#nnt demon queen
zeldriszezinho · 1 year
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Its official: Adult Meliodas and Zeldris got some “Big Rizz energy”. Life is just so unfair, I mean, look at these images. How do you compete with these? If the boys father had this vibe (when young), I can definitely see why Jelly or Steph would fall for him. Dear god…
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Vampire Realm
I was dreaming up a map for the Demon Realm when @darkelf-7 put it into my mind that the vampires should have their own special dimension too. Absolutely they should! So without further ado, here's Gelda's kingdom (with worldbuilding lore)!!
First, I figured I would expand on the human-vampire relationship with a drabble. It's unusual for a vampire scenario to have them living far away from humans due to their unique coexistence. Either by necessity or personal taste, people are a vampire's source of life.
the beginnings of the stars & diamonds, the vampire realm’s human (ish) societies 
The ancestors were refugees who don’t know how they got here. 
They just woke one morning after traveling a long way to find themselves in a land of glowing color and eternal night. The first thing they noticed was the pleasant warmth of the air that was so foreign to them. Both the heat and the smell of that air was astonishing, that was what they wrote. The child sitting next to their gear and still-sleeping companions was astonishing, too, surveying them with brilliant green eyes as if he’d succeeded in some great task. 
“Have you been looking for a place to call home?” It was more of a statement than a question. They understood it well enough, though they didn't recognize the accent. “I sought those like you out, brought you to a place you will enjoy until you die.” 
They did enjoy it. It was peculiar- this land with no sun seemed to work in reverse to what they knew, the light and warmth emanating from the foliage and the lakes as clear and comfortable as bathwater. Crops seemed to grow just as quickly as before, and the variety of unfamiliar creatures was not afraid in the slightest of a bunch of human travelers, sometimes even speaking to them, albeit in hushed tones and in a language that would take them years to master. It was an island, they realized, yet over on the north shore they could see a vast land laid out before them just over the sea. The sailors among them came back with frantic reports about how the sea circled right back around to either island, regardless of how far they went, but the villagers were too busy fashioning the glimmering rock bed beneath the surface into homes, the children too happy with their new animal companions and the new mysteries of the sky and the world, for anyone to take issue. Better than the war-torn place they’d just escaped. Maybe one day they’d go home. It took two generations to realize that they were stuck here, in what could only be a new dimension, and as far as they knew there was no way back, unless they should ask that strange child again. He came now and again through the years to check on them, and was at first shy in a regal sort of way, but not unfriendly. He claimed he needed time away from home. So they built him a little hut fit for someone his size and furnished it alongside theirs. This - unexpectedly - flustered him so much that he ran off into the woods. Poor thing. 
The next time the boy came, he brought with him a blonde girl, captivating in beauty and speech. She apologized profusely for the disappearances of some villagers throughout the years. It was assumed those who went missing simply went into the portal near the lake and never returned - apparently, some  of these had been slain and drained of blood. She invited all the village leaders to that city their travelers spoke of, the dangerous one whose polished stone glowed purer and brighter than the moon. Such a fascinating person this was, and even from afar they could tell why so many of them crossed to the other island not only for the extra space but to be closer to those creatures who were their neighbors and built in their likeness. Unlike back home, there was no need to fear the unknown. So long as they paid the price in blood, all would be well - and the golden princess promised she would keep it that way so long as she could in her immortal life. They told her, in turn, that she was always welcome in their villages, and, say, what do you call yourselves exactly? 
Vampire Realm Map
Aaaand here's the main feature!
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Vampire Realm Features
Moon Society - 
The vampires’ cities are shaped like moons, the ancient buildings surrounded by fields of wildflowers, shrubbery, and equally ancient woodland. The most popular style of architecture and interior design puts strong emphasis on handmade objects and shows a general inclination toward a  fairytale aesthetic. Both minimalistic and eclectic elements are hugely popular. Skylights, balconies, and walls open to the air, accompanied by extravagant curtains taking the place of glass or doors, are the most unifying architectural element. Of all the arts, dance and music have been the most prone to change throughout the centuries. Most garments are handwoven with great craftsmanship and passed down through generations for as long as they stay in good condition. Elegance is far more popular than cuteness, sexiness, or even intimidation when it comes to one’s appearance. 
