#no exceptions she had this thing set to kill
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animorphsficcommenter · 2 days ago
I want to preface my reply here with the understanding that I agree with you on how a lot of these *are* double standards. But at the same time… I think there is a *legitimate* criticism laid against Cassie that I feel is being brushed off here. And when I say “criticism” I mean “character flaw she has”, in the same way that one could criticize Visser Three for being evil; it makes her character more complex, makes the book better, and it’s not bad to have!
But her decision to put Aftran in her head, to let Tom escape with the morphing cube, genuinely do put the whole world at risk. More than anyone else on the team, she struggles to set aside the close-to-her people instead of the world. In Percy Jackson, his fatal flaw was supposedly “loyalty”- he’d let the world burn for his friends. I don’t think that flaw was managed well there, but it reminds me of Cassie in theory.
Putting Aftran in her head to save Karen was a bad decision. It worked out really well, and I understood why she did it, and I don’t think that it makes her a Mary Sue that it worked out. That’s one of my utterly favorite books in the series. I love its message. *And* I think it was a bad decision. I think it put everyone else at risk, and the correct thing to do with the information she had at the time would have been to let Karen die rather than become a controller herself, and I think Cassie is the only one of the Animorphs who would have made that decision at that point in the war. Brushing this off as “The alternative was killing a 6-year old girl, and that tells us more about you than it does about her” is disingenuous, I think. Killing Karen *would* have been deeply deeply unpleasant, I’d have hated it, all of them would have hated it. But between “killing a six year old girl” and “exposing my entire team so that the whole planet falls to a life in slavery”, I know which one I’d pick, even if I *really wish a third option existed*. It’s a very legitimate thing to be upset with a character about, *even if* it’s incredibly realistic and very hard for anyone to do.
Similarly, the decision in book 50 to let Tom get away with the morphing cube- it worked out well, but it put the whole war at risk, and with the information she had it was the wrong decision. I think she is a *better character* for it; I think the story is better for it; I love Cassie. But I don’t think it’s unreasonable to say that at that point in the war, no other Animorph would have taken that risk, and I don’t think it’s sexism to say “I think that that was a bad decision and this is my least favorite character as a result.” (And side note, she isn’t my least favorite character.)
They need her. They need someone to stand up for what’s right, to keep them from going too far. But she is *more likely* to go too far in the opposite direction than any of them. And that’s not a double standard; I’d be upset with any of them who knowingly took an action of that magnitude of risk. The others didn’t- except Jake, who gave up on the war in MM4, and I’m upset with him for doing that for exactly the same reasons. (With the exception of Nice Rachel in book 32 and Marco in book 42, both of which get passes for being literally brain damaged at the time.)
A similar thing goes for Rachel too, but a more interesting one here. Ax absolutely is bloodthirsty, and I’d even say *more* bloodthirsty than her. But the *narration* calls out Rachel as being the bloodthirsty one, over and over again. “Ax, get Rachel”, not “Rachel, get Ax”. Book 48 (which I love as a character study) is all about how Rachel reacts to the constant way the others treat her as bloodthirsty; we don’t get a similar book for Ax because they *don’t* treat him that way despite him being the one to suggest, e.g., flushing the Yeerks in 53, letting them starve in 7 without concern for the hosts.
So I think there absolutely is a sexism of sorts going on here, but I think it’s happening *in-universe too*, and I think a lot of people *out-of-universe* form their opinions based off of what the characters themselves think without doing deeper analysis to see what biases the characters have. And so I don’t think a discussion about this is complete without mentioning that aspect too.
So I'm putting together an In Defence of Cassie PowerPoint for a PowerPoint night with friends. Do you have any arguments for or against her? I trust your opinion and am curious.
Let's see.
"She's too powerful, too unique, too far-seeing, and not good enough for Jake! What a Mary Sue!"
Counterpoint: May I introduce you to the reigning champion fan favorite, Sad White Boy Tobias?
Only nothlit ever to regain the ability to morph
Only known human-andalite hybrid ever to exist
Regarded as savior by entire hork-bajir species
Entire existence is a time paradox the war hinges upon
Pulls the canonically "most beautiful girl in our grade", who turns down 6 or 7 other offers in favor of Bird Boy
Correctly predicted planetary ecology 65 million years in advance
Believed to be immune to 2-hour limit
In conclusion: y'all wouldn't be crying "Mary Sue" if Cassie was a sad white boy, and I can prove it.
"She's too weak and hand-wringing, and she never helps the war effort!"
Counterpoint: First of all, the fact that the same people say this in the same breath as "she's too powerful" is... telling. Secondly:
She saved the entire team's lives in #24, in #29, in #44, and in MM1, among others.
Specifically calling out #44 — that ending shows she is willing and able to be ruthless when her friends are in need. She doesn't like slaughtering human-controllers, but if the alternative is everyone she loves dying, then she'll fucking well do it.
Much like Jake (see: Sad White Boy), she's more willing to risk herself than her friends, hence the end of MM1
Her medical knowledge saves Marco from rabies, Ax from brain!appendicitis, and Tobias from bird flu.
Her survivalist knowledge saves everyone in #25 (the Arctic), MM2 (Cretaceous Era), #11 (rainforest), and #14 (desert).
In conclusion: Cassie's only idealistic-looking by the standards of this extremely morally gray team.
"She's so unfair to Jake!"
Counterpoint: Jake? The Jake who refused to speak with her for weeks? Jake who proposes marriage while they're still broken up? Jake who announces he'll never trust Cassie again because she [checks notes] saved his brother's life? That Jake?
She gives him tons of emotional support in #16, #21, #47, and other times he's feeling low.
They have a healthy argument where they air differences and come to an understanding in #9.
Did I mention he doesn't just dump her but ghosts her in the middle of the war's endgame?
They're teenagers. Their relationship isn't perfect, but it is built on open communication and mutual respect which is more than Rachel and Tobias can say
She's fighting a war, and PTSD for that matter. No, she doesn't have infinite emotional bandwidth.
In conclusion: Their relationship is fine, their breakup is mutual, and her behavior only looks bad if, once again, you're holding Cassie to a different standard than you are Jake.
"She shouldn't have trusted Aftran!"
Counterpoint: friendly reminder that the alternative was killing a 6-year-old for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. If that's what you think Cassie should've done, that tells us more about you than about her.
"She spends too much time moralizing!"
Counterpoint: this is a book series about war, not a friggin' video game. If you want moral pornography, go play Call of Duty. If you want sci fi realism, then you're going to have to accept that a majority of humans prefer not to kill their fellow humans if at all possible.
"She's a ripoff of [insert character here]!"
Counterpoint: literally every single one of these says more about the commenter than about the source work. "Every dystopia is set in the U.S." is the kind of thing only people who only read books by American authors would think. "All epic fantasy is Eurocentric" => tell me you only read books by white people without telling me. I'm glad you think Cassie is too similar to Willow Rosenberg, but there are at least 6 other stories in the known world, and I hear some of them even feature sweet/dorky/caring characters who are secretly ultra-powerful.
In conclusion: You don't have to like Cassie as a (fictional) person, but 85% of criticisms directed at her are bad-faith attacks on one of the 1990s' only fat Black female gnc ultra-powerful superheroes.
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icarusredwings · 3 days ago
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Thinking about Wade waiting for a package so when there's a knock at the door, he jumps up all excited.
Before he can even open the door, Logan's nose is scrunching, petting their naked rat dog in his lap. Snfsnf..
Coming out of the bedroom, he leaves the puppy on the bed.
It's not Scott. It's worse than that.
There, standing in his door frame is Nathan. He's holding a bag and gave Wade a type of flowers He's never seen before. They smell like warm melted sugar and perfume. Big, and almost resembled a tiger lilly except the coloring is off. Red and black instead of orange and a brown shade.
Wade is standing here, looking up at him with a frown, playing with his sleeves, grabbing his own hand, biting his tongue enough to bleed. Logan could smell it.
Wade was staring at him, silent, his eyes glistening like glitter in oil.
He can hear Mary barking in their bedroom. She didn't like men very much. Esspecially when they smelled like Scott.
"You don't have to say anything right now, Wade.." Nathan starts, lifting up the bag. "Just...came to give your clothes back... they don't smell like you anymore.."
Tears start to form in his eyes, not blinking. Still staring. As if in disbelief of what he just said before Logan came out.
Logan appears by his side, looking up at Cable with a soft, possesive glare, like a dog whos unfriendly to men and might bite.
"What the fuck did you say to him?"
When Wade didn't take the bag of clothes, Nathan's arm dropped, looking away from him.
"Hello, Logan.."
By now, Wade still hasn't said anything, but the tears rushing down his face were enough to trigger Logan's protection mode.
"What. Did. You. Say!?"
"I don't believe I was talking to you.." Cable mutters, this time their eyes connecting in that stare offish sort of way.
"Does it look like I care!?"
Word's ring through Wade's head. Words that might sound innocent but held a whole new meaning behind them. The flowers, the clothes, These meant nothing compared to them.
'My daughter is all grown up.'
Why would anyone walk through a door with even a hello and say these words as if to quickly establish the intention of his visit.
Yeah, Nathan visited like twice a year, ussually once at Christmas with his father and to visit his new little sister Rachel, but once not. Once, alone, and in his new apartment.
Wade had purposly moved to get away from the memories (and mildew) of him. The little life that they built together for a few months.
Got a new mattress even. One softer. Less springy. Used, yes, but so much comfier. You know what they say about those new matresses. Too hard. No one to wear them in. So, at least now, when he slept, he could feel the warm, soft embrace instead of a hold hard metal one.
... This isn't about matresses..
And yet, after everything, he kept coming back like a stray mutt wanting fed. Haunting him of everything he wanted in his youth but couldn't have.
'I'm sorry, Wade.. But I can't abandon my daughter'
'My daughter is all grown up.'
Now, He knew he was delusional. He knew he was dilerious even, but this? Oh, No, honey. There was no way around this. Because THIS 'between the lines' notation was actually a huge bright shining flashing sign.
The olive branch of 'Let's get back together'. Painted in gold and put on a pedestal... just to tease him.
Shaking his head, Wade had blocked out the argument before but came back to "He's his own person. He can talk to who he wants."
"No the fuck he can't! Not if they're just going to hurt him!"
"Im not going to hurt him, Logan."
"What do you call this!?"
Wade's tears hadn't stopped, his eyes red from crying, and all he could do was whimper and stare, his visson blurry.
Even when Cable WAS his, he was barley home, returning at nights and leaving again before dawn. Time cop things I guess. Sometimes he wouldn't return for days.. bringing in perks, setting things right within the balance of time, killing bad dudes, visiting his daughter, etc.
And while Wade didn't blame him for this, he didn't want that anymore. He could barely handle it back then, and now? That Logan had conditioned him with morning lovings, smothering him in the sunnight that came into their room, peppering kisses all over him, whining when Wade left the house and always scooping him up to go to the bedroom when he returned.
How he made him breakfast after holding him for hours and held his head so nicely when he gave him shower head. THE shower head. My bad. To save water, you know? It's expensive in New York, sue me.
The way he cared for puppins and fell asleep during some dumb documentary. How Logan held his hand to go grocery shopping and went as far as telling the X men that they were married, and they could kick rocks if they didn't like it.
It was... nice.. to be wanted. To be loved and to settle down. Not a lot - just about as much as Deadpool COULD settle down. He's been shown the light of routine affection, and he was not about to go back to cold nights alone, wondering when he'd come back.
It's not that he didn't love Nathan. No, the oppisite, actually. But they didn't work. As much as they clicked and how much fun he had with him, He couldn't take another heartbreak.
"T-this isn't fair.." he chokes out.
Mid argument, Logan turns. "What's not fair?"
"Breathe, Wade." Cable says, having put the clothes down, pushing it up against the side of the couch.
Taking a deep breath, it's pushed out of his lungs the moment it comes in. "It's not fair!"
Backing away from the both of them, he's holding the flowers so tight that the stems are breaking. The tears become thicker, heavier, his heart beat pounding in his ears.
"I did what I was supposed to do!! I grew up! I moved on!! I-i settled down, Nathan!! I'm married!!"
Both went quiet, an obvious frown and a concerned look plastered onto their faces.
"Why'd you leave me if you just wanted to come back? I didn't do anything wrong!! I thought you liked me! You said you loved me!!" He was shouting, sobbing, and clearly stressed out.
(And all because he thought the amazon guy was here.)
"Wade, calm down. Breathe."
"Don't you tell him to calm down! He's allowed to be pissed. You up and left him."
"For my daughter! Yes, I did-"
"So shut the fuck up!"
Breathing heavily, Wade began to pace, hugging himself and the flowers, crushing them to death, a metaphor to his desire for the future man.
"I-it's not fair!! You chose what you chose, and now you have the nerve to come back and ask me to throw everything I made for myself away! For you!? But you wouldn't do that for me!"
Now that he thought about it, this was his first time fully processing and letting out his emotions since the breakup. He was angry and grieving.
Nathan nods softly "I know and I wouldn-"
"Am I fucking finished talking!? Huh? No! So shut the fuck up!" He had spent years shoving deep down, trying to burry the anger alive.
Logan has been there. He knew this feeling all too well. But seeing Wade explode like this was kind of terrifying. He always knew Wade had that fire in him, What he didn't expect was for Wade to throw the bouquet at him. Him out of the two.
Swallowing, he scrambles to pick them up, not sure if Wade simply missed or if he wanted to keep them or not. The crushed petals on the floor were the pieces of Wade that Logan couldn't glue together, but that was fine. He loved him none the less.
"And you!"
"I should gut you right now for ever thinking I would leave you! I'm a grown man, I can handle myself! I-i'm allowed to cry! I don't need you to fight my battles for me. Just pick me up when I fall. Got it!?"
Logan nods quickly.
"Good!! Cause I will! And you! You should have thought about this when you abandoned me. I've tried to be your friend, I will still be your friend, but I won't let you come here with your stupidly gorgeous future flowers and think I'll bend over like a fucking bitch for you. You lost that chance!" He says, throwing his hands up and pointing at him angerly.
Nathan was going to mutter how he didn't see him like this, but was too afraid Wade might stab him, so he just nodded subtly.
"Now. Get the fuck out of my house." The growl is through grit teeth.
"But I really think-"
"I don't give a rats ass what you think! This is MY life and I'm tired of people thinking I care what they think. Now, I'll talk to you about this later when I don't feel like gauging out your only good fucking eye. Got it? Good. Nice seeing you. Bye!"
Turning on his heel, Wade goes towards the bedroom, leaving Logan to glare and start to snarl.
"Logan! Come! Nathan, leave my fucking clothes and close the door on your way out! If my dog gets out im gonna be one pissed off cunt!" He screams, now holding puppins who was desperate to lick the tears and snot from his face.
Giving each other a look, Cable picks up the bag and Logan is quick to come when called, giving him a final 'Fuck you' with a claw before he left.
Mr. Space cops eye's roll, shaking his head as he headed out.
Hearing the door clicking, Logan watches as Wade snuggles up in the blankets, hugging himself tight. He was seething.
"....you wanna talk about it...?"
"...." clacking his nails together, Logan put the flowers in a tall cup, filling it half way with water and put it on the dresser before coming to sit on the edge of the bed.
He was right.. the flowers were beautiful. They still were, even now that they were all broken and crumbled... this isn't about flowers.
Wade huffs, making a whining growly sound.
Logan nods, understanding but he's rarely been on this side of the argument. Ussually its him being all growly.
"..Im proud of you, Wade.."
The words are like an instant pull of a trigger, sniffling before breaking down again, starting to sob. This time, less angry and more mournful.
Logan sighs, crawling close to him before pulling him into his arms, rubbing his back.
Puppin's whines, wagging her tail.
"..I-it's not fair...t-the one time I do the mature thing.."
"I know... you love him. It's hard."
"I-i did.." Wade whispers, his chest tight with various emotions.
Logan knew because this was the exact feeling he felt with Scott. He thought they fit, but I guess not cause he went off and married Jean instead, and still sometimes told him things that made his chest tighten with painful grief of what they could have had, and only toyed with him when he felt convenient.
Like father like son.
Even if it felt so right to be wrong, how good it felt to be given the attention, it hurt so bad when it ended.
And that kind of hurt took decades to go away...
Luckily, Wade liked this mattress more and wasn't planning on getting rid of it so long as he may live.
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augustwinesworld · 7 hours ago
𝐬𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐮𝐩…
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what's a whore with no money to her name?
description: getting intel requires a different set of skills, especially if you’re a woman with a sharp tongue.
pairing: underground! levi x underground! reader
genre: angst?
warning: suggestive, extremely suggestive. also, the reader is described to have hair long enough to "fall onto her face" (wtv that means)
notes: really wanted to post this yesterday, but I had so much fun developing this idea that I didn't want to half-ass it. I'll def write levi's pov sometime :)
word count: 3.5 k
extra: moodboard | playlist | ☆:**:. 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐞 .:**:.☆ 
Feel free to #𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 (◕‿◕✿) *:・゚✧ if you have any scenarios in mind! I might not write everything but I’ll respond to everyone.
series masterlist: 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭
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Go to a dingy bar, infiltrate a small but influential group of merchants and shady brokers, extract information on a potential lead, and return to base with what was needed.
