#no hate to Luke or anything but the amount of glazing he gets is way more than he deserves lol
a very harsh gentle reminder that the majority of the pjo fandom hates on Jason for literally existing and accusing him of treating Percy/Leo badly because he was joking around with them, but defending Luke like crazy after he asked annabeth, a minor whom he saw as a sister if she loved him, manipulated and potentially groomed a minor girl into giving him information, made annabeth hold up the sky for 24 hours, made her cry multiple times and tried to kill Percy throughout the books because "poor baby like has such a bad past can u blame him uwu 🥺" well yeah so does jason so what's your point. We all know y'all don't hate him bc he's "boring" you hate him because he rivals Percy and it shows, because your arguments of who's a good person and who's not does NOT line up.
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outerjjbx · 4 years
Jiara July Jubilee
Day 7, 1st of August- genre day
words: 2.8k
This is loosely based off Something in the Way by Nirvana. It isn’t crucial, but I recommend giving it a listen
“You’re not costin’ me any more money. You’re out.”
JJ moved his arms, which were covering his head, to look up at Luke. For a moment, he completely forgot about the blood running down his face, or the throbbing on his stomach and cheeks. He felt his breath hitch as he processed the words, ran over them and realised what they meant.
“You’re out,” his father repeated. “If I see you near here again, I’ll kill you myself. You fuckin’ stole from me, and I’m givin’ you a pass ‘cause you’re unfortunately my kid. Consider yourself lucky, you little shit.”
JJ froze. He didn’t like living there, but it was still his house. He spent a lot of time at other peoples’ places, sure, but he still needed a permanent stay. He needed his room, and all his stuff, and a place to go to when everyone else got sick of him. His chest began to tighten as a realisation loomed over him.
He didn’t have anywhere to go.
John B was missing, Kiara’s parents hated him, and he couldn’t bother Pope, who was studying feverishly to make up for his lost scholarship. He knew Heyward would offer to let him stay, but it was general politeness, and he would just add more strain to their already struggling finances.
He moved shakily, packing a bag with anything important he could find. He had some money from working at the hotel, so he figured he could use that for food. He still had the restitution to pay off, but that was a worry for another day. He packed the gun, just in case, and tried to ignore the pain of simply moving as he swung his backpack on and exited his room.
Luke was sitting on the couch, beer in hand. He barely looked at his son, just stared ahead and pretended he wasn’t there, like he usually did. JJ gathered all of his mental strength when he spoke.
“Good luck paying the bills without me. We both know you can’t hold a job. No one wants to hire a junkie.”
His father turned towards him. “What did you just say to me?”
“You’re a piece of shit, you know that?” JJ practically spat. “You drove Mom away, and now your kid, too. You fuck everything up.”
Luke stood. “You’re tryin’ to pin this on me?” he scoffed. “You made your mama leave, ‘cause she saw what you were. And now you got yourself kicked out for stealin’ from me. You fucked this up, JJ. You fucked everything up. I’m sick o’ you bein’ my problem.”
JJ swallowed the lump in his throat, hating how much those words affected him. He slammed the door as he left, his face turning red and his fists clenched as he tried to calm himself down. Everything was crashing, all at once, and he had no idea how to stop it.
At first, he thought he could just stay at the Chateau. It was a crime scene, though, and there were a group of egotistical cops just waiting to tell him to go away. “Go home,” they’d ironically said. He didn’t bother telling them he no longer had one.
That left JJ wandering the streets, carrying all he had on his back. He’d been kicked out before, but he could usually just stay at John B’s and go back home after a couple of days. There was no John B anymore, and no going home. There was nothing.
Kiara wasn’t dealing with losing John and Sarah well at all.
She was practically canatonic, spending her time sitting in her bed and staring out the window. Both John B and Sarah had climbed through that window, sneaking into her house when her parents didn’t want them around. There was no sign of them, and it was a constant reminder that they were gone.
Kiara liked to believe she had hope. Truthfully, she lost any hope of their survival the second she saw Shoupe’s face, and she knew that deep down. She kept her thoughts positive, though, hiding the heavy truth behind a strict belief that they were somehow okay.
Pope had texted her a couple of times, just asking if she was okay. They’d talked through the kiss, both agreeing that it was a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing. She was glad they were friends again, because he was all she really had. JJ wasn’t replying to anyone, and she figured he was holed up at the Chateau, wallowing in his own misery.
Kiara didn’t like the thought of him alone, but she has barely been able to move for the past couple of weeks. She had hardly left her room, just moving in and out for trips to the bathroom or for snacks at 3am. She looked at her phone, eyeing the unread message she’d sent JJ a few minutes ago, and sighed. It was probably good for her to go out anyway.
Getting showered and dressed was harder than she expected. She kept wanting to collapse back onto her bed, tuck herself into the sheets and never emerge. She pushed on, though, her protective instincts of JJ motivating her. As soon as she knew he was okay, she could head straight back home and get back into bed.
Driving the Jeep was difficult, too. She kept thinking if that day, of hiding John B in the reclined seat and looking for an answer. She thought he and Sarah could make it, that they could get away safely and everything would be okay. She couldn’t have been more wrong.
Kiara’s breath hitched as she caught sight of the Chateau, seeing the mess it was. She pushed past the police tape, feeling her heart stutter as she looked at all of John B’s belongings, scattered around like they meant nothing. What was even more concerning was the apparent lack of JJ, and the fact that it didn’t even seem like he’d been there at all.
“Shit,” she muttered as she made her way back to the Jeep. She knew he wasn’t at Pope’s, and that left her with only one viable solution; his house. His real one.
She’d met Luke Maybank once before, after JJ had gotten suspended for fighting. It was common knowledge that he was mean -back then, they didn’t know to what extent- so the mere sight of him was terrifying. Yet JJ contantly craved his approval, and Kiara could never decipher why.
She’d never driven to JJ’s house before, so she took a few wrong turns before she figured out the route John B used to take. The thought of him still clenched her heart until she was sure it was dust, but her determination to find JJ overpowered it. She couldn’t imagine what he went through with his dad after losing the Phantom- she didn’t want to, either.
Kiara knocked on the door, keeping her fists closed in an effort to stop their shaking. Luke answered after a moment, looking her up and down as she struggled to find words. JJ had his eyes, but the comfort she found in her friend’s was replaced with a glazed over, icy cold stare.
“Is JJ here?” she finally managed to get out.
Luke scoffed. “He doesn’t live here anymore.”
“Where does he live?” she pushed.
Luke shrugged. “Not my problem. You ‘is friend? Figured he’d run to one o’ y’all or somethin’. Guess not.”
“Wait, so he’s missing?” she exclaimed. “You don’t know where he is?”
Luke sighed. “Look, I dunno where he went. I told ‘im to get out, he did. I’m not dealin’ with his shit anymore. You know how much he fuckin’ owes me?” he paused, narrowing his eyes. “Did you help ‘im steal my boat? God knows he can’t do shit on his own.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Kiara lied. “I’m- I’m going to look for him.”
“Good luck,” Luke snorted as she made her way back to the Jeep.
Kiara had no idea where he could be. She was driving around, growing more distressed by the second. Every place she could think of was hopeless; JJ was nowhere to be found. The boneyard, even the lighthouse. She checked absolutely everywhere, but it was like he hadn’t even existed.
She pulled up at Heyward’s with a sigh, figuring she could stop for a snack and continue afterwards. She’d been driving around for hours, and her motivation was slipping. All she wanted to do was head back home and go straight to her room.
Kiara slipped into the shop, hoping to maybe see Pope and tell him about the JJ situation. She froze when a mop of messy, uncharacteristically long blonde hair came into sight, accompanied by an unusual amount of layers of clothes and a heavy looking backpack. He was talking to Heyward, probably annoying the man.
“JJ?” she exclaimed, making her way towards him.
He turned and flashed her a grin. “Oh, hey, Kie.”
“Where have you been?”
“Around where?”
JJ shrugged. “My house, the Chateau.”
“The Chateau is an unliveable mess and I went to your house,” she deadpanned.
He shot up at that. “Wait, you went to my house? To my dad? Are you crazy?”
“He said you haven’t been home.”
“Yeah, I’ve been at the Chateau.”
Kiara shook her head. “Don’t bullshit me, JJ! Where have you been?”
JJ shook his head and pushed past her. “You’re overthinking this. I’ve been staying at the Chateau, I don’t know what you want me to say.”
