Haley • 25 • Obsessed with the 501st & Bad Batch • Blue_Jaig_Eyes on AO3 💙
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So many feels with the Umbara arc 🥺
The Clone Wars 4.10 ‘Carnage of Krell’ Reaction Take 2
Rex still trying to do everything he can to save Fives and Jesse
I hate Krell so much. So fucking much.
Ugh Jesse, why are you so broad. Those shoulders. Hnnnnnnn
Oh Jesse’s face here. My emotions
That line from Fives is a really good example of how smart and perceptive he is. Firstly, he’s figured out what Krell is doing (using Rex’s loyalty against him to control the clones) and then telling Rex this, planting the seed to finally push Rex far enough to the point of going against everything he’s been told to do and mutiny against Krell. Rex knows what is happening is wrong but he’s been stuck between the ultimate rock and a hard place.
I really get the sense Jesse is decidedly unimpressed with how this has turned out. He knew there'd be consequences but a firing squad?!
Ok, I’m just going to copy and paste what I said in my first reaction post about Kix being in the firing squad because it still stands.
You can even see his medic symbol on his shoulder! I know from a practical, logistical perspective that he’s there because they’re running out of recognisable clones that we know. Fives and Jesse are the ones in front of the firing squad. Hardcase is dead *sobs*. Dogma is running the execution, because of course he is. Rex is there because he has to be. We don’t really know what Appo looks like. The only ones left are Tup and Kix.
“Well, I’ve officially lost my sense of humour.” *more chest clutching and pained noises*
Oh Rex can’t look. He bows his head and closes his eyes when Dogma shouts “Aim.” He looks so sad and lost. AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH
Omg Kix’s face during Fives’ speech. He’s so anguished. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH
Rex closed his eyes when they fired. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH
This whole scene is just ALL OF THE EMOTIONS
When the whole firing squad throws down their weapons. YAAAAAAASSSSSS
“Good luck finding anyone to do it.” Rex with the badass one liners again
Omg Rex’s glare after this. Ugh.
Oh god, this scene. It’s so heartbreaking.
The first shot of the 212th clones in their gold getting shot and I just nooooooooo *more pained noises*
I watched this entire scene through tears while clutching my face and trying not to cry. It’s just so heartbreaking. It’s utterly emotionally devastating and one of the best scenes out of what I’ve watched in the TCW so far, and The Bad Batch as well. It was just as heart wrenching watching the second time and now I have to watch it again to try and catch all the moments that just rip out your heart one after the other.
Rex realising something’s not right
Oh, the shot of the dead 212th clone with his head tipped back and you can see his neck and chin and it’s not an Umbaran and *deeply pained noise*
Rex running through the battlefield desperately trying to get his brothers to stop firing on each other. He’s so desperate here.
The music here is fantastic and really hammering home how devastating this is.
Rex is running through an active battlefield, completely in the open, shots still flying and taking off his helmet. He’s completely exposed and that is so much guts and desperation. You can hear it in his voice too. Every time he says “clones” there’s so much urgent desperation in his voice.
Aaaaaaaah, the way Rex desperately dives and tackles that 212th clone, rips his helmet off, flips him around and basically hugs him to his chest to get everyone to see that they’re all clones *gross sobbing*. He’s holding a brother in the middle of them all trying to kill each other without realising it.
The utter look of shock and horror on that 212th clones face when Rex rips off his helmet is also just as heartbreaking.
Ok, I know this is an utterly heartbreaking scene but the shot where the 212th and 501st clones step up to face each other is so beautiful and so well done. The cinematography throughout this entire arc has been stunning and utterly gorgeous.
A lot of the 212th clones look like standard regulation clones whereas a lot of the 501st clones have personalised and individualised appearances, like tattoos and different hair. This is only something I noticed when all the 212th clones took off their helmets and stepped up opposite the 501st clones in the shot above. I’m curious as to why this is and, baring logistical animation reasons, I wonder if there’s a little bit of hero worship in there for their Marshal Commander. Apart from his very distinctive facial scar, Cody looks just like a standard regulation clone. I should imagine the 212th really look up to him and there might be a little bit of trying to emulate him in the way their appearance appears so standard. They all want to be like their ori’vod.
Oh the utterly anguished faces on Rex and that 212th clone. And then the way he falls onto the floor in despair.
Rex falling to his knees and clutching his head. *DEEPLY PAINED WAILING*
I am still tearing up at this.
Omg Tup’s “What have we done?” is so full of pain, anguish and horror.
This is the start of Dogma realising everything’s gone wrong.
“He’s still alive.” Kix, delivering that line, in that manner, that’s not a good thing. Meaning he’s still alive, but he’s not going to be for much longer. Oh Waxer.