As far as vampires are concerned, their society encompasses as far as the glowstone reaches, and the concept of being ‘civilized’ and ‘uncivilized’ has no meaning to them. Considering that their overall population pales in comparison to any other race, even the beastmen, it has never made sense to vampires to do anything other than settle infighting in the most peaceful way possible. True, the glowstone is not pleased to lose a living soul before its time, but the vampires’ sense of loyalty means they would prefer peaceful estrangement to hostility even if that were no longer an issue. There are rumors among Britannian humans that there are various subspecies of vampire - just as there are various subspecies of demon - due to the variety of appearances and special abilities they may possess. 
Star Society - 
The human inhabitants of the realm have adapted to the environment over the centuries, but none so much as those who come from the Star cities. They embrace what they call the natural lifestyle of the “Midnight Isles” and maintain a strong bond with nature, and, when applicable, magic. Community, especially with other sentient residents of the “Midnight Isles,” is extremely important to them, and residents are known for their openness, boldness, and generosity. The wonder and appreciation they show for all the whimsies of life in the vampire realm enchants many vampires who encounter them, and though they are the main food source of said vampires, finding someone who resents this is rare. It’s rumored they’ve adapted to regular loss of blood on a biological level, but you can’t get a straight answer about that. It’s like they’ve never bothered to study it. 
Human visitors to the Star Capital are stunned by the locals’ behavior; particularly, their lack of fear of the landscape on which they live. The visitors wouldn’t judge so harshly, or try to convince them to leave with such inconsideration, but . . . it’s like they can’t see it. They can tell some of the creatures who live among them are demon, or vampire, but for some reason don’t notice this. Their neighbors and friends, particularly the avid travelers and the nature enthusiasts, aren’t quite . . . human anymore. The vampires, the animals, even the soil no longer considers them human. The vampires say that it’s true, that the life energy the glowstone circulates back into them is more plant, more animal, more vampire, more demon than human - that it’s the land’s blessing, and it makes their blood all the more delicious. “Tieflings,” the vampires call them, but not to their faces. The humans don’t seem to acknowledge the inhuman traits as strange. It’s like they don’t even know . . . what being human means anymore. Who can blame them, though? The Vampire Realm is a place where the plants themselves have personality, and the soil judges character on a life-or-death scale, so treating everything you see like it could be another person - another human being, as the humans say - is, in a way, as natural to them as the total lack of sunlight.
The Star people of this island are descended from explorers, witches, and scientists of various cultural backgrounds, and it is more apparent than in the Diamond people that some of these cultures are from lands beyond Britannia. These original cultures and traditions have a great impact on modern life and most relics from the ancestors’ homelands have been preserved. 
The network of star cities are not connected by roads but by what locals call ‘the trails.’ Obtaining knowledge of these is a symbol of trust from the locals, as most of the Star people’s sacred places lie along their beloved, uncharted paths. The architecture has no Britannian origins and varies widely from district to district, especially within the capital. Certain everyday rituals are inspired by vampire culture.
Diamond Society - 
Grit, and grace. That’s what the Diamonds hope to pass down to their children.
Separated from the rest of the realm by a bit of freshwater sea, the diamond cities have a whimsy all to themselves. Old growth forests containing ancient vampire relics remain practically untouched as the architects and designers preferred stone and textiles as craft materials over wood, a trend that continues to this day. These trees are the most vibrant in personality in the Isles. Some eagerly foster a relationship with the Diamond people, some keeping one or a few favorites while others gather flocks of humans as their friends. Others discriminate wildly against certain humans or humans in general. Friendly wild plants provide 70% of the Diamond people’s fruit and vegetables by gifting them directly to humans. And likewise, the rare craftspeople who work with wood do so through the gifts of the trees. Star people who visit the island are often taken by surprise by the vegetation’s behavior since their own native plants are so much more carefree. Foreign plants do not do well on this island, even those from the other Isle, so exports of rare plants in carefully wrapped terrariums are common. Generally, the creatures of the Diamond isle are larger and more hostile to those they don’t recognize or personally favor.  As for the weather, tropical storms are more frequent. Well-lit underground passageways connect the four main Diamond cities for use during rainstorms.
 The four main settlements do not consider themselves separate cities but extensions of the capital, and friends often travel all over the island together. They refer to the populated areas as “Cerberus,” no doubt as a reference to the wild “dogs” they built a relationship with over the centuries as well as to the fact they consider their Capital as one building rather than a city. And with that logic, there are only 3 ‘cities’ arranged around Jelly Lake.
