#no but look at the cute goofballs they’re so happy
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astrow1zar6 · 24 days ago
Most to Least Favorite Moon Signs & Why
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1. Pisces moons: ughhh I love me a good Pisces moon😩 you guys are so darn charming it’s ridiculous. I think this is my favorite because I’m a Pisces sun so we compliment eachother quite well. But these people are super considerate of others and their feeling. Whether it’s a boy or girl you guys are super in tuned with your emotions & they emotions of others around you which is why you guys are really good with your words and knowing how to make others feel comfortable around you. These people are also big hopeless romantics & if they have a crush on you just know you’ll be treated like a princess/ prince. They do not play when it comes to their partners fr. They can however be very distant people and you’ll not here from them for like weeks or months at a time (big escapists) but overall if they love you just know your getting well taken care of. Just big sweethearts.
2. Libra moons: another big sweetheart placement. These people are sooo good at making others feel special it’s impressive to me really. (My moons in Aries so the opposite effect Libra moons give intrigue me a lot). They are usually big people pleasers (sometimes to a fault) but they usually are amazing conversationalists and can make you feel like you are the most interesting person in the room and are usually super engaging. Has the ability to keep very peaceful healthy relationships with others ( which as a chaotic Aries moon is super impressive to me💀). They live and breathe romance which I think is super cute. And may I say these people are usually always SO PRETTY just so aesthetically pleasing to look at and are always well dressed. The only thing that can bother me about them is they can be a little overly flirtatious which can be an issue if you’re into them & can say a lot of little white lies to make others feel comfortable. But overall they try really hard to make sure the people around them feel loved which I appreciate a lot. Genuinely nice people.
3. Sagittarius moons: just a big ball of sunshine. It’s pretty rare to see these people in a grumpy or shitty mood. They try really hard to spread “ good vibes” to others and try not to let their emotional drama get in the way of them or others having a good time. These are the best people to go to bars/ parties with. They are big goofballs that love to laugh and make others laugh as well. Can have a very loud laugh as well. Their laughs can be really funny too, you ever met someone whose laugh is usually funnier than the joke being said??? Yeah they’re those people🤣 the only thing I don’t like about this moon sign is that they can be a little too obsessed with positive vibes that they can kinda dismiss other’s emotions which can come off as a little insensitive sometimes.. they can treat others a little weird if they aren’t positive and happy all the time. They can also find it awkward to show negative emotions themselves which is why it can be hard for people to take them seriously at times. It’s okay to be down every once in an awhile you can’t always be upbeat 24/7.
4. Aquarius moons: these people are such weirdos I absolutely love it lol. They have such a unique way of expressing themselves whether that be their music taste, clothing, hairstyles, mindset ect. These people are the definition of authentic. I meet a lot of trendsetters that have this moon placement as well they are super creative and original which can cause a lot of people to copy their style a lot. They are usually super open minded and are really accepting of people from all different walks of life which I find so beautiful. It’s very rare you see them discriminate against anyone (mainly because they know how it feels to be outcasted by others). They are usually friends with other really authentic people whether it be artists, alternative people, rejects, outcasts ect. They can however be very weird when it comes to expressing emotions or others expressing emotions. They can almost be a little mean when people get too emotional around them I notice. Similar to Sag moons they can come off as a little insensitive to others that just need a shoulder to cry on. I think this comes from their need to logically solve emotions ( cuz this is an air moon after all) they can be more worried about solving/ finding solutions to your problems then just allowing you to vent which can rub others the wrong way at times. Overall though very cool quirky people who are way ahead of their time.
5. Cancer moons: are usually super sweet and genuine souls. Every cancer moon I met gives a sorta caretaker vibe to them that i absolutely adore. They’re just people that you want to naturally protect at all costs. Are usually veryyy nice to others as well almost to a scary degree. I notice however I tend to butt heads with this moon sign over the long run. These people can be very self defensive and can take things to heart wayyy to easily ( i think because of my Aries moon I can come off as harsher when I mess around and most I met DO NOT like that) it can be very hard to joke around with these people because of their sensitive personalities they can turn something that was meant to be light hearted into a big lecture of how that was insensitive and unacceptable. They definitely give off mom vibes. They also tend to lack ambition at times I notice and can prefer to be taken care of instead of striving to be better (they prefer comfort over trying new things at times which can be a little stressful if you are a more spontaneous type of person. But I notice this is also a big beauty aspect as well and people with this placement are usually so beautiful to look at (ESPECIALLY THE WOMEN OMG). Normally big homebodies and are really into at home activities such as cooking, watching Netflix, playing board games ect. They can however be super moody if u catch them on a wrong day😭 they will really crash out on you over very minor things sometimes. But overall they are very good natured and are very emotionally intelligent.. it’s honestly crazy how emotionally intelligent these people are they are made to be therapists forreal. They just always have the right words/actions when you are feeling down or upset which is very commendable imo. They know how to make others feel safe expressing themselves with no judgement ♥️
6. Gemini moons: these people are such comedians lol. Usually this moon sign is one of the popular girls/ guys in hs/ middle school. They give big class clown energy and can make anyone laugh. They have a very childlike sense of humor. It can be however difficult to take these people seriously because they can come off as a bit childish with the ways they express themselves but they usually don’t mean any harm by this. One of the best conversations I ever had was with these people. They can change any awkward conversation into something interesting and I thank god for them for this😩. I always however found it very difficult to get close to these people due to the lack of seriousness they have and their very flighty natures. I notice they talk to everyone but it’s very rare they get actually close close to people??? Like they’ll have so many friends that honestly barely know anything about them. They kinda bread crumb their personality at times. Also they can change their personality wayyyy to much for my liking, their opinions, likes and dislikes are so easily changeable based on who they are around which is why it’s hard to really pin these people down. This quality can give a bit of a “two faced quality” to their nature. They can be very all over the place.
7. Taurus moon: I know this might be a shocker cuz I feel like most people really like this moon sign and don’t get me wrong I do like this moon sign but they have this bossiness about them that can be just too much at times for me. I haven’t met a lot of people with this moon sign but the ones I have met have this controlling nature to them that can be a little unsettling at times. I always felt super judged when im around someone with this moon sign I have no idea why. These people are very big “my way or they highway types”. And in general I do find them to be a little boring at times. The ones I met literally only talk about work 24/7 lol their conversations are usually super predictable which can come off as a little dull. However on a more positive note these people are soooo attractive. Like they really know how to sweet talk their way into anyones good side. This is why a lot of big bosses usually have a Taurus moon. They are also amazing a making money their natural boss energy usually attracts so much wealth into their life which is super enviable!! Their romantic relationships as well are usually super stable and loving as well (thanks to the help of Venus). Their love languages usually involve gift giving and physical affection. These people are the BEST cuddles by far. Growing up you could’ve been known for your hugs and cuddles 🥺 they are also super dependable if they love you you won’t have to ever worry about if they’ll come thru for you or not THEY WILL. These people are not flighty in the slightest and will really ride for you. This is why they tend to have such stable healthy relationships in their lives.
8. Capricorn moons: ahhh cap moons, I tend to have a very strong love hate relationship with this moon sign usually. Imma start with the positives by saying that these people really RIDE for you when they love you. These are the types to make sure you get to where you need to be whether that be to work, or an important meeting or appointment or event. They will make sure you are well fed and have clothes on your back. Materially & practically these people will have you COVERED which is very commendable. However emotionally is where they tend to fall short. They can have a very insensitive nature about them that usually always rubs me the wrong way. I notice they can be very judgmental to those who aren’t as efficient as them and can make others feel pretty bad about things they can’t control. Most cap moons had to grow up very fast at a very young age so a lot know how to do things that most people don’t really learn until much older. But because of this they can almost make you feel a little bad if you don’t know how to do those things from what I’ve experienced. I also always felt like I couldn’t completely open myself up emotionally to these people without feeling like my emotions are almost dismissed in a way. They can be VERY dismissive emotionally (usually because they experienced this so much growning up) could believe in a more tough love kinda outlook. Overall tho these are the type of people that will give the clothes off their back to make sure that you are good and I love that about them.
9. Virgo moons: ugh these people are always giving unsolicited advice that no one asked for lol. Most earth moons tend to have a very judgey nature about them but I feel like Virgo moons definitely take the cake for the most judgmental outta all the moon signs. Ik that most of their advice is there to help but it can come off as super mean when it’s excessive. Ive experienced these people trying to correct your behavior on EVERYTHING to an almost irritating degree. They have a strong belief on what’s acceptable and unacceptable and they tend to project these beliefs on others to a fault. They can be overly nit picky with others (which is usually a projection because they are truly more hard on themselves than others tbh) but it’s okay to just let people be without correction so you don’t cause anyone any insecurity. On a more positive note however they are very helpful to the ones they love and their love language usually involves acts of service. They will go grocery shopping for you if you can’t or help clean around the house when you are feeling depressed or down or help wash your hair if you can’t find motivation to do it yourself. These people really do have hearts of gold they just need to beware of their delivery when trying to “help” others a little too much.
10. Aries moon: certified crashouts of the moon signs. These people can be so emotionally immature it’s ridiculous (ik cuz this is my moon sign and lord knows we are not easy to deal with🤣). Aries moons can be very big babies when they react getting their way emotionally. Their impulsive natures can burn a lot of bridges that really didn’t need to be burned. When they aren’t getting their way they can be super mean to those around them which can cause a lot of people to keep their distance from them a lot to avoid these crash outs. On a brighter side when they are in a good mood everyone is brought along for the ride. They can be super generous and absolutely HILARIOUS when in a good mood. This is honestly one of the funnest placements to be around because they are such dare devils and are always down for whatever whenever. But you never know when their moods are gonna switch on you which can be very scary at times…
11. Leo moons: speaking of babies… these folks definitely take the cake for the spoiled brats of the moon signs. Similar to Aries moon when they don’t get their way they have a very dramatic extravagant way of expressing their dislike toward whatever you did to them. These people can have very BIG egos that can be extremely fragile. So when their ego is challenged in any way they can definitely give you hell for it whether it be throwing things, loud temper tantrums ect. They have a hard time expressing themselves in a calm manner when their emotions get in the way which can stir up a lot of drama in their relationships. Their childlike way of dealing with emotions can be a HANDFUL. However these people genuinely do have really big hearts and they don’t mean to come off as dramatic as they do they just experience emotions very intensely. And just like Aries their emotions can turn on & off very fast. They usually aren’t the types to hold a grudge so just let them be dramatic first and then try to have a logical conversation with them. But logic is not really their first language.. most of their emotions are very heart centered & personal making it harder for them to control at times which can be stressful to deal with if you are the other party. (Fire moons however I notice deal with it the best).
12. Scorpio moons: last but not least the secretive ms Scorpio moon.. I put these people as my least favorite moon sign because of how secretive they are with their emotions. I notice a lot tend to shy away from vulnerability altogether (usually due to trauma) but it makes it super hard to understand where these people are coming from most of the time. These people are some of the most confusing individuals to figure out emotionally which can drive their loved ones crazy trying to get out breadcrumbs out these people. Their inability to open up can make others believe everything is okay with them until they start plotting on you cuz deep down you did hurt their feelings they just don’t want to tell you, so I notice a lot tend to play a lot of manipulation mind games to get back at those that hurt them (even if the other party had no idea they hurt them or not because of their lack of opening up). These people hold onto intense emotions that they don’t tell you about which can be SCARY… cuz you never know if they have it out for you or not cuz they will usually have this very calm and collected facade until the Scorpio stinger comes out and stings you out of nowhere. This leaves a lot of people in your life to be very confused by this. I notice with Scorpio moons there’s always this lack of communication or they don’t feel the need to tell you what you did wrong so you can properly fix the issue. This can cause you to burn a lot of bridges that could’ve been great in your life:( on the other hand when they do eventually trust you they can be some of the most loyalist people in your corner and can show you such a sweet side that most haven’t seen (if they show you this side YOU ARE IN! because it is super rare to get this side out of them). Deep down they are really sensitive sweet souls it just takes the hands of god to get to that point.
