#no character sheet
gorjee-art · 18 days
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Finally made a sheng reference! Now I won't make tiny continuity mistakes!
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echovilled · 9 days
— like a moth to a flame.
→ pairing: war x chaerin kim.
→ word count: 2,185
→ song: i listened to so many songs writing this but the most frequent one that got a lot of spins was definitely the boy is mine - ariana grande lol.
→ notes: stop letting me self indulge in 1-2 year old wips, im so serious rn !
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Chaerin woke up with the expected feelings for her 18th birthday: a sense of excitement that felt both genuine and hollow. She loved birthdays and the idea of being celebrated, but the routine had become so predictable that she knew exactly how the day would transpire. She lay in bed for a few moments, staring at the ceiling, waiting for the feeling of something different to creep in, but nothing came. She blew out some air as she rolled her eyes and turned to the outstretched window that gave her the perfect view of the sun rising over Mount Namsan.
As it always did, the day would begin with a birthday message from her parents on Skype. It had become a tradition since they hadn't been home for the celebration for the last 7-8 years.
The routine was set in stone - she'd get up, have her birthday breakfast cooked by the penthouse staff, and then be presented with the exact cake every year: a chocolate buttercream golden cake with sprinkles. Later, a private birthday dinner would be held at Pierre Gagnaire à Séoul with a carefully curated group of friends to post their equally curated group photos on Instagram. It was the same predictable pattern every year with the necessary changes to fit her social media circle, followed by 364 routinely identical days until June 1st rolled around again.  
Chaerin groaned loudly, already feeling the weight of the day's familiarity ahead of her. Mentally, she felt as if she was placed behind a well-constructed fence designed to protect her but also shield her from the rest of the world. The security her parents had built around her began to feel suffocating, even if she understood its reasons. She was their rainbow baby- their only child after so much loss- and the weight of keeping her safe regardless of any situation lingered between them.
Their love for her was never in doubt, but that love had formed an environment where control and sheltering had become second nature. Their high-profile careers worsened things—her mother, a corporate executive of the successful skincare brand Misun Cosmetics, and her father, a private investor, were always away. They were busy managing their professional empires while ensuring she stayed safely inside the fortress they built for her.
She heard the familiar notification ding from her laptop as she finally got up and went to her desk. The Skype link shared by her father is ready to be clicked. She hesitated momentarily, her finger hovering over the mouse before clicking the link.
Chaerin sat at the kitchen table, eating her breakfast for the day. The chef had prepared a Moroccan-themed breakfast with a side of Miyeok-guk, which was something different that at least pleased her just a little bit.
She sat at the table and pondered what she could do for her birthday. The usual choices were shopping, which never failed to make her happy, sightseeing, crawling back into bed and streaming Netflix, or even catching a flight to Tokyo, which was only two hours away. But none of these options felt right, and she was getting frustrated.  
It only took minutes before she abruptly leaped from her seat and ran back to her room. Her heart pounded with the rush of excitement as the idea struck her. Today wasn't just any birthday - it was her eighteenth! She could finally act on something she had been toying with for weeks.  
To satisfy her need for something different, she's been third-wheeling it with one of her best friends, Nari, and her boyfriend, Junho, who was just weird and greasy, and his friends, who had been racing motorcycles in the shadowy streets of Gangseo District. She would say she was studying with Nari to get any deployed security off her back. Plus, she was getting older, so her parents did ease their eye off her for a bit (and a bit is being generous). It was their favorite pastime, and sometimes, she'd ride on the back of the bikes of some of Junho's friends, but that was it. It was fun for a while, but that's not what captured her interest. It was something - or someone - else entirely.  
Outside Nocturne, a club notorious for drawing in some of the city's most dangerous crowds, Chaerin had first seen him. Or rather, she had noticed his friend first. A hulking figure who was broad and intimidating, with a scar etched like lightning down the side of his face. His presence was enough to stop anyone in their tracks, and to be honest, she would both embrace and run from this man if she were alone with him in a dark alleyway.
