#no idea its all confusing but at least we got madness combat
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hankintime · 1 month ago
it is officially a chore to do anything not related to madness combat / madness project nexus, I need it. conversations are boring if I can't bring in madness project nexus or madness combat it all needs to have it, I am losing interest in all my friends because I need more madness combat they do not intrigue me anymore , madness combat is everything
more madness more madness more madness
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luvrsunwooh · 3 years ago
Anything For You, my Darling.
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This is the first post for my Prompt Generator series! This series is to help me get me back into the joy of writing. Hopefully, my writing gets better again.
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About: You’re stressing about studying for your O.W.Ls and your constant nagging from your parents. Fred notices this stress, and takes you for a de-stress date to Hogsmeade.
Warnings: none.
A/N: I tried making this gender and house neutral! I also avoided using “Y/N”.
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“You know, I’m very surprised you agreed to come out today.”
You turned your head to the source of the voice that interrupted the silence you were starting to enjoy. The same silence that had you enjoying the presence of the tall boy with the voice, and being lost in your thoughts. It was Fred who was the owner of that voice. Tilting your head in confusion as to why he was feeling that way, you responded.
“And what’s makes you surprised that I came out?” Fred and I continued walking, his glove-clad hands that intertwined with your bare ones. You realized you forgot your gloves half way to Hogsmeade. Fred swore you had them in your jacket pocket before you left the castle. Your empty hand is becoming numb and red due to the icy air and wet snow. You had wished you double-checked your pockets for those well wanted gloves.
“Love, you were neck deep in parchment and textbooks! What made you pull a Hermione and take so much classes? I was thinking you would rather study, since that has been a new hobby of yours. But I also don’t want you to turn into some mad woman because you’re holed up in the common room all day!” Fred giggles as he unclasps your fingers and wraps it around your shoulders, pulling you closer. His gloved hand takes your other hand and holds it. The warmth of his body travels to yours, making you feel a tad bit warmer.
“Hey, at least I wasn’t taking so much classes that a whole time traveling unit had to be used. Plus, Snape gave us two days to finish a very long essay. I can care less about Moonstone and it’s uses, and I can care less about potions in general.” A groan left your chapped lips as you were reminded of the half finished “Moonstone and it’s uses in Potion Making” essay that lies half finished on your bed.
But it was true, Fred had noticed you were working extra hard lately. Staying up late in your common room (Fred caught you in the library once covered in ink whilst writing another essay for Muggle studies.) Being in your fifth year was probably your hardest year. With your O.W.Ls exams coming up and wanting a head start in practicing on top of your current studies. It was also true that you were taking more classes than what the normal student would be taking. You silently blamed your third year self for choosing this much classes.
You seem to be studying so much, that Fred was starting to see you less and less. At the second week of this year, he asked you if you wanted to watch one of his Quidditch practices. You rejected his request due to wanting to study for your O.W.Ls. And before you know it, you’re spending your days, Fred-less and in the library with ink stains blotting fingers and textbooks. Once Fred realized you were doing more studying with little to no breaks, he decided enough was enough and wanted to take you out on a small date to Hogsmeade. Even though Fred has had enough of the trips to the small village (the excitement of the idea wearing thin), he figured just taking you out away from the castle, away from the source of your stress was the best idea to de-stress his beloved.
“Darling, I just want you to take a break before your brain combusts into pieces for trying to contain so much information in that brain of yours.” Fred joked as a giggle escaped from your lips. A snowflake touched your tongue as you giggled.
“Thank you for thinking of me, Freddie. You already know this but I’m just worried about my parents. They keep feeding me these ideas that I’m going to fail my whole life if I fail one class. It wasn’t that bad previously, but this year especially has been worse than any other year. They just want me to get the most O.W.Ls I can. If I don’t bring home the desired O.W.Ls, they’ll kick me out.” A sigh was heaved, as you stared at the white fluffy ground creating a shape of your black combat boots’ sole.
“I’m under so much pressure to make them proud, that I feel like my only option is to study night and day. I’ve just come to realize that I’m spending less time with you and I’m so so sorry for not making any time to spend time with you. This isn’t right of me to just leave you hanging. When you do ask me on dates and spend time, I want to, I really do. But my parents keep pushing into my thoughts, making feel like I have no choice but to stu-“
Suddenly, your back is pushed against something loud and rather flimsy. You don’t get to register what it is, when a pair of soft lips braided with your chapped ones. Your eyes flutter shut and your lips moved back, rhythmically with his. His fingers laced into your hair, while your bare hands wrapped around his shoulders. After a small moment, he pulled away and stared, taking in your beauty. A soft smile crept up to his face.
“Darling, hey. Today is our day to de-stress. Why don’t we try to forget everything back at home and the castle? It’s just us two and Hosgmeade, eh? Plus, it’s snowing! You told me once that you love taking small walks while it was snowing. Let’s take a small walk.” You took his hand that was stuck out after his small speech. You gladly accepted it, and continued your small walk in preferable silence, hands once again intertwined through the busy village. This time, you got an opportunity to suck in all the scenery.
To your left was the Three Broomsticks. The warm air hit your face for a moment, as a Ravenclaw student opened the door to leave. Once you walked past, you head the Ravenclaw yell out a name, probably for a friend. The street lights were coated in white, and yellow light was beaming from the inside of the street light. A big, red bow complete with a shrub of mistletoe in the middle hung on every post to signify that the Christmas season was currently taking stage.
You passed by a couple more shops and small local restaurants, enjoying the snow laying swiftly on your eyelashes. You look up to take a small glance at your beloved. The tall ginger took notice that his loved one was staring at him, that he turned his head to you and smiled. You swore your heart skipped a beat just at his smile. Fred’s messy hair that poked out from his knitted hat becoming soaked from the previous bits of snow melting on it. You stop for a moment and Fred furrowed his brows in confusion, due to your pause in motion. The snow continued its motion downwards. You looked up at him taking his hands.
“Fred, you know I love you. Thank you for taking me to Hogsmeade. I really needed the break. I really don’t know what I would do without you.” You mumbled, as you hear a giggle coming from the older Gryffindor.
“Anything for my darling.” Fred smiled wide, as he also dug something from out of his pockets.
“Oh, and by the way, here’s your gloves. I took them from your pocket when you weren’t looking.” Fred smirked and held out your gray knitted gloves that were clumped in a ball.
You knew you could never ignore this prankster.
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niqhtlord01 · 4 years ago
Humans are Weird: Soldier without a war. Part I
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)
 “You sure the speks don’t patrol there?”
“If they did do you really think I’d bring this rust bucket along for a job?”
Melp strapped himself into the copilot’s chair and looked over the console readings one last time. All systems were showing minimal operational capacity which normally would have been setting off alarm bells but with how things had been going for him and his captain lately it was the best they could ask for.
Melp was part of the salvage company “Outlying Star”, co-owner in fact with his partner and current captain Galem. When the war against humanity had started the two had thought it was the best idea to make a fortune with all the wrecks floating between star systems from fleet combat and had went all in on a converted freighter to pick through the bones and sell what they could.
At first Melp and Galem had made a killing, bringing in semi functional sub space drives and salvaged fully automated hard shell loaders from human ships. They made enough to fund a fleet of five ships and live the good life back on Valfha without a care in the world; for a little while at least.
Galem thought it was because of the government’s restrictions on salvageable items that had hampered their business but Melp believed it was because they were just too good at it that and had inspired countless others to take up the salvage game. Soon markets, both legal and black, became flooded with salvaged goods and people willing to undercut each other to make a quick buck. Neutron cannon went from 3.5 billion credits in value to just under 300 million credits in the span of six months. As a side effect of the sudden influx of salvage parts the government began taking notice and cracked down hard. Salvagers were called “Scavies” and deemed criminals by the government and the military would all too happily fire on any scavy ship they spotted. Seems they weren’t too happy about people rummaging through the wrecks of ships that once held their friends and the government would turn a blind eye if a scavy ship was destroyed during “Live Fire Exercises”.
Soon the jobs became even riskier and Outlying Star lost three ships after they were caught and destroyed. Another had to be sold for parts and salvage and now the final ship, the Morning Gale, was the last hope for Galem and Melp to make back some money.
“How do you even know this site hasn’t been picked clean already?” Melp asked over his shoulder as Galem entered the cockpit and locked the door behind him. “We could be wasting our time on a fantasy.” Galem shook his head which did little to ease Melp’s concerns.
“I got it from a reliable source that there was a big fight in the Glipi Cluster that we lost to the humans.” Galem began as he took the controls and slowly pulled back on the engine throttle as the ship ascended. “It was so embarrassing that the navy wiped all records of the battle and said the destroyed ships were lost in a freak transition from sub space into a rogue comet cluster.”
“If the data was wiped how does your source know about it?”  Melp quipped as the ship breached upper atmosphere and exited the travel lanes for the jump point.
Galem smirked as he engaged the sub space drive.
“They were there.”
 As the salvage ship exited sub space Melp let out a gasp. He blinked several times and rubbed his eyes yet when he opened them all he could see was a shroud of purple. Galem saw Melp’s confused expression and chuckled.
“It’s the color of the gas filtering through this entire cluster.” He said calmly as he flicked on several scanners and filter units. “Try looking now.”
Melp looked again as the shades of purple faded away and let out a startled gasp. Upon gazing out of the cockpit window he could see why the navy had wanted to cover up this place so badly.
Floating around them were dozens of lifeless wrecks of Mibari warships ranging from light destroyers to several cruisers. Compared to their tiny ship it was as if Melp and Galem had entered the realm of giants. Melp was transfixed by the wrecks and became utterly enthralled when a massive shadow draped across their vessel.
“Is that what I think it is?” Melp spoke sheepishly as his blue hands trembled and changed to a soft orange color. Galem leaned forward in his seat to look out the window and whistled as his eyes caught sight of what had terrified Melp.
“A galaxy class troop carrier.”
The massive ship spun slowly in place like a top that refused to stop spinning, the metal interior exposed in several places from weapons revealing a dark interior of metal supports and long dead hallways. Melp looked towards the front of the ship as the command deck slowly spun into view and he was surprised to see the name of the ship had survived the damage it had taken.
“The Vault of Ohya…” Melp softly spoke. He reached out with an arm and shook Galem who was smiling like a hatchling on birthing day. “That’s the Vault of Ohya!”
“A piece of her hull to the right collector would be enough to refurbish this little dingy,” Galem said as he playfully smacked the command console, “into one hell of a floating casino.”
The two of them broke down into fits of laughter as if they had just been driven mad by their findings; but it was not of madness that now drove them but the sheer joy of their discovery.
These dozen ships floating lifelessly in the cluster were more than enough to bring the two of them back into the life of luxury they once held and keep them there until their dying days.
Melp was still star gazing at the shattered troop carrier when something else suddenly grabbed his attention.
“What’s that?”
Melp tore his gaze away from the Ohya and saw what Galem was looking at.
A new vessel slowly drifted out of the shadow of the troop carrier and came into view. It was clearly a human vessel of some kind; the lack luster design a clear give away. The body of the ship was missing sections of itself, but rather than appearing as if it had been damaged in the battle it looked more as if the ship had not finished being built. Sections of the body were lacking armor showing a complex network of pipes and corridors. The hull was painted in a soft grey color that stood out sharply among the ever shifting gas cloud surrounding it. Rows of gun ports ran along the sides, their openings revealing nothing of the pitch black interior giving them the appearance of small gaping mouths ready to consume Melp and his ship.  
The more Melp looked at the ship the more he felt something was just wrong with it. Galem must have felt something as well as he pulled up the virtual display and began interacting with it.
“Not sure what that thing is but it’s not listed in the records.” He said as he closed the display and leaned over the controls to get a better view of it. The tingling feeling at the bottom of Melp’s three stomachs was starting to grow stronger as his uneasiness did not subside.
“What does that mean?”
“It means that there’s no record of that ship variant from the entire war with humanity on any recorded file.” He popped open the virtual display again and flicked it over so it was hovering in front of Melp to view while he fiddled with the controls again. “Which means it’s worth a whole lot more than anything here.”
“How do you figure that?” As a response to Melp’s question he waved his arm across the scattered wrecks.
“Out of all the ships here the human ones are all clustered around that one as if they meant to protect it.” Galem said as he began moving the ship closer to the strange human ship.
“They could have bugged out and ran, but instead they all fought and died just to protect that thing; which means something on it must’ve been worth defending.”
Melp knew what Galem had some merit, but he still couldn’t shake the feeling that something was still very wrong; but before he could raise his concerns though a loud shudder ran through the scavenger ship.
“Get your suit on,” Galem said as he exited out of the cockpit, “let’s go find us some treasure.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If the exterior of the ship had uneased Melp, the interior down right terrified him.
No sooner had the airlock door opened the two scavengers leaped back in shock. Standing at the entrance was a humanoid looking figure. Galem screamed and grabbed hold of a nearby cutting tool and swung it at the figure before Melp could even say anything.
A shower of sparks eradiated off the figure’s body as the plasma torch cut into it, all the while Galem was continuing to scream, and cut a decent size hole through the beings torso.
“Shut it!” Melp shouted at Galem, forcing the scared halfwit to calm down some while Melp inched closer and retrieved the still burning plasma torch. The figure had not moved and inch even as the torch had melted away his exterior and as Melp moved closer still he noticed why.
“It’s an automated drone you idiot.”
Melp motioned him forward and the two of them inspected the machine.
It was human shaped but it was entirely of metal and wires, a mindless drone used for menial tasks such as inventory handling or maintenance. It wore a human uniform for some reason which clashed with its blank reflective visor face.
“Why’s it standing here?” Galem asked as he nervously tapped the drone. The touch pushed it off the ground and the dead drone slowly lifted off the ground in the zero-g environment and floated back into the ship, bouncing off the back wall before continuing to silently float away.
“Maybe it’s here to greet us?” Melp chuckled as he activated his mag locks and his feet latched on to the metallic floor. Galem followed suit and the two began entering the derelict ship.
“Can’t be,” Galem began as they reached the airlock secondary doors and began slowly opening them, “these tin cans would run out of power in a day and it’s been years since this tussle went down.”
With several loud grunts as the two strained with the manual release the inner airlock to the human ship finally cracked open. The two entered slowly, not knowing what to expect, and took stock of their surroundings.
They entered a long hallway that seemed to stretch out far into the distance passed the reach of their head lamps. Melp could see side corridors scattered every few dozen feet no doubt leading to other sections of the ship, but likewise they too were pitch black.
Something about Melp’s comment made him pull out his data scroll and do a quick scan. The device beeped rapidly as the scan commenced before ending with a loud “DING” and displaying a waterfall of information.
Melp read the data as the two continued to hover by the airlock entrance.
“It says here that somethings still giving off a power signature here.” Melp commented as he ran he scan again to be sure.
“Give it here,” Galem said as he turned to Melp with his hand outstretched, “you must be reading it-“
When Galem didn’t finish his sentence Melp looked up and saw something akin to a mixture of fear and surprise on his face. He was staring at something over his shoulder so Melp slowly turned in place , his magnetic feet latching heavily to the decking with each step like two magnets smashing together.
When he finally turned around he let out a yelp of surprise and tried to jump back, but his magnetic feet kept him firmly locked to the floor leaving him in an almost comical off balance state.
Standing directly behind him was another of the drones, this one dressed in what appeared to be some sort of security uniform even including an empty weapon holster at his side.
Neither of the scavengers knew how the thing got there as it most certainly hadn’t been standing there a moment ago. Before either of them could respond the drone’s visor lit up and displayed a pixelated face.  The visor was damaged with a deep crack running the length of it making the display flicker in and out on half the screen giving it an eerily ghost like visage.
“The captain,” the drone began as it stepped to one side of the hallway and extended a hand into the darkness, “requests your presence on the bridge.”
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tanoraqui · 4 years ago
There actually are enough good fics about postcanon tentative reforging of assorted pairs and even the whole of the Gusu Summer School No Brain Cell Trio to satisfy my niche itch, so pls enjoy these stray snippets of a fic I don't have to write:
Nothing would've happened if the cultivation conference wasn't at Cloud Recesses. But it was, Cloud Recesses with its pale stone and gracefully winding walkways and too many memories, including Lan Xichen sitting the whole thing out in seclusion somewhere... If it'd been at the Unclean Realm, Nie Huaisang would've been busy and if it'd been at Carp Tower the memories only would've been manageably bad, and if it was Lotus Pier or one of many smaller sects, it would've been...fine. Just fine.
But it was Cloud Recesses this year, this first conference since Jin Guangyao's downfall, and specifically it was half past ten at night, and Nie Huaisang was wandering the elegant pathways with a mostly full jar of wine in one hand. The previous jar, now entirely empty, had been left back in his room. He was a Nie, so he was only half as drunk as he'd always used to pretend at these things - but at least twice as drunk as he'd ever actually been.
After da-ge's death, of course. Before that, he used to get plenty drunk. Playfully drunk. With friends.
It would be a terrible idea for him to go appear on Lan Xichen's doorstep. Neither of them was ready for that yet.
So he appeared on Jiang Cheng's.
[ . . . ]
"Fine." Nie Huaisang pouted and turned. "I'll go ask Wei-xiong - "
And Jiang Cheng was easy, he was so easy, he'd always been easy, the only new thing is the faintest edge of wariness to his fury -
He grabbed Nie Huaisang's elbow in a flash and snapped, "Ugh, fine, I'll go - but I'm holding the wine."
Nie Huaisang laughed and handed it over. Jiang Cheng immediately took a deep swig.
[ . . . ]
It must've been a quiet night at the Jingshi. Wei Wuxian's sleeping robes didn't look the least bit hastily pulled on, and his lips were only the slightest bit red and puffy.
[ . . . ]
[for the record, this takes place in a book-show postcanon fusion wherein immediately post-Guanyin Temple, WWX and LWJ ran off to fuck in the bushes at least once a day for as long as possible, but in their absence, various sect leaders voted that Lan Wangji should be Chief Cultivator now, and alas some messenger caught up with them about six months into their honeymoon. Definitely caught them in flagrante delicto. Tragic for all. I’d probably communicate all this hereish somehow. It was definitely NHS who finally tipped someone off on how to actually find them.]
