#no more bi sorry guys
sammygender · 5 months
something about john winchester mischaracterisation just needles me inexplicably. i can deal with it if a fic is good otherwise but cmon. you have to Get Him. he loves the boys and he ruins their lives like come on….. if you don’t get that he loves them then how r u even getting dean’s character considering that dean is The Same in this manner. love can be bad love doesn’t change abuse it just complicates it etc etc.
unrelatedly but also relatedly, i don’t think he’d be actually homophobic because i don’t think he has time to care. i do however think dean would be absolutely convinced he is incredibly homophobic for unknown reasons. john probably makes like an offhanded comment about something being gay once and 15 year old dean (very attracted to men. genuinely no idea whatsoever. still feels intense rush of panic at the word) decides it must mean john desperately and intensely HATES gay people and proceeds to become world’s best baby homophobe for like a year before he starts to think Maybe Sammy’s gay (sam likes to read books) and cools down on the homophobia. also his heart was never really in it. but he still thinks john is homophobic and has also decided sam’s probably gay (sam is more attracted to women than dean is) so he worries about this a lot.
then one day john says extremely casually about sam Sometimes I wonder if he’s not a little queer, you know, and dean’s heart stops and he’s like What no of course not what and john’s like If it means he doesn’t get into as much trouble with girls as you seem to, I honestly don’t mind and dean’s just like. What. but by this point it’s far too late and all fragments of homosexuality have been far buried beneath the surface by his subconscious. Also it’s important that john WOULD be kind of annoyed by dean being gay. he already thinks sam is weird and has decided to love him anyway (although i’m not sure sam got the memo about being loved anyway so the effort was useless) so it’s ok if sam is gay (privilege of being the family freak!) but dean is meant to be mini him. #picking up girls. see that journal entry. he’d get over it though.
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i will not choose violence. i will not write a thesis about how everything the fandom uses as shipping fuel is actually thinly veiled abuse. i will not write about how even without the abuse bill has never will never love ford the way they seem to think he would. i will not write about how bill's backstory is not a justification for his actions. i will not write about how we shouldn't accept everything bill says at face value (because for some reason we dont already know this). i will not write about how fod has been reduced to this ship and it is doing a disservice to his character. i will not write
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preciousbabyrat · 15 hours
maybe the real reason Dan and Phil's posture is so bad is that it's from carrying the lesbianism fandom on their backs all the time
ok I saw a bunch of people say it's dead on here rn so I'm gonna yap incoherently to throw something into the void idk. trigger warning for creepy men talk?
so speaking of the sapphic audience. I know everyone knows we don't get much love from straight people but also in my own experience queer guys have been just as bad if not worse and that makes dnp extra special to me yk? possibly too parasocial of me but that's what a phannie blog is for 🫡
like I've had a bi dude tell me he LOVES lesbians, lesbians are the coolest people, he wishes he was one lol. and I was like aw that's a rare take but queer solidarity makes sense, how nice. fast forward to getting invited to a threesome with him 472 times and getting photos of his junk mid thrust into someone. among other things uh. another safe-fellow-queer guy friend flabbergasted I didn't want to fuck him after 5 years of knowing I was a lesbian. (idk maybe I'm a magnet for actual freaks or maybe this is everyone's experience and I'm the only one still surprised. tell me in the replies lmao. but anyway)
so basically I'll see someone say lesbians are cool and it makes me wait for the other shoe to drop. and that's why sometimes being in the phannie sphere is so nicely weird? consistently blows my mind. which is funny bc Dan and Phil aren't really doing anything. just a throwaway comment here and there. but it IS consistently here and there and that's all I ever wanted in the first place personally. exposing myself as desperate for validation rn but also I don't think this is exactly a rare sentiment? in conclusion peace and love on planet earth & ily queer gang
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dorianbrightmusic · 3 months
well, crap.
