Bazyl Szalony
36 posts
For no one ever thought this one would surviveHelpless child doing a walk to a drum beat behind- Ramones „Poison Heart“
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bazyl-szalony · 4 months ago
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Ogniomistrz Kaleń
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bazyl-szalony · 4 months ago
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Kololki 2.0
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bazyl-szalony · 4 months ago
Trenuję kololki, oczywiście musiałem dać cenzurę...
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bazyl-szalony · 5 months ago
William Szekspir – Hamlet
Henryk Sienkiewicz – Potop
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bazyl-szalony · 6 months ago
And now for something off topic
tw: sad, real things - don't read if you don't want to get sad.
do you know how bad disabled people have it in Poland? I guess it's still a little better than America but hear me out about some nonsense I know or experienced myself as trans autistic+ADHD person
1. with ADHD you have no right to be disabled, like for real - having only ADHD won't get you any help from government, you can't even have cheaper bus tickets (and other disabilities have this perk)
2. if you receive money from government you can't go to work or you will lose it. if your parent is receiving money on your behalf since you can't (mostly if you're unable to do financial operations on your own) then your parent can't go to work.
3. the money you receive is funny since many drugs you need are high priced.
4. this money is in most cases not enough to buy food and pay rent - i won't even start on getting your treatment/therapy
5. people mostly old still view disability as something cursed, as something wrong. something you can't talk in public about
6. if your disability is psychological you can get laugh at by your friends (young people even) as girl - you're hysterical, as boy - you're gay or weak.
7. have i told about our last government who, when there was protest of disabled people in government building for many days, shut down toilets so the disabled would left? and when there was other protest (farmers were protesting) with our new government in same building guess what happened? the farmers didn't get any problems and they were offered stay at good hotel for politics.
8. people throw jokes about being disabled without thinking. it's something funny that you're "schizophrenic" or "autistic"
9. helping institutions mostly aren't helping at all and only taking money... and therapists mostly need therapy by which i mean many of them are not suited for responsible job like being psychiatrist or therapist.
10. psychiatric hospitals have terrible conditions and are overcrowded similarly as there is half a year or longer wait to psychiatrist.
11. getting your documents for being disabled is hell. for real - you need to have whole history of your treatment you need all papers and write to special committee which tells you date of your meeting with specialist - you'll better pray that he/she isn't corrupted or plain sadist and when you meet him after many months you'll need to wait again more than month to get your papers and plastic card with your photo and symbols for disabilities... did i mention there is even symbol of crossed brain? do they think we don't have brains?
12. if you're heavily disabled there's no hope for real. many mothers worry about what will happen with their kids after parents will die. there isn't any good solution yet.
13. there is big problem with finding a job when you're disabled - especially autistic or depressed.
14. schools are hell for disabled people, it's good when they only use you as a prop for advertising school for other disabled kids. it's worse thing when you get for example a teacher who is totally ignorant and hates you because you disturb his peaceful way of thinking that there aren't disabled people in country. or when parents of other kids keep talking behind your back to get you kicked out of school... or just when you're bullied.
15. getting diagnosed? wait two years for appointment... maybe you will die faster than it comes.
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bazyl-szalony · 6 months ago
Y'all know what is the saddest thing about Azja Tuhajbejowicz in book? it's that he is treated like an animal until somebody doesn't treat him like an beast - this person happens to be Baśka and he madly falls in sick love. and he is blinded this badly to not see that other people have also started treating him like a living person... he wants to have Baśka only for himself, even if she doesn't want him. and he throws away Ewka who loved him all along, and he throws away his "brother" Adam friendship and even Wołodyjowski respect he gained... and goes to a road to losing everything that he hasn't gained yet and even more. I think it's sad to look at him and see that he yearned for acceptance enough to kill and get killed. he was bad person, that's for sure, but a broken one too...
but old Nowowiejski was shitty father all along, one son ran away, so he said "here we go again" and almost killed second. father of the year.
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bazyl-szalony · 6 months ago
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Czasami wszystko czego potrzebujesz to nawiązanie do Fineasza i Ferba w wersji z "Pana Wołodyjowskiego"...
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bazyl-szalony · 7 months ago
My favourite artist...
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Józef Brandt (1841-1915), a renowned Polish artist, was fascinated with the Ukrainian Cossacks and created pictures of them throughout his life:
Cossack on a patrol (Kozak na patrolu), oil on canvas, 38 cm x 47 cm, 1874. Currently, in a private collection.
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bazyl-szalony · 7 months ago
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Nowy ołówek musi zostać ochrzczony rysowaniem Bohuna i Skrzetuskiego.
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bazyl-szalony · 7 months ago
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Wolf who will eat sun
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bazyl-szalony · 9 months ago
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Spring in the Carpathians by Anton Kashshai, 1964
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bazyl-szalony · 9 months ago
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bazyl-szalony · 9 months ago
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Pierwszy rysunek zawiera Azję, tego książkowego (sztuk 1)... A drugi rysunek to też Azja, tylko że w wykonaniu inspirowanym zdjęciami, które pochodzą bodajże z serialu "American Psycho"... (wiem, że to nietypowe połączenie).
(Polsko-Tatarski psycho?...)
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bazyl-szalony · 10 months ago
sorry for late reblog, but I'm very happy to see Kmicic portrait more book accurate!