[ . . . ]
"Yes, yes, I'm coming," Wei Wuxian said, with a lidded look at Nie Huaisang, and Nie Huaisang burst into a giggles because the two most unequivocally lethal people he knew were afraid to leave each other alone with him, and it was satisfying to be recognized but also what's he going to do, personally? Cry at them? It'd taken him years to destroy Jin Guangyao, and at this point it'd take him months, if not years again to re-destroy the Yiling Patriarch, much less Sandu Shengshou. Especially when they both kept doing things like watching each others backs while pretending they weren't.
[ . . . ]
"Of course we need more!" Wei Wuxian declared. "This isn't even Emperor's Smile!"
[ . . . ]
"It's just a rat or something," Jiang Cheng scoffed.
"So?!" Wei Wuxian cried grandly. "Are we not noble cultivators? Is it not our duty to investigate this woman's complaint, and to slay whatever monster plagues her good inn’s wonderful cellar, whether deathly or monstrous or rodential it be?" He turned to Nie Huaisang and begged, "Help me out, Nie-xiong. You agree with me, right?"
Nie Huaisang clutched his cup against his chest, eyes wide, and shook his head in sharp jerks. "I don't know! I don't know!"
Wei Wuxian laughed and elbowed him in the side.
[ . . . ]
[while waiting for Wei Wuxian to send some sort of signal]
"You know I don't bear any grudge against Jin Ling, right?"
Jiang Cheng's impatient glare snapped to him, darkening with threat; his hand shifted on Sandu's hilt toward a drawing position. "What?"
"I don't bear any sort of grudge against Jin Ling," Nie Huaisang repeated, holding only the last jar of Emperor's Smile. "That's why you've been side-eyeing me all night, right? All conference." He took another sip (it really was the best!) and added recklessly, "If I wanted Jin Ling dead and disgraced, or all Carp Tower burned to ash, they already would be."
Sandu slid an inch out of its scabbard and Nie Huaisang watch it with fascinated curiosity. From a greater distance, he wondered if that was entirely healthy.
"What about Lotus Pier?" Jiang Cheng asked abruptly.
It took Nie Huaisang a blinking moment to focus on him.
"What about Lotus Pier?"
Jiang Cheng sat beside him on the cold earth and yanked the jar out of his hands, cruelly before Nie Huaisang could take another sip.
"Where's your grand terrible vengeance against me and mine? I get it, but if you're being honest for once right now, you could at least tell me when it's going to hit, and how."
"What?" Nie Huaisang pushed himself against his tree trunk, genuinely confused. "Why would i have a terrible vengeance planned against you?"
"I benefitted from Nie Mingjue's death, didn't I?" Jiang Cheng took another swig of wine of his own, and swung the jar illustratively. "My disciples have hunted in your territory while you 'weren't paying attention.' I absolutely fleeced you in that trade deal four years ago. And I worked with that bastard as much as anyone but Lan Xichen, especially on those damn watchtowers, and you broke him. So when's it my turn?" He pointed at Nie Huaisang, finger only wavering slightly. “If you fuck with Jin Ling, Wei Wuxian, or my sect, I will fuck you back.”
"You- oh, gimme that. Gimme. Gimme!" Nie Huaisang leaned forward and tried to grab the wine jar, and more importantly whined until Jiang Cheng handed it to him.
He stared at it for a moment, thrust it back and ordered, “Drink,” without letting it go, and once Jiang Cheng had dutifully tilted it back, pulled it back and slugged down the last swallows. He needed more alcohol for this much honesty, and so did Jiang Cheng.
He set the jar down very carefully, because the ground seemed to be moving, and leaned forward with even more care. He enunciated clearly, “Everyone fleeced me, and hunted in my territory, and I acsh- ass- let them. Why would I expect you to go looking for trouble with Jin Guangyao, when he had your heart locked in a box in his treasure room?”
Jiang Cheng, who was a respected master of all five arts but probably hadn’t actually read poetry for fun since an instructor had officially declared him as such, and who was himself at least a full wine jar in, squinted in angry confusion.
Nie Huaisang rolled his eyes. “He had final say over where and how Jin Ling spent his time, and could’ve tried to poison him against you. What would you have even have done if I had come complaining?”
Jiang Cheng’s face only fell further, with the very sort of drunken moroseness Nie Huaisang was out here to avoid.
Nie Huaisang attempted to swap him sharply. He failed on both the swap and the sharpness. 
“Stoppit! Stop thinking you’re not useful! You weren’t! I needed to pry er-ge away from him and for that only Lan Wangji would work, and I needed someone to watch his back through thick and deadly thin, and to be so disruptive that even Meng Yao couldn’t...circle, sneaky, planning...”
They were waiting for the pulse of a light talisman from the other tunnel entrance, half a mile away. There was a small but very bright explosion. laced with resentful as well as spiritual energy.
“Motherfucker!” Jiang Cheng cursed, leaping to his feet and drawing Sandu in one hideously coordinated motion. 
“Just Lan Wangji, I think,” Nie Huaisang said, because Nie Mingjue himself couldn’t have stopped him. He groped for his own weapons - fan, check; wine jar - 
“Oh no!” 
“What?”  Jiang Cheng snapped, as he bent and dragged Nie Huaisang to his feet with one hand. (Hideously coordinated. Sword people, honestly...)
“He’s going to be so mad that we finished the wine without him!”
[ . . . ]
[three grown-ass men, two sect leaders and one Yiling Patriarch, flying at high speed through Caiyi Town on one sword, all screaming. Nie Huaisang is clinging to Wei Wuxian; Wei Wuxian is flinging to Jiang Cheng, a little bit to Nie Huaisang, and most importantly to a chicken, Jiang Cheng is flying the sword. There is a bedsheet draped over all of them from where they ran into a laundry line. It’s 2am. Again I say, all are screaming]
[ . . . ]
[it probably wasn’t a rat - not just one, at least. Wei Wuxian does something incredibly clever, possibly including a creative use of that bedsheet; Jiang Cheng singlehandedly defeats something in combat, probably after he and Wei Wuxian shove each other out of the way of blows without either of them acknowledging it. Nie Huaisang shoves them both under cover and then with perfect professionalism tells whoever came to check on the ruckus that they handled the problem exactly as planned with absolutely no involvement of alcohol, and the Chief Cultivator will foot the bill for the unfortunately absolutely necessary property damage. Overall, they did handle the problem, but the local cryptid they were chasing will only have its reputation swelled and its continued existence assumed by all locals. it is possible that they themselves made this cryptid up two decades ago, but idk how heavy-handed we want to be.]
[ . . . ]
Nie Huaisang was leaning heavily on Wei Wuxian by the time they got back to the guest quarters. He could hold his alcohol, he was a goddamn Nie, and frankly he’d had it adrenalined out of him at least twice this evening. But he’d also had rather a lot, and he didn’t have Jiang Cheng’s golden core or Wei Wuxian’s blithe lack of sleep schedule. 
“I missed this,” he admitted, head on Wei Wuxian’s (Mo Xuanyu’s) shoulder while Jiang Cheng opened the door.
Wei Wuxian leaned his head on Nie Huaisang’s. “Me too.”
“You’re both fucking annoying,” Jiang Cheng grouched, which meant, Me too.
Wei Wuxian stripped off Nie Huaisang’s muddy outer robe and tucked him into bed, and Jiang Cheng poured a glass of water from the pitcher by the door, drank it, poured another, scowled at Wei Wuxian for a moment, and set it on the bedside table. Wei Wuxian glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, finished with Nie Huaisang and started backing out of the room.
Nie Huaisang sat up more or less abruptly. “Both of you have got to stop that bullshit. I miss my brothers, okay? I’d I had a second chance...” He sagged back down with the plural, and flung an arm over his damp eyes. There was a glimmer in the sky; it’d be morning by Lan standards soon. “I fucking miss them.”
“...Ah,” said Wei Wuxian, who always spoke even when he didn’t know what to say.
“Yeah,” Jiang Cheng said abruptly, and, “Drink your fucking water.” And the door slammed behind him as he walked out.
[...a few lines of dialogue later...]
“Seriously, you can go.” Nie Huaisang flicked a few tired fingers in dismissal.
“Are you sure?” Wei Wuxian added with an audible smirk, “Because if I stay up for another half hour, I can wake Lan Zhan with a morning...big ol’...loving...”
Nie Huaisang finally adjusted his arm to crack one eye up at him.
“People usually cut me off before I get that far,” Wei Wuxian admitted.
[ . . . a bit more dialogue and the end.]
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hopelesshawks · 3 years ago
Ash and Dust Part 7- Opportunities
18+ Dabi x fem!reader
Summary: You first meet Dabi on the worst night of your life after unwittingly walking into the very bar the League of Villains made infamous. That should probably be the end of the story. You stumble on the remnants of one of the most infamous terrorist groups in the history of Japan, get viciously murdered or call the cops and get them arrested, the end. Except that’s not the end of the story. It’s only the beginning.
Masterlist Help Lulu (Kofi)
Waking up the morning after reclaiming your bedroom (at least in part) is jarring for two reasons.
The first is that you’re waking up next to Dabi.
For some reason you thought he might wake up before you, even though he’s pretty routinely demonstrated that he’s not an early riser. Perhaps you expected the knowledge that he was sleeping in the same bed as you to perturb him enough to get him up early. Instead your eyelashes had fluttered open to find him still deeply asleep with his face only a few inches from yours.
You fully intended on simply rolling over to either fall back asleep or get on with your day but you’d found yourself enthralled with his sleeping face instead. You know Dabi’s smirks, sneers, and scowls like the back of your hand after a little over a month of living with him. His resting face, however, is entirely foreign to you. You’ve never had a moment alone with him where he wasn’t antagonizing you and it’s odd to see him so peaceful. Your eyes trace over his face, taking in the extent of the scarring on his jaw and beneath his eyes, but also appreciating the unmarred expanses of skin as well. It strikes you that Dabi is pretty. It shouldn’t be surprising considering what you’ve seen of the youngest Todoroki in the press but even still. In another world where he’d never become the wanted criminal he is today, you wonder if he’d be a heartbreaker or a sweet, gentle type. Would he be as quiet and polite as his brother seems to be or would he still get a thrill from bantering with someone who isn’t afraid to banter right back? Would he be in the tabloids with a different girl every week or settle down early with his high school sweetheart? You’re fascinated by the idea of what the scarred man before you would be without the tragedy and the trauma. You might’ve sat there just taking him in until he woke up if not for the second reason waking up that morning was so jarring.
Your phone has been pinging literally non-stop.
You’ve never resented your notification sound more as its shrill tone continues to echo in your room, putting the fragile peace at risk. Even before you found yourself as alone as you are now your phone was never this busy. As much as you try to ignore it and wait for the tidal wave of what you assume are spam notifications to end, the sound finally drives you to turn over and grab it. Your eyes widen as you take in the sheer amount of Twitter notifications you have. As you unlock your phone and navigate over to the app your mentions are literally flooded with Deku fans screaming about your talent and how lucky you are. It’s a confusing litany of fangirling that you try to weed through until you get to one mention in particular that makes your breath catch in your throat.
You got a mention from the rising hero himself.
Holy shit.
You’ve never clicked a tweet so quickly in your entire life. Not only are you stunned to find he’s seen and loved your work but he also mentions wanting to talk if you’re interested. Sure enough, when you navigate over to the messages section of the app, a feature you’ve never bothered to use, you notice a message request from Midoriya ‘Deku’ Izuku waiting for you. It takes everything in you not to scream as you read the message there over and over before finally hopping out of bed and moving to the kitchen to call the number he’d left you. It’s a little endearing that he’d been so quick to hand out his number to a complete stranger on the internet but you also can’t help but wonder how someone so naive could be the same man drawing headlines over his heroics and combat skill. You’re not exactly a Deku fangirl but it’s still wild to be dialing a celebrity’s number as you punch in the numbers and then wait for it to ring.
On literally the second ring the phone is answered. “Pro Hero Deku at your service! Who’s calling?” the young man answers chirpily. “Uhh, this is (y/l/n)? You messaged me on twitter?” “Oh! Right! Yes! Hello! One second!”
You can hear Deku excusing himself from whatever room he’s in, a disgruntled voice mumbling something you can’t hear, causing Deku to reply with a hushed “Sorry Kacchan! I’ll be right back!” before there’s more shuffling and finally the sound of a heavy door closing.
“Ok I’m back! Thanks for reaching out to me so quickly!” he finally says now that he’s, apparently, in a better place to talk.
“Yea, of course I guess I’m just shocked you liked my art so much and really appreciate you drawing so much attention to it,” you explain, feeling short of breath at how surreal the situation is.
“Of course! You’re really talented! Your work deserves to get attention!”
“Thank you but, uh, why exactly did you want me to call you?”
“Right! It’s about your artwork.”
“I want to sell it!”
“Wait well no not sell it. Or not sell that particular piece although it is a nice piece and if you wanted to theoretically you could probably sell it although I guess it’s available for free online already so maybe people wouldn’t want to pay for it. Although it’s a painting right? And people buy or pay to go see paintings you can see online all the time so maybe it wouldn’t be too bad but if it’s for your own enjoyment you may not want to give it up which would be totally understandable and also how would that work logistically? If the painting is rather large it may be unwieldy to try and ship it to whoever purchases it, in which case would you have to meet up to try and give it to them by hand? But then that necessitates meeting up with a complete stranger on the internet and what if the person who buys it doesn’t live near you or, since it is the internet, doesn’t even live in Japan? Then you have to contend with international shipping and-”
“Uhh, Deku?” you ask cautiously, barely able to process the mumbling of the young man on the phone.
“Ah! Sorry! I can kinda end up on tangents sometimes... What I mean to say is that I’m not trying to sell the painting you posted or anything but I think you’re really talented as an artist and one of my friends is looking for someone to design a new merch collection.”
One of his friends? Your mind instantly starts running through his impressive list of ex classmates. Your first thought is Dynamight and immediately you shudder at the idea. He may be years younger than you but the aggressive pro hero still scares the shit out of you. Uravity could be an interesting hero to work with although you’re not quite sure you vibe with her aesthetic. Or maybe he’s talking about the new Ingenium?
“You’re real fucking loud in the mornings, you know that Doll?” Dabi asks with a groan as he comes walking into the room with a stretch.
You hurry to shush him, not wanting to lose the opportunity being presented to you, which earns you a curious look. Before you can react Dabi is snatching your phone out of your hand and putting it on speaker. You don’t dare protest verbally and risk alerting Deku of the situation so you have to settle for glaring at Dabi as he smirks at you.
“Yea so, anyway, Shouto really needs new merch but wanted something a little more sophisticated on the designs and I feel like you’d be perfect for that you know? Making all his stuff mini works of art. So what do you say?” Deku asks, his voice still brimming with that same enthusiasm while your blood runs cold. You’re genuinely scared to look up at Dabi’s face to see what he thinks about the idea of you working with his little brother. You hold your breath, Deku’s chipper voice going nervous as he asks “Hello? You still there?”
To your immense surprise, when you finally have the courage to bring your eyes up to meet Dabi’s, he’s got an almost feral grin. “You better take the fucking job,” he hisses delightedly, sending a chill down your spine as you stutter out a response to Deku, your eyes never leaving Dabi’s.
“Yea, sorry just processing. I’d, uh, I’d be happy to help out.”
“Great! I’ll pass your number on to Shouto and you two can meet up and figure out details!”
“Cool, thanks (y/l/n)! Hopefully I’ll see you around!”
You hum noncommittally before hanging up the phone, still waiting for the other shoe to drop as you practically watch the gears turning in Dabi’s head.
“You’re…. Not mad I’m going to be working with your brother?” you ask cautiously.
“Oh no, I’m fucking delighted Doll. You know why?”
“Because you’re gonna help me have a little fun.”
A/N: We are finally starting to get to the meat of the story omg. I’m sorry this fic has been so slow going, especially compared to my others, but if you stick with I’m pretty sure it’ll be worth it. I appreciate each and every one of y’all that’s been reading this fic because main motivation to write it has been hard
Taglist: @thechroniclesofawriter @simpsfortodoroki @ahtsuwu @oliviasslut @larkspyrr @oikawaandkuroostan @tina-98 @vibesdontlie @clubfairy
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lunarianillusion · 4 years ago
a change in fate
a maribat fanfic
Chapter 03
Timothy really wanted to know who thought it was a good idea to put Guy Gardner on monitor duty, because this was clearly not a prank.
Let’s backtrack a bit, the young alpha had gone out after having put all his stuff at his new loft, to go and gather information. He had done some research beforehand on the internet but the blog that had started out decently had turned into nothing but a gossip site. He had not been as thorough as he normally was since he was still a bit skeptical of the situation. He also needed to get a coffee machine.
He had just walked through a few blocks when a loud explosion penetrated the air and made his ears ring like a train conductor was whistling directly into his ears. It took a minute to stop but that did not stop him from scouting the surroundings for the source of the explosion.
He found it in the form of a horrendously colour coordinated person with a large neon orange helmet on top of a circle form glider a few streets away. An akuma. It was real.
He pulled up his hood before slipping into the shadows, like he was trained to and pulled out his hidden utility belt. The Bat pack ways will not be leaving him anytime soon. He then quickly took to the rooftops, applying a scent blocker and ear plugs along the way, towards the danger zone.
Upon arriving on the danger zone another explosion rung loudly through the air making Tim very grateful for the special function earplugs he put in. He took to perch on one of the higher rooftops to observe the situation. By the looks of it the two Parisian heroes had already arrived, but he was not impressed by what he saw. Rather disappointed if not disgusted.
First the akuma; The male threw golden balls, that he got from a metal backpack, that exploded upon impact. Though the explosions them self were small and would only leave any physical damage if they exploded a foot away from you. They had already destroyed some parts of the surrounding buildings though. The explosions were however very loud, as he found out himself and it would be a miracle if the bystanders weren’t deaf by the end of it.
Then came the heroes, if you could even call them that.
Chat Noir was acting like a spoiled child throwing a tantrum over not getting his favourite toy. He kept on trying to trip the new ladybug up while screaming and whining at her to tell were the real ladybug was. Or he was taunting the akuma, who in turn threw more bombs that the mangy cat dodged but then those bombs got dangerously close to the civilians that were still in the area. Did he not realize that his actions could get people killed like that? Was this a game to him and did not like the rules of?
