#no like I totally get it tho if you’re not interested in a character that’s literally not in the game
People who don’t give a shit about Miquella are braver than any us marine rn.
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plleeeepppyyyy · 1 year
Hi hi hi!!! If you're still doing requests, could you perhaps do Wally Darling and a reader that's always sleepy?
ofc ofc!!! very cute request! (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃
(also mind u,, this was not the first request i gotten,, i jus got this one finished quicker (メ﹏メ) )
wally + sleepy reader!!
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•every time wally walks around you or sees you, he always sees you sleeping or on the verge of passing out. he finds it pretty amusing, don’t get him wrong he’s pretty worried about you sleeping almost every day. he’s definitely curious.
•he asks some of his friends first if they know why exactly it is why you do this, but they just assure him, “oh y/n is always sleepy!” that answer wasn’t good enough for him tho,,
•he finds you in the weirdest spots sleeping too, like this one time where you were just,,, laying on the ground while holding a plant. he watched you for a bit and just shook you up, he def walked you home as you were back on the verge of sleep.
•another time, you were gone for the WHOLE day, everyone was looking for you, poor julie was sobbing as if she lost her kid just already putting up posters of you,, but nope, howdy found you sleeping in one of the cabinets in his shop. how did you even get there?? you got a scolding for sure, how was that even comfy?
•wally took the opportunity to ask you a question, you were just laying your head on a table, again (for what seemed to be the millionth time) on the verge of hitting the hay. he asked you why exactly were you tired 24/7? he didn’t understand! it was just a silly concept to him, sleeping all of the time. even if he tried, he could never sleep with the house on his mind.
•you just simply replied, “why not?” wally hummed in fascination and watched you for the rest of the time you were about to sleep. but you were a bit talkative that day, so whatever came on your mind you talked about it to wally.
•after that wally admired how much you just didn’t care for much, you were just in your own little world.
•he DEFINITELY wanted to paint you too, you had no problem letting him. he just told you to sleep, definitely wasn’t an issue for you.
•he woke you up for,, maybe about a hour or two? and showed you an absolute masterpiece, you just sleeping. you loved it, and put it up on your wall. he still kept sketching and drawing you from time to time, i mean you were just still, a simple person to draw for sure!
•he also makes sure you don’t end up anywhere to crazy to sleep, its like he keeps tabs on you. its like if you were just walking somewhere, he just tugs on your hand and is like, “no, this way, silly!” he’s like a guide, making sure you don’t end up back into the river situation,,
•he totally wouldn’t mind if you laid your head on his shoulder; or anywhere on him honestly. he wouldn’t bat an eye if you leaned on him and just hit snooze. wally will continue talking to whoever, still making sure you’re fine. he’d rather have this than you accidentally sleeping on the roof or somewhere dangerous.
•wally finds himself giggling at the silliest things you do or say. like; why are you talking about hippos all of sudden? weren’t you just asleep?
•if he wants some quiet time to himself but not be completely alone. he def goes to you, maybe it’s because you’re sleepy but you’re just calm half of the time too. he also likes to ask you for suggestions on what to paint or draw next, you just mumble out the most random of things. you’re like a spinning wheel! to him at least,,
•you for sure were an interesting character in his book, so goofy. a good friend to despite you sleeping daily.
romantic ver, ( ˘ ³˘)
•wally just adores you,, like why you so sleepy?? he finds it cute, you’re like a sleepy kitten 24/7. for some reason it makes him giggle to himself.
•definitely watches you 24/7, he doesn’t wanna let you go or leave you be. like before, he’s your guide to not falling in a brook. hell, he’ll even carry you around if you’re that tired. the neighbors look at you both and go, “oh look there goes wally and y/n!” as he just carries you around. :]
•theres always quiet moments between you two, you’re probably just snoring on his bed as he sketches,, well probably you. he always has some sort of art for you, pottery, paintings, whatever he can do, he did it for you.
•he’s also noticed how despite you being sleepy, you always try to make sure you talk to him. you’re just on the verge of sleeping yet again as you talk to him about this type of frog you saw early ago. wally really notices the little things. <3
•he gets all gushy and happy whenever you lean on him as a pillow or something. literally he just wants to grab you and just run away. but he keeps it in as he wraps his arm around you. even so, you can still notice the adoration in his eyes. a whole ass gentleman too, he WILL never move when ur sleeping on him. he shushes some people to, likee shhhh my boo is sleeping.
•to be honest, wally sleeps not so often, he definitely does more now that you help him. but whenever he just can’t close his eyes or anything, he watches you. and how peaceful you are, and he gets confused. how can you sleep so much? waking up to wally staring at you with those big old eyes is both scary yet endearing. you ask him what’s going on with him and hes just like, “you’re so peaceful, can’t help but keep this sight of you all to myself.” wit those big eyes,,
(≧◡≦) ♡
•ack,, okay so he for sure def whispers to you or something whenever you’re tired. he just perks his head to you and just whispers ever so softly, as if you’re already sleeping. even when you’re dead asleep he’ll whisper some stuff. if you’re lucky enough, you’ll probably hear him.
•SPEAKING of whispering and such, he def sings you asleep. as if it was hard enough for you to do so,, but still, legit you LOVE it when he sings to you. his voice is soo soft and listening to it is just, hhhhh, makes you malfunction at times.
•he still finds you at random places too, he quickly picks you up and just wakes you up. he’s all like, “oh, what are you doin here :)?” while ur kinda like ,, “hh”
•to him, you’re just admirable. even if ur sleeping in a not so fancy fashion, he admires how you sleep, even if you wake up all jus cruddy, he’s still looking at you with his big lovey dovey eyes.
•if you have any trouble trying to stay awake he helps you def, tries to at least. if you drink caffeine to help you out with it, he’s all for it. but makes sure you don’t over step it, can’t have his lover too hyper! he also tries to have you have a normal sleep schedule (if you want ofc) but if it doesn’t work than it’s perfectly fine,, you guys will find smth to help you out. ♡︎
•calls you snooze bug, literally he’s so corny at times but its cute . <3
•it’s just when it comes to you he’s so gentle wit you,, its very endearing to watch between you both.
•overall he loves you sm,, his sleepy little person. he’s patient with you all of the time, your sleepiness is part of the charm for him. wally wanted an excuse to carry you around anyway. ❤︎︎
okay this was rlly fun to do!! im prolly gonna do all of ur guys’ requests based on finishing it earlier than others if thats fine,, (٥⁀▽⁀ )
i also wanna thank all of you guys for giving me a LOTTA notes and positive feedback!! im glad ur all enjoying reading these as much i love making these,, 🫶
literally all of ur guys’ requests are so damn cute , can’t wait to have em all finished and have you guys read them!! (eventually)
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cozage · 1 year
Helloooo! First things first, I gotta say, I LOVE your writing! Anything you post I eat it up, even if the characters aren't my cup of tea you somehow make me a complete simp. Congratulations on your absolutely AMAZING work <3
Okok onto the real ask, tho! I was thinking gender neutral reader, with Sanji and Zoro? (Maybe Usopp if it tickles your fancy :)) Reader is like, very badass at first glance kicks ass easily and does it looking very cool. Leather jacket, maybe some cool tattoos and piercings, stuff like that.
But when they start getting to know them better they're like... A total dork??? A complete nerd??? They like roleplaying games like DnD, they know a bunch of animal and science facts for absolute no reason other then "it's fun to know about stuff :D" (also, fun fact, did you know there's a species of penguin that is like- 12 inches tall?? And they're blue???? They're called fairy penguins and I LOVE THEM-)
It could be a short fic or headcannons, whatever works best for you <3 thanks for reading this! And writing! Have a wonderful day!
A/N: Eeeeek this was so cute and soft to think about!! As a fellow d&d nerd and just nerd in general this was really cute to write (I however, am not an intimidating badass, but I admire those who can pull it off)
Characters: gn reader x Sanji, Zoro, Usopp
Total word count: 700
Intimidating Nerd
He finds your intimidating nature so hot. SOOOOO hot.
He’s always fawning over you and desperate to give you attention. You hardly pay him any mind, but that just fuels him even more. 
Sanji discovers pretty quickly that you’re not as intimidating as you appear (because he’s literally always watching you), but at first he doesn’t let on.
He does learn all about the topic you’re totally obsessed with, and uses that to win you over. 
Not the type to call you out or gloat that he knows, he just drops random hints about it at first. Little facts, and when he sees you perk up he knows he hit the jackpot.
After a few mentions of it, you finally cave, and just totally info dump on him while he’s baking. 
He just stirs the batter and hums along, only half understanding all of the things you say (he only learned enough to impress you) while you get louder and louder from excitement. 
But your excitement doesn’t phase him, in fact it makes him giddy. He’s thrilled to see such a vulnerable and different side of you that not many get to see. 
Zoro is concerned at first that you’re all talk, but once you prove yourself in battle, he becomes pretty impressed with you. 
Impressed becomes adoration, due to the look you have and the flirtatious words exchanged between you all. 
