#no kissing rule wip
disasterbuck · 16 days
Ooh!!! please do 8,13,17,19,25,40 🥰🥰🥰🥰
oh oh oh!!! some really good ones here if I do say so myself! 🥰
cheek kiss
"Make sure Buck doesn't stay up too late," he added, grinning up at the man in question who rolled his eyes in response.
"Go or you're gonna be late," Chris said without looking up.
"Okay, okay." Eddie lifted his hands in surrender and headed to the door which Buck was holding open for him.
"Have fun," Buck said with a grin.
"I will. Thanks again, Buck. See you later." Leaning in, Eddie cupped one side of Buck's face with a hand and pressed a kiss to the other side before ducking out the door and getting in the elevator.
The doors were shut and he was on his way down to the ground floor when he realised what he'd done.
don't say his name
this one is a little bit dumb jskfhes but the idea is that buck and eddie get dared/bet that they can't go a whole day/week (I haven't decided yet) without saying each other's name
Looking up, Chimney opened his mouth to remind him about the week-long dare they had to adhere to, but was interrupted as Eddie said, "Hey, Babe."
"So good to see you, Love," Buck said, giving Eddie's shoulder a squeeze as he passed him on his way to the kitchenette for a cup of coffee.
Chimney and Bobby stared at them in surprise.
"What?" Buck asked as he put the coffee pot back down.
Chimney shook his head and said nothing, looking back down at the magazine he had in front of him.
"Wasn't the dare just that you couldn't use each other's names?" Bobby asked.
"Yeah, and?" Buck asked as he leaned his arms on the counter. "We didn't."
"No, but..." Bobby looked between the two of them before letting out a quiet sigh. "Never mind. Carry on."
fwb no kissing rule
Buck stared up at him. Eddie didn't look horrified or as though he'd just realised how Buck felt and was about to say that they should put some distance between them from now on. So maybe Buck had just been paranoid thinking that his kiss would reveal how in love he was with Eddie.
Giving it a try, he reached up and pulled Eddie back to him. Their lips met again and this time they kissed with a gentle passion that took Buck's breath away.
Eddie pulled back again a moment later, eyebrows drawn together in a frown. "Are you sure? You said… You said no kissing."
"I know," Buck said, fingers playing with the ends of Eddie's hair at the nape of his neck. "I've changed my mind."
hits different - jealous buck
"I have a date this Friday," Eddie said with a shy smile. Hen and Chim immediately starting crowing excitedly, but Buck felt his blood freeze in his veins.
"You what?"
Eddie looked over at him, his smile faltering. "Uh, yeah. Her name's Mabel."
Buck stared at him, trying to swallow down the sour taste stuck in his throat. He needed to say something supportive, smile, tell Eddie that it was fine. He needed to be happy for his best friend, but he couldn't bring himself to.
"Buck?" Hen asked with a frown, leaning over the bench towards him. "You okay?"
"Don't go," Buck burst out.
kiss your best friend passionately
"Would you passionately kiss your best friend for one hundred dollars?" Chimney read from his phone.
"Are you kidding?" Buck exclaimed, slapping a hand down on the table. "I'd do it for free!"
Eddie looked up as Buck swivelled towards him on his chair. Then, before Eddie had time to react, Buck had grabbed hold of his shirt and pulled him into a kiss.
to the core
I am honestly so excited for this one but I think it's gonna take me a while to finish because I really wanna get it PERFECT you know?
Switching the TV off, Buck stared in stunned silence. He remembered seeing Eddie talking to the reporter during that call, but hadn't thought much of it. Eddie rarely spoke to the press and when he did his words were usually clipped and awkward.
But this…
What Buck and I have goes beyond friendship and I love him to the core.
It wasn't anything that Buck didn't already know, and yet the way it had been phrased made it impossible for him to shrug off. No one had ever told Buck they loved him to the core before. To the core meant all of him, the good and the bad. The things he wanted people to see and the things he didn't want anyone to see.
And Buck knew that; he'd always known that Eddie saw him and loved him for exactly who he was. But hearing it spelled out like that?
Suddenly it all felt much more real.
Click here for more of my wip snippets
Taglist 👇
@dluoser @taketheplanspinitsideways @loudenthusiastic @wallywise @mxrcjqckspnchqsc
@i-am-married-to-my-fandom @therosesaredying @stillfuckingtired @classtrialguru @speggle
@awesome-igi @natnuszsstuff @olliesrants @crazyfangirlallert @delirium1995
@brah3280 @meanceclosetohell @anythingeverythingallofthetime @izzysbeans @sunflower-eddiediaz
@darkrose6578 @veronae-buddie @steadfastsaturnsrings @loveyouanyway @inell
@spicyrottingbrains @gnoeltop @idealuk @donationwayne @lemotmo
@firefighterevandiaz @realpersonwithrealfeelings @superlock-in-the-tardis @mjthe14thdoctor @strxwbereee
@idontknowwhatimdoing777 @ashleigh2658 @mari-lwyd-fannibal-blog @mineyneedsmoney @faithhopeandmisery
@spotsandsocks @unlifeira
Let me know if you'd like to be added or removed 💕
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gum-iie · 2 years
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anincompletelist · 7 months
Hey. I was lurking around your blog like a fruit fly eying the rwrb content and I saw a tag of hitman Alex? Do tell me more, please. Are you writing an assassin au? ARE YOU? I'm cool about it. Totally fine. Asking for a friend.
okay I don't even know where to START with this one I have so many ideas kjdhkjhs (and 10k of random scenes written that I'm going to have to figure out how to piece together somehow BUT) it was just gonna be an au roughly inspired by pics of tzp on this night and this night but then it spiraled out of control jkhskdhkj (in a good way? I think?)
but it's heavily inspired by chess moves and I know practically nothing about chess but the research I've done is EXTENSIVE so I hope it pays off!
I can't spoil much of it because I'm (trying) to make it very mysterious and suspenseful if I can pull it off BUT this is also from hitman and here! have another snippet because I can't control myself ! :D
this one is fairly tame but I also have some.... slightly more *nsfw* snippets should anyone be inclined to yell at me to share them...
Henry isn’t sure which part of this conversation he’s most shocked at. The brazen physical touch, his ignorance of Henry’s title, the suggestive nicknames, or the fact that he’d so easily acknowledged something that Henry and the rest of them had been trained to firmly deny to the consequence of death. He blinks at the mysterious stranger, equally as curious as he is terrified at what might come out of his mouth next. 
“I- I should really continue speaking with the guests,” Henry forces out. 
“Duty calls,” Ander agrees, dragging his elbows up and off the table once more as he finishes the last of his champagne. A single drop lands at the corner of his lips, threatening to fall just before he catches it with his tongue. Henry rips his gaze away, finally snapping into motion. 
He clears his throat and runs a hand over the front of his pristine suit. Then, for some unfathomable reason, he offers his hand out for a second time, feeling painfully vulnerable as he waits for Ander to accept it. 
“It was a pleasure meeting you. Ander, was it?” 
A tilted smile pulls at his lips, and he slides his long fingers into Henry’s palm and squeezes. 
“You can call me Alex,” he says only loud enough for them both to hear, shaking firmly. “When we’re alone, at least.” 
Suddenly feeling parched, Henry licks his lips to wet them, dragging his eyes from Alex’s shoes up to his chest, then his mouth, then his fervid gaze. Something twists in his gut, but he’s unsure of if it’s trying to tell him to stay put or to get away as quickly as possible. 
“Are we going to be alone together, Alex?” 
Lips twitching once more, Alex’s gaze falls pointedly down to his lips and then back up, his fingers slipping from Henry’s grasp. “I guess you’ll find out, Your Highness.”
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING I ADORE TALKING ABOUT MY WIPS <3 I hope you're doing amazing and having a wonderful thursday! :D
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solivagantingrebel · 6 months
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I've been laughing at this for a while, please laugh with me (—from my Christmas wip).
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the-blind-assassin-12 · 11 months
Last Line Tag Game
RULES: blah blah blah blah I don’t follow the rules. (But for those of you who do, you’re supposed to post the last line of your wip and tag the same number of people as there are words.) 
THANK YOU to @oonajaeadira & @keldabe-kriff for the tags!! I’m sorry it took me so long to do this. Please accept this extended peek in lieu of timeliness! 
This comes from a Joel Miller x OFC story I’ve been slowly picking away at called Kiss Me & Smile For Me, featuring my OC Emma Torres: 
“Normally I’d ask Tommy to help me out with somethin’ like this.” Joel sighed, leaning his hips against the counter. He pressed the meat of his palms into his eyes before letting his hands slide up and back over his hair, shaking his head. “But he’n Izzy are goin’ away for the weekend, so -” So I’m screwed. He groaned. She’s been lookin’ forward to this for months.
He hadn’t promised Sarah he’d get concert tickets for her birthday, so Joel knew she wasn’t expecting them. She’d be just as happy with pizza and a movie and a birthday cake from the supermarket, and he knew that, too. But ever since Halican Drops announced their summer tour dates, she’d been dropping hints, saying what a coincidence it was that the dates for their city were so close to her birthday. And he had played along, acting like it was a long shot even though he’d already bought two tickets the day they went on sale. 
But now I’m not even gonna be able to give ‘em to her. 
“Well… ” Emma gave a small shrug as she crossed the kitchen to stand in front of him, her hands landing on his shoulders before the left one climbed up to curve around the side of his neck. Dropping his hands from his head, Joel reached for her waist to pull her even closer as her thumb swept up into his hair. “I could take her.” 
What? Joel blinked, fingers flexing to bunch the fabric of her shirt beneath them. His mouth fell open slightly as he stared at her, a crease forming between his eyebrows. I didn’t even think to ask you, but… 
“I mean,” Emma went on, tongue flicking out to wet her lips as she playfully rolled her eyes. “It’s pretty much my fault that she’s so into this band anyway.” She laughed through her nose. “I was always playin’ their songs for warm ups, and then-” 
“You’d do that?” He breathed out the question, cutting her off. “You’d…” Swallowing, he hooked his thumbs into her belt loops, head shaking from side to side to send his hair askew. “You’d go with her? You sure?”
Emma’s answer came without hesitation, her fingers coming up to rake the rogue strands of his hair back into place. “Of course, Joel.” She smiled, cheeks rounding out and eyes shining up at him. “I know how much it means to you to be able to do this for her. And I want her birthday to be special, too.” She nodded. We’ll make sure she knows the tickets are from you, and that I’m just going with her. Besides, I already got her a gift, so- ” 
Joel didn’t let her finish her explanation though, suddenly overcome with the need to kiss her. Bringing his hands up, he cradled her face between them and swallowed the small surprised sound she made. It only lasted a few seconds, neither of them deepening it but both of them letting it linger so that when it ended and Joel spoke, his lips moved against hers. “I love you, Em.”  
“I know you do.” Her voice was quiet but warm, the tip of her nose bumping his. “I love you, too.” She pulled back to look at him more fully. “Same goes for Sarah.” 
He knew that Emma cared for his daughter, could see it clearly in the way that they interacted. But hearing her say it along with the offer to help him make the girl’s birthday wish come true solidified it for him. I don’t know how I got so damn lucky but I’m not gonna question it. “You’re gonna be her favorite person after this, you know that?” 
Emma laughed, shaking her head and settling against his chest. Her arms wound around his middle as she sighed. “I’m sure she would rather go with her dad.” 
He chuckled, tired eyes lightening with his smile. “Oh I don’t know about that, Em. That girl’a mine thinks you hung the moon.” And so do I. He kissed the crown of her head, pulling her closer. “She’s gonna be thrilled.”
tagging a few who might want to share: @something-tofightfor @haylzcyon @jessahmewren @tessa-quayle @insomniamamma and anyone else who wants to play along! 
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birlwrites · 2 years
evan and emma kissed one (1) time and then immediately made a pact to never mention it to anyone ever
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vespertine-legacy · 2 years
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help, spotify recommended God Is A Woman and I re-wrote Brontes’s arrival to the Archive/the first time she casts Fear on Eleison?
“I appreciate the organization you seem to have put into place here. I would like for this visit to be efficient.” Brontes seems to survey the shelves they pass as Eleison leads her through the Archive to a back corner, where a wide table is spread with several datapads, stone tablets, and a few leatheris-bound tomes. While Brontes looks over the table, the two guards post themselves at the entrance to the room.
“As your visit to the library of Hosra was not, I assume?”
After a pause, Brontes steps closer, her mask moving in miniscule increments as she inspects the Loremaster before her. “How do you know anything of my visit to Hosra?”
“You confirmed it, my lord. But many Archives exist on neutral worlds, out of the way of convenient trade routes and without Imperial or Republic protectors. Without each other, we risk losing the knowledge we store.” Eleison makes a point to glower at the Dread Master through the eye holes of her mask, despite being unable to see her eyes through them. “So we talk.”
“And what do you say?”
Taking a breath, Eleison steels herself to get through her planned speech. “I cannot speak for the Masters of any other Archive, but I speak for this Archive. I heard your visit to Hosra was disastrous, both for the staff and history they protect. If you find my Archive lacking in any way, you will not harm my staff or our collections.”
“Madam Librarian, you are either very brave or very foolish to challenge a Dread Master, before we’ve even properly set to work, no less.” Brontes sounds like she might be smiling, an alarming mismatch with her mask’s set grimace.
“I am neither, my lord,” Eleison shrugs one shoulder. “I look forward to working with you, but I will not tolerate an avoidable catastrophe. If you have complaints, you will bring them to me.”
“I have no complaints so far, just an observation. You say you want what is best for your Archive and your staff, but you must also recognize the importance of what I am doing for the Sith Empire. You claim neutrality, but I understand most of your collections come to you through a partnership with the Reclamation Service, so it is in your best interests to work with the Sith Empire, is it not?” Brontes lifts her hands before her, palms up, a gesture almost like an offering. “You say you are neither brave nor foolish, but why don’t we test that?”
“My lord?”
Before the question is out of Eleison’s mouth, Brontes cuts her off with a flick of her wrists and a single word: “Fear.”