But it wasn't until he shifted aside that Chaerin saw the person who caught her breath.  
The stranger who followed was tall and lean; his body cut with strength but moved with a quiet, deliberate grace. He wasn't cut from the same cloth as the boys she was used to hanging out with; he was something else entirely. He wore dark clothes - a black jacket, dark cargo pants, and heavy boots - that made him blend into the shadows. His sharp gaze gave him an aura of danger, which seemed to draw attention without him needing to say much of anything. Even though he couldn't have been older than Chaerin, he carried an air of experience that he had seen more of the world than she did.
She had watched him hanging around Nocturne for nearly a week, always at a distance. It was an unspoken game of cat and mouse, and she was sure he didn't notice her, but she made sure to see him. Whenever she was in the Gangseo District with Nari, she would always find him as if pulled by an invisible force.
But now, on her eighteenth birthday, she decided it was time to make her move. She wasn't someone to linger in the background anyway; she had to see who this man really was. Tonight, she would step into the shadows, hoping that this time, she would meet him and have the stranger for herself.
Chaerin didn't hesitate. She grabbed her phone from her nightstand and immediately called Nari. The phone barely rang before Nari picked up.  
"Rinnie! Happy Birthd-"  
"Nari, I've got an idea for tonight," Chaerin said, cutting her off as her voice buzzed excitedly. "After dinner, why don't you and your weird ass boyfriend come with me to Nocturne? We can have a little after-party celebration!"  
Nari paused for a moment, which caught Chaerin off guard. "First of all, he's not weird! And also Nocturne? I've never been there before, but I heard like a shootout happened a couple weeks ago..." she admitted, the slightest hint of hesitation creeping into her voice.  
Chaerin ignored this and laughed lightly at her friend's uncertainty. "If a shootout does happen, we'll just run for the back door, okay?"  
"Nari, come on. It's my 18th birthday, and we need to do something big! It's going to be super wild, and we'll be together, okay? Plus, Junho will be there, so it will be perfect." She said, and after a moment, Nari sighed, "Okay, you've convinced me. I'll talk to him, but count us in."  
Chaerin squeals, already anticipating the stranger and the night ahead. With the plan sealed, the night promises something unforgettable—what could go wrong?  
Later that night, Nari, Junho, and Chaerin arrive at Nocturne. At the entrance, the burly bodyguard scanned their IDs with a skeptical look, his eyes narrowing as he noticed they were all under 19. The legal age was previously changed about a year ago because a 16-year-old boy was murdered two blocks away from the club. The rule was set, and it looked like the bouncer wasn't going to bend for shit.  
Before Chaerin could protest, Junho stepped forward with a sly smile, pulling out his wallet and slipping a few bills into the guard's hand, which she rolled her eyes. "It's her birthday," he said, nodding toward Chaerin, who stood behind him.  
The bodyguard paused before pocketing the cash with a barely noticeable nod, and they were waved inside.  
Junho flashed a cheesy grin at Chaerin. "I'll have the bill on your door by tomorrow," he said as she flipped him the middle finger while Nari chuckled.  
As soon as they stepped inside, the music's thumping bass hit them like a wave. The flashing lights danced across the walls, turning everything into a blur of neon and moving shadows. The air was thick with excitement and the heavy scent of sweat, alcohol, and perfume.  
Chaerin, without hesitation, pulled Nari to the center of the dance floor, with Junho following them. The crowd was already swaying in sync with the loud music. While Nari and Junho started dancing together, Chaerin found a dance partner on her own. A tall guy with a confident smile caught her eye and stepped closer, his intentions extremely clear. She always welcomed the attention, and her movement began to match his. The guy leaned in, his voice barely audible over the noise. "You look real sexy out there." he flirted, flashing a playful grin.  
Chaerin smirked, her energy rising. "I know!" she shot back, laughing with a teasing edge.
The banter continued as they moved together, the flirtation adding to the thrill of the night. For a while, she completely forgot about the world outside of this. Every laugh, touch, and beat added to the rush she felt.  