Then there was the new ladybug at first, she had his sympathies for chat trying to trip her up on every possible occasion. That changed when he saw how she subtly led the akuma to the bystanders, bringing them into danger, only to ‘save’ them at the last moment. Oh, how that made Timothy’s blood boil.
He made these observations within a few seconds and he quickly sprang from his perch and into the action. He was not going to let the innocent bystanders become unnecessarily injured by their ‘heroes’ reckless actions, if he could help it.
The moment he safely hit the ground he bolted to a small group of civilians, that were desperately clutching their ears. He placed his hand on the back of the smallest of the group and gaining the attention of the surrounding people. They looked at him with utterly confused and scared looks. Likely they were tourists given by their attire. He motioned for them to follow him, since they would not be able to hear him over the explosions and ringing, and swiftly guided them away from the danger.
Once he got them far enough from the danger zone, picking some more bystanders along the way, he motioned for them to book it out of dodge. Then went to get any left behind stragglers out. There was only one left and the child had gone to hide behind some of the rubble. Looking around frantically and calling out for help as tears run down their cheeks.
He began to run towards the young pup, only to watch in horror as one of the bombs exploded at the base of the rubble. The bomb having been intended for Chat noir who had dodged to the side without a care and allowed the rubble to crush the scared pup underneath. The terrified look would be haunting Tim’s nightmares to come, as blood pooled from underneath the rock. A small hand was sticking out as if desperately reaching out for safety.
Chat noir should be eternally grateful that hawkmoth is only capable of akumatizing one person at a time without aid. Otherwise they would have a super-powered ex-robin on his tail.
It was time to stop this madness. His secrecy might become compromised but so be it. Taking out his grappling gun he took to get a better vantage and knock the immediate danger of his glider. Then he had to destroy the backpack to keep the Akuma  from getting or making any more bombs. Grabbing several explosive birdarangs he took aim.
A blue blur of a person slammed feet first into the akuma’s back. Knocking the akuma off their glider and crashing onto the ground, creating a spiderweb patterning on the ground. A loud crack rang through the air as the metal backpack shattered.
The person clad in blue rolled upon impact over the akuma and then flipped backward creating some distance between the two of them, then taking on a battle stance and giving Tim the chance to examine them.
The female was clad in a dark blue tunic and matching leggings with thigh high boots. Around her waist she wore a silver cloth belt and light blue faded skirt that was open in the front and had a peacock motif, given by the fuchsia eyes at the tips of the skirt. Her blue tipped hair was pulled into a messy braided ponytail with two feathers sticking out. Her weapon, a fan, was poised and ready to attack.
The akuma stands back up and lets out a fierce snarl but the unknown female was unfazed by it. She only narrowed her rose coloured eyes into an ice-cold glare, that sent shivers down the spines of all who were watching. The akuma sent their glider to attack the blue clad female, but she easily jumped over it and used their fan too slice through the glider itself. Then she sprinted to her target with great speed. He tried to defend themselves but with their atrocious combat abilities, blue easily throws them over her shoulder before slamming the bud of her fan onto the helmet splitting it in two. Final someone competent has shown up.
A sickly looking black butterfly flew out of the helmet and the peacock themed person turned to the new L.B.  “Ladybug! Purify it!” she commanded shocking said ‘hero’ into action. The spotted girl stumbled a bit and had to throw her yoyo out for a second time before being able to catch the butterfly and then letting it go, now as a healthy-looking white butterfly. She only then then summoned her lucky charm, a bow, and threw it into the air calling out to her power. The bow transformed into a large swarm of ladybugs that went around restoring the wreckage back to its original state and brought back those that lost their life. Like in the videos from the tabloid blog.
Seeing the young child, that had just been crushed, alive and look around absolutely confused brought the Gothamite a certain feeling of wonder and overwhelming dread. Because if these heroes could reverse death how many had already died.
A strange black and purple goop surrounded the akuma bringing the hidden alpha’s attention back to him and the blue clad female. Once the goop receded in the place of the akuma now sat a teenage boy with mousy hair and a pair of round glasses on their face and was looking around completely confused. The peacock theme hero sat infront of the boy and began to talk to him. She seemed to be comforting the boy, but Timothy was too far away to hear what she was saying.
As he saw Chat and LB advance on the two however, he decided it to be best to listen in and gain some first-hand information. He also had a prominent theory running through his head upon having observed unknown hero’s combative skills and actions and needed to see if he was correct.
As the akuma victim was taking away to a therapist, hopefully, the blue clad hero turned to the so-called heroes of Paris. Before she could get a word out however Chat Noir lunged at her with a yell to call out his own power. Luckily though the peafowl easily grabbed the cat boy’s wrist and redirected him into destroying a nearby café chair. Before hurling him to the ground and knocking the wind out of him, but not letting go of his wrist.
“Are you going to attack every person that is not ‘your’ ladybug and is trying to help,” she spoke in a voice that sounded so done with the world. Chat let out a hiss. “I am not going to fall for your lies Mayura,” the blond snapped.
“Do not ever align me with the likes of Mayura,” the bluenette hissed in return, voice filled with a cold malice that made the boy feel a shiver. “I do not expect you to trust me right now, but at least give me a chance to prove myself,” She spoke more calmly now as she helped Chat noir back on his feet, before taking a few steps back.
“How did you even acquire the peacock miraculous?” Ladybug asked skeptically, her eyes glaring into the other girl. Who did not seem to care.
“It was intrusted to me and I was told to use it for the good of Paris. Which I intend to do, no matter what. Paris is my home and Hawkmoth has been tormenting it for too long,” She spoke with conviction her own rose-coloured eyes alight with fire. “Now I belief I should introduce myself. You may call me Blue Royal” She said while placing here fan over her heart and bow her head ever so slightly.
The other heroes wanted to interrogate her more, but a beeping sound stopped  them. A timer. “A month trial period, for both of you, at the end we will meet on Saturday at midnight on the top of the Eifel tower. We will decide how to proceed afterwards,” Chat Noir stated. Gaining an affronted gasp from ladybug.
“Why am I being put on a trial period!” She exclaimed.
“Because you refuse to tell us any information about what happened and where the real Ladybug is! If she were here, we would have no need for you or this hero wannabe,” Chat Noir yelled back in frustration. Tim’s eye twitched in annoyance. ‘You did not do much to help the situation either.’ Timothy thought bitterly and the sentiment seemed to resonate with Royal, given by the way she glared at the two when they weren’t looking.
The two children wanted to argue some more but the beeping sound interrupted them once more. Good they might have turned into an akuma themselves if they continued. Just as the news crew, along with miss tabloid, entered the area the ladybug and cat ‘heroes’ left the scene. They immediately tried to swarm to Blue Royal, but to everyone slight surprise her skirt unfurled from her waist into two large wings. The wings beet down as she jumped into the air leaving gobsmacked reporters and curious Gothamite in her wake.
Though Timothy could have gone in pursue, he decided it best to lay contact at a later time. He got some information to process and work on.
He also really needed coffee.
@moonlightstar64, @iloontjeboontje, @mickylikesstuff, @scribblinggraveyard, @faunrasthewinterelf, @myazael, @incredulous-reader
Authors note: special thank you to @moonlightstar64 for helping me with how to tag people. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and happy holidays.
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stellar-imagines · 5 years ago
HEADCANONS REQUEST: ❝S/O who loves to wrestle.❞
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[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia & Kimetsu no Yaiba ] [ Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Shinsou Hitoshi, Togata Mirio, Hashibira Inosuke ]
「Headcanons of Bakugou, Shinsou, Mirio and Inosuke with their robust girlfriend who likes to wrestle them. It mostly starts out playfully but it devolves into NSFW territory.」
♤ Please don't encourage the feral/boar lad too much. Because it boosts his ego. And Inosuke with his ego boosted is super cocky.
♤ Inosuke, raised by boars and away from normal humans. That means, he has never been in a relationship before nor did the thought of romance crossed his mind. His first relationship was with you and all he understood was that the fuzzy, fluffy feelings that you made him feel were dubbed as love. Thanks to Zenitsu and Tanjirou who knocked some sense into him and made him realize that he was just in love with you.
♤ He's a very competitive person and you can't deny that. As a boy, he has his own pride. You're strong, he admits that. But the one screaming "FIGHT ME" is him and not you. However, you never refuse whenever he picks a fight with you. Of course, they were harmless little fights that are most of the time playful. At least to you but Inosuke is usually serious. And he feels like you're making fun of him.
♤ This happens a lot between the two of you, at the most random time and the most random place. You'd be in the Butterfly Estate helping Aoi with her errands, and once you spot Inosuke you'd just tackle him, yell "Fight me!" and the wrestling will begin.
♤ Over time, he understands what this playful banter meant and goes along with it. He can't say that he hates this playful wrestling.
♤ Poor Inosuke has never touched, courted and make friends with a girl because he's raised as a wild boar. How sad and unfortunate, was what Zenitsu has said once. And it was so true. He has no idea what is considered romantic and what isn't. One day, he just mentioned how he likes the way you hold his hands, pat his head, give him kisses and whatnot. And all of a sudden, he adds wrestling to his list of being romantic.
♤ When it gets a bit out of hand―either you end up in a position where he was pinning you down or you straddling his waist. He's confused while you're embarrassed. Inosuke likes it. He feels like he has won something. Especially when it escalates to the point you two have sex. He's fairly new to the intimate side of a romantic relationship so you'd have to guide him a lot but he's a fast learner.
♤ Usually, he'd have you pinned down with his entire body pressing on your own. He doesn't understand but feeling your body pressed intimately against his turns him on. And seeing you underneath him roused his primal instincts to claim you.
☆ It's actually very beneficial. At least, that's what Bakugou thinks. You're a strong individual, blessed with a strong quirk. But he didn't fall in love because of that. You were beautiful, nice to look at, even on the inside. He likes being with you but is too prideful to ask you to hold hands, cuddle or whatever. Bakugou lets you do whatever you want. You'd initiate hand-holding, give him hugs when you think he needs them―he thinks your intuition is just too good.
☆ You were pretty sweet in everything you do. Always gentle, calm and patient. So he assumed that you'd be the type of girl to go on cute dates. Go to the movies, eat at a nice cafe, walk back as you enjoy the sunset but no. Instead. "Katsuki, let's go to the gym and fight." Cue Confused Bakugou.jpg. And you both really go and fight. It was nothing serious, more like a sparring session between the two of you.
☆ And it became a habit. The two of you could be relaxing in the common room together with your legs tangled up. It would always start with one of your legs placed on top of the other which was the start of a long rally, trying to be the one on the top. It gets to point where you're poking is his sides as he pulled at your cheeks.
☆ Honestly, everyone is just very confused because the two of you act like siblings fighting over who gets to play the new toy.
☆ Bakugou hates to lose. You know it, Class 1-A knows that, his mom knows that, heck, maybe the entire world knows. Even if it was playful, he wants to get the last laugh. He'd look at you with this smug look that can either tempt you to slap him or turn you on. Usually its the latter.
☆ He likes it but doesn't say it out loud. There were a few times that you'd manage to pin him down and come out victorious. He hated to admit that it was pretty hot when you straddle his waist, hair all messed up and out of breath.
☆ Bakugou is not the type to start the playful banter but he's willing to play along when you initiate it. Even if its a not so serious thing, he still can't help but want to win.
♡ Shinsou's quite the playful type but you'd not know about this unless you're one of his closest friends. Before you guys even dated, you started out as good friends which meant you had plenty of encounters with the personality that he kept hidden. You learned that he liked cats, prefers indoor dates, and tons of stuff.
♡ He likes to tease you. When you're mad, he mimics or mocks you. But that could go in two ways, either you crack up and tell him to stop or you get even more pissed off. However, Shinsou knows his limits. He treats you like a child too which often results in you wrestling him and threatening him to take those words back.
♡ So, playful wrestling and all that, is pretty much common between the two of you. Shinsou loves it when you get on top of him, straddle his lap with your hands on his chest and that smile you wear when you emerge victorious, it's just so cute. And he pretty much doesn't mind when he loses.
♡ You love to pick fights with him, suddenly coming up and demanding that you want to fight him. The two of you took it as sparring at first and an opportunity to get stronger in hand to hand combat. 
♡ Yes, it was super innocent and very admirable at first. You'd invite him to fight with you and the two of you would sit together afterward to talk about your mistakes and whatnot. Over time, it became something you do for fun.
♡ The first time it got a bit too out of hand, it was unintentional. He had won at that time, pinning your hands with one hand. You were squirming to break free which caused him to push your entire body down with his own. And with your butt hitting his crotch, how could he not get hard?
♡ He's usually the reason why it always ends up with you two having sex! You'd be on top of him, sitting on his stomach and he'd say, "Babe, you're looking pretty hot and sexy sitting on my lap like that." What annoys you even more is that he'd act smug about it which makes you flustered.
♧ Mirio, your bundle of sunshine, is eager to do anything with you! He's almost like a dog. He's happy to see you, likes to hold your hand when you walk together and craves attention. 
♧ As he was dubbed as a student who's basically good enough to be called a Pro Hero, you initiated fights with him. It was a great opportunity to learn from someone who can utilize their quirk so well! Mirio doesn't hesitate and immediately drags you to the nearest gym.
♧ He's usually not the type to tease but he makes jokes. He's not the type to act all high and mighty or smug so when it comes to your playful fights, he's all smiles and laughs. If he ended up losing, he'd just laugh it off saying that he lost. Sometimes he willingly loses to you just to see you happy. Of course, there are times you'd get upset from him doing so.
♧ But when actually teases you, he doesn't really mean it and it's mostly unintentional. To be honest, he's the type to say embarrassing stuff with a smile on his face. And afterwards, he'd get a bit flustered, laugh out loud and say it was a bit embarrassing.
♧ You were strong enough to stand your ground when you train with him so he didn't have to worry about holding back or going easy on you, that'd be an insult. Mirio is constantly looking for ways to improve his skills and tries to work toward his goals by accumulating different experiences to learn from them. And from that, you've improved a lot.
♧ The two of you weren't the type to argue over things and it's pretty rare of you to have arguments. Mirio was the type to talk things, he doesn't like the two of you to be at disagreement for a long time. Of course, this entire playful wrestling is not an actual fight so, nothing to worry about.
♧ When the fights devolve to the more intimate territory, its mostly unintentional. But once you both get into it, it's hard to stop. There are times where Mirio tries to act all smooth, making it look like an accident but he fails.
Total: 1607 words Published: 16.10.2019
We’re open for some limited edition prompts featuring Fall and Halloween! Read more here!
Thank you for requesting! *。٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و*。 First-ever request with a Kimetsu no Yaiba character! We’ve both seen a lot of blogs out there accepting requests for Kimetsu no Yaiba and we wanted to join in on the fun. It’s a very interesting anime with great animation! Hope you enjoyed it, anon! ― author Hibiki/Lou
Thank you for requesting! It’s totally fine to request characters from different fandoms. Inosuke is a very lively character and we had fun writing for him. Sorry to make you wait so long, anon. ― author Natsuki
Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos.
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lailannajacobs · 5 years ago
Heart to a Gunfight - Chapter Nine
Pairing: Bucky x fem!Reader
Summary: You didn’t want to help Bucky Barnes make it through the party by pretending to be his fake girlfriend, after all, you had just met him. You also didn’t plan on the charade lasting as long as it did.
Warnings: Mostly fluff! 
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: Hope everyone is safe and well during this quarantine! My inbox is always open if you need to chat, vent, let out some steam or simply talk to a friendly face! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Hoping not to get too busy with all the zoom schooling/finals and to get you the next chapter by the end of next week! 
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Heart to a Gunfight | Nine
The car you were working on was a real pain in the ass. You couldn’t stand to look at it’s rusted navy paint job any longer, not after the hell of a day you’d had. The part you had ordered for one of your regular customers had come in hours later than expected and the owner of that 80s Mercedes hadn’t been accepting of any of your explanations. It didn’t matter that you had always provided stellar service or that pieces for his car were hard to come by, he had chewed you out for making him late for his meeting. And now what should have been a simple procedure on a run of the mill Civic was taking you twice as long as it should have. Your boss was going to kill you if you didn’t get through the day’s appointments but judging by the way the shitty day had started, you weren’t going to last the hour.
Your fingers slipped for the millionth time and you swore, wondering why the damn cap wouldn’t unscrew. If you could just get this damn Civic out of your sight, you could move onto the quick and easy tire change you had next. At least that shouldn’t give you any problems.
Wiping the sweat from your brow, you wished you hadn’t forgotten your water bottle on the kitchen counter this morning. How the hell you were going to get through the rest of the summer if it was already this hot in May was beyond you.
“Excuse me. I’m looking for the best mechanic in Brooklyn,” A deep voice drawled, “I heard her skills were worth the sass I’d have to put up with. You wouldn’t happen to know where I could find her, would you?”
You poked your head out from under the hood and found yourself smiling unwittingly. Bucky was dressed in olive from head to toe except for the shinned black combat boots, a loose tee tucked into a pair of cargo pants. If you had to guess, you’d say he had come in from work.
It had been two weeks since the engagement party and two weeks since you had last seen Bucky. Mercifully, Peggy and Steve had been so busy that they hadn’t tried to convince you to spend some time with them and Bucky. He had crossed your mind far more often over the past fourteen days than you would ever admit to him, even if half the time the thoughts were accompanied by anxiety. And the other half…well to your frustration, he was even more handsome than you remembered. You had no idea what you were supposed to say to him or how you were supposed to act. The two of you obviously weren’t a couple, but you had agreed that you’d need to know each other at least a little better if you wanted to get through the wedding in one piece. So, what did you do now? How were you supposed to act?
A small part of you almost wished you’d never see him again even if seeing him again had been all you could think about. But it didn’t matter what you wanted. Seeing him again had been a matter of when and not if.
“How did you know where I worked?” You blurted when you realized you had been staring for too long, “I mean, what are you doing here?”
You winced. As far as conversation starters went, you were doing a truly terrible job.
If he was fazed at all, he didn’t show it as he shrugged, “Steve told me. And I’m here for an oil change.”
“That’s all?” You asked, scanning him carefully to see if there wasn’t any other reason he was hiding.
He smirked, “Well, it is a new car, and I take care while driving it. Unlike yours, it doesn’t break down every three miles.”
“Leave my car alone, Solider,” You waved your rag at him.
