#no i dupa = well ass
bagelnie · 4 months
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gerogerigaogaigar · 1 year
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The Stooges - Fun House
These feral little guys were just not content with how noisy their debut was and had to get noisier. Fun House aims to capture the live energy in the studio and it seems to have worked. Every crunchy nasty sound is perfectly preserved and the songs can get rambly in a way that feels very much like a live performance. There's more psychedelic peeking in during those lengthy jams, but there's also some delightful saxophone there as if imitating old school rock and roll as a joke. I love manic, noisy music so naturally I love Fun House.
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Missy Elliott - Supa Dupa Fly
Its true, Missy "Misdemeanor" Elliott is in fact the bomb diggy. Her style of rapping is super casual and chill and it eases the transition from rapping to singing so well that you won't even notice it happening. Timbaland produces and he makes these groovy, psychedelic beats that match Missy's level of chill. But of course beneath the mellowness is a cool confidence. She isn't just here to be cool, she's also gonna let you know that she is top dog here. Both Missy and Timbaland had been around the music industry quite a bit before putting this record out and it shows. Most hip hop artists do not get this strong of a debut.
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The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Axis: Bold As Love
What am I even supposed to say here? Axis: Bild As Love has some of the best guitarwork ever recorded. Obviously. Of course drummer Mitch Mitchell and bassist Noel Redding are no slouches either. The Jimi Hendrix Experience was an incredibly tight trio. Where their debut was very heavy and energetic, this album leans slower and melodic. The most well remembered songs being the flowing delicate Little Wing and the fuzzy spacey If Six Was Nine. Scolars have studied this album up and down to analyze all of Hendrix' technique. These scholars need to spend more time listening to genuine garbage ass music and gain an appreciation for the artists that can't play like Hendrix, but I digress. It's a really beautiful album.
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Bruce Springsteen - Darkness On The Edge Of Town
Springsteen's last two albums had been full of epic swells and street opera stories. Darkness On The Edge Of Town humanizes those epics. He leans more towards hard rock and a less theatric sound. The songs feature more mature and more broken protagonists than on Born To Run. It's a reminder that for everyone that escapes there are many more that never get out of their dead end life and those people still are gonna lead fulfilling lives no matter what.
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Neil Young - After The Gold Rush
So after the overwhelming success of Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere with Crazy Horse and Déjà Vu with Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young naturally Neil Young decided to ditch 90% of his band and literally record an album in his basement. The only member of crazy hotse he brought along was guitarist Nils Lofgren who he had playing piano. This disastrous series of self sabotaging antics naturally led to... uh wait this album is really fucking good? I guess Neil Young can just do whatever the fuck he wants. Actually doing a raw and stripped down album with little of the rock accompaniement of his previous album or the lushness of CSNY was a brilliant move. After The Gold Rush isn't heavy, but it isnt soft either. Its rough and emotional. In the case of Southern Man it is outright bitter and the only rock song pn the album. The rest is very much country folk music.
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Erykah Badu - Baduizm
The jazz influence, her voice, the subtle reference to Willow Weep For Me tucked in Appletree. It's clear that Erukah Badu knew she had the energy of a modern Billie Holiday. Despite being a clear exanple of neo soul the amount of jazz on display makes me want to also consider this an example of vocal jazz. As a mix of both styles it is completely beautiful. Badu delicately croaks through each track. The vocals lack of smoothness makes them so incredible against the walking bass and smooth synths. A completely stunning debut for a consistently amazing artist.
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David Bowie - Hunky Dory
Bowie is at his highest levels of camp on Hunky Dory. Songs like Oh! You Pretty Things, Andy Warhol, or Kooks are so goofy that the only way they work is when sung completely sincerely. The laid back glam hits a perfect spot alongside mild psychedelia where you have some solid Bowie artistry with fairly accessible songs. Lyrically its all over the place, but Life On Mars is probably one of his most lyrically sound pieces. Hunky Dory kinda sits in this liminal space where it doesn't sound like a lot of things that came before or after it, but you can see echoes in both directions. This is probably as much a symptom of being from 71 as from Bowie's artistic influence but it still stands as a unique piece of art.
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oopsoulmates · 3 years
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I’ve read some parts of Sword of Destiny some time ago and I noticed that some things were lost in translation or translated in a strange way. 
For example, this fragment of Dandelion’s dialogue with Vimme Vivaldi from Eternal Flame. Here Vivaldi takes Dandelion for the author of some vulgar songs, which visibly outrages him. The problem is you don’t really know why, because translation omitted some essential elements. 
Song about Princess Vanda alludes to a Polish legend of Princess Wanda, who jumped into the Vistula river because she “did not want to marry a German”. “Duppie” on the other hand is locativus, not nominativus, which would be Duppa. And Duppa, my dear readers, is nothing else than “dupa” with double p. 