Easy enough, right? Right.
Somehow, it didn't feel like that.
As you stood in front of the cracked mirror, you adjusted your outfit one last time: a fitted cloak that barely reached the top of her boots and an off-the-shoulder dress fitted with a corset paired up with some tights.
Clearly, it wasn't something you were completely comfortable in, but blending into the bar crowd with battle-ready attire was impossible.
The mission required you to be a beacon, approachable—something hot, sweet, and appealing at the same time.
An easy target for conversation, not suspicion.
Someone that could be something more, for the night at least.
What's a whore with no money to her name?
"You ready?" Furlan’s voice came from behind, his face smirking as he leaned against the doorframe.
“Just about,” you replied, hands finding a small box filled with a deep red-coloured paste. "I just have to put this on."
Using your fingers, you applied it across your face—over your cheekbones and on your lips—the rich colour bringing true liveliness to your features.
As a finishing touch, you decided to take a small brush and add a mole underneath your left eye, have something they can remember you by.
Furlan kept his gaze on you as you worked, though he didn't say anything until you were finally done.
He looked as though he wanted to ask something, probably if you were sure you could handle it, but decided against it.
You weren't sure how to feel about it.
“Don’t screw it up for me, alright?”
Furlan raised an eyebrow. “You’re the one doing the talking. We'll just keep an eye out.”
You gave him a half smile, walking toward your bedroom door. Before you made it to the exit however, you caught Levi's glare from across the room.
His arms were crossed, his expression unreadable as always, but the way his eyes lingered on you made you pause.
He didn’t say anything, didn’t offer help like he usually did when you prepared for these kinds of things. Instead, his focus was sharp and cold on your figure. Or well, your clothes more like it.
“Something wrong Levi?” you asked—voice a little too sweet, a little too sarcastic.
His lips twisted slightly, a sign of agitation. “Just don’t get yourself killed,” he muttered, looking away, clearly uncomfortable.
“Are you offering to walk me to the door, or are you just going to keep sulking?” you shot back, enjoying the rare opportunity to needle him. But Levi’s only response was a grunt.
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The streets were almost bare, except for the few drunkards and thugs hanging around.
The only source of steady light came from the bar around the corner., the men at the entrance followed with their gaze as you passed through the door.
The building in itself was dimly lit, and the faint smell of wine and tobacco hung in the air. She could see a few familiar faces—some shady brokers, some off-duty members of the garrison, all gathered in a small, private room at the back.
There we go.
You took a moment to assess the situation. You needed a way in as soon as possible.
Turning left, your gaze landed on a man sitting near the bar, his laughter a little too loud for casual conversation.
Making your way toward them with light steps, you tried your best to keep yourself open and inviting. A faint smile tugged at the corners of your lips as she leaned on the bar, positioning yourself just right. Body arching as you asked the bartender for a drink.
“Ah, a beautiful lady graces our humble establishment,” the man said, giving her a sly grin. “What’s your name, lovely?”
He was older than you by a couple of years, stress lines littered across his face, and his smirk suggested he was used to getting what he wanted.
“You can call me whatever you like,” you replied with a sultry smile, leaning in slightly.
The man chuckled, the sound deep and low, his gaze drifting over you in a way that made your skin crawl. “Dangerous offer, sweetheart. You sure you can handle that?”
“Only one way to find out,” you shot back, letting the corner of your lips curve into a teasing smile. You took the drink the bartender slid toward you and swirled it lazily, giving the impression that you had all the time in the world. you replied smoothly, tilting your head just enough to let a lock of hair fall over your shoulder.
The burn of the drink wasn’t entirely unpleasant, but you barely noticed it, too focused on the man’s reaction.
His grin widened, clearly entertained by your confidence. He leaned closer, resting his elbow on the bar, and you could smell the faint trace of tobacco on his jacket.
“You here alone?” he asked, leaning closer, his elbow resting on the bar as his eyes glinted with interest. “Or is someone gonna come storming in if I keep you company?”
The corners of your lips curved upward, a practiced expression that didn’t quite reach your eyes. “Does it matter?”
He grinned at that, pleased with your answer, but you caught the flicker of caution in his gaze. Men like this always tested boundaries—seeing how far they could push before deciding whether you were worth their time or trouble.
“So, what brings someone like you to a place like this?” he asked, his tone casual but with an undertone of curiosity.
You tilted your head slightly, letting your hair fall over one shoulder as you took another sip from your glass. “Oh, I could ask you the same thing. You don’t exactly look like you blend in here either.”
That earned you a low laugh, his shoulders relaxing a fraction. “Fair enough. But I’ve got my reasons—business, mostly.”
“Business?” you echoed, your tone light but deliberately interested. “The kind that makes you someone worth knowing?”
His eyes narrowed slightly, the faintest flicker of caution crossing his face before he smoothed it away with a practiced grin. “Depends on who’s asking.”
You leaned forward, brushing your hand lightly against his arm, a touch so fleeting it could be dismissed but disarming enough to hold his attention. “Someone who knows how to appreciate a man with connections,” you said, your voice dropping just enough to pull him in.
For a moment, he didn’t respond, studying you like he was trying to decide if you were worth the trouble. Then, he leaned back, a smug smile tugging at his lips. “Let me guess—you’re looking for answers, aren’t you? Something only a man like me can provide.”
Your heart skipped, but you kept your expression steady. “Depends on what you’re offering.”
Klaus chuckled, the sound laced with amusement and just a hint of condescension. “Smart girl. But let me save you the trouble—you don’t have to butter me up. I’m Klaus. And if you’re looking for answers, you’ve already found them.”
You feigned surprise, raising your eyebrows. “Klaus, huh? They didn’t tell me you’d be this easy to find.”
“Easy?” he repeated with a scoff. “Sweetheart, if you’d been anyone else, you wouldn’t have gotten this far. Lucky for you, I’m in a good mood.”
“Lucky me,” you replied, keeping your tone playful even as your mind raced. You needed more—something useful, something actionable.
Leaning in slightly, you lowered your voice to just above a whisper. “Word is, you’ve got connections to the Garrison. The kind that deal with things they shouldn’t.”
Klaus’s smirk faltered for a split second, his eyes narrowing. “That’s dangerous talk,” he said, his voice dropping.
“Only if it’s true,” you countered, holding his gaze. “And if it is, I’d bet a man like you knows exactly where the good stuff is being kept.”
Klaus’s smirk deepened as he leaned in closer, the scent of cheap whiskey clinging to his breath. His fingers brushed against your forearm, a deliberate move meant to unsettle. “That so? And here I thought you were just another pretty face looking for a good time.”
You held your ground, refusing to flinch. “I’m looking for information, not entertainment.”
“Who says you can’t have both?” he replied smoothly, his hand trailing down to rest lightly on your upper thigh. “But information… that comes at a price, sweetheart. What do you think you’ve got that’s worth my time?”
Your smile didn’t waver, though the weight of his touch made your skin crawl. “Maybe it’s not about what I have,” you said, keeping your voice even. “Maybe it’s about what you stand to gain.”
He chuckled, low and slow, his fingers giving you a brief squeeze before pulling away, leaning back slightly. “I like the way you think. But flattery only gets you so far.”
“I’m not here to flatter,” you shot back, brushing a lock of hair over your shoulder. “I’m here because I’ve heard you’re the one who knows things—the kind of things that could make or break someone’s luck down here.”
His gaze swept over you again, slower this time, his smirk turning almost predatory. “You’ve got guts, I’ll give you that. But guts don’t mean much if you don’t know how to use them.”
You leaned forward slightly, letting the space between you narrow just enough to keep his attention locked on you. “Then why don’t you show me how it’s done?”
His grin widened at that, his hand brushing against your arm. “Bold. I like that.” He paused, his fingers tapping against the bar as he let the tension simmer. “Alright, I’ll bite. What exactly are you after?”
“A Garrison warehouse,” you said, your voice dropping just enough to make him lean in further. “The one in section D-4. I’ve heard it’s got some impressive stock—gear, parts, maybe even a few surprises. And I know someone like you would have the inside track.”
Klaus tilted his head, his grin faltering slightly as his gaze turned calculating. “Dangerous territory you’re poking around in, darling. That kind of information doesn’t come cheap.”
You allowed your lips to curve into a slow smile. “Lucky for me, I’m not asking for free. I’ll owe you one, Klaus. And we both know that’s worth more than a quick payout.”
He hesitated, his hand lingering on the bar as his eyes locked with yours. You could see the internal debate—the part of him that wanted to show off battling with his instinct to stay cautious.
“You’re playing a risky game,” he said finally, his voice low and edged with something darker. “But I like risk.”
Leaning closer, his fingers brushed your cheek, his grin sharp. “There’s a Garrison warehouse at the edge of the Underground. Section D-4, like you said, right next to Ksaver's tavern. They’ve got top-tier ODM gear there, along with spare parts and some other goodies. Security’s tight, though. You’re gonna have to be real clever to get in without getting caught.”
Your pulse quickened, though you forced your expression to remain neutral. “Good thing I’m clever,” you said, brushing his hand away with a light touch that was more steel than silk.
Klaus laughed, the sound rough but genuine, as he leaned back in his seat. “I’ll give you this—you’re fun to talk to. Just don’t screw this up, sweetheart. If anyone asks where you got the info, I don’t know you.”
“Don’t worry,” you said, sliding off the barstool. “I don’t make a habit of kissing and telling.”
His grin turned downright wicked. “Kissing, huh? Maybe next time, darling.”
You gave him a cool smile before turning and walking away, ignoring the weight of his gaze as it lingered on your back. The confidence was starting to chip at the edges, but you couldn’t let that show—not now. You had what you needed.
Now, it was finally time to leave.
Turning towards the door, you managed to catch a small glimpse of a raven-haired man with an undercut stomping his way through the exit, a tall blonde following quick behind.
You sighed. This was going to be a long night.
Fastening the coat around your waist, you quickly followed the pair outside. 
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The cold air hit you like a slap as you stepped out of the bar, the muffled din left behind fading into the background.
You spotted Levi a few paces ahead, his silhouette cutting through the dim glow of the flickering streetlights. Furlan trailed behind him, his longer strides barely keeping pace with Levi’s clear irritation.
“Levi,” you called, quickening your step.
He didn’t stop, didn’t turn, but his stiff shoulders and clenched fists told you everything you needed to know.
Furlan glanced back at you with an expression that screamed good luck before muttering something under his breath and veering off down an adjacent alley.
Great—so much for backup.
“Levi,” you tried again, louder this time. “What's wrong? I got the information, didn’t I?”
That did it. He abruptly stopped, spinning on his heel so fast you almost collided with him.
His gray eyes, sharp as knives, pinned you in place. “You call that getting information?” he said, his voice low and biting. “You were practically begging him to—” He broke off, jaw tightening as he looked away, visibly trying to rein in his temper.
“Begging him to what?” you challenged, folding your arms. “To spill? Because that’s exactly what I did. And guess what? It worked.”
Levi’s gaze snapped back to you, a storm brewing in his expression. “He had his hands on you.” His voice was quieter now but no less dangerous. “He wasn’t just talking.”
Your chest tightened, frustration bubbling beneath the surface. “You think I didn’t notice? I had it under control.”
“Control?” Levi scoffed, stepping closer. “That’s what you call it? Letting him paw at you while you—”
“While I got us a lead,” you interrupted, voice rising. “While I got us one step closer to what we need. Or would you have preferred I started a brawl right there in the middle of the bar?”
Levi’s eyes darkened, his silence heavy. The tension between you hung thick in the cold air, unspoken words swirling like smoke. Finally, he took a deliberate step back, his hands flexing at his sides before he crossed his arms.
“You shouldn’t have to deal with scum like that,” he said, the sharp edge in his voice replaced by something quieter, something raw. “Not like that.”
The unexpected softness in his tone caught you off guard, your retort faltering on your lips. For a moment, you didn’t know what to say. He wasn’t wrong. You hadn’t liked it—any of it—but you’d done what needed to be done.
“Levi,” you said finally, your voice softer now, “We don’t get to pick the clean way out. We do what we have to.”
His expression didn’t change, but something in his posture shifted—less rigid, more resigned. “Just don’t expect me to stand by and watch next time,” he muttered. “If he’d pushed any further—”
“But he didn’t,” you cut in, offering a small, tired smile. “Because I handled it. And now we know about the Garrison warehouse.”
Levi didn’t respond immediately, his gaze dropping to the ground before flicking back to you. “You better hope it was worth it.”
“It will be,” you said, the confidence in your voice hiding the lingering unease in your chest. “I made sure of it.”
Levi gave a small, almost imperceptible nod before turning and heading down the street. You followed, the tension between you easing slightly but not entirely gone.
You didn’t need his approval—not really—but something about the look he’d given you before walking away stuck with you.
Suddenly, Furlan appeared at your side, his hands tucked casually into his pockets as he matched your pace. Your eyes kept following Levi as he walked a few steps ahead, his back stiff and unyielding.
“And here I thought you were getting along,” Furlan murmured, his tone dripping with mock innocence.
You shot him a sharp look, but he only smirked, clearly enjoying himself. “He’s lucky I didn’t wring his neck,” you muttered, more to yourself than to him.
Furlan chuckled, the sound low and amused. “Yeah, well, I’m sure he’s thinking the same thing.”
You rolled your eyes but didn’t respond, your gaze drifting back to Levi’s silhouette cutting through the dim light ahead.
As the hideout came into view, you couldn’t help but glance at Levi’s back, his quiet, steady presence a constant reminder of why you’d fought so hard to prove yourself.
This wasn’t over—not by a long shot—but for now, you’d take the win.
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extra scene:
It wasn’t supposed to bother him. Not like this.
Levi leaned against the far wall, arms crossed over his chest, his eyes fixed on you as you fussed with your appearance in front of the cracked mirror. You looked uncomfortable, the tight lines of your mouth betraying the confident facade you were trying to project. But that didn’t stop you. Of course, it didn’t.
You’d been through worse, after all. They all had. This was just another job, another mask to wear to survive. Levi knew that.
So why the hell did it feel like his chest was wrapped in barbed wire?
He watched as you adjusted the neckline of your dress, pulling it lower over your shoulders. The faint scrape of his teeth against the inside of his cheek was the only outward sign of his tension. The outfit was impractical, borderline ridiculous given where you were going, but necessary for the mission. That didn’t make it easier to stomach.
“Blend in,” Furlan had said, as if it were the simplest thing in the world.
And you’d agreed without hesitation, as if dressing like bait and walking into a den of wolves was just another day’s work.
“Idiot,” Levi thought, his grip on his biceps tightening. You were too reckless, too willing to throw yourself into situations that could spiral out of control in an instant. He hated it.
No. That wasn’t right.
What he hated was how much he hated it.
It wasn’t his place to care. You weren’t his to protect—not really. You were a member of the team, an equal. You didn’t need him hovering over your shoulder, acting like some kind of self-appointed shield. And yet, the thought of you walking into that bar alone, surrounded by men like the ones they dealt with every day, made something cold and sharp twist in his gut.
The sharp click of the little brush you used to dot a mole under your eye snapped him out of his thoughts. He shifted his weight, the movement subtle but enough to catch your attention. You turned toward him, your expression equal parts exasperation and curiosity.
“Something wrong, Levi?”
The way you said his name, laced with sarcasm and a touch of defiance, made his jaw tighten. You were trying to bait him, testing the boundaries of his patience like you always did.
He should’ve let it go. Should’ve said nothing, just like he always did when your sharp wit cut too close to the bone. But the words slipped out before he could stop them.
“Just don’t get yourself killed.”
It sounded harsher than he intended, clipped and cold. He saw the flicker of surprise in your eyes before you covered it with that damn smirk, the one you used when you were trying to hide how much his words got to you.
“Are you offering to walk me to the door, or are you just going to keep sulking?”
Your tone was teasing, but there was an edge to it that made Levi’s chest tighten. He clenched his jaw, swallowing the retort that rose in his throat. He couldn’t win this argument, not now, not when you were already halfway out the door.
So he grunted, the sound low and dismissive, and looked away.
He told himself he wasn’t angry—because anger wasn’t useful here. What he felt was frustration. Frustration at the situation, at the risks, at your inability to see how dangerous this was.
And maybe, just maybe, at himself.
Because the truth was, Levi wasn’t sure what scared him more: the thought of you walking into that bar dressed like a lamb to the slaughter, or the thought that you wouldn’t come back out.
The door closed behind you with a soft click, and Levi exhaled slowly, his hands flexing at his sides. He hated waiting. Hated the helplessness that came with standing still while someone else walked into danger.
“Furlan,” he muttered, his voice low and sharp.
“Yeah, yeah,” Furlan replied, leaning against the frame of the door you’d just exited. His smirk was infuriatingly casual. “She’s got this, you know.”
Levi didn’t answer.
Because he wasn’t sure he believed that.
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next chapter↠
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© AUGUSTWINESWORLD : no translation, plagiarism, or cross posting.
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simplegeneral · 22 hours ago
Wof AU Burn
I have wrote several posts about the sisters, the war and my AU daughter of Burn, Oasis, but I never wrote something that consolidated what this Burn was in the context of my AU.
I have had Burn written differently along the years, from as close to canon as possible, to so bizarrely different you might have called her Bubbles, for she was so harmless, she would probably be an old grandma of the DoD, not a general.