He twirled his keys around his finger, his smile growing, “You know I can’t do that.”
You put a hand on your hip, “Who says I even have time for you?”
He looked like he was about to answer but paused and studied for you for a moment. That piercing blue gaze didn’t lose any of its intensity when he spoke up, “Judging by that look on your face, I’d say you don’t. Rough day?”
“That obvious, huh?” You leaned against the car for support, as if his words mad you realize just how tired you really were.
He nodded, not saying anything else. You had a feeling he was seconds away from leaving and before you realized what you were doing you were saying, “Come back tomorrow afternoon and I can fit you in. It won’t take long.”
He seemed to lose some of the tension in his shoulders and the corner of his mouth lifted slightly, “Great.”
You wiped your hands on your rag, waiting for him to say something else, because you couldn’t think of anything else to say yourself. It was hard to tell if you were imagining the awkward silence or if he felt it too, but either way, you were beginning to think it was a good thing you had nothing to say. The faster this conversation died, the fast you could get back to the work that was far less confusing than whatever this thing was with Bucky.
“All right then,” He said, stuffing his hands into his pockets, “Thanks for squeezing me in. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You felt your head bob up and down a few too many times and willed your body to stop, “Yup.”
Watching him leave, you once again felt the overwhelming urge to say something - anything - else, but you kept your mouth shut. You kept your eyes on him until he reached the door and then got back to your stupid Civic, trying your hardest to unscrew the stupid cap.
“Hey Speedy?”
You popped your head back out from under the hood, almost knocking your head as you moved a little too eagerly, “Yeah?”
He ran his hand through his hair, musing his already messy look, “Want to go grab a drink once you finish up here?”
You thought about his offer, picking at the grease under your nails. It wasn’t like you had any other plans than a nice, long bath and a good book, but you weren’t sure about spending time with Bucky and no one else.
“That is, if you don’t already have other plans,” He quickly added.
You felt yourself smile and shook your head, “No, I’m free. Drinks would be good.”
“Good,” He sighed, nodding a little, “Text me when you’re done and we can meet up later.”
He was already turning away when you said his name.
“I never got your number.”
“Oh, yeah,” He chuckled, running his hands through his hair again.
Knowing you’d only get grease all over his phone, you recited your number from afar and told him you’d text him when you were done. When his car pulled out of the parking lot, you let out a breath that seemed to release all the tension from your body. He hadn’t even gotten closer than fifteen feet and yet your body felt like it had been shocked by a thousand volt current. And you’d be seeing him tonight. Just the two of you. For the first time. Ever. What the hell was that going to be like?
You tried to shake the thoughts from your head, knowing you had more important things to worry about to today. The first of which being this damned cap. You tightened your fingers around the plastic, and somehow, as if it hadn’t been giving you hell for the past five minutes, it twisted off like butter.
Maybe you hadn’t needed to put an extra fifteen minutes into choosing your outfit, but you had most definitely needed a shower to wash all the grease stains off your hands and forehead. And seeing as you were already putting a little effort into your looks, you might as well go the full nine yards and choose something nice to wear. It wasn’t that you were dressing up for Barnes, rather you were dressing up because it was nice to actually wear something other than the navy jumpsuit you spent five out of seven days in. There was nothing special about tonight. Tonight was just two friends hanging out. Nothing more.
“I swear I’m not usually this late,” Bucky puffed, meeting you outside the bar moments before you were about to leave under the assumption that he had stood you up, “Sorry about that. I hope you weren’t waiting long.”
“Not that bad,” You shrugged, trying to refrain from wrapping your arms around yourself.
He led you toward the entrance, “Still, let me make it up to you. Drinks are on me.”
“That’s not a bad start, Soldier,” You opened the door and motioned for him to go in first, watching him blink in surprise before walking through the door, “And just so we’re clear, when you say you’re not usually this late, you’re telling me that you’re never on time, right? Seems out of character for an army man.”
He smirked, “I’m only late from time to time. I try not to make it a habit.”
“Good to know that next time I can spend an extra ten minutes getting ready,” You laughed.
“You can take it, but I know for a fact that you don’t need it.”
You paused, uncertain. You knew he meant it as a friendly compliment, but all the behaviour from the wedding muddled everything in your mind. How exactly were supposed to act now? You forced a smile hoping he wouldn’t realize just how weirded out you were by this whole meeting - date? You shouldn’t have been. There wasn’t supposed to be anything weird about this. You were overthinking this. Right? Right.
Making your way to the bar, you sat down while Bucky ordered a couple of beers. Neither of you said anything until the beers arrived. After you thanked the bartender, you couldn’t think of anything to say. It wasn’t like you really knew anything about Bucky but asking him general questions would probably make it feel like awkward small talk on a first date, which was exactly what you were trying to avoid.
Bucky fiddled with the label on his bottle, “Did work get a little better after I was gone?”
“Oh, um, yeah. It calmed down a little and I managed to get everything done,” You forced another smile, nodding away.
“Ah, good,” He took a sip, lips tight around the bottle.
You did the same, looking around the bar, trying to find something else to say. It hadn’t been this hard at the engagement party. Between first wanting to kill him and then pretending to be madly in love with him, there hadn’t been much time for anything else. Now, there was this truce between the two of you, with nothing real in between. How were you supposed to act within the relationship you had with Bucky at the engagement party and the on you were supposed to have at the wedding?
You were starting to wonder if you should make up an excuse to go home when he spoke up, “I’m not going to lie, Speedy, this is weird.”
You let out a sigh of relief, “Oh thank god. I was beginning to think it was just me.”
“Not just you,” He said, shaking his head, “This is worse than an awkward first date, not being sure what to say or do. No offence.”
“None taken. You took the words from my mouth.”
He laughed, though the sound seemed like a mix of relief and something else, “After acting like a couple last time I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t coming on too strong.”
“You?” You felt your lips tug upward, glad to know you weren’t the only one battling an inner war of awkwardness and anxiety, “Here I am thinking you assume I hate you because I can’t seem to say anything more interesting than casual small talk.”
He cocked his head, “But don’t you?”
You paused, beer inches from your lips, “Don’t I what?”
He took a sip of his, prolonging the silence, his eyes bright, “Hate me?”
“Absolutely,” You laughed, “You make fun of my car, I have no choice but to hate you out of solidarity. I owe that much to my car, you know.”
“Then you’re doing an amazing job at being loyal to your car,” His lips twisted into a roguish grin, “Or is it being yourself?”
“Hey!” You smacked him on the arm, “It’s all an act.”
He laughed, “How was I supposed to know? You looked like you were going to kill me on the way into the bar!”
“If I wanted to kill you, it would have been at the engagement party. At this point I’ve learned to tolerate your presence,” You teased, gazing up at him.
He held your stare, those piercing blue eyes holding a world of emotions you couldn’t even begin to decipher, “Good for me that you’re a fast learner.”
“Good thing,” You murmured, unable to look away.
A glass shattering broke your stare and you brought your attention back to the condensation dripping down your beer. The silence stretched on and you weren’t sure how to get back the easy conversation that had just happened. Finally, you decided to try and clear the air, hoping that it would bring everything back to normal between the two of you. Because if you were being honest with yourself, you actually enjoyed his company.
“I know I agreed to go to the wedding with you and that we agreed to get closer to make things more convincing. That’s fine, I’m not backing out on you,” You quickly added when you saw his wide eyes, “But we need to make things clear. We’re just friends, right? When the wedding comes, we’ll add in a few kisses and I’m sure Kira won’t suspect a thing.”
He didn’t say anything for a long moment, then nodded, “Yeah. I think that’s the best plan. Just friends.”
“Just friends,” You echoed.
“Think you can manage that?” He asked, the small smile returning.
You sighed dramatically, “It’ll be tough, but somehow I’ll find a way to tolerate you for the next three months.”
“And after that you won’t ever have to see my face again, Speedy.”
“Oh, the promises you make, Soldier. You keep making that promise and yet here we are,” You shook your head, pretending to be disappointed, “I’m starting to think we’re doomed to keep running into each other.”
He signalled the bartender for another round, “Is that such a bad thing?”
You waited until he turned back around and then grinned, “You know, I’m starting to think it might not be.”
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omnipokemonproducts · 4 years ago
The Ultra Beast Question
“She’s late.” Leigh was already at her patience’s end with Simmons. Vonnegut could not help but agree with her but just sighed. They were going to be meeting with Simmons, who had just happened to capture a UB, in particular, the one entitled Xurkitree. Plus considering her ‘specialty’ of interstellar pokemon, she was the best consultant.
The doors to the briefing room opened to an underwhelming sight. A middle aged woman with dark complexion, with a contained hairdo that still was messy all over. The most striking item was a pair of glasses that could not hide the dark spots under her eyes. Around her waist were four pokeballs all strapped to her not-fanny pack, one of which would be the talking point today. The woman who looked not out of place at all was Simmons Bērōnī.
“What kept you?” Leigh folded her arms and shot her a glare. “We have been waiting for fifteen minutes.”
The woman waved her hands as if to pacify her colleague’s concerns. “Take it easy. Jubjub just found a song they liked and wanted to dance to it.”
“Jubjub?” Vonnegut finally voiced his own concern and confusion.
The young woman reached into her not-fanny pack and clicked the ball open. To both his colleague’s shock the UB itself was as bizarre in person as the data they had been given showed...all quashed by one article of clothing on its neck(?). Closest to what could only be described as the bulb of the mon was a small bow tie. It was a clip on, but it seemed it was attached well enough to where it would not fall off.
“This is Jubjub. They can generate a lot of electricity and has been charging my phone the last few days.” To demonstrate Simmons took a phone charger from her pocket and stuck the plug end into the alien. The latter did not even react.Her phone emitted a small sound, to signify it was charging. Suddenly music began to play from the phone, followed by the electric alien to dance while making some small unknown noises. “I have noticed that is generates massive amounts of electricity when happy that are more stable and consistent than if it is agitated or in pain.”
“Great. Fantastic.” Vonnegut curtly replied. “We need to cut to the chase. Simmons, we need your expertise to develop a means of stopping any inter dimensional invasion.”
“Ah right. Well to be frank I don’t think these Ultra Beasts are merely an inter-dimensional threat. I think this could be the most recent encounter with pokemon from a potential far away planet and they have discovered transportation before we could.”
All four of the Think Tank member’s groaned. Simmons’ tried and true theory: anything new, even the god-like pokemon, always came down to aliens. “Do you have any basis to this?” David was often the one who had to do most of the leg work to prove she was wrong. During the few times she was right he had to confirm it, which only fueled her alien hunter tendencies more.
“Yes actually. In fact I have cross referenced a few reports from the Aether Incident, some other reported sightings, as well as my own testimony.” Reaching into her fanny pack, she pulled out a small tablet and pressed the screen to allow an image to appear projected via hologram. In there, stood a long, lanky humanoid pokemon. Its appearance looked feminine.
“This mon for instance is known as Pheromosa. These pokemon tend to operate in swarms, and are the strongest combat wise out of all the ultra beasts reported. Most tend to operate in a hive mind of a leader.” Pressing another button on her tablet it switched over to an image of the same Ultra Beast but most of its body was black. “Except these black ones are always independent agents, as they are able to operate independently of the swarm. They have also been seen giving some kind of orders to their white counterparts.”
David was at least impressed. Of course he would need his own combat data and his own tests, but this could yield fruit. “And these are the only two you have so far right?”
“I don’t have the pheromosa. Darren Ida was the one who caught most of those. Granted he had suffered some injuries related to said capture. One took a bite out of his arm, but his arm is still intact. Just in a cast now.” All four think tank members would need to interview Darren Ida, despite how difficult it could be to work with him due to his cold and hostile demeanor.
“So what is our new course?” Mercy chimed in, finally speaking up after being silent as to not have to talk to Simmons. “Do we reinstate project Quantum Leap?”
Vonnegut grumbled. It had been a long time since he mothballed that department since the last discovery of a variant of gothitelle that had crash landed in Sinnoh. The goal of operation Quantum Leap was research into pokemon with potential alien or dimensional origins. He had Simmons, but he had a lot on his plate now and out of everyone here, she was the most adept at leading it. For now.
“Yes. Simmons we will leave that department to you. You will be given a budget and a number of resources to do as you see fit on the Ultra Beasts and everything that can be verified adjacent. Do not spend any money on any frivolous side projects.” The malamar knew that giving her complete control of this department would be a bad idea, so he would need to have someone oversee her.
“I have a demand.” Mercy sounded stern and forceful, which was surprising to the other think tank members. “You are to not talk to any undead staff members on anything other than anything related to your project.”
“Oh shit.” Leigh muttered under her breath. She knew exactly why Mercy had said that.
“If it about my own research into echtoplasmic pokemon, I’m sorry if I offended you or anyone in the support group you run. I just don’t think it is healthy for any of them to cling onto false memories. Forcing memories of people who have died is amoral and not healthy. It will just lead to dissociative identity disorder for them. They need professional medical help.” Simmons did not sound mad, but she sounded just as stern.
As she said that Mercy’s eyes got wide and her fangs starting to become more pronounced, with a low snarl.
“Alright that’s enough.” Leigh felt inclined to cut this off before it got uncomfortable. “Simmons get yourself in order so David and I can establish the basis for you to work with.”
“Works for me. I’ll get started right away.” As quickly as she came in, the scientist put Jubjub back in their ball and left the room to somewhere not even she knew.
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krystalficloverdh · 5 years ago
My hero - Eat what?!
Third chapter.
Hormones in the air.
“Uuuurgh! This is harder than I thought!” Izuku shouts as she moves a spare sword from All Might feeling the strains in her body. She’s been training with All Might for five months and she just turned sixteen, she learned hand to hand combat and how to wield a sword properly, it has been quiet in the area with no attacks so she could concentrate more in her training.
“That’s the spirit young Midoriya!” An excited All Might shouts from behind.”You have a good control over your magic, our powers work 50% mind 50% body.” He puts his hands on his hips.“The power of this sword, is the fullest physical ability of many people gathered into one and obviously you’ve been training for a while if not the limbs will come off and the body will explode.”
“Um back with my magic, I can only levitate things and myself though.” She said as she wiped her sweat from her forehead.
All Might puts his hand in his chin. “From what I saw back in the Southern Tribe that’s not the case, your magic is called telekinesis, it’s really rare these days and it can only be inherited, you have the ability to manipulate the objects around you and even what are not visible to the naked eye!”
“If what you’re saying it’s true then I am able to thrust strong waves of energy like I did with the slime monster and maybe I can even create protective barriers with the same energy if train it well.” Izuku mutters.
“You’re muttering again.”
“WORRY NOT! It seems that I gave you a good idea.”
“Mmm!” She beams happily.
“Young Midoriya, I believe it’s time for you to inherit the legendary sword One For All.” All Might looked at her seriously. “It is a special weapon that adapts to any type of magic and it can also grant its power for ones who can’t develop their own magic.”
“You don’t…?” She asked confused and he gives a crooked smile.
“This sword cultivates the power and passes it on to another person, who also cultivates it and passes it on.” All Might raises the legendary sword and starts to glow.“It is the crystallization of magic that spins together the voices of those who need help.”
“Wow!” She was so happy, it made his heart warm.
“This is the power that you earned because of your own effort...Now.” He said as he takes a strand of his hair. “Eat this.”
“...Eat this? Eat what?”
“Come on that’s how in works, you must consume some part of my dna and this is the best way.”
“Ew…It’s too different from what I imagined!”
“I’m kinda offended right now…” He places a hand on his heart dramatically.“Unless you wanna drink some of my blood?”
“I’ll take it! I’ll take the hair!... I’ll eat it...Somehow.” She swallows the hair with a frown.
“Young Midoriya, How about going to UA? It’s a perfect place for people aspiring to be heroes!”
She looked up at All Might in surprise.”I’ll have to tell my mother about this.”
“Indeed.” All Might grinned wide.”Besides, I’ll be teaching young heroes there.”
“You will?!”
“YES!” He gave her a thumbs up. “There has been a lot of attacks lately and I was on my way there when I felt the sword pulling me to you.”
“Now that I think about it, It was very strange like those men above in the mountains at the tribe like they were trying to lure you out.”
“They gave a pretty good fight! The tribes of the Badlands are strong warriors!”
“They are! It’s amazing how they are able to fight alongside with dragons.” Izuku smiled sweetly “Can I tell some friends if they want to come?”
“Of course the merrier the better! Oh and let’s talk to your mother.”
“If I went to UA, would you come with me?” Izuku asked as she sparred with Katsuki.
So many things changed in those five months, they would meet up in the forest or in his tribe, she always felt her heart skip a beat in anticipation for their meetings, she would spar with him or Katsuki would take her for a ride. Since she came to this world she never thought about dating, sometimes she would find herself wanting his attention or just be close to him all the time and it’s driving her mad. She had to admit that Katsuki is a very attractive man, putting aside his explosive personality and his yelling all the time, he was a good person, at least in his own way. She can’t help but feel confused about what is happening between them, they became very good friends and they were comfortable with each other.
Katsuki’s eyes turned serious and Izuku squeaked as a pair of strong arms pushed her backwards, rolling in the ground, she was laying on her back with him straddling her hips, holding her arms above her head and looking down on her.
“Not that I’m forcing you, I thought that it could be a great opportunity to become heroes, train to get better, I met All Might a few months ago and he told me about it…” Her voice got quieter as she continued to ramble.
“I would.” He made sure that his voice was loud and clear. “We promised each other didn’t we?”
She lifted her hips and pushed him forward, she used her strong legs and rolled them over, grinning as he grunted in surprise. She pinned him on the ground and her thighs tightened around his hips and he felt a shiver run down his spine as he felt her thighs against him.“Then, I’ll tell All Might that you said yes, oooh let’s tell Kirishima-san and Mina-chan too!” She beams happily and loosened her grip on his hands.
The mention of the legendary hero made him snap out of his trance, he grabbed her collar and pulled her until they were nose to nose.“Wait the fuck up! All Might told you? When did you met?!” He told her fiercely with a look that made her heart and stomach jump in symphony.
Calm the hell down hormones of hers.
Bad Izuku.
She nervously looked away and met his eyes again. “Yeah, after the attack of the slime monster I met him in the forest the next day and he told me about the guild.”