She grabbed his arm, stopping him from leaving the shop. “I want you to tell me the truth. I know you haven’t been at the Chateau, okay? It’s way too messy for someone to have been living there, even for you.”
“Don’t underestimate me, I could live in a chicken coop.”
Kiara was beginning to grow frustrated. Her grip tightened around JJ’s wrist, immediately loosening when a hint of alarm flashed across his face. Kiara stepped back, exhaling sharply as guilt stilled in her chest.
“I’m sorry,” she breathed.
He shrugged and smiled crookedly. “Look, Kie, you don’t gotta worry. I’m fine, okay?”
Kiara shook her head. “I know you’re not. I just want to help, JJ. Please let me help.”
He glanced towards Heyward, who was watching the pair interact with a furrowed brow. He hesitated for a moment, looking to Kie almost apologetically before stepping away and walking out of the shop. Kiara swore under her breath and followed him, reaching him before he could turn the corner,
“JJ, please!” she called, getting desperate. Why couldn’t he understand that she just wanted what was best for him?
“Just drop it, Kie,” he muttered. “Please.”
“I’ll drop it when i’m tell me the truth!”
“You don’t want to know the truth!”
Kiara froze, watching JJ practically fall apart in front of her. He was breathing heavily, clenching his fists and staring at the ground, avoiding her eyes. Kie reached forward, her fingers grazing against the fading bruises on his cheek before he flinched away and she retracted her hand. She’d never seen him so fragile, his all-smiles and sarcastic comments exterior crumbling before her very eyes.
“Where have you been staying?” she asked, gently.
His shoulders slumped and he wiped his eyes. “The old bridge.”
She knew exactly what he was talking about. There was a rundown bridge on the outskirts of the Cut, above a dried up river. She knew it was one of the homeless hotspots, and she could barely believe JJ was living there. Kiara inhaled sharply, her heart aching.
“The old bridge?” she repeated. “You’re living there?”
“It’s really not that bad,” he started, only to be cut off by Kie.
“It is that bad,” she said. “JJ, why wouldn’t you tell me? I could have helped you, I could have-”
“No,” he interrupted. “No, I don’t want your help. I don’t want your pity. It’s fine, alright? I’m fine.”
Kiara shook her head. “How long?”
“It’s not-”
“How long?” she demanded.
JJ ran a hand through his hair, ruffling the overgrown strands. “It’s only been a couple of weeks.”
“A couple of weeks?” she exclaimed. “JJ, you have been living under a bridge for weeks and you didn’t tell me? You didn’t tell Pope? Why the fuck would you just let yourself suffer for so long?”
“I don’t know what else to do, Kiara!” he yelled. “My dad kicked me out, your parents hate me, and the Heywards can’t afford having another mouth to feed! What did you expect me to do, Kie? Come crawling to you, break down like I did in the hot tub? No, I’m dealing with this myself. I am taking care of myself. I’m doing everything myself!”
“You don’t have to!” Kiara cried. “Why don’t you understand that the people that love you want to help? I love you, I want to help! Just let me- just let me help.” She felt herself growing more quiet as tears brimmed her eyes. “Please.”
JJ was on the verge of tears, too, but he was hiding it behind anger. “I’m not your fucking charity case.”
Kiara felt her mouth go dry as he turned to leave. He didn’t even have his bike with him; he’d probably forgotten it at his dad’s house and didn’t want to go back. The severity of the situation hit Kiara felt like a truck, and she nearly collapsed as she imagined how much had JJ gone through.
“I want to help you because you’re my best friend and I love you.”
He paused and turned. “I can’t put that on you, Kie.”
“What do you mean?”
JJ sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I can’t- I can’t be your problem.”
“Problem?” she repeated. “Hey, you’re not my problem. You’re my friend.”
“Dad told me he was sick of me being his problem.”
Kiara felt shoulders drop. “Oh, JJ. No, you’re- you’re not a problem. God, I’m so sorry. He shouldn’t have said that, okay? Everything he’s said, everything he’s done... it’s not true. I swear. You’re worth protecting.”
She opened her arms, letting him fall into them. Their hug was parallel to the one in the hot tub, but it somehow held more weight. JJ was more broken than ever; his physical wounds were faded, but there were fresh scars affecting his every thought. Kiara hated what Luke had done to him.
“I love you,” she told him. “And I want to help you, okay? So let me help you.”
“I’m sorry,” he whimpered into her shoulder.
“No, it’s okay,” she returned, her voice strained. “It’s okay.”
They stayed like that for a while, JJ calming down eventually. She took him back to the Jeep, pretending not to be alarmed when he nearly fell asleep in their five minute drive to the Wreck. She wasn’t sure if he’d been eating, so she wanted to get a real meal into him before she took him back to her house.
He ate like he hadn’t seen real food in weeks, which he probably hadn’t. She assumed he’d been living off of stolen snacks from shops along the Cut; she knew he couldn’t afford anything else.
JJ still seemed reluctant to let her bring him home, and was uncharacteristically quiet as she pulled into her driveway. Her parents weren’t home, meaning she could bring him in without question. She could deal with them later.
Kiara did a load of laundry, washing JJ’s clothes while he showered. She had some oversized clothes he could borrow in the meantime.
He looked kind of ridiculous in a pair of tight sweatpants and a massive Metallica t-shirt, and Kiara would have laughed if they were in any other situation. There was something about the sadness in his eyes, though; that hollow look that seemed to be set in stone; that kept her serious.
She let him cuddle up next to her in her bed and carded her fingers through his damp hair, not minding the chill. She thought he was already sleeping when he spoke up.
“I’m sorry about all of this,” he mumbled, sounding tired.
“You shouldn’t be,” Kiara replied. “This is what best friends are for, right?”
“Yeah,” he sighed. “I guess.”
“I love you,” she said.
“You’ve said that a few times,” JJ chuckled dryly.
She knew he was avoiding saying it back. It made sense that he had a hard time saying it. He jokingly told everyone all the time, but being serious and letting people in was probably terrifying. Most of the people that were meant to love him back had either hurt or left him.
“I love you too,” he mumbled after a while.
Kiara smiled gently and kissed the top of his head. “I know.”
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strangestdrabbles · 5 years
You Have My Heart
Tumblr media Tumblr media
A/N: is it surprising i love steve??? no. i hope that i did this request justice and that you enjoy reading 
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader ((gender neutral))
The drive-in movie ‘dates’, the lazy making out on a Sunday afternoon, the copious amounts of studying, driving around at 2am, the sharing of secrets and through those both Y/N and Steve still continued the game of ‘are we together or just best friends?’. The back and forth of the pair caused the feelings they both held for each other secretly to grow immensely, every touch and gaze causing a tingling electricity under their skin in a way that was addicting. The pair knew that they needed to have a conversation about where they stood but the fun of being spontaneous, falling into each other’s arms and the comfort that came with familiarity stopped both Y/N and Steve. 
“Hey can we talk?” 
Steve’s voice was like honey as Y/N looked at him from the opposite end of the couch, Star Wars playing on the television as background noise. 
“Yeah sure. What’s up?” 
There was a lull as Steve swallowed and tried to formulate his thoughts into words, his palms beginning to sweat slightly before his heart calmed. 
“I’m dating Nancy.” 
Y/N turned towards the television again but her eyes were glazed over as Luke, C3PO and R2D2 appeared on screen, not taking anything in but a buzzing before she came back down to earth. 
“Did you tell her about out slight history?” 
The air felt a little heavier as Y/N turned her head to look at Steve again, scratching her cheek and looking a little too comfortable in the situation; Steve nodding as an answer to the question. 
“Good because I don’t want her to get hurt by not knowing and it coming up later.” 
Steve understood why Y/N wanted that as she was close with her sister Nancy and her brother Mike, wanting to be transparent with them as they were with her. 
“Yeah of course.”  
He didn’t understand how Y/N was so casual and taking the news so well, as if they were just discussing plans for the following day; the feeling of his chest tightening painfully for a moment before a rogue tear escaped his left eye. Y/N nodded before looking back at the television and immersing herself in the story once more, not noticing that Steve was watching her before turning his attention also to the movie; the knowledge that neither of them would be able to continue to ambiguous relationship had a lead feeling filling their stomachs but neither Y/N nor Steve made the feeling known. 