A spike of pain pierces through Eleison’s temples as pressure squeezes around her chest, thick and heavy. Something wet and slithering wraps around her shoulders and she staggers to her knees under the weight of it. Eleison knows the presence draped over her, curling around her is just the Force, but it feels different than any other time she has touched it, malevolent and greedy, like it wants to seep inside her and take something back she has been using without permission. The stabbing pain subsides, replaced by the sensation of something digging, searching through her mind. She can’t help but cry out at the intrusion, the shock at how easy it is for Brontes to begin breaking past mental shields that have held for years, tendrils of the Force scraping against the inside of her, leaving something cold and oily in their wake.
“Feel free to tell me when you’ve had enough, Madam Librarian.”
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hazel2468 · 2 years
Fuck it. Horny art posting hours. Saw a lot of cool gender-bendy stuff and decided to genderbend Avery... As much as one can genderbend a genderqueer (in the more masc direction I guess? Appearance wise? Since Aves does tend to lean more fem despite explicitly not being a woman).
So uh... Is it problematic to make out with yourself?
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Honestly, I think He/They Avery is just happy that She/They Avery is as freaky as he is.
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procyo9 · 6 months
i have three versions of Halcyon (in two different AUs) and yet every single one falls for Amsel without a fail in any universe <3
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buckyalpine · 2 years
Hey honey ! It’s 🐚 !! I have a request for you 🙈🥰 I love tough men that are assholes but turn soft for this one sweet girl ! And I was thinking Mafia Bucky and his rival’s daughter . He starts hooking up with her with every intention of her father finding out and being furious . But she’s none the wiser . She’s sweet and gentle with him even when he’s rough and rude . He always leaves the minute they’re done ,leaving her all alone and naked in her bed but she’s never bitter about it. After one particular night though , where they had sex in his place , she fell asleep , too worn out from Bucky being particularly rough . He took a moment to see her as something more than his nemesis daughter and he had to admit she was ethereal. Always sweet and kind . So much different than him and Bucky realized he might be falling for her . Especially with the way she was clinging to him in her sleep and how she never treated him like he was the bad guy . When he woke up she wasn’t there but everything changed after that night . The sex was gentler and so were his touches and kisses . He wasn’t just hooking up with her . He was making love to her without a word about this new change in their situationship . Until one night he had her in his arms , unafraid to cradle her cheek and kiss her forehead , telling her how he is in love with her and asking her to forgive him for the way he treated her
Okay I’m dropping a bunch of WIPS for this. Bruh the request alone gave me butterflies I love this trope so much. Goddamnn. 
This starts with very fuck boy asshole type Bucky. I made him a dick in this, deal with it, don’t cry about it, he redeems himself. See how the request says men that are assholes. I live for it. Bucky. Is. An. Ass. Hole. And a sweet baby by the end. 
Also I don’t trust google translate but that’s what we have to work with, I am so sorry. 
“You’re making this harder than it has to be Stark” Bucky sipped his drink, leaning back in his chair while Tony’s jaw clenched, wishing he could just put a bullet in between his rivals eyebrows. Bucky swirled the whisky in his glass, the ice clinking against each other while Tony rejected his proposal again, tensions growing higher with each passing minute. 
“You’re not getting control over the South” He gritted through his teeth, ready to end the meeting one way or another until the door clicked open. You poked your head into his office, quickly padding over to his side, ignoring the broody men that surrounded the office. 
“Dad, I’m going out with Wanda, we’ll be back late, is that okay?” You never left the house without telling him where you were going first, it was a rule he made for you when you were younger but you stuck to it even years later. You knew he always worried about you. 
Tony frowned at your presence, not because he didn’t want you there but because he could see the other men stare at you, their eyes raking up and down your body like fresh meat. The dark material of your dress hugged your body perfectly and the thigh high slit wasn’t helping. 
“Be safe” He pecked your forehead before sending one of his men with you, “Barton, drive her there” He shot the men in his office a death glare; he was patient over many things but you were not something they could fuck with. Ever. Bucky cocked an eyebrow noticing Tony’s shift in demeanor, he was protective over his little princess. He smiled to himself with this new information, why fight for the south side when he could he could ruin something more precious. 
“This meeting is over” Tony stated, nodding to his men to escort Bucky and the others out. He narrowed his eyes at the way Bucky shrugged, casually downing his drink without making a counter argument, leaving a bit to easily for his liking. 
Bucky climbed into his SUV with Steve by his side, his mind going back to you. Tony’s sweet baby. His protected princess. Steve also frowned at the way his friend accepted defeat, but he didn’t ask questions, noticing the way Bucky bit his lip, the wheels in his head clearly turning. The fucker had something in mind.
“You’re thinking something, I can tell” Steve gave Bucky a pointed look while Bucky shrugged innocently, earning an eye roll from his best friend. 
“I need a drink” 
The Club
Bucky sat at the private booth of the club, his mind calculating how he could over throw Stark without having to get his hands too dirty. He already had one idea in mind but that was more to satisfy himself. It wouldn’t get him his territory but it would get him something...better...He sipped his drink, sitting up slightly, seeing a familiar figure across the club, his lips curling into a smirk. 
“Isn’t that her” Bucky’s eyes landed on you, watching your hips sway on the dance floor, laughing with your friends, completely in your own world. It couldn't have been more perfect, you were right there, practically served to him on a silver platter for him to take. 
“Who” Steve turned around to see who Bucky was looking at, his eyes growing wide when he realized who his friend was eyeing. “Starks daughter?”
Bucky nodded, setting his glass down, making his way over to you before Steve or Sam could say anything else. 
“Why is he not on a leash”
“I knew I should have gotten him neutered” 
The blonde shook his head, running a hand over his face while Sam snorted, both men watching him make his way over to you. You were now seated at the bar, sipping on some water to cool down while your friends stayed on the dancefloor. 
“Hey doll” Bucky sat on the stool beside you, both of you tucked away in the quieter corner of the bar area. He could tell by the way you smiled shyly, you’d be easy, a few flirty words and he’d get what he wanted. 
“Hi” You blushed at the handsome mob boss, his blue eyes sparkling as he smirked at you. He bought you a drink, luring you into him like a siren. You found yourself getting lost in his charm, listening to his velvety smooth voice. Truthfully it was nice to talk to someone for once. Most guys avoided you, knowing you were the daughter of Tony Stark. 
It was easy for him. His eyes flicked to the way you looked at his lips, inching closer towards him, your sweet innocent face gazing at him. He didn’t have to do much are you were already preening like a kitten. He had you exactly where he wanted. The air shifted when his hand grazed you thigh, the cold metal of his rings making you shiver. You didn’t pull back, letting his hand climb higher, leaning into his touch, your heart racing, craving more of him. 
“Tell me if you want me to stop” His voice was low, his lips brushing by your ear. Your breath hitched when his hand tilted your chin up to meet his eyes again, nearly whimpering when his hand squeezed the soft flesh of your thigh. 
“So needy” He smirked while you nodded, not trusting yourself to speak, letting him take you by the hand to the private bathroom of the club. As soon as he locked the door, his previous charm dropped. His eyes darkened, his hands immediately all over you, pushing you against the marble counter of the sink. His lips smashed onto yours, tongue and teeth, not giving you a chance to breathe.
He sucked dark bruises on your neck, trailing the across your collar bone, pulling the front of your dress down to free your breasts. He lifted you onto the counter with ease, latching onto your nipple, tugging it between his teeth, smirking at the way you cried out. 
He parted your legs, ripping your panties off and stuffing them in his pocket. Your pussy dripped, clenching around nothing at the sound of his belt buckle and pants unzipping, moaning when he pulled your thighs to wrap around him, his cockhead prodding your entrance. He didn't bother prepping you, his mind focused on stuffing his cock into you and fucking you senseless. 
“Shh, better keep quiet unless you want others to hear how I’m about to fuck you” He growled against your skin, shoving his cock into you with one stroke. He gave you no time to adjust, snapping his hips against you, his hands gripping your ass while your hands flew to clutch around him, sinking your teeth into his shoulder to keep your screams down. He slammed against your g-spot, your arousal squirting out of you with each thrust, the coil in your belly building higher and higher as he fucked you harder. 
“I-I’m gonna-” You couldn’t formulate a sentence, clawing at his blazer, his cock filling and stretching you, ruining you for anyone else. “Please-
“Don’t-don’t talk, just take it” His voice was low, teeth gritted as he focused on ruining your pussy. You felt flustered, your body on fire each time he touched you. You felt yourself melt into him, letting him toy with your body. His fingers gripped onto your ass, slamming you into him to meet his strokes. He wanted to fill  you up till you were so full of cum, it’d drip and stain onto your bed sheets. All of his fucking cum painted on your pussy while you went to sleep, pretending to be an innocent little princess like you didn’t just take your dad’s rivals cock in the bathroom of the club. 
Your eyes rolled back feeling his cock stroke your g-spot, the roughness of his hands on your body making you climb higher, you clung onto him, your body pulled taut, a sob escaping your lips before muffling your cries by biting down onto his neck as you came. Bucky smirked to himself, pounding you harder, chasing his release. He didn’t even have to touch you and you were coming undone for him, wrapped tightly around his body, your pussy sucking him back in. 
He could feel pleasure crawl down his spine, his cock growing harder, something about getting to fuck his enemies daughter made him more feral than ever, his cock bursting with cum, endless thick streams shooting out of his sensitive tip.
“Fuck” he hissed, pumping his load into you, groaning as he pulled out, his cum dribbling out of you, spilling onto the sides of your thighs. You looked dazed, lipstick smeared, panting, your body limp against him. He tucked his cock back in, not looking back twice, leaving you a panting mess as he exited the bathroom. You stood on shaky legs, trying to steady yourself before grabbing a damp tissue to clean yourself up.
You splashed some water onto your face, your mind reeling over the way his touches made you feel, touching up your makeup before going back down to find your friends, his handsome face flashing in your mind throughout the night. 
“Can you explain what it is you’re doing here” Steve watched his friend carefully, his hair disheveled, shirt untucked, a lipstick stain on the collar of his shirt when he joined them again, a satisfied smirk on his face. 
“She’s probably a spoiled brat anyway” Bucky shrugged, unbothered about the type of person you were or how you felt about any of this. He wanted to see Tony’s face if he knew he had fucked his daughter, balls deep till she was walking around with sticky thighs, her soaked little cunt dripping all over her bed with his cum. He smirked to himself over the way you moaned for him, biting him to keep yourself quiet, the way your body responded to him, so needy and desperate. You were the opposite of your father; easy and none the wiser. If he couldn’t get what he wanted from Tony, he’d take the next best thing. It’s not like he wanted you. He just had to use you. 
The club wasn’t enough. Now he had you in his hands, he wasn’t going to let you go until he you were ruined. He used the meetings that took place in your house to his advantage, quietly sneaking off down the hall way to find you. Your heart jumped seeing him leaning against wall as you made your way to your room after eating breakfast. 
“Haven’t stopped thinking about me, have you” He smirked, cornering you against the wall, his chest pressed against yours. His hands came up to grasp your face, eyes locked with yours “You gonna let me cum in you?” 
You let out a shuddered breath, and that was all he needed, dragging you over to your room and tossing you onto your bed. 
“Take your clothes off” His cold blue eyes bore into you as you timidly unbuttoned your blouse, your hands shaking, already feeling exposed at the way he watched you. He wasn’t going to wait for you, striding over to the bed, his hands firmly gripping the material of your silky blouse, ripping it open, sending buttons flying onto the floor. His hands grabbed at the hem of your skirt, pulling it down before quickly tossed your bra and panties aside. 
Your face heated up at the way he slowly crawled on top of you, the scent of his cologne throwing you back to the way he fucked you at the club, pulling pleasure from your body so easily. 
“Please” Your soft eyes pleaded with his and his ego shot through the roof, getting to fuck you right on your bed. He nudged your thighs apart while marking you with his mouth. 
“Always ready for my cock” He hummed, smearing your slick around, shoving two thick fingers into you, curling and scissoring them till you were withering and nearly screaming, your arousal leaving your sheets wet. 
“James please” You looked at him with glassy eyes while he sat back, unbuttoning his pants, freeing his cock just enough so he could fuck you. He rubbed his cock onto your clit before shoving it into you, pounding you relentlessly as soon as he was fully sheathed inside you. 
Your body moved to wrap around him, your legs tight around his waist and arms clinging onto his shoulders. All you could do was moan and chant his name, his cock was practically in your throat, thrusting into you till your bed scrapped against the floor. His chest swelled with pride as soon as he felt your walls start to convulse and flutter, you were so responsive to him. 
“Cum, fucking cum on my cock” His hand snaked up to wrap around your throat, your pussy immediately clenching and throbbing around him, silent screams leaving through your slack jaw. His grunts grew louder, thrusting harder into you until he couldn’t hold back, determined to make a bigger mess than before. 
“Take it, fucking-take it, take my cum” He grunted, groaning as his hips stilled, staying as deep as he possibly could while he poured his load into you. His cum spilled out of you, soaking the sheets, your greedy sopping hole, still fluttering even after he pulled out. 
You were still hazy, blinking when you felt his body weight off the bed, sitting up slightly to see him already making his way towards your door. 
Bucky clicked the door shut before you could even finish, leaving you bare and alone in your bed. You fell back against the sheets, your body worn and exhausted. You didn’t mind the soreness that you felt all over, sleep washing over you as you thought about his honeyed voice, those blue eyes, rough exterior. There was more to him even if he didn’t show it. 
It went on for weeks. You were his perfect little cum dump, taking load after load, whenever he wanted. Your room. The kitchen. On the floor. He almost found it pathetic, how easily you let him back into your warmth when he never looked back at your twice after. It didn’t matter though. He got what he wanted. 
Gala night 
You sighed, sitting by yourself while everyone else mingled with their respective groups, you’d never been a fan of parties but you didn’t have much of a choice. You had to make an appearance at the gathering hosted by one of your families allies though you didn’t understand why. No one had even noticed you. 
Well not exactly no one. 
