IRLvFRA thoughts/ramblings
i posted some preliminary thoughts on twt but i'm back now so i can finally write up a longer post. so here's my thoughts on attending the match that no one asked for 🤗
i was sitting in a random section on the home side surrounded by irish fans so that impacted my experience a lot. the first thing i noticed. mbappe was getting IMMENSELY booed by the crowd. from when his name was announced in the starting lineup to pretty much every single time he touched the ball. literally boos as far as the ear could hear. it actually quite shocked me bc i've never attended a match in person before, i knew fans could get passionate but not to this level??!!?! anyway i felt really bad for him ngl mfbckdhskdh, griezmann was getting some boos too but it was nowhere near as vocal anyway thats why i dont blame mbappe for ghosting like half the game
i did have a decent seat but it was still pretty hard to see all the players esp on the far half so i didn't get an amazing view of pavard's goal or the celebration ☹️ but aaa looking at the closeup pictures and them all being happy makes me happy... that i was there in some form....
i straight up thought giroud was gonna die like 3 times during the match i was so scared for him omfg. he went down once quite early i think if i remember correctly? or he got stepped on or something or maybe both happened i dont even know bro. but when he went down and didnt immediately get back up I WAS LIKE ...... GIRL I CANT SEE (i think he was the far end of the pitch) IS HE OKAY OR WHAT. and then i saw him holding his knee on the big screen and i was like fuck shit fuck. but he got up so it was ok. but he was kinda limping for a while so it wasn't really ok. AND THEN LATER the second half probably when the ball was stopped for a second he like stood there and rested his hands on his knees (idk how to describe this position but hopefully you know what i mean) and gestured to the referee not to continue play AND I WAS LIKE ???????? IS HE FUCKING DYING cuz it looked like his legs might have been cramping or something idk he wasn't moving very well i was so scared he was gonna have to get subbed off early 😭 and by early i mean earlier than usual but he still ended up being able to play 60 minutes even if i felt like he was struggling towards the end so i guess it's ok... maybe maybe not........
and yes the attacking issues were just as frustrating in person. there were so many times i just shook my head and sighed because the players up there weren't connecting well enough... giroud was barely being serviced for most of it bc people weren't crossing inwards... literally felt like i was watching milan play 💀 but whatever we won so it doesnt matter(?)
towards the end tho the irish fans somehow managed to get Even Louder after a series of ref decisions (or non-decisions) and the close attempts at goal at the end omfg..... it was very electrifying all in all. i do kinda wish i could've sat in the section dedicated for french fans so i maybe could have actually cheered and stuff (was kinda scared i'd get like hatecrimed or something if i vocally rooted for france right in the middle of all the irish HAHAHA) but it is what it is :>
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bakudekublogblog · 3 months
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milkbreadtoast · 2 months
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Oh my god.......
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frootloopsl · 2 months
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legendarceus · 7 months
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more of that silly au where every1 haunts clover after they kill them in the no mercy route
1st panel:
starlo: ceroba’s got this, no doubt.
dalv: i wouldn’t be so sure…
2nd panel:
starlo: see? she just got em!
dalv: wait for it…
3rd panel:
starlo: wh
4th panel:
starlo: HUH.
dalv: told you.
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transformersbrainrot · 2 months
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omg ive had so much of idw spoiled for me ESPECIALLY from mtmte how the fuck did I never see anything about this??? I'm not complaining but still!!!
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brewstersbru · 7 months
More radioapple with ace Alastor (cont. of last 📻🍎 fic) sorry if its a little ooc im sappy
Alastor’s voice comes out quick and staticky as he expertly dodges Lucifer’s hands trying to pet down his waistcoat. Lucifer immediately steps back, eyes wide.
“Sorry! Sorry, Al, was that not okay?” He asks, still keeping his distance. Alastor’s expression is inscrutable, nose wrinkled as he smiles at the ground.
It’s quiet for a moment before Alastor shakes his head.
“I need to be alone for a bit.” He grits, then, just as Lucifer goes to respond, his shadows envelop him and he melts from the room.
“That’s-“ Lucifer sighs, “fine.” Leave it to him to somehow fuck this up. “This” being the unspoken, ever so slightly romantic thing he and Alastor have had going on ever since that night in the bathroom.
It started with meals; after figuring out that Lucifer was bearing his wound, Alastor- for lack of a better term- threw himself into feeding him.
Lucifer thought it was sweet that he used his, surprisingly human, ways to care for him through recovery. The food probably didn’t do anything tangible in helping Lucifer’s body patch itself together, but it made him feel warm, loved. Better than he has in an age.
The food, of course, was delicious, but what Lucifer liked most about taking meals with Alastor was the quiet sense of simply being with another person, without expectation. Without an unspoken asking for something in return. Lucifer had already done his part, and the pulsing pain in his chest each night was infinitely worth each peaceful hour.
At first, Alastor didn’t touch him if he didn’t have to, but just him being there, acknowledging Lucifer’s presence and doing his best to care for him through the pain was enough. Lucifer thought it would be over when he was finally healed, that Alastor would consider his debt repaid and leave him to his own devices once the bleeding stopped.