Yes, that’s the joke. A princess Vanda who drowned in a river called ASS or ARSE (So the correct translation could be Aass? Aarse? Arsse?). Well Sapkowski is known both for his refined sense of humour and his penchant for making fun of “national myths”.
Second song is about a Kingfisher that fell into a privy. Well, here the joke is based on the rhyme zimorodek - wychodek and on a grammatical error, more than on the subject itself. Translation gives the literal sense but loses the rhyme.
Second thing is that the correct form should be “wychodka” not “wychodku”, which ofc wouldn’t rhyme, but nobody with education would use the latter. 
So Dandelion is offended by supposition that he is not only writing songs with vulgar humor but also cannot write them correctly.
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yoli-cu-capsune · 3 years
20 februarie, 2022
boy wtf
in the past 2 weeks so much has changed. literally a whole ass rollercoaster.
got in touch with sabina again. finally managed to bond with my class la ziua sandei. made acquaintances with lera. lera m-o trimis la ion. cu ion ieri am iesit dhjsnj. and for fuck sake i cut off contact with oana for good. block si la revedere.
viata mea sociala is taking a new turn. but i cant help feel anxious while i am at it. ieri am iesit cu ion. he invited me to a simulare de sedinta de consiliu municipal. i wasnt planning on participating but i got into a team of 3 girlies. and it went pretty ok. tho my anxiety has risen a lot because everything it was unexpected for me. i mean the topic we disccused on was public transit. wasnt much of a hassle. but i needed my phone to deliver the speech xd. but still iaca am mai iesit din zona mea de comfort.
dupa with that team and ion, mi-o facut turul kurilcilor din aristotel. somehow we got to the idea that a revo would go well si am plekat. and then people would start trauma bonding about their families. and i was there was like yuh fun. but still the girlies were cute and awesome. new people de care as stiu idk.
dupa am mai luat un revo ambii and got to nirvana. it was so windy. we could barely smoke a cig. and then we kinda bonded. talking about diff type of stuff. our exes senat friendships future etc. it was chiut. am ajuns prin centru cuz he forgot a dumbass charger and guess what lulu lera and the gang were there. lulu and ion werent in good terms that day and strated arguing. strasnic cat de tare their whole trio reminds me of me oana and dana.
nu-i roz nicaieri. but yeah i think i was kinda annoyed at the fact that he was around all these places and people si eu eram pe acolo like i expected to spend more time together. parca eram pe alta unda lowk. nu vad red flags. he seems more experienced in life and im just there like a kid. i mean lets not forget the fact that it wasnt the best day for him. i get where his frustration comes from and its valid. but was it too much for me? hmm
nush adic cam tormozesc si eu. im no expert at picking up people and it shows. aa like idk. se simte o tensiune stranie intre noi. its lowk uncomfortable. i mean el ii cineva nou which im considering romantically. and its all very new to me. idk if he would be interested in me. we’re in different levels in life. and my blockage in communication ma ZAIBESTE. i need to be more straightforward and honest with him  about this issue. communication is key. ar fi nice daca am fi impreuna. the hand tocuhes, head pats, resting on eachothers felt so good. i really dont know how to feel about him sau invers.
vedem. i think im gonna invite him to a theathre play and actually have a date nu prin tusovci. dar da offf the anxiety im feeling rn ma roade asa tare
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10 & 11
| #just my nation things
10. most enjoyable swear word in your native language?
Oh dear... There’s so many and infamous kurwa (= whore) is just boring. Pierdolę / pierdolony (= [I] fuck it/fucked) and other forms (eg. popierdolony = fucked, but on mind), dupa (= ass), srać / zasrany (= to shit, shitted), gówno (= shit), dziwka (= slut). Guess those are my faves, but look, I’m trying not to swear this much... xD Also jebać / jebany etc. are super popular ones (= fuck, fucked). Poles are very creative with swearing...
11. favourite native writer/poet?
Adam Mickiewicz, but more of his wits than poetry itself. He was popular with with teary poems and he used those to fuck all the ladies around. Now he’s main represantant of Polish romanticism because of his very Polish culture centered works. Sadly most people can’t read it right and focus only on those educational parts while guy described love affairs and many higher class customs in very crooked mirror, making rhymed fun of them. What a legend.
