#no earplugs required
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pastellich · 10 months ago
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Alfred Grifter of Grifter's Bone
I posted a bunch of my Magnus Archives fanart over on itch.io in a single downloadable file:
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paging-possum · 2 months ago
I feel like you're the person to ask about this but what's the usual dress codes for someone working a lab (making dnd npcs who are scientists lmao)
OKAY! so the thing is that it actually does depend a bit on what kind of lab it is and what you're working with! I'm mostly in wet biology/chemistry labs, and the general lab requirements are 1) safety goggles/eye protection, 2) lab coat, 3) full coverage clothing (like long pants/sleeves), 4) closed-toe shoes, 5) gloves, and 6) long hair up! More protection might be used (like hearing protection/respiratory protection or an apron or smth) but as far as I know those first things are pretty standard fare. basically keeping everything covered and making sure nothing gets in the way of what you're working on!
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ghostcrows · 10 months ago
I can't do it anymore man...I am not an office boy....I got to get into a trade where dudes just yell at me to lug shit around
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brinnanza · 2 years ago
Coping by writing some slightly overwrought missing scene fic for the magicians 1x4 and like not to navel gaze BUT if magic WERE real and someone put me in a fake world they wouldn't even have to try particularly hard and I would never leave I am at all times prepared to fully and entirely believe in the reality I'm currently perceiving. this means I have some Wild and Vivid dreams and also that I fully cannot relate to fictional characters in that situation. like if I went to magic school and then I woke up one day in the mental ward with a doctor telling me 'oh boy we're back on the hallucinations again huh' I would just be like "yeah sure that makes sense I'll take the haliperidol please" any time a character is like "hm this isn't quite adding up" or "this is too good to be real" I'm like couldn't be me dog I'm like 'huh weird' and then move on with my life I can't do anything about anything anyway so like might as well just hit what's pitched. might as well be a brain in a jar I have to live like this anyway
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silverbackwolf14 · 2 months ago
Industry: in an environment over 80 decibels, hearing protection is required.
Movie theaters: Get fucked, lol.
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dravidious · 4 months ago
You're more amazing than paper
I've been making a lot of builds on Monster Hunter, but some weapons that I want to play don't need any/many skills to work, just a charm and/or a few decorations, so the armor doesn't matter. I decided to make a generic armor set, and wondered what skills to put on it for 2 seconds before I remembered that this game has a million ways to stun you, so I made a build that's immune to them all*
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Hi! Is there anyone who has any reputable papers on NIHL (noise induced hearing loss) in children (or maybe teachers, beggars can't be choosers) caused by school? All I can find on NIHL in children seems to mostly blame playing media at high volumes, but in gym class basketball it gets LOUD (100-105 dbA, with occasional peaks up to 120dbA according to my measurments). Just wondering as here there are people much smarter than I am
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terminally-spooked · 1 year ago
Nothing tests the boundaries of patience like thin walls at 3am
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itsaspectrumcomic · 5 months ago
What can we do to improve employment for autistic people? Everyone on Tumblr just complains which doesn't really help me at all.
It's different for everyone as every autistic person has different support needs, but here are some examples in no particular order:
Allowed to wear headphones/earplugs (and not shamed for it!)
Clear tasks and written instructions - personally I find it very difficult to follow and remember verbal instructions and I know I'm not the only one
Allowed to have and use fidgets in the workplace
Able to work from home (ie, not forced to be in the office for the sake of being in the office)
Flexible hours
Adjustable lighting or allowed to wear sunglasses
Not forced to work in an open plan office
Have a designated quiet space to decompress in
Regular breaks
A company culture that accepts and encourages taking holiday/sick days
Bullying in the workplace should be taken seriously and not dismissed
No spontaneous meetings - have a schedule and stick to it
Less focus on the need for eye contact/handshakes in interviews
Less hoops to jump through when applying - why do I need to type my entire job experience into your form when it's all in the résumé I just uploaded? Why do I need several years of experience for an entry level job?
Don't put 'must work well in a fast paced environment' in your requirements. Work on making the environment less stressful and fast paced instead
Obviously not all of these will work for every person, and some might not be possible in some workplaces, but these are the kinds of things I would find helpful personally.
Fellow autistic people, feel free to add anything that would help you!
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weird-and-unwell · 1 year ago
“Autism isn’t a disability”, “it’s just a difference”.
I am of lower support needs. I hold down a (part time) job. I have travelled around my home country. I live alone.
