they have a favourite fabric?
Linen – breathable, easy to move and fight in, easy to clean
What kind of accent do they have?
The standard in-game accent
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rc-writes · 10 months ago
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐝𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐝
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𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙨 | 𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢
pairings: penelope garcia x platonic/bau!reader
based on: season 6, episode 4
warnings: use of pet names, nothing else that i’m aware of
a/n: guess who's not dead!?!? sorry for saying i might not update for a little while and then disappearing off the face of the planet, i promise i didn't mean too. i got caught up in updating my longer fanfics and then my first year of college so i was a bit too busy to write anything for this blog. but here i am back with a little penelope garcia blurb since i'm on a criminal minds rewatch journey! i can't yet confirm how much i'll be back on this account but i will sure try!
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“What can I help you with, pumpkin?” Penelope Garcia’s voice sounded as you entered the small room. She had noticed that you were wearing an orange bracelet earlier on the plane and decided pumpkin was your designated nickname for as long as you wore it.
You didn’t respond back to Garcia’s question for a long moment. You seemed to be lost in a thought the second your eyes met her face when you entered. 
“Hey are you alright?” Garcia asked when she noticed your faraway, oddly soberly look.
Snapping out of your thoughts, shaking your head to come back to reality you finally spoke. “Sorry, sorry. I had a question related to something you said one of the family members had said to you. I wanted to hear exactly what they said about this specific thing. And I know JJ usually is the one who speaks to the families, but I know you’re now handling that. And so, I knew to come here to you for that information, but I think the information wires in my brain seem to have gotten mixed up and so I was expecting to see JJ's face when I entered the room.” Your eyes widen at the sudden thought that what you said might be misinterpreted. “Not that I’m not happy to see you. I promise that’s not the case, I love seeing you. I do, I do. It’s just-"
“Hey, hey. I understand you completely. You don’t have to worry about it.” Penelope stopped you’re rambling, reaching out for your hand, smiling. “Now I’m no Jennifer Jareau but I can do my best to help you with whatever you need.”
You grasped for her hand back, beginning to sniffle a little. You cursed yourself in your head for beginning to get all teary eyed and sniffling. You had been so good at trying not to all day so far.
Penelope immediately caught on to this and plucked a tissue from the box next to her computer and handed it to you.
You smiled softly, taking the tissue and using it to lightly dab around your eyes. “I know it’s silly to be upset with change considering this job is all about change.” You tried to add a laugh, but it sounded more like a muffled cry.
Garcia held onto your hand a little tighter, her own eyes beginning to get glossy. “Pumpkin don’t worry, it’s not silly. It’s completely normal to be upset about JJ suddenly not being here. We all miss her like crazy.”
“I know, I know." You shook her hand a little. "I know we all miss her and don’t know how to act without everyone on the team being here. It’s just that I seem to be the only one who can’t seem to hide it.” You shrug.
“Oh, you’re definitely not honey. Trust me. I’m not going to name names but you’re not the first to come searching for JJ and found me instead. I’d imagine if I was still blonde it would be all the more confusing.” Garcia joked, causing you both to laugh a little. “Now I won’t say who that was, but I can say I myself was just getting a bit weepy at our phenomenal liaison not being here just before you came in here. Trust me when I say JJ so totally downplayed how much work she put into this job.”
Penelope said this with a lighthearted tone, but you understand the implications of it. It really was a lot of work for one person to do. You now kind of felt bad about interrupting her with a question you could have asked anyone else she had told what the family had said.
“Garcia, if you need any help no one here is going to be upset. You’re doing more than you’re getting paid for and more than anyone should be required to do. I’m more than happy to take on some things from you or find someone who can if I can’t help.” You offered.
“No, no I’m alright. A little overwhelmed truth be told, but I’m handling it. And I’ve already gotten Kevin to help out when needed.” She smiled up at you.
You didn’t entirely believe the tech but decided to not push any further. “Alright but promise me you’ll ask for help if you need it.” 
“I pinky promise.” Garcia smiled, holding her pinky out. You happily reached out to seal the promise, laughing. The day the higher ups ever decided to transfer Miss Penelope "Tech Genius" Garcia from the BAU would be the day you were going to become an unsub someone would have to track down.