It had been eight months since Nancy and Steve had started seeing each other and Steve knew it wasn’t fair that he still had such strong feelings for Y/N but he did; his heart completely filled with his love for Y/N and hated the dull ache that settled in his chest from being away from them. Steve did like hanging out with Nancy and her company was a constant that provided a homely warmth that overcame him whenever they were together, 
The day was on the cooler side as Steve walked up to the Wheeler’s front door, running a hand through his curls before knocking a few times and waiting; shocked when Mike answered the door after a little. 
“Steve? Are you here for Nancy cause she’s not here.” 
The three other boys stood behind Mike and looked at Steve in a way that showed genuine curiosity as to why he was there, a soft breeze of wind passing by Steve and entering the Wheeler’s front door at that moment and making the five shiver slightly. 
“Um I’m not h-here for Nancy.” 
“Oh right right, you’re here for Y/N.” 
Mike smirked while Dustin and Lucas laughed, a small smile resting on Will’s lips as he took in what was going on around him. 
“Okay ha ha very funny. Yes I’m here for Y/N. Are they here?” 
There was a lull for a moment before Mike nodded his head and moved to the side, Steve stepping over the threshold into the warmth of the house; noticing Nancy in the kitchen and then hearing the crooning of Queen from upstairs. He was quick to walk up the stairs after greeting Nancy with a soft hug and her replying with a patient smile; giggling behind her hand at the skip in his step while he made his way to the second floor. 
It was at the moment that Steve was on the landing of the second floor that Y/N came out of their room, their hair cutely messy around their face and the sweater on their body which happened to be Steve’s hung from their body in a way that was beyond cute and caused his stomach to flip. 
“O-Oh Steve hey.” 
Steve was tongue tied as a soft smell of coconut filled his nose and caused him to be lightheaded in the most addicting way. 
It was Y/N that stepped forward and grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers with his before pulling him into their room and closing the door; sitting on their bed cross legged and facing the tall boy in front of them. 
“Sit Steve, you look stressed.” 
It was as if the tension that was slightly built in his body broke and he relaxed as he got comfortable on Y/N’s bed, intertwining his fingers together and twiddling his thumbs; trying to find a way to approach the conversation he wanted to stay with Y/N. 
“Steve? Is everything okay?” 
Steve looked up and saw that Y/N was staring at him with concern, causing him to nod before clearing his throat and beginning. 
“I want to be honest with you Y/N. I have feelings for you, genuine feelings and I hope that you know that I want to be with you in the near future.” 
Y/N’s bottom lip was between their teeth before exhaling the knot that was forming in the chest. 
“I like you too Steve, romantically also and I want to be with you too but I want you to know that over the holidays I will be going to New York with a friend and her mother. I think we should wait about getting together until I get back because I want to make sure we’re both serious about this.” 
Steve reached forward and took one of Y/N’s hand in his own, intertwining his fingers through theirs. 
“I would wait for you forever love. You’re someone I want to be with for the long term.” 
Y/N’s cheeks reddened at the small proclamation, feeling their heart swell with fondness as they took in the boy in front of them. 
“You would really wait for me?” 
It was Steve’s turn for his cheeks to redden and look down due to being flustered, bringing up the tangle of his and Y/N’s hands to his mouth and leaving a few soft kisses before the sound of their door opened; Mike and Nancy’s voices filling the room along with Queen. 
“Wow that’s so beautiful.” 
Mike’s voice was airy and he battered his eyelashes in a way that was over the top, falling back in Nancy’s arms which caused her to laugh. 
“You two finally told each other how you felt?” 
Mike rolled his eyes while he got out of Nancy’s arms and stepped further into the room. 
“How could we not know? It’s obvious.” 
The blushes on both Steve and Y/N’s faces deepened, a soft squeeze from Steve’s hand calmed down Y/N in a way they couldn’t explain. 
“Look look they’re tomatoes.” 
Nancy was quick to laugh after Mike’s comment while Y/N got up to try and get their siblings to leave. 
“Hey hey come on, just let us stay we won’t be annoying.” 
Nancy shook her head softly before resting her hand on his shoulder. 
“Come on Mike. Let’s leave the love birds alone.” 
Y/N’s bottom lip was quick to be caught between their teeth as they closed the door once the pair left, turning towards Steve and feeling their heart pick up while looking at him; the smile on his face was heavenly. 
“Lovebirds huh? I prefer partners.”
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benisasoftboi · 5 years
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, As Explained By Someone Who Has Not Seen It
So ages back I posted a long explanation of Star Wars, despite the fact that I have only seen one Star Wars movie, The Last Jedi, due to social obligations (and someone else paying for my ticket). People apparently thought it was kind of funny.
I’ve now seen two Star Wars movies! I watched the Holiday Special at my university’s Bad Film society a few weeks ago! It is... a piece of media that exists.
I haven’t seen the new one though, and I don’t intend to - but what I have seen is a lot (a LOT) of hot takes on Twitter from people who do care, which I think is basically the same thing. This is my understanding of what happens. Almost certainly in the wrong order. Spoilers ahead (probably)
Keep in mind that I very nearly posted this under the title ‘Return of Skywalker’, before thinking to check. That’s the level I’m on
The most positive thing I’ve seen said about this movie is that it’s fun to watch and you don’t have to think too much about it. I don’t mean to make it sound like I think that sounds like a bad thing - my (genuine) favourite film trilogy is Night At The Museum for that very reason
Other people say it’s shallow and stupid and pandering and formulaic and etc. etc. etc., the same criticism people tend to make of Marvel movies mostly (another popular franchise I don’t understand the appeal of), which does sound like a bad thing. I don’t know who to believe. Do not try to tell me
So there’s this Finn guy, right? I don’t know anything about him, just that he’s played by John Boyega (right...?). So he didn’t get together with Rey, and this is bad, and somewhat racist, because he was clearly in love with her
But then he also doesn’t get together with Poe, and this is bad, and very homophobic, because he was clearly gay and in love with him 
And then he ALSO doesn’t get together with Rose, and this is bad, and pandering to the racists who hate her actress, because he was clearly in love with her
Whatever the case, he definitely should not have ended up with whoever it was (if anyone) he did end up with
Also Rose was barely in the movie because of how much hate she got last time, and when she was she was Leia’s ‘Holdo’ (???), and Poe did end up with someone and it was very clearly in attempt to confirm how Very Heterosexual he is 
Oscar Isaac is displeased
There was a gay couple (sources vary on the genders) who kiss very briefly and this is Big Representation that the Gays should be Grateful for, give us your money, Gays, we care about you
It was not cut in China
Also, Rey and Kylo Ren kiss! This is the most romantic film moment of the decade and a perfect culmination of their character arcs and the best part of the movie
But it’s also forced and bad and sets feminism back ten years and is a romanticised abusive relationship because he’s irredeemably evil
Kylo Ren dies? After they kiss and slash things with their swords? And I think he’s redeemed before that but of course, the only true redemption... is through death!
Which sounds terrible to me, but I’m a massive sucker for Redemption and Redemption Arcs and then seeing how all the characters actually deal with the consequences of the Redemption, so I’m pretty biased against Redemption Through Death as a plot point (also, it’s lazy), but it’s nothing to do with this guy specifically. I really don’t know enough to say whether he deserved it
He might get revived in a comic or animated series, coming soon to streaming on Disney+!