He hears you occasionally speak about your special interest(s), and on island days he can usually find you in one of those weird stores he usually tries to avoid. 
After you leave one, he sneaks in and asks the guy what you were in there for. He explains that he’s a crewmate of yours and is trying to find you something nice, but has no idea where to start. 
He ends up picking out a cool piece of jewelry that has some hint towards whatever you love. That kind of merch that still looks cool, but fans know where it’s from. 
Luckily, the guy is super helpful, and even explains a little bit about the backstory of the item he picked out (all of which goes right over Zoro’s head).
He leaves it on your bed in the bunkhouse. He doesn’t really know what to say or how else to give it, and when you see it, you know it's from him immediately. He’s the only one who knows that you like that thing, and you instantly put it on. 
When he sees you again, he compliments the jewelry, to which you smirk and roll your eyes. “Thanks,” you say. “Some nerd got it for me.”
He is so scared of you. Literally tenses when you walk in the room at first.
Yeah, you’re hot. But you could also definitely kill him in 5 seconds with your pinky. He’s seen you do it to stronger enemies in less time. 
He doesn’t even try that boasting thing with you. He tried it once and you just raised an eyebrow at him. He got so flustered that he immediately shut up. 
And then he brings up an old game he used to play, an old TV show he used to watch, an old comic book he used to read. And your entire demeanor changes. 
At first he thought you were making fun of him or trying to scare him, but he can see real enthusiasm about it in you. And you like…know your stuff. 
Suddenly you all are BEST. FRIENDS. You’re inseparable. You teach Luffy and anyone else who will listen about the lore. Most of it goes over Luffy’s head, but Robin, Franky, and even Sanji get a hold of the concept and become slightly interested. 
Every time you stop at an island, the two of you saunter off together trying to find new merch or new updates about it. 
Usopp loves having you around because he knows that you will always protect him and you can fight enough for two in battle, and you’re cool enough to always keep a conversation going with him.
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mailjeevasfan · 1 year
hii! Can you do death note cast with a fem s/o who is very pretty, nice and rich pls? Like those pretty girls with Dior and Channel
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-death note x fem!reader
-light, l lawliet, misa amane, mello, matt, near, matsuda
dn characters with a sweet gf who loves designers ❦
-he’d probably look good with a gf like this
-light is eager to make his public image look good, and having a presentable and wealthy girlfriend is definitely going to help with that.
-it feels strange to say but bro has a stressful life lmao so you being super sweet and nice all the time is going to be good for him. even if he doesn’t appreciate it on the outside very often, he really does.
l lawliet
-i don’t think he would care too much for designer clothes and stuff like that. i mean, have you seen him
-however he appreciates that it is important to you. he knows that it’s the kind of thing you’re interested in, and slowly begins to compliment you when you have a new top or expensive perfume on etc (i’d like to believe you do this to get him to notice). i can also see him buying you gifts he knows you’d like, the crazy ass skyscraper he built proves he has the money (i’m still confused about that. aizawa had the realest perspective)
-i also think he’d find your personality cute. as much as he’d like to believe he’s great at staying on track with his work, even with you around, he can’t resist how sweet you are sometimes.
misa amane
-would LOOOVE this!! she’d absolutely adore having a gf who appreciates high end fashion the way she does.
-even if your styles differ at times, you still both have a great eye for this sort of thing. you love to borrow each others clothes and go shopping together and stuff.
-i think misa with another very nice and wealthy girl would go down well tbh. you both being so sweet would work well and you’d be very close, especially due to your common interests.
-he’s a pretty stylish guy let’s be real. even if he doesn’t get it the way you do, with the specific designers you like, he still appreciates your love for that kind of thing.
-he’d never say it, but he finds your style very cute. i think he’d also buy you gifts that you’d really like. if he saw you in something he bought for you, he’d be so so happy
-your personality contrasts his well. he learns that he needs to be less aggressive and crazy all the time LMAO. in return, he teaches you to be more blunt sometimes. he totally teases you for being kinda preppy and for ur niceness from time to time. IN AN ENDEARING WAY THO
-kind of similar to l, except he can understand the want to be more fashionable. i mean he has drip bffr
-but seriously he gets it, but probably isn’t all that interested. he likes to see you happy when you’re in your favourite clothes, it makes him happy to see it. he probably doesn’t care about wealthiness, he just loves you because of who you are
-however, like mello, he also probably teases you for being kind of preppy and also being super sweet and nice.
-this sounds so weird and stupid but i feel like near would appreciate the craftsmanship and detail orientation of the clothing? LMAO IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN he’s obviously not interested in fashion one bit but that’s kind of his way of trying to understand your love for it. it’s just how his brain sees it
-he would also buy you new clothes and stuff because it’s an easier way for him to show affection
-he really likes your personality too. he’s a pretty cold guy most of the time so you manage to warm him up a little ig
-aw i think he’d be so cute. i think matsuda is another person who genuinely gets your love of expensive clothes and materialistic things. he strikes me as a guy who would love love love to own a very expensive watch (you buy him one for his birthday. he cries)
-he’s the sweetest man alive so he’s probably the best match for a person like this on the list imo
-you guys are the cutest little couple. misa especially would find you guys absolutely adorable
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mypimpademia · 10 months
So idk if you write for Kiri, but you know how kirishima is kinda like a total boys boy? Like a gym bro, kinda hyper masc? Well do you think you can write him with a hyper fem/hello kitty kinda girl? Like he always thought that he would be with kinda a gym girl, or someone more his speed with that kind of stuff, but instead he falls in love with a girl who always is wearing pink and something hello kitty themed? And how once he tells the bakugo buddy bunch about his crush on her they totally bully him for it (lovingly ofc)
Or maybe denki? I love both the silly boys bc iykwim they jus so adorable!
Like denki has a type, and [insert reader name] did not meet the standards of that, but little sparky boy did not think he would fall in love with her so quicky, especially because she's jus so feminine, and not necessarily that it's bad, he is just so confused on why they feel the need to dress like that. He's not opposed to trying new things or matching outfits tho.....
— Contrast
Kirishima x Hyperfem! Fem!Reader
TW: Swearing
⇶ Eijiro himself was confused when he developed feelings for you
⇶ He would never tell you this now, or probably ever, but you were nothing like the type of girl he imagined himself with
⇶ He always thought he’d date a girl that was similar to him interest wise, athletic, very fitness focused, into stuff like protein shakes
⇶ Not to say that it was bad that you weren’t like that, but it just wasn’t expected
⇶ Even the Bakusquad was perplexed when he revealed that he had a crush on you
“No fucking way.”
Eijiro waved off Denki’s response, slumping into the sofa with a sigh.
“Hey, don’t be an asshole! What’s wrong with Y/n? She’s cool and pretty!” Mina defended, shoving Denki by his shoulder.
He groaned dramatically, jokingly rubbing his arm in the spot she made contact with.
“I don’t mean it like that,” he explained. “She’s just the complete opposite of what Eiji always said he was lookin’ for in a girl.”
“No fuckin’ kidding, have you seen the girls room? It’s like she set off a pink paint bomb in there,” Bakugo chimed in.
“I like it!” Mina exclaimed.
“Yeah, I wonder why,” Bakugo muttered, earning a pillow to the face from Mina in response.
“I dunno, I kinda like it. It’s cute, and it’s actually a really nice contrast to me and my usual type,” Eijiro said.
“Yeah, you guys would look good together,” Denki, urged. “Honestly, I was gonna go for her, but I’ll let you have her!”
Eijiro rolled his eyes at the cocky remark from his friend.
“Let him? It’s that Denki for ‘I couldn’t pull her if I tried?’ Or?” Mina teased.
“Hey, what happened to ‘don’t be an asshole,’?”
⇶ When you do eventually get together, Eijiro comes to love your hyperfeminine all pink aesthetic
⇶ At first, the constant stares of all your stuffed animals would scare him when he slept over, and he had more nightmares of them attacking him than he’d like to admit
⇶ But now, your room is his favorite place to sleep, especially after a good workout and shower
⇶ Loves seeing you all dolled up whenever you go out anywhere
⇶ Sending him daily fit pics is a REQUIREMENT.