“Now what was the information that you needed, honey?”
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brekkie-e · 4 months ago
i’m going to go full ‘charlie kelly conspiracy corkboard’ over mourn watch rook, i swear. i already wondered where “ingellvar” came from – was it safety pinned to their little swaddling clothes or otherwise had some indication that this was their name before being left? or, probably more likely, was it given to them AFTER they were found? and if so, by what method? is ingellvar a standard bastard and/or orphan name in nevarra? or just a common name they thought would fit? or the name of one of the watchers that cared for them? or the name of someone interred in the crypt where they were found, like a posthumous adoption?
and then, of course, there’s the implications of that skeleton. ‘stumbling’ and ‘too late to cry’ implies a tragedy, possibly a wound – was the (now) skeleton injured by whatever left them a caretaker to baby ingellvar, or just extremely shaken by it? (tho the fact that there’s no mention of knowing more about their origins than that they were left there would fit more with this person dying before divulging any information, so my guess is wounded.) someone traveling with ingellvar’s parents(s)??
and – what exactly happened? was it a targeted attack?? was it happenstance????
there’s so many possibilities and they’re all WILD
Oh, same! It's definitely one of the things drawing me in more than anything else roleplay wise at the moment.
I've been wondering about the name as well! Personally, I'm partial to the idea it was assigned by the Mourn Watcher's when they decided to keep them. Not necessarily because there's much from the game to suggest either way, but because it works with the little narrative I've been cooking up. The idea of there being a standard bastard name à la ASOIAF style is kind of fun. With the way Nevarra handles their dead though, I could see there being default "common" names so people who don't have noble bloodlines can be easily buried together. All the Necropolis content that I've seen only discusses old rich families when it comes to specific crypts, and it's made me wonder what happens to the random Nevarran baker who doesn't come from a notable bloodline. Or is that where the supply of janitor skeletons come from?
Total headcanon territory now, but it'd be cool if there were regional common names that determine what part of the Necropolis someone unimportant ends up and Ingellvar is one. Though maybe the whole "what happens to normal folk" is discussed and I've just not seen it yet cause I still am working my way through a first playthrough.
Circling back though, I have so many questions too!! Part of me almost wishes they'd left it completely untouched because more room for headcanons? Where as with the wounded skeleton dialogue it let's you know there definitely IS a story there, you just don't know it. I agree the caretaker sounded injured, and I'm assuming they died before any information was divulged. It does beg so many questions cause what exactly caused them to flee into the depths of the Necropolis for safety?? Theyre not exactly easy to access for those who aren't in the club. I'd assume if a violent altercation of any note happened just a few blocks away and an infant was found with an injured dead person the next day- two and two would have been put together. But it doesnt seem like there's anything your character has been given to go off of.
Personally, I am enjoying playing with headcanons here. One I'm gravitating a bit to is Ward was an elf-blooded bastard that needed to be done away with. Possibly a Pentaghast because why not. The fact that their caretaker died getting them to safety puts a bit of a dent in my plan for her to have died and been posessed by a spirit before being found. I really wanted her to have a bit of "one foot in the beyond and one foot with the living" dynamic.
THOUGH. I will say this regardless of headcanons or canon story. I think there should be way more roleplay-ability due to the fact your character is either a parentless orphan or a victim of abandonment (something they genuinely dont know the answer to.) I found on more than one occasion playing through Taash quests this insane level of "my character is probably attending the first family dinner of her life and is probably insanely envious of Taash for having a mom that wants them and unfortunately would not understand Taash's grievances in this moment." Like the way the game makes it hard to believably play an older experienced character makes it feel like there's missing "let my character be a young person who desperately doesnt understand normal family drama and feels at odds with many of the companion traumas because of it." Origins let's you establish how Mahariel feels about their mom abandoning them. HOW COME ORIGINS CAN DO IT AND NOT VEILGAURD?
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kn-1013 · 5 months ago
Exploratory Surgery #3 - Orange Crush & Ne-Hi Soda
AKA how many Nicole Dollanganger references can I make in a single fanfiction. The answer is a lot.