Like the Star people, many Diamond people treat travel as a way of connecting with their home and each other. Despite the added danger of the isle’s unpredictable weather and creatures, however, they seem to treat their trips with less caution and with less supplies. Their familiarity with the island helps, but in the end, they are still in a land where the “little sea fishies,” as they call them, are bigger than their hunting “dogs”. So, visitors are quite concerned for the residents. Speaking of the sea, the people living in the Capital make business either with the sea itself (Sailors, water sports, fisheries, craftspeople, etc.) or with the merchants coming across the sea from the other island.
“Glowstone” aka vampire realm earthstuff- The white or pale grey color of the soil / rock seems to retain light. It supports a variety of ultra rare plants that even the demon realm cannot sustain. Instead of acquiring its nutrients from dying plants, glowstone sustains its health through a more mysterious relationship with the native flora and fauna wherein the life force itself is consumed. The minerals present in the vampire realm soil are considered extremely dangerous in other realms, and, for lack of a better word, exhibit a level of sentience. The soil circulates the excess life essence it consumes among its inhabitants, blessing them with accelerated healing and the sort of immortality present in the vampire race. In return, the flora acts on the whims of the soil, acting as mouthpiece and gardener. Studies find that glowstone does not contain pain receptors. Its chief complaint, when it has one, typically has to do with the magical balance of the realm and the lives of its creatures. Glowstone is extremely sensitive to new arrivals and spilled blood, and is said to “know and witness everything” that goes on in the realm. As for creature-esque characteristics, it lives vicariously through the plants, allowing the individual species to exhibit personality. On the rare occasion a vampire loses their life, that life is absorbed by the glowstone and their magical strength recirculated into another vampire as a blessing from the minerals.  Ambitious or dedicated demon mages and doctors acquire glowstone in order to form pseudo-symbiotic relationships with dying rare plants and medical patients. It is effective, but dangerous, and of course highly difficult, to separate the patient from this new symbiotic bond. Vampires are the only creatures in the realm known to retain their full health outside of the realm and out of contact with the glowstone for extended periods of time.
Water - The water of the vampire realm has an intense purifying quality that would keep a properly hydrated human visitor all but immune to the level of miasma. 
Crescent Castle - The majority of government and public functions are organized here. The castle overlooks a cliff and is surrounded by both public gardens and a nature reserve. 
Iris Springs - These warm water ponds in the depths of the forest are home to rare beetles, birds, and flowers. A certain pond is even called "the floating flower garden" due to the sheer amount of flowers cascading toward the water's surface from the tree canopy. These flowers enjoy extreme temperatures and bloom in the summer and winter. They are the only species of plant that can grow in Britannia, albeit they only bloom in the coldest and hottest days of the year, rather than the whole season.
Gargoyles - The gargoyles of the realm have quite a history behind them. The first ones were carved by the Diamonds as an act of bonding with the land and with its inhabitants. They represent peace and connection between souls. Made of glowstone, they serve as the peacekeepers of the land. When they are not tending to the flora and fauna, they can be found playing with each other and with the families they’ve bonded to. At the beginning of Izraf’s reign, he rounded up all the gargoyles from his citizens under threat of death in order to demonstrate his power and the dominion he claimed over the realm. Their limbs were cut off to prevent escape. This caused recurring periods of mass chaos, as the gargoyles had not only developed their own magic, but had been instrumental in keeping archives of important information since their creation. The gargoyles’ flight back to the moon cities marked the end of the Britannian daylight hours, and the type of creatures they brought back for nurturing marked the change of seasons. This allowed the vampire to accurately determine the exact time in both Britannia and the demon realm, and travel as they please while maintaining perfect punctuality to scheduled events. Being forced to give up their traditional calendar enraged most working-class inhabitants of the realm, who from then on made a point of dodging and delaying any specific times for duties Izraf gave them. The nobles just claimed that it was whatever time the latest person to a meeting said it was, unless they wanted to rub Izraf’s technical failure in his face, in which case no one could agree on what time it actually was. Having condemned bringing human inventions back to the vampire realm, the King had no choice but to suck it up. 
The current gargoyle tribe was restored by the Diamonds as a celebratory gift for the Great Vampire Queen’s wedding. 
Unlike the glowstone in the realm’s earth, gargoyles can feel pain, and immediately took vengeance - much to the shock of everyone, who had perceived them as dead and not dormant as they were. It was thought that the consciousness of their beloved family members had been lost forever due to the damage.
