#nl answers
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bardic-tales · 1 month ago
I come bearing asks!
6: What was your oc’s relationship with their parents like? If they didn’t have any parents/didn’t know them, who in their life was the closest to a parent to them?
7: Does your oc have any allergies, intolerances, or other sensitivities? How dangerous is it? Does this affect their daily life in any way?
Hello, Sea. Thanks so much for the gift of asks. lol. I hope you are having a wonderful day.
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I fell in love with you because you loved me when I couldn’t love myself. -- Bianca Moore
For these series of questions, I am going to answer this for Bianca Moore, the protagonist of Fantasy World Collide, a fusion project that blends fandom with original content.
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Content Warning: abuse, childhood trauma, cults, death (including the death of a loved one), emotional manipulation and neglect, grief, kidnapping, psychological abuse and manipulation, self-harm, torture, trauma, trauma bonding, and graphic violence
What was your oc’s relationship with their parents like? If they didn’t have any parents/didn’t know them, who in their life was the closest to a parent to them?
Bianca's relationship with Seraphine was once a source of comfort, a guiding voice within her mind that served as her moral compass. As a child, she would confide in Seraphine, treating her presence like an imaginary friend who reassured her during moments of fear and loneliness. Seraphine embodied warmth, wisdom, and unwavering faith, encouraging Bianca to embrace the light within her despite the darkness that loomed over her existence.
However, as Bianca's life spiraled into chaos and her celestial heritage was suppressed by the experiments of Hojo and Ravenscroft, and the influence of Jenova, Seraphine’s voice grew weaker. What was once an unwavering presence became a distant whisper, then an unbearable silence, as Jenova took her form and twisted her influence. The loving, guiding force that had once urged Bianca toward hope and redemption was distorted into a mockery, twisting Bianca’s deepest desires into something insidious.
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Asmodeus, Bianca's true father, was an ever-present specter in her life, a figure of terror that haunted her dreams and, eventually, her reality. She never knew him in the way a child knows a father. There were no words of encouragement, no gentle hands. There was only the looming knowledge that he was out there, waiting. His influence manifested through the cult devoted to him, its members relentless in their pursuit to return her to him.
When they finally succeeded, when Asmodeus himself laid hands on her, he did not treat her as a daughter but as a possession. His cruelty was beyond physical. His words dripped with venom, reminding Bianca that she was his creation, that her resistance was futile, and that she was always destined to return to him. No matter how far she ran. The moment he skinned her alive, he stripped away the last remnants of the child who once believed she could escape him. From then on, Bianca trained to harness and embraced the celestial and demonic powers he had awakened in her, as Bianca knew that he would pop up in her life again. But her hatred for him never wavered.
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David was the only father Bianca had ever truly known, and despite his reserved nature, she loved him deeply. He was never cruel, never unkind, but after Sarah’s death, something in him changed. He never once blamed Bianca outright, never spoke the words that she feared most, but in his silence, in the way he withdrew, she felt the accusation all the same. The warmth he once showed her became distant. His focus shifting from nurturing her to ensuring her survival.
Every decision he made after Sarah’s death was rooted in necessity. It was about keeping her safe, but in doing so, he unknowingly instilled in Bianca the belief that love was conditional, that if she was too much—too dangerous, too monstrous—she would be abandoned.
Despite this, she never resented him. She understood his grief, his quiet suffering, even as she yearned for the father he had once been. And when she finally left his side, disappearing with disappearing with Mordecai Delacroix and into the world to forge her own path, she did not seek him out again. It was not because she did not love him, but because she could not bear to see disappointment in his eyes. She also never sought him out, as she was desperately fearful that Asmodeus would take him away, too. With David, she would rather him be in the world than not.
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Sarah was Bianca’s light, the one person who had loved her unconditionally, without fear or hesitation. Even after Bianca’s night terrors, even after she hurt her in a fit of confusion and fear, Sarah never turned away from her. She believed in Bianca, in the goodness within her, even when others doubted it.
Her love was fierce but quiet, expressed in soft words and gentle touches, in lullabies whispered through a locked door, in prayers said over Bianca’s trembling form. To Bianca, Sarah had been an angel long before she learned the truth of her origins. Her death shattered something in her that could never be repaired. The warmth of their home and the security of Sarah’s embrace? It was all gone in an instant, consumed by fire and blood. Even as Bianca grew older, as she embraced the darkness within her and her relationship with Sephiroth, Sarah remained a ghost in her mind. She became a reminder of what Bianca had lost. She did not speak to her as she once did with Seraphine, but in moments of vulnerability, she could almost feel Sarah’s touch and hear her voice telling her she was still loved.