Bucky’s eyes lingered on you as he watched you across the room from his table. You hadn’t spoken to a soul all night, nervously fidgeting with your fingers, sipping on you glass of wine, the red liquid staining your lips. You wore a dark green dress, your legs on display with the thigh high slit and the sweet heart neckline showing off your perfect cleavage. 
“Y/n” A son of your fathers friend wandered over, his hungry eyes flicking from your lips to your chest and up and down your legs. He noticed that you were alone, deciding to use the chance to get what he had been craving. He pulled up a seat beside you, sitting close enough so his legs brushed against yours. 
 “John” You smiled softly, internally wishing you had just stayed home. He had asked you out a number of times before and you always politely turned him down. Bucky narrowed his eyes at the blond who kept inching closer and closer to you, his hands trying to linger on your skin, lips whispering in your ear. 
“You look beautiful. Did anyone accompany you?” He knew the answer but that didn’t matter. You shook your head and he grinned “You know you could have asked me sweets, I would have been happy to” He moved his hands to rest on your knee, slowly moving up to your thigh. 
Your body jerked back, pulling away as if his touch burned your skin. His touch didn’t feel like Bucky’s. His eyes grew cold, it irritated him that you were so sweet and pathetically innocent yet unfazed by his attempts to seduce you; you’d never given into him.
“I-I appreciate that but I wanted to come alone” You didn’t want to upset him though you were very close to dumping a glass of wine on his head. Bucky’s jaw clenched at the way your body froze, discomfort evident on your face as he continued to try and paw at you. 
Bucky didn’t like you.
Or care for you.
But you were still his to ruin and he wasn’t going to let someone stop that. 
Is what he told himself as he shot out of his seat making his way to your table while Steve and Sam gave each other amused glances. Your eyes lit up as you saw Bucky taking long strides towards you, pulling you out of your seat and wrapping his arm around your waist without looking at you once. His eyes were trained on the blond that wordlessly glared back at him, not willing to argue with the mob moss as he walked away with you. 
“I want to leave” You whispered up at him, craving to be touched by him, and forget the feeling of Walkers hands on you. 
“Let’s get out of here” He tugged your wrist, dragging you into his SUV, tossing you in the back. You waited for him to get in, snuggling into his side when he slid in beside you, gasping when he gripped your cheeks, smashing his lips onto yours. There was nothing but tongue and teeth as he claimed you, biting and nipping at your lips, his hands grasping your waist to pull you closer. 
“Home” He nodded to his driver before practically pulling you onto his lap, closing the divider as he sucked on your pulse point. He never brought women over to his place, given his line of work, he didn’t take the risk. But right now, his needs over threw that logic as he told the driver to take him home, ready to take you apart on his bed.
He hardly let you breathe the entire car ride, his tongue laced with yours, fingers tugging your hair, while your hands came down to grasp at his shirt. He broke away when the car stopped in front on the driveway, his hunger to have you wrapped around him growing stronger. 
“Come here” He pulled you out of the car, carrying you in with your legs wrapped around his waist. He took you straight to his room, kicking the door closed, holding you up with one arm before locking it and setting you down. He threw his suit jacket off before turning you around and unzipping your dress, letting it fall and pool around you feet, leaving you in your underwear. 
He groaned at the dark sheer lace that hugged your body, cupping your perfect breasts, your sweet pussy hardly covered by the tiny material of your panties. 
“On your knees” He commanded, unbuttoning his pants, pulling his cock out, rubbing the tip onto your lips, making them glossy. You licked off his precum, moaning up at him while he gripped your hair back, the other hand holding onto your jaw. “Open” 
He shoved his cock down your throat, guiding your face up and down his length,  throbbing as you gagged and choked on him. His thumbs swiped over the tears that spilled down your cheeks, moaning at how wrecked you looked. 
“So fucking perfect, sucking my cock like a the little slut you are” He groaned, “otsosi mne, printsessa”
Every whine and moan that you made went straight to his cock, twitching, dribbling arousal down your throat. He pulled you off, not willing to just cum in your mouth, not when his balls felt heavy, his cock desperate to be inside you. He carried you over to the bed, dropping you and ripping your lingerie off before stripping all his clothes off and crawling on top of you. 
You let out a soft gasp at his complete bare form. He had never taken all his clothes off before, you couldn’t help but let your eyes wander from his thick muscular thighs, dripping cock, perfect chest and handsome face, he was beautiful all over. 
“James?”  You blinked as he paused between your legs, the greedy side of him desperate to taste you, something he had denied himself thus far. Until tonight. You always smelled so sweet. He was going to make sure he touched and claimed every part of your body. “James, what are you-ohmygod!” 
You gasped as he dove into your folds, his mouth unrelenting, sucking and swirling his tongue while he shoved two fingers into you, pumping them in and out, making your moans grow louder. He looked up at your squirming form, your head thrown back, thighs trembling and squeezing around his head. 
“I-I’m gonna-fuckfuck-please-P-PLEASE”
He smirked against your clit, slapping the side of your thigh before sucking with more pressure and shoving a third finger in you, throwing you over the edge. Your juices spilled out of you, soaking his face, your scent and arousal covering his beard. 
He didn’t give you any time to recover from you high, grasping your ankles and flipping you over, shoving your face down and bringing your ass up, his cock rubbing up and down your cunt. 
“moya malen'kaya shlyushka“ He mumbled to himself, spanking your ass making you cry out. “Take it princess” He spanked you again, rubbing the sting away before grasping the soft flesh, squeezing it in his hands. 
“Bet he would have loved to have you like this, hm?” 
“Who?” Your brain couldn’t function, focused on his length pressed against you, 
“Your little boy toy who wanted you attention so badly, ty shlyukha“ His fingers gripped tightly, humping and rutting his cock against you while you mewled, desperate for him to do something, “You ever let him put his cock in you?”
“N-no” You whined, as his hand gripping your ass further, guiding his cock to your fluttering entrance. A satisfied smirk graced his lips as he slammed into you, pulling your hips back to meet his thrusts, groaning at the way you cried out at the stretch. The sounds of his skin slapping on yours echoed through the room, nearly drowning out your muffled cries. 
“Yeah, you know why baby? Cause your my little slut, my fucking cum dump” He wanted to ruin you so fucking badly, your pussy would never be the same, his hand snaking down to tug your hair for leverage to fuck you harder. “That’s all your fucking good for, to take my loads, give me something warm, tight and wet to cum in”
“F-uck! JAMES” He fucked you at an animalistic pace, moving to grip onto the headboard, his brows furrowed, keeping your face buried against the mattress. 
“Such a well fucked hole, look-look at how you’re greedy cunt is swallowing my cock” 
“P-PLEASE JAMES!” You had tears in your eyes, overwhelmed with pleasure, the overstimulation consuming your body. You could hardly focus on anything, your hands blindly searching for something to hold on to. You could tell if you wanted more or less, your belly tightening again, ready to cum for a second time. 
“Shut up and take it” He growled, his hips snapping wildly, the headboard cracking under his grip. Your tears spurred him on, his cock growing harder, ruined on his bed, crying out for him. He moved one hand to shove his fingers into your mouth, moaning when he felt your pussy clench, shoving them deeper.
Your body always responded to him perfectly, he couldn’t hold on any longer, his balls heavy and tight, ready to fill you with his cum. 
“Ready for my cum, princess? Open that little pussy up for me, m’gonna fill you so much, it’ll squirt out of you, make my cock creamy princess, dirty messy slut” You could feel every vein and ridge of his cock against your sensitive walls, your arousal making his balls wet eat time they slapped your clit. “Say it, say you want my fucking cum”
“I want your cum!”  You slurred out, waiting for his warmth to flood you. 
“Who, whose cum do you fucking want” His head was thrown back, cock starting to twitch, the tip swollen and sensitive. 
“Yours daddy” 
That did it, you were too fucked out to even register what you had just called him but Bucky hear it loud and clear. It unleashed something in him, giving you 3 harsh sloppy thrusts before he couldn’t hold off any longer. 
“Shit-FUCK-hng fuuuckkkk” His movements stilled, his cock throbbing, spilling his cum into you. He gave you a few more sloppy thrusts, emptying himself before pulling out and pushing his sensitive cock into you again, rolling you over so he could see your fucked out face. He had to stop himself from lapping up your soaked pussy with his mixed arousal, his cock ready to fuck his cum back into you as it dripped out. 
“I’m not done with you”
Your body was limp on the bed, panting, soreness and bruises littering your skin. He had thrown you around in every position, pulling pleasure from your body as if it satiated his hunger. He pumped you full of his loads, not leaving one part of you untouched, his hands, tongue and cock caressing your body. 
After the last round, he had gotten up to splash some water on his face, his body covered in sweat, his spent cock soaked in your mixed arousal. He wasn’t a stranger to rough sex but even he felt worn out, having thrown you around like a ragdoll to his content, cumming in you until he couldn't anymore. 
As he walked back, Bucky blinked, seeing your curled up form on his bed, snuggled in his sheets. 
That wasn’t part of his plan.
He didn’t intend on letting you fall asleep. 
He couldn’t help but slip under the covers, too exhausted to think about if this was appropriate or not, waves of sleep crashing over him. He swallowed thickly when you shifted in your sleep, snuggling into his side, seeking his warmth, your arm hugging his waist, head resting on his chest. He tried to shuffle over but you clung onto him in your sleep, tucking yourself against him as much as you could, letting out a small whine whenever he moved. 
Your body felt to soft and warm on him. He had never taken the time to really look at you, but as you laid on his chest, his eyes flicked across your face, taking in your features. 
Your lashes fluttering against your cheeks. The pout of your lips. The soft curve of your jaw. There was no doubt you were beautiful but there was also something ethereal. Angelic. 
It almost felt wrong for him to touch something so sweet and delicate. 
He could smell the soft scent of your shampoo. 
His eyes drifted to the bruises that covered your body. 
The ones he marked you with. 
The ones he never paid attention to before. 
The ones he should have kissed and massaged- no. No...No?
You were nothing more than a means to an end...but he couldn't stop himself from stroking your skin, while holding you close. His hand trailed down softly to trace down your spine, making you shiver, nuzzling against him further. He couldn’t understand how even in your sleep, you were sweet. Trusting. You wanted to be wrapped in his warmth. He thought about the way you looked up at him when he tugged you from the party. The way you stayed on his lap the entire care ride home. 
He thought about how he left without looking back each time but you were always so warm whenever he came back. Soft. His body moved on its own, pulling the sheets up to cover you, pressing a delicate kiss onto your head. 
What was going on with him. 
The next morning
He blinked awake, frowning at the coldness of the bed. You had left at some point during the night, so quietly he didn’t even notice. He felt....disappointed. He wasn’t even sure why. He missed the way you fit in his arms. The way you slept so soundly while cuddled up with him. 
Something changed after that night. He sought your warmth, not just your body. He wanted to feel you wrapped around him, your arms clinging to be closer, your adorable little disgruntled sounds whenever he shifted while you slept on his chest. The way your voice soothed him. It wasn’t hooking up or just fucking anymore. It was softer each time. More sweet words. Lingering touches. He’d stay longer just to hear your honeyed voice, talking about anything, it didn’t matter. He knew this was no longer just him trying to get back at your father. 
He had fallen for you. 
He never thought he’d be capable of that type of affection, yet with you he had his first taste of sweetness and he didn’t want to let go.
A few weeks later - His room 
“Come here” He pulled you close to him, his hands softly caressing your body feeling every bit of you as he laid with you on his bed. He peppered soft kisses onto your face, making up for all the times he should have kissed you before, your skin felt like soft silk on his lips. 
He pushed himself into you slowly, for the first time, feeling all of you wrapping him in your warmth. He’d been inside you so many times before but now he actually felt you. Your sweet body under his, trusting him to take care of you. 
He couldn’t hurt you, you were so precious. 
His hands gently held onto you, rocking his hips slowly, savoring every second. 
You knew something was different. He knew something was different. 
“James, don’t stop, p-pleaase”
“I won’t stop baby, I won’t”
“Don’t let go”
“I’ll never let go malyshka, prekrasnaya printsessa” 
He was making the softest sweetest love to you and you clung onto his body never wanting it to end. He held you gently as you came undone for him, slowly thrusting into you as he reached his high. His touch was so delicate, you would have almost missed it. 
He didn’t say a word about what had just happened. 
He thought he could ignore it, go back to how things were but when he was still throbbing in you, unable to stop how much he was cumming for you, it was impossible. His body weight fell on you, still grinding and rutting his cock, moaning into your neck. He nearly sounded like he was in pain, overstimulating himself with your sweetness. 
“James?” You cupped his face, making him look at you, your thumb caressing his scruffy cheek. “Is everything okay?” 
“You feel good baby” he whispered, resting his forehead onto yours. “You feel go so good” 
“James what’s wrong” Your voice was more firm this time, cocking your head, waiting for him to tell you what was on his mind. His eyes were glassy, pushing some of your hair back, his thumb stroking your forehead. 
“You’re an angel” He gazed down at you, swallowing the lump that formed in his throat, how did he ever think about using you. 
“Baby, where’s this coming from?” 
He stroked your hair, his heart sinking at your confused expression. He didn’t even know where to start.  “I- he huffed in frustration, how could he look you in the eye and tell you what his intentions were. “I-I don’t deserve you” He shook his head, biting his lip, unable to meet your eyes. He rolled you both over so you rested on his chest, your doe eyes waiting for him to continue. 
“Why?” The flash of hurt that crossed your face made his heart jump, he never wanted to be the cause of your pain. 
“Because angel, you’ve always been sweet. Kind. Affectionate. I didn’t treat you the way you deserved. I left you on your on every night when I should have held you. Made love to you, not bruised you skin” 
His voice had slowly dropped to a whisper, his heart racing. You could see tears well in his eyes, his hands trembling on your skin while he rubbed your back. 
“You’re precious angel, I can’t believe I ever treated you otherwise. You deserved love from the start” He let the tears roll down his cheeks, full prepared for you to up and leave, he knew he wasn’t worthy of you at all. And yet...he couldn’t stop the next words that slipped past his lips. 