At work they complain about my speech. I’m too quiet, they say, “barely audible” is the words used at my autism assessment. My voice is all monotone, and it needs to be more expressive. I get this complaint every week for a year straight, until my manager gives up. I don’t attend trainings because I forget and find it overwhelming anyways. My coworkers form friendships, and I watch them talk, wondering how they make it look so easy. I get a new manager, I tell her I find the work socials too overwhelming to attend. She tells me I can just say I don’t want to come. I don’t know how to tell her that I desperately want to, to be like the rest of my coworkers, instead of constantly being the one sat on the sidelines.
I come home, and I can hear my neighbours again. The niggling background noise messes with my head, and I meltdown; I throw myself on the floor, I hit my head on the ground repeatedly as I scream and cry, tear out my hair and scratch my arms and face. When I complain, people tell me that I just have to accept that neighbours make noise, that I should just ignore it, or block it out. I am the problem, the one overreacting. I put in earplugs and it hurts and I'm crying again. I wear headphones but I can't handle the noise for that long.
I have reminders set for everything. Every chore, no matter how big or small. My phone beeps at me, reminding me that I need to wash the dishes. If I don't go now, then tick the little box on my phone to say I did it, it won't get done. My home is almost always a mess despite this. It's not just chores either. I won't think to wash, dress myself, brush my teeth or hair, without those reminders. And unless someone actively prompts me to do so, I will do those tasks "wrong". I haven't changed my underwear in a month, and I'm currently aware that's a problem, but within the hour I'm going to forget all over again until I'm next prompted.
I can't sleep without medication - it's not unusual for autistic people to have messed up circadian rhythms. Without my medication it's hard to even tell when I'm awake and when I'm asleep. When I was younger and at school I slept through so many lessons, and when I have my mandatory breaks from my sleep meds I sleep through every alarm I set. I want to work full time some day, and I'm terrified of what my sleep issue will mean for me then.
I don't travel independently. I don't travel anywhere alone, always with someone or to someone. If to someone, I have assistance the whole way. I find it embarrassing sometimes. Yes, I have a job that requires a certain level of intelligence. No, I cannot get on a train by myself. If I am not shown To The Train, To My Seat, I will be unable to travel.
Last time I travelled, I was left alone at the station for ten minutes. I stayed rigid and sobbed the whole time. I was overwhelmed. It was too loud, I didn't know where I was or where I was meant to be going, and until the assistance person came back I couldn't do anything because for some reason I cannot understand it.
I spend a lot of time trying to explain to people that despite my relative competence, I am unable to do many things. Why can I understand high level maths but not how to get on a damn train? No fucking idea.
"Autism isn't a disability" most severely affects those with higher support needs, and this is absolutely not to take away from them. But for fucks sake, autism is disabling.
Maybe you personally are extremely lucky and just find you're a little "socially awkward", or just find some textures painful or nauseating. Maybe you would be fine with just a couple of adjustments.
But for a lot of us, even lower support needs autistics, it doesn't work like that. I will never sleep properly without medication. I still have the self-harming type of meltdowns as an adult, over things that are deemed as being "just part of life". I live alone but have daily visits from family - if I'm left fully alone I forget all the little daily things one is "meant" to do. I had speech therapy as a child to get me to the "barely audible" "mostly correct" speech. I don't mask, I'm not really sure how I would to begin with.
I'm not unhappy with being autistic. It's just who I am. Life would be easier if I were neurotypical, but I also wouldn't be me. I just wish those luckier than me could...stop saying it's all chill and not at all a disability.
Because yes, socially, I am "awkward". I obviously don't make eye contact - I stare down and to the side of whoever I speak to. People think it's weird or creepy or a sign of disinterest. My autism assessor wrote down about how I often use words and phrases that don't make sense to others, even though they make perfect sense to me. In my daily life this means I'm frequently misunderstood, and have to try explain what I mean, when what I mean is exactly what I said, and the true issue is that what I mean just doesn't make sense to others. I gesture, at times, but again, my gestures apparently don't make sense in relation to what I'm saying. I take things literally, I have almost no filter, and I can't explain how I go from topic to topic.
And yes, I do have sensory problems. Sometimes people, including others with sensory problems, tell me that "sometimes sensory issues have to be tolerated", and I wonder what they think of as being sensory issues. I'm sure they do struggle, but if I say I can't handle a touch, I mean you will need to forcefully hold it against me for me to touch it more than a second and it will make me meltdown. If I say "I can't eat that", I mean that I am unable to swallow it, that I will gag and choke and inevitably spit it back out, as much as I try. If I say I can't handle a noise, I mean I'm so close to a meltdown and my meltdowns are a problem for everyone around me.