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Moja Trójca Nieświęta
Trzech ukochanych Jeźdźców Apokalipsy
Rząd 1: Piotr Stachiewicz (1858-1938), rysunki na papierze, ok. 1898 r. (czy tylko mi się wydaje, że do portretu Bohuna i Kmicica pozował mu ten sam chłopak? Spójrzcie na ten grymas ust i zarys podbródka...)
Rząd 2: M. Adamczewski, pocztówki, 1903.
Rząd 3: Andrzej Gosik, znaczki wyemitowane przez Pocztę Polską w 1999 r.
Rząd 4: Szymon Kobyliński (1927–2002), grafiki z 1998 r. (Artysta poszedł tu za wizją Henryka Sienkiewicza, zgodnie z którą Bohun był sierotą niewiadomego pochodzenia. W rzeczywistości - proszę, by Waćpaństwo łaskawą uwagę zwróciło - był on tego samego herbu co Skrzetuski: Jastrzębiec. Powinno stać zatem: Bohun herbu Jastrzębiec)
Rząd 5: Theophan-o płótna babranie...
Rząd 6: Kubeczki, z których pija się w domu Theophan-o, zakupione w Sklepie Wokulskiego (niestety, nie udało mi się ustalić nazwiska Autora projektu)
Wspaniałej Miesięcznicy, Panowie Bracia!
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bazyl-szalony · 10 months ago
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bazyl-szalony · 10 months ago
As always, great gifset!
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POTOP (1974)
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bazyl-szalony · 11 months ago
Happy birthday to youuuu!
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Today “Dom Bohuna / Дім Богуна” celebrates its 4th anniversary
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Perhaps, it is a proper moment for some summing-up reflections. I admit that I have created this blog 15.04.2020 only for fun. It was during the COVID-pandemic times, I was closed at home, recovering from a long illness. In such circumstances, some people return to their childhood fairy-tales. So I have returned to Bohun and “Ogniem i mieczem”. I was searching on the Internet for all possible groups of H. Sienkiewicz’s “Trilogy” fans, just to make friends with them, and I have found such a group here, on Tumblr and at the same time – some breathtakingly beautiful English stories about Helena, Jurko & Jan on AO3. For me, as a non-heterosexual person, their greatest value (for which I will be eternally grateful to their Authors!) was adding to my beloved “Trilogy” universe the motif of same-sex love and relationship. I wanted to contribute to it, so I have created my own Tumblr blog and an account on AO3, where I have published some from my own stories.
To be honest, the encounter with the Western “Ogniem i mieczem” fandom, seeing, how some people there perceive “Trilogy” characters, was a VERY shocking experience for me. One of these events, that are leaving you for years with a question circulating in your mind: “WHY??? What is wrong with this content, that people react to it (and to you, its admirer) in SUCH a way?” It is obvious, that H. Sienkiewicz’ “Trilogy”, created in the 19th century and telling about the historical events in the Eastern Europe from the mid-17th century, for contemporary readers can be in many aspects at least problematic (or difficult to accept). In general, it shouldn’t be, it can’t be taken uncritically now. But on the other side, it is not something worthless. Or “dirty”. Its characters (in their majority based on the real people from the past) can commit deeds viewed now as crimes, but they are still HUMANS. What is more, H. Sienkiewicz’ “Trilogy” is part of many people’s cultural heritage, entangled with countless events, heroes, myths, motifs from the Polish history (and in its first part, “Ogniem i mieczem” – also from the Ukrainian history). It is a part of MY OWN heritage and history. And I have felt uncomfortable with a thought, that in such an international community with a world-wide scope like Tumblr, someone, not having any basic knowledge about my culture/s, can think that this heritage is a “sluttish trash”. It is a reason why my blog has become “Dom Bohuna”, “Bohun’s Home”. I believe that the best way to solve such misunderstandings is spreading Knowledge and telling the Truth, so I try to show Bohun in his “natural environment”, on the one side: within H. Sienkiewicz’s “Trilogy” universe (with diverse masterpieces from the Polish culture related to it), on the other: within the Ukrainian tradition of Cossack Heroes (with various treasures of the Ukrainian culture related to it), with the Polish Romantic Cossack myth somewhere between them. I know that for a Western eye, they are all rather “distant islands”, but many parts of them are really worthy to have a closer look.
The next turning point was the February 2022. Here, no further explanation is required, I think. It was a time, when the whole our World has changed unimaginably and abruptly. And in these new circumstances, I realized one day, that I had a blog thematically related not only to the Polish literature/culture, but above all – to the Ukrainian Cossack Hero. I am deeply grateful to all my Ukrainian and Polish Friends for encouraging me to put here more content about the real Bohun and the history of the Cossack State (Hetmanate). You have given me courage. Because I hesitated, for two reasons. First: I know that I don’t have such in-depth knowledge about the Ukrainian culture, I have about the Polish one (so I can always make some hurtful mistakes). Second: I think that my blog, created for fun/fandom reasons, is not an entirely proper place for such an important content. But after all: it is a place, where one can just talk about the Ukrainian cultural heritage and turn some people's attention to it. That is why I try, as much as my limited skills and knowledge let me, to sing here about the Ukrainian Cossacks Glory. Just as Bohun himself used to do a long time ago.
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