“YA tebya lyublyu” You blinked up at him while he smiled softly, sniffling, cupping your cheek, brining you closer to him “I love you”
“You love me?” You could fee your heart hammer in your chest, as you inched closer, your nose bumping against his, your thumb wiping his tears.
“I do moya sladkaya malyshka” He kissed your forehead, then nose, and the softest kiss to your lips. “Please forgive me babygirl, please” His eyes were pleading with you, ready to give you the world in your hands if that’s what you wanted. You nodded, snuggling into his hold while he wrapped you tight, hoping he’d be able to have you just like this for the rest of his life. His sweet girl. 
“I love you James”
“Say it again baby” He whispered, wanting to hear those words from you over and over again. 
“I love you” you smiled against his skin, while he kissed your head. 
“My sweet doll” He adored you so much. “Say it again”
After secret dating and sneaking around for as long as you could
Now given that Bucky is your fathers rival, you can imagine it isn’t exactly the easiest thing to bring up. Tony is not immediately on board. At all. 
Until he sees you both one day when you both think no one’s looking. He’s a little taken aback at how soft Bucky is for you. Who knew such a jackass could also be such a gentleman. 
Your both outside in your garden; you thought your dad had gone out for meetings for the day. Bucky has you on his lap, feeding you berries with kisses in between each bite. He can’t take his eyes off you, nose nuzzled against your cheek, cuddling you under the warm sun. He can’t stop smiling and looking at you with heart eyes, his hands playing with your hair. 
Clint snorts, watching Tony narrow his eyes at you both while watching you from his office. He so badly wants to shoot Bucky because again, how dare this cocky jack ass come to his house and woo his babygirl, fuck no. 
But also...
You looked so happy. 
“They’re cute, huh” Clint joined Tony’s side, smirk down at your both. 
“Shut up”
He wants to go down and tell the mob boss to get his hands off his daughter but you laugh and snuggle into Bucky further. 
“It’s been months boss, she’s the only one he’s been with, I hate to say it but it looks like he really loves her. And she loves him” 
“Why do you know this”
“You’re not the only one who keeps tabs on her, she’s everyone little princess” Clint rolled his eyes, knowing the way all of Tony’s men cared for you like their own. Tony grunts, leaving to pour himself a taaaallll glass of whisky. 
He wasn’t Bucky’s number 1 fan but for his little princess, he will allow it. There’s no doubt that Bucky loves you almost more than him. If you were a princess at home, Bucky treats you like a queen. You’d always be protected. Cared for. 
Bucky comes directly to Tony all on his own, asking for your hand. Yes, its an outdated practice but he respects Tony and wants him to know his intentions are to love you and take care of you. He knows how much it would mean to you for father to say yes. 
It’s a long discussion. Lots of differences put aside. Alliances formed. 
Tony still thinks Bucky is a jackass but he can’t help but smile at the happy squeals he hears down the hall when Bucky goes straight to you to ask you to marry him.
A sweet intimate wedding. Not exactly small, but only people you both care for are there. Steve and Sam spend the entire time at the altar with shit eating “I told you so” grins. 
(Tony’s wedding present is the south side) 
Your first son, Steve Anthony Barnes is spoiled beyond reason by literally everyone. Steve and Sam compete with Tony and Clint and it’s done nothing but get on your nerves because you’d need a second house with how many presents he gets for no reason at all. 
Your baby girl, Rebecca Samantha Barnes is daddy’s little princess. (Bucky will never, ever in his life admit he now understands how Tony felt over you. He kicks himself every so often and spoils you as much as he can) 
The twins, Clinton and Natalia can only be left together for so long before they get up to mischief. Which is every minute of the day. Steve confirmed that dealing with illegal shipments was less terrorizing. Everyone agreed. 
And of course with each day, Bucky is still head over heals in love with you. 
@glxwingrxse  @hungryyeyess  @sebsgirl71479  @beabutterfly987  @teambarnes72  @witchywhore @jamesbuckybarneswify @slutforsexyseabass  @chrisdrysdale @littlemarvelmenfan  @buggy14  @whimsyplaty92  @sergntbarnes @inkedaztec   @pono-pura-vida   @moonlightreader649 @brooklynscherry-z  @elle14-blog1 @justsebstan @littlelightnings @psychomanniac-blog  @happyt0exist   @emmabarnes  @bethyruth @matchat3a  @cjand10   @getwellsoontana  @cherryschaos   @lokisasgardianvampirequeen  @ashenc-blog  @buckybarnessimpp   @potatothots  @goldylions  @high-functioning-lokipath @morganemorganite-blog  @kingfleury   @peaches1958   @spiderman-stilinski   @peaceinourtime82  @gublur   @wintersmelodie @geeky-politics-46   @lolawassad  @almosttoopizza   @a-poor-gryffindork @alternativeprincess   @buckycallsmeaslut​    @kamaria-sweet-writes  @charmedbysarge    @xnorthstar3x​  @kryoee7​ @alina02​  @gh0stgurl​    @polishprincess999​ @jessybarnes​ @alltheficsiwant​ @chemtrails-club​
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its-tortle · 8 months
firstprince fic recs 👑🇺🇸
put this together for my bestie a few weeks ago and thought i may as well share it here :)
(baby) don't make me spell it out by extaswings - 2k - the most popular proposal fic and for good reason omg
fsotus & hrh feat. the web's most searched questions [for approval] by loveonpurpose - 2.4k - silly little transscript of alex and henry doing the most searched questions interview
class(room) warfare by @cha-melodius - 7.7k - alex and henry are both professors and alex doesn't wipe the board before henry teaches in that room so he has to write a strongly worded email that obviously turns into argue-flirting, and so on.
what we might do (if we stop keeping a secret) by @indomitable-love - 8k - lovely lovely au where their emails don't get leaked and they get to come out how they want to. bonus points for the bleachers title
am i the asshole by @everwitch-magiks - 9.5k - a fun reddit aita gets posted and everyone thinks they should fuck
right at home by @omgcmere - 10k - college au with a library study buddies meet-cute and a little fake relationship schtick
all the old showstoppers by @cha-melodius - 20k - in an au where alex didn't go to the royal wedding, they meet a few years later on bake off
god save the blessed american president mom by @zipadeea - 31k - someone attempts an assasination on ellen, and alex gets hit instead. this fic is absolutely amazing. make sure you have tissues tho
rule number nine by clottedcreamfudge - 43k - the kissing booth au that is way better than the movie
hit (my love) out of the park by bleedingballroomfloor - 49k - baseball au!!
and history remembered by sherryvalli - 55k wip!! - rwrb from the perspective of twitter in the rwrb-verse. so so so well done it all feels so real i am screaming
camp llwynywermod by bleedingballroomfloor - 56k - camp couselor au!!
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strangerxperv · 5 months
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NSFW/ MINORS you are not invited to the sex, you're gross
Tell me
Daddy Dom Billy Hargrove x Shy Princess Reader
(this was going to be a one off but here we go, another wip au)
You're Billy Hargrove's girlfriend except he refuses to call you that. He calls you his girl, his baby, and more importantly: princess. He's different from you in every way and most think he's just using you.
Sometimes you do too. It's easy to think the blue eyed boy is toying with you. The way his lips tilt up in a mocking grin that makes his eyes staring down at you twinkle. He makes you feel small.
Other times Billy makes you feel secure and safe with him. He never lets anyone make fun of you or look at you funny. He doesn't let you do it either. Only Daddy can make you cry, that's rule number one.
Rule number two is you must always call him Daddy, He's not your boyfriend, he's daddy. If he catches you calling him anything other than that, your ass will be sore. In more ways than one your ass will be sore and you will be sobbing by the time he's done.
Rule number three is his favorite because of how shy and innocent you are. You have to tell him what you want in the bedroom and outside of it. Billy likes to spoil you as much as he likes punishing you. It's also the rule that took the longest for you to get right.
Even though you're used to tell him what you want you still feel shy. It makes you pause and hesitate to the point that Billy sometimes has to prompt you, "Tell me, princess." His amused grin lays a lingering kiss on your heated throat. Long tongue swipes across your beating pulse before he pulls back. Blue eyes stare into your own, "Don't disappoint me by making me remind you, tell me."
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karinasbaby · 25 days
taglists for all of the works r open !! (via ask or comment ♡)
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PAIRING. virgin!jake x fem!reader | RELEASE DATE. to be decided. (june-july)
⋆ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ⨟ what happens when sim jaeyun, the known nerd of the university who also happens to be a virgin gets sick of jerking himself off almost fifteen times a day and decides that it’s finally time to push his notebooks to the side and get laid for once? well to put it simply he tries to bag himself the infamous girl in his university that also carries the title of ‘the best pussy in town’. keyword, tries.
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PAIRING: fwb!winter x fem!reader | RELEASE DATE. to be decided. (june-july)
𓄹 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ᱺ being friends with benefits with minjeong was a free test to your patience almost every single day. and it’s no different when you coincidentally meet her at a random party. except the only difference is that she’s not testing your patience this time, rather your feelings since the lines between friends and lovers got blurred a really long time ago for her. could this also mean that she broke the first basic rule of being friends with benefits? probably. did minjeong care in the first place? fuck no.
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PAIRING. lee donghyuck x fem!reader | RELEASE DATE. to be decided. (july-august)
⊹ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ⋮ everyone on campus knows about donghyuck’s crush on you. well except— you, of course. so when the opportunity for him to prove himself that he’s a million times better than your own ex who’s fucking a random girl in another room strikes for him? best believe he’s sweeping you right off your feet and wiping your tears away while telling you that you could just easily ‘cheat back.’ and he’ll be honoured to help.
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PAIRING. ex!hyung line x fem!reader | RELEASE DATE. to be decided (july-august)
ꕤ | 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒﹟in your final year of university you wanted to do nothing more than to make up with all of your previous exes for the final time in order to officially close this specific chapter of your life, and you certainly hoped that the final meet up with them to return their items would be nothing more than a simple goodbye— which contradicts the reality of you ending up in their bed.
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PAIRING. alien!aespa x fem!reader. | RELEASE DATE. to be decided. (august)
♛ | 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 %⃨ set in the year 3024, joining your dad whom was awarded for being one of thee most successful astronauts of his generation— on a trip kept hidden from his company around the solar system seemed like a great opportunity to learn more about alienated creatures and overall a good idea right? well, not entirely.
͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ────
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a,note. hello fr this time :D as u can tell i’ve had a lot of ideas recently, and for now these r the ones i’m willing to write & have been planning to work on. quick reminder that i might switch & delay the dates ! it rlly just depends on which one i’ll finish first :] this is also going to be my first time writing for aespa !! so i’m excited about that :D anywho, this post can also change to either remove or add diff fanfics as i’m planning on making this my permanent wip post so yep ! thank u <3
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rougecreator1 · 3 months
Masterlist... //
Personal Introduction
Rules for Requests (must read before making requests)
Wip Masterlist
Hi!! This is my master-list blog, including any and all info you'll need before making a request. Tells you who I am, who I write for, submission rules, and works I've already done! I'll try to keep this as updated as possible; if I somehow miss something don't hesitate to tell me! || Requests open!
Meangirls (2024)
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Regina George
Beauty is Pain -Regina's high heels bother her, reader notices and makes Regina switch shoes. (established relationship.)
Desire for you Affinity -reader is a mystery student on y/sports team, Regina sends Gretchen to gather information. Eventually you're asked to join the plastics. (mutual crushes.)
Under the Protection of Regina George -reader is bullied for being nonbinary, Regina comes to their rescue and comforts reader at the end. (established relationship.)
Pretty Girl Part 1 -reader is a new student at NorthShore who keeps running into Regina, Regina defends reader and has her join the plastics. (starts as friends.)
Part 2 -Regina takes Reader to her house with the rest of the plastics. She gives Reader a makeover to be party-ready. (friends.)
Second Chances -College AU. Regina asks reader out to a cafe date. Regina apologies to reader. They run into Gretchen and Karen after leaving the cafe. (first date.)
Shattered Glass -Reader watched Regina get ready for school, comforting her when she had to end up wearing jogging pants because nothing else fit. (established relationship.)
Bruising Kisses -Gretchen tells Regina about a rumour where reader is close to another girl, Regina publicly claims reader in the hallway. When they get home, Regina's insecurities show and reader assures Regina they only have eyes for her. Lots of kisses. (established relationship.)
You're Beautiful -Reader struggles with body dysphoria, Regina assures the reader they're beautiful which leads to reader showing Regina they're thankful for her... the next day, Regina shows the school who owns her. (established relationship.)
Truth or Dare -Regina gets reader ready for a house party, they get a little distracted by each other. At the house party, reader ends up having more fun than she thought she would. (established relationship.)
Don't Forget
-reader's been wanting for Regina's attention, so she takes matters into her own hands to get it. Regina isn't too happy and reminds her who she belongs to.
(established relationship.)
NorthShore Nowheres Part 1 -reader is the leader of NorthShore's infamous biker gang; NorthShore Nowheres. Plastics decide they're interested in reader, but so has Cady... (aware of, not yet dating.)
Part 2
-Reader goes to the movies on her date with the plastics, Regina's being extra flirty with reader. Outside, reader gets into a fight with the rival biker gang. Employee breaks up the fight and the girls take reader to Regina's for a patch up.
(first date.)
Slow Boil -reader doesn't get enough sleep, the next day people get on her nerves and it pushes her to a boiling point where she snaps at Cady for insulting her girls (established relationship.)
Insecurities -Reader feels left out when Cady joins the group: the girls don't notice right away. When date night rolls around and all they seem to talk about is Cady, Reader can't take it. (established relationship.)
Whats One More? -Reader keeps helping out everyone to the point where it begins to effect her sleep schedule. Ms. Norbury notices and brings it to the attention of the plastics, who comfort Reader and get Reader to sleep. (established relationship.)
Heatwave -It's HOT. Regina is unaffected and makes them go outside for lunch, Reader faints from the heat and her girls (along with Ms. Norbury) take care of her. (established relationship.)
I See the Light -Regina's auditioned for the school play; Tangled as the role of Rapunzel. She gets it, of course. Only problem is the boys auditioning for Flynn Rider don't have a spark with her. It's so bad to the point where the play director considers dropping the play, reader steps in and saves the day. (established relationship.)