y'know that thing where you rationalise all your attraction to girls for your life as 'girl crushes' and 'most people would find her pretty' and 'maybe i'm bi but does it really count', and when you've had that total 'oh my god oh my god oh my god' feeling around girls before but just kinda glossed over it, and you've never been attracted to guys much but you said you were straight when you were 16 because none of the attraction to girls counted, right, and there's a male ideal you had in your head who was gorgeous, and you can see when men are objectively hot but you've never felt the slightest twinge of 'oh my god' around them, and you really related to that one yukio mishima quote about feeling nothing when you kiss someone of the opposite binary gender, and chalked it up to 'it was just the wrong guy' or 'maybe i'm bi but it doesn't really count', and you have a crush on a coworker for 6 months and feel devastated when the hot girl in your choir has a boyfriend, and you keep trying to nudge towards a relationship with a guy and then you see a girl and OH MY GOD
how have i managed to be in denial about being a lesbian this long
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lamponellatempesta · 5 months
DAY 2: Favorite Duo
For the second prompt of the countdown (you can find the first one here) I've decided to write something for Brooklynn and Ben, better called the B-Team. They deserved more moments together in the series, and in the few moments they were together as a tag team, I loved them. Beloved criminals. The little story is located the summer before chaos theory events.
(Countdown gently created by @campbenji)
"When did you get so tall?! I see why you don't fit in your clothes anymore!" Brooklynn exclaimed at the sight of her best friend Ben. "Hey!! That’s why I asked for your help! Even if they don’t fit so tight..." Retorted Ben as a button of his pants jump off, Brooklynn look at him with arms crossed with a raised eyebrow, "Uhhh. Maybe a little." "You need new clothes. I’ll help you." "Do I have to?" retorted Ben. Brooklynn went to the boy’s desk and threw him the keys of his jeep and walked out of the room. "Jolene will be happy to take a ride, come on!" Ben could only sigh and follow the girl.
Half an hour later, they were at the mall, and Ben was dragged into a store with Brooklynn walking into trouble-solving mode and putting jeans, cargo, and T-shirts of all kinds in his arms. Question marks popped out of Ben’s head while his best friend gave him some notes on how to match the various items "Bestie...you know I’ll have forgotten everything in 5 minutes, right?" "Oh yeah, but I hope something stays in your head by osmosis." "The only things stuck in my head are: cute guys, bumpy, bacon and physics." " Well, about cute guys we share the fixed thought"
The couple of friends laughed, while Lynn pulled on a crop top and looked at Ben. The guy shook his head "I’m not wearing that thing." " Oh come on! You’d be fine!" " Do I look like the kind of guy who wears that kind of thing!? It won’t even fit me!" Ben objected again.
Brooklynn looked at him again and put the crop top in the heap of clothes to try on, and the two exchanged another gaze "No." "Oh yeah. Go to change, come on!!!" She said peremptorily pushing his best friend towards the dressing rooms.
A few minutes later Ben was inside the dressing room looking in the mirror while he was wearing cargo, which are familiar to him, dark boots, more elegant than those he wears daily, but he also liked them just as much, he had to admit, Brooklynn knew him like the back of her hand and so he was not surprised and finally the...crop top...the part of the outfit that made him feel weird. The boy looked at himself from different perspectives to understand if he liked it or not and how he felt to wear something like this: he liked the pastel red color, also the crop top was not too tight-fitting and that was another plus for his tight-fitting clothing issues and texture. He looked down and smiled when he saw the abs on which he had worked on display; those kinds of garments showed some of his scars but it was not a huge problem, indeed, it made him feel even more confident. He caught a smile on his face and scoffed, his best friend had scored for the umpteenth time, and it amused him a lot.
"Hey come out and show yourself!! I’m sure you’ll look good! Come on!!" Brooklynn exclaimed, sitting on one of the benches outside the dressing room, passively scrolling the phone and she raised her head when Ben’s shadow obscured her view and she jumped up to look at him and the effect was even better than she imagined: the colors, the combinations, the physique and especially the smile that flashed on the face of his best friend filled her heart with joy and made her point the finger in his direction with one of her cheeky smiles and saw Ben snort amused "Yes okay you won this time too, you are fantastic Bestie, you signed the victory point. You won." "What can I say? I know how to make you shiiine, you’re awesome!!"