Hey guys I notice on my posts a lot of people have been upset with a lot of my work saying how it’s not “accurate” for them & I want to make it clear to everyone that not all my observations will resonate with everyone! I am not a licensed astrologist by any means I started this blog more for fun because I love astrology & have many opinions on the topic. I just so happened to gain a huge following on this very randomly from some of my posts so when I make a not so positive observation on a placement plz don’t take it to heart this is MY experience and I do this for fun during my free time. If anything I say bothers you feel free to unfollow instead of leaving nasty comments & any polite comments correcting my work I will take into account because I do value growth on my page🫶🏽🫶🏽 but thank you to everyone who still values my work and says positive things I love you guys & thank you for making this blog fun🩵
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myobsessionsspace · 5 months ago
Hello! Now that we've seen all eight episodes and Jimin and JK didn't take a single opportunity to "bro" up their relationship, no "when we get married to women I hope we're still friends" conversation, do you think AYS was a soft launch? Or did it just feel like one because that's the natural by-product of seeing Jimin and JK together without (much) third party interference?
Hi lovely,
Thank you for sending this in.
I haven’t done any write ups on my feelings after each episode like many have. There’s been much said that I agree with, so Ididn’t really have anything new to add.
Tbh I’ve done a Masterlist for all things AYS also including the write ups of 2 bloggers here that I pretty much agreed and enjoyed their write ups. Both @akookminsupporter and @jmdbjk (thank you two again for agreeing to have your posts linked🥹)
Do I think the show was a soft launch? Sort answer no. Long answer mmmm no?lol😅🙈
⚠️Looooonnnnnnngggg essay of an answer incoming⚠️
I think with this show and all that it has around it has to be looked at through the eyes of Koreans and the type of shows they have in Korea. How the ‘bromance’ genre is generally accepted and the types of shows celebs and idols do in Korea.
Did you know many idol groups do RUN BTS! like shows, In The Soop and Bon Voyage like shows, shows where they become parents for a period of time to kids, shows where they get ‘married’ etc. Koreans see celebs and everything they do as entertainment for them. Two idols from a group of 7 travelling ‘alone’ sure, bromance, sure something BTS hasn’t done before but…
Tbh it’s not that unique. It’s not that outlandish.
I posted this previously
Close friends and famous actors going on a trip to Jeju, meeting with other friends and fishing together.
Tbh people may not view the show the same way that jikookers are. Jikookers have the added knowledge of everything in Jikook spaces that have previously been highlighted. So we see the inside jokes and know that this just adds to the long saga of Jikook and inside jokes, we see the hyung/dongsaeng dynamic get flipped on its head and we add it to the years long knowledge we have of Jikook and their unique bond.
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I think there was some ‘bro’ energy. To be honest above anything else they’re goofballs and dudes. For as much tenderness as there was, there were ‘bro’ moments too, they are BFFs and young men after all. I think the show served different things for different viewers.
For casual viewers, those who know of BTS and we’re just interested in watching BTS content. Cos let’s be real, this isn’t a show you just are channel surfing and happen across. You have to search for this show, know of its existence, be recommended it or have been waiting to watch it. For those casual viewers, maybe or maybe not identifying as army, the show was just a fun, more adult, more slow paced BTS show. With two members that after watching the show, the viewer now realises are close close friends with more of a chingu friendship and would be shocked that it’s actual a hyung and dongsaeng (if they didn’t already know).
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For these reactors, they kept verbalising ‘how close’ Jikook must be ‘good friends’ ‘close friends’ and ‘cute’. (click here if you want to check out the full thread on twit/x)
For army watching it, again it’s just to them, an opportunity to watch more BTS content. To enjoy the members travelling, eating and having fun, more of the in the Soop/Bon voyage that they’re familiar with. More of the skinship, playful, one big happy family that army know BTS to be.
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A paraphrased collection of what was seen from army on twit/x
Jikookers having the time of our lives with all the tender and also sus af moments.
For Jikook shippers, the show is just a reaffirmation of what they already felt they knew about Jikook. More of an opportunity to see Jikook’s dynamic that they saw in bits and pieces from lives, fan cams, Bangtan bombs, memories and other BTS shows.
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The show tbh isn’t really earth shattering in unveiling anything about Jikook to any of the demographics mentioned above casual fans, army or jikookers.
Depending on what sub group a viewer fits into, their perception of the show fits that.
I don’t think anyone really honestly, apart from exuberant jikookers truly think this show is Jikook’s soft launch.
I think by Korean standards the show isn’t outlandishly gay.
It’s got sus moments here and there like the majority of Bangtan content has had over the years. But on the whole, it is content that other groups have done in one way or another, other celebrities have done, were yes they do tease and flirt and joke about the ‘homoerotic’ atmosphere some setting bring, but due to the dominating culture of homophobia, none really honestly mean it or believe it to be gay or involving actual gay people. I don’t know if that makes sense what I’m trying to say?
I’ve written thoughts before on the show, how it made sense for it to happen for Jikook, how it’s not so out there for them to be filming a duo trip etc.
👤“Everything comes back to GCF with you Jikooker🙄”
Me: Yes, Yes it does 💅
If you’ve got this far in the answer trust me, bare with me I’m going somewhere with this, it’s not just another opportunity to gush about GCFs😅🙈
Remember that Jimin loves travelling with Jungkook, he loved being GCF’s main model (no matter how embarrassed JK was at Jimin verbalising it to be the case and his denials😂)
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Jimin made his little vlog of their Tokyo trip before he knew the kind of production Jungkook was making himself with his first ever GCF. They’ve always like travelling together and always like sharing it with army. They just didn’t have much opportunity.
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Jungkook tweeting this whilst editing GCF Saipan.
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Namjoon tweeting this whilst they were in Saipan.
What is AYS then?!!
I think AYS was just a matured continuation of Jikook jikooking. Their numerous selcas they’d share on twitter, their joint YouTube logs they’d do in the beginning, their back and forths they’d have on weverse every now and again.
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This show was to me, I think, is just Jikook reaffirming everything they’ve always shown about themselves to army, that’s they’re intertwined, how many times have they said they are ‘you are me and I am you’.
They couldn’t do a subunit together, they had no time to do a cover song together, something I’m sure they would have loved to do in chapter two.
I just feel like they wanted to do something together in chapter two, because since the beginning of their careers, they’ve always made sure they carved out something within that highlighted the two of them. That was for the two of them.
Everyone had their own documentaries, appearances on shows or their own YouTube shows etc. Jikook too had their own docs, but they were the only to have their own show for the two of them.
I don’t think the show was a soft launch. I do think the show was another part in the long history of Jikook showing us, rather than telling us, they’re never to be divided. That the other is their source of joy, happiness and home and wherever they start, they’ll always end it with the other. Like we noticed FACE ended with Letter feat. Jungkook, Jimin’s doc ended with Jungkook, Jungkook’s doc ended with Jimin, they ended their free time travelling with each other before enlistment together and they ended their solo releases with Are You Sure?! capping it all off. Their show playing their solo songs whilst showing the two meeting together after it all.
That’s what I got from the show.
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If the show was a soft launch, then enlisting together, their portions in their autobiography, their section in their monument’s documentary, GCF Tokyo…all those were soft launches too
Ultimately I think Jikook are intent on making one thing clear. Not the romantic state of their relationship. But the importantance of it full stop.
That they are important to each other AND the closest to each other. Anything else they aren’t (to me) addressing. But they are with this show and with every stage in their career, making sure it’s known that Jimin is of the utmost importance to Jungkook and Jungkook is of the utmost importance to Jimin.
Since the beginning
Thank you for this ask lovely. I don’t know if it was the answer you wanted but it’s what makes sense to me.
Thank you for anyone else that made it through this huge answer in its entirety 😩
It’d be great if anyone else wanted to give their view on this so we’re can share and discuss
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nuetralizedevangelist · 1 year ago
❝state of grace.❞ || tom blyth x f!reader
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| request- state of grace by taylor!!!!
| A/N- i’m using every goddamn line of this song in it. it’s too good to be ignored. justice for state of grace it’s my fav on red 😞😞
| WARNINGS- strange men in cafes, wine, monopoly, mentions of murdering josh, mentions of robbery, two goofballs in love, and big ol’ smooches
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(divider by @v6que)
i’m walking fast through the traffic lights, busy streets and busy lives.
you’ve scrambled out of your apartment and are speed walking throughout the brooklyn streets in hopes of getting to your audition on time. being an aspiring actress in new york isn’t easy, but it’s all you wanted to do. nothing else called to you like acting, but the constant state of franticness and stress was taking a toll.
your mind begins to wander around the fact that the thousands of people you see tonight have their own lives, they’re trying to get home to their families, or their significant other, they have something to go home to.
all we know is touch and go.
after the disaster that one could call your audition, you figured you deserved a coffee. the cozy and serene café was one you frequented, on the days you had time. the chipper and almost too happy barista starts your drink the second she sees you cross the threshold of the doors. you go to take your usual seat by the window but stop upon seeing a man sitting there.
you stop and stare before ultimately deciding to just take the seat next to his, no, your usual seat. being too tired to even try to muster up the emotional strength to be upset, you plop down and place your head on the table. “you look like you really need this today.” jessie, the barista, says and places the mug of coffee next your head. you offer a small thanks and stare into the dark liquid.
we are alone with our changing minds, we fall in love till’ it hurts or bleeds.
the man occupying your space turned to look at you and he looked completely contrary to you, bright blue eyes, a smile, and he just looked content. he’s definitely attractive, but your brain couldn’t find any room for this man to move into.
“rough day, eh?” his accent makes you tilt your head towards him, he is really cute, you can’t lie. you nod your head tiredly and sip on your coffee. he stand up and takes the seat across from you and stick his hand out. “i’m tom, and you look like you could use a friend right now.” you shake his hand with a small smile and place the mug back down. “well, tom, how are you so good at reading people?” you pipe up after telling him your own name.
“it’s a talent i posses, love. can’t help it. i’m an empath.” his answer makes you laugh harder than you have in months. maybe this day wasn’t so bad after all. “there we go! you laughed, that was my whole goal. reckoned it would’ve taken longer, but i did it.” tom patted himself on the back as you shook your head with a small smile. “a woman of very few words, i see?”
you hum “i don’t know what to say to you, tom. a strange man approaches me in a cafe after i’ve had a bad day, what do i say to that?” he puts a finger on his chin to over exaggerate his thinking. “you could tell me about yourself, or i could tell you about myself. you just look lonely.” his eyes widen as he realizes he just called you lonely. he wasn’t wrong, but still hurt your feelings nonetheless.
“okay, i’m from california. everyone i know still lives there so it’s a little difficult to not be lonely here, but you don’t seem to be very not lonely. you’re sitting in a cafe by yourself and talking to strangers.” he throws his head back laughing. yeah, he’s really cute.
you come around and the armor folds, pierce the room like a cannonball.
after consistently hanging out with tom for a few months you’ve gotten into a routine. text tom good morning, tell him what you’re doing that day, and that you hope he has a good day. through him you’ve met some great friends, but you and rachel stuck together like glue instantly.
“so you’ve known tom for like seven months, and he still hasn’t come over to your apartment?” rachel asks in between sips of wine. you both sit on toms couch as the others are in the kitchen mixing drinks. “yes! i don’t know why i’m so nervous about it, it just feels too intimate for him to see it.” you and rachel giggle into eachother. it might be the wine, but you’ve never felt happier.
tom comes running into the living room, obviously drunk. “try this, i’ve perfected my concoction.” he shoves a foul smelling drink into your face. you look up at him and smile, “tom, this smells terrible. what the hell is in this?” he smells it himself and shrugs. “about a pour of everything.” you turn to rachel as if pleading for her to help. “i think i heard josh say he needs your help in the kitchen.” tom pipes up and struts back to the kitchen.