Totally Fine -reader's part of the cheer team, her girls go and support her only to watch reader fall from the pyramid much to their concern. Reader insists she's fine, turns out she's very much not and her girlfriends know it. They take reader to the hospital, with some scolding from Regina. (established relationship.)
Burning but its Ice Cold
-reader and the girls go ice skating at Regina's cottage, reader gets distracted by the northern lights and falls through a thin spot of ice. The girls work together to comfort and warm up reader.
(established relationship.)
Janis Imi'ike
Pretty Little Secret
Part 1 -Reader calls Janis in tears as she talks about her experiences at her school. Janis suggests she switches to NorthShore. The following Monday, Reader starts at NotthShore and things go from there. (established relationship.)
Part 2 -reader runs into Regina George, Regina makes fun of Janis & reader. Janis tries picking a fight with Regina but reader & Damien pull her away before things can escalate. (established relationship.)
Gretchen Wieners
Miss Smooth Talker -first date, where Gretchen's worried that reader will be like Jason. But reader surprises her and they have a great time at a fair. Mostly fluff. (friends to lovers.)
Let Me Spoil You, Baby
-reader hasn't been giving Gretchen much attention, Gretchen gets upset when she sees reader talking with another girl. She doesn't let it slide. Reader does her best to make it up to Gretchen.
(relationship repair.)
Legend of Korra
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Avatar Korra
Gifted with Impurity Part 1 -reader is the daughter of Amon. Your father only ever allowed you to use blood bending, after your father's defeat you seek the help of Avatar Korra to get back what you have lost. (enemies to lovers.) Part 2 -You and Korra are attacked by Equalist chi blockers after your date. She defends you, you save her with blood bending. (established relationship.)
Dining with the Rich -Korra finds reader hanging out by the park river and offers to take her on a nice date, it's been a while since they had the chance to. (established relationship.)
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Caitlyn Kiramman
Your Idiot -reader gets back from a heist, Caitlyn isn't pleased. The heist would later come back to interrupt their date. (established relationship.)
Accidental Truth -reader and Jinx head to their usual hangout, falling for each other along the way. Jinx accidentally confesses her feelings and reader returns them. (friends to lovers.)
One thing I should've told You -reader and Jinx escape enforcers with the help of the magic reader has tried so hard to keep hidden. Jinx is mad at reader for keeping it hidden. (friends to lovers.)
Hazbin Hotel
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Carmilla x Velvette x Reader
To the Hip -reader invites herself to an Overlord meeting, cuddling with Velvette and accidentally disturbing the meeting. (established relationship.)
Devil in a Calm Sea -reader is in an Overlord meeting, keeping Velvette and Carmilla in check. Valentino keeps flirting with reader and reader loses it. (established relationship.)
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Heather Chandler
Tipsy Hook Ups -Reader gets spotted by Heather M and the two become fast friends, resulting in reader joining the Heathers & Veronica. Heather M invites Reader to a house party where drunk!Heather Chandler hooks up with drunk!Reader. (undefined?)
Totally Killer
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Pam Miller
Drunk Girls Kiss -Reader is best friends with the Mollys, specifically Pam Miller. What happens when they drink a little too much at a house party? (friends to more?)
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Wednesday Addams
Soft Thorns -Reader's on the more clumsy side, Wednesday's there to support Reader when they need it. Wednesday's "soft" side surprises everyone. (siblings.)
Magic Stones -reader is Norse Pagan. Wednesday and reader are out in town, as Enid had dragged them out for coffee when some town teens bully reader because reader had brought along a rune set and was doing a reading for Wednesday. Wednesday shows the teens not to mess with an Addams and they head back to Nevermore where Wednesday comforts reader. (siblings.)
Renée Rapp
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Swirling Thoughts -Renée's meeting reader's parents for the first time, safe to say she's nervous as shit. Reader helps her through it. (established relationship.)
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ki-yomii · 9 months
careful | jjk
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➥ pairing | jeon jungkook x f!reader ➥ word count | 2.2k ➥ warning(s) | 🔞 smut; dom!jk, sub!reader, dirty talk, mild dom/sub dynamics, orgasm control/edging, slight brat kink, slight brat tamer!jk, pet names, degradation kink, praise kink, mild dacryphilia, finger fucking, sub drop, pussy smacking, wet & messy ➥ summary | you should always be careful what you ask for ➥ notes | what's that - posting a fic that isn't any of my wips/requests? more likely than you think 🥲
i started writing today with the intent to work on my vampire jk fic cuz spooky season. instead, i found myself here... i'm sorry 💀
also i’ve seen enough run episodes to know you don’t want jk’s hands smacking you anywhere 😬
🩷 masterlist | inbox | AO3 🩷
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“Look at me, baby.”
The low warning cuts through your muffled whines, Jungkook’s weight pinning you to the wall. Thick fingers grind deep inside your cunt, digging into your g-spot mercilessly.
Pressure builds behind your hips, borderline painful as you shift around in a vain attempt to dislodge him.
“Don’t make me repeat myself,” he says, “You know better.”
Whenever Jungkook speaks, his voice scrapes down your spine, low and whiskey rough. His chest is a long line of heat, plastered to your front from stem to stern.
The rapid gallop of his heartbeat echoes your own rabbit-fast rhythm, the scent of his cologne clogging your nose and clouding your thoughts.
He bites out your name, the palm shackling your hands above your head squeezing your wrist. Blunt nails dig into the delicate skin of your pulse point.
A silent prompt you know better than to ignore. And yet, the temptation to do so is almost too much.
Keen awareness roots low in your belly, dripping down between your thighs like candle wax. Your thighs tense with the strain of controlling the involuntary drop of your hips; the urge to rock down into his touch choking the breath from your lungs.
The instinct to comply is almost Pavlovian. After all, you’re Jungkook’s good girl, aren’t you? Loved and fucked and trained to his liking.
(But how can you be good when he looks at you like that? It’s just not fair.)
Being good all the time is boring.
No. Your mouth snaps shut, and any response you have turns to ash on your tongue. The words catch on the backs of your teeth like candy. Not this time.
“Why are you being like this, huh?” Jungkook’s brows shoot towards his hairline, his dark head ducking to try and catch your eye. “I know I taught you better.”
How could you ever forget the rules when he’s fucked them into you so thoroughly? Took you apart piece by piece only to stitch you back together in his image - his precious little darling made to take his cock and swallow his cum.
“You really don’t wanna play this game with me right now. Trust me.”
Breath lodging somewhere in the middle of your throat, and tasting suspiciously of regret, you shake your head and dig your heels in. Resist the urge to crumble at his feet, beg for forgiveness with your mouth, your hands.
It’s already too late to back out - it’ll just be worse for you if you do.
Jungkook might hide his less… savory traits better than most, but you’ve experienced his greedy kisses firsthand, felt the tug of his teeth and tasted the salt of his skin. Heard his ragged moans honey sweet in your ear, felt the harsh grind of his body along yours.
When he smiles, it’s wicked, "Last chance. Show me those pretty eyes of yours, baby.”
Anticipation hooks behind your navel, stomach swooping as heat curls up in the valley of your hips. Blood rushes in your ears, starting as a slow thrum that crescendos into a rapid drum. Your heart tattoos itself into your ribs.
Licking your lips, your refusal shudders from you in a throaty rush, “No.”
A low hum fills the following silence, noncommittal. The mounting tension threatens to strangle you, sets your teeth on edge. Sparse hairs at the nape of your neck prickle.
And then, before you have time to consider taking it all back, plush lips ghost over the hollow below your ear. Whisps of dark hair whisper over your skin, soft and ticklish. Shivers race down your spine, spread through your fingers and toes.
“Alright, have it your way,” Jungkook smothers his words in the tender slope of your neck, “but remember: you asked for it. Don’t come crying to me afterward.”
Readjusting, Jungkook’s broad shoulders curve forward and the slackened hand on your wrists renews its grip. The cold tip of his nose traces along your jaw, inhaling the perfume of your silken skin.
An exhale shudders from him in a vulgar husk of breath. When you clench around his fingers still buried inside you, he laughs low and mocking.
“Damn, baby, your pussy’s just sucking me in. You really wanna cum that bad?” Kisses pepper up the side of your face, skirting the side of your mouth. “Heh, yeah, I know you do - such a dirty little slut.”
“Oh!” You sigh, sparks sizzling through your limbs, as Jungkook flexes his fingertips playfully against your swollen g-spot. Your hips tilt into the touch. “Hah…”
“That feel good, huh?”
A low keen escapes when he draws your earlobe into the moist heat of his mouth, his lips clamping down while the sharp points of his canines roll the tender fat. Little kisses of pain burn, brighten the arousal blooming deep within you.
“Yeah, of course it does,” Jungkook breathes, his voice low and husky in your ear as he strokes at your fluttering walls. “Just look at you.”
Unable to swallow the broken gasp of his name when he hits your favourite spot at the right angle, you tremble against his chest from where you’re pinned and squeeze your eyes shut, “J-Jung--!”
Holding up your own weight on weak knees is an endurance sport - one you’re losing as they bow and shake, threaten to give out. At the same time, your arms feel like lead, going numb from having them suspended over your head for so long.
Head light and floaty, your nails bite into the backs of his hands as a sharp spike of pleasure slices through you. “I’m--”
“Gonna cum soon?” Jungkook asks, the devilish grin tugging at the corners of his sculpted mouth more a baring of teeth. “Don’t lie to me.”
At your frantic nod, he tugs his fingers free from the tight clutch of your body with a sloppy squelch. Slick oozes from your cunt in a sticky rush that wets your inner thighs, your gut clenching hard with hollow satisfaction as he rips the ebbing flow of your orgasm away without warning.
The noise you make at their loss is low and wounded, tears brimming in the corners of your eyes. Your body locks up so hard your stomach aches, walls fluttering as a cramp knots up behind your hips.
Your swollen clit throbs with angry sparks of pain that make you whine and wince, orgasm thoroughly ruined.
“W-Why did you…” Voice cracking around a hiccupping sob, you pitch forward into his powerful chest. “Jungkook--”
“You know why.” His reply cuts you off, chilly and brusque, while he stares at you without remorse, “I gave you a chance to change your mind.”
“But I -”
Sniffling, you peer at him from beneath damp lashes.
Breathless and feral, Jungkook stands before you a vengeful god, robed in shade and shadow. It’s criminally unfair how good he looks; jaw clenched, eyes twin black holes that threaten to pull you in.
Harsh, hooded, hungry as they trace over the tear tracks cutting lines down your cheeks, the quiver of your lips. In moments like this, he’s as beautiful as Belladonna and twice as deadly.
“I don’t know why you’re even trying to sweet talk your way out of this.” 
If his glare alone wasn’t enough to curb your tongue, then the shuttered expression carved into the planes of his regal face would.
Displeasure sits heavy on his brow, tucked into the corners of his mouth like an ill-fitting mask. Then his hand is slipping between your shaking thighs once more, the backs of his knuckles dragging over your abused, messy folds.
Jungkook hums when you sigh, jolt at the touch, and says, “Now, shut up and be a good girl for me.”
It’s deliciously painful, like blowing on numb fingertips in winter. Your legs spread wider to accommodate him on instinct alone.
Head rolling back to rest against the wall, the cool stone heaven on your sweaty neck.
And then a strike, viper quick, lands on your exposed pussy. Your reprieve ripped away and smashed at your feet as the wet, sloppy sound of an open palm making contact with tender flesh almost drowns out your wounded cry.
You flinch away from the touch, flickers of pain pulsing through your sensitive clit. Nerve endings burn with sensation. Tiny cavities pepper your field of vision, the world a blurry kaleidoscope of color through pooling tears.
It’s hard to think, harder to breathe through the lingering throb and mounting shock.
Jungkook didn’t hit you too hard (he knows your limits), though he may as well have with how hypersensitive your pussy is. And still, amid prickles of pain, fresh arousal gushes from you to soak the length of his palm.
Cooing, he says your name, his lips cradling the syllables like a precious secret as his hand rubs circles over your mound. “Are you finally going to listen to me?”
Air hisses through your teeth as his fingers dip into your entrance, and it’s all suddenly too much. You drop too far, too fast. Lost and left adrift. Small. Fragile.
Heart lurching in your chest, the bitter ache throbbing in time with your pulse. Reminding you of how empty you are.
Sobs drip from your lips like dew drops, unintelligible words frantic as they break through the great, heaving gasps, “J-Jungkook, I can’t… Please, ‘m sorr- I can’t.”
“Oh, baby. You look so pretty when you’re such a fucking mess.”
Your breath hitches.
It feels like your skin’s too small, stretched tight over your bones until you’re bursting at the seams. The slightest touch will make you shatter to pieces, scattered across the floor like shards of fine china. 
Before you spiral too far beyond his reach, Jungkook guides you back, keeping his voice low and gentle in your ear while he shushes your warbling sniffles. Affection softens his smile, his eyes dark with perverse pride.
“Stop crying,” he chides tenderly, circling your clit with a ginger thumb. “You’re fine, promise. I’m here, I’ve got you.”
Kisses wick away the last of your tears, sweep over the delicate skin of your undereye.
“You did this to yourself.” Jungkook searches your eyes for confirmation, his brows furrowed and lips pursed. “You know that, don’t you?”
You nod, albeit stiltedly.
There are always consequences when you try to give him a taste of his own medicine - some worse than others. This time, you took things a little too far.
Now your cunt’s going to suffer the consequences of your stubbornness, but maybe if you butter him up beforehand…
The bob of his Adam’s apple captures your attention, your eyes tracing over the slope of his jaw, the tick of muscle as he grits his teeth.
Gnawing on your lip, you weigh your options.
You both know you hoped this would happen when you started acting bratty. Jungkook knows your dirty thoughts and filthy fantasies, how soaked you get from the thought of being pinned down, helpless.
Forced to take everything he gives.
… It isn’t even a question worth asking.
“Didn’t catch that.” Jungkook’s lips twitch with amusement, his fingers biting into the soft fat of your hip. “Come on, you’ve gotta use your words.”