Snoke is back because he has clones, which is not intimidating and is actually just really, really funny. Characters having clones is not the intimidation factor movie makers apparently think it is. Clones are just kind of inherently funny
One of my favourite clone stories is the Time Squad episode Day of the Larrys. The clones open a gay nightclub. Mark Hamill was in that too
Rey turns out to be the granddaughter of the Evil Emperor from the first trilogy. I think he’s in it by either ghost or clone shenanigans
I haven’t heard anyone say who the grandmother is. But I know what that guy looks like, so for her sake, I hope they did IVF
She has a yellow lightsaber, which sounds ugly, but I haven’t seen it so 
I haven’t heard much about purple haired lady from the last movie, don’t know if she’s still around
Apparently Luke changes his mind about everything from the last movie like ten minutes in
I thought he was dead but it kinda seems like death doesn’t mean much in this universe because ghosts
I know Leia is in it. Lots of people thought she would die since Carrie Fisher (a person who the more I learn about, the more I have a massive amount of respect for - unusual for celebrities these days) very sadly died in real life. I haven’t heard either way in the movie, just that she was in at least some of it, and it was nice to see her again (done with reconstructed footage from previous films, apparently). I can’t really criticise that - I’d probably feel the same if I saw it, even as a non-fan of the series
I have also heard that some of the reconstruction was creepy though
I’ve heard that there’s a lot of scenes with the gold robot (C3P0?). I’ve heard he is snarky. If this is true, this is the one thing that could actually get me to see this film. As I’ve said before, I love robots, snarky ones even more so. Robots make everything worth it
No word on the little blue or orange robots
Chewbacca nearly dies but doesn’t? I don’t know, I now glaze over in self defense when I read that name because of that one scene in the Holiday Special. You know (or you’re lucky)
Finn is something called ‘Force Sensitive’ but is weirdly coy about it and this was only confirmed in an outside interview with the director
Someone sticks a mask together with Space Duct Tape
Space battle, pew pew, phwoom phwoom, EXPLOSION, ratatatatatat, defyiiiiiing gravity, USE THE FORCE, pew pew pewpewpew, ANOTHER EXPLOSION - I assume
Okay I stuck that Wicked reference in there as a joke that I’m sure only I think is funny, but now I desperately want to be put in charge of writing a sci-fi trilogy where there will be an over-the-top Broadway-style musical number half way through the third movie just for the sake of baffling critics and audiences alike
In the meantime, while I work on figuring out how to achieve that dream, I have plans to go see Cats again
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the-magic-lava-lamp · 6 years
Warm Months - ‘Twin Suns’
Summary: (I decided to re-write an old story of mine called 'Warm Months'! It's a little bit different but the concept is pretty much the same! ) *And for the sake of this story, Anakin was 19 when the twins were born & Padme was 23. Plus, I’ve made Padme & Obi-Wan the same age*
[ 1976 ] Han Solo is stuck in an uneventful time in his life that he likes to call the 'working at the car wash blues' era. But starting from a pit-stop on on road-trip where he meets the mysterious Leia and oh so interesting Luke, his life takes a turn. And he wonders if he'll see them again. 
Unbeknownst to Han, Luke and Leia have decided to go out on a quest to find & meet their birth parents or what’s left of them, which amounts to missed buses and long walks. That is until they run back into Han Solo and his pal Chewie. And the greatest road-trip officially begins
Chapter: 1 - Twin Suns
Song to go with today’s chapter
Word Count: 3,207 
Ships: Eventual Skysolo + Obikin 
The sun, as it seemed, had nothing better to do then to glaze it’s vivid gold beams onto the glittering orange paint job of his van. Han adjusted and readjusted himself to avoid the annoying glare of light. But it was no use and he just continued to gradually grow more and more annoyed. He was no stranger to huffing and puffing about minor issues. However the glare dulled once he turned into the small parking lot which consisted of a tiny gas station and a bowling alley adjacent to it. 
Just as he cracked his door open, Chewie decided it was the best time for a round of barking. Han’s eyes rolled high to the dingy ceiling of the van as he opted to pat his little buddy on the head and bounce out of there. He strolled over the pump and took a deep inhale of the strong scent of gas which was, to him, the smell of a good road-trip. That and a fresh coffee. Speaking of...
Han finished filling her up, The Falcon, as he called the damn fine bus. And hit the side gently before deciding the gas spot was no place for great coffee. If anything, the bowling alley was a better bet for a slightly less unsettling cup. Giving a quick peek to Chewie, he trailed off to the double doors striped with red and gold. 
Inside, the sound of smacking bowling pins was much louder than he expected for a Friday morning. Much too crowded, if you asked Han. Though he could see how this might wake a person up, the paint-job itself was like a slap in the face. He scoffed as he came to the long concession counter and tapped his hands to the beat playing in his head rather than the tune over the loud speaker. 
Just to go the extra mile, he took the time to ring the silver bell placed on the clean counter. A young woman came from around the back looking rather annoyed at the showcase of a man. She didn’t even seem to care to hide it. Han smirked. “Y’know, it’s polite to serve with a smile.” He grinned sarcastically at her and she rolled her eyes. 
“Was the bell necessary, sir?” She reasoned her annoyance. He just laughed. 
“Well it’s there, isn’t it? If you hate it so much, why leave it out here?” He jabbed the thing once more and the girl shoved it away. It slid down the glittery red pathway and almost flew right off, if not for the grace of some blonde kid as he zipped by. Han barely caught a look at him before the lady spoke again. 
“What was so important now?” She asked, folding her arms. 
“Hey, Sass is no way to treat your customers.” He playfully wagged his finger at her, he swore he saw a quick little smile from her. But it dissolved just as quickly as it appeared. He coughed and shoved his hands into his pockets. “Can a guy get a cup of coffee around here?” He gestured to the set-up of food and drink behind her and she hummed. 
She moved smoothly and poured him the freshest coffee they had at the moment. Closing the lid, she gestured to the small area to her left where creamer and sugar sat on a little table. “Make it the way your heart desires.” She said with a thin lipped grin and slid the cup right into his hand. “35 cents, please.” She added with her hand held out. It left a shadow over the counter that for some reason is where Han’s eyes drifted to. 
He dug around in his pocket for a lot longer than necessary just to get the girl to continue that look of repressed amusement. A smile could so easily break her expression but she forced it away and he was enjoying that way too much. He started to back away towards that table but miscalculated where he should land his foot and stumbled noticeably. The girl snorted as she pinned a glittery red name-tag onto her uniform. Leia. 
“Good job.” She said simply as she turned in a graceful quickstep. Her hair bouncing behind her as she went off to the far end of the bowling alley. Han scoffed as though the girl hadn’t impressed him. He mumbled to himself all the way to that table, the Styrofoam cup of coffee in his curled hand. 
Dipping the thin yellow straw into his cup, he swirled the minimal cream he’d decided to put in. He was seemingly too busy thinking over the next route he was going to take to notice his elbow knocking over the container of cream. The thick creamy substance trailed quickly to drip all the way down the side of the table. All Han had to offer was a quick. “Oh would you look at that...” In a incredibly annoyed voice. 
“Man, I just cleaned that.” Came a whiny voice a little ways away from where Han stood. 
“Well, looks like you get the chance to do it again.” Han chuckled to himself, chin dipped as the person came towards himself and the creamy mess. Once he was close enough to swipe a rag across the counter, Han trailed his eyes up and followed his outstretched arm. 
It was that blonde guy from earlier except this time Han was able to get a good look at him. He was huffing about as he exaggerated the true level of seriousness in the mess, at least Han thought so but he was the one who caused it. And he tended not to acknowledge the true consequences of his actions. 
The boy lifted Han’s coffee and shoved it into his hand in order to get a more thorough clean. And though he seemed heavily preoccupied, he did not miss the way Han’s eyes rolled. Unlike the other worker he’d encountered, this guy chuckled. 
“You know, we’re not really supposed to sell coffee or any other concession unless you play a round.” He remarked, golden hair hanging a little over his eyes as he leaned forward and nodded towards the bowling lanes.
‘Huh, so Leia was a little nicer than he thought’. “Although it looks like a real good time, kid-” Han sarcastically continued “I got a dog waiting in the car and he’s real impatient.” 
Han did that thing where he tilts his chin down, waggles his brow and squints his eyes. It had a way for making his peers feel slightly inferior yet interested. However, this kid seemed to ignore that usual effect. “A dog?” He asked and Han almost rolled his eyes at the way the man brightened. 
“What? You’ve never seen a dog before?” He mocked and finally took notice of the man’s name-tag, Luke. 
Luke just rolled his eyes and flung the slightly damp rag over his shoulder while he went around the counter, looking for something. And for some odd reason, Han waited with interest. 
He was on the verge of zoning out while his eyes stared out in the vague direction Luke had gone when the sound of crashing pins reminded him just where he was. ‘Who the fuck bowls on a Friday morning?’
“Here.” Luke interrupted Han’s mind and he flinched a little. He ignored the amused smile from the worker and looked down at the water bottle that sat inside a cup. “It’s hot outside, especially for dogs left in cars.” The boy tilted his head and bit into his lip just before he let it form a smirk. 
Han didn’t like the tinge of judgement so he just tore the supplies from Luke’s hands and twisted his face into that odd mixture of anger and embarrassment. “I left the windows open.” 
Han was again not quite sure why he ended up leaving the Bowling Alley with Luke a step or two behind him. The sun was making the air uncomfortably moist which irritated him to no end. A bead of sweat trailed it’s way down his forehead but only made it as far as his cheek before he swiped it away with the back of his hand. Luke took the water and cup back from Han and he just let it happen, not noticing until Luke started to pour it. 