Moon Pool - This lake below the Crescent Castle is warm to the touch. It is home to extremely rare aquatic beings which regularly commune with visitors to the lake. The water is thought to have magical properties due to its unique attribute of the water droplets and blobs floating above the lake’s surface, The displaced water rises a certain height into the air depending on the phase of the moon. 
Portal to the Vampire Realm - Located near the Crescent Castle and the Moonpool, this is the only way to enter the demon realm by any normal means. Ancient warnings are etched into the entrance to the relic and the torches down the spiral staircase remain generally unlighted. The descent can kill most humans, as the level of miasma gradually increases the closer they get to the actual portal. 
Portals to the Human Realm - These relics are relatively untouched by the general human public. A dangerous realm lies beyond them, and few can remember its nature except for the lucky adventurers and groups of merchants who bring back wild tales. Certain vampires are frequent visitors to these, and religiously keep the secret of their location from their more . . . bloodthirsty, friends.
Jelly Lake -  A rich ecosystem more than 700 meters deep, Jelly Lake boasts a great amount of fish, both those native to the lake and those who come in from the freshwater sea, but is most famous for its jellyfish. Unlike Jelly River, the glow of this lake comes from its plankton. Many gargoyles spend the winter holidays here in order to get the best jellies for feasting. Do the jellies bite? Occasionally. But that won’t stop the Diamond people from swimming and drinking from their favorite lake. It should, argues visitors, but they’re not the ones who tamed the “eccentric shadow dinosaurs” that roam around the isle, are they? 
Jelly River - the shortest river in the Vampire Realm. It has by far the calmest waters - thus, the great amount of bioluminescent jellyfish who call its depths home - and serves as the isle’s main harbor. It boasts a few coastal cottages and a glowstone dock whose glow reflects the colors of the deep sea- jellyfish who float serenely within. The jellies love boats and will swarm a safe distance beneath them.
Bonus: Crafting Process!
Making Islands:
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Final Outline, Colored:
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Why did I think I would suddenly need tiny islands, I don't know, but here they are as add-ons:
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Kudos to people who make fantasy maps a lot! I know there's a TON of elements that go into mapmaking, especially if it's supposed to be realism - even rivers are supposed to flow a certain way and interact with elevation and the such ... anyway, I am in awe of you and cheering you on. Such a cool art form. Last time I did this, it was a "small village" or "mansion" layout, and doing the bird's eye view when I haven't learned texture was more complicated than anticipated. And this is the smaller map of my two wips. . . help. XD
Hope you enjoyed this!
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smokerswifey · 6 months
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Bro why do all the men in nnt bury their head in their wives titties lol ?? I thought it was only a demon bros thing but now King too 😂😭!
And King is still a drama queen lmao, dramatically saying Diane's name before burying his face into her chest without a word before bursting into tears like ik this is supposed to be emotional but I can't help but giggle a bit 😂😭
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galfridus1 · 5 years
Family Portrait
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@yuleira drew this amazing family portrait of the demon king, his wife Elizabeth (her OC) and their two sons a while back and she kindly let me write a bit of a piece to go with it. Thanks for letting me write your AU Keshia! You are wonderful to work with!
Shuffling his feet, Zeldris looked round the room, desperately seeking something to do, something, anything to focus on that might make time slip by. His clothes, so formal and at odds with the suits he normally wore, dug into his armpits and he stretched, trying to relieve the pain. He clutched a little harder at the silk in his hands, his eyes darting from the crimson of the material up to the high, vaulted ceiling covered in gold and so to the window through which a tempting streak of sunlight shone through, glowing rays picking out the embroidered curtains and the uneven stone of the walls. He bit the inside of his cheek to suppress a sigh. He longed to be out, away from this place, to feel the wind in his hair and the cold biting his ears and his nose as he soared through the sky.
“Zeldris! Stop fidgeting and pay attention.”
He started at the harsh bark, jumping a little into the air and his hearts racing full pelt. “Y-yes father,” he stuttered, panic subsiding a little as his mother rested her hand on his head. He looked up into her emerald eyes, her gloomy expression lifting with a reassuring smile and he returned it with a tentative one of his own.
“Why can't you be more like your brother?”