“someone needs to cut him off, he’s gonna be so sick tomorrow.” you manage to squeeze out in between your laughs. rachel wiggles her eyebrows at you “and you’ll be the one taking care of him.” you turn your head away from her with a pained expression. “i’m going to the kitchen to see what the hell they’re doing.”
so you were never a saint, and i loved in shades of wrong.
you lay flat on toms floor while he sits next to you, you’re talking about how you were as teenagers and before you met eachother. “no i was literally evil, i would ghost any girl that liked me.” toms cheeks are blushed from all the laughing. “i was the same way! i just never loved anyone right, and i was just really mean.” tom brushes a stray piece of hair out of your face that was stuck on your eyelashes. you stare up and him and swallow, you jet up to your feet. “i’m hungry, let’s go grab something.”
this is a state of grace, this is the worthwhile fight. love is a ruthless game.
josh, rachel, tom and you sit circled around your coffee table. monopoly laying on the table and wine in all of your hands. “that’s not fair! i’m in jail and josh gets to buy my properties?” you yell out as josh wheezes next to you. your eyes meet toms and you glance down at his wine stained lips. “you’re the bank, tom! tell him no and that i’m still a citizen!” “afraid you’ve dug your own grave, love. robbery does land you in jail.” he knowingly points his finger at you. “who said i committed robbery?! this is a corrupt world.”
rachel decided it might be best to put the game away before you actually do end up in jail for killing josh. the four of you sit on the couch watching some marvel movie. you turn your head to tom and whisper “so how did i commit robbery? what did i steal?” obviously still stuck on how you never won the game. he smirked down at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “my heart, love.” you pull away from him and pretend to gag onto rachel, who is sound asleep.
this is the golden age of something good and right and real. and i never saw you coming.
you wake up blearily and sit up. then a wall of pain shoots into your head as you look to your surroundings. tom is in your bed next to you. oh my god. tom is in your bed. he groans and grabs his head “what time is it? and how much wine did we drink?” he asks, acting like this is just a normal situation. “i have no idea where my phone is and apparently a lot because i feel like i got hit by a train.” you croak out laying back down.
toms arm finds its home around your waist and he cuddles into your back. “let’s just go back to sleep.” you nod and try to push down the sheer panic rising throughout your form. when you awake a few hours later, tom is gone. almost disappointed you walk out into your living room and find rachel and josh sitting there looking quite grumpy. “are you guys oka-” josh shushes you and goes back to rubbing his temples. you mutter a small sorry and walk into your kitchen, seeing tom making coffee. his bed head and sleep ridden eyes make your stomach feel warm and fuzzy.
“good morning.” you grumble and he laughs. “it’s three o’clock in the afternoon.” you laugh with him and rest your head on the counter waiting for the coffee. “i didn’t think we drank that much last night, i don’t even remember most of it.” you confess with furrowed eyebrows trying to rake back through your memories.
tom looks almost solemn at your confession and nods. “yeah, me too. it’s all blurry.” he remembered everything. last nights escapades slowly come back as you think and you excuse yourself to the bathroom. thinking of what happened last night.
you and tom sat on your bedroom floor as you showed him all the books you’ve collected and his smile was so wide it made your heart jump at the sight. you rambled on and on about how you read the ballad of songbirds when it came out and how he channeled coriolanus so well but he was just staring at you, the wine coursing through both of your bloods. he lunged forward and captured your lips with his causing you to drop your book and wrap your arms around him.
you quickly brush your teeth and comb through your hair, trying to look somewhat decent. you slowly tread back into the kitchen and stare at tom. “i remember last night.” you quickly confessed. biting the inside of your cheek as tom turns to look at you. “do you regret it?” he quietly asks before you shake your head and step closer to him. “no, i don’t. i’ve liked you since i met you.” he smiles and wraps his arm around you while pouring your coffee into your favorite mug.
these are the hands of fate, you’re my achilles heel.
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desperate-gay · 1 year ago
Pls pls write for ali
Ali Krieger x fem!reader
summary: being there to celebrate ali’s victory with her kids, brother, and with her later in the night
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The game is intense. Both teams have been playing hard, leading it to be 0-0 after the full ninety minutes, causing it to head into overtime. It’s 105 minutes in and Gotham has taken control of the ball. Kristie passes it downfield and it continues to move forward as Portland’s defenders scramble to guard the ball, but because they’re a little behind, it leaves a space allowing Katie to shoot the ball and hit the back of the bet.
The whole stadium goes wild, including you standing up with Sloane on your hip, cheering with the crowd. She looks around cluelessly with noise-canceling headphones, making her look even more adorable than usual. Kyle alongside you has Ocean in his arms while pumping his fist up and down at the new lead.
Only 14 minutes later, they are advancing to the finals. Ali looks up into the stands with a bright smile, seeing her family witness her journey through her career, but she is quickly pulled aside by her teammates who continue to chant they’re not finished yet.
After a few more minutes, you and Kyle make your way onto the turf with the kids to meet up with the captain. Kelley, Kristie, and Lynn all talk with her but once she sees you approaching, she excuses herself and jogs over.
“Mama won.” Sloane slurs with a cute little grin.
“Yes, she did!” You exclaim as you continue to bounce the little girl on your hip, something she has always enjoyed for whatever reason.
Ali laughs and takes Ocean out of Kyle’s arms without her smile breaking once. “I’m so happy you’re all here. I couldn’t ask for anything more.”
“We’d do anything for you, sis. Right, Y/n/n?” He wraps his arm around Ali’s shoulder before nudging you to answer. You divert your attention back to the girl and notice she’s already staring back at you.
“Of course. Wouldn’t have missed it for the world.”
You all stand around and talk for a bit with a few of her teammates. The Portland breeze picks up, making it feel much chillier than it actually is. You’re only covered by a thin zip-up, not thinking the temperature would drop mid-game and freeze you half to death. Your shivering is noticed by Ali, so she shrugs off her coat and rests it on your shoulders before taking Sloane from your hands into her other arm.
“Ali, you’ll be cold now. I’ll be fine-“
“You’re clearly cold and you need to warm up. I’m hot anyways.” She shrugs you off and talks to both of the kids in her arms. You’re lucky that the bitter weather makes your cheeks rosy or she definitely would’ve noticed the deep blush rushing to your cheeks at the gesture.
You have been friends with Ali since forever. Your feelings for her have grown stronger and stronger as time moved on to the point where you’re now sure you’re in love with her. The only problem is that she split from Ashlyn months ago and you were her shoulder to cry on through her heartbreak. To you, it’s still too soon to even think about making a move, especially when she has more important things to think about like her retirement and her kids.
Sloane and Ocean have become important to you as well, treating them as one of your own. The little girl is a goofball and the little boy is a bit of a stinker at times, but nothing makes you love them any less. Ali sees the way you interact with them which makes her melt to the floor, knowing that you’re perfect in any way.
Long before the divorce, she knew it was over with Ashlyn for a while. They both argued constantly and Ali didn’t want the kids to grow up in a toxic environment. When Ashlyn cheated, she weirdly felt relieved. Maybe it was because it made her feel less guilty for growing feelings for you. Her best friend.
When the split happened, she ran to you. Even if she knew it was going to happen, it was still devastating. No matter what caused the divorce, she’ll still always care for her ex-wife, and knowing everything is changing with her career, love, and family, it breaks her. You’re there for it all. Her ups and downs, highs and lows. You assure her she’s stuck with you forever.
So here you are now, in Portland watching the captain survive and advance to the finals. Kyle drove you and the kids since Ali had to arrive a little earlier to get ready, but she insists her brother heads back to his hotel and she’ll take everyone back with her.
“Let me go wash off and gather my things then I’ll meet you here. Are you okay with watching them for a couple of minutes?” The taller girl asks, gesturing to the two toddlers in your arms.
You wave her off the best you can with her busied hand and say, “I’m sure I can handle these angels. Now hurry! I want to get back to the hotel.”
“Jeez, I thought I was bossy.” She snarks, walking away but not before the tip of your foot meets with her behind. “Ow! Meany.” You stick your tongue out on her which she returns, causing the kids in your arms to giggle at their Mama’s banter.
Kelley walks out with Kristie and sees the two giggling toddlers. Rushing over to you, she drops her bag, holds out her hands with a grabby gesture, and takes Ocean from your left arm. Kristie quickly follows and pulls Sloane into hers, allowing her arms to relax from the removed weight.
“I’ve missed you two.” Kelley coos at the boy while sticking her finger out for him to wrap his tiny hands around.
“I want one.” The blonde next to you frowns. “Can I keep her?”
“Mmm, I don’t think Kriegs would be happy with me if I sell her children-“
Your statement is cut off by the locker room door opening, revealing the said girl with dampened hair and a bag swung over her shoulders. “I leave you for a few minutes and you’re already auctioning off my babies?”
“Am not! Kristie is thinking about stealing Sloane!” You defend yourself while pointing to the girl.
Ali chuckles and wraps her arm around your waist, pulling you into her chest. You don’t know if she realizes what she’s doing, but you’re far from complaining about the closeness. You both watch as your guys' two friends continue to mess with the children before you see them yawn.
“Alright, time to go. Gotta put these two to sleep.”
Kristie frowns but reluctantly hands Sloane over to you anyway. You smile sympathetically and pat her back with your free hand.
“I’m going to call Sam and ask for one now. I’ll see you two later.” The girl hops off on her phone, most likely already face-timing her Australian fiancé.
Kelley also bids her goodbyes, parting ways from the four of you, letting you all finally walk out to the car. You both buckle them in before you settle into the passenger seat and Ali in the driver.
The car ride remains silent besides the quiet hum of the radio in the background. You keep your gaze out the window, watching the unfamiliar buildings pass and the stars in the sky. The two toddlers in the back both fall asleep due to it being past their bedtime and the eventful day they had.
As you pull into the hotel parking lot, you unbuckle your seatbelt and turn around to look at the peaceful two.
“They’re so precious.” You mumble in awe to which Ali hums in agreement, also looking with you.
You both grab their sleeping forms and head into the hotel room. You’ve been staying with Kyle at his, but since she insisted on driving you back, you follow her into her room, thinking she might want to hang out for a bit. When in the room, you both first change the kids' clothes and place them into their little cribs for the night.
Ali sighs and thumps onto the bed in the middle of the room with her hands covering her face. Her shirt rides up due to her arms lifting, exposing her muscular stomach. You sit at the edge of the mattress and admire the beauty in front of you. A clearing of a throat breaks your stare and turns your attention to the brunette who is now sat up staring at you with a ghost of a smirk.
Heat once again radiates onto your face, embarrassing you further proving you just got caught. The best moves and the sheets shuffle from her moving to sit next to you. She nudges her shoulder with hers as she continues to look at your side profile.
Breaking the silence she says, “I’m happy you came with us to Portland. It means a lot to me; you being here through everything.”
“Like I said, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
You look up back at her and your stomach twists at the sight of her gaze remaining on you. With both of your heads turned, your nose is almost hitting against hers. For a second, you swear you saw her eyes flick down to your lips, but maybe your eyes are deceiving you, feeding into your delusional mind that thinks she may feel the same.
Surprisingly, your mind wasn’t faking you out. Her hand reaches out and rests on your cheek, the soft pad of her thumb stroking your skin gently. She slowly leans in closer when she sees you look at her lips, taking it as a sign you’re not going to find her disgusting.
“Is this okay?” The brunette asks as her lips hover over yours. You nod instantly, not trusting your voice at the moment.
That’s when it finally happens. Her lips slot into yours like a missing piece to a puzzle you worked ages on. The kiss is firm, not too soft to make you think she’s unsure, but not too rough to make you think there’s no meaning behind it. As it continues, her other hand moves down and strokes your thigh which makes you crumble even more into the kiss while your hands rest lightly on her chest.
It lasts until you two need air, pulling away you rest your forehead against hers, giggling lightly in delight.
“What are you giggling about?” She smiles at the sweet sound.
“I just can’t believe this is happening. I’m really happy is all.”
Your right-hand slides itself to the back of her neck and rubs up and down, soothing the tense muscles. She sighs in relief from the feeling and pulls away slightly to be able to look at you. If she was a cartoon, hearts would appear in her eyes from seeing you smile softly at her and your doe eyes roaming her face.
Not being able to control herself, she pulls you in again and places multiple pecks on your lips, causing you to giggle at the outburst and try to lightly shove her off. She finally stops when she hears a quiet whine from the crib which makes the both of you pause and see if you woke one of the toddlers up. Lucky for you, they must have fallen back asleep as quickly as they woke up.
Ali moves to lie down on the mattress before opening her arms wide, signaling for you to lay down with her. You slot yourself comfortably into her embrace and cuddle into her chest. She presses one final peck to your head before whispering, “You are the one for me.”