The despair gripping your throat in a vice loosens with his lighthearted tone. Wetting your lips, you take the first step towards sparring yourself a brutal punishment by apologizing.
“I know it’s my fault - and I,” you swallow the flood of saliva pooling under your tongue, “I’m sorry.” 
"Mm, apology accepted." Jungkook hums, tracing the seam of your puffy pussy. “I’m so lucky I’ve got such a good fucking girl all to myself.”
Heat sinks into the apples of your cheeks, your thighs clamping closed around his wrist. There’s no denying the needy twitch of your hips at his words. A pleased rumble vibrates through his chest and into yours.
“Yeah, you like when I call you a good girl, baby?”
You whine, your eyes rolling back and your lashes fluttering.
Heat pulses through your belly in rhythmic waves, the residual pleasure from your interrupted orgasm kindling to light with little effort. You’d been so close, your body still desperate for relief. Thoughts slow and syrupy, cunt soaked and sloppy.
“Jungkook, please - lemme cum.” You try to rock down on his fingers only for his hand to restrain your hips. ”Fuck! Promise I’ll be good this time - jus’ need to…”
He tsks, saying, “Shh, you can cum all you want.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank-”
“If,” his smile is knife sharp, his eyes full of mischief, his words honey sweet, “you keep your eyes open and on me the whole time.”
Oh no.
You’ll be dumb and drooling, starry-eyed and stupid once he stuffs you full. The burning stretch of his fat cock buried balls deep in your gummy walls while the spongy head slams into your g-spot without mercy, your cunt milking his shaft with every gushing orgasm fucked out of you. His name a holy prayer on your tongue.
There’s no fucking way.
Jungkook knows you barely remember to breathe once he’s on top of you, let alone maintain eye contact. Your inevitable failure will taste all the sweeter when it fizzles, pops, bursts under the bite of his teeth.
“Wait, wait, wait!”
“Good luck, baby.”
Panic grips you by the throat, your eyes wide and pleading. “Jungkook-”
“You’re gonna need it.”
Well, shit.
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ncteez · 1 year
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You were just browsing, looking at all of the various kinks and fantasies the great world wide web had to offer. It’s not like you intended to make an account on a specific website to meet someone. Really, you were just curious about what was behind the “only members can view this page” banner. What you definitely weren’t expecting was to be pulled into actually meeting one of the men behind said banner, or enjoying it so much that you’d like for him to hurt you more. 
or the one where you join a kink website and a specific dom’s profile catches your attention enough to actually meet him at a hotel and practically ignore your safe words bc man, he’s good. 
ao3 | m.list | minors dni !! | kindly leave feedback and reblog, i will kiss your forehead so fucking fast if you do. 
wordcount― 8.7k
pairing― johnny x afab reader
content― dom!johnny, open minded sub!reader, smut, reader wants to explore her interests in kinks and finds the best person for the job
warnings― this is mildly cnc in some areas but reader does want it and there are safe words (colors) but she intentionally doesn’t use them. she’s having fun, she feels good, and only alludes to a “stop” because it makes johnny go harder. 
note― uh, hi. i know i'm always on a sub-idol agenda but i had this wip half written that i lost steam for and, well, johnny brought the fire back to finish it. disclaimer: im not good at writing dom stuff, but i tried so pls forgive me if this is the worst thing you’ve ever read. 
smut tags under cut:: 
smut tags― MONSTER COCK JOHNNY AGENDA, reader is referred to as: “sweetheart”, “baby”, “dirty girl”, “pain slut”, and “plaything”, face fucking (m receiving), bulge kink but like– via throat, choking, drooling, dirty talk, slapping, restraining, suffocation, degrading, praise, panty sucking, brief oral for the reader, teasing, short lived thigh fucking, cream pie, cock-drunk reader, biting, abuse of breasts, orgasm via nipple stimulation, clit abuse, hair pulling, fingering, overstimulation, johnny is kind of a sadist at times, unprotected sex, aftercare
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           You joined this website out of curiosity, and you also messaged user SayPlease out of curiosity. You said please to him, you thanked him, you used all of those manners you grew up learning in a way that they weren’t intended for through instant messages with the man. 
             Truly, it was because you were curious and you had no intentions of actually doing it. You wanted to try out some fantasies in the safety of your own room, alone. You wanted to keep it under wraps and just see how your body reacts to the words and images the people on this website offer. You were expecting your body to react at least a little bit, but you weren’t expecting to have one of the best orgasms of your life guided by his words through a muffled speaker. 
             Johnny knew you were new to this, he knew you were just exploring, and most of all, he knew he could control you. After all, you did so well during that first phone call. He’s truly not surprised that you were willing to meet with him in person after a short week or so of communicating. All of them eventually want the same thing, you’re no different. 
             Pulling up to the hotel felt ill-fitting for you considering this isn’t something you’d normally do. No, of course not. Why would you go out and meet some random man you met on a fetish website? Why would you be wearing the prettiest panties you own in hopes to get some praise for them? Why would you have been the one to suggest meeting him in the midst of a sexting session where he sent you the most delicious image of his hand squeezing around his cock, texting that he knew you’d do a great job of choking it? 
             Why you, right? No one needs to know that answer. This is a private affair, one where only you and Johnny know what’s going to happen. You’re nervous, based on how he speaks to you alone. You keep forgetting how new you are to all of this. Some rules you know are in place, but what about other things? Will he explain? Will he sit you down and make you sign a contract like what happened in that one book everyone was raving about? 
             The walk from your car to the room with dainty metal numbers screwed into the door felt like it took ages. You didn’t have a key, and you were a bit early for this meeting but the anxiety bubbling in your gut said that if you didn’t leave when you did, you probably never would have come anyway.
             He was already behind that door though, and only when he starts opening it do you realize that never once have you seen his face. You’ve heard his voice, you’ve seen his body, but never his face. He, on the other hand, never saw you at all, he only heard you. Is this how this type of thing usually goes down? Are appearances not part of the fun? Suddenly, you find yourself worried that he’s only going to be attractive from the neck down, which would ruin it for you, if you’re being honest.
             On instinct you back away from the door, ready to run back to your car and delete your profile, block his number, and ultimately pretend that none of this happened. When he comes into view though, you find yourself freezing on the spot.
             Messy dark hair, tattoos, somewhat soft eyes. This man looks exactly like a dom that would talk to you the way he already has. It doesn’t match the face you imagined on him though. Hardened eyes, a grimace on his lips, something along the lines of a person who probably carries themselves as some type of cocky prick with a huge ego to match his cock. But no, this is what Johnny looks like. He looks big, and almost compassionate if you’re reading his facial expression right.
             He doesn’t say anything to you at first, he just watches your reaction to his face reveal all while he takes in what you look like for the first time. He liked the surprise of it all, not knowing what his next partner actually looks like until he’s about to have them on their knees. He’s had all sorts of partners fulfill his fantasy without the expectation that he would want them to, after all, it’s about the pleasure and not entirely the attraction in his mind. You, however, are incredibly attractive already. He imagines how much better you’d look with tears in your eyes.
 “There she is.” He says warmly, stepping to the side and letting you into the room. “More beautiful than I could have hoped for.” 
             Already you’re blushing as you step into the room, deciding once and for all that, yeah, you’re doing this. His confidence in complimenting you matches the way he talked to you before, except now he’s in front of you and looking at you. It hits you straight in the stomach, even as you still try to comprehend his kind words versus the ones he growled through the speaker at you just days ago.
             You’re silent as you take your shoes off and stand awkwardly in front of the made-up, plush, probably half-assed cleaned hotel bed. 
 “I get it, you’re nervous.” He chuckles out, locking the door behind him and walking over to casually sit on the bed slightly behind you. His legs fall open easily as he looks down at himself, then up at you through the messy fringe falling in front of his eyes. “You can still back out, you know.”
             You shake your head, struggling not to make eye contact with him. 
 “Are there like–” You’re embarrassed by how nervous you are, unable to string together a sentence or try to keep this calm and casual. 
 “Hm? Go on, I’m not going to do anything until you’re sure you want it.” He smiles, cocking his head to the side and trailing his eyes up and down your body. He really can’t stop looking at you, hoping that you’ll let him have his way. The memory of how you sounded on the phone flooding his mind as he puts your face to the moaning voice. He remembers how wet you sounded, he could hear you fuck yourself so clearly. 
 “Rules. Are there any rules?” 
             Johnny darts his eyes to the ceiling in thought. Right, he knows you’re new but– damn is he selfish. 
 “If you want rules, we can set them now. A safe word is good,” He pauses, reaching to grab at your hand to pull you next to him. “Sit.”
             He says it politely, more like an offer than demand but you can’t see him as anything other than the dominant man you’d spoken to before. Even with a face that looks as soft as his right now. 
 “Usually, for me at least, a safe word is the only thing I set and it tends to help people learn their limits. I will stop if you say it.” He tries to explain, ultimately to leave limitations up to you during the act. After all, since you’re so new, how would you even know what you don’t like anyway? Sure, some people in this community find Johnny’s way of doing things shady at best, but he does communicate his preferred method first. He isn’t trying to trick you into doing something you don’t want to do, he just wants the freedom to let you explore all of the things that he likes. 
 “I’m not sure what rules are even meant to be set.” You explain, finally gaining enough composure to talk clearly now. “I’m not into water spots, though. I know that for sure.”
             He nods in agreement with a shrug, looking at you as if he is encouraging you to continue.
 “What’s the safe word then?” You ask, unintentionally fiddling your fingers in a nervous way. You catch his eye watching you, and you note the way he does his best to calm you from any anxiety.
 “Some people pick random words, but colors are usually a good way to go. Yellow for when you’re not sure, but I can keep going. Red for when I need to stop.” 
 “No green?” You ask.
 “I mean, technically everything is green until you state otherwise, isn’t it?” 
             He’s right.
 “Any other things that are a hard no?” He asks again, ruffling his hair through his fingers. “Fair warning, I will hit you, choke you, restrain you, among many other things,” he pauses and looks for your reaction. “unless you tell me now that you don’t want it.”
             You look at him and how his soft features have hardened slightly with his tense jaw, your thoughts derailing again as you see the words coming from a mouth so plush and pretty.
 “Is kissing allowed?” You ask, completely unrelated to his string of offered abuse.
 “If you want to kiss me through all of this, and your mouth is available, sure, I don’t see why not.” 
             You nod, taking it all in. Yellow. Red. No watersports. You’re going to hurt, and you can kiss him. 
 “Okay.” You say in a small voice, looking away from him and down to your lap. “Can you start slow?”
 “Probably not.” Johnny admits. He’s incredibly attracted to your nervousness, and even more attracted to the way your voice is already shaking and he hasn’t even touched you yet. 
 “You have safe words, use them if it’s too much. I don’t ‘go slow’,” He adds, spreading his legs a bit more. “I do what I want, you do what I want, and maybe you’ll get what you want in return.”
             There is no tone of politeness in his voice, and you assume he switched fully into this persona the moment you muttered the word “okay.” More nervous now, you almost wonder if it’s too late to back out. Do you even want to though? Because now you’re turning to look at him and you can see the way he’s looking back at you. You’re just exploring, and he’s right, you have safe words.
 “Okay.” You say against the anxiety in your belly, knowing that once it starts, that’s your chance to decide if your exploration was worth it.
             Without warning, you hear the zipper of his jeans being pulled at, and before you know it his length is out and on display. He grips it much like he did in the photo he sent to you. Matching his body more to his face now, you stare at it. It’s much bigger in person, and more intimidating to imagine having inside of you. Not only is it long but it’s incredibly thick, part of you wonders if you could even fit it into your mouth at all. 
 “You mentioned being on birth control, right? And being tested as clean?” He asks, looking down at himself and then back at you to watch you slowly nod in an answer.
             He basks in the way you stare, blinking at the way he’s gripping onto himself for you to see. But, like he said, he’s not going to start slow for you. With the brief discussion and questions out of the way, he’s going in full force.
 “On the floor.” He nods his head to the space between his legs. 
             Your body takes you to the position between his legs without so much as a second thought. Your fingers instinctually land against the harsh fabric of his jeans as you attempt to prepare yourself, swallowing hard at the image of his cock towering before you. 
 “No, hands behind your back.” He guides you with a smile and watches the way you pull your hands back and put them right where he asked you to. “Already so obedient? I knew you wouldn’t be hard to handle.” 
             You can’t tell if it’s a compliment or not, but it feels like it is because it sends a sense of pride through you. Does he like to fight for what he wants, or does he prefer having full control? 
             Johnny releases the grip on his length and places his hand at the back of your head, slowly guiding your mouth to his balls, twitching a bit at the way you instantly have your tongue out to lick and taste wherever he guides you. That alone drives him wild, seeing as how you may be new to this whole submissive thing, but surely you know how to suck a man off, right?
 “Dirty girl, you barely even know me.” He teases as he watches you lap away at him, a smirk against his lips while he guides your head up to the underside of his cock. “What would your parents think?”
             You knew he’d degrade you, but in all fairness, none of what he just said to you is a lie. You don’t even know his last name, you didn’t even know what he fucking looked like until fifteen minutes ago. Your parents would have a heart attack if they knew, and somehow feeling this dirty makes your stomach tumble and panties dampen.
             He stops guiding you for a moment, feeling your tongue travel back down to his balls, licking and prodding against them in a way that makes him want to buck his hips up, but he doesn’t. He doesn’t show want or need for his partners, ever. That’s their role to fill, because if he wants to fuck something, he can. 
 “Up,” He guides, feeling your tongue travel up the underside of his cock again. “Open up.” He adds as he smiles down at you, seeing you open your mouth fully while keeping your tongue flat against him. 
             When you circle your lips around the head, you wanted to take your time. You wanted to prepare for the fact that Johnny has a huge cock and it’s going to take some getting used to. Apparently, that wasn’t going to happen though, because now his hand is putting pressure on your head to go down, and your body fights it slightly because your throat has never taken a cock this big.
 “No?” He asks, pulling your head off of him and seeing if you’re already going to give him a red, but you don’t. You don’t even look at him and instead, focus your eyes on the head of his cock trying to be better prepared. 