Does your oc have any allergies, intolerances, or other sensitivities? How dangerous is it? Does this affect their daily life in any way?
I answered this question here.
From the ‘OC Development Question’ ask game here
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Tagging some fellow mutuals: @themaradwrites @whatwedointhecraft @megandaisy9 @watermeezer
@prehistoric-creatures @creativechaosqueen @chickensarentcheap @seastarblue
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creators-club · 4 months ago
I just wanted to let you know I debating taking a hiatus from posting on this blog
Hello, Danie. Thanks for the heads up.
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bigidiotenergytm · 26 days ago
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he arrived a bit later then the rest but he finally found him (after looking EVERYWHERE haha
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now.... why was he lookin everywhere for him huh????? 🤨🏳️‍🌈??????
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wakethedevils · 2 months ago
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been watching a lot of northernlion highlights recently and this is the general vibe of his stream, from what i've gathered
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lochallthedoors · 3 months ago
Q&A w/ Liam conducted on 12 Sept. 2019 for The Monthly's 12/2019 issue
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bardic-tales · 5 months ago
Oh no. A trick! ☺️
I am going to answer this for the entire cast of Fantasy Worlds Collide. Please not that the bulk of the original content stop around 1997, as that is when Bianca is transported to Gaia for the Final Fantasy 7 arc of FWC.
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For Akihiro, it's a reflective time. Instead of parties or trick or treating, he prefers to stay in and honor those who passed on. He cleanses his space and lights incense. He may spend the evening alone or with close friends. It's more about connecting to the Lifestream (Spirit Realm) for him rather than the festive aspects.
Azrakiel (Asmodeus) thrives on the chaos of Halloween. He loves to throw masquerade balls with music, dancing, and theatrics where both demon and mortals attend. He is not the one to go trick-or-treating, but rather embraces debauchery and wild celebrations. Like Rocky Horror or Eyes Wide Shut type of events.
Bianca loves the thrill of Halloween and enjoys going to haunted houses. She does not go trick-or-treating, but she likes the spooky atmosphere. She will jump at the scares and have fun with her friends. She prefers to engage in activities that bring her closer to the few friends she has.
As a child, David enjoyed going trick-or-treating with friends. He also enjoyed taking Bianca around when she was little. He would also carve pumpkins with her and proudly display them on the porch.
Diana is still the odd duck for Halloween. Rather than attending celebrations or trick-or-treating, she stays in to arrange her specimens and artifacts. She will sometimes attend but not out of enjoyment. It would be to understand what makes party-gooers tick.
Krista tends to hold gatherings to commune with Asmodeus, who doesn't answer since he is busy with his balls. While she enjoys the idea of a Halloween party, her focus is always on the supernatural aspects of the night rather than traditional trick-or-treating. Her gatherings with other cult members typically descend into chaos.
Lysandra still stays inside to create charms filled with magic, using the night to enhance her powers and connection with Asmodeus. Once she is done, she would attend Asmodeus' ball.
Mordecai prefers to celebrate Halloween by hosting a feast for everyone he loves at his villa in Tuscany. Rather than going trick-or-treating or attending parties, he gathers close friends for an evening of poetic speeches and storytelling.
Sarah enjoys community-centered activities. She makes lanterns, bakes cookies, and carves pumpkins with children from her church. While she may not go trick or treating, herself, she loves to take the kids on walks through the neighborhood, spreading joy.
Seraphine is more inclined for meditation during Halloween. She would light candles or hold a vigil. She would dress in white to honor her celestial duties. As she exists only in Bianca's conscious, all of that is things she would do. The night symbolizes a thin veil between all the realms, so she uses this time feel the shift in energies from deep within Bianca's conscious.
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Trick or Treat, from the Creators Club.
from this post
The magical dice of Trick Or Treat past says you get a:
👻 Trick 👻
Tell me a bit about how your characters celebrate Halloween. Do they go trick or treating? Do they go to parties? Are they more of the stay in and watch scary movies kind?
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wyn0rrific · 7 months ago
What if Vitus was a Night Lord?
if i had a nickel for everytime i got asked to draw vitus in a different legion, I'd have two nickels! :3
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another legion i was considering when designing vitus ty anon!
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allaboutmagic · 5 months ago
Happy STS. Do you consciously plan the themes in your stories, or do they emerge naturally?