“Y’know, Chewie’s not just some dog.” Han shook his head. “Better be careful cause he could bite your hand off if you make him angry-” He turned to give the kid some kind of look but realized he was already a ways ahead of him, petting Chewie’s head softly as the dog slurped the water. Han stared at the dog like he understood him. But he was sure that Chewie could. So he frowned, muttering a “Can always count on you, huh?” to himself. 
Chewie barked in response before licking at Luke’s hands. 
“So, don’t you have a job to get back to?” Han threw the comment over his shoulder as he picked at the paint-job on the van. 
“I can afford a break.” Luke turned smoothly on his heels and for a moment he looked aloof. The sun shined down on his golden hair, most likely heating it up and soon there’d be a dampness of sweat. But the illusion faded as quickly as it came when Chewie decided to lick the side of his face. Luke chuckled with a charm Han figured was especially his own. 
Han coughed into his fist. A desperate attempt to get a move on with these weird little moments. He wanted to get back to driving. And he should probably open up the space he’s been loitering in at the pump. “Well it was nice gettin’ to know ya, kid...” He grinned. “But I gotta get going.” 
Luke nodded and gave Chewie a final stroke before pulling a small piece of paper from the pocket of his obnoxiously shiny uniform. He shoved it into Han’s hand. “Tell your friends.” 
Han glanced skeptically at the thin red slip. A simple advertisement for some sort of lame bowling deal on the next Friday. “Kid, this town was just a pit-stop for me. Do you really expect me to tell my friends and come back to bowl?” He made a face at the simple idea. 
Luke just grinned and shrugged his shoulders. “Never hurts to pursue a possible customer.” He tilted his chin up for a cheeky smile. “Well, it was nice knowing you...” 
“Han.” Luke repeated and gave him a sort of salute before taking off back towards the bowling alley.
 Han watched him go. His head titled slowly to the side to better his view before he awkwardly coughed and shuffled back to the Falcon. 
“Please pull forward.” Han gritted his teeth and attempted a polite smile as he waved his hand to the little green car for the millionth time. His little road-trip had taken him all the way through last weekend but it sadly had to come to an end sometime. So he was back to work. Standing in slushy, soapy water and instructing middle aged men & women how to pull into a damn car wash. 
Who in their right mind enjoyed spending their day in the sweltering sun rubbing cars down with a rag. Only to get be a barely rewarding pay and soggy old shoes. 
The sun was teasing him today. It faded in and out of intense heat and made the denim fabric of his work shirt cling uncomfortably to his moist skin. He wiped the back of his hand against his slick forehead and started to mentally count the time he had left of his shift. 
He craved to be back on the road. That’s where he thrived. Just himself, a cup of coffee and Chewie in The Falcon and his life is set. Drop them anywhere in the world and he could make it. 
He’d spent a majority of his last trip just going around buying those cheesy yet useful road-maps. It wasn’t as if he needed them. He knew the states like the back of his hand by now. But for some reason, he just liked to have them. He hoarded them all in the dashboard of the Falcon. Sometimes when he was fresh from a rest-stop and was re-settling himself, he pulled one out just to flip through. 
As the last car he’d washed pulled off, Han indulged in the next moment of peace. He leaned on the brick building and rubbed his temples for a few seconds before switching to pinch the bridge of his nose. He couldn’t care less if his boss, Mr. Tracy, was going to dock his pay for a thirty second break. He’d find a way to make up for it. 
It would have been even longer had it not been the sound of screeching wheels on the street just in front of the building. Han opened one eye to see if it was worth it. 
He found the bus pulling up to the stop and exchanging passengers. Man did he resent the time he’d had to spend riding the bus. He could thank his buddy Lando over & over for making that dumb gamble in a bet that led to him handing the Van over to his very best friend. 
Han was just about to go back to looking out for cars when he spotted what seemed to be a very familiar mop of blonde hair coming out from the bus and into the sunshine of the day. 
Han straightened his back instantly and stared ahead. There he was. That Luke guy and Leia from the bowling alley. He was surprised he remembered them so well...but also not very.  From what he could tell, the boys face was pensive. He was seemingly far too engaged in deep thought to be listening to Leia who was obviously speaking. It was a shame, she seemed real passionate as she spoke. Even Han wanted to know what she was saying.
He rolled his eyes and was about to ignore his curiosities about what they were doing here, which was nearly impossible by itself, when he caught a glimpse of Luke recognizing him. 
Then there seemed to be lots of hushed speaking and pointing from the clear glass bus stop. He was never one to resist acting on his curiosities when was aware he was being talked about. Hell, no one could talk about Han Solo better then Han himself. 
So he strolled over leisurely. Ignoring the annoyed looks from his co-workers. Instead, he remained amused by the way Luke’s eyebrows rose and how he instantly turned around to face the street. Leia rolled her eyes but remained where she was as Han planted himself next to the bus-stop, leaning on the pole. 
“Didn’t mean to interrupt, please go on. You were just talking about me...” Han smirked and gestured for them to go on with his hand. Leia cleared he throat. 
“You’re cockier than I remember. I’m glad our conversation was limited.” She gave him a thin-lipped half smile before sitting down on the bench, dismissing him with amusement. 
“Corellia’s a ways away from Tatooine. What’s got you two in my neck of the woods?” Han asked more so to Luke who was on the other end of the bus-stop area. He had a bit of his tongue poking out from the side of his mouth when he began to grin. 
“A road-trip of sorts.” He shrugged, jean jacket nearly falling off his shoulders. 
“Sure hope you were planning on being back by Friday.” Han smirked and took a second to appreciate the boy’s confusion. His brows furrowed while his sweet face twisted a little. “I believe you invited me to bring some friends bowling to bring you some business.” He explained and Luke was eased. 
The young man laughed. “Like you were even planning on going.” 
Han shrugged with a smirk. 
“And who said I’d be working that day anyway?” Luke teased, shaking his head. “I mean, It’s very flattering that you were going to go all the way back to a bowling alley in Tatooine just to see little ol’ me but-” 
“Hey, you believe what you wanna believe kid.” Han tripped a little on his own words as he rolled his eyes. Luke quieted his sentence and just leaned back on the other pole with a smug expression.  
Leia sighed to herself and straightened her back. Men were so transparent sometimes. She chuckled a bit to herself before looking to Luke. His head was currently blocking the sun from her view, which she greatly appreciated. She was never one for heat. “We got a long trip ahead of us.” She spoke fluently in subtle conversation hints that mostly flew over Luke’s head. He nodded at her with that innocent smile. “So.” She smiled back but enhanced her tone. 
“Oh.” Luke chuckled and looked back to the other man. “It was nice running into you again but it’s about time we split.” 
Han picked up on the way they had some sort of unspoken language. Luke just barely picking up on Leia’s social cues. 
“Oh, are you two dating? Cause road-trips really bring out the worst in couples.” Han was never very good at taking hints or stopping himself from voicing his thoughts. Leia looked physically sick at the question. And Luke was definitely disgusted. 
“Luke is my brother, my twin.” Leia cleared the air and turned to Han, gesturing vaguely behind her to where she hoped Luke was still standing. Han chuckled awkwardly at his mistake. 
“Anyway, it was nice meeting you, Han.” Leia said with sarcasm as she lifted her bag from under the bench and began walking off. Han was about to shrug the interaction off and go back to work when Luke approached him. 
“Maybe we’ll run into each other again before we’re off again tomorrow.” Luke’s grin was toothy this time, his tongue once again gliding out to the side of his mouth. 
“That a promise?” Han smirked, looking as if he was bothered. Luke chuckled, it was a light kind of giggle. 
“Did it sound like one?” He challenged. “Maybe it was a threat.” Luke pursed his lips and if Han knew him a little better he night have busted a rib from laughing so hard. But since he was mostly just assuming this boy’s personality (he figured his assumptions were correct though) he just chuckled. 
The streetlights were beginning to light up the town. The sky would soon be tinted purple and Han’s eyes widened as he remembered he’d got an annoyingly long lecture from Mr. Tracy the last time he forgot to turn on that obnoxious neon sign of theirs. 
“Well, I’ll see ya kid-” Before Han could finish, he realized that Luke had already walked half the way back to his sister, as carefree as ever. But just before he met up with her, he turned. 
The sun bounced rays down that intertwined with the golden mop of hair he sported and he light up with that smile again. “Bye!” He shouted, waving like a madman. 
Han held in his laugh until he’d turned back to face the Car Wash. 