Zeldris swallowed at the rebuke in the king’s voice, fingers tightening around the fabric of his mother’s dress to scrunch it up in his fists. He wanted to cry. He was going to cry. But he could not - dare not - give way to the tears. He shot Meliodas a resentful glare, but his brother ignored him, staring straight ahead, face sombre and hands clutched behind his back. The awkward, starched tunic that was a twin of his own looked good on Meliodas, lying impeccably against his form. His brother looked like a prince. A real one. The competent, capable warrior, the demon prodigy who left fields soaking with the blood of their enemies, the star of their clan who surpassed even his exacting tutor’s high expectations. How could he ever hope to be more like his brother.
His mother bent her head towards him, casting a shadow over his face. “It will be over soon, sweetheart,” she murmured, her voice barely audible, a little comfort for him and for him alone. “Try and stay still. I love you.”
He nodded and started to turn to face the portrait painter who had been commissioned specially for the occasion, assuming a stance to mirror his brother’s. “No, stay where you are, if you would young sir,” the painter urged, his voice kindly. “If you will forgive me, your majesty,” the painter said to his father with a low bow, “the prince’s attitude is… usual for one of his age and his current position is natural enough. Besides, the contrast emphasises the authority of your heir. It’s clear you are the strength of the family and he is to be the one who’ll eventually succeed you. It will give our clan hope in your combined power and strength.”
The demon king frowned. “I do not agree with your logic,” he boomed and Zeldris saw the king’s fingers resting on his mother’s shoulder grip more tightly, digging into her. His mother did not flinch, gave no sign of anything amiss. “Zeldris may be deficient but he is yet the spare. He will be king should anything go wrong.”
“It will not go wrong, father.” The lump in Zeldris’s throat grew more painful. Meliodas had intoned the words without even shifting his gaze, without even sparing him a sideways peek.
For the first time that day the king let forth a chuckle. “Perhaps you are right,” he said a little more lightly. “Very well, so may it be,” he commanded. “Stay where you are Zeldris, and stop squirming about. Or you will face the night with no supper.”
“All is well, I have finished my preliminary sketch,” the artist said jovially, turning the canvas so the family could see. There they all were, faces hard and miserable, regal and authoritative. All that is except for his own, Zeldris noted. He looked unsure and a little upset.
“Very good,” the king declared. “As you say the contrast is clear.” He clapped Meliodas on the shoulder, giving his eldest son a rare nod of approval. “Now, you will both return to your tutors. And Zeldris,” he said coldly, the atmosphere chilling with his words. “You are on very thin ice. I advise you to excel at your lessons today.”
“Yes sir,” Zeldris managed to squeak out with a quick bow, before he took his chance to run out of the room.
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thebladeblaster · 6 years
My reaction to Meliodas in a nutshell
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Meliodas is the true king and don’t forget it . 😤👌👌👌
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animalarte · 3 years
Hey, can you explain something to me please?
In the manga of nnt, the DK is the biggest main enemy of the 7ds. I get that. But when the fight against him was over, I was expecting something to happen with the other side, I mean the awakening of the Supreme Daity. After all, Mel had destroyed the curse that his father had put on Elizabeth, and now it was her turn to do the same, getting to the level of her mother to free him from his immortality. But istead came the Caos arc.
I don't know about you, but I find that one unnecessary and dumb. To me at least, talking about Caos as a power, an entity, or a king, doesn't make sense. Caos is a state, like balance. Also, Merlín supposedly calculated everything in these 3000 years to get what she wanted, and I find that absurd, try to convince me otherwise. She was smart, but SERIOUSLY? Don't exagerate.
It could have made the series much longer, but I wanted to see more deeply the conflict that Elizabeth had with her mother and her future as leader of the goddesses. I believe it was not mentioned enough. Her story and family matters are just as important and hard and Meliodas', and we should appriciate her strangth more.
Also, Mael is the last goddess alive except for the Celestials, and it would have been fun to see how they reacted to a queen that was trying to kill her own daughter and the demon that proved to be a nice amd reliable guy. Also with the humans that praised the goddesses.
What do you think? I want to hear your opinions.
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gingermintpepper · 4 years
Special reminder that Diane got horribly shafted at the end of NnT in multiple ways including and not limited to: 
She never actually learns to dance on her own merit, but instead gets the knowledge transplanted into her soul or whatever (even though that’s also super bogus, thanks) by right of simply inhabiting Drole’s body during Memory of a Holy War and furthermore, her learning of Drole’s Dance - his specific dance being the dance which all other Giants modelled their persona dances after - was completely and utterly overshadowed by King gaining his wings. 