⇶ Calls you his doll all the time because that’s what you remind him of when you’re all dressed up in some frilly outfit and covered in pink from head to toe
⇶ Doesn’t understand the obsession with Sanrio and Hello Kitty and why you incorporate it into all your outfits, but he loves guessing the names of whatever character(s) you have on your clothes that day and gets so happy when he guesses right
⇶ And even though he doesn’t understand, he still buys you anything Sanrio that he sees in the store because he knows you’ll like it
⇶ If you make him watch Hello Kitty and Friends with you though, Eijiro will quickly learn to love it and know all the characters names by heart
⇶ Gets you both sleep masks of your favorite characters as well as matching pajamas
⇶ Eijiro might just love your cutesy aesthetic more than you, even though it’s not exactly what he gravitates towards for himself
⇶ Although you weren’t necessarily the type of person he expected to fall for, he could never imagine himself with anyone else <3
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sugawarassoulmate · 2 years
okok im back with incel!kenma
whats even worse is if you really can’t tell if you’re a guy or a girl, the type of person that gives gender envy. if you have longer hair he just assumes your like him and can’t be bothered to cut it.
also ik this isn’t one of your hcs for kuro but nerd/loser!kuro x mean!goth!gf but maybe you’re not mean to him but everyone else, people even look at him the wrong way and you have them absolutely terrified. and during your face chats with him you never have your makeup or you daily clothes on. normally just bare faced and in something of kuros. surpising how he didn’t pick up kuros old nekoma jersey
number one: maybe kuro posts a picture of you on his story possibly at your pc playing with incel!kenma. or it could be one of the spicy mirror pictures you made him post because why the hell is the dumb bitch from class feeling up on your man for. maybe you even rant to kenma about this dumb bitch who can’t keep her hands to herself, and why the fuck is she touching a taken man. (okay i think incel!kenma is misogynistic but not homophobic because why the fuck would anyone want to deal with some needy whore constantly.) but that rant solidifies the thought that you are infact a guy maybe not one who hates women on the same level as he does but a man nonetheless. but once kuro posted that picture he figured it out and was disgusted.
number 2: kuro is at your house studying, so to keep your boredom at bay you hop online with kenma, it’s about two hours in when he hears a knock shuffling in the back ground followed by the sound of someone falling onto your bed when he asked about it your response is casual “oh its just my boyfriend.” and he doesn’t pick at it anymore. but then the mic catches a familiar voice in the background. “pretty girl when are you gonna be done, i want to take a nap with you” you give a hum in response to his question. “alright bro gotta leave after this round, so we have to win don’t wanna lose the last match of the day.” obviously you land up losing because kenma can’t get his pretty little head around the fact that he couldn’t tell you were some fucking bitch, you never told him either so that makes you a fucking liar (even tho he didn’t ask). when the game disconnects he’s seething.
number three: this is the worst option really kuro begs him to come hang out with him at his girlfriend, he swears up and down that she’s not the type of woman he’d hate. promises that they have a lot of the same interests. maybe he sends a picture of you cosplaying as one of his favorite characters but that just lowers his opinion, in the photo he can’t even tell its you though. so he’s even more confused when he meets you guys at the arcade. he cautiously calls you by your in game name and you respond with a smile and respond with your irl name. he’s genuinely not sure how to react. not just bc you’re the person he’s been gaming with for almost a year, but with your thick ass platforms you’re just as talk as kuro if not taller. you literally look down at him, can he even talk shit about a bitch like you with out getting his as beat.
anyway this drug out for way longer than intended. but yeah incel!kenma making assumptions and being totally wrong. how funny would it be if he had a crush on kuros gf
bestie.....my beloved......all of the options just sound so amazing to me omg *kisses u*
the absolute torture incel!kenma has to go through upon finding out that 1) his favorite gaming buddy is a disgusting female, 2) she's dating his best friend and somehow he never knew, and 3) she's so fucking hot that kenma can't stop picturing her face every time he rubs one out.
and you just won't let him live you're so fucking mean to him that kenma can't even get a word in when you're roasting him. the only thing that reels you in is kuroo's soft, pleading voice asking you to be nice.
kenma's embarrassed that his friend has become such a simp but fuck if he didn't wish he was on the receiving end of your sweet words.
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melliiaahh · 1 year
blue lock boys as your boyfriend<3
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Word count 1.7k
Featuring: Bachira Meguru, Kunigami Rensuke, Chigiri Hyoma, Isagi Yoichi, Nagi Seishiro, Reo Mikage 
Genre: fluff!
Warning: I do curse a bit I'm sorry!
Notes: This is my first hc! Sorry if it isn’t great! Will get better with time <3 this is mainly just for my blue lock brain rot<3333 if i spelled anything wrong its cause I'm on 3 hours of sleep rn currently dying
if you like my stuff here is my masterlist for more!
All characters are aged up! //Not proofread!
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Isagi Yoichi 
Puppy dog vibes 10003812747482%
Like will actually follow you around like a lost dog any where you go, whether it be in the house or out in public. Just holding your hand and following you till he gets the attention he wants from you<3
at first he will totally be so shy and cautious during the beginning of the relationship when it comes to physical touching or something as simple as calling you by a pet name. 
When he finds something that even remotely reminds him of you he will get it for you ( plush toys , flowers, cute key rings, you name it)
Once he gets comfortable enough  he would call you nicknames like darling or babe 
Gets all flustered and red when someone from his team mentions you to tease him 
His love language is words of affirmation 100000% saying stuff like “ I love you so much darling” “ you look absolutely stunning my love”
Would notice the smallest things like your face expressions when you like something and he makes sure that he gets you that thing so he can see you smile more<333
Would definitely wear matching outfits with you and do whatever you want, MATCHING BRACELETS, taking silly pictures, get cheesy promise rings and lets you put makeup or face mask on him. He will do anything as long as you’re happy<3
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . • . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : –⋅ ˚̣- : 
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Bachira Meguru 
A MENACE. But you love it tho 
Constantly touching you in some way,  whether it be holding hands while walking in public, having his arm around you while sitting at a restaurant, giving you back hugs when you’re at the store ( unless when he’s hyper like a child and forgets you’re not one of his friends that can hold his weight or at least give you any warning so he just straight jumps onto your back and you both fall -_-)
Calls you prince/ss or love
He would definitely do things and tease you just to see you flustered or grumpy cause he finds it too cute. 
WILL SHOW YOU OFF TO ANYONE THAT WOULD LISTEN. “ Hey Isagi look at y/n! Aren’t they the cutest!” “ wait Kunigami look y/n made this for me isnt it  so cute!” Everyone just wants him to shut up and focus on the game because he definitely has missed a few times to get the ball because he is too busy looking for you in the crowd 
He would be the type of guy to have your pinky fingers intertwined when walking somewhere and its so cute omg 
His love language is quality time and physical touch so whenever he has a chance outside of soccer he will always go to you no matter where he is <3
He will also take you anywhere for a date, aquarium, zoo, the park, literally anywhere he does not care as long as he gets to spend time with you.
Would be the type of person to bang on your door at 2am just to go to McDonalds or to get cuddles  HAHAH
Will take special interests in the things you enjoy just to spend more time with you because he is baby<3333
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . • . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : –⋅ ˚̣- :
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Hyoma Chigiri 
Your camera roll is filled with pictures of this man because he is BEAUTIFUL (he would be the same with you)
Would always like to take you out and spoil you<3 dinners, shopping sprees, movies, picnics, parks. You name it he will take you there and plan it all himself. 
Have matching jumpers and posts about it everywhere cause he’s down bad for you<3
Chigiri would be more private about his love life so I don’t think the other blue lock boys would know too much about you other than what you look like and your name.
Would 100% wear a ring or bracelet with your initial on it
His nickname to you would be ‘dear’ 
Would mostly like to spend time with you at home where you can cuddle and play with his GORGEOUS HAIR
His love language would be gift giving. He isn’t around all the time due to soccer so he gets you gifts that remind you of him whilst he is gone and would get flowers sent to your house periodically just so he can send you a sweet note with it to make sure you know that he only has eyes for you<3
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Rensuke Kunigami 
Soft bear type of vibe when its just with you but to others he’s the strong hero type
He may be tall and muscular but he’s just a big softy on the inside so he would always be protective of you and be soft towards you if that makes sense
Strong protective hero type on the field/out in public  but big soft baby when he’s with you<3
His love language would be a mix of physical touch and words of affirmation. He always has you on his lap whilst on the couch and gently draws lines on your back or on your hand when you’re out in public.
His nickname to you would be ‘love’, ‘prince/ss’  or ‘pretty’
I feel like he’d have a polaroid picture of you in his wallet or phone case<333
He would show you off to the other blue lock members. Not in the way that Bachira does lmao but in subtle ways “ oh yeah y/n made it for me” or “ my lock screen and Home Screen is just of y/n, of course!”. He’s super proud of you and would gladly show you off since he’s comfortable in the relationship that he isn’t scared of any guy trying to take you. If any guy did he would just wrap his arm around your waist and smugly grin at the other guy till he got the message and walked off. Both you and Kunigami would laugh about it later at dinner. 
