#no need to announce your departure either
batwynn · 1 year
Ok not to be bitchy or anything, but some of y’all are willingly, knowingly sharing clearly labeled, or very obvious AI ‘art’. Some still doing it after months of people messaging you to kindly let you know, and you claiming that you cared and would undo the post. So, this is basically your final heads up that I’m unfollowing and blocking some of you. Some that I’ve been mutuals with for over ten years, which really hurts, but I’m just not letting it slide anymore.
You don’t get to willingly participate in art theft, the damaging of our industry and jobs, and still have all the artist friends.
And it’s fine if some artists are cool with this, I’m not judging them and they get to set their boundaries however they like. But I personally can’t stand it anymore, and I’ve been letting it go for too long out of a past love and respect for my mutuals. So, take this as a final goodbye. It was nice knowing you, but it doesn’t feel like the respect and love is so mutual anymore.
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mossmittens · 10 months
weirdly that post about school policies is whats done it. i’m outie for a little bit. i need to talk to people who don’t get all of their opinions from tumblr. queue is still running, enjoy the garbage.
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faithinlouisfuture · 4 months
lol where exactly are all you cockroaches (liam fans) coming from? and why the fuck are you following me? kindly feel free to unfollow
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amiableness · 2 months
Dad!James Potter x Fem!Reader ☼ 946 words
The way I'm thinking I need to have a universe for these two
“He’s precious! He looks just like his daddy.” Miriam gushes, leaning in closer to Henry. James cringes as his baby boy flinches away, burying his head into his father’s chest and eyeing the woman with uncertainty. Henry's tiny hands clutch James’s shirt, seeking comfort and protection from the unfamiliar face.
James knows Miriam from school, but they have never been close. She has always been the life of the party, a role he once embraced during their Hogwarts days. Now, her enthusiasm feels overwhelming, especially to his shy and sensitive son. Perhaps he has mellowed more than he realizes since then—having a child at 20 would surely do that to you.
Miriam straightens up, placing a manicured hand on his bicep. With a slight pout to her lips, she says softly, “I heard about what happened to you and his mum. It must have been devastating.”
James tenses, his gaze shifting nervously to the store entrance, where he hopes Sirius, Remus, and you will hurry with their shopping and rescue him from this unwelcome conversation. The thought of discussing his ex, who left him and their son behind because she wasn't ready for motherhood, fills him with a mix of frustration and anger. The memory of her sudden departure still stings, and he isn’t eager to relive those painful moments, especially with someone he barely knows.
“Yeah, it’s been tough, but we’re doing just fine without her,” James replies, his tone steady but strained. He takes a deep breath, summoning the courage to gently suggest that Miriam give them some space. “Anyway, Miriam—”
“That’s so unfortunate that he doesn’t have a mum in his life,” Miriam continues, her lashes fluttering flirtatiously at him. James immediately grasps where she is going with this. It’s not the first time his role as a father has attracted unwanted advances, but her bold approach leaves him momentarily stunned. If she had asked him out directly, it might have been different—though he doubts it would have made much of a difference.
“Miriam! Still hitting on unavailable men?” Sirius’s voice rings out with a teasing edge. James turns to see Sirius and Remus emerging from the store. Remus is scanning the receipt but looks up, startled at Sirius’s voice. You must still be browsing in the store.
“Unavailable?” Miriam repeats, her eyebrows raising in surprise. James can’t help but question the same thing, the word echoing in his mind.
“Very much so,” Sirius says with a firm nod as he and Remus come to stand beside James. Remus shoots Miriam a polite hello, but his expression reflects his lingering dislike for her from their school days.
“I didn’t know you were with someone,” Miriam mumbles, and James thinks about clarifying that he didn’t know it either.
The bell above the shop door chimes, announcing someone’s departure. James’s reaction to your voice is immediate and revealing; his eyes brighten, and his posture straightens as he turns to you. It’s clear from his response that he is deeply enamored with you.
And it isn’t just James. His son mirrors his father’s excitement. The little boy’s eyes light up with the same warmth, and he reaches out eagerly toward you. Henry babbles what sounds remarkably like “mama,” his tiny arms outstretched in an unmistakable plea for you to hold him. James hopes you don’t catch what his son is trying to say.
Your sweet voice rings out, “Jamie, I know you said not to spoil him, but they had the most adorable knit sweater—” You trail off, blinking in surprise as you notice Miriam’s disapproving gaze, her brow furrowed in irritation. You come to a stop next to James, missing the way his son is staring you down.
“You bought him another sweater?” Remus asks, his tone a mix of surprise and amusement. You shoot him a halfhearted glare, silently reminding him that he shouldn’t be commenting on it.
“Hi, Miriam. How have you been?” You greet her with a warm smile, though a hint of unease tugs at you. Miriam’s gaze feels unusually intense, leaving you slightly unsettled. You recall that you both got on well in school, so you’re unsure what might have shifted between you.
“Good. It’s been ages since I’ve seen you all, Jamie and I were just talking about—” Miriam trails off, her gaze fixed on James as he smoothly takes the shopping bag from you, allowing you to take Henry. Had you been fully listening, you would’ve frowned at the use of your nickname for James.
The transition is so effortless that it’s clear it’s well-practiced. You settle Henry comfortably on your hip, deftly rummaging through your purse until you find a pacifier. You gently pop it into his mouth, and Henry’s head droops onto your shoulder as he begins to suck contentedly, letting out a sigh that suggests he’s found his perfect spot.
James’s gaze is lovesick as he watches you. His heart catches in his throat as he sees you effortlessly produce a pacifier for his son. He’s well aware that your purse likely holds other baby essentials, even if you’d deny it. As he observes you, his thoughts drift, overwhelmed by the profound realization that Henry has a mum in his life— you.
You’re so focused on settling Henry that you don’t even notice Miriam’s silence, and James, so absorbed in you, is barely aware of her presence. You smile up at him while gently rocking his son, and James thinks, This is it. I have everything I’ve ever wanted.
Miriam turns to Sirius with a lowered voice, “I thought they were just friends. They were in school.”
“They were never just friends. Y/n has always been James’s weakness. Now she’s his son’s too.”
please reblog or comment with your thoughts! they are very appreciated and keep me motivated to keep writing! 🤍
Dad!James and Bsf!Reader Masterlist
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georgegraphys · 2 months
I don't necessarily care about other drivers aside from GR63 and MV33 but I'm gonna say something?
I feel like this whole situation with Logan Sargeant should and could be handled better and all they need to do was just
Tell him the TRUTH.
That's it. 100%.
I feel like what JV-led Williams is doing right now is a bit messy in terms of human resources management. I'm not saying that "Oh he should give him that seat! Poor pookie bear" No. I agree with the fact that Formula One is a competitive sport and you need to prove yourself and secure your own seat through efforts, hard work, and delivering the results on track.
But I just feel icked by how Williams spent their days since 2023, just sort of hanging the seat over Logan's head or since 2024, they just simply keep saying that "if he performs, he'll get it" while not giving him the equal chances and equal car for him to perform in it. "But Ari... It's not like Logan would perform if he had the same car as Alex" This is not the matter. That's not the point. You can't objectively set a standard if you do not give two different people an equal standing. Whether or not Logan will or will not outperform Alex is not the matter, what matters is the EQUALITY in chances. If Logan fails to perform, he'll get whatever decision Williams made for him.
I dislike how they approached this as just stalling, not giving equal chances (and NEVER planning to), sugarcoating things, and more. And in my opinion, it's more evil to do these things than to straight up be honest to your employee and say "your skills are not in the standard we wanted, either you perform or we are not going to renew this partnership sadly". And i'm not talking about "feelings" here. I'm simply talking about human resource management.
The momentum of Carlos announcement to Williams and Logan's departure should not be at the same time. Logan's departure should've been first, again not as a matter of feelings but RESPECT. You can't just go "CARLOSSSSSS SAINZZZZZ oh wait commercial break! thankies logie sarge for whatever you do here good luck at your next endeavor! CARLOSSSSSS SAINZZZZZZ". It's a massive disrespect. Despite F1 being a competitive sport, they are still a company and a company has the responsibility to honour and treat their human resources with respect, regardless of their performance or anything. Just basic common respect.
If you came up with the argument, "work is work, feelings shouldn't come into the talks". This is not about feelings. This is about RESPECT. Every industry, every company/organization/institution you go to now in the modern world, human resources management is one of the things they have to have in their company. No matter if it's an old school institution like the military or modern start up companies. Respect is due to be given to everyone here. Including Logan Sargeant. And basic human respect is given without questions, without merit, without "proving yourself", because everyone working in a company is human.
I feel very icked about how they did all this bullshit since AUS24 or maybe even longer than that while refusing to just straight up BE HONEST to said driver. I feel bad because Logan could've had closure long ago instead of getting treated like this. Not getting your contract renewed or getting fired is a common situation at work but basic respect must be given 24/7, without question and without anything.
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afterglowkatie · 2 months
pair of pests: lyon (I) ˏˋ°•*⁀ kyra x catley!reader, short fic/blurb
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kyra cooney-cross x reader | 1.7k | based off of this ask
‘Did you want to go get dinner?’ You asked both Steph and Kyra. Placing your hands against your body to stop the tell tale sign that you were nervous. Whenever you were nervous your hands would always almost uncontrollably shake, anyone who really knows you, they would be able to see this straight away. You couldn’t have that right now.
‘Yeah, should we see if any of the other girls want to come?’ Without waiting for a response from either you or Kyra, Steph almost went to start asking around. 
‘NO,’ Your voice came out more loud and panicked than you intended it to, ‘I mean, I’m a bit tired so maybe we could just keep it to us three?’ Kyra and Steph both gave you a weird look.
‘If you’re tired maybe we should just get something to go?’ Kyra chimed in this time. 
All you wanted to do was find a time and a perfect way to tell them the news that had been sitting in your mind for a little while now. News that was about to be announced in the next couple of weeks and you’d been working up the courage to tell them both before they found out in any other way. 
You were becoming a little frustrated that nothing was going to plan right now. Hoping that it wasn’t foreshadowing how you telling them the news would go, ‘I’m tired, yes, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to go out and eat. It just means I’d only really enjoy the company of my sister and my girlfriend. Please,’ 
You’d finally been able to convince both Steph and Kyra to actually go out to eat instead of taking something home. If you’d gone back to the apartment, you definitely wouldn’t have told them. You had no idea why but it seemed easier in a more public setting, maybe because if it went horribly there was an easy way to escape.
Though sitting at the restaurant now your nerves started dissipating. The three of you were talking and laughing like you normally would, both you and Kyra constantly making fun of Steph. You’d almost forgotten the actual reason why you had asked them both to dinner.
Almost forgetting until Steph decided to bring up the topic. Everyone knew your contract with Arsenal was ending at the end of the season, the end of the season which was now very close and no one had heard anything from you or the club. Sometimes there might be a few leaks or whispers here and there that go around the change room. But with you, there had been nothing. No one knew if Arsenal were even negotiating anything with you at this point, and it was concerning some people.
‘So have you heard anything yet?’ Steph didn’t need to specify, you knew exactly what she was asking. The question also piqued Kyra’s interest, you hadn’t mentioned anything to her either. You wanted to stay at Arsenal with everyone but it didn’t work that way sometimes. But if you started talking about other clubs with Kyra or with Steph, or anyone really, then it felt like you were already accepting what was happening.
You’d had a few amazing seasons with Arsenal and a part of you thought for sure that you would be offered another contract. The last few seasons you’d worked so hard for that club, even making your way into the starting line-up for the majority of the matches in the current season. So your heart was majorly shattered when you had to accept the reality of making contact with other clubs to see what offers were out there for you.
You had quite a few offers from all over the place, a few from wsl clubs, nwsl clubs and clubs scattered all throughout Europe. It felt like too much all at once and choosing a new club was seemingly growing more difficult. There was one person you turned to and only one person that actually knew about your eventual departure from Arsenal.
Viv helped you through the whole process, you felt bad that you didn’t get Steph to help but you could barely stand the thought that you had to leave your sister yet again. You loved playing with your sister, whenever you got the chance you loved it more than anything. So it was easier to have Viv help you and that’s how you eventually decided to make the deal with Lyon final. 
‘You’ve heard something, haven’t you?’ Your silence spoke louder than any words could in that moment. Looking down at the food you nodded your head slightly. Taking a moment before you changed everything for good.
‘I’m not staying with Arsenal,’ The news would’ve come as a surprise but Steph and Kyra both had a feeling that this kind of news was coming. They knew deep down that if you were staying at Arsenal then you most likely would’ve let that kind of information slip to either of them, ‘They didn’t want to offer me another contract,’
‘What? How could they not?’ Kyra spoke up first, not wanting to believe that was the truth. It didn’t make any sense to her.
‘I just didn’t fit with their plans for next season,’ You shrugged as you relayed what you had been told. You were really trying not to be bitter about it all, not wanting this ending to overshadow your last few seasons with the club.
Steph shared the same feelings towards this as Kyra did, ‘Not fit with their plans? You’ve been nothing but amazing for us all season,’ Steph’s voice raised a bit too much, drawing looks from others around you who were just enjoying their meal, ‘Have you been in contact with other clubs?’
‘Yeah,’ Taking a deep breath, you were preparing for their reactions, ‘I’ve signed with Lyon,’ The air between the three of you was thick, Kyra was oddly silent and just blank staring your way.
Neither Steph, Kyra or you spoke. You ended up just pushing around the food that was on your plate, not wanting to keep looking at the two when you can’t read what they’re thinking or feeling. Steph looked between you and Kyra and decided to excuse herself to the bathroom, leaving you and Kyra alone to talk about it. As much as Steph wanted to ask you about it all, she knew with your relationship you and Kyra should probably talk about it first.
‘How come you didn’t talk to me about it? You know I’ll always support you, no matter what that is. And I’m not trying to control your career or you or anything you know, but we’ve been together for a while now and this affects both of us,’ Kyra was right, you’d been together for a few years, but you never included her in your decision making.
‘I’m sorry Ky, it’s just that I thought that if I talked about it then I would be accepting it all. I don’t know, it’s all been too much these last few weeks,’ You dropped your head into your hands. There was no way to go about this that felt right and everything was feeling wrong.
‘Hey, it’s okay,’ Kyra reached over grabbing your hands, taking them away from your face and making you look at her, ‘I’m not going to lie and say I’m not hurt, but I’m still going to be here and support you,’ Kyra rubbed her thumbs over your hand soothingly.
‘It all feels so wrong, I wanted to stay at Arsenal with you and everyone. It felt wrong accepting another wsl club offer but at the same time I wanted to stay close but I just couldn’t do it,’ You rambled on, finally freeing yourself of every single thought you’ve kept to yourself during the process. All Kyra did was just listen, it’s all she could do. Kyra wouldn’t pretend to understand how you’re feeling and what you’re going through but she could offer support and a shoulder to lean on.
‘I wish you didn’t have to leave,’ Kyra gave you a small smile, one that you returned. There was an air of sadness to these smiles, ‘What does this mean for us?’
There was no doubt in your mind that you weren’t about to give up your relationship with Kyra. You were more than sure that you and Kyra could handle the distance, ‘Well it’s a three year contract and I’m only in France you know,’ You gave a quiet chuckle, ‘I don’t want to lose you, Ky. I love you so much and I am confident that we can handle this,’ A wave of relief washed over Kyra’s face, she didn’t want to let you go but thought maybe it might not be reciprocated, even after all these years.
‘Good, because I wouldn’t ever let you go without a fight,’ You were glad that Kyra wasn’t all that upset with you. The two of you would definitely talk about it more in detail the closer it all gets, you still had time right now.
When you’d gotten back to the apartment, Kyra and Steph shared a look without you knowing. Kyra gave you a kiss on the cheek before saying she’d wait in your room, pushing you towards where Steph had now gotten comfy on the couch.
‘So, Lyon huh?’ Steph nudged your shoulder, making sure to keep it all light hearted to save you the stress from thinking she was upset with you leaving. It was quite the opposite. Steph loved watching you grow as a person and within your career, and for a club like Lyon to be interested in you, well she was more than proud of you.
‘Jealous? I’ll have more of a chance at winning the champions league now,’ You both laughed, Steph pushing you lightly at your lighthearted joke, that was partly not a joke but the truth.
Once the laughter died down, Steph wrapped her arm around you and pulled you into her side, giving you a tight hug, ‘For real though, I am incredibly proud of how far you’ve come. I can’t wait to see you do great things at Lyon,’ You smiled hearing Steph’s words. Being your older sister, her opinion has always mattered so much to you, you’d always looked up to her and you don’t think that would ever stop, ‘And no matter where you go, I’ll always be your biggest supporter,’
‘I think you’d have to fight Kyra and Harper for that title Stephy,’
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rh3maji · 2 months
Lil rant abt Caine
Caine is just a lil guy, despite it all. From a design standpoint I thought I was gonna absolutely fucking hate looking at him because those chattering teeth toys make my skin crawl- but the art direction really helps make him look more appealing and whimsical than a disembodied pair of talking dentures sounds on paper.
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The thing with Caine is I didn't initially like him that much after the pilot. While his interactions with Bubble were quite funny, that one episode left me feeling like he'd just end up being kinda one note or at the very least one note in a way that'd get on my nerves. Then everything changed when Pomni Wake Up Time to Go On an Adventure! attacked
The comedic timing throughout that announcement video was so fucking funny and thanks to his line deliveries and animation/model [?] upgrades- CAINE LOOKED AND SOUNDED SO ADORABLE!!
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Legit it wasn't until this came out that I realized I actually could be on board with Caine as a character and it's been uphill from there. Episode 2 was better than the pilot not only comedically and visually but also in terms of showcasing just how actually unsettling Caine can be as an antagonist. Not because he's vengeful or malicious, but because he's so oblivious to how people work. His mind's always buzzing with terrible ideas and he's so so eager about these adventures, but at the end of the day he really really doesn't get the circus crew. Try as he might to include them, keep them engaged [ZOOBLE WAIT!], or even give them what they want [Exit doors] he doesn't realize how traumatic and distressing their current situation can be. The very nature of being trapped in a digital world is bad enough but it's especially rough here bc not only does its god have limited capabilities, you also are very well acquainted with him, and he can't fully understand your pain nor can he truly save you from it. He won't mourn your abstraction. He will not attend your funeral. He will not understand the distress of your arrival, nor the weight of your departure.
This isn't just sad from the pov of the circus gang, it's also very sad for Caine- not because i think he'll ever feel sad about it himself necessarily, but instead because the situation is sad. New members appear over and over, you craft adventures and games and distractions like [i'm assuming] they'd asked you to, but over and over, one by one, they abstract. They stop laughing at your jokes. They don't like you. They want you to leave them alone. It's confusing and maybe even inconvenient.