Poetry content-wise I’d pick Julian Tuwim, who is well known for his children story poems. But he wrote deep, terrifying brutal poems for adults that are shockingly accurate for today too, eg. “Do prostego człowieka” (To the simple man) about why you shouldn’t listen to propaganda and shoot the pavement instead, because all the war ideals are lies, and “Wiersz, w którym autor grzecznie, ale stanowczo uprasza liczne zastępy bliźnich, aby go w dupę pocałowali” (A poem in which the author politely but firmly asks numerous hosts(?) of neighbours to kiss his ass)  satire poem are my absolute fav. You can listen to them as songs in the links :D Lots of beautiful, old, eloquent language mixed with occasional juicy insults.
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sorayahigashikata · 6 years
Chapter 39: "You're welcome?"
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sartle-blog · 7 years
Titanic 20th Anniversary: Artworks Lost and Found at Sea
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  Twenty years ago on December 19, 1997, Titanic splashed onto the big screen, shattering box office records. It is one of those quintessentially ‘90s films that reminds an entire generation of being a certain age at a certain time in a certain place, particularly resonating with young people for its Romeo and Juliet get wet theme. The two intervening decades are enough to make us kids who came of age back then feel like old Rose.
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    Like its contemporary pop-culture opus, Clueless, which featured a work by Claes Oldenburg and coined the phrases “Botticelli chick” and “full-on Monet,” Titanic is liberally peppered with high-brow (albeit obvious) art history references. Rose’s first act upon boarding the ill-fated liner is to decorate her stateroom with what Cal calls her “finger paintings,” a collection of works by Monet, Degas, Cezanne, and “something Picasso.” Cal densely critiques, “Something Picasso...he won’t amount to a thing...at least they were cheap.”
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  Kate Winslet as Rose inspecting her “something” Picasso, based on Les Demoiselles d’Avignon that Picasso had finished five years before the Titanic sank.
Jack later admires her taste in art before adding his own contribution, the iconic nude sketch of Rose wearing the Heart of the Ocean.
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    The priceless masterpieces ultimately drift beneath the surface as the stateroom floods (by far the most tear-jerking scene for art nerds), and fortune hunters recover and restore Jack’s risque drawing almost a century after as the pivotal clue to the whereabouts of the diamond. Of course, art historians dispute that works by those artists went down on the Titanic, and a drawing on paper surviving 84 years under miles of ocean may seem a bit far fetched.
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Even so, here are some true cases of artworks lost and/or found at sea which prove that there was more than a kernel of plausibility to James Cameron's epic.
  Titanic: The Real Story
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Copy of La Circassienne au Bain by John Parker, after an original by Merry-Joseph Blondel (left). Hecuba and Polyxena by Merry-Joseph Blondel, at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (right), giving some idea of what the original might have looked like stylistically.
  The fictional plot points of sunken masterpieces, a nude artwork, and an insurance claim on an outrageously expensive diamond lost aboard the Titanic have echoes of the real-life story of La Circassienne au Bain. The enormous neoclassical painting of a nude beauty debuted at the Louvre in 1814 to limited fanfare, but grew in reputation and popularity over time. Tragically, the work went down on the Titanic while in the possession of Swedish businessman Mauritz Hakan Björnström-Steffanson. Steffansson, who survived the disaster, filed a compensation claim for over two million dollars in today’s money. Thus, the painting was the most valuable item lost in the sinking, analogous to the famous “Heart of the Ocean” in the film.
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    HMS Colossus
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Sir William Hamilton by George Romney, at the National Gallery of Art Washington DC (left). Lady Hamilton as Bacchante by Louise Elisabeth Vigee Le Brun, at the Lady Lever Art Gallery (right).
  Sir William Hamilton is known for his diplomatic service on the eve of the Napoleonic Wars and his scandalous open marriage with Lady Emma Hamilton. Emma was a famous beauty and artistic muse who inspired the likes of Vigee Le Brun, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Angelika Kauffmann, and George Romney. She also just happened to be the mistress of Britain’s greatest hero, Admiral Horatio Nelson, himself a married man.
  Sir William’s scandalous personal life overshadows his artistic contributions. While British Ambassador to Naples on the eve of the Napoleonic Wars, he accumulated a plethora of artistic treasures and antiquities, contributing immeasurably to the collections of such venerable institutions as the British Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum. Unfortunately, part of his priceless collection of classical Greek vases went down aboard the HMS Colossus en route from Naples to Britain in 1798. However, salvage diver Roland Morris discovered the wreck in 1974, including shards of the broken vases. After nearly 200 years in darkness on the ocean floor, the reconstructed vases now sit proudly in the British museum for all to see.
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  Vase reconstructed of fragments recovered from the Colossus, at the British Museum (left). Replica of the Portland Vase from Sir William’s collection, at the Victoria and Albert Museum (right), hinting at the original splendour of the vases damaged in the wreck.