Summary: Travis goes over his view of Sal and his crush on him. Word Count: 1815 Rating: T Pairing: Sal/Travis Warnings: References to child/domestic abuse, internalized homophobia and religious themes
A/N: The first one I've actually titled, lol. Makes some mild references to my other fic, "Death Lingering", up on AO3. Not needed to read this, but explains some stuff.
======== Hell has a name – Chapel Hill.
An arid wasteland of unheard prayers and belt-buckle lashings, it sits in the center of Nockfell surrounded by an ancient and decrepit stone wall, commanding a legacy of fear and reverence. The other side of the wall is unknown to me, but I was always good at pressing my ear against it and listening to the sounds of the adjacent unbound people.
Still, after all these years, I can’t tell if I’m locked inside or out.
I peer through cracks and holes in the carved out rock, just big enough to stick my fingers through. I can’t exactly tell what’s on the other side, but I’m scared of it. It’s full of a terrifying life that I know I can’t live myself, so I sit back from my side of the wall and I watch what pieces I can catch through the holes.
You are the way you waste, and I waste away by watching you.
Out there, you’re warm and content. I don’t see your smile, but I could pick out the sound of your laughter in a crowd of a hundred people. I watch you keep yourself busy by feeding your infinite curiosity, always sticking your plastic nose where it doesn’t belong, and often paying a price for it. But you don’t care, as long as you’re satisfied.
You’re cool.
I’ve almost always thought that.
Your dark clothes, your heavy jacket, your fingerless gloves. Your chipped black nail polish, the wallet chain that matches Larry’s, that stick and poke of a butterfly on your wrist. The way you always walk with purpose, the way the insults roll off of you, the sincerity of your words. The music, the backtalk, the friendship, the graveyard hangouts, the treehouse, the basement bedroom, the rebellion, all of it.
It’s cool.
Maybe the grass is greener on the other side, but I’d rather have your problems than mine. Creaky, leaky pipes bursting with green ooze in an allegedly haunted, run-down apartment complex with stained and matted carpets and a legacy of murder honestly doesn’t sound so bad to me compared to the things I have to come home to.
It would be a reasonable trade-off for friends. Family. People that check in on you. People who aren’t afraid to say hello to me in the halls. I could go check the mail and talk about the weather with someone like it’s normal. I could be a part of something.
I know it’s selfish, but I want it. I want it more than anything, and you have it.
You’re not as afraid of consequences as I think you should be. Maybe it’s because we’re different. Maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe I’m just a coward, too weak-willed and spineless to fight for myself.
Maybe I’m afraid of coming out because it means I’ll get treated the same way I’ve treated you. Maybe I’m scared of losing the plausible deniability of the late bloomer when people finally see me for what I really am. Maybe I’m scared nobody will fight for me because I deserve it.
Maybe all of that’s true, but the thing I can’t stand the most is the way I know you would look at me with pride. Contentment, joy, peace. Your eyes would crinkle at the edges and that would be the only indication you could give that you were smiling. Put a hand on my shoulder, give me a hug, invite me to lunch, bring me to your friends. You’d reel me in for good, and I could never handle that.
I fear the weight of your forgiveness would crush me.
I’ve seen the depths of your shame and fear. I’ve seen the way you cry and scream and vomit and beg, writhing on the ground as memories of death’s touch strike you down again. I’ve touched the subdued terror in your soul with my bare hands, and they burned under the heat of it. I know the humiliation you hide behind that mask you call your face. I will always know you by your scars.
Even after everything you’ve been through, you’re hopeful. Kind. Genuine.
I don’t know how you do it.
You take my cruelty in stride, never taking your heart off of your cheek. You afford me more patience than I deserve. The earnest tone in your voice always shakes me to my core, threatening to break the hollow foundations of my disgraceful being, when you say that deep down I’m a good person, even though I don’t think there’s anything inside me anymore.
In my dreams, I can see your face. I can run my fingers through your hair. I can hold your sadness for you. I can touch your skin, your clothes, your lips. In my dreams, you walk me through town by the hand, and you look at me with your head cocked to the side like you always do when you’re observing. It’s peaceful, quiet, calm. We’re left alone.