Even after gaining Drole’s Dance and supposedly reaching her apex power-wise to the point of Drole personally saying that he’s naming her his successor to be the new Queen of the Giants, Diane never gets a proper fight hereafter since the Mael fight was King’s moment (and also it was a sky battle so she couldn’t really do much), she wasn’t a factor in the Cuchandler battle or the Big Pappy Demon fight and she wasn’t particularly stand out or relevant during the True Final fight of the series since that was Escanor’s time to shine (literally)
After the story ends, she doesn’t even get to be Queen of the Giants because she marries King and they go to live in the Fairy Realm together while Ban and Elaine watch over the Fairy King’s Forest in the actual physical world and there’s no follow up on Megadozer or her people in general even though we’d heard from snippets and chunks that Giants were pretty much endangered as a species. 
And all of this isn’t even getting into how much it sucked that Diane was never able to get any proper personal motivation or goals outside of ‘she’s in love with the character, oh, wait, nevermind, she’s in love with this character’. 
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Holy shit…
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moonstomars · 4 years
hello, well I was wondering which is your top 10 most powerful girls in nnt?? like if they were gonna on a tournament who would win?? :D
Hello Anon, thank you for the ask! 
I guess the Supreme Deity is extremely powerful, but since she shows up in like two panels she is disqualified. Also I’m bad at choosing and I remembered while I was writing that you mentioned a tournament but oh well. Here we go!
Merlin - I honestly think that she is the most powerful female character in nnt, or she would be if she actually used her powers. She doesn’t do that much unfortunately, but that’s a problem that concerns every single female character in nnt.
Diane & Elizabeth - They both successfully stood up against the Demon King and have spectacular magic powers. Yes yes, sure, it’s implied that Elizabeth is super powerful and dangerous and Bloody Ellie etc., but like, we saw almost nothing of that. So, she gets the second place. With Diane because she is very powerful too and no one can change my mind. I’m sorry Ellie! Nakaba’s fault!
Derieri - Derieri is great and though, her magic is cool and she deserved better, so here she is.
Melascula - Here because she was actually a big problem for the main characters. Her power level is lower than Grayroad’s actually but unlike her, Melascula was always. There. Creating problems. Good job!
Grayroad - Merlin defeated her rather quickly but her powers are actually terrifying. She would have made a great villain if she hadn't just been used as plot device.
Elaine - down here because well, her power level is actually lower than the others and she never got to face a worthy opponent. That’s quite sad, she deserved better. I would have liked to see her using her powers more!
Matrona & Gelda - it seems like Matrona is stronger than Gelda but this vampire queen faced the Demon King without flinching so here she is. Two very powerful women who deserved more screen time.
Guila, Jericho, Gerheade - I’m cheating. I know I am. But I have absolutely no idea who, between these three, is more powerful now. I guess it’s because we saw very little of what they can do in the last part of the manga (like, they are there fighting but they don’t face anyone on their own to show us what they can really do). 
Vivian - We haven’t seen her much lately but she was a good villain during the first arc and a powerful mage. It’s a pity she did almost nothing after. 
Jenna & Zaneri - I checked and they are supposed to possess powerful magic powers. They never use it to fight but honestly, I wouldn’t challenge Jenna. 
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I had too much time on my hands, and so I decided to do a little drawing… on paper. A series of location cards for set pieces in the word of Nnt plus a few for my overly long fanfiction.
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#1 The Fairy King’s Forest
A vast forest ruled by the Fairy King and created by the Sacred Tree some millennia ago
The great tree at its center functions as a gateway to the Fairy Realm
Among humans, the Fairy King’s Forest was widely known for housing the legendary Fountain of Youth
So far we have seen three different iterations of the Forest: the one during the Holy War the ruins of which are located beneath Liones; the one Elaine guarded until it was burned down by a Red Demon; and the current one planted by Ban
The only known force able to burn the trees of the Forest are flames from Purgatory
It is said that the Forest can regrow as long as the Fairy King is alive
Currently, the Forest is ruled by Fairy King Harlequin, most likely in cooperation with his wife Diane, the queen of Giants
Let’s see if I can put one out every day. I have plans for seven, so...
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zeldriszezinho · 1 year
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In one of my previous posts, I said that I knew two demon queen OC. And well, this is the other one. She is called Stephanie, it’s a original character of mine and the mother of the boys in my own AU.