Has a hero complex in the relationship tbh, but in a cute way. He would protect you from anything and everything as long as you stood by him<3
The scary boyfriend x cute soft girlfriend vibeHAHAHAHAH  
I believe kunigami is a great cook so he would cook for you any time he can 
Like I said, PROTECTIVE. Would get furious and any sort of negative comment towards you. Mans would throw hands if you’d let him
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Reo Mikage 
We all know he spoils you rotten with his money ( or his dads money )
He loves to spoil you with expensive dates and gifts on random occasions since he never has time because of soccer and Nagi so he does the absolute most when he has free time to remind you that his heart is all yours <3
His love language of course is gift giving but also spending time together. He has some abandonment issues after Nagi LOL so he always wants you by his side to make sure you’re not gonna suddenly leave 
His nickname for you would be ‘my girl’,  and ‘ my treasure’ sorry nagi HAHAH
He would get you a necklace with his name or jersey number on it and would be so ecstatic every time you wear it. Makes him feel like you’re proud 
AGAIN another person who would show you off to his team mates. “ this is y/n, MY girl. so keep your hands and eyes to yourselves boys” type of vibe 
Jealousy can go off two ways. Would throw hands or would just rub it in to the other guy that he is your man and not him . 
When he’s not playing soccer he would take you and Nagi out for food or for adventures like the zoo or go shopping since you and Nagi are the two closest people he has <3
Since you’re dating Reo you obviously have to get Nagi as well. Two for one package deal type of thing since they are always together
Very touchy touchy man, would always be holding your hand, hand on your thigh, arm around your shoulders or waist. He always has to be touching you, not in a sexual way off but it keeps him calm and happy when he can feel that you’re close to him<3
Nagi would be a HEAVY third wheel but he wouldn’t care because you being around means Reo is bothering him less and he likes that LMAO
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Seishiro Nagi 
Lazy boy obviously just wants to cuddle and nap with you 24/7
He would pretty much do anything for you with the right amount of coaxing out of bed lmao 
You could have matching pjs and hoodies cause its not like he would leave the house so he couldn’t get embarrassed LOL
His love language would be physical touch. Always cuddling you in bed or holding you hand. If it’s way too hot to cuddle he would hold your pinky with his or have your legs tangled with each others<3
Matching bracelets for sure
Movie/gaming dates at home is a must 
He would fall asleep with his head on your lap <3 
He would try to teach you how to play his favourite game but it would end up with him just cuddling you and falling asleep while you try to beat the one level for 30 minutes lmao
Other than soccer he has never put in so much effort into something until he met you<3
He plans dates to go to gaming cafes or cat cafes which is so cute he has probably fallen asleep and been late to a few dates tho HAHAHHA
Nagi wouldn’t of mentioned anything about you to his blue lock friends cause all the questions about you and relationship questions would be too much of a hassle for him so when they found out it was probably through Reo who mentions you casually and everyone being confused as to who you were till Reo explained 
Nagi would never get jealous but he would get annoyed at others for trying cause he knows that you love him<3 SECURE MAN
Like with Reo, if you date one you get the other so another two for one !
In public, he likes to have his arm around your shoulder and his head on top of yours cause the man is fucking titan-like. But make sure he doesn’t fall asleep because the both of you will come crashing down 
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ryuichirou · 15 days
But also some news!
First of all, I wanted to remind you that my pricelist will be updated by the end of the week, so please feel free to message me if you want to take a slot to commission me with my current prices!
Second of all, we got our twitter account back! We ended up deleting that one post that twitter didn’t like (yes, the one that doesn’t have anything explicit or any nudity on it), which obviously sucks, but at least now we can jump back to posting more or less regularly.
And now that this situation is over, I can say about the thing that honestly tickled me: the last person who wrote a callout post on me right before our acc got locked (=the person who very likely caused the massreporting in the first place) got accused of grooming a 13 y.o. and had their account terminated the very next day. What a great illustration of how the fandom climate works, right? Hilarious.
Alright, replies replies. Some about Fellow and Gidel, some about Rook, Idia, a little bit of Lilia and some miscellaneous asks.
Anonymous asked:
wait, Fellow is it a good idea for Gidel to write?? Isn't he illiterate?? (I might be wrong on the writing part, but I'm pretty sure Gidel is said to be unable to speak because he didn't get an education :(, r.i.p to the poor boy)
But look at it, Anon! He clearly writes, and like a typical doctor as well! A highly educated man!
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(Yeah, Gidel doesn’t know how to write lol I am not sure if Fellow is super literate either… just like the characters they are inspired by lol)
Anonymous asked:
I want to bite Idia’s thighs but I also want to nibble Lilia’s legs courtesy of your pic of him in those delicious Playful Land tights 😩
(this is about a sketch from ko-fi)
They really are nibbleable… nibbable… one would want to nib on them. And Lilia knows that :(
Thank you <3
irregardlessly-tish asked:
Since you started posting Fellow art I said to myself "I guess I'm watching that event now so I can look at the art and think yeah, he would totally get gang banged by them" lol
Tish! You’re great as always lol I hope you enjoy it as much as we did.
Fellow is so breedable it’s insane. I can’t help it.
unofficialwheatdog asked:
I'm gonna snatch Fellow away from everyone
Like that my husband, he fluffiness mine and mine alone
Mwah mwah to Fellow I wove him and the way you draw him
he's too good for them but ruined enough for me(lol me in my possessive era)
Omg real possessive era lol I get it, he really is fluffy to the point of leaving one speechless. But please understand, these boys can’t hold back at all… :( Be kinder them, they can’t help it!
I’m glad you love how I draw him <3
Anonymous asked:
Curious, u do non con/ rape art?
Pls tag if yes, I wanna see
I do, but I also don’t remember any recent noncon piece to tag anything lol I am definitely not opposed to it, and a lot of our nsfw pieces have at least dub-con vibes. I guess that one general!Lilia/Idia piece comes to mind first! And octopus!Azul/Idia that I drew for the same zine…
Maybe it would be easier to look through my pixiv logs; all the nsfw pieces are usually closer to the end of the log.
Anonymous asked:
You know I never had interest in drawing nsfw, I started a fanart blog with the intent of just making cute/cool sfw pieces maybe some ship stuff. However I am sick and tired of watching the twst fandom affect the mental health of my friends. And I know at least one of my ships will be threatened even if they just hold hands.
So here’s my plan: if I start receiving hate I will make an announcement: if I reach a particular milestone of hate I will learn to draw nsfw. I will make them kiss harder. Harass me and I will become worse.
Fr tho I want to be the brave idiot in the hope that others won’t feel alone.
Sorry for the late reply! Anon, you are already brave lol I like your plan. Become worse to spite them! And to support everyone who is harassed. And to have fun of course.
I wish you and your friends and anyone else didn’t have to worry about being harassed because of your ships. So please, take care of yourself, but also? Fuck them; draw and post whatever you want to make yourself and your friends happier and enjoy the fandom experience that you and your friends create.
Anonymous asked:
"something's missing..." might be your shirt rook, idk tho 🤔
(this is about this drawing)
Oh no, he forgot his shirt again. And no one at Savanaclaw is brave enough to tell him.
Anonymous asked:
 I remember that Savannaclaw Rook only cut his hair with a knife, soooo, yeah. How do you think first year Rook would respond to first year Idia and vice versa?
Honestly it looks like it lol He and Lilia have something in common…
We love first year Rook with first year Idia so much, Anon, you have no idea! And Rook/Idia in general, this is one of the things that I really want to draw properly at least once. For now we only have sketches…
But to answer your question! I like to think that Rook was very intrigued by Idia right away; of course Idia isn’t a beastman, but he is not only super bright and shiny-looking (unusual! Interesting!), but also is a very rare pokemon to see. It’s very easy to picture Rook getting excited and charmed by him, maybe he even had a period of a little obsession~ But of course none of this is in any way returned by Idia; to him being suddenly surrounded by so many loud and annoying people his age is already stressful enough, but Rook is somehow worse than all of them combined. He hates everyone from Savanaclaw, but they’re usually just rude jerks, but Rook? If only he was a rude jerk…
Anonymous asked:
Chen’ya, are you flashing people on purpose? What are you gonna do if someone likes it?
(related to this post)
Knowing Che’nya, he’ll probably disappear lol Never let them guess your next move. They liked it? Too bad. They didn’t like it? Oh too bad… >:3
Sometimes he is in a flirty mood though~
Anonymous asked:
I’m surprised Lilia doesn’t also spank Idia to punish him
He really should, and his spanks wouldn’t be as murderous as Azul’s! Idia is going to receive punishment AND survive!
I can picture Lilia stopping mid-spank with the realisation though: oh right, this isn’t his kid, this is Idia…
Anonymous asked:
(tw: self-harm)
this might be a bit dark but i’m curious: do you think idia self-harms? every now and then, i see ppl draw him with SH scars. i’ve never been able to decide if it feels like him or not. punishing himself, hating himself, wanting to control this one aspect of his life bc he can’t control anything else sound like idia, but also, being too resigned, lazy, or phobic of pain also sound like idia… little nutjob he is 😒 thoughts?
This is such a good question, Anon. It’s honestly still kind of easy to imagine him doing that. He punishes himself constantly, and while I don’t think this is necessarily about control, this absolutely could be about wanting to make himself feel even worse or to distract himself from the other kind of deep pain he’s feeling. Since we’re talking about a character here, as an artist I can also add that seeing him this way could be aesthetically pleasing, there are some very good artworks with this theme.