You tap her waist 3 times, telling her you feel the same, something you've both done ever since you started hanging out. Both exhausted from the thrilling day, it doesn’t take long for slumber to take over your bodies, making you miss the quiet buzz from your phone.
brother kriegs<3
im hoping you finally made the move since youre not here. cant wait for you to be my sister-in-law. i have been dreaming of this day since you admitted your feelings xx
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aclowntiny · 2 years ago
I’ve been thinking of requesting something for a while and saw ur recent post which reminded me to. Congrats on 400! ☺️
I’d like to request a meeting pirate!Ateez reaction, or if you’re not vibing with that Ateez sharing clothes with their s/o (either s/o wearing their clothes or them wearing their s/o’s clothes, I think both are cute!)
Thanks so much for your work and no pressure at all! Your stuff always makes me happy when it comes up on my timeline 🫶🫶
Thank you so much sweetie! Yes, I’m so glad you requested ☺️ that makes me so happy to hear you don’t even know 🥹🥹🥹💕💕💕 I love this idea so without further ado…
(I’m sorry for how delayed this was! The other one will just be on a separate imagine hehe 🏴‍☠️)
Ateez Sharing Clothes With Their S/O
♡ Oh you know this man will lend you anything out of his closet you need to complete your look 👀 If you’re down for it, Hongjoong would enjoy being the one to dress you just to admire how amazing you look and hope you see it too! Every time he dresses you he tries to balance things he wants to see you in, your own style/tastes, and of course including at least one piece of his!
♡ Seeing you in his jacket? Heaven. You are not accepting any jackets from any other men, only his 😤 but don’t worry he’ll smile so big and give you heart eyes the whole time he drapes it over you, handing the other member’s jacket back.
♡ The more pieces he lends you, the more you appear outwardly his, and that makes his heart go crazy. He’ll get extra affectionate and protective, wrapping an arm around you and placing kisses on your cheek. “That looks better on you than on me,” he’ll tell you with a cheeky grin, sliding his arm around your waist.
♡ Slides a ring off his hand and onto yours 💗
♡ But also highkey if he likes a piece of your jewelry he may ask to borrow it!!! What, it would go perfectly with these shoes!
♡ Some of Seonghwa’s clothes just become yours because he gives you his sweater when you’re cold and then lets you keep it 🥺
♡ Sweaters are his favorite because you look so cute and cozy in them! Especially if the sleeves are long on you and you do sweater paws, that’s just the cutest thing in the world to him! He’ll sometimes hold your hands through the sweater paws so you both get warm hands~
♡ Goofball steals a pair of your fuzzy socks one day because he likes them and you tease him that ew, don’t take those, now they’re ruined, but in reality the pattern just suits him more and he looks so cute in your fluffy little garments that you have to give him a kiss~
♡ You two basically trade pieces of jewelry, like he gets one of your favorite rings and you get one of his- it's yours and Seonghwa's version of swapping sim card trays!
♡ If you put on one of his shirts without him knowing, he'll come up behind you, arms snaking around you, and start teasing you. "Well, this is a nice shirt- where did you find this, hm?"
♡ You didn’t know there was an upgrade to being given your boyfriend’s jacket but here we are: being given your boyfriend’s suit jacket.
♡ Yunho and you were attending a formal event and, well, he had a suit jacket and you didn’t, so when you got cold, he was draping you with designer formalwear of all things. You couldn’t help reaching up to feel the shoulders, smiling shyly. “You look great, maybe you should keep it.” Yunho winks, then laughs in spite of himself.
♡ You prefer his jackets, he prefers your scarves. What, they smell like you and are way softer than his big ol thick one?
♡ Sometimes you, instead of looking through a mess of clothing or just because you need a shirt, you grab one of Yunho’s button-ups and throw it on.
♡ Yunho.exe has stopped working. His hands will be on you faster than you can say Timbuktu 👀
♡ You got this huge fluffy wonderful robe drapey fleece cloud of a garment for bedtime when it was cold, and little did you know your boyfriend was going to fall in love with it.
♡ He asked to try it on, and the moment it covered him he pulled it tight, falling backwards onto the bed in bliss. Sure, you’d bought it for yourself, but Yeosang looked so cute, how could you say no?
♡ Compromise achieved: Yeosang wears the open-faced fleece wonder, you just lay on his chest and get wrapped up in it too 🩷
♡ You jokingly stole one of his sweaters as ‘revenge’, pulling it on to see how he reacted, if he fought you on it.
♡ Spoiler alert: he did not, only burst into a shy, loving smile and pull you into his side for a hug, telling you you’re so cute 🥺 you should’ve known with how much it takes to make him mad!
♡ Does that corny thing where he wraps both of you in one long scarf. You can hardly walk but it’s ok because San is so cute as he nuzzles into you from above the soft knit 💔
♡ You also wear his gloves a lot because you forget them so San throws an extra pair in his pockets just for you! His gloves are way softer than yours anyway.
♡ One day, you throw on one of his infamous muscle shirts and flex, both of you laughing but also…San’s lowkey blushing at the sight of you like that 🤭
♡ All of a sudden he’s stammering out ‘u-uh if you want that you can keep it. I mean it just looks really, really good and…’
♡ Since you liked his winter coat last season, he starts shopping for another in your favorite color and material so you can steal it. Smiles with such joy and pride as he drapes the garment over you, helping you into the sleeves, and you gush over how cozy it feels and how much you love it. Mission success.
♡ You needed a shirt one day after swimming, so Mingi gave you an extra t-shirt. Joke was on him, though- you just wanted a Mingi shirt 😈
♡ The next time you guys hang out, you’re wearing it and his jaw drops at the way it fits your body, having not really seen it beneath the night sky and your towel the first time.
♡ Arms go right around your middle immediately, you are trapped in Mingi’s embrace don’t try to get out it’s impossible 😤 well ok it’s possible but then he’ll be sad 🥺
♡ Starts lifting it up slightly as if he thinks something different from usual is going to be under there lmao. Smiles so wide, loving, cheeky, and blissful all in one almost no matter how you react to that.
♡ You start surprising him by stealing his clothes and wearing them since you got such a good reaction the first time! Most of the time he just lets you keep them as long as he can get his hands on you~
♡ Bro he steals your clothes
♡ Loves the way they smell! If you can’t see each other for any extended amount of time beyond, like, a few days or a week he wants something of yours to have with him because your scent helps him fall asleep. Also guilty of cuddling your clothes and pretending you’re there 😅
♡ He loves putting his clothes on you, especially tighter stuff from on-stage, and then telling you how hot you look in them! Buys you similar things to keep afterward even if you just wear them for him 👀
♡ Lives for corny couple outfits, so expect him to buy two of things so you can both wear it or give you something of his so that he can dress to complement! You'll probably have to stop him from straight-up just buying those corny shirts that say 'yours' and 'mine' or 'I'm his! I'm hers!' type of stuff because Wooyoung that's silly!!!
♡ You give him one of your favorite bracelets he's mentioned liking before to wear so he has a piece of you and Wooyoung just melts. Never takes that thing off unless he's showering or something. No other bracelets exist in Jung Wooyoung's eyes.
♡ You guys are engaged in a jesting war over jacket custody
♡ He gave it to you one cold evening and you loved it so much, you joked about never wanting to give it back and he protested, laughing as you pouted, and you dug in your heels until you two were laughing like dorks over nothing. Now you two alternate wearing it a lot, but Jongho remains insistent that it’s his, you just take care of it.
♡ He steals and tries on a hat of yours one day, and as much as you laugh you think it suits him pretty well; suddenly the hat gets joint custody too.
♡ It may sound odd, but he gives you an old necklace of his he doesn't wear much anymore because he likes more traditional gifts like jewelry and then you'll have a memento of him! You're like sorry this is way less sentimental I got you a new watch lmao but don't worry, he needed one and he loves it 😊
♡ The one day you grab one of his shirts, though, something snaps in him and he can’t stop staring. You ask him what, starting to apologize for taking it, but he just shakes his head and holds up a halting hand. “No, don’t be sorry. I really like seeing you this way,” he says, eyes sweeping before meeting yours again.
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urfriendlylocalidiot · 2 years ago
hi! I have some le sserafim requests!:
- gf headcanons
- how they would comfort you when you’re sick
- how they would be during an argument
- saying “I love you” for the first time
Thank you! 💕
Hi! This one took a while as you can imagine, since this was so many, I hope you don’t mind that they’re kinda short😅
LE SSERAFIM as your Girlfriend
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You weren’t looking for love, but she found you anyways.
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So, so caring
Good morning/goodnight texts if you’re in a different time zone (if you’re in the same she would probably call)
Has your coffee/breakfast order memorized, since you guys wind up going on a lot of morning dates
Will definitely make time for you, even if she has a busy schedule, she doesn’t want you to feel neglected
When she wants/needs to be with you, she would just silently wrap herself in your arms and you’d get the memo
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Mom type of girlfriend
Probably plans your dates and will cook for you
Will try to teach you how to cook or a language, if you’re interested in learning
Her Home Screen is a picture of you two on your one year anniversary - which you planned
Also, any gift or letter you’ve ever given her, she definitely would keep in like a cute box and she would reread them when she’s too busy to be with you
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Very physically affectionate (hugs, kisses, cuddles)
Not afraid of a little PDA
Would probably drive around with you a lot singing random songs
The type to bring you flowers when she picks you up for a date
All of the songs she writes are about you, she just loves you so much
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So, so sweet
You would probably wind up bringing her food to her practices
Of course you don’t mind, especially since you also get to watch her
In return though, she would be sure to spend the rest of the day with you
Will definitely play video games with you for hours on her days off
Also will try to teach you some ballet moves, and be SO supportive during the whole thing
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A nervous wreck in the beginning of your relationship
Once you guys are together for a while though, her true goofball self will come back out
You guys would probably have a lot of indoor dates in the dorm, since her members don’t quite trust her to date yet
But that’s fine with you guys, you’re able to do plenty of things (watch movies, build legos, etc.)
You two also wind up sharing clothes a lot because you often ‘forget’ to bring pajamas when you go over though
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If she takes care of you, take care of her.
She’d probably scold you a little for not bundling up when she told you to. Chaewon did say that you were going to catch a cold if you went outside without a jacket, but you were too stubborn to listen. But her leader mode kicks in and she will for sure take care of you, however she can. She would definitely make the other members be quiet in the dorm, insisting that it will help make you get better sooner.
So many home cooked meals. Just, the most loving and caring girlfriend you could ever ask for during this time. Yes, your body may have felt like crap, but your heart had never been so happy. She’d probably feed you too, if you were feeling that bad.
She would definitely stay up all night long with you, rubbing your back, stroking your hair, and just talking to you. Would definitely make sure you’re hydrated and taking your medicine too. Wouldn’t be afraid of getting sick at all, because her love is already sick and that’s the worst thing that could ever happen.
Kazuha would definitely send you encouraging texts and deliver food and medicine to your room. She’s probably be a little afraid of getting sick though, since she’s very dedicated to her work. But to make up for it, she’d give you so many kisses and hugs once you get better.
Movie marathons and cuddle sessions every night is Manchae’s medicine for you. She would be so sweet and not know what to do. Will definitely ask her unnies for advice. After making sure you’ve eaten something and taken your medicine for the day, she would just stay with you for the rest of the day. Insisting that she was going to make you feel better since you needed to rest.
Arguments w/ LE SSERAFIM
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In every relationship, there’s going to be arguments and fights. But at the end of the day if you truly love that person, you will stick around through the good and bad.
Prideful to say the least, if you don’t apologize first, she would have no problem with just ghosting you until you do. Even if it breaks her heart a little, in her mind she was right, therefore it should be you to apologize, not the other way around. And when you do inevitably apologize, she would definitely smirk, pull you in for a kiss and say ‘I told you so’.
You guys would definitely have long discussions about the things you guys disagree on. Sometimes you change each other’s minds, you two really do it to just understand each other more. To her, communication is everything and she loves that you guys can have difficult conversations and still love each other. If it was a more urgent thing, you’d probably just let Sakura win. Not cause you’re a pushover or something, but she always has a very good reason.