  Vrouw Maria
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Illustration of the Vrouw Maria before her sinking (left). Catherine II by Johann Baptist von Lampi the Elder, at the Museum of Art History Vienna (right).
  In 1771, the Vrouw Maria set sail from Amsterdam to Saint Petersburg laden with masterpieces by a who’s who of the Dutch Golden Age, including Paulus Potter, Gerard ter Borch, Cornelis Coedyk, Gabriel Metsu, Gerard Dou, and Philip Wouwerman. Especially notable among the works were Potter’s Large Herd of Oxen and Borch’s Woman at her Toilette. The paintings were personal possessions of Empress Catherine the Great of Russia, bound for her newly founded State Hermitage Museum, but the ship went down in a storm off of Finland.
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  The Young Bull by Potter, at the Mauritshuis (left), probably in the style of Large Herd of Oxen. Surviving version of Lady at her Toilette by ter Borch, at the Detroit Institute of Arts (left), probably similar in composition to the lost version.
  Yet, the story doesn’t end there. When the wreck was discovered in 1999, the cargo hold was intact and undisturbed, meaning that the contents must still be inside. The cold temperatures and low salinity of the Baltic Sea are ideal for the preservation of soft, organic materials such as canvas and wood. Furthermore, the works were sealed in wax for shipping, so if water hadn’t penetrated the seal, the paintings may very well survive in near-pristine condition after two and a half centuries. Hopes to salvage the paintings have thus far come to nothing, but recovery efforts continue, led by the Finnish National Board of Antiquities.
  SS Normandie
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History of Navigation by Jean Dupas, at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
  The French government subsidized the lavish design and construction of the SS Normandie, even as millions starved in the Great Depression and the spectre of World War II loomed on the horizon. She dwarfed all earlier liners (including the Titanic) in size, speed, luxury, and elegant aesthetics, winning an unofficial reputation as the most beautiful liner ever built. This was due in large part to Jean Dupas’ breathtaking Art Deco murals that adorned the first class salon. In fact, the Normandie’s sleek interiors were so influential that “ocean liner style” was synonymous with Art Deco throughout the 1930s. Fittingly for a ship described as a “temple of beauty,” the Normandie played host to the world’s rich and famous during the golden age of travel, including art world celebrities like Frida Kahlo and Salvador Dali.
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  Photographs of Kahlo and Dali taken aboard the SS Normandie at the height of her glamour.
  When France fell to the Nazis in 1939, the US commandeered the Normandie to serve as a troopship, and stripped her of most her decorative fixtures and (ill-advisedly) her fire containment system. Consequently, the ship caught fire in 1942 and capsized in the Hudson River, thankfully sans Dupas’ murals. The section in the Met (top) is the only full corner surviving intact, giving a taunting glimpse of the overall effect.
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  Demise of the SS Normandie in New York Harbor, 1942. Fun fact! Alfred Hitchcock used the shipwreck in the filming of his wartime thriller, Saboteur.
  Dress from the Deep
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Dress circa early 17th Century, at the Kaap Skil Museum, Netherlands.
  In 2015, divers off the coast of the Netherlands discovered this 17th-Century silken gown, kept incredibly well-preserved under the protective sand for nearly 400 years. The odyssey of this dress and the woman who wore it unfolded in a swashbuckling tale fit for a James Cameron blockbuster in and of itself. In 1642, Queen Henrietta Maria of England’s retinue set sail for the Netherlands with the purported purpose of escorting her daughter to be a royal bride, but actually on a top-secret mission to hock the crown jewels to raise funds for the English Civil war. Entrusted with this mission was the Queen’s lady-in-waiting, Jean Kerr, Countess of Roxburghe. Jean was an adept spy who had previously funneled communications to the King of Spain in the service of her former mistress, Anne of Denmark. The voyage went sour when part of the royal fleet sank in a storm.
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Jean Kerr, Countess of Roxburghe by Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger, in a private collection (left). Princess Henrietta Maria of France, Queen Consort of England by Anthony van Dyck, at the San Diego Museum of Art (right), wearing clothing of the period.
  Historians might never have drawn the connection between Jean Kerr and this dress, had not a 1642 letter resurfaced referring to the Queen’s ladies losing their wardrobe at sea. Additionally, a book discovered alongside the garment is embossed with the coat of arms of King Charles I, husband of Henrietta Maria. Researchers singled out Jean Kerr among the royal entourage, since the dress matched her measurements and the style she favored. No doubt, this miraculous rediscovery gives hope to the millions of fangirls hoping to get their hands on some of Rose’s bomb-ass wardrobe in Titanic.
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  Thus, our story comes to a close with the same moral lesson as Titanic: It’s never too late to get back your long-lost bling...
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  ...or your long-lost art.
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  By Griff Stecyk
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