Ben went around to give her the full view with Lynn clapping at him with Ben laughing again; it was a new type of clothes for him, but a type that did not bother him at all. The two guys spent some more time trying on clothes and different combinations, between laughter and jokes, driving the store’s salesmen crazy before leaving.
One hour later, the two were sitting at the tables of one of the bars at the mall with Brooklynn sipping a coffee milshake and Ben a chocolate milkshake; both were filled with bags, they had a real shopping and gossip session like they hadn’t done in a while; it wasn’t one of Ben’s favorite activities, this was obvious, but the opportunities to be together with Brooklynn were very few because of the investigations that the girl carried out, so he enjoyed every available moment together. He had tried to persuade her to take a break from her work, had risked herself too many times and imagined that the wheel could turn from the wrong side at any moment, but he knew that keeping the girl still was impossible and she had been adamant about her decision to continue, so he could only hope that nothing too serious would happen or slip into something that would put her life at risk. The friend’s coff brought him back to reality.
"I got you a gift, Bestie. To make up for all the times I wasn’t there and I made you worry..." "Lynn...wasn’t necessary. I’m not angry. You do what makes you feel alive, I understand..." "Yes I know... At least it’ll be like having your Superstar with you all the time, right?" And she laughed to dampen the tension that was creating and stretched out a little box and Ben looked at it and then looked back at Lynn, who nodded and smiled "Open it, come on, you are not curious?" Ben looked at the box and he turned it over again before opening it; inside there were a pair of earrings depicting the moon in one and Saturn in the other and a small smile came out looking at them.
"I know Saturn is your favorite planet, and I like the moon and the stars. When I saw them, they reminded me that night that you taught me to read the constellations so I wouldn’t think and stop my anxiety attacks...and so I thought.. that you could hold Saturn, and I could hold the moon s-"
"So we’ll always be the crime team, even when we’re apart." concluded Ben and Lynn did nothing but nod.
Brooklynn was good with words, but not when it came to talking about affection; she knew how much she had made her best friend worry over the previous years, did not know how to repay the moments she wasn't there, in which despite everything she had his continuous support although he had asked her over and over again to stop, that she was taking too many risks, that it was not worth it; perhaps Ben was right, sometimes it was not worth it, but her investigation was one of the few things that made her alive and perhaps the only thing she knew how to do perfectly in her life and Ben was one of the few, if not the only one, to have understood it. They had the same thirst for risk and lawlessness in breaking the rules; Brooklynn and Ben, Ben and Brooklynn, always together, for better or worse. " What are you waiting for then?"
Ben said, shaking his head just to show Saturn’s earring swinging from his right ear; Brooklynn giggled to hold back the tears of joy she felt in her eyes "For you to be more fabulous than ever Bestie of course." She said in an amused tone as she adjusted her moon earring to her left ear and put her hands on her face to try not to cry in the middle of a shopping mall full of people and Ben immediately got up to hug her.
"Nooo don’t cry don’t cry, I don’t want to cry too. Don't make me cry!" The boy exclaimed and then continued "What you always say? When you smell Crimes in the air " "Keep an eye open. The B-Team is near. The Crimes are coming." "Exactly! Always." The two friends smiled and exchanged a laugh without interrupting the hug. They took a picture. That moment has to be remembered.
Months later
Ben put a hand on his earring while driving his van in the silence of the night. He looked at the picture they had taken that day at the mall, hanging from the mirror hook. He squeezed the steering wheel more.
"They better keep an eye open. The B-team is near. The crime is coming. You will have your revenge, Bestie. They will pay for what they did to you. B-Team always together. I assure you of that, wherever you are."
The boy’s van darted across the deserted road. The full moon shone that night.