As you can see, green eyes and the ahoge strands that the boys have. And her hair is just like Zeldris hair, but like “double”, if you know what I mean.
P.S: Expect to see more arts of her in the future, and also more stuff related to my original story. And also, her earrings will change in some future posts because this was my first drawing of her.
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sullina · 5 years
Are y’all ready for some Angst (NnT)
Cause i sure fucking am after the illusions we were shown and a fic i read last night about Mel being hopelessly in love with Ban who only seems to want to spend time with the newly revived Elaine. (Sort of ooc probably but eh, i wrote this whole thing out in maybe 30 minutes) (spoilers ahead i guess)
Let’s say after the whole arc with Merlin that’s going on rn is over, Meliodas eventually takes up the mantle of demon king and tries to build good relations with the other races (namely fairies, giants and humans) which he has some pretty good prerquisites for, being friends with the fairy king, giant queen and Arthur (i’m assuming).
But while that happens, because he’s the demon king and all he has to move to the underworld and the sins all sorta drift apart despite Mels best efforts to keep his friendship bonds with them alive, while King Diane and Ban don’t seem to care too much (either not at all or not enough for Mel to notice) and Mel keeps trying harder and harder, panicking at the thought of them not being friends anymore since they’ve been his family for so many years now.
Bute everytime he comes to visit just because (meaning non-official business) he feels like the third wheel with King and Diane being practically inseperable and Ban always fawning over Elaine. Eventually, he gets sick of that, and visits less and less. Official messages he used to deliver himself are now delivered by letter, which at first also had some personal questions like “How are you doing?” or “Mind if i come by sometime?” but those, usually remaining unanswered, stop too.
Zeldris is probably the first to really notice the change in Meliodas, since he’s (probably) the only one who can physically visit him in the underworld, and does so a lot. He notices that Mel seems to grow more depressed and reserved as time goes on, Mel stays in the underworld longer and longer, and while he still makes efforts to reconcile the demons and the other races, he doesn’t visit his friends anymore unless it’s for official business.
I imagine there being like a big (political) meetup of all the races where the kings and queens and the ones close to them come, and while the sins look forward to spending time with each other and their (former?) captain, Mel is acting too officially appropriate (he does want to keep the peace after all), and less friendly like you would with your family, but if they try to approach him outside of any official meetings, he still acts with a stonewall demeanor, and maybe even just a little bit cynical but you’d have to really squint to notice.
Once back in the underworld, Zeldris tries to talk to him about this, but Mel either dodges the question or keeps insisting that “everything’s fine” (even though it very obviously isn’t). Mel, being very aware of his duties, throws himself into his work as king (he’s actually a very good king), and if there isn’t work to be done, drowns himself in alcohol or aimlessly wanders through the vast royal gardens, wallowing in self-pity. Sometimes he’ll go far out to one of the hills more at the edge of the gardens where the big trees grow and sit either by them or in them, hidden between branches and leaves where no one can see him, and fight back the tears that are threatening to spill over, just repeating “i’m fine, i’m fine” over and over like a mantra, knowing full well that he isn’t but still refusing to acknowledge and address it (this is about the closest he gets as far as addressing his emotions goes, this boy seriously needs therapy).
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NnT Week Day 2: Fav Villain/Clanswap I’m not into the clan swap au at all but the idea of a supreme demon queen was very tempting...
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prolestariwrites · 4 years
30 Days of Fanfic
Day 29 - What is your current project(s)? Do you have more than one on the go or do you focus on one at a time? At what point in the writing process do you start publishing? Do you write the entire fic first, or only part of it?
Okay so I’m gonna list my current WIPs below and the state they are in. I usually yes write more than one fic at a time, but my brain seems to limit itself to three to be fully functional. I go back and forth with publishing either during or after writing; typically I get at least a handful of chapters done before I start, although if it’s something that is coming really easily I might start right away. There have been a few times where I published when the fic is fully done, and that’s definitely the way to go for sure!!
Current WIPs:
-The Queen’s Daughter for NnT. Not gonna lie, I’m NnT fatigued. I will finish this one day, and I know what happens at the end.. it’s just getting there. 
-Unnamed DMC Vergil fic: This is a reader/Vergil multi-chapter that i’m 2/3 done. I could start publishing but I have no title and no ideas for one. Once I figure out the title I’ll start publishing.