“So he’ll be there…” He muttered and nodded to himself. “I’ll be the number one and even beat All Might or everyone who steps in my way!” He looked at her seriously and she nodded still mesmerized.
“You and fighting half of the world.”
“Sure you were Kacchan.” She purred as she gave him a cocky smirk.
“Are you sassing me?” He asked huskily as tacked her on the ground once again. Izuku blinked several times, she tried pulling her hands out of his grasp but to no vail and her lips opened slightly. “Yield.” He smirked, flashing his teeth.
“N-Never.” She breathes and sighed uneasily.
“What’re bitching about?”
“The only thing that bothers me is that I don’t want to leave my mother alone…” She said and looks away as she clenches her fists. “That person might come back and he is not a good person.” Izuku spat venom in her voice as she mentioned her father, she had a wild guess that the man she saw that day was her father, she didn’t have any paintings of him so she wasn’t sure.
A sharp hiss left his lips as he suddenly pulled away from her and they quickly got on their feet. Katsuki knew who she meant, his mother told him that Izuku’s father disappeared when she turned six and at that time Mitsuki went to Inko’s shop for some plants, that’s how they met and became great friends. He reached out to give her a flick on her forehead at the look on her face. “Your mother can stay with my old hag.” He said with a scowl. “She loves your mom… She wouldn’t let that bastard get near her, so stop making that face.”
“Ouch!” She said and punched his chest in goodwill. She rubbed her forehead where he flicked and giggled.
“That’s better.” He smirked.
“If you two have stopped flirting, shall we hear about this UA guild?” Remarked Kirishima with a raised eyebrow.
“We’re not flirting!” Izuku and Katsuki shouted in unison. Kirishima shrugged and Mina laughs.
Izuku sighed and walked towards Kirishima. “You see…”
“HERE WE ARE!” All Might shouts loudly as the group of teens approached the guild, Izuku looks up at the building, her expression of pure excitement. “COME! YOUNG HEROES, UA GUILD AWAITS!” The hero lets out a booming laugh and stepped to open the front gates. “I AM...COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!”
The UA guild is a big building in the middle of a city two days away from her village, the tribes of the Badlands are known for their dragons so they took the dragons to get there faster, courtesy of crown prince Katsuki Bakugou.
“AWESOME LOOK AT ALL THOSE PEOPLE USING THEIR MAGIC!” Izuku beams happily swinging side to side, feeling the legendary sword warm in her back next to a grumpy Katsuki and she took a deliberately breath as he suddenly held her hand.
“Let’s go Deku.”
A dark haired woman with a mask and a provocative way of dressing stood in the entrance. “Welcome, young heroes! My name is Midnight.” She smiled at the teens. “Please fill your basic information over there and I’ll give you your keys to your dorms.” The teens part to go to fill their information near a desk lady at the side of the building. “Girls dorms are this way and boys dorms are that way!”
“This is where we part! I must go to meet the master of the guild.” All Might collided his fist into his palm, with quick glance that no one was watching he bends down to ruffle Izuku’s hair and gives her a thumbs up. “See you in class!” He whispered and saluted to Izuku.
“Yes!” She whispered back.
Izuku couldn’t believe that she was at the UA guild, it was funny how the events have changed in five months. She was looking at her surroundings, there was a man with a dog’s head, a girl who created things that came out of her chest, a giant woman, a boy with a tail and many more different powers. She wondered if she was going to share classes with them when she heard a scream of a brown haired girl riding a staff falling from the sky.
Without giving a second thought, Izuku quickly flexed her legs and leaped forward, green lightning sparked her body and carried the girl bridal style. They landed softly on the ground and Izuku lets down the girl. “Are you okay?”
“Huh?” The girl asked confused.
“Are you okay?”
The girl was about to answer when a knight with glasses came running in their direction holding the staff she was riding moments ago.
“Ochako, that was dangerous! Thank goodness you are okay!” The knight shakes the girl by the shoulders and the girl shoves off the boy to face Izuku.
“That was so cool, like a prince! Thank you for saving me! My name is Ochako Uraraka!”
“Izuku Midoriya” Izuku nodded with a gentle smile. “Nice to meet you!”
“My name is Tenya Iida!” He said while moving his arms all over the place and Izuku laughs at the strage gesture before glancing over at Katsuki who was walking towards her with a deadly expression leaving Kirishima and Mina following from behind.
“Be careful Bakubro or some girl might steal your girl!” Snickered Kirishima behind Katsuki and Mina gives him a high five.
“Out of the way extras!” Katsuki shoves Iida and Ochako to the side. He looked down at Izuku and took her hand to guide her towards their dorms.
“Don’t call people extras just because you don’t know them!” Iida yells at Katsuki in the distance.
“See you in class and sorry!” Izuku waved a hand turning around to her new friends hoping to see them again tomorrow.
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starrysebastians · 5 years ago
Of blood, sweat and mishaps
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Summary : you’ve had a long journey in order to fight your way back home, and home sometimes holds surprises. Destroyer!Chris x reader, description of violence and sex. (i’ve never written smut before i have literally no idea what i’m doing don’t mind me) 
This was written for @baezen​’s the other guys writing challenge, with the prompt : i really wish you told me your mother was in town ; thank you for giving love to these other guys, I hope this will do!! 
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It’s already dark outside when you leave the building, duffel bag hastily swung over your shoulders without you even registering its weight on your bruised body — you’ve been carrying this thing for over a month and you’ve become immune to it. Rather, your shoulders already constantly hurt and it doesn’t matter anymore because you just want to go home and spend an entire hour in a hot bath to wash away all the sweat and blood and dirt of the last few weeks.
"Hey!" You stop in your tracks, a tilt of your head being the only sign that you have actually heard and acknowledged the voice of your colleague rushing behind you, the precinct doors slamming behind the both of you. "Are you sure you don’t need a lift?"  
Sam catches up with you, a little out of breath, probably because he took the stairs and tried to beat you to the door. You smile, shaking your head. He’s looking you up and down and you know he wants to say you clearly are in no state to drive, or even to be standing upright. And driving you to your appartement isn’t a problem because it’s on his way to his own.
"It’s okay. I think I’m gonna crash at Chris’, it’s closer anyway." You shift from one foot to another, transferring the weight of your body and your weapons on the leg that hurts the least. Sam’s face morphs into understanding, a knowing smile stretching on his lips. You want to roll your eyes, but you can’t help but chuckle.
"Right." He nods, taking a step back, then lifts up his chin. "Take the week off, you deserve it."
"Wasn’t planning on asking for permission, but I’m glad to know my break was approved."
He snorts, probably because you both know it’s true that you never ask for permission and you’re one of those agents who are literally their own boss, to their partners and bosses’ despair. It usually works out, and you’re one of their best. You’re about to cross the street when Sam’s voice echoes again in the busy street, slightly muffled by the sound of cars, honks, suitcases rolling on the ground, hitting holes and bumps on the pavement, the same ones that make people trip on their own feet.
"He was worried about you." You’re not facing your literal partner in crime anymore, and you don’t turn around to show him your little smile, but he probably knows anyway.
Green lights turn to red and you breathe in before crossing the street, taking in the sky and the stars starting to appear and twinkle around a full moon, clouds almost perfectly still on this day — it was sunny, apparently, but you spent the first half of the day fighting your way home, the other half writing a report and delivering long-awaiting data and compromising documents to the Bureau. Then you had to spend another hour promising everyone you were alright and not injured to the point where you had to go to a hospital, and now you could finally go home.
And in that case home isn't necessarily your cosy apartment, the one you had just finished re-painting and decorating before you left for your mission, but as cheesy at it sounds, home might have become a person.
It takes you less than fifteen minutes to reach his apartment complex, but at least seven to cross the stairs when you realize the elevator still hasn't been fixed, painfully dragging your battered body up the wooden steps, a hand pressed to your ribs and stomach, and finally, another three minutes to dig out your spare key from that little pocket in your duffel bag, hand shaking as you miss the keyhole a few times before getting it right.
You don’t bother knocking or making your presence officially known because even though you've been gone for a month no one else has that key and he probably heard that your mission was over anyway. The slam of the door echoes behind you and you audibly groan, voicing your pain and exhaustion for the first time today.
"Honey I’m home," you call out sarcastically, letting your duffel bag hit the floor with a loud thump, slowly shrugging your leather jacket off — it falls from the coat hanger as you turn around but you don’t bother picking it up. Your body wouldn’t let you. "Remember when I said I was going on a small mission that would only take a few days? Well I was wrong."
Something drops on the kitchen table. A knife, a fork, a spoon — whatever, but something drops and clings and you hear him cough. A chair scrapping against the floor. You enter the bathroom. You smirk at your reflection in the mirror, splashing your face with water and watching droplets of blood trail down your cheeks and neck, hitting your already stained shirt.
"Turns out, it was the same group of freaking mad scientists we thought we dismantled last time. You know, that time Sam got shot?" You turn the faucet off.  "So I had to stay undercover the whole month." Hands all dried up, hair tied into a messy bun. A band-aid covering the cut on your forehead. Cream on your nose and bloody lip. "So. Yeah. That wasn’t planned."
You exit the bathroom, passing the entrance again, carefully avoiding tripping on your discarded combat boots lying on the wooden floor. They're full of mud and there is probably a lot of blood that you can't see. It’s usually very neat and clean here, all sorts of shoes lined up and in their place, a spotless wooden floor that contrasts with the white walls, and Chris would probably scold you if you didn't have a valid excuse right now.
You sigh, feet following the noise. "And my cover got blown yesterday. It was honestly one of the hardest missions I have ever been on." You shiver, pausing for a second as you close your eyes and try to shake flashbacks and images off your mind. You clear your throat, plastering a smile on your face even though Chris can't see you yet.
"Anyway — " There’s a small table right at the entrance of the living room, where you drop your gun and badge with a deafening bang.
There’s a small shit that’s being muttered over and over again but that you don’t really register, still not looking up. " — now that I killed them all I’m allowed to discuss secret details — remember their boss, Helmer? That was a nasty fight, ugh. I had to shoot him at point-blank range and I think I’ve still got pieces of his stupid brain in my hair." You shudder. "Ugh." You massage the back of your neck, rolling your head from left to right, cracking your bloody knuckles, while taking in the smell of his cooking with closed eyes.
You follow the smell, smiling softy as you enter the kitchen.
"Hey!" Chris rushes out of the room at the same time you step in, eyes wide as he takes in your form, his hands gently grabbing your forearms, caging you. Gently, tenderly, as his fingers run on your skin, but with a grip that feels urgent.
"Hey," you reply more softly, your voice still raspy. You blink, head titled to the side, grabbing onto him as well. Your hands find his toned stomach, relishing the warmth you have missed as you sigh contently. You refrain from resting your forehead on his chest, remembering the blood still splattered on your face and burning your skin, and the smell that has been invading your senses ever since you escaped literal hell.
So you gently cup his face with your hand, thumb brushing against his skin before stepping aside in order to enter the kitchen. Chris' arms reach out to you, in an attempt to keep you from entering the room, but you slip out of his embrace.
"Wait — "
"Oh — "
Your breath gets stuck in your threat, everything going still around you. You can’t even gasp or express your surprise, because every single bone and cell in your body has gone completely rigid. You stand here by the door, Chris' arms still outstretched in vain behind you, a new set of eyes staring back at you.
"You're… — " You gulp. No. “I didn't know you had company.” 
Not like this. It can't go like this. This gaze is unblinking, confused, curious, disgusted as it seems to scrutinize your outfit — ripped combat pants looking huge compared to your small feet and their dirty socks stained with mud and dust. Crumpled white shirt — more red than white. There's a wound on your stomach that won't stop bleeding. Arms painted red, blue and black with scratches and bumps and dirt smeared across your skin. Swollen lips parted and face sporting what probably looks like the stupidest facial expression ever.
Your hand find the back of your neck, angrily scratching your already chafed skin as you feel the discomfort settle into your chest, until you hear Chris clear his throat behind you, hand gently peeling your fingers off your skin, then sliding down to rest on the small of your back. You wince and it doesn't go unnoticed.
"Y/N," Chris sports a smile that looks very painful, mentally and physically. "Mom. Mom, Y/N. My colleague." A side glance. “And girlfriend.” 
There’s a small beat of silence where you think you’re going to pass out. She manages to look so composed despite her eyes literally screaming terror and horror and get this woman out of my son’s appartement ; and you, the FBI agent, look like a deer caught in headlights, a stuttering mess, shoulders dropped in despair. Maybe she would do a better job at being an undercover agent.
"I - shouldn’t shake your hand. Or, touch you...at all. I think you can guess why. See why. Clearly see why," your voice wavers. "But, um. It’s very nice to meet you. Ma’am. I should probably take a shower." You turn around, avoiding Chris' gaze, but only taking a few steps before stopping and turning back to him, resignation painted on your features.
You sigh, and try to whisper as you add : "I didn’t want to go to the hospital but I kinda need you to stitch me up right now." His blue eyes go to your stomach and his hand to his forehead, rubbing it tiredly.
"Yeah," he nods before twisting his body to face his mother, still quietly sitting at the dinner table. "Mom, I need to take care of her. We'll be here in half an hour, okay?"
You don't wait for her answer before heading straight to the bathroom, sitting on the toilet seat with your eyes closed and lips in a thin line. You hear his feet on the bathroom tiles, the sound of his dress shirt ruffling as he crouches down in front of you, palms spreading warmth on your aching thighs.
"Hey," he mutters again, soft eyes looking up through his lashes as you open your own. The beginning of a smile and a small greeting is quickly turned into a wince as his fingers gently lift the hem of your top, to fabric sticking to your skin. "Sorry."
You stay silent, sighing and hissing and biting your lower lip as your eyes stay glued to the ceiling. Chris works in silence, like he always does, and like you always do when the roles are reversed. What is there to talk about? You both know it hurts, you both know the other is sorry that they're hurting you, and it's part of the job. But the silence isn't really about your wounds right now, and you're too mortified to even glance at his face. His bottom lip is probably stuck between his teeth, eyebrows set into a focused frown, hands steady as yours still tremble from this encounter.
"All done." Hands gently pressing a bandage to your wound then sliding back to your thighs, a sigh escaping his lips.
You meet his gaze and there's this small pause where you gaze into someone's eyes and both of you are serious but you don't know if it's truly serious or if you should laugh. You raise your eyebrows, slowly, gradually, until a smirk makes its way on your fellow agent's lips.
"You do have bits of…red stuff…in your hair."
You chortle, throwing your head back, tension in the shoulders easing.
You put your hands on his shoulders as your legs spread to let him get closer to you, between your knees, and as you look down to him and his locks you feel a sense of comfort wash over you - it's been a month, and you’ve missed his hair and the smell of his shampoo.
"You could have warned me," you say. Fingers trail along his neck, beard tickling your palm and fingers. Traces of his last undercover mission are almost gone - shaven head and this sort of big goatee. It wasn’t your favorite look on him ; and now he’s gone back to this softer version of himself.
"Yeah, well, that’s kinda hard when you disappear undercover for a month, right?"
He does have a point. He holds your gaze for a moment, a slight crease between his brows, and you exhale softly, watching as he looks down to your bare stomach, bloody shirt discarded on the cold floor.
"I'm sorry. You know how it works."
"Yeah, I do."
A small pause, where you both get closer, fingers tangling in his hair, tugging, scratching.
"Maybe you can make it up to me."
"I have bits of brain in my hair." Chris' lips find the sensitive spot behind your ear, along your neck, your collarbones. Protests dying away and replaced by whimpers, already desperate for more. It has been a long month.
"Good thing we're in the bathroom, right?"
Hot breath on your skin, face nuzzling between your breasts, down your stomach, carefully avoiding your bandage as your back arches. It doesn't take long for you to find yourself pressed against a tile wall, legs wrapped around his bare body, limbs quivering - pleasure, the exhaustion of the day and the last month.
The sound of water hitting your bodies before crashing on the floor is enough to conceal your frantic heartbeats, strangled whimpers and mutters, feverish pleas. A fuck escapes your lips in the form of a low moan, Chris’ lips crashing into yours in an attempt to hold in the sound. A hungry kiss, sweet, loving, yearning.
"I've missed you - so - much." It comes out as three little gasps, matching each thrust into your body, each time your back hits the wall, each time you feel like you're finally complete. The pull in your chest, heart - it's so fierce. It almost hurts, how much you've missed him.
"Every day - " A muffled moan, fingers digging into the skin of his tense back. "I was just trying - to come back to you."
Skin prickling and tingling as droplets of water follow the curve of your tangled bodies, chills running down your spines, he buries his face into the crook of your neck as the last thrust takes all the strength that was left in your body. And as you're left quivering and panting and heaving, in this daze, there's this shared gaze that holds a thousand moments - everything it took to get here. Dodging, hitting, ducking, kicking, shooting, stabbing. Blood splattered on your face, the taste of iron in your mouth, the smell of death forever rooted in your senses. The lethal instinct that overtakes your whole body and mind when you have to fight your way home.
A throaty laugh resonates in the bathroom, traces of blood on the floor soon wiped clean, sewing kit back to the white closet right above that plant you insisted on buying specifically for his bathroom, ruined shirt thrown into a corner as if the laundry basket wasn't right next to him - you don't comment on that, relishing the feeling of a warm towel on your skin with your eyes closed and head thrown back. Different moans this time, as you get dressed painfully.
It takes a few minutes for someone to talk again, steam still fogging up the room, warmth embracing you. The mirrors are misty, and so is your mind. You roll your head from right to left, make your neck crack, stretch as far as your body lets you.
"Well," Chris drawls out lazily, visibly fighting a smirk. "I have to go back. I suppose you want to stay in my room and avoid further humiliation?"
You huff, dragging a hand across your face. "Scared I'm gonna start another extremely graphic depiction of my mission? I bet she wants to hear more about bits of scattered brain."
You wince as your hear yourself - it's gross.
"I really wish you had told me your mother was in town."
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huntsman-ash · 4 years ago
RWBY V8E3 LiveThoughts
Its Saterday and that means its time for everyones favorite post spam; Orca-mun bullshits about RWBY! And here we go.
On a personal note I barely ate anything today so my brain is jittery. I ate something before this of course but one does not solve low-food jitters instantly. So we’ll see how this goes.