In my dreams, I can trace your scars. The deep trenches of carved out flesh, the webbing that moves up into your hair. In my dreams, I can kiss the purple vein on your temple, the altered shape of your jaw, the tiny, protruding bump of your nasal bone. I could tell you that you don’t have to hide from me, I’m not scared of you. That I wouldn’t have you any other way. That it makes you who you are. That you’re cool.
In my dreams, nobody will ever touch us. But I could never really touch you either. Only in my dreams could I love you the way I want to, and for it, shame swallows me whole.
I remember how it started.
There was always this seed of sin inside of me. I didn’t plant it there, but I did bury it inside my heart. I pretended that it couldn’t grow its roots in me if I ignored it, but weeds don’t need you to water them yourself to grow into a parasitic garden. I covered it in my need for perfection and normalcy. I covered that in prayer, fear, guilt. I layered it all over this seed like pavement, but cracks grew in my facade fast, and through those cracks, the seed had sprouted.
If you trace the stems down underneath the concrete, you can find a cavity full of the tangled nest of the roots of my desire.
I hollowed out my soul trying to stop the spread, but all I did was make more room for it. No matter how hard I tried to fight it, I have become completely and wholly infested. I know one day, hell will catch up to me, and the light in your soul can’t save me from my fate. I can tell myself anything I want, but I know that deep down, I will burn for it.
You were exempt from P.E. for several reasons, so I never saw you in the locker rooms, just on the bleachers, your head in your hands. You always looked tired when you sat there.
No, it was during one summer break I saw it. You and your friends were at the playground, dicking around on the monkey bars while I sat on the bench, half-reading my book, half-watching you through the cracks in my wall again.
You hung upside down, laughing at something Larry said. Your shirt slipped up, all the way to your armpits. It was all skin, hatched with sparse blue hairs on your chest and stomach. The waistband of your boxers, wrapped around your bony hips. Ribs, held just centimeters beneath, moving and bending as the rest of you did. Barely-used abdominal muscles struggled to keep your weight as you bent up, trying to pull yourself back down, and I still remember the way your stomach folded over itself when you finally got up there.
I can never erase it. That piece of you is locked inside of me forever. It keeps me going just as much as it holds me back. I’ll never let it go if it kills me.
I could never have what you have. I could never do what you do. I’m not strong like you are, I’m a coward. I’m weak, worthless, and empty. There’s nothing inside of me worth looking at, let alone anything worth saving, I know that. God knows that. But I can watch you through the cracks. Pretend I’ll one day take you up on your offer and talk to you, let you in. I’ll keep you at arm’s length, saying words that sound like they mean something, then disappear again.
I could never be like you, but I can watch you from afar, and that’s enough for me.
When the last bell of the day rings, I watch as you and your friends are the first ones out of those double doors, laughing and tripping over yourselves on the stairs as you stumble into the rainy streets. I watch as you all join hands, spinning around in barely coherent circles, words unintelligible, youthful energy palpable. The sound of your joy cuts through the ice-cold rain, straight into my stomach, watering the weeds I can’t pull out of my chest. The ambivalence of your mask does nothing to hide the unbridled joy you have for the moment, eyes crinkled and head bobbing to the loose rhythm, until your feet stumble over themselves; you’re the first to fall over and you take everyone down with you, laughing onto the soggy ground.
You all lay, cradled by mud and grass, hands grasping for one another as you keep pulling each other down, cursing and teasing each other while the wet dirt and plant life stain your clothes.
For a moment, you catch me watching. Your head on the ground, tilted back to look at me with an upside-down view. The rain is beginning to stop now, and your blue eyes find mine more clearly as the skies began to empty of their storm clouds. I see that look in your eye. You want to greet me, to run up to me, talk to me, but I don’t let you. Won’t let you. You want to pull me in so badly, but I can’t do it.
Watching you is all I can let myself have. But you’ll never understand that, which is why I saw your deep-blue irises, full of life and contentment, and I walked away from them, even as they called my name.
I feel the flames of Hell licking the backs of my ankles as I run from you again.
One day it will come to claim its pounds of flesh from my body, and when it’s done, there won’t be anything left for you to bury.
Until then, you are the way you waste, and I waste away by watching you.
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ourloveisforthelovely · 2 years ago
The Words "Best Friends" Become Redefined. Part 2
Regulus Black AU
Summary: You had been Regulus’ friend since childhood and now his mistress. The war had changed many things, Regulus among them. Now its time to decide if you should put your self-worth over missing someone who was gone.  
