56. Caught off-guard kiss
Honestly, Genji was often fond of sneaking up on people. It was a bad habit born of years of ninja training as a child, his attraction to dark spaces, and his natural predilection for enjoying making a nuisance of himself. 
Which was what led him to where he was now, creeping up on Jesse who was napping under one of the trees in Bastion’s garden. He smiled to himself, climbing up the back of said tree and working his way across the branches slowly. He moved as quickly and as quietly as his body would allow him, eventually linking his ankles around a sturdy branch and dropping, hanging upside down in front of Jesse and smiling wider. 
The cowboy had his hat over his eyes and Genji reached out, slow and careful to try and snatch it but he found his own wrist grabbed and Jesse catching his lips, making the ninja yelp in shock before he came crashing down on the cowboy. 
“How long did you know I was there?” Genji asked, looking at Jesse who laughed beneath him, large hands settling on his thighs. The cowboy wiggled his eyebrows at him and winked. 
“Aw darlin’, I could smell ya a mile away,” Jesse said with a smirk, “ya wore that lip gloss yer so fond of.” He rubbed their noses together as Genji huffed out a little. “Aww don’t be so sulky...wanna go sneak up on Rein and see if we can make him knock over Torb again?”
Genji giggled, catching him in another kiss. “Sounds fun~”
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@dontcallmejoel (tbh it'd be in the ask, but it was too long :<)
He feels happy being here like this, so he's not going to stop gently running fingers over Jesse's cheek, jaw and temple. He'll be so soft, almost unbearably tender, until they both fall asleep and most likely he's not going to stop even then. Maybe his prosthetic hand will stop moving, unlike his flesh and bone one would, still tracing beloved features in his sleep for some time, but nothing is going to take away feeling of warmth of Jesse by his side, his breath on bare skin and weight of his hand. Genji must admit, he won't mind staying like this to afternoon, even if he won't nap at all.
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outlawbounded · 5 years
       School had let out and the young girl was waiting to be picked up so she could head home. But that doesn’t mean it stopped her from curiously looking around at the coming and going foot traffic outside the school grounds. Sometimes she would count how many people would walk past until she wasn’t able to count that high anymore only to start back again at one. A game which she was currently doing. 
       Each time she raised a finger to mark the number of people as she mumbled under her breath. Starting at one and going from there. It was about when she got to 15 that a face fixated her attention. A familiar one despite never meeting this man in person before. 
      Camellia moved on her own accord, ignoring the warning her teacher that was watching her gave as she approached the end of school grounds. Little head canting up only to beam brightly at the passing stranger.
                              ❝ I know ya! My Mama. . . my mama has a photo of ya! ❞
         Children have no filter. 
@dontcallmejoel liked for a Mama Ashe starter 
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quodmessorem · 5 years
📱 [ you can skip me if you need to ]
Meme:  Five texts my muse didn’t send yours, and one that they did. | ACCEPTING.
[REYES > MCCREE]: One of these days, Jesse, you’re going to lose a limb or something. I’m calling it.
[REYES > MCCREE]: Did you have to break my coffee mug? I paid a dollar for that thing. It was important to me.
[REYES > MCCREE]: No, Jesse, I’m not going to authorize the note for you to be able to go to the Cowboy meet up. Pick a different day.
[REYES > MCCREE]: I swear, if Angela has to call me to the med bay again because you and Genji started a ‘I can do this better than you’ shit I’m going to knock you both out.
[REYES > MCCREE]: Christ, Jesse. What is wrong with you and the ninja being all quiet about telling me when something is up lately? Bust into my office or a message or something, man. I’m not going to turn you away if you have a serious problem you need to talk about, you know that.
[REYES > MCCREE]: Jesse motherfucking McCree. Where are you and why are you not at the briefing? You better not be messing my shit up again in my office, or so help me god, cabrón.
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valkyrieonlinex · 5 years
dontcallmejoel replied to your post: *pokes her forehead*
“There you are. Thought I lost ya for a moment.”
“Oh... did I get stuck in my head again? I’m sorry” she smiles and leans up on her tip toes to kiss his cheek.  “I’m here”
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anathesniper · 5 years
“Jesse, I’m getting too old to be carrying you like this.”
His arms are wrapped around her neck, and if she can carry a super soldier she can sure as hell carry Jesse. 
Even if it wasn’t on her list of things she WANTED to do.
A sticky situation had gone south, and being out numbered did a toll on them both. Her hands reach up to adjust him again.
No response so far but he’s still breathing, ... probably.