Also the more that I hear the opening for this season the more I hear things that I have had Ash say before.  “The hope to change the world is just a childish dream”. It comes off in the song as kind of a poke at Ruby and her team, same way as how V3s opening was all about loosing and falling, but here I cant help but hear it in the voice of Ash, caustic and sarcastic, angry at the world for his own issues and putting it onto the “blind, naieve Huntress’s” Ironwood now has his team focused on.
Actually again, a lot of the song is talking about stuff that is probably coming up in the show. “The path we tried to avoid is already here”. “Path home is suddenly clear”. Basically hinting RWBYs going back to Vale at some point. But we knew that already.
And again, the part with time stopping while Cinder walks among the fighting reminds me of a shittier version of the I Know You trailer for Halo Wars 2.
And now the episode actually starts. Apperently, riding the pnumatic tubes does NOT instantly kill you. Im...half dissapointed. At the same time it makes sense, they seem to be fully sealed so. 
Doesnt seem like its fun though thats for sure.
Dear Blake; please stop being adorable.
Oh, and we get to see how Penny see’s the world too. Interseting. Wireframe with data...and shes unintentionally doing the Konami Code if Im not mistaken.
Also cool to see that the active camo semblance works exactly like Halo’s active camo, ergo; its bending light, not true invisibility, since you can JUST BARELY see the shimmer where they are.
And this moment is a painting I like to call; Five Lesbians and a Robot in an Elevator. Legit shocked Atlas doesnt have elevator music...
And we finally, FINALLY get some reference on the storm. Shorter Atlas trooper sayd “they cant get too close to that storm without getting shot out of the air”.  Okay...so Salem actually has defenses against airships? Couldnt they have SHOWN THAT?
Also, props to the female VA for sounding like AN ACTUAL FUCKING SOLDIER. “CO can get us some answers”...hell yeah. And then Nora’s randomly a dick for...no reason.
Penny’s finger has a scomplink just like in Star Wars.
And they didnt think to remove Peitro’s security clerance, alright then. Someones gonna know they were there though since she used his ID...but maybe thats part of the deal. They get in and get out fast.
Central Command is so dissapointingly small. I HATE IT. ITs two rows of consoles and like...8 dudes. No, wait...three rows? For a place this big it should be six times the size and look more like NASAs mission control.
Nice to have some data on how Ruby’s semblance works though. She apperently breaks herself down to her component molecules and negates her mass and HEY thats how I said Ash moved! DAMMIT RT
Also I guess Remnant follows SOME laws of physics.
NGL Blake is suddenly being a better character now that shes not held down by Yang. Might just be me though. 
“Busy” says Ironwood. In my head, the five minutes before this shot; EXECUTIONS EXECUTIONS ALL THE EXECUTIONS. MUCH PURGING, VERY CLEAN NOW.
Oh I LIVE for the sudden look of shock on Watt’s face. Bro KNOWS what Ironwood can do. That said, obviously hes going to turn on him because...duh. Its Watts. But hey, least hes a little afraid. Unless its an act.
His acid snark against Penny is refreshing. “Magic science project” indeed.
Oh, thats why hes so worried. FOUR DUDES AIMING GUNS AT HIM. Nice. 
“Authorization granted to handle any threats with lethal force”. GOOD. 
Oh no, Nora’s got an idea now. Im worried.
I get the feeling the random office geek guy that Nora trips is someone from RTs office, hence the “#1 Dad/Dud” mug. Dumb
Home made sign. Really. REALLY.  UGH GOD DAMMIT RT. 
Funny sign though.  Also the scream from the tech is so fake its not even funny
Wow. For fuck sake. Thats how they get through. Seriously.
Seems I paused at the right moment. Blake is very confused about being inside Ruby.
Nice to see that Atlas follows OSHA regulations and has railings on its weird catwalks.
Hardlight forcefield door? Interesting. I guess May went off to steal an airship or something.
Also this is something I JUST remembered but I thought Johanna was the trans member. Actually thats May. So thats my bad.
Why’re there holes on the base of Penny’s gloves...
No logiccal sense to half of Atlas’s tech, glad to see that hasnt changed any.
Blake is me when my dads working at his office and taking way to long to do anything.
Blah blah okay talk less do more shit. Character stuff BORES ME
Hm. Nora speaks the truth.
ANNNNDDD its the Ace Ops. Now lead by Hare.  ...no cuffs. No heavy equipment. No gas weaponry. Nothing. They know exactly how strong these people are and instead they show up with ALL OF THEIR OLD STUFF. Are you fucking serious.
STOP TALKING AND JUST KILL THEM ALREADY DAMMIT! Marrows comment is how I feel. But I think hes lying. As does he, I think.
I like how its Vine doing the talking, and that they start by trying to REASON with them. They’re scared. They know they might not win again.  They’re taking the cowards root. To no ones fucking shock.
UHHHGGGG all of this fukcing mind shit with Penny is really pissing me off.
Good, now the fighting starts. Thattttss why they;re on the platform.
Hey, actual teamwork out of the Aces, kinda. I guess their boss being dead helped.
Okay seriously how the HELL is she not fighting this easier? Shes a robot, surely she has predictive combat algorithms...
Man Marrows getting SHIT ON this fight.
Mmm. Hare thighs. I like
Weiss says the truth for once
And all the fancy work and fighting is ended simply by a beefy woman grabbing Penny. I like that honestly. Simplicity, brutality.
Wait never mind.
HAHAHAHAH OFF THE Wall and now she flies. No shock.
Good shit. Good work Marrow.
Well that works. JESUS FUCK Nora.
Yow they’re not DEAD. Excuse me
Oh look Nora’s...wow. Cool, scars.
Still mad Pennys swords are on wires, but hell. Wire funnels are wire funnels. Or would those be incoms? I dont quite remember the distinction.
Marrows quiet look is kinda sad. Oh good nora’s not dead.
But they are down a person and...ah. They’re letting them go. Death Star tactic.
New ship design, havent seen this one before. The whole top part opens which is interesting to me. And then she just GONE. 
Ah. So thats what they were doing. Cool.
Obviously gonna backfire, but hey, who knows. Maybe RT will surprise us.
Annnddd thats it for the show.
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currentfandomkick · 5 years ago
Bio! Dad Strange part 8
This is just a bunch of random things that amuse me from this au, i will try to keep them in a coherent order but no gaurantees.
Everyone in Marinette’s friend group (Max, Kim, Alix, Nino, Sabrina and (somehow) Chloe) has at least one color unique to them, some with a secondary or pattern, to show that they are psuedo-family.
Chloe mentioned the idea after listening to Adrikins go on about anime magic girls and go off on Sailor Moon for too many days.
The group starts it as a joke—if you dont wear your color, you are mad at someone in the group enough to disown them. Wearing someone else’s color meant you saw them as really close compred to the others. Wearing all of the colors meant you felt very loved by the group and are proud damnit!
Chloe picked yellow, and added stripes as her pattern just incase they added another yellow later.
Sabrina demanded purple and argyle patterns as hers. Why? “Purple is mystery i will solve them all!”
Max picked green and decided collared shirts were his domain. Sabrina and him foght over this sometimes, as ‘no we both like this, Not eachother.’
Kim called Red and yellow, since he likes chlow he called her color as his secondary.
Sabrina picked up on the meaning and so did Nino. It didnt register for Marinette, Nino and Max.
Chloe claims this is why she wanted a pattern too.
Alix demands black as her color, despite Max’s protests that no, black is not a color. Alix says she’s all the colors as black, and picked stripes as her pattern like Chloe. Alix has her stripes as knit fingerless gloves, while Chloe wears hers as a shirt.
Nino call blue, and specified his hat as proof of friendship. When he is mad at them he doesnt wear it and everyone assumes a war is going on between him and someone. He forgot it one day and everyone was worried.
Marinette kicks kim and says she wanted Red. In the end she agree to either red or oink—depending on whatever rules her parents made about her wearing any color too much. She picked her signiture flower design as her pattern.
Why is this important?
Becuase now whenever any of them dont wear one if these colors or patterns visibly, it means someone did something and the school intervenes.
So the day Marinette came in early with a too big faded red hoodie and Kim was late without his red on, there was Tension.
He chases Marinette to get his hoodie back. She refuses, dodging and weaving until he ends up in the art class and Oh.
Marinette chucks a better red hoodie sweatshirt at him while saying “this should stop the shippers!”
No one but Chloe and Sabrina knew what that meant. Both were embarassed. They mentioend people thought Kim was crushing on her since his hoodie was getting pinker, and she did wear a lot of faded reds and pinks.
It did not stop the shippers. Only made them swap from romantic ship to ‘oh god these are destructive sibling cinnamon rolls’.
Becuase kim almost crying while tackling Marinette in a hug, in public, while Marinette goes off on him having bà’s hearing and squirming to escape and start another game of chase?
Intense ‘dorky brother loves his new sister who wants to play not be mushy in public’ energy that no one was stopping.
For those wondering, yes these kids have group sleepovers—boy’s night, girl’s night and ‘everyone night’ usually at Marinette or Chloe’s for the everyones. Yes, these are weekly.
Chat noir keeps trying to claim Marinette’s room as his part of the miraculous team’s base.
In this au both he and Ladybug have chosen weilders for various miraculous. They are partners but do lead two teams—Marinette’s focused on support, civlians, and strategy and his focused on combating akumas.
Due to this, Ladybug has a team she oversees, and Chat has a team he oversees.
Fu uses this to decide which would make the better gaurdian, as he trains them both here.
Marinette regrets being the only weilder Tikki approves of weilding her due to how the Cure works is people died. Marinette has to relive their death and decide if they should come back or not (was it too truamatic to go on after living it herself? Did they want to live? Questions like that are hers to answer). She is happy to share her job as Ladybug with other ladybug weilders, but is the only one who can cast the cure if there’s death involved.
Adrien is known to not be a perfect fit for the Black Cat, and he agrees that if a better cat comes along, he will give up his role as Chat Noir but not as a member of the team. Fu admits to him he’s a peacock more than cat early on, and while adrien loves plagg—that’s his cat-god-dad—he knows as a guardian trainee he has to do what’s best for the kwami and Paris. He agrees to training potential cats as Aspik until they can find, reclaim and fix the peacock.
Identities of Ladybug and Chat Noir are kept from each other to prevent them being an easy target for the Hawkmoth in this au. Others can know, but unless they weild a miraculous its dangerous given Nooroo’s weilder is their foe. Also name drops can be a thing and its bad all over.
Marinette is insistent on the secret identities being kept as she doesnt want to compromise her identity as a civilian that is not a meta when Ladybug is a known meta. The Miraculous she’s iffy on, and Tikki admits thst if they werent facing Nooroo, it was normal for all weilders to know eachother’s identites for covers and alibis and such.
Chat is upset about this until she mentions how metas are treated and her being out as a meta as ladybug but not as a civilian and why. Then he’s pissed at the govenrment and starts helping out at protests and crashes anti-meta rallies in Paris on Ladybug’s behalf, and points out that if it wasnt for a tiny meta none of them would be alive after syrenx, so shut up. He accepts her stance and only asks if he can tell her his identity when hawkmoth is done for.
Marinette agrees to post-hawkmoth reveal between them. Their teams hate that only the bugs and cats cant know each other’s identities as bugs and cats. Miraculouses are swapped like candy here, so you may know one hero is also another hero but not civlilin id or vice-versa
Yeah, writer salt here rather than character salt. Especially to how the characters were treated.
On Marinette’s powers, she does have them escalate as she grows and doesnt use her treatments. She takes her meds to prevent this as she’s already scared if her abilities when she leaves them unchecked for too long.
Her treatment is mircodosing kryptonite to keep the kryptonian part from taking over completely. She has all the abilities only when she’s more kryptonian than human cells at the time. Kryptonian cells multiply faster which is why she heals faster.
Max is the only one that she knows knows about her powers in Paris.
Sabine is implied to have an inkling but she ignores her own inkling often. Marinette thinks her mom is pretending she doesnt have powers.
Tom does notice but has no idea how to help, so he’s a cheerleader dad and helps her hide damage sometimes. They have a pact that they dont talk about the time she flipped him, and he fixes whatever she broke, no questions asked.
Side thing but when the miraculous come into play, warning that i will use character non-hero name for what they’re thinking and saying, while their hero-name is for what they are phsycially doing, as some will change mid-fight.
Hey i know this wasnt the expected update, but its more idk how to do Jason as Red Hood finding Marinette again.
First option is he was hunting strange, saw a picture of her on his desk and she calls strange asking about jow she should keep hiding since the restrictions just got worse on metas and she’s scared and ‘are you sure i cant just stay in Gotham? I...i dont feel safe here anymore’ and then Jason going on a Quest to find her in Paris, weird-happy reunion, and he goes back to Paris to live with Strange and work on things as Red Hood where Marinette can’t—mainly ground work. She helps him coordiante with the batfam via Tim, and handles gang attack coordination between Gotham Police, Batfam, Jason and RKC. Zsasz calls Jason his apprentice and trains him on hitman etiquette, guns, and yes, his signature form of ‘conditonal promises’. He was given League of Assassin Training, just cant recall it actively (talia gets memory magic becuase i said so. Blocked it until it would be safe for Jason to process here). He does not go to school, he just tracks down who he wants and ensures they cant hurt people. Is a bit obsessed with this when Marinette and Rose dont stop him by force.
Second Option is they both are targetting the same gang and their bust night is the same. Marinette helps him out in her Harley knock-off outfit (new and improved) while she evacuates the girls making the drugs, and Jason is just hunting dealers to find the drug den, finds a small girl dangling a major drug dealer, while Rose is there with the others tied up in plants. He gets caught by Rose, who recognizes his mark. He doesnt remember much about who he was as Robin, mostly as Red hoodie and is so confused. Marinette claims him as her brother and from there Rose takes on a new brother, dumps him on Strange as ‘i am many things, but i dont think i can handle memory loss and whatever happened to him. You do, so fix it.’ Strange winds up adopting him and Tom and Sabine encouraging him to add them as legal gaurdians. Here Jason is listed then on as Tod J. Smith—he cant remember his name in the right order so that’s what he got. His red hood outfit is revamped by Marinette, who coordinates his attacks on gangs with Batman’s, Gotham Police’s, and the RKC’s attempts at gang busts to maximize gang minimization. Somehow Joker starts helping J as a fellow J-J in Marinette’s life, with Zsasz claiming Jason as his apprentice. He does remember the League Training, but isnt sure if he was Robin and if he could be again if he was given that he was a their and kills the worst of the worst (mostly) of his own volition. Here is does go to school in Gotham.
In both Gina kidnaps him for chrismas with the family like she does with Strange. In Both he’s a teen still (hasnt aged since the Pit) and it takes Marinette and Tikki working together so he can later on (maybe? Idk on that point)
Comment which option you like better, becuase i cant choose.
And yes, rogues will be involved again soon.
@ilovefluffbutsmutisalsogreat @dast218 @weird-pale-blonde-person @mystery-5-5
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pokemontrainertom · 5 years ago
Keeping Things Canonical
Hello and Happy Holidays to @alittlecstaticxilophone, I was your @mlsecretsanta!
I need to say that this is only chapter one. This whole thing kinda got away from me…
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“You chose me because of this, Minibug. I know how to keep a secret.”
With a final wave to the tiny spotted heroine Bunnyx ducked inside the burrow, closing the portal behind herself.
Looking back to ensure she was now alone Bunnyx let out a relieved sigh and flexed her recently restored limbs. They were all there.
She promptly collapsed to the ‘floor’ with a groan.
Turns out, Chat Blanc? Total nightmare for everyone involved.
And as if she needed any more reasons to beat in Gabriel’s face.
With a slow exhale to release some of the tension her last thought had just added to Bunnyx allowed her eyelids to slowly close.
If she had anything else she had to do today that didn’t involve lying right here for the next few hours, she was going to-
“Long day?”
Repressing a groan, Bunnyx shot to her feet, her umbrella held tight in hand.
“Woah, back it up.” The intruder said, dodging back from her swing. “We really don’t want to set off that Blinovitch effect thing, especially not in here.”
Weapon still raised, Bunnyx stared at the other figure inside her burrow. The very familiar figure.
“Hey Bianca.” Bunnyx said with a wave. “Is this a bad time?”
Bunnyx blinked.
Blinked again.
Raised her umbrella to her face.
And screamed.
A few minutes later and feeling a lot better Bunnyx looked across at the other rabbit in the room.
“So… you’re me from…?” Bunnyx questioned.
The other Bunnyx, henceforth dubbed Futuryx to avoid confusion, looked over from where she had claimed the bean bag that was normally stuffed in the same corner she kept her bowls.
Yes she was well aware that the Burrow was round.
No she did not know how the corner existed.
Please don’t ask.
“About… a month or so by my count.”
“About?” Bunnyx asked in disbelief. “How can you not know?”
Futuryx’s nose began to twitch.
It only took her a second before she recognised the motion. Obviously she had never seen it herself, but she had been told it was the same thing she did whenever she was trying to think of an answer that wouldn’t jeopardise the entirety of time.
Ladybug had been surprised to learn that it came up so often it had its own gesture associated with it.
Chat just found it hilarious it made her look so much like an actual rabbit.
Stupid trait bleeding magic watch.
“That’s… complicated.” Futuryx finally replied.
Bunnyx sighed, though not without a smile on her lips. “Isn’t it always?”
“Tell me about it.” Futuryx said with a groan that sounded only half exaggerated.
Bunnyx snickered. “So why are you here?”
“Right.” Futuryx said straightening in her seat, managing to look cool even while relaxing on a bean bag twice her size.
She was awesome like that.
“I’ve got a job for you.”
“Right.” Bunnyx nodded, having expected as much.
You don’t time travel just for a social visit after all.
“So, the job?” She prompted.
Futuryx remained silent, nose twitching once more.
“Nothing universe ending I hope?” She joked with a grin.
Her future self winced.
Bunnyx felt her ears slump. “Seriously?”
The older hero shrugged with a sheepish smile. “‘Fraid so. It’s… Well…” Pause. Twitch. “You know how the whole Chat Blanc thing was caused, right?”
“Yeah? Minibug left her signature on her gift to Rapunzel and-”
“No, no. After that.” Futuryx interrupted.