Where I'm hoping the series takes Caine is that this dissonance between Caine's intentions and the distress of the circus gang gets worse and worse and worse until something's got to give. I'm hoping that maybe at some point a character will try to sit down and talk with him and for it to either sorta get through to him but completely backfire in some form because he misinterprets what the others want from him OR i'd also be down for him to listen, but not understand any of it and proceed as tho nothing happened. I don't want Caine to come around really, it'd be interesting to see how Goose would go about having him come around to being a better host that empathizes more with humans, but personally I do prefer him to keep on keepin' on being this oblivious and eager antagonist.
My favorite Caine lines/line deliveries so far:
"You, my friend, stumbled into an incredible world of wonders, where anything can happen!…e-except for swearing."
"And here we have THE GROUNDS! Drown yourself in the digital lake, or engage in ridery at the digital carnival!"
"What do you think of XDDCC? You're right, terrible, LET'S TRY THAT AGAIN!"
"Kaufmo abstracted? Why didn't anybody tell me?"
"Bubble you can't say that"
"Why are you all just standing there?! The- The Canyon- C-Candy Canyon Kingdom needs you now!" [according to his VA, this was an actual line flub but hoo boy am i glad they use it bc it's hilarious]
"I know you guys love your NPCs, but if I start losing track of who's a human and who's an NPC, who knows...what. could. happen..."
That last line there specifically surprised me the most because up until he said that I was under the impression Caine was linked to every single NPC. I even thought he could see through their eyes if he so chose thanks to his "hundreds of all seeing eyes" line in the pilot. Him saying this here implies lots of things. Has Caine forgotten before? Is someone in the circus secretly an NPC ooooooooh~
"Who knows what could happen..."
Honestly, when Caine first said this I did immediately theorize Jax as being an NPC but now that it's been *checks calendar* three months since I watched episode 2, I don't think this is the case anymore. Jax being an NPC would be...something. Jax not knowing he's an NPC would be interesting [i like it when ppl's realities get shattered], but honestly I think this line was a way to telegraph to the audience that no Caine isn't actually all knowing. He didn't know Gummigoo was coming through that portal until he saw him with his own two eyes. My theory is that Caine is only able to teleport, create, censor, transform, and destroy the world around him, but isn't able to see all of it at once unless he tries to. I think Caine's default state is one where he only knows what he sees directly in front of him/what he himself has left waiting for someone else. And rather than implying someone in the gang is an NPC, I think that line in episode 2 was mainly implying Caine can be tricked, that it's possible to hide something from him, to surprise him even. Though I'm not opposed to an NPC we haven't met trying to join under the guise of being human, it'd potentially create some fun tension assuming the audience was given enough reason to care about them.
Jax is actually my favorite character in tadc, but i couldn't fill an entire post with things to say abt him. Caine seems to be- at least as of right now- the easiest of all the characters to try and wrap my head around. I'll probably have a lot more to say about Jax as he exists in canon as the episodes come out [EPISODE 6 MY BELOVED]
but uhhhh yeah, that's all the things i had to say abt Caine. Pls go watch/listen to the fansong Digital Land bye!
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circeyoru · 6 months
Unwanted Soul _ Part 6 = Requested
[Yandere!Alastor x Owner of his Soul!Reader]
Related Request
Part 1 — Part 2 — Part 2.5 (ask) — Part 3 — Part 4 — Part 5 — Part 6 (here)
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That day, that inferno yet glorious day, Alastor met his fated one. His other half, as people would say. In his days alive, he considered himself married to his work. Never courted other ladies even though a number of them were in the palm of his hand, able to bend to his will. Never dated because it was a waste of time when he had better things to do. And never even thought of delicating his life and time to another that wasn’t his mother
But it was after meeting you that there was that want, that need to please and care for you unlike any other. He thought it was a fleeting feeling since you did save him at his lowest, a bit of admiration for your unique power, one of its kind as he sees it. He thought he wanted the power for himself, wanted you on his leash to be his to control
So he tried. Manipulation tactic, words of persuasion, charming personality, and his overwhelming power. These were all at his disposal and he used them all to make you bend like the others in his living life and afterlife. Yet you never did falter. The only thing that was consistent about you was your care and your insistence for him to leave your home
Now he doesn’t want to leave. Not until he figured out what was happening with himself. He can’t maintain his Overlord image with this destruction within himself. So he made all excuses he could to delay his departure. His wound was the reason why you were caring for him and letting him stay, so he’ll just worsen it with the help of his claws and shadows. Your healing abilities can’t keep up? Welp, looks like he has to stay a while longer
“Why rush recovery? Do you really want me gone, Dear?”
“Yes. Now get out. Your playground is not here.”
“Hahaha! No.”
He felt like Alice. The girl that followed the white rabbit down the rabbit hole and found wonderland, following the white rabbit all over the place and experience so much, before waking up to it all being a dream. However, different from Alice, Alastor doesn’t want to leave this wonderland he found. He doesn’t want to wake up from this blissful dream
As luck would have it, you live in the more secluded side of the pentagram and you weren’t as connected to pompous technology that Vox places around the place to stalk demons. Nor were the demons in your area acquainted with the famous and infamous Overlords. There seem to be a silent agreement among your area’s residents to not bring in political or business like matters. Only self-interest
He was pleased to find this place as a little haven away from the spotlight. No demon here cared who Alastor was nor do they want to know, if he was weak, they’ll prey upon him. That was why some demons were trying to take him while you were there to save him. When he first spoke and his staff appeared in his hands, you immediately recognized him
Fear and regret was what he expected to see in your eyes, yet all you display was annoyance and cautiousness. You were quick to set him on his feet and direct him to the door, providing him  directions back to the center of the city where he belonged. The fact that you showed him he didn’t belong here set something ablaze in his cold heart
So he stayed longer than what the past him would have liked. The more he learned about you, the deeper he was. He picked up your little habits, your interest hobbies, your peculiar interest, and your wonderful personality
Soon he found a label for all he was doing and feeling. He was under the influence called ‘love’, he remembered his mother telling him that he will find ‘the one for him’, maybe he can explain it or maybe he can’t. Either way, he’ll know in his heart. Whoever that person or being is, that’s his other half
It was you. All you. He learned it through a terrifying experience
“Darling, I’m back from shopping!” Alastor announced into the apartment after entering the front door through the gaps with the help of his shadows, his little minions carrying bags from his outing into the table you had. “My, I brought a lot more than you needed, but I hope you didn’t mind I took a bit lon—!”
His eyes turned to radio dials when he realized the familiar scent of iron was in your apartment. His grip on his crane tightened as he followed it, stronger and stronger, until he stopped in front of your bedroom door. No question, it was coming from here. His hand removed itself from behind his back to grip the doorknob, the other bringing his crane to his side.
His gaze shifted from the doorknob to in front of him. Usually, you would have told him not to creepily stand in the front of your door. Why aren’t you telling him to enter? Why aren’t you calling him out? Why was it silent?
In a swift movement, he turned the knob and opened the door. The scent of blood was suffocating, he didn’t think he’ll mind it ever after his new-found interest in murder. Yet when it came to yours, it was suffocating him like he was being pushed under the ocean. 
Amidst the shock of it all, he let go of his crane and it dropped to the ground while he made his way to your giant comfortable bed. His eyes darted all over the place. Red. So much red. The bed was soaked in red. Red. Red? Blood. Blood? Why? Where? Your waist, why is there a knife sticking out of it? Your eyes are closed.
Sleeping? Dead? Dead? Dead? 
“Dear!” Alastor got onto your bed, his hand hovering over your body as he tried to think of something. “What do I…? Who did this?”
Your eyes fluttered open, he was shocked to see the lack of spark in them, your head tilted up to meet his gaze yet it wasn’t focused. “Al..astor… You’re… here?”
Alastor eyed, “Why wouldn’t I? You sent me to buy restock your supplies! Your locations were all over the place so it took me some time to complete.”
“I sent… you farther away… so that… you’ll leave…” You spoke so monotonously, “Why are… you back…?”
“That’s beside the point! Who attacked you? Who hurt you?! Who put you in such a state?” Alastor demanded, the static grow deafening but you weren’t even affected. 
Your dull eyes blinked, “I did.” You reached for the knife, only to hover your hand over the handle, “I did it… to remind myself… some…thing…”
Alastor flinched when you pulled it out, his eyes narrowing as your blood pooled and stained the bed red. Red is a favourite of his. Red that painted his victims. Red that removed his father. Red that was covering you. You don’t look good in your own red. It’s a horrid colour on you. 
“You should leave… me…” Your words snapped him out of his thoughts.
In the blink of an eye, he had that healing page you gave him for emergency and slapped it onto your open wound, he stared at it until the page glowed and started its work. You stiffened and jerked from the sudden pressure on your wound.
There, your spark returned, even if it’s just a bit. “What are you—!”
Alastor leaned close, keeping his hand firmly against your healing wound. He got close until he was next to your ear as if whispering a secret. “If you wanted me gone through self-harming, think again, nothing will make me leave you, My Doe. If nothing else, it makes me want to stay longer.”
You glared at him, but slowly relaxed as consciousness seem to fade. Involuntarily, your head leaned against head as your slept. Alastor cradled you, keeping you in place. He eyed the knife still in your hand and took it, burning it with his flame till nothing was left of it.
A mistake of yours was your insistence for his absence. The more you wanted him gone, the more he tried and showed you that it was impossible to get rid of him. His love and fascination turned darked and twisted, becoming obsessive and possessive that he knew it wasn’t the pure love that his mother described or those ladies wanted from him
Oddly enough, you handled him and his feelings like it was natural. The fact that you carry yourself so cool and unbothered, you accepting it all and using it to your advantage. It was exhilarating, like it was a green light to amp up the intensity. He can give you more and more of his affection and love
More. More. MORE
When he learned that you never dealt with souls before, never received a soul or given your soul to another demon all this time while you were in Hell. His idea of giving you his soul made to him. He wants to be your first and he wants you to be his first. He own souls, yes, but he never thought of giving his soul to another to own and rule over him, he can’t imagine that
With you though, he can. To be yours. To have a reminder that you will be his. Everytime he ghost his neck, there was be his reminder. You’ll call for him, you’ll use him, you’ll only think of relying on him. Oh, just thinking of it was divine. Simply divine
You accepting his offer gave him such a rush. He was yours. It wouldn’t take too long until you were his. Well, in his mind and dreams, you were already his when he came to terms with his love for you, but this relationship was two way, not one. He’s patient. Besides, with you, time proves a lot
At first, you didn’t want him in your apartment, then you saw it as normal that he was there, even when he was doing your chores and taking care of you in more ways than one. Shopping? Check. Cleaning? Check. Meals? Check. Snacks? Check. Desserts? Check. There’s no expenses spared for you. You slowly appreicated his hardwork and dedication to you and gave him rewards you weren’t even aware of
Everything was fine. Everything was perfect
Until you saw that insufferable advertisement presented by that dreamer of a princess Charlotte Morningstar. You little interest in the project was enough to send him away. The rage he felt when he was forced to leave your side to serve someone else. He shouldn’t have left you alone then
“We’re so happy to have you with us at the Happy Hotel!”
“Hazbin Hotel. I’m sure we’ll have a wonderful time.”
Lucky he found a loophole to your orders and could contract you via his radio. Else he doesn’t know how much he could take without you near him. Your voice would suffice for now. Then came his time to prove his usefulness to you, Overlord meetings were very confidential, not that you were interested, but sometimes there were juicy moments and secrets learned
He kept you as his little secret, his little treasure to keep hidden. Even when Zestial asks about his disappearance and Carmilla’s shock to his appearance. He kept you off the table. When he learned of Carmilla’s little stunt, he was excited to tell you. You could form angelic weapons, so it was definitely a useful information for you
And he was rewarded for his efforts. A visit to your apartment. Away from that prison of a hotel. He immediately (strictly) told Charlie he was busy with important stuff for the entire day not to disturb him ot request his help on anything
Alastor has to admit, he nearly lost himself when you appeared before his eyes when he was knocked back by Adam. You protecting him and fighting for him. Him. How could he not be in a daze? But his heart broke when you were hurt by that disgusting so-called angel. That red wasn’t a good look on you. No. Not again
He brought you away to attempt healing you. But this was something done by holy power, not something even you can easily heal from. On the surface you looked to be healed, but you were sleeping again. He hugged you tightly in his arms. Don’t disappear on him
This place reeks of death, there’s a chill in the air
And we barely escaped being killed by a hair
“Great Alastor, altruist, died for his friends”?
Sorry to disappoint… That was never the case!
I’m hungry for your gaze like never before
The constrains of our deal surely have your interest
Once I figure out how to hold your love tightly
Guess who will staying to help that hotel?!
The hotel was the cause of this. Yet he was the cause of your appearance because he wasn’t strong enough to handle Adam. He resented that fact, but his heart beat loudly when he replayed the scene where you fought him. Then that confession where you missed him, if it was any other time, he’d be over the moon hearing that
To him, it felt like an eternity before you woke up again and things were relatively back to normal. You stayed in the hotel with him, you were by his side, you were portrayed to be his assistant, you were his (in his mind). Then the others found out about you. Lucifer was enough of a pain, now there was more
Still, it was worth seeing that you weren’t quick to warm up to them. He took 7 years and then some, why would they be unique? Not to mention they don’t care for you like he does. He was the unique one
Oh, then Mimzy. That demon he thought was his friend. He didn’t care much for her harsh words, not when you were there to push it all away. It was crushing to hear it, the unfiltered thoughts Mimzy talked about him to you. Yet that look on your face was odd, were you feeling angry on his behalf? For him?
He thought that you would tell Mimzy off then when you leave, he’ll have a word with Mimzy. If you didn’t like her then maybe a new voice on the broadcast would do. You never minded his ways of punishing those you are displeased with, so it was fine
What he didn’t expect was you scolding Mimzy, giving her a piece of your mind. You defended him, you cared about him. Surely you did. Why else were you that aggressive?
“What was that?”
“I said, I love you!”
Alastor couldn’t stop himself and asked you, he told himself he was dreaming. He thought he was when you disappeared in the blink of an eye. But the look he got from the residents in the lobby proved otherwise. First thing’s first. He snapped his fingers and had Mimzy devoured by his shadows, it was a minor torture, he’ll get to the fun part later
Now you had his attention
When he appeared in your shared room, you were all wrapped up in your fluffy blanket in the corner of the bed. Despite his joy and excitement, he dialed it down. You come first, just hearing those words from your sweet lips was enough
“My Darling,” Alastor took a seat on the bed, next to you. “If it was the slip of a tongue, I can forget about it.” He’s lying and he knows you know it, still you’d lie to yourself until it was true. For him, just knowing you care for him so is enough. “You have done nothing that I know of. You have confirmed nothing.”
Perhaps it was because he was accepting that he needs to forget it all and act the same, or that it was giving you your space. Either way, he didn’t react when you suddenly moved and pinned him down to the bed. His eyes wide while his smile spread wider, this position is perfect, your face above him that he could stare at forever and never get bored. 
When his mind matched what happened, his eyes drooped and his ears twitched, his smile shrank a bit and his hands reached for you, wanting to pull you in. You let him and he hugged you, placing your ear to his beating heart then he hugged onto your waist. 
“Don’t you dare forget about it.” Your words pierced the silence, he could feel his heart beating louder. “Remember it. Engrave it into your mind, body, and soul.” Your head shifted and you got up a bit, you moved so close to his lips. When you weren’t talking, all he could hear was the beating of his heart. “Never betray my love, Alastor.”
A sweet moment where you two shared a kiss. Finally.
“Yes. Of course. Absolutely. My Darling Love.”
You were all his to call Love.
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Note: Surprise!!! We really never had a part that's dedicated to Alastor, so here's one. I think it's a bit rushed at the end or lack of details, but those are mostly covered in the parts before this. Hope you guys liked this one~
Oh right! If you haven't please vote on what will happen next here. There might be one more part before it gets to that. Idk the progress.
*For the people that haven't got a reply to this series' requests; 2 possibilities: either I need time writing them or they would be included in future parts and I don't want to spoil them as trivia~
Circe Y.
@aconfusedwonderland @crowleysthings @donustellaron @mistpurpl3 @nevermore-ramblings  @justboredforreal @youroneandonlysimp @falsemain @scenteddelusion5 @anni1600 @readergirlstuff @salutations-demonsanddappers @mistpurpl3 @haruskrd @biadoll21 @speedycoffeedelight @wendds @paninibit @emperatris-rinaka
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moiraimyths · 6 months
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Howdy, fateful friends! Are you an artist or illustrator with an interest in visual novels?
If so: Moirai Myths, creators of the visual novel The Good People (Na Daoine Maithe), are in need of guest artists! More specifically, we're looking for up to two artists to help us with the content graphics ("CGs") for Maeve and Shae's upcoming routes. All of the details will be listed on our application form (linked below), but here is the gist:
This is paid work with 20-30 business day deadlines per piece!
Complicated revisions in the post-sketch phase are compensated!
You will be prioritized for future guest artist opportunities!
You will be featured/credited on Moirai Myths' website and in the game itself!
Sound interesting? If so, apply here:
Click under the cut for some F&Q 👇
Who are you? (I'm new here!)
Hi! We're Moirai Myths: a small, newish visual novel company based out of Canada. We're making a game inspired by mostly Irish mythology, which was funded on Kickstarter in 2023! Our game's got fairy politics, a diverse cast, a Gaeilge-to-English translation tool, and routes that can be played either romantically or platonically! Also horses. An ungodly amount of horses, really.
If that odd pitch sounded intriguing, perhaps you'd like to play our demo! It's free on Steam & Itch.io.
Why are you looking for guest artists?
When we originally launched our Kickstarter, the plan was to have our three in-house artists collaborate on the CGs in the same way our header image was. However, we quickly realized that adding CGs, even if they're done collaboratively, onto the existing duties of our artists was a tall order. Add to that the departure of our original sprite artist (who has since been replaced by our graphic designer), and we determined that having our in-house team work on CGs was simply not possible if we still wanted our first release to happen in 2024. So, rather than omitting CGs or adding them in at a later time, we came up with the idea of hiring guest artists. Overall this means our CGs will be a bit more varied in terms of art style, but we like to think of this as a positive! NDM's development will take a number of years to complete in full, so we hope our CGs will allow us to feature a lot of artists either within the VN/indie dev community already, or artists who aspire to work in gaming and are looking for entry positions.