But yes. Autism. Not a disability. Just a fun quirky difference.
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pastellich · 1 year ago
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Alfred Grifter of Grifter's Bone
I love splattering red ink on the page!
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lynnaredfield3383 · 2 months ago
Not my characters. Established relationship. Friends for a year. Reader is burned out.
Bakugo had known you since you teamed up with Kiri a year ago. Bakugo had been overseas on a mission when word got to him that you save the red heads life. Since then, Bakugo had done his research and due diligence in getting to know you.
So, when you left abruptly after finishing a joint mission, he noticed.
You had to get away before you broke. Before anyone could see you were burnt out. The sound of your phone buzzing annoyed you, and so you silenced all notifications. Today, started your weekend off anyway.
Bakugo wasn't surprised when you didn't answer his call, so he simply activated the GPS locator. All heroes were required to have them on their phone and somewhere on their hero costume when on active duty.
You heard the explosions before you even saw him. Collecting yourself was impossible as your energy was completely depleted. You honestly didn't know how you were going to get down from this roof when the time came.
Bakugo had seen your different moods and expressions, memorizing each one so when the time came, he could repay you for saving his best friend. The expression you wore now was blank, while tears silently rolled down your cheeks. Bakugo sat beside you, the heat from his body drifting towards yours.
"I'll listen and not judge," Bakugo's raspy voice was soft.
You smiled at his statement, but you didn't feel like talking. You felt numb. As that thought hit you, the dam broke and soft sobs escaped you, the tears falling faster.
Bakugo pulled you onto his lap, wrapped you in his arms, and held you tightly against his body. You wrapped your arms around his neck, realizing how long it had been since you'd been held.
Bakugo ran his hand over your hair, hoping it helped calm you. Your sobs had stopped, but he was damned if he knew what to do next.
"I've spent the last three years putting everything into being a hero. Not for the ranking or anything, but just to help. I haven't taken a day for myself or had a date since high school. That's pathetic, right?" You smiled bitterly as you waited for his answer.
"Nah. It's part of the job. Dating is difficult in general, but when you run yourself into the ground, it's impossible."
You gently pulled back from him and motioned you were ready to stand. Bakugo let you go, reluctantly.
"I know you feel like you owe me for saving Eijiro, but the truth is, he saved me. I was going to retire that day when he called me to assist in his mission. The week before I "saved" him, he became a friend. I needed one of those so badly. I should say, I needed a friend like him. I have plenty of friends, but Eijiro is special."
Bakugo smiled, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yeah, he's always been that kind of guy. But you're wrong. I mean, at first, I felt like I owed you, but now...I'm really not good at this shit."
"Feelings?" You smiled.
"Yeah, those."
"Good, because the last thing I could handle right now is someone else's feelings. Sorry, but..."
"Just tell me what you need."
"To breathe. Sounds stupid."
Bakugo shook his head and held out his hand. You cocked an eyebrow, almost questioning his intent.
"Trust me, okay?"
You took his hand, gasping when he pulled your body to his. Your noses nearly touching when you looked up into his ruby eyes.
"Umm, this isn't professional."
Bakugo smirked.
"We're off the clock."
Bakugo placed your arms around his back, and you held on tightly. You'd been flown around by other heroes, but for some reason, this was a bit scarier. Bakugo gently placed earplugs in your ears. Then he took off, explosions filling the air. When you felt the ground beneath your feet again you opened your eyes.
In front of you was a beautiful pool with an attached waterfall, the area secluded.
"Where are we?" You asked, removing the earplugs.
"My private home. I keep an apartment near the agency, but this is what I consider home. When I was in the States, I found this place. Kaaterskill falls or something in NY. It was so peaceful, so I had the architect add this into the pool. I sit here for hours sometimes to recharge."
"Thanks. I know how important privacy is to you."
"I was thinking I'll get your go bag from the agency and you can stay here for the weekend. If you want to, no pressure."
You hugged him tightly, relieved when he hugged you back. It was so good to have a friend like this. Someone you could fall apart in front of and feel safe.
"Can I just wear your clothes. I love your pine scent, and I honestly don't want to let go of you. You give really good hugs."
Bakugo was glad your face was buried in his chest, so you didn't see his pink cheeks.
"As good as Eijiro?"
"Guess you can let go then," Bakugo teased.
When you tried to pull back, his arms tightened around you.
"Thought you wanted me to let go."
"I know you said you couldn't handle someone else's feelings, but I like you."
You tensed up in his arms. After a minute, you calmed yourself, relaxing again.
"I like you, too. Did you mean it when you said to tell you what I need?"