             You almost hear the chuckle he lets out, the silent code word of green shining through in the way you say nothing. With that, he places both hands on your head and holds it there. 
 “Deep breath–” He encourages. “Look at me.” 
             Your eyes dart up to his as you take in a sharp inhale, and then, suddenly, you’re feeling him press past your lips again. You close your eyes and try to move your head down on your own, but it doesn’t budge, he’s holding you in place and at this point all you can do is let him. 
 “Open your eyes, look at me.” He demands this time, pressing further into your mouth and leaving little room for you to fight it. You do your best to look up at him, straining your eyes as he watches his cock disappear deeper into your mouth. 
             For a moment, ignoring the fact that your lips are being spread impossibly wide and you can feel your throat attempting to constrict around the intrusion, you watch the way his face stares down at you. He’s really into this. Concentrated on sliding his full, hardened cock as deep as it can go into your mouth. And when he hits the back of your throat and there’s a tear shedding down your cheek, he fucking chuckles.
 “It’s not so bad, right?” He asks, knowing you can’t answer with a mouth full of him. 
             That’s when the grip on your head becomes harsher and he starts fucking his hips forward, past your lips. He can feel you struggle, squeezing his length as it fills your throat, dripping precum and fully aware that you can’t even taste it. 
 “I can go deeper.” He decides, standing to his feet from the edge of the bed, holding your face on his cock and pressing in more, until he can feel the drool on your chin drip down and onto his balls. 
 He stares down at you and the way your neck cranes. He can almost see the bulge of his cock intruding your throat as he presses in tightly if he angles his head right. He coos at you, rubbing a thumb against your cheek. 
 “You’re taking me so well–” Johnny compliments, reaching his hand down to rest against your neck so that he can feel his length sliding in and out of your throat. “Do you hate this?” 
             You can’t respond, closing your eyes and trying to breathe through your nose. Your jaw is already hurting, your makeup is now ruined, and for some reason, you don’t hate it. You like the feeling of your breath being lost, with his hand pressed against any airway you could have possibly used at this moment. 
             Arms still behind your back, you can’t help but pull them forward to brace your hands against your own knees when he continues to fuck into your mouth at a more aggressive pace. When he pulls almost all the way out, you steal little gasps that end up sounding more like wet, desperate, attempts to breathe. When he presses all the way back in, bruising your throat in an immaculate show of how big he is, he doesn’t make a single sound and only concentrates on the way he can feel his cock sliding against the palm of his hand through the expanse of skin along your neck. 
             He does this for what feels like ages to you, and briefly you forget the pain of it and remember when he texted you the photo, saying you’d probably rather be choking on it. Experiencing it now, it’s more than you had imagined before, but also, in its own way, a million times better than you could have imagined. 
             Johnny’s hips start to slow as he releases his grip on your neck and moves his hands either side of your head. He holds you there on him as he tenses his muscles, your nose pressing against his abdomen and you can feel his cock twitch in the deepest depths your throat has to offer. You are continuously gagging around him and only now does he let out a moan, one that is deep and breathy. You open your eyes to try and look, but the angle doesn’t allow for it. All you can see is the expanse of skin along his abdomen and chest before his hands release your head.
             He’s expecting you to pull back, considering you haven’t gotten a full breath of air since he started doing this, but you don't. He jerks his head down to look at you when he feels your hands grip at his jeans again. Johnny doesn’t even think to tell you to put them back behind your back, because you are willingly still choking on him. He can feel your tongue struggle to share the space in your mouth with him, the heaviness of his cock weighing it down.
 “Shit–” He groans, staring down at you and the way you close your eyes so tightly in concentration, all in an attempt to please him. “Oh, fuck.” He throws his head back again this time, feeling the way you try to move your mouth on him, essentially deep-throating all on your own.
             When he looks back down at you, not fully able to keep his head thrown back so he can bask in the feeling, he’s floored by the wetness against your cheeks. You’ve been crying this whole time, dribbling drool, and taking it so well. He makes a point to pull himself out of you. 
             The whimper that leaves your lips is something he doesn’t think he can forget. A raspy whimper. A fucking cry, he’d be lying if it didn’t sound like you were disappointed that he stopped suffocating you.
 “Oh, sweetheart,” He starts sweetly, pinching your drool-coated chin between his thumb and pointer finger. “You liked the way I fucked that tight little throat, didn’t you?”
             You blink through your tears, nodding to him. You surprised yourself with how much you were able to take in that instant, and how willing you were to do it for longer. 
 “Like you were made for it,” He hisses out this time, pulling you up by the chin so that you can stand in front of him, “let’s see how wet you are.” 
             You can’t look away from his eyes, especially with the way he stares directly into yours when he cups his palm between your legs. Even with your clothes on, your body prickles with goosebumps at the sensation of him touching you there. 
 “Can feel you through these shorts,” he smiles, dipping his head down to ghost over the shell of your ear before moving his hand to the button of your shorts. “I bet you want me to touch you.”
             You’ve never begged before, and you never really understood why people begged at all, but at this moment you think you would absolutely fall right back to your knees and plead for him to touch you. You can feel your shorts sticking to you, your panties uncomfortably tucked into your seeping pussy at the very act of him fucking your mouth. 
 “Please?” You choke out, voice still raspy as you try to speak.
             Johnny chuckles at your pathetic attempt and pulls you by your shorts to step forward as he takes one step back. He shakes his head at you in pity, sitting himself on the bed as he drags you to stand between his legs. 
 “Turn around.” He guides you with his hand before circling your ass with his hands and landing a short slap against the back of your thigh. “Now, sit.”
             He still guides you, positioning his cock between both of your plush thighs and holding in a shiver at the way the hem of your shorts drags against his length. 
             You know you get nothing out of this, and he’s not going to touch you yet but fuck, you need it at this point. He watched you gag around him, he watched you try your fucking best, and this is what you get in return? The head of his cock peeking from your thighs as you squeeze around them? So be it. 
             You keep both feet on the floor, doing your best to keep your legs together as you make an attempt to bounce against his lap but he stops you instantly.
 “I didn’t say you could move,” he warns, placing his chin on your shoulder and wrapping his arms around your waist before leaning both of you back and then rolling you over to your side. “Cross your legs, and don’t move.”
             You do exactly as he asks, crossing your legs at the ankle and lying there still as he slips his cock from between your thighs. You wait like this for a moment before you feel the head of his length nudging between your legs again, this time more wet than before, and then his hand is traveling to your belly and under your shirt from behind you. 
 “Ever get off from having your tits played with?” he asks, his hand ignoring your bra and pinching straight through the sheer fabric against your nipple. “Would love to see how you’d drench these shorts if you could do that for me.” 
             Your mind is racing, feeling his fingers tightening the pinch against your nipple and his cock lazily sliding between your thighs. You shake your head, not knowing if it is even possible to get off that way. Sensitive tits aside, if he can do it, you might just have to find a way to claim Johnny as your dom, and no one else's.
 “You haven’t?” He chuckles from behind you, snaking his other hand under you and up to your other tit. “Let’s see.” 
             He uses both hands to move your bra to the outer swell of your breasts and gropes both of them before pausing and focusing on his cock between your legs for a split second. 
 “Keep your legs tight for me, sweetheart, I’ll reward you for it.” 
             You squeeze your legs tighter as you feel his fingertips gently flick both of your nipples. You try to focus on that sensation alone, feeling a short jolt of pleasure travel down your body and straight to your clit. God, you want him to touch your pussy so badly, because there’s no way you can come from this alone. 
             His focus falls back to you, fucking his hips forward all while he allows his fingers to put more and more pressure into the flicks and pinches. You must not realize the way your body trembles even at this, and it’s driving him fucking insane. You’re so new to this, but you suck cock like you’ve been a submissive plaything for years. You have so much to learn, so much to experience, and it’s hard for him not to want to do it all right here, right fucking now. 
             Without warning, he pulls his hips back and leaves his cock untouched. You’re about to turn your body to him in confusion but he does it for you. Rolling you over onto your back and positioning himself between your legs after standing to kick his jeans off first. He looks at you, deep and dark eyes matching the smirk on his face.
 “On second thought,” he starts, pulling your shirt off of you in one swift motion and staring down at your chest. “I want to see your tits before I ruin them.” 
             Typically, it’s normal for you to be fairly silent in these situations, so having no response for him isn’t a surprise. What is surprising is the way your throat instantly forces out a small moan when his legs forces you to spread yours as he settles between them.
             Even the sensation of your pussy opening beneath your shorts at the spread of your legs has you feeling more aroused than before. So, when he shocks you with a quick slap against one of your tits, you’re not even surprised that it feels good.
             He watches your face after that slap, your slack jaw rising into a small and cocky smirk at the realization that you’re liking what he’s doing. He’s still in the green, so he slaps again, harder this time before leaning down and licking the spot he just hit. 
             He pulls your bra up with one hand, raising it to your collar bone to release both of your tits and leaving them vulnerable to any hit, kiss, bite, or pinch he has to offer. You don’t care, because when you manage to open your eyes and look at him, he’s entirely focused on the way your nipples harden and soften from the sensations. 
             When he leans down to lick, your pussy clenches at the wet heat of his tongue flicking your nipple, and when his teeth graze as a warning for a future bite, you only anticipate it. Your body instinctively humping up each time a jolt is sent to your clit. He bites hard, and then pulls back to slap against your other tit even harder. Until you’re left shaking, babbling incoherently with gasps and curses. 
 “Does it hurt enough, sweetheart?” He coos, leaning back down to lick the growing swell against your tits. “Do you want more?”
             He’s surprised that you nod, chuckling to himself because he was already going just as hard as he normally would when a woman likes breast abuse. You want more? You want him to go harder? He hums in response, using one hand to pinch harshly against one of your nipples and dipping down to suck against a particularly swollen and sore area. 
             You feel the pain, the sensation running down your body much like the arousal and pleasure does. It’s almost hard to tell the difference between them, aside from the fact that the pain actually hits harder. The feeling of his mouth abusing you, his hands, all while his cock is hanging heavy and neglected against your thigh? You can take more than this even, you’re sure of it. 
             Without really intended to, your hands find their way to his hair. He almost pulls back to demand that you let go, to inform you that he gave no permission to touch him, but the way you pull against his strands has him replacing his harsh sucking and biting against your flesh to flicking his tongue against your other nipple. Surely, you can come from this. He’s going to make damn sure you’re soaking your shorts before he rewards you again. 
             You moan at the flutters of his tongue gently flicking your nipple, especially in contrast to his other hand bruising your other breast. It’s strange, really, to feel that familiar build up in your stomach but then again, your panties are tucked so tightly between your lips that your clothing is actually offering a bit of pleasure in that front too. Your clit is harshly being restricted and somehow, that offers relief in it’s own way. 
             For the first time in your life, you feel waves washing through your body that feel so hot that you’re sure you have a fever. He continues to stimulate your nipples, replacing his tongue with his other hand as he pulls back and watches you fall apart beneath him. His cock twitches wildly at the image. Your lips parting, tongue darting out to try and collect the saliva threatening to fall from the corners of your mouth, eyes rolled back before you squeeze them tightly and fucking tremble.
             Your lower half is humping up, your chest is chasing the abuse of his fingers, and you feel nothing but heat as you orgasm for an embarrassingly long time. All the way until your ears pick up the sound of him cooing at you. 
 “Dirty girl, you made a mess.” He smiles, releasing your tits and sliding down the bed before resting his chin on your knee. 
             You’ve barely come back to reality when you feel your shorts unsticking from your core. Panties still tucked uncomfortably against you, he tries to coo again, but instead he groans at the image of both your pussy and your shorts.
 “Fuck,” he stares. “You really did soak them.”
             He analyzes your shorts briefly before tossing them to the side and bracing both hands on your knees to spread your legs out. There, he hooks his pointer finger beneath the panties sitting tightly against your hole and pulls them out. 
 “So fucking wet,” he comments, realizing that your entire pussy is glistening with arousal. He pulls your panties away from you, offering relief to your core before slipping those down your legs as well. 
             You weren’t expecting him to do it, but then again, you weren’t expecting to let him do it when he shoves the panties into your face.
 “Open up.” He smiles, pressing the panties into your mouth with two fingers. “Suck.”
             You do, wondering how the fuck you ended up in a situation where this actually turns you on. He’s loving it though, watching your hole pulse as you suck your own arousal out of the fabric for him. You almost forgot his promise of a reward, if you’re being honest. So, yet again, you’re surprised when you feel his tongue, without any warning, lick straight against that pulsing hole and up to your clit. 
             Your legs shake around him, instinctively closing around his head before both of his strong arms spread them back out again. He chuckles against your pussy, and when you inhale to try and regain control of the sensitive pleasure taking over your body, you can only taste yourself. Each breath replaced with your past orgasm, each moan coming out as a choked and desperate whine. 
             The pleasure is short lived though. Johnny takes note of your whining, licking and tasting you to the point that he’s the one that’s about to fucking lose it. He’s quick to regain his control, licking a languid stripe up your folds before landing against your clit and grazing his teeth against it. 
             He holds you down when you jump at it, groaning at the sensitivity and pain. He grazes his teeth against it again, and again, and then finally nibbles against it. Your whining gets louder and he swears he can hear a whisper of a ‘wait, stop–’ as you spit the panties out of your mouth and your legs still try to squeeze around him, but he still holds you down with a chuckle. 
 “You know the words to use, sweetheart.” Johnny reminds you before nibbling again. 
             You could end this torture right now. Your clit has been neglected this whole time until now, and it’s not gentle. He’s biting, he’s grazing, and it fucking hurts. All you have to do is say the color, all you have to do is choke it out between his evil ministrations, but you don’t. 
 “That’s what I thought.” He laughs, leaning back and sitting up between your legs. He releases his hold on your hips, now pressing one hand flat on your stomach and holding you down that way before using his other hand to tap lightly against your clit this time. “Didn’t know you were interested in being a pain slut.” 
             You groan, unable to answer between his quick slaps to your clit. Swallowing hard, you try to speak. He notices your attempt and holds back his next, harsher slap. 