How long will applications remain open for?
This application will be open until Sunday, March 24 at midnight (EST)! If we intend to extend past that deadline, we'll make an announcement about it.
I can't apply right now. Will you look for more CG guest artists in the future?
Definitely! As mentioned, NDM will take a while to develop in full, so this is by no means your only opportunity to apply. That being said, we suspect we're going to end up shortlisting a number of artists over the course of this application period, and we intend to keep a list of all the runners-up. So, even if you won't be able to participate this time, it might be a good idea to apply anyway just to remain in our contacts! Either way, this will not be the last time we have apps.
Will you be looking for guest artists outside of CGs?
Maybe! We already have two guest artists (Nefukurou and Madi Funk) working on sprites and CGs respectively, so it's always possible that we'll have other artistic needs later down the line. Likewise, we may also reach out to past guest artists for future work with us, whether it's on this game or something else!
You say we need to sign an NDA. What does that entail?
The non-disclosure agreement essentially means you will be legally unable to publicly disclose any confidential information you become privy to as a result of working with us. This would include personal information about the developers, as well as spoilers from the game itself. In addition do this, you will be expected to sign over the IP and copyright of any artworks you produce for us.
Can I still use my artworks in portfolios, even if I don't own the copyright?
Yes! We'd only ask, if your portfolio is a website, that you wait to do so until after your art has been made public by us, either on our social media or via the publication of the game. Our first release is anticipated to happen later this year, most likely mid-autumn.
How do you guys feel about AI? Do you intend to use it, or would you ever train an AI off of the artworks whose copyright you own?
Making a game is expensive and time-consuming, but AI is no replacement for human artistry. We fundamentally believe that any advancements in AI should be used for the purpose of giving people more time to make art, not take away opportunities for it. Moirai Myths will never, ever use AI or train an AI off your work.
If you've got any more questions for us that we didn't think to include here, feel free to send us an ask!
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fallinallincurls · 8 months
in picture frames, in all my dreams, you’re the one i want
this is my entry for @wyattjohnston 's winter fic exchange 2k24!! i wrote this fic for the lovely @laurenairay and i hope you love it so much! i had the best time writing this one (which means there will probably be more brock fics in the future). and shoutout to @tonyspep for bouncing ideas around with me as always!
i also made a playlist for this fic as well if you'd like to check it out!
hope you enjoy!! feedback is always appreciated! xx
word count: 3.8k+
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This was not supposed to happen. You were supposed to be on a plane back to Minnesota right now so you would be home in time for Christmas. But when you arrived at the airport earlier, the board of departures were full of canceled flights including yours. And when you brought your dilemma to the customer service desk, they informed you that all flights out of Vancouver were either booked or canceled through the 26th. The day after Christmas.
That’s how you ended up where you are now. Frantically knocking on your best friend’s front door and trying to hold back the overwhelming urge to cry.
“Come on, come on, come on.” You mutter to yourself, knocking one more time in hopes that the one person you want to see right now will answer.
At that very moment, the door swings open to reveal a cozy but sleepy looking Brock. He’s wearing a pair of gray sweats with an old Canucks t-shirt. His blonde hair is tousled but still somehow looks perfect and his blue eyes light up at the sight of you. You love seeing him like this, so soft and relaxed. The Brock that the media and fans don’t know, but you do. 
“Uh, hi. Again.” You say quietly while offering a watery smile.
“Y/N?” Brock asks, still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. You don’t blame him, it is only six in the morning. “What are you doing here? Aren’t you going home today?”
“Well yeah, but the insane snow storm had other plans. My flight was canceled and I can’t get anything until after Christmas. So I’m kind of stuck here.”
“A week of me wasn’t enough for you?” He teases, that familiar smile brightening up his face. You just shrug in response, your lips just barely tipping up at his playfulness.
Without saying another word, Brock pulls you into his arms for the tightest hug. It takes everything in you not to sob against his sturdy chest as the warmth and comfort he always carries surrounds you.
“I’m going to miss Christmas.” The terrifying admission tumbles from your lips as tears start falling. You’ve never missed a Christmas at home with your family and you can’t imagine spending the magical day stranded halfway across the continent. 
“No, you’re not.” Brock murmurs, smoothing your hair down as he holds you. The small gesture immediately makes you feel more at ease. It’s something only he knows that will help calm you down when you’re upset. Before you protest, Brock makes a split second decision. “You’re going to spend Christmas here, with me. We’re going to celebrate Christmas together. And you can stay here since all the hotels are probably booked or mad expensive, it’s just easier.”
It takes a moment for Brock’s words to register in your mind, but when they do, your heart swells. Of course he would welcome you in for a holiday that you weren’t supposed to spend with him. He would do anything for you and he’s been that way since you were kids. But right now, you’re more grateful than ever for his kindness.
“Are you sure? I was only supposed to visit you for a week.” You ask faintly, voicing the only worry that surfaced at his suggestion. 
When the University of Minnesota, the school that you’re currently a professor at, announced the dates of winter break, you immediately booked a flight out to Vancouver to spend some much needed time with your best friend. It’s tough to see Brock during the season because classes are also in session and schedules almost never line up. But you weren’t letting this opportunity pass by. The past week has been spent catching up and doing everything that was physically possible together. You couldn’t have been happier you made the trip until the debacle this morning put a damper on the unbelievable happiness you’ve been feeling since you arrived in Vancouver. 
“And the weather said a week wasn’t long enough.” Brock says, his tone of voice telling you there was no room for arguments. “I won’t let you spend Christmas alone so we’re doing this, okay? Plus, I don’t think Coolie and Milo will mind having you around for a few more days. You know how much they love you.”
“The dogs aren’t the only ones who love me.” Brock smiles at your playful comment and can’t help but chuckle at the truth of the oblivious statement. The full extent of his feelings for you that he’s been hiding for years is unknown to everyone but himself. And maybe Quinn and Petey. But he won’t admit how he feels about you until he knows the moment’s right, until maybe there’s a chance you feel the same way.
So he shrugs nonchalantly and lets a laugh slip past his lips while ignoring the way his heart races just from looking at you. Before he can say anything in response, you’re surging forward to hug him again.
“Thank you so much, really. It means the world to me. You have no idea.”
“You know I’d do anything for you.” Brock admits, honesty seeping through each word. “Besides, spending Christmas with you just made my holiday a lot more exciting.” 
“Please,” You roll your eyes in response, but the softest smile blossoms across your lips and the insane amount of anxiety that was consuming you a few minutes ago has already started to dissipate.
“C’mon,” Brock starts, pulling you through the door and over the threshold of his apartment. “You’re probably exhausted so let’s get you a nap and we’ll go from there.”
There’s no resistance as he leads you to his bedroom, hands you one of his t-shirts and tells you it’ll all be okay. Before you know it, you’re under the blankets, wrapped up in the warmth and coziness of Brock’s bed, drifting off to a much needed sleep.
When you wake up a few hours later, well rested and feeling much better, you find yourself squished between two large dogs. A giggle slips past your lips at the sight.
“Hey guys!” You exclaim, not wasting a second to give both Coolie and Milo some pets. “Lucky you, I’ll be here for a couple more days which means you’ll get plenty of extra snacks.”
“No, they won’t!” Brock calls from somewhere in the apartment, making a laugh bubble up in your throat. Even if your Christmas isn’t going to go as you had planned, you’re glad that you’ll be spending it with your favorite person in the world. 
The dogs race ahead of you to find Brock as you start making your way down the hallway. Although you’ve spent a decent amount of time in Brock’s apartment over your weeklong visit, you take a few extra seconds to look over the collection of pictures he has hanging on the wall throughout the hallway. Photos of him with his family, smiling with teammates, namely Petey and Quinn who you know have become his best friends, views from his many trips to different places around the world and of course, snapshots of you and him together. 
A smile blossoms on your face as you look over the memories frozen in time in each photo, laughing to yourself at the ridiculous ones Brock has hanging up that feature his teammates and you. But just before you’re about to head down the stairs to find him, one picture catches your eye. You don’t know how you missed it over the last week, but you must have.
Because staring back at you are little versions of you and Brock, flashing big, beaming grins at the camera in front of the sign to the summer camp you both attended for years. That’s how the two of you met and you remember looking forward to the summer just because it meant seeing and spending time with Brock. Even though you both lived in Minnesota, it wasn’t until you were older that you were able to communicate outside penpal letters sent in the mail and the ninety days you spent together on the campground where you both formed memories that will last a lifetime.
You couldn’t have been more than seven in the photo and it’s clear that both of you are happier than ever. That feeling is still present today whenever you’re with Brock, it’s nestled deep within your heart like it belongs there forever and you’ve carried it around for most of your life. It only took you years after he already had moved to Vancouver to realize that happiness can often be mistaken for love. 
Shoving those thoughts away, you bound down the stairs to meet your best friend again. There’s a new pep in your step as you’re determined to make the most of every second this Christmas even if it’s not what you expected. You’re here with Brock which is all you could ask for.
A gentle smile is already on your lips when you get to the bottom floor, but you halt almost immediately when you see the scene in front of you. Coolie and Milo are wearing the cutest doggie holiday sweaters and Brock is softly grinning while leaning against the kitchen counter which is full of a wide variety of baking ingredients. And when your eyes look over the living room, you notice a box labeled “ornaments” sitting atop the coffee table, undoubtedly full of all of the beautiful ornaments that were carefully hanging from the branches of Brock’s Christmas tree just hours ago. 
“What is-”
“I told you we were celebrating Christmas and we’re going to do it the right way.” Brock simply explains, blue eyes twinkling with joy and you see a flicker of nervousness there too. Like he isn’t sure if you like the gesture.
“Brock,” You breathe out, his name just above a whisper. 
“I know you love decorating the tree on Christmas Eve so I just took down the ornaments so we can do it together. And your family always bakes cookies the night before Christmas too and I surprisingly already had most of what we needed for the recipes.”
There aren’t enough words to properly show the gratitude, the love, that’s swelling in your chest so you just cross the room and wrap your arms around him in the tightest embrace. Brock immediately responds, pulling you even closer to him, and for a moment everything feels right. 
“Thank you,” The words are quiet, but Brock hears them and presses a delicate kiss to the top of your head. You pray he doesn’t feel the way your heart skips a beat at the sweet action and he must not because he pulls away with a big smile and a hint of mischief mixed with something else you can’t quite place evident in his eyes.
“Of course, you deserve nothing less. What do you want to do first?” He asks, ready to jump into either activity. But it’s right then that everything clicks.
“Wait, you went out in the snow to get the rest of the ingredients we needed?”
“Well, yeah, it’s not too bad. Compared to the snow we used to get at home, this is like nothing.”
“But it’s cold! And how did you get the recipes for my favorite Christmas cookies without-” You trail off, the realization setting in at the same moment Brock speaks up to confirm your suspicions.
“I called your mom. She was more than happy to share the recipes with me when I explained what I was up to. That was the easiest part actually!” 
If you weren’t already head over heels in love with him already, this moment would’ve sealed the deal. You can’t believe he went through all this trouble just to make the holiday special when you weren’t even supposed to be here in the first place. Nothing but adoration rushes through your veins and you can feel the blush creeping into your cheeks. Without hesitating, you lean up to kiss his cheek as yet another silent thank you and his skin almost immediately turns pink. 
“Alright, let’s do this, yeah?” He asks, distracting you from his reaction to the little gesture the two of you have been doing since you were younger and pulling you into the kitchen. It doesn’t take long for Christmas music to be turned on, filling the air with even more of a festive feeling. Brock makes sure your apron is tied on, just like you do for his, and then you’re off baking. You teach Brock all the techniques you’ve learned over the years from making these recipes and you get the pleasure of seeing him so free and happy.
You want to see him like this for the rest of your life. A big smile on his face, eyes crinkled in happiness and no sign of any stress hanging over him.
“What are we going to do with all these cookies?” The question falls off your lips after Brock slides the last batch into the oven. 
“Easy. You’ll take some back home with you so your mom can see how much of an awesome job I did and the rest I’ll give to the team. A lot of them won’t say no to homemade cookies even if it’s the middle of the season.” 
“If you say so,” You giggle, not being able to picture his teammates willingly accepting Christmas cookies when they’re in the middle of the best season the team has had in a long time. But you don’t argue, just set aside the best looking cookies that you and Brock decorated for Quinn and Petey, and sneak one to Coolie and Milo too, before getting the kitchen back in order.
After everything is cleaned up so the kitchen doesn’t look like a total disaster anymore and you both enjoy the takeout that Brock ordered for dinner, no time is wasted in moving to the living room to decorate the Christmas tree.
“Okay, where do we start?” You contemplate, gently placing your full mug of hot chocolate on the coffee table while surveying the tree glittering in the corner of the room. 
“I forgot how seriously you take decorating for the holidays.” Brock chuckles, opening the box that he put all the ornaments back in earlier. He didn’t really forget, in fact, he missed it more than anything. That’s more than half the reason he spent so much time taking every single bauble off the tree. Yes, he wanted to make sure Christmas was as magical for you as it would’ve been back home, but he also selfishly wanted to share this moment with you too.
And he’d be lying if he said his heart isn’t full to brim right now with what he knows is love. Not that you can tell or would ever know that.
“The tree is serious business!” You exclaim with a chuckle, watching as Brock carefully starts removing ornaments from the box one at a time. He hands you a simple, but gorgeous blue ball to hang up first.
Slowly, but surely, the two of you decorate the tree with the wide variety of ornaments Brock has. He tells you the stories behind the ones his teammates have gifted him, shares the laughter with you when he stumbles across one that has a picture of him as a toddler in the picture frame and recounts the memories of family or solo vacations whenever he hands you one that was clearly bought at a tourist shop. There’s a soft smile on Brock’s face that never disappears and you swear he keeps sneaking glances at you.  
The tree becomes more festive as each decoration once again finds a home on its branches and not for the first time today, you forget that this isn’t where you were meant to be for the holiday. But you’re kind of grateful for the snowstorm now. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have gotten to do any of this with the man who you’ve wanted for years.
“It’s done!” You cheer with excitement when you place the last ornament on the tree. “We did a pretty good job. Don’t you think?” Stepping back to admire the beautiful work you both did, your shoulder bumps Brock’s and that familiar shock of warmth floods through your veins at the brief contact. 
“It’s the best Christmas tree I’ve ever seen.” Brock responds playfully, but there's a faint tone of seriousness evident in his voice. His eyes are glistening in the glow of the lights and you can’t deny how perfect he looks so cozy and joyful like this. 
A few seconds later, without you realizing, Brock slips away to put the box away until it was time to take all the holiday decorations down in a few weeks. But to his surprise, there is one last ornament sitting in the box that was somehow forgotten.
“Y/N,” Brock laughs, picking up the decoration. “We forgot one.”
“No way! What is it?” Nothing but curiosity and excitement is evident in your voice. You cross the room to Brock and lean into his side to see what the mystery ornament is.
And when you get a glimpse, your breath is stolen away. Because in Brock’s hand is a small photo of a grinning little boy and girl sitting together at a picnic table inside a picture frame made of colored popsicle sticks. The two words “best friends” are written in black marker across the bottom of the frame in a neat, but childish looking style of handwriting.
Recognition washes over you instantly.
“I made that,” You start, almost stunned as you look between the homemade ornament and Brock’s face.
“You did. Like decades ago.” Brock chuckles, the sound fills the room with happiness and light. He still remembers the day you gave him this little gift. It was the last day of summer camp and before you both said goodbye with a promise to see each other soon, you gave him the gift. For only being nine years old at the time, Brock thought it was one of the nicest things anyone had ever done for him. Plus, that way he had a little piece of you back home too.
Since then, he’s cherished this adorable, homemade ornament like nothing else. It always seemed a little silly to him, to hold onto a childhood craft, but seeing your reaction right now tells him it means just as much to you as it does to him.
“And you still have it. You kept it all this time?”
“Of course I did.”
“Why?” The question is gentle, but full of genuine interest. There’s a beat of comfortable silence as Brock battles with his thoughts for a moment. He knows this is it. This is the moment he finally tells you how he feels. All of the nerves and worries he had about confessing how his heart beats just for you falls away in mere seconds.
Your brows furrow at the strange look on his face. His blue eyes are full of an emotion you can’t place and the softest smile graces his lips. But more than anything, there’s a trace of clarity on display across his features. His gaze flicks down to your lips a few times before he speaks. 
“Because you’re my best friend.” Brock whispers, each word carrying more weight than ever before. “But I don’t think that’s enough for me anymore.” He admits, a weight lifting off his shoulders as the words hang in the air for a moment.
He doesn’t have to say anything else because you know what it is right then. He is in love. With you.
“And you’re my best friend, but I want us to be more too.” Brock’s face practically lights up at your response, knowing that you feel the same way he does. It almost feels like a dream that after years, he doesn’t have to wonder anymore if you have fallen for him too.
“Can I kiss you?” Brock asks with a gentle voice as one hand settles on your hip before pulling you in closer. “We did somehow end up under the mistletoe.” He points up to where the collection of leaves are hanging in the entryway you’re both standing under. You can’t help but laugh at the sight and nothing but pure elation fills your heart.
“Yes, please.” 
He cradles your cheek with one hand while the other stays on your hip, keeping you pressed against his body. You can’t help the smile that blossoms on your face before his lips catch yours in the softest, most passionate kiss you’ve ever experienced. The rough feel of his scruff against your smooth skin makes you giggle a little bit, which Brock responds to by deepening the kiss even more.
It’s absolutely perfect. You’ve dreamt of this exact moment more times than you’d like to admit, but it’s everything and more. And by the way Brock is holding you, it’s obvious he’s been waiting for this too.
When he reluctantly pulls away a few seconds later, there’s a new glimmer that you’ve never seen before in his bright blue eyes. He looks like the human form of sunshine right now and you can’t take it. You reach up to brush a lock of blonde hair back off of Brock’s forehead. He gives your hip a reassuring squeeze, a reminder that this is in fact real.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” Brock murmurs, his smile just mere centimeters away from yours.
“I think I do.”
And without hesitation, you lean in to kiss him again. Once because it’s been a long night, twice because it’ll be alright, three times because you waited your whole life.
Before any fears or worries can creep in and ruin the moment, Brock wraps you up in a tight hug. Your head rests against his chest where you can hear his steady heartbeat.
“We’ll figure everything out. I promise.” He says calmly, somehow knowing what your next thought is going to be. “But it’s Christmas Eve and I don’t want to do anything else but enjoy being here with you.”
“I’ve never been so grateful for a snowstorm in my life.” You laugh, pure bliss humming through your body.