-DMC Fantasy AU: Outlining phase, starting on this one this week. Think Dante and Nero as demon hunters in a medieval fantasy setting. This one is going to be fun!
-Sequel to Time To Go: Going to work on this later in the year, I think. Still working out the plot details, but basically Nero gets roped into another road trip with Dante and Vergil, this time to find out what really happened to Sparda.
-BNHA Kacchako fic: Another one in the outlining phase, I miss writing Kacchako SO MUCH so I’m dedicated part of my summer to getting back into it. In this one, Uraraka is falsely accused of a crime and Bakugou is the only one who believes her.
-The Dark Promise: Every once in a while I remember I never finished this fic and laugh and laugh (and then sob).
There are also a handful of unfinished stories that never saw light, unfinished collabs, half-written oneshots and random ideas for fics. But the list above is my solid list.
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galfridus1 · 5 years
I was wondering if you could please make a sort of part 2 AU to the Family Portrait with Ke that had I Her OC-Queen Elizabeth, the Demon King, Mel & Zel of well maybe what happens afterwards a little more look of what else Zeldris thinks of Meliodas during this and after the portrait and what Mel think of Zel during and after the portrait, does Mel do anything with it to Zel after the DK dismisses them to their tutors????? I just MUST know! It was too good of an AU
Thanks for the ask and the feedback 😊 - @yuleira has drawn more for this AU and I suspect will continue. I’ll keep writing for them if she lets me.
Glad you like the story! This ask made both me and Keshia so happy. Thank you.
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cerneala · 5 years
We’ve discussed this before, but what gave you the inspiration for Moth and how did you go about developing her character?
I feel like my answer to this changes every time that I answer it, but I’ll do my best to keep it consistent from this point on lol. Also, this turned out longer than I intended, so I stuck a cut to save space.
The original idea for Moth came about when I was reading the books Black Dog, The Leopard, and The Lady by K.V. Johansen; in them, there’s a character who goes by Moth, a being created when a witch made a pact with a demon to bind their souls together. She winds up in the service of the gods, hunting down the other seven of her companions with a cursed sword in order to earn her freedom from the gods and the safety of her lover, a werebear named Mikki.
At the same time, I was getting into Nanatsu no Taizai, and noticed that, for a story based on the legends of King Arthur, there were very few witches. Magic, yes, but it seemed like the only consistent thing between the source material and the manga was the presence of Arthur and Merlin. Which, to me, was a bit disappointing, because one of my favorite aspects was Morgan/Morganna. Moth’s very early iterations had her as the NNT equivalent of Morganna, but I discarded that idea pretty quickly because of how inconsistent Morganna is in the legends (she’s either his sister, his half-sister, or the unrelated Queen of the Fae, depending on which book you read).
Shortly before I started writing Bad Moon Rising, the Four Archangels were introduced. Now, I’d watched Supernatural, and read up on the hierarchy of angels and demons, so I was surprised when there was absolutely no mention of Lucifer and decided to rectify that. Ergo, Moth became a witch who was the reincarnation of the Archangel who fell from grace by consorting with a demon. All that was left was to find a place for her within the story and figure out the nuances: her magic, her Sacred Treasure, where she came from, etc.
Her magic is based on the manga Tokyo Ghoul/Tokyo Ghoul:re at it’s base. There are certain ghouls within the manga who’s power manifests with a lightning-esque appearance, which I like. Then you have the element system for the Archangels, and cold/ice wasn’t mentioned. So Moth’s magic is a mixture of lightning and frost, which is why things start freezing over when she uses it. On top of that, I drew inspiration from the traditions of Wicca, the rituals and incantations and glyphs to fill the gaps of her magic. 
Personality and backstory-wise, I pulled from American McGee’s Alice: Madness Returns: a girl who loses her family due to the violence of another and copes with the trauma in a very unhealthy way, leaving her unstable and untrusting of others with a biting, sometimes morbid sense of humor. (As a side note, I have an AU planned based on that game, if I could only figure out how to write it …)
Moth also comes from an early character of mine, a detective named Alice that I used in my The Evil Within story Wires. I would not recommend it, but I did recycle some of her personality and appearance from there.
Tl;dr - Moth is a hodgepodge mixture of things that I liked from my favorite media, reformatted to fit the world and story of Nanatsu no Taizai, though she’s since taken on a life of her own and become something with only the ghosts of those things lingering one.
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