That being said, we usually tend to think that Idia wouldn’t do that. I agree that Idia being phobic of pain sounds very like him, but also? He is very detached from the physical side of things in general, I think. He would rather torment himself mentally.
Another reason for Idia and selfharm not really working in our heads is that I don’t think Ortho would let him. He is very sensitive to changes in his health condition after all.
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lovesick-feelings · 2 years
can you pls write hcs for yan withered foxy? istg hes so underrated;-;;
Your right dear reader! It's strange how unpopular Withered Foxy is compared to his variants. Well, that is if you remove all the fan-made comics with Withered Foxy as a protagonist (っ´ω`c) Either way, I think it's because a ton of people see the original characters to be the same as the withered but broken and traumatized ⊙︿⊙ I personally see them as different entities tho. Anyways thank you for requesting lovely reader!! \(♡´౪<♡)/
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❤ Years of loneliness and neglect have left Withered Foxy in total disarray. He can’t remember the last time he left the dark, dusty service room. He could always roam around, but what’s the point when there is nothing out there for him? Normally, he’d recline and reminisce about his short time on stage, but lately, it's been harder with how restless he has grown. That is until he hears two employees talking beyond the door. Something about a new guard being hired? 
❤ Like every other Foxy, he appears reserved. Your first couple of nights will be him stalking you from the shadows of the hall. As he observes, he likes to fill in the gaps about what you could be like. You smile at a drawing a kid has made of him. Do you have a soft spot for children? Or maybe you're a fan of his? Either way, the more he watches it fills his head with delusions. Ones where maybe… you were meant to be his.
❤ Only when given an opportunity will Withered Foxy start talking to you. He’ll inquire about you; ask you who you are, why you chose this job, and such. Oh, how sweet you are to him. So patient even though you were alarmed by his presence. You’re so amusing to him; perhaps he should look after you more. After all, there are things worse than him in this pizzeria. He’ll make it his duty to visit you every single night.
This man has two sides to him: 
❤ Very weary. He doesn't feel the motivation to do anything besides seeing you. He’ll shuffle his way to your office and talk about anything on his mind. Even if you don’t talk back, the thought of you listening to his ramblings about the good ol’ days comforts him greatly. If you're interested, he’ll even recite his classic pirate stories. He's very hesitant when he realises he's talked for too long, regardless of how much you assure him that you enjoy listening to him. He’s mindful of his off-putting appearance, so unless given permission, he won't come any closer. To show him you are not afraid, you can reach out to him. Beware as this can unlock some unwanted clinginess. 
❤ The other is frantic. Impulse drives him to become more animalistic. When the only thing pledging his mind is you, what else do you expect from him? Instead of his casual greeting, he hides in the dark, ranting about you belonging to him only. Before you can process, he's already launched himself onto you. He grips you with every ounce of strength to make sure you don't leave him again. He holds you tightly until you bruise, and if that doesn't stop you from struggling, he’ll mark you instead. The last thing on his mind is the agony you feel. Only to be with you, no matter the cost. What's worse is the way he “compliments'' and patronizes your helplessness. He goes on about how beautiful the color red is on you. How, if this were anyone else, you would have been killed in seconds. Of course, he could never because he loves you~. The Flashlight is your only hope of getting you out of this madness.
❤ Once he resets, it takes a second for panic to set in. The poor fox does anything he can to make up for whatever he’s done. He doesn't know what he's supposed to bring, so he's breaking the first aid cabinet and rushing everything he finds to you. With all the overwhelming emotions you give him, he can’t control his mood shifts. He doesn’t want to wound you; yet, he doesn't want to leave your side either.  
“You know yur ol’ Foxy adore ye too much to hurt his treasure~” 🥰
“This is your fifth time biting me” 😐
❤ Withered foxy is both possessive and jealous. The mere thought of you seeing someone else sends him into panic mode. Anyone he deems to be getting too close he’ll maul into pieces. Even his withered friends are not safe from his scowls whenever they get too buddy-buddy. He wasn't the first animatronic to greet you, but you gave him your heart when you welcomed him with that beautiful smile of yours. To him, that’s the equivalent of marriage. 
❤ The only other animatronics he trusts to leave you with is Balloon Boy and JJ. Withered Foxy resents the Toys with a passion. Despite this, he still has a soft spot for BB, as he cannot bring himself to hate children, and they make a good team. Same for JJ except he empathizes with her being left behind. They sometimes follow Withered Foxy whether he wants them to or not. On rare occasions, he leaves BB or JJ in charge of watching you when he’s away. If you're good with children you could use this opportunity to your advantage. 
❤ His paranoia always gets the best of him. He’s the type to have a dream about you cheating on him and get angry at you for it. Heaven forbid he finds someone showing any type of romantic gesture too. He will gut them until they are nothing but mush in front of you. He won’t beg or talk you into staying. He’s dragging you into the parts and service to trap you in a suit. If he doesn't, regardless, you’ll still be stuck in the parts and service room. Resisting or begging won’t help much with him thinking you don't know any better. Maybe you would've been better off being killed in a suit.
“If there be one thing a pirate never shares between his crew it be his treasure! And you, me jewel, shall be with me forever~ ”
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bxriles · 9 months
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I said this months ago and I’ll say it again.
JJK 236 spoilers below.
I knew he would die. Between the Geto parallels, and the whole narrative of Gojo wanting his students to surpass him and make a better jujutsu world or whatever, and Gege’s straight up hatred of the character, and the juxtaposition of a super uplifting scene (him winning) with an impending black moment—I get it. I knew he would die. The signs were all there.
But just like I said a few months ago, I think this is boring.
The whole manga hypes up how strong Gojo is and talks about how his birth literally changed the world. Then this hyped up character gets sealed for like 100+ chapters. Then he gets out, is still hyped up, fights, and then… dies.
Like I’m a lil bored? Or maybe I’m just not being hit with a heavy emotional punch from this?
I mean, what the actual hell is the point of having a character THAT important/powerful just to off them? I know he’s just beaten an unbeatable enemy but idk. I feel like I’m missing an important emotional moment. (Which is entirely possible because these are just leaks and I haven’t read the full chapter)
For example, Gojo never has an emotional struggle with fighting Sukuna despite him wearing Megumi’s body. There doesn’t seem to be a moment of the mentor passing the torch to the student the way there was one with Nanami and Yuji. Jesus, he doesn’t even get to confront the monster who is in Geto’s body one final time.
I stand by my original idea. Instead of just killing him for the sake of getting rid of him, why not do something more meaningful? Why not take his eyes? Take away the only thing that makes Satoru Gojo special and make him be just like everybody else. Make him live in a world where he is essentially nobody, where he’s unimportant. Make him grapple with that.
And if you’re going to kill him then why not make it more interesting and have him completely fail? Why not make him fail so spectacularly that in his dying breath he realizes that being the strongest meant nothing because he couldn’t protect his students or anyone else he cared about?
I just hate seeing such interesting characters wasted like that. Of course, I’m sure there are people who will disagree SO HARD with me that I’ll get pissed off DMs about it. But that’s how I feel. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Or maybe I’m totally wrong and when I read the full chapter I’ll be blown away by the emotional payoff (assuming it isn’t just through a fucking flashback). Maybe I’ll read the full chapter and love the death.
I fucking doubt it tho lmao.
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theartloca · 7 months
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Commissions are open! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Here’s a little disclaimer about this commish season: Since art commissions are currently my primary source of income, I decided to keep them open ad infinitum~  However, here are some things you should keep in mind:
I will be working on more than one commission at a time so I might take some more time finishing each one of them. I thank you all for your patience in advance 💗.
I’ll continue working with slots but there won’t be a limited number. You may send me an ask/message if you’re interested and I’ll let you know your number as soon as I can.
I’ll still keep you updated via email about the process of your commission everytime I get the chance :)
As always, I’ll be using Paypal and U.S. banks Zelle transfer as payment methods. The payment will continue to be upfront (it means that I won’t start working in your request until I receive the correspondent ammount), however, you don't have to send me any money until I'm ready to start working on your commission, just to make sure I don't hold your money unnecessarily.
I'm already working on some commissions requested by my patrons so I might take a little time to answer your messages/asks/emails.
Remember that if you are a $5 tier patron you get a 15% discount on every comission type! you can join my Patreon here! 
Things I will draw: Animals (pets and others, including fictional creatures), original characters, fanart, light NSFW (nudity, erotism and suggestive scenes are totally fine), light gore, fantasy characters.
I won’t draw: Very explicit NSFW (I’m talking of explicit seggs scenes), very complex mechanical things or weapons (this can be discussed tho), furries (I’m flexible but as long as there are no dingdongs showing it should be fine), real life people/cartoons. Lastly, If you can’t commission me or join my Patreon for any reason but you still want to support my profession as an artist, likes, shares, reblogs and comments are free and always help a lot! Thanks to all of you who help me reach new people ♡ (˵ ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°˵)ノ⌒♡*:・。.