“Me either. Who would’ve thought that’s all it would’ve taken for this to finally happen?”
Later that night, when you’re snuggled up with Brock on the couch watching Home Alone while Coolie and Milo sleep nearby, you realize that you did in fact get to spend Christmas at home even though you didn’t make it back to Minnesota. Because Brock is home. Just being in his arms brings you the same kind of comfort and love you cherish so deeply.
Almost as if he can sense that you’re getting lost in your thoughts, Brock raises a brow in silent question when you look up at him. You just smile in response before leaning up to kiss his cheek which earns you a sweet grin.
“Merry Christmas, Brock.”
“Merry Christmas, Y/N.” Brock murmurs softly, brushing your hair behind your ear. “So happy my Christmas wish came true this year.”
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soupandsimple · 1 year
Just The Three Of Us (with James Potter)
[ you and James consoling your little boy after Harry leaves for Hogwarts ]
* fluff!
** warnings? pregnant reader ; Hogwarts exists but other than that the story is non-magic
This was requested: see the ask here
“Love. Over here,” you heard James call you from across the hallway.
Harry had headed off to Hogwarts that morning and although not biologically yours, you felt every bit of pain any mother felt at being separated from their first born child. But even with your six month pregnancy hormones it had become obvious after getting home from dropping off Harry at the station, that you were not who was being affected the most by the departure of the 11 year old.
As James closed the door behind him upon arriving at the house, you excitedly asked your six year old son Maximus what he felt like doing for the rest of the day. Equal in tone, James threw in some fun options for Max to pick from but instead of getting a reply from the little boy, his lip quivered and he immediately turned and sped off up the stairs.
“Was it something I said?” James wondered out loud to you.
“Honey,” you said, failing to smile with a shake of your head, “c’mon let’s go talk to him.”
Making your way up, you let James rush up ahead while you took your time going up behind him. Your pregnancy wasn’t at the point of needing help walking up the stairs but it was starting to slow you down some.
“He’s not in his room” James announced once you finally reached the top.
“Check Harry’s room, I’ll check ours” you instructed.
It wasn’t until after you looked under your bed, the closet and your bedroom bathroom that James called you over from across the hall. Instantly, you beelined to the sound of his voice coming from Harry and Max’s shared bathroom. That bathroom connected the boys bedrooms but also had a hallway door which is where you entered from.
When you walked in, James signaled with his head over to the little boy huddled by the hamper. He had his face covered with his little hands and although silent, you could tell he was steadily crying. You wanted to crouch down to his level but of course that wasn’t possible right then with your belly so you made do with softly speaking to him from above.
“Maxie, what’s wrong baby?”
Max didn’t answer.
James then squatted down and affectionately rubbed one of his small knees.
“Buddy, c’mon tell us what’s the matter. I bet we can help.”
“You can’t help,” Max spoke, hands muffling his voice.
“Well we don’t know that for sure unless you tell us what’s wrong first,” James replied.
Max went silent for some seconds then removed the shield he had created from his face. Wiping at his eyes, he then looked down at his damp fingers.
“I didn’t want Harry to go.”
You looked at James and he to you; both with sympathetic expressions. This revelation was a bit of a surprise seeing as how days prior, Max had been all smiles helping Harry pack his things and had been all too pleased stuffing himself full of cupcakes and cookies at Harry’s going away dinner. To think he felt otherwise didn’t cross either of your minds then or now.
“Honey, why didn’t you say something sooner?” you asked him.
Max shrugged his shoulders and wiped at his eyes again.
“Has this been bothering you for a while now?” James asked, trying to remain composed. Remain composed because seeing his children or you hurting was something he had never been able to bear easily.
“No, but when I saw him leave on the train today it made me know he was going to be gone now.”
James and you both felt a huge wave of relief wash over yourselves because although Max was sad right now, knowing he had only just started feeling this sadness today and had not been silently suffering alone with it the past few days was of most alleviation.
“Didn’t hit you he’d really be leaving until then huh?” James gathered from Max’s confession.
Max nodded up at his dad then looked down to the floor.
James didn’t even have to look at your face to know that you wanted to hold your little boy so he stood up, took your hand in his and aided you in sitting yourself down on the floor. You winced at the ache you felt in your back upon lowering yourself to the hard surface, then slowly criss crossed your legs as James squatted down again to his previous position.
“Maxie, I’m sorry you feel this way” you said, taking one of his little hands in yours. He looked up at you and you stretched your other hand out, creating open arms to invite him to come sit on your lap.
Without a hint of hesitancy, he stood up and did just that…ever so cautious of course, just like James had told him to be with you ever since your belly had begun to grow.
You kissed his little head and wiped at his eyes to get some of the drying tears off best you could.
“We’re all going to miss Harry sweet boy, but it’ll be okay. I know it’s going to feel different without him here but we still have each other and it’s not like we’re losing him forever. He’ll be back for Christmas pretty soon and in the meantime, we’re going to write to him so much to keep up with all he’s doing at school and to tell him all about what’s going on here at home.”
“I can write now some too, remember...” Max quietly added.
“Of course we remember,” James spoke, ruffling his son’s hair. “I think it’d be a good idea to go out and let you pick out a stationery set for your own letters to Harry, hm? How does that sound?”
Max’s eyes twinkled with excitement but his smile was still a weak one. Seeing that, you pressed a quick kiss to the side of his head and tenderly squeezed him further into you momentarily.
“But we’ll sit here with you until you feel you’re ready, okay? There’s no rush.”
“She’s right, we’ll sit here until needed,” James repeated, sitting his bum all the way to the ground then criss crossing his legs like you had. “This is actually a pretty cozy spot and hey, if we need to use the toilet at least it’s right here.”
Max laughed as James patted the closed toilet seat and after a few seconds, voiced a concern of his.
“Will my baby sister be here soon? Because I really want someone to play with while Harry is gone.”
“Well she won’t be here for another couple of months..” you frowned, rubbing at your belly. “But we’ll be more than happy to play with you in the meantime,” you kindly assured.
“That’s right. But I mean it is going to take your sister some time to grow and be able to play with you anyhow so I don’t know…maybe we can also look into getting a dog?” James said, eager eyes shifting over to the six year old.
James chuckled at Max and your distinct reactions to his suggestion and raised his hands up in defeat in your direction.
“Okay, okay we’ll think on the dog…” he said to you but with a wink shot over to Max.
Max smiled big, stood up and got behind you and draped himself on your shoulders. “Mum, let’s go buy my stationery now! I need to hurry up and write to Harry about the dog we’re getting!”
“Uh-uh-uh… maybe getting a dog” James corrected Max before you could shoot him a stare of doom.
“Okayyy maybeeee .. but let’s go buy my stationery anyways! I wanna tell him some other stuff too!” Max urged, running out the bathroom presumably straight to the car.
James smiled to himself then stood up and once again stretched out his hand to help get you up from your spot on the floor.
“You just really had to go and bring up a dog did you now? A dog won’t replace Harry y’know,” you teasingly scolded as you walked down to the front door.
James pouted as he walked behind you. “I know, I know but I am going to miss all the noise he and Max made together. It’s going to be so quiet around here these days.”
“James Potter, you’re going to be begging for a quiet house once this little girl of ours shows up” you laughed as you reached the bottom of the stairs.
You were then able to tell this was something James really wanted for Max though, because instead of reacting to your jokey comment, his expression remained contemplative.
“Baby,” you began softly, “look I know you mean well and want to fix the way Max feels right now and believe me, I do too, but let’s give it a little time and spend a while with just him for a bit… this period in life of just us and him is only going to come once. Can we do that, give it some time? Afterwards I promise we’ll talk dog ...yeah?” you asked, reaching up to push back some of his front hair with one hand and caressing one of his cheeks ever so lightly with the other.
James exhaled and relaxed in your touch. “You’re right. You’re always right” he admitted with lovesick eyes and a kiss to your lips. “Don’t know what I’d do without you love.”
“Probably get a dog anytime you or someone you loved was upset…” you taunted.
He chuckled at that and gave you another kiss. “The dog can wait a bit, now let’s go start spending time with just our boy.” <3
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After this delightful encounter
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Here's another reminder of a few things:
•being anti-censorship means being against all censorship. RPF may not be my vibe, but I will never advocate against it, only for proper labelling and placement of it. Do what you want, just don't be shoving it in faces.
•I know that ai is an incredibly tool if you're trying to picture a character. Thus, I will not promote myself staunchly against it either. I am, however, against using it for personal gain, and endorse keeping your generations private AND utilizing reputable systems.
•I created this blog for myself in the beginning, and while I'm glad that y'all came to join me, it ultimately is only for myself. I do not care how many followers I have or how popular it is. Ultimately, I am the only follower I need to impress.
•This is not an airport, you don't need to announce your departure. Additionally, if you're going to announce your departure, actually depart, please.
•I don't treat you differently from others based on age, gender, or trauma. So don't try pulling the age, gender, or trauma trump card. It doesn't work here. I will talk to you the same I talk to anybody else.
Any questions?
I've been saying this stuff for ages, but here's retelling number whatever.
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h50europe · 2 months
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"If I can't have it, neither can you."
Hello, haters; if you despise this show so much, stop watching and move on. Oliver said you don't need to announce your departure. I wonder what happens if your favorite ship ever becomes canon. What's next? How about changing the name to the B*ddie show? How about Fanon taking over instead of Canon? How about firing all the writers and letting the fans take over? Absurd? It is not nearly as absurd as what you, haters, are currently doing. People like you aren't true fans. People like you are nothing but bullies. And bullies aren't welcome either in fandom or around actors. Are you realizing what you are doing with that toxic behavior? You are affecting not just your main "target" but the whole show and everyone involved. Even those you pretend to be "fans" of. You have an unhealthy obsession and show stalker tendencies. Tell me, what's "cute" about a stalker? How about promoting and supporting what you want?
What we could do about it: Individuals with these traits exhibit high levels of pessimism, cynicism, and negativity, often undermining the positivity and success of others. Their preoccupation with unrealistic and illogical matters leads them to derive pleasure from upsetting others. It is important to recognize that their comments reflect their personal perspectives. Taking control of our reactions is crucial. Choosing to disengage allows one to develop the mental agility necessary to immediately deflect harmful comments and prevent them from affecting one's psyche. Express gratitude to the person, dismiss the interaction with a light-hearted attitude, and gracefully exit the situation.
Even if it's hard, kill them with kindness. Even if you feel the need to defend your favorite ship or actor. There is no such thing as reasoning with these tin hats.
Unlike them, we got the deleted Henren/Tommy scene. Unlike them, we are way happier with the show. Unlike them, we are much more open to what may come. Unlike them, we know the meaning of mutual respect. Isn't it great to be part of something special? Isn't it great to enjoy the show and see it as a whole instead of always picking at it? Even if B*ddie became canon, they wouldn't be satisfied. I promise they would suddenly come up with other things they don't like about it and bash the actors because this or that scene or reaction should have been done differently or was OOC. It's a neverending story, the biggest WIP ever written. Because they aren't fans, they are more like the Rumpelstiltskins of the fandom.
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
I’ve been seeing in your comment section some folks feeling defensive over the right to be wishy washy/leave the ship. They’ve been stating that they have the right to be critical and to “have their own opinion even if people disagree” (which is true) and that anyone who doesn’t like seeing their opinion can block them (fair.) But like they understand they are on a Lukola shipping blog and yet they want to still be in the know and feel like it’s unfair when we call them out for trying to rain on our parade.
The thing is, I think there have been lots of moments that have been jarring for us in the fandom like Papgate and GQ and this recent Italy trip. No one is shading anyone who feels that it’s too much or just isn’t worth it at this time to keep emotionally investing. It feels like there is something everyday to be discussed and it can be exhausting keeping up with all the various channels of information.
But I feel like the mutual consensus from the other side of the fandom is, that you don’t need to announce your departure or debate people in the comments who still want to ship. That’s why we are here in this blog because we know it’s a safe space with likeminded people. We can be giddy and analyze and just have a good swoon or a good laugh. If people want to depart the ship but lurk in silence, then do that. But it almost feels like we are being shamed for still believing Lukola is endgame even with all the “proof” just because this same “proof” is what is making them up and leave. Or they just want to debate with us and make us feel silly for being hopeful. (We aren’t shaming them for not believing, we just ask that you don’t antagonize us in our space)
Either way, shipping should be fun and being in a space where it’s celebrated is also fun. If it’s not for you anymore, take a break. It’s ok.
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lullabyes22-blog · 7 months
Snippet - Jayce Goes Sleuthing - Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO
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In the wake of Vi's departure, and Viktor's defection, Jayce's life falls apart.
Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
"Consider carefully. The Man of Tomorrow, Piltover's brightest mind, would look pretty dim in a prison jumpsuit."
I got your message this morning. I'm sorry it's taken so long to write. It's been a crazy couple of weeks. Not sure where to begin, so I guess I'll start with the most important thing:
I've resigned from the Council.
As of last week, I'm no longer a Councilor. Just a regular citizen. I know the news isn't official yet. There will be a special announcement later this week. It's pretty short-notice. I'm sure the media will have a field day.
Your Mother knows; I'm surprised she didn't tell you. Then again, the Council's been busy scrambling to find a replacement for Professor Heimerdinger. They've been hogtied in a bunch of other issues since Zaun's independence, too. There's been nothing but emergency sessions with the Zaunite Cabinet. So it's possible she didn't get a chance.
The motion for me to step down was unanimous. It's the right choice, and I'm at peace with it.
I'm sorry to hear about yours and Violet's split. It sounds like the two of you had a good thing going. She and I didn't really see eye to eye. But you seemed to care for her a lot. I had no idea there was a Peacekeeper Exchange Initiative happening—or that she'd been reassigned to Zaun. I saw no preliminary memos on the matter. If I had, maybe I could've done something to prevent it.
Then again, I've been so distracted lately. It wouldn't have surprised me if a hundred things slipped under my radar.
I understand you're concerned for her safety.  Near as my old contacts in the Council can tell me, her transfer has been approved. They've already conducted the ceremonial swearing-in, and the inaugural Peacekeeper Exchange Initiative has officially begun. They've been granted interim residency until the next rotation, six months from now.
There's not much that can be done to stop it. At least, not in the legal sense. My authority to intervene has run its course. And if the Council's being tightlipped, then Silco's people are pathologically silent.  The details of Violet's reassignment—where she'll stay, her duties, her work schedule—is all being kept private.  
I'm sorry, Cait. You're the last person who deserves this kind of heartbreak.
You've asked me to confront Mel. To convince her to stop Vi's transfer, or pull the plug on the whole project.
Sadly, I can't do either of those things.
Mel and I are no longer together. It was a mutual decision. She's no longer my mentor, and I'm no longer her protégé. She's made her position on forging diplomatic ties with Zaun's First Chancellor clear. I've made equally clear my distaste on trying to spin blood money into gold. We're both determined to follow through, and I don't see a way of changing that.
Guess it's heartbreaks all around, huh?
Maybe it's necessary. Maybe we're supposed to hurt so we can grow. I think I've gotten a little too comfortable in my cushy Council chair. It's high time I got back to the grind. I wanted to build a better world. That means I need to put the work in at HexCorp to make it happen.
We'll get through this, Cait. You and me. Let's meet up once things have calmed down. I miss our talks. I need some sane company after weeks of listening to politicians bicker.
If there's anything I can do, please let me know.
Viktor's gone.
He's been missing since last Wednesday. The reason the Enforcers haven't been informed yet is because the Council is keeping it under wraps. But they've alerted the Wardens, and they're conducting a private investigation. Viktor's notes are gone from the lab. His apartment has been ransacked. All the Hex-tech prototypes are missing. 
So is the Hexcore.
I'm worried. Not because the Hexcore could be turned into a weapon of mass destruction. Viktor's been under a great deal of strain. He's not well. I don't want him getting hurt. The fact that all his research has been taken—it makes no sense. He could've been abducted, but there's no ransom note. None of his assistants noticed any signs of foul play. 
There's also been no sightings of Sky Young. Or any traces of her remains.
Cait—I don't want to add to your troubles. But I don't know who else to share this with. I trust you. I value your insight.
And the truth is, I'm a little scared.
The Wardens are suggesting Viktor's gone rogue. More than that. They're speculating that he may be linked to Sky's disappearance. Their inquisitor told me that his behavior during their last interrogation was erratic. That he'd showed signs of paranoia. That he'd withheld key details about Sky's last hours, and lied about the last time he'd seen her.
They're considering the possibility that Viktor was involved in her disappearance.
Cait—I think it's bullshit. Viktor wouldn't harm a fly. He's one of the gentlest souls I've ever known. He's dedicated his life to serving Piltover, and making it a better place. And he’s known Sky since they were children. I never saw anything but respect between them. Her disappearance hit him hard. I was with him when the preliminary investigation was being conducted.
I can tell you: he wasn't faking his grief.
Something else is going on. I don't know what.
But I'm going to find out.
In the meantime, I'm sorry I can't be of more help with tracking down Violet. I don't have any pull with the Wardens, or Silco's administration. And my contacts on the Council won't talk.  Try reaching out to your mother. She's the only one I know who can reasonably intervene. At the very least, she can get her sources to conduct a quiet search.
I know it's not the solution you wanted. I know the stakes are high.
I just want you to know you're not alone.
Warm regards,
It's late, and I know you're probably sleeping. Still, I had to write. Something happened tonight.
The Wardens found Viktor.
He's been located in Zaun. Specifically, at the headquarters of First Chancellor Silco. They're claiming he's defected. What's more, they're stating that he's in collaboration with a notorious chemist, formerly known as Colin Reveck, but currently known as "Singed." The doctor has a record for performing unethical experiments.
He's also rumored to be responsible for the creation of Shimmer.
The Wardens received clearance to access Viktor's medical records. They found traces of Shimmer in his blood samples. Apparently, Viktor's been on the drug for months. He's been hiding the side-effects. There is evidence that he's been taking massive doses. It's been compromising his mind.
And now, according to the Wardens, he's a wanted fugitive.
Sky Young's DNA has been found on his personal belongings.
I can't believe it, Cait. This isn't the man I know. Viktor would never harm Sky. Never. And with his medical condition, he'd be too weak to physically attack her. As for the Shimmer—he's always been adamant about never touching drugs. Or stimulants of any kind. One cup of caffeine was enough to get him buzzed.
He wouldn't take that poison, even in his darkest hours.
Something isn't adding up.
The Council are currently in talks with Zaun's Cabinet. They're demanding that Viktor and the Hexcore be handed over. The Wardens are pushing for extradition.  Mel has been trying—unsuccessfully—to reach First Chancellor Silco. He's been unavailable since last afternoon.