But after a while, her movement began to slow. Something in the atmosphere had shifted, and it was changing the exhilaration that she had felt moments ago. She began to feel the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.  
Someone was watching her.  
She could feel it—a presence, eyes locked on her from somewhere in the crowded room. The once liberating feeling suddenly felt heavy, and her body tensed as she scanned the room, searching for the source. Her dance partner quickly noticed the shift in her mood, and his confusion was evident. It wasn't until she looked up and saw him that she realized it was him.  
Her eyes locked onto the mysterious stranger, standing by the railing in the VIP section, staring directly at her. His gaze was intense, penetrating, and unrelenting.
She had stopped dancing altogether, stumbling slightly from the shock and surprise. The realization had it her like some crushing wave. Did he notice her watching him this entire time? This whole fucking time?
As Chaerin stood frozen, trying to process the situation, she noticed another woman approach the stranger. The woman touched his chest, leaning in to whisper something in his ear. Chaerin stiffened, an unexpected jealously tightening in her chest for someone she didn't know. But the feeling would quickly shift when the stranger dismissed the woman with a wave, sending her back to the VIP section without a second thought.  
His gaze briefly returned to Chaerin before disappearing back into the shadows, leaving her standing there with her heart racing and her mind spinning.
She didn't even know what to make of it. He physically said absolutely nothing but said so much with one look. Was he sending her a message that he knows that she's been practically stalking him? Was he daring her to come meet him? Did he care whether she picked option A or B? It felt like a game of chess, a game that she had never bothered to play, yet she was maneuvering through it without a single clue.  
Suddenly, she became aware that her dance partner had left her alone. A quick glance revealed that Nari and Junho had found their way to a dimly lit table, making themselves incredibly cozy in each other's company.  
Chaerin's gaze shifted back toward the VIP section, her eyes darting to the elegant curve of the staircase leading up to it. The familiar flame that she felt in her belly the night she saw him for the first time was spreading fast, and it pushed her to quickly make her way to the staircase before she could second-guess herself.  
Just as she approached the VIP section, the man she had noticed before - the one with the lightning strike scar across his face - stepped in front of her and blocked her path. She was beginning to become tired of all of these fucking rules and regulations. She felt like this was more like a prison than a club. Why is nobody letting her do what she wants?  
Before she could start complaining, a voice cut through the club's noise.  
"Let her through."  
The bouncer glanced back at the source of the command, gave a nonchalant shrug, and stepped aside. Chaerin's heart raced as she barely shoved the bouncer out of the way and made her way through the velvet rope. Without hesitation, she even edged between the stranger and the girl from earlier casually seated next to him.  
She would have no idea this bold, instinctual, and unplanned move would change her life forever.
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zemfruit · 4 months
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still figuring them out
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bbybluemochi · 11 months
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[OC] a witch and the lovecraftian monster she summoned by accident 🔮🐙♡ (witch OC belongs to @ greenmoonie on twitter! and the eldritch moster girl is my new baby)
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sm-baby · 5 months
CARNIVAL AU - Pomni expression tests 🃏
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Exams are going on :3 in the mean time, have some recent Carnival Pomni sheets!