Waxer lying slumped there with a sticker of Numa on his bucket. *pained noises*
Rex is so gentle and caring and comforting here. You can tell just how much he cares.
I didn’t realise Waxer puts his hand on Rex’s shoulder.
Just realised these are literally Waxer’s dying breaths. Now I’ve made myself even more sad.
“But…it was…*tear falls*...you”
The way Waxer’s tear falls and the little almost sob he makes before he says “you” and the terrified and horrified expression on his face is just, I don’t have the words.
Rex has this really open, sad and devastated expression and then his face hardens and his jaw moves and sets. That man is out for justice and nothing is going to get in his way. Rex is on the warpath now.
That moment when all the 501st and 212th clones step forward as one after Rex basically asks them to commit treason. That was so badass. Yassssssss
This is where that gif of Rex and the clones marching and looking all badass as Rex puts his helmet comes from. I was kind of expecting it to be a bigger moment but this is something I’ve come to realise that a lot of these major moments for the clones that appear in gifs all the time are often really quick, blink and you’ll miss it moments in the show.
Dammit Dogma, you were so close to figuring it out!
Love the way the fancy sci-fi floor of the brig moves down and Rex comes right into view standing there looking all badass.
Rex standing there facing Krell, flanked by his men and backlit by the fancy sci-fi lighting. He just spends his entire time looking all badass.
“It’s treason, then.” Yes fuck face, time for you to die!
“Explain your actions.” Ahahahahahah yassssssss get him Rex.
One thing I don’t get is why some of the clones are running at Krell? You’re just going to get sliced in half with his lightsabers! There’s one shot of a 212th clone just running straight at Krell and that's exactly what happens. What did you think was going to happen?!
“...by creatures bred in some laboratory!” Fuck. Right. Off.
Ffs Dogma
I really get the sense there’s a lot of meaning and experiences behind Rex’s little speech here. Especially the references to not being droids. This is where that quote “You have to learn to make your own decisions.” comes from.
You can see Dogma doubting himself the entire time here but it’s Tup that finally gets through to him and makes him lower his weapon.
Lmao of course the evil baddie gets the disembodied monologue with the echoing voice and the maniacal laughter.
Holy fuck we just see a clone get impaled by a lightsaber. So much for being an “animated kids TV show”. That was brutal. Omg it happens 3 more times as well, fuck. And then Krell just breaks the spine of another clone over his knee. Flinching at this.
Oh, that is clever Tup.
Didn’t notice this before but that’s Kix next to Rex when he’s telling the troopers to lure Krell towards Tup. You can see the medic symbol on his shoulder.
Omg Krell just impaled another clone. Fuck me this is brutal.
When Krell is running towards Tup, just before he steps on the Umbaran sarlacc tentacle, you can see Tup lower his blaster and sort of slump and turn away.
Deeply enjoying seeing Krell getting thrown around by the Umbaran sarlacc.
Yaaaaaaaaasssss go Tup!
Also enjoying Rex roll Krell over with his boot. Kind of harks back to earlier in the arc when Krell did the same to a dead clone. Have some of your own medicine you bastard.
Yes yes, serious scene and all that, but Rex standing with his legs wide apart as the sci-fi floor in the brig descends is just uuuuuuugh. That is a stance.
“Because you’re inferior.” This is just fuelling my hatred for Krell at this point
Jesse’s concerned face and little nose scrunch listening to Krell saying the Jedi are going to lose the war :(
Oh Dogma, you poor thing. His little heartbroken and devastated face. He thought he was doing the right thing and he was just being manipulated the entire time.
It’s a really tiny moment but when we get the shot of Rex snarling in disgust at Krell, you can see Jesse and Fives over his shoulders. Jesse still looks concerned, worried and shocked at what he’s just heard about how the war is going to end. Fives just looks pissed and completely unimpressed.
I saw this earlier but forgot to note it. Rex has a little darker mark on the back of his head. It’s in the middle, just above his hairline.
Ah, so this is what Appo looks like. No wonder I can never recognise him. He’s got a standard regulation clone haircut and no tattoos. The only way I can tell it’s him is the white downwards pointing arrow on the forehead of his bucket. He does have blue pauldrons though and a slightly different blue marking on his chest plate that kind of looks like an abstract version of the Eiffel tower.
That’s the moment Rex realises he needs to kill Krell
Oh the utterly devastated look on Dogma’s face. You poor, poor thing.
I get the distinct impression Fives is pretty unimpressed with Dogma, which kind of makes sense seeing as they’re basically opposites. Fives believes in doing what is right, even if it means disobeying orders and especially if the orders are wrong. He said as much in his speech. Dogma’s entire existence up until this point has been about following orders, no matter what they are.