This is bad.
I've got a sinking feeling. Viktor's research—the Hexcore—it's the key to unlocking a whole stratum of potential weaponry. The fact that he's now in Zaun, under Silco’s aegis, isn't a coincidence. Silco's notoriously secretive, but we know that he has an extensive network of spies and informants. If he saw a chance to use Viktor's illness against him, and profit off his genius, he'd seize it without a second thought.
That's exactly what I think is happening.
Viktor's not a criminal. And he didn't disappear of his own volition. Silco must've had a hand in it.
I'm going to figure out how.
Take care of yourself, okay? Please. I've already lost my brother. I can't lose my best friend too.
Be safe. I'll keep in touch.
Sorry I took off so early yesterday. There was no time. The Council had an emergency meeting with HexCorp, and I was summoned as its representative.
Things have escalated. Zaun's Cabinet has denied extradition. They claim that Viktor's entry into Zaun was perfectly legal. What's more, they state that the Hexcore, as one of Viktor's primary inventions, is his to take wherever he chooses. They even claim that the Hexcore is a prototype and, therefore, not an official piece of HexCorp's patented technology.
I'd expected the Council to push back. Instead—and I can't believe I'm writing this—they've acquiesced.
I was speechless. 
The Council's position is that, as a scientist, Viktor has a right to his intellectual property. I argued that we'd both worked on the Hexcore as a team. Therefore, it was ours. They pointed to our original patent agreement, and the fine print that gives us equal, but not joint, ownership. They also reminded me that, as Viktor was from the Fissures, he was legally a foreigner under Piltover's laws.
I remember, during my tenure as a Councilor, pushing for months to get that stupid provision removed, and having my proposal shot down.
Now it's bit the entire city in the ass.
Cait—I'm ashamed to say it. But I lost my temper. In the middle of the meeting, I slammed my fist on the table and demanded to know why the hell they were backing down. Didn't we have the resources, and the right, to protect those who'd served us? Even if Viktor had exited under a cloud, didn't his deteriorating health and the danger the Hexcore posed justify both their retrieval?
Why, I wanted to know, weren't they summoning Silco here to account for his actions? Why weren't they threatening his administration with military force if he refused to cooperate? Didn't he owe us an explanation as to how our greatest innovator had come into contact with him?
It was Mel who answered. She explained that Silco's administration is a sovereign entity. We don't have the authority to demand an audience, nor the leverage to force his cooperation. We're not even legally bound to warn him. Zaun's Cabinet has the right to act independently of our influence. And, as for Silco's personal agenda, that is beyond the Council's purview. He's not obliged to share his secrets. It's his prerogative, not ours.
In other words, we don't have a leg to stand on.
I was so mad. So mad. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe them. It was the same shit I'd had to deal with when I'd first been nominated as Councilor. Except that time, it was the bureaucracy that was hamstringing me. This time, it's the people who I worked with. People who swore to protect our citizens. Who pledged to defend Piltover's principles.
And who are now acting like cowards, unwilling to do what's necessary.
I called them on it. In front of the entire assembly. I asked them where their courage had gone. Why they weren't fighting. Why they weren't even trying. Was this what Piltover was going to become? A society that allowed its greatest minds to be suborned? What the hell were they planning to do when the next inventor came under Silco's spell? Were they going to give up then, too?
The meeting ended shortly afterwards.
 Mel tried to catch me in the hallway, but I was having none of it. She cornered me by the stairs. She wanted to know if I'd reconsider resigning. If we could talk.
I'll admit I was tempted. I haven't seen her since our split, and it's been hard. I miss her. It'd be nice to just hold her, even for a few minutes. To feel sane again. Safe. I know we can't rekindle things. Not with her position, and mine. But a hug, a kiss, some conversation...anything would've been good.
I turned her down.
I said we had nothing to discuss. That she'd made her position clear, and it was not one I agreed with. I asked her what the point of continuing the conversation was if we couldn't agree on the most fundamental matters. If we'd end up arguing over the same things again. I didn't have time for it. My focus had to be on Viktor. On finding a way to bring him home. And if she wasn't willing to help, then we had nothing else to talk about.
She told me I was being foolish. That I'd let my emotions blind me. That my stubbornness was going to be the death of me.
I told her I was fine with that. Because the alternative would be dying inside. That I wasn't willing to let Silco's take everything from me.
Especially not Viktor. 
Cait, let's meet. Soon. We've got a lot to discuss. And I can't do this alone.
This is going to be a quick one.
The Council and Zaun's Cabinet have arranged a summit. It's slated for next week. Silco is going to attend. We'll be discussing the terms for Viktor's return, and the repatriation of the Hexcore. Mel has been working to make it happen. It's the first sign of progress. It gives me hope. And it's a chance for me to confront Silco directly.
I'm not going to rest until Viktor's back where he belongs.
I'll ask Silco about Violet. I'll corner him in private, if I have to. I'm not sure how the two of them are connected. If they are, at all. But it can't hurt. And the more I can get him talking, the more opportunities I'll have to figure out what the hell is really going on. What he wants. And why.
I'll send a follow-up letter once I've got more information.
Stay strong. And, whatever happens, please don't lose faith. Piltover needs your courage. So do I.
I'm so sorry. I need to vent. Too much has happened.
Viktor's staying in Zaun. 
So is the Hexcore.
Negotiations fell through. I don't know why. Silco showed up, and he was civil. More than that, actually. He was polite. He shook hands. He thanked the Council for reaching out, and expressed his appreciation at their willingness to compromise. He'd brought along his Deputy and a few members his Cabinet. They were well-dressed, professional. I was impressed. I was relieved. I'd come prepared to do battle, but he seemed determined to cooperate.
Then it all went to shit.
Cait, I can't explain it. But the whole thing felt... staged. Like Silco already knew how it was going to end. Like the Council had already signed off on some private deal, and were simply going through the motions. Mel opened with the usual pleasantries. She asked Silco about his health. His administration. His relationship with Zaun's citizens.
The latter question was a nod to me. A subtle signal that she was leaving the floor open for me to address him.
I did. I'd been preparing for weeks. I'd even gone over my questions with some of the other Councilors. They'd all agreed that the issue had to be addressed. If the Council was serious about building diplomatic ties, and creating a sustainable rapport with Zaun, then Silco's conduct had to be taken seriously. And he couldn't be given an inch.
He needed to be confronted.
So, as soon as the pleasantries were finished, I asked him what his plans were for the Hexcore. For the Peacekeeper Exchange Initiative. Why, if he was a man of the people, was he taking a magical relic that was potentially volatile out of our control? How was it serving his citizens, or the people who'd been entrusted to his care? How was it serving his principles?
And, most importantly, where the hell was Viktor, and what the hell was his game?
Silco smiled.
The bastard actually smiled.
Then he showed me a letter, in Viktor's handwriting, addressed to the Council. It stated that, because of his deteriorating health, he'd chosen to relocate back home. He wrote that there was only so much treatment the doctors at Piltover could provide. Eventually, he'd need more intensive care. And, as a Zaunite, he was entitled access to the physician of his choosing.
His physician was Colin Reveck.
Apparently, if Viktor's letter was to be believed, Singed had known Viktor for years. As a chemist, he had a keen understanding of the disease affecting Viktor's lungs. And he'd been working with him on an experimental treatment. That was the reason Shimmer was in Viktor's bloodstream.
It was an integral part of the therapy. Without it, he'd have died long ago.
Silco also presented records of his conversations with Viktor, during which Viktor had confessed to feeling ostracized in Piltover. To having been made to feel bypassed, not only by the Council, but by his own peers.
By me.
Sky's disappearance had hit him hard, and the strain of maintaining his career and his health had left him emotionally depleted. He'd been forced to make a choice, and he'd chosen life.
He'd chosen Zaun.
I demanded proof. I said there was no way Viktor would write a letter like that. That there was no way he'd willingly choose to work with someone like Singed. He'd always despised putting morality aside for progress. He'd never approved of using animals as test subjects. Or people. I accused Silco of lying. Of blackmailing Viktor, or worse.
Silco showed me a photo.
I'll spare you the worse details. It was Viktor, yes. Definitely him. But the man in the picture looked nothing like my friend. He was... augmented. All over. He had metal plates across his face. There are mechanical appendages in place of his hands. There's gears, and cogs, and wires, on his torso. His throat is encased in a tube, and there is an equalizer outfitted to his chest.
Even his eyes are different. They're no longer his natural color. They're yellow and black. Like hazard lights.
And they glow.
Cait, it was like something out of a nightmare. He looked—he looked like an automaton. Like a cyborg. It wasn't a person anymore. It was a machine. Something created by a mad scientist, and brought to life by evil sorcery.
The timestamp on the photo was two weeks ago. When Viktor was first reported missing. That meant that, between then and now, Viktor had undergone a terrible transformation.
He'd become something inhuman.
Cait, I've known Viktor for years. I've known him better than anyone. But right then, I didn't recognize him. Not even a little bit. And, when I looked up at Silco, I saw him watching me. Watching the horror in my face. Smiling.
Smiling like the Devil himself.
I could've hit him. I would've hit him. Right then and there. But the Councilors intervened. Their security pulled me back. Mel tried to talk me down, but I was too furious. I couldn't believe what I'd seen. I couldn't believe he'd had the nerve to show it. To shove it in our faces. I couldn't believe the Viktor he'd shown me was real.
But it was.
The photograph's been vetted. It's the real deal. So is Viktor's signature. His handwriting hasn't changed. It's been matched to several official documents. His letter, which was accompanied by a medical report from Singed, has also been examined. And, while we've been unable to corroborate its contents, the letter itself has passed a rigorous authenticity test.
Viktor is alive.
And he's staying in Zaun. Under Silco's care.
He's been provided an apartment, a generous stipend, and a state-of-the-art lab. He's been placed in charge of an expanding Hex and chem-tech research division, and given a team of assistants. He's been granted unrestricted access to Zaun's medical facilities for his treatment, and all the resources necessary to conduct his experiments.
All of which are in collaboration with Singed.
There's nothing we can do, Cait. Absolutely nothing. Silco's got him locked in a golden cage. He's using Viktor's genius to advance his agenda, and the fact that he's been augmented is proof that he's not above forcing him into compliance.
Viktor's a casualty. And we're the ones who lost him.
It's all my fault.
They've scheduled a forty-five-minute recess. We'll take a break, then resume for the next session. After that, there'll be a dinner. And more discussions. I can't. I just can't. This is all wrong. Everything. My best friend is gone. Mel and I are no longer together. And the Council. They've failed. Failed us. Failed the city. Failed Viktor.
And something tells me it's going to get a whole lot worse.
Cait, please be patient. I still need to ask Silco about Violet. And I'll do everything I can. You have my word.
The summit's over. Silco and his people have left.
 And good riddance. I never want to see his rotten face again.
Cait, the whole thing was a sham. A total sham. From beginning to end. Nothing meaningful came out of the meetings. Silco didn't answer a single question. The Council wouldn't hold him to account.  Instead, they started discussing the crisis as if it was a business merger. As if it was some kind of deal to be brokered, and a mutually beneficial arrangement to be made.
Silco had the gall to suggest a compromise.  He said that Viktor, as a Zaunite, should be allowed to continue his research on the Hexcore. In return, the Council will be permitted to oversee his future Hextech projects. Both cities will collaborate to conduct a monthly audit via a joint Oversight Committee. They'd guarantee a set number of patents, and a share of the profits, and even provide funding for further innovations.
I argued that this was unacceptable. It would give the Council no actual leverage, and would only make them complicit in Viktor's subjugation. That they'd be signing a blank check. And that, by working with Silco, we'd be condoning his crimes.
The Council said nothing. They didn't support me. They didn't even try.
Mel agreed with Silco.
I couldn't believe it. I still can't believe it, Cait. She sided with him. With him!
She said the Council had to think long-term, and that, if we wanted peace, we needed to start acting like the world leaders we claimed to be. She pointed to the economic benefits, and the opportunities the new alliance could create. She reminded everyone that Viktor was a free man, and that he was the one who'd made the decision.
As far as she was concerned, it was his right.
I was outraged. I told her this wasn't the time for political theater or corporate speak. This was a human being's life we were talking about. And Viktor wasn't free. He was a hostage. If the Council really wanted to serve their citizens, they'd stand up to Silco. They'd demand the repatriation of the Hexcore. Then they'd demand Viktor's release.
And they'd use every means possible to get him back.
Then Silco dropped a bombshell.
He said, as thanks for the Council's cooperation in facilitating Viktor's "return" to Zaun, he'd make a gesture of goodwill. He'd draft legislation to outlaw the production of Shimmer as a narcotic, and to ban its distribution for recreational purposes. And, to prove his intentions were sincere, he'd have the new law approved by a vote, and the legislation made public. Only medicinal uses, he stressed, would remain legal.
The Council, he went on to suggest, could enact a blanket embargo on Shimmer's importation. Points of entry would be monitored, and Piltover would take steps to crack down on illegal trafficking. It would send a message to Piltover's allies, that Zaun was serious about pursuing the path of legitimacy. And that its partnership with Piltover was a symbol of that intent.
I was shocked.
So was Mel. And the rest of the Council. This wasn't what anyone had been expecting. This wasn't the Silco we'd known. He was offering to put himself in our debt. To cut ties with the illegal drug trade, and to allow the Council the opportunity to enforce sanctions against bad actors.
It was a major concession.  It would effectively eliminate a key revenue stream in Silco's operation, and cripple the underworld's most valuable market.
Cait, I'll admit it.
I didn't see the trap until it was too late.
Silco doesn't need to distribute Shimmer within his city anymore. Because he's got the Hexcore. And it's capable of making breakthroughs in science and magic, beyond anything we've ever known. He's got some of the world's greatest innovators under his thumb. The only limits are their imaginations.
With the fruits of their labor—and the Council's backing—investors will flock to Zaun. Capital will pour in. The city will grow. Its economy will flourish.
No drugs needed.
I was the only one who spoke out against it. I felt like a complete jerk. But I had to state my case. I argued that the Council had to consider the risks. That we couldn't trust Silco, no matter how immaculately he dressed up his proposal. Who was to say he wouldn't take the Council's investment and put it into other ventures? What if he began funneling the investors' coin, and used it to finance bioweapons? What if he turned Zaun into an armory, right under Piltover's feet?
And, even if he did give up the drug trade, what about his human trafficking? His smuggling? The brothels, and the illegal casinos, and the underground fighting pits?
What about his ties to organized crime?
The Council dismissed my concerns.
They were eager. Eager to shake hands. Eager to sign on the dotted line. Eager to move forward.
The deal, Mel explained, would be the cornerstone of a lasting relationship between Zaun and Piltover. The Council's approval was vital. It would lend a stamp of legitimacy to Zaun's new order. And, she stated, it was the only way to avoid future conflict.
I was disgusted.
She was trying to sell the summit as a success. Like we hadn't given up a critical piece of our national defense, and put it into the hands of a foreign dictator. Like Silco hadn't blackmailed Viktor, or taken advantage of his illness, or exploited his vulnerability. Like he wasn't an abusive tyrant who ruled by fear, and murdered in cold blood.
Like he hadn't just gotten away with everything.
Cait, I can't tell you what happened. I don't have the words. I was angry. So, so angry. And disappointed. With the Council. With Mel. With myself. I couldn't stand to be there a moment longer.
So I walked out.
After the summit, I waited to catch Silco in the lobby. He was heading towards his limo. There were no security personnel. Just him and his Deputy Chancellor and a blackguard. He was smoking a cigar, and strolling like a man with all the time in the world.
I didn't say a word. I didn't hesitate. I grabbed him and pinned him against the wall.
I told him he had a choice. Either he could hand over Viktor and the Hexcore, or I'd beat the truth out of him.
The bastard smiled. He smiled at me.
Then he said, "Pet."
Someone grabbed me from behind. An arm went around my throat. A hand wrenched my elbow behind my back. I struggled, but couldn't break free. The grip was like iron.  I half-turned, expecting to see Silco's Deputy. It was the blackguard.
It was Violet.
She was in a full-on bodyguard get-up. Black suit. Black shirt. Black visor. Black boots. Her was cropped short, and she'd gained muscle. She looked lean, and hard, and strong.
Like a soldier.
She didn't say a word. She kept me in a sleeper hold, until the Deputy arrived with security. I don't know how many Councilors saw me in that position. I don't know what they must've been thinking, or what they must’ve been saying.
I was seeing stars. I was dizzy. I could barely breathe.
Then Silco said, "Drop him."
Violet obeyed.
When I came to, I was on my knees. My neck hurt. My arm hurt. My head was pounding. It was hard to focus. Then two steel-tipped boots materialized in my line of sight. I looked up, and there was Silco, staring down at me.
He was calm. Collected. Completely at ease.
"You'll have to forgive her," he said. "She's still being trained."
Cait, he knew.
He knew I'd ask him about Violet. He knew you'd placed inquiries looking for her. He knew we were concerned for her wellbeing.
So he'd had her accompany him to the summit, as a deliberate provocation.
He was taunting us both.
"I'd advise you, as a personal favor, to not try this again," he said. "If you do, you may find the outcome... less forgiving."
I told him to go fuck himself.
I think he smiled. It's hard to remember.
With a fingertip, he gestured Violet over. She came. I'll never forget that. The way she obeyed. Without hesitation. Without question. Not once did she acknowledge my presence. I still remember when I'd drop by for tea sometimes at your flat, and she'd scowl when she saw me. Or roll her eyes. Or say, "Oh, look. Pretty-Boy's here."
There was none of that. Nothing. Just total silence.
Total obedience.
Then Silco took her by the chin.
"There's a good girl," he said, and stroked her cheek.
 It made my skin crawl.
I told myself it was because of Silco. Since the Siege, I'd been looking into his past, and there's enough material in the dossiers to turn your blood to icewater. I can't imagine the psychic price of serving that monster. I can't even imagine the pressure of being a blackguard at his beck-and-call.
I told myself it was the thought of Violet at his mercy, night after night. I told myself it was because she'd lost her autonomy. That she was trapped. That she was under duress.
I told myself that's why my gut was churning.
I'm sorry, Cait.
That's not the truth.
The truth is, I wasn't scared of Silco.
I was scared of Violet.
No—I was terrified.
Cait—there was a look in her eyes. I don't know how to describe it. A coldness, almost. Like she wasn't seeing me, or the Deputy, or anyone. Only Silco. She didn't flinch when he touched her. She didn't even blink. She was completely unmoved. Like a soldier on the parade ground.