It was almost too much to imagine.
Lucifer has a nasty habit of getting attached, which is really quite unfortunate given his circumstances. Still, he hasn’t been able to shake it quite yet, and in a shameful moment of spiraling weakness, he had torn through his stitches, hoping to elongate the healing window, even just slightly.
He left the three green X’s alone, tried to keep it secret, but somehow Alastor figured it out, like he always seems to.
Furious, he’d marched Lucifer right back to the bathroom and redid his stiches, this time entirely with the neon green thread he is able to manifest at will.  The thread was warm, a little biting against his skin, but Lucifer liked it. Liked that it meant Alastor would pay attention to him.
God, what a pathetic thing to do. He still cringes when he thinks back on it, but loneliness will make a wasteland out of you. And Lucifer was desperate enough to bleed for the company, his blood is a mere pittance, after all. He’ll never run dry.
The longer they spent together, the more comfortable Alastor was touching Lucifer; little brushes against his shoulder as he passed behind his usual seat at the kitchen island, a steadying hand on his side when he checked his stitches.
It was bliss.
There was a starving, gnawing part of him that basked in it; that took the offered touches like scraps from a table and still wanted more. Another part of him, cold and still burnt from the last time, told him not to get stupid, not to ask for more than he was worth.
Never to beg, because begging is unbecoming of a king.
They fell into a rhythm, small touches, loaded glances, oh so subtle forms of care. Lucifer was healed before he wanted to be, but Alastor didn’t stop. Didn’t leave, even when he checked his stitches one day and, grinning, snipped them away to reveal a shining pink scar.
Even healed, Alastor cooked for him. Even on days when he couldn’t force himself to leave his room, a covered plate would be left just outside his door, food incomprehensibly warm even hours after being made. The touches- maddening, lovely as they were- continued, chaste and addicting as ever.
Lucifer began to feel wild with it. Something inside of him- frayed at the edges, and torn in the middle- couldn’t quite grasp what was happening. Why? He thought. Why, still? Why me? He never got the courage to ask, too afraid of Alastor realizing his mistake.
So, they continued like that. Alastor got more comfortable touching Lucifer who was more than happy to let him. It seemed like he didn’t get much practice with it. Touching.
The more Lucifer fell into the lull of security, the more he noticed the tentativeness of each touch, the careful laying of each finger against pale skin, as if Alastor were exploring touch for the first time. As if it fascinated him.
Lucifer never asked- always afraid of doing something stupid to make the final shoe drop faster- but he did notice. And he began coming up with a plan. Alastor is not the only person in hell who sees their relationships as transactional. Good deeds must be paid back. They must, or you’re indebted. Or, more frighteningly, at least to Lucifer, they will grow bored of you.
They will see that you are ungrateful, and they will leave.
Unwilling to let that happen, Lucifer devised a plot. Alastor has very obviously never been very intimate with anyone before, which is totally ok, if not confusing given his objectively handsome features. But he evidently, somehow, feels safe exploring intimacy with Lucifer, which is so incredibly heartening (it makes something hot burst in his chest every time he thinks about it). Lucifer can use this to pay Alastor back, slowly introduce him to different touches until he feels more comfortable with them.
It’s perfect. Or- he thought it was perfect. Until today. Until Alastor got that wide, panicked look in his eyes as he shouted “No!” before running off to recover. Father Above. How did Lucifer manage to fuck up this bad? There’s no way they recover from this.
He takes a second to mourn the relationship before squaring his shoulders and heading to his room to write about a hundred drafts of his apology letter. He can’t believe he so brazenly stepped over a boundary, not even realizing it was there!
He’s the king of hell for godssakes, he should know when one of his subjects is on edge, or uncomfortable. More than that, he’s spent enough time with Alastor that he should know his tells, as well.
Some king he’s turned out to be, huh? Fuck.
It takes Alastor two days to appear before Lucifer again, and not for lack of trying on his part. Lucifer had forced himself from his room each day, wandering the hotel’s grounds looking for him. Several times he would sit at the bar for hours on end, watching, waiting.
Not for nothing, though, he’s learned something quite interesting about the bartender, Husk, and Angel Dust, the porn star.
Over a series of poorly hushed conversations, and not-so-surreptitious glances, he’s learned that they’re dating. Have been for a good few weeks, and somehow no one’s noticed. They seem glad of that fact, though, so Lucifer resolves not to tell anyone.
More interesting, though, is that Husk has been urging his boyfriend to ‘go for what he wants, for once’ which Lucifer hadn’t really understood until he looked over and caught both of them hurriedly looking away. Super unsuspiciously. It was almost enough to make a grown man blush, the sudden knowledge that he was wanted. That despite what he tells himself in his worst moments, he is desirable.
Angel is an attractive man, Lucifer’s not too insecure in himself to admit that, but something curdles in his gut at the thought of pursuing anything with him while he and Alastor are still on the rocks. Which… Is new, and a little terrifying.