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writing-chats · 21 days
ultimate character development template
name: meaning of name: nicknames/titles: age: gender: location: birthday: strengths + example where it's shown: weaknesses + example where it's shown: how it affects others:
emotional depth
attachment style + how it manifests in the story: physical fear: emotional/abstract fear: happy memory: sad memory: object of significance: philosophical outlook/belief: what characters are ignorant about themselves: how confident are they: goal: long-term dreams: what they're embarrassed/ashamed to tell others about: regrets: source of pride: source of misery: what they admire above all else: do they believe in fate:
mbti: enneagram: big five: character archetype: star sign: who they pretend to be on the outside: who they actually are/how they feel towards the mask: mental health conditions: how it manifests for them: iq: eq: humour: reputation:
bad habits: mannerisms when stressed: mannerisms when content: mannerisms when scared: mannerisms normally: verbal mannerisms/distinctive speaking style: how do they move across a room: what do they say and what remains unsaid: how they express love: hobbies:
defining features: eye shape + colour: hair texture + colour: skin texture + tone: vibe: height: build: clothing: any bodily disfigurement (scars, etc.): overall attractiveness: their opinion on their appearance: appeals to:
who they trust most: what they wish they could do for them: what's holding them back: who they hate most: what they wish they could do to them: what's holding them back: relationship with the protagonist: relationship with the antagonist: siblings: relationship with them: parents/step-parents: relationship with them: previous broken relationships: why did it break: what others expect of them: who believes in them: their mentor character/who they look up to: political/religious/other affiliations: what makes them different from every other character: non-human relationships + why: romantic "type" + why: relationship dynamics:
primary emotion towards their past: primary feelings while in their past: where did they grow up: defining incidents: earliest childhood memory: saddest memory: happiest memory: major accomplishments: their opinion on it: notable people in their backstory: effect on them today: trauma: what have they already lost: financial circumstance:
why are they important (eg. why're they the only one able to do something?): what do they learn about themselves throughout the story: what do they learn about the world: how do they feel towards their newfound knowledge: character arc (positive, negative, neutral): how relationships change because of their actions: what mistakes do they make: what scene is their character highlighted: do they get what they want: why or why not: what happens to them after the story ends:
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alleesaur · 3 months
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oc lineup for artfight 2024
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soranatus · 1 year
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Hobie Brown expression sheet Ami Thompson made for Across the Spiderverse
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luna-azzurra · 19 days
Describe your Main Character sheet
Tone: Pale, Rosy, Olive, Dark, Tanned, Alabaster, Ebony, Bronze, Golden, Fair
Texture: Smooth, Rough, Silky, Coarse, Flaky, Supple, Wrinkled, Calloused, Bumpy
Condition: Moles, Acne, Dry, Greasy, Freckled, Scars, Birthmarks, Bruised, Sunburned, Flawless
Complexion: Clear, Ruddy, Sallow, Glowing, Dull, Even-toned, Blotchy
Size: Small, Large, Average, Tiny, Bulging, Narrow
Color: Grey, Brown, Blue, Violet, Pink, Green, Gold, Hazel, Crimson, Amber, Turquoise, Sapphire, Onyx
Shape: Doe-eyed, Almond, Close-set, Wide-set, Round, Oval, Hooded, Monolid
Expression: Deep-set, Squinty, Monolid, Heavy eyelids, Upturned, Downturned, Piercing, Gentle, Sparkling, Steely
Other: Glassy, Bloodshot, Tear-filled, Clear, Glinting, Shiny
Thickness: Thin, Thick, Fine, Normal
Texture: Greasy, Dry, Soft, Shiny, Curly, Frizzy, Wild, Unruly, Straight, Smooth, Wavy, Floppy
Length: Cropped, Pixie-cut, Afro, Shoulder length, Back length, Waist length, Past hip-length, Buzz cut, Bald
Styles: Weave, Hair extensions, Jaw length, Layered, Mohawk, Dreadlocks, Box braids, Faux locks, Braid, Ponytail, Bun, Updo
Color: White, Salt and pepper, Platinum blonde, Golden blonde, Dirty blonde, Blonde, Strawberry blonde, Ash brown, Mouse brown, Chestnut brown, Golden brown, Chocolate brown, Dark brown, Jet black, Ginger, Red, Auburn, Dyed, Highlights, Low-lights, Ombre
Eyebrows: Thin eyebrows, Average eyebrows, Thick eyebrows, Plucked eyebrows, Bushy eyebrows, Arched eyebrows, Straight eyebrows