Like a weapon waiting to open fire.
The limo pulled up. Silco and his Deputy got inside. I remember Vi holding the door open for them. And I remember her turning, one last time, to look at me.
There was nothing in her face. No emotion. No recognition. No regret.
Just empty.
Then she got inside, and the door swung shut. They drove off.
I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. Cait, it's all I can think about. How different she looks. How hard she seems. And that stare. That terrifying, horrible stare.
What the hell did Silco do to her?
Cait, I'm coming to visit. We have a lot to talk about.
I have news.
Big news.
After I left your flat, I went straight home. A courier had just dropped a missive off at my place.
It was from the Wardens.
Their theory on Viktor being responsible for Sky's disappearance is crumbling. Despite their suspicions that Viktor was the last man to see her, their investigation has been unable to locate a single shred of evidence.
Viktor's laboratory is clean. No fingerprints, no signs of foul play, no indication of a struggle. Even the cameras, which the Wardens have accessed using a subpoena, showed no signs of her leaving with him. Her clothes, and belongings, were still inside the building. And her bike was still parked outside.
They're still not sure how she vanished. It's like she was swallowed up by a black hole.
As for the DNA—a secondary lab test revealed it was a mistake. Just a case of cross-contamination. They'd mistaken an old sample from a previous search in Sky's apartment. The report had gotten mixed up with Viktor's case file. The mistake had been made by an intern, who'd mislabeled a sample, and the senior investigators had simply repeated the error.
All in all, it was a complete botch-up.
The evidence is circumstantial. There's nothing that implicates Viktor.
For now, they've dropped charges.
I should be thankful. I know Viktor hasn't committed any crimes, and there's no concrete evidence of his guilt. It was a stretch to accuse him of involvement in Sky's disappearance.
But now there's a nagging doubt in the back of my mind. The timing's too convenient.  First the Council caves to Zaun, and lets Viktor remain as Silco's prisoner. Now the Wardens have decided, of their own accord, not to press charges.
It makes no sense.
Worse, my own mind's playing tricks on me. I keep replaying the night Sky was reported missing. How distraught Viktor was. How he could barely speak. Barely look at me. He was a wreck, and I believed his distress was sincere. I'd told the Wardens, time and again, that there was no way Viktor had done anything to harm Sky.
I'd vouched for him.
Now, though...now, I'm not so sure.
The thing is, we still don't have all the facts from that night. Sky was last seen exiting her office at eight o' clock. The cameras see her walking down the main corridor. Then, at nine thirty, her assistant goes in to check on her, and finds her gone. Her bike's still there. Her street clothes are still on the rack. All her possessions are still inside.
But no Sky.
Where the hell did she go?
The cameras don't show her exiting the building. Which means she must still be in there. Except there's no trace of her. None. 
Then it hit me.
The Hex-lab—mine and Viktor's workspace—had no cameras. A security camera had been installed, but Viktor had requested it be removed. He'd said, and I quote, "We are scientists. Our work necessitates a degree of privacy." It was part of our terms with the Council, and an addendum to our patent agreement. The lab would be kept off-limits, except to those involved with the project.
Viktor, Sky, and I were the only one who had the keycard.
And Viktor was the only person in the lab that night.
Caitlyn—I'm worried. It's possible I've made a terrible mistake. I've been so fixated on finding Viktor, I haven't stopped to ask myself why. Why would Viktor disappear without a word? Why would he take all his notes, abandon his post, and go into hiding? Why wouldn't he ask me for help? Or at least leave a note?
I've been thinking—what if he doesn't want to be found?
What if something bad happened between him and Sky? Something so terrible, he had no choice but to run?
Cait, please—help me figure this out.
Your friend,
I had a fight with Mel.
I'm ashamed to say it. To be honest, it's embarrassing. I've never raised my voice at her before. Or sworn at her. Or, frankly, behaved like such a prick.
Here's what happened.
After my talk with you, I went straight to her penthouse. I was in a bad place. I'd hit the bar—awful idea, I know—and then gone for a walk. It was raining. I ended up in one of the city's parks. It's near her place. I sat on a bench and tried to get my thoughts together. Everything—why Viktor could've left, why Sky might've disappeared, why  the Council were so willing to negotiate with Silco—was running through my head.
I just wanted to talk. I wanted a friend. I wanted her.
Cait—you told me how hard it's been since Violet left. How much you've been hurting. Not the everyday stuff. I know about that. But it's the other things, too. Like how you don't feel like yourself anymore. Like there's something hollow in you, that only she can fill. And nights are the worst. You miss the closeness. You miss the warmth.
And, Gods help me, the sex.
That's the part I miss the most. I can't tell you how many times I've woken up at night, dreaming about Mel, and I've had to stop myself from calling her up at four o'clock in the morning.
It's hard, Cait. Being apart. It's really hard.
I know how you feel. So you'll understand perfectly why I went to see Mel. I know we broke things off. I know it was my decision. And, no, I didn't expect us to pick up where we'd left off.
I just wanted someone to talk to.
Before I knew it, I was at her penthouse. I was soaked, and cold, and drunk. It was the middle of the night. But the doorman recognized me. He let me in, and called ahead to let her know.
She was waiting for me.
I'll never forget how she looked, Cait. She was wearing a silk robe.  One of my favorites: all white lace and gold brocade. Her hair was loose, and it smelled like hyacinths. You know, I've never told you this, but I used to comb Mel's hair before bed. I wasn't very good at it. Sometimes I'd end up pulling too hard. But she'd smile, each time, and show me the trick to gently working through the knots. She'd kiss my hands. Then she'd kiss me.
Well, I think you know.
Seeing her again. Seeing her so soft, and warm, and lovely. It took my breath away.
It took everything.
Cait, I'm not going to lie. We ended up in bed. She said she'd missed me. And, damn it, I'd missed her. So much.
So very, very much.
I can't say I don't love her. How can I not? She's smart, and gorgeous, and funny. She's passionate. She's fearless. And I admire her. She has a way of commanding a room, but also of making every single person feel heard. She makes me feel heard. When I talk to her, I feel like I can say anything. Do anything. Be anything.
I needed that. I needed her.
She felt the same.
It was beautiful. Intimate. Wonderful. Sure at first, we were both a little awkward, and clumsy, and I'd forgotten to shave the past few days. But, after a few minutes, we were like two people who'd never left each other. Two people who'd never been apart.
Two people in love.
When we finished, we held each other. Then she kissed my cheek, and whispered in my ear, "Jayce, darling... you're home."
And, Cait, it felt like it. Like I'd finally come home.
It's not until after I'd showered, and was heading back into the bedroom, that the doubts crept in. Those nagging little doubts. Things I'd pushed down. Things I didn't want to confront. Like how the Council and Silco seemed to be on the same page in advance.  Like how they were giving him carte blanche to exploit a man's genius, and use it for their own gains.
Like how Mel, out of everyone, seemed to know exactly what Silco was thinking.
Like she was expecting it.
I slipped back into bed with Mel, and I held her. Still, the questions came in my head. They came quietly, at first. Softly. Then, as the silence between us grew, they began to gain volume. Until I was sure she could hear them too.
Then I asked her the question.
"Why didn't you fight?"
At first, she pretended not to understand. So I said it again, louder.
"Why didn't you fight, Mel? Why didn't the Council?"
She turned. She was looking at me. Searching my face.
"You had a chance," I told her. "You could've fought for Viktor. You could've fought for me. Why didn't you?"
There was a long silence.
"I didn't have a choice," she said.
"It's the truth. I didn't. Jayce—you don't understand. There's more at stake than just the Hexcore. It's a small piece of a bigger issue. That issue being—how can we maintain our peace with Zaun. You have to understand. It's not only about your friend."
"Viktor. His name is Viktor."
"Viktor, yes. But we need to think of the whole picture. It's not just him. It's our trade agreements. It's our economic stability. It's our reputation as a city. As the City of Progress."
"So it's not important, what's happening to him. Because he's not a Piltovan, he's expendable."
"That's not what I'm saying. Please. Don't twist my words."
"Then what are you saying?"
"I'm saying that a single man, or his personal rights, cannot eclipse the good of a city. You've been obsessed. You've been chasing shadows, instead of addressing the real problems."
"Like the Council selling out their best innovator to a dictator."
For the first time, her eyes disconnected from mine. "He isn't a dictator."
"Isn't he? What do you call someone who murders his way to the top, and uses his power to enslave his citizens?"
"We've held discussions, Silco and I. He wants prosperity for his city. Freedom for his people. I want the same for ours. To achieve that, we must compromise on certain issues. He's no model of merciful leadership, I grant you. But he's a pragmatic man. A visionary. Someone who can bring lasting change."
"He's a monster."
"Jayce. Darling. Your anger blinds you. I know he's committed terrible crimes. And yes, we've made deals that neither of us is pleased with. But, in the end, the outcome is worth the price. Our cities will grow together. We'll create a lasting, sustainable peace."
"At the cost of my best friend'."
"Viktor chose to leave. It's his right."
"Only because he had no choice. He couldn't stay in Piltover. Not with the Wardens falsely accusing him."
"Jayce—" A shadow fell across her face. "Please. Stop. This isn't getting us anywhere. Can't you see that? If you keep on fighting, you're only going to make things worse."
"Worse for who? The Council?"
"For Viktor. And... for you."
There was something in her eyes. Something... dark. Almost desperate.
"Please, Jayce. You need to trust me. I have your best interests at heart. I've been working to protect you. You've no idea the things I've—" She cut herself off.
I asked her what she was talking about. I asked her what the hell was going on.
That's when she told me.
Cait, the Warden's investigation? Mel is the one who called it off. Not because of inconclusive evidence. Not because of the waste of resources. Not because the security camera footage was inconclusive.
She called it off, because the Wardens had irrefutable proof that Viktor had killed Sky.
It wasn't just the fact that he was the last man to see Sky alive. Or the fact that she was last seen near the corridor to the Hex-lab. 
It was the fact that, in the lab itself, they found Sky.
Or rather, her bone dust.
It was everywhere. Motes of it, on the floor. On the chairs. On the workbench. Someone had tried to clean it up, but not thoroughly. Not enough to remove the residue. And the forensics team had been able to confirm, using chemical analysis, that the samples were mixed with Viktor's DNA.
His, and no one else's.
The Wardens were set to launch an arrest warrant. Then Mel had intervened.
"It would've been a disaster," she told me. "A disaster for him. A disaster for Zaun. And for us. I had no choice, Jayce. None."
I was shocked. My brain couldn't comprehend what she was saying. It was impossible. Viktor wasn't a murderer. He couldn't be. He just couldn't.
I asked her if Silco knew.
She admitted that he did. He was the one, in fact, who'd tipped the Wardens off. Apparently, a remark Viktor had made during a conversation with his Deputy Chancellor had caught Silco's attention. He'd sent a blackguard to Viktor's lab, on the pretext of collecting leftover notes. During a search, the blackguard found traces of bone dust. He collected the sample and turned it over to the Wardens.
There were no signs of tampering. The evidence was months old.  And it was damning.
"I can't believe this." I whispered.
Mel put her arms around me. She held me tight.
"Jayce," she said. "I'm sorry. Silco and I—we decided that the best thing would be for Viktor to remain in Zaun. For the charges to be dropped. So long as he confines his work to the Fissures, he'll have complete freedom. But should he return to Piltover..."
She didn't finish.
She didn't need to.
Cait, the Council and Silco. They've conspired against Viktor. Against both of us. They're letting him remain in Zaun, so that he can continue his research on the Hexcore. But, should he return, he'll be arrested.
And I'll be forced to testify.
It was too much. The idea that my best friend could be a killer. The fact that Mel knew. That she'd been complicit. The betrayal, by the Council, who'd gone along with it all. The duplicity. The corruption.
It was just too much.
I couldn't stop myself. I lost control. I leapt out of bed. I shouted. I called her a liar. I asked her how she could do it. How she could let him stay, and put him in danger. How she could be so calculating. So cold.
So much like... Silco.
She didn't answer. She was crying. I've never seen Mel cry. Never.
And, Gods help me, I didn't care.
Cait, I stormed out of her flat. I left her there, in tears.
I can't go back. I can't forgive her. I can't forgive myself.
I'm writing you now from a bar. It's three o' clock in the morning. I can't go home. I can't bear to sleep. I can't stop thinking. About the summit. About Mel. About Viktor.
About the future.
Cait, please help.
I'm lost.
Destroy this message the minute you read it. You're being monitored.
Your apartment is being watched.
Your office, too.
I know, because so is mine.
Silco knows you're trying to make contact with Viktor. He knows I'm trying to reach out to Vi. The only reason he's permitted you to communicate with me is to bait a trap. I've gone back and deleted every missive I've written to you. Do the same. You need to watch your back. If the Wardens find out you've been trying to make contact with a suspected killer, it's not just your career.
It's your freedom.
You're a private citizen now. They won't hesitate to arrest you. And I won't be able to stop them.
Jayce, this is serious.
You're a hero. You're the face of Hextech. You've changed the world. You can't afford to throw it away. If you get caught, it'll be catastrophic.
Please. I'm begging you. You have to stop.
We can't contact each other via missive. Not until I can figure a way out of this.
Don't worry. I won't put you in danger. I've found a workaround. I've created a secure channel, which will allow us to correspond without being intercepted. I've also modified the pneumatic tubes. It will take some time, but I can rig a system, which will ensure the messages are delivered directly to your desk.
I need a favor.
Your department has access to the Warden's database. How high is your clearance? Can you get access to their records on Sky? I'd like to have a look at their files.
I'll explain when I see you.
I got in.
Here are the files.
Hurry. I don't know how long the clearance will last.
Thank you.
This is incredible. You're amazing.
I've been reading through the records. It's difficult, because a lot of stuff has been redacted. But I've managed to piece together the timeline of Sky's disappearance. It's hard to believe, but the case has been open since the day she went missing. It's bigger than the Wardens let on to the Council.
There's more here than I expected.
According to the records, the Wardens were already investigating Viktor.  He'd been placed on their Watch List, under suspicion of having ties with the Undercity's chemists. It was a flimsy pretext, and he wasn't a suspect. Just a person of interest.
They were tracking his movements, to see if he had any known associates belowground.
Then Sky was killed.
By now, I know she was killed. It's hard to watch. There's security footage, from the night she went missing. It's in black-and-white, and it's grainy. You can see Sky, exiting her office, and walking down the main hall. She's still in her lab coat, with her notes under her arm. Her hair's up, but her ponytail's slipping. She's got a smile on her face, and a spring in her step.
It's strange, Cait. But I can tell, even though she's just a shadow on the screen… she's happy.
She's going to see Viktor.
I know she's going to see Viktor, because the security cameras are tracking her movements. And they show her walking down the main hallway, past my office, and into the stairwell. From there, she goes to the third floor. The cameras lose her there. There's no coverage inside the Hex-lab.
It has no cameras, remember.
But something happens six minutes later. There's a—a fluctuation, almost. In the video. The image blurs. It's like the camera's glitching.
Except it's not the camera.
Cait, I've seen that fluctuation before.
It's a Hex-field.
I can tell because, while the image distorts, the edges of the hallway remain sharp. Which means the field's expanding outward, in a dome pattern, from a central source. The source, in question, is the Hexcore.
It's been activated.
I've checked the timeline. The hex-field is only active for a few seconds. Then it's gone.
But Sky never returns.
I've been over the footage a hundred times. And the conclusion's always the same.
Sky entered the lab. She met Viktor. Then he killed her.
Why, I can't say.  Maybe it was an accident. Maybe it was something else. The point is, her remains were never found. Only traces of her bones.
I've got to find him, Cait. I've got to talk to him.
I've got to understand what happened.
It's a trap.
You were right.
I did something stupid. I didn't think. I took a risk, and it's backfired. 
I went into Zaun. I had no formal dispensation; no notarized travel pass; no clearance from the Council. I was, effectively, trespassing on foreign soil.
I didn't care.
I was going to find Viktor. I needed answers on what had happened. I wasn't going to let him stay down there, hiding from what he'd done. I was going to make him tell the truth. Then, maybe, we could figure out how to fix this mess.
So, in the middle of the night, I armed myself with my hammer. I went down to the harbor. I was careful to avoid the usual checkpoints you'd told me about. I headed for a small, out-of-the-way pier, where the patrols were less frequent. I'd borrowed a friend's boat. It was small, and not the fastest, but it's quiet. I managed to sneak past the harbor's first buoys.
Then, I crossed the border.
 Zaun's different now.
I remember the last time I was in the Fissures to get supplies. Back before the Siege. It was rundown. It was rancid. The streets were in disrepair. The people were sullen. There was poverty and sickness, and a sense of despair.
Things have changed.
The Promenade's undergone a transformation. It's like a state-of-the-art motherboard framed in multicolored neon. They've repaired the streets, and the buildings are lit up like stars. They're clean. Pristine. Even the air smells different. Less acrid.
It's almost... pleasant.
It was late, but the shops were open. The crowds were out in full-force. They were mingling in the plazas, drinking at the bars, dancing in the squares. I passed an upscale club, and there was a line snaking all the way around the block. There were people of all classes and creeds, and they were dressed up, and celebrating.
Like it was a holiday.
I couldn't believe it. After everything that monster's done, the people of Zaun are out, and living it up, like it's the greatest carnival in the world. Like they're grateful. Grateful to have Silco in charge.
Cait, it's surreal.
It's as if, after years of fear, they're finally free. Not only free from Piltover's control—from its judgment, its oppression, its prejudice. It's like they're free in their souls. They're happy. Joyous.
But I can't shake the feeling that they're in a trance. As if, with the bright lights and poppy colors, Silco is hypnotizing them. He'd holding them in thrall, so they'll worship him, and not notice the bodies he's left in his wake.
That's how I felt, walking through the Promenade. Like I was following a parade of automatons, fueled on sensory ecstasy.
I tried talking to a few passersby, and they seemed nice. Friendly.
Some of them, too friendly.
I'm not sure how, but they knew I was a Topsider. A couple of them offered to give me directions. Others were eager to buy me drinks. A few asked if I'd like a dance.
One thing's for certain: they're much more welcoming now. Like, now that Zaun's nearabouts Piltover's equal, bygones can be bygones, and no one cares about a bit of old history.
I wasn't there to debate history, though. I was there to find Viktor.
I asked a few of the locals if they'd heard of him. It didn't seem to ring any bells, though a few said he sounded familiar. Then I mentioned he'd worked on Hex-tech, and a chorus rose up.
"Oh! The Machinist!"
That's what they call him in Zaun. They've forgotten his name. Or maybe they don't care.