I have seem over the years some incredibly cringy Burn apologists, which I do not understand, by trying to justify her actions, they don't make you see where she was coming from, but actually worse by the fact she felt threatened, judged or outright offended by some dragonets, like BRUH.
Even if I believe Burn was the best choice, purely because a leader matters only by their capacity to keep the state together, not how caring, good or kind they are, and Burn simply was the perfect choice between Blister's self-fighting followers and Blaze's harmless incompetence.
So... After a long tangent, what would my version of Burn be?
Well, for starters, she is not a villain, but an antagonist, as for book 1, the villainy was already Scarlet's role. Another one would be Blister, which would be the main villain of the arc, not just almost a side character of book 2 and an unbelievably stupid genius of book 5.
Before Oasis' death, Burn was a general, it was her thing, as her mother's before her and a tradition her brothers and father followed, with the only exception being Blister, which Oasis denied any training fearful of her schemes and Blaze for well... simply not being up to the task.
After Oasis' death, Burn grew more paranoid and aggressive, resembling slightly her canon self as her emotional control went out of the window. But above that, she wanted to present herself as a fitting queen for the sandwings, a noble warrior, the queen not afraid of making the hard decisions when the time came, and the SandWings simply respected that, for the common folk, a strong leader who protects them is far more worthy than a harmless one or a manipulative schemer.
So Burn has nearly total SandWing support in the war, in contrast to Blaze's large supporter numbers in canon.
Advancing forward to the brightest night, Burn doesn't kill Hvitur, she doesn't even meet him, because:
1º- She doesn't believe in the prophecy and is very dismissive, so she won't waste her time solving a problem that was Scarlet's (that will become far more evident later)
2º- The SkyWings were far quicker to find and pursue Hvitur than she would ever be, so they capture him and end up dropping the egg, because at a night of frivolous festivities, they were drunk and completely careless.
3º- Those SkyWing soldiers were executed later, because by the principles set by the first queens, killing an egg is an unforgivable crime, a crime not even Scarlet can simply commit without an immediate call for her head to be off her neck, and even if Hvitur was captured and would later die at her arena, he would have made sure those soldiers were punished.
4º- Scarlet's killing of the eggs in the wingery is reasoned by her with the mystical idea that somehow the moons had cursed those eggs, which she had them painted secretly to look like animus and firescale eggs, thus justifying her actions of destroyed all of them. Her subjects were scared, but understood such course of action following the SkyWing laws. However, Scarlet would save one large egg, which would hatch to Peril and Sky (never found by Wren, his name is Meteor).
Skipping time forward, the DoD would escape after their guardians tried to kill Glory and would be immediately captured by Scarlet (who would always fly with guards, because she leaving alone out in the wild was so unbelievable stupid, an assassin would quickly off her.) The DoD would fight in her arena as in canon but skipping to the next day, Scarlet's hatching day.
This is where I rather strength the dynamic of Burn and Scarlet from the canon, Burn despises Scarlet, she thinks her big show is a frivolous waste of time and resources, but has to play along, because she is one of the few dragons Burn can not bark orders at, because Scarlet does what she wants, and if you don't believe, be ready for she to switch sides on a heart beat.
Burn watches the DoD dismissively at first, but each time they prove their will to live and resist Scarlet, Burn grows more interested in them, there was one thing she found rather amusing, watching Scarlet fail at her big clown show.
Same as canon, Glory spits on Burn, who by pure luck and side sight pulled Scarlet in front of her who had the brunt of her acid. She flies away to bring her soldiers to capture the DoD, while Scarlet is taken away to her palace and the SkyWings chaotically leave the arena. The DoD are freed by Peril and her fireless brother, Meteor, who join them and rescue Kestrel along their way to the Mud Queendom.
Later that day however, Burn has had enough of Scarlet, from the insults to her mother (the only thing that can take Burn out of cool) and her waste of time, Burn murders Scarlet at her very throne room and declares Ruby will be the next SkyWing queen. The rather weak and submissive new SkyWing queen obliges to the demand, but her army is not so fond of she being nothing but a puppet of Burn.
Following canon, Burn wants the DoD, not to murder them, but she isn't exactly inviting them for a tea party either, she wants to make them chose her as queen. She sends search parties through all the Sky and Mud Queendom, but fails to overall locate them, until she grows rather tired and orders the massing of her army to battle again at the Summer Palace, her strategy was simple, if the DoD are fleeing from her, then she must destroy her sisters first, until they are either useless or they chose her.
The Summer Palace battle was a success and I will time skip again because there goes book 2, 3 and 4 where Burn doesn't has much relevance, lets get to book 5.
Now, Burn's interest in weird things is one I often debated with myself either I should remove or not, because its a villainy trait I think makes her character distinguish from others, but it doesn't necessarily helps her case as a fitting queen she portrays herself.
I decided to keep it, but I followed Burn's rather canonical pragmatic side, the DoD can be useful to her, so she will not kill any of them (because doing so would ruin her chances with the others), so she is interested in Sunny oddness, but will not kill her yet.
Addax is a different case, I made him rather kidnap Sunny, not to gift her to Burn, but because one DoD was walking around and he simply couldn't let her escape when this was the greatest chance they ever had to finally locate them.
He brings Sunny to the stronghold, where she meets Smolder and Sandstorm. Now, Sandstorm is a completely different character in my AU, almost worth of his own big lenghty explaination post, because his canon self is an obnoxious and loud dragon, and I literally can not understand why Burn would keep him alive, he didn't even seemed to be particularly useful at all. She would just kill his ass.
But Sandstorm here, he is a kind listener general of hers, and secretly her love interest, but shhh, this is literally something NOBODY have to know, not yet anyways. He has an uncanny calmness to him and is very caring and gentle with Sunny in her stay at the stronghold, similarly to Smolder, he does think twice before locking her in a dungeon, wishing to help his queen reason with Sunny properly.
The main problem comes to... The DoD technically chose Blister. Her manipulation of them was successful, then Sunny, angry for being locked up at the Sky Palace and at Burn and Scarlet, will not be so cordial either, so the tensions are rising up, because the young sandwing will rather die than tell anything even close to the location of the DoD, because she believes Burn (by all Blister's sweet lies) is a monster.
Before Burn's arrival though, Thorn and the Outclaws attacked the palace. An incredibly daring move, no one has besieged the stronghold through the entire length of the war, yet this diverse and desorganized group of idealistic rebels had the daring the IceWings didn't, and the SeaWings never could.
The battle is of course almost a complete disaster for the Outclaws, and Thorn, to save her soldiers, surrenders herself to Sandstorm to reunite with Sunny. After a brief reunion, Burn and her main force had arrived, the hope for their survival was dim, Sunny was desperated, she was not so willing to die as she thought.
Burn meets with them, and Thorn, being a hot-headed almost equal to Burn, snaps snarky comments to each other, things about how Burn left the den to rot at the talons of criminals, and Burn saying she had no choice, the war was more important than some settlement, and Thorn saying she will defend her dragonet from anything she tries.
Thorn however, escalates to the next level. She challenges Burn, not for the throne, but for the right to leave with Sunny unharmed. It could be said the entire stronghold was speechless, but Burn accepted.
Nobody expected this known criminal lord would stand up to Burn, but Thorn was decided she was far better than this, she stopped the criminal scum at the den, she alone stood up when everyone else cowered in fear, and she would do it again.
Through luck and cleverness, Thorn actually holds up to Burn for a while, but her overwhelming strength and fierceness would eventually hit Thorn, sooner or later. In a single charge, she throws Thorn several dozen meters away into the ground, before stomping her heck, ready to deliver the final blow, as old princesses would.
Thorn's eyes had fixed on Burn, filled with regret, for not being strong enough for Sunny, but she wasn't afraid at all, she was angrier than before. Before Burn could do anything, Sunny's desperate cries as she advanced towards them, now being held by the soldiers, begging Burn to not do it, she had a moment to think.
Killing a dragonet's mother as she cries out, was not something Burn would really do. Even if such mother was Thorn, quite literally a thorn on her side, challenging her army since last year. Above that, killing Thorn would make sure the DoD would not chose her at all. (At this point, the DoD have showed their words are more powerful than the talons of any dragon, thus it would not go well for Burn had they stood and against her).
In a rare gesture, not seem quite often, Burn releases Thorn and both of them stand in front of each other. She declares as she won, she will not allow them to leave the stronghold until further orders, but she gives her word she will not harm either of them.
After the situation deescalated, they all entered at the stronghold as the night came, Sunny and Thorn were even offered a dinner with the soldiers, Sandstorm and Smolder, a sign of the things to come. Burn may not throw a party at them, but now she was offering them tea.
Thorn refused to leave Sunny alone at all moments, but time had come for them to meet with Burn, this time, preferrably on different terms. Burn was blunt and direct, she wanted the location of the rest of the DoD, but Sunny refused to speak. Burn's gestures so far were nice, Sunny was almost challenging her beliefs on Blister's lies, but Burn was still too hot headed to lead the SandWings, right?
Sunny tried to distract Burn with a truth, she talked about the NightWing tunnel near her stronghold, to which Burn had snapped in anger, the NightWings were collaborating with Blister all along, not only the prophecy was false, but worse, it was a plot. Sunny was sad to be reminded of that, but at that right moment, she knew better.
Before departing to immediately destroy the tunnel, Burn had reassured Sunny that she was open to speak about any further Blister's lies she had told her. Sunny was not fully ready to have her entire beliefs collapse once again, but she was willing this time, Burn so far had hold all her words truthfully, even at her most angry.
They followed Burn and her soldiers, guiding them to the tunnel, to which Burn immediately ordered her soldiers to put explosives and destroy it, but before they could blow it up, Sunny listened to voices within and she realized, the DoD had come for her.
Clay, Starflight and Glory's heads showed up from the tunnel, in what they could only believe was a trap. Burn was most amused the DoD came right to her, while Sunny tried desperately to calm them down and not make things any worse. Burn had the tunnel destroyed and brought the DoD to the palace, for her, victory was now within her talons.
Burn had a message sent to Tsunami, the last DoD she still doesn't have, ordering she to come there or her friends would be executed. Burn was buffling, but you do not take anything she says as a bluff, ever. Sunny also convinced Burn to include in the message a note to bring Blister with her, as well as sending one to Glacier and Blaze too, calling it a big conference the DoD would make to chose the new queen.
In the meanwhile, Sunny explained all the lies Blister had told them with the help of Burn, to which Starflight with a heavy heart admitted he was tasked to further such lies to them. Now the only DoD who didn't know that was Tsunami, whom was most likely coming with Blister to show Burn a good taste of her own remedy.
Within two days, all the queens and Blister and Blaze reunited at the stronghold, to which immediately tensions rised up. Burn and Blister snarled and hissed at each other while Blaze kept distance. Blister spoke how she wanted to reunite the family after such pointless strife, bringing gifts for both Burn and Blaze.
Despite Blaze believing her, Glacier forbidden she from opening the box, while Burn outright threw the box away, knowing Blister's machinations. Tsunami angrily shouted at them, she still believing Blister had the best intentions and the only one actually trying to do something to end the war. But before the DoD could explain to her, Blister moved to her plan B, she pulled a blowgun and fired two poisonous dart at Burn.
The enormous sandwing fell into the ground, roaring in pain and weakened, a part of Blister's plan, weaken her sister so she may properly kill her. Blister challenged Burn for the throne, and immediately jumped into her. Burn tried to get up but was pinned down by Blister, who adored every second of her sister being helpless.
Both the DoD and the SandWings shouted at Blister for her unfairness at the fight, to which distracted Blister, who hissed back at them, giving Burn enough time to get up and roar at Blister, who cowered in fear at looking her sister back up, in disbelief.
Burn charged at Blister who screamed for her guards to release the dragonbite vipers through the great hall of the palace, her plan C, soon chaos spread through the palace, many dragons stampeding the DoD. Blister herself had left the stronghold with her followers, clearly defeated.
Burn ordered her guards and anyone able to recapture or kill all the dragonbite vipers of the palace. After a hour, they all had been taken down one way or another. Burn weakened but still alive sat down with her sister Blaze, the harmless one. For once in their life, they were on the same side, not only that Blister's awful, but in their hate of dragonbite vipers.
In an unprecedent declaration, Burn spared Blaze, she would restore her titles as princess of the SandWings, and she being overall harmless and not even willing to challenge Burn, would be welcomed back at the palace. For such gesture of good will, the DoD chose Burn as the new SandWing queen and she was crowned a hour later, offically, despite being the de facto queen since 4993 AS.
Blister's escape was unfortunate according to Burn, but she would hunt her down for what she did to the ends of the Earth, which in the first unofficial queens' summit, agreed to declare Blister an enemy of Pyrrhia, to be arrested or executed in all queendoms.
In her last act that day, Burn had declared the DoD, especially Sunny, as heroes of the SandWings and of all Pyrrhia, giving them all a medal and approving Sunny's Jade Academy project, despite overwhelming doubts of its viability.
While Sunny and Burn wouldn't meet for a year, due to Sunny's still recent memories of the events at the stronghold, Starflight's project would open the first way of communication the two had since the conference, and Sunny would finally muster courage to meet Burn again, this time in times of peace.
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theflyingpimphat · 23 hours ago
December 2024
The Obelisk Gate; Spiderlight; Myth Conceptions; Alexis vs. the Merry Menace; Alien Emergencies (2 books)
The Obelisk Gate, N. K. Jemisin
Language: English
Synopsis: After the destruction of the geode settlement, Essun's community leaves for the empty settlement of their attackers, traversing a deadly ash landscape. Meanwhile, Nassun travels to the remains of an ancient city to traverse the Earth and reach Corepoint, a location at its opposite side. She and her mother have diverging opinions on what to do with the moon: Essun wants to capture it in a stable orbit and end the cataclysms, while Nassun, due to her new father figure Schaffa having suffered mental damage during the traversal by being too close to the Earth's core, wants to let the moon crash into the Earth and end everything. In the end, her mother's sacrifice makes her go with her mother's plan and with his child returned, it is possible to negotiate an end of the cataclysms with the Earth.
Interspersed with the main story's chapters there is also the story of how this cataclysmic world came to be: an ancient, almost world-spanning city powering its technology with the magic innate to all life, wanted to use the Earth itself as a power source, for which it created the network of obelisks and the tuners, artificially-grown humans to control them, made as caricaturistic images of a despised, practically extinct race which had exceptional abilities in controlling magic. Those people, finding out they are essentially tools that will be obsolete once the network is activated, planned to sabotage the launch, but Earth itself sabotaged it in an act of self-defence, which led to mass destruction, the moon base exploding and launching the moon into its unstable, elliptic orbit and the creation of the stone eaters from the tuners.
Review: The most interesting part was certainly the origin story of the setting, although it still leaves the question open of how the stone eaters got to Earth, considering the tuners were on the moon and had no real means to leave it when the moonstone blew up. There are some other open questions left (in what way will the capture of the moon improve the life of orogenes rather than make their persecution even more violent, what happens with the fetus when a pregnant woman gets turned into a stone eater), but overally, it was a decent ending. The science aspects were well-integrated into the worldbuilding, but Essun's parts were rather tedious to read due to being written in second person; generally, my opinion of the whole series is the same as I had on the first book.
Spiderlight, Adrian Tchaikovsky
Language: English
Synopsis: Nth, a giant spider, gets the misfortune of receiving the task by his mother to be the guide for a party of adventurers out to vanquish the dark lord. Turned into a near-human shape to disguise him, he has to deal with an unfamiliar form, the dark lord's minions and most importantly, the hate and disgust of the adventurers. In the end, they arrive at the dark lord's tower, but it turns out that dark lord is in fact the revered god of light, who due to failing in making humanity good by giving them evil creatures to fight, now spends his time alleviating his boredom by "rising" as a dark lord and getting "vanquished" by an adventurer party, taking over the most appealing member and killing the rest, then "returning" as a sole survivor and celebrated hero. Due to most of his power stemming from knowing the true name of things, Nth has an advantage in the fight due to not being a spider any more, but with the wizard who gave him that form having perished in the fight, it will be the form he will have to live with.
Review: Starts first as a generic DnD-esque adventure plot, but turns more and more into an exploration of good, evil, how people who designate themselves as the good ones commit the most atrocious acts and how those designated as evil often just live normal lives and try to survive. The one thing I have to criticise is how Penthos seems to be inconsistently written: at the start, he constantly makes incredibly bad jokes, which soon stops without a real reason, then he proclaims his love for Dion without much visible buildup.
Myth Conceptions, Robert Asprin
Language: German (Drachenfutter)
Synopsis: Skeeve gets the job offer to become the court wizard of the kingdom Possiltum. With the aid of his mentor Aahz, he weasels himself into the position, in hope to get a cushy life and decent salary, only to find out the reason the kingdom was hiring was to send said wizard to fight a massive army. Scratching together a number of fighters from a bazaar in a different dimension, consisting of an imp, a geriatric archer, a gargoyle and his salamander pet and a gremlin (what gremlin?) , they start fighting the army, but get captured by a highly competent commander, who reveals that the giant army exists due to the soldiers being in debt, upon which the army gets the suggestion to "vanish" by joining the Possiltum kingdom as civilians.