Bunnyx racked her brain for a moment. Recent as it may have been, it had still been a lot of events she had witnessed. “Er then… “ Her eyes widened in realisation before immediately narrowing. “Hawkmoth being his- Gabriel, his Mom being alive and then being forced to choose between her and Minibug on top of that…”
“Nearly.” Futuryx commented tersely, nose twitching like mad and hands tightly clenched to the fabric beneath her, “Just back up a little bit, how did that happen?”
“They… retraced the path of the akuma, the one sent after Mininette because she had been forced to break up with Rapunzel, some bull about-”
“Stop.” Futuryx spoke, interrupting her upcoming rant. “Right there.”
“The… break-up?” She asked, head fuzzy from the rapid emotional changes.
Futuryx didn’t reply, merely staring at her, nose still twitching. “What do you think Minibug and Kitten will be up to now?”
“They… what?” Bunnyx tried, completely thrown by the apparent non sequitur.
“I know, I know.” Futuryx rolled her eyes. “Sorry. You’re nearly there though.”
“Well… Rapunzel goes back to his ivory tower, while Mininette gets dropped back into a list of responsibilities as long as she is exhausted…” She said with a wince.
“And…?” Futuryx prodded.
“Minibug will fight akumas with Kitten, while Rapunzel will be friends with Mininette, both of them somehow ignoring slash not realising the fact that they’re completely and utterly in love with each other…”
Futuryx’s eyes narrowed. “And if they were to ever realise those feelings for each other?”
“Then… they would begin to date. Likely wouldn’t be able to keep their hands off each other.” Seeing that Futuryx was still just staring at her she continued her thoughts, “Eventually their identities would be shared for one reason or another, their teamwork would improve which would lead to more efficient akuma fights…”
“And in response?” Futuryx asked, now slowly walking towards her, each step heavy. “What would Hawkmoth do? What did Hawkmoth do?”
The break-up. The akuma. The confrontation
“But that means…” Bunnyx swallowed, eyes wide. “Chat Blanc…?”
“Chat Blanc, Miss Fortune, Chatastrophe, Princess Justice, Black Widow…” Futuryx counted off on her fingers before trailing off with a humourless chuckle. “Different method, same results.”
Bunnyx swore.
“Exactly.” Futuryx grumbled. “Chat Blanc was the catalyst, and now they’re popping up all over. Even past events are changing.”
Bunnyx took a deep breath. “So… the job?”
“Keeping Adrien and Marinette’s relationship non romantic, no matter what. Otherwise it always manages to end up with a fight with Hawkmoth.” Futuryx sighed, head bowed. “And they’re not ready. Not yet.”
“Figures.” Bunnyx muttered. “The one good thing they have to look forward to and it manages to cause the apocalypse if it happens.” She sighed, forcing a smile. “As bad as it sounds at least I won’t have interfere too often, right?”
Futuryx didn’t reply.
“You’re joking.” Bunnyx said flatly.
Futuryx just shook her head, jaw clenched.
“No.” Bunnyx denied. “You’re telling me that even with how oblivious Adrien is, and with Marinette’s grand gestures that never work they still get together?
“They did. Do. The gestures I mean.” Futuryx clarified.
“They…” Bunnyx’s hand raised to her head. “How many?”
“All of them.”
“All of them.” Futuryx repeated.
Bunnyx did not shriek, she was too cool for that. “Even Operation Flower Garden?! ”
“All. Of. Them.” Futuryx punctuated, looking like she was half a second away from throttling something, probably her, paradox be damned. After taking a breath she continued, voice tight. “And every single one leading to… to…”
Bunnyx swallowed. One or two were simple, she’d done it before even, but rewriting all of that? That was a full time job on its own, let alone with all the usual surveillance she did. And that was without thinking of all the moral implications…
But if she didn’t…
White light, expanding out across everything, consuming everything-
Mustering up a grin, Bunnyx relaxed the grip she had on her umbrella and gave it a twirl. “I guess I’d better get started then…”
“Great.” Futuryx said, a grin similar to Bunnyx’s own on her face. “That’s the bad news out of the way.”
“There’s good news?”
Futuryx waved a hand. “Kind of. The better news is there’s a whole group of us working on combating it already so you’re not doing this alone.”
Bunnyx felt her ears perk back up at that little revelation. “Oh thank Fluff.”
“Yeah, we were all kinds of freaked out when time started changing on us, but we managed to track it back to your present. Of course, by the time we’d done that the whole thing had fixed itself.” Futuryx smirked. “Good job with that by the way.”
“Heh, thanks.”
“But as I said these disruptions are now turning up all over the place, changing time itself. We have no idea what’s causing it, so the most we can do is fight them as they appear. And who better to join the team than the Bunnyx who was involved with case zero?”
Offering herself a salute, Bunnyx grinned. “Glad to be of service.”
“Remember, any differences to your memories need to be changed.” Futuryx reminded. After a grimace she added, “No exceptions.”
“We’ve got a lot of your present handled and I’m afraid none of us can look at our personal futures so… Oh, wait you’re the youngest of the group!” Futuryx stated, ignoring Bunnyx’s raised eyebrow. “You should start at the beginning and work your way through each day chronologically for now.”
“First day they get their Miraculouses, yeah?” She confirmed. “Got it.”
At her hip Futuryx’s pocket watch beeped and was swiftly flipped open. “Agent Alice, I can confirm Agent Bianca is on board. Heading back now. Agent Bugs out.” Replacing the watch to her side she looked back to meet her disbelieving gaze. “What?”
“Agent Bianca?”
“Sorry.” Futuryx, or well Bugs she supposed, apologised, not sounding sorry in the slightest. “Recruiters get the nicknaming rights. Look I’ve got to get back, but here,” A list of frequencies was carefully handed over. “To keep in contact.”
Flicking her own pocket watch on and receiving a quick message from an ‘Agent Alice’ Bunnyx looked up just in time to catch Bugs heading over to the wall of portals.
“Good luck.” Bugs said, shaking her raised foot, before stepping through a portal out of the burrow with a wave.
Bunnyx sighed before turning to the portals outlining the burrow. Already she could see static forming along the edges of some of them.
Selecting one she began rewinding the picture as fast as she could. No need to let herselves down.
The rewinding stopped, paused on the now famous image of Minibug and Kitten confronting Stoneheart. Bunnyx stared at it for a moment, her face hardening. “Sorry guys.”
She pressed play.
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lostinthewiind · 6 years ago
Verbal Volatility - Part 2
Johnny Martin - Band of Brothers
One of you lovely little creatures requested part 2 of Verbal Volatility, so here it is! So glad you guys liked part 1 of this because Johnny Martin is so underrated honestly. I love him so much.
Btw, the ending sets this up for a possible smutty part 3, so...ugh...lemme know if you wanna see that. 
Part 1
Synopsis: you haven’t spoken to Martin since he kissed you, but after going on the patrol with him and losing Jackson, you blame him and yourself for the boy’s death. 
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Your blood ran cold as you stared down at the lifeless body of Eugene Jackson on the basement floor. His face was covered in dirt and blood, but somehow, he looked peaceful; the exact opposite of how he had been not five minutes ago.
The poor boy had been screaming out to Roe that he didn’t want to die, all while he choked on his own blood. His limbs had been flailing and tears had been dripping down his face; but, he had been alive.
Now, his eyes were shut and he was still. No one moved, no one made a sound. Everyone just watched, hoping that maybe his chest would rise again; but it didn’t, it wouldn’t.
Ripping your eyes away from the boy’s corpse, you glared across the room at Martin, who was already looking your way. The ice in your veins melted immediately after you set your sights on his stern, accusing face, your blood boiling. 
At that moment you hated him. You hated him for telling Winters that Webster was going to be the translator, you hated him for letting Jackson throw the grenade, and you hated him for kissing you. 
If he had just kept his damn married lips to himself maybe you two would have worked together better at leading the patrol. Maybe you would have captured three POWs instead of two. Maybe Jackson would still be alive.
You weren’t just mad at him though, you were also furious with yourself. Furious and disappointed that you let the stupid kiss interfere with doing your job. You should have told Winters that you thought Liebgott was a better choice, you should have let someone else throw the grenade, you should have been a better leader. 
Martin broke the eye contact first, grabbing a nearby blanket before draping the thin fabric over the body. As soon as Jackson’s pale face was out of sight you felt yourself let out a breath that you hadn’t even been aware you had been holding in.
Deciding that you couldn’t be in that dingy, packed basement that reeked of death any longer, you spun on your heel and stomped up the stairs. The wooden steps creaked under your weight, the eerie sound making you shudder. 
The men watched you go, but most just assumed you were upset about Jackson. Martin was the only one who really knew what was going on under your stone-faced facade, but from his perspective, it was you who was more in wrong. If you hadn’t have been so stubborn earlier while deciding between Webster or Liebgott, everything would have been different. 
The only thing the two of you unknowingly agreed on was that the patrol should have run a lot smoother than it had. There should have been no deaths.
Upstairs, you managed to locate an empty room and shut the door behind yourself so you could take some time to sort your thoughts out. Your head was a useless jumble of questions, concerns, accusations, and guilt. 
Running your calloused, rough hands over your face, you let out a loud groan and tried to rub away all the emotions that were taking over your being. Jackson had only been twenty years old, making him sixteen when he enlisted in the first place. He had lied about his age to serve his country and what his country gave him in return was a meaningless death on a pathetic stretcher in a dark, dank basement. 
He deserved so much more and you couldn’t help but feel like you should have given it to him. You should have thrown the damn grenade yourself or at least ran after him when he frantically booked it up the steps, forgetting that he had to wait for the explosion to go off before opening the door.
He had been so young and so green — barely any combat experience under his belt.
The doorknob jiggling behind you made you sigh to yourself. You weren’t ready to deal with anyone’s problems, or God forbid, console anyone who was taking Jackson’s death hard. You couldn’t even console yourself.
The door swung open, someone marched in, and the door slammed shut again. Anger radiated off of the actions, and without even having to turn around, you knew who it was.
“If you think I have anything to say to you, you’re wrong.” you folded your arms over your chest, your back still turned to the intruder.
“That’s fine, you can listen, because this shit is your fault anyway.” Martin’s words made you grit your teeth. 
You let out a scoff laced with false amusement. “My fault?” you spun around. “You better be fucking joking. My fault?! This mess is just as much your responsibility as it is mine.”
“If you hadn’t been so unwilling to have a goddamn discussion about who was going on the patrol maybe we would have gotten around to deciding that Jackson wasn’t ready for something like that!” he spat, his eyes filled with red-hot fury.
“I’m sorry, was it me who was about to storm out of the room?” you tilted your head at him, feigning confusion. “Was it me who kissed you? Shit, sorry, I forgot, is it me who has a wife back home? What’s her name again? Sweet little Patricia Martin?”
Martin’s brows furrowed as he jabbed a hard finger into your chest. “Don’t you bring Patty into this.”
“Funny, you weren’t worried about Patty when your tongue was down my throat.”
Before you even had a chance to process your own retort, Martin’s arm had wound up and his palm had made contact with your cheek. The sound of the slap echoed through the small room and your breath caught in your throat. 
As your face whipped to the side, your hand rushed to the quickly warming skin. The sting was dull, but it was there. You couldn’t believe Martin had just hit you. 
Stumbling back a few steps, you looked back at the man before you, tears pricking your eyes. Martin’s face was pale and his eyes were wide, almost like he couldn’t believe what just happened as much as you couldn’t. 
“Johnny-” you squeaked out. “What-”
Martin rushed toward you and you jumped back again. The last time he had stormed toward you like that, you were almost sure he would never hit you. Last time he had taken out his anger in a different way. Now was different. Now you knew he would hit you, and you were very much doubting he was going to kiss you again. 
“No!” you snapped at him, your hands landing on his broad chest and pushing him away. “Don’t you take one more fucking step toward me, you fucking psycho! One minute you’re kissing me, the next you’re hitting me? You know what? Fuck this! I take it back. This mess is not both of our faults. You killed Jackson! He’s dead because of you!”
“I didn’t-” he started, but you cut him off before he could get so much as a single thought out.
“Do you hit Patty like this?” you posed the question, expecting no answer but growing more irate when he didn’t provide one. “Huh? Sweet Patricia Martin dares talk back and you lay your hands on her too?”
Martin’s lips quivered, his desire to speak evident on his face, but the words stopping before they made it out of his mouth. “Stop...” he growled, his tone low and rough. If he was still sorry for what he did to you, he didn’t show it. 
“You fucking woman hitter!” you screamed at the top of your lungs, not even caring if everyone in the house heard you. In fact, you hoped they did. At that moment, you wanted everyone to know what kind of a man Sergeant John Martin was. “Fucking boy killer!”
“I didn’t kill him!” he shouted back.
“Yes you did!” 
“Fuck you!”
“Stop it!” 
“Stop it!” he grabbed your face suddenly with his large hands and engulfed your mouth with his. Once again his married lips were on yours. “Stop it.” he kissed you hard. “I’m sorry.” another kiss. “I’m sorry.” his teeth nipped at your bottom lip. “I’m sorry.”
Tears were streaming down your face by then. Your head was swimming and you had no idea what to do. Your body was frozen but your heart was racing. I’m sorry Jackson you screwed your eyes shut. I’m sorry Patricia your hands found their way to Martin’s face. I’m sorry Johnny you found yourself melting into his touch. 
“I’m sorry I hit you,” Martin mumbled into your mouth. “I’m sorry I yelled at you. I’m sorry I got that boy killed. I’m sorry I kissed you. I’m sorry I’m kissing you.”
A sob escaped you as your lips pulled away from his. “Jackson is dead because of us.” your fingers ghosted down his neck before gripping onto his collar for dear life. “We weren’t a team out there tonight. Because of us, a mother and father are going to receive the worst news of their entire life. Because of us, a good life ended too early.”
“I know.” his forehead rested against yours. “I know.”
Your eyes drifted up to meet his. “You kissed me again.”
“I know.”
Martin’s head dropped and he stared at your boots. “Please, don’t. Don’t say her name. Don’t.”
“What are we doing?”
“I don’t know.” Martin searched every corner of his brain for the right words to say; for any words to say. “You infuriate me...but at the same time, you make all of my anger disappear. I love Pa-” he stopped himself before her name slipped from his lips — his dirty, cheating lips. “I love my wife, I do. I do.”
Wiping the tears from your face with your sleeve, you nodded. “I know,” you assured him. “I know you do.” 
“I love her so fucking much.” he pressed his lips to yours once more, thoroughly confusing you and filling you with a million contradicting feelings. “God, I love her. She is my world. I love her so much.”
You hummed lightly as his tongue forced its ways into your mouth and his hands roamed your body wildly. “I believe you.” you breathed him in and silently scolded yourself for not pushing him away. He was obviously going through something and there you were, taking advantage of him. Or was he taking advantage of you?
Maybe you were taking advantage of each other. 
“I love my wife and I want her.” Martin moved his desperate tongue to your neck. “I want her, but I need you.”
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buckyssoul · 6 years ago
You Owe Me One (college!au)
this is part 2 of Trust Me, which you can read here.
Pairing: bucky x female reader
Word Count: 4.8k (buckle up bois)
Rating: explicit
Warnings: mild language, very nsfw (oral m&f receiving, kinda graphic smut) *i request that you be 18+ to continue reading* (but i know that i cant really stop you, so whatever).
Summary: you cash in on the favor Bucky owes you for helping him ditch his crazy ex.
A/N: I would like to thank @lokissoul for all of her help with this fic, I probably wouldn’t have posted it otherwise. I would also like to thank @avenging-barnes and @legendaryloki for beta-reading for me. And last but not least, I want to give a huge thank you to anyone that read Trust Me and left me a like, comment, and/or reblog. The amount of support I received from all of you was overwhelmingly heartwarming, I hope I have done right by you all with the conclusion to this story. xoxo
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You were checking your makeup in the mirror to make sure everything looked okay. You went with a natural look; a subtle black eyeliner wing, mascara to lengthen your already beautifully long lashes, and a little bit of highlight to give your skin that sun-kissed glow. You left your hair down and put some loose wavy curls in it. Bucky would be at your dorm in 10 minutes to pick you up for your date. You were dressed in a casual looking red blouse, cute pair of black jegging capris, with your black strappy sandals so your freshly painted red toes could be seen. This get-up was covering your sexy new red lace bra and thong set.
After you helped Bucky get rid of his obsessive ex-girlfriend, you told him “You owe me one, Barnes” and he said you could have whatever you wanted, you asked him to take you out on a proper date. That’s what you wanted. He agreed immediately, “I’d love to take you out, doll” he had said. You shivered at the memory; Bucky was by far the best kisser you’ve ever had the pleasure of kissing. You reached up to run your fingertips over your lips, they were aching to be pressed against his soft lips again. The knock at your door startled you out of your trance. You grabbed your small black crossbody purse, threw it over your shoulder, gave yourself one last glance in the mirror, then went to get the door.
“You look amazing, Y/N.” Bucky smiled at you as you blushed at the compliment.
“Well thanks, Bucky. You don’t look too bad yourself.” You winked at him. He was wearing dark jeans, a red henley with the sleeves rolled up on his muscular forearms, and his black combat boots. Of course, his silky brown hair was down, tucked behind his ears. He chuckled at your blatant flirting and smiled so wide that he had little crinkles by his beautiful blue eyes.
“Shall we get going?” He asked as he extend his arm to you. You gently slid your hand up his forearm, was it possible to be attracted to someone’s forearms?? You rested your hand in the crook of his elbow, then grabbed your door and pulled it closed with your other hand.
“Lead the way.” You said as you smiled up at him.
Bucky lead you out of the dorm hall and to his car. He opened your door for you before going around and hopping in the driver’s seat. Bucky took you to The Pub, a casually classy Irish Pub themed restaurant. Your conversations at dinner flowed smoothly, you and Bucky talked like you have known each other for years. You were both so insanely comfortable with one another, it was almost kind of bizarre. The food was delicious, and the drinks were even better. Bucky had a short craft beer and you had two of the house special cocktails. You were both far from drunk. He was perfectly fine, and you were just buzzed enough to bring a little warmth to your cheeks.
You were both quiet on your way back to his car, your mind was screaming at you to get your lips back on his again. You chewed lightly on your bottom lip trying to relieve that little ache that hadn’t really gone away since last time he kissed you, four days ago. After he agreed to take you on a date, you exchanged numbers, and he gave you one last lingering needy kiss before he left your dorm room.