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader
Rating: M- smut
Song in Chapter: King of Wishful Thinking by Go West 
Link to Part 1 
I'll get over you, I know I will. I'll pretend my ship's not sinking and I'll tell myself I'm over you. 'Cause I'm the king of wishful thinking.
Your eyes snapped open as the song on the radio began to register in your sleep-deprived mind. Groaning, you sat up and threw a shoe at the radio knocking it off of your chest of drawers. Anything about being “the queen of wishful thinking” made you want to barf.
It had been several weeks since the night at the pub and you were no closer to getting over Regulus than you were on day one. Every day seemed to be the same, emotionally. You would wake up, cry a little, get mad at yourself for being sad (because you were right and he was wrong), then get up and force yourself to put on a happy face.
Regulus wasn’t helping any matters by sending you letters every single day. He had sent you the emerald bracelet that you returned several times before you finally gave up and just kept it. When it came to the letters, you just gave them to Sirius to do whatever he wanted with them.
You were more thankful than ever for your friendship with the elder Black brother. He was always a willing ear when you needed to rant. Sirius also took extra care to not tell Remus anything about the true nature of your relationship with Regulus. For all that Remus knew, in your mind, was your friendship with Regulus had ended and you were being a royal grouch about it.
Sighing, your mind went to the previous night when you were once again raging about Regulus to Sirius.
“I’m a real idiot, Sirius. I go around throwing away perfectly good boyfriends. Well, I don’t know if he considered himself my boyfriend but god damn it…Regulus is such a freaking jerk!”
Sirius sat on the couch watching.
“You’re still wearing his ring.”
You looked down at your hand. The ring that Regulus had given you years ago was still sitting proudly on your finger.
“I know that I am! I am a mess, Sirius. I can’t eat. I can’t sleep. All I want to do is cry. You know me, I’m not a crier! I can handle a crisis!”
Sirius smirked.
“A trait that you share with your brother so well…look, love, just because you love him doesn’t mean he’s good for you…hey look at me being the responsible one. Normally that’s your brother's job”
You groaned dramatically before sitting down.
“I know you are right but I don’t want to accept it. I am having a shit time at just throwing away a ten-year friendship and slight love affair. Why wasn’t I good enough for Regulus to fight for? Why couldn’t he say no to your family’s psycho ways and fight for me? Am I not…”
Sirius held a hand up.
“I’m just going to stop you right there, Y/n. You are more than good enough! You have always been good enough! Personally, I think that you are too good for the bum. Now come with me, we are going to do something. I want no complaining.”
You reluctantly followed Sirius into your bedroom. He led you to your full-sized mirror and put you in front of it.
“Now I want you to stand here, look at yourself, and tell me some of your best qualities.”
You gave your friend a frown only to earn a slap to the behind.
“I’m your best friend. I can do that…now get going, sugar bean.”
You sighed and looked at your reflection for a moment before meeting Sirius’ waiting eyes.
“I’m smart. I’m a good friend. I’ll fight for those I care about no matter the cost. I have a giving heart…I may be a sass queen…”
Sirius snorted.
“May be?”
You chuckled before turning around and hugging Sirius.
‘“Thank you, Sirius.”
Getting out of bed, you felt somewhat better. While Sirius could drive you crazy, he also knew how to make you feel a lot better.
He really does remind me of Regulus.
A truer thought couldn’t have been said about that one. Whether they argued and swore that they were totally different. Regulus and Sirius’ friendship styles were extremely similar. Standing in you in front of the mirror and making you list off good qualities about yourself was definitely something that Regulus would have done.
Stepping into the shower, you sighed in relief as the hot water washed over your aching muscles. In addition to your poor state of mental health, you had been pulling extra duties for The Order. This meant nightly patrols, tons of research, and spying on unsuspecting death eaters with Sirius and Remus.
“Hi sugar, I know that you miss me.”
You froze. This had been the first time that you had heard Regulus’ voice in your mind. Legilimency. Of course, Regulus could do this. You internally smacked yourself in the head as you “chose” to ignore him.