“Look at me, an old woman talking to herself because SOMEONE couldn’t listen when I said we had to leave the first time.’ She starts mimicking his voice and drawl, lowering her tone, ‘Ana, we’ll be fine, We’ve got this. There’s only four.’ 
Four my ass.”
Is she a little grumbly and grumpy? Yes.
She sighs once more and continues onwards.
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mtchstck-a · 5 years
Tapes an origami cowboy hat to the devil cat's cone of shame. Or rather, puts a cone of shame on the cat to keep the bastard from taking off the origami cowboy hat. WHO KNOWS.
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                    Cue liv just smacking his arm. She leaves for ten minutes and comes back to THIS. “Don’t be mean to him! He’s an angel.” An angel who’s may just attempt to kill Jesse in his sleep for this. But an angel regardless!
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graciieuse · 6 years
{have some mcwidow}
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symbiotesis · 5 years
► Time to get really crazy: go have tea and escape for a bit. Maybe knit a sweater.
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Eddie still isn’t too sure who this person is, only seeing them popping in here every so often and on the rare occasion, but man if he wasn’t pleased that they did now. The simplicity of the command was.. Warming to him. Like a breath he was holding in and could now release.
He’d gladly do this one. Without a doubt in his mind. Tea not really his favorite thing, but it was good to have once in a while. ...Maybe an iced one. Yeah.. That sounded nice. An iced tea and.. Learning how to knit a.. Sweater? Okay, there were far more difficult things he could do with his large hands in comparison to that. He could give it a shot, yeah. 
A quiet whisper of a ‘thank you’. He needed this break in the chaos. Off to go find a nice cold tea with a lemon in it, most likely, and some yarn and needles. ..Time to make himself a sweater.
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braziliansnack-blog · 5 years
[[ Any thoughts on how fandom treats your character? Does it make RPing him frustrating or satisfying? ]]
Anonymously (or not) ask the mun anything
I mean, it’s been a pretty positive experience so far with my blog in special so I can’t really complain about rping in general. I’ve only met amazing people so far!
But as an artist and writer who gobbles up anything related to Lúcio, I often see the tired potrayal of ‘cinnamon roll too pure for this world, too good’, and I mean... Lúcio is obviously a good guy but he’s more than just that. He’s very aggressive when it comes to Vishkar and protecting his people and I think this is often overlooked to make him ‘uwu’. And obviously the woobification of characters of color is... specially bad to say the least. I’m not even including whitewashing here.
And as a brazilian there’s also the constant fighting within the fandom to explain that he is brazilian, he’s black, and he’s latino all at once. I think this is what annoys me the most, you know, people constantly trying to erase what he is as if everything about race and ethnicity is only valid if it’s from an USA point of view when it’s actually really different here in Brazil.
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dontcallmejoel replied to your post: Hey, old man.
“What’s your current going rate?”
“Going rate for what? Tolerance? I stopped selling that years ago.”
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dontcallmejoel replied to your post “◎ “Did you ever plan on telling me who you are?””
“Huh. Well, guess the road to hell is paved with good intentions and all.” 
“You trying to make a point, cowboy?”
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@dontcallmejoel skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie ““KISS ME LIKE YOU MISSED ME!” Look who’s back and already up to no...”
*pushes a pillow in his face*
There’s some loud muffled noise, which probably is something like “Murdering me is illegal! And boring!”. Might be something else though, there’s a pillow after all.
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outlawbounded · 5 years
dontcallmejoel replied to your post:          Listen now there is a way t’ ask a lady...
What’d you want them to do? Tack a “please and thank you” on it?
        I don’t know, maybe not jus’ go ‘Hey tit’s out today so whip em out’ Like? That’s most likely gonna end up gettin’ ya punched.           
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bloodybonesnbruises · 5 years
[Reaper] Soooo exactly how much of you do I need to catch inside a vacuum before you notice the loss. Asking for a friend.
    Personally I Think These Questions Are Personal > ; status: accepting – muse: Reaper // @dontcallmejoel
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     “SURE, asking for a friend,” it’s unseen, but red-tinted eyes roll beneath the owl-esk mask. Why is McCree asking this anyways? A taloned hand is placed on his hip.     “I’d be about one–” okay he needs to rephrase it from ‘ONE SUCK’ before speaking it aloud, “--about one second before I notice. Would you notice somebody taking a piece of your hair out of your head? It’s a lot like that.”
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valkyrieonlinex · 6 years
  ... that 76's jacket? ... ... ... ...I'll trade...
Offers his serape
“... How about... we share custody of the jacket and the serape?”
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