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carigm · 1 year
Today Millie had a fan panel in which she answered that her ideal ending would be Mike and El getting married and Will being happy and confessing to Mike (lol) and ofc the Stranger Things fandom kicked up the old Byler vs Mlvn war once again, regardless of the fact she doesn’t write the show. But I want to break down some points here about things I’ve been noticing today, but also for a while and that I think need to be discussed. Keep reading if you want.
I’ve seen a lot of hostility towards Byler and Bylers on Twitter lately, saying we’re delusional and don’t know what we’re talking about. This always seems to be the go to argument even tho it’s all in the narrative. Today it got really bad after Millie’s comments and even people that were merely disagreeing with her opinions got called everything from delusional to misogynistic.
IF the Duffers suddenly decided to ignore everything they’ve carefully crafted and put into their narrative that doesn’t make anyone delusional, it just makes them terrible writers. Who would be doing a great disservice to all three characters involved in the love triangle.
There’s been an insurgence (on Twitter) of so called “Will stans” who seem to be completely fine with the idea of mlvn being endgame because “Will can just get another boyfriend” Not only is this insulting to what the writers have already established for Will’s character but it’s also a defense and endorsement of the worst kind of lazy/bad writing that could graze our screens.
The Duffers CHOSE to tie Will’s character arc to Mike’s and El’s.
How do you expect them to undo that and create a well fleshed out character that’s deserving of Will, in 8 episodes that we know are not just gonna be dedicated to Will’s supposed love interest, because there’s a shit ton of stuff to resolve?
If this was the route the Duffers were going for, they could’ve clearly given Will a love interest last season (like with Robin) or two seasons ago (like with Dustin) And yet somehow, people think it would be totally okay for Will to get the most meaningless romance of all time as the writers ignore the same story they’ve created.
Another point I’ve been seeing a lot from these people is “Mike won’t come out. Let it go. He’s just a very unlikable character” What does that say about the quality of the writing and content you’re willing to consume then? You’re okay with characters being poorly written? And please someone explain to me how Mike’s actions, especially in S4, make any sense unless he likes Will.
The more people try to simplify this story the more plot holes and inconsistencies it creates.
The funny thing is that a lot of these “Will stans” used to be Bylers themselves but are so deathly afraid it won’t be endgame that they’ve started to use the same rhetoric mlvns use every day to justify what would be atrocious writing.
And this next thing might be controversial but I think it needs to be said.
So many people on Twitter have hit those who disagree with Millie’s opinion today with “y’all are misinterpreting Millie’s words” and let me tell you, no one has. She’s been saying the same stuff for forever and quite frankly she’s never had a coherent thought about Will. Which is fine, at the end of the day that’s not the character she plays. However, I haven’t forgotten how last year (at another panel) she was asked about Byler and said it was just a reflection of Finn and Noah’s friendship and that was what people were seeing…
Whatever the fuck that means, I guess.
Again, I’m not taking her answer today too seriously cause truth be told she’s been saying some version of this since she was around twelve, and has even at times said she was joking about it. If a wedding were actually happening she wouldn’t be able to say it cause I’d literally be a spoiler, even if she doesn’t have the scripts yet or doesn’t know I’m sure there’s things that would be off limits for any actor to say at this point.
But this defense squad that formed today begging for us to not misconstrue her words because “she really cares about Will’s character” is laughable.
Her answers regarding the topic of the love triangle have been anything but nuanced. If she doesn’t want to get into it or address it, that’s fine. It’s her choice.
But of course, mlvn stans are gonna take her answers seriously, as well as those who are now “Will stans” who basically ship mlvn too.
And to me there’s a fundamental flaw regarding the ship wars in this fandom, which these people don’t seem to grasp. At this point, it isn’t so much about “which ship is better” but “which outcome isn’t violently homophobic”
That’s it.
I don’t care how much you ship mlvn, this is the undisputed truth here.
But when your lead actors act like it’s not a big deal, it’s no surprise the fandom doesn’t give a shit.
I can only hope the Duffers were smart enough to see reason and were able to write the only outcome that won’t set television back around 10 years or so.
And hopefully one day, when S5 is out, we can get a more in depth and honest conversation with the actors about all of this.
As for me, I’m gonna lay low and not give much of a fuck until we start getting those Reddit leaks, which were very much accurate for last season. I’ll take a peak at those, and depending on what they look like, I’ll stay around or dip completely.
If you read all of this, thank you.
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munsonology · 1 year
sav maybe its cause I'm like super horny tonight but:
Perv!BestFriend!Eddie. He can't help thinkkng of you as slightly more innocent then him. Of course it isnt that you don't do anything (or maybe you haven't), but you stay at home more often than not whilst Eddie goes out to the bar to play with the band. Eddie would go to high school parties dealing, whilst you would much rather go see a movie or stay home reading a book. He suspects you haven't done much but isnt sure, which is why he always brings up his escapades.
He has mentioned things he's done with girls (and maybe a few guys) and you haven't really mentioned much. He likes to watch you fidget and squirm, clenching your thighs together subconsciously. The way he can tell you are flustered without blushing, makes his heart skip a beat. But you're best friends!! It's okay!! To tell each other!! And hey!! You're best friends!! Let's talk about kinks!! Totally fine!!
So one day you come in to his room, sit on HIS bed, and are like "okay so we are best friends right?" Which he scoffs and rolls his eyes at, DUH of course you are! No one else would willingly hang out with "the freak". You go on to mention how you went on a date- his brain stops. You never mentioned a date. Now he's flustered and interrupting every two seconds "uh best friends don't keep secrets what the fuck". "Well I wasnt sure if it would work out, so I didnt want to mention it". Eddie may be a little pissed but you distract him by saying "I need a favor." "Sorry sweets, can't go on the run for murder again". You roll his eyes and grab his hand, staring deep into his eyes as you say," yeah no, don't need that, but Kyle said I was a terrible kisser snd I want to be better so can you please teach me how to kiss?"
Which is the last thing Eddie expects but of course he will teach you how to kiss!! Only best friends get that honor right?! And hey, let's teach you how to give a hickey too! And maybe once you start grinding on him subconsciously, he'll help teach you how to make a guy feel real good with his mouth
(not that you had any intention for this to turn out such a way I mean cmon its not like you've had a crush on the guy and had gotten off to the thought of him before)
OH MY GOD!!! Bestie your mind has me 🤯 one of my fav types of fics is the character teaching reader sexual things. There’s a fic on a03 I never saved and it was the first Eddie fic i ever read last summer and like the talent on this app, it was a MASTERPIECE! I can’t remember who wrote it tho 😭
The chipotle people hooked my bowl all the way up and now I got the itis so apologies if this is all over the place 😭
I feel like since season 4 came out everyone on this app has synced and we’re all horny at the same time 😭 i can’t be the only one who noticed
But back to you! I love pervy bff Eddie too! I think he assumes you aren’t interested in sex because he doesn’t see you with anyone or talk about sex as openly as he does. And it could be because no one is Eddie and it wouldn’t be the same with anyone else. So you focus on other things like school, your hobbies, etc
But when you go out on a date with Kyle (I giggled at this because there’s always a Kyle at school that does the most questionable shit 😭 was it just my schools??) Eddie loses his shit at the lunch table. He had to hear it in the hallway outside mrs. O’Donnell’s class so he couldn’t pay attention the entire class.
And suddenly you’re bringing this Kyle around the party. So he starts bringing his conquests around too. And even tells you in full detail how he fucked some girl in the alley behind the hideout or how he got a bj from the hot plumber fixing his neighbor Janice’s sink. It goes on for weeks like this, he watches how your thighs clench when he describes having a jerk off with Chase from the basketball team in the showers after gym and how Mandy from history class squirted all over the van seats (you did question why the floor was a little damp…). Each story is more than the next and eddie drops his pretzels on purpose just to pick them up (super weird for him because you’ve never known him to clean up anything at home!) and under the table what does he see? Sweet little you grinding your pussy and squeezing your thighs on the bench of the cafeteria bench. He notices the tremble when you cum too 😭
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But it isn’t until you ask him for help with that peabrain Kyle that he takes the opportunity to show you the ropes of sex. And not just fucking! He shows you how to kiss so good any guy would get hard from just that, and how brushes of the arm can ignite a fire. And it evolves to Eddie showing you how to give bjs and handjobs, and he fingers you, eats your sweet cunt (he’s saving your ass for a later time). It goes like this for months until finally you confess that Kyle ended things after 2 dates. You did all this to be closer to Eddie. And Eddie confesses he was showing you how he likes to be pleased, not other guys and especially not Kyle.
You wanna fuck him now! But he wants to take his time with you. Light candles around your room, scatter roses on the bed, worship your body how it deserves because you’re the goddess of his dreams! And you were right under his nose the entire time.
He’s super sweet when you finally have sex too. Guiding you through your orgasm, holding his until you’ve cum at least three times, cuddling. But in the moments after you ask “teddy can you show me what you like and not what you think I like?”