“On your knees.” Yes very serious scene and all that but also omg sir yes sir immediately sir
Jesse’s little nose scrunch as he angrily jabs the Umbaran control panel. I adore him so much.
Oh man, you can really see how much Rex is struggling already. It’s written plainly across his face.
“I said, On. Your. Knees.” The unholy noises that just came out of me. Omg sir I just hnnnnnnnnnn
Oh poor Rex. He’s struggling so much. He’s shaking. When have we ever seen Rex shake before? You can see how much he’s battling with himself. He’s going through so many emotions you can basically see his internal battle play out on his face.
I think there’s a moment where Rex realises he can’t follow through with it before…
That shot is definitely framed so it initially looks like Rex has shot Krell before he lowers his gun and we see Dogma holding Fives’ blaster. It's even smoking.
Both Fives and Dogma’s faces here are utterly heartbreaking. Dogma looks so broken and Fives just looks so sad. I think in this moment he also realises he’s been wrong about Dogma. Or at least respects him for what he did.
So the last we see of Dogma is him being loaded onto a LAAT/i in binders. I wish we found out about what happens to him.
Rex looks so sad and resigned as Fives tells him that Umbara’s been taken.
Fives saying “We took Umbara.” immediately followed by a shot of a clone on a stretcher and other injured clones really hammers home the message of how pointless this all was.
“What’s the point of all this? I mean, why?” Rex saying what we’re all thinking.
“But I do know that someday this war is gonna end.” Oh Fives, if only you knew *sobs*
“Then what? We’re soldiers. What happens to us then?” Oh Rex, if only you knew *sobs harder*
In the group shot at the end, it’s Tup, Fives, Jesse and Rex. Out of all of them, only Rex makes it out alive. Tup, Fives and Jesse all die. And all of their deaths are caused by, or directly connected to, the inhibitor chips. Fuck that’s grim.
Ok I’m emotionally devastated all over again so I’m going to go curl up into a ball and sob about clones again.
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Just thinking about how the clones - a group engineered purely to be a faceless military to die in the name of a Republic whose ideals they would never experience - have infinitely more humanity, personality, and individuality than the stormtroopers that replaced them, a military made of the everyday people
And how of these two, only one of them is truly faceless
The clones fought to find their humanity, the Empire sold theirs
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: CT-7567 | Rex, Ahsoka Tano, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, Anakin Skywalker, CT-6116 | Kix, Clone Trooper Coric (Star Wars), CT-5597 | Jesse, CT-0292 | Vaughn, CC-1119 | Appo, Clone Trooper Hardcase (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Mixer (Star Wars), Wullf Yularen Additional Tags: Hurt, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Natural Disasters, Missions Gone Wrong, Sibling Bonding, Protective Siblings, Ahsoka Tano is a Sibling to the Clones, Ahsoka Tano Needs a Hug, CT-7567 | Rex Needs a Hug, CT-7567 | Rex is a Good Bro, Protective CT-7567 | Rex, CT-7567 | Rex and Ahsoka Tano are Siblings, CT-7567 | Rex & Ahsoka Tano Friendship, Hurt Ahsoka Tano, Hurt CT-7567 | Rex, Protective Anakin Skywalker, Canon Compliant, Mostly Canon Compliant, not rexsoka, not anisoka, Not Beta Read, My First Fanfic, My First Work in This Fandom, My First AO3 Post Summary:
Ten members of Torrent company, as well as their two Jedi, are sent on a recon mission in the mid-rim. They encounter natural disasters that leave them stranded and separated from each other. Ahsoka and Rex face an icy death while awaiting rescue. Rex is willing to sacrifice everything to protect his young commander.
~ For my first post on here, I figured I’d also share my first post on AO3. I wrote this back in December of 2022 and finally decided to do something about it in the last week. I’m really nervous about it since I’ve never written a fic or creative story before. It might be messy, might have medical inaccuracies, as well as some other things. I’m really hoping that it turned out ok and that it at least makes sense. ~
#captain rex#ahsoka tano#anakin skywalker#arc trooper echo#arc trooper fives#arc trooper jesse#clone trooper kix#clone medic coric#clone trooper hardcase#clone trooper mixer#clone trooper vaughn#clone trooper appo#sibling bonding#siblings#clone troopers#clone wars#star wars the clone wars#hurt ahsoka#hurt captain rex#whump#hurt/comfort#angst with a happy ending#emotional hurt/comfort#missions gone wrong#natural disasters#protective siblings#my first fanfic#not beta read#medical inaccuracies#star wars
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