Plus, he doesn’t exactly seem like the type to take charge, if you catch his drift, and while Lucifer is happy to play any role his partner wants, he doesn’t know if he’d be any good at it. Not anymore. He just can’t see himself as a figure of authority, not when he knows what it’s really like to be himself. Pathetic, and lonely. The thought of embarrassing himself like that while vulnerable is excruciating, so he pretends not to have noticed their intentions. Thankfully, Angel hasn’t approached him yet. He’s not sure what he would say, anyway.
Back to the most pressing matter, Alastor knocks on Lucifer’s door late at night, two days after the awkwardness of Lucifer’s unwanted touches. When Lucifer opens the door, he’s smiling calmly, and holding two covered plates, one in each hand.
“May I come in?” He asks. Lucifer nods, doggedly, then flushes when he remembers the state that his room is in, after several nights of wallowing. Being the king of hell does have its perks, though, so he snaps his fingers and the place rights itself.
Not before Alastor gets a good enough look to purse his lips disapprovingly, though.
Lucifer manifests a small table and two chairs, which Alastor makes immediate use of, placing a plate in front of each chair, and pulling one out for Lucifer to sit in.
“Please, take a seat. I think we need to talk.” Great. That’s always a good start to a conversation. Not like that’s ever gone wrong for Lucifer before. Nope.
With a sigh- internally steeling himself against the impending rejection- Lucifer sits. Alastor hums, and follows suit, snapping his fingers to disappear the lids to their food as soon as he’s seated.
It looks delicious, as it always does. Some sort of colored rice dish with meat and veggies mixed throughout. Lucifer smiles and thanks him, snapping to manifest some drinks- a champagne for himself, and a rich red wine for Alastor.
It’s quiet for a bit as they take their first few bites. Lucifer hums his appreciation, which Alastor’s smile ticks up at.
Finally, stomach knotting itself enough to disrupt his enjoyment of the food, Lucifer speaks.
“I’m so sorry, Al. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, but I did, and if there’s anything I can do- anything at all- to make up for it-“ before he can finish, Alastor cuts in, voice staticky.
“It wasn’t your fault, my dear. You didn’t know. I’m afraid I…” He trails off for a bit, mulling over his next words. Lucifer waits patiently, eyes wide.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that specific kind of touching. I don’t like it.” He’s not looking at Lucifer anymore, head turned to the side as he taps his claws against his wine glass. Lucifer tilts his head.  
“By ‘that kind of touching’, do you mean on your torso? I don’t want to mess it up again.” He asks. It’s a little presumptuous to imply that he’ll be able to touch Alastor, after this, but he’s too on edge to censor himself correctly. Alastor scoffs.
“You did not ‘mess anything up’. There was just a simple miscommunication. By that I mean sexual touches. Or anything meant to lead in that direction.” Ah, Lucifer’s hand had been quite close to his navel, and his intention was most definitely to take the touches further if Alastor was comfortable with it. He nods, apologizing once more.
“Got it. Sorry again, Al, I know you don’t think I need to say it, but I still feel bad. Thank you for telling me.” Lucifer- infinitely relieved and brimming with ill-advised hope- smiles up at him and rests his hand, palm up, in the middle of the table. Maybe he can salvage this. Maybe he doesn’t have to lose everything again.
Alastor’s grin softens at the edges as his eyes rove over Lucifer’s expression. He ‘tsk’s but places his own hand on top of Lucifer’s, gently intertwining their fingers and bringing them up to press a small kiss to Lucifer’s knuckles.
A giddy laugh bursts from Lucifer’s chest and he buries his face- or what he can manage to obscure of it- into the palm of his remaining hand. It’s okay. Alastor’s not angry with him, it’s okay.
A few tears gather on his lashline, but he blinks them away before they can fall. Alastor’s other hand leaves his wine glass to brush just underneath Lucifer’s eye.
“Oh, don’t cry, dearest. It’s alright.” He says, voice softer than Lucifer thinks he’s ever heard it. It occurs to him that this must have been hard for Alastor, too, so unused to being vulnerable, but still showing this part of himself to Lucifer, and for what? So that Lucifer feels better? To put his mind at ease?
It’s so stupid.
It’s so kind.
Lucifer shakes his head, “Happy tears, Al. Thanks for trusting me.”
Alastor’s thumb swipes against the apple of his cheek as he hums.
“As if I could do anything else.”
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mel-kusanagi · 6 months
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old man yaoi progress
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krsyue · 3 months
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unovaslankiite · 7 months
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Re:Zero fans, pls accept my humbling offerings of our sopping wet kitten Subaru and some crumbs of ReinSuba 🥺
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wizards101official · 1 year
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Get a load of these losers
Ok but couldn’t u imagine them on a raw meat date
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phonification · 4 months
i miss dadroog guys. i miss them a lot.
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xxmisscautionxx · 3 months
*taps mic*
*looks side to side*
I’m considering making an aleconnor animatic
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croszukis · 2 months
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marty & vinny at the 2022 nhl draft
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thinevmother · 5 months
Old man yaoi is OUT, old woman yuri is IN💖
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rebellionbeach · 5 months
Shima Atsuko brain rot so bad that the only thing I imagine when writing Gillmore is these two creatures interacting with each other
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