And this opens the door to every kink that’s ever run through his mind! He eases you into everything but he can’t wait to show you how he really uses those handcuffs! But over time he realizes you’re s freak too 😭 and now y’all can be freaky and nasty together!!!!
Which is what we all want right 😌 at least for meeeee 😭 lol
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sea-buns · 2 months
not really, but I suppose that’s just a difference of opinion. I do think that gorgug’s nightmare sequence was one of the weakest, especially with how it shifted topics (being dead, small spaces, not being able to escape a stereotype, because if any of these had been expanded on that would’ve been great), but I do think a lot of gorgug’s character revolves around feeling in-between, or too much one thing and not another and trying to close that gap. The best one for me was deffo the sphinx tho, I interpreted it as not *just* about him being dumb, but rather like. You’re big and dumb and strong and your main job is getting angry and hitting shit with an axe. You went to a community of gnomes and they gave you a better axe, and you loved it. You are uniquely dumb, unlike those who have come before you, because you cannot solve a specific kind of puzzle while a sphinx talks at you. You are the reason your parents cut contact, and from the beginning you were unsuited for their home. Your extended family predicted that you would grow to know only rage, and here you are, a barbarian. You, from this perspective, are not proving them wrong.
I do think that that whole sequence does reveal that he’s afraid of like. Being that stereotype? And then going yeah sure I’m stupid eat me, then moving forward and clawing your way into understanding anyways
Ahhh I see. Yeah I think I did misunderstand your first ask a bit lol
I did really love a lot of the topics his sequence brought up. Like I've read some incredibly well-written fanfics that covered the ways that claustrophobia, and imposter syndrome, and being dead have affected him. But like you said, if they had just honed in on at least one, rather than hopping back and forth, it could have done so much for that section. Cuz, personally, I don't feel like we saw Gorgug be significantly affected by any of those. At least not in a way that felt complete and satisfying.
I really like what you said about his character being "in-between". I totally agree. Kinda circles back to how his parents trying to help him calm his rage was actually stifling him.
Your family needs you to calm down; you've broken another bedchairdoorappliance. Your teacher wants you to rage; he says anger is good but you don't understand. You sing to try and calm yourself, you're always trying to be kind to others; they only use it to hurt you more and all you can do is get angry back. Your friends need you to rage. You don't have the power to protect them socially, but this you can do. You try not to rage outside of a fight, but.... they don't seem to be that bothered when you do. In fact, you watch them provoke physical confrontation when they're mad on many occasions.
(Oops dipped a biiiit into the pot of how important friendship is to his character. Did not mean to lol it's just one of my fav things about him so it's kinda subconscious I guess)
But yeah! He's also in such a limbo this season as well! You can't do this you're too angry, you're not smart enough for that, you don't rage right.
Also realllyy like your interpretation of his trial. The angle you described it at was really interesting.
I don't think stereotype is the right word, though. I would say... he's afraid of becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy? I'm assuming based on your own "stereotype?" that you weren't sure about the word either.
I don't think Gorgug is, or would ever be, afraid of being a "stereotype". Like I don't think he gives a shit about the stereotype that orcs/half-orcs/barbarians only know anger and destruction. I think he's afraid of being a self-fulfilling prophecy of all the things people say that he is. Stupid, mindless, destructive, etc. To pull from what you said here (which it wont let me copy paste on mobile god fucking damnit)
"Your extended family predicted that you would grow to know only rage, and here you are, a barbarian. You, from this perspective, are not proving them wrong."
"Stereotype" for sure applies to his racist extended family. They fucking breathe stereotypes like oxygen. But the bit where his afraid of becoming what everyone says he is, I think "self-fulfilling prophecy" suits that much better. He believes he can be more than that, he knows he can, but it doesn't change the fact that they are technically right.
Okay and the giving in but then "clawing your way into understanding anyways" actually goes so hard lol. Anon, you are so right. From that pov, it's not so much a give up as it is an acknowledgment before he essentially puts the subject on ice.
Rings back a bit to the start of fhjy to me. That dread of seeing the email of school starting back up again, and the terrible sinking pit in your stomach of avoidance, because the time has come to really unpack all that. There was something specific Zac said in his little Gorgug recap before the season started that was about, like, the dread of having to figure out who the fuck you're gonna be when everyone around you seems to have their shit together. That. That hit hard lmao but the experience that he's covered is very true to Gorgug, I think.
I totally misunderstood your first ask! Though I'm happy you sent another cuz I understand a lot better, I think. And tbh I've never had the opportunity to discuss that section of fantasy high with anyone? I wasn't on tumblr or watching d20 when it first aired so I missed these specific topics. Always been v interested in what others thought of his part. Maybe I should put the vods on in the bg next time I'm play sdv. Give em a relisten. And man. The fact that I'm out here quoting your message brings me back to english class so hard. Shocked I don't hate it. Actually having a topic you give half a shit about does wonders huh lmao
Thanks for the ask! You have altered my perspective and I appreciate it. It's like how sometimes you gotta read something out loud to understand it. If all I have is the walls of my own skull, I can only get so far.
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spacexseven · 1 year
yaaaay tuna time tuna time. ok so the manga is I Love Amy and its about a yandere girl making friends with the lesbian mc to get closer to her male crush but finds herself really enjoying spending time with her. very good stuff highly recommend. anyway I will be scalping this whole plot for my brainrot! as I'm basing this off a wlw manga please read yan and darling as being the same gender (ex: dazai with a male darling, higuchi with a female darling) thank u.
so, following the aforementioned plot, darling actually starts out as yans TARGET instead of yans crush, accidentally getting on their radar by being seen talking to yans current obsession one too many times during routine reconnaissance (stalking). obviously they need to get rid of them! theyre getting in the way! crush shouldn't ever talk to anyone else but them!!!! 
when local freak loner weirdo yan suddenly asks if you want to hang out with them, alone, it occurs to you that you should be a little more cautious- but, truth be told, you've had a crush on them for a while... and you know its probably impossible that they swing your way, but couldn't hurt to give it a shot, right?
with this in mind (and lowkey kinda entranced by how pretty they are up close), you agree. 
lucky for you theyre perceptive enough to sniff out that ur a fruit and thus a complete non-threat, so you live another day! and, to their surprise, they find themselves kind of enjoying hanging out with you. 
yadda yadda yadda, the two of you strike a deal to help them get in good with their crush, theyve had pretty bad luck with this so far, but they seem to like YOU, so you can get them some one-on-one time! you're pretty bummed you were right about the person you like not being interested, but hey! theyre still your friend! as long as they can be happy, you’ll be happy for them! on their end, theyre just using you (or so they think). sure, you’re ok to hang out with or whatever, but your companionship doesnt mean anything compared to their crush. once they get what they want, youre pretty much donezo. 
i wont go on for too much longer about this here but im sure you get the idea, over spending time with them as friends and dedicating so much of your time to trying to help them find their happiness, yan starts turning their attention on YOU instead. they find themself getting irritated when they catch you talking to other boys/girls, what did you suddenly get a s/o or something? are you gonna stop hanging out with them? you cant DO that youre their ONLY friend! or they’ll surprise themself by desperately wanting to pass up spending time with crush to go stay with you instead. or getting REALLY REALLY mad when they see people being rude to you when they used to not care. little things like that. i feel like this concept could be really good for soft yan stuff but you COULD make it darker if you wanna. 
characters i think would work with this: bsd - dazai (specifically pm dazai cuz hes a freak with no social skills), akutagawa, poe, ranpo, sigma, higuchi, gin, lucy. genshin - childe, scaramouche, albedo, cyno, eula, ei (i feel a modern au would work best for ei here), rosaria, shenhe
- 🩹
something about the holidays has fried my brain but i cant let your asks go unanswered any longer !!!!! p.s i love amy is just wonderful thank you for the rec ^^ im just gonna go over this with childe because you deserve genshin content from me :< spoilers for childe's real name (tho i think everyone knows it by now lol) unedited!
context: X is the person ajax likes (as you can tell i am very good at coming up with names :>) some things here are taken from i love amy so give it a read !! it's totally worth it i promise~
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at the time, you couldn't come up with a single reason why ajax had approached you all those days ago, accompanied only by a menacing look. in fact, you could still recall how the malice in his eyes deepened once he caught sight of you stumbling your way over in his direction.
you had heard the rumors about him (like everyone else had), and while you didn't want to judge someone because of what others had to say, you couldn't deny the fear that consumed you when he stared at you with thinly veiled distaste—right after interrogating you about your relationship with the person you had just been conversing with. it occurred to you far too late that ajax had witnessed the conversation between you and X, and now you were about to be at the receiving end of the terrors you had only heard of in passing.
your brain went into overdrive thinking of an answer. childhood friends? what if he got jealous that you spent so much time with X, time he couldn't have? but if you lied about not knowing X, he'd come after you anyway if he found out the truth, right? so you tried to come up with a lukewarm answer, something to show that you weren't trying to meddle with his…potential relationship. whether you said the two of you were partners for a project, neighbors or family friends, whatever it was, it worked in convincing him that you weren't interested.