Review: It's a book out of the middle of a series, but it was easily-understandable without the context of the previous books in the series. It was fairly short, easy to read, funny at times, but from the title image and the synopsis, I expected it to be funnier.
Alexis vs. the Merry Menace, Marcus Alexander Hart
Language: English
Synopsis: Alexis McRiott, a washed-up childhood actress, rocker and magician, gets the task to protect Santa from his nemesis Krampus during his present-distribution flight. It turns out that Santa is a vampire, using the present-distribution gig as a means to get invited into homes, suck the adults dry and take the children as thralls to serve him as Christmas elves and Krampus is a succubus stuck in mid-transformation after having had a run-in with Santa, who stole the trinket she needs to transform. They manage to stake Santa with a wooden horse toy, which releases the children from his servitude (at least their souls, as they get turned into ash), and his job is then taken on by his wife, which he married to be his Christmas virgin dinner and managed to bite, but not kill, turning her into a vampire herself.
Review: A short, fun story that is noncanon to and can be read separately from Alexis vs. the Afterlife. The first half drags a bit, but upon the reveal of Santa being a vampire it really picks up. With how well-done the later-written Galaxy Cruise series was in comparison, the author is definitely someone to look out for, he gets better with every book.
Alien Emergencies, James White
Consisting of: Code Blue - Emergency, The Genocidal Healer
Language: English
Synopsis: The first book deals with Cha Thrat, the first Sommaradvan on Sector General, who landed in her current position by successfully providing aid to a human after a crash despite not having had any contact with humans previously. Her traditionalist views and the highly-stratified Sommaradvan society make her commit one blunder after another, like giving false promises to a Chalder, which is a form of extreme betrayal to their culture, cutting off one of her limbs after performing an amputation or getting overly-involved in a case of birthing issues despite having been demoted to technician at that point. Due to her intelligence and skill despite her blunders, it is decided that she will assist O'Mara as a psychologist in training.
The second book features Lioren, who wishes to be executed for his medical misdeeds, applying a medication against a disease in a declining species at higher doses than recommended, leading to the majority of the populace recovering faster than the sample patients, then the adults of the populace massacring each other due to their improved health making the fights in which they engage in to stimulate their endocrine system enough to be able to reproduce more harmful and ultimately deadly. As the death penalty was abolished a long time ago, he is also put into the position of being O'Mara's psychology assistant and gets the task to clandestinely monitor one surgeon, as a sneaky way to get into contact with an elderly ex-Diagnostician close to passing away. Lioren's tragedy had the effect on other patients that they are more willing to talk to him because their issues are smaller than his, which leads to the surgeon he was supposed to monitor approaching him to talk to a mysterious patient who is kept mostly secret: a massive Groalterri who attempted to commit suicide because despite its appropriate age, the adults didn't start to telephatically communicate with it. Lioren manages to find out that the issue is most likely not the adults rejecting it, but a telepathic disability that might be treatable; a surgery is prepared and it turns out the disability is caused by a foreign growth in its brain which is then successfully removed.
Review: After Conway had climbed the career ladder to the top and became a Diagnostician, he was out of the usual treatment of space accidents routine, with which the books shifted to new characters and their own issues. Both books had alien protagonists with especially the Sommaradvans being rather interesting with their societies, distinctions between the physicians every layer of society requires and referring to psychologists as "wizards" (with their actual psychologists being more akin to neurologists). While I didn't mind the space accidents treatment story, these stories have greatly widened the possibilities the Sector General setting provides and feature unusual alien societies more prominently.
With me trying to reduce my ever-growing literary pile of shame by finishing at least two books per month, is anyone interested in me doing brief reviews of them? It's sci-fi and fantasy for the most part.
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loveleftbehind · 2 years ago
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year ago
See, the thing about the Amy episode that makes Dean’s actions so reprehensible is not only the part where he doesn’t trust Sam and goes behind his back to kill Amy or even the hypocrisy of Dean ‘you can’t change what you are so you’re going to kill someone eventually’ Winchester sparing the kid right after stabbing his mom, it’s that Amy is very explicitly supposed to be a Sam parallel. There is no other way about it, from the they’re both freaks part of it to Dean dropping the line about ‘the other shoe’ right before he kills her, she is Sam, how Dean reacts to her is supposed to give us insight into how he feels about Sam. And Dean. kills her.
The not very subtle subtext being that Dean is ready to off Sam if he goes too far off the deep end? He’s aggressive and mistrustful of Sam at every turn in the episode, lays the feet of it all at Sam’s hallucinations maybe leading him astray, but end of the day, Sam’s crimes here are A) was tortured in Hell and B) is traumatized by that in a way that makes Dean’s life more difficult.
And it is hard to watch. To spend this whole episode with Sam being completely functional on his own, making a rational decision based on past experience and on all the information about Amy he has available, and for the episode to end with, ‘but yeah, if dean thinks sam goes too far, he’s probably gonna kill him. because sam can’t change or be fixed, so it’s for the good of everyone that he be put down.’
#and then of course there’s the issue of the subtext setting something up that gets no resolution like. there is no point where dean is ever#really going to be able to kill Sam. no matter how bad his hallucinations get. not even a mercy kill crosses his mind later that season#which means that the Amy episode gets rewritten later from ‘explicit Sam parallel’ to ‘well we can use this for Brother Drama™️’#god. god. and really what gets me about the Amy episode in general. like Thee Horrifying Part to me.#most of their hunts are very life or death. that’s how we get around the morality of it. either they kill the monster or it kills them.#Amy’s. not that. Dean tracks her down while she’s running and kills her while she’s asking him not to.#like if she had attacked him the scene would be totally different. but she doesn’t. she doesn’t even fight back. and he kills her.#like she has a kid and Dean is an unfriendly hunter in her motel room. it wouldn’t be out of the question for her to try to kill him#to protect herself and her kid. but she doesn’t. she doesn’t. I don’t know what you can take away from that except that she was telling#sam the truth about not wanting to be a murderer. if she won’t even try to kill Dean to protect herself.#there is no way to look at this episode that makes Dean come out looking good unless you’re willing to claim everything Amy said was a lie#AND that Dean would be right to kill Sam for *checks notes* Being Visibly Mentally Ill#fucked up. why’d they do this.#spn#dean winchester#sam winchester#amy pond#like to be clear if you’ve got a different view on this that’s. not the above thing I just said. please tell me.#because from where I’m standing Dean doesn’t come out of this clean in any way
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twelvevi · 2 days ago
You've inspired me to take a deep dive into reading over every chapter in the Manga that has information on the M family siblings. It's been an adventure and I've noticed some interesting things. Brace yourself, this is about to be a long one lmaoo.
For a minute I thought that we had both might have been incorrect in assuming that both deceased M family brothers were the second and third children, respectively. Then I remembered that Ch 72 calls Winter the 4th child. It just drives me crazy, she seems so much older than Alice, but we're limited in how old we can estimate her age by the need to keep the gaps between Milo's and Alice's ages consistent with what the manga depicts.
In chapter 108, Spitz asks Winter about Milo's siblings. In response, she says, "Milo's little sister Alice was killed by him a long time ago... His little brother Eli died in a feud, and Teo was killed by the person in that video... that just leaves me."
We do know that Teo and Eli are the second and third children, but we don't know anything beyond that except that Eli is younger than Teo (Teo is described as brother and Eli is described as little brother, consistent with the way Alice is described as little sister and is the youngest of the two female siblings). We haven't explored the possibility that Teo and Eli could be twins. It would decrease the needed gap in age between Milo and Winter, leaving leeway for a large age gap between Winter and Alice. Of course there's nothing in the text that supports or refutes the possibility of there being a set of twins in the family. That would make it possible for Winter to be two years younger than Milo instead of three.
Also, you are so right about Alice burning the cookies intentionally in Winter's flashback, she admits to it right there in Chapter 115 and I just glossed over it the last time I read it. Chapter 115 is packed with information that completely blows most of the assumptions I made about Alice's age out of the water.
Page/Panel #9 of 115 has the following exchange between Milo and Alice:
"When we were kids, I stomped on the burnt cookies you'd made... did you... burn those on purpose too?"
"Yep, I just played the part of the foolish girl. On my second birthday, I decided to have fun deceiving all of you."
"I mean, I was so bored."
"Did Winter know?"
"She never caught on. She just thinks of me as her poor little sister."
So! We have some interesting takeaways here:
1. Alice has been "conscious" of the family dynamics since age two and that age is the point in time at which she decides to start playing dumb. This completely blows away the point I made in my last reblog about Alice being 6-7 in Winter's flashback. Generally speaking, humans don't develop the skills needed to be able to convincingly lie and accurately grasp more abstract concepts like success and failure until around the age of 6-7. At first, I put Alice as younger than this benchmark because I assumed that she didn't intentionally burn the cookies and wasn't able to understand that this would taken as a failure by her brother. My mistake was assuming that Alice was a child of relatively normal intelligence. Alice openly states that she was able to do the kind of thinking I'd assume her to be capable of at age 6-7 at age 2. This makes Alice's age at the time of Winter's flashback more ambiguous.
There is another way to interpret Alice's statement about her second birthday. She could be stating that she chose to burn the cookies on her second birthday as her first act of intentionally clueless behavior. That would put her at age 2 in Winter's flashback. I don't think that that is accurate when the way Alice is drawn is taken into consideration. She doesn't look like a toddler in Winter's flashback.
2. This exchange does give us some good information about Winter. Milo and Alice are geniuses while Winter, time and time again, has been shown to be of a more average intelligence. That means that Winter probably hit her developmental milestones at ages more consistent with normal children than her siblings. So Winter probably was not capable of abstract thinking, like the kind needed to understand her family's dynamics, until age 6-7. Because we know that Winter appeared uncomfortable with allowing Alice to give Milo the burnt cookies in the flashback, we know she was capable of that abstract thinking at that time. She understood what the outcome of Alice's actions would be. That puts Winter's age in the flashback at age 7 or older.
Armed with the possibilities that Eli and Teo could have been twins and that Alice could have been younger than age 6 when she burnt the cookies, there's a greater number of possibilities when it comes to estimating the ages of the five Moriarty family siblings.
If I assign ages based on what the siblings look like in Winter's flashback, then I'd say:
Winter: 7-9
Milo: 11-12
Alice: 3-5
At the time of Alice's death:
Milo: 17
Winter: 12-15
Alice: 8-11
At present:
Milo: 24-26
Winter: 21-24
Alice 17
This isn't a big change from the guess I put out recently, but in light of my review of Ch 115, Ch 72, and a couple other chapters, this is what I come up with. I feel like the only real change is that Winter's memory is shifted further into the past. These ages are consistent with what I feel we can know about the siblings based on Chapter 115.
When it comes to Milo and the way he interacts with his sisters, you make a good point. Milo would have been trained from a young age to take the reins on the M family, meaning he would be taught the ins and outs of running a crime family as well as the weapons knowledge that comes along with that. Because of this, I agree that it does make sense that he is more mature than the girls. You're right to describe Milo as a pre-teen in the flashback. Milo being 11-12 rather than 13-14 in the flashback makes his behavior to his sisters make more sense. I get the feeling that a part of his reaction is motivated by wanting to distance himself from the childishness that he sees in his sisters. That interest in distancing oneself from childhood/being perceived as childish, I feel, is much more strongly felt at ages 11-12 than 13-14. By the time you're 13-14 you have the milestone of being a teenager that makes you feel like you're not a child anymore.
I still want to say that Alice is 10 or younger at the time that she was murdered by Milo. I understand that you feel it might not be possible for a ten year old to understand how to tamper with a gun.
So, why I do think it's possible in this case:
The M family and its members have a vastly different relationship with violence and weapons than the average person. Even Ron, who is raised by someone that has defected from the family is taught how to use knives, pick locks, and was exposed to weapons like guns before the age of 6 (see the auberge case). Now, we know he doesn't use guns at present in the story because he is awful with them, but it is not outside the realm of possibility that he was taught how they worked/how to use them when his dad was alive.
You may say: "Who on earth is letting a 6 year old use a gun?"
To that, I have to say (as someone who has a family that used to hunt as a pastime), "Wayyy too many people are." Believe me, a five year old can be taught how to use a gun (this is ill advised, obviously).
Anyway, back to the manga:
The five M family children very likely had an education in weapons that surpassed that of Ron's, given that their parents fully expected them to contribute to the family business by the time they were 17. The M family also seems fairly egalitarian when it comes to having both male and female members of the family organize and commit crime. So we can assume that all 5 children got an exceptionally in-depth education in weapons, including guns, at a very young age.
In Winter's flashback, we see Milo playing with a rifle before he is brought the burnt cookies. He is not being supervised at the time. Clearly, the adults in his life were comfortable with letting him use a gun alone.
Taking into consideration Alice's extreme intelligence and the assumption that Alice likely had already used guns on her own by the time Milo "killed" her. I do not feel it's a stretch to say that she (at age 9-10) could have tampered with a gun to make it ineffective. It truly could have been as simple as switching the bullets out for blanks or rubber bullets.
That's my updated take. Thank you for pointing those things out, it made me go looking for new information. If you remember something else in the manga that contradicts what I wrote let me know. This is fun😂
The M family Age question
Ever since Akira-sensei revealed Ron's age, I've always been curious about the other characters ages, especially the M family, since they don't even have an age range to go off of, however in some chapters from part two of the series, we finally get some clues to use...so here are those clues and my little analysis
*If I get anything wrong in this analysis, I apologize in advance
*Beware of spoilers (ch.96 and onwards)
I'm focusing on Mylo, Winter and Alice, since they're the ones currently alive in the series, and also the ones we have more info about.
First is to make sure we're all on the same page, even if most people probably know this
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From Chapter 72
Mylo's the first child, Winter is the fourth, and Alice is the fifth and final one, with 5 of them (plus teo and the other one who died in a feud or something), for the ages to make sense, there atleast needs to be a one year age gap between each of them (because it wouldn't make much sense for their parents to give birth twice in a year, and we're counting 9-10 months as a year btw)
Next is...
Alice Moriarty's age reveal
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From Chapter 115
From here we can tell that, she's probably 16-17. she says that she was going to take over the M family at age 17, but "six months before that" Mylo got defeated by Ron.
With that, now is the time to pinpoint where we are in the timeline right now, first is when the cruise incident happened
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From Chapter 96
October 25th would've been when the cruise arc ended, aka the "six months before that" Alice mentions, with the "that" meaning the day she turns 17. With all of this we can assume her birthday to be around April, which is close enough to Mylo's birthday(March), so it's probably okay to not take their birthdays into consideration, since they would turn one year older around the same time.
*Assuming she's roughly 16 years and 9 months old, we can round that up to 17 since we don't need to consider the months
In conclusion, Alice is probably 17 years old
From the same panel from Chapter 115, the line "That's the same age as when you became head of the family", tells us that, Mylo was 17 when he became the head of the moriarties, in a later scene we learn that, that's the same age he was when he shot Alice dead (or rather, attempted to do so)
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From Chapter 115
Even though this doesn't really help us right now, I still thought I should mention it, just in case it was ever mentioned at what age did Alice supposedly "die". Though I don't recall it ever being specified.
With Alice's age and the one year age gap between all siblings, we can get a rough estimate of-
What age do each of the Moriarty siblings need to be atleast?
*Basically, the youngest they can possibly be
Mylo 21
The second son 20
Teo 19
Winter 18
Alice 17
It would look something like this, but then in a later chapter, this is said
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From Chapter 146
Mylo is confirmed to be the one behind the bloody field trip (the one in charge of it), which means, atleast 5 years would have had to pass after he became head of the M family, which would make him atleast 22 in the current timeline
Finally, Winter being the 4th child, would need to be atleast one year older than Alice, and atleast 3 years younger than Mylo, which would make Winter around 18 or 19 years old
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From Chapter 72 (this isn't important,I just think they all look adorable in the flashbacks)
In conclusion,I think that Alice is 17 yrs old, while Mylo is probably 22 yrs old, and winter's probably 18 or 19 yrs old.
Than again let me remind you all, that except for Alice, these are just the ages they atleast need to be
However I think there is definitely more to this, since I don't actually think only 5 years passed after Mylo became the head of the M family, I mean it's hard to believe that the first thing he did after becoming the leader, was to make Ron's life miserable, not to mention since Ron is canonically 23, this begs the question, is Mylo older than Ron or younger than Ron ? And also, is he older than Toto ? Or maybe even Spitz ?