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venusparker · 7 years
frustrating ↬ p.p
prompt: you and peter both have immense crushes on each other, but say nothing, because best friends aren’t supposed to think about kissing each other
warnings: language and fluff. plus this is super long rip
notes: prompts like this fuck me UP man like I am a sucker for cliché tropes done correctly and in a way that isn’t sexist or toxic. hope you enjoy requests are open! i’m thinking of making a sequel to this bc it’s super cute and I have so much more I want to happen, but y’all can decide if that happens or not :)
Though he hasn’t known you for that long, Peter can’t help but admire you and the person you were constantly. He finds himself thinking about it when his eyes glaze over the room, searching for you landing on you, and he can’t help the corners of his lips tugging up into the softest, most appreciative smile you’ve never seen.
He doesn’t know how, out of the two years you’ve been best friends, you hadn’t notice his wandering gaze and his staring, but he’s glad you don’t catch it. He’s sure that you’d find nothing of it, mainly because that’s just the person you were, but still. There are times when he’d wish you’d notice his eyes poring over your entire being and you’d actually say something to give him an idea of how you feel about him. He doesn’t actually expect you to of course, because by nature you were quite awkward and would never say something that you thought would embarrass you, nor would you ever actually tell him if you liked him. It’s not like he would either.
And it’s not like he thought you would ever like him in the first place.
He scrunches up his nose when he gets hit on the face by a piece of popcorn. He looks up at you and you’re giving him that cute, adorable smile that makes him want to melt into a puddle right on the spot, but Ned’s confusing expression from behind you on his couch distracts him. Crap, you must’ve said something to him and he hadn’t heard it.
He knows he does this a lot, and he never means to, but god the blush on his cheeks is creeping up on him and he doesn’t want you to see it. You’re his best friend, next to Ned, and he’s always been comfortable around you, so why is it all changing now?
Even if he had the most intense and growing crush on you, he managed to play it cool since your bond with each other could pretty much outlast time. You’ve had countless conversations with him at three in the morning about how you feel and your family life, and nothing and everything at the same time. He knows practically everything about you, and you him, apart from the whole Spider-Man thing.
Ugh, why was he being so–
“Weird,” Ned states, but Peter hadn’t heard the first part of the sentence due to his thoughts. Ned chews on some of the Thai food May ordered for you guys. “So, do you understand it?”
“Kinda,” You answer, snuggling your head onto Peter’s lap some more, shifting as your feet rest on Ned’s lap, and you look up at him and he has to old back the urge to play with your hair. “Peter’s going to hate the fact that I’m not paying that much attention to your guys’ beloved Star Wars franchise. Also, Ned if you spill noodles on my feet I’m going to kill you!”
“That was one time, [Y/N]! Let a guy live,” Ned complains, playfully rolling his eyes as he shoves some food into his mouth and you chuckle, pulling up the blanket you three are all sharing. Peter couldn’t have agreed more.
Let a guy live, seriously, because if you kept cuddling up to him he might faint from the amount of butterflies flying around in his stomach. You don’t even know what you’re doing, and he simultaneously loves and hates you for it. He loves everything about you and has so much respect for you, and oh he’s so screwed. He hasn’t known such a good and compassionate friend like you before, besides Ned, of course. You would drop everything for him if you knew he needed you and he would do the same for you.
He’d do anything for you.
He tries to turn his attention back to Luke Skywalker’s face, but finds his hands taking the place of his eyes as they rest on your hip. These movie nights are a frequent thing for the most part, and you’d try and come as much as your strict mother would let you, but he would prefer if they lessened since being this close to you drove him crazy. You two had always been intimate, ever since you both had reached that point in your friendship, but that didn’t change the fact that his heart almost always skipped a beat when you made contact with him.
His breath hitches when you stretch and your face contorts into a yawn, and you move closer to his torso. He wants to hold you closer–if that was even possible–but he knows his boundaries and decides against it. He feels warm against you and he can’t tell if it’s just his imagination.
But you notice anyway.
“You good, Pete?” You whisper, not wanting to disrupt the focused hold that Ned’s eyes have on the TV screen as Carrie Fisher makes her way onto it once again.
You hadn’t really been paying attention, which Ned badgered you on, but you simply just wanted to spend a nice, relaxing time with your two best friends in the whole world. You remove your feet from Ned’s lap, giving him a small warning before so that he doesn’t drop his food (which he so thoughtfully rested on your ankles). You lean into him, waiting upon his answer. You’re trying to distract yourself from how amazing Peter smells right now, because it’ll definitely leave you in a slight daze and that’s not what you need right now. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Ned smirking.
He knows all too well about your huge crush on Peter, and he knows how long you’ve had it. You gently kick him, and he shakes his head. He found out months ago when you two were hanging out alone in his house and he had kept asking you questions about the mystery guy you were interested in. In the middle of an episode of SpongeBob, you accidentally let it slip that you were haplessly in like with Peter Parker.
Peter glances down at you, and you’re not sure if you’ve just hallucinated that he gulped, but he nods and you’re glad that Aunt May has to drive you home soon because you’re sure you might confess everything if you spend one more minute here.
He can’t look at you like that, he just can’t. It messes with your head, and it’s making you so flustered, so frustrated. Your face heats up and you try to be attentive to the movie’s plotline instead.
You know he’d never feel the same way.
Did you get the meme I sent you on Instagram?
Yes, Peter, you dork. It’s 2 AM, why are you like this?
Send them to Ned instead dude
He said that if I sent him one more meme he didn’t care about, he’d block me
Hmm that’s a good idea
I hate you
I love you too
Now go to sleep you nerd
“Peter, shut up,” You glare at him as he continues talking, lips brushing against your ear, making you squirm in your seat. He’s been unusually talkative (that was normally Ned’s job and you had him next period, so you knew you were going to get barely any work done), but you don’t entirely mind.
“You wanna come over later?” He leans down close to you before pulling back, realizing the invasion of your personal space. He ignores the sweet scent of your perfume before it makes him move any closer.
“I have to ask my mom and you know how she is,” You grunt, wishing that his leg would quit brushing up against yours as he bounced it, so maybe you could focus on one goddamn word on the whiteboard. “Why?”
“Uhm…I dunno,” He tells you plainly, “Ned can’t hang out today and Mr. Stark gave me a couple weeks off and stuff, plus we can study if you want.” His voice gets caught in his throat as he continues and he really likes the fact that you’re wearing the hoodie he let you borrow once–he was wondering where that thing went--but he still can’t stop tripping over his words even after nearly three years of knowing you.
“I’ll tell my mom we’re studying so that she’ll be a teenie amount more convinced to let me come over.” You put your pencil down as the teacher stops talking to put on a video and you turn to Peter as she dims the lights. “What subject?”
“English, you’re good at that and I’m not, so that’s believable. The only thing I can write decently is Star Wars fanfiction–not that I do! That was hypothetical,” He randomly rambles and he figures it’s no use since you know him like the back of your hand. Almost.
“You act as if you haven’t group-texted Ned and I about how hot Han Solo is in great detail.” You don’t miss the pink hue the stains his cheeks. “You’re so cute when you blush,” you admit nonchalantly, and this only makes it worse for him as he covers his face.
“[Y/N], stop,” He whines, but there’s a hint of desperation in it as his ears turn slightly red. You take his hands away from his face, and you’re so close to him you could kiss him, but you don’t and instead laugh.
“What? I can’t call my best friend out on how adorable he is?”
“You hate when I constantly call you pretty, and gorgeous, and breath-taking,” He lists nervously as a habit, making it your turn to blush and turn away. He chuckles and goes, “See! Not so nice, is it?”
“God, I hate you,” you claim, but your brain yells at you that it’s just the opposite.
Are you almost here :((((
You’re taking forever
You’re lucky my mom even said yes, don’t push it with the traffic
Be patient, I’m almost here loser
I love you
I love you too
“Are you sure all you’re doing with Peter is studying?”
Your mother’s voice interrupts you and you glance up from your phone with a dopey grin on your lips. It instantly disappears, though, at the sight of the way your mom is currently looking at you as she parks in front of Peter’s apartment building. You roll your eyes and shove your phone into your pocket.
“Yes, and Aunt May will be there, Mom,” You respond as collected as possible, knowing that if your mother knew about the tremendous crush you had on him, she wouldn’t let you guys hang out as often as you did. Even as friends, she hardly let you go out this spontaneously. “Peter and I–and Ned– have been friends for years, nothing’s been going on.”
This was the truth. You guys had your own little circle, telling each other secrets and trusting the shit out of each other. Your parents trusted the both of them insanely, even if your mom liked to tease you about it, but as you were getting older, it seemed like they were getting more serious with their curiosity.