When you finally reached his car, he went to open the passenger door for you again, you put your hand on the door and pushed it closed before he could get it open more than two inches. He looked at you with his eyebrow scrunched in confusion.
“I can’t wait to do this for another second longer.” You breathed out as you reached up to the back of his neck to pull him down to your pleading lips. Bucky hummed in appreciation; he was going mad at the thought of having your lips on his again too. You nibbled at his bottom lip and he quickly granted you access into his waiting mouth. You sighed at the feeling of his tongue dancing with yours. Bucky’s hands were on your hips pulling you closer to him. He wanted to feel your body pressed against his again so damn badly. You pulled away first, both of you were breathing at little heavy.
“We should get back to my dorm.” You said breathily, still lightly panting.
“Yeah, Yes. Good idea.” Bucky shook his head yes too, as if his agreement wasn’t expressed strongly enough already. He opened your door for you then ran around to his side and climbed in.
The drive back was going to be roughly 12 minutes and you didn’t know if you could keep your hands off of him for that long. About 5 minutes into the trip back, you got an idea. You looked over at Bucky, seeing his eyes were focused on the road, you reached over to his knee and started to slowly run your hand up his thigh.
His gaze snapped over to you, “what are you doing, doll?” he questioned in a low warning tone.
You unbuckled your seatbelt and crouched up on your knees and leaned over the middle console to whisper in his ear, “don’t worry about it, baby.” You said softly, “just keep your eyes on the road.” You finished by lightly nibbling at his earlobe.
Bucky groaned loudly when your hand finally made its way up to his already half hard cock. You rubbed him through his jeans, loving the way you could feel him hardening under your touch. You took your hand away and you heard the faintest little whimper come from Bucky. You popped open the button of his jeans and slid his zipper down. Bucky felt his breath catch in his throat, were you really about to do what he thought you were going to do?? That question was answered when he felt you reach into his boxers and pull out his fully erect dick. You stroked him a few times then glanced up at his face to make sure he was still watching the road, he wasn’t.
“Eye’s on the road, baby.” You said in a lightly chastising tone. He groaned again, this time in slight annoyance at not being able to watch you.
Once his eyes were back up on the road you dipped your head down and took the weeping pink tip of his very impressively sized cock into your mouth. Bucky moaned loudly at the feeling of your warm soft tongue swirling around his sensitive cockhead. You took him into your mouth until the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat, and he let out an almost angelic sounding groan. Bucky didn’t think this could get any better, then you relaxed your throat and took him all the way in until your nose brushed the soft curls at the base of his cock. Bucky’s right hand fell from the steering wheel so he could gently weave his fingers through your hair and massage the back of your head. He took a deep breath attempting to calm his thudding heartbeat, his left knuckles were white from how hard he was gripping the steering wheel.
“oooh fuck” he sighed, “that feels amazing baby” he praised you as you swallowed around him. You hummed at his praises, sending vibrations through his cock that he felt all the way in his balls. Bucky choked on his breath and tightened his grip on your hair. You started pulling back slowly, being sure to give the head of his cock some special attention; flicking your tongue over his slit a few times. You hummed again at the taste of him leaking onto your tongue. Bucky had just thrown the car in park, finally back at the dorm hall, at the same time as you began to bob your head up and down swirling your tongue around his sensitive head while your hand worked the rest of his shaft.
“Oh s-sh-shit, Doll” he stuttered out “Fuck! I-I’m cumming” he threw his head back and held tightly onto your hair as you took all of the hot cum he shot into your mouth, swallowing it and continuing to gently lick at the head of his cock until you were sure he was completely spent.
Bucky’s hand detangled from your hair and fell to his side as you sat up to look at his completely fucked out state of being. He was panting, his head was still tilted back on the headrest, and his eyes were still screwed shut as he tucked himself back into his pants. You smiled to yourself, you had been able to get that sort of reaction out of Bucky and you hadn’t even taken your clothes off yet. When Bucky felt like he could breathe properly again, he opened his eyes and lifted his head from the headrest, turning to look at you. He couldn’t believe you were sitting there smiling at him sweetly and gazing at him innocently with your big (Y/E/C) eyes.
“Holy shit” he breathed, “you sure are something else Y/N” he half chuckled and shook his head at you.
“A good ‘something else’ or a bad ‘something else’?” you questioned in an innocent tone. He full on laughed at your question.
“A good ‘something else’ doll. A very good something else.” He smiled at you that big eye crinkling smile again.
Bucky turned the car off and hopped out, then jogged over to your side to open your door for you. You took the hand he offered you and climbed out. You walked back to your dorm room hand-in-hand; Bucky’s thumb was gently rubbing the back of yours the whole way there. You loved the feeling of his hand in yours, it was soft yet strong. You couldn’t wait to feel those hands all over your body. Your nipples were starting to bud just at the thought of him feeling you up again. You took in a sharp breath and felt a shot of warmth go straight to your core as the images of your heated makeout session invaded your thoughts.
“You okay doll?” Bucky tilted his head toward you, eyebrows slightly raised in question. You looked up at him, god he was so beautiful, what the fuck.
Your gaze snapped back forward and you squeaked out a quick “yep.” You felt your face warm up in embarrassment at your inability to control your lust for this man. But Bucky took your change in demeanor as hesitance. When you finally reached your door, he spun you around by your arm to face him.
“Listen doll, if you’re unsure about this we don’t have to go any further tonight.” He said in a quiet gentle tone as he stared at you with soft eyes. Your heart rate jumped. Was he having second thoughts now?? Was your performance in the car not evidence enough that you definitely wanted this, wanted him? Your throat tightened a little as you stared back at him, panic was evident in your eyes. Or maybe he got what he wanted and now he’s trying to find an escape route.. You dropped his hand and looked down at the floor, unable to meet his gaze. 
You swallowed the lump in your throat so you could speak, “no Bucky, I definitely want this” you said in a slightly shaky voice “b-but I get it if you don’t… don’t w-want me like that.” You finished, turning your head away from him and blinking rapidly to get your unshed tears to stay at bay.
Bucky grabbed you by your shoulders and turned your attention back to him, “hey no, no baby. That’s not it at all!” He said in a pleading tone, “I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone else before in my entire life!” he finished, looking into your sad eyes with his now desperately begging ones. “I just wanted you to know that I’m not only in this for the sex. I actually really like you. Our conversations at dinner were so comfortable and easy, you’re witty and charming beyond belief, and beautiful, absolutely gorgeous, stunning.” He smiled and brought his right hand up from your shoulder to rest on your neck so his thumb could stroke the edge of your jawline. His left hand dropped to your hip to pull you closer to him, then he leaned down and gave you the softest sweetest kiss you’ve ever received. You reciprocated the kiss immediately, bringing your hands up to run through the hair at the base of his neck. You sighed in pleasure of having his lips on yours again, but also in relief at his confession.
You pulled away before things got too heated outside your dorm room. “Bucky,” you sighed “I’m not just in it for the sex either, I really like you too” you said in a light quiet tone. He smiled sweetly at you and kissed your forehead in response. You unlocked your door and pulled him inside with you by his hand. After you pushed the door closed and locked it you slowly turned to him, his hands grasped your hips as you ran your hands up his chest and to his shoulders then extended onto your tippy toes to whisper in his ear, “but with that being said,” you started in a low tone “I’d really like you to fuck me into that mattress right now until I’m screaming your name so loud the whole hall knows who’s making me feel good.” Bucky groaned loudly, his eyes rolled back in his head, his grip tightened on your hips, and he bit down on his bottom lip so hard he thought it might bleed. No woman had ever had the effect on him that you did, and he fucking loved it.
“Okay baby doll” he breathed in a husky tone “I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll say it again.. Whatever you want, name it and it’s yours” he finished as he scooped you up into his arms, your legs wrapped around his trimmed waist immediately as he carried you to your bed. He sat you down gently and slowly crouched to his knees. He began undoing the straps on your sandals quickly getting both of them off. His hands ran up your legs to the waistband of your capris “As nice as your ass looks in these, I still think they’d look better on the floor.” He said as he pulled them off of you and tossed them to the corner of the room. Bucky hummed in appreciation, “god damn, baby. More lace?” he smiled remembering how good you looked in nothing but the black lace panties and his t-shirt. He was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of more clothes ruffling. You had pulled your blouse over your head and tossed it to the corner with your pants, now you lay there in front of him in just the red lace bra and thong set, looking up at Bucky innocently.
“I bought this set just for you, Bucky” you said as you ran your hands up your sides and to your breasts slowly kneading them, you arched your back to push your chest out to him more. Bucky thought he might pass out from all the blood in his body flowing directly to his cock. He had to take a few deep breaths before he could respond to that.
“I’m honored, Doll” he rasped out, “you look good enough to eat” he finished- sporting a devilish smirk. This man was going to be the death of you. He went to reach for the waistband of your panties, but you grabbed his hand and stopped him. He looked up at you in confusion.
“I don’t think so, mister” you said cheekily, “you are far too overdressed for this part of the evening’s activities” you smiled brightly when he realized what you meant.
Bucky got up from the floor and started to strip down. While he was doing this, you shimmied up to a more comfortable position on the bed and watched him. Bucky had the textbook definition of an Adonis body, the way the muscles in his back rippled as he bent down to unlace his boots had your clit throbbing with need. You removed your bra, the material felt like it was constricting your lungs. After ridding yourself of the offending garment, you discreetly slipped your right-hand into your panties and started to rub slow circles on your clit to alleviate the ache that was becoming almost unbearable. You tried to be quiet so you could enjoy Bucky undressing in front of you for as long as possible. He started pushing his pants and boxers down now that his boots and socks were off. His cock sprung free from its confines and you couldn’t hold back the nearly pornographic moan that escaped from your throat. Bucky’s gaze snapped over to you so fast he could have given himself whiplash. He nearly came at the sight in front of him. You; laying there with your legs spread open toying with yourself as you watched him undress, you had your bottom lip trapped between your teeth and your left-hand giving attention to your obviously hard nipples.
“As much as I love watching you play with yourself like that,” Bucky groaned out, “you got your date that you asked for, and you got dessert on the ride home.” he stated matter-of-factly as he crawled up to you on the bed. He leaned over you; his leaking cock pressed against your thigh. Bucky looked like he was going in for a kiss then he quickly changed direction to whisper in your ear, “now you owe me one, baby.” He said with finality as he grabbed your right wrist and pulled your hand from your panties. You whimpered as he brought your fingers to his mouth and sucked them clean.
That pleading sound broke something in Bucky. He quickly sat back up and ripped your red lace thong to pieces. Before you could even voice your protest at the destruction of your new lingerie; Bucky’s mouth was on your dripping cunt, lapping up your abundant arousal.
“uuuuugh my god, Bucky!” you moaned loudly and brought your right-hand down to tangle in his silky soft hair. Your back arched involuntarily as your body shuddered under his tongue. Bucky wrapped his left arm around your hips and held your body back down as he continued to expertly eat you out. He purred at the feeling of your nails gently caressing his scalp. You felt the vibration throughout your whole body, you released another moan of his name as your legs began to shake. Bucky dipped his tongue into your pussy then curled his left hand downward to start rubbing fast circles on your swollen clit. “Oh god yes, Bucky…yES” you began chanting his name like a prayer as that familiar coil in your lower belly approached its breaking point.
“Come on baby, cum all over my face” Bucky encouraged you before he dipped his head back down; doubling his efforts to make you cum, moving his head side-to-side quickly, his fluffy hair tickling your inner thighs. Two more strokes of his tongue and your dam broke. You came hard, all over Bucky’s face, just like he asked you to. He gently stroked your clit and continued licking your pussy as you rode out your orgasm, he didn’t let up until you were pushing him away, too sensitive to take anymore. 
Bucky sat back with a giant self-satisfied grin on his face as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. You took a second to catch your breath then sat up and grabbed him by his shoulders, you pulled him closer to you and crashed your lips together. You sighed lightly and smiled at your taste that was still lingering on his tongue. Bucky’s hands slid up your sides to cup your breasts, he rubbed his thumbs over your hard nipples loving the way you arched your back to press harder into his hands. You pushed one of your hands up to card through his amazingly soft locks. Your other hand fell down to stroke his rock-hard cock. His breath caught in his throat at your actions, then he let out a long drawn out groan with his lips still attached to yours. You collected the precum leaking from his tip and used it to slide your hand up and down his cock with ease. Bucky detached his mouth from yours and began to kiss down your neck to your collarbone sucking a small love bites everywhere he went. You kept your hand in his hair, gently scratching at his scalp. You picked up on the fact that he enjoyed it immensely. Bucky’s hands slid from your chest to wrap around to your waist, then down to your ass, expertly kneading the supple flesh. He dropped his mouth down to take one of your sensitive nipples between his lips. He massaged it with his tongue enjoying the soft moans you rewarded him with for his ministrations. He switched over to give the other nipple the same attention.
You gave your sensitive pussy enough time to rest, you were coming apart at the seams with the need to have him inside of you. So, you pulled Bucky away from your breasts and flipped him around to lay on his back. He didn’t much protest to your movements and fell to the mattress gracefully. You threw your right leg over him, so you were straddling his waist. He looked up at you like you were a Goddess among women, because to him, you were. His hands slid up your thighs to your hips. He started rubbing little circles over your hip bones. You ran your hands up his abs and chest loving the way his muscles flexed and his skin prickled just from your fingertips grazing over him. You leaned down and started kissing and nibbling at his abdomen.
You pushed your hips down to grind your soaking wet folds against his cock. He took in a deep breath, “Not that I don’t love having your mouth on me sweetheart, but if I don’t get inside you within the next 10 seconds.. I might actually die.” He said as he exhaled.
You leaned up to look him in the eyes and chuckled at the very distressed look on his face, “Don’t be so dramatic, baby.” You chastised him shaking your head at his theatrics.
He grabbed your face and pulled you into a breathtaking kiss. He released you and looked you dead in the eyes, “I’m being serious, I need to be in you.. like, right now” he deadpanned. “Where do you keep your condoms?” He looked to your bedside table.
“Don’t worry about it” you said in a husky whisper, “I’m on the pill and I’m clean” You smiled brightly at him.
“I’m clean too, babydoll” he sighed as he brought your face back to his for a soft kiss. You loved the way he kissed you, you never wanted him to stop. So, you continued to tangle your tongue with his as you reached down to line his cock up with your soaking wet pussy. You rubbed the head through your slick to ensure he’d slide in easily. Bucky groaned at your actions, loving the attention his achingly hard cock was finally getting. Once you felt he was sufficiently lubricated with your wetness, you began to sink down on him. Bucky removed his lips from yours, taking in a few deep breaths to calm himself down. Your velvety soft walls were gripping him so tight, and he’d be damned if he blew his load too early.
“Fuck baby, you feel so good wrapped around my cock.” He moaned out.
“oh Bucky” you whimpered in pleasure. You continued to praise him with moans of his name as you started to rock your hips up and down.
Bucky loved watching you fuck yourself on his cock; bouncing up and down like your life depended on it. He reached up to toy with your nipples, making you moan even louder for him. You started panting as you continued your movements. Bucky didn’t want to make you do all the work, so he quickly flipped you both over and began to pound into you at a bruising pace. He loved watching your tits bounce every time he thrusted back into you. He could tell you were close as your walls started to flutter around him. He was getting pretty close himself, but he swore he wasn’t going to cum before you did. So, he reached down to start rubbing circles on your clit in an effort to get you over the edge faster. And it did. You came harder than the first time, yelling out Bucky’s name as he continued to fuck into your throbbing cunt. The combination of your pussy milking his cock and you shouting his name for the entire campus to hear sent Bucky over the edge, throttling him into the most mind-blowing orgasm he had ever experienced. You cried out again as another smaller orgasm washed through you as he painted your inner walls with his release.
Once you both calmed down a little bit and he softened and slid out of you, you padded to the bathroom quickly to clean yourself up, when you came back out Bucky was picking up his clothes. You were about to ask him to stay when he walked up to you and handed you the henley he’d been wearing. “You take this, and I’m going to clean myself up real quick. I’ll only be gone a few seconds” he smiled and kissed your forehead. You slid the shirt over your head loving how it smelled like him, then crawled into your bed. Bucky came out of the bathroom in his boxers and few minutes later and laid down right beside you and wrapped his arms around you as you snuggled into his welcoming embrace.
“Hey Y/N, can I ask you something?” Bucky spoke softly.
“You just did” You responded with a chuckle.
“Ha ha, very funny, Doll.” He smiled and rolled his eyes at you.
“Yes Bucky, you can ask me anything you’d like” you amended, smiling back at him.
“I was just wondering if you wanted to.. uhm, if you wanted to- to be my girl… like, my girlfriend.” He breathed out a heavy sigh, frustrated with himself for stumbling through such an important question. 
“I’d love nothing more than to be your girl, Bucky.” You answered almost embarrassingly fast. He grinned that eye crinkling grin again that you’ve deemed your favorite look of his.
“Perfect” he said as he leaned in to claim your lips with his. You broke apart after a few light kisses were exchanged. You snuggled into Bucky’s neck and he rested his chin atop of your head, you felt the rumble in his chest as he started to speak again. “Yanno, I’ve actually wanted to talk to you for almost a month now” he started, “we have Western Civ and English together, and every time one of those classes ended, I tried to hype myself up enough to talk to you. I thought I could ask you your name, even though I already knew it. Or maybe talk to you about your major.. I don’t know. I was trying to think of anything to use as an excuse to get your attention, but I didn’t think you’d be interested in me like that.” Your head tilted back to look at him in astonishment.
“Pfft, are you for real Barnes??” you questioned. He looked down at you, brows crinkling together waiting for you to continue, “you are seriously the most beautiful man I have ever laid eyes on, you giant dummy.” He laughed shaking his head in disbelief.
“Then why did you never approach me?” He challenged.
“You could have literally any girl on this campus that you want.” You deadpanned.
“Then I’m exactly where I want to be.” He said as he leaned in to press a kiss to your forehead, then to your nose, then your lips again. You smiled at his sentiment and cuddle back into his chest. Bucky pulled the blankets over you both and placed one last kiss to your hairline, you responded with a kiss to his chest, right over his heart, before you both drifted off to sleep.
and thats all she wrote folks! thank you so much for reading <3
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