That's when you come in, if you have any thoughts about this, whether you have evidence from the manga or if it's just a headcanon, I'd like to hear what everyone has to say about this, so please share your thoughts
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comradecowplant · 6 months ago
my beef with Hughie being the most annoying part of The Boys ended, Kimiko & Frenchie reigniting their romance is my new The Boys best enemy 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
#i really liked their platonic supportive 'were both broken wahwah' relationship. literally donut care at all about their romance 🙄🙄🙄#fr i actually almost liked hughie this season. way less annoying overcompensating failson energy & more actually resolving his issues#kinda hoped cate was going to tell frenchie to walk off the dock at the warf at the end but we cant have everything :(#because fuck that plot line & fuck that IOF scum actor!!!!#the boys#it was a really good season imo. really set things up for what i hope will be a fascinating final season#(also cant wait for season 4.5 when season 2 of gen v comes out. hope that spin-off gets at least as many seasons. rip chance perdomo 😞)#a-train FINALLY getting his nerve! the deep finally going full sicko instead of being the rapist comic relief. ashley continuing to unravel#so excited to learn what the v did to her. if anyone deserves a mostly-useless-except-for-weird-sex-stuff power its her!!!!!#sage better have another 8 layers of gEniUs subterfuge up her sleeve otherwise i am rooting for a maeve cameo next season to kick her ass#sage was definitely an interesting highlight this season. 'smartest woman on earth' but ultimately just a lonely sociopathic loser#there were a few moments where- despite her 'intellectual' truth that human lives are meaningless- that she seemed bothered by the wanton#violence. & i really dont believe that she'd get over homelander so casually throwing her away. probs wont pay off but im a 'sage is#scheming against the 7 after all' truther. if a-train could get his head out of his ass anything is possible for anyone!!!#rip victoria neuman 😩 literally did nothing wrong ever in her life and butcher killed her for it smh my head#(she really was a fantastic villian though. actual 'if AOC had super powers' except more charming & less evil. claudia doumit was amazing)#dani talks about tv
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omarwolaeth · 8 months ago
thinking 'bout how the lads interact with what the bracelets represent, especially in their decks
#marwospeaking#Yuuya is by far hardest to work with on this because he Varies. but that might just be him being opposite to Yuzu so it might count?#anyway Yuuya is a bushfire made by fireworks set off without proper precaution (the improperly set off fireworks being Zarc..#.. being influenced into the position that made the lads through his desire to both destroy and entertain his crowds)#It's small sometimes. but in the right conditions is an unstoppable conflagration#Yuuto literally does not die. In a world where we never truly get the other two (Yuugo and Yuuri) interacting with their host (Yuuya)..#.. outside of duels. he very much does. He is undead in a way the others don't quite match (pre Zarc revival) and it's opposite to..#.. En Bird's life (assuming it counts death too as part of its cycle)#Yuugo uses machine monsters - things that distinctly don't breathe. and in most cases have exhaust pipes billowing fumes#and machines can be warm to the touch at times. which you could feasibly slide against Rin's Windwitches for being Very Cold Ladies#Also he's trapped no matter where he is. Neo Domino has a stronger grip on him as a person than anyone else. and when he might finally..#.. escape that. he's trapped in someone else's body with no canonical recourse. because the story ended on Yuuya's terms and no one elses#Yuuri is hardest to place but I think he's very stationary. Sere's monsters are dancers - constantly moving - and she's very able to#adapt as she goes despite how stupid she can be book-wise. Yuuri is rooted into his role. even when he discards his loyalty his role was..#.. always in Zarc's interest no matter if he knew or not. The Professor's loyalty from him is an add-on to that#... I'd argue Zarc cared more about his pieces than Ray cared about hers also? He made cards for them on the fly so they'd Win#Even in moments where that victory is not in a wholly positive light - Odd-Eyes Raging and Gatlinghoul - but we know he's capable of it..#.. a la allowing Yuuya to debut pendulum monsters on his behalf in order to win against Ishijima#something something this can then apply to the other lads. they never lose except to each other and Ray's girls (at least on screen)#Yuuto survived 3 years of war. even despite Yuugo and Yuuri showing up. so methinks Zarc must've had a role in helping him survive#Like. Zarc's distinctly present for his Lads. Ray's not present for her lasses until one of them speaks through her#Sure it's very possible that's a bracelet thing - they are floodgates at the end of the day - and not a Ray thing. but it also wouldn't..#.. surprise me given Ray is an Akaba. we know they will sacrifice others for a gain later on - Ray's was sacrificing a whole world to make.#.. a safer one for everyone to live in. irrelevant on if they remember it or if they never existed originally. Except Leo Akaba. He does#(with memory reading tech) and it tortures him the whole time. she didn't mean to hurt him but Still#Zarc's distinctly not better than Ray - he's still broken wide open when it comes to his hatred of humanity (but not his human half)#and it resulted in multiple near-deaths the second time around - but I can't say Ray's that much better if it turns out the bracelets..#.. weren't floodgating her ability to help her lasses#Completely unrelated but. I don't like what Arcray represents ngl. makes it seem like Zarc could never move on with the help of his lads#and has to rely on someone who killed him and sent him to purgatory about it in order to heal.
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aethelflaedel · 2 years ago
I had a dream that they made sunfyre ugly and bright green in house of the dragon season 2..... I can't believe I'm at the point where the appearance of a fictional dragon is so important to me that it's showing up In My Nightmares
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nataliedecorsair · 2 months ago
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I wanted to give you some of Pticenoga's Borderlands AU backstory, how she was raised by Shade and before starting her shenanigans with Vaughn.
Plus a bonus comic about how she decided to set up a meeting for Vaughn and Shade, but didn't tell Vaughn who is supposed to be there x) Mostly because Vaughn has met Shade before in his macabre World of Curiosities museum and thought that Shade is too weird for him. Well, that's the kind of person that would raise a feral harpy siren, gotta deal with it!
When she was very young, nothing bothered her much as she was just a wild baby exploring the world x) And Shade was a good father figure to her. However, as she grew older, she realized that she doesn't really "fit in": yeah, Pandora is a crazy planet, but not every person there is crazy. There are plenty of "regular folk" like Shade or other people from their town - and many others. And she was frequently called a monster, a mutant and many other things by the regular kids and even adults. She was wild though, could bite them or fight with them in a pretty feral manner, and, even though she protected herself, it didn't help the situation much. She wasn't crazy enough (and too small) to fit in with the psychos or bandits, was "too human" for actual monsters living on Pandora, and for a long time she had no idea she was a Siren, as even for Sirens she looked too different. Only when she hit her teens, she was able to confirm that she is one, started using her powers, and in her human form she could see the full extension of the glowing pattern she had on her skin. She still, however, didn't know why she wasn't born "normal", and there were no older Sirens around.
At some point, she decided to become independent and live on her own. Her "wild" upbringing was helping that a lot, and she felt fine being away from people. She'd still visit Shade frequently, of course, and at some point she'd even met Zer0 and could hang out with him for some time. As Zer0 is a mystery himself, they had some common ground between them (though constantly listening to his haiku were exhausting xD). Sadly, Vault Hunters attract attention, not always positive, and that was the reason why she got spotted by a big bandit gang (could be the beginning of Vallory's gang, but before she took over). And local scientists like Tannis already declared that there may be some connection between Sirens and the Vaults. And they noticed that she's a Siren, but also pretty young (and dumb). After the first Vault on Pandora was opened, there was plenty of weird and valuable stuff around, but it wasn't so easy to get it when you're just regular bandits. And when Eridians, the aliens that are guarding the Vault, are everywhere. The Sirens like Lilith were too strong for them, and hiring a Vault Hunter is expensive, so they decided to wriggle into her favor and use her to gain access to the area. She didn't know she was dealing with bandits first, she naively thought it's a rare case of nice fellows just wanting to be friends and such, plus the Vault could have answers about her origin, and the new "friends" confirmed it.
At some point, she realized she was being used, and got into a fight with the bandits - and lost, as there were too many of them, and she had too little experience, and they knew about Shade. She got kidnapped and told that she'd do everything they told her to do, or they'd kill Shade, so she had to obey. She helped them to fight the way to the Vault and get some of the riches, and during the process she felt that she really does have a connection with Eridians - they boosted her powers and helped her to get free, and kill every presenting member of the gang. She was worried about Shade though, so she left immediately to find him before the remaining members found out what happened and could harm him. But she was too late - the water source in their town of Oasis was poisoned, and every single person there died. Except Shade though - he lasted longer, but dehydration made him insane, and he turned corpses into the stuffed dummies he could talk to (though she didn't have much of a problem with this part). As she was gone for at least several months, he didn't believe she's real, and she had to adapt to the new reality.
She never got back to the Vault after that as she felt it was a source of more trouble than anything good (in her view, the price was too much for a bunch of physical stuff).
That lasted for years, and became a bit easier as her powers, enhanced by the Eridians, wasn't only serving the destruction,  but could eventually "heal" some part of Shade's mind, so the moments of clarity became more frequent (she didn't know it's the reason, though). And you still need money, whether you like it or not, so, when Shade decided to use his World of Curiosities as a spot of illegal deals and smuggling, she didn't resist, but would watch over him in the shadows in case something goes wrong.
Eventually, she calmed down and just embraced herself. And, after some time, she met Vaughn, whose personal struggles she could sense right away, as she had to experience "being different" herself.
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deathbxnny · 2 months ago
Arcane characters saying things they'll regret during an argument with you. | Vi, Caitlyn, Jinx, Ekko, Sevika x Gn!Reader
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(Part two)
Because if I can't be happy, then neither can you./j✨️
Content: Alcoholism, spoilers for season 2, heavy angst, toxic behavior, cursing, established romantic relationships, potential mentions of cheating, gaslighting/ manipulation, probably ooc idk, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns.
((Not proofread))
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You hated the cycle she had trapped herself in. It was never-ending and beyond self-destructive. For a while, you tried to get her out of it by attempting to reason with her, show her the light, tell her that everything is going to be okay and to just stop with the senseless fighting. But then the heavy, out of control drinking began, and she became unrecognizable to you.
She barely spent time with you, and when she did, then it was due to an extreme hangover that you had to nurture her through before the next fight began. You were so sick of it. You couldn't take the state she was in anymore. You wanted your girlfriend back but didn't want to suffer anymore as a result of it. And so, you tried one last time to snap her out of it.
"Hey, uhm... can we talk?" You ask nervously whilst peering at her from the doorway into her room. The roaring of the crowd and indistinguishable words of the announcers buzzed over your heads, reminding you of the timelimit you had to do this right. Vi didn't turn to you and instead focused on smearing the black paint over her eyes, a dark gaze glance cast your way at your meek plea. "Make it quick. I got 10 minutes before I have to be out there again."
You took a deep breath and tried to ignore the coldness in her tone. It was so odd, so not like her. "Vi... I... I need you to stop this. I understand your pain. I really do, I... get it. But this isn't right. You're practically killing yourself here, and I can't take that anymore-" "-This topic again? I told you to fucking drop it already." She hissed with a shake of your head and something about that made you finally snap. "I care about you Vi! That's why I'm doing all of this shit for you. No one else would do as much as I did. Why can't you see that? What the hell happened to you-" Your voice was cut off by her hand slamming into a nearby wall, anger written all over her face that made you flinch away instinctively.
You had never been scared of her before and this just broke your heart further.
"Shut up! You haven't done shit for me, except for pissing me off and whining and crying about every little thing I do! How about you fuck off and leave me the hell alone instead!? The only person who ever did shit for me is Cait and look how that turned out!" Silence. Deafening silence. Except for Vi's heavy breathing. You were rendered speechless. All the years you've spent with her at her side even as children flashed through your mind, before it all stilled and went cold. Your gaze hardened, and you nodded slowly, turning away wordlessly to do as she asked. You understood now. You were always the second choice in the end.
Vi seemed to only notice that you've left once she heard her name being called from the ring above. And her heart sunk at the realisation that this time, you wouldn't be there to watch her win.
And so she didn't.
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Zaun was becoming a sensitive and dangerous topic to bring up around her. Even the slightest mention of it made her face harden and earn you a dismissive hand waving all of your protests away. It also didn't help that she was pulling away from you and instead getting closer to a certain red-headed officer of hers. It was frustrating and so exhausting to deal with, on top of all the grief that hung over your heads constantly. It was driving you mad. Nothing you said got through to her.
It wasn't a secret that you disapproved of the war and the alliance with Ambessa. You could look right through her, see with a clear mind that she was up to no good. Whatever she had planned wouldn't bring either nation anything but more plight. This wasn't the right way to go about things. It wasn't humane. The people she hated were no different from you both. But she just couldn't see it the same way, her judgment clouded heavily by her need for revenge on Jinx. A singular person had shifted her perception about a whole group of people... and it was becoming suffocating. You couldn't recognize her anymore.
You were trying to find the right time to finally confront her about it fully, and thankfully, the opportunity came up one evening whilst she was going through paperwork in her office. You were pacing nervously around the room, trying to find the courage to speak your mind, but she beat you to it. "If you have something to say, then say it. I have work to do and can not be disturbed like this." She muttered, eyes focused on the sea of papers before her rather than your stilling form. Very well, she asked for it. "I... want this war to end. This isn't right."
Her hand froze before she hummed and resumed her task. "I thought we had moved on from this topic." She said calmly, not betraying how clearly irritated she was becoming. But you couldn't give up now. You'd go crazy if you did. "Caitlyn. There is no moving on from it if people are going to die as a consequence! How could you ever look away from that? Why can't you see that this is wrong? Why can't you see that Ambessa-" You stepped towards her grand desk with every word, hands coming down to push the paper she was holding away from her face. You just wanted her to finally look at you again after so long. "-Is playing with your mind!" "Enough. Don't you dare say another word."
The Kirammann stood up and towered over you, a strong hand grabbing onto your arm with a sharp shake that surprised you. Had the grief taken over her mind this badly? So much so that she couldn't see how much this was hurting you to lose her? "I demand you see reason and stop sympathizing with those treacherous animals... unless you want me to see you as one of them as well." "You think I'd betray you?" You breathed, and suddenly the realisation that you had lost her for good finally sunk in. You needed to go. Now.
Caitlyn's face sobered up at your question, yet before she could say a thing, her dear officer Nolan stepped in with a report in hand. Seeing the position you two were in, she nervously tilted her head. "Oh, my apologies, am I disturbing you-?" "-Not at all. In fact, I'm the one who's disturbing YOU. My apologies for that." Ripping your arm out of her gloved hand, you pushed past the girl and rushed out of the room.
Your girlfriend watched you disappear down the dark hallway before she straightened up and gave the officer a curt nod to go ahead with her report. But it was hard to listen to a word she was saying when Caitlyn's head was replaying the memory of your teary, heartbroken eyes over and over again.
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She didn't care about her life anymore. That was clear as day, and unfortunately, your relationship was suffering because of it. You knew that Silco's death had killed her inside, that his absence left her lost and confused. But you were so desperate to keep her together. So much so that you were practically destroying yourself for her well-being. Eventually, this boiled over when she was beginning to pull away from you. You, who had always been there. You, who she always cringed onto and begged to stay with her. You only had eachother now. It was impossible to think about a life without her now.
The unhinged spark in her eye had faded away and was replaced by an empty shell of what it once was. That scared you more than you'd like to admit. "Jinx... what are you thinking of?" You asked her one night whilst you quietly snuk around the dark lanes of your home. She didn't respond at first, and your eyes were focused on the back of her hooded head, wondering if she even heard you. But you know she had, when she came to a sudden stop. "... I... I think we should part ways, sweetheart. This ain't gonna go over well forever." She said in that hauntingly calm voice you've grown to hate. And you'd be lying if you said that you didn't see this coming.
"But why? We've always been together through everything. This isn't any different-" "-But it is! It's over! Jinx is over!" Facing you, you near flinched at her glowing, violet eyes, heart beating against your chest. She would never hurt you. You knew she wouldn't. And yet... you found yourself ever so slightly stepping away. Maybe that's what set her off in hindsight. "You're gonna leave me like everyone else anyway. Might as well beat ya to it-" "-I would never do that! What has gotten into you? You should know better than to think that-" "-You're scared of me, ain't ya?" You pressed your lips together when you realised that her mental state had gotten much worse than you expected.
She was losing it.
"In fact, I bet you're thinking of me the same way Vi does. You'll be so much happier without me. But... actually... what if you're going to backstab me like her one day?" The look on your face must've been horrific enough to sober her scrambled mind then because even she seemed to be unsure of what she's saying. And yes, you knew she wasn't doing well. You knew she was just saying things without thinking them through. But you were sick of it. So tired of it all. She could practically read your mind.
"W-wait, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that, I-" "-Okay... you're right. We truly would be better off going our separate ways." You were stepping away from her quicker now, and then you were running, your view becoming blurry and unintelligible. "WAIT NO, PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME, I DIDN'T MEAN IT, I-" Jinx screamed after you, her breathing heavy and uneven, but she didn't go after you. She knew she had lost that right the second she opened her mouth.
You disappeared into the lanes, for the first time ever sprinting away from rather than towards her. And like the Jinx she was, she had screwed up another good thing up for herself. Perhaps deservingly this time.
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Ekko was extremely busy with his duties lately and practically completely neglecting himself for them. It was very concerning to you and everyone, to say the least. Especially now that a war was practically forming at your front door from Piltover. And you were grateful and thankful for all he did for you. You really were. For that reason alone, you wanted him to take things easy at least sometimes to eat and sleep properly when he can. So, on the request of other members, you went to go looking for him one night before it was time for bed. He was sitting up in the tree, clearly planning to keep watch all night, like he usually did.
But you had come with a mission of your own and refused to leave until he came down to bed with you. "Ekko." You hummed as you finally reached him, a friendly smile on your lips. Balancing a nice basket of baked goods you had made yourself, you stepped towards his form that was beautifully illuminated in the moonlight. Seeing him here made you feel content and relieved since you were barely seeing each other to begin with anymore. Which you have been trying to be understanding about.