“Oh, you’re still not talking to me, huh? That’s too bad. I miss you, princess. Do you really expect me to go from spending every day with you for ten years to nothing so easily? I miss everything about you.”
You closed your eyes. Even though you were quite good at Occlumency, you made no move to push Regulus from your mind. Maybe you were asking for what you were getting. Maybe you were being weak…but damn it was wonderful to hear Regulus’ voice in your mind.
“Still nothing? Y/n, you really are being so stubborn. Maybe you should know what I miss. I miss seeing your beautiful face underneath me. How beautiful you look after I kiss your lips until they’re swollen and your cheeks are flushed bright pink. I miss how desperate you get when I suck on those dusty nipples. I miss how you move under me. You can’t tell me, love, that you don’t miss how your pussy trembles when I’m pushing in. Don’t forget, sweetheart, that it was I that showed you how to please a man. Now, that I know you are wet, how about a word? Anything…tell me where you are and I’ll come to you. We can fix all of these nasty little issues that we are having and get back to us…the real us.”
You bit your lip at “the real us.” Regulus didn’t remember what the real “Regulus and Y/n” was. He forgot what your friendship meant. He forgot what actual love was…
Forcing Regulus’ voice from your mind, you quickly turned off the shower.
“I have got to keep him out of my mind.”
You spent the majority of the day trying your best to avoid having your mind fall back to Regulus. Thankfully, there was enough crazy going on at the ministry to keep you busy for hours. The less that Regulus graced your mind the better. You weren’t able to sit around and think about his cocky voice in your head that morning…and how deliciously deep his voice sounded.
Merlin, I am really fucked.
You thought before putting your head down on your desk. Maybe you were more screwed than your realized?
Later that day you were more than happy to meet Remus and Sirius for dinner at a bar. Seeing your friends was just what you needed to “get out of your head.” The moment that you walked into the bar, Sirius motioned you over to the table.
Taking off your jacket, you nearly collapsed at the table. Normally, you would have kissed Remus and Sirius both on the top of their heads. Today, that wasn’t happening. Both men looked slightly offended as you held your hand up.
“Rain check. What a day! I am beat!”
You commented as Remus slid you a glass of fire whiskey. He gave you a small smile. Remus wasn’t a fool. He knew that there was more to your friendship with Regulus ending than what he was being told. Remus wanted nothing more than to question you and then go kill Regulus…but that would get him nowhere. You were depressed enough as it was. If he “offed” Regulus, you would be inconsolable. If Remus was to do anything, it would be to let you tell him in your own time.
What is it with Lupins finding the Blacks so damn interesting?
Remus looked across the table at Sirius who gave him a small smile.
Oh, that…that right there.
Remus added to his thoughts before turning to you.
“Long day?
You nodded.
“We don’t have many short ones any longer. I swear, this war needs to hurry the hell up. I don’t think that I was meant for this being careful thing. I ran into Augustus Rockwood today and had to stop myself from saying you’re next mother fucker.”
Sirius giggled.
“I’m surprised that you didn’t. Y/n, I have to say that Remus and yourself are the sassiest people that I know.”
“Does that assessment include yourself?”
Remus asked, cheekily. Sirius rolled his eyes.
“See what I mean? Sass!”
You leaned back in your chair and took a sip of your whiskey as the lights in the bar went out. Immediately, you reached for your wand as some death eaters walked into the bar.
“Boy, they sure like to make a big entrance.”
You murmured as Remus, Sirius, and yourself dropped to the floor. Remus’ eyes were wide as he turned to you.
“Get out. There is an exit in the back. Sirius and I will take the exit over there. If we all go together it will draw too much attention. If you want to go with Sirius, I’ll go the back way.”
You shook your head. The last thing that you were about to do was let them be separated. Besides, you could handle getting out on your own.
“No, just go. I’ll meet you lot back home.”
You whispered before crawling off toward the back of the pub as people in the bar started screaming. As much as you wanted to go back and fight, you knew it would be stupid. The three of you were outnumbered.
Once in the other room, you moved to stand up but someone grabbed you from behind. You quickly threw your elbow back hitting whoever it was in the ribs. When they made a painful moan, you pulled away enough to get a good look at who it was.
“Going somewhere, sugar?