but it worked too well, as you soon came to realize, after noticing how ajax was attached to you constantly. at your response, he had lit up and quickly pulled you closer, declaring you would help him by gathering information and helping him plan for the perfect date (and of course, there was not a single moment of consideration for your say in the matter)
even though you insisted over and over again that you'd be no help, with no experience in dating or flirting with anyone, let alone someone as popular as X, and claiming you weren't close enough with them to ask such detailed questions, ajax was far from bothered. perhaps, in his eyes, you were the perfect sidekick—obedient enough to drag around like a sulking pet, but not so compliant that you weren't of some use, at the very least for entertainment. and maybe, just maybe, because he was starting to feel a little lonely.
what he didn't know at the time was that you, despite all the warnings and whispers, had a crush on him. you reasoned with yourself that most people would fall for him, if not for his fixation with X. and although you knew he was 100% infatuated with someone else, you had foolishly thought it wouldn't be the worst idea to be his friend. you had hoped that hanging out with him and being faced with the reality that he would never look twice at you would work as a bitter yet effective remedy to the flustered racing of your heart and the fluttering sensation that seized you.
surprisingly, ajax made for decent company, disregarding the pain of unrequited affection. all your time together was mostly spent talking about X, which you never complained about, but you also learned a little about him, like the fact that he had younger siblings and that he participated in a lot of archery competitions. it occurred to you for a moment, that given his track record, ajax being so well-versed with a weapon probably wouldn't end well, but you shut down that thought almost immediately. he may talk about wanting X all for himself and may have some concerning fantasies, but even he wouldn't go to such lengths, right?
the more time you spent with him, however, the fewer opportunities you actually had to talk to X. still, despite how little use he had for you, ajax still kept you by his side. maybe it was, in his eyes, a good thing that you were staying away from X. some part of you itched to tell him that you wouldn't betray him like that...not like it mattered to him. you knew he was only using you, either as an information source or a test subject, and even if it hurt to know he'd never care about you like he did X, you never once considered distancing yourself from him
you liked to think that he liked your company too, at least as an acquaintance. after all, since that first encounter, he hadn't threatened to snap your arm if you didn't tell him everything you were talking to X about. maybe that time he dragged you away mid-conversation with your friend should have been alarming, or maybe that other time when you woke up tied to a chair in his basement ("don't worry," he had brushed off your concerned look, "i only did this because you kept saying you were too busy to come over. anyways…") should have sent you running, but you justified it to yourself as his odd way of watching out for you.
or more likely, the warning signs just flew over your head because you couldn't imagine that he would be as creepy as the rumors said. you did idolize him to an extent that you tried to justify all his strange habits. it didn't matter much, anyway, since you were well aware this arrangement was temporary—you were only serving as replacement company until he finally got with X, and then your presence in his life would instantly be shut out.
because you were under the impression that it was all temporary, you didn't mind, even when he started overstepping into your personal matters. more than once you had to cancel meet-ups with friends in favor of spending time with him, and the few times you did manage to be away from him, ajax would interrogate you about every detail of your day without him, and at the very end would demand you tell him if you enjoyed being away from him, scowling until you placated him.
and then, the 'practice dates' started feeling a little too real. with him insisting on feeding you spoonfuls of dessert and latching onto your hand uncomfortably tight. but honestly, you couldn't complain, even if you knew something was wrong. going out with X didn't seem as much of a priority as it was a way to convince you that he desperately needed your help in 'practicing'.
all this while, you were under the impression your role was simply to be a good friend to ajax. naturally, when you had an opportunity to talk to X again after such a long time, you jumped to take it. what you didn't expect was for ajax to come up behind you, gently moving you aside to instead tower over X, glaring at the person he'd been pining over so desperately. the words that left him next were similar to the ones you heard all those months ago, except, these were the last words you expected him to say.
"you," he spat out, "what the hell were you talking to [name] about?"
bonus because i have too many thoughts about this :>
you getting an s/o. ajax is upset for many reasons. a) you never told him that you liked someone b) were you really going on weekly dates with your new partner?? you never even hung out with him that consistently! what, were you throwing away your friend just for this new guy? and c) how could you leave him behind like this?! suddenly, your new s/o is bombarded with the sensation that someone was constantly glaring at them, and then at every corner, ajax is standing there...just...watching. maybe he was just shy?
you manage to convince X to give him one chance. one date, so he can try to win them over. what you don't expect is for ajax to try stalling. he comes up with reasons for more practice dates, asks you for more 'tips', and if he absolutely has to go, he doesn't do anything that he was supposed to. the date is a fail, despite all the practicing he did. to you, he claims it was the nerves that got to him. come on, comrade! you gotta help him practice more now!
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samyanggs · 1 year
can you please do yandere headcannons for heimdall and buddha? (also srry if I did this wrong, it’s my first time requesting for anything)
ahhh sorry I just got out of school and is currently going home. Ty for the request! And you’re fine! I can do heimdall and Buddha Yandere headcanons. Ive got a headache tho so sorry if some of these doesn’t make sense I’ll edit it later on after my headache is gone (I can barely think rn so I’m sorry if this isn’t done to your liking)
Warnings: gore(?), mentions of violence(?), manipulation(?), mentions/implied kidnapping, and others (I don’t support any of these actions done in this, this is just for entertainment for fictional characters)
Yandere headcanons
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Where did you come from and why were you so goddamn pretty? EVERYTIME he saw you or talked to you he got even more mesmerised by you. You even went out of your way to get him some sweets to snack on. You were perfect, at least in his eyes. You deserved everything so he did whatever he could for you. And you only.
He absolutely hated seeing somebody other than him talk, flirt or even look at you. If they went missing the next day after looking at you? He totally didn’t have anything to do with it.. totally.. anyways how was your day?
Someone touched you? Even if it was a friendly touch? No. Nobody can touch you nobody but Buddha at least.. he’ll allow family members and close friends but if anyone gets too close or goes a bit too far? Gone, and maybe dead the next day.
God you were plaguing his mind and he couldn’t stop thinking about you. He wanted, craved and needed your touch. Doesn’t matter where, his hand? His arm? His head? He doesn’t mind. He just wants you.
He will actually give and devote his entire being to you if it meant that you would be with him forever. Numerous thoughts came to his mind EVERYTIME he thought about you. All of them, needy, wanting and craving for you.
You recently got a boyfriend? Oh. Seems that he was too late.. maybe he should just give up? … HAH never. He’s never going to give you up. You’re his and he’s yours. It goes both ways. If you already took his heart (despite unknowingly) he might as well take your heart too.. literally or metaphorically? yes.
Oh no.. your boyfriend broke up with you.. and now you’re crying in his arms.. would you like to stay with me? Do you need anything? You deserve someone better. He said hugging you, whispering in your ear. He comforted you. He made himself keep a straight and sympathetic face but he honestly couldn’t be any happier. Now that, that.. that person was out of the picture he might have a chance.
Let me take care of you. I can do it for you. Let me do it. He did everything for you.. everything that someone like a boyfriend would do to be exact. Was he doing this on purpose? Perhaps, but it was working, you started to become easily flustered, blushing and stuttering mess around him. You’re finally his. And only his.
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Uhh hellooooo? Who were you exactly? And why did you catch his interest so goddamn fast with those amazing looks of yours? You seemed like a good person and you were so adorable and cute.. he couldn’t just let you go like that. He went up to you and made conversation and he was right. You were an amazing person AND you were cute and adorable, well to him at least.
He made sure to talk to you everyday until you got closer to him. You were in his mind 24/7 without stop, he even started dreaming about you! You were so perfect and you both fitted together like a puzzle piece.. you guys just clicked. He’d be damned if he couldn’t have you.
He saw someone talking to you and he got jealous.. maybe too jealous because the next thing he knew he had somebody tied up to a chair in his basement. The next, he was picking up a metal bat and beating the shit out of the guy. He put down the bat soon after thinking that it was enough for now and warned the guy if he ever tried to go near you, warn you, look at you or even breath the same air as you that he’d kill him. The guy quickly agreed, afraid of heimdall.
He loved seeing you smile so he tried his best to make you smile whenever. He wanted, needed, craved and lived for your smile. He will sell his soul to you if it meant that you would keep smiling so pleasantly to him.
He was so terribly jealous once he found out that you found a lover. However, just to make you happy he endured the pain, jealousy and rage that he had in his body anytime he saw or heard your boyfriends name.
Your boyfriend cheated on you? Ok. Now your boyfriend was hurting you? It was bad when you both were together anyways but now he’s cheating on you? Thats the trigger. He comforted you, holding you close relishing in your warmth and touch whispering sweet nothings to you as he planned out how he was going to murder talk to him.
If your “boyfriend” suddenly disappeared the next day, he had no idea on who did it! He swears! But it was okay now. At least your boyfriend won’t hurt you anymore. A small price to pay for your happiness..
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