Would depend on how confident she is in her argument. She’s a very passionate person, so it would be really hard to change her mind on things she loves. Not afraid to argue with you and would stand her ground. However, she would definitely not yell at you, nothing is that important to her other than you (and her fimily). Afterwards though, you guys would avoid each other, until the one who was actually wrong, apologizes first.
Kazuha would probably just shut down and nod along with you. However, you would notice this, and immediately stop being irritated at whatever it was. You’d feel awful for making her feel uncomfortable, that was not what you wanted at all, you were just so irritated that you took it out on her. You’d pull her into your arms and apologize so, so much.
She would definitely apologize first. Immediately after saying it, she would feel so bad and try to hug you. You’d definitely take her into your arms and say, ‘let’s never fight again jagiya’. This would literally happen every time you guys ‘fight’, which is probably why you never fight with Eunchae all that much.
‘I Love You’ w/ LE SSERAFIM
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She didn’t say “I love you” to hear it back. She said it to make sure you knew.
Would definitely be important to her. Those are THE three words in a relationship. She’d probably set up a whole date just to say it at the end. She just wants it to be perfect for you. You had changed her world so much and she just needed you to know how much she appreciated you, no loved you for it all.
“I love you” she would say with a cheeky smile.
You’d wrap her up in your arms and say it into her hair while laughing.
It was your one year anniversary celebration. You guys had been dancing around the phrase for the past few months. However after seeing everything that you had prepared: the dinner reservation at her favorite restaurant, the matching outfits (in her favorite color), the flowers you got her; she just couldn’t help it. She was utterly and completely smitten with you.
“I Iove you.” She blurts out, as you guys walk the Han River after dinner.
You laugh and pull her in for a kiss, when you guys pull apart for air you breathlessly say, “I love you too.”
“I love you!” She blurts out.
You were a little taken aback at first, since you had just been cuddling, like you two did every day. You guys hadn’t been officially dating for very long, but in so many ways it just made sense. It was always you two together, you were practically inseparable. You were always her biggest supporter when it came to her solos and her yours. Unbeknownst to you, her songs were about you.
“I love you too” you say back, cuddling more into her.
Those three magical words seem to taunt Kazuha everywhere. They’re so easy to say, to her members or family, but when it comes to you, she just clams up. It’s like they mean more when it comes to you (and they do). You’d probably wind up saying it first, and probably on Valentine’s Day while handing her, her gift. “I love you” she’d be so grateful and definitely say it more often.
She would be so nervous. You’d probably end up saying it first, probably after a date. You just couldn’t help it, she just looked so cute and you were so happy, that you just had to say, “I love you”
Her world stops for a second, she never imagined that you would ever see her in that way. And to be honest, she had been falling for you since she first saw you, so it just made sense that she says, “I love you too” and insists on you spending the night with her.
a/n: slowly yet surely, making my way through these requests
Also only 10 pictures per post? (If you want me to rewrite these longer and as individual posts just lmk through my asks)
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 year ago
My Top 5 Favorite TMNT 2012 Ships
5) Mikey x Renet
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I feel we as a fandom has come to an unanimous agreement that all the canon romances/couples given to us in the 2012 series are bad/toxic/poorly written/inc3st/etc with THEM being the only exception (I'll talk about that ship soon), however I think Renetangelo is the other exception.
They’re certainly not perfect with their first problem being Mikey kinda “cheating” on Renet with Shinigami (they weren’t together or officially dating so it’s not cheating, but it still felt wrong that it was never acknowledged that Mikey was pretty much a skirt chaser, crushing on two girls at once), but I still really love their dynamic and relationship. Mikey and Renet are undoubtedly cute together, just two silly goofballs having a fun time and enjoying the other’s company with the occasional flirting and kiss on the cheek (which btw SO CUTE). Renetangelo is that couple that I feel works great both romantically and platonically. If you told me they’re best friends, I’d believe it, if you told me they’re a couple, I’d also believe it. That's how well they work off each other. I'm okay with them being a couple or just being friends.
Season 5 also practically confirms they’re together on two occasions with Mikey saying him and Renet are in a long distance relationship in the When Worlds Collide special, and Renet hinting during the Halloween arc that she and Mikey have some kind of future together.
Overall, I really like Renetangelo and I love seeing these two together. From Mikey's puppy love expressions when he sees her to their overall personalities clashing so well together. This ship is very underrated and needs more love.
4) Slash x Alopex
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Btw this edit was made by @robins-treasure <33
Slash x Alopex (or what I like to call them Slaopex) is my rarepair of the 2012 series and I’m so happy that I’m slowly getting more and more people one board with it. It started off as just a random silly idea of mine, like "What if Slash got a gf?" and then I thought "Well, who could I ship him with?" and then my brain went "What if Slash and Alopex got together? That would be funny". I laughed at the idea, but the more I thought of it, the more I started to like it. I began coming up with headcanons and a story of their relationship, and the more I did that, the more I fell in love with this concept and the potential of this couple. So much that it placed 4th in my top 5!
I fell so in love with them I even ended up writing a short fanfic of how I headcanon they would first meet and the beginning of their blooming romance (you can read it HERE). But in short, Slash runs into Alopex during a late night patrol and helps her beat up some crooks who were attacking her. The two get to talking, sharing a tender moment before parting ways, with Alopex now being the only thing on Slash's mind <3
I also reference this ship a few times in my fanfic Courting a Salamandrian. Consider it a continuation of that little oneshot.
3) Leo x Casey
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While everyone else was shipping Jonatello, I was shipping Caseynardo! I was never a fan of Jonatello, I don't hate it, just couldn't get on board nor understand the hype around it, but then one day I stumbled across fanart of Leo x Casey and I thought "Huh... these two actually look cute together!" and quickly sunk into the rabbit hole. Looking up every little bit of fanart, fanfics and edits I could find.
Liking this ship this much for it to be ranked 3rd in my Top 5 favorite TMNT 2012 ships says a lot. This ship really grew on me very quickly, so much so that I wrote a fanfiction on them! I wrote a Caseynardo fanfic before writing a Renetangelo one (you can read it HERE), which is funny cause I've been shipping Renetangelo since the show was airing, and I didn't start liking Caseynardo till long after the show ended! That says a lot about how much these boy effected me! LOL
My whole HC for this ship is that they bonding a lot in season 3 at the farmhouse which led to a mutual romantic attraction. Eventually they secretly date without telling anyone but due to the circumstances and problems going on in Leo’s life, he was unable to keep the relationship going. They agree to just be friends, which Casey promising to wait for him. It’s basically the “right person, wrong time” trope. But I like to headcanon that by season 5, Leo and Casey finally get together officially and made their relationship known to everyone else. The only one not surprised was Raphael who knew about those two since day one, cause he was stuck being their third wheel/wingman XD
2) Karai x Shinigami
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I will NEVER forgive Nickelodeon for be too cowardly to make this happen. They'd rather ship inc3st and force Shini to be straight than give us our goth kunoichi lesbians. For shame, Nickelodeon... For shame...
Not to mention that one of the writers of the show, Peter Di Cicco, shipped them! Calling them his "OTP" and referring to Shini as "Karai's girlfriend", and even pitching an alternate ending to the series where Splinter and Shredder make up but the only thing they fight over now is who gets to walk Karai down the aisle during her wedding to Shinigami XD
The moment I saw Shinigami, I instantly thought "Oh that's a lesbian and she and Karai are a thing". I really love their dynamic, their friendship and the potential they have in being a cute couple of childhood friends to lovers. You can see how much they care about each other. The fury in Shini's voice when she confronts Super Shredder, "I will destroy you, Monster! For everything you have done to Karai!". Shini is supportive of Karai and is always the one down to start chaos with you. Makes me wish we could've learned more about these two and their history. I like to think they've known each other since they were little, being childhood friends while training and growing up in The Foot Clan.
My personal headcanon is that Shinigami has had a crush on Karai since they were young, like preteens, and is so loyal to her and willing to help Karai not just because she is her best friend but also because she loves her. However, she is scared to tell Karai how she really feels because she's worried she won't reciprocate and it'll ruin their long time friendship. Luckily, Mikey is there for support!
Not to toot my own horn, but I did write a fanfic relating to this concept that you can read HERE
1) Raphael x Mona Lisa
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What have I not already said about RaMona? If you follow me then you know full well that these two are my life. I’ve written multiple fanfics based on them on AO3 (LINK HERE) and have done a few analysis posts about them as well here on Tumblr. They have consumed my life. I love them so much!
Overall, I believe they are the healthiest ship the series offered us, and the best one in canon. I know some complain that they were rushed and how they got together too quickly, but in truth I can understand why Raph and Mona got into a relationship as quickly as they did. They are both warriors with the mindset of "I might die tomorrow" so it makes sense they'd be open and honest about their feelings right from the start just in case something happens to either one of them in battle. You only live once, you know? And I like how open Raph is when it comes to his feelings for Mona. From the very start, the moment he realized he liked her, never once did he deny it. Even when his brothers and friends laughed or scolded him, Raph proudly admitted he likes her with no ounce of shame. Mikey even points out that Mona is "bigger, stronger and a better fighter" than Raph and him responding by saying "Exactly! What a woman..." The boy does not care that she will be the pants in their relationship. He loves that she's stronger than him, bigger than him, a better fighter than him. We even see how excited he gets when she suggests training with him someday. Not to mention how we also learn in the show that these two have written love letters to each other during the course of the season 4 space adventures. Their personailties clash so well together. Both being strong willed warriors who put their loved ones first. Both can be stubborn and jump to conclusions quickly. We even see that Mona can have a short temper much like Raph. Both are ready to kick some ass with anyone who talks shit (Raph defending Mona but then Mona defending herself *chef's kiss*)
It's not talked about often among the fandom/shippers, but the fact that Mona is as much in love with Raph as he is with her is what truly makes this ship great. While the other 2012 ships make it unclear (writing wise) if the love interest truly feels the exact same way towards her Turtle she's shipped with, but for Mona her feelings are obvious. She's the one who makes the first move during all of their kisses/nose nuzzles, she's the one to say "I love you" first" and do I have to remind y'all of the push up scene? XD
These two are obsessed with one another. You can tell and see just how in love they are with one another. Even with only appearing in about 4-5 episodes, they truly left a major impact on shipping in this fandom. I feel it has come to a unanimous agreement that this ship is the best (canon) couple this show gave us. I love them, I love their relationship, I love what these two have done for the show and this fandom. They were able to bring back a classic ship from the 87 series and add so much more to them! I hope we get to see more of this couple in future generations. They certainly aren't a perfect couple, they got their flaws too, but overall they are truly the best couple in the 2012 series. <333
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crowanalyzesthings · 3 months ago
Her Blue Sky
I just finished watching Her Blue Sky and I LOVED it!! This movie was so cute and my heart is so full.
“But Crow,” you might be saying, “why are you watching that instead of watching the last four episodes of Haikyu?” Because I’m a wimp and I don’t want Haikyu to end. Also I want to watch it when I really have the emotional energy for it, not just reserves. It deserves all the emotions I can spare it.
That said, moving on to talking about Her Blue Sky! Spoilers below.
Okay first of all, let’s get this out of the way. Aoi is a brat. I kept thinking so all throughout the movie. Do I love her anyway? Yes. But she’s a brat and I got irritated with her self-centeredness.
Akane, on the other hand? I love her so much. She’s so sweet and I was rooting for her and Shinosuke the whole time. Honestly I admire her. She’s got such a good heart and an amazing work ethic and she’s so selfless. It’s inspiring!
I’m gonna mention Tsugu because I loved him throughout the whole movie. He’s probably one of my favorites. I could tell pretty early on he had a thing for Aoi, and I was glad to be proven right. He’s a good kid and he’s good for her and when he‘s older I think they’ll be a great match! (When I tell you I turned to AO3 and was crushed to discover that not only are there no fics about them, there are no Her Blue Sky fics in general.)
I don’t like Shinosuke. I just can’t bring myself to. He’s an arrogant jerk and a drunk. But the scene where he played for Akane and made her laugh made me happy. And if she still loves him and he makes her happy and if he’s going to get his head screwed on straight and treat her right, then I’m happy they’re together.
Now, time for my favorite character…
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OH MY GOSH I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. WHAT THE HECK. He’s such a sweet guy and he cares so much about Akane and he’s such a good big-brother-figure to Aoi!! He’s such a goofball and so optimistic and a bit childish and he’s got so much golden retriever energy, but he’s also really mature.