You froze as Regulus took off his mask. As much as you wanted to stand and stare at him, you couldn’t. Taking out your wand you launched hex after hex at Regulus only for him to repel them away. You wanted him to hurt as much as you were hurting!
“Come on sugar is that the best you’ve got?”
Regulus said, sounding bored. You stopped and glared at him. You wanted Regulus to feel your misery. If there was anything of the man that you cared about in there…you wanted him to see your side.
“I don’t kill things. Unlike you, I don’t hurt people that I care about.”
Regulus chuckled.
“Oh, sugar. You really are mad.”
You picked up an empty bottle and threw it at Regulus. He sighed as it only hit him in the chest.
“Go away, Regulus. If you’re going to kill me then just be a man and do it.”
You snapped. Regulus was about to reply but stopped the moment that he heard Lucius Malfoy’s voice. He stood motionless for a moment before rushing forward and wrapping his arms around you.
“Don’t scream. Be silent.”
He hissed before standing his body upright. The last thing that Regulus wanted was for Malfoy to have any idea that he had “company.”
“Black, we need to go. Nothing that we came for is here. It was another piece of bloody useless information.”
You stood wrapped in Regulus’ arms clutching tightly to his death-eater robes as he gently rubbed soothing circles on your back.
Soothing…what is happening here?
You thought before taking a moment and breathing him in. Never in a million years did you think that you would ever be in Regulus’ arms like this again…yet here you were. There you were and he was holding you just as he did before turning away from you.
“I knew it was a waste of time. Go ahead, I’ll be along shortly. There is something else that I need to take care of.”
Regulus replied. He waited until he was positive that Malfoy was gone before letting go of you. When you looked back at your love’s face, he looked ready to panic. His cool calm composure was gone.
“Take the second door and get out of here. Turn into your animagus form the instant you are outside and don’t turn back into a human until you are home. Run and don’t look back…just run.”
He shook his head before pulling you into a kiss. Neither of you moved away from the other for a moment. It was savoring the moment… enjoying the closeness that both of you missed. You sighed as Regulus’ tongue caressed yours. This was the kiss that you missed…the kiss that you longed for in your dreams…
Regulus was the first to pull away.
“Go! Stop wasting time…just please…go.”
You gave him one final look before morphing into your cat animagus form and rushing out the door into the dark silence of the ally way…
______ @amelie-black @jessyballet @knreidy1 @georgeweasleydumbhoe @justfinishthis @acciosiriusblack @siriuslyceleste @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @ell0ra-br3kk3r @darkenwolfie @livshifts @stelleduarte @starsval @millies0bsimp @coffeeaddictednymph @readtomeregulus @daddyslittlevillain @rogue-nyx88 @panpride @saramaple @missgorldafirst @s-we-e-t-t-ea @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @f4iryluvy @buttercup-beeee @i-love-scott-mccall @gugggu6gvai @jag9000 @quinis @yousmellllikecaca @mentally-unstable-hoe @haroldpotterson @padf00ts-l0ver @goldensunshineshit @aurorasnape12 @ad-astra-again @rubyroscoe1 @dumybitch @spideyxalmighty @lucasfilms77 @lostarc24 @marichromatic @play-morezeppelin @ravenhood2792 @un-lovesherself @melaninnbarbie @criminalyetminimal @brokencasbutt67-writer @authoressskr @moldy-old-boot @hankypranky @summer-novak @emiwrites3reads @shaylybaby2032 @knight-of-gleefulness @deanwherescas @sprnaturallover @wontlookaway @shitfaceddaniel-blog @untoldshortsofthefandoms @li0nh34rt @tas898 @mycuddlycorner
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lyrical-fics · 2 years ago
Can I request a fic inspired by kinda both I love you so (The Walters) OR/AND Francis Forever (mitski), Where the trailblazer has to leave Jarilo VI and Bronya or Seele or really any adult women are kinda sad Im asking for angst >:D
Feel free to ignore it if you don't vibe with this request! <3
I Miss You More Than Anything
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Characters: Bronya, Seele, Serval
Song: Francis Forever
Synopsis: They knew you had to leave; you were a trailblazer, after all. However, they can’t just shake away the feeling of the feelings and memories the two of you shares together.