“I trust Peter and Ned,” your mom explains, but she makes a smug face. “But…Aunt May has been telling some things.”
“What things, exactly?”
“You’re clueless, [Y/N],” She erupts suddenly, shaking her head and smiling. “That boy has got a thing for you. I would know, I’m your mother. I’ve seen the way he looks at you. With that geeky, loving expression on his face.”
You let out a breath. “Are you encouraging me?”
Your mom’s head turns sharply. “Why? Do you have a thing for him?”
“No! No, of course not,” Your phone lets out a ding! and you see it’s from Peter, asking why you were taking so long. Thankful to get out of the car and end this horribly awkward conversation, you open the door. “Mom, I have to go. I’ll see you later. Love you, bye!”
“Love you too, call me if you need me to bring you home. Not too late, and–” She narrows her eyes at you, “–strictly studying.”
“Strictly studying,” you repeat as you head into the building, but you can’t shake the words your mother just said.
I’ve seen the way he looks at you.
You wonder if anyone has seen the way you look at him too.
Peter’s biting his lip and he feels the need to escape from his own bedroom before he explodes. You’re sitting on his floor, reading the book you were assigned for English silently, and you are incredibly beautiful. He doesn’t know how you do it. For weeks, months, on end, he hasn’t been able to think about anything other than you. You, you, you. You’re on his mind 24/7 and he knows for a fact that if he doesn’t get a grip, he’ll lose it. He can’t stop thinking about you, and it’s so goddamn frustrating.
He’s taken on robbers, criminals, friggin’ Captain America–and yet he can’t tackle the strength of the feelings he has for you. His heart is about to burst.
He knows he’s falling for you, and he can practically feel it, but he wants to stop. He’s not supposed to feel like this, he’s not supposed to dream about you, and he’s not supposed to be thinking about what it would be like to be with you, letting him cherish and love you, being able to kiss you—
He stops himself. Best friends aren’t supposed to be thinking about kissing each other.
“How’s the book?” He asks and you get up from the ground and lay down next to him on his bed, unknowingly making every organ in his body stop functioning for two seconds. He’s surprised he’s not dead. It’s like you’re the only thing he can ever hyperfocus on, and having Spidey sense doesn’t make that statement any better. He can hear your heart’s pace quicken.
He wonders if it’s because of him.
“Enjoyable, though the main character is the actual human equivalent of the word annoying. I’m just reading so that if my mom asks, I can tell her about the book,” You sigh and put it down on Peter’s bedside table, reaching over to do so, and your shirt rides up a little.
Peter quickly looks away, clearing his throat at least five times.
“I’d rather be out looking for Spider-Man,” you reveal truthfully, shrugging your shoulders as you rest your head on Peter’s chest, scrolling through news articles on your phone. “I mean, look at him. I wish I could be a hero like that.”
“Have you seen yourself?” Peter blurts out, instantly wanting to cover his mouth. But it’s too late. He already said it. “I’m, uh, sorry, that was loud.” His smile is sheepish and god, you just want to kiss him.
“Peter Parker, my main dork, finally coming out of his shell,” You tease, looking up at him, and he instinctively runs a hand through your hair, and you’re glad you’re laying down because you swear, your knees just buckled. “Took a while, but it’s finally happening.”
“Very funny,” He rolls his eyes, but can’t deny the tingly sensation spreading throughout his chest and body right now. How is he breathing?
“But seriously, you work for Tony Stark, what’s Spider-Man like? Is he sweet, or is he one of those cold, loner types. Like he’s a hero, but he’s also kind of a douchebag? Is he cute under that mask?” You spit out, wanting to hear all about your favorite superhero. “Well, not that him being cute would matter. He seems like a great guy and that’s all I care about. Plus, I like that we don’t know what his face looks like. He doesn’t want fame, he just wants to help.”
Peter’s looking at you weird and you don’t know that it’s because you understand both him Peter Parker, and him Spider-Man perfectly, and he’s going to throw up from how dizzy you’re making him feel right now. You’re so unbelievably amazing and it’s one of the factors that adds butterflies to his stomach.
He’s watching you gush and he desperately wants to kiss you, to even just brush his lips against yours for even one second–
“Stop looking at me like that,” you command and he’s blushing and immediately his eyes wander the room, staring at small details he doesn’t care about. Like the crack in his ceiling and the small cobweb in the corner.
Heh, that’s funny since I make webs and…
Peter, focus.
“You’re such an everloving nerd, my god,” You sit up and you’re shaking your head at him. “This sucks.” You’re more talking to yourself than you are to him, but he answers anyway.
“What did I do?” He sits up as well, scooting over next to you. He fiddling with his fingers because he’s nervous, as always, but you make him even more of a stuttering mess.
“No, you didn’t do anything. Today has just been extra…well, extra frustrating. Tests and all, and you know, stuff, “ You lie and your hand brushes against his and you want to intertwine your fingers with his, so bad.
His hand lingers over yours for too long and you’re considering this as torture at this point, so you ignore all the warnings your brain is telling you and grab his hand, holding it with yours as you give him a gentle smile. His palms are beginning to sweat, but you don’t care. Your thumb rubs tiny circles into his skin.
“Can..can we do this more often?” He squeaks out, looking at you hopefully. He giggles when you give him a look and you feel yourself needing to catch your breath.
“What? Hold hands?”
He nods shyly and glances down at his feet. “It’s, I don’t know. It’s nice. Plus, I’ve never really held hands with someone before. Except Ned, but that’s only when we’re both scared.”
“Then, sure, we can hold hands. I agree,” You tell him, biting back a smile. “It’s nice. Really, really nice.”
Peter just now realizes how close he is to you. If he just dipped down slightly, his lips would meet yours. He finds himself leaning in slowly, when he abruptly ceases. You run a hand through his hair, simply oblivious.
He’s not falling for you anymore. He’s diving, headfirst into the water.
part two
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limpblotter · 7 years
Happy for You
a/n: Fuck @exadorlion putting Stone Cold and Moreid together. Warning: Unrequited Love. W/c: ~2.3
“You know statistically most marriages end in divorce.”
“Reid…” Prentiss looked him up and down, shaking her head a bit at him as she crossed the room. Her heels clacking against the newly polished floor of their office, she went to retrieve something from the table as Spencer stood there in the middle of their headquarters, stoic and suffocating in a new suit.
“Its true” he watched her with a coldness as she picked up a white box tied with a white bow. “And the rate of divorce of first marriages tend to fail even more so, subsequently we’re really just expending useless time…” It wasn’t going to last, in lame man’s terms. That was a fact…a truth that Spencer was holding tighter to his mind than any psychosis research or neurobiological thesis he had collected over the years. “Also …in Japanese culture white is the color of mourning for funerals and—“
A hand touched his face gently, he looked up and saw Emily Prentiss’s face. She pursed her lips a little, unsure what to say to him. She patted his cheek a bit and nodded, “it’s a good thing we’re not in Japan, we don’t have time to rewrap.” She placed the gift in his hands and soft softly. “Spence you don’t have to go…”
Reid looked down at the gift. He didn’t have t go. His facts were real, the marriage was going to fall apart in a year, two years max since they had a child on the way. He could skip this unnecessarily stomach churning event but  avoiding this would only raise some questions even his genius didn’t want to touch. “I have to…I’m the best man.”
Cruel was a good word for what was happening right now. Cruel was the only word Spencer could conjure up for how this all felt. The entire time, Hotch and Jack included, flew out to Chicago. They were at some botanical garden in the middle of the city. It was a pretty place. Rossi and Luke were already looking for drinks. Penelope was making sure she was going to have the perfect angle for the vows and the I do’s to come.
The last ones out of the car were Emily and Spencer. They arrived together and before Emily could give him any more encouragement or words of wisdom Emily’s attention was taken by a blonde sporting curls for the first time. “How long did that take.” Emily gently touched one of Jennifer’s curls, producing a soft pinkish glow to her cheeks. That look was enough to keep Emily distracted for ages...
“Longer than it took getting the boys ready and Will dressed.” Jennifer snickered a bit. “I can’t believe this is happening.” She beamed, happiness rolled off her. So much so, Reid shifted uncomfortably.
“I better go …uh find the groom, I guess.” He muttered, his awkwardness was common but it was especially heightened today. Emily chalked it up to the crowd or the fact he had never been a best man before. JJ ate up the reason, but Emily gave Spencer’s retreating figure one single solemn look.