"I'm asking a lot of you, but can we stay in and watch old 80's horror movies?"
Bakugo smirked, happy to get what he wanted without having to ask.
"Sure. Whatever you need, tell me. Oh, and you should check your phone. The agency was trying to get a hold of you after you left."
You pulled away and checked the message from the agency.
Agency: Take the next two weeks off. You're covered. Dynamight volunteered to look after you during that time.
"You volunteered to babysit me?"
"Nah. Truth is, we all knew you were running out of fuel. None of us realized you were already on fumes. So, it's my job to make sure you relax for the next two weeks."
"Is this some kind of rom-com? Like I'm supposed to fall in love with you over the next two weeks?" You laughed.
"Fall? You know you're already in love with me," Bakugo bumped his shoulder into yours.
"Hmm. Keep telling yourself that," you teased.
Bakugo smiled, pulling you into his side again. He would keep telling himself that until it became a reality & two weeks was plenty of time.
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dullgecko · 7 months ago
deaf/hoh riz gukgak due to using a gun without ear protection for years
Ensue badkids learbing sign
I agree. He had pretty sensitive hearing to begin with, so having a gun fire at such close range is only going to do more damage. He didnt notice right away, because heals during/after fights would fix the damage immediatly but after a few fights where noone actually heals him because he didnt get 'hit' it starts to settle in (you have to heal damage fast or it becomes permanant like Fabians face scar or Riz's hands).
Its worse on the side he shoots his gun with, because he generally makes an effort to cover his other ear if he can. It started off as pretty bad tinitus on one side (which makes it even harder to sleep without ambient noise to drown it out) and starts getting steadily worse until he's basically completely deaf on that side and requires a hearing aid on the other.
Luckily for him his first year rogue classes drilled them heavily to learn non-verbal communication skills. Great for communicating with your party silently so you dont get heard or across noisy bars in equal measures.
Fig learns it first because her hearing also going is a pretty high probability, and she starts wearing protection during her concerts along with Gorgug (who starts researching earplugs that can let you hear most of the time, then block noise once it gets to a certain level so she's prepared for fights as well without being completely deafened).
She thinks its great because while just her and Riz can speak sign language they can have secret little conversations. They eventually help the rest of the party learn, and even teach them a goblin variant (for when you REALLY dont want anyone other than the person you're talking to to know what you're talking about).
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tradgedyinwaves · 5 months ago
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ooo buddy. this was an awesome challenge to write as a female. I hope I did it justice for you. Tried to stick to gender neutral as best I could.
love and mushrooms, boo. 🍄
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Stepping into the flat you shared with your military boyfriend, you slid off the way-too conservative loafers you were required to wear to the office, storing them next to your favorite platform boots. Immediately, your hand found the black locks on top of your head and mussed them up, making them stand on end in some places, but relieving you of the final constraints of your job.
Nimble fingers began undoing the buttons of the maroon dress shirt you wore, revealing more ink than skin while you untucked it from your black slacks. You loved your job, but having to show up looking like any other corporate jerk made your skin crawl (you left the multiple piercings in as a 'fuck you' to the system).
When you finally made your way to the bedroom, you found your boyfriend unpacking his duffel from his most recent mission. A soft sigh of relief left your lips as he turned to you with open arms.
"Come here, luv, I missed you," John beckoned, smiling warmly, making his mustache curl with his lips. You stepped forward and melted into his chest, arms wrapping around his body in a crushing hug while your face nuzzled into his neck. You could smell the gunpowder and stale scent of cigars on him, but it only made you melt further into him.
"Why don't you get changed and I'll work on dinner, hm?" he continued, pulling back only slightly to look down at you with those sparkling blue eyes of his.
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When you finally emerged from the bathroom, you were dressed more in your own style. A black tank hung over your upper body and was accompanied by one of John's ratted old jackets from his early years in the military. Your tattoos peaked out under the fabric every where from your chest and neck to your calves.
The baggy cargo shorts you slid on sat low on your waist, weighed down by the phone in your pocket. Your hair was wet, laying in a shaggy, black mess on top of your head. Rings and bracelets adorned your fingers and wrists, ready to be worn through the weekend while a thin ring of liner surrounded your eyes.
Coming up behind John at the stove, you wrapped your arms around his middle again, pressing your cheek to the middle of his expansive back. "I love you," you mumbled against his body, the words barely discernible, but John had almost perfect hearing thanks to always being prepared with earplugs.
Placing the ladle down on the resting dish, John turned in your arms and cupped your jaw before pressing his lips to yours. You welcomed the affection, opening yourself to him in earnest. His mustache tickled your nose, but after a year together, you'd learned how to ignore it.