What matters is that he's terraforming the urban landscape. Changing the city. Bringing the Fissures up to par. Creating a new Zaun, and building it up from ground-zero
I was shocked. He's already begun work? It's only been a few weeks.
But it's true. Apparently, Silco has put him in charge of a full-scale revitalization project. He's using the Hexcore to create new infrastructural designs. Changing the way the city is laid out, and making the Fissures over from a mud-hole into a metropolis. He has a whole team of engineers, and an entourage of blackguards. Every week, they're working on a new layer of the city.
A fresh coat of paint, if you will.
This week, they were overhauling the turbines. The next, the power grid. The one after that, the sewage system. By the time the Expo's begun, Zaun will be a chromed-up paradise.
And Silco will be lauded as its liberator.
The irony.
I was told he'd be working on the turbines this week, and to head toward the eastside. So, that's where I went.
The zone was a hive of activity. Tremors from power-drills under my feet; sparks from welding torches in the air; bodies swarming over scaffoldings. It looked like a small army had been drafted, and was working their hands to the bone. The entire sector had been cordoned off. 
The turbines stood on platforms, towering over the street. They were colossal works-in-progress: rivets the size of hubcaps, steel girders dense as concrete blocks, pistons the width of my chest. They were astonishing, Cait. The scale of them was unreal. Their alloy-shelled interiors seemed to be a combination of metallurgical compounds and Fissure-seam crystals, the two meshed together into a seamless matrix with a shimmery-green tint.
There were runes, too.
They were inscribed all over the turbines. And, judging by the way the technicians were treating them, they weren't simply decorative. They were a critical component of the new design.
I'd never seen anything like it.
I couldn't help but admire Viktor's work. He'd done all this in less than a month. Except it wasn't just him. Here and there, I saw a familiar monkey motif scrawled into the blueprints, or decorating the turbine's frame.
It was Jinx's signature.
It hit me, then, like a gut punch. Viktor hadn't done this alone. Jinx was collaborating with him. Her notes were scattered throughout the designs. This wasn't a solitary operation with a spur-of-the-moment breakthrough. This was a joint venture, between two rogue agents. One that must have been in the works for months.
Or longer.
I felt a chill go down my spine.
Silco had likely planned this—this coup—from the moment of the Peace Treaty.
And there was no telling what he had planned next.
Cait, I had to stop him. I had to find Viktor.
I asked a few technicians if they'd seen him. I was directed to the south end. I didn't have a plan. All I knew was that I had to find him. Confront him. Demand an explanation.
Then I saw him.
He stood in the middle of the mayhem, directing the crew.  At first glance, he seemed the same. Same height. Same build. Same accent. But that was a trick of the eye. Like my memory was a distorting medium, and my mind had supplanted an old image onto a new reality.
Because, when he turned, it was like he'd been replaced by someone else.
Someone I barely recognized.
He seemed taller, somehow. His movements were more fluid; his stiffness less pronounced. He didn't walk. He glided. The balls of his feet seemed to float a bare millimeter above the ground, as if the air itself was propelling him forward. And the way he carried himself, with such confident assurance—it was like his world had expanded, in the span of a few weeks, from a sickbed to a stage.
That's when I noticed his cane was different.
It wasn't the ergonomic model he'd designed for himself, as his mobility declined. This was a prong-tipped rod, polished black, with a barb at the base. Like a javelin. It was a definite case of function over form. No aesthetic appeal. No concession to comfort.
Just a weapon.
But, Cait, that's not what unnerved me the most.
That was Viktor himself.
Because he wasn't Viktor. He was some unnervingly close approximation dressed in patches of Viktor's skin, with steel seams running through the missing spots. His skull, torso and limbs are half-cybernetic. The right leg—the one that 'never behaved' as he'd sometimes put it—has been replaced with a mechanical prosthesis. It's got a titanium exoskeleton, and a carbon-fiber frame, and a hydraulic heel. The knee's a ball joint. The thigh's an articulated piston. It's like a work of art. The most horrifying work of art you could imagine.
But it's not just his leg.
His right hand—the one he'd taken to wearing a glove on—is now a four-fingered steel claw. It's hinged at the wrist, and the phalanges are articulated, and the palm's been fitted with a projectile port.
I know, because I watched him fire it.
It was a blackguard, one of the many onsite. The guy was being a dick. He was bullying some of the workers, and shouting at them, and generally harassing everyone within earshot.
Then Viktor walked up, and calmly ordered him to stand down.
The blackguard laughed.
Viktor didn't hesitate. He didn't say a word. He lifted a hand. The steel palm opened, and the projectile port spun, and the muzzle flared, and a blast of hot green light shot out, and blasted a hole straight through the guy's sleeve. It must have singed his skin, too, because the blackguard let out a howl.
Then he fell to his knees, groveling apologies.
Viktor, with terse instructions to the rest of the crew, turned, and left.
I couldn't believe it.
He'd shot at a man.
Without flinching. Without pausing to consider the consequences. Without even acknowledging the guy's pain.
He'd changed, Cait.
The Viktor I knew was gentle. He had a self-effacing slouch, an earnest smile, and an uncanny ability to see the best in people. He was always questioning, always second-guessing, always willing to learn. 
This man was nothing like that.
This man was... hard.
As if the softness had been drained from him.
Just like Violet.
As he strode off, I was able to catch strains of conversation. Cait—his voice has changed completely.  He's got an equalizer attached to his mouth, which runs on a small internal pump, and has an integrated voice modulator. It's the reason his accent's less pronounced. His tone's deeper, too. It's more authoritative. More commanding.
Less human.
The rest of his face is the same as the photograph. There are sensors on his cheeks, and his jaw is augmented with a cybernetic clamp. Then there's the eyes. The sockets are lined with a copper alloy, and the lenses are bionic. No pupils; no sclera. Just two reflective orbs with a glowing core.
Golden and black. Like looking into a pair of glowing embers.
Except they're cold.
I followed him. He wasn't going far. There was a trailer nearby, where blueprints were spread out over a makeshift table. He stepped inside. I'd expected to see Jinx. I was sure she'd be there. After all, she was collaborating with him. She'd drawn up half the diagrams, and, by the looks of things, had helped him implement them, too.
But the trailer was empty.
Viktor was alone.
Then I realized Viktor knew I was there.
"Jayce," he said, without turning around. "You are trespassing."
His voice, even through the equalizer, was the same.
Except it wasn't.
It was cold, too.
"Viktor," I said. "We need to talk."
He still didn't turn. "If the blackguards find you, they will arrest you. And, should they do so, I cannot guarantee your safety."
"I don't care."
"You should."
"I know what happened to Sky."
There was a prolonged silence punctuated by the distant sound of power tools. Then, very slowly, he turned. Our eyes met, and even though every muscle and nerve ending in my body fought it, I couldn't stop myself from flinching at the totality of his transformation.
At the eerieness of it.
"Sky," he said, at last, "is gone"
"I know.  She's dead. The Wardens found her bone-dust in your lab. You killed her."
"Jayce, you don't understand."
"Then explain it to me."
"I didn't kill her. Not in the way you think."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean? Viktor, you were the last person to see her alive. She was last seen near the Hex-lab. There are traces of her DNA mixed in with your own. What the fuck am I supposed to think?"
He said nothing. His breathing rasped like an iron file through the air. It was a strange, grating sound. His lungs, I understood, had been augmented, too. The extent of the mechanization, in such short a time-frame, couldn't be man-made.
Then I understood.
"Magic," I said.
He didn't answer.
"That's what happened, didn't it? You were using the Hexcore's magic. Not on tools. On yourself. And you didn't want anyone to know."
Still he said nothing.
"But it went wrong, didn't it? The Hexcore did something to her. She was in the lab, and something happened, and she got hurt. Badly. So badly that you had to dispose of her. And you thought, if you were careful, no one would ever find out. That you'd get away with it."
"Is that why you left? Because you were afraid of being caught? Dammit, Viktor, answer me!"
He looked at me, and the stare was preternaturally calm. But I could feel an intense heat cooking the air around him. He didn't raise his voice, or gesticulate, or make any move against me.
He kept on staring.
"Jayce," he said at last, "before I left Piltover, I was working on a theory. One involving the Hexcore. I had discovered that, with the right runic sequence, it was possible to channel its subatomic energies into living flesh. Through an organic compound as the catalyst, and the correct sequence as a stabilizer, the Hexcore's powers would no longer be tied to its physical matrix. We'd use it to augment living things. Restore damaged muscle. Heal sick tissue. Repair a faulty organ. Even..."
"Prolong life."
Dazed, I shook my head. "Viktor, that's impossible. That level of transfiguration—"
"Can be achieved. All that's necessary is for the Hexcore to sustain the right frequency, at the correct resonance. A harmonic pattern, if you will."
"We tried, remember? We tried, with plants and fungi. We couldn't even manage to make a weed grow. The results crumbled, or rotted, or—"
"—died. Yes." His breath shivered like a metal grate in a storm. "That is because the runic sequence is incomplete. To channel the Hexcore's power, a keystone rune is needed. Something to anchor the harmonics. Act as the focus. Without it—"
"Viktor, please. You're not making any sense—"
"I was trying to extend life, Jayce!"
For the first time, the flat dial tone of his voice shifted. I heard, subaudible but discernible, a quaver of grief.
"Extend life," he whispered. "Not take it."
It took a moment for the meaning to sink in. My breath came hot, nauseous. "You messed up. Didn't you?"
"You screwed up. Something went wrong. You did something to Sky. You killed her."
He gave a single jerky nod.
My guts turned over. The fear had been replaced with disgust. With anger. I couldn't stand to look at him. To see what he'd done.
What he'd become.
"Where's her body?" I demanded.
"It's gone."
"Gone? Gone where?"
He rubbed his jaw, the bones grinding side-to-side. It was old gesture. The one he'd make, whenever he was uncomfortable. Or guilty.
"It was consumed."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"Jayce, please. You must believe me. I—I did not intend for her to die. I did not even realize she was there until after—"
The glow in his bionic eyes dimmed. "The Hexcore, when it opened, created a feedback loop.  The catalyst in my blood was to be the sensor, absorbing the concentration of the energy's signals. The runes on my body were the integrating centers, the medium through which the feedback would be channelled.  But—but there was not enough of one to balance the other."
I understood. "The Shimmer. That's why it was in your bloodstream. It interacts with the Hexcore's harmonics. Instead of destabilizing the resonance, it amplifies the feedback. It's what allows you to maintain a stable connection."
"And the runes. They're not for stabilization. They're for augmentation. For transmutation."
"And Sky? Where did she fit into all this?"
 A strange darkness filmed Viktor's bionic eyes. "She was not meant to be there. I should have—should have locked the door. Should have—but no, I did not think. It was too much, the moment. The chance, too great. If it had worked—" He broke off. His head drooped, slowly, as if his neck was made of wires stretched too taut. "She was there. The Hexcore's field was activated. It took her."
"Took her."
"Blindly. As a mouth takes in food. She was trying to pull me away. She was saying my name. Viktor. Viktor. She did not understand." His cybernetic fingers flexed around his cane. "I could not stop it. Could not shut down the Hexcore. The energy—it was too strong. Too much."
"You're saying the Hexcore absorbed her?"
"Her flesh. Then her bones. Then her essence. Until nothing remained." His chest vibrated, like an engine winding down. "Nothing but dust."
A cold fist gripped my heart. I thought of the security footage. The fluctuation, and the blur. It hadn't been a camera glitch.
It had been the Hexcore.
"Viktor," I breathed. "My Gods."
His head remained bowed.
"This is why, isn't it? Why you asked me to destroy the Hexcore. You knew, then. Knew how powerful it was. How dangerous. You wanted me to shut it down."
"Destroy it," he whispered. "Yes. But that was before—"
"Before, what?"
"Sky. In her notes. She'd left me a—a message. Only, it was never intended for my eyes."  He unstuck his jaw with effort, as if his teeth were glued together. As if the words themselves were too heavy to shape. "Sky was working on a project. One I'd encouraged. Every week, she would show me her findings. I would provide suggestions, or offer assistance, as needed. She was a brilliant researcher, Jayce. And unlike myself... she never forgot her roots."
I swallowed. It was hard, around the knot in my throat. "What—what was her project?"
"Life." The word was soft, almost reverent. "Here, in Zaun. She'd designed blueprints for a Hex-filtration plant. Something to purify the water. Sewage removal. Runoff collection. All to make the streets where she—where we both—grew up, safer. A habitable home for the people who needed it most."
"And now... you're building it."
"With Silco's blood money."
He lifted his head. The contours of his expression iced over; robotic, remote. "The blood money is the Council's. Silco is only the siphon."
"Or do you not hold the Councilors complicit in the Undercity's degradation?"
"That's not—"
"Not the same?" Something in his bionic eyes crackled. It could've been anger, or amusement, or a thousand other emotions, and I wouldn't have known the difference. "Tell me, Jayce. Why are you here?"
I was taken aback. "Because—because I needed to know the truth."
"You know the truth." The last humanity dissolved out of his voice, leaving a mechanical buzz. "You wanted to hold me accountable."
"If you'd killed Sky—"
"You've killed too, Jayce."
A stone lodged in my chest. It was cold. It was hard.
It was the truth.
Cait—only you, Violet and Mel know what I did. That night, at Silco's Shimmer factory. The boy caught in the crossfire. The boy who'd died because of my recklessness.  I've lived with the memory of his face ever since. It's haunted me. Night and day. No matter how much I've tried to justify it. No matter how many good deeds I've done.
The fact is, I took a life.
And Viktor knew.
For so long, I'd kept it from him, out of shame but also fear. The fear of him judging me, as no different from the other Topsiders. The same ones who'd mistreated him as a boy; who'd buried his city under their refuse and left the people to rot. I was afraid, Cait, of him hating me. Of him realizing how little I deserved his friendship.
And now he did.
 Silco, I thought, icy splinters of rage in my gut. He knew too.
He knew—and he'd used the knowledge to turn Viktor against me.
"Viktor," I began.
"Jayce." His voice was dead as the grave. "Do not."
"Look, please, I—"
"You should not have come. Your presence will be construed as hostile. There will be consequences."
"Then let's leave. Come back with me. I can protect you. The Council, they'll—"
"Forgive me?" His lips approximated a smile. "No. That, I think, will not happen."
"You can't stay here. Not under Silco's thumb. He's using you, Viktor. Using the Hexcore. You can't trust him. Can't you see?"
"I can. You cannot."
"I cannot return to Piltover, Jayce.  My mistakes have made it impossible. I understand that." The mechanical ruthlessness returned to his voice. "You, in turn, must understand. I will not return, because of your own."
My entire axis tilted. I couldn't believe my ears. I was reeling.
"You—you don't mean that."
"I do."
"You'd really choose Silco, over Piltover?"
"I choose neither."
"But—HexCorp. Our research. Me. Us."
"I am sorry, Jayce."
And for the barest moment, the briefest heartbeat, his bionic eyes seemed wetly sheened. As if he was still human.
Then it was gone.
His cane tapped, twice.
A heartbeat later, blackguards melted from the darkest corners.
I counted four. They'd been posted all around. In the shadows.
Waiting for him to give the signal.
I knew, then, that I'd been set up.
Silco had goaded me into coming. He'd known I'd confront Viktor, and Viktor would reveal what had happened to Sky. Then the blackguards would appear, and there'd be arrest warrants. Public censure. Tarnished reputations.
All the while, Viktor would remain in Zaun, free to pursue his work.
I'd played right into his hands.
"Viktor," I said. "Please. Don't do this."
"Goodbye, Jayce." He turned. "You must not return."
"Take him."
Cait, I barely had time to react. The blackguards closed in, and my hammer was out, and the energy pulsed, and I managed to get off a shot, and send two of the men flying back, until—
A blow to the back of my skull.
The ground rose up, and slammed into my face.
The world went dark.
When I woke, I was in a holding cell. A dank, cramped space, with a barred door and a cot, and a bucket in the corner.  My head throbbed. My hammer had been confiscated. My wrists were chafed from old shackles.
But, other than that, I was unharmed.
I wasn't sure how long I was kept there. Time passed strangely, in a fog of disorientation. It felt like days, but couldn't have been more than a few hours. Finally, a guard appeared. He escorted me out. We took a lift down to an underground garage, where a limousine was waiting. He shoved me in, and I braced myself for the worst.
Maybe Silco would have me strangled. Maybe they'd put a bullet through my skull. Maybe they'd dump me in the river.
I had a dozen scenarios running through my head. None of them ended well.
None of them came close to reality.
Mel was sitting inside.
Silco had informed her, via a confidential courier, of my entry into Zaun. That I'd gone across the border, unsupervised, armed, with no clearance. That I'd trespassed, and threatened Viktor. And that, in doing so, I'd violated the terms of the Peace Treaty.
Politically, it could've been catastrophic. Months of negotiations—the careful cultivation of trust, the fragile bonds of diplomacy—all put at risk. If Silco had decided to press charges, to use the incident as leverage against Piltover, or retaliation for a perceived slight, the Council would've been hard-pressed to respond.
But he hadn't.
Mel told me, afterward, that the crisis had been resolved behind closed doors. She'd taken the ferry to Zaun, requested a private meeting, and met with Silco in his office. There, after some back-and-forth, she had convinced him to drop the charges. In exchange, the Wardens had agreed to a temporary suspension of my duties at HexCorp. It was, in effect, a forced sabbatical. One I was to spend, for three months, under house-arrest.
During that time, I was forbidden from entering Zaun.
Mel told me all this later. In that moment, sitting beside her in the car, I couldn't bring myself to speak. I was too ashamed—too overwhelmed—to say a word.
We rode in silence.
Cait—I've been such an idiot.
I've gambled high, and I've lost. And because of that, Piltover had nearly lost, too. I'd put myself before my city. Before the safety, the security, the future of our people. I thought of how I'd exploded at Mel, that night in her flat. How I'd left her there, in tears. How I'd jeopardized everything she'd worked so hard to achieve. Everything I'd fought so hard to create.
All because of my own blind, selfish, outsized ego.
All because I thought I could swoop in and save the day.
Gods, what an ass I've been.
Throughout the ride, I kept looking sidelong at Mel. She sat, straight-backed, her hands in her lap, her eyes cast forward. Her dress was pristine, her hair was coiffed, her makeup was impeccable. To the untrained eye, she looked flawless.
I knew her better.
I saw the way her hands were a white-knuckled twist. I saw the subtle quiver of her lower lip. I saw the lavender shadows under her eyes.
The guilt was suffocating.
She'd saved me. She's always saved me. And how have I repaid her? With scorn. With mistrust. With disrespect.