"I know what you're here for, and the answer is still no." The young man sighed with a shake of his head and frown. You weren't the first one to come by, that's for sure. "Hey... you know this isn't healthy. We're counting on you to stay strong for us, and you can't be that if you're starving yourself." You say with a slight falter to your smile, yet you tried to keep your tone playful and light. He, on the other hand, did not.
"I already told you that it's a no. Now go to bed and let me work." "But I made you these and-" "-I said, no." He hissed out, and that took you aback. He never raised his voice at you, nor did he ever have an attitude with you either. But the stress was getting to him badly, and so was the lack of sleep. "Why can't you just get that? How many times do I have to say it to get it through your thick skull? The least you could do is go and make yourself somewhat useful by patrolling, instead of wasting your time with this."
Oh, how his words cut you deep. Rationally, you knew that everything was just getting too much for him. But it didn't stop you from feeling hurt anyway, as your lip wobbled, and you slammed the basket on a nearby desk before quickly taking your leave wordlessly. Ekko froze at that and reached out to you, your name on the tip of his tongue, but the guilt stopped him from saying a thing.
"Fuck!" He cursed at himself, as he rubbed the bridge of his nose with a disappointed sigh. He definitely was losing it... and you unfortunately had to unfairly take the brunt of it.
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"What did I tell you about running off when I tell you to stay put? You could have fucking died out there and then what?" Sevika was angry at you. Not that you could necessarily blame her since you did nearly get killed by an Enforcer earlier. But you had no real choice in this. You swore you didn't mean for this to happen. It was supposed to just be a quick errand run. You wanted to make her something nice for dinner, spoil her a little as a thank you for all the work she was putting into Zaun. Yet you couldn't explain any of this with the way she didn't let you even say a word now from the anger running in her veins. In fact, you had never seen her this enraged before.
"I am sick and tired of you disobeying what I tell you. I can't always be there and save you from everything, you know? I got better things to do and than to babysit you all the time-" "- I'm not asking you to do that either! I'm a grown adult, I can take care of myself!" You yelled back, absolutely angry now yourself at the way she always infantilized you like this. It always the same conversation and argument over and over again. You were so sick of it. You could handle yourself just fine and have proved this before. Yet she was so hellbent on proving you wrong every time, you couldn't take it anymore!
"I'm your partner, Sev. You're supposed to treat me like an equal." "I would, if you weren't so fucking incompetent. If I wasn't there, you would've been dead. Why can't you get that? Should I spell it out for you more? Dumb it down even more?" You hated when she was being like this. It was rare for a reason, and you despised this side of her. The side that was so prideful and egotistical. And you were trying so hard not to stoop to her level. It didn't help that you were a little injured and struggling to stand as is. "I'm not in the mood for this shit, I'm literally bleeding. Can we argue about this later, please? I just wanted to surprise you with something nice for once, and I get that I was wrong, but you don't have to be so mean about it, damn it!"
The tears in your eyes were betraying you, and the embarrassment of that just made you push past her and disappear into your shared bedroom. You'll just deal with the injury yourself. Sevika stared after you in slight surprise, considering it was rare for you to yell back like that and cry at that... but the sight of the flowers and half prepared food on the kitchen counter made the regret finally set in.
Perhaps you were right after all.
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kaijutegu · 1 year ago
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Aug ABSOLUTELY deserves the praise, @ryukikit. St. Augustine Alligator Farm is one of my favorite animal facilities, hands down. It's a pretty zoo, doable in an afternoon if you kinda like crocodilians, or an all day affair if you REALLY like crocodilians. Here are my favorite things about it and why I think it's worth supporting.
1. They keep animals in interesting social groups.
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Crocodilians are heavily involved parents, but most places that breed them don't have the enclosure space to let the babies stay with the parents. St. Augustine does. One of my favorite groups was their crèche of slender-snouted crocodiles. They had the parents and then a yearling cohort and a new hatchling cohort. This aligns with how these guys live in the wild- the babies stick around longer! They have the space for it, and they are very in tune with the social needs of their animals.
Very, very few zoos can keep their baby crocs with the adults and still perform maintenance and animal health checks safely. This doesn't mean these facilities are bad- it just means that they have different management practices. And frankly, a lot of these species aren't frequently bred elsewhere. Your average zoo doesn't need a setup where you can have a multiyear crèche for slender-snouted crocodiles. Some species have better success when the young are pulled early, and some zoos are better set up to raise out any offspring separately or behind the scenes. Every facility's practices are different, and this just happens to work well at St. Augustine and be really enjoyable to see as a zoo patron.
Crocodilians are exceptional parents and very protective. It's a sign of incredible animal management practices and animals that feel very comfortable with staff that St. Augustine can do this with nearly every species they breed.
2. They understand the social needs of their animals.
Some crocodilians are social. Some are solitary. Some can live happily with a member of the opposite sex but get territorial around members of the same sex. St. Augustine pays incredible attention to their social groupings to ensure that they aren't just meeting the animals' physical health needs but their social needs as well. They do continuous scientific research about social structures in crocodilians, taking blood samples to test stress hormones and observing stress behaviors to see how group dynamics change.
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For example, St. Augustine is home to one of the world's largest known living saltwater crocodiles, Maximo. And his comparatively tiny mate, Sydney. During the educational presentations with these two, they point out that even their monster of a croc needs his social group- he won't eat if she's not around and he is calmer during medical checks if he can see her. These animal share a deep and special pair bond, and they make sure to talk about how the social aspect of these animals' lives is integral to their care. It's a unique aspect of the way they talk about these animals, because he IS a spectacle and he IS a sensation, but they don't talk about him like he's a mindless killing machine- they talk about him like he's a big, complex predator with social needs like any other animal. Aug is the only facility I've been to where the emotional and social needs of crocodilians is part of the education they provide guests- and speaking of education...
3. Their demos and presentations are extremely good.
The presentations at St. Augustine are some of the best I've ever seen, and I've seen literally hundreds of animal talks on everything from aardvarks to zebras. But as you... can probably tell from my blog content, I've spent a lot of time learning about and working with reptiles. I really enjoyed all of their presentations because they are very scientific about things and avoid sensationalism. They really want you to be fascinated by these creatures and love them- but more than anything else, they want you to respect them.
Also, they do a really good job handling their ambassadors. I really enjoyed something as simple as watching an educator tell us about snakes. Throughout the whole presentation she made sure that most of the snake's body was looped in her hand. The snake was always supported and was very calm. She gave the snake plenty of head room so that it didn't feel constricted- it was just good handling all around.
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But also, the presentations made it clear how much the park cares about the animals' well-being. When they do the feeding and training presentations, they make it very clear that the animals' participation is entirely voluntary. They do things differently for their 9-foot saltie and their 16-foot saltie, because the 16-footer is so large and heavy he actually struggles walking on land sometimes. They adapt their programs and his care to ensure that he's completely comfortable- and he didn't actually participate in the whole feeding when I was watching! At no point did they try to push him into anything uncomfortable; they offered, he didn't engage, and they moved on. It was a clear expression of his boundaries, and I really appreciated how much his caretakers respected that.
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4. Ethical Interactions
I've been to... a lot of tourist locations in Florida that have animals you can hold. Almost always against my will! Many of them are pretty terrible, and you don't actually learn much, if anything. But I really found that to not be the case at St. Augustine. Every single animal presentation and interaction opportunity was accompanied by education about the animal's biology, habits, and- crucially- their conservation status.
When I held a baby alligator at St. Augustine, the proctors- there were two, one to ensure I was holding the gator correctly and the other to educate- were very informative about the role alligators play in their ecosystem and their conservation history. The animals were all properly banded, and one of the two proctors was there to ensure that none of the baby alligators were uncomfortable. As soon as they started getting squirmy or tense, they were removed, unbanded, and taken to an off-exhibit area to relax. And when the babies age out of petting size, they just go in the lagoon to live with others of their species. I saw one upset alligator the entire time I was there, and he was clearly upset that his escape attempt was foiled by a keeper during my nursery tour.
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Even though he's restrained in this shot, you can see that his full body and tail are supported, and the grip, while firm, is gentle. He's distressed, but after I took this picture, she put him in his enclosure and he calmed down immediately.
Sometimes when you have petting attractions with baby animals, those animals... don't have a happy ending. (See: cub petting.) But St. Augustine's program is fine- the gators are all aged out of wanting to have mom around, there's no declawing/defanging, and they're handled with care. And it's worth it, because people love what they understand. St. Augustine was integral in raising public awareness about alligators back in the 60s when they were endangered, and now they're thriving- largely in part to programs like St. Augustine getting people to care.
And speaking of getting people to care, let's talk about their research.
5. Shared Research Results
St. Augustine is also home to more species of crocodilian than anywhere else in North America- all of them, usually. (They didn't have a Tomistoma when I visited- that may have changed.)
Because of this species diversity, it's an incredible research resource. Having every species means that you can do a lot of work comparing their behaviors, their growth patterns, and more. They've been a major research site for crocodilian biology since the 1970s. Today, they're one of the key sites for studying crocodilian play and social behaviors. They actually maintain a blog where they post copies of papers that were written using their animals, meaning that you can actually see the results of the research your admission helps fund. You can see that right here: https://www.alligatorfarm.com/conservation-research/research-blog/
All of this adds up to a zoo that provides a unique experience, tons of actual education, and transparency about what its research and conservation steps actually are. St. Augustine's come a long way since its opening in 1893, and they really do want you to leave with a new respect for the animals they care for. Ultimately, if you're a fan of reptiles, you can feel good about visiting the St. Augustine Alligator Farm- their care and keeping are top of the line, they do a ton of innovative conservation research and support for conservation organizations, and you can see this animal there:
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(Gharial from the front. Nothing is wrong with her that's just what they look like from the front.)
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hanniewho · 10 days ago
⋆˚࿔ Vivid Dreams𝜗𝜚˚⋆
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⋆˚࿔ Summary: You told your roommate about your vivid dreams, but now you don't think it's a dream anymore.
𝜗𝜚˚⋆ Notes: I'm sorry for not posting for a few days. I got caught up with my graphic design project, and I had to walk around the city to take pictures, and my feet are killing me. I'll answer some of you guys' request ASAP 🙏
𐙚˙✧˖° Words: 6.0k
༘ ⋆。 ˚ Warnings: Noncon, Creampie, Overstimulating, Fingering, Degrading, Name calling (slut), P in V, Squirting, Slapping, Slight choking in you squint, Manipulation, Telling her that you love her as she fuck you w/o your consent, Porn mentioned, Spitting. (Lmk if I miss anything :3)
⋆✦ Pairings:Pitfighter g!p Vi x Afab reader and a bit of jinx(your roomie)
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"You know, I've had the strangest dream again," you murmured, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. Your roommate, Jinx, barely glanced up from her book, a non-committal "Mm-hmm" her only response as she flipped a page.
"It's always the same, you know? This...this woman with the most piercing eyes I've ever seen. She's powerful, dangerous even. And she keeps telling me things I don't understand." You paused, watching Jinx's reaction, hoping for something, anything that suggested she was actually listening. But her gaze remained glued to the book in front of her.
"Jinx, are you even listening to me?" you sighed, a hint of frustration tinting your voice.
Your roommate, Jinx, looked up from her book with a sheepish grin, the corners of her eyes crinkling. "Huh? Oh, sorry, I zoned out for a sec. What were you saying?"
You rolled your eyes, but couldn't help but return the smile. "It's fine," you said, standing up from your bed. "It's probably just my mind playing tricks on me anyway." You walked over to the small kitchenette and began rummaging through the cabinets for a snack to curb the early morning hunger pangs. The apartment was silent except for the faint rustle of pages turning as Jinx went back to her book.
As you pulled out a box of crackers, she looked up, suddenly alert. "Oh, uh, hey, have you had someone over last night?" she asked, her tone casual but the curiosity in her eyes unmistakable.
You froze mid-reach, crackers in hand, and turned to face her. "What? No, why?"
Jinx's cheeks flushed a vibrant shade of red as she hastily closed her book. "Well, uh, it's going to be awkward, but last night when I was fixing my gun, I heard some... sounds coming from your room." She paused, searching for the right words, then blurted out, "It sounded like you were having sex, or I- ARE YOU WATCHING PORN?" The accusation hung in the air, awkwardness thickening like smoke in a closed room.
You stared at her, crackers forgotten in your hand. "What? No, I was just sleeping!" you protested, feeling your own cheeks grow hot. "What makes you think that?"
Jinx bit her lip, her eyes narrowing as she studied you. "Well, it's not every night I hear someone going 'plap, plap, plap' in there," she said, mimicking the sound with a teasing smirk. "It's like someone's slapping a fish around or something."
You furrowed your brows, utterly confused by her accusation. "Jinx, I was alone. I swear," you said, your voice firm. "It's probably just the pipes or something." But even as you said it, doubt began to creep in. The dream had felt so real, so vivid. Could it be more than just your subconscious playing tricks on you?
Jinx's smirk faltered, and she leaned back in her chair, eyeing you skeptically. "You sure?" she pressed, her curiosity not quite satisfied.
You nodded, setting the crackers on the counter. "Positive," you replied, crossing your arms over your chest. "I was just sleeping." But the memory of the dream washed over you again, the feeling of fullness and the sound of your own voice crying out in pleasure echoing in your mind. It had been so intense, so real, that you couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to it than just a vivid fantasy.
Jinx leaned back in her chair, her curiosity piqued. She tapped her chin with a finger, her eyes drifting off into the distance as if piecing together a puzzle. "So, about your dreams," she began, pausing to gauge your reaction. "What really happened?"
You turned to face her, the memory of the dream still lingering in your mind. The woman from your dream, her eyes so intense and filled with passion, had felt so real. "It's nothing," you replied, trying to brush it off, but your voice betrayed you, shaky and uncertain.
Jinx's eyes searched yours, and she leaned forward, placing her book aside. "Look, if something's going on, you can tell me," she said gently. "You know I'm not going to judge."
You sighed, feeling the weight of the secret pressing down on you. "It's just...it's so weird. In the dream, she was...doing things to me," you admitted, your voice dropping to a whisper. "And it didn't feel wrong, or scary. It just felt...good."
Jinx's gaze softened, and she reached out to place a hand on your shoulder. "Hey, it's okay. Dreams are just that - dreams," she assured you, her voice soothing. "But if you want to talk about it, I'm here for you."
You took a deep breath, weighing your options. You hadn't told anyone about the dreams, not even your closest friends. But there was something about Jinx that made you feel like you could trust her with the darkest of your secrets. So, you decided to take a risk and opened up. You recounted the dream in detail, the way the mysterious woman had taken you in her arms, the sound of her breath against your neck, the feeling of her hips grinding against yours. Jinx's eyes widened slightly, but she didn't interrupt, just nodded along, listening intently.
When you finished, you felt both relieved and embarrassed. You avoided eye contact, focusing instead on the crackers you hadn't realized you were still holding. "It's just so... intense," you murmured, fidgeting with the box. "I don't even know who she is, and yet she's all I can think about."
Jinx was quiet for a moment, processing your words. Then she leaned in, a glint of mischief in her eyes. "Well, what does she look like?" she asked, a playful lilt to her voice.
You described the woman from your dream: her short, spiky hair, the muscular physique that spoke of strength and agility, and the piercing gaze that had you feeling both vulnerable and safe. As you talked, Jinx's expression grew thoughtful. "Hmm," she murmured, her eyes lighting up with an idea. "I might know someone who fits that description."
Her words sent a jolt of excitement through you, and you turned to face her fully. "What? Who?"
Jinx's grin grew wider as she leaned back in her chair. "My sister," she said, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Vi. She's got that same look in her eyes when she's... concentrating. And she's definitely got the moves."
Your heart skipped a beat at the mention of Vi. The woman from your dreams had the same name as Jinx's sister? It couldn't be a coincidence, could it? "Vi?" you echoed, your voice barely above a whisper. "Your sister?"
Jinx nodded, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "Yeah, you know, the one who's always breaking down doors and causing a ruckus?"
You felt your cheeks flush hotter. "I-I don't know what to say."
Jinx leaned forward, her grin morphing into a smug smirk. "Well, if you're that interested, I might be able to arrange a meeting."
You stared at her, your heart racing. "What? No, I didn't mean..." You trailed off, your thoughts tangling in a mess of excitement and anxiety. "It's just that the dreams are so intense," you protested weakly.
Jinx's smirk grew knowing. "Intense, huh?" she said, her tone teasing. "Well, if you're ever curious about the real deal, you know where to find her. But maybe you should tell her you're a fan first."
You laughed nervously, shaking your head. "I don't know if I could handle that. Besides, it's just a dream," you said, trying to convince yourself more than anything. But the way Jinx's eyes gleamed with mischief had you wondering if there was more to the story.
Jinx shrugged, picking her book back up. "Suit yourself," she said, her tone light. "But if you ever change your mind, just let me know."
The rest of the day was a blur. You couldn't concentrate on your classes or your studies, your mind a tumult of thoughts and sensations from the dream. Was it possible that Vi, the woman from your dreams, was actually Jinx's sister? And if so, what did that mean? Was your subconscious playing a cruel trick on you, or was there some deeper connection at play?