Happy STS! 🌟
hmmm okay so, im a pretty chaotic person (y'all probably noticed that already) but i also like planning ahead in some aspects. for the lilac crown i knew that i wanted Liz to have no magical abilities whatsoever. i wanted a mc who'd have to come to terms with that. Learning that their value is nothing other ppl should ever get to determine and finding strength in their many abilities. and this decision fueled the whole Tahokens against Voimatos lore
so id say i do both. planning a few things, then seeing how it plays out. if it doesn't ill go back to planning, if it does ill continue until i feel somethings not working anymore.
that was a really interesting question! i feel like sometimes id like to plan a little more and not have to fix my mistakes later on but this kinda works better for me overall. idk but my ideas somehow float more - if that makes sense?
How about you? If you plan your stories, how detailed is it? This question is for everyone who'd like to answer and participate! Feel free to tag me if you do <3
(This ask was brought to you by the @creators-club!)
@seastarblue i'll use your lovely idea going forward and tag the creators club like you did, if that's alright with you?
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bardic-tales · 5 months ago
Oh no. A trick. ☺️ I need to preface this and say that the original content in Fantasy Worlds Collide end at around 1997 when Bianca is transported to the Final Fantasy 7 arc of FWC. So, most of these are vintage candy now. Diana and Aikiro are exclusive FF 7 OCs, so their favorite candy are made up. Plus, points for making me remember my own '90s childhood. lmao
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Akihiro: Sesame Honey Candy
Azrakiel (Asmodeus): Black Licorice Pipes
Bianca: Almond Joy.
David: Bit-O-Honey
Diana: Turkish Delight (Rose-Flavor)
Krista: Sugar Babies
Lysanda: Chocolates from a Whitman's Sampler
Mordecai: York Peppermint Patties
Sarah: Mary Janes
Seraphine: Clove Gum
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Trick or Treat, from the Creators Club.
from this post
Hmmmm.... I think trick!!! 👻
What are the candies of choice for your fave OCs?
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goldenflurry · 2 years ago
Scottsune or Genderbent Scott in general?
Couldn’t resist doing a bit of both options!
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So we have Scottsune
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Then teleporter Scott and empires 1 Scott but gender bent in sketch form :3
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korolnichevoya · 8 months ago
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@brazenbaela asked: ‘ are you so eager to be eaten ? ’
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HIS EYES are trained on the large creature , hand vaguely outstretched , desperate to be closer , though baela's warning stops him . he glances at her for a moment , though his gaze quickly returns to the dragon . in a way , he relates to the creature . in his own chest , his own winged beast presses against his ribs , begging to be released , to fly .
❝ you truly ride it ? it lets you ? HOW ? ❞
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bosesmikas · 10 months ago
Two part Neia-themed question for you: 1. What would you ideally want to happen between them this season and 2. What do you realistically think WILL happen between them? There always seems to be a gap between what I want for ships and what TV writers actually give us :)
1. Ideally, I'd want Leia to be honest with Jay about Nate, saying that while she does love him, she wants to be with Nate (I love poly ships 😂. Perfect way to end a love triangle). Nikki and Nate would break up because he wants to be with Leia.
2. What I think will happen based on the summary is that similar to Fuller House, Jay/Leia and Nate/Nikki will seem happy but in reality, Leia and Nate can’t stop thinking about one another. Jay and Nikki will find out the truth on the Water Tower (based on the promo pic) in the end of the first part maybe. Nate will probably fall off the water tower and have to go the hospital. In part 2, Leia will come over to check on him, and they confess their feelings for one another, but Leia says she wants to take it slow, and they continue to hang out as friends. In the end of part 2, they get together and spend part 3 happy together.
And I completely agree! A good amount of the time, the stuff we want for our ships doesn’t always happen sadly. On the bright side, there’s always fanfiction :)
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bardic-tales · 3 months ago
Same to you.
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Happy birthday! 🍰🎈🧁
Thanks @bardic-tales I love and respect you so much
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eliteseven · 1 year ago
What if when Tav dies, the warding bond stops working and Shadowheart feels heartbreak from Tav's death and the full power of Shar's mark for the first time since their wedding?
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What can I even say to this
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sideblogformentalhealtshit · 8 months ago
Hm. So am I the only one who 'likes' having ARFID?
Like don't get me wrong it's horrible it's caused so much damage to me but also like. I've had it my whole life I can't imagine a version of myself without it and I wouldn't want to not have it.
It's as big and fundamental a part of me as my autism. Sure there's bad parts but it's what makes me me, and without it I would cease to be me and become a whole nother person.
I've always found it a 'fun' part of me, a unique thing I was completely alone in most of my life, something that made me different in a funky way.
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visdiefje · 1 year ago
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Voor jou.
DANKJEWEL een visje voor mij
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