I wanted to fall at her feet. Beg her forgiveness. Tell her how sorry I was, and how stupid I'd been, and how wrong.
I didn't.
Instead, I sat there. Staring at my shoes.
We pulled into her driveway.
"Jayce," she said. "Go. Rest in the guestroom. I'll have the maids send up some tea."
Her tone was polite, but distant. Reserved.
I nodded. "Thanks."
I paused, halfway out of the car. "Yes?"
She turned, at last, and met my stare. Her eyes were dark, and sad, and tired.
"I'm glad you're safe," she said simply.
Cait, I couldn't say a word. I could barely breathe. I hesitated for just a second, then pulled her across and into my arms. She embraced me, and as soon as I felt her warmth, smelled her perfume, I couldn't stop myself.  The past few weeks—Viktor's departure, the truth of Sky's death, the realization that I'd nearly ruined everything—everything came rushing back.
I broke down.
I was crying, Cait. Crying in her arms. Like a child. She held me. She didn't say anything. Just held me.
I don't deserve her.
I truly don't. But having her close, and knowing she cared, was a lifeline. Since the Siege, it's like I've lost a tiny bit of my reality. My grasp on the world. Every day, it's been a little harder. Then Viktor left, and Sky died, and the pieces of my world started falling apart.
Mel is the one of the few pieces still anchoring me.
I wanted to tell her this, Cait. I wanted to tell her, how much she means to me, and how sorry I was, and how grateful. I wanted to tell her, over and over, that I didn't deserve her, and how, despite it all, I was never going to leave her side.
I didn't, though.
I kissed her.
It wasn't planned. It just... happened. I kissed her. She was still in my arms. We were still in the car. I was still crying.
Then I was kissing her.
She let me, for a little bit. Then she broke, gently, and turned her head. Putting a palm on my chest, she nudged me back.
"No, Jayce."
"You need to rest. We'll talk, later."
"Mel, I..."
"Later," she said softly.
It wasn't a request.
And so, I let her go. I walked into the penthouse, and was escorted upstairs. But, Cait—it was the loneliest walk of my life. Because I realized why, when I'd kissed her, she'd withdrawn.
Not because it was the wrong time.
Not because I was in shock.
Not because she was mad.
Cait, she's seeing someone else. I can't say how I know. Just that I can sense it. And, the worst part is, I can't blame her. After the way I've treated her—blowing hot, then cold; pushing her away, then pulling her close; accusing her of things she'd never do, then expecting her to help me when the shit hits the fan—it's no surprise she's moved on.
And how can I expect this gorgeous, sophisticated, brilliant woman, with her head screwed on straight, and her heart in the right place, and the courage to speak truth into power, to stick around?
Especially when I'm acting like a spoiled, sulky, immature, selfish asshole.
She's better off.
But not me.
I've fucked up, Cait. I've hurt people. I've hurt my friends. I've endangered Piltover. All because I've been too caught up in myself. Because I've let my pride run wild.
Because, at the end of the day, maybe I'm still just a boy meddling with things I don't understand.
I think it's time that boy grew up.
It's time he made the world a better place.
This will be my last correspondence for a little while. I'll be going upcity to my mother's place.  I've got a few projects in mind, and if I'm going to be under house-arrest, might as well put my time to good use.
Before I go, though, I want to thank you.
For your support. Your honesty. Your friendship.
For everything.
Cait, you're the best.
Your friend, always,
 To Jayce Talis, Esq.
You will oblige me to ask the following: Are you out of your fucking mind?
First, you attack the First Chancellor in plain view of half the Council. Then, you decide it would be a good idea to traipse across the border, unescorted and armed with Hex-tech, without a notarized travel pass. Then, not satisfied with having broken one law, you have the gall to threaten one of our citizens—our brightest minds—with abduction and bodily harm. Then you injure two blackguards, and thereby put yourself, and the integrity of the Peace Treaty, at risk.
Now, you have the balls to write to me—demanding an audience with the First Chancellor, once your house-arrest has expired.
Your arrogance knows no bounds.
Read carefully, sir. Because I will only say this once:
No, you will not have an audience with the First Chancellor. No, we will not divulge the address of the Machinist, Viktor. No, we will not disclose blackguard Violet's current location. And no, you will not be given leave to enter the Fissures, unsupervised and with your hammer.
That is final.
Your last letter, demanding a 'sit-down' (you have, evidently, been reading too many tabloids) is not only a grave presumption. It is also a threat against the integrity of this office. Your future letters, from here on out, will be marked as "Return to Sender." The prior ones, we've already compiled and forwarded to the Council, who have assured us will investigate.
I trust they will take the proper disciplinary actions.
Janna knows, you deserve a slap on the rear. A hard one.
Given your tenure as a former Councilor, we are prepared to show a degree of leniency. You are a prominent figure in the public eye. We recognize the emotional impact of your mentor, Dr. Heimerdinger's, passing. We also know that you have suffered the loss of Viktor's partnership, and are under intense strain in your private life. 
In light of these facts, the First Chancellor has agreed to overlook your invective. We will not press charges, and will not seek punitive action, so long as you cease any and all communication with the First Chancellor. You are also instructed to desist any further inquiries into the whereabouts of the Hexcore.
If you continue to persist in your obstinate line of inquiry, the First Chancellor will no longer be inclined to clemency. You will find yourself facing multiple felony charges, which may carry a term of imprisonment.
Consider carefully.
The Man of Tomorrow, Piltover's brightest mind, would look pretty dim in a prison jumpsuit.
Kindly refrain from further correspondence. Unless it’s in the form of an apology. A similar letter of warning has been forwarded to Enforcer Caitlyn Kiramman. In light of your close personal relationship, we request you relay the message next time you meet.
Sevika M.
The First Chancellor has also requested we share the following message:
"The boy's letters are charmingly feisty. The girl's, surpassingly eloquent. I am delighted to know that two such exceptional individuals are among our neighbors. My only regret is that they spend more time throwing rocks, and less time building bridges."
"When their aim improves, they will be welcome to visit. Until then, they are advised to keep their distance."
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ilguna · 4 months
last one!! so sorry for clogging ur inbox i hope its okay 😭 could i please request supply run with the second aisle prompts #4 #7 and #21, for clarke griffin!! preferably her helping injured reader :D (ofc doesnt have to be word for word) and! congratulations!!!!! 3k is so impressive and you totally deserve it!!! your writing is amazing! <3
☼ wanheda (Clarke Griffin) ☼
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warnings; swearing, death mention, torture mention, blood, ehh gore, kinda the beginnings of a panic attack?
wc; 2.5k
prompt; 4. "Can you walk? I'd be happy to carry you." AND 7. "You can hold my hand." AND 21. "Just look at me. Forget everything else."
notes; spoilers for end of season 2 and beginning of season 3.
“Hey, is Kane in there?” You ask Bellamy, motioning to the room at the end of the hall that he’s coming from. “I’ve been looking for him everywhere.”
“Yeah, he’s in there with Abby.” He nods, pace slowing. “Hey, a few of us are going into Sector Seven, do you want to come with?”
Your face twists, “No, I’ve got other plans. Who’re you going with?”
“Octavia, Raven, Monty, Jasper, and Miller.”
“You’ve got a full crew.” You wave your hand. “It’ll be crowded if I go. You guys be safe, though.”
“We’ll try. What are your plans?”
“Sneaking out.” You grin. “I’ll catch you later.”
You turn away, walking down the rest of the hallway. When you glance over your shoulder, you find that Bellamy is gone, moving much faster than you. You stop outside of the room, raising your fist to knock on the door to announce your presence, and then Abby speaks.
“I was dreaming we were on the Ark.” Abby pauses. “Before we sent the kids down.” She must get up, there’s a sound of feet shuffling against the floor. She sighs, “Maybe she’s in Sector Seven.”
You close your eyes, picturing the map that was drawn out to mark the territories of the different Grounders. A large portion of it belongs to Azgeda, with Sector Seven being on the bottom right, where Trikru is. It’s not entirely dangerous, but with how close it rides next to Azgeda, it’s not a place you want to be.
“We could send out another search party.” Kane suggests.
“They wouldn’t find her, not unless she’s ready to be found.” Abby says. “(Y/n)’s been trying for weeks, she’s made no progress.”
A man clearing his voice makes you jump out of your skin, head whipping to see where it’s coming from. Sergeant Miller is coming down the hallway, lips pressed together, head tilted disapprovingly.
“What are you doing?”
“I was going to talk to Kane and Abby but I just answered my own question.” You tell him, which isn’t a complete lie. 
You were seeking them out to talk about Clarke, and they managed to answer your question without ever knowing it existed. You wanted to know if they were ready to send you—or anyone else—out again. The answer seems to be no. That doesn’t matter to you, you were planning on leaving either way. You just needed to figure out if you had to sneak through the fence or walk out the front gate.
With that, you flash Sergeant Miller a smile, walking away before he can respond. You navigate your way out of the building and out into the open. Arkadia is crawling with people, especially guards. They don’t seem to be on edge today, which might help you later when you come in through the front.
You walk to your tent, which is tucked snugly off to the side, right next to the fence for easy departure. You were told by Abby that you should be staying inside of the building, sharing a room with someone, whatever. You’re no stranger to a tent, when you landed on the ground, you opted for one, for the sole reason of the fact that you don’t want to share a room.
Besides, there won’t be anyone to tell on you.
You flip the flaps open, ducking in as you enter. It’s a fairly small space, holding the essentials. There’s a cot that takes up half of the room, with a pillow, a sleeping bag, and a blanket neatly folded on top. The other side has a table that you may or may not have stolen, a chair, and a lamp. That’s where your backpack sits.
It’s already packed with the necessities, all you have to do is throw it over your shoulder and pull out the knife stuck in the table’s wood. You leave the tent, no one bats an eye in your direction, making for a quicker escape. You pass your backpack through the fence, and then carefully move through it, yourself. 
It’s usually electrified, but recently they’ve been knocking it back to preserve the energy.
You take your sweet time escaping Arkadia, not caring whether or not someone sees you, because they know better than to send someone after you. They tried that once before, you managed to lose them in the forest in less than fifteen minutes. By the time you were done and coming back, you retrieved them and brought them home.
It was funny. Well, it was funny to you. Abby and Kane weren’t very happy. You got a lecture and then made a false promise that you wouldn’t do it again. And you haven’t had to, because now people know not to follow you outside of the fence.
The moment you’re hidden in the treeline, you relax some. You set your bag onto a rock, digging through it to pull out your knife. You tuck it into your belt to keep it in range to grab. After you zip your bag up, you start in the direction where you believe you’ve caught Clarke’s tracks the most.
She’s clever, and she’s usually very clean with her area, but sometimes the dirt is squishy enough to be considered mud, and you’ll find a boot print. She’ll leave scraps of food, twine, and broken objects behind. She makes an effort to hide them in the bushes and ferns, yet you’re still able to find it.
It might have something to do with the fact that you’re actively seeking it out, therefore making it easier to find. Of course, it could belong to anybody, but there aren’t really nomads around here. There’s the Grounders, who each have their colony to stay in, and then there’s the people of the sky—your people. And you all stay inside your camp and walls.
You know you’re coming close to Clarke, there’s been a few times where you could’ve sworn you were on top of her. She moves too fast, making it difficult for you to actually nail her down. Clarke doesn’t want to be found. As much as you respect that, it would be safer if she stayed in Arkadia, or with the Commander. Being out by herself is a recipe for disaster, especially since she’s not exactly loved by everybody.
There’s a lot of controversy surrounding Bellamy and Clarke. When they pulled the lever, they killed hundreds of people inside of Mount Weather, but ended up saving just as many by ending it there. However, Jasper’s girlfriend was included in the mix, since she couldn’t bear the radiation.
This would make him crucify Clarke. Bellamy didn’t get the same treatment. If he had, then Jasper wouldn’t be agreeing to go with Bellamy to Sector Seven. Then again, at this point in time, Jasper doesn’t care much about anything. He spends most of his time drunk, with Monty taking care of him. You’d bet your favorite hair tie that he was intoxicated this afternoon.
And also, Clarke and Bellamy have handled their guilt differently. Clarke ran, she couldn’t stand to see the faces of those she loved. She didn’t like being called a hero, when she had to kill so many people. She wanted to solve it in a better way. Bellamy stayed, obviously. He’s straightened out, as far as you can tell, just a little rough when it comes to the topic.
You try not to talk about it to anyone who isn’t willing to. You avoid it, pretending like it didn’t happen, even though you were one of the many teenagers that had been ‘saved’. One of your biggest regrets is not listening to Clarke when she told you that you needed to get out with her. 
If you had, you wouldn’t have been tortured by Cage. 
You’re still having nightmares about being strapped down on the table, being stood over by them, a needle in one hand, a saw in the other. The thought, even now, makes goosebumps rise over your arms. You watched the procedure happen to three people before it was your turn.
After walking for a couple hours, you decide you can break into your water. You swing the bag off one shoulder, halfway pulling it in front of you. You unzip the largest pocket, shaking the water out of the bag to keep any miscellaneous from falling out while you do so. When you’re done, you close the top halfway, before uncapping the lid.
You press the cool metal to your lips, tilting your head back as you take another step.
A loud snap fills the quiet air, followed by a blinding pain hitting just above your ankle, pulling you down to the Earth. A scream leaves your lips as you fall to your knees. The water canister is gone, thrown several feet away from you. You watch through tear-filled eyes as the water gushes out, soaking the soil and dry pine needles.
“Fuck!” You scream through gritted teeth. “Oh, fuck!”
A wave of nausea hits you before you look at what has your foot trapped. You twist, turning to sit on your butt, allowing you to see the bear trap. Its teeth have sunken into your skin, stinting the blood flow a little. It pools in the puncture wounds, carefully drawing lines down your skin.
This is when your hands begin to shake. Uncontrollably. You reach for your bag, being careful not to jostle your leg. You rip the zippers open, digging through what’s inside, and quickly come to the realization that you didn’t bring a walkie. A habit that you started because of the Azgeda troops that patrol around this area, and their disregard for the truce.
“Oh.” You breathe. You reach for the trap, but you stop when knives begin to get stabbed in your calf, moving up to your knee. “No, no, no.”
You dip your head, clenching your jaw as you wrap your fingers around the teeth. You count down from three in your head, and on one, you try to pry the teeth open. Except, they don’t budge, all they do is move inside your skin, and send streaks of white across your vision.
The lightheadedness is no joke.
One second you’re upright, the next you’re laying on the ground, grass blades tickling your face. You blink, trying to come back to life, but your eyes roll to the back of your head, taking you out. 
The feeling of needles in your muscles jolts you up, actually awake this time. There’s a girl leaning over your ankle, her long red hair slightly matted on her shoulders. She lets out a sigh, shakes her head, and reaches for your bag.
“Hey.” Your face twists. “Get out of that.”
She stops, fingers pausing over the pocket where you keep the emergency medical supplies. How does she know where to look? She slowly turns her head, familiar blue eyes landing on you, eyebrows raising. There’s a long moment that passes between you two, as you decide whether or not you’re hallucinating.
“Clarke?” You sputter. “What are you doing out here? Why’s your hair red?”
“Hunting.” She tells you gruffly, turning her back to you once more. “This is going to hurt.”
She doesn’t leave you any time to comprehend, much less prepare, for her popping the bear trap open. The pressure relief is immediate, but so is the aching pain that hits you like a truck. You groan, holding your breath, watching your vision coat with stars.
Clarke goes back to your bag, rummaging through to pull out what you have. 
“Where have you been?” You ask. “I’ve been looking everywhere.”
“I know.” She says, voice hard. “You shouldn’t be.”
“Why not?” You shake your head. “I care about you and your wellbeing. I want to make sure that you’re safe.”
“I am.” She tells you.
She pours a small handful of alcohol onto a clean rag. When you suck in a breath to ask her another question, her hand ‘slips’, dumping it into your open wounds. You choke, reaching to grab onto anything to hold yourself steady, but you just pull out a handful of grass, instead.
“You can hold my hand.” Clarke says, a look of remorse on her face. She holds out her palm, and you find it surprisingly clean. 
The same can’t be said for her face. She’s got black coal smeared into symbols on her face, which you can’t identify. From a distance, you’d say that she’s dirty and hasn’t bathed herself. There is no smell to accommodate that assumption.
You take her hand, squeezing her fingers. She takes her time dabbing around the several wounds. You watch as the blood doesn’t stop, the way your skin moves, allowing you to see inside of your body. Every time she presses too hard, the alcohol will find its way inside of one of the bite marks.
Before you know it, you’re breathing heavily, picturing the damage this is going to do to your leg. The way you’ll have to clean it, a task you’re not up to doing. You passed out due to pain, this won’t be any different.
“(Y/n), breathe.” Clarke pauses, face twisted. “Just look at me. Forget everything else.”
“That’s hard.” You say shakily. “Because you’re cleaning out my leg.”
“I know.” She looks off to the side. “How about you ask me a few questions?”
“Are you sure?”
“You came all this way.” She murmurs. “Go ahead.”
“Why’s your hair red?” You ask.
She hesitates, “It’s blood, from my hunts. I did it to hide myself.”
“You don’t wash it?”
“I don’t want to risk being caught.” She shrugs. “You can ask me anything, and you decided to start with my hair?”
You laugh, and then wince, “Fine, when are you coming back?”
Clarke doesn’t say anything for a while, and then it extends beyond a minute. You’re afraid that you’ve ruined the conversation, so you keep quiet. She sighs, “I don’t know.”
“Have you been thinking about it, at least?”
“Yes, but it’d be better if I didn’t right now. It’s not safe.”
“Why?” Your face twists.
“Just…” She shakes her head. “Reasons, I can’t explain them to you right now.”
“Clarke, you know you can trust me.” You tell her.
“It’s not the right time.” She says back. “I’m going to bandage this for you. We shouldn’t stay out here for long, it’s going to get dark.”
She leaves no room for argument, taking her time with the sterile white bandages, breaking it off and tucking it into itself. She pulls you up and onto your feet, where you lean against a tree for support. You can’t put any weight down on your ankle without a blistering pain going through your whole leg.
“I won’t be able to make it back on my own.” You tell her.
She zips up your bag, swinging it onto her free shoulder. “I know, I’ll bring you as close to the gate as I can. Can you walk? I’d be happy to carry you.”
“I’ve got it, I just need you for support.” 
Clarke closes the gap between you two. You put a hand on her shoulder, gripping it tightly as you take each step. “Thank you, Clarke.”
“It’s no problem, (Y/n).”
this was part of my 3k celebration!!!
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