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kamil-a · 29 days
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coldflasher · 4 months
ngl i normally take a very dim view of migratory slash fandom cos i personally find something sad and unfulfilling about the concept of hopping from fandom to fandom instead of settling down into a long-term relationship with the same show for a decade with your rocking chair circle of tumblr mutuals obsessively going over the same 3 scenes, so generally speaking i would never be in favour of the modern internet's habit of devouring a new show or interest like a plague of locusts and then moving on, leaving a barren wasteland in its wake as they head off for the next Big Thing. but i've got to be honest, i can't wait for people to get bored of those gay firefighters from 911
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thedreadvampy · 1 year
like clockwork someone who's been openly a sex pest for decades gets named as a rapist and sexual predator and we all get to play the hit parade with such classics as:
oh my god oh my god did you know this industry full of rich people who are rewarded for exploitative and abusive behaviour...has an issue with rape and abuse??? CAN YOU BELIEVE THERE'S ABUSE IN THIS INDUSTRY???? (yeah man we know. we've known for quite a while actually. for longer than I've been alive for sure.)
oh my god I can't believe there are rapists among us (1 in 3 women have experienced rape, who do you think is doing it?)
but he seemed so nice! (not really tbh)
well I met him and he never raped me and like, I'm really hot so if he was really a rapist he would have (Jesus fuck get help)
is it really rape to fuck 16 year old girls when you're in your 30s? (yeah it is if you fucking rape them mate)
can't believe everyone knew but never said!!! (they literally did say and also hey imagine if you will what reasons there might be too not say anything, such as, say, it's not your story to tell and the victim had expressed a wish to not be at the centre of a whole shitstorm)
Real Victims wouldn't go to journalists they'd go to the cops!!! (hey guys I have some upsetting news about the experience of reporting rape to the cops)
This is a conspiracy to make this irrelevant celebrity look bad! (please touch grass)
it's all just a bit of fun innit (no)
and every time we all over again have to go to this place where rape is simultaneously a significant threat and common experience (agreed) but also everyone who's ever talked about being raped is lying, and nobody's ever done a rape even if there's 20 years of documented evidence and on camera confessions and also their whole public persona is 'cheeky sex pest' (fucking. what?)
and then that guy hopefully gets cancelled and people feel a bit more guilty about watching him. and then they'll go HOORAY THE EVIL IS DEFEATED WE HAVE GOT RID OF THAT GUY THAT DID THE RAPES. OUR WORK HERE IS DONE. COMEDY/FILM/MUSIC/TV IS FREE OF PREDATORS NOW
and then 6.5 seconds later allegations will come out about someone else and we will start the whole thing again from scratch OH MY GOD CAN YOU BELIEVE THERE'S ABUSE IN THIS INDUSTRY???
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skunkes · 7 months
Al is big fave guy to see, I go wow he’s just like me, sorr 4 being a lebsain
i love feelings of this nature surrounding al, thank u
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allthebestcowgirls · 10 months
god my coworker is cool but they like constantly try to one up everything i say. i forget what exactly we were talking about but i mentioned how my family is irish and mexican and there's lots of alcoholism/ addiction. and they were like "yeah my dad's addiction is scary. he loves smoking and adds mint essential oil bc they don't sell menthols" or whatever and like um. well my dad's addiction killed him so
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luvbug724 · 8 months
36 days.
i think we as a fandom don't talk about dan and renee enough aftg hitlist anon. i understand that renison and mattdan (?) prevail but we need to look at the sheer potential in that one short story about dan's recruitment alone. the sports rivalry turned hatred. dan only getting recruited because wymack came to watch renee. the strip club. having to unite in the face of misogynists. do you see the vision. do u see the vision aftg hitlist anon.
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bonestrouslingbones · 7 months
girl help im writing an extra secrety secret thing and it may involve writing from the perspective of someone who has maybe the little beginnings of a crush on fluff and i am having so much trouble because i need to show that in a written physical description and i genuinely cannot think of a single thing about fluff that somebody would find physically attractive
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erisolkat · 3 months
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blueautumngrave · 6 months
I’ve fallen victim to the bisexual girl stereotype. I got a golden retriever, autistic, gamer boyfriend.
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ramblingsfromthytruly · 4 months
me in class when i should be concentrating on physics (fundamental quantities): what if i'm not gay but bi????????
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lostryu · 1 year
Are you really digging up posts on things as inconsequential as bi lesbians? Let people live 👏👏
sorry not sorry, but people who think lesbians can be into cis/trans men and people who think cis/trans men can be lesbians are actually a genuine danger to lesbians! I’m sorry but conversion therapy rhetoric is not welcome in the community, and if you support it, get the fuck out of here.
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