 “Baby wants to speak now?” He asks, rubbing your clit gently and encouraging you to try. 
 “Yellow,” you finally whimper, and he raises his brow. 
 “Just a yellow?” He confirms, waiting for you to nod before holding back entirely from the slaps and instead, pinching your clit much like he did to your nipples.
             For some fucking reason, this hurts more than the slaps but the consistent pain is more tolerable than the sudden, anticipated slaps. This, you like.
 “Green.” You manage to moan out this time, hips humping up much like before as a way to ask for more. 
             He tilts his head, thinking it’s cute when you use the color codes and thinking it’s even cuter that you’re still fucking drooling through it all. He pinches harder, watching you react, he dips his head down again and offers a bit more pleasure that way too. All the way until your legs are shaking again, and he knows now that you’re already about to fall apart again. 
             Despite your confirmation and willingness to let him continue the abuse of your pussy, he pulls back entirely, collecting the wet seeping out of you and sliding it down his cock with his fist. 
 “Look at me.” He demands, staring between your legs. You listen, managing to open your eyes in frustration and watch him. “Did you want to come again?”
             His eyes dart to you, and your pussy pulses yet again when you nod, releasing a frustrated sigh. He ignores it, looking back down at your hole, his thought process switching to his own pleasure.
 “Do you know how much I want it to hurt you when I fill you up?” He asks again, fisting his cock faster, using his other hand to grab your face and force you to look into his eyes. “I could be so fucking deep inside of you right now, you know that, right?”
             You groan, your body threatening to release something that resembles an orgasm on those words alone. 
 “Fuck–” You try to moan for him, you try to beg, but he stops you by squeezing your cheeks tighter. 
 “Fuck, what?” He asks, feeling his own orgasm welling up inside of him before he grips the base of his cock, denying him of that pleasure. “You?” 
             You nod aggressively, your hand reaching to grip his arms and brace yourself. 
 “Say it,” he demands, releasing his cock and using his other hand to run his fingers up your pussy. “Say you want me to hurt you.”
             You choke out the words, salivating at the very idea of him doing it more than he already has. 
 “So dirty,” he groans, shuffling back on the bed and standing to his feet. He quickly removes the rest of his clothes, the musky scent of him blowing past you as he throws his shirt over your face. “Take your bra off, dirty girl, let me see how much you want it.”
             Removing your bra ss quickly as possible, you toss it off the bed along with his shirt before looking at him with a question in your eye. 
 “Come on, take it.” He says, glancing down at his cock as he stands at the foot of the bed in front of you. “You think I’m going to fuck you? Fuck yourself.”
             Honestly, it’s like you’re seeing tunnel vision. Nothing in this room exists but you and his cock. Entirely tuned into your pleasure, your pussy aching from sensitivity and lack of being stretched open, you’re instantly leaning forward to get to him. 
             He watches the way you pull yourself from the bed, acting like an animal as you fall to your knees and take him into your mouth much like you did before. His jaw tenses at your hunger, and he holds back a moan at the way you appear to have lost yourself entirely for him. He doesn’t fuck his hips forward, he doesn’t touch you, he just stands there. Watching you unravel on your knees, feeling your eager tongue try to force a reaction from him. 
 “I said to fuck yourself,” He warns, stepping back and pulling his cock from your mouth. “Go on, you can use it if you want to.”
             He smiles when he says it, and in your head, you don’t care if it’s some sort of trick or play of words. You’d gladly spread out on the bed and absolutely pound your pussy on your fingers alone if he so much as hinted for you to do it, but at this point his cock is out, and it’s heavy. 
             Johnny is a bit shocked when you shove him back, eyes still glazed over in a way that shows him that you’re not in your right mind. He steps back, allowing you to press him all the way until he’s leaned against the hotel vanity. Raising his brow, kind of impressed, he allows you to hook one leg around him and instantly holds your leg in place to balance you there.
             He still says nothing, he doesn’t move past holding your leg in place around him, and his eyes remain on yours as you reach between the two of you and position his cock to your core. There, he chuckles when your face turns from something that seemed determined, into relief at the stretch of his head entering past your lips. 
             Still, he stands, chuckling at how desperate you are to fuck him this way, rather than just turning around and bending over. Surely the position would be easier for you, but then it all makes sense when he feels your lips slacked against his, panting against him as you make attempts to find some sort of rhythm.
             You did ask if kissing was allowed, and god, he’s glad you did. He growls into it, pressing his tongue past your slack lips and tasting the remnants of your panties.
 “You’re already so gone,” he whispers into your mouth, feeling your shallow humps on his cock. “I’m hardly even inside of you, sweetheart.” 
             You don’t really hear those words. Honestly, your body is moving on its own and doing what it can do at this moment. The angle isn’t easy, but you wanted to kiss him so fucking badly, that you had to do it this way. 
             He pulls out of you though, leaving little reaction for you to do anything other than feel embarrassed by your attempt to fuck yourself on him. He doesn’t expect you to, apparently, because he’s instantly swirling you around and shoving you to the bed. Bending you over and placing a hand at the back of your head before pressing your face into the blankets. His other hand holding both of your hands behind your back with ease. 
 “Better?” He asks, easily positioning his cock and shoving into you with one quick thrust, bottoming out entirely. “Hm?” He adds, pulling out and shoving in again. 
             Your mouth is open in a silent moan at the intense stretch, tasting nothing but the fabric of the blanket your face is currently shoved into. 
 “Can’t hear you,” He grunts, picking up the pace and pistoning his cock in and out of you so fast that you can barely catch your breath regardless of the blankets already making it difficult. “Say something.”
             You can’t. You can only groan at the feeling of his cock stretching you open repeatedly, at his hand shoving your face further against the mattress until all you can do is tense your body. 
             He feels it, your pussy clenching around him so tightly that even he gets the breath knocked out of him. Gripping your hair, he pulls your head up and listens to your gasps for air. His hips slam harder, harder, harder, until he feels the pleasure threaten to hit him. That’s when he stops, burying himself into you entirely before releasing your head and falling forward against you. 
 “Don’t fucking move.” He warns, twitching inside of you as he feels you heave for air beneath him. 
             You try not to move, but your sensitive body reacts to even the sound of his breath behind your ear. Everything is more sensitive than you could ever imagine your body being. Your bruised and swollen tits are throbbing against the mattress, your clit is pulsing at the fullness of his cock inside of you, and your pussy is struggling still to adjust to his size. It feels fucking immaculate. You want him to move, you want to move. You want to be fucked, obliterated, destroyed. 
 “Wait–” You manage to muffle out, knowing full well that it’ll get him to do the exact opposite. 
 “I’m not even fucking you,” he laughs, pressing his hips forward a bit more, causing you to whimper in response. 
 “Stop, just, give me a second.” You cry out.
 “Not how this works, sweetheart,” He laughs, pulling his hips back and pointedly thrusting into you again. “So lost you forgot how to use words?” 
             You nod, smirking against the blankets and knowing he can’t see it.
             His hips speed up, this time thrusting into you so hard that the bed itself scoots further forward and bangs against the wall. You yelp in pleasure, rolling your eyes back and wanting so badly to see his face as he fucks you.
 “Johnny, please.” You groan and he pulls back, wondering if you actually are so lost that you’ve forgotten the colors. 
 “Colors, sweetheart. Red for stop.”
             You shake your head almost aggressively at that, bracing your hands on the bed and pushing your ass back against him. 
             It floors him, really, that you’ll ask him to stop and then blatantly ignore your own words by fucking yourself back on him. You’re insane, honestly.
 “Please what, then?” He asks, smiling as he watches you fuck back against him. 
 “Let me see you do it.”
             He obliges, tilting his head at the request but allowing it nonetheless. You can feel him slip out of you before his fingers replace his cock. He doesn’t want to lose the feeling of your clenched pussy even for a moment as he guides you to roll over and shoves you back on the bed, your legs hanging off the end of it. He braces himself at the end of the mattress, resting his cock against your core as he scissors his fingers inside of you with a smile. 
 “Wanna see me fucking ruin you?” He smirks at you, pulling at your legs and guiding you to wrap them around him. “Watch me then.”
             You do, eyes zoned in on him as he grips tightly at your legs and pulls his fingers out of you. You can’t even catch your breath, which is no longer a shock to you, when he slides back into you. Studying his face as he does it, you can’t tell if he feels good or if this is just a service he does on the regular. You wonder what you’d have to do to break that stone-cold look in his eyes, what it takes to get him to moan without restraint, to show you that you’re also making him feel good.
             He fucks you so well, so deep, and god, it becomes so difficult to keep your eyes on him with each painful thrust. The bed continues to knock against the wall, your cries become louder and louder, and finally, fucking finally, you hear him release his breath in a low and guttural moan. 
             That’s it. That’s what you want to hear from him, time and time again. 
 “Harder,” you urge him, feeling his hands tighten around your legs before he’s releasing them and dropping his hand to your throat. “Harder.” You continue. 
             He does, putting all of his strength behind his thrusts, losing himself momentarily in the moment and squeezing your throat tighter as he grunts out at you with a defeated chuckle.
 “Of course, you’d be the one to pull this out of me.” He admits, his smile never falling from his lips as he closes his eyes and listens to the wet sound of his cock sliding in and out of you. “Of course, you’d be the one to grip my cock like this.”
             You’re gone, not even realizing that you’ve been on the edge for a while now in the way his thick cock continuously massages your g-spot. You tighten your legs around him, forcing him to bury himself deep inside of you as you clench and grip around him in a release. 
             He allows it, sliding his hand up your throat before releasing it and using two of his fingers to hook your mouth open. There, he watches you drench him, he feels your arousal gushing out of your stuffed pussy and onto the bed, and now, now it’s his turn. 
 “That’s it, come all over me,” he coos, pulling his hips back and slamming back into you despite your tightened legs around him. “Feel it.” he adds, accenting his words with another particularly deep thrust. 
             You’re entirely silent, and he’s loving it as he slides his fingers deeper into your mouth, holding your tongue down and imagining which way he’d like to fill you up. He could watch his seed run down your thighs, he could pull out and fuck your throat until climax, he could pull out and deny himself a bit more, just to see you fall apart more. 
             It hits him a bit too fast though, when he’s looking down your throat and watching your eyes slowly open to look at him. There’s the tears, your sensitive pussy probably begging for him to pull out, to give you some relief, to be gentle. He offers one last thing to you, pulling his fingers from your mouth and dragging them down.
             There, he rubs against your swollen clit until you’re writhing under him to get away. Still no safe words have been used, and you’re fully capable of stopping him at this moment. But you don’t. So, he doesn’t stop. The sensation of your body writhing, fighting the pain, chasing the smallest hint of pleasure throws him into his release. He presses into you so hard that the bed remains in a slightly tilted position, fitting snugly against the wall as he paints your inner walls with thick, hot cum. 
             You whimper at the feeling, legs falling open from around him as your body tries to wiggle away with your post-orgasm shocks. He moans each time, falling forward half way through his orgasm.. 
 “You love being filled with my cum, don’t you?” He growls against your ear as he fucks his cum into you. “Is this what you wanted?”
             You listen to him speak, the words matching the pain in your body to such an extent that you’d probably let him keep going if he wanted to. You’d let him break you of all sanity, you’d let him tie you up, use you, abuse you. 
             And when he goes silent, his sweat dampened skin raises and he slips out of you with care and a deep sigh of relief. You simply lay there, staring up at the ceiling and wondering how long you’ve been here, why it took you so long to explore this side of your sexuality, and why you’re not ready for it to be over, despite your aching body. 
             You feel his presence leave you for a brief moment and return with a warm and wet towel. You jolt when it touches between your legs, and you almost pull away when he runs it over your clit. 
 “You must be sensitive,” Johnny says gently with a voice you’ve never heard from him, “They always are after their first time.”
             Nodding, you try to pull yourself up and close your legs, but your body feels stiff. 
 “Relax, you’ll probably faint if you try to stand up too fast.” He tries to explain, folding the towel over to clean you with a different side of it. “It’s not like a normal hook up, you know? If you’re gonna let me hurt you, you’ve gotta let me take care of you after.”
             Your throat is dry as you lay there, the sensation of even his gentle touches feeling like too much to handle. You feel like you can’t move, so you trust his words and try to relax.
 “That’s it, yeah,” He encourages, going to try and help you shuffle your body up to the head of the bead so that you at least have a pillow. “Take your time. You have my number if you ever wanna meet up again.”
             With that, Johnny steps himself into the bathroom and cleans himself up and when he comes back out, he’s already dressed and fixing his hair in the mirror before heading toward the door.
 “Wait,” You panic, lifting up quickly and feeling a bit light headed at the sudden movement, “You’re leaving?” 
             He smiles at you, nodding. Everything else you do as a newcomer may be fairly expected, but it’s rare when Johnny ends up with someone who doesn’t want him to leave after. 
 “I do have a day job, you know,” He tries to play it off as a joke, but he really didn’t think you expected him to stay. “Stay here and rest up. Check out is tomorrow at eleven so feel free to enjoy the room. Not sure if you noticed, but it’s one of the nicest hotels in the city.”
             Oh. Right, you didn’t notice. After all, when you got to the door the room practically didn’t exist to you outside of the floor in front of the bed, the bed, and the ceiling. 
 “Red.” You say, unsure if it’ll work.
 “Doesn’t work like that, sweetheart.” He finds it sweet, but dangerous nevertheless. He doesn’t sleep over with his fetish website meetups. He’s here to bring you pleasure and pain sexually, not emotionally. “Like I said, you’ve got my number.”
             You’re silent, watching him turn the knob on the door. 
 “Oh and,” He pauses, turning to look at you. “Don’t go off with other randoms from the site. Some of them don’t offer the kindness I offered to you today. Ease into it, I’ll be around to help if you need me.”
             Wondering if he’s implying that you should only see him when it comes to this sexual dynamic, you nod to him, trying to ignore the fact that he claimed “kindness” was being offered to you. If this was him being kind, you can’t help but wonder what he’s like when he’s…you know, not.
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