A/N: Yes, of course, anon!! I love Mitski very much, thank you for the request :D Also, a bit ooc Seele cause I have no idea how to write her, I’m so sorry. 😭 This is also probably a tad bit badly written, I’m using this to get out of my writer’s block and practically forced these words outta my brain 🥲
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Serval knew of the consequences, she knew you would leave soon. After the incident that happened between her and the previous supreme guardian, she knew that she had to close off her heart. But here she was, in love with you; then you left. You left her and her heart that still ought to sing for you. But what can she do? You are a trailblazer, after all.
Serval didn’t cry when you left, knowing fully well what you do in your job as a trailblazer. But you can’t say she didn’t get hurt. She was hurt; so much to the point that as soon as she didn’t see your figure anymore, she ran to her workshop and cried the whole day; Gepard having to console her the whole duration of it.
She knows you wouldn’t come back and you couldn’t. So she faced the truth and tried to carry her life on normally.
It’s 3am, she’s awake, looking at everything that reminded her of you. To the stuff that you left for her, unintentionally or not, to her very own workshop. You two spent a lot of time writing songs, talking and laughing together inside that building.
She wanted to sleep, but not when her mind is literally clouded by you. She needed something to pour all those thoughts out on. Now she’s writing a song about you again, only difference is— it’s no longer with you. She was used to this, composing music alone; until you arrived.
Oh, how she wishes she came with you instead and joined the trailblazers. But she couldn’t, she had a family here; a family that also loved her.
Serval’s stuck between her thoughts as she writes down lyrics for you. Lyrics you’ll never read. A song you’ll never hear. She can only chuckle softly as she feels her tears slowly drip down on the paper she’s writing on, writing one final lyric to finish the song for you.
“I’ve been trying to lay my head down, but I’m writing this at 3am.”
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Bronya wasn’t supposed to fall for you. She did her best to keep it all to herself, until you confessed your feelings for her. This was so wrong, she was aware you would leave that’s why she tried to avoid you. But how she wishes it didn’t end oh, so fast. Her mother dies by your hands, and you leave for another expedition. She should’ve expected it. So she’s left with a broken heart and a responsibility to shoulder.
She’s tired. So tired. Being the new supreme guardian gave her a lot of work to burden, more than she has ever handled before. Dark eye bags obviously appearing on her face. She hasn’t taken a rest in what, two days?
She didn’t cry when you left, that would destroy her reputation as the new supreme guardian, so she smiled softly and waved at you as she watched the train disappear.
Bronya would’ve finished her workload faster, if it weren’t for you lingering in her mind. They would have been by my side, encouraging me to finish this, she thought. They would have started helping me relax by now, she thought. Then she cried.
She didn’t need the whole world to know about what she has done for Jarilo-IV and the work she had to do. She needed your encouragement, your support, your praise. But you’re gone.
“I don’t need the world to see that I’ve been the best I can be, but I don’t think I can stand to be where you don’t see me.”
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Seele was not worried a single bit when you left. You promised to return for her once you were done, after all. The first week of you leaving her was spent with numerous texts and calls with each other— until it stopped happening. She figured you were starting busy, so she waited. She waited, and waited, and waited. Numerous seasons passed by, but you never arrived.
Seele opens her phone and checks to see if there were any messages from you for the nth time that day, sighing as she sees an empty inbox. It’s been months since the two of you talked the last time, but she knows hopes you’d message her soon.
“Seele, don’t you think it’s time to move on? I don’t think she’s coming back sooner, she’s a trailblazer, remember that. They probably only said that to lessen your pain,” Oleg says, murmuring the last part, which didn’t go unnoticed by the girl.
“I’m working on it,” she replies blatantly, not even sparing him a glance.
“Look, Seele, if you don’t—”
“I’m going for a walk. Please don’t disturb me.”
She left with tears in her eyes. He was right. Maybe she should really think about moving on. You left and gave her empty promises, she should hate you.
And so, she gains a new goal. She straightens her back and continues walking around. Examining her surroundings, she notices that she ended up on a tree-lined path, the one that the two of you used to walk on. Looking up at the gaps of sunlight, she remembers your oh-so warm touch and smile.
Then she realizes.
“I miss you more than anything.”
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