Reid shimmied through a crowd of men, all larger than he was clapping their hands as Morgan emerged from his dressing room in a perfectly fitted tux. Spencer, watched through the filtered view point of broad shifting shoulders and caught a glimpse of that smile, as he did a ceremoniously slow turn. Just as Spencer thought he could stay where he was and remain hidden until it was time, he heard Morgan call out for him.
“Pretty boy!” He laughed, and just like that, the sea of men parted down the middle leading up to Reid. “Here I thought I was gonna have to find another best man, what took you so long.”
The voice in Reid’s throat was stuck, his eyes glazed over Derek’s suit. He looked amazing, of course. But it wasn’t the suit. It was him. The way he held himself, the way he looked, he seemed so alive so awake. There were times Reid saw him this way, this was the first time…
Morgan’s happiness had something to do with someone else. “I-uh…” He looked down and slowly held out the gift to Morgan. “I was telling Emily how white is—“
“color of death in some countries. Yeah I remember that talk.” Derek held the gift in one hand and then looked around. “Thanks man.” He placed a hand on Reid’s shoulder and pulled him close for a hug. He looked around for a moment at his wedding party and then nodded. “I’ll be out soon, mind…giving me and the kid a minute.”
The groups of men slowly dispersed giving Morgan one last round of good lucks, congratz, and see you out there before emptying out of the room.
“Reid…” Morgan stared at him and Spencer thought he was looking right through him. Guilt grappled at his throat then, “…I shouldn’t be this nervous right? Like…this is it…this is my wedding…I’m about to marry her out there. The mother to my baby…” Derek looked as though he was having an out of body experience. He looked above and around Spencer like he wasn’t even there. He was looking at his whole life…up until now and what he imagined after it. Reid was terrified. He was scared Derek liked what he saw.
Reid didn’t have anything to say to Morgan. The silence grew to a point Derek realized there was something up now. He broke his trance and took a step towards Spencer, eyes ready to ask him what was going on in that big brain when the door opened and Morgan’s sister whispered in.
“Its time.”
Reid exhaled, he looked up at Morgan almost sorry he was getting away with this. “Let’s get you married.” He forced a smile and walked out.
Spencer for one of the few times in his life wished he didn’t have photographic memory. He wished he could say he was going to forget this. Forget the music that played as he joined Derek on his side of the aisle. Forget the way Derek softly gasped to himself as his the future Mrs. Morgan strolled down the aisle a few months pregnant. He prayed to whatever deity he didn’t truly believe in that he’d never remember the sound of their vows.
The never-ending joy that ebbed and seeped out of each word. The immense and indescribable happiness that flooded each phrase, down to the softest promise of an eternity. And for the life of him he wished he could forget the kiss, a scene he watched through side eyeing the way Morgan draped over her and held her as lovingly like she was a frail dream barely in his grasp.
Heat began to build in his mind, it hazed most of what happened for the moment. Perhaps a defensive mechanism, a coping method to keep himself together while they were in public. Whatever it was mixed with whatever Rossi was drinking and willing to share while they were seated at their table was working for the doctor. “How are you holding up?” Emily whispered to read, keeping an eye out for any prying ears that might pick up on their conversation. Luckily for them everyone was waiting, eyeing the doors to see Mr. and Mrs. Derek Morgan.
“Fine, why wouldn’t I be?” Reid chuckled a bit, sipping the bourbon again until the heat pushed back the emotions that threatened to preach his professional demeanor. He fixated himself on repeatedly ringing his hands over and over again under the table when he wasn’t drinking. Something Prentiss could see sitting right beside him. He flinched when Emily placed a hand over his and shared a softness, “Emily, I swear I’m fine.” He smiled, of course he was fine. Social functions were never his strong suit. These mundane emotions and yet…
When those doors opened, when the announcer shouted the words, “Mr. and Mrs. Derek Morgan!!” and ushered them into their first dance. Spencer felt his mood dim along with the ceiling lights. He watched as two people, joined by some frivolous need to commit so publically danced. Worse of all he didn’t hate anyone. A part of him relished in Morgan’s smile, his charming, eye wrinkling laughter as he twirled and danced his new wife around.
A part of him  was so happy to see him this happy. It was a happiness that came once and Spencer was at least happy enough to have been there to see it. Even though he had no part in this.
As the danced settled and the people sat to enjoy their meals, the booze swirling around Reid’s gut made his mind’s defenses weaken. He watched with heated annoyance as Derek sat across the way, never looking this way at a table full of his friends. His family, and not once did he try to. He was enveloped in his new life. His whole life that didn’t include them. Worse of all no one seemed to feel this, everyone was happy for him. Everyone so why wasn’t he?
Why did Spencer…hate this? He hated being there, he hated seeing it all and knowing this was going to change everything. This was a deep fissure in the core of all Spencer had grown to love and know… It was all too much that Spencer rose to his feet just as Penelope finished giving Derek and his wife a speech with love and plenty of embarrassing moments of Derek.
“Spence?” Garcia turned holding the mic in her hand. His abrupt jolt to his feet had his table and everyone in the dining hall looking at him. Spencer’s mouth went try as his eyes met Morgan’s who for the first time since saying I do finally looked at him. Morgan’s face got a little more stoic, confused perhaps? Then knowing as if remembering Reid was acting strange only moments before the ceremony began.
“Uh…may I…just…” He pointed to the mic in Penelope’s hand. Emily gave him a wide eye look as he received the mic and held it up to his mouth. “Um…as some of you know …or don’t, I’m Dr. Spencer Reid with the FBI…I’ve known Morgan…well, since I started and well we’re all here for the same reason. To watch Morgan get married but why?” He asked suddenly the question made Emily’s hair stand on end, what was he doing? Was this some cover up or a genuine speech? She prayed to god he wasn’t going to talk about divorces and the meaning of the color white in front of Morgan’s family and half the bureau.
“I’m not much of an abstract guy. I hold several degrees, PH.Ds and have many interests in sciences and written work, so to me love and all this is just…equated to the amount of dopamine the brain can generate. Love is nothing more than a combination of hormones that could be recreated by also eating chocolate or petting a dog or…falling in love.” He stared at Derek and felt his voice drop a bit, “that was…what I had always believed love was…just a series of abnormal spikes of dopamine going off in the brain…then I met Derek.”
And just like that…he felt his brain explode into a white space where there was no guard or script. There was a wall Reid had always shared with his mind. A wall that kept the important things like research and knowledge apart from his emotions and it wasn’t a wall he made but he was made with. Over the years of being here, with these people he loved so dearly that wall had developed a small window. One of which he was falling out of and heading right into a part of him that he rarely exposed.
“Derek is the kind of guy do first think later…Whenever the team needed someone of action or a people’s man…Derek was that guy. There are not many people who can stand me…apart from my mother …and the team. There are even fewer who can manage to teach someone like me something …Derek taught me plenty. Of all the things Derek taught me he taught me how…we can put definitions to things. Research and reasoning to anything but that doesn’t make it less real. So…in a way Derek taught me love, in the sense that…Love maybe defined in science as just a few imbalances making you feel something…but that doesn’t take away how much love can really effect someone. Derek Morgan has more love and dopamine than any substance on Earth. So much so…there is no science behind it.” Reid rose his glass up as Morgan’s serious face turned into a softened smile, one that brought a hot fluid to the corner of Spencer’s eyes as he ended with.
“May you always be filled with dopamine…”
A few laughs broke out, even more warmed smiles as the quirky best man managed to steal the spotlight. Reid handed off the mic to anyone willing to take it then softly excused himself away from the dining area.
With each step he felt his mind pull a memory back from the vault of his mind. Moments that were irreplaceable and now were never to be remade, the moments Morgan smiled at him, held him, touched him. Times were the kid Doctor was just Spencer and agent Morgan was just Derek. He made it out of the venue all together and started waving down valet for his SUV.
“Kid…hey Kid!” a hand came down hard on his shoulder and whipped Spencer around. Rossi took one look at Reid, his eyes red and the tears pouring from his face like a broken water pipe main. “…shit…kid…” He pulled him into a hug. Reid crumpled into him, his face burned into his cigar scented suit shoulder and hands desperately clutching to his back to keep him up.
“I-I don’t understand…I’m happy for him I swear I just…” Reid tried to speak but the sobs broken any explanation other than the searing hole that ripped through his mind down his chest.
Rossi rubbed soft circles into Reid’s back as the car pulled up. “I know…I know…”
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