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That evening, as you lay in bed trying to fall asleep, the memory of Vi's powerful embrace consumed you. You felt the ache between your legs, the same ache that had been present every time you woke up from the dream. It was maddening, and yet you couldn't ignore it. The desire grew stronger, and before you knew it, your hand was moving under the covers, exploring the wetness that had gathered there.
You opened your eyes to the darkness of your room, the sound of your own breathing echoing in your ears. The dream had been so vivid, you could almost feel the weight of Vi's body on top of you, her strong thighs pressing into yours as she moved in a rhythm that was both fierce and tender. The sensation grew more intense with each passing moment, your hips bucking against the pressure of your hand.
Suddenly, the room was flooded with light, and you gasped as the figure from your dreams leaned down and kissed you hard. "Oh fuck, you're awake," she murmured against your lips, her voice a gruff whisper that sent a shiver down your spine. It was Vi, just as you had imagined, her short hair a wild mess around her face, her eyes glinting with a mix of surprise and desire.
You stared up at her, heart pounding in your chest. This couldn't be real, could it? You tried to speak, to ask what was happening, but all that came out was a strangled sound. Vi pulled back, her expression a mix of confusion and concern. "You okay?" she asked, her voice softer now.
You nodded, still unable to form coherent words. She was really here, in your room, her body pressing down on yours, her cock still inside you. You felt a mix of fear and excitement, unsure how to react.
Vi studied you for a moment before a slow, knowing smile spread across her face. "I see," she murmured, her eyes darkening. "You liked it, didn't you?"
Your body seemed to respond of its own accord, your hips moving slightly, the friction of her cock still buried inside you sending waves of pleasure through your body. You couldn't deny it, not with the evidence of your own arousal so clear. "I-I don't know," you stuttered, but the words lacked conviction.
Vi leaned closer, her breath warm against your cheek. "Lie to me again, and I'll make sure you won't be able to walk tomorrow," she whispered, a hint of a threat in her voice that only served to excite you further. Her hand slid down your body, cupping your ass and squeezing gently. You gasped, your eyes widening with surprise.
The realization hit you like a ton of bricks - this wasn't a dream. This was really happening. You felt the weight of her body pressing down on you, the solidity of her cock still embedded deep inside you. The smell of sweat and sex filled the air, and you could feel your own wetness mixing with hers.
Vi took your silence as consent, her smile growing more wicked. "Good," she murmured, and began to move again, her hips rocking in a slow, deliberate rhythm. You couldn't help the moan that escaped your lips as she filled you up, the sensation of being claimed by someone so strong and dominant overwhelming.
Her hands roamed over your body, exploring every curve and crevice with a hunger that was palpable. Each touch sent sparks of electricity through your nerves, making you squirm and gasp beneath her. You felt vulnerable and exposed, but instead of fear, a heady mix of desire and excitement took over.
Vi's eyes bore into yours, the intensity of her gaze stealing your breath away. "You're so fucking beautiful," she murmured, her voice a gravelly growl that resonated deep within you. The way she said it, it didn't feel like a lie or a line; it felt like a truth she had discovered and couldn't help but voice.
Your body responded to her words, your muscles tightening around her cock. She groaned, her grip on your hips tightening as she pushed deeper, her movements becoming more urgent. You felt a thrill of power, knowing that you had this effect on her, this powerful, almost mythic figure from your dreams.
Her hand slid up your body to cup your breast, her thumb flicking over your nipple. You arched into the touch, the pleasure shooting straight to your core. Vi's eyes never left yours, watching your every reaction with a hunger that was both terrifying and intoxicating.
As she picked up the pace, you felt your orgasm building, the pressure growing with each thrust. You bit your bottom lip to keep from screaming, the intensity of the sensations threatening to overwhelm you. You could feel her own need, the tension in her body as she held back, drawing out the moment.
Your hands clutched at the bedsheets, your nails digging into the fabric as you tried to anchor yourself to reality. But it was no use; you were lost in the haze of pleasure that Vi was creating. Her movements grew more erratic, her breathing ragged as she approached her climax.
You felt your own orgasm building, the tension coiling tightly in your stomach. You didn't know if you could handle this, didn't know if you wanted to. But your body had a mind of its own, responding to her touch like it had been starved for it.
Her hand slid down to the juncture of your thighs, her fingers finding your clit and beginning to rub it in a rhythm that matched the pounding of her cock. You gasped, your eyes squeezing shut as the pleasure grew too intense to bear. You could feel your muscles clench around her, desperately trying to hold onto the sensation, to keep her inside you forever.
Vi's movements grew more frenzied, her breath coming in ragged gasps. "Fuck," she muttered, her voice strained. "You're so tight, so wet." The words only served to fuel your desire, and you found yourself bucking your hips up to meet her thrusts, your body begging for more.
The sound of your skin slapping against hers filled the room, a cacophony of pleasure that seemed to resonate in your very bones. You could feel your orgasm approaching, a storm of sensation building inside you, ready to break.
Vi's hand on your clit was like a masterful conductor, guiding you closer and closer to the edge. Each stroke was precise, each touch a masterpiece of pleasure that had your toes curling and your back arching. Her teeth grazed your neck, sending shivers down your spine, and you knew you were moments away from the most powerful climax of your life.
Your body tensed, muscles coiling like a spring ready to release. With one final, deep thrust, Vi sent you over the edge, and you screamed out her name, the sound muffled by the pillow you had shoved into your mouth to stifle the noise. The pleasure washed over you like a tidal wave, your body convulsing around her, clenching her cock like a vice.
Vi's own orgasm followed closely behind, her hips bucking wildly as she filled you with her release. You could feel the heat of her seed inside you, a strange, primal sensation that only added to the intensity of the moment. Her breathing was harsh and ragged in your ear, and you realized with a start that she was whispering your name, her voice filled with a raw emotion that didn't quite match the cold, calculating demeanor she usually had.
As your body began to relax, she leaned back, her eyes never leaving yours. With a sudden movement, she pulled out of you, making you gasp with the sudden emptiness. Before you could react, she brought her hand down in a harsh slap across your pussy, the sound echoing in the silent room. Your eyes snapped open, and you jolted at the unexpected pain and pleasure that shot through you.
Vi smirked, watching the shock play out across your face. "You liked that, didn't you?" she taunted, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. You could feel the heat rising in your cheeks, a mix of embarrassment and arousal.
Her hand hovered over your sensitive flesh, and you held your breath, waiting for the next slap. "I said, did you like it?" she pressed, her voice low and demanding.
You nodded, unable to form the words. The sting of her hand had sent a jolt of pleasure through you that was almost unbearable. You felt your cheeks burn with a mix of embarrassment and desire.
"So, you liked that, huh?" Vi's smirk grew wider as she watched you squirm beneath her. She slapped your pussy once more, this time a bit harder, and you gasped aloud. "You're going to get used to this," she murmured, her voice a dark promise. "Being used like a cumdump by a girl you never even knew existed."
Your eyes watered from the pain, but the ache between your legs grew stronger. You felt a strange mix of fear and excitement, knowing that she had taken you without your consent but finding yourself desperate for more. "Vi," you whimpered, not knowing what else to say.
"That's right," she said, her voice low and smoky. "Call me by name, let me know who owns you now." Her hand moved to grip your jaw, tilting your head up to look at her. "Open your mouth, pretty girl," she ordered, her eyes gleaming with a dark excitement.
You obeyed, your mouth opening slightly, unsure of what was to come. Vi leaned down, her spit glistening in the soft light of the moon filtering through the curtains. With a flick of her tongue, she sent a wad of saliva into your mouth, watching as you closed your lips around it. The taste was surprisingly warm, and it sent a shiver down your spine.
"Swallow," she demanded, her grip on your chin firm. You did as you were told, the act strangely intimate and degrading all at once. Her saliva slid down your throat, leaving a trail of wetness that seemed to echo the wetness between your legs. Vi's eyes never left yours, her gaze a mix of challenge and triumph.
The reality of what had just happened began to sink in. You had been taken by your roommate's sister, a woman you had only ever dreamt about, while you were unconscious. It was a violation, a betrayal, and yet your body sang with satisfaction. You were torn between anger and a desperate need for more.
Vi leaned down, her breath hot against your ear. "You want me to stop?" she whispered, her voice a dark caress. You hesitated, the words on the tip of your tongue, but the truth was that you didn't. You were scared, yes, but also unbearably turned on. You bit your lip and shook your head, and Vi's grip tightened. "Good," she murmured, her teeth grazing your earlobe. "Because I'm not done with you yet."
With that, she slammed back into you, her cock filling you completely. You couldn't help but moan, the feeling of being stretched to your limits sending shivers down your spine. Your nails dug into the bedsheets as she began to fuck you with a ferocity that seemed to shake the very foundations of the room.
Your thoughts were a whirlwind of confusion and lust. You had never experienced anything like this before, and yet you found yourself craving it, your body moving in time with hers as if you had been doing this for years. You felt like a ragdoll in her powerful grip, utterly at her mercy.
Vi's hips ground into you, her movements unrelenting as she claimed your body over and over again. Each thrust sent shockwaves of pleasure through your core, making your toes curl and your breath hitch in your throat. Your eyes squeezed shut as you tried to process the sensations, but all you could do was feel. Feel her, inside you, dominating you.
Her hand found your throat, her thumb pressing against your pulse. "Look at me," she whispered, her voice a hoarse demand. You opened your eyes, meeting her intense gaze as she continued to fuck you, her thumb moving in slow, deliberate circles against your skin. The intimacy of the gesture was overwhelming, a stark contrast to the roughness of her movements.
The pleasure grew, a crescendo of sensation that you couldn't fight. You felt the beginnings of another orgasm building, and you whimpered, your body desperately seeking release. Vi's eyes never left yours as she drove you closer to the edge, her own breathing growing heavier, her strokes more erratic.
Her thumb pressed harder against your throat, and the sudden rush of fear only heightened the pleasure. You could feel your heart racing, your body responding to the mix of pain and pleasure in a way that was almost primal. "Beg for it," she growled, her voice thick with need. "Tell me you want it."
Your voice was hoarse from the gag of pleasure, but you managed to force out the words. "Please," you whimpered, "I want it."
Vi's grin grew wider, the power in her gaze never wavering. "Good girl," she purred, her hand tightening around your neck, the pressure just shy of painful. "You're going to come for me now."
Her words were a command, and your body obeyed. You felt the orgasm crest over you like a wave, your muscles clenching around her cock as you were consumed by the most intense pleasure you had ever felt. Your eyes rolled back in your head, a keening cry escaping your lips as you shuddered beneath her, the sensation of her thumb on your throat only amplifying the intensity.
As the climax washed over you, you felt a sudden gush of wetness, your body squirting out a warm jet that soaked the bedsheets and made Vi gasp in surprise. She stilled for a moment, her eyes going wide before a grin of pure satisfaction spread across her face. "Fuck," she murmured, her voice thick with lust. "You really are something else."
You lay there, panting and trembling, the aftershocks of pleasure still rolling through you. Vi leaned down, her breath warm against your neck, and whispered, "I'm not done with you yet." Her teeth grazed your skin, sending a shiver down your spine. Her hand left your throat and slid down to your clit, her fingers beginning to rub it in a slow, teasing circle.
You moaned, your body already responding despite the fear and confusion clouding your mind. "No," you managed to gasp out, pushing feebly at her chest. "It's too much, I can't..."
Vi just chuckled, the sound low and dark. "You think I care?" she murmured, her eyes glinting with a sadistic excitement. She slapped your pussy again, harder this time. "I didn't ask if you could take it," she said, her voice a harsh whisper. "I'm going to use you until I'm satisfied, and you're going to take it all."
You whimpered, your body already beginning to respond to the mix of pain and pleasure. It was wrong, you knew it was wrong, but you couldn't help the way your hips lifted to meet her hand, the way your breath hitched in anticipation of the next blow.
Vi's grin grew, her eyes gleaming with triumph. "That's it," she murmured, her voice a dark purr. "You're going to be such a good little slut for me." She slapped you again, the pain making your vision swim before pleasure flooded your senses, your body arching off the bed.
Her fingers slid back inside you, pumping in and out with a rhythm that was relentless and punishing. You could feel her knuckles brushing against your clit with each thrust, sending sparks of sensation shooting through your body. You moaned, the sound muffled by the pillow still pressed to your face.
As the pleasure mounted, you felt something inside you snap. The words you had held back for so long, the words you never thought you'd say to someone like Vi, tumbled out of your mouth. "I love you," you whimpered, the confession weak and pathetic.
Vi's movements stuttered, her eyes widening with shock. For a brief moment, she seemed to freeze above you, the hand that had been so brutally claiming you going still. Then, she leaned down, her voice a low rumble. "What did you say?"
You repeated the words, your voice stronger now, though still a whisper. "I love you, Vi." It was the truth, and you didn't know why it was, but it was as clear to you as the moon outside your window. The woman who had just violated you in the most intimate way possible had somehow stolen your heart in the process.
Vi's expression softened, her eyes searching yours for a sign of deception. But all she found was raw, desperate need. Her hand stilled on your clit, her cock still buried inside you. "You don't know what you're saying," she murmured, though there was something in her tone that suggested she wasn't entirely convinced.
You shook your head, the tears of pleasure blurring your vision. "I do," you insisted, your voice a broken whisper. "I love you, Vi. I don't know why, but I do."
Vi stared at you for a moment longer, her eyes searching yours for any hint of doubt or fear. But all she saw was the truth of your words, reflected back at her in your glassy gaze. With a groan that was almost a growl, she leaned down and claimed your mouth with hers, her kiss brutal and possessive.
Her tongue invaded your mouth, tasting the sweetness of your submission as she began to fuck you once more. Each stroke was deep and hard, a declaration of ownership that resonated through your very soul. You moaned into the kiss, your body responding eagerly to her touch.
Vi's hand slid down to cup your ass, lifting you up to meet her thrusts. The angle was perfect, sending her cock deeper with each powerful push. You felt the head of her cock brush against your g-spot, the sensation making your eyes roll back in your head. "Mine," she growled against your lips, claiming you in every way possible.
Your legs wrapped around her waist, holding her tight as she ravaged you. The sound of skin slapping skin filled the room, punctuated by your moans and her grunts of effort. It was a symphony of lust and dominance that you never wanted to end.
You gripped the headboard tightly, the wood digging into your palms as you tried to hold on to something, anything, in the face of the overwhelming pleasure. Each time she drove into you, you felt like you were being split apart, only to be put back together with a new piece of her embedded deep within you.
Her hand left your ass to wrap around your throat again, the pressure increasing slightly as she pulled back, only to slam into you with even more force. You could feel her getting closer to her own release, her body tensing and her breathing growing ragged.
With a whine of desperation, you reached up and grabbed her wrist, pulling her hand away from your throat and instead guiding it to your chest. You needed more, something to anchor you to the world as your body was lost in the maelstrom of pleasure she was creating.
Vi's hand complied, cupping one of your breasts roughly. You moaned into her mouth, feeling her palm against your sensitive flesh, the calloused pads of her fingers grazing your nipple. The feeling was almost too much, your body already on the edge of another orgasm.
With a growl, she broke the kiss, moving her mouth down to your neck. She bit down, hard enough to leave a bruise, and you couldn't help the whine that escaped your throat. She soothed the sting with a flick of her tongue, her teeth scraping against your skin as she moved to your collarbone.
Her hand squeezed your breast, her thumb flicking your nipple in a way that sent jolts of pleasure straight to your core. You felt the pressure building again, your body responding to her every touch, her every move. It was like you were a marionette, and she held all the strings.
Vi's rhythm grew more erratic, her breathing harsher, and you knew she was close. You tightened your legs around her, pulling her deeper, silently begging for her to let go. You felt the head of her cock pulse inside you, and the pressure was too much to bear. With a scream that was muffled by the pillow, you came again, your body shaking with the force of it.
This time, the orgasm was accompanied by a gush of wetness that soaked the bed and spattered her face. Vi chuckled darkly, her hand coming down to pat your pussy gently as if she were praising a pet that had performed a trick. The sensation was strange, almost tender amidst the harshness of her fucking, and you squirted again, the warm liquid hitting her cheek and mixing with the sweat already there.
Vi's strokes grew harder, more demanding, as she neared her own climax. You could feel her cock swelling inside you, her hips slamming into yours with a force that was almost painful. Your eyes squeezed shut as the pleasure grew too intense to handle, your teeth digging into the pillow to keep from screaming.
Suddenly, she pulled out, leaving you feeling empty and exposed. You looked up to see her stroking her cock, her eyes never leaving yours. "You want me to cum inside you?" she asked, her voice a mix of challenge and temptation.
You nodded, unable to find the words to answer. Your body was on fire with need, and the idea of feeling her fill you up was almost too much to bear. Vi's eyes narrowed, and she leaned back in, lining herself up with your entrance. With one final, powerful thrust, she sank back into you, her cock pulsing as she reached her climax.
You felt the warmth of her release flood you, filling you completely. It was a strange feeling, one that was both humiliating and thrilling. Your body was no longer your own; it was hers to use and abuse as she saw fit. And as she emptied herself into you, you realized that you had never felt more alive.