I think I have a new fictional crush, y’all.
Look at this idiot /affectionate
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have I convinced you to watch it yet?
Seriously. It’s well worth it even if only for him (Akane and Tsugu are so worth it too btw. I love them both.)
9/10 movie, will absolutely be watching again and Shinno will probably live in my head rent free for a while after this.
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11queensupreme11 · 11 months ago
Ok so I scrolled back enough to see what the ao3 person said and urm oh boy…
The first part that miffed me was calling Percy childish 💀
Like she’s a teen what do you expect out of her, rational and poised composure ? Also Og Percy was an absolute boyflop himself ! Like bro would’ve gone along and acted like a cute uwu baby if it meant he would live to see another day ! Another thing I disliked was the Girlboss comment, like you can absolutely girlboss to the sun and back and still be flopping to hell and back along the way. Her perception of girl boss is probably some tough tomboy who acts like piper from the sounds of it ngl.
Also Percy is in an alternate universe with Volatile ass gods as they lovingly pointed out 😊
And so if you’re in an unknown place with very unstable and dangerous folks that can and will be more then happy to zap you, if it means swallowing your pride and acting like a kid then you will do it ! Like that place isn’t screaming gorgeous gorgeous stable folks.
Percy knew he could handle the Pjo gods to some extent but there are obviously more powerfull ! Like they’re not playing around anyone can see that.
Like if you were off fighting monsters math is gonna be the last of your worries and not everyone is a math wizz like you 🤨 go one drop some fractions let me see em since you’re so smart.
And last but not least IM ( fully ) North African so I have very much the right and pleasure of telling you that us African folks can tan like hell ! I’m pasty but if you put me in the sun for long enough I’ll look like Percy and Adriana. Because believe it or not people come in different shades and the sun can and will darken our skin tone !
Also Percy isn’t Greek from her dads godly side while her mom has the African decent so yeah no wonder she’s tanned she’s got other lineage 🤨 most demigods usually get simple traits from their folks like eye color, hair or something that just smiller. And it was stated gods don’t got the dna so it’s mostly from the mortal parents
Also fan art is FANart ! See the FAN part ? People who like the fanfic are gonna draw it how they see it fit if you don’t like it then don’t look at it simple. We’re not all in some little gc conniving about the skin tone and all of us draw it how we see fit.
Getting pressed and over a skin tone sounds like a them Issue, they’re half Greek so they should know that there are Greek that are Afro-greek ! Like is the math not mathing ?? If you’re half of a nationality shouldn’t you be aware that other people can be too ?
Anways that comment felt very dumb ( and I hope I didn’t come off as too mean but I do stand my point that it was stupid as hell )
Im glad you keep doing what your doing Queenie and don’t listen to idiots like that 😕
percy's a goofball and a girlflop, but her cringy ✨uwu daddy✨ act is literally just that... an act she's putting on in order to survive 💀 she got inspired by the FLs of the isekai manhwas where they get evil daddies and gotta act cutesy to be spared from death, that's really just it 😭😭
and yes, it was a very dumb (and lowkey racist tbh) comment. so far, they haven't replied back and i don't think they will 😌
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nerdycanible1 · 2 years ago
Hellos my little lovies!! Jskdjsdksjdksj
Here is some more art of Lin Beifong that I have promised. I do apologize it took me so long but I’ve been. . . Lazy XD
Anyways here is the art of Lin Beifong and my oc Gaia who is a sandbender. I have a few stories coming up with her in them so I hope you guys will be patient!
So here is the beginning of Gaia and Lin’s relationship, though it was not as bright and cheery as it may seem. Below the cut I’ll have a few headcanons so I hope you’ll enjoy them!! And I’m sorry they’re in grey coloring, I sort of got lazy XD.
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Alright without further ado, here are the hc’s you were waiting for and minor stories.
Gaia and Lin first met when Gaia was still new to the White Lotus. She was a prodigal sandbender but earthbender? Nope- 💀 You see, Gaia couldn’t bend earth as well as she would have liked. Just barely lifting a rock without straining and being in pain.
Gaia arrived to Republic City for the first time in her life in her early to late 20’s. First time she saw Lin she was fully stunned and was in a gay panic. Never in her life had she saw a woman that was beyond beauty.
First time looked at Gaia she was unimpressed, she didn’t know why they recruited someone so… weak. She couldn’t bend metal much less earth what was the whole deal with that.
Gaia was often times posted where Tenzin was located at. The White Lotus members thinking it would be a good thing for both Tenzin and Gaia to be assigned together. Lin at first was ready to bite Gaia’s head off for trying to flirt with Tenzin until she saw Gaia flirting with one of the older female guards (and terribly fail at it as Gaia was just a baby gay).
Lin also ignored the way Gaia stared at her at times. The way she’d turn her head and watch as Gaia looked startled and her face heat up in embarrassment as she tried to turn and hide her face, pretending she wasn’t just caught staring at Lin. “Do I have something on my face cadet?” And Gaia just turning more red all while the other guards just laugh at Gaia. “N-No ma’am.”
Gaia always acted like a goofball, always found climbing on top of the roof or pranking Tenizin in someway or another. She definitely got along well with Kya and Bumi.
Lin hated to admit it but, she found Gaia cute at times. Loving her care free attitude or the way she’d be a stuttering mess around Lin and tried to invite her out for drinking. Lin always gave her a hard time and never went but it made her heart happy to see how Gaia never took it to heart and always said there would be a next time.
It was one of those times Lin was on one of her fights with Tenzin when she ran into Gaia, Gaia is a pretty sturdy tall build and of course it caused Lin to land on her ass. Lin was still in the rage and snapped at Gaia for being in the way. Choice words were made and Lin commented on her lack of earthbending. Lin leaving before she could see the hurt in Gaia’s eyes.
After that encounter Gaia was seen actually doing her work, no messing about was made and she even made it to her posts on time and her trainings. Lin came by a few days later and it felt like the whole islands vibes were off. She found out why when she saw Gaia standing at her post, not talking or smiling and actually seeming serious for once.
Lin tried to apologize and Gaia just nodded her head and told her it was fine. Lin knew it wasn’t fine but waved Gaia off and left. The next few weeks was awkward and they didn’t make up at all until she found Gaia down at the beach trying to bend a giant boulder.
Lin has never seen Gaia so mad before, has never seen Gaia look so pissed off and hopeless. “Are you okay?”
Gaia just jumped before rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. “Everything’s fine.” Gaia said curtly. Gaia sat down on the and running her fingers through the sand to try and calm herself. “Come here to tease me about not being able to earthbend? Might as well, I can’t even lift a pebble.” Gaia muttered.
Lin felt horrible but she wouldn’t ever admit it. “Well I was wondering who was screaming like a lunatic and being an officer it’s kind of my job to see why.” Lin said with a shrug of her shoulders.
Gaia just hugging her legs while glaring at the sand. “It’s not like I’m not practicing. I’ve been practicing for however long I can remember.”
“Why can’t you… bend. . . earth? I-I mean, I’m not being rude or anything but my sister was able to bend when she was 3.”
Gaia just giving her an annoyed look before she sighed and brought her braid to the side. A long, jagged-ish scar was seen on the back of her neck, straight across and even Lin could tell it was painful. “I was sort of in a bad home when I was younger, you had to steal and do all sorts of stuff in order to survive. I went into a house that was supposed to be a easy score and I was struck from behind.” Gaia just breathing out as rain began to pour down. “And growing up in the deserts, you only ever needed sand bending. I was the best, was supposed to be the best and boom-“
“I almost died, my father was mad and gave me to the old ladies of the village, and left. It took months to recover and all I know I was never the same after that incident. Every time I tried to bend any rock or boulder it would hurt, making it feel like someone was pulling on my nerves and it just hurts.” It was then Lin realized Gaia always rubbed the back of her neck or held her hand there after sparring or practicing her stances.
Lin and Gaia stayed quiet and listened to the rain pour down on them, not even bothered by the chilly rain or breeze. “Have you talked to… Aang? I’m sure he can help-“
“That’s why I’m here. I was going to become a guard for a prison but Kazaa promised me that he’ll help me learn earthbending. Avatar Aang is supposed to help but he’s been busy.” Gaia muttered hiding her face in her arms.
“That’s… shit. I’m sorry for what I said the other day. I was just pissed off at airhead and I took it out on you. Though I was pissed off at you because you looked so happy to see me and you..l confuse me.” Lin muttered laying her head on her arm looking at the boulder of a woman. Lin could feel her cheeks heat up but refused to decipher what it meant.
Gaia could feel the tops of her ears burn red and bit back a smirk. “Sorry, not everyone gets to see the badass Lin Beifong and survive. I like strong women that can basically kill me, arrest me if that’s illegal.”
Lin snorted and shoved the others shoulder gently. “Shut up, flattery gets you nowhere cadet. Now does this mean we’re okay or what?” Lin hoping it was because she missed the polarbear dog expressions and happiness.
“Nope.” Gaia deadpanned. Lin rose her brows ready to apologize more and ask why when the other interrupted her. “Take me out on a friend date and I’ll forgive you.” Gaia wasn’t going to budge or miss this opportunity.
“A date? You know I’m with Tenzi-“
“No not like that. Spirits no matter how badly I want no. I just meant a friend date. Take me to a bar you like, show me around the city. Anything fun, I’m stuck on this island 24/7 unless Tenzin randomly wants to go into the city for something and it’s always work. Let’s do something fun. I want my time here fun and exciting!”
Lin could feel her heart thump, hearing the excitement, the adventurous side of the other struck something inside of her and she couldn’t help but smile at the other. “Fine. But just this one time.”
It was definitely not the one time. They went on many friend dates and Lin realized she loved hanging out with the idiot. She wasn’t as bad as she first thought.
Throughout the next few months Lin and Gaia got closer and Lin even began to train Gaia, teaching her the basics and even made her meditate and learn patience along with discipline.
A year or two later:
Lin and Tenzin broke up and Lin stopped coming to the island. Gaia was missing her friend but she was stuck watching the asshole that broke Lin’s heart. Not to mention she’s heard about how Lin and her family were at odds and Lin was all alone.
One day Gaia decided to take a couple of weeks off and went to see Lin. Lin was a terrible mess. Was drunk, her apartment unkempt which was definitely not how Lin usually was.
Gaia decided to take care of the woman and cleaned up her apartment and nursed her through her drunken state. Of course Lin yelled at her and screamed at her to get out but like a huge idiot, Gaia didn’t listen and went about keeping Lin get better.
While Lin was in a bad mood and said choice words to Gaia, Gaia never took it personally and told Lin they were friends and promised she’d never leave her. It was the first time Lin has ever felt loved for who she was and she ended up crying in Gaia’s arms and slept in her arms. It was the most comforted and loved Lin has ever felt in her life.
It was a month or two and Lin decided she would give Gaia a shot, she wouldn’t exactly date her but more of a test drive, to see if she’d ever be able to date again.
Gaia seemed hesitant and told Lin she didn’t have to do this and that she didn’t want Lin to hurt or force herself. Lin told Gaia it was fine and they kissed. Lin didn’t feel anything really, maybe a little bit of happiness to have this intimate moment with someone again. For Gaia, she finally felt seen and thought Lin finally reciprocated her feelings.
For the next couple of months they were only kissing a couple of times and sleeping together (platonically you animals =w=) and Gaia felt happy. Lin on the other hand loved the comfort and felt, wanted. She felt like this was a safe place for her, that is until she found out she was pregnant- 💀
Lin was so upset, angry that she finally just got over the jerk that dumped her and she was pregnant. And with Gaia there it made everything more difficult.
Lin did the thing she thought was the best for the both of them and officially unofficially broke them up. Telling Gaia she couldn't handle relationships right now and told Gaia she wasn't the one she could settle for and that she may never get with anyone again.
It was safe to say Gaia was pretty broken seeing as this was her first every "relationship" and Lin straight up broke her heart. Gaia watched as Lin left her and Gaia could only sit there and watch. She didn't hold anything against Lin, she was just sad. It seemed like anyone she had ever loved always seemed to leave her.