When he pulled back, he tested his forehead against yours and stayed silent a moment, relishing in the quite space. "I love you too, my love," he mumbled back, pulling you in for another crushing hug. ""More than anything."
He pulled back to look down at you, bringing his hand up to pinch your chin as he smiled down at you. "There you are, looking much more like you." He stole another kiss before peppering them over your cheeks, over your jaw, and down your neck, eliciting a soft moan from you.
Your head tilted back, giving him free range of your throat while his meaty hands gripped your hips and pulled you tighter to him. The two of your were lost in your own world until you heard something singe on the burner.
Looking over his shoulder, you groaned, seeing the stew starting to boil over, and tapped him on the opposite shoulder. "John, baby, the stew," you said with an edge of frustration, feeling as though the stew did it on purpose to make him leave you.
With a laugh, he pulled away and turned back to the stove, turning down the heat and stirring it. His free hand never left your hip, holding you to his side. He brushed a light kiss to your temple before you heard his rumbling voice ghosting over your ear.
"I'll make it up to you later, promise."
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askanautistic · 2 years ago
Meltdown/shutdown resource.
I wrote this years ago, and thought I'd repost it as a standalone post instead of an answer to a question. I've included a few updates. This can be used to create your own 'pick 'n' mix' of instructions, to help you notice or to help others to notice signs that you are beginning to get overwhelmed, the reasons why you might be becoming overwhelmed, or that you are in a state of shutdown/meltdown, and to know what to do and what not to do. Some suggestions might be repeated and seem contradictory (because one person might need to be left alone when becoming overwhelmed and someone else might need reassurance). You can also add in anything else you think of if creating your own resource, as this isn't an exhaustive list.
I might struggle with: - being too hot/cold. - noisy environments. - sudden noises. - bright lights. - too much visual input or movement (busy/chaotic environments). - too much social interaction. - unexpected events. - changes to plans. - Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria.
Signs to look out for: - I may become irritable. - I may become withdrawn/quieter than usual. - I may stim more or less than usual, or differently [you could be specific about this, explainng the exact stims to look out for if any]. - I may become (more) aversive to touch (than usual). - I may seem ‘sulky’ or ‘whiney’. - I may act more ‘childish’ (than usual). - I may become restless or more fidgety (than usual). - I may ‘huff’ and sigh a lot. - I may become uncooperative. - I may cover my ears/close my eyes/turn away. - I might become physically aggressive. - I might become verbally aggressive. - I might scream/shout/cry. - I might become nonspeaking (or less able to speak). - I might not be able to move independently. - I may seem anxious/panicked. - I may exhibit a flat effect. - I might bolt. - I might keep going to the toilet.
Don’t: - Panic, or get angry or upset. - Touch me. - Leave me by myself. - Talk too loudly. - Talk to me. - Ask open questions. - Stop me from stimming or stop my sensory seeking behaviours. - Prevent me from avoiding sensory stimulus. - Involve other people. - Box me in/block exits.
Do:  - Keep me safe. - Talk to me. - Reassure me. - Leave me alone. - Offer a quiet and private space. - Give me something to drink and a snack (without asking). - Explain where we are going (or what you are going to do). - Ask closed questions (questions requiring yes or no answers, or give me limited options to choose from). - Gently guide me away from crowded or noisy areas. - Remind me to use/Give me my headphones/earplugs/sunglasses. - Remind me to use my/give me my stim tools. - Help me to keep warm or to cool down. - (Ask if I would like you to) hold my hand tightly/hug me tightly (apply deep pressure). - Use AAC (use specifics: tell them what kind of communication you prefer and if you need them to find an app on your phone, tell them which one - you could even include the icon for it). I hope this is helpful to people. Ben Tip jar.
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submissivefeminist · 10 months ago
What would you consider an “underrated” kink?
Sensory deprivation/overload. I think there is SO much to explore there and people often overlook a lot of ways you can play with someone's senses. Most ways don't even require kink toys and involve a lot of stuff you might already have around the house.
Prime examples of sensory play:
Complete deprivation (blindfold, earplugs, no clothing, every move is a surprise)
Ice dildos (easy to make and very exciting temporary toys)
Sour sadism (drops of lemon juice or pinches of sour sugar on a sub's tongue)
Locking mitts (makes their hands useless, great for human puppies & adult babies)
Playlist curated with your scene as they wear noise-canceling headphones
This extremely horny puppy will take a vape hit for each dirty ask you send it. 🐶🥵🔥
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