Vi pulled out slowly, her cock leaving you with a wet pop. You felt the emptiness keenly, your body already missing the feeling of being filled by her. She sat back on her haunches, her chest heaving, and looked down at you with a smirk. "You're mine now," she murmured, her voice thick with satisfaction.
Before you could react, she leaned down, her hand moving between your legs. You felt a finger slide into your pussy, and then she was scooping out the cum that had leaked out, her gaze never leaving yours. The act was strangely intimate, a claiming of your body's response to her. She brought her hand up to her mouth, her eyes never breaking contact as she licked the cum from her finger with a slow, deliberate motion.
"You taste so sweet," she murmured, her voice thick with lust. "I can't wait to have more." The words sent a shiver down your spine, a mix of fear and anticipation. You had no idea what she had planned for you, but you knew it would be intense.
You looked up at her, trying to gather the strength to protest. "Vi, please," you gasped, your voice weak and trembling. "I can't take any more."
But Vi just smiled, a wicked glint in her eye. She leaned down, her face inches from yours, and began to pepper your cheeks with gentle kisses. Each one was like a butterfly's touch, light and feathery, a stark contrast to the brutal fucking she had just given you. She kissed your eyelids, your nose, the tip of your chin, her lips moving with a tenderness that was almost tender.
Her hand continued to play with your sensitive folds, her thumb circling your clit lazily. "You're so beautiful when you come," she whispered, her voice a soft caress. "I could watch you all night."
The gentle touch was too much, your body already overwhelmed with sensation. "Please," you begged, not sure what you were asking for. Whether you wanted her to stop or keep going, your words hung in the air, a silent plea for mercy.
Vi's eyes searched yours, the smirk slowly fading into something softer. She leaned closer, her thumb still circling your clit with a maddening gentleness. "Can I- can I kiss you?" you asked, the question barely a whisper.
For a moment, she seemed surprised, the tenderness in your voice reaching something deep within her. Her hand stilled, and she looked at you, really looked at you. Then, with a nod, she leaned in, her lips brushing yours in a kiss that was gentle and searching. It was a stark contrast to the brutality of the past moments, a kiss that seemed to carry the weight of unspoken promises and dark secrets.
Your body responded instinctively, your arms wrapping around her neck, pulling her closer. You tasted the salt of her sweat, the tang of your own arousal on her mouth. It was a heady mix that only served to heighten your need for her. Vi's hand slid up to cradle the back of your head, her fingers threading through your hair as she deepened the kiss.
For a moment, you forgot about the pain, the fear, the confusion. There was only the two of you, lost in a passion that seemed to burn brighter than the sun. Your bodies melded together, moving in a silent dance that spoke of a connection that went deeper than just flesh and bone.
Vi's thumb began to move again, her gentle strokes sending sparks of pleasure through your body. You moaned into the kiss, your hips lifting to meet her hand. She broke away, her breath hot against your cheek as she whispered, "Do you want more?"
You shake your head, "I really can't." Your voice was barely audible, a soft protest against the onslaught of desire that was consuming you. But Vi was insistent, her hand moving faster, her eyes never leaving yours. "You can," she murmured, her voice a seductive purr. "You're stronger than you think."
Your breathing grew more ragged, your chest heaving as you struggled for air. The room felt like it was spinning, the pressure building inside you like a volcano ready to erupt. You could feel the blood rushing to your head, the world going dark around the edges. "Vi," you gasped, your voice a desperate plea. "I'm gonna pass out."
But she just chuckled, her eyes never leaving yours. "Not yet," she murmured, her thumb moving even faster. "I want to watch you come one more time."
Your body was on the edge, teetering between agony and ecstasy. You couldn't take it anymore, but somehow, you also couldn't get enough. Vi's thumb was a brand on your clit, her hand moving with a precision that seemed to know every secret of your body. You felt the pressure building again, a crescendo of pleasure that seemed to go on forever.
"Come for me," she whispered, her voice a dark caress. "Come for me, my little slut." The words sent a bolt of pleasure straight to your core, and with a scream that you didn't recognize as your own, you did. Your body arched off the bed, your back bowing as the orgasm hit you like a freight train.
You felt yourself tightening around her hand, your pussy clenching and pulsing as you spasmed beneath her. Vi's eyes were alight with triumph and hunger, watching the show she had orchestrated with a greed that was almost palpable. She didn't stop, her thumb still working your clit as you rode the waves of pleasure.
The orgasm was unlike anything you had ever felt before, a mix of pain and pleasure so intense it was almost unbearable. Your toes curled and your nails dug into the bed, the fabric tearing beneath your grip. The room was a blur of sensation, your thoughts scattered to the four winds as you lost yourself in the feeling of her hand on you.
Vi's thumb didn't relent, the steady rhythm keeping you on the edge of the cliff, unable to pull back from the precipice. Your body was a live wire, every nerve ending alight with sensation as she pushed you further than you had ever gone. "Vi," you whimpered, your voice a desperate plea. "Please, I can't."
But she just grinned, her eyes gleaming with a dark excitement. "You can," she whispered, her breath hot against your cheek. "You're going to come for me until I say stop."
Your eyes rolled back in your head, the world going fuzzy around the edges. You couldn't take much more of this, you were sure of it. Each stroke of her thumb was a brand, a mark of ownership that seared into your very soul. But as much as your body protested, it also craved more. The pleasure was an addiction, and Vi was your dealer.
Her hand was relentless, the strokes coming faster now, the pressure increasing until you thought you might shatter. You felt another orgasm building, a monster in the depths of your core that threatened to consume you. "No," you moaned, your voice weak and trembling. "Please, no more."
But Vi wasn't listening, her eyes locked onto yours, her expression one of pure, unbridled lust. She leaned down, her mouth capturing yours in a kiss that was almost gentle, a stark contrast to the roughness of her hand. You could feel her smile against your lips, the warmth of her breath mingling with your own.
The pressure built, your body a tight coil of pleasure and pain. You felt yourself slipping away, the edges of your vision going dark. "Vi," you whispered, your voice barely audible. "I can't..."
But she was unrelenting, her hand moving faster, her thumb a blur against your clit. You felt yourself falling, the world around you fading into a sea of sensation. You tried to hold on, to keep your eyes open, but it was like trying to grasp at water. The orgasm hit you like a tidal wave, dragging you under and leaving you gasping for air.
As the pleasure consumed you, your vision went dark, the room spinning out of control. You felt yourself slipping away, the last of your strength leaving you. Your body went limp, the tension draining from your muscles as the world grew quiet. The only thing you could hear was the distant sound of your own ragged breathing.
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When you woke up, the first thing you noticed was the uncomfortable weight of your clothes. You were fully dressed, your pajamas sticking to your sweat-soaked skin. The bedsheets beneath you were new and clean, the smell of fresh laundry filling your nose. For a moment, you wondered if it had all been a dream, a twisted nightmare that had felt all too real. But then you felt the ache between your legs, the sticky mess that was a testament to what had just transpired.
With a groan, you pushed yourself up, your muscles protesting the sudden movement. Your body was sore, a delicious reminder of the relentless pleasure Vi had wrung from you. The room was quiet, the only sound the distant echo of the city outside your window. You knew you had to face the music, had to tell Jinx what had happened. So, you took a deep breath and slowly slid off the bed.
Your legs wobbled, threatening to give out beneath you, but you managed to stay upright. Each step towards the door was a battle, your body still pulsing with the aftermath of your encounter. You didn't bother to smooth your hair or straighten your clothes; you knew that your disheveled state would be the first clue that something was amiss.
As you opened the door, the cool air of the corridor hit you like a slap in the face, jolting you fully awake. You stumbled into the hallway, leaning against the wall for support. Your heart was racing, your thoughts a chaotic jumble of lust, fear, and confusion. You had to tell someone, but who? Jinx was the only one you could trust, but how could you explain?
You could hear her laughter from the living room, the sound echoing down the hallway like a taunt. She seemed to be talking with someone, her voice a mix of amusement and something darker that you couldn't quite place. You took a deep breath, trying to compose yourself. You had to tell her, had to make her understand what had happened.
As you stepped into the room, you saw Vi sitting on the couch, her legs sprawled out in front of her, looking as if she owned the place. Jinx sat next to her, a smug smile playing on her lips as she glanced up at you. "There you are, sleepyhead," she said, her tone mocking. "Soo, about yesterday when I told you about my sister, here she is!"
Jinx's elbow jabbed into your side, and she winked. "Well, have fun guys," she sing-songed, her voice dripping with mischief as she got up and left the room, shutting the door behind her with a snicker. You stared after her, your mind racing. What was she playing at? Did she know what Vi had done to you?
Vi looked up at you, her eyes glinting with a knowing look that sent a shiver down your spine. She had the audacity to smile, a smile that was both sweet and sinister. "Hi," she said, as if you were two strangers meeting for the first time. "Nice to finally meet you."
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p1astr81 · 2 months ago
just a prank - op81
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in which: Lando has his friends over, and while his roommate is taking a shower, they decide to play a prank on her. Oscar is the one to come to her rescue.
pairing: Oscar Piastri x Lando’s roommate!reader
warnings: uni au, fluff, bullying lowkey, use of y/n, a little objectifying, my first fic on here so pls don’t be rude
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Y/N just got off work, and she desperately needed a shower.
Wanting to become a physiotherapist, she worked part-time at a private secondary school alongside the athletic trainer to make some money while she studied at uni. She was helping one of the football athletes. He’d sprained his ankle earlier in the season, and she was having him do a few exercises to rebuild his strength in that foot.
Long story short, three boys came in asking for her to tape up their knees. Before she could say anything, one of the boys “tripped” and spilled an entire can of Red Bull down the front of her. The nice football player offered his shirt to her, but she politely declined. She’d remained in the sticky clothes for the rest of the day. And as soon as she got home, she jumped in the shower.
Conveniently, her roommate, Lando Norris, forgot to tell her that he invited a bunch of his friends over. So a quarter of the way through her shower, the shared apartment became filled with boys.
“What is taking her so long? I have to piss,” Keegan complained. Lando just shrugged. “Oh!” Carlos exclaimed, like a lightbulb just went off in his head. “Let’s play a prank on her.” He suggested. “Like turn off the lights?” Max Fewtrell asked. “Or turn off her music.” Ginge grumbled. The pop music was blasting, filling the apartment with the vocals of various pop girls.
“I was thinking more like take her clothes,” Carlos said, a mischievous tone about his voice. Lando laughed. “Just say you want to see my roommate naked, mate.”
Oscar thought they should leave her be, but he wasn’t friends with everyone in the room. Only Lando. And he didn’t want to be labeled as a kill joy, so he stayed silent.
“It’s not just me, I think everyone wants a piece of her.” Carlos defended himself, glancing at the others in the room who hesitantly nodded along—well, except for Oscar. “You’ve got your share already, haven’t you?”
Lando shook his head. “Nope, she sees me as a ‘friend’.” He shared, unamused. The room winced at the fact he’d been friendzoned. Carlos got up from the couch, and headed down the hallway where the bathroom was located.
Y/N heard the door open and groaned. “Lando how many times do I have to tell you, you have to knock before coming in.” You scolded, but instead of the usual sassy response you’d receive, it was silence. The door clicked closed, and you peaked your head out, not noticing anything different immediately.
Carlos emerged from the hallway. “Got the clothes, and the towel.” He held up the items proudly. The group of them cheered. Something inside Oscar’s stomach twisted. These aren’t the people he thought he befriended.
after around fifteen minutes, the shower water turned off, and her music followed quickly after. “Lando!” She shouted but got no reply. So she stuck her head out of the door. “Lando! Give me my stuff back!” She demanded. This time, she was met with laughter. She quickly realized it wasn’t just Lando in the apartment. Panic set in.
Her roommate seeing her without clothes on was one thing. She could live with that embarrassment. He accidentally walked in on her changing once before. But by the sounds of it, there were at least five other people out there. The status of their phones—whether they would be recording or not—was completely unknown to her.
She shut the bathroom door, and began scheming. Her first thought was the shower curtains, but the rust had fused the clips of the cheap hangers together. She could use the hand towel, but that wouldn’t cover much. Toilet paper wasn’t an option, as there was so little left in the roll that it would help just about as much as the hand towel. She was left with pleading.
She stuck her head out the door again. “Lando, come on. Just give me a bath towel at least.” All she heard was laughter. “I’ll buy you take-away for a week.” She tried to bargain. Again, only laughter. She huffed. Knowing most of Lando’s friends were pining after her, she tried to bargain with, “I’ll kiss every one of you if you just give me a towel.” There was no laughter immediately, as if they were actually considering it. It gave her a little bit of hope. But it shattered moments later as they began to laugh again.
Seeing as bargaining didn’t work, she was reduced to begging. “Lando, please.” They only laughed harder, but their laughter was soon replaced with cries of disappointment. “Mate, don’t.” “Come one man don’t be a wet blanket.” “Dude she was gonna have to come out eventually.”
Her saving grace appeared at the end of the hallway, her towel in his hands. While the hallway was dimly lit, the floppy hair on his head couldn’t be mistaken for anyone else. Oscar was always her favorite out of all Lando’s friends.
He stopped in front of her. The bathroom light illuminated his face enough for her to see his small smile. “Thank you so much.” Her words came out with a sigh of gratitude. His smile widened as he nodded, his hair flopping along with his head.
She closed the door on him, and re-emerged seconds later with the towel wrapped about her. “Oscar,” she called to the man who was stood at the end of the hall. He turned to her with a raised brow as she caught up with him. She took his arm, passing the group of booing boys on the way to her bedroom.
She brought Oscar into her room and locked the door behind them. “Oh, no. I didn’t do that to get anything in return.” He quickly said, his eyes wide. He did not want her to feel like she was obligated to give him something.
“Trust me, I know.” She smiled. “You’ve always been my favorite out of all of Lando’s friends. You’re the only polite one.” She shared while digging through her dresser for new pajamas. Carlos was still holding her other ones hostage.
“Oh, uhm, thanks.” He scratched the back of his neck. He was looking everywhere except at her. “Turn around for me.” She requested, and he quickly listened.
His cheeks went red when he heard her towel drop. He wanted to take a peak. Like the other boys, he did think you were very attractive. But unlike the other boys would have, he didn’t try to steal a glance at you. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re very good looking?” She asked.
“My grandma called me handsome once.” He shared. Her laughter rang out, the angelic sound floating right to his ears and making his head feel a little lighter. “Funny, good looking, and polite. It’s a wonder you haven’t been locked down yet.” She laughed again.
Oscar didn’t know what to say to that, so he just laughed awkwardly. “I’m sorry, I’m probably making this really weird. I just wanted to thank you.” She apologized, her voice sincere. Oscar shook his head quickly. “It’s not weird, and you don’t need to thank me.” She heard in his voice how nervous he was, and smiled softly at him. “You can turn around now, by the way.” He did, and bit back a laugh at the set of hot-pink pug pajamas she’d put on. “Don’t laugh. They’re all I have clean.” She sighed.
“‘M not laughing.” He stated, though his voice was very clearly on the verge of breaking into hysterics. He couldn’t help it, and after a few seconds let out a little chuckle. “Yeah, alright. You can get back to your friends now. Sorry for keeping you.”
“Eh,” Oscar stammered. “I’m a bit afraid to go back out there, if I’m honest.” He confessed with a nervous glance toward the door. She shrugged. “You could stay here with me. I don’t mind. I was just going to watch a few episodes of Brooklyn 99 before going to sleep.”
He hesitated. “If you truly don’t mind.” She shook her head and scooted over to make room for him in the bed next to her.
Morning arrived, and when Oscar stretched his limbs, he found himself unable to move a great part of the left side of his body. Glancing down to investigate the problem, he found y/n at it’s source. He realized he never left her room last night, and as a result, they fell asleep together.
Slowly, he sunk back into the mattress, doing his best to keep her from waking. She looks inexplicably tranquil beside him. A small smile graced her lips as her head laid on his chest. An arm of hers was draped across his torso, and she had a leg laying cross his, disabling his ability to move them freely. He didn’t mind, though. In fact, he found himself at peace.
Despite his attempt at not disturbing her, she began to stir. She blinked repeatedly, trying to wake herself up. She let out a sigh before lifting her eyelids. She looked up at Oscar through her lashes. “Oh,” she muttered, lazily pulling herself away from him. “Sorry about that.” She apologized. Oscar found her groggy voice somewhat endearing. “I suppose you should get going, then.” She stood, stretching her arms toward the sky.
Oscar nodded. “Only if you let me take you out tonight.” He didn’t know where the confidence came from, and as soon as he got the words out, he began apologizing. “I’m so sorry. I’m not normally- I didn’t mean-“
“Yes, I’ll go on a date with you.” She interrupted his fumbling, smiling warmly at him. “I’ll walk you out.”
On their way out, they passed Lando, who was toasting pop tarts. “Have a fun night?” He asked bitterly.
“Calm down, we didn’t fuck.” She rolled her eyes before adding, “If we did, you definitely would’ve heard.”
“Yeah, whatever.” He waved her off. “All the guys aren’t too fond of you now.” He told Oscar, who shrugged. “They’re not the kind of blokes I care to be friends with, anyway.” Y/n smiled up at him.
“Oh!” She hummed, facing Lando. “and you’re going to have to cook your own food tonight. We’re going out.”
Lando rolled his eyes as the toaster popped from behind him.
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