Gaia gave up on dating, Lin disappeared from the public and from work and Gaia was now a skilled earthbender. No where as good as Lin or Toph but better than most.
By a couple of months, Toph and Katara brought a woman to the island and put it on the downlow, letting Gaia know that it was a secret and no one should know, not even Tenzin.
It was hours later that Gaia heard a cry of pain from a woman she definitely knew but couldn't put a finger on it.
At the breakfast table Gaia could hear the excited whispers between Katara and Toph and asked them who that woman was. Both the women seeing Gaia as a niece or a trusting family friend, they knew the girl was innocent and wouldn't do anything to hurt the family.
With excited whispers they told Gaia that Lin was pregnant and that she just had a baby. "The Beifong genes still run strong! We Beifong women only have girls!" Toph said like excitedly.
It took everything out of Gaia to not react and gave each of the women. She knew how hard it was on the women, each rooting on Tenzin and Lin to have a child and here the child was.
The next couple of days was torture on Gaia, the two women not knowing the relationship between Lin and Gaia so they didn't expect it. At least Katara did, Toph felt something from Gaia but didn't know if it were jealousy or what.
Throughout the months of the baby growing, Gaia gave the baby a little stuffed animal for her first birthday. Lin and Gaia got passed their little short lived romance but they never brought it up again.
Lin and Gaia had their little kisses here and there, Lin slightly hoping Gaia would pursue her again, hoping Gaia would ask her out officially even though she knew that would be wishful thinking.
Gaia enjoying their little get aways and little romances but knew she wouldn't be able to handle it if Lin kicked her away once more. She probably wouldn't be able to survive this time. Lin was her everything and loved her as if she were her soulmate only to have Lin crush her.
Gaia kept Lin at an arms length but loved her daughter with all of her heart. She absolutely adored baby Daiyu.
When they located the avatar in the south, (Daiyu being roughly 3 or 4 years old idk yet) Gaia knew that it would be the best for both her and Lin to take a break and find other things to do. Gaia promising Lin that she would always love her but knew Lin wasn't ready for romance, at least not now with a new baby.
Lin was hurt but understood where Gaia was coming from. Lin was hurt but she knew she probably deserved worse. Gaia gave her a kiss on her forehead their last day together and told Lin that she was worth the heart break and that Lin was perfect and that she never had to change who she was.
Before they parted, Gaia gave Lin a promise ring and wished both her and Daiyu well. Gaia was going to travel to the south and see just how crazy this new Avatar was.
If you want anymore stories between these two just comment below. I am always willing to write more, and if you want more fanart of these two do not worry because I plan to make more!!
I hope you guys like the babies name. I struggled to find one but finally settled on her. And thank you for reading!! I will definitely start posting more and actually get back to writing. I have many stories to update! :D
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And here are the sketches. I hope y’all like this and as always, see you all later.
All art belongs to me, so if reposted please credit. UwU
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happybird16 · 2 years ago
Levi x reader
Tw; alcohol
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“Whatcha doin’?”
The only response you get is an uneven shrug. The man doesn’t even turn towards you to respond. With the loud music thumping through the house, you figure he must not have actually heard you. The light is low too—the only real light in the whole house is the fairy lights blinking colorfully where they’re strung up along the ceiling of the living room.
You don’t know why you’re here, not really. It’s barely been an hour, but you already feel out of place. The cup in your hand feels awkward, the music is far too loud, making your ears throb and your chest ache with the deep bass. But it’s part of the college experience, so you were forced into this stupid frat house and even managed to drag Levi along.
Speaking louder this time, it’s still hard to hear your own voice, “Levi?”
This time, your boyfriend actually turns from where he’s crouched in front of the frat’s kitchen closet. Spotting you, his face lights up, a wide and dopey smile spreading across his lips. “You! Hey you! Hi!”
“Someone’s been drinking,” you note playfully. Levi rarely drinks, but when he does, he’s a special kind of dopey and goofy. It’s not a side of him you get to see often, this almost silly and love-struck version of your boyfriend, with wide goofy smiles and round flushed cheeks. It's something you almost wish you could bottle up and save for when things get rough. He reaches out, tugging at the hem of your shorts like a small toddler, and you allow him to pull you just a tad closer. “You wandered off?”
Levi blinks slowly, like your words take a moment to process. “You were busy talking to—I don’t remember their name.”
“More like they were talking at me—I don’t remember their name either.” You haven’t drunk nearly as much as Levi—apparently—but already the night’s starting to get kind of fuzzy. “Thought you were getting more beer? Why are you in their closet?”
Swaying heavily, Levi turns and gestures frustratedly at an odd pile along the doorway to the closet. “Pizza boxes aren’t recyclable. They’re corrugated cardboard—yeah, but the grease satura—” he hiccups, struggling with the word “—soaking it disqualifies them.”
Now it’s your turn to blink at him dumbly. “You’re sorting their recyclables?”
Suddenly incensed, your boyfriend nods and points towards a stack of cans by his knee, “They barely wash out their cans too!”
“They’re frat kids, they’re probably just lazy.” The fact that there are at least six pizza boxes in the stack is evidence enough of that. You doubt any of those are even from this party.
Levi points at you assertively, the effect squashed by another loud hiccup. “Exactly.” Happy having his point seemingly validated, Levi turns his back to you yet again, beginning to pull more trash out from the blue bin.
Reaching out, you tug his shoulder and try to draw him up and away from the mess. “Hey, come on. I think it’s time to go. I’ll call an Uber.”
Levi turns again, smiling up at you with that wide and goofy smile. “You’re so tall! When did you get so tall?”
You laugh, successfully tugging him up to his feet. “Come on, goofball. It’s time to go home.”
After several steps, Levi suddenly twists in your grip to look back at the stacks of garbage laid out on the tile in front of the closet. “But the cans…”
“That’s their problem.” His cute defeated pout almost makes you laugh. “Come on, I think it’s time for bed. You can try to tell me why you drank so much in the morning. If you remember.”
He lifts his head from your shoulder, his goofy smile making a reappearance. “I’m an environmental crusader!”
Now you have to laugh, struggling to hold the both of you up as you waddle out of the kitchen. “That you are,” you reply with a fond smile. It’s endearing to see this side of him, even if it’s brought about by a bit too much alcohol.
Suddenly Levi frowns, swaying hard against you and bringing your progress to a standstill in front of the frats dirty cup and bowl filled sink. Staring down at his splayed palms, Levi suddenly sound startlingly serious, “Can I at least wash my hands?”
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akane-kurokawa · 1 year ago
Chapter 144 thoughts!
So they’re cutting ahead again, and I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, we’re still building on Ruby’s character arc regarding her feelings for Gorou, so it makes sense.
But on the other hand, the implication that they’re doing the entire movie chronologically means that Hikaru and Ai’s part of the movie together is over, which is ludicrous to me because Aqua’s “ultimate revenge play” fantasy that he’s been coming up with since childhood has ultimately just been “the Uwuification of Hikaru Kamiki”
I’m not too phased because I still think we’re going to return to it, Frill was confident from script alone that Aqua was trying to kill his father, and there was an emphasis placed on Ai denying Hikaru. I’m not sure why it hasn’t happened from a watsonian perspective (maybe hospital availability pushing those scenes up?) but from a doyalist perspective I could see it being the climax of Ruby’s character arc which she isn’t ready for.
It’s another one of those “I can’t really judge it until I’ve seen the rest of the arc” things so I’ll try to just judge it for what is is right now.
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Melt looks so good as Gorou! I didn’t think much about the casting when it was announced but he’s really bringing the role to life.
Ruby chiming in to essentially go “no he wouldn’t fucking say that” is both funny and indicative to the entitled perception and attachment she feels to him. It specifically gives me a lighter version of Nino talking about Ai
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I like how Melt talks about understanding Gorou here. He really is an understanding and empathic person and it shines through in his acting style. Him calling the role “cool” is cute to me.
Ruby really gets mean here in a way that almost comes off as out of character. It reads to me like her obsession is growing more toxic, or maybe some lingering cruelty from how she was behaving before, but it is a little jarring.
Melt’s interpretation of Gorou is spot on to me, he understands Gorou’s subtly and respect better than even Ruby does. (Though @aihoshiino pointed out to me that Gorou is implied by the anime and the chapter where his corpse is found to have had his keychain out the whole time in front of Ai. Still, in terms of his professionalism and hiding that he’s a fan Melt gets it)
It makes me wonder what his information is. He doesn’t know Gorou’s name (which makes sense since Gorou can’t legally consent to his name being used) but he knows his history with Sarina enough to guess she gave him the pin.
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Also this dude! Glad to see him
The pin’s relevance to her turnaround feels very rooted in sentimentality. I really like the concept of it, but it feels a bit dangerously close to Comedy!Ruby from the Hikaru Ai scenes. I think I like it more here though, as it feels more in character and purposeful.
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Crow girl in the tree like a creature is healing me tbh. I know a lot of people are skeptical of her and the supernatural element her presence enforces, but I’ve always found her so interesting and fun and I’m happy to see her again.
Thank you for asking about how she gets around, that’s been one of the goofy questions the server has been mulling over for a while now lol
Interesting that this location seems significant to her, considering her first appearance here, as well as the fact that her two reincarnation targets where here when they died. Her implying there may be more special people is interesting. I wonder if any more will come into the story, though part of me doubts it.
This might imply characters we’ve met have god attachments without even knowing it. Simple guess here would be Ai, there’s precedence for her to be connected to the “God of Entertainment.” Though even if she was, I’m sure what kind of relevancy that would have -if any- considering she is dead and confirmed never coming back, but it’s interesting to think about.
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See? She’s such a goofball! Between this and Aqua bullying her into being an actor, she’s been a strong comedic pillar in this arc.
All in all, a pretty decent chapter, kinda annoying in its placement, but much better than having the skip week after last chapter.
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thatndginger · 6 months ago
OC Deep Dive Tag
thank you very much @pandoras-comment-box for the tag (their answers for the fantastic Cal and Finder here!)
Rules: answer the following questions for your OCs!
I used a random die roll to pick which character got to answer these, and apparently the universe really likes Warrick right now, because he's the winner~
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What uncommon/common fear do they have? 
Warrick is scared of heights, and also of outer space. His reasoning for that last one is that it is a near-perfect vacuum devoid of anything except for bullshit fake-but-actually-not stuff called ‘dark matter’ and ‘dark energy’. Of course he should be scared! Also: aliens.
Do they have any pet peeves? 
For someone who doesn’t really care about germs, he really hates it when people don’t wash their hands before putting them anywhere near their mouths. Or any orifice, really.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? 
A duffel bag full of spraypaint cans. A poster for the “4th international motorcycle speed event” of 1964. A white, sheer silk shirt with a floral pattern.
What do they notice first in a person? 
Confidence, or lack thereof.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? 
For minor injuries 3/10. For major injuries 8/10. He’ll whine to hell and back about a stubbed toe, but will try to play off a dislocated joint like it’s no big deal.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? 
Usually flight, unless he’s been backed into a corner.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person? 
Yes, because Warrick considers the Pack to be his family. There are roughly 20-30 people who consider themselves Pack (the numbers fluctuate some as people come and go) which is a big family. And while he’s kind of flighty and forgetful Warrick’s end goal is to make sure they’re safe.
What animal represents them best?
…. Well, he is a werecougar. But if I had to pick another animal, it’d be a labrador retriever: friendly, loyal, sometimes kind of dumb, and 10th most dangerous dog breed in the US statistically.
What is a smell that they dislike? 
Have they broken any bones? 
Yup. He’s broken a couple toes and fingers, and once one of the bones in his tail while in cougar form.
How would a stranger likely describe them? 
Cute in a gangly goofball way, flamboyant, fantastic hair, a little spacey.
Are they a night owl or a morning bird? 
Night Owl 100%. His preferred schedule is staying awake until 5am and sleeping until 2pm. Or later.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? 
Hate - sweet potato. Love - Fenugreek
Do they have any hobbies? 
Graffiti art, urban exploring, fleecing unsuspecting fools in games of pool.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? 
After he manages to restart his heart, Warrick is so fucking jazzed. People want to celebrate him? And they went to the trouble of planning a surprise party? This is the best thing to ever happen to him. Will try to pretend that this doesn’t make him want to cry happy tears, but is going to hug every single person in the room at least once and will be smiling like a loon the entire time.