Shape: Full, Thin, Heart-shaped, Bow-shaped, Wide, Small
Texture: Chapped, Smooth, Cracked, Soft, Rough
Color: Pale, Pink, Red, Crimson, Brown, Purple, Nude
Expression: Smiling, Frowning, Pursed, Pouting, Curved, Neutral, Tight-lipped, Parted
Shape: Button, Roman, Hooked, Aquiline, Flat, Pointed, Wide, Narrow, Crooked, Upturned, Snub
Size: Small, Large, Average, Long, Short
Condition: Freckled, Sunburned, Smooth, Bumpy
Frame: Petite, Slim, Athletic, Muscular, Average, Stocky, Large, Lean, Stout, Bony, Broad-shouldered, Narrow-shouldered
Height: Short, Tall, Average, Petite, Giant
Posture: Upright, Slouched, Rigid, Relaxed, Graceful, Awkward, Stiff, Hunched
Size: Small, Large, Average, Delicate, Strong
Texture: Smooth, Rough, Calloused, Soft, Firm
Condition: Clean, Dirty, Manicured, Scarred, Wrinkled
Nails: Short, Long, Polished, Chipped, Clean, Dirty, Painted, Natural
Tone: Deep, High, Soft, Loud, Raspy, Melodic, Monotonous, Hoarse, Clear, Gentle
Volume: Loud, Soft, Whispery, Booming, Muted
Pace: Fast, Slow, Steady, Hasty, Measured
Expression: Cheerful, Sad, Angry, Calm, Anxious, Confident, Nervous, Excited, Bored
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urfriendlywriter · 1 month
what will your character do..
(reblog and brainstorm, lovelies! u can also write drabbles with theseee )
if they're met face to face with their plot, with no warning?
if they're stressed?
if they're happy? who will they want to share it with?
if they're sad? will they go to anyone for comfort? if yes, who?
if they're forced into a life of death situation?
if they're being threatened?
if they're kissed by their ex?
if they're confessed to by someone who they had no clue liked them? (given, they're single or not)
if their lover betrays them?
if they're coughing up blood out of the blue?
if there's a strange presence in the room, and it feels ominous?
if they discovered a dead body?
^ if the dead body is their best friend? (great question to start and develop a plot)
if their enemy is at their doorstep, bruised and injured?
if they had to share a bed with someone they don't particularly hate? ahem
if they had to be fed by someone they didn't like/their crush?
if their partner-to-be? enemy? pulls them into a secluded and shushes them? (their bodies pressing and all that!!)
when asked to choose between their family and their lover? (given the circumstances of ur story)
when kissed on their head by their enemy after a near death experience?
if they're dancing with a stranger, and the stranger says 'stop dancing, sweetheart and you'll hunted. do u wanna die?' ?
if they find out the food that served to them has glass dust on it? (who is it served by?)
when being pulled into a hug when they most need it by someone they least expect?
when they have to hold someone they loved at a gun point? why would it even occur?
when they have to choose between their own life and their lover's?
when they've to give up something (of great importance to the character) to save their lover?
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kiddycup · 3 months
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making some oc sticker sheets
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gorjee-art · 3 months
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quick doodles of the weirdo
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meanbossart · 5 months
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ONLY TOOK ME 5000 YEARS BUT FINALLY I'VE DONE IT. Will be adding it to the pinned post shortly!
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lackadaisycats · 5 months
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A look at some of Lacy's character sheet. I'm looking forward to being able to package up all of the Season 1 character sheets for sharing later. Lots of full sheets and the development sketches behind them are available for Patrons now, though! Lackadaisy on Patreon ------------------------ Finalized design here by Julian Hughes, with contributions from Sam Kessler, Fable Siegel, and me.
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pikavani · 3 months
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Work in progress!!
It's been a while since I drew my Office AU and I really want to create a character sheet first, before continuing with more comics. Unfortunately it's taking me forever to finish these, so please be patient with me.
I'm ready to just completely throw Jax's designs (so far) out the window!! I need to redo it! 😫
Ragatha and Pomni on the other side, oh yeah.... I'm loving it very much 😍❤️ my girl, my Queen!! Ragatha safe me 💕
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How Michael’s interview with Phone dude went in FNAF 3
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