Do they like to wear jewelry? 
Oh my god, yes. In addition to being a fashion disaster when it comes to clothes, Warrick loves accessorizing. He’s got a couple ear piercings and an eyebrow piercing that he’ll change out regularly, and always has some assortment of rings, bracelets, and necklaces. He doesn’t stick to one material either, so it’ll be a mix of gold, silver, leather, shell, or whatever else he’s found. It shouldn’t look good but somehow usually does.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting? 
Messy. So messy. Which is hilarious considering his graffiti writing is usually very neat and stylized. But give him a pen and it devolves to chicken scratch.
What are the two emotions they feel the most? 
Excitement and boredom.
Do they have a favorite fabric? 
Silk. Followed closely by linen. He’s a fan of natural fibers.
What kind of accent do they have?
A generic American accent with a bit of that northwestern accent (saying egg like “aygg”, caught as “cot”, pawned as “pond”)
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I shall gently tag @sliceoflifeshepard @aritany @half-hell @a-crystallen-author if y'all would like to rant about an oc or two!
Here is a handy list of the questions to make it easy for you:
What uncommon/common fear do they have? Do they have any pet peeves? What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? What do they notice first in a person? On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? Do they come from a big family/are they a family person? What animal represents them best? What is a smell that they dislike? Have they broken any bones? How would a stranger likely describe them? Are they a night owl or a morning bird? What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? Do they have any hobbies? Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? Do they like to wear jewelry? Do they have neat or messy handwriting? What are the two emotions they feel the most? Do they have a favorite fabric? What kind of accent do they have?
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ratsoh-writes · 2 years ago
SO who's a kid magnet and basically a portable jungle gym. They go to the park? 10+ chilldren crawling all over them instantly. They're always sweet and patient about it and act like a goofball with the kids.
-sunset anon
Sans: hey as long as the kids know that he’s king of the jungle gym then everything is cool. Sans loves being carried by his SO, so when kiddos are climbing on them, sans will usually shortcut onto SOs shoulders to assert dominance lol
Papyrus: this is honestly so adorable to him. He always insists on taking pictures whenever SO gets swarmed by the hordes of children. Don’t worry! He blurs out each kids face before posting it on the undernet! Security is important!
Star: he’s a bit of an attention hog, so when SO gets swarmed, Star starts showing off by deadlifting kids. He wants to be included! His bench pressing efforts are never unnoticed. Soon star has kids crawling all over him too!
Honey: SO is living the dream right now. Honey adores children and seeing SO always surrounded by them makes his soul pound. If they look over at their monster boyfriend, they’ll practically see hearts floating above his head
Red: here’s a secret about him; his special ability is being a child whisperer. Red shares the same ability as his counterpart rust. But he’s much quieter about it. So when SO and red are together in public, they ALWAYS get approached by someone’s happy toddler. Being with SO has pretty much destroyed reds bad boy image. He’s given up lol
Edge: it’s pretty cute when SO gets swarmed by kiddos. Edge will try to be his usual bossy self and get every one moving, but he can’t help but be a bit softer around little ones. They’re just so innocent. And now SO has the opportunity to get away with almost anything around edge lol
Mal: sure it’s cute, but mal unfortunately just does not like kids. So he’s always tapping his foot impatiently as SO tries shooing the kiddos away. If he helped someone will start crying and he really doesn’t need to deal with overprotective parents
Cash: oh parents think it’s cute to see SO and make playing with kiddos. Until they realize they’re teaching the kids how to make unsavory graffiti drawings that is. It’s the parents fault for trusting two strangers
Oak: pff, for some reason kids usually like oak as well even though he’s got a scary face. He’s just too relaxed to ever be truly scary I guess. So oak and SO together make a pretty approachable pair. SO will have to keep the kiddos from climbing on oak and trying to touch his skull though.
Willow: he both thinks this is adorable and a bit sad. Willow would love to join in and hold a kiddo, or let one on his shoulders. But kids are usually scared of someone so big at first, and picking one up could hurt his back. It’s a bittersweet sight for him
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broodybatboy · 4 years ago
House of Wind Friendships
Summary: I’m obsessed with the idea of Gwyn moving into the House of Wind. Can u imagine Gwyn and Cassian shenanigans? The Azriel and Nesta friendship?!?
Azriel + Nesta as BFFs:
Nesta and Azriel enjoy companionable silences and sit reading books/reports together.
Azriel is an EXCELLENT dancer. He’s the only person that Cassian will let dance with Nesta in Court of Nightmares.
After a series of unfortunate events, *cough* ACCIDENTAL STABBING, Azriel and Gwyn are temporarily NOT allowed on the same team during games.
Azriel & Nesta like to team up for game nights. They are SO good.
One time, Nesta threatened to withhold ~doing the dirty~ with Cass and he immediately gave up.
“BETRAYAL. CASSIAN, YOU ARE WEAK.” - gwyn vowing vengeance
Azriel and Nesta just ROASTING Cassian to the point where he’s like "plz stop" 🥺🥺🥺
“Illyrian baby” - both of them
Nesta being a major wingwoman and setting up situations for Azriel and Gwyn to be alone.
Nesta giving Azriel pep talks and supporting him whenever he doubts he is worthy of Gwyn.
Azriel holding space for Nesta and bringing her sweets and chocolate when she’s having a rough time (Az has a secret stash of sweets).
The Valkyries going on missions and Nesta hugging Azriel and promising
“I’ll protect her and bring her back to you.”
Azriel going with Cassian to Windhaven and on dangerous missions. He promises Nesta
“I will have his back. Always.”
Az resuming his chaperone duties and being the worst chaperone ever.
Azriel: “Cass is eating in the dining room let’s go somewhere else.”
Gwyn: “Shall we join him?”
Azriel: “He’s not eating food.”
Gwyn: 😳
Nesta and Azriel being softies and smiling and acting surprised whenever Gwyn and Cass prank them
even tho they totally saw it coming
bc look at them they’re so cute and gosh they tried so hard
Azriel and Nesta helping each other realize they are worthy of love and overcoming their trauma.
Azriel and Nesta going home to the person that makes them laugh, makes them smile, the person who makes them feel like home.
The House: 😢❤️
the Gwyn + Cass friendship:
The gang goes out to Rita's and Nesta, Rhys, and Az are being very protective of Gwyn the first time they go out.
Nesta won’t let her go & Az is shooting death glares at everyone and Rhys is just big brother energy
And Cass is just like “ok chaperones chill out. she’s strong. she learned from the best.” *wink wink* *points to chest*
it’s time for FUN
Cassian exudes chaotic energy
"Do you want a drink??? I’m going to get you a drink!!!"
And it's super fruity but STRONG
enter Mor with two more drinks
Azriel and Nesta glance nervously at each other
our sweet priestess is a lightweight
Drinking games? HELL YEAH.
competitive queen Gwyn absolutely annihilates
Proud Az
at this point, Cass is hammered
2 happy goofball drunks = KARAOKEEEE
Cass is a horrible singer. He’s basically just shouting. Gwyn is angelic and giggly and nothing but encouraging. She gives Cass the solo.
Nesta and Az are just in the background laughing their asses off
“Look at our idiots”
Nesta and Azriel announce that it's time to go and it’s like wrangling two very strong wobbly toddlers
“party poopers”
*sticks out tongues*
*imitates their icy rage eyes*
Cass realizes he can get away with teasing Nesta when he’s with Gwyn and YOU BETTER BELIEVE he uses this to his advantage.
Cass and Gwyn ganging up on Az
Cass and Gwyn teasing Nesta
Gwyn & Cass come up with these elaborate and complex pranks as if they’re plotting battles
But like they are not sneaky...AT ALL.. and they’re so loud… and laugh…and cass is just knocking into stuff.
the house: 🤨🤡
az and nes: ...
Gwyn learns from Nesta that Cass is STRESSED about all the Illyrian drama
She takes her butt to the library and creates this beautifully detailed research paper on Illyrian tribal politics and history
Cass is stunned and learns so much from it. And they just like bond over Illyrian and Valkyrie history
Cass asking Gwyn and Emerie about Nesta’s fave romance novels to ~spice it up~ in the bedroom
Cass will have no filter and just tell Gwyn all these ridiculously embarrassing Az stories. BONUS: Rhys will join in & use his powers to show the memories to Gwyn
Gwyn will casually reference them and Az is SHOCKED. AND FLUSTERED. How do u know that?? Was it Rhys? I’m going to kill Cassian.
“a great spy never reveals her sources” with a smirk
Gwyn will confide in Cass whenever she’s worried about Nesta
Cass and Rhys will feel so thankful to Gwyn for supporting Az
Both are SO SO SO happy and in love
Gwyn will just be singing praises about Az
And Cass is just like Az, my best bro, that brooding hunk, the other love of my life, my brother from another mother, that Illyrian bastard
He gets it.
Cass will be raving about Nesta
Gwyn is just like Nesta, my best friend, my queen, my sister, my angel warrior, my death goddess, the love of my life
She understands.
They are just GUSHING bc they finally found their equal and love them so much
One time, Azriel and Nesta overhear and exchange the most tender look
both of them trying not to cry bc they love these idiots so much
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imeanwhynotbruv · 2 years ago
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Mini Metal synopsis
Stranger things / The black phone crossover Au
(Ok so I know I already have Billy Hargrove & Vance Hopper as brothers but then I saw this soooooooooo yep. This is not part of the call my family au btw. I wanted a Vance & Eddie brother au, it’s cute shush)
But first
Eddie & Vance as Brothers/people:
Eddie is your typical metalhead goofball.
He’s generally an easy going guys who’s always up for a laugh, even at his own expense
He makes comebacks to insults like it’s and Olympic sport
He’s nice until you dis his brother because then he will end you (he can actually fight well just chooses not to most of the time)
Definitely likes lots of physical affection, even if it’s just patting you on the head. Likes complementing people for the fun of it.
He’s a big softie but totally has resting bitch face/ resting I’m going to kill you slowly face
When he zones out it looks like he’s planning your murder
Takes joy in lovingly embarrassing his brother and friends
He can be serious when he deems it necessary
Looks like he always wants to punch you in the face and probs actually does
Doesn’t really like being touched unless he’s in a fight or unless it’s Eddie/ someone he likes
Is all over Eddie always demanding affection (most of the time without words) and Eddie is happy to give it.
Is immune to Eddies attempts at embarrassing him
Has a short fuse and is quick to fight but Eddie can calm him down
Has a soft spot of animals, kids and outcasts
Wont admit it but Eddie is practically a god in his eyes.
Plot :
The boys go to live with their uncle after their dad kills the mum then dies in prison
Vance has powers but Eddie is the only living person who knows
Vance was kidnapped by the Lab at 7yo & gets the number of an experiment that died, 009
I El is the spy then Vance is the killer & the lab teams the up a lot.
Becomes Els closest friend and kind of like a big brother to defend her, so he get in trouble a lot for fighting the other kids
Eddie doesn’t stop looking even when the town does. Learns the Forrest better than anyone else and can navigate it like the back of his hand.
Eddie becomes the freak
Years pass
When will goes missing Eddie is one of the first people in line to help, like to the point Joyce is almost worried about how much sleeps he’s getting and would have done something if she was too worried for Will.
When 001 kills the others he doesn’t kill Vance.
Vance helps El fight One and they escape together.
Vance can speak better than El (but still not great) so when they find benny he makes up a lie and they run before benny can be hurt cuz he deserves better 😤
Meet the party in the woods and Vance is a lot less trusting.
Vance can vaguely remember Eddie but his brain was scrambled by the lab so he only gets these flashes and feeling about how they’re important.
When they are at the Quarry scene Eddie sees it happen from the woods, he’s about to step in a help when he sees Vance and El.
Something Clicks in Vance’s brain when Eddie talks to him and both refuse to leave each other and El refuses to Leave Vance. So yay team up!
Then it’s the show but eddies in it earlier, Vance has powers and just a lot of shenanigans that give Hopper a migraine 😅
Well this has been living in my head so it feels good to get this out 😁
I like this idea and sure some of it will probs change but I think it will be fun
Hop you enjoyed
The tag: Mini Metal Au
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